#femoral neck fracture symptoms
Femoral Neck Fracture - What You Should Know?
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The fracture pattern decides the type of femoral neck fractures and the treatment will depend on that only. Surgery is often required to fix such fractures that require the use of hip implants. In this post, we will have a look at the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of femoral neck fractures.
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Hi Danielle, I know you aren't a health care professional but i think I might have a stress fracture :(((( and I am planning to go to the doctor but i was wondering if you could share what your symptoms felt like? Right now it's in my tibia/shin bone, this localized spot of dull achy pain and it hurts to jump. I'm kinda of in shock tbh bc this came out of nowhere over the course of 3 days. Any input you could offer would help so much ty!
Okay my first instinct is that that doesn’t sound like a stress fracture (but like you said, I’m not a doctor so take all of this with a grain of salt)
The fact that you said it came over the course of three days makes it seem like it is something else to me because at least with my stress fracture I FELT it happen and after that instant it fucking HURT. I was on a long run and I actually thought I just pulled a muscle or something (I actually have a tumblr post from that day where I wrote that lol), but then the pain did not get any better after a few days and I was like okay hmmmmmm.... *cue sports medicine visit*
From what I remember in the beginning I think it was more of a sharp acute pain and it hurt pretty much constantly, to be fair though mine was in my femoral neck aka my hip bone so you are nearly always putting some degree of pressure on that part of your body
You say it hurts to jump so I’m wondering if it also hurts just to walk or stand on it, etc. because that might be more telling.
Honestly, like you said, I really don’t know and for all I know I could be totally off base with this but the best thing you can do is see a doc and go from there, I had to get an MRI I think to actually see mine
(also I just googled it and it seems like symptoms can kinda go either way with how they present in a lot of categories so....*shrugs*)
Come back though and let me know when you find out what it is! The bright side, in my opinion, is that at least with a stress fracture the recovery is relatively clear. Mine took a long time to heal but I had a general timeline whereas with things like tendonitis it can be more of a toss up and can more easily flare up again in the future.
Sending ya good vibes
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Hip | Diagnosis | Symptoms And Treatment
Sometimes one might feel a painful, burning sensation on the outer side of the thigh. This has a slow gradual onset and actually can be a very distressing problem within a few days. What’s worse it refuses to pass away with our homegrown remedies. This is actually a result of irritation or compression of a large sensory nerve (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) that runs to that area of the thigh. This condition is known as meralgia paresthetica. As this nerve runs across the groin to the thigh, it sometimes may get pinched under tight clothing, or even under the pressures of a large potbelly, prolonged sitting, tight belts and braces. Sometimes one can have his nerve injured in surgeries over the area or a local tumour growth . Symptoms Pain on the outer side of the thigh associated with a burning sensation, tingling, or numbness, occasionally extending to the outer side of the knee Usually only on one side of the body Diagnosis The doctor takes a history of recent surgeries, injury to the hip, or repetitive activities that could irritate the nerve. During a physical examination, He will also check for any sensory differences between the affected leg and your other leg. To verify the site of the burning pain, hip fracture diagnosis hospital the physician will put some pressure on the nerve to reproduce the sensation. Usually the area is more sensitive to light touch than to firm pressure. X-rays, MRI or CT scans can sometimes be useful to identify any bone abnormalities or tumors that might be putting pressure on the nerve. In rare cases, a nerve conduction study may be advised. Treatment Treatments will vary, depending on the source of the pressure.. The goal is to remove the cause of the compression. This may mean resting from an aggravating activity, losing weight, wearing loose clothing, or using a toolbox instead of wearing a tool belt check this hip fracture surgery in kolkata. In more severe cases, you may be prescribed an injection of a corticosteroid preparation in the are of probable compression to reduce inflammation. This generally relieves the symptoms for some time. In rare cases, surgery is needed to release the nerve. It may take time for the burning pain to stop and, in some cases, numbness will persist despite treatment
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orthodocsclinic01 · 2 years
What Is Hip Fracture? Types, Cause & Symptoms
The bones hold a lot of importance, because it forms the structure, and provide support to the overall movement of the body. Bone injuries can harm a person and can affect their mobility as well. Today, in this article, we are going to shed some light on the various causes of hip injuries, and their symptoms. Before moving further, we would like to tell you that the Hip Fracture Doctor In Andheri is providing individuals with the best treatment according to their overall health. 
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A hip fracture is a break in the thigh bone (femur), which is a hip joint. Joints are the area where two bones join with one another. The hip is a ball-socket joint, and the ball part is ahead of the thighbone. A mostly hip fracture happens when an individual is older than the age of 60, but it can also happen if a person meets an accident. 
Femoral     neck fracture: It happens 1-2 inches from your hip joint, the fracture is     common among the older population. 
Intertrochanteric     Hip Fracture: It happens 3-4 inches from your hip joint, and it usually interrupts     the blood supply. 
In general, it happens because of old age, as the bones become weaker due to calcium loss. Osteoporosis is also a reason behind it. 
Pain     in the hip, and one can also feel it down in the knees 
Lower     back pain
Inability     to walk or stand properly
Bruising     and Swelling 
Foot     turned out to be an odd angle 
If you or anyone you know is suffering from any of these symptoms, then you don’t have to worry about it anymore, as they are the best ortho clinic is here at your service. The clinic is also known for the Ankle Injuries Doctor In Andheri, which is the reason why they have become the top choice of the people all around. 
About Orthodocs Speciality Orthopedic Clinic 
It is one of the renowned clinics in the town, as since the time of inception it has treated a wide range of people all around. The success rate of the clinic is very high, and it is owned by Dr. Uday Pawar and Dr. Bhushan Sabnis. The doctors are highly professional and do everything as per the need of the patient, and diagnose their overall condition before delivering them the treatment. 
Source: https://penzu.com/p/9a033936
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bookpiofficial · 3 years
Assessing the Treatment of Nonuniting Fracture ICNF with Teriparatide in Young Adult Osteopenic Male | Chapter  18 | New Horizons in Medicine and Medical Research Vol. 1
We present a case of a femur fracture in the intracapsular neck in a young adult osteopenic patient who had a nonunion and early symptoms of avascular necrosis despite surgical intervention. After a diagnosis of nonunion and avascular necrosis of the femoral neck, teriparatide was given in two monthly doses. Without further surgical intervention, a 90 percent effective union was obtained in two months, and no adverse effects connected to the administration of teriparatide were noted. Our case study demonstrates that teriparatide can be used instead of surgery in the case of ICNF nonunion with early symptoms of avascular necrosis. Author(S) Details Sujoy Kundu Residency Chamber, Mahendra Bhatcharya Road, Santragachi, Howrah, West Bengal, India. View Book:- https://stm.bookpi.org/NHMMR-V1/article/view/6183
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP ORTHOPAEDICS Objective Questions and Answers
ORTHOPAEDICS Multiple Choice Questions :-
1.Which is not a principle of compound fracture treatment? a) No tendon repair b) Aggressive Antibiotic cover c) Wound debridement d) Immediate Wound closure Ans:d 2.Medial meniscus is more vulnerable to injury because of? a) Its fixity to tibial collateral ligament b) its semicircular shape c) action of adductor magnus d) its attachment to fibrous capsule Ans:a 3.Injury to the popliteal artery in fracture lower end of femur is often due to? a) Distal fragment pressing the artery b) Proximal fragment pressing the artery c) Tight plaster d) Hematoma Ans:a 4.In transverse fracture of the patella, the treatment is a) Excision of small fragment b) Wire fixation c) Plaster cylinder d) Patellectomy Ans:b 5.monster type of dislocation of the hip is a) Anterior b) Posterior c) Central d) Dislocation with fracture of the shaft Ans:b 6. March fracture affects a) Neck of 2nd metatarsal c) Neck of 1 st metatarsal b) Body of 2nd Metatarsal c) Neck of 1 st metatarsal d) Fracture of lower end of tibia Ans:a 7.Commonest complication of extracapsular fracture of neck of femur is a) Non Union b) iscnemic necrosis c) Maiunion d) aTPuTmonary complications Ans:c 9.Blood coagulation profile in pregnancy is a) Increase in fibrinogen level of 10-25 % b) Decrease in factor X, XI, XII c) Decrease in plasminogen activity d) Increase in platelet count Ans:a 10.In classical caesarean section more chances of rupture of uterus is in a) upper uterine segment b) lower uterine segment c) utero cervical junction d) posterior uterine segment. Ans:a
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ORTHOPAEDICS MCQs 11.Only indication for Internal version nowadays is a) Brow presentation b) Face presentation c) Second fetus of twins d) Breech Ans:c 12.Internal fixation is done in all fracture Except a) Compound b) Multiple c) Elderly person Ans:a 13.Myositis ossificans is commonly seen at tlie joint d) Hip a) Knee b) Elbow c) Shoulder d) Hip Ans:b 14.The most important factor in fracture healing is a) Good alignment b) Organization of blood clot c) Accurate reduction and 100% apposition of fractured fragments d) Immobilization e) Adequate calcium intake Ans:d 15.The most preferred treatment of fracture of neck of femur in a young person is a) Hemiarthroplasty b) Total hip treatment c) conservative treatment d) closed reduction & internal fixation Ans:d 16.Lisfranc dislocation is a) Tarsometatarsal dislocation b) Lunate dislocation c) Scaphoid dislocation d) Posterior dislocation of elbow Ans:a 17.Position of immobilization in fracture both bones of forearm in an adult male will be a) Prone b) Mid prone c) Supine d) 10° Supine Ans:c 18.Carpal bone which fractures commonly a) Scaphoid b) Lunate C) Hamate d) Pisiform Ans: a 19.True about clavicular fracture is a) Most common at medial 1/3 & 2/3 b) comminuted fracture common c) malunion occurs d) usually due to fall on elbow Ans:c 20.Commonest site of fracture scaphoid a) Waist b) Proximal third c) Distal third d) Tuberculosis Ans:a 21.Excision of fractured fragment is practised in all fractures except a) Patella b) Olecranon c) head of radius d) lateral condyle humerus Ans:b 22.The complication not common in colle's fracture is a) malunion b) non union c) sudeck's atrophy d) stiffness of wrist Ans:b 23.In 65 year old male with history of fracture neck of femur 6 weeks old, treatment of choice a) SP nailing b) Mc Murray's osteotomy c) hemiarthroplasty d) none. Ans:c 24.In Colles fracture not seen in a) Proximal impaction b) lateral rotation c) dorsal angulation d) medial rotation Ans:d 25.In fracture medial epicondyle of humerus,which of the following can be affected a) Flexion of fingers b) Adduction of fingers c) Abduction of fingers d) Flexion of thumb Ans:a 26.Most common cause of pathological fracture in a child is a) malignancy b) bone cyst c) fibrous dysplasia d) paget's disease Ans:b 27.A lady presents with a history of fracture radius, which was put on plaster of paris casts for 4 weeks. After that she developed swelling of hands with shiny skin. What is the most likely diagnosis. a) Rupture of extensor pollicis longus tendon b) Myositis ossificans c) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy d) Malunion. Ans:c 28.AH are components of Rotator cuff except a) Supraspinatus b) Infraspinatus c) Subscapularis d) Teres major Ans:d 29.Complication of fracture scaphoid is a) Injury to radial artery b) avascular necrosis of proximal part c) avascular necrosis of distal part d) injury to radial nerve Ans:b 30.Which fracture neck of femur has a poor prognosis a) Intra capsular b) Extracapsular c) Both d) None. Ans:a 31.Fracture blisters commonly appear on how many days ? a) 1- 3 days b) 3- 5 days c) 5-7 days d) 5-9 days Ans:b 32.If the greater tuberosity of the humerus is lost, which of the following movements will be affected a) Adduction and flexion b) Abduction and lateral rotation c) Medial rotation and adduction d) Flexion and medial rotation Ans:b 33. The most common cause of a sprained ankle is injury of a) Deltoid ligament b) lateral ligament c) Inferior tibiofibular ligament d) Anterior Talofibular ligament. Ans:d 34.In the case of 65 year old person with fracture neck offemur the treatment of choice is a) close reduction b) close reduction with internal fixation c) open reduction d) replacement of head and neck of the femur with a prosthesis Ans:d 35. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy is seen in : a) Cubitus valgus c) Fracture scaphoid b) Dislocation of elbow c) Fracture scaphoid d) Supracondylar fracture of humerus Ans:a 36.Common injury to baby is a) Fracture humerus b) Fracture clavicle c) Fracture radius-ulna d) Fracture femur Ans:b 37.Young man with # tibia of left side 2 months ago, is having popliteal cast, Now needs mobilization with single crutch. Which will be the preferred site ? a) Left sided crutch b) Right sided c) Any side d) Both sides Ans:a 38.Bryant's triangle is useful in diagnosis of following except a) Supratrochanteric shortening b) Infratrochanteric shortening c) anterior dislocation hip d) posterior dislocation hip Ans:b 39.Line joining Ant Sup. iliac spine to tip of gluteal tuberosity, should normally touch the Greater trochanter, this is a) Shoemakers line b) Nelaton's line c) Von-rossen d) Perkins Ans:b 40.Which of the following is least common in supracondylar fracture a) Non union b) Median nerVe injury c) volkmanns ischemic contracture d) cubitus varus Ans:a 41.Earliest symptom of Volkmann's ischemia is a) Pain in flexor muscles b) Absence of pulse c) Pain on passive extension d) Cyanosis of limb Ans:a 42.A patient develops compartment syndrome (swelling, pain and numbness) following manipulation and plaster for fracture of both bones of leg. What is the best treatment? a)Split the plaster b)Infusion of law molecular weight dextran c)Elevate the leg after splitting the plaster d)Do operative decompression of fascial compartment Ans:d 43.Anterior dislocation of shoulder causes all except a) Circumflex artery injury b) Avascular necrosis head of humerus c) Brachial plexus injury d) Chip fracture scapula Ans:d 44.In Colles# following is most common complication a) Non union b) Malunion c) Sudeck's dystrophy d) Volkmann's ischemic contracture Ans:b 45. Patient with supracondylar fracture following reduction presented with claw hand. The likely diagnosis is a) Volkmann's ischaemic contracture b) median nerve injury c) Ulnar nerve injury d) Dupuytrens contracture Ans:a 46.Pivot test for a) anterior cruciate ligament b) posterior cruciate ligament c) medial meniscus injury d) lateral meniscus injury Ans:a 47.Triangular relation of Elbow is maintained in a) Fracture ulna b) Anterior dislocation of Elbow c) Posterior dislocation of Elbow d) Supracondylar fracture Ans:d 48.Fracture which most often requires open reduction & internal fixation a) Lateral condyle of humerus b) Femoral condyle c) Distal tibial epiphyseal separation d) Fracture both bones forearm Ans:a 49. A patient had injury to the upper limb 3 yrs earlier, now he presents with paresthesia over the medial border of the hand and anaesthesia over medial two finger. The injuryis likely to have been a) supracondylar fracture b) lateral condyle fracture humerus c) medial condyle fracture humerus b) lateral condyle fracture humerus Ans:b 50.Commonest type of lesion causing recurrent shoulder dislocation is a) Shallow glenoid labrum b) Bankarts lesion c) Weakness of subscapularis muscie d) Injury to humeral head Ans:b ORTHOPAEDICS Objective Questions with Answers 51.Menisci calcification is a feature of a) Gout b) Hyperparathyroidism c) pseudogout d) ankylosing spondylosis Ans:c 52.A young adult presenting with oblique, displaced fracture olecranon treatment of choice a) Plaster cast b) Percutaneous wiring c) Tension band wiring d) Removal of displaced piece with triceps repair Ans:c 53.Volkmann's ischemic contracture mostly involves a) Flexor digitorum superficialis b) Pronator teres c) Flexor digitorum profundus . d) Flexor carpi radialis longus Ans:c 54.Avascular necrosis is commonest in one of the following fractures a) Gorden 1 & 2 fracture of femoral neck b) Gorden 3 & 4 fracture of femoral neck c) Sub-trochanteric fracture of femoral neck d) Baso-trochanteric fracture Ans:b 55.On measurement, the base of Bryant's triangle on the left side is found to be short by 2 cms as compared to the right side. This indicates a) Fracture of the neck of the femur b) Fracture of the shaft of the femur c) Osteoarthritis of hip joint d) Rheumatoid arthritis of the hip joint Ans:a 56.All the following requires open reduction & internal fixation almost always except a) Lateral condyle of humerus b) Olecranon c) Patella d) Volar Barton's fracture Ans:d 57.Pathognomic sign of traumatic fracture a) Swelling b) Tenderness c) Redness d) Crepitus Ans:d 58. A football player, while playing, twists his knees over the ankle. He still continues to play. a) Medial meniscus tear b) Anterior cruciate ligament tear c) Medial collateral ligament injury d) Posterior cruciate ligament injury. Ans:a 59.K-wire is used in a) Circlage b) fixing forearm bones c) prior to plating d) All of the above. Ans:d 60.Treatment of Acute myositis Ossificans is a) Active mobilization b) Passive mobilization c) Infra Red therapy d) Immobilization Ans:d 61. The treatment of choice for non-union of extracapsular fracture neck femur a) Hip spica b) Intramedullary nailing c) Internal fixation d) Compression plating Ans:c 62.Duga's test is helpful in a) Dislocation of hip b) Scaphoid fracture c) Fracture neck of femur d) Anterior dislocation of shoulder Ans:d 63.Open reduction in children is done for a) Supracondylar fracture b) forearm both bone fracture c) femoral condyle fracture d) lateral condyle of humerus fracture Ans:d 64.Avascular necrosis of the head of femur is not seen in a) Subcapital Fracture b) Intertrochanteric fracture c) Transcervical fracture d) Central dislocation of hip Ans:b 65.Stiffness in knee is maximum when traction is at a) Skin b) lower end femur c) upper end tibia d) calcaneum Ans:b 66. Intramedullary fixation is ideal in a case of fracture of shaft of femur when there is a) A transverse fracture b) A compound fracture c) Soft tissue interposition between the fractured ends d) Such a fracture in a child Ans:a 67.Meyer's operation is done for a) Recurrent dislocation of patella b) Dislocation of shoulder joint c) Dislocation of hip joint d) Scaphoid Ans:b 68.Treatment of choice for old non-united fracture of shaft of femur a) compression plating b) bone grafting c) nailing d) compression plating with bone grafting. Ans:d 69.The last step in the healing of a fracture is a) Hematoma formation b) Consolidation c) Remodelling d) Callus formation e) Demineralization of bones. Ans:c 70.A Bennet's fracture is difficult to maintain in reduced position because of the pull of a) Extensor pollicis longus b) Extensor pollicis brevis c) Abductor pollicis longus d) Abductor pollicis brevis Ans:d 71.Inter trochanteric fracture has trendelenberg sign negative because of the action of a) Gluteus medius b) Gluteus minimus c) G.maximus d) Tensor fascia lata Ans:a 72.A segmental compound fracture tibia with 1cm skin wound is classified as a) Type I b) Type II c) Type ILIA d) TypeIIIB Ans:a 73.Steinman pin is used for all except a) fracture of upper end of tibia b) fracture through lower end of tibia c) fracture through lower end of femur d) skull traction Ans:d 74.Treatment after removal of plaster for supracondylar fracture of humerus is a) active mobilization at elbow joint b) massage c) no treatment d) passive movements at elbow Ans:a 75. Lateral condyle can cause a) Genu valgum b) Genu varus c) Genu recarvatum d) Dislocation of ankle Ans:a 76. Muscles involved in Volkmann's ischemic contracture a) Flexor pollicis longus b) Flexor profundus c) Flexor sublimis d) All Ans:d 77. Medial meniscus tear is more common than lateral meniscus because of its decreased a) Nerve supply b) Vascularity c) Mobility d) Fibroelasticity Ans:c 78.Volkmann's ischaemic contracture is due to a) Arterial injury b) Venous injury c) Nerve injury d) Increase of compartment pressure in the limb Ans:d 79.Attitude of the limb in anterior dislocation of hip a) Flexion, abduction, external rotation b) Flexion, adduction, external rotation c) Flexion, Abduction, internal rotation d) Flexion, adduction, internal rotation Ans:a 80.Treatment of fracture clavicle in an infant is best treated by a) Cuff and sling b) Figure of 8 bandage c) Open reduction d) Shoulder cast Ans:b 81.Dislocation of hip joint palpable on per rectal examination a) Cogenital dislocation of hip b) Posterior dislocation of hip c) Fracture neck of femur d) Anterior dislocation of hip Ans:a 82.Fractures common in elderly women are all except a) Clavicular b) Colles c) Intertrochanteric d) neck of femur Ans:c 83.Late complication of Acetabular fracture a) Avascular necrosis of head of femur b) Avascular necrosis of iliac crest c) Fixed deformity of the hip joint d) secondary osteoarthritis of hip joint Ans:a 84.Treatment of anterior dislocation of shoulder is by a) Kocher's manoeuvre b) Dennis browne splint c) Barlows manoeuvre d) Surgery Ans:a 85.Patient comes with fracture of femur in an acute accident, the first thing to do is a) Secure airway and treat the shock b) Splinting c) Physical examination d) X-Rays Ans:a 86.Multiple bone fractures in a new born is seen in a) Scurvy b) Syphilis c) Osteogenesis imperfecta d) Morquio's syndrome Ans:c 87. Most common bone to fracture in body is a) Radius b) Clavicle c) femur d) vertebra e) Pelvis Ans:b 88.Cock up splint is used in management of a) Ulnar nerve palsy b) brachial plexus palsy c) radial nerve palsy d) combined ulnar & median nerve palsy Ans:c 89.The type of displacement of fractured fragment in which bone is not remodelled a) Anterior angulation b) Posterior angulation c) Lateral angulation d) Rotation Ans:b 90.Carrying angle is decreased in a) Cubitus varus b) Cubitus valgus c) Genu valgum d) Genu varum Ans:a 91. Transverse fracture of medial malleolus is caused by a) Abduction b) Adduction c) Rotation of foot Ans:a 92.Bennet's fracture is fracture dislocation of base of matacarpal a) 4th b) 3rd c) 2nd d) 1st Ans:d 93. Most common type of supracondylar fracture is a) extension type b) flexion type c) abduction type Ans:a 94.Intramedullary nailing is contraindicated in fracture shaft femur if a) The fracture is compound b) The fracture is near the knee joint c) The epiphysis have not fused d) Any of the above is present e) None of the above is present Ans:d 95.A man was diagnosed to have myositis ossificans progressiva at the age of 20 yrs. He died 5 yrs later. What is the most probable cause of death ? a) Starvation and chest infection b) Myocarditis c) Hypercalcemia d) Hyperphosphatemia Ans:a 96. The commonest elbow injury in children is a) Extension type of supracondylar fracture of humerus b) Di slocation of elbow c) Fracture lateral condyle of humerus d) Fracture medial epicondyle of humerus Ans:a 97. Ideal treatment with fracture neck of humerus in a lady will be a) Triangular sling b) Hemiarthroplasty c) Chest arm bandage d) Internal fixation Ans:a 98. In Intertrochanteric #has most common complication of a) Non union b) Malunion c) Avascular necrosis d) Nerve Injury Ans:b 99. Luxatio erecta a) tear of the glenoidal labrum b) inferior dislocation of shoulder c) anterior dislocation of shoulder d) defect in the humeral head Ans:b 100. McMurray's osteotomy operation is based on the following principle a) Mechanical b) Biological c) Bio-mechanical d) None Ans:c ORTHOPAEDICS Questions and Answers pdf Download Read the full article
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ourhaileydavies · 5 years
Pleomorphic Adenoma of the Tongue Base: A Case Report-Juniper publishers
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An 86-year-old woman underwent bronchoscopy after developing aspiration pneumonia. She was found to have a tumor of the tongue base and was referred to our department. Fiberscopy revealed a pendulous mass at the tongue base. On computed tomography, a smooth pendulous mass (2cm × 1.7cm) was seen at the base of the tongue, with no deep invasion. The biopsy report indicated possible mucoepidermoid carcinoma. The risk of surgery was high due to her age and co-morbidities, so the patient and her family did not agree to resection of the tumor. Aspiration pneumonia recurred several times over several months, after which she could not take anything orally and became bedridden for weeks. To improve her quality of life by minimally invasive surgery, the tumor was excised transorally under general anesthesia. The pathological diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma, and the surgical margins were negative. The patient’s postoperative course was good. Pleomorphic adenoma often arises from the major salivary glands, especially the parotid gland, but pleomorphic adenoma of the tongue base is rare. This case is reported along with a review of the literature.
Keywords: Pleomorphic adenoma; Tongue base; Surgery
Pleomorphic adenoma is a common benign tumor in the field of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery. It often arises from the major salivary glands, especially the parotid gland, but also from the minor salivary glands of the oral cavity. Benign and malignant tumors of the minor salivary glands are usually found on the palate, upper lip, gums, cheek, floor of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and trachea [1]. In contrast, pleomorphic adenoma of the tongue base is rare and only 13 cases have been reported (Table 1). Here we report a patient with pleomorphic adenoma of the tongue base and review  the relevant literature.
Case Report
An 86-year-old woman had noted discomfort on swallowing for several years. She developed slight dysphagia and fever six months previously. Aspiration pneumonia was diagnosed by her local physician and she was treated with antibiotics. Although her symptoms resolved within a few days, bronchoscopy revealed a tumor at the tongue base and she was referred to our department. Transnasal fiberscopy demonstrated a pendulous mass at the tongue base (Figure 1). Computed tomography revealed a smooth-surfaced pendulous mass (2cm × 1.7cm) at the tongue base without deep invasion (Figure 2). Biopsy of the tumor gave a diagnosis of possible mucoepidermoid carcinoma. It was considered that this tumor might have caused her dysphagia and aspiration pneumonia. She had a history of diabetes mellitus, schizophrenia, femoral fracture, and dementia.
Surgery was considered to be high risk due to her age and co-morbidities. Because the patient and her family did not agree to resection of the tumor, she was followed up by her local physician. Aspiration pneumonia recurred several times over several months, after which she could not take anything orally and became bedridden for weeks. To improve her quality of life by minimally invasive surgery, the tumor of her tongue base was excised transorally under general anesthesia. The working space in the oral cavity and pharynx is limited, so we resected the mass by using laparoscopic instruments. The postoperative pathological diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma and the surgical margins were negative (Figure 3). After surgery, she could eat without discomfort on swallowing or recurrence of aspiration pneumonia. The tumor has not recurred after followup for seven months (Figure 4).
Pleomorphic adenoma was first described by Missen in 1874. About 80% of pleomorphic adenomas arise in the parotid gland, followed by 10% in the submandibular gland and 10% in the minor salivary glands [2]. Tumors of the minor salivary glands usually arise on the palate, upper lip, gums, cheek, floor of the mouth, pharynx, and trachea [1]. The most frequent site for pleomorphic adenomas of minor salivary glands is the palate (50%), followed by the upper lip [3]. In contrast, pleomorphic adenoma rarely arises from the tongue base and only 13 cases have been reported previously (Table 1) [2,4-15].
Surgery is the accepted treatment for pleomorphic adenoma and the tumor was subjected to surgical resection in all of the previous reported cases. Because of its anatomical features, approaching the tongue base for surgery raises several problems. In particular, the site is difficult to view by direct vision and the working space is narrow. The surgical approach depends on the size and location of the tumor, so the surgeon should plan treatment carefully. Various surgical approaches have been used, including the transoral, transhyoid, transpharyngeal, transmandibular, and combined transoral-transcervical approaches. We performed transoral excision to minimize surgical invasion, because the patient was elderly and had a history of schizophrenia and dementia, suggesting that brief hospitalization was required. The tumor was pedunculated and not deeply infiltrative, so we decided that transoral resection was reasonable. Because the working space in the oral cavity and pharynx is very narrow, laparoscopic instruments were used. However, the devices were actually too long for the transoral approach, so a new approach such as robot support is needed for resection of tongue base tumors [16].
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drferox · 7 years
Hello! I was curious weather or not you've posted about Yorkies? I've considered getting one, but would rather know a bit more about the health concerns and such. (Also, I love this blog and am learning loads. Thank you so much!)
I have not yet posted about Yorkies. Let’s change that, but be prepared for a long post. I might just have to limit this to the most severe or most common concerns.
Please note the disclaimer that theseposts are about the breed from a veterinary viewpoint as seenin clinical practice, i.e. the problems we are faced with. It’s notthe be-all and end-all of the breed and is not to make a judgementabout whether the breed is right for you. If you are asking for anopinion about these animals in a veterinary setting, that is what youwill get. It’s not going to be all sunshine and cupcakes, and isnot intended as a personal insult against your favorite breed. Thisis general advice for what is common, often with a scientificconsensus but sometimes based on personal experiences, and is not aguarantee of what an individual animal is going to encounter in their life.
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These little dogs have a number of difficulties in their treatment. These concerns apply to standard dogs of this breed, but are extra common in so-called ‘teacup’ dogs, which are not ethical to breed and I do not support.
Collapsing trachea is a major respiratory concern for these dogs, with risk increasing as the dog’s are structurally smaller or are overweight. The cartilage rings that hold open their windpipe when pressure if applied to their neck (eg a collar) or when they breathe faster and deeper (like when they’re excited). These dogs typically have a harsh, honking cough and may be prone to fainting.
Medial Luxating Patellas are very common in these little dogs. In most cases their tibial crest is positioned abnormally ans these dogs will need surgery to have a normal knee joint.
Portosystemic Shunts are abnormal blood vessels that allow blood from the intestines, full of interesting molecules from food, to bypass the liver where they normally would be detoxified. Dogs with this condition are often stunted or runts, and can have really bizarre symptoms including seizures or temporary blindness after eating. Some of these dogs will benefit from surgery, others are no so lucky.
Another anomalous blood vessel this breed is prone to is patent ductus arteriosis. This occurs when a perfectly normal blood vessel in the fetus, which allows blood to bypass the lungs, fails to close at birth. This heart defect (really a vessel defect) is severe, and dogs require surgery or an implant to live a normal life. Particularly with the smaller individuals, this breed is prone to developing hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain causing a deformed skull) or seizures. This is especially frustrating because the dosages needed to treat these dogs can be minuscule. On the topic of finding small enough doses for medication, Cushing’s Syndrome is relatively common in these dogs once they achieve old age. This overproduction of cortisone causes dogs  to typically loose fur on their bodies, develop a pot belly, drink lots, eat lots and develop secondary liver issues. It’s not immediately lethal but does impact their quality of life.
For some reason these dogs also seem to get aseptic necrosis of the femoral head which causes a subtle lameness due to changes in the hip, and once again we would be talking about surgery.
To add to the list of weird things this breed likes to throw, Bladder stones are extra frustrating. Some of these dogs are small enough that if they develop small bladder stones, they can develop life threatening urethral blockages like male cats do.
And finally, Awful Dental Health plagues these dogs. It’s so common to see them with an absolute sewer mouth, I’m surprised owners don’t notice the smell when they lick them. More concerning is that their jaws are so little I’m terrified of fracturing something when I extract the rotten teeth. It’s common for them to also have retained deciduous teeth (baby teeth) which need removal.
Especially in regards to so-called teacup dogs, the smaller the individual the more fragile they are, and these dogs can have assorted misadventures up to and including fracturing a leg by jumping off the couch. Seriously, some dogs are just too small to ethically bred.
In addition, unusually small dogs have an extra expense in getting their required medication compounded, which means specially made into a appropriate size. This can also delay treatment while you wait for those medications to be made and shipped.
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parkerwaichmanlaw · 8 years
Plaintiffs Seek Stryker LFIT Consolidation in Maryland
Plaintiffs Seek Consolidation of Stryker LFIT V40 Femoral Head Lawsuits
Plaintiffs who have brought lawsuits against the device maker, the Stryker Corporation, over alleged problems concerning its LFIT V40 femoral head are seeking to consolidate the mounting lawsuits in one court for pre-trial proceedings. Plaintiffs’ attorneys filed a motion in January with the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) to centralize all pending and future federally filed cases into the U.S. District Court in Massachusetts.
The motion for transfer involves six product liability actions that are pending in three jurisdictions nationwide. The cases all involve similar allegations against Stryker such as that Stryker neglected to provide sufficient warnings concerning risks tied with the LFIT V40 femoral head. The Stryker LFIT V40 femoral head has been used in various hip replacement systems, including the Stryker Accolade TMZF, the Stryker Accolade 2, the Meridian, and the Citation hip systems.
In their motion for consolidation, the plaintiffs pointed out that the Stryker LFIT V40 femoral head was intended to be coupled with an array of femoral hip stems. Plaintiffs allege that the device’s design is flawed. While the femoral head is meant to lock in place on the stem, the taper lock allegedly fails due to extreme movement between the head and stem. Plaintiffs allege that the device maker was aware for years that these components are defective, but long minimized their risks. Plaintiffs point out that every case involving the component presents “common claims arising under product liability laws” with a common set of facts, according to court documents. This means that the parties would be best served by consolidation. The plaintiffs also recommend the District of Massachusetts as the best location for the Stryker MDL as this location is easily accessible, is able to manage the expected large number of cases, and has experienced judges. Also, transfer will prevent duplicative pre-trial rulings and other redundancies, reduce the costs of litigation, and allow cases to proceed more efficiently to trial, according to the plaintiffs.
The femoral head is device component that rests on top of the femoral stem, which is placed into the thighbone. The head is then placed within the acetabular cup, which lines the hip socket. The device is manufactured with cobalt and chromium, which are the same metals that comprise many of the acetabular cups. When the two parts rub against one another during normal wear and tear, such as when walking, arising, and sitting, the components may shed small metal shards into and around the joint and surrounding tissue. This shedding leads to inflammation, swelling, the development of fluid pockets, metallosis (metal poisoning), and other health issues that progressively lead to hip loosening, hip replacement failure, and the need for revision surgery.
In August 2016, Stryker recalled specific sizes of the LFIT V40 femoral head that were manufactured before 2011 over reports that the device received “higher than expected complaints of taper lock failure.” The “taper lock” is that portion of the implant that connects the femoral head to the femoral neck. Other potential hazards tied to the LFIT V40 include disassociation of the femoral head from the hip stem, as well as the release of excessive metallic debris.
Various studies have shown that corrosion may also occur at the head-to-neck juncture of these types of hip implants. A 2016 study found that nine cases of total hip implant failure were associated with metal wear debris in this area of the implant. Patients also suffered from abnormal levels of cobalt and chromium blood levels, tissue damage, and hip implant failure. All of the patients went through revision surgery to repair the implant. Revision surgery typically involves removing and replacing the allegedly defective device, which is a painful, costlier and risker process associated with longer recovery times and hospital stays.
The Parker Waichman LLP personal injury law firm notes that metal-on-metal hip implants have come under increased scrutiny and controversy following recalls and thousands of lawsuits. The firm represents numerous clients in metal-on-metal hip implant lawsuits and continues to offer free legal consultations to individuals who have questions about pursuing a case.
LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 Femoral Head Recall, Warnings from Canada and Australia
Stryker recently issued an urgent medical device recall notification related to Stryker LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 femoral head and applies to femoral head components manufactured before 2011. Because the recall applies to older femoral heads, most of the defective components are likely implanted in patients. Stryker released its notification when it had received a higher-than-expected number of complaints concerning taper lock failure tied with specific lots of these components.
The taper lock portion of the component that connects the femoral head to the femoral neck may weaken or completely break, which may lead to disastrous hip implant failure. Patients may suffer from broken bones, dislocation, joint instability, loss of mobility, increased metallic debris and metallosis, and significant pain. Taper lock failure may also lead to dissociation of the femoral head from the hip stem, fractured hip stem trunnion, insufficient range of movement and soft tissue tension, noise emanating from the implant, loss of the implant, minimized bone fixation strength, increased wear debris, and implant construct with a shortened neck length.
As a result of this new information, as well as warnings from Health Canada and the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, legal experts now expect a potentially large number of new Stryker LFIT V40 femoral head lawsuits to be filed nationwide. Some cases were filed in 2014, well before Stryker advised physicians about the potential issues with this device.
Canadian health regulators described the LFIT V40 femoral heads in August 2016, writing that, “Stryker has received higher than expected complaints of taper lock failure for specific lots of certain sizes of LFIT Anatomic COCR V40TM Femoral Heads manufactured prior to 2011.” Australian regulators also issued a warning. The Therapeutic Goods Administration of the Australian Government Department of Health released a “hazard alert” in September 2016 that indicated “that some LFIT Anatomic CoCr V40 femoral heads manufactured before 2011 have a higher than expected incidence of taper lock failures. The taper lock is the part of the implant that connects the femoral head to the femoral neck.” Australian regulators noted that some of the symptoms of taper lock failure may include loss of mobility, pain, inflammation, adverse local tissue reaction, dislocation, joint instability, broken bones near the components, discrepancy between leg lengths, and the need for revision surgery.
Legal Help for Stryker Metal-on-Metal Hip Implant Recipients
Parker Waichman has years of experience representing clients in numerous metal-on-metal hip implant lawsuits. If you or someone you know was implanted with a Stryker metal-on-metal hip implant such as the Stryker LFIT component, you may have valuable legal rights. Our firm offers free, no-obligation case evaluations. For more information, fill out our online form or call 1-800-YOURLAWYER (1-800-968-7529).
from Parker Waichman http://www.yourlawyer.com/blog/plaintiffs-seek-stryker-lfit-consolidation-in-maryland/
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'Proning' - Is This Really Helpful to Combat With Covid-19?
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Coronavirus has reached its deadly stage both in the first and second stage. It has been observed that the patients suffering from COVID-19 have difficulty in breathing which causes a rapid decrease in their blood oxygen levels. Usually, the symptoms of this disease are visible after the lung gets damaged by 25%, resulting in a dip in oxygen saturation level to 80- 85%. In such a situation, an immediate oxygen supply is required. According to the top certified physiotherapists in Kolkata.
 If oxygen is not available during this period, the patient may face complications. The cells in our body require at least 89% of the oxygen saturation level while healthy individuals have a saturation level of 95 and above.  Any significant drop in this level causes breathlessness. With an increased demand for oxygen supply, medical institutes are overburdened and also the availability of ventilators is limited.
 Therefore, the best way to reduce our dependence upon hospitals and ventilators can be achieved by managing blood oxygen levels at our home by a natural method of proning. Proning is a technique used to optimize oxygenation, it is an easy to do home exercise. A method of attaining prone position is required when the patient feels discomfort while breathing and also when the oxygen level decreases below 94. In this blog, we will discuss proning and how it increases your oxygen supply.
  Proning or Prone positioning:
Patients who are on ventilators due to pneumonia spend long hours lying on their back, due to which the fluid begins to enter the back of the lungs. The patient ultimately becomes tired of breathing and exhausted with the effort of keeping the blood completely oxygenated. The best way to support breathing is by keeping the patient on a ventilator. But ventilators can often damage the lungs.
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Therefore, a safe and simple method to improve oxygenation is by prone position or proning. Prone position or proning opens up the collapsed airways and increases blood oxygen levels, suggested by the best physiotherapist in Kolkata. In a prone lying position, the heart rests on the breast bone giving space for the lungs to expand; this increases the airflow to the back, where the blood circulation is the most. So, both blood circulation and more oxygen, lead to effective oxygenation.
The patient lies in a prone posture on their abdomen or on their belly by facing down towards the bed. Keep a pillow below the neck and chest. Keep two pillows below each shin. Make sure that the patient lies comfortably; if not so the patient might feel suffocated. Do not spend more than half an hour in each position.
        Lying on your stomach:
            Begin by lying on a bed by stomach facing towards the bed for 30 minutes.
        Side-lying position to right side:
            For side-lying, lie on your right side for 30 minutes.
        Sitting up:
            Sit up in the bed with your back supported and both legs extended for 30 minutes.
        Side-lying position to left side:
            While lying in the bed lie on your left side for 30 minutes.
        Lying on your stomach:
            Return to lying on your stomach by facing towards the bed for 30 minutes.
        It is a safe and simple home method to improve oxygenation.
        It improves ventilation.
        Helps the body to get air into all areas of the lungs.
        Prevents worsening of complications due to decreased oxygen circulation.
        Delays the use of mechanical ventilators by maintaining the supply of oxygen to the body tissues.
 Safety measure:
Avoid prone position or proning immediately after meals.
Maintain a prone position till the patient feels comfortable.
Pillows should be kept under pressure areas especially around bony prominences.
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Prone position should be avoided in conditions like:
Deep venous thrombosis.
Major cardiac conditions.
Fractures like spinal, femoral, or pelvic fractures.
 In the current situation, Covid-19 cases are increasing and it has become obligatory for us to take necessary precautions and help prevent the further spread of the disease.
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tramadolpain1 · 4 years
Buy Soma Online 500mg
Buy Soma Online 500mg For Curing Muscular Knee Pain
The knee is defined as the biggest joint of human body. Knee is considered as most injury prone area. It consists of bone which might be fractured or move out from the joint and cartilage, ligament sand tendons that may strain or tear. Some knee injuries heal on its own gradually by taking care and proper rest. Buy Soma Online 500mg and easily overcome the muscular pain.Some type of pain occurs due to arthritis or chronic injury and it eventually cause damage to the knee over time. Some conditions that actually cause the pain at the back of your knee are.
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Leg Cramps- The cramp is defined as tightening of muscle. The muscles located in the calves are susceptible to get cramp but few other muscles can also cramp up. The muscles at the back of thigh which are near the knee are also included. An individual may be more susceptible suffer from muscle cramp when he exercises or it may even occur during pregnancy. Few possible causes of leg cramp are dehydration,infection, liver disease or toxins. Buy Soma online legally and take the medicine sat discounted rates. When the cramp perishes, the muscle turns sore for few hours.
Bicep Femoral Tendinitis-It is known as hamstring injury. The hamstring typically consists of tree muscles which runs down the back of the thigh. These tree muscles are membranous muscle, serendipitous muscle and biceps femoral muscle. All these cockleshell the knee in bending. If you get injury in any one of these muscles it is called as pulled hamstring or a hamstring strain. The hamstring strain actually occur sin case the muscle is stretched too far. The muscle might fully get tear off and it would require several months for healing. Buy Soma online overnight delivery and pay cash on delivery. When a person gets injury in any one of the hamstring muscle he will experience severe and sudden pain. Injury in the biceps femoral may lead to pain at the knee back. Some symptoms are bruising, weakness or swelling at the back of neck.
Gastronomic Tendinitis (Calf Strain)– The gastronomic muscle and soles muscle make up calf muscle which is back of lower leg. These muscles helping knee bending as well as pointing the toes. The sports which requires us to immediately go from a standing position to start running (such as squash or tennis) may cause strain or and tear the gastronomic muscle. It will cause pain and swelling in the calf. Buy Soma online next day delivery and take away best drugs at the mentioned address.
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davidslepkow · 6 years
Cases we are reviewing for potential lawsuits:
Defective medical device lawsuits
Endoscope/ Duodenoscope Superbug Infection Lawsuit
PENTAX ED-3490TK Video Duodenoscope
Olympus TJF-Q180V Duodenoscope
Bayer Essure birth control lawsuits
Hernia mesh
Depuy Pinnacle Hip replacement lawsuits
IVC Filter lawsuit
Sorin Stockert 3T Heater- Cooler lawsuit
Bair Hugger warming blanket
Medtronic Insulin Pumps
Mirena IUD-Bayer
Laparoscopic power morcellators
Paragard IUD
Granuflo- naturalyte
asbestos – mesothelioma lawsuit
Defective hip implants-  metal on metal hip replacement lawsuit
Depuy ASR XL Acetabular Hip Replacement System
DePuy® Pinnacle® Modular Hip Replacement System
Zimmer Durom Cup Hip replacement failure
Stryker Rejuvenate lawsuit
Stryker® LFIT V40 Femoral Head hip implant lawsuit
Stryker® ABG II Modular-Neck Hip Stems
Wright hip implant lawsuit
Wright Medical Technology Hip Replacements (Conserve®, Dynasty®, Profemur® and Lineage® line of products)
Wright hip stem fracture?
Zimmer Knee Replacement lawsuit
Zimmer NexGen Knee Replacement Lawsuit
Stryker Triathlon Knee replacement
Defective auto part / automobile defect lawsuits
Gm Ignition defects recall / GM Recall – Ignition Switch defect
Ford fires
Ford Speed Control Deactivation Switch defects (Ford SCDS Fires)
Rollover accidents
Defective airbag lawsuit
Airbags |airbag defect
Takata exploding airbag
Seatbelt defect
Rollover/Roof Crush defect
Steering, Braking defect
Defective auto parts causing serious injury or death
Asbestos related diseases- mesothelioma
Defective products in general
Defective product recall causing catastrophic injury and death
Toxic mold
Monsanto Roundup Lawsuits- non hodgkin’s lymphoma
Talcum powder lawsuits causing  ovarian cancer- mesothelioma- fallopian tube cancer- Johnson & Johnson- asbestos
Methylene Chloride, toxic paint stripper
3M Combat Arms Earplugs- military earplug lawsuit
Defective drugs- bad drug lawsuit
Zofran — (Ondansetron hydrochloride) Zoloft- birth defect lawsuit
Botox injections
Nuplazid (for treatment of Parkinson’s symptoms/  Nuplazid may cause heart attack or death)
Xarelto, Blood clot medication
Mirena IUD
Valsartan- Blood pressure medication causing stomach cancer, liver cancer, acute liver injury or colorectal cancer, 1 year of exposure
Viberzi lawsuit
Zinbryta® (daclizumab) litigation
Testosterone replacement therapy
Nuplazid Parkinson’s disease drug lawsuits
Onglyza and Kombiglyze XR- diabetes medication- heart failure
Taxotere- Chemotherapy drug
Antidepressants (SSRI’s)
Effexor (venlafaxine) causing birth defects
Gadolinium Toxicity lawsuit
Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceticals
GE Healthcare
Guerbet llc.
Liebel- Flarsheim Company LLC. (subsidiary of Guerbet llc.)
Type 2 diabetes medication (Incretin Mimetics)
Januvia (sitagliptin)
Proton Pump Inhibitor Lawsuit PPI
Protonix (pantoprazole)
AcipHex (rabeprazole)
Dexilant (dexlansoprazole)
Zegerid (omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate)
Vimovo (esomeprazole and naproxen)
SGL2 inhibitor for type 2 diabetes lawsuit- causing death, kidney failure, heart attack, amputation or Diabetic Ketoacidosis(type 2 sodium-glucose co-transporter)
Invokana (canagliflozin)
Invokamet (active ingredients: canagliflozin and metformin)
Farxiga (dapagliflozin)
Xigduo XR® (active ingredients: dapagliflozin and metformin extended-release)
Jardiance (active ingredient: empagliflozin)
Glyzambi (active ingredients: empagliflozin and linagliptin);
Synjardy (active ingredient: empagliflozin and metformin).
PDE5 inhibitors, risk for developing skin cancer
Viagra (Generic: sildenafil)
Cialis (Generic tadalafil)
Drugs causing severe reaction (Stevens-Johnson syndrome)
Tylenol® Acetaminophen
Carbamazepine (mood stabilizers such as Tegretol®)
Celebrex® or other Cox-2 inhibitors
Dilantin®and Phenytoin®
Ibuprofen (Advil®and Motrin®)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Daypro®, etc.)
sulfa antibiotics
Vehicular accidents and negligence causing catastrophic injury or death
Bus crash caused by negligence or not following regulations or safety protocols
Truck accidents
Motorcycle accidents
If you are a victim of a defective product, medical drug, defective automobile or bad prescription medication, contact us! If you need to file a defective medical device lawsuit or a defective product liability lawsuit, contact a defects attorney at the number above.
“If you have been injured or suffered other damages because of a product you used, you may have a defective product liability claim. Though the range of defective product cases is broad, the claims typically fall into three categories of product liability: (1) defective manufacture; (2) defective design; or (3) failure to provide adequate warnings or instructions concerning the proper use of the product.” https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/types-of-defective-product-liability-30070.html
Defective medical devices
“Dangerous or defective medical devices — such as faulty surgical instruments, implants, pacemakers, and prosthetics — can give rise to a product liability claim if a person who undergoes surgery or uses a medical device is injured or dies as a result. Although closely monitored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a product can be defective in its design, manufacturing process, or marketing strategy. In most instances, state lawsuits over federally-approved medical devices face stringent legal obstacles and often receive increased national attention. Below, you will find resources that highlight common high-risk medical devices such as stents and defibrillators, and links to product liability lawyers in your area, as well as helpful forms and other resources. Please select from the links below to get started.” https://injury.findlaw.com/product-liability/defective-medical-devices.html
Defective auto parts and defective cars and automobiles- vehicle recalls
“Vehicle recalls and defects are not only an inconvenience but can also lead to serious accidents and injuries. If your car or vehicle is subject to a recall, you have certain rights as a consumer. In addition, if you were injured as a result of a vehicle defect, a product liability suit may be in order. This section provides an overview of vehicle defects and the recall process, information on your legal rights if you have a defective vehicle, and more. Here, you can also research the safety ratings and recall history of vehicles and equipment like tires and children’s car seats.”  https://injury.findlaw.com/product-liability/vehicle-recalls-and-defects.html
Bad drug lawsuits- defective prescription medication
“Defective Drugs Law falls under Product Liability law, is closely related to Pharmaceutical law and often overlaps with Medical Malpractice law.  As in all product liability claims, defective drug claims are based on three defect categories:  – Manufacturing defects – the pharmaceutical drug is manufactured improperly or the drug has become contaminated during the process and causes harm to the end user.  – Design defects (Dangerous side effects) – the pharmaceutical drug was manufactured correctly, but the side effects caused by the drug cause harm or injury. – Failure to Warn (Defective marketing) – a failure to provide sufficient or appropriate instructions, warnings, or recommendations for the use of the drug.  Defective drug claims can result in a great many different defendants: the manufacturer; testing laboratory; pharmaceutical sales representative; prescribing physician; clinic or hospital; and the pharmacy. When suing a hospital or physician for a drug product liability claim, the plaintiff may also have a medical malpractice claim.” https://www.hg.org/defective-drugs-law.html
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emmajackielee · 7 years
Medical Log: Ortho OPD
October 30, 2017
62/F, AVN of left femoral head secondary to DDH; LLD since very early childhood but no access to treatment (grew up in WuHan)
67/F: bilateral knee OA
The first patient cried when she was offered surgery, which was a good reminder of the impact of a good working healthcare system.
Stuff I learned
There is no test to check for glucosamine deficiency; over-supplementation may lead to lead contamination from crustacean exoskeleton
November 3, 2017
65/M: manual laborer, lumbar disk sequestration
67/M: manual laborer, cervical myelopathy
Stuff I Learned
Types of crutches: axillary and elbow
Walking aids: single point contact walking stick, tetrapod, walking frame, rollator
Crutch vs. cane: reduce weight bearing vs. full weight bearing
November 6, 2017
57/M: bilateral hip OA
54/F: retired dock worker, OA knees
Stuff I Learned
OA hip is less common in Chinese
November 10, 2017
77/M: anterior knee pain and parethesia
46/F: cervical myelopathy
Stuff I Learned
Spinal stenosis: extending the spine narrows spinal canal further; patients cannot walk downstairs (extend spine) but can walk upstairs (flex spine)
Spurling test: extending the neck while turning towards the affected side narrows the affected foramen further
December 12, 2017
48/F: carpal tunnel syndrome
60?/F: carpal tunnel syndrome
Stuff I Learned
For carpal tunnel, symptoms are worse at night due to decreased circulation when the hand is not moving
Positive reverse Phalen test is indicative of a more severe disease than positive Phalen test
Hard hand nodule DDx: ganglion, sheath/tendon nodule
20-30% of carpal tunnel syndrome cases are bilateral
Pregnancy is the commonest secondary cause of carpal tunnel; other causes are post-trauma (Colles fracture, lunate dislocation), DM, RA
Carpal tunnel symptoms
Early: irritative – paresthesia
Late: suppressive – loss of sensation
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neoorthopaedics · 3 years
Orthopedics: know all about
Orthopedics is one of several possible specialties within medicine. The orthopaedic in Delhi is responsible for taking care of deformities of bones, ligaments, joints, muscles, elements related to the locomotor system as well as diseases.
What does the orthopedic do?
The orthopedic can work in surgeries, studies, treatment of problems related to human locomotion, prevention, and in diseases that affect tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints and bones. On a day-to-day basis, your tasks are:
Make inquiries
This professional can see patients in their office, in an orthopedic or specialty clinic, or even in a hospital. He evaluates his patients' complaints, as well as the symptoms, to detect possible problems, injuries or traumas that may have been suffered.
Request exams
The exams are essential for the orthopaedic in Dwarka to analyze the patient's clinical condition more deeply. For this reason, he may request these procedures according to his suspicions or according to the needs of each case.
Provide diagnostics
There are orthopedic problems that can be diagnosed on the patient's first visit, however, there are others where it may be necessary to read the exams to obtain a more accurate diagnosis or to clarify doubts.
Prescribe medication
The orthopedic also has the function of prescribing medication, which can be both for the relief of symptoms, and anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a more complete approach. The prescription will depend on each case, as well as the need of each patient.
Indicate treatments
The use of medication is only one of the therapy options for lesions treated by orthopedics. The orthopedic can also indicate to his patient other types of treatment, according to the presented picture.
It is normal for patients seen by an orthopedic to need:
Physical exercises;
Targeted and specific physical activities.
The orthopedic has the ability to advise the patient on tasks or activities that he can or cannot perform.
This is the reason why people with back problems or limitations in the joints and in certain parts of the body need the authorization of this doctor to practice sports, attend gyms or other actions that demand physical effort.
Carry out follow-ups
Not always patients who consult with the orthopedic in Dwarka have a problem that requires treatment. There are cases where the monitoring of the clinical picture is enough to guarantee the health and quality of life of the patient.
This makes this specialist also carry out the follow-up of people who have some propensity to develop orthopedic problems.
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Main diseases treated by an orthopedic
Some orthopedics specialize in body parts, such as those who care for the hands and wrist, treat conditions such as tendonitis, trigger finger, carpal tunnel syndrome, osteoarthritis, buttonhole finger, and fractures.
There are also those who treat congenital problems, such as malformations, dysfunctions and patients who develop lifelong complications or sequelae from trauma and accidents. Generally, the orthopedic treats:
growth problems;
Low back pain;
Meniscus injuries;
herniated disc;
Claw finger;
Rupture of ligaments;
Femoral neck fracture;
Diabetic foot;
Plantar fasciitis.
It is very common for the orthopedic professional to work together with the physical therapist, ensuring better results and a more complete treatment.
When should I see an orthopedic?
Feeling pain is not normal and in the same way that we look for a doctor when we don't feel well, whether due to fever, gastric discomfort, dizziness or skin sores, it is also necessary to look for an orthopaedic doctor in Delhi when there is pain in the bones, muscles or joints.
These pains or discomfort can be symptoms of an orthopedic disease that is manifesting itself, or that has already set in. That's why it's important to see an orthopedic in Delhi if you have:
Constant back pain;
Excessive tiredness;
morning stiffness;
Heat in the joints.
It is also important to pay attention to swelling that may appear in your joints, as well as changes in your body structure. You should look for the orthopedic if you have suffered an injury or feel pain after performing some physical effort, or if you have suffered trauma, such as a blow.
As the problem does not always manifest itself in a superficial way, orthopedics takes care of the parts of the body that are more hidden, which cannot be seen with the naked eye.
So that annoying little pain after football or that came when carrying a very heavy box may not just be nonsense, but an indication that some more serious problem requires attention.
The orthopedic is a very important professional, and that is why he should be consulted whenever there is discomfort, limitations of movement, there is an accident, trauma or the propensity for the development of orthopedic diseases.
Seek the help of the orthopedic surgeon in  Delhi so that small problems do not turn into major complications.
Difference between orthopedic and rheumatology
Orthopedics deals with mechanical problems that are related to the musculoskeletal system, such as dislocations, fractures, ligament injuries and others, while rheumatology is responsible for inflammatory processes that affect joints and tissues, such as fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, tendinitis and others.
If there are doubts about when to look for an orthopedic or a rheumatologist in Delhi, look for a general practitioner first, he will indicate the appropriate professional.
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fitnessgoclub-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.fitnessgo.club/hip-dislocation-symptoms/
Hip Dislocation Symptoms
According to the old kids’s tune, the thigh bone is linked to the hip bone. Nevertheless, genes and terrible occasions often conspire to make that connection rather rare. Hip dislocation happens when your thigh bone or thigh slips out of your hip bone socket or acetabulum.
Deal with a hip dislocation in an adult or kid after an injury as a medical emergency situation. Your doctor likely will seek advice from an orthopedist, a medical professional who concentrates on the musculoskeletal system. Hip dislocation cuts throughout any age groups, consisting of kids. It can trigger serious discomfort. Treatment differs depending upon the intensity of your injury and the cause.
Kinds of Dislocation
Medical professionals acknowledge 2 subcategories of hip dislocation: Native and overall joint. In grownups, native hip dislocation normally arises from high-energy injury, such as an automobile mishap, instead of low-energy injury (ex: fall from standing). A lot of terrible hip dislocations take place when the top of your thigh bone presses backwards in exactly what medical professionals describe as a posterior dislocation. Dislocations likewise can take place when the bone is pressed forward, called an anterior dislocation, or when the hip socket fractures and the femoral head displaces into the fracture. Overall joint dislocation takes place when the femoral ball, situated at the top of your thigh bone, removes and moves outdoors your prosthetic hip socket.
In kids, developmental issues or neuromuscular conditions can trigger native hip dislocation. Developmental dysplasia of the hip describes a condition that triggers unusual development of the femoral head, the top of your thigh bone, and/or the acetabulum, hip socket. The condition causes incorrect hip positioning and possible persistent dislocations that can begin prior to birth. Neuromuscular conditions can likewise trigger unusually formed hip joints that can dislocate chronically. These clients typically need muscle or bone surgical treatments to assist fix or avoid the dislocation from happening.
Developmental dysplasia clients typically get a brace referred to as a Pavlik harness. If the harness stops working, clients get a cast after the hip is transferred, normally in an operating space. If casting stops working, the cosmetic surgeon might carry out a treatment such as tendon releases, where the tendons are extended and extended. Some clients might even need pelvic or femoral osteotomies, treatments that surgically straighten the bone.
If you look for hip dislocation treatment in an emergency clinic for a native or overall hip after a terrible occasion, physicians very first effort a decrease changing the bone or overall hip into the socket, usually carried out with the client under sedation. The hip is then executed a variety of movement to evaluate stability. Leg lengths are inspected to make sure they are even. If the treatment is not successful, the client might need an operation.
Some clients need to be positioned into a knee immobilizer or brace to restrict their variety of movement to avoid another dislocation. Clients with acetabulum fractures, where the femoral head dislocates into the fractured acetabulum, likewise might need skeletal traction, or making use of weights pulling versus the dislocation or fracture to assist enhance positioning prior to having actually the acetabulum fixed in the operating space.
Frequent dislocation or indications of failure in prosthetic elements of the overall hip typically need a modification surgical treatment, replacement of used formerly implanted parts.
If a native hip dislocation is not moved, blood supply to your thigh bone might be jeopardized, leading to cell death and possible long-lasting health effects such as osteonecrosis and osteoarthritis of the hip.
Terrible hip dislocations can trigger sciatic nerve injuries or lead to fractures of the femoral head, femoral neck or acetabulum. Other associated injuries from high speed injury consist of ligament injuries in the knee.
About 1 to 4 percent of overall hip arthroplasty clients – those who have actually had joint replacement surgical treatment – suffer a dislocation, most of which are posterior dislocations. As much as 16 percent of modification overall hip arthroplasty clients will have a dislocation.
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helloemile · 7 years
All Of The Info Concerning Hip Injuries
Most of the times individuals perplex a hip flexor injury with their hip injuries due to the fact that hip injuries usually create a great deal of hip flexor discomfort too; this blog post will certainly clarify usual Hip injuries so that you can understand the distinctions as well as similarities in between both far better, and hip flexor strain symptoms.
 Joint inflammation
 Hip Joint inflammation is a dynamic destruction problem where the cartilage that safeguards the bursa and bones that connect at the hip joint is used down to a point where it permits the bones to call. Certainly bones were not made to call each other directly which is why this can be an extremely unpleasant problem that restricts flexibility.
 Damaged Hip/Hip Fracture
 A damaged hip is similar to any type of various other busted bone in the body, it occurs somewhere on the Thigh. There are 2 various categories of busted hips which are Femoral and also Intertrochanteric cracks. The break is identified relying on the location of the break, whether it's above the femur suggestion (the 'sphere') or below the neck. Unlike various other type of broken bones surgery is often required in order to recover the break.
 Dislocations are extremely uncomfortable injuries that are brought on by the femur (bone on top of the leg) unclothing the Hip joint socket. It could either glide forward or backwards along the hips which will certainly cause the leg being turned either in an outward direction or inwards specifically and also having a really limited as well as painful variety of movement.
 Hip Bursitis
 When a hip bursa in specific comes to be swollen, the resulting condition is called Hip Bursitis. Depending on the particular bursa that ends up being swollen (the hip has several) they will certainly have distinctive names.
 Hip Osteonecrosis
 Hip Osteonecrosis is an extremely strange Hip injury due to the fact that no one has been able to identify a constant reason for the injury. The basic agreement on the device of the injury is that the hip bones get an absence of blood circulation to the area.
 Labral Split of Hip Joint
 The hip has a ring of versatile cells called the Labrum that fits right over your femur at the hip joint socket. You could consider it similar to an O-ring utilized for securing in fluids in mugs as well as canteen. A labral tear is just a tear of the Labrum ring, which will certainly influence the mobility of the joint. Usually there is a 'getting' sensation in the hip when you are relocating, that is brought on by the tear.
 Snapping Hip Disorder
 The problem arises when a tendon bordering the hip (more than likely a Hip Flexor muscular tissue) comes to be swollen. As an outcome of this swelling, when an activity is performed with the leg, the tendon catches onto a part of the hip. Believe of the ligament like a flexible getting caught on your finger, when it lastly glides by it launches in a 'breaking' audio.
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