badbutsadgirlwithed · 13 days
I edited a female version of Ozai (part 2)🔥
I'm considering doing this with the entire Fire family members. Thoughts?
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Also HOT DAMN! Say what you want about Ozai but no one can deny that he's a total dilf😭
Naturally, his female version had to be a milf as well..
The original photo:
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Here's a collage to make the comparison clear
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 8 months
Iroh’s gaydar isn’t actually broken he just grew up around gay people and thinks that everyone is like that.
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inkysplatter · 1 month
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"The Letter" 10 hours on procreate.
One of my first screen cap paintings I've done. I like the way it looks but the characters are a bit stiff. I liked the live-action Avatar, I thought it was okay.
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rabiosass · 6 months
Genderswapped zucest,,,,,,little brother Azulon creeping on his big sister Zuka.......
This would be so insane though...i could totally picture azulon having a deranged fantasy of bringing back zuka to the fire nation [after crossroads of destiny in canon] so that they can get married and he can be half of the most powerful couple ruling the whole world under the glory of the fire nation.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 year
I wish I loved Korra and Hermione
I want to pause my negativity for a bit and be a bit more open about my feelings about Korra and Hermione. I know I rag on these 2 characters but part of me genuinely does want to like them. I really do because I see myself a lot in both of them. Which is why the handling of their characters frustrates me.
Like Hermione, studying and school was my main source of self-worth. I was the brightest girl in highschool. This is why when I went to college, I found it hard to cope with being around peers so much "better" than me. For a while, I felt worthless. Like Hermione, I am not very girly. It's only recently that I have begun wearing dresses to weddings and such. I don't like makeup and I find it hard to care much about my hair. Like Hermione, I found it hard to make friends in school and usually had a small circle.
Same points with Korra. I was very sheltered growing up. I was a good student in STEM but struggled in subjects like the humanities and hated them because of it (like Korra with airbending). I was naive about the world in many ways. I never had big crushes but it is disappointing to find yourself liking a guy only to find out he has a girlfriend or sees you like a sister. I could not relate to Aang but I could relate to Korra's louder personality and tougher nature. And I am black so there's the skin factor too.
Like both, I was kind of violent towards boys growing up, especially in primary school. I remember chasing boys with sticks and even hitting a classmate over the head with a book. I was an emotional kid for real. Thank God no one ever hit me back. And this is why I am against female violence against guys being treated as a joke in media.
I find Krum's interest in Hermione very inspiring. This famous senior likes her even though she's average. While Ron can be a jerk, mostly due to teenage boy immaturity, for the most part, Ron is very caring towards her. Sometimes I feel self-conscious because the only guys who have ever had interest in me have been random guys off the street in Jamaica. The friendly newspaper guy calling me 'princess'. A grown man with yellowing teeth who insisted on walking with me. A highschool dropout guy who also insisted on walking with me. In the US, another grown, sloppy black man trying to get to know me on the bus. Ugh. I wonder if any guy in my circle would ever find me desirable and Hermione is a nice representation of hope.
I just hate how Hermione and Korra's flaws are hardly acknowledged by the narrative. I don't like how they treat their love interests. I don't like how them being jerks to the people around them makes them badasses or girlbosses.
I wish we could have gotten an arc for Hermione where she discovered that she did not need to get top grades to prove herself. Because Hermione deserved better than 'oh you're smart, Neville is dumb so you're ok for a muggleborne' from Hagrid. Hermione should not have to be smart to be worthy of her magic. All Hagrid did in that scene was justify pureblood supremacy logic. I wish we had seen more of her relationship with her parents. It's sad how she obliviated her parents and it's treated as inconsequential dialogue. I wish she had more female friends. Hermione acts like a 'pick me' type and I dislike how JKR used her and Ginny to demonize other types of girls. Maybe she could have had an arc where she learns that there is more to being smart besides being booksmart. A lot of her brightness is really due to memorization. So many possibilities with a Hermione and Luna friendship. Just imagine!
As for Korra...sigh. I wish everything was not handed to her. I wish we could have seen more of her struggling with airbending and her spirituality. I know Bryke had issues with pacing due to how LOK was produced at Nick but still. I wish she was called out for her bad decisions and she took responsibility. Now that I think about it, it would have been so cool to see Korra have to use her wits instead of her fists against a spirit foe like Koh after she left the portals open (dying from wasted potential!). I wish she went on a real Avatar journey so that through her we could learn how the cultures outside the water tribe have changed. I wish Korra did not perpetuate the stereotype of the angry/obnoxious black woman. Korra had the potential to be a way more interesting avatar than Aang and have a healthier romantic relationship but Bryke blew it. The relationship drama with Asami and Mako was disgusting and I hate Bryke's torture porn fetish with Korra. They treated Ozai with more dignity than Korra! The worst Ozai got was a drooling scene while the Gaang cracked jokes while Korra literally thanked her enemy for her trauma!!! The injustice! Bryke really hates women!
I am just rambling but I realized there are almost no female characters that I resonate with that are like me in the media I know. I wish Korra and Hermione had better writers :(
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destinyartwaveblog · 2 years
Follow me for more insta:Destiny_artwave
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@moonsugar-and-spice inspired me to draw this ship I'm so in love with her book I've re-read more than 5 times the hand kiss scene and the lantern scene is impeded into my head. At the top that's how I imagine their outfit based off of the description of it in the book. Then I drew them more modernized you will see more of them for sure follow Instagram for daily art post destiny_artwave until next time see ya
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justthoughts1310 · 7 months
Sokka may not be a misogynist, but the Netflix live action ATLA is:
There really is no cartoon/anime for female empowerment like the OG ATLA and LOK cartoons.
The creators of ATLA wrote the manifesto on how to create a masterful series on female empowerment and equality that is not cheesy or hocky.
In this show, women and girls are not a monolith but immensely diverse. There's no correct way to be a powerful, talented and bold woman or girl within the avatar universe.
You can be hyper-feminine like Ty Lee and Asami.
You can embody more traditionally masculine qualities like Korra and Toph.
Or you could just be a typical woman or girl falling more in between like Azula, Mai, or Suki.
You see the exact same thing for the male characters. There's no right way to be a man. There's many ways to be a man, and this idea flies in the face of patriarchy.
I say that the Netflix version is misogynist, because it's not enough to be a powerful woman. One must be allowed to be unapologetically, unabashedly and boldy powerful.
Which is what happens in the OG ATLA. Sokka's misogyny was actually a part of his character arc, because every time he was misogynist his misogyny was met with the answer that women and girls are phenomenal, that women and girls are living their lives and largely unconcerned with the opinions of men.
If you read the Kiyoshi novels, you learn that surprisingly enough, the least patriarchal amd misogynist nation in all of Avatar is the fire nation, and the misogynistic nation in all of Avatar is the northern water tribe.
The reason I say that the women in these shows are unabashedly powerful is because aside from Sokka and the master from the Northern Water tribe, no one ever questions why or how they are powerful. They expect it.
Zuko is Ozai's first born son, yet Azula is his pride. When Ozai imagines the future, he imagines it with Azula as the fire lord. He names her after his father. He trusts her to go find the avatar once he knows the avatar has returned.
Sokka and Katara effectively lost both of their parents, but Katara the youngest steps up as the mother and becomes the glue of the group. She's the one who becomes both an immensely powerful bender and healer.
Suki loves Sokka, but when we are introduced to her. She is unconcerned with him. Her and the other Kiyoshi warriors are the protectors of the village who go out into the world to do good into the world.
We see the revseral of all of these tenants in the Netflix show.
Ozai has hope for Zuko at the expense of Azula who he sees as a nuisance. She is no longer am obvious prodigy.
Katara is seen as a child who will not grow up by her brother who is now behaving as a father figure.
Suki is infatuated with Sokka and she follows him around Kiyoshi island when he arrives.
These woman are powerful but restrained and undermined in this power. Suki becomes concerned with the opinions of a man, and a random man at that.
What the OG ATLA taught to all women, girls, boys and men is that you never have to apologize for being powerful, intelligent, kind empathetic.
This is a very critical point that cuts to the heart of the OG ATLA that Netflix has missed.
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lokigodofmyheart · 7 months
Pairing: Zuko x Female Reader.
Words: 2.224
Summary: Y/N and Zuko had been friends since they were kids, back at the Fire Nation. Her father was a great General and friend with Fire Lord Ozai. Y/N had been there for Zuko when he got the scar, but couldn’t accompany him in his exile. After almost two years, they found each other again and this time, she joins him in his hunt for the Avatar. There is just a small problem: Y/N had a crush on Zuko since they were 7.
Warning/Content: smut, nightmares, friends to lovers.
A/N: Zuko and reader are both 18.
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Y/N was looking out for Zuko when she found him sitting next to a fireplace in his room, as he stares at the fire with an angry and tired expression. She entered his room, walking close to him “Are you okay?” 
Zuko’s eyes widen slightly as he turns his head to look at her, before he got back to his angry expression “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
Y/N sighs and sits by his side “Because I know you. Do you want to talk about it?” 
A muscle tenses in his jaw, hinting at the struggle he’s having to keep his anger in check “No, I don’t want to talk about it!” His voices booms, causing the flames to flare up in response “Leave me alone!” 
“Okay...” Y/N says softly, but didn’t make any move to go away. 
Zuko turns his head away, staring fixedly at the fire again. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down before speaking in a slightly more controlled tone “I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair of me. It’s just...” 
She looks at his scar and sighs “That nightmare again?” 
He nods, his jaw clenching as he relives the memory “Yes. It seems to be getting worse instead of better. I thought I had put behind me...” 
“It’s okay, Zuko.” Her hand tries to reach his face and his scar, but he flinches slight before she could touch him, his eyes darting towards her hand before looking away “Don’t...please.” 
She drops her hand back to her lap “I’m sorry.” 
He takes a deep breath and forces himself to relax “It’s not...I just...don’t like being touched, especially there.” 
Y/N nods at him “I know...But you used to let me hug you all the time when we were kids.”  
A small smile tugs at the corner of Zuko’s lips as he remembers those times. He turns to face her, his eyes softening slightly “Yes, I did. Things were different then.” 
“Yeah, it was.” She smiles before looking at the fire. Zuko did the same.  
His thoughts drifting back to his past “We were so carefree back then, weren’t we?” 
She chuckles “Yes.” They were silent for a few minutes, before she spoke again “I had nightmares about that day too.” 
Zuko’s eyes widen slightly at that “...what?” 
“It wasn’t easy for me to see that happen to you and not being able to help you.” She replied. His expression softening slightly. She looks at him with a small smile “Do you remember when we were kids and you had nightmares and you went to my room to sleep with me?” 
He nods with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips “Yes, I do.” 
“Would it help you? If we sleep together like back then?” Y/N asked him. 
Zuko hesitates for a moment “We’re not kids anymore.” 
“I know, I just thought it could help you...” Y/N looked at the fire again. 
He takes a deep breath “The crew will talk about it...” 
“I know.” she sighs “Just forget I suggest it.” 
Zuko looks back at her again before he sighs. She didn’t know this, but he had a crush on her when they were kids and sleeping by her side, was risky. “Fine. But just for tonight.” 
She looks at him confused “But you just said...” 
“It’s just for tonight.” He cut her. 
“Okay.” She stands up, and so does he. 
Zuko made sure his door was closed and locked, before moving over to his bed. He sits down on the edge of it, patting the spot next to him “Come on, get comfortable.” Y/N just smiles, before she untied her hair. He can’t help but stare at her for a moment. He always sees her with her hair tied, and she was even more beautiful now. “It looks good untied.” 
“Thanks.” She smiled again and lay by his side on the bed. 
He leans back against the headboard, his eyes locked on her face. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, just take in the sight of her lying next to him “It’s strange...having you here like this.” 
“Why? We slept on the same bed all the time when we were kids.” She replied. 
Zuko chuckles softly “Yeah, I know. It’s just different now.” he says as his eyes roams down her body. 
Y/N chuckles too “I know, but we’re still the same us, right?” 
He smiled at her, then slowly reaches out to brush a lock of her hair behind her ear “I don’t know...I don’t think I’m the same person anymore...” 
“Well, I guess I’m not either.” She looks down and she sighs. 
Zuko watches her for a moment, wondering what’s wrong. He hesitates for a moment before gently brushing his fingers against her cheek, tilting her head up so she was looking at him “What’s wrong, Y/N/N?” 
“I just realized how much we both changed theses two years apart.” 
He nods, understanding the sentiment. He leans closer to her “We both had our reasons...but look at us now. We found each other again. 
She smiles “We did.” 
He smiled back before leaning in just a little “I missed you.” 
Y/N/Nre leaned in too “I missed you too.” 
Zuko just leans in a little more, without touching her lips. She just smiles, but doesn’t move, wondering who would do the first move. Finally, Zuko couldn’t take it anymore. He closed the distance between them, pressing his lips softly against hers. His hand moved up to the back of her head, holding her close as he deepened the kiss. Y/N kiss him back with all the passion she hides all those years. Zuko’s hand moved down her back, pulling her closer to him. He groaned against her lips as their tongues danced together, their desire for one another growing with each moment. Her hand went to his face, as she breaks the kiss for air.  
“What are we doing, Zuko?” She asked breathless. 
He looked deeply into her eyes, his heart racing with passion. He knows what they’re doing, but he’s not sure if he wants do admit it “I don’t know, Y/N. What are we doing?” 
“We’re friends...” She answered. 
Zuko smirks sligtly, his voice low and husky “Friends who share a bed, friends who kiss passionately...are you sure that’s all we are?” 
Y/N looks at him for a few seconds thinking, before she kisses him again. He groans, lost in the feeling of her lips against his. He deepens the kiss, his hand moves from her back to her thigh, squeezing gently as he explores her mouth with his tongue. She turns them so she can lay on top of him. 
Feeling her weight, his heart races with anticipation, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as their hips grind together. “God, Y/N...I want you so much.” She moans in the kiss, feeling how hard he is in his pants. 
Zuko groans, unable to control himself. He lifts his hips off the bed, grinding his erection agains her “Y/N...” 
She starts kissing his jaw and his neck, as her hands lifts his shirt. Shivering at her touch on his skin. Soon the get rid of the piece of clothing and removes her’s too. Zuko watches as she does that, revealing her breast to him. His mouth goes dry, and he can’t tear his eyes away from her. 
“You can touch me, Zuko” Y/N whisper in his ears. 
He hesitates for a moment, his hands shaking as she reaches to touch her. His fingers graze over her nipples, causing them to harden “I’m afraid I might hurt you...” 
“Hurt me...? Zuko, you’ve done this before, right?” She asks him with a small smile. He looks away from her, feeling embarrassed. “Hey.” She says softly, as she turns his face back to her. “Did you?” 
Zuko takes a deep breath “Yes...I’ve done this before. It’s not my first time. But with you...” 
Y/N silences him with a kiss while her hands open his pants. He gasps softly, his hands finding the way to her hair, tangling themselves in the soft strands, while he presses his hard length against her hand. Y/N quickly gets rid of his pants and underwear, making Zuko letting out a soft moan as he is completely naked underneath her. She also takes off the rest of her clothes, before she sits on top of him, her wetness brushing agains his throbbing member. 
His eyes widen when he feel it, groaning deeply, unable to control his desire for her any longer. His hands find their way to her back, pulling her closer while his hips buck up towards her. “God...” 
Y/N smiles seeing how desperate he’s becoming. She kisses his neck again, trailing down to his chest and going down, stopping when she’s closes to his groin, making Zuko’s breath hitches. When she stops, he begs for more “Please, Y/N...” 
“Tell me what you want.” She whispers as her hands was dangerous close to his cock. 
Zuko’s voice is ragged as he answers her, his hips jerk up towards her hand, seeking release “I want you to touch me...” 
Y/N smiles and her hand found him, stroking his member slowly. His back arches off the bed, a moan escaping his lips as she does that. His cock twitches in her hand, leaking pre-cum “Oh gods...Y/N... you’re killing me.” 
“Am I?” She chuckles as she kept her pace slow. 
His hips bucking up towards her hand, his cock throbbing, aching for release “Yes...you are...´please...” 
Y/N chuckles again, she then licks his member, from base to tip, making Zuko’s eyes rolls back in his head. “Oh fuck...” She then decided to stop torture him, as she put all of him in her mouth. Zuko’s hand tangles in her hair as he thrust his hips forward, meeting the rhythm of her head. When she notices he’s getting closer, she stops and go back on top of him. 
Zuko pants heavily, his eyes locked on her as his cock twitches “Y/N...I need to be inside of you.” She only nods and Zuko takes advantage to flip them, so now he was on top of her. He positions himself at her entrance, their eyes locked as he slowly pushes inside of her, making both moan as he feels her tight heat around his cock. He starts to trust slowly, feeling every inch of her “Oh fuck...you’re so tight.” With each thrust, Zuko drives deeper, her nails dig into his shoulders, leaving marks. “Y/N, I...” 
“I know.” She says between her moans “I’m close too.” 
Feeling her body tensing beneath him, Zuko picks up the pace. His hips slam against her in a primal rhythm as he drives himself deeper inside of her. Their combined moans fill the air “Come for me...I want to feel you cum around my cock.” 
A few seconds later, Y/N couldn’t hold back anymore. She came around his cock, her walls clenching as she moans his name. The pleasure of this is almost too much to bear “Y/N...I’m gonna cum.” 
She feels Zuko trying to pull away, but she wraps her legs around him, holding him in place. Fighting against the urge to let go, Zuko grits his teeth as he feels his release building. “Y/N...I can’t hold back.” 
“Then don’t.” She whispers, keeping her hold on him. With one last trust, Zuko cum inside of her. Their bodies shudder as he releases his seed deep inside her. His face is contorted in pleasure and exhaustion as he leans down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. When they break apart, he gazes into her eyes “You’re unbelievable” 
Y/N chuckles as she looks at him “You’re amazing. 
Zuko also chuckles, running his fingers through her hair. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to kiss you...” 
“You have no idea how long I wanted you.” She smiles. 
He pulls her closer, kissing her neck softly “I think I have an idea...” 
“Oh really?” she smirks “Then tell me, since when?” 
“Since I’ve been banished?” Y/N chuckles and shakes her head ‘no’. Zuko raises an eyebrow “Then when, exactly?” 
“Since the time we fall on the fountain.” She laughs, remembering that. They were 7 at the time. 
“What?” Zuko was confused “But that was more then 10 years ago.” 
“I know.” 
He kissed her lips softly “So, I’ve been wanted by you for 10 years?” 
“Yeah.” She smiles “I just thought that you didn’t saw me like that.” 
Zuko groans “I was such an idiot...” 
“Why?” Y/N asked him. 
“Because...from the first moment I saw you, I wanted you. And then when we fell in the fountain, I knew. My heart has always been yours, Y/N, but I was too scared to admit.” 
“It would have saved us a lot of time.” She laughs softly.  
Zuko decides to pull out of her, making her hiss. “I’m sorry.” He kisses her forehead. 
“It’s okay, I’m just too sensitive after that.” She smiles reassuring him. 
The night goes on, until they finally decide to sleep. The next morning, they decide to have breakfast with everyone. His uncle looked tired. “You’re okay, Iroh?” She asked him. 
Iroh nods “Just couldn’t sleep. Too much noise in this ship.” 
Y/N looked at Zuko, they both blushing. “Oh god.”  
“We’re sorry, uncle.” Zuko says, his face red. 
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throngsss · 2 months
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I’m sorry for neglecting u iroh 🙏
He’s a lot more secure in his identity/masculinity than ozai so he isn’t bothered by wearing traditionally female hairstyles and makeup, perhaps he even relishes in the impracticality of it when back home and away from the front lines
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badbutsadgirlwithed · 14 days
So... I was bored and I wonder how a female!Ozai would look like. And here's the answer:
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Damn! She's hot (get it? "Hot" 'cause he/she is a firebender hehe)
But everything aside, I think this looks pretty good. What are your thoughts?
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hyacinths-in-a-storm · 5 months
Ursa was a better woman then I, cause if I as a nonbender had to raise not one but two firebender children less then two years apart, with a shitty husband, and in a royal court as well, without my family??? I would’ve kill Azulon and bounced ages ago.
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soopsiedaisies · 9 months
concept: some years after the end of the 100 year war the ember island players are invited by iroh and sokka to perform a play during like a,,, meeting of nations. and they come in and are instantly face to face with the avatar and their country’s literal leader, the latter of whom squints at them and goes “ah! butcherers of love amongst dragons! you got my scar on the wrong side by the way” like how do you deal with that. your fire lord admits to thinking you’re no good, but also admits to having watched the play you guys did and wrote about him and his besties in which he died horrifically at the hands of his currently imprisoned sister, because you obviously were wrong for predicting the avatar would lose. and the avatar’s like “i also didn’t die. surprise!” like you’re not 100% aware of that.
and sokka of the southern water tribe, war hero and brilliant strategist, is like “LOVE your stuff dudes” and tries not to get murdered by his sister (a master waterbender) (very deadly) (not whiny and lovelorn at all) who obviously does not agree with him. the blind (female) (small) earthbender is small and female and also highly deadly holy Shit you got that wrong. there was also a fucking kyoshi warrior you didn’t even know of. general iroh was quite on point but there’s a look in his eyes that reminds you far too much of the hardiest of soldiers returning shaken and volatile from the earth kingdom, but he serves you tea. you’re unsure whether you should drink it (and do it anyway, because the fire lord tells you to and one does not simply say No to the fire lord)
and you’re supposed to put on another play for team - fucking - avatar!! conquerors of ozai and harbingers of peace!! for their enjoyment!!! but the fire lord is glaring at you like he’s contemplating throwing you in prison for being kinda bad at acting and horrible at interpreting plays of literary significance, and it’s kinda scary, and what do you DO at that point????
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seeing the atla fandom being all “being abused doesn’t excuse your actions” for Azula but doing a 180 when it comes to Ursa is insane. In general I think fandom wants black and white women, and Ursa being a flawed parent clashes with this mental image of a “perfect mom”. Ursa wasn’t a good parent to Azula; the original Nickelodeon bio outright states that Zuko is Ursa’s favorite child, and Azula is clearly impacted by this to the point where she’s hurt by it years later. Ursa says “what is wrong with that child” out loud while Azula can hear, and Azula remembers her mother as thinking of her as a monster. I’ve seen a lot of people claim that Ozai manipulated her to think Ursa hated her, but we don’t have any evidence to back that up; y’all are just filling gaps that DON’T EXIST so that Ursa can be the perfect mom you envisioned. Moreover, I see people quote that “she was afraid for me” line in Azula and the Spirit Temple a lot, but say that Azula was just confused when she said her mother was afraid of her as well. Why is one true and the other the words of an unreliable narrator? There’s nothing from the text to indicate she’s wrong, or that she’s misremembering; the answer can be that Ursa was feeling both afraid for and afraid of. She cared about Azula, but she didn’t love Azula enough to overcome her fear and not distance herself from her (referring to her as “that child”) which led Azula to believe that her mother didn’t love her at all and thought she was a monster. This is canon. Not me doing mental gymnastics to interpret the show/text in whatever way supports my headcanon.
I see so many atla fans talk about how much they love “complex female characters” but the moment they’re handed one, they erase important aspects. Genuinely annoying.
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bluespiritshonour · 1 month
Aang gets a lot of hate for not giving up on Katara in The Guru. While I don't like the fact that they never had a plotline dedicated to the concept of love and attachment not being the same thing, I love Aang as a male protagonist for that reason.
The hero sacrificing his family, friends, lovers, children is a trope as old as time. You find it in Indian mythology, Chinese mythology, Greek mythology. It's what leads to the fridged woman trope, the noir detective’s dead wife, Batman's ‘good soldier’ in modern day pop culture.
You'd also notice how it's a singularly male hero trope. The female hero, rare as she is, never even gets put into a position where she has to choose between her loved ones’ safety and the greater good. Almost as if subconsciously the writers can't fathom a woman choosing to sacrifice her family, no, when it's a woman her most important duty suddenly is about others.
Aang, in his quest to be a hero, didn't let go of the girl he loved. And when he did he did it for her safety and was narratively punished because of it. And if it means the end of world, well, what's it to a woman's love?
Except we also see how Aang takes his responsibility seriously too!—or he'd just have stood his ground on not killing Ozai and not have done any energy bending. I don't care it was a deux ex machina. I'm just glad to have a hero who didn't think his morals were more important than actual breathing people (cough, Batman, cough).
Why is it that a villain is considered a good lover because he won't sacrifice you for the world, but the moment the hero does it, it's a bad thing?
If you're going to say “it's because a he's a hero,” well then, being a hero then equals being a man who only sees the world through his man eyes. Where the narrative makes everyone else's pain his man pain while stripping the same characters of their right to have their pain acknowledged.
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You wanna know something kinda messed up?
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The creators still won't give Azula (a mentally broken child solider that was only doing her job) a redemption like Zuko or even a happy ending, not even in the comics...
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Yet Vlad (a bitter grown-ass man obsessed with a married woman, her son and world domination) is getting redeemed after one comic...
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They're even giving Dan (an evil adult version of Danny that destroyed the world in an alternate future and enjoyed it) a second chance?
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And don't get me started on Kuvira!
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She's almost like a female version of Ozai that's an earthbender, yet even in the cartoon, she's still treated with more respect in her defeat than Azula.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
I'm pretty sure Atla being Aang's story and never about Zutara is just.......kinda what Atla about instead of making it a bad story lol!Like it's called 'Avatar:The Last Airbender' and the 2nd part refers to Aang being the sole survivor of a genocide which like the characters is based on the real genocide that happens to Tibet,Aang's people,by China.The Water Tribe gang are also genocide survivors because they're native-coded and the Fire Nation is an imperialist empire because it's based on Japan when it was
So Aang's the protagonist because it's about poc trauma and potraying etchnic cleansing survivors as the victims they are but also humanizing them and showing them as heroes and capable of saving the world that tried to wipe them all out!Aang is the good guy because he goes out of way to help everybody,with activism AND direct action and in the comics,he kickstarted decolonization and arguably counts as the inventor of in his world.Atla was created to radicalize the kids watching it and while it's not perfect(see the demonization of Jet and Hama and asskissing of Iroh),Aang is undoubtedly a great role model and relatable to kids of color as well as asian people who come from lesser known asian cultures that're happy to finally get some rep that's not just easian characters
On the topic of Katara,not sorry at all but she's never been meant to be 'the universal female experience' or some other radf.em-adjacent caricature.Yes,she's a girl and it's really important to her she's a girl but she wants to be a girl HER way,not what's expected of her by society.Katara is a brown native american-Inuk girl who was parentified despite having an older brother due to sexism and fell for Aang because he helped her feel like a real kid instead of a mini mom and he fell for her at first sight because he found her indigenous features to be angelic and princess-y and all around perfect and Katara is a punk girl,she refuses to follow the rules or conform to standards or hold herself back for ANYONE and never shuts up about it or refuses to stop acting on it so she's canonically an anarchist,she was Aang's righthand in The Gaang and did her own solo anti-imperalist activity on her own too and provided resources and aid and even emotional comfort for oppressed groups all throught the show so she's canonically an activist and she hates the Fire Nation and ALL bigots and abusers,no expections,so she's canonically anti-authority and anti-establishment too.Katara is a feminist character in the sense she's nothing like women are expected to be and does the heroism and has the personality traits which are said to be reserved for men by the patriachy,ESPECIALLY at the time.And yes,Zutaras,you too to this fuckin' day
Zuko's redemption arc was Zuko's redemption arc.Not an arc about finding a way to make it okay for him to date Katara!ZUKO'S REDEMPTION ARC IS ABOUT ZUKO!Not even Mai had a huge hand in that despite being Zuko's canon girlfriend but that's not because 'she wasn't important to him',it's because he didn't do anything he had to redeem himself for to her except breaking up with her in a petty way so he could work on healing and free himself from Ozai and she understood that by connecting the dots so she forgave him as she gets what it's like to have your parents abuse you because it's 'normal' in their culture-easian culture.Zuko is fundamentally a japanese man,his name,his design,his backstory,his personality,his powers/fighting style,his tastes,his generational trauma.Ozai abused Zuko using techniques created by abusive easian parents specifically since sadly the normalization of child abuse is so wide,different cultures each have their own unique tactics for it and Zuko thought nothing of it until he left the Fire Nation and learned it's not normal at all and that he deserves better.That's how it works for a lot of kids of color,if not most of us
In addition to the giving reperations aspect,Zuko becoming Aang's big brother figure and pseudo-dad is him healing his inner child and breaking the cycle of abuse.Dadko symbolizes peace with their dynamic too,peace for Zuko's lineage because now he gets to be the good dad to Aang Ozai never was to him and grew up to be a good biodad to Izumi largely realistically thanks to Aang giving him experience with raising kids.Zuko's dad friend behavior is a positive trait,'Mom'tara is silencing Katara for your male fave so she can be realize she's not a real kid actually,Aang was wrong and she's not actually beautiful,kind,cool,funny,charming,badass,a hero and deserving of a soft love with someone who's patient with her because he's just happy to her in silence until he thought he'd have to die to save the world and couldn't bear the thought of parting with her because she's his whole world just as he gave her hope she could grow up to save it.And y'all call him a r*pist because they were mutually unspokenly flirting for months and she got angry at him for implying they shouldn't kiss followed up by an implied almost kiss and multiple cheek kisses from her to him so he thought to make up for it out of misreading the room and immediately regretted it and berated himself for making her uncomfortable at the same time an EXPLICITLY non-consensual on her side episode where Zuko kidnaps her,talks badly to/of her,threatens her condesendingly and even steals Kya's necklace is what gave Zutara popularity
Atla is one of the best pg show's of all time because it's not about Zutara but about Aang.Not about cishet romance where the oppressed girl falls for her boy oppressor as it has the 'undesirable' race boy the villain.Then it would've been propaganda and glamorization of Japan's darker history as during Japan's imperialist era,women were treated pretty similarly to black people in the slavery/segregations and i'm making that comparison because as a black woman 1.It's pretty accurate and 2.Zutradras have a misogynoir problem and an antiblackness problem towards black men too by treating black girls as the same white girls like how they do Katara as a brown indigenous girl and moc Atla fans are targeted by the white Z/K suckers on the basis of being 'males' when white women inherently have privilege over moc,black and brown men most of all.They got a transmisogyny problem too since as i stated,their 'feminism' in regards to Katara is ciscentric only and carry r.adfem-like rethoric to how she should be written,plus their hatred of Aang for 'not being a real man' since they see him as amab and he's canonically very feminine and then there's all the anti-trans Zuko headcanons sentiments that only come from them with literally every other Atla ship group being supportive of trans readings of him,as well as for the Avatarverse cast in general.Atla is a love letter to misfits,not a love story for the normies.Aang was right to keep the Air Nomads alive by not killing Ozai because poc shouldn't have to give up our culture to be 'real punks' when punk is black made and whites and westerners are very much the biggest reasons we and other poc we even need revolutions
Kataang is a ship between two punk kids of color and Zutara robs countless abused japanese/asian-american kids of the narrative they needed and still need.The Atla fandom is extremely anti Zutara because it's a papable replacement for a very powerful story that only caters to the very people the series was saying are bad for correct and proven reasons.You can say 'interracial relathionships are so important and that's why should've Zutara happened!!!' but as a black/white biracial woman you're no different than people who only like interracial ships if they have a white person and get mad at poc4poc interracial rep seeing as you whitewash Zuko's writing and you can also say 'No girl would choose Aang over Zuko' but i had a huge crush on Aang and i was told i wasn't a real girl despite being afab because i was an autistic black tomboy and a huge part of his appeal was that he's not the fantasy,he was like me and plenty of girls weren't attracted to Zuko and it's enforcing cisheteronormative to act like we all did just because we're women.Hell,i'm convinced Katara is trans because of her relathionship with girlhood and canon punkhood and bi with a preference for gnc partners because of Kataang and the Katoph subtext and curiously enough NO Zutara shipper who's anti Kataang headcanons her as transfem while most Kataangers nowadays follow the t4t take on it and almost every lesbian i've met in the fandom stans it too and mocks Zutara
Avatar:The Last Airbender is about a tibetan boy who saves himself and everyone else from the system that tried to wipe his people out entierly with the help of a parentified brown native femme punk girl he's in love with and her in love with him back for his own unconventionality and the reason the mc even survived properly was she didn't stand for her older brother's misogyny and the tritagonist is a japanese disabled abuse survivor who's redemptic arc and joining of the good guys is a healing arc that involves holding himself accountable and unlearning propaganda and ACTING on it instead of infantalizing him because he may have been 16 at the the time but literally everyone he'd hurt is younger than him and coddling and refusing to progress isn't actual healing.'Aang is an ugly loser because he shaves his head for cultural reasons and is kind and positive and boys aren't supposed to be if they wanna get girls and Katara should've ended up with Zuko to fix the nation that colonized hers by becoming it's leader and living there and Zuko's arc was ruined because he didn't become a good person for romance but for himself and to make friends' is NOT the hot take you think it is
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