#ferris whee
kply-industries · 19 days
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thatsbelievable · 1 year
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
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vax-merstappen · 9 months
F1 boys on a date with you <3
these posts are so long to scroll past so i added a keep reading line just for convenience, hope you don't mind
Lando Norris
Lando was thrilled when he discovered you liked gaming as much as he did. An ideal date night for the both of you was spent playing games together for most of the night. You both get competitive when it comes to games so every time you beat him at Mario Kart, you love to brag about it. That usually ends in him holding you and tickling you and eventually you both kissing and snuggling.
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Oscar Piastri
Oscar, being an introvert, would love to spend a cozy and private night in with you. He would love to snuggle up in a blanket with you and watch one of your favorite movies together. Some drinks and takeout food would complete the night and you two would stay cozy together until you inevitably fall asleep holding each other in the early hours in the morning.
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Max Verstappen
Max loves to spoil you and take you shopping, even though you insist that you can buy things yourself. He loves to see your excitement when you enter your favorite stores and just wants to make his girl happy by treating her to something he knows she will love. At the end of the day, you treat Max to a fashion show of all the clothes you picked out and Max can’t keep his eyes off his beautiful girlfriend and how radiant you look.
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Charles Leclerc
Nothing says Charles like a date on his boat in Monaco. He takes such pride in his country and would want to show you the most beautiful views of the city from the perfect vantage point of the sea. He would make sure every detail of your boating day was planned and perfect. You would stay together on the sea until the sun went down and you could stargaze while laying on the boat’s deck.
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Carlos Sainz
Carlos likes the focus to be on you during dates, as it is not often you two get to spend a lot of time together. He prefers to keep dates simple so he can keep his attention on you and really connect with each other. A coffee shop date would be a perfect time for you and Carlos to really connect and share your love for each other. It would be super cute and you would beg Carlos to come back to the shop again the next day.
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Lewis Hamilton
He would want nothing but the best for the two of you and would splurge to get you both a private table at a fancy vegan restaurant in the city. You would have great and meaningful conversations over delicious food and drinks. Lewis would make it a night to remember and you would have a romantic walk around the city at night after you had finished your meal.
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Daniel Ricciardo
Danny is a very adventurous person and always loves taking you to new and exciting places. You would go on a hike date together to spend some quality time in nature. Daniel and you would laugh and have fun making your way down the trail and would enjoy each other’s company to the fullest. At the end, a scenic sunset picnic would finish off the night and you and Daniel would have memories for life.
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Yuki Tsunoda
Yuki is as passionate about food as he is about spending time with you. He would take you on a tour of his favorite restaurants around the city and show you where to find all of the best sushi. You would stay out together long into the night, savoring each other as well as the flavors. Finally, Yuki would take you to the top of one of the buildings with the best views and you would share a romantic moment high above the rest of the city.
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Alex Albon
There is nothing you and Alex like more than spending a day together at the beach. There would of course be moments spent together on the shore, sipping drinks or spent watching the sunset at the end of the day. The most fun, however, would be swimming in the water together, having splash fights and being goofy together in the sea.
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Logan Sargeant
You and Logan had been reminiscing about going to the fair as a child, so how perfect would it be to take a trip together? Logan and you spent time together on the Ferris Wheel along with the Tilt a Whirl, laughing when you were dizzy getting off of the ride. The night would finish with a funnel cake and both of you trying your best to win one of the giant stuffed animals from a game that both of you were pretty sure was rigged against you.
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therapeutic007 · 1 month
🧠✨ A Humorous Take on Schizoaffective Disorder ✨🧠
Dual Personality? More Like Dual Comedy Act! Imagine your brain is hosting a talk show—one side wants to discuss the meaning of life, while the other just wants to debate which pizza topping is superior (spoiler: it’s pineapple). 🍕🤔
Mood Swings Like a Ferris Wheel: Feeling on top of the world one minute and like a soggy sandwich the next? It's like being on a rollercoaster designed by a toddler! 🎢 "Whee! Oh no, why is my life a mess? Let’s ride again!"
Creative Conversations: Ever have full-on discussions with yourself? Some days you’re Shakespeare; other days, you’re just trying to remember where you left your keys. “Did I put them in the fridge or is that just another existential crisis?” 🔑😅
The Over-Analyzer: Trying to figure out if your friend’s “Let’s hang out soon!” text is a genuine invite or just polite? You’ve got a PhD in mind-reading… except the only thing you’re reading is a lot of confusion. 📖🤷‍♂️
Emotional Highs and Lows: One minute you’re dancing like no one’s watching; the next, you’re deep in thought about why sandwiches don’t come with a side of hope. 🥪💭 “Seriously, this could change the world!”
Remember, navigating life with schizoaffective disorder can feel like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle—challenging but uniquely entertaining! Embrace the quirks, laugh at the chaos, and never underestimate the power of humor. 🌈✨
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shoppingtoys · 6 months
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Big Building Block Ferris Whee ... Price 5.90$ CLICK TO BUY
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theoneandonlysun · 10 months
Match: has anyone seen leafy and firey? I could've swore I saw them at the ferris whee-
*you can hear the word "PLEAAAAAAAASE" over at the ferris wheel*
Pencil: Maybe they won't sell ice cream over there?
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Boone Falls for a Pink Bag
Scene Plot: Boone Falls for a Pink Bag
[The scene opens in the Glowkie Caves, where Boone is going about his daily activities. He suddenly spots a large, pink cylindrical bag with a girly face in the corner of the cave.]
Boone: (Wide-eyed and smitten) Whoa, what's this? She's beautiful!
[The bag just sits there, looking pink and inanimate. Blossom, Boone's girlfriend, enters the scene, sensing trouble.]
Blossom: (Suspicious) Boone, what are you doing?
Boone: (Blushing) Blossom, meet my new friend! Isn't she just stunning?
[Blossom's eye narrows as she glares at the pink bag.]
Blossom: (Jealous) Friend? Boone, that's just a bag!
[Boone ignores Blossom and starts having "falling-in-love" montages with the bag.]
[Montage 1: Picnic in the Glowkie Caves]
[Boone and the pink bag are sitting together on a blanket, sharing imaginary snacks.]
Boone: (Dreamy) You have such a great taste in… air, my dear bag.
[Montage 2: Carnival]
[Boone and the bag are on a Ferris wheel, their imaginary hair blowing in the non-existent wind.]
Boone: (Excited) Whee! This is the most exhilarating ride, isn't it?
[Montage 3: Park]
[Boone pushes the bag on an imaginary swing.]
Boone: (Chuckling) Higher, my love! You're flying!
[Montage 4: Beach]
[Boone and the bag build an imaginary sandcastle.]
Boone: (Proudly) Look at our masterpiece, darling!
[Montage 5: Drive-In Cinema]
[Boone and the bag sit in an imaginary car, watching an imaginary movie.]
Boone: (Touched) This movie is so emotional, isn't it, sweetie?
[Montage 6: Bike Ride]
[Boone and the bag ride an imaginary tandem bicycle, wobbling hilariously.]
Boone: (Laughing) We make the perfect team, my love!
[Montage 7: Dinner Date]
[Boone and the bag have an imaginary candlelit dinner.]
Boone: (Swooning) You're the most enchanting dinner companion, my dear bag.
[Montage 8: Watching the Sunset]
[Boone and the bag sit on an imaginary hill, watching the nonexistent sunset.]
Boone: (Whispering) This moment… it's pure magic with you, sweetheart.
[Blossom watches these montages with a mix of disbelief and annoyance.]
Blossom: (Fuming) That's it! I've had enough!
[Blossom charges toward the bag and with a quick flick of her glowing eye, she makes the bag disappear.]
Boone: (Shocked) Whoa, Blossom, what did you do?
Blossom: (Cross) Boone, you can't replace me with a bag! You have me, remember?
[Boone realizes his mistake and hugs Blossom.]
Boone: (Apologetic) You're right, Blossom. I'm sorry for being so silly. You're the one I love, not a bag.
[Blossom forgives Boone, and they share a tender moment.]
Blossom: (Smiling) That's all I wanted to hear, Boone.
[The scene ends with Boone and Blossom hugging and sharing a loving moment in the Glowkie Caves.]
[End of Scene]
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eopederson · 4 years
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Paisagem urbana com roda gigante, Rio de Janeiro, 2019.
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periodic-euphoria · 4 years
Snack Ticket
Come with me
Watch your step
Hold my hand
I’ll show you the way
You can probably hear it by now
The excitement is hard to conceal
It’s okay, keep your eyes closed
Just follow my lead
You can open your eyes now
I knew you’d love it
You always loved carnivals
Ferris wheels and cotton candy
Come on, we can sit on the spinning cups
And your hair can fall out of place
And I’ll laugh as I help you hold on to the handles
Our heads spinning
Spinning in love
We can try one of the games
They’re overpriced
And we both know they’re rigged
But I’ll try to win you a toy anyways
Just to see you smile
And once we’re done
We can go get ice cream
And I know you want another
So I’ll let you have my snack ticket
After you’ve used up your own
And we can race to the top of the Ferris wheel
At just the right moment
When the sun dips into the horizon
I’ll dip you in my arms
And we’ll be spinning
And spinning
In love
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w a s t e l a n d , baby. 🖤
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riderv328 · 6 years
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Colored water. / 船から見た観覧車。水が色付くとき。
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what’s up?
School is in 23 days T.T
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ask-casadeferal · 7 years
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Matt, hey, we got another question for you. They wanna know if you have a favorite spot in your territory that you love to go to.
Yes. This.
You mean the apartment?
Yes. You are here. It is safe.
Well, they specifically said a place other than the apartment.
Is that a yes or a no?
I think it’s a no.
No. ... Yes.
I revoke my statement. I think that’s a maybe.
What place are you thinking of, Matt?
Mm. It is... mm.
You're gonna have to give us more than that.
Mm. A lot. Buildings. No, not... Is, mm.
Come on, Matt. Try to describe it. What buildings?
Not buildings. Is... [makes a zig-zag gesture with his hands, then paints a large circle in the air]
Okay, I still have no idea what you're getting at. A round something?
Yes, round. A lot.
A lot of them? Or do you mean big?
Is big. One. Is big. Big one. Round.
A big, round not-building...
I climb. Is big.
Yeah, man, that doesn't help me. You'll climb on everything that is halfway climbable.
Foggy, more. Not round. Is not building. Is... [makes zig-zag gesture again]
Matt, that could be anything. How far away is it?
Mm, not. Don't know. I don't know. Fifteen blocks?
What direction?
South. Water.
Aw, geez.
I think I know what it is. You remember the old amusement park on Coney Island?
Luna Park?
Yeah, that one. The Ferris Wheel, the roller coasters... I think that’s what he’s trying to describe. Matt, do you mean the Ferris Wheel?
I don’t know, Foggy.
Yeah, how would you? Is it a large, round metal structure, with, like, little cars attached that you can sit in?
Mm. Yes.
Okay. And there’s also these other metal structures with cars that go up and down, and they have rails and loops. Kinda like train tracks but in the air...?
There you go. He likes the amusement park. That figures. Matt, you don’t really climb these things all the way to the top, do you?
Foggy, I think you already know the answer to this question.
Foggy, you know answer.
You know, you can be glad that I’m not with you when you go there. I mean, seriously, how unstable are these things?
Not a lot.
Yeah, that doesn’t help. Will you promise me not to climb anything that might fall down or seems in any way unstable?
Cause I can’t be there when you fall down and break your neck. Or other bones. Or anything. Please?
Mm. Okay.
You promise?
I promise.
Okay, good. So you like it there, huh? Tell us why.
I can climb. Is high a lot. I hear a lot far.
Except you just promised weren’t gonna climb those things anymore.
No, Foggy. I not climb unstale.
Yeah, well, those things are probably all unstable.
No. Two. More okay.
Jesus fucking Christ.
You know, Matt, I’d actually love to see the place. Will you take me there some time?
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serendipitous-magic · 4 years
You think the reason we’re all suckers for spaceship stories is because it represents a type and scale of freedom that’s completely unavailable to us in our own lives? 
Not only is it a mirror of the good-old-fashioned Western, with the faithful horse swapped out for a ship and the gunslingin’ cowboy swapped for a laser-slingin’ pilot, but the concept of Lone Ranger-ing our way through space is just endlessly appealing. 
Free travel because you live in the ship and don’t have to pay for rent or tickets. Every day is different. You probably work by commission, bounty hunting or transporting cargo or ferrying passengers or some other odd job here and there. Buy groceries in a space port or in the markets of a friendly planet. Get your hands dirty fixing the engines. Watch the glittering tapestry of stars outside of the cockpit. Grow a little hydroponics garden under LED lights. Go where you want, when you want, experiencing a new landscape and climate on every planet. It’s all the down-to-earth, rugged, do-it-yourself elements of camping / survivalism / cottagecore / road trips, but in a cool-ass spaceship in SPACE.
Firefly. Gardians of the Galaxy. Star Wars. The Mandalorian. Star Trek, to a lesser extent (ships are bigger and more military than Lone Gunslinger). Maybe we all go hogwild over these things because they’re freedom fantasies, especially in a world where we spend most of our days going back and forth to the same place to work with very little financial ability to truly choose our own path without huge amounts of struggle and effort.
Plus spaceships go whoosh fast, make human brains go whee
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meangoose · 3 years
I was tagged by @zee-gee who is an absolute peach <3
cotton candy or popcorn? carousel or ferris wheel? long nights or early mornings? loud music AND soft tunes? stargazing AND movie nights? picnic at the beach or adventure in the forest? pumpkin patch AND apple picking? sunflowers or brown leaves? coats or jackets?
I'll tag @quandary-peak :0
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