#fiction as escape
theartofmadeline · 2 years
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lil 16 page zine that i made at the coffee shop this weekend! a sort of pick your path style mini game, because i love wizards + interactive fiction. hope you get out of the wizard dungeon!!
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the-modern-typewriter · 3 months
I really like your terrifying villains. I don’t know if you’ve done something like this before, but if you want could you write a piece with the villain giving the protagonist a head start to run away from them?
The protagonist rounded the corner and - froze. They didn't breathe. It was futile to think that the villain hadn't spotted them, the protagonist was directly in their line of sight, but the protagonist still prayed for a miracle.
The villain paused. Their head tilted, the only vague emotion they gave away at seeing the protagonist so unexpectedly in their compound.
The protagonist wet their cracked, dry lips.
The villain smiled slow. "Hello, thief."
Mute with horror, the protagonist said nothing. The villain inadvertently blocked the path the protagonist had taken to sneak inside in the first place. What other exits were there? Front door. That would be guarded. Maybe there was somewhere they could hunker down and burrow and hide? Not if they couldn't lose the villain.
"Would you like a head start?" the villain asked, after a beat. "For the running. People do like to run when they see me. Screaming is optional - could be fun though!"
The protagonist's stomach lurched. "Why would you give me a head start?" It came out hoarse.
"Well, it's not free." The villain's head tilted the other way, unnerving attention trained on the protagonist as surely as the barrel of a gun. "You have an option of two prices. One will give you a five minute head start. The other will give you a fifteen minute head start. But I'm not going to tell you which is which. Would you like to hear them?"
The protagonist was fast. They could do a lot with five minutes. Even five minutes would let them slip past the villain and sprint. 15 minutes was better. They could be clear of the building and on the grounds by then!
The villain raised their eyebrows when the protagonist once again said nothing. The protagonist quickly nodded.
The villain's smile broadened and they shifted their weight, getting comfortable where they stood.
"Option 1," they said. "You give me back that stolen prize you have tucked away in your pocket."
That was probably the 15 minute option. Mild mercy for a theft returned. Or, at least, an execution stayed for a more leisurely hunt.
They could come back. Try the theft again. Who were they kidding?
"And option 2?" Their heart hammered.
"Kiss me."
...it was the last thing that the protagonist expected. Their eyes widened. "Excuse me?"
"Come here and kiss me. Then I'll give you a head start to run."
"Do you have some kind of deadly poison coating on your mouth?"
"You'll have to assess the risks for yourself."
The kiss was the obvious choice. Too obvious. Was the villain counting on them being too prideful to go for it? Too humiliated by the desperation of the act? Or was that the trap?
The protagonist's gaze darted to the villain's mouth. It was a nice mouth for a decidedly not-nice person. Its cruelty was terribly softened by how often the villain smiled amused amidst their monstrosities.
Maybe the villain would kill them if they were bold enough to risk getting that close. Punish them worse later for taking such intimate liberty.
The poison coating definitely seemed possible. They should not discount the poison coating. Or some other nightmarish toxin.
"Tick tock," the villain said softly. "You have thirty seconds to decide, little mouse."
Maybe the villain would grab their prize back anyway if the protagonist was stupid enough to get close.
It couldn't just be a kiss. There had to be some kind of catch.
But if the villain had their prize back, there would be nothing to stop them from continuing their plans, and precious little left to save anyone who got in their way.
The protagonist swore quietly, took a steadying breath, and crossed the hallway to the villain.
The villain merely radiated the same placid amusement as before, holding still, as the protagonist hesitated just out of touching distance. Their gaze flicked over the villain's mouth again. It was so much better than looking at those eyes.
The villain held out a hand for their prize. Even the small shift was enough to make the protagonist flinch.
They imagined venus fly traps. They imagined snakes coiled in the grass. All manner of ambush predator.
They whimpered, despite themselves, very quietly in the back of their throat.
Then they leaned in and kissed the villain.
They'd meant it to be short and chaste but the villain's arm coiled around them lightning fast, holding them close as they deepened the kiss.
The protagonist hadn't somehow expected them to be a good kisser. Maybe there was some kind of slow-release paralytic to explain the way that the protagonist's knees went jellied? Some vicious thing to explain why their mind went so completely blank.
When the villain eventually pulled away, they were both breathless.
The protagonist felt like someone had scraped open something cavernous and hungry inside them. They swayed in the gentle steadying curve of the villain's arm. Their lips gave an ominous tingle. They met those clever, world-ending eyes.
"Run, run, run my little mouse," the villain whispered. "Because ready or not here I come."
The protagonist checked their inside jacket pocket in numb autopilot. Still there. Their prize was still there.
Now they just had to escape. Survive.
They ran.
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dlartistanon · 5 months
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"How about you simply open yourself up to me, and allow me to search your heart?"
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sarathrwizard · 4 months
We could use a LifeSaver (Rottmnt comic)
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This is a one off comic I made for a challenge! The story theme for the challenge was 'Escaping a Flood'.
So I made this short comic last summer, and just remembered I still had it in my files! 😅
Hope you enjoy/enjoyed this comic with no reasoning to where they are, how they got there, or why any of this is happening.
Action flick, ya know?
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brookbee · 2 years
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is this too niche
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intotheelliwoods · 8 months
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Just wanted to say that you draw the ooyest gooyest eyes on poptart, and if he asked me to murder someone.... I- I don't think I could refuse him with those eyes-
Idk know how you get such emotion and sparkle in your eyes- but I love it! ^-^
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potatobugz · 8 months
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eek! scary!
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copia · 3 months
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first song you heard — Mary On A Cross
September 1969; Papa Nihil and the beginning of the Ghost Project take to the stage at the Whiskey a Go Go club in Los Angeles, under the watchful eye of Sister Imperator. Fifty-three years later, in Tampa, Florida, Papa Emeritus the Fourth performs Mary On A Cross, unaware that he is singing the story of his parents—and that of himself.
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radio-zephyr · 20 days
orv spoilers (?) ahead-its a small moment
i think genuinely one of the moments in the novel that really stuck to me, was a quiet small moment between kdj, when kdj was talking to lgy about his sponsor and he raises his hand- and lgy flinches. So kdj holds his hand until he stops trembling.
like that moment is just SO TENDER and quietly devastating. Because kdj loves lgy. But he also sees himself in lgy. And he can't love that reflection of himself.
Yet he still does love lgy sm, and when he raises his hand and realizes lgy's fear, he just holds his hand in silent comfort.. and just sits there with him. until he's able to calm down again, kdj just sits with him.
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coffeeacademia · 3 months
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these are a few of my favourite things (ft summer)
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syringaledraws · 6 months
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Big bird, small cage
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prolibytherium · 4 months
Would kill to read animal POV fiction that has the animal POV’s interaction with humans be like, semi realistic to the level of caution most predators take with large prey and/or competitors (including humans).
Like instead of the usual - “the human is such a weak, pathetic creature... so slow, no claws, blunt teeth… completely helpless without its 'Fire Sticks'. how is it the master of the earth?” type crap it’s like, the bear protagonist or whatever approaches some dude who spreads their arms and yells and the bear is like “FUUUUUUUUCK THAT THING JUST GOT HUGE. IT'S LARGE AND MAKING NOISES. HOLY FUCK.”
#A lot of this realm of fiction tends to severely overestimate how physically weak humans are in the grand scheme of things..#A human body ft. no tools has a pretty average level competency at escaping predation. WITH tools it's significantly above average.#Like a lot of human physiology IS the way it is because of reliance on tool/fire use but interspecies competition/predation is really not#a literal battle won by physical strength + teeth + claws (at least until the actual process of killing)#Intimidation and shows of strength/threatening behavior can go a long way. Healthy predators (who aren't unnaturally#accommodated to humans) are generally going to be cautious and may avoid confrontations they absolutely COULD win because#the risk of injury is judged as too high#And most animals can't weigh risks in the most objective manner and won't understand that you aren't any 'bigger' just because you#wave your arms and yell. That is why puffing up/spreading out as a threat display is so ubiquitous in nature.#Massive tangent but this is why I fucking loved Prehistoric Planet so much like the commitment to having its dinosaurs behave like#actual animals is fantastic and tragically rare#Like having a scene where a T Rex gets bullied away from a carcass by two much smaller azhdarchids.. Yeah that is probably#how it would behave. It's not a mindless killing machine it's an animal so is going to avoid confrontations it deems too risky even if it#WOULD win in an all out brawl. thank you so fucking muych.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 1 month
Fly by Moonlight
CW: Vaguely fantasy, hunting, possessive whumper referenced, bullet wound, guns, blood, makeshift surgery, implied dehumanization, scarring
Chapter One
The sky above them was an explosion of stars. With her head tilted back until it tipped against the sleeping bag, providing her the barest protection from simple dirt, she could see the Milky Way itself, winding its ghostly way from one horizon to the other. It was funny, to think that she was a part of that winding, sinuous length of endless light. 
The people who think they came from stars, she thought, must have been people who thought highly of themselves. There was nothing more incredible than this, and it seemed impossible to understand how something as amazing as stardust could coalesce into the reality of wind rushing through leaves around their campsite, the simple beauty of her own heartbeat and blood.
Alongside the universes she could imagine above her, the moon hung heavy and full. Supermoon time, it was so much larger than usual, blocking some of the stars when Anaya tried to find them. 
The moon, she thought, felt like what it was - a piece of earth thrown into space by asteroid impact. Like a mother who loses the grip of her child’s hand, and all of history had been the story of their slow reconciliation. Or maybe of the child running, always staying just ahead of her mother’s reach.
Anaya Cross laced her fingers together behind her head, her heavy, dark hair providing as much softness as any pillow. Beside her, in another sleeping bag, her boyfriend Eden had long since fallen asleep. His heavy, soft breathing and the sight of his ash-blond hair falling over his forehead was another kind of peace. Eden only slept well in the wilderness, and Anaya never slept well at all. 
Even if she didn’t sleep much, here, she could rest by watching the stars. Her eyes traced a constellation, catching on the edge of the corona borealis and following its C-shaped swing from one end to the other. 
Then, she heard a sound.
It was a faded sort of boom, as if someone in the park had set off a huge firework, one of those big mortar kinds Anaya had been terrified of as a child and still avoided today. She frowned, shifting uneasily and pushing herself up a little onto her elbows.
At first all she heard was the wind, the soft whispering of the leaves.
Then it happened again.
Anaya took in a quick breath and sat up fully, head tipped to one side. This time, the sound was followed by a high-pitched squeal, almost a scream, but totally inhuman. Anaya’s breath caught, and she scrambled to push herself out of the sleeping bag, leaning on her knees over to shake Eden’s shoulder. “Eden-... Eden! Wake up!”
Eden groaned, slapping ineffectually at her hand, before his eyes finally blinked slowly open. They looked fogged over, still half-asleep, but he moved to sit as Anaya popped up to standing. “Wh-... what’sit?” It was all one run-on sound, hardly language. “Naya? What’ss… what time’sit?”
“I don’t know,” She answered, shifting forward slowly. Between the stars and the moon, the night around them was nearly as bright as daylight, only with a cool, almost blue tint to everything around them. “I heard something. Like a-... like a gunshot. I think. From a really fucking big gun.”
“You heard-...” Eden’s brain was still struggling to come online. He raked a hand back through his hair, leaving it standing up in wild chunks all over his head, before he started wiggling his way out of his sleeping bag, too. He stood, scratching at his stomach underneath his ratty old t-shirt, gray sweatpants hanging low on narrow hips. “A gunshot? Here? But-”
“Protected reserve, I know. But I definitely heard it. Do you think…” She trailed off. All she heard now was the wind, rushing through the trees. Only-... was it only the wind? Or was there a discordant note, crashing of something desperate running for its life?
This time she could see Eden heard it too, his eyes widening. The sound was closer, louder, more immediate. Anaya and Eden’s gazes met, and then without a word spoken the two of them half-ran, half-walked as one to the edge of the clearing and away from the obviousness of their campsite. Eden’s car was parked at the camp lot a three-hour hike away, and they were deep within a part of the reserve no one was supposed to go to. It had seemed romantic, when they came here and chose this space, carefully marking their trail to ensure they could make it back. It had seemed like a way to get away from it all and really find peace, let Eden get some real sleep.
Now, though, it seemed to hit Anaya all at once that coming out here - alone, with only her boyfriend, with no one really aware of where they’d gone other than ‘camping’ - had been monumentally, impossibly stupid.
Anaya crouched down behind a tree, keeping the campsite in view. Woods like these could get you lost within a few feet of where you’d been, the trees so close together that they hid you from your own trail unless it was well-marked. Eden moved to be just slightly in front of her, shielding her a little.
Not that it would matter against a gun that could make a sound like that.
“Poacher?” She whispered. 
“Probably,” He whispered back. Now the crashing seemed close, and Eden’s body was warm against hers even as both of them were shivering. “But what is there even to hunt here? You can find deer anywhere in this stupid state, you don’t need-”
The answer to his question came flying out of the woods in front of them.
A huge wolf that somehow still looked half-grown and spindly, with too-long legs and giant paws, flashed through their campsite in a reddish-gray gleam lit by moonlight. Until it tripped over Anaya’s cooler full of beer and went tumbling, high-pitched whimpers and whines filling the air. Anaya jerked forward when she realized the cooler now had a red smear along the white lid, but Eden grabbed her arm to pull her back out of sight. 
“It’s bleeding!” Anaya hissed. “That poacher shot it! We should go help!”
Eden’s grip only tightened. “It’s not a dog,” He hissed back. “It’ll just attack you. Not to mention the poacher will shoot you, too. Just stay here, Naya!”
The wolf stood on shaking legs, a low soft whine in its throat. The light of the moon seemed to turn the tips of its red fur to silver, reflected in its strangely human-looking eyes. Anaya blinked at the sight of scarring around its snout, like something had been wrapped there at some point until it dug in. It limped to the edge of the clearing, tumbling hard to one side before righting itself. Blood streamed from one back leg, clumping the fur and leaving a dark stain. 
The wolf’s tongue hung from its mouth and it panted heavily even as it tried to lick at the blood and the wound beneath it, ears pricked and moving constantly. Its tail was tucked between its legs. Its nose went to the ground, picking up the scents of Anaya and Eden probably, and Anaya shivered when it growled.
The low rumble was more frightening than the sound of the gun.
At least the gunshots hadn’t been about her.
After a long pause, the wolf’s growl ended. It did what Anaya could only call taking a deep breath to steady itself, and then limped heavily away, out of the clearing in the general direction of the main hiking trails where Anaya and Eden had started their hike out here. Its nose stayed low, and Anaya heard Eden let out a breath in a rush once it was out of sight.
“Uh… what do we do now-”
Anaya clapped her hand over Eden’s mouth, shushing him and yanking him further back around the tree trunk.
The man with the gun - and holy shit, Anaya didn’t even know they made guns that big - stepped into the clearing, taking in the sight of the destroyed campsite smeared with wolf blood with a baffled, incredulous expression. He wasn’t too much older than them, maybe in his thirties, but he had a hardness to his jaw that said whatever his age, the years had definitely sucked the life out of him.
“Well… shit.” The man huffed, moving forward and using the muzzle of his gun to nudge the blood-stained cooler, lifting up the sleeping bag Eden had been in only a few moments ago. He ran a hand back over his crew cut, looking around. “Hey! Is anyone here? Anyone hurt?” The sound of concern in his voice seemed real. 
But Anaya and Eden were alone, in the woods, in the middle of nowhere. And this guy had an enormous fucking gun. They stayed silent, in the dark.
“God damn it.” The poacher sighed, looking down at the sleeping bags. “Shit shit shit. If he killed somebody… that little shit. Fucking campers on our land. Bet he chased them off. I’ll have to call Bill and report it. He’s gonna kill me when he sees Rusty got out, let alone that he made a mess out of campers… if they find bodies on our land again, we are going to have the government up our fucking ass…”
He pulled out a compass and looked at it, then looked ahead, eyes scanning the ground. He must have seen some of the wolf’s blood on a leaf in some underbrush, because he moved forward confidently then. He went through the clearing, from one side to the other, and then was gone. 
Anaya and Eden waited until the sound of the man moving through the forest had faded into the distance, and then looked at each other. 
“... Did we go too far and end up on private land?” Anaya asked.
At the same time, Eden said, “Did he say ‘if they find bodies on our land again?’”
Both of them stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. Then, as if they’d come to some agreement that didn’t need words, they moved out to the wreckage of the campsite. Anaya rolled up the sleeping bags while Eden checked on the small cooler, wiped the rest of the blood off of it with a shudder, and then shifted it back into the heavy pack he’d carried out here. Anaya felt the tension rising between them, until it was tight enough it might snap. Her heart pounded so hard it found its way up her throat, making her occasionally stop to catch her breath. The two of them pulled their socks on and then laced up their hiking boots after. Neither even bothered to dress in daytime clothing. Their sweatpants and t-shirts seemed like enough, for now. 
The hike back was silent and slow.
They put one foot carefully in front of the other, following the markings Anaya had left wrapped around trees in non-obvious places. She undid each and every colorful ribbon, packing them back away. Taking back everything they’d brought with them. No sign they’d ever been here at all, ideally.
She found herself wondering where the park ended and private land began. There’d been no signs, no warnings. Not any that they saw, anyway. Then again, it’s not like you could mark every square inch of a wild forest like this one.
Above them, the moon hung heavy. When its light cut through the canopy overhead, it made everything otherworldly and beautiful.
If only Anaya could appreciate it, and not take every quiet step sure she’d see the end of a gun between her eyes the moment she looked up.
At some point, they got close enough to the trail for cell phone signal to come back, and her phone buzzed with a handful of missed messages. Nothing that suggested anything big had happened while they were out of reach. She didn’t dare check it - not yet. Not until she felt sure that the light from her screen wouldn’t draw in either an injured, probably hostile wolf and a healthy, definitely hostile guy with a gun.
She kept cycling her thoughts back to the sight of the thing. Something had been off about it, but she didn’t know enough about guns to even begin to know what. Hell, she didn’t know enough about guns to even know if anything was actually off, or if she was just thinking of movie-guns and not understanding that the real thing was different.
Exhaustion dragged at the edges of her mind, even as adrenaline kept her so wired that she knew she couldn’t possibly have fallen asleep even if they simply laid down right here. Hours passed, Eden and Anaya saying little to each other. They heard the boom just once more, far enough away that they felt themselves finally able to relax.
Wherever the guy had tracked the injured wolf, it wasn’t in the direction they were going. 
Finally, they stumbled back out onto the trail. 
Anaya checked her phone, as surreptitiously as she could.
It was almost three in the morning, and they had another good two hours of hiking on the trail before they got to the parking lot. 
“I say we sleep in the car,” Eden said, voice heavy and husky. When Anaya glanced over at him, his half-lidded eyes reminded her of a sleepy kitten, and she found herself smiling, briefly overwhelmed with love for him. He frowned back at her. “What?”
“You’re cute,” She said. He shook his head and started walking again, but she caught the edge of his smile before he turned to hide it from her.
“Pretty sure the T was supposed to make me handsome, not cute,” He said over his shoulder as he started walking again.
Anaya had to stifle a laugh - talking might be okay, might be safe, but laughter carried further. Especially Anaya’s laughter, which had a tendency to be too loud, according to her mother. Too loud, attention-taking. Just like all her emotions. “Well, you’re definitely handsome,” Anaya said brightly, falling in behind him. “You’re just also cute. You were handsome before the T, too, by the way.”
He didn’t say anything, but his shoulders straightened a little, and she caught the edge of a flush to his cheeks.
Her feet ached by the time they had Eden’s car in view, the ancient Subaru with its huge trunk thanks to the removed backseat a white gleam in the pinkish light of early dawn. The moon was still visible, just now beginning to fade as sunlight overtook it, wiped it out. Each throb was in time with her pulse, and Anaya’s brain seemed to have become mush at some point.
They could sleep in the back of Eden’s car, if they made it to a safe parking lot or something in town. Maybe the diner where they had parked before they came up here, those people had seemed pretty cool about it. 
Eden came to a sudden stop, and Anaya walked into him so hard the two of them both stumbled, Eden with a huffed breath, an oof that any other day would have been funny. But now Anaya just groaned. It better not be the poacher having found them. She was too damn tired to deal with that, or even be scared of it anymore.
At least if he shoots me I can get some damn rest, she thought.
Out loud, she only mumbled, “What?”
Eden swallowed. Anaya could hear it. Something about that woke her back up all at once, sent brand new adrenaline flooding through her. Her head began to pound in time with her feet and her heart. Would anything not hurt by the end of today?
“There’s something under our car,” Eden said, voice hushed. 
Anaya stiffened. “The wolf?”
Eden took one step forward, and then another. He squinted. “... No. I think it’s… a person.”
“A what?”
Who would be out here? Thanks to flooding on the more well-known trails, this park had been more or less empty of tourists. It was one of the reasons Eden and Anaya had chosen this for their off-trail campsite. Eden moved slowly forward, and Anaya followed him. Once she got closer, though, she moved more quickly, dropping her bag next to the car and moving into a crouch.
The sound of her pack hitting the pavement made the boy curled up under the car flinch, his arms jerking to cover his head with his hands, knees nearly to his chin. Anaya caught a glimpse of reddish-brown hair through his fingers, a swath of pale skin marked with brown freckles at the shoulders, the tip of his nose.
“Hello?” Anaya whispered, reaching slowly out. Her fingertips just touched the boy when his eyes snapped open and he looked at her with wild, animal terror.
His eyes were the same color as the wolf’s. 
His hair was the same color as the wolf’s fur had been, reddish brown, maybe tipped with some gray.
His left leg had a wound blown right through it - bullet wound, Anaya thought a little wildly, I’m looking at the entrance and the exit’s at the back, he’s lucky it didn’t hit the artery there - and the blood was… everywhere.
The boy’s lips pulled back from his teeth in a useless snarl. His teeth were flat, human, except for maybe his incisors being a little too long, a little too sharp. He had scars marked across his face, around his neck, all over his arms. Some old, simply silk-soft skin marked in risen lines, some fresher, still bright red. A couple even looked like they’d been bleeding recently, too. He made a sound that Anaya only realized after a beat was an attempt to growl.
“... This is the wolf,” Anaya said, voice low. “Eden… Eden, this is the wolf.”
“What? No. That’s clearly a dude. The poacher must have seen him and shot him.”
“No, this is-... his eyes Eden-”
“That’s not a wolf, Naya. End of story. That is a dumbass teenager who did dumbass things. Somebody’s probably looking for him.”
Anaya thought of the poacher’s confusion, his angry concern. “... Yeah, somebody probably is.”
Eden dropped into a crouch beside her, casually pulling out the knife he always had on him, flicking it so the blade showed. “Naya, something’s wrong with this kid.”
The boy’s eyes went to the gleam of sharp metal and he whined, curling up tighter. Anaya frowned, looking at his leg. The blood. The wound. The way the boy’s skin was ash-pale under his freckles. The scars, half of them rough but the other half precise.
Knife-blade scars. She had some old ones herself, although hers had been self-inflicted.
She reached out and laid a hand on his arm, felt it trembling under her touch. She could barely reach him, he was so far under the car. “Hey.” She gentled her voice as much as she could, rubbing lightly. Goosebumps rose where her fingertips went, but the trembling seemed to settle a little. “Hey, kid. You’re… you’re really hurt. We’re gonna call someone-”
The boy scrambled backwards away. “No!” His voice came out hoarse, as if he wasn’t used to speaking - or speaking with a human mouth, anyway. “No! Don’t! Don’t call!” He made it to the other side of the car, scrambling to his feet. Anaya went to chase him, but in the end she didn’t have to - as soon as he tried to put weight on his leg, he went down hard, scraping the palms of his hands on the pavement and letting out a pained cry.
Anaya swallowed. “Eden-”
“I’ll call 911-”
“No,” she whispered. “He’s scared of that. Let’s just… let’s just put him in the back of the car, yeah?”
Eden paused. “Naya, are you fucking out of your mind? Where are we gonna take him? He needs a hospital.”
“Or a vet clinic,” She muttered, ignoring the look Eden gave her at the dark joke. “No, let’s just. Okay, let’s just… we have our first aid kit. You know how to do stitches-”
“Stitches, sure, but I’m not exactly qualified to treat wounds like that.”
“Try. Let’s get him into the car. Hey, kid? Kid, hey.” Anaya went to the crumpled heap of teenager, grasping onto his arm. He shivered and tried weakly to pull away, but between the pain and the blood loss, he wasn’t exactly able to put up much of a fight. Eden opened the trunk of the car and threw in their packs while Anaya helped the boy to stand. She could hear Eden laying down the towels and sleeping bags, opening up the first aid kit.
That’s why she loved him. He might think she’d lost her mind on this, but he’d still follow her lead.
The injured boy gripped onto her once he was upright, his eyes dancing in terror from Eden to Anaya and back again.
“Don’t,” He whispered. “Don’t.”
“We’re just going to get you bandaged up and something to eat,” Anaya said, voice soothing, easing him into the trunk until he could lay down in there. “Then we can talk, okay? First off, we need to stop the bleeding.”
Those odd eyes stared at her, but he laid down on his side slowly. Anaya had been vaguely aware the boy was naked, but only now did it hit her that the boy didn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn’t care. 
“I’m Anaya,” She said, softly, taking his hand and holding it while Eden took a wet cloth and began to wipe away the blood to try and get a better look at the wound. “I’m Anaya Cross, and this is my boyfriend Eden Yarrow. We’re going to help you.”
“There’s no exit wound,” Eden muttered, looking at the backside of the boy’s thigh. “He needs a surgeon, Naya-”
“Well, good thing you trained to be one, huh?"
"Yeah, before I quit residency-"
"Eden, just... can you get the bullet out?”
Eden exhaled, rubbing a hand over his face. “Probably. It's a pretty clean wound. I definitely shouldn’t, but…”
“Well, try.” She turned back to the boy, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles, back and forth, back and forth. The kid stared at her like she’d grown a second head, but he didn’t pull his hand back. He just… watched her, with those strange canine eyes. “Hey. We’re gonna get the bullet out of you, and then we’ll help you get somewhere with people.”
“No,” He said again. His eyes moved from one to the other. “No… people.”
Eden’s eyes closed. He muttered something under his breath that Anaya didn’t quite hear. Then he moved to dig around in the first aid kit again. 
“Okay. Well, we’ll figure that bit out as we go, then. Can you tell us your name?”
She thought of the poacher mentioning Rusty.
The boy was quiet for a long, drawn-out silence broken only by a hiss when Eden used a sanitizing wipe on the wound, cleaning it out again as best he could. Finally, almost under his breath, he whispered, “Misae.”
“Missy?” Eden said, nose wrinkling. “Your name is Missy?”
The boy’s odd eyes narrowed. ���Misae,” He repeated, a little louder. Mih-say-eh. Some of the gravelly hoarseness was leaving his voice, the more he spoke. Anaya wondered if he didn’t speak often. 
“That man with the gun called you Rusty, I think,” Anaya said, keeping her own voice gentle.
“... their name for me.” Misae hissed through his teeth, lips pulled back in a snarl again as Eden began to probe into the wound, eyes closing tightly. Tears leaked fro the corners of his eyes. Anaya gave him both her hands and he gripped on tight enough to hurt, making a sound that was clearly meant to be a canine whine. “Not… my name.”
“But Misae is your name.”
“Y… Yes.” His head lowered until the top of it, the shaggy reddish hair, pressed against her. He kept pushing against her, until she twisted one hand free and laid it there, scratching her fingers against his scalp. His whining softened, then. It was all so terribly… doglike.
Anaya tried not to look as his leg twitched and oozed blood even as Eden carefully worked one of the tools he kept on hand into the wound, searching for the bullet. Misae didn’t answer at first. She leaned over, hoping her voice could carry through the pain. “It’s okay, honey. You’re going to be okay.”
Misae groaned, finally laying his head directly in her lap. She could feel his tears soaking into her sweatpants, the hitching of his breath as he fought not to sob. His voice was a whisper she barely heard, twisted around his pained, frightened whimpers.
“Th-thank… thank you…”
“Found it!” Eden shouted, triumphant. He might have been reluctant to do this, but there was a reason he’d worked so hard to fill his first aid kit with anything you might need to stay alive in the wilderness when medical care was too far to get to in time. There was a reason he’d trained as a surgeon. He was good at this, he always had been. He wiggled the little tool, making Misae cry harder, but then something bloody and shimmering beneath the red came out, and Eden dropped it on a towel beside Misae. “Intact, even. Nice.”
Eden was focused on getting the wound closed up and stitches sewn. Anaya though, watched blood slide along the surface of the bullet, too big, a terrifying size. The gleam of the metal, though, along with the strange runes carved into it, made her eyebrows furrow. “... Eden.”
“Mmmn?” He dipped the needle, pulled it through skin. Anaya knew if she looked she’d faint dead away, so she kept her eyes on the bullet. On the shine. 
“That’s… that hunter shot him with silver.”
Eden stilled and looked up, his eyes catching on the bullet, too. Then shifting over to Misae, who was shaking like a leaf, eyes open now, wide and almost sightless. In shock, Anaya thought, not that she knew for sure or even really understood what being in shock meant. But it reminded her of people going into shock in the movies, on television. Eden’s eyes moved to meet Anaya’s.
“Once I finish stitching him up,” He said, voice low and calm, “We drive this car as far away from here as we can get before we stop.”
“We’re taking him with us.” 
“... Naya-”
Anaya’s jaw set and she raised her chin. “We’re taking Misae.”
Eden looked down at the boy, who didn’t seem to hear or even see the two of them any longer. Then he huffed and went back to what he was doing, sewing slow, careful, precise stitches even as he had to continually wipe away blood, too. “Fine. We go as far as we can with him, and then we… think about what we do next. Figure out how to call his family or something.”
They paused, and smiled at each other.
Then Misae whimpered, and Anaya realized she’d stopped scratching his head. She started up again, and felt some of his shaking settle once more. “Do you have family?” Anaya asked, trying to distract him as Eden finished up. “Someone looking for you?”
Misae was silent for so long that she thought maybe he hadn’t heard her.
Then he answered, voice low, “No family. Not… anymore."
"Did you run away from them?"
"No.” Misae's body shuddered, and Anaya found herself rubbing her thumb in little circles just behind one ear. "No."
"Dead. Everyone... is dead. But me."
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escapedaudios · 4 months
My roommate, at 2AM: I heard you scream, what's wrong should I call the police
Me, disheveled, lit cigarette in my hand, surrounded by ripped pages: My scripts are too weak... my protagonists, they're not girlfail enough. My sad boys... they should be sopping wet cats but they're barely reaching the bare minimum levels of being pathetic skrunkly babygirls. I need to make them bigger losers, I need to make their lives suck even more.
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I'm going to make you obsessed with evil video game men
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jellojolteon · 2 months
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I don't think I have enough words to properly encapsulate my feelings in english, but. Man.
Horikoshi, thank you so much for sharing your work with us. This comic and the friendships I've made from it, mean so much to me, and watching it unfold and speculating about what would happen has been such a ride and a joy to experience.
I hope you get to breathe, even just a little, after 10 years of work and that you have a little time to kill like your heroes.
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