#fic meme thingy
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Four’s colors: standing there awkwardly
Legend: having a flashback to that one time he killed four colorful and identical dark links in the literal Palace of the Four Sword
Thanks for the request anon!
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fonulyn · 4 months
Inspiration Saturday/Several Sentence Sunday
...altho it's monday lmao. got tagged by @thebrandywine so here have some of the Piers in a skirt bc you were moderately interested lol.
This was stupid. He shouldn’t have even offered. It had been egoistical to think he could pull it off. “Hey, try this on with it!” Leon said, excitedly, as he quickly opened the door of the cubicle so he could slip inside too. He was holding a v-neck shirt with trumpet sleeves, his eyes on the shirt as he hung it up in one of the hooks. “It should be the right size but if it’s not I can run and get another to—” That was when he cut himself off, as he noticed the way discomfort was probably oozing off Piers. “Hey. What’s up?” he asked, shifting closer, so he could place his chin on Piers’ shoulder from behind. Their eyes met in the mirror and Piers considered for a moment just sucking it up and saying nothing. He had never been able to – or willing to – lie to Leon, though, so he folded in like ten seconds flat. “I feel kinda stupid.”
baby has a bit of a self-esteem crisis :'D
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ehehe i've been thinking a lot about permanent membership guaranteed lately. i love the users so much. they're so funny
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krys-loves-otome · 1 year
Hullooos Krys 🌸 May I ask for a Cloud or a Blanket? ✨
Hello, Alby! I can do both actually!
Fluffy Asks For Writers!
Cloud:  Share a fluffy conversation that you're proud of
“Pretty sure that Comte wouldn’t care about the cost,” he said, “but paper is still expensive, cara mia. Using the back is also a viable option, if you hate the front that much.” “It's… just frustrating,” Abby said, her voice quivering. “I can’t get it right.” "Get what right?” “The drawing… it… I can’t get it to look right.” “What seems to be the problem?” Leonardo set the paper on the drawing board, smoothing it out as best he could without smudging the pencil, and pulled up a nearby short table to sit on. After a moment, he changed his position to her right side, so he could freely use his left hand. “Everything looks so… stiff.” Abby bit her lip. “Well, it is a vase.” Leonardo smiled. “Not like it’s gonna suddenly jump in your lap like Lumiere would.” “You know what I mean… You and Vincent can make any drawing look so… effortless.” “Hmm…” Leonardo gently took her hand, tiny in his, and moved it across the page, taking her arm on a journey from one end to the other. “Have you been taught how to draw with your shoulder before?” “My shoulder?” Abby raised an eyebrow. “It’d be easier with your hand, wouldn’t it?” “You’re worried about stiffness, yeah?” Leonardo said, moving her arm in the same motion. “You’re so clenched up and tiny so much of the time, it reflects in your art too.” Abby watched as he guided her hand once again, making another long motion across the page. “Try moving like this.” “But the vase…” “Focus on loosening your arm up first. Make marks the way you like. Your hand and wrist will thank you in the long run.” He then released her hand, settling his in his lap. She bit her lip again, but turned back to her marks, unsteady at first, shaky and uneven, but she soon got the idea. “It feels… weird. Doing it like this.” “With a little more practice, you’ll be drawing much looser before you know it.” “Will this really help?” “Well,” Leonardo chuckled, “been doing this for the better part of 500 years. Hopefully I know what I’m doing at this point.”
From the 100 Prompts List Entry Starvation, Abby's entry
Blanket: Share a snippet where a character feels safe and loved
"I think..." he started, his voice sounding a little stiff, "for now, you should get some rest, and we can talk some more in the morning. Okay?" He helped you to stand without another word, keeping an arm around your shoulders to steady you. You were too worn to argue with him. It didn't help that you liked how warm he was, how his steps matched yours as you walked. Even his light tobacco scent was soothing. He helped you into your room, pulling out the futon and blankets once inside. "I'll bring tea by in another hour or so, if you're still awake by then." "Hideyoshi..." you commented, looking away from him, "you don't have to. I know you're busy, so you don't- ." "The paperwork can wait, [Name]." You almost didn't believe what you were hearing. "Right now, it's best to get you relaxed and happy. It's not just you you have to think about anymore, right?" You swallowed, feeling your cheeks heating up. He pulled the covers back for you. "You hungry? Now, I know I shouldn't tell you that eating in bed all the time is okay, but we can keep it a secret between us, all right?" You still couldn't believe what you were hearing. If you didn't know any better, you could have sworn he pulled a switch and he was back to his old self, the worrying micro manager that, though he would bend the rules only sometimes, sounded more like a mother than your own mother did. Still, you couldn't help but be warmed by his worrying and gave him a small smile. "Would it be okay... if you stayed until I fell asleep?" His return smile was warm and affectionate, along with something you hadn't seen before. Still, you were too worn to question that look further, opting to just crawl into your futon and try to rest, like he said. Though you were facing him, you still didn't see his hand moving towards your hair, running his fingers into your scalp like he did before when he was comforting you. When was the last time someone had touched you like this? Did it always feel this nice? You closed your eyes, focusing on the sensations and feeling calmer by the moment, Hideyoshi's calm presence soothing you closer and closer to sleep. He might have been humming softly too, not that you could tell. Soon, warm darkness overcame you, feeling loved and comforted in a way you hadn't felt in a long time.
-From A Second Glance Part 1
Thanks for the ask!
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buriedbybooks · 2 years
Weilan + 🔁, 😊, 👌, 📚 for the fic rec asks if you have time!!
Thank you for the ask, Anon!! <3
🔁 I have re-read @eirenical's series many many times, so many I have lost count. I know it isn't Weilan focused, but the family feels are strong with this one.
😊 This fic by The_Marron made me grin from ear to ear and then make my friend read it late at night. It captures the foibles of academia so incredibly well.
👌 Sadly, I cannot answer this particular question for Weilan. If you have recommendations for me, please send them along!
📚 I would absolutely display this one on my bookshelf... and would probably illustrate it...
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ylissean-manakete · 5 months
🐑 (I used random tag generator) One-Shot, Interplanetary Travel, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Surprises
🐑: send me a fake set of fic tags, and I’ll try to come up with a summary for it!
[woe. I havent written in forever, so bear (🐻) with me this took a little bit ahdkdhdk]
"A hop, skip, and one big step for two androids, after finding themselves stranded in a parallel world after a delightful date of dimension-dipping.
However, when you're trapped in another world where draconic alien wildlife are the main form of non-sentient life, those that hunt and tame them aren't much better; it's imperative to find out how to get home before getting turned into scraps!"
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tvwebs · 1 month
CRIMSON SMOKE (one-shot)
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Warnings: no smut, male reader, goth!reader, might be occ, can be any Deadpool media, smoking
• he calls you 'spooky'
• no use of Y/n
• established relationship
• quite short ig
a/n: tried to do a new style
It's been a month since you and Wade became official. You like the guy, you think he's hilarious! And so far, everything is quite nice. Wade is incredibly sweet in his own way- yeah sure the 3AM texts with memes are annoying but you appreciate the thought.
Tonight you were sitting at your usual hang out place, the local cemetery, you know this looks bad but it's calming and to know that these people had hopes, dreams, a life. It's sad but..somehow it's nice to think about (somewhat cause that's just plain creepy) but of course Wade doesn't get it.
He disturbs your philosophy thinking with smoking time with his voice. "Y'know if I knew sooner that you were into these type of places I would've called you on a date for a movie night, the movie would be ghost busters." He teased as he breaks the silence, his tone was laced with affection and somewhat sarcasm. He strolls up to your signature spot and sits beside you under that tree you really like- you roll your eyes the comment he made.
You look at him to continue the sudden conversation he started. "Well, I guess it's just me that's a bit freaky huh?" Wait that came out wrong. Your expression now expressing that cringed confusion. Wade finds it funny though (someone please take internet slang away from him)
"don't worry, bae" we match each other's freak quite nicely." Somebody stop him. You cringe at that while holding your cigarette between your fingers, Wade chuckles. "You're quite weird Wade." And you respect that. Despite Wades childish, dirty minded, idiotic antics you find comfort in just being with him, talking to him. It was calming more than anything
"never thought I would've seen you right back here again Spooky." He said as he jokingly called you 'spooky' he says it's a replacement for 'pookie'
"of course I am, I thought you liked my whole goth style." You teased a bit before taking a huff on your cigarette, Wade might've just gained another bone right there and there.
He responds with "Oh I do babe, I think that it's funny that you're playing into it. Your practically an old 2010s cartoon goth!" He joked without any ill intend. 'huh, guess I am practically one huh?' you think to yourself. You think of a comeback to his comment.
"well- at least I'm not some edgy ninja oc." You said trying to act cool, not working and plus that comeback was WEAK. Wade laughs at you.
"you gotta try harder then that spooky~!" He teased. He pokes your cheek teasingly as you're embarrassed by it. You push him away, making him land on the floor.
"Ow, but how forward of you!" He said happily. "But in all seriousness babe, I find your goth aesthetic really hot. I've gotta hand it to ya, you really are committed to this goth thingy, I mean it's straight out of a tim Burton dream..but sexier." You raise your eye brow at him
"you're hot."
You roll your eyes at him, AGAIN. He's ridiculous, an idiot even. He moves closer to you and puts his arm around you romantically. "This is such a cool concept fic.." he commented against the authors will. You look at him confused, he's always on something.
You pull out your cigarette box and get a cig. "You wanna..?" You asked patiently at Wade. He stares at you for a moment, before tugging a smirk in the corner.
"Trying to corrupt me emo prince?" Ugh you hate it when he calls you that. "Oh the shame, you are promoting smoking..don't do what they do guys." You look at him annoyed and confused.
"you could've just said, no." He chuckles at your comment. You ignore that chuckle and just start smoking a new cig, Wade just admires you, your expression, your makeup, your outfit, basically everything. You leaned your head onto his shoulder a little tired.
"tired, spooky?" He asked teasingly you respond with a 'uh-huh' causing him to smile a bit under that mask. He pulls you into his chest and he starts caressing your head "yeah..that's what happens when you're awake at 3am and go to the graveyard." He sarcastically says and you groan in annoyance and tiredness
"so where do you wanna sleep tonight? My place or your place?" He asked curiously, you just shrug as you rub your eyes.
"what's closer, I guess.." you respond.
"So my place then?" He said with a smug smirk under his stupid mask. He pulls away your cigarette, and just kisses your forehead under the mask.
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chaoticspeedrun · 4 months
Two memes today 😌
Me if I was actually in MC's place trying not to laugh as Leo panics over a line on his forehead.
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Me after Leo tells MC how to be a royal as if he wasn't a mutant kitchen boy.
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Also, I feel like I have enough material to make a "fanon vs canon" thingie of this fic now teehee
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ween-kitchens · 9 months
the sky is my thoughts (and we are so small)
he glares at the midnight sky—littered with stars and swirls of colour he never even knew existed up there until an hour ago—like it’s the sky’s fault joel is on the roof in the first place. it’d be easier to have someone to blame for everything he’s feeling right now, to be entirely honest. which is to say that everything he’s feeling right now is annoying and if he had someone to blame, he could make them stop it.
but it’s no one’s fault, which is stupid. 
it’s not the sky’s fault that joel couldn’t sleep, unable to bear the weight of jimmy and grian’s presence in his otherwise desolate life; it’s not the stars that made him pad softly in his socks along the wooden corridor towards the attic; the crisp midnight air didn’t force him to climb the ladder that lead onto the roof. that’s all on him. it’s dumb.
i’ve been procrastinating on uploading my full fics here for a while now so I thought I may as well get started HJFDH
if you like, please also reblog!
“this is dumb.”
joel can’t think of anything better to say. this whole idea is extremely, profoundly, irrefutably dumb, and he honestly should just go back to bed. he doesn’t know why he even came up with it in the first place, it’s so stupid.
he glares at the midnight sky—littered with stars and swirls of colour he never even knew existed up there until an hour ago—like it’s the sky’s fault joel is on the roof in the first place. it’d be easier to have someone to blame for everything he’s feeling right now, to be entirely honest. which is to say that everything he’s feeling right now is annoying and if he had someone to blame, he could make them stop it.
but it’s no one’s fault, which is stupid. 
it’s not the sky’s fault that joel couldn’t sleep, unable to bear the weight of jimmy and grian’s presence in his otherwise desolate life; it’s not the stars that made him pad softly in his socks along the wooden corridor towards the attic; the crisp midnight air didn’t force him to climb the ladder that lead onto the roof. that’s all on him. it’s dumb.
“I don’t know why i’m even doing this.” joel mutters. “you’re just- giant rocks that are on fire. you can’t hear.”
the stupid, dumb stars don’t respond. of course they don’t, that’d be- well, stupid. joel needs more words to describe stupid stuff. there’s a lot of stupid stuff right now.
“bet you smell.” joel tacks on grumpily. “stupid smelly stars. on fire. fire sucks.”
joel pulls his blanket tighter around his shoulders, burying as much of his face as he can along with it to protect against the chill. he can’t remember where he got the idea of talking to the stars from. probably some text post or weird inspirational meme thingy. not his own brain, of course, talking to stars is dumb and silly. joel isn’t dumb orsilly. 
he wonders if he could sleep out here. it’s not all that cold, and he has a blanket and cushions anyway.
sleeping under the stars to avoid the crushing loneliness he feels when he sees jimmy and grian being so happy together. he’s living the dream over here.
joel huffs in annoyance. “it’s all just- it’s so dumb. I thought I had loads of friends! i’m so cool, and sexy and tall, y’know, it was inevitable.” he preens.
there’s a pause, and joel deflates slightly. “I don’t think I actually have any friends. just.. people I know. which is stupid, because i’m so cool.” he doesn’t feel like he’s convincing anyone with that.
“is it my fault?” joel asks, slightly rougher. “did I- was it me that-“ joel can’t quite finish that sentence. he sighs. “I don’t know. maybe.”
the stars don’t say anything. joel finds he’s starting to appreciate it.
“I don’t know why i’m even-“ he sighs again. “this is stupid. I just.. I don’t know. it’s easier like this, maybe. i’m not.. used to people.”
“I.. d’you think they like me?” joel says. “it’s scary. i’m- I didn’t think that would be a possibility. I don’t- I didn’t plan for it to be a possibility.”
“I thought, y’know. just be myself, they’ll fuck right off.” he fiddles with his blanket. “but, um. they didn’t. I don’t know.. why they didn’t. or what to do right now.”
the stars twinkle down at him, almost as if they were smiling. that’s dumb. stars don’t smile.
“it’s.” joel glances down. “I like them. but, I mean, i’ve liked a lot of people. doesn’t mean they don’t leave, y’know.”
“I don’t want them to leave.” joel murmurs. “i’ve known a lot of people and.. I really don’t want to lose them. they mean a lot to me.”
joel looks back up at the stars. they really are quite beautiful, huh. maybe he was a little hasty to call them dumb, now he thinks about it.
he shifts, leaning against the slope of the roof, on top of his cushions. he really likes it here, actually—the galaxy above him, the dark forest surrounding him, the mountains backdropping it all. definitely not the worst place to sleep, by any means.
“was there a sleepover I wasn’t invited to?”
joel starts, and looks up to see jimmy, holding his own blanket and an armful of pillows.
“hey.” joel says. “sorry, I-“
“you don’t have to apologise.” jimmy says. “can- I mean, do you mind if I stay?”
joel’s first instinct is to say yes, to send jimmy back downstairs, to stay safe in his loneliness. but he finds, as he opens his mouth to do just that..
.. he doesn’t really want jimmy to go.
“I don’t mind.” joel says with a halfhearted shrug. it’s so stupid. he’s gotten attached already? after so long on his own? okay, sure, it’s jimmy, but still.
it’s hard to tell in the low light, but joel thinks he sees jimmy smile. “can I sit next to you?”
joel nods, and jimmy settles down on the floor. he’s close—close enough that, if joel wanted to, he could lean on jimmy’s shoulder, or bury himself in the golden plumage of his wing. he doesn’t want to, obviously. that’d be embarrassing. of course he doesn’t.
“are you alright?” jimmy asks, pulling joel out of his thoughts.
“yeah.” joel says automatically. “i’m fine, why?”
jimmy shrugs, looking like he doesn’t really believe him. “well, you’re out here at like, two in the morning, on your own.”
“it’s..” joel trails off. how does he explain this without sounding either stupid or rude?
“what’re you doing anyway?” jimmy asks.
joel sighs. “something dumb.”
jimmy smiles, ever so slightly. “you say that about a lot of things.”
“you’ll laugh.” joel says. “I would.”
“have you met me before now?” jimmy says, amused. “have you heard of anything i’ve done, ever?”
joel snorts. “yeah, well. that’s different.”
“why?” jimmy presses.
“‘cause- I mean, you don’t care.” joel says. “no one cares. ‘cause it’s you.”
“well, I don’t care.” jimmy says. “because it’s you.”
and that..
that’s a lot. 
“besides, i’ve done a lot worse.” jimmy continues, like he hasn’t just made joel reevaluate everything he’s ever thought about himself. “I- well, you don’t even know the half of it.” he chuckles. “y’know, I-“
jimmy stops mid sentence as joel shuffles closer and drops his head to rest on jimmy’s shoulder.
“hi.” jimmy smiles.
“i’m- it’s not-“ joel says, immediately trying to come up with some kind of defence.
“oh- dude, let yourself enjoy something.” jimmy says, half exasperated, half fond. “I may be dumb, but i’m not stupid.” he grins.
“you’re not dumb.” joel says. he pauses, considering. “you’re smelly though.”
jimmy snorts, and a smile begins to worm its way onto joel’s face in response. it’d be scary, if it didn’t feel so nice. 
“i’ll take that as a compliment.” jimmy says, putting his arm around joel. he gives into it immediately, without so much as a second thought. jimmy huffs.
“what?” joel says.
“you are a silly, silly man.” jimmy tells him.
“what did I do!” joel squawks.
“you are so incredibly touchstarved!” jimmy laughs.
“i am not.” joel folds his arms. “that’s stupid.”
“oh yeah?” jimmy says, and joel doesn’t have time to wonder what that means before jimmy is scratching gently at the base of his ears, and all intelligent thought leaves his mind.
joel melts, leaning closer and closer into the touch, chasing that wonderful sensation, his insides replaced by sunbeams. he’s distantly aware of how embarrassing this is, how he can probably never show his face again after, but right now it’s just background noise. 
that is until jimmy moves his hand away. 
joel lets out a whine of protest before he can stop himself, and immediately claps his hand over his mouth. jimmy has that ‘I told you so’ look on his face, accompanied by something unbearably fond. joel is going to jump off this roof.
“not touchstarved, huh?” jimmy teases.
joel huffs. “it’s embarrassing.”
“no, it’s not.”
joel is taken aback by the sincerity in jimmy’s voice, and he looks up.
“it’s not.” jimmy repeats, slightly quieter. “you- I mean, you’re allowed to have emotions, dude.” he scoffs.
joel rolls his eyes. “I know that-“
“do you?” jimmy says.
that pulls joel up short. “do- what?”
“do you know that?” jimmy says. “‘cause- and I mean, in the best way possible but it doesn’t look like you do.”
“what d’you mean?” joel says warily, because this is starting to get into Deep Stuff territory, and that’s a place joel is very unfamiliar with.
“I- well, um.” jimmy grins nervously. “I won’t pretend I didn’t.. hear some of what you said earlier-”
joel is definitely, 100% set on the whole jumping-off-the-roof plan. “that- if you could- if you could pretend that didn’t happen, ever, that’d be brilliant.“
“if you want me to.” jimmy says, and he’s so genuine yet casual about it that it makes joel’s head spin. he’d just do it, no questions asked, if joel wanted. “but,”
jimmy pauses, and joel realises it’s to give him time to say no. he doesn’t, so jimmy keeps going.
“but.. we’re not gonna leave you.” jimmy says, voice all soft suddenly. something inside joel aches. “as embarrassing as it is, we like you too.” he jokes fondly. “i don’t want to leave you.”
and joel-
it’s so stupid. seriously, he’s not even going to say it, it’s that stupid.
fine. but don’t laugh. or judge him, or anything like that. he can’t blame you if you do though, because he would.
joel cries.
and it’s dumb, and so stupid, and he wants to hate himself for it, but jimmy just holds him close and strokes his hair, and it’s- it might be alright. because jimmy cares about him, and not the stupid stuff he thinks and does, and he cares enough to sit on a roof in the middle of the night and hold him in the cold as he cries into a blanket.
and, fuck. that’s enough.
“thank you.” joel mumbles in between hiccupy sobs. 
“you mean so much to me, joel.” jimmy whispers, and he’s crying too, and joel could laugh. sap. “I don’t think i say that enough.”
“if you- if you say it more, I might just break down every other time.” joel jokes, and jimmy pokes him.
“you’re an idiot, y’know that?” jimmy sniffs.
“i’ve been made aware.” joel says.
“woah, am I missing a cry session?” comes grian’s voice, and jimmy yelps, entirely disrupting the mood. 
“I thought you were asleep!” jimmy says. “I would have brought you otherwise.”
“you’re not exactly quiet, tim.” grian grins. “is this a good cry, or a bad cry?”
“good.” joel says, smiling. “it’s-“
“if you say ‘stupid’ one more time-” jimmy starts, fond yet exasperated.
“I was going to say ‘it’s thanks to jimmy’, but I won’t now.” joel elbows him, and jimmy squawks in indignation. “it’s stupid.” he adds, just to be annoying.
“grian, come help me kill him.” jimmy says, and joel cackles. 
“oh, gladly.” grian says, plonking himself down on joel’s other side, snatching some of his blanket for himself.
“you guys’ idea of killing looks a lot like hugging.” joel notes, even as he snuggles into them. 
“well, it’s one in the morning.” jimmy says, leaning into joel. “I need my beauty sleep.”
“tell me if it starts living up to the ‘beauty’ part.” grian says, wrapping an arm around joel’s waist as he rests his head on grian’s shoulder.
“oi!” jimmy exclaims.
“you’ll wake up the whole forest at this rate, lad.” joel nudges him, grinning sleepily. man, crying your heart out takes it out of a guy.
“yeah, timmy.” grian teases, wrapping his wings around the three of them. “go to sleep.”
jimmy huffs, but he copies grian, settling down. “I am. you go to sleep.”
joel makes a noise between a grunt and a sigh as he shifts, smiling to himself. “thanks for checking up on me.” he mumbles, eyes closing. 
“‘course, dude.” jimmy says, voice soft.
“yeah, we’re not letting our bad boy get all sad.” grian squeezes him.
“exactly.” jimmy rubs a thumb gently against joel’s ear. “besides..”
“I like sleeping under the stars.”
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greypetrel · 5 months
Fan Work Friday Saturday
Rules: If you're tagged, MAKE A NEW POST and showcase one fanartist or fanfic you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next! Don't forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in!
Thank you so much for the tag @dreadfutures! Saving the second for later on in the week. Listen I have a hard time choosing and I'll do these on repeat if I must.
Fanartist: @salsedinepicta
Starting with her, purely because it's litterally 10 years of me being 👀 at her art, and I do love the way she mixes pictorical techniques with swirly, 2D lines. I am not a fan of pink+green combination, BUT when she does it. Add a lot of historical references and clothing and an expressive use of colour. I'm an absolute sucker for all artstyles that just looks like three paintstrokes thrown at a paper (digital or traditional) and she does that. And, she's a wonderful human being too, which really helps. <3 (she'd hate the attention but let me Will Smith meme her.)
Fanfic: To The Bone, by @shivunin
Rating: M Words: 48,373 Pairing: Cullen/Inquisitor Lavellan Summary: Depending on who you ask, either Sylaise or Andraste set a mark of fire on those who are destined to find each other. No matter how curious each of them is, neither Lavellan nor Cullen are especially eager to actually go looking for this person. Either luck or fate draws them both to the Inquisition anyway.
I debated high and low what of her fics to start from. I chose To The Bone because it's a soulmate AU. And I generally don't like Soulmates AU. But this one? Mo has a way to turn tropes and clichès around in a way that just makes them relatable, visceral and real. The way she renders human fragility and vulnerability is really heart-clenching. I know I always fangirl over her work but it bears repeating. To the Bone is played more than a Soulmate AU -it is important, but not the main focus, which tricks me into loving this- as a big story of two hurt people who needs to learn to trust someone with their own vulnerability. It's all about learning that you can trust other people, and exactly how scary a decision it is, how much it feels like a jump in the blue.
It's relatable, it's gritty, it's not the peak angst Mo can reach (for that, get a lot of tissues and click on Wander the Drifting Roads.), but it was the first of her works I read and it has a special place in my heart. For its themes, for its main character (can I hug her?) and also and particularly because it's a trope I generally don't like. And I do like to be stand corrected.
Tags under the cut!
You two whom I mentioned, if you want consider this a tag too! :)
Also: @melisusthewee @dreadfutures @inquisimer @blarrghe @blightbear @star--nymph @pinayelf @dungeons-and-dragon-age @ndostairlyrium @hollytree33 @theluckywizard and YOU
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fonulyn · 4 months
Inspiration Saturday/Several Sentence Sunday
also got tagged by @silvercap so am shamelessly taking the opportunity to post another one :'D
Still grinning, Jake leaned back in his seat, arching an eyebrow at his friend. “So, what’s next for you then?” That was the million dollar question. Piers would’ve loved to have the answer to it himself. “I don’t know,” he admitted with an awkward little grimace. “I never really planned much further than this.” He’d been so focused on healing, on his physical therapy, on learning the skills he’d lost together with his arm… there’d been no room for anything else, really. Now he needed to find something else to set his mind to. Jake pursed his lips thoughtfully, tilting his head a little. “You still play bass?” Surprised, Piers frowned at him. “Yeah. Why?” Instead of answering the question, Jake asked another. “Do you know RPD?” “Raccoon City police department?” Piers hazarded, slowly, not really following. At all.
from the nivannedy band au lol.
(feel free to say i tagged you if you want to share your writing!)
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yellowmagicalgirl · 6 months
If you're still doing the pair/title thingy, maybe "I could never let you go" with Krel/Douxie
Hey, thanks for the patience w/the wait; this got lost in my inbox.
Soulmate AU where Douxie doesn't come back to life at the end of Wizards, but his ghost lingers, haunting Krel. They both think that it's because they met so recently shh Battle of the Bands doesn't count before his death. After all, they're the first human wizard and akiridion royal to be soulmates, so surely that accounts for the oddness. And yet, as time passes and Krel feels himself drawn towards Gaylen's core, they wonder if there's another reason behind the haunting.
I could see this ending one of four ways, none of them happy.
Gaylen!Krel creates a new body for Douxie's soul, but Douxie can tell that Gaylen!Krel is not the boy he fell in love with. The last scene would be Gaylen!Krel promising to never leave Douxie, while Douxie stares on in fear.
Gaylen!Krel creates a new body for Douxie's soul, but the corruption affects them both (maybe like in the demon!Douxie art?)
The only way to defeat the Arcane Order once and for all is for Krel to merge with Gaylen's core, but the only way for Krel to not be corrupted by it like Morando was and/or fully utilize its power is for him to sacrifice the soul of his soulmate in the process.
Krel kills himself to avoid being Gaylen's vessel. He and Douxie share their first and last kiss between Krel's death and the two of them passing on to the afterlife.
Bonus: Zoe is the one to go on the run w/Nari because her place of business got trashed, anyways, and Arcadia Oaks without her best friend just isn't Arcadia Oaks anymore.
Send me a title and a pairing and I will give you the summary of a fic I will never write. No longer accepting prompts for this ask meme.
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I love having to explain to people exactly how obsessed with SIX I was
like my friends will point out when it’s coming to my city and I’m like “yes honey I’ve known, I’ve known since 8 months ago and I have tickets don’t worry” and then when I mentioned six fanfiction and my friend was like “wait people write fanfiction about it?” “Yes and I’ve read so so many that I had to read wattpads fics FUCKING WATTPAD, if you read the six the musical fics on there you would know….I also know like every ship of the six and probably have read a diff of it” “PEOPLE SHIP THEM?!?!? Aren’t they like cousins?” “Yes but luckily the fandom is small enough no one ships the incest ✌️😜”
then he went on to tell me I was the person that drew Miku binder Tomas Jefferson 😭😭😭
and then when someone sends u a six meme and u have to pretend you’ve seen it for the first time (so that they keep talking abt ur intrest)
one time I was in a little six the musical thingy and the director was asking everyone abt a “little” background about the queens and one person from each group would answer, (I was in the Boylens, but like ofc bc I literally am Anne Boylen and the main character soooo) AND A KID FROM MY GROUP SHOT UP HER HAND AND THE TEACHER CALLED ON HER AND THE SHIT SHE SAID WAS “she uh grew up in France and then married the king and then flirted with 3 guys and then got beheaded” LIKE NO BITCH SHE DID NOT DONT RAISE UR HAND IF UR GUNNA LIE TO US DHFHJFJDIDISKSJSJWHUEUEUE SO THEN I RAISED MY HAND TO HELP HER PUT THERE 😭😭😭✌️😭
another time I was doing Karoke and me & my friend wanted to sing SIX and she’s like “so which song” and I’m like “I know the lines to like all of them so we can do any one”
one time my friends said “her forehead is so big it could be Library full of SIX facts” 💪
also I had(ve) no friends that were this intensely or at all obsessed with it so I would literally be fucking texting myself links to videos and stuff
Also like one time I got jumpscared bc out of the corner of my eye I saw Santa Claus and thought it was H*nry VIII
Also I have seen almost every single one of Art E’s (person who made six the kids) tumblr posts + may or may not have also gotten a virus (no fr I’m not sure) from tumblr when scrolling through six posts
whenever I couldn’t sleep or was home alone yes I would perform six and yes I would know most of the lines
the biggest album on my phone is six photos + I have separate albums for every queen and their kids
also I have seen pretty much every incorrect SIX quote and they are pretty much inside jokes with myself
when I would get really anxious I would imagine my life if I was an actor on tour playing Boylen and my friendship which each of the other random actors and also I would imagine my favorite six six (the last song) animatic
there were times where I could hardly do anything without thinking “OMG THIS IS SO JANE SEYMOUR LIKE I,AGINE IF THE QUEENS WERE HERE AND JEHFJDJWKWKWMMA” (to myself in my head I’m not annoying like that….well to anyone but G)
I wanted to make a Anne Boylen cosplay SOOOO BAD despite having no cosplay skills one time I tried to make one for a belle doll I bought at goodwill speicifically for that purpose and also one out of cardboard
I have an album with all of the bootlegs I could find that aren’t just a black screen and can send it to u
and yet although I’ve been obsessed for 2-3 years I have hardly made any art for it and just have like 50 million unfinished sketches and may or may not have unfinished fanfics and so so many mental ideas of animatics (idk how to animate) that I abandoned after a day and I own 4 pieces of merch that I didn’t make myself (7 if u include the stuff I made) ✌️😭 ✌️😖
when I was bored instead of watching a Netiflix show or listening to music like a normal person, oh no, I would rewatch H*nry VIII oversimplified I’ve seen it like 10 times honestly a banger
Also if you know these 3 songs you are SUCH a real one and I love you;
-divorced behead and died 🗣️🔥💯‼️ divorced beheaded survived 🗣️🔥💯‼️ IM H*NRY VIII IVE HAD 6 SORRY WIVES YOU COULD SAY I RUINEDTHEIR LIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️
Also yes I censor H*nry and not fuck bc it’s funny and I like that it’s like a little with us six fans 💪 as well as Henrat
also I did a history project on Elizabeth I
also at another preppy little thing I did was think which of my friends are each of the queens bc I’m Boylen therefore we all have to be besties
And I could write something probably longer than this post abt my head canons of what I think their personality would be like au’s how I think their friendships are to each other what they would like and dislike, basically a really advanced sim and yes I have made them in the sims but sims 3 won’t let me have more than 8 so Edward had to go also Eddy is an iPad kid bc I deicided like come on Jane would so give him and iPad and be like “oh yes ofc I will pay 20 dollars so u can have new robux 😇”
also I have every single one of the queens and their kids deathdays on my calendar (Mae is not included) as well as their birthdays
also it has been 2 years and I still remeber the time and date I saw six for the first time (cried 6 times 3 when it started 3 when it ended) 💪💪💪
being a SIX fan is having no clue what to say when someone asks how many wars H*nry fought but knowing the amount of miscarriages Lina had
fun fact: Henry killed thousands more ppl than Mary ✌️😜
One time I got in like a 30 minute argument with my friends Snapchat ai about whether or not H*nry deserves decent human respect BITCH JUST BCZ IT WAS A “DIFFRENT TIME” DOESNT KAKE IT OKAY” 😤😤😤
Also fun fact Elizabeth signed everything Elizabeth R because R means Regina which means queen in Latin or something and Elisabeth could speak SOOO MANY diffrent Languages.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
3x08, part 1.
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Opening the episode with literally Jamie's name is !!! I'm already smiling. My boooy. <3 A streak of four wins just bc Jamie saw the flaw in Total Football, fixed it, and there we go <3
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I am so incredibly sad for what Ted has to go through. This SUCKS. Some other man is bad enough, but your fucking therapist is a punch in the gut. Especially when you still have feelings for the woman you love, but she doesn't love you anymore.
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I don't UNDERSTAND! If TedBecca isn't supposed to be romantic like Hannah and the writers say, why this? Like, yeah, they've been to the same party, obviously. And the mention is casual, "they're brother and sister to me", but I still see the foreshadowing. Like, I'm all TedTrent and bi Ted, but ????
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Mae is so sweet. What a woman.
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Seeing wlw in s3 of Ted Lasso was the last thing I expected, but hell yeah. Please don't make Jack evil. Please. If they're gonna break up, let it not be a scandal and a mutual breakup or something. However, I can see Keeley staying with Jack and Roy telling her he has feelings for Jamie and they hit it off pretty nicely. But that's just my shipper heart's desire. We'll see bc I don't think this show might be that bold.
I wonder how many women actually sleep with their bra on. It's the most uncomfortable thing EVER imo.
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Keeley is such an excitable puppy. Just like Jamie when with Roy. :)
I'm actually surprised about Nate and Jade. Like... it's almost a complete 180? Idk, I still dislike him. I think I understand the point, be kind and and not judgemental, all of that, but I can't with him. I don't like him and his storyline. A lot of screen time was wasted on him when imo when it could've been something way more interesting.
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She might as well might be a butch bi.
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Laughing. Trent with his what I almost sure is an empty mug, just for the drama of it. Doesn't matter that he 'drinks' from it after. Show me liquid in there or I'm not fooled.
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S1 Roy would never, and I'm proud of his development. Ted is one of his people now, isn't he? A good friend for sure. It's also very interesting for me to watch in terms of Roy's other relationships and interactions. He already went somewhat there with Jamie in Amsterdam, "I was a dick today, I'm sorry" and how he realizes that he often releases his negative emotions on Jamie "whether you deserve it or not".
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Crying with laughter. Roy is ready to "talk about it", but definitely isn't ready to do THAT. It makes me feel good for getting this part of a relationship right in my fic, lmaoooo. Also, where is Higgins?
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A real conflict here, hehe. Hopefully, one day, he's gonna be ready to join them and talk about it. That would be fun to watch.
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Higgins summoning succeeded.
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What are you doing there, Helga soft boy, with your sparkling pencil? This makes me think of that "Jamie — Jamie" thingy. Yeah, no, Roy and Jamie are in love.
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This is more like a soft howling/whining :')
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Babe, wake up, new reaction meme just dropped.
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He sure does, but he's still repressed about it.
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Trent Crimm woof'ing with a soft look on his face can be SO personal. I love him, your honor. I wonder what he'll write in his book about that. I also wonder when is Roy gonna join them. Oh, i'l watch him barking and woofing, alright. Jamie wouldn't let that go, EVER. At the same time I feel like Roy would refuse to imitate barking & they would let him just bc that's Roy. A simple "fuck you" and that's ok.
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The difference in body language, wow. Love hounds though? Nate, you need to get back with Ted then. Gosh, this entire storyline is SO awkward.
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I think I'm still in love with her a little bit. What a woman.
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
Y'know what my knowledge of bayonetta may be limited to badass witch lady but I'd still like to hear about your Third Eye crossover thingy
Omg what a thing to wake up to thank you so much :D!!!
To quickly summarise, Bayonetta is an unhinged fast paced fighting game (trilogy) about an immortal witch with demon summoning gun wielding powers, who hunts angels for their halos to earn money and feed the demon contracts so they don't eat her instead. It's incredibly campy and shameless, but behind the scenes it's got some seriously well researched lore and a wealth of world building that drew me to writing for it. It's visually gorgeous and amazingly cohesive.
So what started it all was a meme going around the smash bros community a few years ago when joker and bayonetta joined, about how she was joker's mother. And I, having played both games (but not smash, ironically), was instantly hooked. I really wanted to see a story exploring that, but there was only a handful of fics or comics that, while good, weren't what I was looking for.
So I started writing my own. It's a story about joker (I'm using the name Akira for him) being the blood son of bayonetta, and his life being raised by her and fellow witch Jeanne, who in this fic is living with them and co-parenting hehe. It's following him through his trials and tribulations of being the son of the last witch (they were all killed off in a very violent war with their counterparts the sages), his own training to be a witch via time travel (it's a whole thing) and - in the second half - the circumstances around being forced to leave his small circle of protection and being pulled under government scrutiny after saving shidos victim, where any wrong move risks exposing the last dregs of the supernatural to people who would want to ruin everything.
I'm purposely keeping it unclear how Akira was conceived/born, or who the other parent is (if there even is one), because it's not really relevant and I like the mystery! It's also unclear if Jeanne and bayonetta are in a steamy relationship or just doing a besties cohabitation thing for the sake of the kid, but again it's on purpose ;). And lets me avoid writing romance LMAO.
Unsurprisingly, it's the world building that's really making me struggle, but the general gist is that the afterlife is VERY convoluted.
So, in p5 you've got the meta verse and the sea of souls, which is where persona come from. Persona, who are mythological, literary or historical figures. You can summon persona and kill them to make weapons and accessories. Though you don't lose your persona upon entering reality again, it can't manifest.
In bayonetta, there's three planes of reality. You've got the obvious paradiso and inferno, and then purgatorio, a second layer of earth's reality where the games all primarily take place, where living things become faint shadows oblivious to your chaos - though they will freak out when you blow up their car! Angels and demons alike can be summoned to this plane, (though they often show up regardless lol), being sometimes mythological, literary or historical figures but usually just generic mob enemies (hey, just like persona!). Certain enemies can be taken to a guy to be killed and turned into weapons and accessories. There's a lot of similarity!
So, in Third Eye, the sea of souls that living humans cannot reach is referring to the three planes of reality, where angels, demons and human souls can be pulled into the meta verse to become persona. Awakening a 2nd tier persona is an evolution of the user's soul, strengthening it and making the magics easier. It's a third equivalent to the witch/sages, which is going to be VERY relevant in the second phase.
Also, in the second game, spoilers, there's a blue kid called loki who uses tarot cards to fight, who ends up being the amnesiac god of free will trying to save humanity from his evil counterpart loptr who wants to take control of humanity and remake the world in his image, and eventually he sacrificed his life to do so, with a promise to one day be reincarnated.
So that's where philemon was while Igor was taking over his velvet room :D.
Thank you so much for asking ^u^! If you're curious about more I'd be delighted to talk about it, especially the details of jokers altered persona ;)...
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supern0vashii · 3 months
small fic thingy 💥💥💥.
(and some angst)
SMG6 looked into the large mirror, staring at the cracks that stretched from corner to corner on the glass surface. It reminded her of too much, really. Good times and bad times. SMG6 thought to herself for a moment. Processing what had happened a few days ago.
It all happened so fast.
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FLASHBACK | 4/27/24
A few days after SMG6 moved into the Showgrounds with SMG4 and his crew, SMG6 decided to take some time for herself. Which was odd, since she rarely wanted any peace in her chaos surrounding life. Well, that's what she at least told them. SMG6 was actually going to an extremely loud and exciting theme park. All alone. All by herself. She didn't think to invite anyone because she thought they would all say no to her chaotic antics.
So SMG6 went by herself! Everyone else was busy anyway. They wouldn't mind if she was by herself, being with no one. Anyone. But everything will be fine! She'll ride some rides, have some fun, maybe even meet a charming boy there too!
Once SMG6 arrived, she saw a lot of construction materials and police caution tape everywhere. Weird. But nothing was going to ruin her day. Nothing.
After a few rides and carnival games, SMG6 decided to take a break and eat off somewhere in one of the cafe places in the amusement park.
She was hungry, especially after the crazy rides and the extreme weather conditions outside. But she only settled for a plate of spaghetti and some fries on the side. The noodles helped distract her from why she came here in the first place. To get away from SMG4 and his friends.
That's when she heard familiar voices and laughter coming from the other side of the cafe. SMG6's face paled when she recognized the voices of SMG4, SMG3 and the rest.
"Did you guys watch the new video I posted?"
"Oh please, it wouldn't be as popular as it is if I wasn't in it!"
The green meme guardian used her puffy brown hair to cover her face so they wouldn't notice her. No no no no no no. What are they doing here? This trip was supposed to be hers.
That's when SMG6 realized something even worse. They didn't even ask her if she wanted to come with them. SMG4 knew how extroverted she was, and how she loved being with her friends.
And they didn't bother to ask?..
Tears welled up in SMG6's emerald eyes, one mishap away from bawling her eyes out. But it's okay.. She doesn't need them. She has herself! And her chainsaw, Laura! Who is she kidding.. She depends on them too much. The stingy tears streamed down her face, not knowing if it was from embarrassment or the fear of her friends moving on from her.
How could they?.. SMG6 clutched her chest with one hand, wiping away her salty tears with the other. It's all okay! She'll just ask why they didn't ask! No. They'll probably call her clingy and overdramatic. But if she just ignores it they'll probably never invite her to anything again! The pressure was too much for her. SMG6 quickly got up from the cafe chair and rushed out. At least that's what would have happened if the meme guardian didn't trip over a stray wire near the exit.
SMG6 grumbled under her breath, rubbing her face that was now covered in sand and dirt. She propped herself up on one knee, rubbing that too. SMG6 groaned. Everything was going so wrong today. The depressing thoughts took over again before she heard the familiar ear-splitting sound of TV STATIC.
Wait. SMG6 froze, her eyes widening as the sound began to ring in her ears. It couldn't be. Could it? She should tell the others. No. What if she defeat him all by herself and she impresses the entire crew! A much better solution than letting someone else take all the glory.
SMG6 turned her head to where the sound was coming from. The sound seem to come from a large patch of trees near the park. SMG6 took out her chainsaw, not revving it up yet so she wouldn't alert anyone hiding. The meme guardian braced herself for anything as she walked into the forest-like atmosphere.
When she walked in, everything seemed normal. Except for the fact that there was an old 1970's television sitting on the thick grass. SMG6 raised an eyebrow. This wasn't what she was expecting.
Well, she was expecting a TV. But not a pink one.
"Huh, weird." SMG6 thought outloud. She pondered for a moment. Did that TV freak's head change colors or something? There were many details that were different about this TV. The tips of the antennas were stars, and there were no controls for it. What was even weirder was that there was a pink bow on the back of the TV. "Even weirder."
SMG6 banged the top of the TV with her fist. No response.
She tried again. No response.
SMG6 shrugged and turned, nothing to see here. She was about to leave before the static grew louder. The sound of thudding and banging could be heard. And when SMG6 turned around, she looked up to see a 10 foot tall TV-headed woman.
Absolutely caught off guard, SMG6 revved up her chainsaw, as if she was threatening the being before her.
But the woman seemed stiff. The TV that sported for her head showed letters that spelled the word "LOADING."
SMG6 raised an eyebrow again, confused. Was she.. a robot of some kind? Before all the thoughts in SMG6's head could register, the robot's screen completed its loading process.
Scared, SMG6 scurried to a bush nearby, hoping the robot wouldn't see her.
"Where.. am I?"
The robot pondered, looking at her environment before running a scan for anyone nearby.
The scanner beeped red when it went into SMG6's direction.
"Well, shit."
Suddenly, SMG6 lunged forward and tackles the robot to the ground. Both of them fell with a thud.
"Who are you and why are you here?!"
"I don't know! I was just walking about, enjoying my day, then suddenly I black out and I'm here!"
SMG6 flinched. The way the robot spoke, it was too.. human.
"U-uh.. Okay?.."
The robot's tone softened, clearly not have wanted to come off as harsh. "Now, can you please get off of me?"
"Sorry.." SMG6 mumbled, quickly getting off of the robot.
"I believe we've uhh.. Started off the wrong foot. I'm SMG6! You?"
The robot was quiet for a moment before extending an arm to the meme guardian.
"Starstruck. But replace the a with a four."
St4rstruck's screen changed to the number four, enforcing what she had just said.
SMG6's lips curled up into a smile. But it faltered when she saw the crew. Her brows furrowed, clearly not happy.
St4rstruck noticed SMG6's mood shifting, and looked the same direction.
St4rstruck narrowed her eyes, swearing to herself that SMG4 seemed familiar to her, but she shrugged it off.
"Are those.. Your friends?.."
"T-them?.. Yeah! They're my best of friends.." SMG6 responded, her voice dripping in doubt in her words.
"You don't seem happy that you're friends."
"Well.. It's complicated, okay? Sometimes I feel like I'm the one doing all the work when it comes to including me in events or hangouts. It seems that no one really cares and that the first chance they get they'll leave me in a ditch. It feels as if I have no friends at all.."
St4rstruck contemplated SMG6's vent dump. She saw that the answer was clear anxiety.
"Y'know, growing up I didn't have many friends either."
St4rstruck's eyes narrowed, and SMG6's eyes widened.
"Mhm. It's embarrassing to admit when you're as famous as myself.."
SMG6's eyes widened even more.
"Never mind that."
St4rstruck got down on one knee, placing one hand on each of SMG6's shoulders.
"How about this. You and I, can be friends. Get to know each other. All the lot.."
SMG6's eyes widened once more. It seemed as if they were glistening. She clapped her hands, clearly happy with the proposal.
"Really? You mean it?!"
"Yeah, sure. Why not."
"I have an even better idea! From now on, we're family!"
St4rstruck raised a digital eyebrow, pronouncing the word as it was foreign to her.
"Yeah! Family! Like a.. sister.. or a brother.. Or.. something between those lines."
St4rstruck thought about it for a moment.
"I accept the proposal."
SMG6 leaped out of joy.
"EEEEEEEEE! I can't wait! We're going to have soooooo much fun together!! OH! We can make matching bracelets, matching bows! We can talk about cute boys together-"
"I hope I can do a good family."
SMG6 patted the robot's arm.
"I'm sure you're gonna do great!"
this was shorter than i planned to do but TSKE THSI
tags: @cudiess @bookofwhimsy @3nvymist
DHOULF I DO A PART 2?!?!?!????!!!??!? 💥💥💥💥💥💥
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