#fic writing does wonders for all the v3 characters
sprinklenoodles · 9 months
Alrighty, since my fav fic series won’t be updating this week, I’ll just go and talk about it on here.
Because it’s honestly awesome and it helps with the fact that I have to wait another week for a new chapter.
So, the fic series I’m talking about is the Ultimate Series by @seashellcosmos. The first fic, Ultimates (which is my fav so far) is done and the second one, The Show Starts Now, is being updated every week- most of the time.
And that’s already pretty great. Like, weekly updates?? But then there’s also the fact that every chapter is around 10k words. Yes, 10k. Like that’s just amazing.
So, we have big weekly updates. But that’s not even the best part bc the plot is immaculate. I’m not overexaggerating, it’s just really that good. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but the plot twists and what not are just so good.
Like, let’s take a look at Ultimates first since it’s the first fic and the one that’s completed. It centers around the THH cast with Makoto as the POV (though, in later chapters it sometimes somebody else) And, instead of a killing game they’re just locked in the school... They also all have superpowers.
Though, Makoto... He doesn’t. Until he does. I won’t say anything more about that though.
Then there’s the multiple mysteries going on. Makoto keeps finding letters and videos and it seems like certain people know more than they let on...
Monokuma’s also just amazing in this. He ain’t evil, just a silly little bear robot. But everybody’s characterisation is just awesome. Like, as a very big Byakuya fan, I loved how he was portrayed in it. The same goes for the other characters, but Byakuya deserves a special mention.
If you’ve read some of my other posts, you’ll also know I’m interested in another character... and this fic is a big reason for that. I won’t say who since they don’t show up until later, but despite what they did, I loved how they were portrayed in Ultimates.
Then there’s also the worldbuilding. Which is also just amazing. Like, as the fic goes on we get to know more about the world and it’s just so great. Especially the later chapters are really good at this.
Which leads me to the writing itself. As you’d could’ve guessed, it’s amazing. Like, even though the chapters are 10k, they don’t feel that big in the best way possible. I usually read each chapter twice cuz of theory potential and that’s just very easy to do. The downside is that I do sometimes spend a whole hour just making a theory or rereading, but that’s just me.
I really love writing theories (I’m a big FNAF fan) and this fic series gave me the opportunity to do that. Sometimes I’d write a comment that’s over 1000 words just cuz I was theorising. Obviously, that didn’t mean that those theories came true, but I did get a few things right! Which just leads back to how good the writing is bc you have all these puzzle pieces that just fit together in the end.
Like, in the second fic, The Show Starts Now, we just got an answer to a very big mystery and it just fit so well. Like, most people thought it would be one of two theories, but it ended up kinda being a mix of both... It’s confusing. Which just makes it wonderful.
A bit more about The Show Starts Now since it’s also just awesome.
It takes place around a few months (I think) after the events of Ultimates and it follows the V3 cast, with Shuichi being the main POV. The THH kiddos do show up, especially in later chapters!! They have a pretty significant role, so for people like me who mainly read THH fics it’s still awesome.
Shuichi’s also pretty interesting... I won’t say how though. I try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.
And, to read the Show Starts Now, you don’t really need to have read Ultimates. I recommend you do, but I know some people haven’t. Also, me and a few others did make a small recap of Ultimates in the comments cuz somebody hadn’t read it!
Then there’s the DR2 cast... who make appearances too. A bit more in The Show Starts Now, though they appeared briefly in the end of Ultimates. That’s all I say about them. Like I said before, no spoilers.
That’s all I’ll say about the fics, but there’s a bit more to discuss. Like, we somehow created a small fandom with these fics. On the fic, you’ll mostly see the same people comment and theorize. We’ll sometimes even theorize with each other!
And since Seashell is on here, it has only kinda grown. Like, they have answered so many questions from me and other people. Even my questions and ramblings about a dude who shows up for three scenes get answered and whatnot. Seashell is just that awesome.
And so are their drawings. Like I LOVE their fanart so much. It just looks sooo good and they even made some Byakuya & Chihiro fanart which I cannot thank them enough for.
I really mean it when I say that this fic series has become a part of my life and it really deserves a lot of attention. Not only is the writing perfect, but the author is an absolutely amazing person too.
So, check it out on AO3 if u want or just Seashell’s Tumblr! I can promise you it’s worth it!
That’s all I wanted to say. I just love this fic series sooo much so it was about time I talked about it on here... Especially since this is also like 1000 words already... I just like this series a lot :D
Also, to Seashellcosmos, I really hope you get better soon!! The fanfic curse is absolutely awful it seems like and has struck you again.
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animaniacs16 · 11 months
I want to write a small fic where Alter Ego and AI Chiaki meet- AI Chiaki considers him her brother, after all. Specifically, I’d write them to discuss the fact that they were both modeled after real people. Alter Ego takes after Chihiro but doesn’t bear his name and wasn’t specifically designed to be him, whereas AI Chiaki is supposed to be as close to real Chiaki as possible.
It would be really interesting for both to explore: “where do we go from here?” Both of their “models” are dead.
AI Chiaki was based on the real Chiaki, but she isn’t the real Chiaki. She was based on her classmates’ memories and perceptions of her, which may diverge from real Chiaki’s thoughts, emotions, and actions. They didn’t know every side to Chiaki, simply because she was a human being and no one can truly know every single thing about someone. Junko AI WAS Junko because she uploaded her own consciousness. AI Chiaki was simply based on her. So does AI Chiaki want to form her own identity? Is she split between being there for the classmates that miss their friend and knowing that she isn’t that friend?
It’s a little easier for Alter Ego, as he was never expected to Be Chihiro. Still, he does bear the face and general disposition of his creator, but I wonder if he begins to form his own identity is well while still honoring his creator. He can appear as different forms (as shown when he appeared as Mondo) but I like to think he defaults to Chihiro’s visage now out of respect and love for his creator.
I often see fanart of resurrected AI Chiaki treated like real Chiaki, but she isn’t. I think it would be an interesting angle to explore.
I have a bodyswap fic called “Alter Egos” that deals with themes of identity (the characters firmly keep their identities even in different bodies) and V3-ish discussions of the self while also diverging from V3’s ending, so that actually fits in with this post’s theme of identity, independence and the self.
Anyway, just some thoughts.
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
anyone asked you about Tenko yet? :D
Sexuality Headcanon: hmmmmmm… acespec. ace wlw
Gender Headcanon: her gender is lesbian
A ship I have with said character: I like tenangie! it has a lil energy of a rivalship so that's a vibe. also tenkaede is a big vibe–"I'd trade my life for yours" made me fond of it ahaha
A BROTP I have with said character: on the subject of I'd trade my life for yours… tenko and kaito
A NOTP I have with said character: hmmm… I don't think I really have one. I probably wouldn't put her with kokichi but you know
A random headcanon: pants
General Opinion over said character: I think I like her a lot more in retrospect than I did while I was playing. during the first two chapters I found the way she was constantly trying to coddle himiko and how it coincided with her commentary about not liking men every 4 seconds a lil off-putting given her representation as a character, but I feel like I just generally like her more now than I did then since I remember her more now for the things I like rather than the things that bugged me. I really liked her arc in chapter 3 so it kinda sucked that it ended prematurely the way it did, like I mentioned when I was talking about angie a while ago.
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flydotnet · 4 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
What... did you say...?
It's been a hot, like, 2 years since I last wrote for THH or Naegiri, and man, it shows... My Makoto writing is all rusty and I hate it. This fic isn't very good by any of my usual standards, but I really wanted it out of the door, and I just remembered just how much I like Makoto, Kyoko and Naegiri. I may not have the same fervor I had for DR as I did almost 4 years ago when I started writing Febris-Induced Case, but hey... I still like those guys. I hate canon but I love those guys. It's such a weird feeling. I usually go back to V3 instead, so seeing them again... made my heart flutter a little, then realize my prompt fill sucked ass lmao. Oh well. I'll probably go back to the ship and characters later during this card; but for now, I think I at least got that one prompt out of the way. Honestly, I had to do it with a THH-inspired oneshot because, y'know, Chapter 5 is a thing and it was the glorious sick episode that got me into DR in the first place. Also, is this set Post-Canon or is it in an Everybody Lives AU? Who knows! I sure don't!
Last Heartbeat
Summary: Someone is trying to kill him while he's down for the count; yet Makoto can't find the strength to move away from the danger. 
Fandom: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Wordcount: 1.6K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo​
AO3 version available here.
There’s a shadowy figure hovering over his bed.
 He doesn’t know who it could be or why they’re here – but he’s got a bad feeling about this. All he can see about them is the reflection of the moonlight in their eyes (he forgot to close the curtains before collapsing back into bed, but he’s thankful for it, now) and the way their smile shines through the darkness like white under the black light, sharp teeth threatening him.
He doesn’t know why, but there’s one feeling that’s overwhelming the rest of his sense – he needs to escape from whoever that person is, as fast and as soon as possible.
 That’s all well and dandy, but the thing is, his limbs won’t bulge. He’s trying his hardest to push him out of the bed before that person can do anything to him – he doesn’t even know if they’re armed or not – yet neither arms nor legs are responding to his desperate calls. He feels like his entire body has been covered in lead and that, in turn, seeped into his blood and flesh and made him heavier than he has any right to be.  
The light reflects in the sharp edge of a knife pointed right towards him by the mysterious figure, ready to strike at any moment, to extract the breath from his chest – but he’s already breathless, so he wonders if he hasn’t been stabbed already… but that can’t be, right? He’d have felt if the blade had struck. He’d be able to see blood flowing down it, right?
It doesn’t make sense, but he feels lightheaded and breathless, so it may just be his head playing tricks on him.
 Adrenaline kicks in before long and he manages to push himself to face the mysterious figure, legs following with a delay, as he sees their eyes: sulphuric yellow, bright and glistening, unrealistically bright even considering the lights outside – like a demon’s. Their breathing is unnaturally heavy, so close to him that he hears every crackle, every wheeze and every wet sound in it, oppressing him through merely existing and being in such a close range.
He’s now facing the figure, who has lied down on him, their knife still showing under the moonlight. Their expression is haunting, a mix of pleasure and pain like he’s never seen one before – their eyes are full of sorrow, but their teeth keep smiling, distorted in a pleased grin, a droplet of red falling down from one of them, one sharper than the blade they’re holding.
 Their intent is nefarious indeed, but his legs are trapped in the drapes and covers tangled in his feet, and he finds himself cornered by the wall against which his bed is. He attempts to flee from the sides, left, right, left, right – but the person (the creature?) flawlessly matches his pace, if they’re not actually predicting what he’s about to do, so there’s no way out there either.
With strong hands, they pin him down to the bed, preventing him from even attempting an escape. He now has a closeup view of their eyes: their pupils are slit, like a cat’s in a way, and focus directly into his despite the fact it should be impossible in a mostly dark room like that one. They emit their own light, so they can probably bypass his limits, making them invincible by default.
 His own breathing is heavy (albeit less than the creature), his hands are trembling and he’s stuck in this position, having to wait and see what the other person is going to do, even if he can guess their intentions can’t be good – he still has some hope left that it could be one giant misunderstanding. This may just be weird dream, after all, and his luck could finally be on his side for once and –
Hands wrap around his neck, cold and leathery to the touch, as the fingers dance around the edges of his jaw – he has no idea of what they’re doing, but he wishes he wasn’t so vulnerable and lethargic right about now, wishing he could recover just enough strength to get away from this dangerous situation. Their gaze is cold as it studies him, contrasting with the caustic grin, and their intent is now too clear for him to remain any optimistic about it.
 Oh my God. They can and will kill him.
 He has no idea of why someone would kill him, right now. Something tells him he must have done at least one thing to be a person to eliminate. He must know too much or snoop around too many places, and that must be displeasing to at least one individual. Kyoko did try to warn him, after all, of what sort of cases she may get on; but he didn’t mind because, simply put, he’d go through the apocalypse to be with her.
He’d very much appreciate her to be by his side, right now, considering he’s about to get killed, all alone, and it stings to think he’ll be drawing his last breath all on his own. If there was one thing he could be proud of about himself, it wasn’t any sort of talent nor ability, but his role as the heart of the class, the beacon of hope of the group as some have nicknamed him (it used to be ironic, but it grew on people); so, now that he’d need someone to pay him the favour back (now that he ever thought of it that way, but you know…), there’s nobody by his side and he’s left facing a demon in the darkness.
And that’s when one realization strikes him.
 He’s going to die alone.
 He’s going to die right here and ow without having had the opportunity to see all of the people he loves one last time and to tell them how grateful he was for every single one of them.
He won’t have the chance to hug Komaru one last time and tell her how she’s the best sister ever.
He won’t have the chance to thank his parents for their love and support, for comforting him in times of needs.
He won’t have the chance to tell the class he loved being their classmate and friend, how he spent some of the best years of his life with them, how they were the best thing to happen to him.
He won’t have the chance to tell Kyoko that… that…
 The fingers around his throat slowly move from his neck to his head, eyes glancing into his, still burning with hellish flames, albeit suddenly expressionless, evoking nothing in his panicked mind. The person’s breathing gets heavier and heavier as his starts to disappear, second by second, as his own breath is starting to run short. He’d try to fight against it if his limbs weren’t, again, too heavy to move, too stiff to use, especially in a situation like that – adrenaline isn’t enough to save him, now.
And there he is, dying in his bed, slain during a moment where he was too vulnerable to escape. It’s sad, sad thing; but at least, it’ll be a quick and easy death, if it comes to it.
 He wakes up to the soft light of the sun peeking through the curtains and the faint scent of lavender. The air is soft and a little cool, unlike what he can vaguely remember having felt before – only to jolt up when he remembers he shouldn’t even be alive to think that.
Two hands push him back into the bed, gentle yet firm. He doesn’t need to think much (and thank goodness for that, his head is heavy and feels like it could split in half if he used it too much) to know who this is, smile a little at the realization, then get even more confused about how he landed in this dream-like situation.
 “Stay put,” Kyoko tells him in this tone that only her voice has, the one that’s stoic yet caring, in a way he can’t quite describe.
“B-but… I…”
He coughs, loudly, and his laboured breathing reminds him of something: the person’s, the creature’s.
“Everything’s okay, Makoto. You’ve just gone through a terrifying night. Everything else is fine. You’re still here.”
 Her words are making him think a little more rationally about what felt like his death: it must have been a nightmare he didn’t wake up from. That’s weird, because usually, he’d wake up when he’d pass away in his dream, only to jump awake, drenched in sweat. The apocalypse happening before everyone’s eyes hasn’t helped.
“I don’t know what you saw while I was tending to you, even if I can imagine a version of it.”
He’s used to comforting Kyoko, not the other way around. She used to be very much uneasy with it, stumbling with her words and preferring silent gestures to words – which she still does and does very well at that with people she’s opened to – but she’s trying her best, he can tell.
“All I can tell you is that you were trying to escape from me but couldn’t.” She puts a damp washcloth on his forehead, prompting him to notice she isn’t wearing her gloves. “I assume you mistook me for someone else while I was simply trying to keep your fever in check.”
 So, the figure… wasn’t trying to kill him, then.
“That’s probably it,” he replies with a cough interrupting him. “Sorry if I scared you.”
“It’s fine. Please tell me about it if you feel like it. I want to understand what happened when you pushed me away.”
“Will do,” he gives her the biggest smile he call pull off.
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consultingjedi · 3 years
Hello!❤️ for the rqg ask game 12 (and i rolled a 1)
12. modern au but make it… 1: sports-based
SPORTS-BASED ooh boy hmm. i cannot decide on a single sport to do, so i think we're gonna go with: the PCs are all either competing in the olympics or coaches. when i build AUs they're usually character-based rather than plot-based, so enjoy the following headcanons:
sasha's a gymnast (specifically trampoline and maybe artistic?), and hates the leotards they have to wear, probably insists on leggings. not-so-secretly loves attention (remember all the times lydia would comment about showing off?). she likes to go big or go home, and takes risks that her coaches would, uh, rather she not. i think she's also maybe an amateur knife-thrower and hangs out with the sharpshooters. she's probably competed a few times before (pushed into things a bit early by barret, one of her original coaches, before she got away from him into a better environment) and has a few years left before people expect her to stop competing. (will she? probably not, she loves it too much.)
for azu, i'm torn between shot-put/track and field and wrestling. gonna go with the latter. she got into it a bit late but is popular locally and a rising star internationally, and this is her first time competing. she's excited to spectate other sports too (maybe too excited). she and hamid met because he's in the room below hers and came upstairs to ask what the heck was going on in her room (she was testing out those cardboard beds and might have been jumping up and down quite energetically). they ended up posting a video of hamid sitting on her back while she was doing pushups on said bed. they're maybe internet famous now.
hamid is a rhythmic gymnast, to sasha's trampoline. he's being practicing for a while but this is the first time he's qualified; there may have been a scandal that got, shall we say, buried a few years back. he disappeared from the public eye for a while. he and sasha bond over trying local food at competitions.
zolf is... hmm. i think he was a powerlifter, then continued in the paralympic games in the same sport for a while after he lost his lower legs in a non-sport-related accident, and eventually retired from competing to coach. he and sasha are on the same country team and she hangs out with him and takes tips for building up strength.
the obvious answer for grizzop is archery, but i'm gonna be extra(TM) and say he does pentathlon: why do one sport when you could do five? (does grizzop sleep? debatable. everyone's like, wow that guy has way too much energy. no wonder he does pentathlon.) i think he knows a lot of people who have had early career-ending injuries and so his attitude is a lot like sasha's in terms of risks: he wants to win a medal and he wants to win one in this year's games, after missing out on the podium by a hair's breadth last time.
cel could also be an archer, but actually does sharpshooting (rapid fire pistol i think). they've been around for a while, have won a few times, and really wish the olympic rules allowed them to use their experimental guns. alas, no, those are for demonstrations and show events only. i think they and zolf have had, like, a set dinner for catching up at every summer games in the last couple decades. their goggles are exactly as cool as the ones in canon.
if i were ever to write this, i'd probably do a short slice-of-life kinda fic, the night before some folks' events. or maybe some of the characters spectating.
thanks for asking!! <3 rqg ask game v3
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violexides · 4 years
fic recs (part 1?)
hi!!! so @n3tn0b0dy sent me an ask about fic recs, and i am stupid so it took me a few mins to like. compose myself and figure out what this is. i am definitely absolutely going to miss a few fics here, which is why it is a part one. i will probably keep this short-ish??? maybe go into more detailed ones later :eyes: 
(i am realizing i am going to write essays for these and for that i am very sorry)
something close to domestic, maybe by @mystxmomo (hi!)
definitely one of my favorite danganronpa fics, currently and (probably) forever. it’s a mature rated kamukoma fic, following an AU in which, instead of the remnants being captured and taken to jabberwock, despair sort of... fizzles out on its own, leaving the remnants of despair-- and the rest of the world-- to sort of heal with it. it’s in a series with another fic, that is in the same universe but following a different narrative with different central characters, and though it only has one chapter rn i highly rec that too. 
i like this fic for many reasons and to avoid prattling on, i will bullet point it.
- easy to follow. there are not overly complex structures-- not that that is inherently a bad thing, i also tend to love that style-- which makes it easy to digest.
- strong emotional impact. this fic has made me cry very, very often.
- really good characterization. mystxmomo is very good with characterization overall, especially with kamukura and servant, and that really shows with this fic.
- a compelling plot that still retains a slice-of-life format. i don’t really know how else to elaborate here.
- an idiosyncratic look into their dynamic. this fic explores kamukoma in the process of them healing, which is pretty distinctively different to a lot of kamukoma fics. obviously, this is not to shade those other fics, but, yeah. i really like it. 
okay sorry for rambling very much there, i really highly recommend it, it is a ongoing multichapter (i should have said that earlier i apologize) and the writer is also very cool. 
postscript by zombiekittiez
this is actually a series. it currently has three fics-- one that is fully completed (defy you stars), one that is a completed oneshot (supersonic man outta you), and an ongoing multichapter with pretty frequent updates (prince of a thousand). this follows a post-SDR2 storyline, with a lot of ships and dynamics within it, but heaviest emphasis on komahina. 
more bullet points! yay 
- the characterization is god-fucking-tier. this author is very, very good at characterizing these characters and i will not shut up about it ever actually. they feel real, and distinct, and flawed, and alive, and i love everything about it.
- good exploration of dynamics! i think the latter two fics especially shows this off really well. the friendships and relationships built are all pretty different from each other, but all feel like a pretty natural progression, sticking true to the characters, and feels very... real. which i like a whole hell of a lot.
- there are so many literature references and i am happy about it. there are also sparknotes-ish things at the ending notes of each chapter, which translates the quote, explains the significance within its own text, and applies it to the fanfiction. they are used in ways that make sense, too-- they don’t feel forced.
- the plot and plot building is SO fucking good. prince of a thousand has so many cliffhangers and i am very happy but also dying.
anyway, i really rec this series! be mindful of the tags and the ratings on some of the fics, but they are really, really good reads. 
absent mind by galaxyaqua
okay. this is a v3 oneshot rec, exploring pregame rantaro, as well as his relationship with tsumugi shirogane. it’s rated “teen and up audiences”, and. holy shit, okay.
- the writing style of this is GORGEOUS. i don’t know what it is about the writing style, but it feels so much like rantaro is talking, which is so fucking cool, and i love that so fucking much??? i can’t even explain it, but it is seriously super neat. 
- the EMOTIONS. this fic is so fucking emotional, honestly? it shows you this realistic, flawed, you could consider broken, character, shows them finding some hope, and shows the loss that comes with that. it’s so fucking incredible, and the lines have stuck with me even now, and it’s been a bit since i’ve last read. i think about the last couple lines especially a lot.
- these impactful one liners. holy shit. every line means something in this fic, and it’s so fucking cool and incredible, and i just??? holy shit??? i really love this fic???
i will say that this fic is sort of depressing in places, but i highly, and i mean highly, recommend. it is not a super difficult read, and it’s super, super fucking good. so i really recommend it. 
this sickness will save us by starrylitme // i believe this is @magioftheseas i am super sorry if it isn’t
okay. super, super fucking big content warning. this fic is a yikes, and the tags can sum it up a LOT better, but yeah. just keep that in mind. 
that being said, this is a really gorgeously written oneshot centered around soulmate au kamukoma, exploring the sort of... unhealthy aspects of their relationship. and i. Wow. okay.
- these fucking one liners. holy SHIT. i remember some of these scenes and lines so very well, and it does live in my head rent free. 
- the tone of this. the tone, and the mood created, is so fucking... i don’t even know how to describe it. terrifying? eerie? super fucking intriguing? it shows this shitty situation in an appropriately terrifying light, and it inflects so much emotion and connotation into the scenes, and holy shit. like, if i wanted to do a case study of incredible tonal work and diction and all, i would absolutely grab this fic.
- the characterization. while kamukura and komaeda are placed in a very interesting predicament, they still manage to stay pretty damn close to being in character, which i personally think is super remarkable. it almost enhances the circumstances too, ngl. 
- their dynamic. their dynamic in this fic is NOT healthy, and that is shown in full “glory”, in a very messy and dysfunctional and terrifying way, and i absolutely love it. it has a kind of realism to it, almost a cautionary tale but not quite, a sort of “this isn’t very good but it still feels grounded in realism”. and wow. Wow. it’s so fucking good.
mind the tags, but definitely rec this one. 
some scattered accounts i will gush about and if they have a tumblr account i will do my best to tag it. 
@kidcarma, same name on ao3. 
- okay, cam is just super fucking talented with characterization, and i adore all of their fics so fucking much? the way they characterize komaeda, kamukura, and hinata resonate super hard, and i just. really love their stuff. they are also absolutely wonderful so please support them do it why aren’t you doing it just kidding haha unle
@celestial-nova, celestial_nova on ao3
- nova is my best friend and i fucking love her, also her writing is fucking art. does a lot of naegiri and some stuff out of this fandom, but i seriously recommend her stuff. she’s really fucking talented and absolutely incredible and i adore her so very much. 
sinnohremaker on ao3
- their stuff is MAJORLY cathartic to me and they are also super sweet, love them a lot.
shutupnerd on ao3
- SHE IS REALLY TALENTED, I LOVE HER WORKS!! they are also super cool and i just appreciate her a lot fksdc,mxv, her fic “an account of events” is really good
@whatsupscythia, hinataisnothim on ao3
- i fucking love her writing, does some really good hinata prose, highly recommend it
i am ABSOLUTELY forgetting people, i am ABSOLUTELY forgetting fics, and i am ABSOLUTELY going to bash my head into a wall when i realize i have forgotten people, but uhm here is an impromptu list. i hope this was good? idk how to do fic recs. uhm yes support all these people they are dope
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ao3feed-komahina · 4 years
by That_Gay_Shit_jpeg
the irony in the title is not lost on me thanks.
These are gonna be a series of drabbles in no particular order of Kaede and Maki and their adventures and experiences living together :)
They're cute and I love them sm. this is also My first time writing for this fandom so the charachters might be a little ooc, sorry.
I'll try to progress the drabbles so they get like more intimate/significant as they progress, but again, no real order to them. Except the first two chapters. deff read those first as they're introductory.
I have a list of prompts i'm filling out for them kind of but if i ever run out i might let some of yall request something since i know the newcomers to this fandom are content starved as hell.
Words: 1304, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Akamatsu Kaede, Harukawa Maki, Amami Rantaro, Iruma Miu, Mioda Ibuki, Koizumi Mahiru, Saionji Hiyoko, Nanami Chiaki, Sonia Nevermind, Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, Komaeda Nagito, Oowada Mondo, Hanamura Teruteru, Shirogane Tsumugi
Relationships: Akamatsu Kaede/Harukawa Maki, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime/Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito/Nanami Chiaki, Chiaki Nanami/Sonia Nevermind, Minor or Background Relationship(s), pretty much all of them are minor or background relationships, except Kaede and Maki, this is a kaemaki fic, Harukawa Maki & Kamakura Izuru, Amami Rantaro & Harukawa Maki, Harukawa Maki & Owada Mondo, Akamatsu Kaede & Koizumi Mahiru, Akamatsu Kaede & Nanami Chiaki, Akamatsu Kaede & Mioda Ibuki, Akamatsu Kaede & Iruma Miu
Additional Tags: Akamatsu Kaede-centric, Harukawa Maki-centric, Kaemaki roomates au, And they were roomates!, oh my god they were rommates, pretty much all of the charachters are minor or background charachters, some might not even get mentioned idk i'm still fleshing this out, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Lesbians smh, Useless Lesbians, Kaede is bisexual actualy, wlw, wuluwuh, Maki is a lesbian, Le$bean?, LeDollaBean, Bisexuality, Kaede plays piano at a bar bc ofc she does, Mahiru owns the bar because fuck you I do what I want, Kaede's work uniform includes a bowtie, Kaede doesn't know how to tie a bowtie, Maki knows how to tie a bowtie, lesbianism ensues, oneshots, Gay, Gay as hell, Love, two girls, just two girls in l, they are two girls in love, they live together, Roommates, its a roommates au, Falling In Love, why are all the recomended tags from fuckign supernatural, I feel like I'm missing something, How Do I Tag, Angst, Menstruation, yes because I'm afab and it hurts so I'm going 2 vent about it, Trans Hinata Hajime, Trans Izuru Kamakura, because fuck you a second time, Maki and Izuru is an underrated friendship concept i think, wow this has a lot of tags, maybe if i just keep typing them I'll come up with some that are actually relevant, Maki litteraly needs someone to tell her she is whiped, like this girl is down so bad, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Kaede plays the piano for her <3, So back to that angst tag, panic attakcs, :), Kaede is on antidepressants because fuck you again for like a third time, also she wears contacts, Kaede is the Messy Roomate™, Izuru and Hajime are twins but their last names are different because they grew up in seperate homes, if you were wondering, also the komahinanami thing and the sonianami thing are both cannon at the same time, shshshs let chiaki love three people, even if it's just in the background, idk might fuck around and give chiaki her own chapter trying to flirt with sonia, no update schedule, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), I hc chiaki mumbles all star lyrics as an idle stim, deff not bc i do that, AHAHAHA, cries in adhd, this is my current hyper fixation lol, god how many tags do i rlly need, ffs, okay but did I cover all the relevant ones???, Living Together, Spoilers, maybe?? - Freeform, idk man, i mean maki's talent might get spoiled idk, if you're here tho you've probably already gotten to that point, I say as I havent even gotten passed v3's first trial, okay I think that's all, I'm lazy, Coming Out, also also not to project or anything but, she is deff the type of bitch with 5357928479752 cups in her room, V3 is so emotionally draining, if i hear one more upsetting spoiler i think i will begin aging rapidly, I would put this tag ->, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, except I probably /wont/ do that
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The Strength of Sienna Khan
I find the subject of how to address where Sienna is on the power scaling of Remnant to be both an interesting question and rather pertinent if one ever wants to write a fic about her and so I have provided my own breakdown on the matter below. 
Now, I certainly don't mean it in a "How much Ki does she have" or "Does her Semblance make her an S Class threat" or "She can move at Mach 5". No, I more mean it in a general scaling of, who would she measure up well against in a fair fight sense.
& obviously the answer should be "Whatever doesn't break established canon too much" (Unless an AU or what have you)
However, I do feel there is a sort of bare minimum that needs to be cleared based on what we've seen, but even more, what we know.
So, time for some grounds keeping:
Now I could go into how I doubt one rises to a position like Sienna's and survives being functionally at war with something like the SDC and presumably wanted in every nation save Menagerie and likely Vacuo without being badass, but given she has allies that only means so much, Jac certainly didn't survive based on his personal strength after all, so lets move on.
Someone might argue that anything beyond what we saw in Sienna's trailer (Sorry Adam's, but I digress) to not be applicable, however we only saw her fight once and it seems anyone not at mook level didn't really struggle in that fight so it is hard to get a gauge.
We can infer a lot from the fact that despite having her presumably elite guards, and six other soldiers, plus himself and potentially Hazel on side, Adam still chose to kill Sienna by surprise before she realized he didn't intend for her to step down. This can certainly give the impression that Adam did not feel confident he could defeat her either with that back up, or at least not without severe risks, but that still only gives us so much, because we don't know what those risks were.
Still, I think as a starting point as strong, or more likely stronger/better than Adam seems like a fairly reasonable place to start from based on that and the trailer.
But we can go deeper.
One integral thing to think about when considering where Sienna might be on the overall metric and scale is this.
Cinder didn't try to recruit or intimidate her.
Now, some might argue that "Sienna didn't exist before V4" or that "Adam was High Leader before V3" or what have you. I say this.
But I don't think it matters; not just because Sienna is canon, but because as far back as V1 when Blake imagined the shadow figures who replaced the previous leader, there was not just 1. This means that even if Adam was meant to be higher up than he eventually turned out to be he still would not have been alone, eh wither would have had contemporaries or superiors right from V1 and them needing to recruit in V2 and having such a small pool of forces in V/3 really doesn't give any eight to the idea Adam had the full resources of the Fang at his command.
(Though why the boss of a massive organization would be messing about on a train blowing shit up for the lols is beyond me, hence why I don't think he was ever the leader)
This means that regardless of whether Sienna the character, her design or background, ETC, did to didn't exist specifically before V4 doesn't matter because someone always existed in the WF who wasn't submitting to Cinder as Adam was and held a great deal of power.
So what does that mean?
Well what this means is that to reach a final conclusion we need to look at Cinder Fall and her involvement with the White Fang to reach a final conclusion.
So, Cinder is someone with the training of a skilled Huntress (Seemingly), had an assassin and hallucinogenic thief and fighter on her side, and the resources provided to her by Salem, but rather than going for the High Leader of the White Fang and thus potentially netting the entire organization, she went to Adam.
And we know it was intentional because Cinder knew who Adam would be, seemingly that he had an ego given her degree of flattery and she placed great emphasis on choosing him, meaning that give her intelligence on the WF, means she determined him the best.most likely candidate to agree that would be useful. Now this info wasn't perfect because it either failed to communicate Adam's ego effectively or the political situation in the WF, IE, that they would not be willing to work for a human like this, or at least not with her plan.
But by all of this we can determine Cinder had some moderately good Intel on the White Fang, so the question  becomes...
Why not Sienna Khan? (Or whoever pre her creation, but yes Sienna Khan)
This next segment will involve a slight digression down, but please bear with me.
Cinder is someone not against bribery, flattery or threats to get what she wants, we saw all of this in her recruitment of Adam, so her avoiding this route with the WF's High Leader means a few things. Firstly it means she likely knew Sienna would not agree to such a destructive plan because it served no purpose; this objection could be moralistic or pragmatic, but Cinder would likely assume the latter given her general disposition and attitude.
But would she, would anyone object if it meant not dying? Would someone actually fight a doomed battle and die just to avoid being forced to commit a terrible act, or being subjected to slavery via threat? I doubt Cinder would believe that possible at least for someone who operates at Sienna's level in the world.
Here's the digression.
This was based off Cinder's interactions with Raven but it still feels applicable here. When Raven said that she wanted to kill her own brother, Cinder did not for a second seemingly doubt her, not even assuming something sneaky like an alliance of pragmatism to deal with her (Likely because she knows they fear Salem). No, Cinder just accepts that Raven wants her own brother dead, cheerfully in fact.
Now, say what you will about Raven but given she still has a portal to him & hasn't slit his throat while he was asleep, I think we can agree she, while willing to endanger Qrow, doesn't actively 'want' him dead or to murder him.
But Cinder was willing to accept that she did, and I feel its for much the same reason as one tumblr post mentioned. Cinder assumes everyone else is as petty and evil as she is. That might not be 100% accurate, but I think she'd definitely assume that of people like Raven, Sienna & Adam, even if she likely regards it in degrees, IE, Adam was the most likely to go along with her plan hence seeking him out.
End of digression.
This to me means that Cinder would not be acting on the assumption Sienna would object to her plans morally, or assuming that Sienna would sacrifice herself to stop them, because she likely thinks Sienna is incapable of such things.
So why wouldn't she seek her out and try to force Sienna's hand once she had half the Maiden powers? Cinder seems rather confident in the ability of power and fear to command respect and yet she didn't aim any higher than Adam despite the potential benefits.
Well given Adam was able to blits through her former guards relatively easily -though be it with a bit of shock given they didn't expect him to go that off the hook- this means to m that Sienna would be the major deciding factor here, not her guards or mooks, especially given Cinder can control Grimm and so could likely organize a Grimm attack to keep the grunts busy while she and her allies go for Sienna.
Thus, to me, this means that as far as Cinder was concerned , even with half the Maiden powers, her wonder minions and potentially Adam...
She still did not feel confident in taking down Sienna.
Or at least she was not confident in being able to force Sienna to surrender or to kill her quickly and turn her into a martyr without it being very blatantly clear that she did it, that Adam was a traitor, and generally just turning the entire WF against her or causing it to fracture apart defeating the purpose of the battle.
Given Cinder's ego likely means she has a fairly high bar before she feels threatened or like she couldn't pull off a "just as planned"; the only conclusion I can reach is that even after gaining the Maiden powers and potentially/likely/certainly Adam as an asset, Cinder still did not think she could overpower Sienna easily enough to either win, or at the very least accomplish her goals.
So, when we put all this together what do we get?
Well, we know that Sienna was at least a skilled fighter and one of at least comparable strength to Adam in the trailer.
We know that despite having her guards, back up and Hazel, Adam did not feel confident in either winning or at least not in a quick fight and so resorted to a sneak attack.
We can deduce that despite her powers and connections, Cinder did not feel she had adequate resources to either defeat Sienna and force her to heel, or kill her quickly and frame it on Vale to make Adam High Leader.
Thus, I reason, that Sienna Khan would likely have at the very least be stronger and more skilled than Adam, and could have put up a good fight even against partial Fall Maiden Cinder, Emerald & Mercury, enough that trying it would not be deemed worth the risks involved.
Exactly where you want to put Sienna's strength is obviously up to your own discretion, even if you follow this analyse there's still a lot of room for interpretation or extrapolation.
But I hope that this breakdown has proven insightful and well reasoned, thank you for your time.
I almost wish I had made a video of this :D
Brainstorming Semblances could also be fun.
My main one for Sienna is that she has a 'crest' that she can store her Aura in, storing up potentially days, weeks, months or even years that when activated means she can drastically multiply her strength, sorta like Adam, Yang or Nora, but its pre-stored and has a massive gauge, This is the one I give her in the War idea (and in general) hence her being able to vaporize that cruiser, though using said Semblance can be hard, slow and painful and take a long time to recoup.
Other idea include Nine Lives, IE self Resurrection.
One idea I had in a fun little snippet I wrote ages back involved Sienna being able to forge a psychic link with animals, awakening their Aura, extra intelligence & having them fight along side her as her familiars. She had tigers :D
Another had her able to make solid, independent duplicates, or at least one that operated as an e extension of her, dividing her power in half, but letting her be in two places at once.
Another was tat she operated a bit like Cortez from X-Men, but in this case she basically cleaved off a chunk of her own Aura and infused it into others to give them extra strength and energy but could also return said power to herself if she wished to, weakening the, especially if they'd become dependent on her enhancements.
There's probably a lot of other ideas and if you folks have any I'd love to hear-em, but those are some thoughts.
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marithlizard · 5 years
Thoughts on RBWY v7c5, ‘Sparks’
I know these are a lot less interesting to read when they’re a week behind, but I guess I’m writing them anyway for me.  
- Atlas military culture is big on "sleep is for the weak", isn't it, and Penny believes it because she doesn't need sleep.
- Such a contrast to the Vale dorms - bleak, utilitarian, not customizable.  I'm sure the kids think about how much more pleasant student life in Beacon was, but does it ever occur to them that Oz and Glynda put effort into designing and providing those comforts? Probably not. 
-  Marrow making big puppydog eyes until the human gives in.  
- Qrow is only being sensible, sheesh Ruby.   You take your sleep when you can get it.
- Those girls do not look or act like moms!  (To continue the sleep theme: for one thing, they do not seem tired.)  Are we sure they're not the younger sisters of the actual parents?
- ....is that actually James' voice talking about trying to jog Oz loose?  Because it sounds like Clover to me,  like the whole montage voiceover is just the one actor.  
- The kids are really working hard.  This is much more like what I expected the Haven training sessions to be.   (And now I want fix-it fic showing those missing scenes, like Oz and Qrow setting up an advanced exercise for the whole team in a rented warehouse or abandoned area. ) And while I still don't trust the Ace Ops, I have to admit they're being quite helpful.
- The "Brand New Day" song does not sound ANYTHING like I thought it would from the posted lyrics.  Huh.
- Ah, Neon. Still so rainbow, still so bitchy.  I like how when Flynt is fighting the soundtrack switches to jazz, just like in v3.  And we finally get to see their teammates!  Circus performer inspiration? 
- Actually have we seen any other school teams from Atlas besides FNKI?  Because nothing about what we've seen of Atlas makes me think their level of colorful quirkiness would be encouraged.
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(When your opponent is twice your height and doesn’t know your weapon is an unimaginably precious artifact, they’re gonna play keep-away with it.)
- We finally get to see Oscar! I wish they'd put in a quick shot of him attending classes or something so we'd know what he's been doing all day while the others work.  And oof, it doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that he wasn't being called away and could've had lunch with FNKI.  But this is something.  
- He's got to be rooming with with JNPR too, right?  Definite signs of him joining the team, whether formally or not.  
- Ruby really is the only friend Penny's ever had. :(
- ARRGH I don't know if Clover's flirting or not but it certainly is a reasonable interpretation at this point. But...Clover’s conversation with Robyn tells us he is very good at verbal manipulation. I’m very much afraid Qrow is too grateful for the attention and support, whether he takes it as flirtatious or not, to be on his guard. 
- I LOVE Robyn.  She's smart enough to switch tactics at need and to not get into a fight she can't win.   She's being entirely reasonable and righteous here...and Clover is treating her as an enemy.  From her expression, even Penny knows this situation isn't right.  Ruby, I know complex critical thought isn't your forte, but why aren't you and your teams discussing these events?  Where's all the subversive energy you had as students in v2?  And if the answer is that it's been sapped by endless work...maybe that's not accidental.  
- Oh my that really could be the former Henry Marigold.  Or his sister, which does seem more likely. But a trans character in RWBY would be awesome.
- Why DOES the launch of Amity need to be kept secret from Robyn?  I can see why it shouldn't be general knowledge at first for fear of terrorist attacks, but she's a significant faction leader and the benefits of "restore worldwide communications" seem obvious and overwhelming.    Is James keeping the Amity project secret even from the council?  Is his paranoia that extreme? If so...then it's more than possible he does suspect our heroes are still hiding something major from him. Is that why he doesn’t seem to be spending any time with Qrow, despite the hug scene? 
-  Weiss bantering with Winter as an equal is a beautiful thing.  Weiss demonstrating independent,  nuanced judgement  is even better.    And the knowledge that she too is hiding something vitally important from her sister hangs over this conversation like a sword.
-...oh yeah,  Neo and Cinder are going to waltz right through the security around the Winter Maiden, aren't they.   Sloppy.   (Okay, to be fair the robots and cameras are immune to Emerald, and while RWBY have fought Neo at various points I doubt they ever thought to brief James and Winter about her.  But it's logical that various kinds of illusion semblances must exist.  I want to sit the Atlas security experts down for a crash course in Earth high-tech caper movies.)
- How much was Fria pressured into this? It's not the worst way to die, but it doesn't look like a lot of fun either. (A point against the “James is evil” theory here, though - it must be very tempting to quietly euthanize her instead of waiting. He could have it done without Winter knowing, even.  But he hasn’t.) 
- Oh, FUCK YOU, Jacques, no notice and no severance?  This is because of Watts, isn't it.  Hi, losers, I don't need your votes anymore and also I think you're so incredibly stupid you might vote for me anyway.
- I’m beginning to wonder if Oz will be entirely absent from this volume and the plan is to majorly structure v8 around him and Oscar instead. 
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drshslocreviews · 6 years
A Guide in Making Danganronpa Executions (Mod Syo Style!) [V3 and SDRA2 Spoilers]
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'Sup! It is I, Mod Syo coming in with a guide on making the perfect Happy Ending for your Blackened OC's! Kyeeehahahahaha!
Before anything, I'd like to emphasize again that this guide ain't the Word of the Lord. It's up to you whether to take this advice into consideration or naw.
With that put of the way, let's get the ball rollin'!
Canon executions in Danganronpa are physically brutal, but its presentation is goofy enough to downplay the fact that a student is experiencing the most painful death they can get. Sometimes, the goofiness levels of the executions are too high that they turn into complete bullshit (e.g. Mikan's execution). It is also presented in a way that even though you refuse to see the death of a fellow classmate, you can't help but watch the entire thing. 
In a nutshell, Danganronpa executions are goofy, brutal and visually enticing. Goofiness goes off the charts sometimes.
Mod Syo Style:
Since my style of execution making will make this guide pretty subjective, I'll explain it.
Simply put, I like my executions inhumanely brutal. This is because during the time I was actively writing stories/fanfics, my writing is leaned towards the Slasher genre. Whenever I collab in making a horror/slasher fic, I am always tasked to do the bloodbath/death scenes. I was an edgy child back then, indeed. I will always try my best to correlate the execution to the OC and make it realistically torturous. Unfortunately, the visuals and lightheartedness are lacking due to immense focus on the death itself.
My executions almost always happens in a closed glass dome. It's a coincidence, I swears.
In a nutshell, Mod Syo style Danganronpa executions are brutal and torturous. Visual impact is compromised, however.
A thing to remember is that a good, well-characterized OC makes great executions. Now, on to the creation!
Step 1: Deconstruct Your Character and Choose a Theme
Deconstructing your OC is helpful for picking out good stuff to base the executions from. Now what is deconstruction? It is breaking down something into smaller, more simple parts to get an idea how it is made. Now for OC's, it is a breakdown of an OC into their innermost essence.
How does it help in picking out bases for execution? Simple! By their talents, traits, etc., we can make the themes and their manner of death hit them home as much at it physically hurts (Ah, the wonders of psychology).
Here are some great point of interests to start on!
Point of Interest 1: The Character's Talent
The most used basis for execution is the OC's talent. Most of the time tho, it's not always the case. You'll get plain executions if you base it out of the talent all the time. Plainness will never be memorable.
However, talents can sometimes be a great basis for the theme. A SHSL Horticulturist with a Little Shop of Horrors-esque execution is a pretty good starting point; but that alone won't make the cut. Kaede's execution is also a great example of this. A piano-based Three Methods of Torture execution is brutal and talent-based.
If your OC's talent is their passion, it is recommended to base the execution to their talent somehow. A mocking irony at the moment of their death will send them to despair, definitely.
Point of Interest 2: The Character's Flaws (Weaknesses, Fears)
If you want to be more emotionally hurting, this is a great pick. Making them experience the thing that they desperately want to avoid is cruel, and we're going for that shit.
Take Hibiki and Kanade Otonokoji's executions for example (For those who don't know they are from Super Danganronpa Another 2, a Korean fangame). Presented in a never-seen-before dual execution, Hibiki is beheaded before Kanade's eyes when she thought she was about to save her. Kanade is extremely clingy and obsessive to her older sister, and her dying would be the last thing she wants to happen. Pretty clever.
Point of Interest 3: The Character's Wants
A classic psychological trick. Give the character what they want the most, or seemingly give them a chance to escape; only to snatch that false hope before them.
This is a pretty classic theme in the Danganronpa franchise, as most executions follow this sort of theme. But for analysis purposes, let's check out Celeste's execution.
Celeste likes everything gothic and everything that will not associate to plainness and Taeko Yasuhiro. Her execution is very gothic, from the presentation, to the execution music. But before she gets burnt to death, the oh-so familiar chord progression comes in and a firetruck hits her. Hit and run is a very common way to die, and reminds her that she is nothing but a plain jane that will die a plain way.
The common thing between the three points of interest is all in all the same. Make your OC feel as much despair as possible.
Step 2: Pick a Method of Execution
This proves to be the hardest hurdle to overcome, especially when you don't have a definite theme in mind. When picking out an execution method, take its brutality into consideration. If it's too simple, even exaggerating the entire thing will make it pretty boring and anticlimatic. If it's too brutal, the horrendous amount of blood and gore will make it very cartoonish and goofy. Make sure the entire thing is visceral and grounds into reality. Make the audience feel that the Killing Game they entered is no joke. Or if you choose to make it a bit goofy, emphasize how their lives are only toyed around by the Mastermind. Both are cruel in their own ways, no?
This is a great start to look for executions to base on. User discretion is advised.
Despite this, don't be afraid to think outside the box! Liquefaction due to intense g force and electrocution is actually a pretty brutal death in itself. The butter is the only thing that killed it.
Step 3: Storyboard It
The entire execution pizzazz won't be complete unless you have storyboarded it. Once you have your theme and execution method as basis, piece them together.
Only one thing to remember, make your execution sequence interesting. Have them watch through the end of it. If you're going for a purposefully anticlimatic end, build up the hype and make sure it doesn't look too forced.
If you went through your finished product and felt that it's pretty boring, revise it because it probably is boring.
And that's it. Hope this helps you~
- Mod Syo
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kimium · 6 years
76 and 77?
Ah!!! Thanks for the ask!!! 
WARNING: There will be spoilers for all the Danganronpa games (including V3). I’m also putting my answers below because I get very wordy with my answer to the second question.
(For this ask here.)
76. Favourite research lab.
Hands down Rantaro’s. I loved the design, the colour choice, the extra layer of mystery added to it. I loved it all! Saihara’s is a close second though.
77. What do you think of the fandom?
Oh boy. What a loaded question. I’ll do my best to answer this. Note, this is just my opinion.
I’ve been in this fandom for only a little while but I’ve definitely seen fantastic art, read fantastic fics, and overall I think the fandom is very passionate about the playground we’ve been given by Kodaka. There are so many characters, interactions, post game content, and of course theories before new content is even released. We’re excited by new content, we’re passionate about the characters, and we love the themes and story the series has given us.
However, personally, I think the fandom can come off as over zealous and self-entitled. Of course, that’s not all of the fandom. But let’s take DR3 as an example. With DR3, and let’s be honest here, DR3 is very decisive for the fandom. While I watched DR3 I noticed some very toxic attitudes and behaviours from the fandom. Some people like it, some people hate it, and they’re all super vocal about expressing how they feel and that’s fine. You can voice your opinions and still be respectful to one another.
Is DR3 perfect? No. It isn’t. There are parts I’m not happy with either, however, sometimes we have to look beyond story telling and get into the facts about production of an anime. Danganronpa isn’t a very popular series. Danganronpa is a niche (and wonderful) series. However, companies when creating anime don’t look it at like that. 
One reason DR3 suffers is because of a lack of episodes. The games stand out (not just for the story or for the Trials) because we have at least 20+ hours of additional character development content. We have FTE, we have the “dating” in the additional modes. (Later we even have extra character interactions in V3 with characters from across the franchise!) We also have light novels (specifically Danganronpa Zero). That’s so much! That’s so fantastic! 
That’s way too much to put into an anime that received 26 episodes in total. Are there also other problems with the anime? Such as pacing, character writing, character development, wasted potential etc?
Does this mean we act self-entitled and rude towards people who actually enjoyed the anime? 
No, it doesn’t.
TLDR: The fandom on a whole is creative and passionate. We’re ready to make theories, create hypothesis, and show love to our favourite characters. However, we also can sometimes come off as over zealous and that sort of behaviour can drive new people away from the series. Sometimes we need to step back and take a deep breath.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
I'm falling in love with my roommate. (She has a bisexual flag in her closet.)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kN2S27
by That_Gay_Shit_jpeg
the irony in the title is not lost on me thanks.
These are gonna be a series of drabbles in no particular order of Kaede and Maki and their adventures and experiences living together :)
They're cute and I love them sm. this is also My first time writing for this fandom so the charachters might be a little ooc, sorry.
I'll try to progress the drabbles so they get like more intimate/significant as they progress, but again, no real order to them. Except the first two chapters. deff read those first as they're introductory.
I have a list of prompts i'm filling out for them kind of but if i ever run out i might let some of yall request something since i know the newcomers to this fandom are content starved as hell.
Words: 1304, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Akamatsu Kaede, Harukawa Maki, Amami Rantaro, Iruma Miu, Mioda Ibuki, Koizumi Mahiru, Saionji Hiyoko, Nanami Chiaki, Sonia Nevermind, Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, Komaeda Nagito, Oowada Mondo, Hanamura Teruteru, Shirogane Tsumugi
Relationships: Akamatsu Kaede/Harukawa Maki, Koizumi Mahiru/Saionji Hiyoko, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime/Nanami Chiaki, Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito/Nanami Chiaki, Chiaki Nanami/Sonia Nevermind, Minor or Background Relationship(s), pretty much all of them are minor or background relationships, except Kaede and Maki, this is a kaemaki fic, Harukawa Maki & Kamakura Izuru, Amami Rantaro & Harukawa Maki, Harukawa Maki & Owada Mondo, Akamatsu Kaede & Koizumi Mahiru, Akamatsu Kaede & Nanami Chiaki, Akamatsu Kaede & Mioda Ibuki, Akamatsu Kaede & Iruma Miu
Additional Tags: Akamatsu Kaede-centric, Harukawa Maki-centric, Kaemaki roomates au, And they were roomates!, oh my god they were rommates, pretty much all of the charachters are minor or background charachters, some might not even get mentioned idk i'm still fleshing this out, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Lesbians smh, Useless Lesbians, Kaede is bisexual actualy, wlw, wuluwuh, Maki is a lesbian, Le$bean?, LeDollaBean, Bisexuality, Kaede plays piano at a bar bc ofc she does, Mahiru owns the bar because fuck you I do what I want, Kaede's work uniform includes a bowtie, Kaede doesn't know how to tie a bowtie, Maki knows how to tie a bowtie, lesbianism ensues, oneshots, Gay, Gay as hell, Love, two girls, just two girls in l, they are two girls in love, they live together, Roommates, its a roommates au, Falling In Love, why are all the recomended tags from fuckign supernatural, I feel like I'm missing something, How Do I Tag, Angst, Menstruation, yes because I'm afab and it hurts so I'm going 2 vent about it, Trans Hinata Hajime, Trans Izuru Kamakura, because fuck you a second time, Maki and Izuru is an underrated friendship concept i think, wow this has a lot of tags, maybe if i just keep typing them I'll come up with some that are actually relevant, Maki litteraly needs someone to tell her she is whiped, like this girl is down so bad, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Kaede plays the piano for her <3, So back to that angst tag, panic attakcs, :), Kaede is on antidepressants because fuck you again for like a third time, also she wears contacts, Kaede is the Messy Roomate™, Izuru and Hajime are twins but their last names are different because they grew up in seperate homes, if you were wondering, also the komahinanami thing and the sonianami thing are both cannon at the same time, shshshs let chiaki love three people, even if it's just in the background, idk might fuck around and give chiaki her own chapter trying to flirt with sonia, no update schedule, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Non-Despair (Dangan Ronpa), I hc chiaki mumbles all star lyrics as an idle stim, deff not bc i do that, AHAHAHA, cries in adhd, this is my current hyper fixation lol, god how many tags do i rlly need, ffs, okay but did I cover all the relevant ones???, Living Together, Spoilers, maybe?? - Freeform, idk man, i mean maki's talent might get spoiled idk, if you're here tho you've probably already gotten to that point, I say as I havent even gotten passed v3's first trial, okay I think that's all, I'm lazy, Coming Out, also also not to project or anything but, she is deff the type of bitch with 5357928479752 cups in her room, V3 is so emotionally draining, if i hear one more upsetting spoiler i think i will begin aging rapidly, I would put this tag ->, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, except I probably /wont/ do that
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kN2S27
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rubylocket · 7 years
008. Sororicide
title: Sororicide fandom: dangan ronpa v3 characters/pairings: korekiyo shinguuji + tenko chabashira warnings: major spoilers for v3 summary: when she marches out the door, he knows he must follow her. a/n: “stop writing pre-game angst” i can’t be stopped, i’m too powerful
also, to briefly address this, there are no mentions of incest here. i derived some of the inspiration for this fic from my own feelings as an older sibling.
[ AO3 Mirror ]
His father slides a rather thick photo album in front of him as they sit in the kotetsu on a wintry January night.
“Look what I found, Korekiyo!” he exclaims with (inexplicable) delight. “I thought I’d lost this when we moved a long time ago.”
“What is it?” he asks point-blank, sipping his tea and absentmindedly opening the front cover.
“This might surprise you, but when you and your sister were this — ” (he gestures to the top of the kotetsu) “ — high, we took a lot of pictures of you two. We put them all in here.”
He starts leafing through the album; it’s lovingly organized by year with small notes in hurried hiragana written underneath each photograph. His mother, he supposes, has never had much else to do as a sentimental housewife but embalm childhood memories.
“Is there a reason I should care about this?” Korekiyo asks flatly, eyes lingering on a picture of his sister beaming into the camera as she pinches his cheeks in his sleep. If the tab on the side is to be believed, they were five years old in this.
“Ah, you say that, but you’re smiling.”
Now that his father points it out, he does feel that familiar tension in his face.
“I suppose I’ve just forgotten all about these things.”
He turns the page and sees a photo of them standing in the doorway in their school uniforms — presumably the first day of school, given the date of April 3rd inscribed above the picture. They’re both holding hands and smiling — his sister, her signature radiant grin, and he, his reluctant upturn of the lips.
“Well, it’s good to remember.”
Tenko and Korekiyo Chabashira, age 6.
“Just ride on mine,” he says with a sigh.
“But I want to do it myself!”
Tenko mounts the bike once again, eyebrows knit in fierce determination. Her legs just barely reach the pedals and her sense of balance is not so refined as to let her go more than a few meters before wobbling around dangerously.
“It’s gonna get dark before we come back if we don’t leave soon, Tenko. I’ll teach you later!”
She pouts, but she sets her own bike against the side of the house and hops on the back of his seat, swinging her legs and wrapping her arms around him.
“Well, you wouldn’t get it! I’m almost eight and I can’t even ride a bike!”
“Just quit whining already.”
They speed down the sidewalk along a row of cherry blossom trees. The sun has just begun to set; the flowers look orange in the light, pink in the shadows.
“Wow,” she says in wonder. “It’s so pretty! Look, Korekiyo!”
“If I looked, we’d crash.”
She continues to remark on how beautiful it is all the way until they circle back around and ride the trail back home. They make it just before dark.
“We can practice more tomorrow,” he says with pronounced resignation as he sets his bike next to hers.
“No, I like riding with you better.”
She skips into their house, humming a song he’s never heard before.
Tenko’s singsong voice reverberates throughout the house as her feet pound against the stairs on her way down.
“The neighbors could still be sleeping, you know,” he says without looking up from his book.
“Come on, we’re graduating today! Aren’t you excited?” she chastises.
“I’ve no reason to be.”
“People are gonna make fun of you for talking like that when we start school again,” Tenko sneers as she deftly works her hair into her signature pigtails.
“Tenko, please, you’ve got to look like a young woman today,” her mother urges. “Put your hair back down.”
“But Mom,” she whines, shuffling her feet impatiently. “Other girls are going to be wearing their hair however they want! It’s not as formal as you think!”
His mother’s shoulders droop and she shakes her head.
He could have told them both that this would happen before they even began arguing.
He isn’t sure why she wants him to read to her so badly when they’re both perfectly capable of reading. Really, they’re nine now. This doesn’t feel right.
Nevertheless, he concedes to her whim, without fail, every night.
“Can we read The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter tonight?” she asks, lying on her stomach and swinging her legs back against the wall.
“Again? That’s getting so tiresome,” he whines, but he reaches over the edge of the bed into her bookcase and plucks her tattered copy from its place between two light novels.
“You always use those big words just to sound smart.” She puffs her cheeks out but her eyes are twinkling with amusement.
“I don’t. I just read more than you.”
“Okay, okay.” She tucks herself under her sheets as he sits crosslegged on the foot of her bed. “You can start now.”
He clears his throat.
“Long, long ago, there lived an old bamboo-cutter among the bamboo shoots in the mountains. Every morning he went into the woods where the bamboo grew...”
He reads by the soft light of the desk lamp until her eyes flutter shut, her dark hair fanning across the pillow. His own eyes feel heavy, and her rhythmic breathing is making the task of staying awake all but impossible.
He reads until the very end anyway.
In sharing a class and a family name, Korekiyo and Tenko are seated next to one another, donned in the uniforms of the high school they’ll soon be attending.
He’s on the verge of falling asleep, but the quiet rattling of her chair as she kicks against it in excitement (unfortunately) keeps him awake until his name is called. He does what he must; he bows, he takes the diploma, and strides back to his seat without fanfare.
“Tenko Chabashira!”
She leaps to her feet and walks briskly toward the podium where their homeroom teacher is awarding the diplomas, hardly containing her joy. She bows quickly before taking her diploma and flashing a cheeky smile in front of the crowd before returning to her seat.
His heart skips a beat; he’s been here before.
Korekiyo is not a child equipped to participate in a sports festival.
After putting in a paltry effort in a game of tug-of-war, he retreats to his parents’ spot on the sidelines and clamors for a water bottle as they wait for Tenko’s event. After some shuffling around of the students, she bounds across the field and springs into view on the track.
The participants begin lining up in their appropriate places. Tenko positions herself at the starting line for the 100-meter dash, the pads of her fingers touching the track with her legs bent at an angle. Her expression screams that she’s not just going to win; she’s going to make everyone else lose. He would not want to be her competitor today.
The overseer for the event finally arrives and counts. As soon as the words leave their mouth, Tenko is off, almost too swift for his eyes to follow. He sees the flutter of her long braids behind her, but she’s almost on the other end of the track by the time his vision readjusts.
Naturally — oh so naturally — she comes out on top.
She jumps with uncontrollable exhilaration and flashes a toothy grin in their direction, bathing in the warm glow of victory.
Korekiyo blinks, and — as though someone roughly yanked an imaginary rug from underneath her feet — her eyes roll back into her skull as her legs fold and she collides with the ground.
That nauseating thud is louder than their mother’s screams and the onlookers’ gasps.
It echoes in his ears all the way to the hospital.
(It echoes for years to come.)
Korekiyo is tired of the ceremonies, but Tenko can’t get enough of them. There’s a spring in her step as they make their new morning commute. He only wishes he could stay the same.
As leave the train and begin to approach the school, her gait slows down until she stops entirely. He raises his eyebrows and stops beside her.
“What’s the matter?”
“Korekiyo,” she says seriously. He hasn’t heard this voice or seen this expression in a long, long time.
“I’m listening.”
“You know...” She trails off, wringing her hands and looking away uncertainly. “This year...Tenko wants you to let her take care of herself.”
She looks more mature now than she ever has. It leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth.
“Okay,” he says simply.
She blinks, quirking an eyebrow in confusion. “That’s it?”
“Yes, that’s it. Although I’m sure you know that won’t stop me from worrying,” he adds.
She giggles. “Tenko knows that. You never stop worrying about anything.”
“Actually, I’ll amend that. If you do anything particularly stupid, I’ll have no choice but to step in.”
Her mirth is quickly replaced with a grimace.
“Fine,” she mumbles. “It’s a deal.”
She emerges from her coma two days later. The doctors ascertain that her faculties are largely intact aside from some confusion and dazedness, likely due to the expeditious resuscitation efforts of a nurse in the crowd during the sports festival. Still, they wait a full day to allow her to reorient herself to consciousness.
He has adopted the role of the wallflower, petrified of taking a single breath that might disturb her or anyone else in the room — let alone saying anything. So too is the case now as they explain Tenko’s condition to her and their parents. It’s a long phrase that means little to him despite being well-read.
“She should be able to live a mostly normal life,” one of them explains to their father — as though Tenko simply isn’t there, watching them with the wide eyes of an animal in captivity. “But changes will have to be made to accommodate her condition, and she’ll have to be consistently monitored as she grows older.”
Upon noticing their father’s glare, the doctors invite their parents to talk further in the hallway.
“Keep Tenko company, Korekiyo,” his mother whispers to him on the way out.
He doesn’t know what gave her the impression that he wouldn’t. After the adults have left the room, he hesitantly moves toward the side of her bed and takes a seat.
“What book did you bring?” she asks. Her voice is alarmingly raspy from disuse.
“I don’t think you’d like it. It’s just a bunch of poems.”
“It’s okay. Read it anyway,” Tenko beseeches with a weak smile.
“If you say so.” His hands are trembling as he opens his book to the page he left off on. “‘Rain, hail, snow and ice: all are different, but when they fall, they become the same water as the valley stream...’”
As he reads, his eyes flicker up to the hospital bed.
Her red-rimmed eyes are the color of sea glass as tears stream down her face.
They stop looking so similar as they stumble headfirst into the scourges of puberty. He grows nearly a full foot taller than her — his edges sharpen while hers soften. People begin asking how many years are between them.
(“We’re twins!” she always proclaims with her chest puffed out.)
His worry grows in tandem with their age.
She fits in seamlessly with their new environment and garners adoration from girls and boys alike. In a bid to capitalize on her new popularity, she joins the girls’ soccer club.
When she proudly tells them of her decision at dinner, their parents both open their mouths to say something, but he’s too fast for either of them.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
It comes out as a harsh demand, harsher than anything he’s said in a long while.
Tenko’s eyes dart towards their parents in a silent request for backup; when she receives none, she looks back to him.
“Tenko doesn’t understand. This is her decision. She’ll be careful.”
“Careful? Really?” Korekiyo suppresses the urge to laugh derisively. “Are you that selfish that you’d have us worry about you every day? Do you care about your life that little?”
“Tenko’s life isn’t anyone else’s to live!”
“Maybe someone else would use your life more responsibly —”
“That’s enough, Korekiyo!”
Their mother’s interjection, razor sharp, prompts them both to look towards her.
“That’s enough,” she repeats. She looks to Tenko. “I...I won’t say anything but this. Let him keep an eye on you, and don’t do anything rash.”
She then looks to him.
“And you — don’t say a word to her.”
Dinner proceeds in silence, as does the rest of the night.
Aside from an initial healing period characterized by anxiety and confusion, she largely returns to normal after her cardiac arrest. She has, however, picked up the curious habit of referring to herself in the third person — he vaguely wonders if she’s trying to remove herself from what happened to her.
Korekiyo finds himself endlessly frustrated at her lackadaisical attitude — does she not realize she practically looked death in the eye and shook hands with it?
When he makes the mistake of voicing his displeasure to his father, however, he does not receive the response he expected.
“Would you like it better if she were miserable and scared all the time?” his father reprimands. “She’s alive. Is it too much to ask to be grateful for that?”
He stands in silence, pressing his lips into a thin line. His father sighs.
“I know you’re scared, Korekiyo. So are we. But...her happiness comes first. And I know you know that even better than your mother and I,” he continues with a sad smile.
Yet, Korekiyo can’t stop himself from fretting, from growing livid when she deliberately puts herself in situations that could spell her end. He can’t stop her from doing what she wants — his father’s words are constantly emphasizing that at the back of his mind — but he can, at the least, keep an eye on her while she engages in her recklessness.
He himself does not rely on others; it doesn’t trouble him to eschew social interaction to hover nearby, reading a book or attending to schoolwork. His class silently grants him amnesty for abandoning the literature club and taking up a new position as his sister’s sentinel.
She’s playing with their school’s softball team today. The sun is unforgiving today, enveloping the entire campus in dry heat. Even he is sweating while situated under a tree in the shade.
(July 31st is only a few days away. They’ll be thirteen. Thirteen? That seems far too old, yet far too young, he thinks.)
Korekiyo looks up and sees her hand graze against her chest as her posture slackens ever so slightly — the signs are so subtle, it seems, that none of her peers can tell that there’s something wrong. His heart leaps into his throat.
“Tenko!” he shouts, scrambling to his feet and quickly making his way towards her. He grabs her hand and leads her to a spare bench. Her teammates are apparently startled, but they are, for all intents and purposes, a nonentity right now.
“Tenko will be okay,” she asserts cheerfully. Her frantic breathing and copious sweating attest to the contrary — perhaps most telling, however, is the way she wordlessly yielded to his direction. “She just needed to sit down for a minute.”
“Here. Let me at least do this.”
He produces a handkerchief from his bag with one hand and a water bottle with the other. She sits still and stares at the ground as he begins dabbing at her forehead and proffering the water bottle. Tenko takes the bottle and slowly unscrews the cap.
“Don’t do anything like that again,” he chides. “You know what the doctor said.”
“Yeah. Tenko knows,” she grumbles.
“Why don’t we go home?”
She looks at her teammates wistfully. “Tenko doesn’t want to...”
“I don’t want this to happen again.”
She frowns and looks down at him. Her eyes are large and sad, but the defeated note in her gaze tells him that he’s won this round.
She mutters an apology to her friends and lets him take her by the hand as they walk home together.
Ultimately, his parents do nothing to prevent her from participating in the high school soccer club. There is nothing they can do. They simply give him a knowing look before they leave for their morning commute.
Keep her safe.
They walk to the train station in silence — a jarring contrast from the days prior. Tenko sees a friend on the train and instantaneously gravitates toward her, leaving Korekiyo to stare out the window and mentally brace himself for the forthcoming day. They go their separate ways after disembarking — a trend that continues for the rest of the day until their final class. Korekiyo surreptitiously leaves homeroom and heads over to a bench near the walkway by the soccer field.
She’s there, clad in shorts and a loose t-shirt, slowly dribbling to a ball back and forth between her feet as she listens to the team captain. He’s too far away from the field itself to hear what the captain is saying, but judging from the way they get into formation, they’re about to scrimmage.
As a prodigy of the art of kinesis, she masters the movements quickly despite her inexperience in the sport. She appears to catch even some of the upperclassmen off guard with her agility and spur-of-the-moment decisions.
His palms are clammy.
After the game’s conclusion, she bends over, hands on her knees — but there’s still that undying grin on her face.
He knows what’s going to happen if this continues.
“Tenko,” Korekiyo calls out, approaching the sidelines as she looks up and jogs over to him. “It’s time to go home.”
“But Tenko wants to stay,” she says with an anxious smile. He suppresses the urge to wince at her frantic panting.
“Tenko,” he warns, eyebrows knitting together in austerity as he places a hand on her forearm. “That’s enough, and you know it.”
That simple touch breaks something inside her.
She jerks her arm away from him and staggers back, pupils constricting with anger.
“Tenko is staying!” she shouts before turning on her heel and running back toward the field. “You can just go!”
Bewildered, he stares at his hand. He ransacks his memory for times when she lashed out so acerbically at him; he can’t think of any.
He can see the remnants of rage in her even from a distance.
Korekiyo begrudgingly admits that she’s been managing her activities well. Perhaps she really is learning her limits. At times, he must remind himself that physical activity wasn’t ruled out in its entirety — rigorous exercise is what must be avoided.
(It would not be such a problem if “rigorous” weren’t an intrinsic part of Tenko’s modus operandi.)
On this dat, however, his muscles are wound into tight knots with the sickening anticipation of disaster as he watches her run (gracefully, he might add) and alternate her feet.
When the scrimmage is over, she sits on the bench and laughs, rubbing her arm — her eyelids hang heavy over her eyes, though, as though she’s about to fall asleep any moment.
Korekiyo is already on his feet when she slumps over on the bench.
One of her teammates shrieks. The captain shouts for someone to get the nurse. He recognizes that this is happening — it doesn’t mean anything to him.
He drops to his knees and clutches her face in his hands and yells her name before dragging her off the bench and onto the field, positioning his wrists over her chest.
The nurse — a young woman with short hair — rushes over to them and kneels down beside him. He withdraws his hands (reluctantly) as she quickly places two fingers on Tenko’s neck with one hand and places her stethoscope on Tenko’s chest with the other.
The adrenaline begins to wear off and he can finally feel again. He can’t tell whether his face is wet from sweat, tears, or both.
The nurse withdraws and looks at him.
“It’s okay,” the nurse tells him gently. “It appears to just be heat exhaustion. Let’s get her under the shade.”
He hooks her legs around his waist and carries her underneath the tree by the field as the nurse follows. The nurse fans Tenko as she asks Korekiyo about her — he tells her about her condition. About how doing this at all was a mistake, yet she simply doesn’t listen.
The nurse looks sad.
He can only imagine how he must look.
“I’ve had enough,” he says quietly after they get home.
“Don’t say a single thing — ”
“What’s going on?”
Their mother emerges from the kitchen. Her eyes are already tired.
“Mom — ” Tenko begins, raising her hand to plea, but he won’t let her charm her way out of this one.
“She passed out today.”
“What?” his mother asks, though it’s more out of disbelief than a genuine inquiry.
“Mom, I swear, I just forgot to — ”
“No more.” His gaze flickers between Tenko and his mother. “It won’t be heat exhaustion next time. You know that.”
“But I — ”
“I’m not going to watch you anymore. Do what you want.”
He saunters up the steps and ignores her screams with everything he has.
He peers out of the living room when the door opens the next day — there she stands, face flushed and sweaty.
She never fails to find new ways to shock him. His frustrations have reached a fever pitch.
Korekiyo pointedly closes his book as she crosses the threshold into the house.
“So, my not coming didn’t deter you?”
“Shut up,” she snarls, throwing her bag against the wall to her side.
“It’s a wonder you’re not dead,” he counters coldly. If compassion couldn’t get through to her before, it certainly won’t now.
She advances on him in an evanescent moment and tackles and pins him to the ground.
“Tenko isn’t made of glass!” she screams in his face, as though she’s kept the words caged for years before they tore their prison apart. “You — You don’t even treat Tenko like a person!”
He attempts to shove her off, but — despite his stature — she’s stronger than him.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he mumbles. He feels a thin bead of cold sweat trickle down his neck. “That’s — ”
“Stop! Just stop! Do you even think of Tenko as your sister? As someone who can do what she wants? No, you don’t. You never tell Tenko anything, but you get mad at her when she keeps secrets. You hate when Tenko tells you to do something, but you’re always ordering Tenko around — here, at school, in front of her friends, everywhere!”
Her face is red, her hair askew, and her whole body is quivering with raw emotion. He’s never been able to study her so closely before; it’s terrifying.
“That’s only because I — ”
“It’s not because you care, Korekiyo! It just makes you feel better than Tenko! That’s right. You’re strong and smart, and Tenko is just weak and sick, isn’t she? You can’t wait for Tenko to die so you can tell everyone what a good brother you were.”
She climbs off of him, but not before stepping on his foot roughly for good measure.
He can’t rise to his feet right away. His throat feels impossibly dry. He wants her to realize the gravity of what she’s just said, but it’s lost on her — as always, she is at the center of her own universe.
“Tenko told you to let her take care of herself. You said ‘okay.’ You couldn’t even keep that one promise,” she says through clenched teeth.
Dizziness clouds him as he finally stands.
“Because you can’t take care of yourself,” he responds lowly, shakily. “Clearly.”
She starts crying uncontrollably, shoving her face in her hands and falling back against the doorframe.
He makes something out between her sobs —
“Why can’t I protect you for once? Why can’t I protect someone?”
He hasn’t heard her say “I” in years. It’s the nail in the coffin.
Korekiyo isn’t granted the opportunity to respond before she turns on her heel and moves toward the door.
“Tenko doesn’t need you. Tenko doesn’t need anyone. She’s already made her decision,” she spits venomously before gathering her things and slamming the door behind her.
He sits down. His knees don’t stop buckling for hours.
He wonders, then, after all these years, if his protection did not protect her at all.
It’s been two days and she still hasn’t come home.
He quells his parents fears by assuring them that she’s at a friend’s house and that luring her back home would do more harm than good. In turn, they feebly attempt to tell him that it’s not his fault.
(“We knew your sister would do something like this someday.”)
Despite his best efforts, he finds himself embroiled in searing anxiety, a perpetual sense of unease that this is precursor to something far more drastic. He sees her at school, so he knows she’s (physically) safe — it’s what is to come that he fears the most.
Against his better judgment, he trespasses into her room after school one day and searches for clues.
It’s been several years since he actually crossed the threshold into her room. It has evolved somewhat over the past two years; the color scheme has gradually shifted from pink to green, and she’s broken out of her habit of wantonly scattering her belongings throughout the vicinity.
Korekiyo tentatively moves towards her desk. Notebooks and textbooks neatly aligned, memos meticulously placed on a corkboard — very little is out of place. He wonders (somewhat wistfully) if she took a page from his book.
(His eyes dart over to her windowsill; he exhales in subconscious relief when her medicine bottles aren’t there anymore.)
He sees a small piece of glossy cardstock admixed with some of the loose pieces of paper on the desk and his stomach lurches. He gingerly plucks it from the pile as though it might poison him.
He asks around the school discreetly. His intimidating stature ensures that his informants are sworn to secrecy.
He manages to isolate one of her closer friends after classes are over for the day.
“Tenko...” The girl purses her lips and tugs at the pleats on her skirt. “I haven’t talked to her in a couple days, but the last time we talked, she told me she was going to apply for that show. You know the one? DanganRonpa.”
The hairs on the back of his neck stand up in abject fear.
In a twisted way, he understands her decision. What better way to exercise agency over one’s life than to gamble it away? What better way to find independence than to construct a new self entirely?
It comes part and parcel with the knowledge that he’s the reason for all of this.
Her friend’s teeth are practically chattering with anxiety.
“D-Did I say the wrong thing? Please don’t get angry, Chabashira-kun!”
“No, no. You told me exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you,” he says, his frigidity sounding foreign to his own ears as he makes to turn away. “By the way, I would appreciate it if you kept mum about this.”
The girl nods vigorously and scurries away.
When Korekiyo gets home, he pilfers the piece of cardstock from Tenko’s room and dials the number.
He gives them a pseudonym: Korekiyo Shinguuji. “Chabashira” is rare enough as a family name that it would undoubtedly alert the production team — or, worse, Tenko herself — to the fact that he’s doing this, and he doesn’t need anyone finding out any earlier than necessary.
In fact, he gives them a fake iteration of everything but his first name. They don’t ask for official identification, curiously enough. Perhaps they don’t care to know for whatever reason.
Korekiyo comforts himself with the fact that this is an indisputable win-win situation. If Tenko is chosen, he can be there for her. If she isn’t and neither is he, they both get to go home and forget all about this. If only he is chosen, and he wins, he gets the money, which can only help her as her medical demands increase; should he lose, he’ll die and she’ll never feel tormented again. The only scenario he actively avoids imagining is if she is chosen and he isn’t — as such, after reviewing past seasons, he has carefully constructed an illustrious, attractive persona that will surely pique their interest.
He’s called into the audition room — a bright room with beige wooden floors. Sitting at a desk towards the back wall is a young woman with long blue hair. A camera is above her, pointing down at the empty chair in front of the desk. He assumes that’s where he’s to sit; with faux confidence, he strides over to the chair and sits.
“Good afternoon and welcome, Korekiyo Shinguuji,” says the kind woman behind the desk. “First of all, thank you for expressing interest in DanganRonpa. I would like to ask you a few questions to get to know you better.”
He nods in affirmation.
“Quiet?” she teases.
“I would say so, yes,” he responds slowly.
“How charming.” She shuffles some papers before looking back up at him. “What would you say is your motivation for auditioning for our show?”
“I’m doing this for someone,” he replies with measured neutrality, unenthused about where this is going.
“Can you tell us a little more about that?”
He doesn’t like how she says “us” when she’s the only one there.
“My sister.”
“Your sister,” the woman repeats warmly as she takes notes. “That’s very sweet. What’s her name?”
“I’d rather not say.”
“That’s fine.” The look in the woman’s eyes makes it very clear that this is not, indeed, fine.
Her interrogation continues. She asks him why he’d be successful on the show, what talent he would ideally have, what he’s enjoyed about past seasons — he answers them all flawlessly, and he is well aware of it when he sees the twinkle in her eye. She looks positively thrilled by the conclusion of the audition.
“We can’t make any decisions on the fly, as I’m sure you know,” the woman tells him. “However, your personality is...intriguing. I think our viewers would enjoy that. We’ll be in touch, Shinguuji-san.”
Korekiyo nods. He’s confident that he successfully concealed his discomfort at hearing his new name.
“By the way,” the woman says as she escorts him out, “give your sister my regards.”
He shoves his hands in his pockets and grips the lining tightly.
“I’m feeling a bit unwell,” he states that night at dinner. He sets his chopsticks down and rises from the table. His eyes linger on the empty spot beside him.
His parents exchange weary glances; they do him the courtesy of bottling up their sighs.
“She’ll come home soon, Korekiyo,” his mother assures.
He peers down at his frail, frightened parents. They shrink back — he wonders how he must look.
“I hope you’re right, Mother.”
He doesn’t sleep that night.
They call him.
He’s been chosen.
(Tenko hasn’t been home for nearly three weeks.)
He receives a package of preparatory materials one week prior to the initial air date.
Korekiyo takes extreme care to wake up just before dawn and retrieve it before anyone else in the house has the chance to do so.
His eyes glaze over everything but two pieces of paper — the first, with a number, letter, and time written on it, and the second, a name tag stating Korekiyo Shinguuji, Ultimate Anthropologist.
An interesting choice of talent, he thinks sourly.
He leaves for school in one hour.
The dawn of the final week.
The day comes. Korekiyo leaves a note on his neatly made bed:
I’m sorry.
He arrives at the location specified in the package. It looks like a small, unassuming research facility. He checks in with the tightlipped receptionist, who nods knowingly when they see his name tag, and is instructed to walk down the clinical white hallway, go through the black door, and go towards the last door to his right.
“Don’t go into any of the other rooms. The other contestants are in there, and the team would rather you not chat with them,” the receptionist tells him briskly.
As he makes his way down the hall, he looks down at the other piece of paper. it appears as though they’re being called back to the chamber in some kind of group by half-hour intervals, if 8f, 08:30 is any indication.
Korekiyo enters the room. It’s actually just a waiting room, much to his surprise. The walls are black, and there are exactly two white chairs situated against a wall. One of them is occupied.
He looks at his partner, and he’s treated to a sight that’s been with him since time immemorial.
She snaps out of her apparent reverie and averts her gaze toward him, face lighting up with excitement. “Hello! I’m — ”
The smirk dissipates; she freezes.
This is, in fact, what the rational part of him was hoping for, but his heart races at the possibility that the production team somehow knew.
“Korekiyo,” she whispers breathlessly. Her eyes are wide and watery with terror. “Why are you here?”
“Your friend told me you were trying to do this. I had to, too, because...” He trails off, attempting to gather his thoughts as he takes a seat beside her — a difficult task in the oppressive black atrium, with his fate lying beyond a solid grey door. “Even if you don’t need me, I don’t want you to be alone.”
(It’s not “I won’t let you be alone.”)
He closes his eyes, arms still firmly folded, and waits for the inevitable flamethrower of insults.
Instead, he hears gentle weeping. He opens his eyes and she’s rubbing at her face.
“Tenko,” he says mournfully — as though that will change anything.
She lays her head against his forearm. She doesn’t stop crying for several minutes, soaking his sleeve down to his skin.
“Are you mad at Tenko?” she asks hesitantly. Her voice is still nasally from crying.
For a moment, he’s thrust back into their childhood when she still smiled for him.
“No, Tenko. I’m not mad.”
She looks down at the floor, her cheeks red and her breathing heavy. He grips his knees and attempts to silence the fraternal urge that rises to the surface.
“You didn’t have to do this for Tenko.”
“I know.”
She plays with a braid, sighing shakily.
She looks up at him. The fire in her green eyes has all but died down to a distant ember.
“It’s too late to go back, isn’t it?”
The air conditioning in the waiting room becomes cold and suffocating. Her bow flutters in the artificial breeze.
“Yes,” he murmurs. “Yes, it is.”
The door opens.
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