#fictional other takeover
starseverance · 1 year
Hi hi 💫!! How about 1, 5, 6, 13 and 20 for the takeover asks? -💙
(F/O takeover) Ask Game Link! Hello Ghosty! Thank you for sending me an ask. For the purposes of this answer I'll refer to my beloved as "Star."
(1) What sorts of things do you associate with your s/o? I associate Star with baked goods, learning, rest, safety, learning, love, and peace.
(5) Are you okay with PDA? How affectionate are you willing to get in public? I enjoy a small amount of PDA. A kiss on the cheek or the lips is acceptable, but nothing further. I like to hold his hand (but I prefer an arm around his waist.) Star and I do not feel the need to advertise our feelings for one another, but we do like to show off every so often.
(6) Are you a “actions speak louder than words” type of lover or do you prefer verbal declarations of your thoughts and feelings? I believe that actions and words are of equal import in demonstrating love. My favourite ways to express my love are physically and through quality time.
(13) What’s a typical conversation like between you and your s/o? Our conversations vary. Star and I often "infodump" to one another about our interests and share stories about our experiences. We like to read/watch things together and then discuss them. I have read all of his favourite books, which he references almost daily. We frequently tease one another, but we take care not to go too far.
(20) What’s the most romantic thing you can remember having done for them? What’s the most romantic thing they’ve done for you? I like not to focus on grand gestures of affection, but instead the simple things we do for one another each day. Our love is unconditional, accepting, and understanding. I push Star to take care of himself and prioritize his wellbeing. He sets aside time for me no matter how busy he is, and often buys my favorite foods.
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sirenselfship · 1 year
“Okay I think this works… hacking hacking…” ”She’s going to kill you when she finds out you are doing things on her blog without permission-“ “Chill, she’s not going to kill us! I got her permission to do this!” “He did not. That’s a fact” ”That’s not important. Aaaand-“
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“Oh it worked! Hello humans! And other creatures!” ”Oh great that actually worked” ”Oh it’s so great to be able to talk with other people! Anyways, I guess I’ll explain why I’m taking over Siren’s blog! Or should I say we…”
“You see, the incredible media we’re from, Portal 2, is turning 13 on April 18th. It’s crazy to think we’ve been praised by the internet and loved by people all around the world for this long!”
“As a way to commemorate 13 years of Portal 2, I thought we, the Portal gang, could temporarily take over this blog and answer some of your questions! They can be about us, about Siren, and Kevin will be reblogging a couple of ask games you can use as well… question starters!”
“Do we get to talk about space?”
“If someone asks about it.”
“Anyways, let the questions come in!” ”Oh no-“
(Siren here! First off, yes I did give Wheatley permission to do this. GLaDOS it’s alright.
Second of all, this is the very first f/o takeover I’m doing and ooooh boy I’m excited! It seemed to be a great time to do one with the portal gang because Portal 2 is turning 13 soon.
All my portal f/os (Wheatley, GLaDOS, Kevin (Space) Rick (Adventure) and Marvin (Fact) are available to answer your questions. The takeover will be open until April 18th 23:00 JST. Convert that to your timezone because it’s hard for me.
I hope you have fun! Anyways uuh I’m leaving the gang in charge now byeeee)
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crybaby-shaymin · 10 months
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Heyooooo! I hope everybody's having a good F/Ovember so far!!
If you're still participating in the F/Ovember, please reblog this post with a list of F/Os that are participating!! We're dying to spread the love around~!
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
F/Ovember Promo
Check these out if you are interested in participating: F/ovember FAQ - F/ovember Promo
Hello, hello. We decided to snatch Nimi’s account info and take over. Not like they will know anyway, given how busy they are. Let’s have lots and lots of fun~ 
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Oh, right… I’m Ritsu Sakuma and I’m in charge of this blog for a while. I’ll answer everything you want to ask so ask lots and lots~ Then again, if you ask too much I might not be able to sleep… Alright, it’s your turn now Rinrin and Hoke–Kun~
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Kyahaha! Ya got it Ritsu–Chan! Just leave it to me! Name’s Rinne Amagi, but ya already knew that. ‘course you did! Wanna know something? I’m your man! C’mon, bring it! I can answer everything!
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Why did Sakuma drag me into this? Amagi–Senpai is as noisy as always… I apologize. Hello, my name is Hokuto Hidaka. I will be honest, I don’t know why I am here nor what I am supposed to do here but if you have any questions or concerns, I would be more than ready to respond.
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For the entirity of November those three will take over and answer! As stated above, anything goes. Questions related to the selfships, regarding the characters or... Literal nonsense. Whatever it is, go ham with questions! (Please specify who of the three as well so I can answer with the correct f/o).
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jokerislandgirl32 · 8 months
F/O Takeover?
Kind of wanna do an f/o takeover of my blog with Zach, but I’m not sure how to go about it…anyone have any advice/ think I should do it?
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astral-express-family · 6 months
🎮, 🎧, 🏠 and 💭 for the familial f/o ask game !
🗝️🧳: "Uhm... hi! I'm kinda busy, but thank you for the questions!"
🎮 - What’s your favorite game to play with S/I? Who’s better at it?
🗝️🧳: "Oh boy, I'm not sure! I spend most of my time working hard, so I don't really have that much time for games!"
🎧 - Do you think S/I has good taste in music?
🗝️🧳: "I think so? There's one really nice song that they listen to, I hear it whenever I'm on the Astral Express."
🏠 - Do you live together or separate?
🗝️🧳: "Separately. I don't have much of a chance to leave Penacony, and Miya lives on the Astral Express with the rest of the Nameless."
💭 - What’s your favorite memory with them?
🗝️🧳: "Oh, that's an easy one! The first time I was on the Astral Express, I was super nervous. I saw Miya talking to the Trailblazers and Mr. Yang! I was too terrified to go up and talk to them, but Miya got me into the conversation effortlessly! It was one of the best conversations of my life, and I felt like part of the family immediately. She's the best sibling a guy could have."
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that microwave girl left her phone unlocked again- by the gods...
So, I'm assuming this is where she posts about us. I knew she couldn't resist the urge to talk about our relationship, but she could have done it in a better way that isn't so "clingy" (it is adorable in a way...)
Well, then, if anyone has questions, leave them in the mailbox, and I will attempt to reply to them. I have better things to do than run a "blog". Unlike her, I don't waste my time on insignificant people like all of you, but if it makes her happy, then I shall try. Don't expect me to act nice, by the way.
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all4theluvoflizzy · 11 months
F/Ovember (or F/O Takeover) Asks from Lizzy's F/Os!
Jimmy: We saw that Lizzy had made a couple of her own ask games before and we wanted to try it out! So each of us are gonna contribute 3 questions to the post for all of you to pick from and send to people! You can still send them to us if you'd like too. We don't mind answering our own questions, or each other's! Anyway, I'll start this off.
Jimmy's Questions:
Out of you and S/I, who's more likely to get themselves into legal hot water?
Which one of you is better at talking your way out of trouble?
What's an unpopular opinion that you and S/I agree on?
Austin: Groovy idea, Jimmy! Here's my shagadelic questions~
Austin's Questions:
If you could time travel with S/I to any era of your choosing, where would you go?
What is S/I's flirting style like?
Which one of you is more of a daredevil?
Dale: My turn now huh? Wingo!
Dale's Questions:
What's the most surprising thing you've learned about S/I?
Which one of yall is the more protective partner?
What is the most outlandish thing that's ever happened to the two of you?
Bojack: Looks like I'm up.
Bojack's Questions:
What's S/I's biggest pet peeve?
Is S/I a morning or night person?
What was your life like before you met S/I?
Mr Peanutbutter: Ooh, now me! Hooray!
Mr Peanutbutter's Questions:
Does S/I like surprises?
What's the most fun thing you've ever done together?
Has S/I ever cooked you a meal, or vice-versa?
Rosco: Ooh, here I go! *giggles*
Rosco's Questions:
Do you and S/I have any pets together?
What's S/I's favorite food?
Which one of yall is the bigger troublemaker??
Ken: My turn finally? YES!
Ken's Questions:
What's S/I's best talent?
Do you ever wear matching outfits?
Do you and S/I ever travel together?
Tuca: Tuca Toucan in the house! Here's my questions! Let's goooo!
Tuca's Questions:
What's the funniest thing S/I's ever said?
Tell me about a time S/I went wild!
Waffles or pancakes?
Ginger: Last but not least, here's mine. I'm glad to be a part of this~
Ginger's Questions:
What's the sweetest thing S/I has ever done for you?
What's your favorite physical quality of S/I?
Which one of you has more refined tastes?
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cuchufletapl · 2 years
The Sonic games (and "all types of media") existing in the Sonic universe is a very funny concept for many reasons and I'm having fun imagining all the implications of that, but also it's given me a lot of peace because I can finally put to rest the unanswered question of how the fuck Sonic X is Sonic's favourite anime
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Follow up question for Diluc: Is there a song that reminds you of your relationship with Mx. April? I know for me music plays an integral part of processing my emotions. I was wondering if there were any that make you relive moments with your love.
(Also there's this Dendro slime in the Vineyard... I think it's growing grapes)
Yes, of course, any of her original music will make me think of specific moments, such as the song she was playing just before asking me out for the first time. As for other songs... Ease My Mind by Ben Platt fits. She brings me peace I honestly didn't think I'd be able to find, especially not so soon after my return to Mondstadt.
Though, now that we're together and have been for a while... any romantic ballad I hear even in passing reminds me of her. Whether that's a specific lyric or the whole song, I can't help but think of her when the song focuses on romance, especially happy ones.
(Mm, thank you for telling me, I'll have to figure out how I'd like to deal with that.)
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circusgoth-dotcom · 11 months
6 and 9 from your ask game for jack
(i'll assume this is for sparrow hehe)
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Thanks fer stoppin' in, matey.
6. What's your favourite sound that s/o makes? (Singing, talking, vocal stim, etc)
Ah, I'd 'ave t' say his singin' be one o' the most beautiful things I've heard on this vast, green Earth, besides the sea o' course. His praise 'n flirtation be… a close second.
9. Do you ever steal each other's clothes? If you could make an outfit for your s/o, what kind of clothes would you give them?
He does seem rather fond o' me coat, but otherwise his clothes would look a bit squiffy on me. I only ever wants 'im t' be comfortable, so I'd prolly jus' 'ave 'im wear wha' he usually wears, though sometimes I reckon he cares too much about appearances.
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crybaby-shaymin · 11 months
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Hello everyone, hacker god 707 here! It's that time of year again where I slip onto this blog in order to participate in @cherry-bomb-ships 's F/Ovember! This year, all F/Os (Which are located on the CARRD) are on the table to answer your questions! We're also available to just hang out if you wish to talk to us lololol We will also be sending asks and conversing with your F/Os if you're participating in F/Ovember! Just let us know by sending us a message!
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(F/Ovember belongs to @cherry-bomb-ships ! Thank you for hosting the event this year!!)
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
For Rinne Amagi:
What's your favorite holiday to celebrate with s/o?
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“Oh damn they really keep comin’ now. Not like I got any complaints~ Ya wanna know about some holiday stuff huh?”
“Heh, tough pick. Halloween or New Year’s. But none of that boring crap, if ya get what I mean. Both are great for lettin’ loose and have some fun! Bring over the boys too while at it and just let go. Even if it means dragging that gal out! But can’t waste time inside all day and hit the books or whatever. 
Bonus on halloween to scare some peps here and there y’know. Can’t go pass that up on halloween, haha! 
Hah, takes me back to a few days ago y’know. Had to drag Ann out for some halloween fun but it was worth it! Hah, anyway, thanks for askin’!”
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cherry-bomb-ships · 9 months
So Bowser, how did you meet Cherry?
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🔥 Well, from what I remember, I was on my way to pay a visit to that other princess - ya know, Peach or whatever- but when I made it to her castle, Princess Cherry was there visiting too. Crazy thing is, she was looking for someone to get hitched with; her kingdom had some stupid rule where she couldn't be in charge around there unless she gets married. I wasn't even gonna compete, even though I was obviously the most eligible bachelor there, but she took one look at me and decided I had to go through all the challenges she had set up too. 🔥
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🔥Of course, I utterly crushed every dumb challenge they tried to throw at me! But I sorta got caught up in the whole competition and forgot that the prize was getting to marry this princess that, at first, I thought was nothing but stuck up and annoying. But it worked out pretty good for me! Turns out she's actually pretty fiery once you get to know her, not to mention witty, brave, and kinda scary when she wants to be. She really turned out to be the total package! 🔥
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astral-express-family · 6 months
🩸, 🫂, and 🧓 from the ask list!! ♡ - adam ljpsticklens :D
🗑️🔗: "Caelus! You're answering these with me!"
💠🔗: "Okay, okay! I'm right next to you, no need to yell."
🩸 - What’s your relation with S/I? Are you blood related?
💠🔗: "Nope! No blood shared between the two of us and Miya. Stelle and I are blood twins, but we didn't meet Miya until we grown."
🗑️🔗: "Hey, who's to day we aren't secretly missing a triplet?"
💠🔗: "The fact that we look nothing alike, mostly."
🫂 - Are you two close? Do you spend a lot of time together?
🗑️🔗: "Well, I like to think we're pretty close. We do a lot of things together. The one time we explored a planet together was an absolute blast."
🧓🏻 - Who’s older? What’s the age gap between you like?
💠🔗: "Us... I think. Either that or we're the same age. Honestly, Stelle and I don't have much memory of these things."
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Micro figured out how to do that weird Mario "waaah" noise, and now she won't stop doing it whenever she can.
While I find it adorable that she finds joy in that, it is a tad bit annoying...
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