toychive · 1 year
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cave club : fernessa
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youlooklikeabigdoll · 9 months
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Sweet Fernessa
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lady-stormwind · 1 year
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Cave Club Fernessa doll
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moaalida · 1 year
My first doll customs WIP
A few weeks ago I found two second hand signature Fernessas from cave club, so I decided to get them to use as bases for customs (since I already had a complete one).  The first one was very incomplete and messy so I stripped her down completely almost immediately. I also wanted to see exactly what her face sculpt looked like. It’s a very detailed sculpt, in that it isn’t really a blank slate to work with. Her smile and eye shape are both very pronounced, so it will be exciting to see if I can make her new face be different even though there are such strict “guide lines”
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This is what she looks like right now! I rooted the head using “untangled” acrylic black yarn w a few brown highlights here and there. The hair is not styled at all, I think I’m going to trim all of it down a bit, so it’s shorter and more poofy, I think that will look cute. My plan for her character is to make her a “borrower” (a la arrietty). Since it’s my first project I wanted to do a more simple concept that would allow me to use more stuff I already have at home. I have basically everything I would need to do her face up EXCEPT mr super-clear... so until I get it I’m going to work on her outfit and accessories.
The other Fernessa I didn’t have a plan for at all until my mom gave me the GREAT idea to try and make her Dino Rockin’ Party doll! If anyone is actually reading this and isn’t very familiar w cave club; the whole doll line is cancelled and the very last wave of dolls they released were called Dino Rockin’ Party. It included a playset w one of the characters, but also “party” versions of three others (Emberly, Bashley and Fernessa). However, only Bashleys and Emberlys party dolls were released, so all we have of fernessas version is the art on the back of Bashleys and Emberlys boxes, and I also found a weird halfdone version of the doll from a walmart page.
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So this would be all the references I have to go off of! I compared the illustration with the signature fernessa I have, and their makeup is very similiar, the only difference is the color of the lipstick and eyeshadow. So i might try out doing a partial repaint w acrylic paints......... it will be verrrry finicky but its worth a try!
stay tuned to see if i wreck it or if it works out ^^'
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dolly-mooshrooms · 2 years
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New proj! I got Roralai and Fernessa at goodwill for 5 bucks! I was happy. I also got this Bashley a while back at a local outlet store. Cave clubs are pretty nice imo. And i really just wanna leave Bashley as is…
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Just look at that hair! 😍✨
She’s absolutely amazing and her 80s style metallic dress is so glimmery and nice ~ It might be nice to try to make her plastic accessories out of more aethetic materials one day.. 🤔
Anywho! Just throwing around a few project ideas here and again. Will make another post about something else I’ve had on the back burner! If any one’s curious 😬
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freaky-flawless · 9 months
Reblog and put in the tags how many dolls you've added to your collection in 2023, and what your favorite one is!
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box-full-of-dolls · 1 year
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Cave Club Fernessa (2020)
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gamebunny-advance · 8 months
Kun3h0 Custom Doll Repaint
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So, here's what I've been working on for the past month or so. I've wanted to do a custom doll project for a long time now, and I finally got the opportunity to actually do it. I don't think she's bad for a first doll, but there's a lot I feel I could do better and differently.
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Once again, my pictures hardly do her any justice... mostly due to color balancing.
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I tried to edit these pics to make them a little more accurate, but it also yellowed out everything else, so... yeah. A photographer/image editor I am not.
That said, aside from the poor quality of the images, I'd say that the pics capture both her good points and her jank.
(More about the process and other thoughts under the cut.)
So, she started with a Cave Club doll as the base (I believe her name was Fernessa).
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I unfortunately didn't take any pics of this doll with her clothes on, but I'm sure you can search pics of the original base doll yourself.
Besides being very cheap, I really liked the proportions on this doll for Kun3h0. I like the short torso with the long legs and the huge feet. Even the face is kinda Kun3h0-esque (though, a little more on that later).
I've had the idea to customize a Kun3h0 doll for a while, and I always thought the best base would have been an LOL OMG doll since they also have the big head, small torso, and long legs. But, I was always on the fence about them because their hips are a lot wider than Kun3h0's, and I felt like that would always bother me. But once I found out about Cave Club and also found out they're bascially cheap as dirt for the amount of articulation you get, I knew that this was the best match for Kun3h0.
Sadly, the hands aren't as big, and I did consider resculpting them to be more accurate to Kun3h0, but I lack the materials to make that look good enough to be worth doing, so in the end I just repainted the original hands. So I guess this doll is gonna have the non-standard 5-fingers XP. (I forgot to take pics, but the back of the hands do have the heart detail on them. )
Because I have to tie this back to NSR somehow, I think this doll would be a great base for some NSR characters, or really any other stylized character like this. I could def see a cute Mayday coming out of one of these (but not from me~ If I made a Mayday, then I'd want to make a Zuke to go with her, and I just cannot imagine how to make a Zuke doll without him becoming way too top-heavy).
However, I did resculpt the legs to become her boots, so she stands a little taller than the base Cave Club. While I think doing this works for Kun3h0 since she's a robot, if I want to make some alternate outfits for her, they're gonna have to include these boots, or I'm gonna have to get another doll to make some alternate legs.
Unfortunately, my only material I have for body mods is air-dry paper clay, and it doesn't transition as well into the plastic the same way something like apoxie sculpt probably would have. It's not super noticeable at a distance when they're painted, but under scrutiny, you can see a clear transition. I also forgot to detail her heel, so the shoes are flat even though they shouldn't be~ They do help her to stand on her own though, so I guess it's not the worst thing in the world~
While I was doing the sculpting, I also made the wig.
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Finding a yarn that would properly convey Kun3h0's hair color is nigh impossible, given the cartoony shading of them, so I settled for a median between the dark rasperry and hot pink and got this regular raspberry yarn. The unaltered pics make it look a little more purple than it actually is. It really is a warm raspberry color.
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(I'd say that this is closer to the actual color, maybe a tad darker.)
Let me tell y'all, brushing out yarn wefts is not fun. I also felt like I wasn't doing it right since I lost a lot of material brushing it out. From the little research I did, this seems to be a common problem, but it doesn't sit right with me for so much of it to get wasted like that~
Another challenge I had is that there (of course) aren't very many resources for getting yarn wefts curly or how to make curly hairstyles using yarn wefts. I know that this is relatively easy to achieve with actual doll hair through boil washing, but that wasn't really a viable option for a yarn wig like this. Since I really wanted the hair to look naturally curly as opposed to looking like it was curled after the fact, I curled the hair before gluing it onto the wig cap, which was a mini-nightmare. I followed a video tutorial about how to make a pigtails wig, I just applied the methods to the curly hair.
I don't know if I just didn't make enough wefts to make the tails poofy enough, or if this method just wasn't suited for curly hair, but I just didn't get the volume I was looking for.
To achieve the fuller look that Kun3h0's puffs have, I glued some scrap yarn fluff in the center of the original puffs and just tried to manage the shape from there. It's not perfect, but I think I've more or less brought her original hair to life. It's hard to see since they get lost in the mess of hair, but I was even able to get those stray curls that she has to look nice~
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However, for some reason, the wig really doesn't like to stay on. I dunno if it's the ears pushing it off, or if something else makes it loose, but it really doesn't like to stay on her head. I might try applying heat to the cap to see if I can get it to reshape around her head properly, but I don't have high hopes for that.
Overall, having made the wig and seen it in real life, I've confirmed something that I've kinda felt for a while: Kun3h0 really needs something on her head between her antenna. I feel like her antenna and the top of her head create a sort of "empty box" that is just asking to be filled with something. I recently did a drawing of Kun3h0 where I have her an ahoge, and I think it helps a lot.
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It's a little too late to add this to the doll (and I don't even know how I'd go about it), but I think from now on, she's gonna have a curl that sticks up on the top of her head.
Moving on: the face.
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I really wish I could get some clearer pictures here, because the eyes really aren't as bad as the pics make them look.
While I am trying to keep her right covered as much as possible, I did still paint both of them with acrylics. I don't have MSC or watercolor pencils like most of the pros do, so I made use of what I had. I'm certainly not getting that "crisp lineart" look that Kun3h0 is basically built on, but I don't think the results are horrible. They're sealed with a gloss varnish, so they don't photograph well, but I do like how the texture is very different from the skin, it almost sells that they're made of glass.
As for the other details, I did do the lining in dark purple, like I usually do for her lineart. I'm on the fence on if this works IRL or not. On the one hand, I feel like the purple lineart is a part of the character design, it helps balance out all the pinks, but when I only use the purple on the doll for the face (and her stomach paneling), I do wonder if it looks strange, and if I would have been better off lining her with dark brown instead.
In fact, I did the original sketch with brown for the paneling.
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(Right eye not canon.)
But when I made the actual doll, I wound up doing purple anyway to match the eyelashes, so they wouldn't look as out of place.
Other details I wanted to mention are that the upper eyelashes/eyelid is actually a piece of painted foam that I glued on. I really wanted to achieve that cartoony look of how I usually draw the lashes over her hair, even if it doesn't make logical sense.
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I wasn't able to do the same thing for the brows, but I still did something a little "special" with them.
Instead of making myself cry trying to get an accurate color-match with paint, her eyebrows are actually flocked using some of the leftover yarn. I've hardly seen anyone do this for a doll repaint, but I don't think this look would suit most brows anyway~
Overall, I'm only a *little* unsatisfied by the face-up, but my disappointment is mostly in the eye-shape. I didn't want to go against the face mold too much, but that meant that I couldn't really make the eye taller like Kun3h0's actually are. If the eye was any taller, the brows would have been right against the hairline, and that wouldn't be a great look IMO. I feel like 80% of Kun3h0's identity is in her face, so having it be even a little inaccurate does bring her down a little.
Lastly, I think all that's left to talk about is clothes and accessories.
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I am personally really in love with the shorts and it's why I chose them to be the preview for this project. I added the beltloops after I took that pic, and I think they turned out so cute, even if you can see the stitching of the belt to the shorts.
I went through quite a few patterns trying to get them right. The Cave Club dolls don't seem to be super popular in customizer circles, so there aren't many if any patterns out there for them. At first I was just eyeballing a shorts pattern from this video and going through some trial and error trying to adapt them to the doll's body.
I made 3 or 4 pairs of shorts this way, but they all ended up too tight. In the end, I wound up using the "wrap-and-tape" method of pattern making, and made the shorts from there. I honestly wasn't too confident in the results, so I very haphazardly made the trial pair with this new pattern, but they fit so great that I wound up using the test shorts for the final product.
The top was not as successful. Unlike the shorts, I didn't start making test tops until I'd already done the wrap and tape. So the pattern making wasn't actually the hardest part: it was putting it together that was a nightmare.
While I was making the top, I would of course have Kun3h0 put it on to test the fit, which stretched out the fabric to a noticeable degree. This was one of the last things I worked on, so I was getting really fed up with working on this for so long, so I told myself that I would probably just hide it with paint later.
That was mistake number 1.
As I should have learned from painting Green's face, the paint hardened the fabric tremendously, giving it almost no stretch. Originally the plan was to use velcro to close the top in the back, but the pattern didn't account for the lack of stretch, so it's actually too small to close edge to edge. So, I had to cut velcro to extend beyond the actual clothes to close it up. So basically, there's a gaping hole in the back of her outfit and is the main reason why I refuse to post back pictures of this doll.
For the time being, I do consider this top to be a "prototype" and I'll probably remake it in the future with some improvements. But, painting the fabric after stitching it together is not the only mistake I made.
Since this top is a prototype, there's a lot of other things that I did in a bad order: I really should have done the hemming and put on the accents before putting the pieces together, but since I wasn't sure if the pattern would fit first, and thought I would have the energy to make a second better top, I didn't bother with it. This included the cuffs of the sleeve.
That was mistake number 2.
The way I made the sleeves is that the arms are really just a large trapazoid with the shoulder shape at the top. The idea was that I would just sew the large side to a piece of shorter elastic band which would serve as the cuffs. I figured this would cause the sleeve to look "ballooned" at the end. And it kinda worked. You can kinda see how it turned out on her right sleeve in the first picture, but actually sewing it together was kinda terrible because the only way I could think of to do this was to sew the cuff and sleeve separately first, then sew them together, and that just seems ass-backwards to me, but I couldn't think of any other way to do it, and it came out with the cuff being mostly obscured anyway. I tried a different method on the left sleeve, so the cuff is more visible, but the sleeve shape is worse.
So if/when I remake this top, I'm still gonna do this in my ass-backwards way, I've just got to figure out how to keep the sleeve from eating the cuff.
Otherwise, I think the top would actually be pretty cute. I was really getting tired of working on it at the end, so a lot of the details are actually hot-glued on instead of being sewn. The faux-zipper pull is a *little* large, but it's something I had that I thought would work, and I actually really like the oversized look. It works for the proportions of the doll and helps bring in the heart motif that's getting a little lost in the sloppiness of my painting~
The last thing I think worth talking about is the mini GAB.
I thought I'd taken a pic of it by itself, but I guess not. Anyway, the only thing I wanted to say about it is that there's a little "clip" on the back made from wire that allows it to hook onto Kun3h0's belt and be held in her hand. I dunno, I just really like the little accessories, and that little feature amuses me~
But that's it for now. I am actually working on two other accessories for her:
The doll came with a pet dinosuar that I'm currently turning into her GAB.
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It's just about the right size to be in scale with Kun3h0, and the hair is basically already the same as GAB's. I've already modified the base with clay and cut off the bits I don't need. It's mostly a matter of sanding and painting right now. I have no idea how or if I'm going to get the collar onto it without it looking bad, but I'll give it a try. If all else fails, I'll just make a tiny bow-tie like GAB!classic~
I don't have a pic of this one, but the doll also came with some sort of flower pot thing that I'm turning into her drill using a metal piping tip for the drill head~ I'll post about them in an "accessories DLC" when they're both finished.
But wait... if you've made it this far, and you saw my preview post, then you might notice that there's one accessory missing.
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Well, this mask doesn't actually fit Kun3h0...
But it does fit someone else.
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dollect-net · 5 months
Doll of the Day! April 30, 2024!
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Today’s doll of the day is Wave 1 Fernessa, a Cave Club doll released in 2020. To nominate a doll for DOTD, please click here! You can check out past Doll of the Day entries here!
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aydansdiary · 1 year
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she came shipped in a fully cardboard so sorry for the anticlimactic first pic :D i love her box art she looks so cute !!!!
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HERE SHE IS !!!! this is what she looks like straight out of the box !!! i wanted to note that these girls are so easy to take out of the box compared to more recent doll releases !!!! normally im fighting for my fucking life and have to get my grandpa to come help me but i was able to get her out in about 5 mins with no struggle !!!!!
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unfortunately right when i got her out her hair style came out so boo i was gonna keep her og style but i guess the world is telling me to give her a makeover
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FIXED !!!! here she is i love her outfit so so much !!! the pattern on the dress is giving childhood curtains in the best way !!! and the leaf sarong (??? is that the right word) is such a cute touch !!! i do have to say that i wish the hard plastic accessories were the same color instead of that NEON yellow !!! PS her shoulder pads restrict her field of motion ALOT
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heres her face !!! i love her make up so much !!! and her screening looks great !!! the green mascara is so cute !!! i dont love her face mold as much as her friends but i dont think its horrible by any means !!! its just her mouth that looks a little off to me idk what is is about it maybe the teeth im unsure ...
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heres her accessories and pet !!! i think the hair clip is very cute not that it will ever be in my hair lol and its just too big for ur doll so eh its going in the drawer never to be seen agian the purse has a gimmick whare it has a lever and when u push it out the flower "blooms" u have to manually open each petal which are extremely fragile so just be careful !!!
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i love her pet so much hes so cute !!!!
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she comes with this super cute hair clip !!! i love the colors and the crimping !!!! i used to do that to my hair all the time as a little kid !!!! i'm not a huge doll clip fan but for what it is its super cute
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here she is all put together !!!! i love her so much !!! shes adorable and will look great on my shelf !!!!
one last note is that they DO stand up on thare own !!!! its kinda finicky because they are top heavy but it works great for simple poses (unlike *COUGH* *COUGH* gen3 mh.....)
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rysela · 1 year
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I have started the truly unhinged task of turning all our characters into dolls because why not combine my special interests??
From left to right
Cave Club Fernessa as Ioxi, G3 MH Draculaura as Juniper, G1 MH Ghoulia Yelps as Ophelia, Calico Critters Algy Bullrush as Narlik, and EAH Hunter Huntsman as Xinglu.
I have an extra Hunter doll and a G1 MH Jackson that I might frankenstein into Juniper's NPC Talasi, too, if I end up feeling really ambitious. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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jdardan1 · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mattel Prehistoric Cave Club 3 Pack Dolls TELLA ROARALAI FERNESSA Poseable Dolls.
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dreamweavers · 1 year
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yesterday at the thrift store I found this cave club fernessa doll for $3 and got her bc I think she's cute. one of her feet has been chewed on by an animal but y'know whatever, it kinda fits with the cave person look.
afterwards I went to big lots and they had another cave club doll there for $10, but I didn't get her bc I feel kinda meh on her.
currently no after pics of fernessa, I let her sit with conditioner in her hair for a while which made it look and feel better. the ends are still kinda bad so I'm debating how to style her hair.
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amilious · 2 years
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Remember when Dan Povinmire posted a pic for ferbnessa shipper himself♡
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freaky-flawless · 1 year
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Ayooo Burlington score!
[Image Description: A photo of a Mermaid High Oceanna doll still in her packaging. She has brown skin, brown eyes, and long light blue hair pulled into an updo with a few braids. She's wearing a colorful quarter sleeve sports top and has a removable mermaid tail that's pink with blue and yellow accents. Besides her is a skirt matching her top, a pair of matching sneaker wedges, and a plastic yellow seashell. She has a purple, pink and blue gym bag in her arm, and is wearing a pair of magenta shell shaped headphones.]
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dollhaireverywhere · 2 years
Got this sweet haul for $22. I love the stocky stature of these dolls. These molds are adorable and the prehistoric concept is fun too.
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