#fezco sighing
blueribbonbaby · 2 years
the boyfriend sigh heard round the world (or maybe just in our ears over and over) in 2x07 was iconic. besides lexi’s writing woes, what other cute mannerisms or antics of lexi’s do you think would cause fez to boyfriend sigh again?
Lexi thinking fezco can fix his problems with his drug dealer friends with a heart to heart
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incorrectfexi · 2 years
lexi: you killed her!
ash: actually, i believe she died of natural causes
fez, checking the body: knife to the neck
lexi: i thought you said she died of natural causes?!
ash: there is nothing more natural than dying from a knife to the neck
fez, nodding: what would be unnatural is if she survived
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myfemininedivine · 2 years
think I’m wired to be tired n anxious.
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Like I was made for waiting and counting
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On something bad to happen,
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something earth shattering but I don’t know what it is and I don’t know how to kill it so I choke instead.
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But I don’t think so rough with you.
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I don’t believe so bleak.
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onlyfezco · 8 months
Obvious - Fezco
Summary: You insist on meeting your cousin Rue's drug dealer and an interesting friendship develops in the process.
Fezco x Reader
Word Count: 4,840
Author's Note: Started this in March of 2022 and it's finally getting posted lol. This is my first Fezco fic since Angus' passing which is so hard to type I'm crying at that. I still miss him. A lot. Dividers from @firefly-graphics
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Rue was your closest cousin. Not that you had many, and the few you did have lived somewhere outside of East Highland, but that was beside the point. She was a year younger than you, so the two of you spent most of your childhood glued to one another. When her dad died, you saw the toll it took on her. You realized then that she started using but she played it off like she had it all under control. That’s what an addict does. Eventually you did confront her about it. She said it was mostly weed, so you let it slide. One day she had you drive her to restock her supply. That’s when you met Fezco for the first time.
“So you’re the guy selling my baby cousin drugs,” you blurted out after Rue did a quick introduction then started making her way to Ashtray behind the refrigerated drinks.
“Y/N, what the fuck,” Rue shouted at you annoyed. “You’re only a year older than me.”
“A year and three months,” you corrected. You only got specific with the three months to annoy Rue. You crossed your arms over your chest as you eyed the ginger sitting on the counter in front of you. “And how old are you?”
Fez observed you carefully. It’s not everyday some random person immediately brings up him selling drugs directly to his face. Especially a cute random person. “You always talk to new people like this?”
“Only when my cousin’s health is at stake.” You sighed and shook your head. “Look, I don’t have beef with you. I realized a while ago that Rue’s gonna do what she wants. I just want to make sure she’s being safe about it... well, as safe as you can get with drugs.”
Fez nodded along as you spoke understanding your concern for your cousin. He knew Rue wasn’t going around promoting that she was doing drugs or that he sold. You were just looking out for her. “I get it.”
“I’ve heard too many stories about people overdosing on Fentanyl or something they didn’t know was laced with Fentanyl. I don’t want to find out that happened to my cousin.”
“You don’t have to worry, ma. I don’t mess with that shit. All my stuff is good.”
You squinted at him taking in his words. “Better be. Otherwise I’m gonna kick your ass.”
Fez chuckled. He didn’t doubt for a second you wouldn’t fight behind Rue. “Understood.”
“You go to school with Rue? I ain’t never seen you ‘round before.” Fez went to most of the East Highland High School parties to deal. Since he’s never seen you there, either you didn’t go to that school, or you didn’t go to parties. Either way, he was missing out on you. 
“Oh God, no,” you said. “I go to Centenary.”
“Oh, so you smart smart.” You smiled and rolled your eyes at Fezco’s statement, and he decided right then and there that was something he wanted to see more of.
“Something like that,” you replied giggling.
“You ready to go, Y/N,” Rue popped up practically out of no where and asked. Damn, why did Rue have to be so quick.
“Uhh, yeah,” you said to your cousin. Rue shoved her hands into her dad’s old maroon jacket and started to walk out the store. You turned to Fezco and said, “I’m gonna be watching you, sir.”
Fez smiled at the thought. “I look forward to it, ma.”
After that, you made a few impromptu trips to Fez’s store without Rue. You told him your grandma lived in the neighborhood, which she did, so it wasn’t a lie. But Fez did point out that before Rue, you had never came to the store before. 
“I mean I could always go somewhere else for my carbonated beverages if you want,” you said as you turned on your heel to leave the store without making your usual purchase.
“Nah,” Fez replied grabbing your wrist stopping you, “I ain’t say all that.”
When your mom told you that Rue overdosed, you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Maybe if you had told your Aunt Leslie what Rue was doing, she could have got some help. But you knew Rue. Ever since her dad’s death she had been struggling. She would have to finally deal with that grief if she was going to stop, and you knew that was the last thing she wanted to do.
A few days after Rue’s overdose, you went to visit Fezco. You weren’t sure if he knew or not. Even though he was her dealer, he was close to Rue, so you thought he should know. And it would be better coming from you than to hear it on the street.
“Well if it isn’t Y/N Y/L/N,” Fezco greeted you with a smile on his face. 
You tried to smile at the red head, but it was weak. “Hey Fezco.”
“What’s wrong,” Fez asked, immediately knowing something was up.
You walked to him fiddling with your fingers nervous to tell him about your cousin. “Uh... it’s Rue,” you said looking up at him with somber eyes. “She overdosed.”
Fez’s face became tense. He didn’t question it. He wasn’t shocked, just sad.
You couldn’t take looking into his piercing blue eyes any longer and set your eyes on the candy on the counter. “She’s still at the hospital going through withdrawals. Aunt Leslie’s going to put her in rehab when she gets out.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Fez said as he placed his hand on your arm to comfort you. Your eyes met his again and you could tell he genuinely felt bad.
“Its..,” you paused and laughed. “I was going to say it’s okay, but its not. She didn’t die, so that’s great but... I didn’t know it was this bad with her.���
Fez dropped his hand and leaned against the counter behind him. “Why’d you come here, ma?”
You looked at him confused. “What are you talking about? Rue’s your friend, I thought you should know.”
“She is but... you ain’t come here to blame me?”
You were taken aback. “No, Fez. It’s not your fault. Rue made a choice. And if she didn’t get her drugs from you, it would be someone else.”
Fez was quiet as he took in what you said. You wanted to, no, needed him to understand this wasn’t his fault. 
“Listen to me Fezco. Rue’s got a lot of problems that she has to deal with. She was using drugs to cope with her grief. I know you wouldn’t want her to OD. I’d rather know she was going to you for her fix, than some random guy who didn’t give two shits about whether or not she lived or died. So I don’t want you putting any of this on yourself, okay?”
Fez gave a small nod to let you knew he understood. You don’t know if he actually believed what you said, but you were glad it was out there. 
Over the summer, you visited the store more frequently. You did see him outside the store once at a pool party. Of course you pointed out that you’d never seen him at a party before. Your crowd was a little different than the East Highland High School bunch. Fez played it off though, but you knew he was only there for you. 
An unexpected hangout occurred one evening when you stopped by the store on a cloudy day. The flow of customers was already crazy slow, then it started raining and store had been empty besides you, Fez, and Ash for the last hour.  
“Aye, bro, can we go home? I’m bored as shit,” Ash said coming from behind the refrigerators. 
Fez looked to you sitting on top of the freezer that held the popsicles and ice-cream before he spoke. “Uh, yeah. Go head and pack up.”
You hopped off your self designated spot in store. “Welp, I guess that’s my queue to head home.” 
“Nah,” Fez said and stopped you in your tracks. “You ain’t gotta go home.”
“But I gotta get outta here,” you interrupted giggling. 
“Nah, ma. I was finna say you could come to my place and hang... if you want.”
Your eyebrows shot up. Fez’s and your relationship mostly consisted of you just hanging out at his store while he worked. The two of you texted every now and then, but that was about it. 
“Oh... Uh, sure,” you managed to stammer out. Then you realized that didn’t sound very enthusiastic so you added, “Yeah, I’d love to come over.”
You followed Fez and Ashtray home in your car since you drove yourself to the store. You were anxious the whole way there and the rain definitely wasn’t helping. 
Fez’s place looked homey. The living room felt familiar; the couches reminding you of your grandma’s house. 
“You want anythin’ to drank,” Fez asked making his way to the kitchen.
“Uh, no, I’m good. Thanks though,” you replied slowly making your way to where he went. It was always awkward the first time you went over to a friend’s house. 
Fez reappeared from the kitchen with a beer in his hand. He eyed you for a second before speaking. “You want to watch a movie or somethin’?”
The rest of the evening was spent on Fez’s couch, watching old 90′s movies. Even Ashtray joined you for one. It was nice. It felt normal, not like you somehow became friends with you cousin’s drug dealer.
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“Oh my God, Fezzy,” you shouted excitedly. “You won’t believe- Rue,” you paused when you saw your cousin coming from the back door that led to Ashtray. You glanced at Fez, then back to Rue. “What are you doing here?”
“Just popped in for a visit,” Rue answered. Her hands fidgeted in her pockets of her dad’s jacket. 
“Unhuh...,” you hummed knowing she didn’t just stop by to see the boys.
“What are you doing here,” Rue asked curious.
“I came by to see Fez,” you stated quickly. “You just got out of rehab, Rue.”
Rue rolled her eyes at you. “Yeah, and I had no plans on staying clean. I learned my lesson cuz. I know my limits now.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “You only know your limits cause you overdosed Rue! You almost died!”
“Key word being almost.”
“Oh my God,” you shook your head again turning away from the conversation. “I’ll talk to you later, Fez,” you said then turned to walk out of the store.
“Hey, Y/N,” Rue said and you stopped in your tracks. “You’re not gonna tell my mom are you?”
You huffed exhausted by your cousin. You telling her mom should be the least of her concerns. You still faced the door but turned your head to look at Rue. Your eyes glossed over with frustrated tears. “I wish you cared about yourself like the rest of us do.” 
Two weeks went by before you saw Fez again. The ginger was starting to think you blamed him for Rue’s relapse. Even though you had told him Rue made a choice to do drugs so it wasn’t his fault, your silence made him think you thought otherwise now. 
It was Sunday afternoon when Fez heard someone at his door. He looked through the peephole and saw you, then quickly opened the door.
“What’s up, ma?”
“Hey... I went by the store first but you weren’t there. I know I should have called or something, but I just wanted to see you.”
“Nah, you good. I’m just surprised is all.”
“Is this a bad time?”
“Nah, come in,” Fez said then stepped to the side to let you in. 
“Thanks,” you replied as you walked past him. You had only been in Fez’s place once, but it felt familiar. You just stood in the entry way while Fez closed the door. “Um, can we talk?”
“Yeah, come on,” Fez said nodding towards the living room. 
Fez took his usual place on the couch and you followed suit sitting beside him.
“I’m sorry about ghosting you these last two weeks,” you said, not being able to make eye contact with him. You felt guilty for ignoring him even though your issues were with Rue. Fez just sat there quiet. He wasn’t a man of many words, but you needed him to say something. “Not to sound cliché, but it was me not you.”
“It sure felt like it was because of me,” Fez said.
You turned on the couch to face him more. “It wasn’t, Fez. I promise. I’m mad at Rue, and I didn’t know how to deal with it.”
“Yeah, but she got her drugs from me and Ash. I could have told her no.”
“And then she would have thrown a fit and went somewhere else. Probably somewhere dangerous.” 
“Why you keep makin’ excuses for me? You shouldn’t be anywhere near me.”
“What,” you asked, your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. “Fez, no, I don’t want to be anywhere else but near you.” You spoke before you could realize what you were saying but it was true. Fez finally looked towards you and you averted his eyes. The silence was too loud. You were careful with your next words. “If I have to tell you every day, then I will,” you said slowly then looked back up at him. “Rue’s choice to do drugs, and keep doing them after her OD, is hers and hers alone. It’s not your fault.” 
Fez took in what you said and how it made him feel then began to shake his head. “Nah, y/n. You tryin’ to justify it still don’t make it right.”
“Fine,” you said exhausted, throwing your hands up in the air. “It’s not right! Rue coping with drugs. You selling her drugs. None of it is right, okay! But Rue is family and you’re my friend. So I’m not going anywhere,” you shouted then just fell back into the couch crossing your arms over your chest. 
Fez just watched you from his place on the couch. Anger and annoyance evident on your face. The situation sucked, but Fez didn’t want to lose you. He was worried if Rue overdosed again, not only would he lose a sister, but you would never forgive him. Regardless of how much you told him it wasn’t his fault she was on drugs, he was the supplier. But, if you wanted to keep being friends with him, who was he to tell you no. 
“Aight, ma,” Fez drawled out in his usual tone. 
“Aight what,” you asked for clarification. 
“You’re right... and stubborn,” Fez said, trying to stifle a laugh. 
You eyed him cautiously. “Elaborate.” 
Fez stayed sitting forward, but turned his head turned towards you and let it fall back on the couch. “Rue’s gonna find a way to do drugs whether or not I give them to her. She was on them before she met me.”
You uncrossed your arms resting them in your lap as you sighed feeling sorry about your cousin. You hated the mess she got in and wished for nothing more than her sobriety. While you were thinking about Rue, Fez’s hand grabbed your forearm then slid down to your hand, pulling it so it was on the empty cushion space between you two, so he could hold it.
“And you’re right about us being friends,” Fez continued. You bit your lip trying to stop your grin from getting too big, and Fez returned a small smile. 
After that day, you had seen less of Fez than you usually had in the summer. It was your senior year, so you were busy trying to keep your grades up while staying active in your clubs. You explained your schedule to Fez so he didn’t trip at the fact that he was seeing less of you. 
Things between you and Rue were strained. After you talked to Fez, you talked to your cousin and told her if she kept doing drugs you weren’t going to stick around and watch her kill herself. You were no longer holding any sympathy for what she was going through. Your Aunt Leslie and Gia managed to keep living without having their grief hold them back, why couldn’t Rue at least try? But Rue became spiteful, not caring that you were cutting yourself off from her. 
You missed how things were in the summer. No stress. Rue was in rehab so you knew she was safe. Spending afternoons at Fez’s store. Missing Fez was how you found yourself at an East Highland party. One of your friends brought it up and you were quick to agree to the outing. You knew he would be dealing at the party, and that was more than enough of a reason to go.
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“Hey,” Rue said plopping down on the couch by Fez.
“What’s up, kid?”
“What’s going on with you and my cousin,” Rue asked, cutting straight to the chase. She was never one to beat around the bush.
“Whatchu mean,” Fez asked.
“Y/N doesn’t do parties. Especially not East Highland parties. And I know she’s not here for me.”
“Shit, she might be here for you,” Fez replied nonchalantly but he was hoping you were here for him. He missed seeing you on a regular basis. 
“Nah, she’s not even talking to me right now. Cut me off cause I won’t stop using. Trying to teach me a lesson or some shit,” Rue said while she rolled her eyes. “So much for family.”
“Don’t say that shit, Rue.” Fez was getting agitated, because he knew how much you cared for her. “That girl loves you. She just wants you to do better.”
“If she loved me, she wouldn’t leave,” Rue argued, her shoulders tensing up. 
“Nah, kid. That’s not how love works. She just doesn’t want to sit around and watch you kill yo’self.”
Rue sat there stunned, your words replaying in her head. “That’s exactly what Y/N told me... how much have you two been hanging out?”
Fez just shook his head as he took his blunt from behind his ear and lit it. “She misses you. Talk to her, Rue.”
You had been at the party for about an hour now. Attempting to play it cool as if Fez wasn’t the sole reason for you being there, you were trying to wait before you went and actually spoke to him. You noticed him a few minutes after you arrived. The two of you made eye contact and waved, but that was it.
Finally managing to leave your friends, you were making your way to Fezco when Rue stepped in front of you.
“Oh sor- hey Rue.”
“Hey, cuz,” Rue said. She looked... nervous. She was fidgeting with her jacket’s hood strings. Her eyes looking practically everywhere else but at you. “Um, can we talk for a sec?”
You looked past her to see Fez still sitting on the couch. Some guy coming up to him to make a deal. “Uh, yeah. Of course. Let’s step outside.”
Rue nodded, then you both made your way to the front door. There was too much going on in the backyard to have a private conversation there. You opened the door and let Rue step out into the cool night air first. 
You leaned against one of the front porch beams while Rue just stood there awkwardly and shoved her hands into her jacket pockets. 
The silence between you two was awkward which was a first. You tried to wait for Rue to speak, but she struggled to find the words.
“What’s up, Rue?”
“Umm, I just- I,” Rue stammered out while she fidgeted in her spot. “Shit, I’m sorry, Y/N. We’ve never not talked to each other like this and I hate it. I miss you.”
You sighed, sorrow filling your eyes. “I miss you, too, cousin.”
Rue’s eyes glossed over as she started to smile. “Uh, I haven’t been using as much anymore.”
You reached out and placed your hand on her wrist for a moment. “That’s great.”
Rue nodded, her eyes dogging around. “Yeah... I met someone.”
“Oh,” you replied, your eyebrows rising up in surprise. You were thrilled Rue was using less, but you knew if her sobriety was because of a person, it wouldn’t last long. “Do I know them?”
“No, she’s new. Her name is Jules.”
“Jules,” you repeated, making sure you pronounced it right.
Rue nodded, her smile growing bigger. “Yeah, she’s here tonight. Pretty blonde in the bright pink mini skirt.”
“You look happy.”
She ran her fingers through her curls, pushing her hair back. “I’m working on it.”
It was quiet for a moment as you looked down at your cousin. “Hey, Rue.”
“I know we haven’t been talking, but... you know I’m here if you need me.” You placed your hand on her shoulder and squeezed.
“I know,” Rue said nodding. Then you placed your other hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. Since you were on the step above her, you towered over her in the hug so you sat your chin on her head.
“Okay... you can let go now, Y/N,” Rue said after you were holding onto her a little too long.
“No, gotta make up for lost time,” you said, hugging her tighter.
“It wasn’t that much time.”
“It felt like forever,” you said dragging out the r then placing a bunch of kisses on Rue’s head.
“Ew, okay okay, I get it,” Rue said squirming in your arms. “Why don’t you go and kiss Fez?”
You stopped abruptly, pulling back slightly to look down at Rue. “Why would you say that? Did he... did he say something to you?”
Rue gently pushed herself out of your arms. “No, but it’s obvious something is happening between you two.”
“What,” you asked shaking your head, nervously running your hand over your hair. “Nothing’s happening. We’re just friends.”
“Yeah, friends who wanna fuck,” Rue replied. She was always the blunt one in the family. 
“Am I wrong,” she asked, her eyes on you.
“Uhh-I mean...”
“Un huh. Just tell him how you feel,” Rue said as she started to make her way back into the party.
“You say that like it’s so easy.”
Rue turned around so she was walking backwards now. “It is when the other person likes you back.” Then she turned back around and you lost sight of her in the sea of people.
“But...,” you shouted then began to whisper since you no longer saw her, “how do you know he likes me?”
Now you were nervous. You weren’t really one to flirt, at least not on purpose anyway. It was one thing to act normal around Fez and pretend you didn’t have a huge crush on him, it was another for someone to tell you he liked you and pretend to be normal. What if Rue was wrong? What if whatever sign she was getting from Fezco, was just him being a good friend, and not him being interested in you?
You made your way back into the party, but completely passed by the living room and went straight for the bathroom. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a line so you went right in. You locked the door then went to the mirror to look at yourself. Everything was still in place. Your lipstick was perfect. Your hair styled the way you liked it. Now, if only you could get that look of fear off your face. 
“Breath, Y/N,” you said to yourself. You took a long exhale then inhaled. “Rue wouldn’t lie to you... well, maybe about drugs but not about this. And it’s Fez. Just put out some feelers to see where his head is at.” You nodded at yourself then turned the faucet on to splash a little water on yourself. Then your eyes grew wide as you thought, looking at yourself in the mirror again. “But what if he’s just being nice? IT’S FEZ! He’d never intentionally be mean to me. So how will I know if he’s only being polite and not actually flirting with me. Ughh!”
You dried your hand on a nearby towel then turned away from the mirror. You took some deep breaths to try and shake off the nervous feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. “Okay. It’s fine. You’re fine.” You thought about every time you hung out with Fez over the summer. Going to his house for the first time. Him giving you candy for free at the store. Him holding your hand on his couch. Fez was a good friend and you didn’t want to lose that, but you couldn’t keep holding your feelings for the ginger in. 
“Hey Y/N,” Fezco said once you stopped in front of him. A small smile growing on his lips. Somehow his eyes managed to shimmer in the crappy living room lighting. 
“Uh can you give me a ride home? I don’t feel so hot and I can’t find my friends.”
Technically it wasn’t a lie. You didn’t feel great. Your anxiety about asking Fez how he felt about you made you sick to your stomach.
“Sure thing, ma,” Fez replied, getting up from the couch without a second thought. Add that to the list of reasons you liked Fez. He would drop everything for you. The party wasn’t done so there was still money to be made, yet here he was, walking you out the party to his car.
The ride was quiet and awkward which was unusual. You only felt awkward around Fez when you had to bring up Rue’s drug addiction. Glancing over at Fez, he was oblivious to the worry that was going on in your head. His eyes focused on the dark road ahead as he nodded along to the music. The streetlights highlighting his freckles as you drove through the neighborhood. 
“Do you like me,” you asked, interrupting Fez.
Fez’s eyes left the road for a moment confused at your sudden change in the conversation. He readjusted himself in his spot before he spoke. “Yeah, course I like you. Wouldn’t be giving you a ride home if I didn’t.”
You shook your head annoyed. “No, Fez. I mean do you like like me? Like if we were in middle school and you found a note in your locker that said ‘do you like me? Yes or no.’ Which one would you circle?”
Oh. OH! What did he mean by oh. Your brain was running a mile a minute now. Fez better say something else and quick. 
After what felt like forever, but was only about 5 seconds. “Yeah... thought it was obvious I was feelin’ you.” 
You let out a breathy laugh in disbelief. “Obvious?”
“Yeah, I mean I thought you was real cute that first day you came in the store grillin’ me about what I was sellin’ Rue.” Fez chuckled to himself remembering that day.
“You thought I was cute,” you asked baffled. This was all so confusing for you. 
Fez shook his head, eyes still focused on the road. “You gonna just keep repeating everything I’m sayin?”
“Uhh, yeah,” you replied, your eyes wide trying to prosses what he was saying to you. “It doesn’t make sense and you’re being so nonchalant about this.”
“How am I supposed to be?”
“I don’t know,” you answered, your hands flailing around. “Not like this! Just a minute ago I was freaking out wondering if I would ruin our friendship, or if there was even the slightest chance you liked me back... and you do. My brain can’t comprehend.” 
Fezco put his car in park and you realized you were in front of you house. “Well, comprehend, ma.”
You slouched back in your seat staring out at the road ahead of you taking it all in. Rue was right. “What do we do now?”
Fez reached over the center console and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. “Well, we could start with a date?”
You turned at looked at Fez, biting your lip to stop your smile from getting too big. “I’d like that,” you said, nodding your head.
“Cool,” Fez said smiling. 
“Cool,” you repeated grinning right back. 
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just staring at one another. 
“You know what. I’m feeling way better now.”
“Yeah... don’t think I’m quite ready to go inside yet.”
“You got something in mind?”
“Not really,” you said, pausing to think for a second. “Just not ready to leave you yet,” you replied, squeezing his hand a little while rubbing your thumb back and forth on the back of his hand.
Fezco’s checks got incredibly hotter as he looked away from you avoiding your eyes. He let go of your hand and put his car back in drive beginning to drive off then said, "I think I know a place."
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Behind Closed Doors | Fezco
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Description: you’re with Fezco in bed when Rue shows up and bangs on his door. Set in Euphoria season 1, episode 3
Pairing: Fezco x Female!Reader
A/N: The moment I first saw this scene, I knew I wanted to write something with it, but I never got around to it until now. Gif isn't mine - all credit to the creator. Enjoy xo
Warnings: drug mentions, addiction
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The sound of a fist banging on the door to Fezco’s house shook you out of your nap. “Mm, what is it, Fez?” You asked, still sleepy, stretching and turning over to face him.
“I don’t know.” Fez sighed, pulling you into him for a quick kiss. “Maybe they’ll go away if we wait long enough.”
The incessant banging continued and after a few more seconds, your boyfriend let out an annoyed grunt and shifted to get out of bed. You watched, a lazy smile on your face as he grabbed his shirt from the floor and threw it on. “Be right back.”
You didn’t necessarily try to hear, but the walls in the house could be thin so it wasn’t hard to eavesdrop on conversations. 
“Who is it?” You heard Fezco ask as he walked into the living room. The door squeaked as he opened it, and you could only imagine who was on the other side. One of his clients, no doubt. “Not today, Rue. Sorry.”
Rue. Your chest constricted at hearing the younger girl’s name. You’d seen her around school before you’d graduated, and had met her a couple times since whenever she showed up asking for drugs. From the rumors, her drug habit was one of the worst out of all of Fezco’s clients, and that was seriously saying something.
“C’mon man, don’t be a dick.” The window was open, a fact you hadn’t realized until now, and you could hear the hurt in her strung-out voice.
“Nah, I’m serious. You can’t come in.”
You and Fezco had just been talking about how he wanted to set firmer boundaries with his clients and you knew this was going to be one of the hardest. He saw Rue like a little sister, and always took special care when it came to her - any other girl would be jealous of the relationship, but you saw it for what it was: guilt mixed with some fucked up version of platonic love. When the news broke that Rue had been carted off to rehab after a very nasty OD where she almost died, Fezco had been inconsolable for almost a week. Ashtray had done a majority of the deals that week and you still weren’t sure what he’d told the buyers.
“Look, man, all I- all I need is just a few OCs-”
“Sorry, I can’t help you.”
“Fez? Fez? I’ve had a really fucked up day, alright? It’s been a really really fucked up day, so I need you to open the door for me, okay? Can you open the door, please?” The desperation in her voice had tears pricking the back of your eyes. You knew that tone of voice well, memory taking you back to your dead, alcoholic mother when she’d beg you to go buy booze with the fake she’d had made for you specifically for that purpose. Addiction was a hell of a drug.
“I ain’t gon’ help you kill yourself, Rue.” His silence was deafening. “I’m sorry but you can’t be comin’ over here no more. Just go home.”
“Don’t! Fez, don’t close the-” you heard the click of the door. “Fuck! Fez-” Rue banged her fist against the storm door, “open the fucking door, please? I’m begging you, just open the door.” In a flash, you were off your feet and heading down to the front door. When you got there, all you could see was his back, his forehead resting on the now-closed door. You wasted no time, coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek in-between his shoulder blades as you held him tight. He took a shuddering inhale, bracing himself for Rue’s next words.
“Fez! You’re full of shit, man. You know you make your living off of selling drugs to teenagers, and now all of a sudden you wanna have a fucking moral high ground?! You’re a fucking dropout drug dealer. You know that? You’re a fucking dropout drug dealer with seven functioning fucking brain cells. OPEN THE DOOR! Fuck you! Fuck you Fez okay? Are you doing this because you care about me ? If you gave a shit about me you wouldn’t have sold me the fucking drugs in the first place but you did! You fucking did so open the goddamn door! Open the door!”
During Rue’s rant, Fez had turned around, his eyes meeting yours in one of the most tortured expressions you’d ever seen on his face. You hugged him again, your arms winding around his neck as you let him bury his face in the crook of your neck. 
“I can’t do it-” He whispered against your skin, and you couldn’t fathom how Rue had heard him, but she responded like she had.
“Open the door, open the door, open the door!” The silence was heartbreaking, but you were currently torn between comforting Fez and fighting Rue for what she’d said to him even though you knew it was no use when an addict was like this. “Open the door. You did this to me! You fucking- you did this to me, Fez. You fucking ruined my life. The least you could do is open the goddamn door! I’m so serious I’m so fucking serious. If you don’t open this door right now I swear to god, I will hate you til the day I fucking die.”
“I’m sorry.”
She let out a heart-wrenching wail and smacked her fists against the storm door. “You fucking did this to me! Open the door! Open the door, Fez! C’mon man…”
Wordlessly, you took Fez’s hand and led him back to the bedroom, the sound of Rue banging on the door for far too long until she tired herself out and left.
The two of you had laid in silence and you waited without expectation until he began to speak. “I just…don’t know how to help her, ya know?” Fez murmured, staring up at the ceiling. 
“She’s an addict, Fez. And you’re a dealer. You can’t control what she does and you have to let her fail on her own. It sucks but there’s only so much you can do.”
“I know.” He sighed, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple. “Thank you for being here.” After a while, Fez finally fell asleep in your arms, his breathing finally evening out after an exhausting encounter. You tucked him into bed, curling up into his side as you tried to get some sleep of your own.
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thequeendesi · 2 years
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Title: Stupid
Alt Title: Watch Your Mouth
Warning; sex, p in v, agressive, dominance, grabbing, cussing, porn w a plot
Disclaimer: I don’t own you, or the euphoria franchise however I own the writing
Rating: MA
Word Count: 1309
“You’re fucking ridiculous.” You scoffed as you dropped your phone on the table. “I’m always fuckin’ ridiculous. It’s always me.”
“Because it is you!” You shouted at Fez, walking behind him as he walked into the kitchen of the apartment you, his brother and he shared. “You’re doing a fucking deal at a damn high school party!” You pinched your nose, leaning against the door frame. “Fezco, we'll go to big people's jail!”
“I can fuckin’ handle myself! I don’t need your loud ass shoutin’ at me for shit for no damn reason.” Fez returned your previous scoff, opening the fridge to grab a Budweiser. “No damn reason? No damn reason?” You asked him, voice raising the second time you asked. Fezco took a deep breath and closed the fridge, taking a swig of the beer as he leaned against the fridge.
“I’m tryna keep your ass out of jail! And you’re too damn stupid to get your head out of your ass.” You pointed at him. “Don’t call me stupid.” He said shortly, a warning. Maybe stupid wasn’t the right word, you knew Fezco was aware of his risks and what he was doing. But you also were aware of the fact that if he goes to jail, everything is fucked.
“Don’t fucking act stupid.” You shot back, arms falling to your sides.
His jaw tightened as he nodded. His head leaned back as he continued to down his drink in four sips. He placed his now empty glass on the counter as he walked over to you.
His hand grabbed your jaw. Index, middle and ring on your cheek, palm covering your mouth as his pinky rested under your chin and your thumb on your other cheek. His grip was firm, but didn’t necessarily hurt.
“Watch your mouth babygirl.“ He said, beer on his breath. “I ain’t got any problems usin’ your mouth for what it’s best.” Your eyebrows raised as your eyes widened.
Your breath was caught in your throat. He wasn’t covering your nose, you could breathe just fine. But this sudden dominance from Fez was unexpected.
He has been dominant in bed before, but as the longer you two date, the more vanilla he’d become. Sex was good, but ever since you two began living together rather than ‘getting it when you can’, the sexual fire seemed to just dull.
You pulled your head back from his grip, which wasn’t hard at all. “Make me.”
Fez closed his eyes and leaned his head back, a short laugh escaped his lips. “Such a damn brat.” He shook his head, looking down at you.
His fingers moved to the back of your head, fingers gripping your hair as you lowered to your knees by his force.
You looked up at him as he used his free hand to undo his jeans, slipping them down to the middle of his thighs, he freed his member from his black jeans. You looked at it as he gripped it in his hand, a little over seven and a half inches with a girth that still had the ability to hurt if you two go without for a while. Precum leaked from the head of Fez’s dick.
“Open that pretty little mouth babygirl.” He ordered, his fingers moving from your hair to your chin. Your mouth opened as you stuck your tongue out.
“That’s a good girl.” He whispered, tapping his cock on your tongue. “Such a good girl.” He moved his hand once more, to the top of the back of your head.
Your hand grabbed the base of his cock as your lips wrapped around his head. Your eyes closed as you bobbed your head, moving your hand to cover what your mouth can’t.
“Just like that, pretty girl.” His praises slipped from his lips as you continued to bob your head, his fingers gripping your hair, using his hand to make a makeshift hair tie. “Fuck.” He sighed.
You focused the attention on the tip of his cock, tightening your hand grip a little and pumping your hand a little more.
You sucked, your eyes looking up at him managing to catch his head back. He swallowed hard as he pulled your hair, your lips making a popping noise you let go of his cock.
“Don’t fuckin’ speak.” He said, letting go of your hair as he pulled you up by your arm pits. He moved you to the counter of the kitchen.
His hands grabbed your shoulders as he turned you around, bending you over as your tummy rested on the counter.
You moved your arms to prop your self up on the counter, crossing over each other as he left go of your shoulders. You looked over your shoulders.
His hands traced your sides as he made his way down the the hem of your skirt, a tight black skirt that normally drives him crazy, and tonight wasn’t an exception.
His fingers hooked under it as he pulled it up. “You’re so damn soaked.” He noted, you knew he was talking ab the fact that your wetness seeped through your pink thong and it definitely made a print.
His index finger hooked the thong at your pussy and pulled it to the side.
“Your pussy is just crying for this dick, ain’t it baby?” He asked you, his hand gripped his cock as he rubbed it through your folds, coating the tip with your dripping juices.
“You can speak.”
“Yes what?” He asked, pushing the head into you slightly.
“Yes sir.”
“Such a good girl.” He whispered to you, lips on your ear as his hands grip your waist as his cock sinks deeper into your right cunt.
Your breath catches in your throat as you dropped your head to rest on your arms. “Shit…” you muttered, feeling yourself clench down on his cock. “You’re gonna break it, ma. Relax.” He says into your ear, his hips pressed against yours as he fills you. “You’re taking your dick so good.” He kissed your neck.
You breathed out the moan you were holding. He pulled away from your neck as he stood right, his hips pulling away from yours slowly as he pulled nearly all the way out.
He pushed back into you, then pulled away slowly once more. His hand moved to the middle of your back as he pushed down a little, forcing a little bit of an arch as his pace began to quicken, moans coming from the both of you.
“Fuck baby…” you whimpered out, picking your head up from your arms, eyes clenched closed as he began to fuck you mercilessly.
You gripped your arms as you felt him torture your g-spot. Your body jerking a little every time he pushes it.
“Right there?” He asked you. You nodded, moans becoming the only thing you can do.
“Ma, I’m not gon’ last to much longer…” He said, hips snapping against yours, the sound of your squelching pussy, his balls smacking your clit, and the moans from the both of you being the only noises to be heard.
“Fuck baby… I’m about to cum…” you moaned out. “Cum all over your cock, ma.” He ordered, and as if a band snapped, you came hard on his cock.
A loud, strangled moan-type sob escaped you as his hips slapped against yours. “That’s right, such a good girl.” He groaned, his cum painting your insides. “Fuck..” he whispered to himself as he rode out the two of your own highs.
Your breathing shook as you laid your head back down and his head rested between your shoulder blades.
He pulled out of you and fixed your thong. “Ready to shower?” He asked, picking you up over his shoulder.
You laughed a little and went limp in his arms. “Yes. Definitely.”
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dawnwriterimagines · 1 year
debt that’s owed : Fezco (3)
Summary:  Laurie needs someone to pay her the debt that’s owed to her, Rue ran from her, which gives her the perfect opportunity to use Fezco’s words against him. But, is she worth you?
Warning(s):  Angst, talk of overdose, Fear, Drugs, mentions of sex trafficking, Laurie’s crazy ass once again, etc.
(PART 1)     (PART 2)
Author’s Note: What a beautiful man we lost, in every sense of the word. Rest in Peace Angus. Gone too soon. We all love and appreciate the works you’ve done, the lives you’ve changed and the love you give, rest well in beautiful peace.
 Buy me a Coffee? Ko-Fi 
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- - -
You had woken up disoriented and drugged, a needle still sticking out of your arm, a few too many holes made that made your skin splotchy and purple. Laurie had been standing over you, hushing you as she took the needle from your skin, kissing your wrist as a mother would have her only child before she stood. “Laurie...” you sighed out, trying to make sense of what was happening. “Laurie. Please...”
The older woman rubbed your cheek, “Shhh...” the touch running through your system all the way down to your toes, you took a breath, shivering at the discomfort. “They don’t like it when you girlies talk too much, hush now, sweetie.” You’d never felt like this before. You felt terrible. 
She left the door open when she left the room, a man you didn’t recognize peeking through the crack of the doorway to look at you, he gave a pleased laugh, whistling. 
You turned on the floor, the blanket beneath you did nothing to shelter you from the cold floor below. The lights were dim from the tiny lamp in the corner, nothing else in the room, but it wasn’t very big anyway.
It took a while to realize you were naked, only from recalling what you had been wearing earlier, and the cold air that you could feel everywhere but nowhere all at once, cause you were sweating terribly. Feeling incredibly hot all of a sudden. You rolled around, pulling the blanket with you as you broke out into a fever, the discomfort you felt was enough to distract you from the horrifying situation you were in currently.
“Laurie...” you drawled, whimpering as the drugs took you once again. It didn’t feel right at all, you felt sick and you felt fucking amazing all at the same time, but you were scared most of all. You had no idea what she had been pumping you with for the last few hours. “Fez...” you called for your boyfriend, sobbing as your eyes rolled back as you quickly succumbed to the feeling. “Fezziee...” you hiccupped.
“I like this one,” you heard the stranger say.
The man at the doorway pulled out a scrunched up wad of cash from his pocket, beginning to slide off his jacket, before Laurie stopped him with a shake of her head. “Just watching for now. She’s not ready yet, still under prep. But, if you wanted to purchase her, that’s different...”
You shivered as you followed your high, wondering what would happen next and if Fezco would ever find you before something horrible happened to you.
- - -
Fezco looks around as he rushes over to Rue, checking for anyone that was around the house that may be unwanted, clearly on edge. “What the hell are you doin’ here, Rue?” he questioned the girl, she follows the two of them into the house. “Imma need you to leave, I ain’t askin’.”
Her gaze lingering on the broken screen door, unable to even close it as it had no knob now, the whole piece completely gone as if it’d been blown to pieces, “I wanted to hang out...but obviously you’ve got some shit goin’ on,” her eye’s going wide at the state of the house. “What the--what the fuck happened here?” the glass on the floor, the broken deck doorway, the flipped table, the broken lamp on the floor, the scuffled carpet.
Rue steps into the house, slowly, Ash getting on the computer, looking for something, Fezco making a call, his shoulders low as if something heavy sat upon them. The girl’s eye’s narrowing as she followed the scuffs over to the room hallway, the bedroom down the hall had its door broken down, wooden pieces still on the floor. 
Concerned was not the word to describe how she felt right. Scared wasn’t either. Worried, maybe. But, she was also pretty terrified. Terrified of the answer to her next question.
“Fez,” she hadn’t torn her eyes away from the hallway when she spoke, her voice small, reluctant. “Where’s (Y/n)?” she turns then, her brows knitted together in complete worry, stumbling forwards and away from the hall. She makes her way over to Fezco, taking a handful of his shirt as she pulls him, “Fez!” her voice breaks, her fists shaking, “Where is she?!” she sucks in a breath as she sees his face and the way he doesn’t look her in the eye. “No...” she shook her head. “What so she’s...she’s what? She’s gone?” her voice raising. “Is (y/n) gone, Fez? Come on, gimme something!”
“She’s not gone,” Fezco turned to her with a hardened look, pulling her hands from his shirt, the material stretching out as her grip hadn’t loosened. “Imma find her. Imma find her and kill the motha’fucker that did this,” he seethed to himself, stepping away from her. “Ash, go over the tapes. Try yesterday and this morning, find a camera that isn’t fucked with.”
Ash doesn’t say anything but nod, rushing to the room down the hall as Fezco took the laptop from him, sitting down on the couch, Rue following Fezco, still confused with what was going on.
“Who...wait, who did this?” Rue asked, loudly. “Stop ignoring me, man.”
“I told you to fuckin’ go home, Rue,” Fezco’s eyes flickered up to the girl before back down at the screen, rewatching this morning’s tapes, trying to find someone he recognized. “I ain’t need this right now.”
“Need what? I’m tryin’ to help you,” Rue frowned, offended. “I wanna help! My best friend’s fucking missing, well...kidnapped, by some fucking jackass and even trashed your crib,” she gestured around the house at the damage. “Lemme do something, I can help! I can help find her!”
Fezco looked up toward her, agitated. “You wanna do somethin’ helpful?”
“Yeah, dude!” She nodded before making a face. “Wait, you aren’t gonna just tell me to leave--”
“Go home, Rue.”
“Oh, come on!” she yelled out. “I can help you! I be doin’ mad detective shit. Besides you need all the help you can get, it’s not like you can ask the guys in blue.”
Fezco ignored her for now, trying to stay focused. “Just go sit down somewhere, man. I don’t got time for this.”
And so, reluctantly, Rue went towards the other side of the couch, around towards Ashtray, she sticks her head out of the sliding panel doorway, which was now gone, broken through. Alarmed, she looks down at the glass at her feet, it crunches, burying itself further into the carpet. 
Behind her, Ashtray took a note from his pocket, letting it sit on the coffee table, sliding it over to his brother. “This gotta mean something. Wanna run this through some contacts?”
Fezco thinks on it, before nodding at the idea. “Yeah, man. Let’s try it.” 
As they head back to work, Rue perks up at the new source of info, “Wait, ya’ll got a clue?” coming over to the coffee table, picking up the note, Fezco fumes and Ashtray gaps at the girl’s unwanted involvement.
“Rue!” Fezco grits. “What I just tell you, man!” He usually saw her presence as quite endearing
Rue brushes him off. “I’m good at riddles, just--” then she really looks at the note. 10k.
Oh my fucking god, 10k.
As Fezco snatches the note from her grip, Rue stands there, horrified. Her expression morphing completely, shoulders stiffening and hands tensing up, she turns quickly so Fezco can’t see the mortified look on her face. The guilt that quickly begins to eat at her. 
She had thought about it, of course. Of the money she owed Laurie, the drug dealer that she had made a fake deal with in a pathetic effort to get the pills that her regular plug, Fez, had been refusing her. In some way, she blamed Fezco, if he had just given her the damn pills and let her deal with whatever happened to her later, maybe she would’ve never went to Laurie, maybe you wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped...
No, it was her fault, oh my god it her fault. She went to Laurie cause she was fucking desperate and then she ran when Laurie had gotten her the first time, but now you were taken in her place.
She recalled being drugged out of her mind, just as she wanted, but locked in a room and awaiting to be sold for a fuck. 
Rue feels so goddamn sick all of a sudden. She wanted to vomit. 
God, that’s what you could be dealing with right now. 
She did this. Oh god, she did this to you.
But, Fezco does notice. 
“Rue...” he says, slowly.
Ashtray looks up, stopping in his typing. He glances between the two of them silently, before looking at Rue a bit more seriously, taking note of the way her entire demeanor’s changed. He closed the laptop.
Rue didn’t answer Fezco, didn’t even turn to face him, trying to think of something to say, anything that could defend why. But what could she possibly say besides the fact it was supposed to be her.
Fezco forcefully turned the girl around, “Rue!” to which she stumbled back away from him, her face made his stomach drop, knowing now that she knew exactly why this was happening. “You...”
“I didn’t know, I swear, ok?” Rue started, hyperventilating, sniffling as she wiped a panicked tear from her face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, I felt like I was fucking dying, Fez! I was dying! And I--I just--Fez!” she cried as he turned from her, running his hands over his hair, down his face, trying to gather himself, trying to keep himself together. “Fez, I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please, I didn’t think she’d come after anyone, I didn’t think any of it would go this far, please--” 
Ashtray’s eyes widened, lost for words.
“RUE!” Fezco roared, his body snapping towards her, pinched fingers silencing her, “Motherf--FUCK! Are you fucking--!” he shoved at the side wall, hitting anything that wasn’t her as anger overwhelmed him. “Are you out of your fucking mind, Rue?!” he couldn’t believe this. How far the girl had really fell to really get herself, to get you, into this kind of situation. 
“I know! I know! I know!” Rue sobbed, covering her face as Fez screamed at her. “Fucking god, I know! I messed up!”
“DO YOU?! Cause (y/n)’s paying for your bullshit, your fucking dumb ass, fuck shit! You mother--get the fuck out,” he fumed, running a hand over his mouth, gesturing to the door. He turned from her, he couldn’t even stand to look at her right now.
Rue sniffled, shaking. “Fez...Fez, I’m sorry. I can fix it, I can--”
“GET. THE FUCK,” Fezco explodes. “OUT!”
And Rue has no other choice but to leave, casting a guilty glance to Ashtray as well, who stares her down as if he were ready to pull the trigger on her with the glock he currently suddenly had in his hand. 
She quickly left the house, sobbing to herself, hardly able to breathe as she stumbled away from the steps. “I’m sorry...” she hiccupped, turning to the house. “I’m sorry, please...” she whispered. “I can fix this...please, I can...I can fix this.”
Rue made her way away from the house though. Making up her mind to fix this. She can fix this...
- - -
Fezco and Ashtray took their guns, a few mags full of bullets and as much cash they had stashed up, just over 8k, not enough to cover, given the raid that cut their stash short for a while. But, if Laurie wouldn’t take the bribe than getting violent was the next best thing. And Fezco didn’t mind the latter.
So when they arrived at Laurie’s home, weapons tucked into their waist bands, into the inner pockets of their jackets, Fezco parked up, Ashtray loading up his shotgun and snapping the end back into place. “Blow the bitch’s head off if this don’t work out, ight man.”
“That’s the plan, bruh,” Ash said, his young face hardened with his hatred for the sadistic dealer that had stolen his mother from him..
Fezco leaves the car, walking up to the house, fighting the urge to kick the door in and unload every bullet into someone’s fucking skull...”What’chu want, man?” Bruce, Laurie’s partner, large and intimidating in his size, glared down at Fezco.
The young man wasn’t swayed, unblinking eyes peering up at him. “Laurie.”
Bruce frowned at the tone. “You got yo’ shit this month, ain’t you? Unless you got payment already?”
“Laurie, man,” Fezco fought to keep his cool. “Where is she?”
Bruce put his hand on the gun he kept at the waistband of his trunks, “What you gotta say ta her, you can say to me.”
Fezco stood there a while, the two men exchanging violent glares, eyes boring into the other and Fezco itched to grab the gun at his side and let loose. But, he didn’t even know if you were even at this house, he needed to know first. “Ma girl...(y/n), where she at, bruh?”
Bruce smirked, straightening. “Shoulda started with that,” Fezco’s nostrils flared at his words. “You got the money to buy her back, huh?”
“She ain’t belong to nobody, man. And ya’ll fucked wit us with some shit that ain’t got nothin’ to do with her,” Fezco gritted his teeth. “Thought we was cool on this bullshit, bruh.”
“You said she was family,” came Laurie’s soft-spoken voice. She came around the corner, behind Bruce, patting her husband’s arm to back him up, “Didn’t you?”
“She’s a fuckin’ child. And got her ass into some shit. But, if you had a problem wit us, come to me,” Fezco sneered. “You came up and took ma girl--” his nails bite into the palms of his hand, he itched to kill this fucking bitch and her demented ass husband. “Where the fuck is she?”
Laurie calmly stepped in front of Fezco. “Don’t worry, Fez. She’s ok,” she assured him, with dead eyes and a quiet voice. “But, remember, I still need 10 thousand, and another few hundred more for a few packs of morphine, a bit of fentanyl...” as Laurie spoke, Fezco’s heart clenched. 
Fezco tosses the bag at her feet, “A lil’ over $8500 in there,” he said. “I don’t give a fuck if it ain’t enough for you, you took my girl, all your fucked bullshit, trashed ma crib, my fucking family--” he huffed harshly to contain himself. “This all you fucking gettin’ from me, and it’s more than you’ll ever get from us again. Where. Is. She. You fucking bitch.”
Bruce took a step towards him at his words, stopped by Laurie, who held a hand up to keep him where he was, entranced by the rage on the young man’s face. “That’s fair, I suppose.”
“Laurie--” Bruce began.
“Come on in, she’s right in here, Fez,” she welcomed him inside.
Fezco followed her inside, Bruce sneering at him, to which Fezco didn’t bother to acknowledge, all he was focused on now was finally getting his hands back on you, rescuing you from this dreaded place.
Laurie stopped in front of a locked room, pulling out a key from her pocket, the lock clicks open. She takes the lock off and opens the heavy door with a light grunt, the dim lighting offering nothing much, but it was light enough to see you in the middle of the room. 
Breathing harshly, turned on your side, skin drenched with sweat, “Fez...” you drawl out, constantly. “Fez...Fez...” you cried, silently, delirious as you tossed and turned.  
Fezco races into the room, “Ma!” he cries, sliding to his knees at your side, quickly sitting you up, wrapping the thin blanket around your naked frame. “Hey, hey, baby, hey,” he gently slaps your cheek, stroking your flushed face as you shiver in his arms, your eyes unfocused, rolling in the back of your head. 
He didn’t like that, taking your face in his hand. “(y/n), (y/n) look at me, look at me, come on, ma. Look at me,” he turned your head to look him in the eye, “Please, baby, can you look at me, you can, you got it, ya see,” you slowly began to regain consciousness, eye sight clearing. “That’s my girl. Look, you’re ok, you’re alright,” he rubs your arms, you’re freezing but you’re sweating terribly.
“Fez...” you whispered.
“I’m right here, ma,” he assured you. Picking you up off the ground, blanket wrapped tight. “I’m right here. I gotchu, come on, we’re going home, baby,” he stands, heading to the door. Casting a long glare to a calmly smiling Laurie, before exiting the room, he couldn’t afford to do any damage, not when you were in this condition.
“I don’t feel...” you spoke, loosely. Head limp against his shoulder, eyes hardly open. “I don’t feel that great, fez...”
“You’re alright, you’re alright, ok?” Fezco went down the hall as fast as he could, keeping the fear out of his voice, the panic from his tone. 
Coming up to the front door, where he found Rue standing at the steps. Bruce had a short stack of cash in hand that he didn’t have before, less than 10k clearly, but enough to make him happy enough to move out of the way when Fezco made his way past.
The young girl was crying hard, relief clear in her face as she saw Fezco come around the corner with you in his arms, but the state of you made her heart drop. “(Y/n)...hey, is she alright?” she asked, worriedly. “Fez...” To which Fezco brushed her off, moving past her without as much as a word of acknowledgement. 
Ashtray opens passenger door for Fez to place you in, buckling you up as you slump, quickly beginning to pass out once again. “Hey, don’t sleep. Wake up. Mom!” Ashtray startles you awake, leaning over towards you in the backseat as Fezco runs around to the other side to the driver seat. Rue enters the backseat, hesitantly, and stays quiet to not be noticed. She looks at your tired, uncomfortable face in the side mirror, and she cries a bit harder.
Fezco drives off with a final glance to Laurie and her husband waving them off at the step, as if they had just passed by for tea and cookies. The psychopaths'. They waved, knowing he’d be back for blood.
“You’re ok,” he says as he drives. Squeezing your thigh as you shift and turn, “You’re ok, hey, ma. Ma, baby,” he draws your attention. “Hey, there you are, baby.”
You’re lucid and high off whatever the hell must be in your system when you smile at him, “Hi, baby...” you smile at him, before slumping once again. 
Terrified what may happen if you fall asleep, he yells. “(Y/n)!” he startles you awake again.
“I’m sorry,” you cry.
“You’re ok, it’s ok, just keep awake for a little alright?”
“Can we go home now...” you wondered, quietly.
“On our way,” Ashtray says. Fezco glances at his little brother in the mirror.
But, they don’t go home. They stop by a friend’s spot, who had offered to let them crash for the next few days, since he was out of town and they were in some shit.
Entering the home, Fezco carries you to the tub, Rue following behind, as Ash locks the door behind him. Filling up the tub as you lean against the porcelain edge, the warm water clearly calming you, the sound of the running pipe...
But before anything, Fezco sticks his fingers down your throat, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he repeats as he forces you to gag up anything you might have ingested, emptying out your stomach contents, which wasn’t much. You sniffle and cry, hacking up whatever you could get out, leaning against your lover as your stomach churns in discomfort.
He then helps you into the tub, the water climbing to your chest. Cleaning the dirt from the floor you had been laying on, the dried blood and the horrors of the day...
Fezco takes off his sweater and his jeans, left only in his underwear, he steps into the tub behind you, holding you close, “There you go, baby,” he soothingly speaks to you, kissing your forehead as he squeezes you. “You’re alright now. I’ve gotchu, I got you...”
He glances down at the holes in your arm, bruised and crusted with blood, your hands were cut from the glass earlier. He raised one of your hands to his lips as you turned to lean your cheek to his chest, and he began to cry, closing his eyes tightly.
You slept as he wept.
 But he was grateful he had gotten you back.
At least god had given him that much today.
He kissed your hands, your knuckles, your cut skin, the tips of your fingers.
Then, he just held you to him as the faucet dripped to a stop.
- - - 
Awakening in a strange bed, in an unfamiliar place, you stood fast and out of the bed, your back slamming against the wall in surprise. You reached for a light switch, but you couldn’t see anything around you, nothing felt familiar at all, you shook in terror as the man you laid next to stirred and sat up in your mad scramble for light.
“No, no, please!” you collapsed in the corner, covering your mouth before the stranger could even say a thing, he had stood too fast for you to think nothing else but soon violence brought against you. 
“Ma! It’s me! It’s me,” Fezco found a light switch, the dark, unfamiliar room illuminating, to reveal himself to you. “It’s just me.”
You released a heavy sigh of relief, that visible took a weight off your chest. But, it also made your tears run fast, the days having been too much for you, the thought alone had brought you down to your knees and crushed you before you even knew it wasn’t true. 
Fezco quickly went around the bed, coming to sit in front of you, to which you fell into his arms, quickly wrapping your arms around him. “I’m sorry,” you sobbed. “I thought someone--I didn’t know if I--” Fezco interrupts you with a simple stroke of her cheeks, running his thumbs across your cheekbones to soothe your thoughts and wipe your tears.
“I know, I know,” he whispered to her, his voice cracks as his control leaves him. It pains him too much to see you break like this. “But, what happened, huh? You’re here with me. They didn’t get you, baby. They didn’t. You’re here with me.”
“You saved me,” you hiccupped, holding him desperately, just wishing to be close enough to feel nothing but him. “I thought I’d never see you again. That I’d never see Ash.”
“Impossible, ma,” he said, pressing his lips to your forehead. “Can neva get rid of me, you know that. And Ash on his own lil’ demon time, he ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
You release a watery laugh at his joke, sniffling harshly as Fezco rocks you in his arms, safely keeping you wrapped up in his embrace. 
There’s a knock at the door, they raise their heads, Ashtray entering the room, silently. He stands there for a second as he shuts the door behind him, he shifts from one foot to the other, eyes glancing around, a frown on his face. 
“Ash?” you whispered, looking to the boy. Fez knew though, what was wrong.
As Ashtray looked at you finally, his frown deepened, but it wasn’t a frown, just a miserable look he couldn’t hide anymore, a joy that trailed to sadness and brought tears to his usually hardened eyes. And then suddenly, Ash looked like the little boy that you had always allowed him to be, and that he would’ve never been again if you had gone.
“Ash...” you spoke, softly. Reaching out to him, you pulled him by the wrist, into your arms this time. And he broke like glass.
Like a dam, his tears flow like a downpour. An unwilling sob escapes him as he sniffles and cries into your shoulder, embracing you as he hoped he’d be able to every time he prayed to God for your safe return. 
You kissed Ashtray’s forehead, stroking his face, his hair, and you squeezed him like no one ever had. You breathe deeply, a shiver leaves you as you fight your own tears, “Oh, my sweet boy,” you hold him close, as he buries himself to you. “I love you, I love you.” You say it fast, and you say it with all the love you have, like it could be your last time.
Complete. Is how their family felt again. Fezco engulfed himself in the feeling. The thought of losing you, the absence of you, it would’ve destroyed them.
Fezco leans his forehead to his brother’s, knocking heads gently, the boy peering up to him as he sniffles into your neck. The big brother tenderly rubs his little brother’s head, he kisses his soon wife and let them both fall into his chest, into the side of the bed.
And like the family they were, they collapsed against one another, holding each other tight.
Everything’s ok.
@world-of-bitchcraft @chaoticevilbakugo @slytherheign @angelreyesgirl100 @randomhoex @sunflowerlamb @iamasimpingh0e @stephhevring @wobblywolf @winterswhore @fxirysxc @whitejuliana1204 @richietoziersbum @ameerakane20 @scenesofobx @fezcosgirll @r93339 @iwannabeapogue @mel119g @p-peacholic @vidyagaems @diasnohibng @imkikibtw @it-was-never-meant-to-be-boys @padf00ts-l0ver @thecraziestcrayon @rosepetalsparks @hellbound-bunny @runway-to-my-aid @herejustforjj @pookiedookie06 @wxnderingthoughts @ziayamikaelson  @taysirene  @herejustforjj @runway-to-my-aid @p-peacholic @iwannabeapogue @vidyagaems @derangedangel @itty-bitty-dancer​ @sugercoated-lame @chaoticficrecs​ @ aphr0d1teh @​ ​ goldenmoonbeam @ carolinagand @ teamspideyman @ fruitypebblesstuff @ fvcking-gxddess @ rosaprep @ pussy-drunk @ raynelbabe @ softmullet @ hopelezzromanticsblog @ xxlaynaxx @ imatrisk @ gublerstylesobrien1238 @ thefemininemystiquee @ namjoonsbuspass @ pinkyprincess147 @ leah-bobeea @ lonely-bebita @ babygirlwilly @ wannabeddiesgirl @ winterswhore @ meowarmin @ maxinehufflepuffprincess @ lovestay-woozi17   
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hyubg · 8 months
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Prounouns: He/Him
Maddy pérez x male reader!
You were lying on the couch in the party of the end of the year at your side was fezco Who was smoking a blunt he look at you and smile a little —"Happy new year man" —He say as you smile and bump her hand —"Happy new fucking year dude" —You say as you look forward seeing jules dancing with a red plastic cup as she dance with kat you didn't know if It was the effect of the alcohol or the drugs you take but you start thinking about what maybe you did wrong for jules to break up with you and go with rue you were daydreaming for seconds that for you were minutes you were disturbet thanks to maddy passing around you as she start going to the bathroom you get up and follow her you see her banging on the door as she calls for the person inside to come out and you hear nate's voice in the inside she looks at you and smile a little —"Hey"— she say as she croosed her arms around her chest —"Hey you waiting?" —You ask as you laugh maddy notincing you were high as she laughs and then Nate comes out of the bathroom as he passed the two of you and maddy grab your hand and push you to the bathroom as you put your hands on her waist as she kiss you eagerly.
You grab her thighs and put her in the wash as you kiss her neck her moans hit the room as cassie put her hand on her mouth so any sounds came off maddy start unblucking your pants as your hard cock was free she grab your cock and start moving her hand Up and down your cock as you start kissing her neck she put her dress aside as she start teasing her wet pussy with your cock head and you push it inside moaning feeling her thighness.
Maddy clearly doesn't want to wait any longer so you quickly rock your hips in a steady rhythm.
Her nails dig into your back, You suck harshly at her neck, one of your hands going to play with her chest. Maddy moans loudly when you roll one of her nipples between your fingers, legs wrapping around your waist so you can hit deeper inside her.
—"Oh fuck me, right there, right there," —she chants. Once again it doesn't take long for her to cum you get out of her and put your boxers and pants on you didn't cum but you make maddy cum so you were proud of it you then sit on the closed toilet and sigh —"what is it with you?"— maddy ask as she looks at you —"Jules"— you say with a breathless chuckle —"You have to forget about her"— maddy says as she start putting her hair on a ponytail —"I can't you know? It's like when i fuck with other Girls i see her face instead of the girl i'm doing It with jules left me like a Lost puppy and i'm still looking for her to come and say something like 'i'm sorry Y/N you want to have something again'" —You say as you put your head in your hands —"Is like Nate and me i can't forget about him"— you nod and sigh and get Up and grab the door —"It was good to do It with you mad" —You say with a little smile as you get out of the bathroom*
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princessconsuela120 · 2 months
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Summary: fezco comforts you when you have morning sickness.
Warnings: pregnancy, cursing
Authors note: if you couldn’t tell I have both baby fever and fez fever. Send in some asks for this guy!! Don’t forget to comment and vote, enjoy!!!
“Shit ma, come here.” Fezco said, opening the door to the bathroom as you sat by the toilet. This had been a routine since you reached your 2nd trimester. Mornings by the toilet. Usually you would try to sneak out so Fezco wouldn’t wake, but you hadn’t been too sneaky this time.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” You said, coughing into your arm as Fezco sighed, coming to sit beside you.
“You shoulda woken me sooner baby.” Fezco came to rub a comforting hand down your back, kissing your head.
“I’m sorry. You just, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You could never disturb me ma. Promise.” He held out his pinky for you to lock, making you smile as you did.
“Thanks fez. Oh shit, here we go again.”
You returned to the toilet, throwing up as Fezco held your hair back carefully. He rubbed soothing patterns down your back as you threw up your breakfast.
“That’s it, let it all out.” He reassured, making you sigh as you wiped your mouth. “Lemme getchu some water n shit.”
He left to go get water, and came back to see the defeated look on your face as you rest your chin on the toilet lid, not caring how unsanitary it is.
“We gotta deal with this for how much longer?” You asked, making Fezco shrug.
“Shit I don’t know. Three months?”
“Fuuuck.” You buried your face in his neck as he chuckled, hugging you while you hid in his neck.
“But think about the benefits.” He said, making you nod. You rolled your eyes, smiling at his optimism.
“Think about having me wake you up to this every morning.”
“I don’t mind waking up for you baby. Just say the word. You got me wrapped around your finger ma.” You smiled, letting him kiss your temple before you held out your pinky.
“Three more months?” He locked his pinky in yours with a smile.
“Three more months.”
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Can you write something for fezco where he takes his anger out on his girlfriend(reader) maybe angst with a happy ending:-)
this has been in my inbox for a while I'm so sorry love
fezco x fem!reader
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warning: police raids, disposing of drugs, language.
wc: ±1040
a/n: this takes place in season 1 when nate calls the cops and fez and his house gets raided. not proofread.
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You didn't know what time it was, or what the fuck was even happening. All you could focus on was Fez's shouting and the incessant banging on the front door, your hands shaking as you struggled to get the pill bottles opened and flushed down the toilet.
"Shit, hurry up," you heard him shouting as you threw the thousandth bottle down the bowl. "I'm trying," you heaved, the cops' shouting and banging increasing by the second. It felt like forever before you managed to get the last of his stash flushed, getting rid of the hundreds of bottles and watching as the swarm of cops threw the place upside down.
By some universal luck, they didn't find anything, and left, leaving the house a complete mess. You looked over to the clock hanging in the living room to see what the time was; 4:47 AM. You sighed, looking around the room till your eyes met Fez's, who looked like he was on the verge of popping a vein. It was an unnerving sight from someone who's usually so reserved.
"Who the fuck called the cops on you?" you asked, your socked feet padding around the living room, trying to avoid any broken glass. "I dunno," was all he said, running both his hands over his buzzed hair. You quietly made your way to Fez's room, trying to find your phone in the mess left behind.
You searched through the clothes and sheets thrown onto the floor, and managed to get some part of the floor visible when you found one of the framed photos in his room, broken, the small pieces of glass shattered throughout the floor.
You had been the one who placed the photo there; it was a picture of Fez and you—one of few he agreed upon—that you decided to frame and put in his room to give the dull atmosphere some life. You sighed, thinking about how much you're gonna have to clean up and all the broken things that needed replacement.
You heard Fez's heavy footsteps and turned to find him joining you in the room, Ash quietly moving into his own room. "Look at this," you said, carefully picking the photo and wooden frame from the glass and showing it to him.
"It really ain't the worst of our problem right now, ma," he said, voice tired as he sat down on the bed, his back to you. You frowned at his dismissive tone; obviously it wasn't, you knew that much. "I know it's not," you started, "I'm just showing you how they trashed the placed."
"You think I didn't notice that?" he asked, and you scoffed, standing up to move around the bed so that you could face him. "Why are you acting like this is my fault?" you asked. "We just flushed thousands of dollars down the drain, and you talkin 'bout a fuckin photo frame," he said and your mouth dropped in shock. "Are you serious right now?" you asked and he looked up at you. "You're giving me a fuckin headache man," he said, dropping his head in his hands.
You didn't say anything, instead leaving him by the bed as you started looking for a bag. When you found your overnight bag, you hastily started digging through the heaps of clothes for the few pieces you had.
Fez could hear you moving around the room, and when he lifted his head from his hands, he could see you frantically packing. "Where you going?" he asked, but you ignored him, moving to the bathroom to get your toothbrush. He stood up from the bed, following you to the bathroom. "Yo, I'm serious, what the fuck are you doing?" he asked grabbing at your shoulder when you moved pass him once again. You yanked your shoulder free, moving back to his room. "Baby—" he started but you interrupted him.
"I just helped keep your ass out of jail, and now you're making me feel like I'm a nuisance," you said zipping up your bag and throwing it over your shoulder. "I know you just lost a shit ton of money but I was only trying to help, you don't get to take your shit out on me." You left the room, making sure you had your car keys as you made it to the front door.
"Baby, it's fucking five in the morning, where are you going?" you asked. "My sister's," you said flatly before making your way out the door and to your car.
It's been days since your argument with Fez and he'd been calling you nonstop, blowing up your phone with apologetic messages. You hadn't responded to any of them; you'll admit that was a bit petty of you, but you were still angry at him. For the way he acted, considering you helped him stay out of jail. You understood he was under a lot of pressure, but he had no reason nor right to take it out on you.
You were watching TV in your sister's living room when she called you from outside, where she had been watering her garden.
"Your boyfriend's here," she said gesturing towards the driveway when you made your way outside. When you saw Fez standing by his car, your first thought was to go back inside, but you could only avoid something for so long. You made your way up the driveway slowly, stopping once you reached his car.
"Hey," you said softly, pulling at your jersey as the cold morning air bit your skin. "You alright, ma?" he asked, and you shrugged. "Listen," he started, "I'm sorry for acting like a bitch, you didn't deserve that." You looked up at him from where you were staring at your feet. "You were acting like a bitch," you added, once again looking away. "I know," he agreed, "and I wanna make up for that. I miss you."
You tried not to show how giddy his words made you, nodding silently as you toed at the grass beneath your shoes. "Y'know I miss you baby, house is quiet without you," he added into the silence. You gave him another look, before smiling reluctantly. "Miss you too," you said quietly. "Yeah?" he asked, and you nodded. "Then let's go home, ma"
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831 notes · View notes
marleyybluu · 2 years
Baby Daddy
Pairings: Fezco x black!reader
Warnings: swearing, sexual content, unprotected sex.
Word Count: 2.5k
this is from my old account too so if you see this and you're like "Hey this is familiar" its because its me babe
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"When are you going to start dating again?" Kay asked her friend. YN rolled her eyes and fed her 8-month-old child a spoonful of mashed sweet potatoes. "Sage can you tell your aunty I'll knock her right tooth to the left." The little girl oblivious to the conversation only whined for more food.
"Come on, look, you've been out of the dating pool since you got pregnant since you and... he who shall remain nameless-"
"Girl, just say Fez." 
"YN don't you miss having some fun, flirting with whoever just to get bored and ghost them in like a week?"
YN missed having fun in terms of going on dates with whoever she wanted to and accepting gifts from whoever gave them to her and on the occasion just having a drunken one-night stand but she was a mother now, things had been put into a different perspective. She wouldn't mind dating but she knew what it was like out there, not a lot of people were up to play step-parent or wait around until her child went to sleep.
"Or are you still hung up on you know who?"
YN's baby daddy was no stranger to being the topic of conversation, he was a steady fling— occasionally going on trips together, going to hotels, planning cute little dates, going on double dates, and he even met her parents. But something just prevented them from putting this title on things and as deep as she was falling for him she never let him know. Soon she was pregnant and they agreed to co-parent, it was all smooth sailing but watching him be a father made her yearn for a relationship with him. A solid one.
"No, I'm not still hung up on him," She lied. "Even if I was... could you blame me? I mean you saw the way he treated me as if I was his whole solar system and seeing him with Sage. It just makes everything deeper."
"You two are so complicated, you were the one who said you don't date-"
"Well, that was before I met him!" She shouted. YN took a deep breath. "Kay... you don't know how he makes me feel, gosh I mean when I was pregnant there was no hesitation he was so happy, he wanted me off my feet when I started showing, he put me on this pedestal that I don't know if anyone can make me experience again."
The doorbell rang cutting into their conversation, YN asked her friend to go answer and she did swinging the door open revealing the man of the hour as if they summoned him by accident.
"Hey, Fezco." She heard from the kitchen. "Speaking of the devil," YN muttered. Heavy footsteps trailed inside the kitchen. "Hey YN."
"Hi, Fez."
Sage instantly started to kick her feet when she saw her father come into view. "Hi, my happy baby." He cooed rubbing his nose against hers. "Well, I guess I will leave y'all alone, have some family time. I have some shopping to do."
YN wiped off her daughter's mouth and stood up leaving her with her father. "With who's money?" She asked. Kay shrugged. "Doesn't matter as long as it's not my own. See y'all later."
Kay left the house leaving YN in awkward silence. "So what are you doing here today?" She asked. "I was missing you guys, so I let Ashtray handle shit today." She took a sip of her coffee and sighed sitting around her kitchen island. "Did you eat yet?" He asked. She nodded but he stared at her longer. "Fine, no. But I'm not that hungry anyway."
"You have anything to cook?"
YN groaned. "Fez,"
"I don't want to hear it I'll make something."
There was no point in arguing with him really he would just turn around and do whatever he wanted anyway. The rest of the day was breezy, YN got to finish some work and take a nap while Fezco took care of their daughter. She sat in her playpen in front of the television watching some Bugs Bunny he had left on. YN rubbed the sleep out of her eye coming down the steps in a baggy shirt and some socks. She peeped over to see Sage engulfed in the old cartoon and decided to let her be.
She slid into the kitchen and crept behind Fez drawing a line down his back. "Hey." She smiled. "Hi, sleepyhead."
YN laughed. "Thank you for letting me have more than 15 minutes."
"Five hours should do you justice for the week." He joked. She rolled her eyes leaning on the counter to peek at what he was cooking. "You have no idea how much I appreciate this, I owe you."
He shook his head. "You're the mother of my child, carried my little girl for almost ten months, you've done everything for her. You don't owe me anything."
'Why do you have to be so nice?' She said to herself.
YN looked up at him wanting to ask something, maybe confess her feelings, but her doubt got the better of her and she only sheepishly smiled at him before heading to the living room and sitting in the large playpen with her child.
Holding up toys to her face and watching her little hands grab them only to toss them back on the floor. Florian poked his head around the corner grinning as he saw his two girls having their own fun, he tip-toed over. "Room for one more?"
"Of course."
Soon all three were in the playpen. YN felt his arm snake around her pulling her in closer to him, he kissed the top of her head. This was what she wanted, every night, with him and no one else honestly. "Dinner's ready if you're hungry."
"Mmm you know I'll never say no to food."
The three gathered around the table, Sage for her own small portion of the food. They said a little prayer before digging in. YN's eyes rolled to the back of her head. "I swear you make the best steak and potatoes oh my goodness."
"Thank you." He chuckled. The dinner was more a comfortable silence with the occasional random noise from the baby who was covered in mostly mashed potatoes. "Every time I look at her I fall more in love. She's perfect." YN mumbled.
Fez agreed. "We did a great job. Making her and raising her." YN lightly threw her napkin at him for the comment. "It's true, I know you remember." He winked taking a sip of his water. She remembered very well to the point where it would leave a heartbeat in more than one place.
Dinner was done, and Sage had been bathed and put to sleep. YN washed what dishes were left while Fez picked up the toys and packed away the playpen. It was 8 pm and though she didn't wake up too long ago she was ready to go back to sleep. "Well everything is cleaned up, guess that's my cue to go."
She frowned but kept it hidden. "Uh... okay, well thanks again for today I needed the little break."
He nodded. "No problem."
Neither wanted him to go just yet.
"I- um, what if you leave a little later... I have wine." YN felt herself becoming rosy she couldn't believe she was stumbling so much. Fez found it cute though. "Uh, I drove here."
"There's a couch... or an extra room." She flirted. He agreed to her offer setting his keys back down. His eyes were glued to her backside watching her bend down to one of the lower cabinets grabbing the liquor. "Hey there are some glasses somewhere up there can you-" She stood up catching him in the act, her heart fell to the pit of her stomach. "What?"
"Nothing." He shrugged. "Glasses right?" Fez didn't need much of a stretch to collect the glasses. "If we really wanna keep her sleeping we could go in the basement."
"Lead the way."
YN stepped downstairs hearing the door quietly close behind her, she stopped in her tracks seeing the tent made of blankets that she set up one night with Kay. "That's cute." He chuckled. Drinks were poured while they sat up in the tent. "Cheers to a parent's night in." She giggled. "I'll drink to that."
YN picked a movie and laid back against some pillows that were stacked but she felt herself being pulled once again into Fezco's hold, he rested his head on her thighs and she smiled lightly scratching his head with her acrylic nails knowing that was what he liked. As the movie played and more drinks were poured she started to feel the buzz, she couldn't handle liquor like she use to— tingles ran through every inch of her body as her temperature rose.
Fez was feeling the same way, his fingers running up and down her thighs. By this time they switched positions and were both laying down with her as the little spoon. She, not so subtly, pushed back against his crotch her eyes widening feeling his already hard member poking through. His hand moved from her thighs up her torso and under her shirt, his lips pressed against the back of her neck.
"I miss you." He mumbled. She shook her head at the drunken confession. "Mmm, you had too much wine." She hiccuped. "So? A drunk man's words... have... thoughts." YN fell into a fit of laughter. "What the hell was thaaat!?"
He only shook his head, his glossy eyes analyzed her every feature, the little dots of freckles spread across her skin, her full lips forming into a smile. "Fezzy..." She whispered.
"YN." He whispered back. Her low eyes fixated on his full beard. "Do you miss life before Sage?" She wondered. He disagreed. "I love her too much to turn back the clock you know?"
He closed his eyes. "I miss how close we were though. I miss taking you on dates and shit. I miss pretending like we were in a relationship." 
YN ran her thumb over his cheek. "I think you were the only one I wanted a real relationship with," She admitted. "Why do you think I trapped you?" 
"Shut up." He mumbled pulling her face closer until their lips touched for the first time in quite a long time and it was a feeling that was well overdue. Soon the movie was just background noise, clothes were coming off piece by piece, kisses filling in their places, and warm hands exploring their bodies like it was the first time they met. YN wrapped her legs around his hips, her nails digging into his soft flesh, her soft moans caressing his ear. 
He grunted burying his head in the crook between her neck and shoulder leaving kisses behind. "Oh my goodness... Fez." She breathlessly whispered while tapping his back. "Oh, baby I'm gonna cum." 
His tongue slithered against her warm neck tasting her salty skin, sweat coating both bodies. "Cum for me, please cum for me, baby." 
Yn felt her legs loosen their grip allowing him to thrust harder, she let out a long groan her nails sliding down his back leaving faint red trails. Her orgasm took over her whole body causing her to shake and shiver, to reach down between them in a weak attempt to push him off but he wasn't going anywhere he loved watching her mouth form that 'O' shape, his name repeatedly slipping from her, her perfect eyebrows coming closer together, the eye contact was the cherry on top of it all. 
"Shit." She giggled out of breath. "You okay?" He chuckled passing his thumb over her chin. "Yes." Her cheeks started to feel warm. 
Fez rolled over on his back letting out an exhausted sigh picking up the phone to check the time. "1 am, wow."  He put the phone down seeing Yn now on top of him her hands laying on his chest, her soaked pussy sliding against his shaft, she whimpered at her sensitive clit's contact with the vein he had poking out. She lifted her hips taking his dick into the palm of her hand so it stood straight up and slowly sank down on it. 
"Baby..." He moaned feeling engulfed in her warmth and slickness. "Can't take anymore?" She flirted rotating her hips. "Mmm don't start that, I always make you tap out." 
YN didn't answer only lifted back up to his tip and carefully back down, she repeated her actions until she was comfortable enough to go a bit faster. She rode that man like a horse, helped that he was hung like one too, his hands had a hard grip on her cheeks spanking them once in a while hard enough in the hopes to leave a print. She leaned down resting her upper body on his and still moving up and down on him. "Fuck it's so deep." She muttered. "Yeah?" Fez wrapped his arms around her waist holding her down, he began to match her motions. 
"Ouu I- mmm fuck I hate that." She giggled knowing she felt the complete opposite. Soon her body gave out letting Fez take over with his relentless pounding, she whimpered reaching back to push against his thighs but was denied when he collected her arm trapping it under his initiating the same on the other side. "Take that shit, I told you I always make you tap out." 
She really had no choice but to lay on his chest she wiggled her upper body as much as she could but there was no point. "Fezzz." She whined, her eyes falling to the back of her head. "I'm gonna cum YN." 
"Cum in me daddy, please." 
Fez felt her pulsing around him only for it to trigger his own orgasm, his thrusts became slow and sloppy as he emptied himself inside of her. He released his grip on her leaving her to lay lifelessly on her, out of breath, officially tapped out for the night. "You telling me to cum in you will never get old."
She smirked. "It won't be the last time either." 
The moment was interrupted by their original outcome from the last time she made that statement, baby cries over the monitor that YN had left in the basement because she always forgot the other one upstairs. "And there she goes." 
YN cleaned up from the sink nearby and stole Fezco's shirt to cover her body. "Really?" 
"Yuuup." She laughed running up the stairs to her daughter's room to see the infant kicking and wailing. "Okaaay mama I'm here." 
She sighed carrying her back to the master bedroom seeing Fez in his boxers laying on her sheets. "I don't think she's hungry, just fussy." He watched as she carefully laid down with the baby laying on her chest. He scooted over to get closer and kissed her cheek, he placed his hand on Sage's back as she slowly calmed down and was soon back to being quiet.  
"I love you guys." 
Yn looked over at him. "We love you too." 
don't we love when she posts on a random day in the week after saying she only does weekends? lol
New Rio fics dropping this weekend fr tho and if I don't do it shiiiiiit don't shoot the messenger
taking a break from Miss Ivy (but if you are a curious cat and would like to take a read come through) and diving back into my other boys
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, comments and reblogs help and are very appreciated each time (even tho tumblr wont let me respond to comments for some stupid reason.)
Be cool🤙🏾
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olivethewriter · 2 months
Falling for Fezco (Again)
Explaining why you and Fezco had broken up was hard. You two had been arguing more and making up less. Your family hated him, and every other girl seemed to want him. In the end, it was Fezco who ended things beacuse in his words you were  “fucking crazy.”
For the past couple of weeks, you’d been in shambles. Tonight, though, was supposed to be the last time you’d sit around feeling sorry for yourself. As your best friend Maddy said, “The best way to get over a man is to get under a new one.” So, that’s how you ended up at some random party, desperately pulling down the skirt you borrowed from Maddy. You two had promised to stay close, but you lost her while taking your third shot of straight vodka.
You reached the best stage of tipsiness—where the self-conscious voices in your head quieted, but you were still aware enough to avoid doing something you would regret tomorrow. You walked out to the center of the room, swaying to the music. You stayed like that for a while until, out of the corner of your eye, you saw Maddy leaving with some guy. Without thinking, you followed her to remind her that you two were supposed to stick together.
As you approached the door, some drunk girl collided with you, her body weight sending you sprawling. Your oversized platforms tripping you up, and before you could brace yourself, you hit the floor hard. The impact jarred your teeth, and a sharp pain shot through your palms as you tried to catch yourself. 
The room seemed to freeze for a moment, and the music felt distant. You lay there, face-down, as a hush fell over the crowd. Whispers and snickers spread through the onlookers. You could feel the heat rising in your throat.
Yeah, this night was the worst.
You got up quickly and stumbled into the kitchen, taking another shot or two or three. You had lost count now. Someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around to see a guy you recognized from either your English or Geometry class,your brain was too foggy to know and to be honest you didn't care.
“Hey, do you want to dance?” he asked.
“Yeah, why not,” you slurred.
He led you to the dance floor, his hands on your waist but creeping lower. You started dancing, feeling him press against you. You turned back and giggled, but he kept his grip too low. When a slower song came on, he began grinding into you and kissing your neck. You stood there, trying to avoid making things awkward but wanting him to stop. Finally, the song ended, and he whispered in your ear, “Wanna go upstairs?”
“Oh, um, I’m good. I’m not really in the mood—”
“It’s fine, let’s just go,” he insisted, grabbing your wrist and heading for the stairs.
“No, I really don’t want to,” you said, pulling your hand back.
“Whatever, bitch,” he said, walking away.
Now you felt even worse. You stumbled to a couch, fished your phone out of your purse, and did the unthinkable:
 you called your ex.
He answered on the second ring. “Hello? Y/N?”
“Fezzy,” you slurred.
He sighed. “Are you drunk?”
“Mm-hmm,” you began to cry. “I was at this party with Maddy to get over you, but she left, and this guy kept touching me. Then he called me a bitch.”
“who?,” he asked.
“Fezzy,that doesn't matter, just please come pick me up. I’m sorry, and I still love you!” you cried, hiccups interrupting your sobs.
“I’ll be there in five.”
When Fezco arrived, you were sitting on the couch, hugging your knees. You stood up as he walked in, and his eyes widened. Despite your mascara-streaked cheeks and unruly hair, he hadn’t seen you in weeks, and somehow, you looked even prettier.
“Come on, baby, let’s get you home.”
“Okay,” you sniffled, heading for the door. The guy from earlier spotted you.
“Slut,” he muttered under his breath. You tried to ignore him, but Fez didn’t.
“You want to say that again, punk?” Fezco said, sizing him up.
“Yeah,” the drunk boy repeated. “That girl is a fucking whore.” Before the words had fully left his mouth a punch landed with a sickening crack, snapping the boy’s head to the side. The crowd gasped collectively, and the boy stumbled but Fezco wasn't done He followed up with a series of brutal, relentless blows
You tried to intervene, your voice broke with desperation “Fez! Fezco! Stop, he isn’t worth it! Fezco, stop!” 
Fez stood up and dusted himself off. “Let’s go,” he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.
You woke up on Fezco’s couch in yesterday’s outfit—shoes and all—with a pounding headache and a parched tongue.
“Ughhh,” you groaned, sitting up to take the aspirin Fezco had set aside for you.
“That bad, huh?” Fezco asked from the kitchen.
“Yeah, I feel like I just got hit by a truck.”
“You want some waffles?” Fezco asked, gesturing to a box of frozen waffles by the toaster.
“No, I should probably get going,” you said, turning for the door.
“Really, Y/N? You’re just going to leave after what you said yesterday!?”
“What did I say?” you asked, playing dumb.
“That you still fucking loved me!” he shouted, exasperated.
“Well, I don’t, Fezco. I was drunk and upset!” you yelled back.
“That’s bullshit. Just tell the truth!”
“Why the hell should I? Just so you can break my heart again!”
“No, because I was fucking wrong. Damn it, why do you make it so hard to say shit? I was wrong, okay? I shouldn’t have broken up with you,” he shouted, raising his hands in frustration.
“Then why the hell did you?”
“Oh my god, Y/N, just stop.”
Without warning, his hands were on you, grabbing your face roughly. His lips crashed into yours with a force that stole your breath away. It wasn’t a gentle kiss; it was full of anger and need. He tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled you closer. His hands moved from your face to your waist, pulling your body flush against his. The contact sent a shockwave through you, and you arched into him, deepening the kiss. Your tongues clashed, each of you fighting for dominance, the taste of him mingling with the metallic hint of blood from where you’d bitten your lip.
He pushed you back against the wall, the force making a picture frame rattle. His grip tightened on your hips, fingers digging into your skin in a way that was almost painful but only fueled the fire inside you. You bit his lower lip, tugging at it, and he groaned into your mouth, the sound sending shivers down your spine.
Your hands slid down his back, feeling the muscles tense beneath your touch. You tugged at his shirt, needing to feel more of him, to erase the distance between you. He helped you, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside.
He lifted you, your legs wrapping around his waist instinctively, and carried you to the couch. He trailed his lips down your neck, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You moaned and tilted your head back, giving him better access, your breath coming in ragged gasps. His mouth never left your skin, trailing kisses across your collarbone, down to the hollow of your throat. Each touch was electrifying, sending waves of heat coursing through you.
Your hands found their way to his back, nails digging into his skin, you heard a groan from deep within his chest. The sound vibrated through you, making your pulse race even faster. He shifted, his lips brushing against the sensitive skin just below your ear, and you could feel his breath, hot and ragged, against your neck.
“Wait,” you said, pulling away.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing—well, um, what does this mean for us?”
“I don’t know. What do you want it to mean?” Fezco asked.
“I don't know, I just don't want to get hurt again”
“I won't hurt you again, I promise baby”
You stared at Fezco, the weight of his promise hanging in the air between you. For a moment, everything else faded—the pounding headache, the throbbing pain from the previous night. It was just the two of you, raw and exposed.
“I love you, baby,” you admitted.
“I love you more,” Fezco said, wrapping his arms around you, and everything felt right. 
You didn’t care that he was a dealer and you had never even gotten a speeding ticket. You didn’t care that he was 20 and you were in high school. All that mattered was that he loved you and you loved him. That was enough. As you lay there together, tangled up in each other, you couldn’t help but feel hopeful that things would work out this time.
Yall thank you for reading!!!
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thedarkestgreys · 5 months
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it’s in the blood (this is tradition)
hbo euphoria // chapter 2/5 // rated e
🥃 a fexi mafia au for @longstoryshortyeah 🥃
chapter two: take what you can
Lexi lets out a long sigh, loud enough that her husband notes her from the corner of his eye and swears under his breath at his underboss. “Frankie, you gon’ and pissed off my wife by keepin’ me on the phone so long,” Fez says, wiping a hand down his face. “Nah man, she ain’t wanna hear yo’ apologies. Just try an’ talk business with Fredo or Ash until I get back stateside, aight?” With a surprisingly precise aim, Lexi tosses a crumpled up napkin at the side of Fezco’s head as he’s hanging up his call. “The fuck?” Lexi hums innocently, diverting her eyes back towards the rain splattered windows. Out across the open seas lightning strikes, scattering across the darkened skies despite it not even being noon. It’s a shame just how gorgeous the view is considering it’s completely wasted on two people who are totally unaffected by the romance it inspires. She lets out a wistful, almost disappointed sigh when she says. “I can see why you talk about dissent in your ranks.” “Whatchu mean?” 
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yourgirlthingy · 1 year
Decided that Fezco deserved some love because I couldn't think of anyone else to write about and his character is just *chefs kiss*
Imagine: Fez and you are in his car high out of your minds talking about the future. The night sky is beautiful and you enjoy the fresh air... And things start to get a little bit heated -Wink-Wonk-
Warnings: Drug Abuse, Strong Language, Sexual themes, Angst kind of but not really, Vaping and Fez being an amazing boyfriend.
Word count: 816
The car was hot, a big contrast to the cold air of the night. The familiar smell of weed filling your noses. You must admit that the feeling of being high was nice, stripping you of any of your worries. It was quite late and Ash had finally agreed to go to sleep. Sometimes he is like a grown man trapped in a kids body, other times he actually acts his age. Like tonight when he put up a fight about going to bed early.
In all honestly the pair of you would usually let him stay up but the day had been stressful and you wanted time to yourselves. The edge being taken off by the drug really helping with the headache you had accumulated during the day. Your boyfriend lay next to you, eyes closed basking in his calm state.  
Leaning over, you press a kiss to his cheek causing him to open his eyes. Both of your eyes catching each others for a moment. Still bliss in this state of Euphoria. Taking another swig from the large bottle of alcohol and collapsing next to the gorgeous man. You turn on your side a sudden urge to be close to him washing over you.
Breaking the silence Fezco lets out a sigh "What do you think will happen in the future." You were slightly taken aback by the question. And although he didn't seem like it, he constantly wondered about what the future would hold. For a while you pondered about the question unsure of how to respond. Many thoughts went through your head.
Did you want to have kids? Would you still be living in this hell hole of a town? What would happen to Ash?
"I don't know," you responded honestly. He nodded somewhat agreeing with you. But there was something behind his glazed out eyes. "What do you want to happen?" Just that question set something off in him. You could tell he had an idea and you were sure it was going to be good. He let out a quick cough and began,
"I wanna get out of this town and start a family," a lazy smile was on his lips as he said this. He was thinking about what it would be like, it was obvious. "Me, you and Ash without all of the drugs and looking after my grandmother." The confession didn't shock you but just intrigued you more into his thinking. "I wanna get to a point where I can have a kid and not be worried for its life," He says with emotion clear in his voice at the end.
You just listen to him expectantly casually replying with a "Mhm," or "Yeah." He was quite optimistic but knew not to get his hopes up because anything could happen. Although you shouldn't, you couldn't help but think about how hot he looked in that moment. Eyes droopy while he talked about his future with you.
A sudden burst of energy ran over you as you leaned over and kissed him. Instinctively, he pulled you onto his lap - straddling him. This quick kiss turned into a heated make-out sesh between the two of you. The drugs coursing through your system making you feel like you're floating. Things went from zero to a hundred extremely fast. Both of you trying to get closer to each other. Like you had been starved of each others touch for far too long.
Discarding your jacket, you started to grind down onto him a muffled moan escaping your lips. You felt your body heat up more if that was even possible. Knowing that things were starting to get exciting, he flipped you onto your back on the back seat.
A surprised squeal left your lips as he began grinding down on to you adding back to the friction. "Don't start something you cant finish, mamas," he whispers in your ear. The windows steaming up from the heat in the metal box.
Tonight was definitely going to be one you remembered...
A/n: I'm going to admit, writing this made a little hot ya know. Anywho I wanna know who you want One Shots or headcanons of so my asks are always open!!!.
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onlyfezco · 2 years
Forget Me Not - Fezco
Summary: Fez forgets your date Friday night and he spends the weekend trying to get back on your good side
Fezco x Reader
Word count: 2,247
Author’s Note: This just started because I thought about blasting music that fit my mood when I was mad and the other person realizing I was mad based off the lyrics lol. Comments and reblogs are appreciated. The divider is from @firefly-graphics​
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It had been a long night. Fez got word about a party happening last minute and him and Ash needed to go to lessen the load of Mouse’s latest supply. Before the party, Fez had been at the store for most of the day. He was ready to count up the money from tonight and go straight to bed.
“You’re in trouble,” Fez heard Ash say from the living room. He finished locking the door then made his way towards his brother.
“What I do,” Fez asked, then his eyes followed Ash’s to the couch where you lay sleeping. 
“Oh shit,” Fez said, rubbing his hand over his shaved head. Normally, this wouldn’t be Fez’s reaction to seeing his girlfriend. Especially, after a super long day. But it was your nice black dress and perfectly done hair that reminded Fez he forgot about your date. 
“Yeah, shit,” Ash chuckled dropping his backpack on the kitchen table. “She’s gonna be pissed.”
“I forgot she was stayin’ over this weekend. Her roommate’s army boyfriend was comin’ home for the weekend and she ain’t want to stay around for them reunitin’ for three days straight.”
“So she’s gonna be mad at you all weekend here? That’s hilarious,” Ash said with a silent laugh so he wouldn’t wake you.
“Man, shut the fuck up,” Fez whispered to his brother. By no means was any of this funny. 
“I’mma let you deal with that. I’m goin’ to my room.”
Once Ash was gone, Fez squatted down so he was on eyelevel with you. “Ma,” he said softly. “Ma, wake up.” You stirred a little but your eyes were still closed. “Come on, let’s get you in bed,” Fez said gently shaking you now.
Your eyes opened briefly, then closed again. “I’m fine here,” you replied flatly, then rolled over so your back was to Fezco now. 
Fez sighed. “Come on, baby. I’m sorry. I heard about a party the other day, and you know I got this extra supply to get rid of this month.”
“So not only did you go to a party without me, you didn’t call to let me know you’d be home late either? Nice to know I’m so forgettable.” You readjusted on the couch then pulled the blanket down to cover yourself up. After about an hour of Fez not showing up and not hearing anything from him, you took your makeup off and got comfortable on the couch. 
You knew you were being a bit childish. You could have easily called Fez to see where he was at, or remind him of your plans. But you had been texting him for most of the day anyway. It hurt that even though you should have been on his mind already, he still forgot about your date and you coming over. 
“You’re not. I know you’re mad, but at least sleep in my bed tonight.”
“No thank you.”
Fez sighed again frustrated with how stubborn you were. “You don’t have to sleep with me. I’ll take the couch.”
“No. Thank you,” you repeated more sternly this time. 
Fez just stayed there for a moment staring at your back hoping you’d give in and go to his bed. But you were stubborn and didn’t budge an inch. Fez stood up then walked to the kitchen table to put the money him and ash made tonight up somewhere safe. He wasn’t in the mood to sit there and count the profits right now. He’d worry about that tomorrow. He began making his way to his room, but glanced at the couch before he went down the hall to see if you changed your mind. You didn’t. He sighed then made the trek to his bedroom alone for the night. 
Well I'm not gon' cry
I'm not gon' cry
I'm not gon' shed no tears
Fezco practically shot up out of his bed at the loud music. He looked around the room and realized it was morning from the faint light pouring in from behind his curtains. He shook his head then got out of bed to see where the noise was coming from.
Ash was sitting at the kitchen table watching some Youtube video with his headphones in while shoveling pancakes and eggs into his mouth. He walked into the kitchen to see you flipping a pancake over as you sang to the Mary J. Blige song. You were obviously still upset. He knew you would occasionally play some 90′s R&B while you cooked, but playing Mary this loud was a sign you were mad.
“Morning, ma,” Fez said testing the waters with you. Normally when he’d catch you cooking in his kitchen, he would come up behind you and kiss your neck. But he didn’t want to make the mistake of touching you and making your madder right now. He didn’t think he could handle you pushing him away. 
Fez was met with silence as you grabbed a plate with some eggs already on it and placed the pancake down. “Come on, Y/N. I said I was sorry.” 
You still ignored him, putting the skillet into the sink then walking over to the table to sit down. You grabbed the syrup that was next to Ash and poured it over your pancakes. Fez looked around the kitchen and saw that there was no food for him. He sighed, his shoulders slumping. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and poured himself some cereal. Usually, he would sit next to you at the table, but he sat from across from you instead.
Ash looked up from his phone and eyed the both of you. He was sitting in the middle of you two and could feel the animosity.
The Mary song faded out, but another angsty one was up next. 
Baby Let Me Explain To You I'm Sayin
What You Sayin
It's Not Even Like That
It Wasn't Like That But I Saw You
Your eyes glanced up at Fez across the table from you but his eyes were already on you. Your eyes became angry as you glared at him then went back to your plate. Fez just sighed. Ash rushed to finish his food so he could hurry up and leave before things got more tense. 
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It was almost noon now, so it was time for Marie’s bath. On weekend’s when you came over, you volunteered to help Fez with his grandma. You always called it girl time and you weren’t going to let your anger at her grandson stop that.
“You won’t believe what your grandson did now,” you spoke to the old woman. Just because she was bedridden and couldn’t speak, didn’t mean you couldn’t keep her updated on what was going on.
“He forgot that I was coming over,” you said as you moved the warm towel up and down her arm. “And on top of that, he went to a party. Without me!” 
As usual, you were met with silence. Fezco spoke so highly of his grandma when he first told you about her. Kitty was a badass. You hoped she would have liked you. Fez always said she would have loved you. 
“I know Mouse’s punk ass dumped more product on him than usual, but if Fez would have told me he was going, I wouldn’t have mind.” 
It was quiet for a moment. Just the sound of you dumping the towel back in the water then ringing it out. 
“I know this is mostly my issue of being forgotten and I’m making a big deal out it, but it hurts.”
You were so busy in your own head and giving Marie her bath that you didn’t hear Fez’s footsteps coming down the hall. He was at his grandmother’s door listening to everything you said. He was so upset with himself over the situation. There you were, giving his bedridden grandmother a sponge bath after he made you angry. Most people would have said screw it and not done anything for Fez. But that morning you made his brother breakfast and now this. God, he loved you. He had to find a way to make it up to you. 
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After you were done with Marie, Ash convinced you to drive him to the mall so he could get some new shoes. You decided to make an afternoon of it since you weren’t planning on doing anything with Fez today. The two of you went to the movies after he bought his shoes. You paid for the tickets and he paid for the snacks. You told him he didn’t have to buy the snacks since you’re the one who decided to see a movie, but Ash insisted. Sometimes he would go to the movies with you and Fez, so he was just doing what he always saw. Fez would buy the tickets, and you would buy the snacks... well, sneak them in your purse. It was cute that Ash did that. You kissed him on the head and he wiped it off.
By the time you made it back to the O’Neil house, it was around 6. Ash asked you to drop him off at his friend’s place and said he would call you when he was ready to go. You were happy Ash was doing some normal child things, but you were bummed because that meant it would just be you and Fez. You started to think you should just forgive him. No point in holding out a grudge this pointless for too long. 
You used your key to get in and walked down the hall to drop your shopping bag by the couch, but the dim lighting and candles through you off. Cautiously, you looked around. It was way too quiet. 
You heard soft footsteps coming down the hall then turned to see your boyfriend in dress pants and a button down shirt holding your favorite flowers. 
“Hey,” Fez said softly.
“Hey,” you replied back just as soft. 
He walked closer to you then handed you the bouquet. “I got you these.”
You glanced down at the flowers then into Fez’s eyes as you reached out to grab the bouquet. Fez saw the small smile on your face and took that as a good sign. 
“I’m sorry, ma. I didn’t mean to forget our date or you comin’ over. It slipped my mind, but it ain’t gonna happen again.”
“I know, Fez. And I’m sorry, too,” you said, a hint of sadness in your voice.
Fez’s face scrunched up in confusion. “What you sorry fo’?”
You shook your head. “For ignoring you. For getting that mad at something so small.”
Fez walked closer to you shaking his head, grabbing your free hand. “Nah, you had a right to be mad. It was important to you that I remembered our date, and I didn’t. I don’t wanna ever make you feel bad and that’s what I did.”
Your hand tightened around Fez’s. Your eyes glanced around before they landed on Fez’s piercing eyes. “I just... I have issues with being forgotten about.” Fez slowly stepped in closer to you and you automatically leaned into him. He grabbed the flowers from your hand, placing them on the table so he could grab your other hand as well. You laid your head on his chest.
“You don’t have to worry about that with me, ma,” Fez said reassuringly, making you nuzzle in closer to him. “You, Ash, and Grandma are the most important people in my life. Even if I slip up n’ miss a date, I could never forget you. I love you too much.”
You let go of Fez’s hands and wrapped them around his waist squeezing him tightly. “I love you too.” 
Although you were no longer looking at him, Fez could hear it in your voice that were crying now. Fez wrapped one arm around you, and used his other to lift your face so he could look at you.
“Don’t cry, baby. You know I hate that.”
You sniffled, trying to stop the tears from falling. “I know. I just feel bad. I shouldn’t have ignored you.”
Fezco kissed your forehead, his lips lingering for just a moment. “It’s done. But let’s promise not to ignore each other, ‘kay?”
You nodded then exhaled trying to calm yourself down. “Okay.”
“Good,” Fez replied. He stepped back from you, your hands dropping down beside you, then he grabbed your hand and began leading you to your spot at the table. “Now, let’s enjoy this food I made.”
“You made this,” you asked smiling as you looked down at the delicious food in the center of the table. Fez could hear the doubt in your voice.
He pulled your chair out for you before he answered. “Well, I paid for it and put it on the nice glass plates. That’s basically makin’ it.”
“You made it look nice. You didn’t make it,” you corrected, giggling at him. You reached your hand out on top of the table once Fez sat down across from you. He took that as a sign you wanted to hold his hand. He reached out, his fingers interlacing with yours. “I love it though,” you told him. Your voice sweet like the syrup on a snow cone. “And I love you,” you added, squeezing his hand.
Fez’s lips curled up into a smile. He knows you mean it. Despite whatever happens, you always mean it.  “Love you too, ma.”
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thequeendesi · 1 year
Two Pink Lines
Title: Two Pink Lines
Alt Title: I’ve Heard Worse News
Warnings: swearing, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of bad childhood
Pairing: Fezco x Reader x Platonic!Ash (lil bro ash and big sis reader ftw)
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or the euphoria franchise. I own the writing.
Rating: PG I reckon
Word count: 2k
A/N: I haven’t written anything in three months! I hope this doesn’t suck! I’ve had so much going on lately! I’ve gotten into my own place w my bf, I had a car crash, a major pregnancy scare, and a job promotion lol. I’m doing alright rn, so I figured I’d take the chance and finally get something out again! Thank you all for being so so kind and patient w my inconsistent ass 😂 I genuinely love all of y’all!!
You sighed, placing the test face down on the counter. Music playing from your phone to try and ease your nerves. Snooze by SZA playing low as you slipped down the wall. You pulled your knees to your chest as you allowed the song to play through, your brain running the entire time.
The jokes you made to your boyfriend, Fez, were just that. Jokes. In no way did you actually think you were ready for children. You had just graduated from East Highland less than a week ago.
Your childhood wasn’t the most pleasant. You had been living with your boyfriend since you two were 13 and 14. Fez was all you knew, and you were all he knew. You knew everything about him and his life. His grandma, his job, his brother. And you fit like a glove in all of it. His grandmother took you in with open arms and loved you as her own.
You didn’t know what you’d do with a baby, you didn’t know where it would fit into your current life. You worked at the local breakfast place, it was like a Waffle House, but called MeeMaw Judy’s Home.
Your mind drifted to Fez. He didn’t want kids. You knew for a fact because he always told you “keep it movin’ ma”, everytime you passed baby aisles. Hell, the two of you even had talked about it last night. As far as Fezco was concerned, he didn’t see a baby in y’all’s plans for at least another 4 years.
The song ended and you took a deep breath. You couldn’t begin to explain how long those 3 minutes were. “Alright.” You whispered to yourself as you stood up, turning over the test you stared at them. Two pink lines. You’re not even sure you’ve ever seen pink lines so dark.
“Fuck.” You whispered as you placed the test on the counter. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” you said, voice cracking at the last fuck, tears welling in your eyes. You had false positives before, only for the next test to have been negative. But this time you knew you were pregnant. Nausea, fatigue, as well as paired with your period being late not one, but two weeks? Oh yea, your eggo is preggo.
Your thoughts ran to a complete halt as the door opened. “(Y/N)! Can you make waffles… what the fuck is all of this?” Ash asked, looking at the test on the counter. Your heart sank as you tried to explain. “Look, I just… just please get out. Please.” You pleaded, trying to push him out. “Hey, it’s ok. Stop stressin’. Y’a’int in trouble. Just… y’know. Take a deep breath.”
Ash grabbed your hand, thumb rubbing over your knuckles, a trait he picked up from Fez after he noticed it helped you calm down. “Ash, please. I need to think of how to tell Fez.” Ash shook his head before leading you to sit on the couch. “Worry about calmin’ your ass down first. You’re acting like your life is over. It’s just a baby.” Ash let go of your hand.
You felt yourself relax a little. How was he so calm? How is your life not over? Taking another look at the test, you grabbed it. “This wasn’t supposed to happen this way.” You walked out of the bathroom to the living room.
You sat on the couch and let go of the breath you were holding. “Why’re you so freaked out?” Ash asked, taking a seat next to you.
“Ash, you’re 14. I really don’t think any of this is your business. You’re too young.” You said, placing the test face down on the table.
“(Name).” Ash said plainly, looking at you.
“Okay. Fair.” You nodded, before taking a deep breath. You’re really about to vent to your boyfriend’s 14 year old brother? Well, it wouldn't be the first time. Ash looked at you as a mother figure, seeing as his only real one was incapacitated.
“Fez doesn’t want kids. Not now at least.” You
“Well, ya should’ve been safer, huh?” He crossed his arms. “What’s the plan (Y/N)?” Ash asked you, leaning back into the couch.
“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far ahead. A minute ago I found out I’m…” The words got caught in your throat as you leaned onto the couch as well. “You think MeeMaw’ll let me bring a kid to work?” You half joked.
“I’ve seen what she allows, it wouldn’t surprise me.” Ash said, a small smile finding itself on his rather stoic face.
Mrs. Judy, or MeeMaw as you and everyone called her, was a kinder old lady. Standing at a firm 4’10 inches, she’s seen a thing or two. She was always kind to you, making sure you had food to bring home to the boys. She knew your upbringing and the conditions that landed you to who you became.
“When’s Fez supposed to come home anyways?” You asked Ash. “Not sure. He’s sellin’ at some kid’s party tonight. What’s her name, Kat, I think?” He shrugged. “He probably won’t be home until midnight then,” you sighed, rubbing your face, “gives me at least 2 hours to think about what I’m gonna do.”
“I got somethin’ you can do then.”
“Waffles?” You half-laughed, looking at Ash through your fingers. “I think we need to buy eggs and milk for it actually.”
“Damn.” He placed his arms next to his sides. “We can watch a movie?” You suggested. “I got Maddy’s Netflix.” You shrugged.
“Better than waitin’ around for nothin’.” Ash grabbed the remote and handed it to you.
Turning on a movie on Netflix, some random movie by Adam Sandler, who’s movies were yours and Ash’s favorite way to pass time.
He quickly tuned into it, but your eyes glued onto the white slender test. Millions of thoughts ran through your mind.
Was Fez gonna be mad?
Was he gonna leave? Or more so, make you leave?
Was he gonna tell you it’s ok?
Was he gonna marry you? God, what a thought. Marriage wasn’t a bad thing, by no means. When it works.
By 12, your mother had been married 6 times, and two of them were remarriages to your father. Screaming, crashing and crying was no stranger to you.
You remember the argument your parents had that led them to that final divorce and you into Fez’s home.
“(Mother Name)! What’s this shit? You’re pregnant? Again?!”
“I was gonna tell you! You went snooping through the trash? Are you fucking insane?!” CRASH, you heard as the test that was thrown at the picture frame that had a picture of you holding your half-brother. You sniffed the tears back as you packed your bag faster.
“You should’ve wrapped it if you didn’t want this shit!” She screamed at him. “Fuck that! You’re just as much to blame! Is it even mine, whore?!”
“Oh fuck you, you bastard!”
“No thank you! That’s how we landed here! Just go! Go and fucking take your goddamn mistakes with you!”
Mistake? That’s all your father thought of you?
“You act like I wanted to get pregnant again, or any time beforehand! I didn’t want these fucking kids anymore than you or Jerald and Will did! Besides, (Name) is the only one here!”
Nevermind, there was your mother being the way she was. You looked at the broken glass on the floor as you stood in the doorframe.
“I’m not going with her.” You stated, in your broken little voice. “You’re not fucking staying with me.”
“I wasn’t fucking planning on it.” You walked past your father. “The fuck are you going?” Your mother asked.
“Why do you care?” You grabbed the doorknob, the rest of your body turning to look at your parents. “I’m a mistake to both of you, so why is it such a big fucking deal if I just grant you both your wish of getting out of your hair?” You asked them, tears free-flowing down your cheeks.
“Why the hell did you have kids if you hate them?” You asked them. “Why do I have to be an adult when I’m 13?”
Your parents stared at you, expression unrecognizable. “Well, just so you know, I hate you guys. So don’t worry, the feelings aren’t one sided.” You opened the door and walked out, closing it behind you.
You used your finger to wipe the tear that began to slip down your cheek. You haven’t seen your parents since that day, hell, you don’t even know if they’re alive or dead. You sent a graduation invitation to the house your mother lived at, but received the initiation back with RETURN TO SENDER in red letters over your face.
You looked over at Ash, who was fast asleep with his head on your lap. You smiled a little at him, and your gaze returned to the test.
Your phone began ringing from the bathroom and you gently placed Ash’s head on the couch. He curled up in a ball as he got re-comfortable. You walked to the bathroom and grabbed your phone.
Answering the call, you placed the phone to your ear. “Hey ma.” Fez’s voice sounded like honey over the phone. “Hey baby.” You said, holding the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you threw the box in the trash. “Ash ‘sleep?” He asked.
“Mhm.” You answered, walking back to the living room to grab the test.
“You good?” He asked into the phone as you heard his blinker. “Yea… no. I just… we gotta talk when you get home.” You answered, walking to the front door. “I’ll just meet you at the car so we can talk without waking up Ash.” You told him, hanging the phone up.
You walked to the front of the house and leaned against the gate. You put the test in your bra as you waited.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you watched the bright lights pull in front of you. Putting your head down you walked over to the passenger seat and got in.
“What’s wrong?” He looked at you, his hand moving to hold your face. His hand rested on your cheek as he made you look at him. “Whatever it is, ma, it’s gonna be aight.” He said, thumb stroking the soft flesh of your cheek.
Your lip quivered as you let go of the breath you were holding. “I’m pregnant, Fez.” You said straight out, taking the test out of your bra to hand to him, eyes drifting to the floor.
“Oh.” His hand leaves your cheek to grab the test, turning on an overhead light, he looks at it. “I’m sorry.” You sniffed, eyes welling with tears as you stared at your feet on the floorboard.
“Whatchu sorry for? This ain’t bad news. I thought you was finna tell me someone died.” He looked at you. “It ain’t like we knew it was gonna happen. Shit happens, ma. We’ll figure it out, somehow. Hell, grandma did.”
“You’re not mad?” You asked him. “I’m not thrilled. But that part ain’t important no more.” He took your face in his hands, test between his fingers. “You’re what’s important to me, ma. Without you, I don’t know where I’d be.” He kissed you softly. “We’re gonna have a baby. I’ve heard of worse news from you.” He said against your lips.
“I was scared you’d yell at me.” You confessed.
“Yell?” He pulled away from you. “Not about somethin’ like this.” He shook his head. “We got other shit to worry about rather than yellin’. Yellin’ ain’t gon’ get anything done other than stress my babies out.” He said simply.
“I got milk and eggs. Ash texted me.” He said.
“I guess I ain’t getting out of making them waffles, huh?”
“You figured you know better about that.” Fez half joked, grabbing the milk and eggs bag from the backseat.
“Now come on, I’m tired. It’s been a long night. We can talk more in the morning.” You patted his thigh and kissed his cheek.
He laughed a little and nodded his head. “Alright ma.”
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