#ff noctis
geminigame-rp · 4 months
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ALMIR and IVILL are a strange pair of extraterrestrial twins that refer to themselves as the GAME MASTERS. They offer the recently-deceased a chance at redemption in exchange for their participation in a battle against the other twin's team--the rules and setting of which change with each new world stage. Just remember to read the fine print when you sign the contract...
The Gemini Game is an 18+ multi-fandom Discord based roleplay group that is currently accepting fictional characters and original characters from most media sources.
We operate on a rotational AU setting where a new world is played every 8-10 weeks, allowing flexibility and freedom for characters to build relationships and bonds with both their teammates and even their opponents in these strange games.
Check us out here!
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ria-neearts · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Noctis !
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ethernalium · 1 year
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cecil2311413 · 11 months
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Early ffxv story boards from Roberto Ferrari in 2013. How much it has changed…
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halfwayriight · 9 months
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I, um...
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1driedpersimmon · 7 months
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I finally got around to playing the ffxiv collab quest and the second Noctis stepped in I was like 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (was my first ff game I ever finished, I didn’t like it. But I still loved Noct a lot)
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blurryzip · 3 months
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Noctis Myspace pic haha
I just did this as a study but omg
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fire-of-the-sun · 2 months
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bluffspirit · 4 months
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ray chase saw and signed this… :,)
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necroneol · 2 years
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he’s so real
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bluemoonkh3 · 1 year
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Definitely the chocobros 📸👓🎣🏕️
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oveliagirlhaditright · 7 months
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halfwayriight · 1 year
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kirstenonic05 · 1 month
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Did an expression roulette with @dremyink06 :D Original expressions under the cut!
If anyone can find the original artist, please let me know!
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sleepyheadnat · 2 months
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Word count: 675
Cleaning up the rubble of the old Citadel years after the fact, Cindy ended up finding something unexpected—a broken leather string tied to a rusty little plaque in the middle. A dog tag. With Noctis's name, age, sex and blood type engraved on it.
It had been a stupid thing, really. Noctis and Prompto had still been in high school at the time and a fair had hit the town. The gunslinger—18 years old and having never held a gun at that point—convinced them to get matching ones from a stand so their whole Royal Retainer "thing" would, quote on quote, "Feel more legit". And now here Noctis's lied, in the ruins of the place where he had fallen. How very fitting.
That silly town's fair trinket was now akin to the prince's inheritance. But there was no fight for its possession—the other two decided on Ignis immediately. And Ignis took it, and he clung to it. It hadn't been easy for any of them—much less for himself—to see their formerly composed and seemingly unshakable companion, their "mom", kneeling on the dusty ground, gripping the dog tag in both hands like his life depended on it, sobbing openly and bitterly like a child.
He began wearing it around his neck—fixed the string with the utmost care. Aranea would catch, out of the corner of her eyes, how he would sometimes hold it between fingers, stroke it while whispering soothing mantras to get himself to calm down when whatever creature lived in his head started acting up. In moments like those it settled in her—the truth she had long realized and accepted way before he had gotten down on one knee before her: Aranea had married a broken man. Fit her just right, though; she wasn't any less broken than he was.
Maybe too many blows to the head will do that to you, but she found it harder and harder to discern reality in her mind. She would spend minutes trying to separate her dreams—and nightmares—from the prior night from her actual life, try to make sure that the memory she was playing in her mind was an actual memory and not a thought or a story someone had told her.
She would sometimes watch Ignis as he talked to her, stare at the scarred eyes behind his glasses, follow the movement of his lips and wonder to herself who was this man talking to her so intimately and why did he feel so familiar. Some mornings, she would leap out of bed when she saw him and reach for a spear that was not there. Ignis would gently, lovingly coax her into believing that yes, they were married, this was her house, she was safe. No, the war had ended long ago, they didn't have to worry about that. Niffelheim? No, they were in Insomnia, she had defected from the Empire years ago. Why was the Sun up? It was because the True King had sacrificed himself to bring the Dawn back. The world was saved.
And, as sick and twisted as it was (because it was very sick and twisted), the few tears that would sometimes escape Ignis as he said those words aloud would at times turn out to be just the thing that spurred Aranea's memories back. She would come out of her episodes just in time to see her husband try to hide his sadness. But Aranea, always one to have things done her way, would have none of that. And, as sick and twisted as it was, comforting him helped ease her mind away from painful memories and destructive thoughts.
In a sick, twisted, miraculous way, having to care for each other's burdens helped ease their own pain. It was easier to be strong when you had someone who depended on you, warmth was easier to find with arms holding you or another body lying beside your own in bed. Yes, married life suited them just fine—to live is to suffer, but at least they weren't suffering alone.
This is a little segment of a HighSpecs fic I began writing in late 2022/early 2023. I never got around to finishing it,—and I want to! I just don't know when I'll have the time—but this section was completed and self-contained enough that I felt like sharing it by itself for now, while the rest of the fic remains a WIP.
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fire-of-the-sun · 3 months
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Fan-made Final Fantasy XV Posters
Petition for Square Enix to release the high-quality versions of these renders, please? I really wanted to make some kind of poster for this game, but the only images I could find were so small and low quality, I almost didn't bother. Couldn't resist messing around in Photoshop anyway though and my tinkering spiraled into this, so I'd thought I'd share regardless.
I love Noctis' kingly raiment, so I really wanted to Photoshop him to be wearing it. I know it's technically flipped but I had to match the light source. I also gave Noctis his blue eyes back and cleaned the dirt off his face and clothes.
I really wanted to use Kingsglaive's Luna over the version from the game as I personally think that version pairs particularly well alongside older Noctis, just saying...
Creating Ardyn's magic was tricky and took a lot of experimentation to find the right custom brushes, but I hope the final result is close enough. I also edited one half of Ardyn's face to look corrupt with black dripping from his glowing yellow eye and some 'damaged' looking skin.
To create the floating crystals, I took images of actual diamonds, cut them into small pieces and placed them individually around the image before adding lens flares and glowing effects... which was about as tedious as it sounds.
If anyone knows where I can get my hands on some high-quality versions of these images, please let me know and I'll happily remake these posters! Hope you guys enjoy these regardless of the poor quality and let me know which version is your favorite!
(Please do not edit / steal / repost elsewhere without permission)
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