Orthopedics Centre
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What is lower back pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common afflictions in our society. Almost every person will have at least one episode of low back pain at some time in his or her life. The pain can vary from severe and long term to mild and short-lived. It will resolve within a few weeks for most people.
The low back (lumbar spine) is made up of five bones (vertebrae). The lumbar discs are between these bones in the front of the spine. They function as shock absorbers and allow for motion of the lumbar spine. Behind the discs is the spinal canal.
The spinal nerves run through this area and exit at each level of the spine. They are enclosed within the meninges, often referred to as the dural sac. The dural sac allows for the spinal nerves to travel through this area and stay within the spinal fluid. The lamina and the facet joints make up the back of the spinal canal. The lamina is a relatively flat area of bone that covers most of the back of the spinal canal. The facet (also called zygoapophyseal or Z) joints are more to the side in back, and also allow for motion of the lumbar spine. They connect each vertebra to the one above and below it. Sticking backward from the lamina at each level of the spine is the spinous process. These are the bones that can be felt when you touch your back. The discs and nerves are too deep to be felt. The spinous processes function as an attachment point for a number of muscles. Many muscle groups surround the spine. They function to move and support the spine.
What are the common causes of lower back pain?
Orthopedics Doctors have many ideas about what causes low back pain, but no explanation applies to everyone. It may be related to damage to or aging of the disc, muscular problems, arthritis of the spine, problems with tendons or ligaments in and around the spine or malpositioning of vertebrae. Low back pain is sometimes caused by:
Excessive stress to the back, such as lifting something heavy.
Minimal movement, such as bending or reaching for something.
Occasionally, it happens with no cause.
How to diagnosis lower back pain?
See your doctor to diagnose low back pain. Tell him or her your complete medical history. The doctor will examine you physically. Often the physical exam is completely normal except for pain with motion. The doctor checks for:
Evidence of nerve problems. The doctor evaluates strength, sensation and reflexes. He or she may ask you to move your spine to see how limited the motion is.
Another problem, not related to the spine that could cause back pain is poor blood circulation. Tell the doctor what motions or positions hurt, and what helps relieve the pain.
What are the factors associated with lower back pain?
Low back pain can happen after an injury, especially if there is a fracture of the spine. Some other factors associated with low back pain are smoking and long-term exposure to vibration. Obesity may also be related. Factors such as posture, the type of work one does, diet and amount of exercise are not closely related to low back pain.
Doctors do not know why some people with acute back pain go on to suffer from long term (chronic) low back pain. They also don’t know why some people go on to feel quite well between episodes of severe pain.
What are the usual symptoms of back pain?
The symptoms of low back pain vary in some ways and are similar in others. Most people find that reclining or lying down will improve their pain and after their initial severe episode, many will be able to rest at night without severe pain. Most people are worse when they bend over to pick something up. Some get relief from arching backward (extending the back). Leg pain also can be part of the problem. The pain is most common in the back or outer side of the thigh, and can go all the way to the foot. Pain that goes to the foot is called sciatica because it is pain that follows the course of the sciatic nerve. Sciatica is often made worse by coughing or sneezing.
With an acute episode, back pain can be very severe for a few days or a week, and then will often improve. By 2 weeks to 4 weeks, the large majority of people are much better visit at orthopedics centre kolkata india. Individuals vary greatly in length of time between episodes, length of each episode and intensity of each episode, and how they cope with the pain.
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Spinal injuries is a part of sports related issues do we need to care!
Sports injuries related to the spine are not uncommon. Lower back injury, neck injury and upper back injury involving various parts of the spine may cause serious health issues. Sports that involve repetitive impact, twisting motion or weight lifting cause lower back injury. Sports involving contact like football may cause damage to the neck. Again activities that involve mid portion of the spine lead to upper back injury.
Some of the common types of sports injuries involving the spine are listed here:
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1. Muscle strains and Ligament Sprains: Improper body mechanics, inadequate stretching or athletic overuse are some causes leading to muscle strains and ligament sprains. Treatment includes medication, rest and complete withdrawal from the sports for some days. Once the pain decreases, usually physicians advise athletes to follow a specific exercise regime that is aimed to improve flexibility and reduce the risk for any similar injury.
2. Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis: These types of injuries are common to sportspersons like gymnasts. Activities that require twisting of the spine lead to these injuries. Special imaging studies may be required to know the stage of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. The orthopedic specialist or the spine surgeon may monitor the condition of the patient with spondylolithses every 6 months for progressive slippage. Athletes who have 50% or less forward slippage can resume their daily routine, once the pain resolves after rehabilitation has been completed.
3. Disc injury: Disc injury among athletes, may not be as common as the previously mentioned ones. A spine specialist may advise an MRI to know if a disc is a cause for the pain. Treatment for disc injury includes injections. The patient has to go through a rehabilitation program and if his condition does not improve over time, he may need a surgery.
4. Scheuermann’s Disease: This is also known as juvenile kyphosis. People experience pain in the mid back. After diagnosis, a spine specialist may advise an athlete to perform extension-based back exercises and postural exercises. Sometimes bracing can be helpful, if an athlete is able to tolerate wearing the brace. In extreme cases, correction through spine surgeryremains to be the only option.
Besides these, there are some other sports injuries also like stinger. Whatever may be the type of injury, an athlete must consult the best orthopedic centrein his/her town or city to get the best results.
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Why do women have more knee pain than men?
Knee pain affects both men and women. Contrary to the popular belief, knee pain is not limited to sports and recreational activities. Many people who are not involved in sports and recreational activities also experience knee pain. But women are more susceptible to knee injuries, as compared to men. In female athletes, the rate of Anterior Knee Pain and Anterior Cruciate Ligament is higher as compared to the male athletes.
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Women are more susceptible to injuries to the ligaments holding the knee together and also to chronic problems that involves the kneecap and the cartilage that acts as a contact area between the lower and upper leg bones. Although experts are not yet sure as to why women are more prone to knee pain, some say that because of the anatomical differences like smaller body size and bone structure, women experience some serious knee pain. Another reason, according to some experts, is the width of the female pelvis. The shape of the female pelvis results in a sharper angle where the leg and thigh bones meet. This angle actually creates alignment problems for the kneecap. Again there are some biomechanical features which lead to increased knee problems in women. The ligaments in women tend to be more lax than men’s ligaments and the muscles supporting the knee are weaker in women as compared to men. All these reasons result in anterior knee pain in women. Often many women who perform activities like stooping, squatting, walking up and down stairs or some hilly areas may face such issues. So they limit themselves from doing these activities or take breaks from office work.
A joint replacement surgery or a partial knee replacement is required to treat  unbearable knee pain, when a refuge to physical therapy and analgesics fails. The best joint replacement surgeon will try to find alternative ways of assuaging a  knee pain,  first rather than advising a patient to go for surgery Many researchers have proposed that women become more vulnerable to ACL injury due to their estrogen hormone. Estrogen plays a pivotal role in protecting the cartilage. Due to a drop in estrogen levels, it cannot protect the cartilage completely. Estrogen tends to decrease monthly during the menstrual cycle as well as during menopause
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Sports Injuries and Treatment
Sports injuries related to the spine are not uncommon. Lower back injury, neck injury and upper back injury involving various parts of the spine may cause serious health issues. Sports that involve repetitive impact, twisting motion or weight lifting cause lower back injury. Sports involving contact like football may cause damage to the neck. Again activities that involve mid portion of the spine lead to upper back injury.
Some of the common types of sports injuries involving the spine are listed here:
1.       Muscle strains and Ligament Sprains: Improper body mechanics, inadequate stretching or athletic overuse are some causes leading to muscle strains and ligament sprains. Treatment includes medication, rest and complete withdrawal from the sports for some days. Once the pain decreases, usually physicians advise athletes to follow a specific exercise regime that is aimed to improve flexibility and reduce the risk for any similar injury.
2.       Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis: These types of injuries are common to sportspersons like gymnasts. Activities that require twisting of the spine lead to these injuries. Special imaging studies may be required to know the stage of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. The orthopedic specialist or the spine surgeon may monitor the condition of the patient with spondylolithses every 6 months for progressive slippage. Athletes who have 50% or less forward slippage can resume their daily routine, once the pain resolves after rehabilitation has been completed.
3.       Disc injury: Disc injury among athletes, may not be as common as the previously mentioned ones. A spine specialist may advise an MRI to know if a disc is a cause for the pain. Treatment for disc injury includes injections. The patient has to go through a rehabilitation program and if his condition does not improve over time, he may need a surgery.
4.       Scheuermann's Disease: This is also known as juvenile kyphosis.  People experience pain in the mid back. After diagnosis, a spine specialist may advise an athlete to perform extension-based back exercises and postural exercises. Sometimes bracing can be helpful, if an athlete is able to tolerate wearing the brace. In extreme cases, correction through spine surgery remains to be the only option.
Besides these, there are some other sports injuries also like stinger. Whatever may be the type of injury, an athlete must consult the best orthopedic centre in his/her town or city to get the best results.
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Niramaya jha centre for orthopedics best knowledgeable Resources how to Diagnosis and know the Symptoms treatment of Arthoscopy, Spine, Wrist & Hand, Hip, Elbow and Knee.
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Why do women have more knee pain than men?
Knee pain affects both men and women. Contrary to the popular belief, knee pain is not limited to sports and recreational activities. Many people who are not involved in sports and recreational activities also experience knee pain. But women are more susceptible to knee injuries, as compared to men. In female athletes, the rate of Anterior Knee Pain and Anterior Cruciate Ligament is higher as compared to the male athletes.
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Women are more susceptible to injuries to the ligaments holding the knee together and also to chronic problems that involves the kneecap and the cartilage that acts as a contact area between the lower and upper leg bones. Although experts are not yet sure as to why women are more prone to knee pain, some say that because of the anatomical differences like smaller body size and bone structure, women experience some serious knee pain. Another reason, according to some experts, is the width of the female pelvis. The shape of the female pelvis results in a sharper angle where the leg and thigh bones meet. This angle actually creates alignment problems for the kneecap. Again there are some biomechanical features which lead to increased knee problems in women. The ligaments in women tend to be more lax than men’s ligaments and the muscles supporting the knee are weaker in women as compared to men. All these reasons result in anterior knee pain in women. Often many women who perform activities like stooping, squatting, walking up and down stairs or some hilly areas may face such issues. So they limit themselves from doing these activities or take breaks from office work.
A joint replacement surgery or a partial knee replacement is required to treat unbearable knee pain, when a refuge to physical therapy and analgesics fails. The best joint replacement surgeon will try to find alternative ways of assuaging a knee pain, first rather than advising a patient to go for surgery Many researchers have proposed that women become more vulnerable to ACL injury due to their estrogen hormone. Estrogen plays a pivotal role in protecting the cartilage. Due to a drop in estrogen levels, it cannot protect the cartilage completely. Estrogen tends to decrease monthly during the menstrual cycle as well as during menopause.
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Knee replacement, orthopedics surgery, and best joint replacement surgeon partial knee replacement, joint replacement surgery, knee injuries,
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Spondylolysis (Back pain) mostly occur in women body.
What is spondylolysis?
The most common X-ray identified cause of low back pain in adolescent athletes is a stress fracture in one of the bones (vertebrae) that make up the spinal column. Technically, this condition is called spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-lye-sis). It usually affects the fifth lumbar vertebra in the lower back, and much less commonly, the fourth lumbar vertebra and do you wanna know more and concern with best spinal surgeon kolkata.
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If the stress fracture weakens the bone so much that it is unable to maintain its proper position, the vertebra can start to shift out of place. This condition is called spondylolisthesis (spon-dee-low-lis-thee-sis). If too much slippage occurs, the bones may begin to press on nerves and surgery may be necessary to correct the condition so what is the option for best orthopedic surgeon at kolkata, india.
What are the risk factors associated with spondylolysis?
Genetics: There may be a hereditary aspect to spondylolysis. An individual may be born with thin vertebral bone and therefore be vulnerable to this condition. Significant periods of rapid growth may encourage slippage.
Overuse: Some sports, such as gymnastics, weight lifting and football, put a great deal of stress on the bones in the lower back sports injury doctor. They also require that the athlete constantly over-stretch (hyperextend) the spine. In either case, the result is a stress fracture on one or both sides of the vertebra.
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What is Back Pain & how Impact on sports person.
Is Spinal Stenosis a cause of back pain? Back aches and pains are a health concern for millions of people. Nearly 29 million Americans saw their doctors because of back and low back pain in 2002. There may be many reasons and type of back pain like lower back pain for backaches and pains and click this best back pain specialist . One cause could be spinal stenosis. Stenosis means narrowing. In spinal stenosis, the spinal canal, which contains and protects the spinal cord and nerve roots, narrows and pinches the spinal cord and nerves. The result is low back pain as well as pain in the legs. Stenosis may pinch the nerves that control muscle power and sensation in the legs.
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What are the causes of Spinal Stenosis? There are many potential causes of spinal stenosis, including:
Aging. As you get older, the ligaments (tough connective tissues between the bones in the spine) can thicken. Spurs (small growths) may develop on the bones and into the spinal canal. The cushioning disks between the vertebrae may begin to deteriorate. The facet joints (flat surfaces on each vertebra that form the spinal column) also may begin to break down.
Heredity. If the spinal canal is too small at birth, symptoms may show up in a relatively young person.
Changes in blood flow to the lumbar spine.
What are the symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?
Pain and difficulty when walking, aggravated by activity.
Numbness, tingling, hot or cold feelings, weakness or a heavy and tired feeling in the legs.
Clumsiness, frequent falling, or a foot-slapping gait.
How to diagnose Spinal Stenosis? These symptoms also can be caused by many other conditions, which make spinal stenosis difficult to diagnose. There is usually no history of back problems or any recent injury. Often, unusual leg symptoms are a clue to the presence of spinal stenosis. If simple treatments, such as postural changes or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, do not relieve the problem, your orthopedic surgeon may request special imaging studies to determine the cause of the problem. An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) or CAT (Computed Tomography) scan may be requested. A myelogram (an X-ray taken after a special fluid is injected into the spine) may be arranged. These and other imaging studies provide details about the bones and tissues and assist the orthopedic evaluation take a look at spinal injury centre at kolkata.
How is Spinal Stenosis & shoulder problem treated? Conservative treatment
Changes in posture: People with spinal stenosis may find that flexing the spine by leaning forward while walking relieves their symptoms. Lying with the knees drawn up to the chest also can offer some relief and the shoulder pain treated by and better to concern Shoulder specialist from Kolkata . These positions enlarge the space available to the nerves and may make it easier for stenosis sufferers to walk longer distances.
Medications: Sometimes the pressure on the nerves is caused by inflammatory swelling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen may help relieve symptoms.
Rest: Rest, followed by a gradual resumption of activity, also can help. Aerobic activity such as bicycling is often recommended.
Weight loss: Losing weight can also relieve some of the load on the spine. When stenosis causes severe nerve root compression, these treatments may not be enough. Back and leg pain may return again and again. Because many stenosis sufferers are unable to walk even short distances, they often confine their activities to the home.
When should you go for surgical treatment? If conservative treatment does not relieve the pain, your orthopedic surgeon may recommend surgery to relieve the pressure on affected nerves. In properly selected cases, the results are quite satisfactory, and patients are able to resume a normal lifestyle.
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Spinal Issues is the danger's part of Sports Injuries
Is Spinal Stenosis a cause of back pain?
Back aches and pains are a health concern for millions of people. Nearly 29 million Americans saw their doctors because of back and low back pain in 2002. There may be many reasons for backaches and pains. One cause could be spinal stenosis. Stenosis means narrowing. In spinal stenosis, the spinal canal, which contains and protects the spinal cord and nerve roots, narrows and pinches the spinal cord and nerves. The result is low back pain as well as pain in the legs. Stenosis may pinch the nerves that control muscle power and sensation in the legs and be care about choosing the spine surgeon.
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What are the causes of Spinal Stenosis? There are many potential causes of spinal stenosis, including:
Aging. As you get older, the ligaments (tough connective tissues between the bones in the spine) can thicken. Spurs (small growths) may develop on the bones and into the spinal canal. The cushioning disks between the vertebrae may begin to deteriorate. The facet joints (flat surfaces on each vertebra that form the spinal column) also may begin to break down.
Heredity. If the spinal canal is too small at birth, symptoms may show up in a relatively young person.
Changes in blood flow to the lumbar spine.
What are the symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?
Pain and difficulty when walking, aggravated by activity.
Numbness, tingling, hot or cold feelings, weakness or a heavy and tired feeling in the legs.
Clumsiness, frequent falling, or a foot-slapping gait.
How to diagnose Spinal Stenosis? These symptoms also can be caused by many other conditions, which make spinal stenosis difficult to diagnose. There is usually no history of back problems or any recent injury. Often, unusual leg symptoms are a clue to the presence of spinal stenosis. If simple treatments, such as postural changes or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, do not relieve the problem, your orthopedic surgeon may request special imaging studies to determine the cause of the problem. An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Image) or CAT (Computed Tomography) scan may be requested. A myelogram (an X-ray taken after a special fluid is injected into the spine) may be arranged. These and other imaging studies provide details about the bones and tissues and assist the orthopedic evaluation. How is Spinal Stenosis treated? Conservative treatment
Changes in posture: People with spinal stenosis may find that flexing the spine by leaning forward while walking relieves their symptoms. Lying with the knees drawn up to the chest also can offer some relief. These positions enlarge the space available to the nerves and may make it easier for stenosis sufferers to walk longer distances.
Medications & surgery : Sometimes the pressure on the nerves is caused by inflammatory swelling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication & surgery such as aspirin or ibuprofen may help relieve symptoms.
Rest: Rest, followed by a gradual resumption of activity, also can help. Aerobic activity such as bicycling is often recommended.
Weight loss: Losing weight can also relieve some of the load on the spine. When stenosis causes severe nerve root compression, these treatments may not be enough. Back and leg pain may return again and again. Because many stenosis sufferers are unable to walk even short distances, they often confine their activities to the home.
When should you go for surgical treatment? If conservative treatment does not relieve the pain, your orthopedic surgeon may recommend surgery to relieve the pressure on affected nerves. In properly selected cases, the results are quite satisfactory, and patients are able to resume a normal lifestyle.
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The Knee by Doctor point of view
What is our knee made of?
The knee is the largest joint in the body, and one of the most easily injured. It is made up of the lower end of the thighbone (femur) which rotates on the upper end of the shinbone (tibia), and the knee cap (patella) which slides in a groove on the end of the femur. The knee also contains large ligaments which help control motion by connecting bones and bracing the joint against abnormal types of motion. Other parts of your knee, like cartilage, serve to cushion your knee or help it absorb shock during motion and please know about the total knee replacement treatment and diagnosis.
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Why does our knee undergo wear and tear so many times? Because the knee is tortured so enormously in our daily activities of squatting, hopping, climbing, jumping, and twisting – it undergoes maximum amount of wear and tear. Also, it is subject to frequent injuries right from ch
ildhood to adulthood. And thereafter- degenerative arthritis (osteo-arthritis) sets in.
What are the most prevalent knee injuries?
Many athletes experience injuries to their knee ligaments. Of the four major ligaments found in the knee, the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and the medial collateral ligament (MCL) are injured in sports, often. The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) also is frequently injured. Changing or twisting direction rapidly, slowing down when running, and landing from a jump are often the causes of tears in the ACL. Athletes participating in skiing and basketball and those wearing cleated shoes, such as football players, are susceptible to ACL injuries.
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Injuries to the MCL usually are caused by contact on the outside of the knee. These types of blows to the knee often are encountered in contact sports, such as football. The PCL can be injured during a sports activity when the athlete receives a blow to the front of the knee or makes a simple misstep on the playing field. Athletes engaging in contact sports, such as football or soccer are susceptible to a PCL injury.
Other than ligament injuries, are there any other types of injuries?
Torn knee cartilage is experienced by many people. When people talk about torn knee cartilage, they usually are referring to a torn meniscus. The mensicus is a tough, rubbery cartilage that is attached to the knee’s ligaments. It acts like a shock absorber.
In athletic activities, mensicus tears usually occur during twisting, cutting, pivoting, decelerating, or being tackled
. Direct contact is often involved.
Knee Ligament Injuries More than 8 million people visit orthopedic surgeons each year because of knee problems. The knee is the largest joint in the body and is vital to movement. Two sets of ligaments in the knee provide it stability: the cruciate and the collateral ligaments.
Cruciate ligaments The cruciate ligaments are located inside the knee joint and connect the thighbone (femur) to the shinbone (tibia). They are made of many strands and function like short ropes that hold the knee joint tightly in place when the leg is bent or straight. This stability is needed for proper knee joint movement.
The name, cruciate, is derived from the word crux, meaning cross, and crucial. The cruciate ligaments not only lie inside the knee joint, they crisscross each other to form an “x”. The cruciate ligament located towards the front of the knee, is the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), and the one located towards the rear of the knee is called the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).
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How to find Sports Injuries Treatment and diagnosis
The ACL prevents the shinbone from sliding forwards beneath the thighbone. The ACL can be injured in several ways:
Changing direction rapidly
Slowing down when running
Landing from a jump
Direct contact, such as in a football tackle
Look some best orthopeadic hospital for sports injuries and treatment
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How can one recognizing an ACL injury? If you injure your ACL, you may not feel any pain immediately. However, you might hear a popping noise. Within 2 to 12 hours, the knee will swell, and you will feel pain when you try to stand. Apply ice to control swelling and elevate your knee until you can see an orthopedic surgeon. If you walk or run on an injured ACL, you can damage the cushioning cartilage in the knee. For example, you may plant the foot and turn the body to pivot, only to have the shinbone stay in place as the thighbone above it moves with the body.
How does an ACL injury get diagnosed? A diagnosis of ACL injury is based on a thorough physical examination of the knee. The exam may include several tests to see if the knee stays in the proper position when pressure is applied from different directions. Your orthopedist may order an X-ray and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or, in some cases, arthroscopic inspection. A partial tear of the ACL may or may not require surgical treatment. A complete tear is more serious. Complete tears, especially in younger athletes, may require reconstruction. How are ACL tears treated? Both non-operative and operative treatment choices are available.
Non-operative treatment:
May be used because of a patient’s age or overall low activity level.
May be recommended if the overall stability of the knee seems good.
Involves a treatment program of muscle strengthening, often with the use of a brace to provide stability.
Operative treatment (either arthroscopic or open surgery)
Surgical treatment of the torn ACL usually involves an arthroscopic surgical reconstruction of the injured ligament. Although a number of different types of tissues has been utilized to reconstruct the ACL, the most commonly used tissues are the central third of the patellar tendon with a bone block at each end, or the semitendinosus tendon – a tendon in the medial to back of your knee. Though synthetic substitutes are available – they are used rarely owing to poor results in the initial stages and severe joint reaction, it incites.
Whichever tissue is chosen for the reconstruction of the ACL, it’s first taken from the respective part of the body- a procedure called “GRAFT HARVESTING”. This is resized – “GRAFT SIZING” and stretched out under tension to give it the strength and consistency of the original ACL – “GRAFT TENSIONING”. Once this procedure is completed, the new tissue is ready to be replace the torn sports injuries. Tunnels are prepared in the tibia and the femur at appropriate places to correspond to the position and attachment of the original ligament. The graft is then drawn into the joint and fixed at the sites of prepared tunnels with screws and miniature plates – which look more like the buttons of our shirt. Hence, these are called ENDOBUTTONS.
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What is Arthroscopy or Orthopedics?
Niramaya JHA'S Superspeciality Centre for Orthopaedics
What is Arthoscopy?
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which a small fiberoptic telescope (arthroscope) is inserted into a joint. Fluid is then inserted into the joint to distend the joint and to allow for the visualization of the structures within that joint. The inside joint picture is transmitted via a camera to a screen/monitor. The surgery is viewed on a monitor so that the whole operating team and the patient is aware of the type of surgical procedure that is being performed.
What are Arthroscopes?
Arthroscopes are approximately1.9 mm to 4 mm in diameter smaller ones for smaller joints (wrist, elbow, finger and toe joints) and larger ones for larger joints (hip, knee, ankle, shoulder). Because the incisions are very small, it is often called KEY HOLE SURGERY. During the procedure, the inside of the joint is examined for damaged tissue and all diagnosed problems can be tackled see this orthopedics centre at kolkata.
Is it easy to perform an Arthroscopic surgery?
It would be wrong to assume that that arthroscopic surgery is easy. It is, probably, one of the most difficult skills to pick up and most well-known arthroscopic surgeons have to spend years of training and practice picking up the skills. That is one reason why we still have a shortage of arthroscopic surgeons in the fraternity of orthopedic surgeons. Arthroscopy is much less traumatic to the muscles, ligaments, and tissues than the traditional method of surgically opening the knee with long incisions (arthrotomy). It also allows a much better visualization of the joint and all the structures inside. The benefits of arthroscopy involve smaller incisions, faster healing, a more rapid recovery, and less scarring. Arthroscopic surgical procedures are often performed on an outpatient basis and the patient is able to return home on the same day.
Removal or repair of a torn meniscus ( MENISCAL BALANCING / EXCISION / REPAIR)
Ligament reconstruction ( ACL / PCL / MPFL / PLC RECONSTRUCTION)
Ligament avulsion fixation
Removal of loose debris, infected tissue ( DEBRIDEMENT / LAVAGE)
Removal of infected or diseased or neoplastic synovium ( SYNOVECTOMY)
Trimming damaged cartilage.( ABRASIONPLASTY)
Patellar balancing ( LATERAL RELEASE / MEDIAL PLICATION / MPFL reconstruction)
Release of stiff joints – which may happen after injury or after surgery ( ARTHROLYSIS)
Recovering joint tissue for examination ( BIOPSY)
Reduction and fixation of fractures inside the joint.
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Arthoscopy in Kolkata, India
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which a small fiberoptic telescope (arthroscope) is inserted into a joint . Fluid is then inserted into the joint to distend the joint and to allow for the visualization of the structures within that joint. The inside joint picture is transmitted via a camera to a screen/monitor. the surgery is viewed on a moniter so that the whole operating team and the patient is aware of the type of surgical procedure that is being performed.
Arthroscopes are approximately1.9 mm to 4 mm in diameter smaller ones for smaller joints (wrist, elbow, finger and toe joints) and larger ones for larger joints ( hip, knee, ankle, shoulder). Because the incisions are very small, it is often called KEY HOLE SURGERY. During the procedure, the inside of the joint is examined for damaged tissue and all diagnosed problems can be tackled orthopedic hospital in india.
It would however be wrong to assume that that arthroscopic surgery is easy. It probably is one of the most difficult skills to pick up and most well known arthroscopic surgeons including this surgeon have spent years of training and practice picking up the skills. That is one reason why we still have a shortage of arthroscopic surgeons in the fraternity of orthopedic surgeons.
Arthroscopy is much less traumatic to the muscles, ligaments, and tissues than the traditional method of surgically opening the knee with long incisions (arthrotomy) orthopedic doctors in kolkata. It also allows a much better visualization of the joint and all the structures inside. The benefits of arthroscopy involve smaller incisions, faster healing, a more rapid recovery, and less scarring. Arthroscopic surgical procedures are often performed on an outpatient basis and the patient is able to return home on the same day.
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Hip | Diagnosis | Symptoms And Treatment
Sometimes one might feel a painful, burning sensation on the outer side of the thigh. This has a slow gradual onset and actually can be a very distressing problem within a few days. What’s worse it refuses to pass away with our homegrown remedies. This is actually a result of irritation or compression of a large sensory nerve (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve) that runs to that area of the thigh. This condition is known as meralgia paresthetica. As this nerve runs across the groin to the thigh, it sometimes may get pinched under tight clothing, or even under the pressures of a large potbelly, prolonged sitting, tight belts and braces. Sometimes one can have his nerve injured in surgeries over the area or a local tumour growth . Symptoms Pain on the outer side of the thigh associated with a burning sensation, tingling, or numbness, occasionally extending to the outer side of the knee Usually only on one side of the body Diagnosis The doctor takes a history of recent surgeries, injury to the hip, or repetitive activities that could irritate the nerve. During a physical examination, He will also check for any sensory differences between the affected leg and your other leg. To verify the site of the burning pain, hip fracture diagnosis hospital the physician will put some pressure on the nerve to reproduce the sensation. Usually the area is more sensitive to light touch than to firm pressure. X-rays, MRI or CT scans can sometimes be useful to identify any bone abnormalities or tumors that might be putting pressure on the nerve. In rare cases, a nerve conduction study may be advised. Treatment Treatments will vary, depending on the source of the pressure.. The goal is to remove the cause of the compression. This may mean resting from an aggravating activity, losing weight, wearing loose clothing, or using a toolbox instead of wearing a tool belt check this hip fracture surgery in kolkata. In more severe cases, you may be prescribed an injection of a corticosteroid preparation in the are of probable compression to reduce inflammation. This generally relieves the symptoms for some time. In rare cases, surgery is needed to release the nerve. It may take time for the burning pain to stop and, in some cases, numbness will persist despite treatment
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