#fics for Oma
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kikker-oma ¡ 6 months ago
I made another thing based off of your whumptober art :)
This one in particular:
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The old man sat on a log near the crackling campfire, awake for his watch and he had set his eye on someone in particular who had seemed...off. The vet was tossing and turning in his bedroll, eyes squeezed shut when he could see his face, but it wasn't relaxed like when he was asleep. He eventually crept down and whispered, "Vet?"
The veteran's eyes opened slightly, and the old man just noticed the bags under his eyes. "Yeah?" He replied in a whisper.
"I noticed you hadn't gone to sleep yet. It's third watch."
Legend groaned. "I haven't been able to fall asleep for a while, but I tried everything I could. Nothing to do about it."
That was worrying.
"Are you sure? I know a remedy, that you most likely haven't tried."
"Go for it, old man, I'll do anything at this point."
He pulled out the ocarina, and played the Song of Healing, closing his eyes to let the soothing melody reach the vet's waiting ears. He nearly fell asleep himself but finished the tune and opened his eyes. The veteran had his eyes closed and though he wasn't quite asleep yet, Time smiled, hoping that this would do the trick and did a quick patrol.
The old man noticed things. From the vet's stumbling and sloppiness during battle, to mess ups with conversations and answers. His seemingly random mood swings which seemed quite unusual for him. He had confessed that the song didn't do anything and for literal magic to not work, well, Time was more than confused. He had kept it to himself because the veteran pleaded with him to not worry the others.
One night he had second watch, and the vet had somehow ended up with first. He slept peacefully until he woke up and realized it was his turn for watch, and he hadn't been woken up by someone else. (His internal clock told him it was approximately halfway into second watch.) So he got up immediately, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and what he saw shook him.
The vet was trembling on his knees, and when the old man rushed to talk he noticed the expression on his face. There were tears pouring down his face, and his eyes were barely open, staring off into space. The old man noticed that the veteran's hands were shaking even more, arms wrapped around air. "Veteran?" Time spoke loudly. "Link?"
When he got no response, he got down on his knees in front of Legend and took his arms, repeating his name. "Uncle?" Legend mumbled wearily. "What're you doin'?"
"I need you to stay here, I'm going to go find help."
"Nnnooo, don't leave me," Legend gasped deliriously. "If you go to th' castle..."
"I'm not going to the castle," Time tried to reassure. "I just need you to stay with me, okay?"
He whistled sharply, getting everyone up because this situation was getting dire and he needed help. "What's going on?" The captain questioned, voice a bit frantic.
"Our veteran. He needs help."
They were at his side instantly. "'ncle who're these people," the vet slurred, still staring off into nothing.
"Is he sick?" Sky frowned.
"I don't think he's been sleeping, at all recently," Time worried. "He said he tried everything but still couldn't sleep."
"I'm not trained for this stuff, I'm afraid," Warriors shook his head. "Traveller?"
"All I know how to do is magic," The traveller replied and shrugged looking downcast at the fact.
"Oh!" Wind snapped his fingers. "Someone on Outset had a similar problem. It was because they were really stressed and they fell asleep once they were more relaxed."
"Stress? That seems plausible," Warriors nodded.
"Link," Time uttered, catching the veteran's slow attention. "Tell me, are you stressed about anything? Worried?"
"I mean, 's a quest, Uncle, of course I'm going to be stressed sometimes."
"I know, but right now, what's troubling you specifically?"
"You're always so kind," Legend muttered after a long moment.
"This isn't going anywhere," Four whispered.
"Uncle, don't die."
Time swallowed concern for that statement, said with desperation and he looked helplessly at the rest of them. What could they really do? Why couldn't he figure this out? The chain looked at them as a leader, so why was he feeling so helpless right now? Why couldn't he help one of his boys?
Then there was one sentence that nearly drove the old man to his knees.
"If you die, Grandma Malon is gonna kill me...she already lost th' Hero 'f Time, and you're just as important. Don' leave me to save the world like he did."
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The Ocarina was such a good try, poor boys just don't know how they can deal with this sweet little sleep deprived man🥺
Gosh sleep deprivation is no joke, it's brutal for real
Thank you so much for writing this Uni! Your writing is a treasure as always❤️❤️❤️
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kikker-oma ¡ 2 months ago
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AAALLIIIIICE❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I got the AO3 email and then didn't realize that I missed you tagging me in this?!?!
Oh his spiral is so so good, it starts so small but flows SO well into his insecurities, and it makes SENSE!
He tries to be rational and make sense of what he's feeling but it builds and builds and then it just topples him and mmmmMMMMM✨✨
Iove that legend came to comfort him!! He's so real, like, he grounds Sky in a way he needs right now! Straightforward and not telling him things "just to make him feel better". They are truths and he's so honest❤️❤️
The art-based angst I promised, based on @kikker-oma's amazing art!
Sky stood slightly apart as the others read their letters, talking about what they were missing at home, comparing notes about loved ones. He tried not to feel the empty space that had been left in his hand after he'd handed over the last one. Nothing for him.
He knew it didn't mean anything, but it did.
He took a couple of steps away, running his fingertips over the soft cloth of his sailcloth, smelling the perfume woven into the fabric and remembering Zelda handing it to him. He could still see her smile, could still hear her voice and feel her hand in his, but at moments like this melancholy seeped out of his bones. He missed her desperately, more with every day that went by.
But at moments like this, he also wondered if Zelda loved him or if the Goddess Hylia loved her Chosen Hero.
He took a breath, once again focusing on the perfume and the softness of the cloth. She did love him as he loved her. She loved him as he loved her. They, themselves as they had always believed themselves to be, not the Goddess and her Chosen.
He took another deep breath, but as he turned to return to the others he saw Time also standing aside, reading a letter he guessed was from Malon.
Once again, he was aware of his own empty hand.
He ducked around a corner, intending to just take a moment to pull himself together. Nobody seemed to notice.
Something dark deep inside him wondered if they would notice if he never went back. If anyone would. If that was why, now that he was out of sight, none of those he loved on Skyloft had written to him.
He shook his head, dismissing the thought. There was a good reason for him to have had no letters from Zelda or even Groose. They had a lot to do with organizing the move to the Surface, after all, and for all he knew the postman hadn't even been to his era recently. There was no need to worry.
No need to think that now that he was out of sight he was also out of mind.
That now the Goddess had no need for her Chosen.
He scrubbed his forehead with the heel of his hand. He had to stop thinking like that and get back to where the others were probably waiting.
He was sure they were waiting. Someone would be along to look for him soon. He shouldn't worry them.
He knew this was an overreaction to simply not receiving a letter. They didn't know how the postman travelled; perhaps he couldn't even go to Sky's era for some reason; he didn't know.
But he thought of the light in Wind's eyes as he read a letter from his sister and Four laughing ruefully over something his grandfather had said and he felt absolutely alone, in his corner out of the way where he had gone without anyone apparently noticing he'd left.
Perversely, he almost wanted to stay here and see if anyone did come to look for him. Just to silence the part of him that thought they wouldn't. That expected them to write him off as slow and lazy and leave him behind, no longer a burden on them.
After all, that had been Hyrule and Legend's first guess for why he hadn't caught up with the postman this morning: that his heart and lungs had gotten the best of him yet again and he'd been too slow. That he'd failed in his own self-appointed mission because he couldn't run.
He could. Not for as long as some and not even as fast as he could before, but he could.
But what did that matter when he could be the butt of a joke?
He knew they hadn't meant to be cruel, but it had been a tiny jab into something that always hurt somewhere deep inside him and he didn't think that had ever occurred to them. That maybe it would hurt him to have his poor stamina mocked like that. He'd brushed it off as he always did and he knew he couldn't expect anyone to notice something he made an effort to hide, but it was there.
Slowly, it bore down on him harder and harder.
No letters from home.
The doubt that Zelda truly loved him.
The fear that he would be forgotten as soon as he was out of sight.
Too slow.
Too weak.
Too cowardly.
Mocking laughter.
Silence and solitude and…
The sob came out before he could stop it and he clapped a hand over his mouth to keep himself quiet. There was no reason to give even more of an impression that he was weak, that he couldn't even cope with just not receiving a letter.
Another sob, ripping out of him. He clenched his eyes shut and wrapped an arm around his waist, trying to steady himself. He couldn't break down like this. He couldn't break down just because he was alone and lonely and homesick and nobody had come to look for him and…
Again, he could hear laughter ringing in his ears. Weak and slow and broken and maybe better out of sight and out of mind and uncared for and…
"Sky? Sky!"
His eyes shot open as a hissed voice in his ear and a hand on his back broke into his whirling thoughts.
Legend leaned into his field of vision, eyes wide. "Hey, can you hear me?"
He took a shuddering breath, choking on more aching, wracking sobs, but managed a nod. Desperately, he tried to stop crying, but it somehow made it worse.
"Wow, OK, uh…" Legend actually sounded lost for a moment. "Look, please don't cry, I…" He started rubbing at Sky's back. "It's OK, I didn't get a letter either, I'm sure everything's fine, what's wrong?" His words tripped over themselves as he spoke.
Sky, meanwhile, was torn between being glad someone had come to check on him and wanting to die on the spot to escape his embarrassment.
Legend had evidently realized his audience wasn't really there and just started saying "It's OK" over and over, still rubbing circles on Sky's back.
"S-Sorry," managed Sky, hugging himself.
"What happened? You're really… shall I get Warriors?"
Sky shook his head, making the world spin disorientingly. Chills were running up and down his spine as if he had a fever. "Just… stay?"
Legend blinked, but caught his elbow as he staggered and helped him sit down, leaning on the wall behind him. He knelt next to him, still rubbing his back, as Sky finally managed to start to calm down, reassured by having someone with him who, even after that humiliating display, was still willing to stay with him and comfort him.
"What… happened?" asked Legend.
As Sky sat on the dusty ground, trying to keep his breathing steady and swallow the occasional hiccupping sobs and still the shivers, he didn't know how to answer that.
He hadn't got a letter from home.
That was all, and it had somehow hurled him into the kind of spiral he hadn't experienced for ages.
"I… don't know," he whispered.
Legend stared at him for a moment, then said, "Well… something must have happened. Did someone say something?"
Well, yes, but teasing from Hyrule and Legend was nothing especially new either. It hurt sometimes, but not enough for this.
Legend was still rubbing his back and he sighed, trying to wipe the tears from his cheeks.
"I really… don't know."
Legend looked skeptical, but didn't press further. "Well, if you want to talk, I'm here anytime," he said. "For now, we should get back to the others as soon as you're feeling up to it. They're all still reading their mail, but as soon as that's done someone less inclined to take no for an answer will come looking."
"You think so?"
Legend blinked. "Well… Yeah, I think so. Why not? It's not like we'd just leave without you."
Sky chuckled, knowing it sounded a little hysterical. There was something surreal about that casual remark after everything. "Yeah… well… just give me a minute."
"OK. Do you still want me to stay?"
"Would you rather not?"
Legend shrugged.
"Please stay."
When his brother agreed easily and with no trace of regret, Sky relaxed a little, rubbing his eyes to try again to dry the tears. "Thank you."
"Of course."
"Also for coming to look for me. And listening."
Legend nodded again.
"It was… a silly thing to get so upset about."
That got a shrug. "That doesn't mean you weren't really upset."
"No, I… suppose not." Sky wiped his eyes one more time. "How obvious is it that I've been crying?"
Legend looked critically at him. "I might not notice normally," he said carefully, "But some of the others probably still will. Give it a moment longer."
"Do you really think they'll want to know what happened?"
"You've spent as long as I have with this lot. For a start, Wind will worry, the captain will want to know if there's a problem he should be aware of, and Wild will try to help without really knowing what the problem is."
Sky chuckled again. It sounded better this time and lifted a weight off his chest. "Thanks," he said again.
"Anytime. Ready? Not to rush you, but there wasn't that much mail."
Sky wiped his eyes and cheeks one more time. "Ready."
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kikker-oma ¡ 7 months ago
I made a small fic for this piece of art you did bc it stuck me with emotion and I couldn’t resist
the art:
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Time walked through the inn hallways, carrying a glass of water for the traveller, who had succumbed to magic exhaustion and was resting peacefully for the time being. He heard a keening sob, and then a sniffle and paused, the water splashing slightly from the abrupt stop. He followed the sound to the room where the sailor, the smithy, and the captain were staying. Worriedly, he knocked on the door with his free hand. “What?” Came a worn, small voice and the old man’s heart stuttered. 
“Can I come in?”
“I—“ A hiccup. “Yeah.”
He turned the knob and opened the door, stepping inside and examining the room, seeing the familiar blue tunic of the sailor’s and recognizing Wind, sitting on one of the bed’s with his legs dangling on the ground. He met Wind’s eyes and saw the tears and softened, closing the door shut as quietly as he could. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Time approached the kid slowly.
When all he got was a barely bit back sob he sat down next to the sailor and noticed he was clutching a telescope tightly to his chest, so tightly his knuckles were white. He didn’t press, merely laid a hand on his shoulder. And Wind looked back at the old man with streams of tears falling down his cheeks and dripping down his chin, his eyebrows pressed and he released his tense grip on the telescope holding it up slightly. “Y’know—sometimes I stay up…A-and I think about what she went through.”
She. Time held his breath, wondering who this girl was but also finding himself nearly at tears seeing and hearing this. Wind hiccuped again. ���And—I th-think that.”
A sob tore its way out of the kid’s mouth and Time uttered something softly, a reassurance. Wind continued anyway. “It r-really should’ve been me.”
“No. I don’t know what happened, but you don’t deserve whatever was so bad that she went through.”
“My s-sister, she was kidnapped. She was only six years old—“ Wind gasped. “And she has nightmares of her time in a cell. I would’ve been able to handle it, old man. It should’ve been me.” 
And didn’t that make Time’s heart ache more than ever. He hugged the kid. “She’s safe now, right?” 
“W-well yeah…”
“Because you rescued her. Who would’ve been there to save you had you been in her stead?” 
He got no reply, just a muffled hiccup. Time wiped the kid’s tears away. “We can’t change the past. And no matter what your mind may tell you, even though your sister has gone through a lot, she still has you, right? You’re both still alive.” 
He wasn’t expecting a response. He wasn’t expecting anything from the poor kid right now. 
Kids. These are just kids.
Time waited patiently, keeping the sailor company as he took in what was just said and continued to cry, until Wind spoke, saying, “This telescope is my sister’s. She let me borrow it, before she…Y’know got kidnapped but when I tried to give it back she insisted that I needed it more.” 
“I see. She sounds kind.”
“She is. She helps out where she can and she comforts me when I have nightmares and Grandma isn’t there to,” Wind sniffled, rubbing his eyes. “Aryll’s the whole reason I’m out there, looking for a new place to call Hyrule. I just wish she hadn’t had to go through what she did.”
“I find myself wanting to meet her,” Time hummed. “Is she younger or older than you?” 
“Younger. When she got k-kidnapped I was about 11.”
And so the old man stood up, and smiled softly back down at the sailor. “Would you like to check on the traveller with me? I was giving him some water.”
“Yes!” Wind smiled back, hopping up and following the old man through the inn.
I feel sick. These kids have gone through so much…because I wasn’t there. I abandoned them.
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Time comforting Wind is SO PRECIOUS!!!
Oh wind is such a selfless older brother, he cares so much and is so sacrificing out of love!
I adore that time doesn't expect anything from wind, just talks with him and comforts, and then gives him the option to help Hyrule totake his mind off of it. A nice distraction while also fulfilling the need to do more and help❤️
Oh but Tiiiiimmme don't you start feeling the same way!! Someone tell this man to listen to his own words!!
Thank you Uni, this was SUCH a lovely surprise!!!!!
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tobyisave ¡ 2 months ago
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acting lessons
this is for my chapter 5 au... I tried to compose a toxic doomed yaoi saiouma essay in the tags just now but it went over the tag limit (mortifying) so I'm just going to paste it under the cut!!
////cw for suicide of course. also heads up my version of saiouma is almost completely one sided 👍🏼
#look.. in my mind there is no world where shuichi truly comes around on kokichi #but there is TOTALLY a world where he feels eternally fucked up and guilty about assisting in his suicide #and cant bring himself to hate anymore #cant bring himself to reject the casual but blatantly self-indulgent touches of the boy hes about to murder in the most excruciating way possible #just let him have his fun #let him squeeze your shoulder a little too long #its the least you can do when hes about to let his entire body be turned into an unrecognizable puddle of gore #you dont have to pretend you like it. he KNOWS you dont like it. just let it happen & soon enough itll be over and youll never have to see him again #youll never be *able* to see him again. nothing left of him to even call a body #fucking unidentifiable #god. #(to be clear i dont approve of that logic at all but i sure think shuichi would feel that way)
#its like oumota but worse because (to me) shuu has completely written him off by ch5 and doesnt even need the poison blackmailing to agree #its shuichis low point after all hes fully suicidal and thinks kokichi is the mastermind who destroyed humanity's last hope #he doesnt have time to recalculate his opinion before its too late #he agrees almost immediately #but the closer it gets the less he can justify it #like god this guy fills me with rage and we would never ever in a million years get along but hes also a warm breathing human being #and hes in love with me or something and i just agreed to kill him. EAGERLY! #to his FUCKING FACE #yes i openly hated him already. and yes he didnt even blink when i told him i could kill him #if anything he looked happy! #but god how could i just say that to someone? how did it get this bad? #and how is he still giving me finger hearts through the camera while we test out angles for his fucking DEATH VIDEO #maybe just maybe its because he really thinks this will save us. but maybe he just wants to die #and i dont even know if that makes a difference anymore #et cetera……..
#like i said im not a saiouma guy in the traditional sense but #i do like pathetic clingy kokichi x shuichi who hates himself for harboring genuine malice towards him #(justified malice) #but is too self doubting to take the reins and stop the horrible thing theyve already set in motion
#meeting the same fate as kaede because he THOUGHT he was agreeing to kill the mastermind #when in reality it was really just a cagey guy who was trying to do the EXACT same thing and made the mistake of going it alone #and now that guy who couldve been his ally is dead and he has to pretend hes ok and lie to his friends to derail this trial #for this stupid idiotic plan he let himself get blindly swept up in #that was never going to work in the first place #he knew it was full of holes he knew ouma was full of shit #he knew himself he knew he'd buckle under the pressure of the trial #but he didnt say a thing #it was so much easier to go with it. he just wanted it to be fucking over with #well its not over. the game continues and kokichi is dead and for what #didnt lift a fucking finger #fucking idiot coward bottom of the barrel piece of shit. GOD #i dont know man. it's just real kill yourself hours for shuichi after this one
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kikker-oma ¡ 3 months ago
For you :)
Based on this piece of art:
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Time woke up with a jolt, peaceful sleep warping into panic. He didn’t know why he sat up, kicking off the comfortable in blankets until he saw the red looming over the room and illuminating it. The rest of the room was dark. It had to be nighttime. He looked behind him and the moon was blood red, flakes of malice visible in the air outside. He could feel his heart pound wildly, and flashes of a moon crashing down into the earth, and being too late, and running loop after loop came to his mind. He turned back around, facing the door and the wall, seeing the shadow of the full shape of the moon and he ran out of the room, finding the bathroom because he knew it didn’t have any windows.
He closed the door and slid against it, forcing his suddenly heavy breathing to die down. The sound of a gurgling roar shook the earth and he flinched. Then he made a split decision and carefully went outside the bathroom, stepping into the bare hallway and opened the door. He inhaled the malice and coughed miserably before looking up. He couldn’t see where exactly that thundering roar had come from but he could soon see monsters returning to flesh with a magenta glow, cheering obnoxiously.
He could almost make out a grin on the moon and his blood turned to ice as he saw all the monsters appearing. He clutched his head, hoping this was all a nightmare but it wasn’t. Link wanted to run back inside more than anything, escape the moon and Termina and stop rewinding time over and over but he was frozen in the crimson glare of the large, looming object in the equally as red sky. A sob wracked his body. “Navi! Please! Come back!”
Help me, he wanted to scream at the blue fairy, as tears streamed down on his face in a seemingly relentless flow. But she wasn’t there. Neither was Tatl, who would’ve darted to his side in an instant in a worry that she would easily deflect. He buried his face in his knees, clutching them to his chest tightly, like if he’d let go he’d unravel into the ground. Flashes of a dying Zora, a dead Goron, a grief-filled Princess of the Deku Scrubs and many long dead souls rising up from the ground, as Stalfos. Flashes of a woman in denial, willing to face the end of the world if her love wouldn’t find her. Flashes of so many unaware people that would be crushed by the falling moon. His wailing echoed loud in the air.
Link looked up to see Wild there, holding up a broadsword, and standing over him. His cape flew in the wind. Time realized belatedly it was no longer red out. The moon was back to normal. There were monsters snarling and sniveling in front of them…and yet Time couldn’t find the strength to get up and help. He was still shaking, and sobbing. The champion launched into battle and he yelled, “Get inside, it’s not safe out here.”
“I-I’m not leaving you,” The old man drew in a trembling deep breath and summoned the courage to stand.
Wild hesitated but gave him a nod and plunged his sword into a Lizalfos’ shoulder. Time grabbed his sword and hacked at their foes alongside the champion, and there was actually something relieving about the thrill of battle, not having to worry about any other thing than winning this small fight. When the monsters had all vanished in a puff of purple smoke, with wounds dripping black blood, all Time had was a nick on the face and all Wild had was a small bruise on his head. The old man sheathed his weapon and gave a sigh, feeling awfully tired. “I’m sorry. I should’ve been paying attention to my surroundings, and it could’ve cost my life. That’s not a burden you should’ve had to deal with. You should’ve been able to get your rest.”
“I can never sleep during blood moons,” Wild said simply. “During my journey if I let myself sleep, even up in the trees, monsters would return and find me…and they are pretty terrible. I don’t blame you, and you shouldn’t either.”
It was his fault but he couldn’t burden the champion even more. He gave a nod, slipping on a mask of stoicism, and he dipped his head. “Thank you. I’ll be upstairs, but please get something for that bruise.”
“Get something for that cut,” Wild returned, but was frowning deeply.
He left and absently bandaged his cheek where a small amount of blood had been shed. He stared out the window and forced himself to breathe, remembering the red. The face—no that wasn’t right. There wasn’t really a face in this moon. Not like Termina’s at least. He went back to bed, covering himself with the blanket and putting his head on the pillow but no matter how much he tossed and turned, he couldn’t fall back into that peaceful sleep from before.
He heard the twist of the doorknob and his door was pushed open, as quietly as possible. He saw green and blonde and a familiar face enter the room, closing the door gently behind him. The captain came over and said softly, “You’re awake.”
“Can’t sleep,” He said truthfully. “But I’ll get over it.”
“You don’t have to hide around me, Mask.”
Time sucked in the icy air, turning away. Wars put a hand on his shoulder, eyes shining with nothing but warmth. “Answer me honestly, are you okay right now?”
He took a long moment to answer before he wordlessly shook his head. The captain made a soft noise and asked quietly if he could hug him and the old man let himself be wrapped in a hug, in the scarred yet warm and wrong arms of his brother. “You don’t have to tell me why, but I want you to know I’m here if you need anything. I’d go fight the moon for you.”
Time choked on wet laughter, knowing that Wars had no idea how much that would help him. He leaned into the captain’s embrace and the restless hours of the night caught up to him. He was safe. He wasn’t alone. He let warm tears fall as he closed his eyes and soon drifted into darkness.
This is LOVELY!!! I love that Time in his panic goes outside and is immediately surrounded by monsters while he's having PTSD flashbacks to termina! And wild and wars helping him fight and also comfort him is so sweet❤️❤️❤️
They're brothers!!
Thank you so much Uni🥰
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backpackevil ¡ 4 months ago
Going absolutely INSANE over @whattheskyknows 's fic Galaxy Masquerade everyone go read it RIGHT NOW
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I cannot put into words how good this fic is, it has completely taken over every braincell I ever had and I physically couldn't Not draw Koki- I mean uhhhh phantom thief... whose identity is unknown... obviously
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+ also some close-ups
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skyloftian-nutcase ¡ 10 months ago
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I forgot to share this, @kikker-oma had made this in honor of Abel's surprise appearance in the Healthcare AU and gave me permission to share it, so here it is in all its glory because she is an absolutely phenomenal artist <3 <3 <3 Healthcare Hyrule in his element, and Abel having a pretty typical day for his sad, angsty life (RIP my beloved blorbo LOL)
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kikker-oma ¡ 2 months ago
BLARE!!! You sweet woman, I'm so sorry I missed this post!!
This is so so cute, I ADORE Wind and Four interactions, ESPECIALLY about them being related❤️❤️❤️ they're just 2 cutie patooties🥰🥰
"he sees how much he means to Aryll now" IS SOOO CUUUUTE WAAAAHHH😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 and the banter!
Thank you so much for this gift, it's so lovely❤️
Birthday Fanfic For Oma
@kikker-oma happy 26th (I think?) birthday! You absolutely crushed this year, and I hope you have many, MANY more.
Also this was written hours ago. I just want this to be posted at 12:00am on the dot lol.
Here's some Four-is-related-to-Wind shenanigans. Ft: Genetics!
It was hard to believe the two were related, aside from the whole shield-that-was-passed-through-generations thing. Not a single soul noticed a hint of resemblance, aside from the obvious big eyes and blonde hair.
The Hero of Winds resented it, really. He felt embarrassed, trying to explain that he had family outside of Grandma and Aryll. While he loved them, it was nice having someone that had wisdom, and a connection only a brother could give.
He sees how much he means to Aryll, now.
He fiddled with the bandages wrapped around his hand, the sensitive skin still feeling the sting of alcohol. It was his fault, really, he should have picked up his sword by the hilt, not the blade. Alas, stupidity happens to the best of people.
"Stop playing with that," he jumped at the voice, his body flinching away from the sudden, albeit quiet, noise, "It will heal slower if you do."
"It's fine. I naturally heal fast." He tilted his head to his right shoulder, raising his eyebrows as if to tell the Hero of Minish: I got this.
The smith simply gave a curt smile, "You can thank me for that."
"Why would I?"
He rolled up his sleeves until they reached slightly above his elbows, and did the same with his pants and knees, "Do you see any scarring?" His eyes did the squinting thing, the look that meant that he already knew the answer to his question.
The sailor huffed, "Well you're short; swords can't reach you down there." There was no malice in his words, but he still earned a playful painful swat from the other.
"Blades aren't the only things that hurt, you know." He rolled his eyes, "Plus, we're almost the same height, so that would go for you too."
The hero stopped protesting, flopping down onto the soft grass, feeling the little points at the end tickle his cheeks, "Fine, you win." He let out a long sigh, "What do you want me to say? Thank you oh so wise, pinnacle of amazingness, stronger than the goddesses themselves, leaving the royal family to their knees greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat grandpa?"
The bandana'd hero grinned, "Precisely."
"I hate you."
"That would mean you'd be hating a part of yourself!"
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skyward-floored ¡ 26 days ago
We’re up to almost 2k and only two Links have managed to show up dangit
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rainbow-cheshire ¡ 1 year ago
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☆ᴄαтᴄн & ʀєℓєαѕє☆ (commission for @sushihara 💙)
was originally planning to work on comms in chronological order but then i remembered today is saiouma day so i stayed up until 4am to finish colouring lol, i swear to god i've been wanting to draw catch & release fan art for so long thank you so much zeph for commissioning me to draw this, i absolutely love reverse phantom thief saiou especially this one and i honestly had a lot of fun working on this, hope you guys like it too! also go read catch & release on ao3 it's by @chuwuyas and it's absolutely amazing (comms are still open but i won't be able to work on it immediately) (bg is inspired by derekdomnicdsouza on insta!)
💙this is a commissioned piece and therefore reposting this work will not be allowed at all unless you are the one who commissioned this, thank you!💙
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kikker-oma ¡ 7 months ago
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I was literally and actually speechless for 20 MINUTES😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
This means so so so so so so much to me, like, I'm absolutely and COMPLETELY FLOORED?!🥹🥹🥹
I can't thank you all enough, I am so incredibly honored by this and this is being printed off and hung up on my wall as the ONLY thing on my walls❤️❤️❤️
The fact that you organized this Luna? And that so many of you joined and gave your precious time and talents to gift this to me? And like, there's so much thought put into this I just like, can't comprehend this, actually
I'm going to be staring at this for the rest of my life and wondering how in the world I deserve all of you🥹
I feel like no amount of me thanking you will actually be enough!! AAAAAGSJSOSJZHSIANXHFIRISJABAJS
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Happy Fan Joy July, Oma!!!
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Oma, thank you so so much for making Fan Joy July and sharing it with us! Our fandom, our artists, writers, readers, etc have loved seeing or taking part in this crazy challenge.
This is our gift to thank you- from artists all around who were affected by, or got gifts from, or took part in Fan Joy July. We all love you so much- so we made letters/art for this (Zelda themed!). Many said that they had already wanted to make/write you something, and this gave an opportunity.
One of the things I've loved about this month is how community/interaction centered you made it. The challenge was for yourself to make art each day (you absolute maniac /affectionate)- but then others joined. This July we saw or made art or fics with recommendations. Every day you made art for a writer with a scene from one of their fics, and inspired others to do the same, and writers even wrote every day for an artist based off an art piece they made! This led to a month of gift giving- everyone interacting and getting love for creating.
You truly led to a month of Joy for a lot of loz/lu fans- making the name "Fan Joy July" quite accurate
Thank you, Oma
Thank you for the gifts you gave all of us and the way you inspire others
Additional ramblings and art credits below the cut :P
I'm so grateful to all my artists who stepped up so we could do this when I asked- almost 36 hours and 19 artists. The art is like patchwork, with all these different styles, both traditional and digital put together. But that's exactly what happened- we all got drawn together, just like the other month-long challenges. It's so cool how art always connects people.
The artists who participated are @zolanort @la-sera @nancyheart11 @galenfeadraws @shade-pup-cub @arecaceae175 @isasan347 @ghosthoard @smilesrobotlover @unexpectedstormy @skyloftian-nutcase @knight-of-aether @uniquevoidflowers @jinxedruby @windwakingwhale @skyward-floored @xaeorian @blarefordaglare and me Thank you to all of you- You are all so cool and I'm glad! If I accidentally missed tagging or listing someone please let me know I'm so scared of if that happened djskdjdkd
There are letters based off of the colours/theme of each of the Lu boys- it's mainly Zelda and linkeduniverse themed... but we couldn't not have frogs for Oma! I did a frog, his name is Froggy and I'm very proud.
Here's a picture with a list of who did what-
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Normally I would apologise for my handwriting, but you guys would just tell me it looks good anyways and honestly it does look good. :D Sorry for the ink splotches tho, and I hope you can read it.
We did this for you, Oma, because... well you are awesome /gen. You gave us the opportunity for a great month and we wanted to say thank you for all the joy you brought us so... thank you :)
Art :D
As for everyone who said they wanted to talk to Oma or other Fan Joy July artists who they loved sharing this month with... feel free to tag and share in the reblogs. Share the joy I guess- there's enough to go around :D
Happy Fan Joy July, Oma :))
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ultimate-heartache ¡ 1 month ago
No Matter the Cost - Chapter 8 : Masquerade of Deceit
Time to shake up the status quo. Because the status... is not quo. - - - Fandom: Danganronpa Relationship(s): Shuichi Saihara/Kokichi Oma Rating: M Warnings: Alcohol/Drinking but it's pretty responsible drinking, not anything crazy. Chapter Length: 11,307 words (Does that spell Loen?) - - - Excerpt:  - - - Neither of them could afford to cause a disturbance right now. They were effectively holding each other captive in a stalemate, repeating the same steps over and over; forward, right, back, left, spin, forward and repeat. They held on too tightly to each other, almost painfully so, like both of them were trying to gain the most power over the other, squeezing hands, digging fingers in, pressing firmly, keeping direct eye contact. I’m not trapped here, you are. Make a scene and see what happens. - - - Link
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nabateaprodigy ¡ 2 years ago
Can you do gn reader with rantaro and kokichi (separate) fluff please literally anything please i just need something on them
Rantaro and Kokichi Headcannons
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters Kokichi Oma and Rantaro Amai.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Gender Neutral.
Notes: I just lazily threw this image together of their plushies since I didn't know what other image to use lmao.
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Kokichi Oma
Okay, first thing first this little gremlin is going to annoy you CONSTANTLY! He'll follow you around everywhere you go and you'll hear that "Nishishi" laugh of his a lot. Of course, you'll hear him laugh a lot whenever he's playing a prank on someone.
Speaking of which! He'll either prank you a lot or invite you to play pranks on others such as Miu and Gonta. If he ends up pranking you then he'll run away as soon as the prank is done while you case him around for pranking you.
Don't ever try to hide anything from him or even lie to him. Because if you do you'll find yourself getting kiss after kiss from Kokichi until you confess to him what's worrying you.
If you're ever talking with another person, especially a guy he'll get super jealous! Even worse if it's his rival Shuichi! You like that side of him as you get to see his cute pouty face!
He can be super clingy with you when he feels like he's not getting enough attention. He'll hold onto your arm or leg and dramatically cry about how you "Don't love him anymore." You know he's faking it but still doesn't make any less embarrassed, especially around other people.
Of course, he introduces you to the members of DICE! They're all very nice and your happy Kokichi has such amazing friends like them. Of course, if you want you can become a member of DICE as well the number of pranks will double with the other members around!
As I've mentioned before Kokichi can be super clingy! This is the same for whenever you two are cuddling. If you're laying down for example he'll curle up in your embrace ready to spend hours cuddling you.
Rantaro Amai
Just like how Kokichi is a guy who will annoy you constantly. Rantaro is a guy who will tease you CONSTANTLY! But he just can't help himself he loves seeing your cute reaction whenever he teases you!
He has the warmest and softest hands and loves holding your face and looking at you lovingly. This is the same for cuddling it's one of his favorite things to do with you. He loves having you sit in his lap while he wraps his arms around you.
Of course, he has you meet all of his sisters. You were a little nervous since he has so many of them. But Rantaro reassured you everything would be fine. He was right all his sisters love you and are so happy for you and Rantaro!
Rantaro is a person for PDA! He loves holding your hand or just hugging you when you're out in public with him. If you're in school with him he'll pass notes to you with "I love you <3" written on them.
He can be rather overprotective of you at times. It's just his brotherly instinct tho from caring for all his sisters. So he'll pull you close to him whenever you're talking to a person he doesn't know or trust.
You know how much Rantaro likes to travel and explore. If you don't go with Rantaro whenever he does out on a trip. He'll always return with souvenirs that reminded him of you.
He'll help you in the mornings whenever you're getting ready. He'll help you with your hair, makeup, or anything else. Again something he's used to doing with his sisters but loves doing it with you.
He loves seeing you when you wake up in the morning. He gets to see a side to you not much others see. Loves giving you kisses whenever you wake up.
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kkatastrophic ¡ 6 months ago
Danganronpa V3 AU:
They all catch Tsumugi in the first chapter using Kaede's plan and go to the outside world without much idea of what's going on. (including flashback lights, fiction, etc.) turns out Tsumugi used other peoples' identities for the game (there is a famous pianist named Kaede Akamatsu, a leader named Kokichi Oma etc)
All the remaining students are wanted for "identity theft" (although it was out of their control, many questions of drv3 were not answered because it ended so quickly without a resolve.)
The AU revolves around them surviving in an apocalyptic world, on the run from everybody, they're all together trying to survive, and trying to piece together their true pasts.
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kikker-oma ¡ 7 months ago
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Ok this characterization of FD isy absolute FAVORITE and even though you said you prefer fierce dadity you wrote this version SO WELL?!?
Ok I didn't even know what Fokka were and omg they're so cool and scary!! They're such an unfamiliar monster to me that it lent even more to the peril the boys were in! And ooohhh Time held out for so long😭😭 and the fact he was reaching for it?! But Wind... WIND!!! My boy!
Oh that's so scary OH BUT HES SO BAMF
OK I LOVE when the FD takes on the looks of the wearer👀 I want to draw this now haha
Gosh, I could keep going but THANK YOU so much for writing this for me! 😭😭
Only For Emergencies
@kikker-oma A gift fic for you! I just had to return the favour after all the amazing art you've done this month. So I dug around in your tumblr until I found something that inspired me. I hope you enjoy!
He said he would never use it again. He promised Malon, promised himself, though the draw towards the power was constant and inescapable. He rarely looked at his reflection anymore, not since the marks had clung greedily to his face. Not since his scarred eye had started seeing things again, things it shouldn't see.  Not since the last time he had worn the Fierce Deity's body as his own. 
And yet for some reason, Time couldn't let it go. He kept the mask with him, buried amongst the others, held for a day when he might need it again. Even though he had promised.
He had even shown it to some of the others in those early days of meeting other men and boys with his name. The young Hero of the Winds had been so interested and Time had appreciated the childlike wonder the teenager still held. It reminded him of his adventuring days, of being even younger than Wind and wanting to save the world, no matter what it took. It reminded him of when he had innocence and wonder before Termina had ground that all away into dust, before the mask had claimed his soul. 
Only for emergencies, he had told the boy.  Never to be worn in play or as a joke.  None of the other Links had cared or listened when he talked about his masks, but Wind had.
(Read the rest on AO3!)
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humblefryingpan ¡ 2 days ago
I wrote an oumota fic <3
Basically it's about Kaito yapping about stars while they wait for the poison to kill Kokichi (bc in my au he dies before the press)
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