#fic: forest fire
negotiumcrucis · 1 year
Re favorite scenes: I have a few!! The one in Wistful, when Nicky steps into the ocean at night (which is why I wanted to see that one illustrated!!), the one in the stiff heart in which Nicolò combs Yusuf‘s hair, and all of forest fire. Those are off the top of my head - there are more, of course!!
jlgfhf;ekfqtgkj omg aqua 🥺🥺🥺 first, that art is going to be forever in my heart. I'm thrilled you find that scene memorable, it means so much to me, you have no idea, thank you!! And yeees, Nicolò taking care of Yusuf's hair is my religion, so glad we are on the same page there 😌😌😌 now, Forest fire is still to this very day one of the most self-indulgence fics I have ever written for this fandom and it makes me so happy you enjoyed it. I guess we will never get truly over the fact we didn't get to see the Goussainville deleted scene 😂
tell me which is the most memorable scene from one of my fics // see previous replies about this
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nemotakeit · 4 months
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please tell me he's not lying down in an inferno he created to destroy the world he built and himself with it
please just tell me i belong in an asylum
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kantush · 2 years
I fucking love Kelvin. My cute malewife
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He's doing honest work.
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wondrous-art · 3 months
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The long awaited 'Season 3 Finale' of Mystic Forest is out and ready to be read. No we haven't given up on the fic. Anyway here's the artwork!
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foxsoulcourt · 2 months
like a match in a forest fire (9566 words) by cicer Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: James Bond (Craig Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James Bond/Q Characters: James Bond, Q (James Bond) Additional Tags: james bond makes poor life choices, james bond's maladaptive coping mechanisms, james bond's general lack of self-worth, the violence is not actually too graphic, but i am using that tag just to be on the safe side, Angst with a Happy Ending, or at least a hopeful ending, bond is being a negative nelly but things are gonna turn out better than he thinks, also this is some kinda nebulous pre-relationship post-SPECTRE AU Summary:
James Bond is used to dropping off the grid, faking his own death, and finishing a mission on his own terms. But maybe it's time for him to consider the impact that approach has on the people left behind.
(In which Bond allows Q to think he's dead for about a week, and then returns to London and realizes that might not have been the kindest thing to do, and he may have to stop and consider a few things about his life...specifically, his attachment to Q.)
Bookmarker's Notes:
I’m gonna be dRaMaTiC here in Bookmarks.
This fic wrecked me. And I’m oddly grateful for that experience. It may sound like I’m being flip or sarcastic, but that’s the opposite of my intent.
The way @cicerfics used words to craft this story reached into a deep part of my soul and got me questioning not just what I know or think about a relationship between Q and Bond (and it did do that!), but also how I, personally, at.this.point.in.my.life, love other people and how I perceive the love I receive from them. Not just with my life long partner, but also with my kids and dear friends.
Make no mistake, this is FABULOUS WONDERFUL a M a Z i N g story about the MI6 Quartermaster and 007! It’s so freaking poignant I have a new standard for that adjective. It’s stunningly beautiful, but not pretty. We see each character undergo transformation because they, one more begrudgingly than the other, acknowledge the feelings they have for each other. There’s depth and intimacy and insights and reflections. It’s a story I’ll re-read many times over.
Maybe when you read it you’ll have a different experience than I did. If so, wonderful! And isn’t THAT the gift of stories?! They have the potential to impact us in a variety of ways and sometimes not at all.
But this one? Yeah. Damn.
ENJOY whatEVER happens for you Dear Reader, e n j o y!
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velvetcake96 · 4 months
The Forest Fic that changed my preteen brain chemistry being kinda cannon in Tøp/Dema lore was not something I was expecting in 2024.
What I also wasn’t expecting was Tyler Fucking Man with Three Children and a Wife Joseph to repost a meme on his instagram about it.
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
7 - Playing with Fire
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Princess Red Thief
Part 8
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
I thrashed and kicked in every way that I could with the two nurses who were trying to tie me down to the bed and give me some medicine in the very few short hours that I had been forced to be locked up here. "Get off me - ah get off!"
"We are trying to help you, Ms. Royal." One said back.
I managed to get my elbow  out and hit one of them in the face where he stumbled back into the wall. "I don't need to be down here!"
"Contact the mayor and see what she wants done to her." One female nurse called out into the hallway.
I knew that the mayor didn't like Emma being here and the fact that she was encouraging his beliefs in the childhood tales. I never imagined she would think I was helping her and be placed in a place like this. "Ms. Royal, stop fighting please."
"Never. You asshole nurses!" I growled baring my teeth at the blonde nurse.
Another nurse came from the hallway carrying a needle filled with something inside the vial. "This should help her calm down until we get further instruction."
"You'll have to catch me first." I kicked the other nurse onto the floor heading towards the open hospital room door until the nurse with the syringe grabbed my arms holding me tightly. "Ahh! No...no...Gold."
The nurse I had kicked got up from the ground and caught my body when my eyes began feeling heavy. I heard someone familiar talking to the front desk worker. "Where is Ms. Royal?"
"Eve Royal was scheduled to be put under psychiatric care." The worker responded.
Gold's voice I would recognize anywhere was the last thing I heard before I blacked out and I swear I could hear panic in his tone. "Who the hell authorized that! Eve!"
The sound of the spinning wheel was the only noise being heard throughout the old castle. Reading the magical book of drawings and foreign words that I had laid out before me on the long table. "We've already finished our lessons for today. I would have thought you'd made your way home by now."
"I want to get a handle on this spell. If I don't then things could go wrong if my mother finds out the truth." I slumped my shoulders, not lifting my gaze from the book.
Rumplestilskin rose from his spinning wheel hands behind his back walking over to me. "You're really concerned about what she thinks aren't you."
"She's my mother. With my father being trapped she's all I have left at the moment." Flipping to the next page I read the word that dept with creating fire in my hands or creating it out of thin air.
The dark one paused behind me eyeing the page that I was reading at the moment. "If you're so close as you say you are, why are you so nervous of her reaction?"
"I'm not that nervous." I replied until I sucked in a breath feeling his front pressing up against my back. "Rumple...what are you doing?"
His breath whispered in my ear. "If you're not nervous then why haven't you told her yet?"
"I...I have my reasons." I held my breath.
He kept on with teasing me. "What are the reasons?"
"You don't need to know considering they are my reasons and none of your business-" I cut myself short spinning around on my feet forgetting how close he was to me. Now face to face his nose was pressing against mine.
Rumpe smirked, stepping back away from me. "The same thing I say when I make deals with anyone who asks why I want a certain thing from them."
"I'm going back to my book now." Moving my attention back to the book pages, my hair falling in front of my face. Scanning the pages I did my best to translate the word off the page. "In...incendi."
Rumple watched me closely with my nails tapping away on the wood. "I'm intrigued you would want to learn the fire spell, dearie."
"Please stop distracting me." Shutting my eyes tightly I huffed under my breath. My hands turned into fists and I felt that I could feel flames coursing through my veins. "In...Incendia."
Instantly after the word left my mouth the book in front of me lit up in flames and I stumbled backwards tripping over the ends of my red cloak "Everly...woah...woah I've got ya." I heard Rumple's voice call out for me, managing to catch my body when I fell in the direction of his arms.
"Uh...thank you, Rumple." I whispered, clinging onto the leather clothes he wore. He had his arms wrapped around my waist now.
The dark one stared at me silently for a few minutes before he muttered a reply back. "You're welcome, Everly." I wasn't sure what came over me at the time but I felt my body lean forward into his. His brown eyes met mine and to my surprise we both leaned in to kiss the other. Once we closed the gap we ended up kissing for a brief moment until he pushed me backwards. "You need to be more careful. You're lucky you didn't burn my whole castle down."
"I'm sorry, Rumple." I apologize watching him walk away past the now destroyed book on the table. Covering my lips with the tips of my fingers I was left feeling so conflicted.
Gold's pov
"What have you done with Everly!" Kicking open her mayor office door I didn't care what people heard in our conversation. She had done something to her and I needed to know why immediately. The office door hit the wall and then slammed shut behind me.
Regina put her paperwork down on her desk. "I think you mean Eve. There's no Everly in this town."
"Stop toying with me. I went looking for her when she didn't show up at work before I got a call from the hospital saying they were admitting her. Given that I am her emergency contact." I glared at the woman in front of me.
She clicked her tongue. "She began speaking foreign languages and encouraged the idea to my son that his book is all true. I simply thought she needed some mental help."
"She has done nothing to you. Leave her out of this feud between you and Ms. Swan." I gripped the handle of my cane.
Regina didn't seem fazed by what she was doing. Since the night I had woken up I knew my former student was all alone not knowing who she was and that both her parents were alive. "I'm not worried about you trying to break the curse. But I don't know her well enough to assume she isn't a threat."
"I'm getting her out and if you come after her again I promise you there will be suffering!" I threatened the queen not caring what power she thought she had over me.
The queen chuckled dryly. "I'm not afraid of you. Besides I know just who to hurt in order to hurt you."
"You won't succeed, your majesty!" Spinning around on my feet I stormed out of her office. She just looked back at her papers planning her next move, not afraid of the Dark One in a realm that she was currently running.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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tulipsnflowers · 4 months
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Hey everyone go read seasons of change by @zscyber if you like long fics. Seriously.
I realize this is not for the last chapter but if I drew anything for that it would be me punching the lights out of Xanders so let's not
I already ranted about it in a different post but by God is the fic great! I can't wait for TDAD. Mostly because of James but there's going to be so much angst in general.
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gentrychild · 2 years
(Anyone) I genuinely love that Afo not only missed Izukus first murder, but also kinda led to the circumstances that caused it.
Everyone: "You have only yourself to blame."
AFO: " You have a point... but I will still find someone else to blame for it!"
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Therapy is expensive. But you know what's free? Going into the woods and lighting a treehouse on fire!
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bornwholocker · 5 months
Yuri on ice rewatch combining with ace attorney special interest… my mind is a wildfire of my own unfortunate making I wish I was a better writer
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
bbygirl-aemond, I have thoughts, I will reread chapter 32, but I do have thoughts if you dont mind me asking them. I think initially, my question is, how do you balance the role of Valyria historically with the nature of their colonialism? Only because it seems like the picture presented is that ultimately Valyrianness is a good thing? It seemed like despite the Firstmen not wanting Valyrian conquerors who desecrated their land with fire, Harrenhal did? And that seems off to me? I mean if your pro-valyrian then totally disregard this but I had got the impression that you were rather critical of them but maybe I was conflating your critique of Viserys with your critique of Valyria and the Valyrian Freehold? Also, side note I very much enjoyed the complex relationship everyone had with Viserys and how it wasn't reconciled and that Helaena stood her ground. Your interpretation of her is my absolute favourite because she is a fully fleshed woman with her own motivations, and her distance from Rhaenyra is that wonderful icing on the cake. Coming from someone who doesn't like my own half-sister, it's very understandable Helaenas weariness but also her stubbornness not to forget what Rhaenyra put her and her brothers through. It's just chefs' kiss.
No that's a fair question! Ultimately, I think my answer is that my opinion on morality of canon is separate from what I choose to play around with for fun. For example, I don't think we're meant to read ASoIaF and come away like "yes monarchy is good actually." I'm very anti-monarchist in my everyday life, but it's tons of fun to lean into the grand imagery related to monarchy and divine right in a fantasy world. This applies to the themes of colonialism and feudalism as well.
Stormbreak is, fundamentally, a Targaryen Restoration fic, so it's not going to be doing any heavy lifting related to concepts of monarchy, feudalism, and colonialism. I do address parts of these themes, but not in full, and it shouldn't be taken as a perfect mirror of my own views outside of the Stormbreak sandbox.
As for Harrenhal--I think there isn't necessarily a moral endorsement of the Valyrian magic there. Just because something exists doesn't mean that it's good that it exists, but it is a reality. Jace's Valyrian-ness is useful in its ability to protect the members of House Strong from a curse that would otherwise kill them off. Jace's arc here also isn't finished, and we haven't seen the final form of the agreement(s) he'll have with the land he rules. This is because the First Men are, you guessed it, also originally colonizers! They invaded Westeros, slaughtered the children of the forest in spades, and destroyed their sacred spaces. They were eventually forced to stop and coexist, but only after a massive display of force (the children of the forest literally broke Westeros and Essos into two separate continents), so it wasn't out of realization that their colonizing was wrong, and they still successfully stole most of Westeros from the children of the forest, relegating them to small patches of land here and there where Weirwood trees grew. I can't spoil too much here, but let's just say the Valyrians weren't the first ones to think of imbuing the land with spells to drive out the First Men… and that Stormbreak will ultimately treat the children of the forest as the only true natives of Westeros.
I'm glad that Helaena's characterization has resonated with you! She's been so fun to write. In general, I've had so much fun with the female characters in this fic, particularly ones like Helaena, Baela, and Alys whose personalities were kind of neglected in the book and/or the show. I also have this pet peeve around the idea that women inherently always have to like each other because of girlboss solidarity, so I deliberately called attention to Rhaenyra's mistake in thinking that Helaena would side with her because they were both women. Helaena isn't necessarily always going to agree with Rhaenyra on things, which is understandable. They had vastly different upbringings, and Helaena's experience with dreaming gives her an entirely unique perspective. In this chapter, Helaena doesn't try to stop Aemond and Aegon, because she agrees with them! Regardless of how much fear she personally felt (since I think her dreams provide a lot of reassurance to her that others aren't able to access), she still spent her entire life surrounded by her family, who were very much impacted by that fear.
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owl127 · 1 year
how long are wolf pregnancies? It didnt seem like a very long time has passed between lexa being on the run and last chapter. Or maybe i didnt pay attention
Way shorter than human pregnancies! And she did have premature pups and stress induced labor. So what would be early spring pups became winter pups.
For a moment I wanted to make more drama about that, but they've been through enough. Like, a pup almost not making it or something; but poor Lexa, give her a break.
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wondrous-art · 2 years
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New Chapter of Mystic Forest is out, in which Raphael violently explodes.
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acoraxia · 1 year
Hi!! Hope this isn't weird, but I wrote a fic based on your Erlang and Wukong comic!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46381255
Not weird at all I love reading stuff inspired after my hcs/art/etc.! Thank you so much for sharing it with me!
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"You see that squirrel over there? I want you to catch it and bring it to me." He ordered, staring down at the apprentice. Who looked very confused. "Bring it...to you?" She sounded hesitant and confused.
The dark forest cat was already ominous enough and now he wanted her to bring him a...squirrel? Was the dark forest really this strange? "...okay.." She mumbled, looking at the squirrel that was munching on a acorn.
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