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altocat · 25 days ago
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i-plague-eater · 30 days ago
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Many years ago I made a few crossover arts with FFVII characters wearing Hotline Miami masks. I can't call it a redraw but like, eh, a modern approach :D
In my AU Yazoo ends up in the turks after FFVII AC events. He don't use his last Nightmare Velvet anymore (It's too heavy and valuable!) but he got 6 guns instead and performs one of his Limit breaks.
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melioramuses · 9 months ago
✧ BYF:: Rules // Muse List ✧
Info & Rules
This blog is a hub blog, not a multi-muse blog. This means that each muse has their own inbox, their own drafts, etc.
PLEASE send asks to the individual blog of the muse you wanna interact with, NOT the hub blog! E.g., if you wanna send something to All Might, send it to the ask box on @promisedpeace.
I don't have triggers, really, but I do tag triggers following the "{{ tw: trigger" format. E.g., "{{ tw: spiders".
I'm a very laidback/low pressure roleplayer. I don't do fancy formatting aside from some bolding and/or italics and making the font a bit smaller, and I'm not hella active. (I don't mind people who use heavy formatting, though.) I'm not going to hunt you down for a reply after two days or two months, and I don't care if you've been MIA for a year then come back and post a response. Shit happens and I'm fine with it!
I generally write a couple paragraphs, semi-literate to literate, and omniscient third-person. However, I'm fine with matching length for longer posts. I don't really care if people match my length, so long as you're not giving me, like, two sentences to my four paragraphs. lol
On memes: I reblog memes to the hub blog, and all memes are open to ANY muse unless the tags state otherwise.
On NSFW: I'm open to PG-13 or occasionally even R-rated threads in established ships with writing partners I'm comfortable with. They'll always be put under a read more and tagged appropriately, and are only an option on muses who are 18+. (Also I do not feel comfortable aging up characters for the purpose of smut.)
On shipping: I ship chemistry only. I do not write romantic ships for muses who are underage.
OC's: I fuckin' love them. My MC from my novel trilogy project is an OC I've had for well over a decade and I have a blog for her, too. If you wanna write your OC with my muse, let's go! I'm happy to ship with OC's, too.
My muse is MY muse. If you don't like my interpretation, please just unfollow and go find one that better suits how you view the character.
Muse List + My Other Blogs:
My art/personal blog - @rivenharlow
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (MHA) - @promisedpeace
Eijiro Kirishima/Red Riot (MHA) - @resoluteriot
Tenya Iida/Ingenium (MHA) - @ingeniuminherited
Mirio Togata/Lemillion (MHA) - @saveamillion
Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater (MHA) - @consumingchimera
Nejire Hado/Nejire Chan (MHA) - @wackywavelength
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - @avengerascended
Rock Lee (Naruto) - @bloomtwice
Snotlout Jorgensen (HTTYD) - @strongestrider
Viggo Grimborn (HTTYD) - @grimgambit
Frieza (DBZ) - @gildedemperor
Trunks (DBZ) - @henotichope
Kouga (Inuyasha) - @youkaishowl
Nate River/Near (Death Note) - @thetruesuccessor
Loz (FFVII:AC) - @breakneckboor
Kijonaia "Naia" Remiel (OC) - @thebastardlady
About Me
Hey! I'm Riven. I'm turning 30 in two days as of this writing (June 21st, 2024). I'm an artist and writer with a small business. I'm married with two kiddos and way too many pets (2 large dogs, 6 cats, a rabbit, and a bearded dragon). I'm also genderfluid (they/them pronouns exclusively, though) and pagan. I've been roleplaying since my friggin' Neopets days when I was, like, 8 years old, but I've been on Tumblr for about a decade now. You can find my socials here
Thanks for reading! No password needed but do feel free to message me or toss me an ask if you wanna start a thread!
This post was made on June 21st of 2024 and will be updated as I think of anything to add.
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axgmented · 2 years ago
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they call me bughuul: devourer of children ; everyone's a child when they cry for their mothers.
Independent & Highly Private & Selective (multiverse) FFVII:AC&ACC& FF7R OC. 18+ NSFW themes present. read rules & about before interacting. est. 2018
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his-shining-tears · 3 years ago
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soularia · 5 years ago
Marlene: I'm tired
Denzel: and I'm hungry
Cloud: Hi tired and hungry, I'm Cloud!
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darrengrave · 6 years ago
Okay but y’all ever think about how much Aerith looks like Lucrecia and how that must haunt Vincent with some inexplicable feeling of dread every time he sees some Certain Love Triangle Undertones playing out as the party travels on and how looking at Cloud he sees a ghost of that indecision and uncertainty that Vincent had that directly led to Sephiroth’s conception and all the other nightmarish tragedy that came out of Shinra Mansion. And then Sephiroth kills Aerith and not only is Vincent seeing a tragic repeat of what happened to Lucrecia, but the fact that another relationship was killed before it could fully blossom BECAUSE of the consequences of his indecision that he couldn’t have possible foreseen but man can you IMAGINE the regret and how he must feel seeing all that SAME regret in Cloud. What thoughts must possibly be going through his head as he watches Sephiroth destroy so many other lives and nearly the entire planet. The fact that Vincent is the only one who sits down and listens to Cloud in Advent Children without ever invalidating him or demanding anything of him, just there to be whatever figure of support is needed because he is just as lost. He knows. HE KNOWS.
immediately followed by the Cloud/Aerith exchange in Cloud’s thoughts of “but.... I LET YOU DIE.” “Isn’t it time you did the forgiving?” ARE SINS EVER FORGIVEN he asks Vincent, because he knows Vincent is the only other person who knows that SAME grief and regret he does.
Admittedly, “I’ve never tried.” And how can he. Where can he even begin to start to forgive himself for things that happened so long ago, that spun so far out of control, that hurt so many people, that is STILL hurting so many people. Even though nothing that happened was his fault how can he not still feel responsible.
And what a terrifying thought that is. To become so lost and tangled in the abyss of mourning. For Cloud to look into the face of what his own future could be. “You mean....?... never tried...?...” Terrifying enough to reach him when no one else could.
WELL I’M GONNA TRY. and not only that but, “I’ll phone in the verdict.”
The idea that some kid could not only dare to try and figure out how to JUST. LIVE. in spite of all that pain, but share whatever hope he can find through the grief with him as well. 
“Where can I buy a phone?” Vincent asks Tifa.
anyway what got me on this train of thought was definitely not how much this song has for years reminded me of the music of shinra mansion and also fighting sephiroth, and how much cloud and vincent’s relationships mirrored the other in so many ways but ESPECIALLY in tragedy and disaster and how OVERLOOKED IT ALL IS
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Cloud Strife first 10 gif-go !
Let's see what's here of my favorite chocobo-head
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I remember reblogging this once-still stellar sprite-work ! I wouldn't mind having the remake in this style (still cinematic) if it came out sooner to be honest. Also, Cloud is NOT skipping leg-day standing like that, believe me.
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I don't know the context of this, unfortunately. I interpret it as a way of representing how Cloud could have ended up with a lot of different persons' personalities if any other character had taken Zack's place.
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Hi angel face ! How's the wedding planning with Tifa goin'?
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This could be screenshot and made into a classic painting masterpiece. I kniw a lot of people have problems with FFVII:AC but as I never played the original game and was introduced to the world and characters through thousands of pages of fanfiction, I don't get squicked. Also, I can watch it for the art-style alone *drools*
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To infinity and beyond !
... Sephiroth wanted to travel in space, right ? I wonder if it was possible to accomplish by making all the Sephiroth clones throw him in turn, higher and higher until he was in space and gravitation stopped working ? Might have been a better solution than the Back materia.
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Will you ever arrive ? Thou art as ellusive as time itself, dear remake Cloud.
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Is it? Noctis and Cloud aren't as similar as Cloud and Lightning, at least. But now I want an AU where we have Sephiroth as Prompto, Genesis as Ignis, Angeal as Gladiolus and Cloud as Noctis. Interesting mix, and Zack would definitely join sooner or later. I don't mean I want the to have the Chocobros' personalities, but that they take their place in the world...
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I love me some sweet First Tsurugi
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Everything damn it ! I always cringe at this part, because it looks like it hurts SO MUCH! And Sephiroth is sadistic AF in AC.
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We end with a classic scene from the original game. Seriously, consider this but in excellent sprite-art *drools*
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fuckyeahffboys · 7 years ago
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Kadaj (FFVII:AC) | めい子
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cyberill · 7 years ago
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2018 kadaj minus 2005 kadaj from this post for the sake of my sanity 
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aerisleis-fics · 3 years ago
The one in which Zack Fair is unexpectedly reunited with Cloud Strife after Sephiroth's fall.
“You already beat him once, didn’t you? This should be a cinch.” Another beat. “Well, you need a hand with him?”
“I…” Cloud struggled to his feet. “What if… I said I did.”
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i-plague-eater · 2 years ago
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Some AU RP art for my co-player with Shotgun/Freyra and Kadaj
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cloudywithachanceofstrife · 5 years ago
he flipp
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Strike a pose 👁👄👁
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alesieben · 3 years ago
Listening to this with headphones possibly for the first time and the weird stereo sound gave me chills
(I mean the way the sound moves from one ear to the other, don't know if that's the right term)
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rinoaheartillyy · 8 years ago
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you are the reason i still f i g h t.
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soularia · 5 years ago
Denzel: how do you know when someone's is “the one”?
Cloud: when you don't hesitate to dance and cross-dress to rescue her from the clutches of a crime lord
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