mdverse · 9 months
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bonus gift for @blaintism, thank u for participating in the art swap!
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem reader 13) Double Sectionals
I’m so sorry this one took so long I was sick. But here you go I hope you that you like.
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Warning: Angst, Fluff, Bullying, Cussing, Smut
The week of sectionals Santana and me had gotten back together but we’re taking it one step at a time. Knowing that we will be tense for the next couple of weeks.
But it was hitting Santana worse than I accepted. Her parents were still gone they were gonna come back and see sectionals. Which was worrying her even worse. With the added stress of not knowing who was gonna take New Directions to Sectionals after the whole ordeal with Mr.Schue getting kicked out of the hotel he was living in well him and his wife were going through their divorce because of squatters rights. He had used one of the mattresses that the glee club had gotten during their commercial. Which I keep watching on YouTube because Santana when she’s laying on the bed and rubbing it. Was so hot and reminded me of the fun w have.
Crawford allowed us to take off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So that we can practice and go see our competitors Sectionals. Things had been a bit awkward with Nicky after what happened. I walked in on Tuesday right before I had flag football practice which was my last one of the week as well.
“Do you miss your Sapphic Goddess? You know I’m sure your girlfriend loves the tricks that I taught you.” Nicky said
“What do you want Nicky?” I asked
“I just want to remind you of the fun we had last week. Maybe I could jog your memory with our round 8.” Nicky said
“Look Nicky it was a one time thing that I regretted the second after it was done. I don’t like you. Do I find you attractive? Yes. Were you good in bed? Yes but you and me will never happen. Unless you kill everyone on the list before you which is sevral pepole and there’s three of them that you could never place and one of them is my hot, sexy, badass, scary girlfriend. Now let’s practice for sectionals and then I’m leaving.” I said
“Well if you two ever break up you know where to find someone who will make you orgasm.” Nicky said
After Glee practice and Flag football I drove home. The next day I drove Santana to McKinley and just chilled around until glee time. I couldn’t stay in there but I wanted to come visit everybody. I quietly walked in.
“I hope we don’t get stuck with Mr.sincorey as our sectionals supervisor .” Artie said
”The creepy math teacher?” Tina asked
”He’s always singing when he walks down the hall.” Kurt said as Mercedes shook her head
“Hey guys did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn’s side after rehearsal the other day.” Rachel asked as she ran in
“No.” Mercedes said
“I mean he likes her. I mean their friends. We all know that.” Artie said
“Yeah but it seemed like more than that. I never told you guys this before but I’m a little psychic. I can’t read minds or anything yet but I do have a sixth sense but something is definitely going on there.” Rachel said
“Hey guys what are you guys up to?” I asked
“Oh my god Y/N hi.” Kurt said
“How’s the new school?” Tina asked
“Why are you wearing a letterman jacket.” Artie asked
“It’s great the Glee club is the cool kids and to answer your question Artie I’m on our schools flag football team we currently 3-0.” I said
“Okay well I’m gonna go to the bathroom I’ll be back in a minute.” Rachel said as she left
“We need to leave here and call everyone.” Artie said
We all got into a phone call
“Hey she’s onto it.” Mercedes said
“I know it’s really freaking me out.” Tina said
“Arties buzzing in.” I said
“Guys this is serious if she finds out she’s gonna tell Finn. She a total trout mouth.” Artie said
“Look I can help you guys I can’t be in the glee club meetings for obvious reasons but I can help run intermission.” I said
“Kurt wants in.” Tina said handing her phone to Kurt
“I see we lock Rachel up tell after sectionals.” Kurt said
“As amazing as that sounds and as much as I already have somewhere to lock her up.” I said
“We can’t we need her to sing.” Mercedes said
“Can I lock her up after sectionals look I don’t go to this school but I still really don’t like her.” I said
“No.” Tina said
“Damn her talent.” Kurt said
“We just heard. Who told?” Santana said
“We assumed it was you.” Artie said
“Why would I do that.” Santana said
“To get back at Puck aren’t you guys dating.” Kurt said
“Sex is not dating.” Santana said
“If it was me and Santana would be dating.” Brittnay said
“Okay well we have to come up with a plan to keep Puck away from Quinn, Quinn away from Rachel and Rachel away from everyone. I say we circle back to locking her up and release if her the day of sectionals. That the only way to stop what’s inevitable from happening.” I said
“What are you doing on the line?” Brittnay asked
“She’s here a McKinley.” Kurt said
“I wanted to stop by and visit you guys that and also Figgins wants to see me to finish sending my paperwork over to Crawford.” I said
“Look I don’t wanna rock the boat since Quinn got pregnant I’m too dog around here.” Santana said
“Hang on Rachel’s walking by hi Mama.” Mercedes said
“Okay we’re clear.” I said after Rachel had passed us
“We can not let Rachel figure this out.” Mercedes said
“If she tells Finn you can kiss your male lead soloist goodbye and probably any chance at winning. Unless you guys can come up with a whole new set list in three days.” I said
I waited til glee ended that day. Not realizing that Rachel had already gotten to Puck.
“We had to re-make our fucking set list. But Mercedes got the Ballad.” Santana told me as we headed out to the car.
“Fuck Yeah.” I said
The next day I was in Glee class waiting for everyone to show up. Just to tell them that I would see them at sectionals that weekend. As they started to practice I couldn’t stay or keep visiting. Otherwise my team will be bard from competing.
I sat up at the top the first one to enter was Santana who came and sat next to me. It was like old times except I was finally dating her. Everything was calm. But I guess that what they say theirs always a calm before the storm. Because before we knew it Finn came in and started beating the crap out of Puck. I jumped up after letting him get a few good hits in I mean I also wanted Puck hurt. For the same reason and for another one and then I ran up and Pulled Finn off Puck when Mr.Schue came in. Me and some of the football dudes helped keep him away from Puck.
“TELL THE TRUTH!!” Finn yelled
“Bro just came in and Sucker punched me.” Puck said
Finn started speaking in what sounded like gibberish because he was so angry.
“Who told you this Finn?” Quinn asked
“Obviously it was Rachel.” Kurt said
“I didn’t do anything.” Rachel said
“Yeah it was Rachel but I want to hear it from you. I want to hear it from both of you.” Finn said
“Just calm down.” Mr.Schue said
“NO THEIR BOTH LYING TO ME. Is it true. Just tell me is it true.” Finn said
Quinn walked up to him crying “Yeah. Puck is the father.”
“All that stuff in the hot tub … you just made that up.” Finn said
“You were stupid enough to buy it.” Puck said which made Finn angry you could see it in his eyes he lunged at Puck.
“Hey, Hey, Hey Let’s go take a walk in the hallway okay buddy.” I said pushing him back
“I am so sorry.” Quinn said
“Screw this. I’m done with you.” Finn said leaving
“Okay well Y/N you have to leave too practice is gonna start and you can’t be here anymore for the rest of this week.” Schue said
“Yes Mr.Schuester.” I said leaving and catching up with Finn
“You me Gym now.” I said
Finn got into my car as I drove to the gym.
“Put boxing gloves on Picture all you emotions take them out on the bag right now.” I said
Soon enough Finn had seemed to calm down
“I at least have a reason to be mad at my Puck.” Finn said
“I have a reason to.” I said
“What the fact that your in love with Quinn to bad you’ll never have or the fact that your in love with Santana and he broke her heart.” Finn said
“I can’t tell you why.” I said
“Well then let me guess.” Finn said
“No.” I said
“Oh my god you were sleeping with Quinn too how could you do that to me.” Finn said
“Nope definitely not I wish though.” I said
“Oh my god are you and Santana together I mean she always gave me Bi vibes as a bisexual myself.” Finn said
“Welcome to the community.” I said
“Wait you didn’t say no and I won’t tell anyone anything.” Finn said
“Trust me buddy I hate him as much as you.” I said
“Well there’s a spot open for my best friend.” Finn said
“You want me to be your best friend?” I asked
“Yeah I mean you’re cool and we’re friends.Plus I have already told you stuff that Puck never knew.” Finn said
“Well I guess I can be your best friend.” I said
“Can you drive me home?” Finn asked
“Yes I can.” I said
I called Quinn to make sure that she was okay
“Hey are you okay. I’m sorry I left I just wanted to make sure Finn calmed down before his anger got him in a car accident.” I said
“No I understand. Yeah I’m fine Rachel was brave enough to do what I needed to do but couldn’t. I just need to do this without men for a while.” Quinn said
“Well if you ever need a muscular lesbian to come over and help or just bring you pickles and cream cheese at any time 24/7 just call me.” I said
“Thank you I’m gonna go to bed now this day and this baby aren’t a good mix.” Quinn said
“Okay well I will see you Saturday!!! I will be the one who’s screaming cheering you guys on.” I said as she hung up
I went to practice with the Crawford Country girls. Which was supposed to only last two hours which would mean I would get home around five but ofcourse we stayed longer a lot longer we practiced til midnight and then I went home and went into my room and saw Santana laying on my bed the same position we had been sleeping in since we got
back together. Her parents were still on their trip. I went and put pajamas on and cuddled into Santana. The next day we woke up at 5:30 am cause Santana had to be at McKinley to leave at 6:00am. I drove her to McKinley with her bags so that she could stay at the hotel and sing. Then I drove to Crawford to get on my bus to watch them perform. Hopefully the Finn blowup didn’t mess up their chances. The bus ride mostly consisted of us practicing the songs that we were gonna sing for our sectionals.
Saturday: Sectionals started at eleven. We arrived at ten and went and sat down there was a large group of seats in front of our group. We sat there for a while until the people in front of us filled in I looked up to see McKinley. They all looked extremely nervous for obvious reasons. I stood up cause I was sitting on the edge of the row because Lucy had booked the tickets wrong. But I didn’t mind I would be getting to sit next to my friends. I just pray that I’m not sat next to Rachel or Puck I would literally rather kill myself. Stupid me Rachel sat right next to me. We were listening to them perform. When I started to recognize the songs the were the same songs that Santana had been singing in her room they were McKinleys set list. There is only one person evil enough to do this the one the only Sue Satan Spawn Sylvester.
“They stole your set list.” I told rachel
“It’s a really popular song.” She said looking at me and then down the row
The girls than came out in wheelchairs and sang proud Mary.
“They stole your set list.” I said looking at everone
Everyone walked out. I looked around none of them knew what to do and Mrs.Pillsbury was freaking out. I got up to make sure that they were okay. When I rounded to corner I saw Artie ramming his chair into the wall and everyone else down.
“Alright, everyone, listen up! I know things seem tough right now. Sure, they stole your set list, and yeah, Sue probably leaked it. But think about this: they had to steal from you because you're that good. You set the standard. You have talent, you have looks, and you have integrity. You are the ones to beat, not the other way around. So let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start focusing on what you do best. You can sing circles around those other schools. You could sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and still knock the judges' socks off. Show them what you're made of. Come together, create a killer new set list, and show everyone why you're the ones they'll remember. Let's do this!" I said
“You know what Y/N. Right we got this.” Rachel said as they all started thinking.
“Thank you.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
"No problem. If my team and I are going to compete at sectionals, I need a group that earned their spot fair and square. Besides, I love them - I might have moved away, but they're like family to me." I said
“Go back to your group before we have to come on.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
I walked back to my seat and sat down.
“What happened?” Will asked running up to Mrs.Pillsbury
“There better now Y/N came out and gave them an inspirational motivational speech. They are making a new set list.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
I sat down and watched the deaf kids sing the rest of The New Directions set list
“And know our finally team McKinley highs New directions.” The announcer said
I saw that they had done it they had changed the set list. I might have gotten to exited and hopeful and Snapped my fingers and said “Let’s go.” In a deep guttural voice that cause Mrs.Pillsbury to look at me and smile knowing that I was just so proud of them.
Rachel started off with a sole singing rain on my parade from Finny girl. She went and sat at the end of aisle on Mrs.Pillsbury chair and sang. The rest of the glee club joined.
“Which one is she?” Nicky whispered in my ear
“You don’t get know okay what happened between you and me was a one time thing. Also it doesn’t matter they all are hotter than you I would rather sleep with the men then sleep with you again.” I whispered back
“It’s the Latina isn’t it. She looks your type black hair, a killer smile, Nice tits.” Nicky whispered back
“I’m trying to watch my friends perform okay so please stop.” I said
Soon Rachel’s song was over and I shoot up out of my seat to give a standing ovation and then sat down to hear everyone else sing a song that I had never heard before. But that was good. I saw Mrs.Pillsbury with tears in her eyes and it wasn’t til Lucy handed me tissues til I realized that I was also crying. I was extremely proud of them. I started dancing in my seat until I realized all my teammates had stood up and were dancing so I stood up with them and clapped along. We stayed standing up giving another standing ovation.
Me and my team went and got some snacks at concessions well the judges decided who was gonna win.
“They were good but we are better we can totally beat any of those teams.” Lucy said
“Yeah and the New directions seemed unpracticed.” Jess said
“Well I think that they did great.” I said
“Yeah you were crying.” Lucy said
“Look the others stole their set list because one of their coaches named sue sylvester gave it away they made that set list in one hour.” I said
We headed in for the award ceremony.
Everyone headed in to get ready for awards.
“In third place Jane Adam’s Academy, and for the moment you have all been waiting for in first place We have McKinley highs New Directions.” The announcer read
“Wow let’s go!!!” I screamed
The next Monday at McKinley Sue got fired as coach of the Cheerios. Will was reinstated as the head of glee club. Will was in the choir room as glee club stood in a C shape
“Well we have something to tell you Mr.Schue. First.” Finn said stepping to the side of the trophy to reveal it
“I am so proud of you guys you won fair and square. The vote was unanimous and the judges didn’t even know about all the shenanigans behind the scenes. So congratulations you earned this. (Everyone clapped) come on give it up alright. But know we have regionals to worry about and you can bet that Vocal adrenaline and The Crawford country girls are hard at work so we should be too. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t support one of our own. Vocal adrenaline won there sectionals last week, We won our this week and at the end of this week we are gonna go support The Crawford country girls. But first let’s get started on regionals.” Mr.Schue said
“Ah wait Mr.Schue there one more thing.” Puck said
“Since you weren’t able to come and be there to see us perform we put together a special number just for you take a seat.” Rachel said
Meanwhile at Crawford
“Okay girls we have sectionals this weekend. Which means we will be doing the tradition of living at the school and committing every waking hour till the end of the week. We have sleeping bags and shower supplies for everyone we asked everyone to bring comfortable clothes to practice in. On t Wednesday we will change into the cowgirl outfits that we will be wearing well we perform. From here on out You will Eat, Sleep, and Breath our set list. Then on Friday we don’t talk we rest our vocal cords.” Jess said
The rest of the week was hell Finally Friday came and we got on the bus and headed to the hotel. The same thing that McKinley had done. When we got to the hotel everyone checked into their bedrooms and I was getting mine ready when I felt a bunch of eyes looking at me and someone wrap their arms around me. I turned around to try to see who it was. It was hope was giving me a hug and the rest of the glee kids were there too.
I pulled out my phone and texted Rachel
I love you all so much!!! You didn’t have to come and watch thank you. Tell everyone that I am not allowed to talk otherwise if anyone in my team sees me I will be thrown in an ice bath. I will talk to you guys tomorrow I promise.
Rachel said exactly why I had texted to everyone as they all responded I shook my head and then walked away. Santana followed and got in the elevator with me.
“What are you doing?” I asked when the elevator doors closed I hadn’t pressed a button yet.
“I thought that you couldn’t talk.” Santana said
“I can’t So what do you want?” I asked
“Nothing I don’t even want you to make a noise. I’m just gonna follow you to your room.” Santana said
All of a sudden the elevator stopped.
“Shit this is just grate!!!” I said as the lights in the elevator went off
Santana slowly without we realizing had slipped her hand into my pants and had inserted a finger inside of me.
“You know we’re not in orange is the black” I said grabbing her hand. Trying to pull out which some how just made it go deeper. I moaned at the feeling of the finger inside of me. As she started thrusting her finger in and out of me. We had more fun well they worked on the elevator. Which both groups were waiting for well we had fun with each other. Soon enough the elevator started moving again. We threw our pants on quickly. As the doors soon opened up to the New Direction and the Country girls.
“Are you two okay?” Schue asked
“Yeah just a bit shaken up.” I said
“Yeah what happened?” Santana asked
“The power cut to the whole hotel.” Jess said
“Okay well we need to go practice for tommorow.” Lucy said
“I thought that we weren’t talking or singing.” I said
“We’re not were practicing the dance moves.” Lucy said
“Okay well bye guys I’ll see you after the performance tomorrow.” I said
“See yeah.” Kurt said
I walked away with county girls to one of the conference rooms.
We practiced til eleven pm and then we finally headed to our rooms. When I got to my room I laid down and bed and went straight to sleep. The next day was performance we were going third against Dalton Academy who was our brother school and Coldwater high school. We went and sat down and watched The Coldwater Cutthroat’s who was going first. We all went for different themes the cutthroats choose Home which you could tell by there songs. (Song 1 Back home again by John Denver, Song 2 Home by daughtry and Song 3 Take me home tonight by Eddie Money. )
There's a storm across the valley, clouds are rollin' in The afternoon is heavy on your shoulders There's a truck out on the four lane, a mile or more away The whinin' of his wheels just makes it colder
He's an hour away from ridin' on your prayers up in the sky Ten days on the road are barely gone There's a fire softly burning, supper's on the stove It's the light in your eyes that makes him warm
Hey, it's good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
There's all the news to tell him, how'd you spend your time? What's the latest thing the neighbors say And your mother called last Friday, sunshine made her cry You felt the baby move just yesterday
Hey, it's good to be back home again, yes it is Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
Oh, the time that I can lay this tired old body down Feel your fingers feather soft on me The kisses that I live for, the love that lights my way The happiness that livin' with you brings me
It's the sweetest thing I know of, just spending time with you It's the little things that make a house a home Like a fire softly burning and supper on the stove The light in your eyes that makes me warm
Hey, it's good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
Hey, it's good to be back home again, you know it is Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Hey, it's good to be back home again I said, hey, it's good to be back home again
I'm staring out into the night Tryin' to hide the pain I'm going to the place where love And feeling good don't ever cost a thing And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain
Well, I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old So I'm going home
Well, I'm going home
The miles are getting longer, it seems The closer I get to you I've not always been the best man or friend for you But your love remains true, and I don't know why You always seem to give me another try
So I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old
Be careful what you wish for 'Cause you just might get it all You just might get it all And then some you don't want Be careful what you wish for 'Cause you just might get it all You just might get it all, yeah
Well, I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old I said these places and these faces are getting old So I'm going home
I feel a hunger, it's a hunger That tries to keep a man awake at night Are you the answer? I shouldn't wonder When I can feel you whet my appetite With all the power you're releasing It isn't safe to walk the city streets alone Anticipation is running through me Let's find the keys and turn this engine on
I can feel you breathe I can feel your heart beat faster 
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
I get frightened in all this darkness I get nightmares, I hate to sleep alone I need some company, a guardian angel To keep me warm when the cold winds blow
I can feel you breathe I can feel your heart beat faster
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby Be my little baby, uh-huh
Just like Ronnie sang I said Just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby Baby, my darlin', oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I feel a hunger It's a hunger
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Take me home tonight (Oh, be my darling) I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang (Uh, uh, oh, oh, oh) Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Next up we’re the Warblers who went with a theme of trainwreck ("On My Own" from Les Misérables by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Since you been gone from Kelly Clarkson and rolling in the deep by Adele.”
On my own Pretending he's beside me All alone I walk with him 'til morning Without him I feel his arms around me And when I lose my way I close my eyes And he has found me
In the rain, the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight And all I see is him and me forever and forever
And I know it's only in my mind That I'm talking to myself and not to him And although I know that he is blind Still I say, there's a way for us
I love him But when the night is over He is gone The river's just a river Without him The world around me changes The trees are bare and everywhere The streets are full of strangers
I love him But every day I'm learning All my life I've only been pretending Without me His world will go on turning A world that's full of happiness That I have never known
I love him I love him I love him But only on my own
Paragraph Lyric
Here's the thing we started off friends It was cool but it was all pretend Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
You dedicated you took the time Wasn't long till I called you mine Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
And all you'd ever hear me say Is how I pictured me with you That's all you'd ever hear me say
But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you now I get what I want Since you've been gone
How can I put it? You put me on I even fell for that stupid love song Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
How come I'd never hear you say? ?I just wanna be with you? I guess you never felt that way
But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you now I get, I get what I want Since you've been gone
You had your chance you blew it Out of sight, out of mind Shut your mouth I just can't take it Again and again and again and again
Since you've been gone (Since you've been gone) I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you (Thanks to you) Now I get, I get what I want
I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you (Thanks to you) Now I get (I get) You should know (You should know) That I get, I get what I want Since you've been gone Since you've been gone Since you've been gone
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark Finally I can see you crystal clear [Clean version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare [Explicit version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare See how I leave with every piece of you Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch And it's bringing me out the dark
The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it, to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Baby, I have no story to be told But I've heard one on you And I'm gonna make your head burn Think of me in the depths of your despair Make a home down there As mine sure won't be shared
(You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love remind me of us (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) I can't help feeling We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it, to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand But you played it, with a beating
Throw your soul through every open door (woah) Count your blessings to find what you look for (woah) Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (woah) You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow (woah) (You're gonna wish you never had met me) We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) It all, it all, it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
But you played it You played it You played it You played it to the beat.
Then we were finally on we had an hour to get our costumes on.
Lucy (Alto)
Jess (Baritone)
Nicky (Tenor)
Me (Bass)
Melody (Beatboxing)
Maria (Saprano)
(All the links are to home free songs) (Song 1 Everything will Be okay) watch video pls I can’t write the a cappella parts
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Driving down the road Don't know where I'm going I see your face in every car that passes me by I know it's true There's no way you're knowin' Where this will lead But I can't help but wonder, why don't we just try?
Bum bad doom bu doom boom
All I want to do, is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay Yeah
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Now, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't worried But I told myself that I would never fall again And I'm sure you'll call, but I wish you'd hurry And I'll have your way Darling, you just tell me when will we give in?
All I want to do is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay It'll be okay (Both Nicky and Lucy)
Maybe, baby, we're just crazy, but it may be love
All I want to do is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Everything will be okay It'll be okay I know it'll be okay I know, I know, I know
It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight
I set out on a narrow way many years ago Hoping I would find true love along the broken road But I got lost a time or two Wiped my brow and kept pushing through I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
That every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yes, He did
I think about the years I spent just passin' through I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you But you just smile and take my hand You've been there, you understand It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yeah
And now I'm just a-rollin' home Into my lover's arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, mm, mm
(I had to make it into a solo to follow the rules but tim is singing the whole time pretty much.)
Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
There's no hurry Don't you worry We can take our time Come a little closer Let's go over What I had in mind
Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
Ain't nobody ever love nobody The way that I love you We're alone now You don't know how Long I've wanted to
Lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
As everyone stood up and gave us a standing ovation we headed off the stage. Everyone went off to the green room. I went off to Find the New directions I saw them standing in the corner talking right outside the theater.
“Oh My God Y/N That was amazing.” Rachel said
“Was it I messed up a couple times. That last note on Your Man was supposed to be lower.” I said
“You can hit lower than that?” Kurt asked
“Yes.” I said fidgeting with my fingers
“Dose it help you if I tell you that for the first time in my life. I am proud to be your sister.” Hope said
I smiled
“Don’t get all happy it will disappear by tonight.” Hope said
“Look no matter what happened nobody could tell and you guys were amazing.” Mr.Schue said
“And secretly we are kinda hoping that you guys lose so that we have a shot at sectionals.” Finn said
“Okay well the awards are starting so go find out.” Mr.Schue said
“Also no matter what happens. We are having a party at my house afterwards.” Santana said
“Okay well I will see y’all in a little bit.” I said
We all went on the stage. The announcer waited as long as they could. I was getting really nervous so I looked for the new directions in the crowd and when I found them my eyes went directly to Santana. She gave me a thumbs up when she saw that I was looking at her.
“Okay we had a lot of talent on the stage today. (The announcer ripped up his paper) you know what let’s get this over with so that we can all go home and sleep. In third place the Warblers.” I watched as their Freshman star soloist went up and got the trophy. “Okay well let make these kids panic a little bit it’s nice weather we’re having outside today you know sunny a couple light sprinklings. Okay for the moment everyone has been waiting for in Second place we have the C ……………………… utthroat’s. That means that your first place champion at this Sectionals this year is Crawford Country.” The announcer said
A sigh of relief came over me as I walked up and grabbed the trophy. I handed it to Jess. We all headed off the stage and back to the green room.
“Hey are you coming to add the trophy to our collection at Crawford?” Jess asked
“I would love too. But i already have plans with some friends who came and watched I need to go find them.” I said walking out and looking for the new directions the second time that day.
“Well here comes our new competition.” Mr.Schue said jokingly
“Look there was two reasons I left we all know one the major one. But you told me not to sing and to sway in the back and let the boys have the low parts. So it’s kinda your fault you have to go up against me.” I said
“Fair. But you better be happy with letting glee getting cancelled because we lose to you.” Mr.Schue said
“Okay enough of this let’s all go celebrate.” Quinn said
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klainetism · 8 months
I FEEL LIKE I SHOULD MAKE A DISCLAIMER... i know not all lesbians fit the butch/femme thing but as a butch lesbian and a lover of other butches and femmes i wanna know what others think :3
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rezfalling · 2 years
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wingedhallows · 4 months
right company; james potter
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pairing: james potter (marauders) x fem!oc | 1k words plot: You knew which company to keep, no matter if your own house might disagree. authors note: hi hi, i cooked up a small little something for you :) as a thank for your lovely support all the time.
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The library was quiet, peaceful as you held James’ hand, his thumb stroking the back of your hand with a small smile on his face.
“What’s for dinner?” Sirius asked, his head resting ontop of Remus’ shoulder. Lily barked a laugh. “We ate an hour ago.” He frowned and threw a plastic wrapper at the girl. You laughed and took a sip from James’ canned soda. 
“We could go to hogsmeade and have some beef or chicken, how does that sound?” Sirius clapped his hands with a smile on his face. “Y/N, my savior. I’d love that.” He smiled and threw his arm over Remus’ shoulder.
“We could also have some-”Oh all gathered her, a freak show meeting?” Guinever Sutton leaned her hand on the corner of the table. Vivienne Blaine smiled over her friends shoulder but quickly sat herself down on the empty chair next to you.
“Is this really the company you should seek, Y/N?” Vivienne twisted some of your hair between her fingers and gave you an awfully sweet and fake smile.
You were a Slytherin, alright. You liked being a Slythering but James and his friends held a big spot in your heart, the house rivalry was stupid and had no place at this table.
You stared at her through your lashes, jaw clenched as you swatted Vivienne’s hand away.
“Fuck off.”
You said, voice low. You were always the more reasonable one between James and you.
He was a hothead, someone who would get angry on your accord but he let you handle this, you were always better at handling Slytherins than he was.
People didn’t fuck with you though, no one has dared to bully you. Afraid of James but mostly of you. You were peaceful, not provoking fights but neither did you back down.
“Oh, not very nice.” Guinever spoke, lips in a dramatic frown.
“I’m telling you once, leave us the fuck alone.” You spoke, slapping your textbook shut as you now faced Vivienne. She gulped but tried to keep her poker face up.
James’ hand squeezed yours, a sign. He was angry, maybe even angrier than you. You released your hand from his grip and faced Vivienne.
“You should bow your head if you want to keep it, Vivienne.” You gave her a kind smile to which she only scoffed.
Sirius and Remus watched you, Lily and Peter stared in shock. Marlene rested her head on her hand with a small smirk.
It was no secret that you were able to be mean, hold your own in an argument but it was rare for anyone to witness you angry. You’d dismiss the argument if you could, too lazy to put up with these antics.
 “You don’t scare me, little Y/N.” Vivienne spoke, her head cocked to side like she was talking to a child. The searing rage in your chest bubbled up further and further.
“Though I have a question, how come you stay friends with a blood traitor, a scratched up bookworm looser, a cowering rat, a halfblood and a mudblood?”
Your eyebrows rushed up as you stared at her, James shifted in his seat to stand but you put your palm on his leg, you’d handle it.
“Excuse me?” You snapped, dark, low and sinister. Remus ducked his head, Sirius had his hand on his shoulder. 
“And worse of all, a boyfriend who pined after a mudblood, of all people. I can’t even imagine how tarnished your family's reputation would be if you decided on further progress.” Vivienne gave her a small smile. You couldn’t think straight, the moment James’ name fell in her truly awful insult your vision went red, blood red.
You grabbed her by the throat and pushed her off her chest to the stone floor, slamming her head down as hard as possible. Her hands clasped your hand with wide eyes as you slapped her once, twice, a third time.
Guinevere snapped out of her daze after a few seconds and pushed you off of her friend. You lifted your leg and kicked her back, she held her stomach with a cough as you clasped your fingers in a fist and with as much as strength as you could muster, you brought your fist down on her face.
She stumbled back as blood rushed down her robes. You grabbed Vivienne by her head and tore her head back, her eyes squinted as she watched you with a horrified expression on her face.
“You should’ve bowed that head of yours.”
Before you stood you looked at the squirming friend of hers.
“The only thing which would tarnish my family’s reputation would be to have company like you two losers.” 
You stood, blood coating your hands as you turned to your friends, who watched you with shocked faces. You grabbed your coat and tucked it over your hand.
“I feel like having firewhiskey instead.” You said before your friends stood. James planted a kiss on your cheek before Sirius high fived you.
“I knew you could fight but damn, almost had a double homicide on your hands.” He laughed before Lily rubbed your back with a small smile.
“Drinks are on me tonight.” You raised your hand and your friends cheered.
“Keep her close, James, I think I just fell in love.” Marlene smiled as she hastily pressed a kiss on your cheek. You only laughed as James pointed his finger at her with a smile on his face, playfully warning the girl.
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jillsandwhichs · 3 months
RE Character x Reader Smutshot Collection , Chap 2 , 7 minutes in Heaven
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Pairing: Fem!reader x Jill Valentinr
Summary: You & Jill are at a college party with some friends and you all decide to play 7 minutes in heaven
Status of your guy's relationship in this oneshot: Friends w clear feelings
WC: 4.4k
Type: NSFW
Warnings: Uses of alcohol & weed, Dirty talk, Semi public sex, Oral sex (Reader recieving), Slight praise kink, Jill loves ur thighs, Readers first time being eaten out, Making out and idk what else tbh
A/n: Hi! Hope you all enjoy. Please check out my masterlist, there's a lot of stuff there. You can get to know me, you can see the rules of my blog and then you can see all of my fanfictions. You'll be able to find the previous chapters to this fic and upcoming ones. You'll also be able to find my Wattpad & AO3. Thank you
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"Never have I ever... Drank alcohol off of someone's body?" Your friend, Hayley asked as she bit her lip. The rule of the game was: If you've done it, ya drink, if you haven't, don't. You were sitting right beside Hayley and on the other side of you was your close friend, Jill. No one drank out of the seven of you besides Hayley & Carson. "Hayley, the entire point of the game is to not drink to your own questions." Ana said with a chuckle, rolling her eyes slightly. "Bite me." Hayley retorted.
You weren't very close to anyone in this group, it was you, Jill, Hayley, Carson, Ana, Blaine & Daisy. The only reason this group formed in the first place was due to a group project forever ago, ever since, you guy's stuck together. You're closet to Jill but also Hayley & Blaine, they're kind but also sort of stuck up... In a way... "My turn!" Daisy snickered out, "Never have I ever had sex in a car?" She said with a cackle, sipping from her red solo cup.
Alongside Daisy, everyone else sipped besides you & Carson. "You fucking virgins." Blaine teased you two. "Oh fuck off." Carson flipped him off. "Or you could fuck her." Blaine referred to you. "Uh, absolutely not." You scoffed at his remark, straightening your posture. "Oh, would you rather it be me?" "No, I'd prefer Jeremy Irons or Mike Myers." You laughed, biting your lip. Those two men were your celebrity crushes. "Or Angelina Jolie." You added, nodding.
"Mmm, Angelina is a great pick. Drew Barrymore is gorgeous too." Jill spoke with a husk tone, biting her lip. Everyone knew that Jill was a lesbian, it was obvious. She already came out but even if she hadn't, no one would believe otherwise. "I'll go next." You said whilst clearing your throat. "Never have I ever smoked weed?" You voiced, then immediately sipping, literally no one in the group didn't sip.
"That was too basic, I'll go." Carson chortled, setting his cup down. "Never have I ever masturbated?" Carson chugged every last drop of his cup, causing the entire group to lose it. "We know you get to game so you have to game yourself." Ana gazed at him. Another thing the group knew was Ana had a thing for Carson, although she's never admitted it. "Suck my dick." Carson scoffed. "I will." Ana laughed out, drinking some of her beer. "Be right back, going to get more." Carson stated, walking into the crowd of other students to get more alcohol.
"I haven't said one yet so here goes nothing... Never have I ever flirted with a professor?" Ana giggled, drinking the last bit of her beer too. You, along with Hayley also drank from your cup. No one else did. "Have you really?" Jill nudged you, she seemed rather surprised. "Yes, with Mrs. Hastings and Mr. Frasier." You gandered up at her. Jill gave you a weird look, one she's never given to you before. "When was this?" "Don't know, like over a month or so ago." You explained. "Why?" "Just wondering." Jill mumbled, looking away from you quickly.
"Guess I'll do one, never have I ever kissed the same sex?" Jill questioned the group, instantly taking a sip of her alcohol. Blaine took a quick drink, along with yourself. "Blaine..." Hayley spat out, "The fuck?" "Nothing wrong with some brotherly love." Blaine snickered, winking at Hayley, causing her to give him a grossed out look. "Hayley, I can change that for you." Jill said deeply, puckering her lips playfully. "Gosh, no, I'm straight." Hayley laughed awkwardly. No one was straight up straight or outright gay, least that's how you feel.
Carson walked back over and plopped on the couch beside Ana & Blaine. Daisy was sitting on a recliner whereas you were between Hayley & Jill. "This shit is boring, let's play something else." Daisy requested, setting her plastic cup onto the coffee table. "What?" Carson asked of her, curious on her idea. "Seven minutes in heaven." "That's totally middle school." Ana scoffed out. "Stop being annoying, Ana. Sure Daisy, let's do it." Hayley licked her lips before shooting her eyes at Blaine. "Blaine, you and Daisy go into that storage closet, now."
Blaine nearly choked on his drink when she said that. He & Daisy hooked up once, nothing more. It was pretty good though. "I don't mind." Daisy stood up, adjusting her skirt. "That's my girl!" Hayley giggled, squeezing Daisy's hips... So much for being totally straight... "Shit, why not?" Blaine sighed, taking Daisy's hand in his and leading her to the storage room. "Start that seven minutes." Daisy tittered, winking before shutting the door behind her. "Got it." Carson noted, checking the clock. They'd have to stop at 11:45 PM.
"Who'll go next?" You asked. "Hmm..." Ana hummed out, her eyes shooting back and forth between you & Jill. "You and Jill... Girl on girl action." Ana established, sitting upright. You rolled your eyes playfully although, you weren't necessarily opposed to that. "Then after you two, me and Carson." Ana shared, making Carson leer slightly. "Then who am I with?" "Zack is here tonight, we can ask him." Ana jokingly hit Hayley's thigh. "Oh shut up." Hayley cackled, holding Ana's hand. Zack and Hayley were off & on but currently on nice terms.
"Well, while those two are dicking around, how about we play two truths and a lie?" Hayley wonders aloud, wanting to see how everyone felt. "Sounds fun, I'll go first." Jill voiced, clearing her throat. "Two truths and a lie... I'm currently failing Chemistry, I own lingerie and I plan on purchasing a cat soon..." Jill said with a slight laugh, waiting to see everybody's responses.
"Hmm..." You mumbled, "The lie is that you own lingerie." You state confidently. "I doubt you're failing Chem, that is the lie." Carson debated. "I have no fucking clue." Ana murmured. "Definitely the lingerie one." Hayley agreed with you. "Smart girls, I do not own lingerie. Therefore I am failing Chem and I also plan to purchase a kitty soon." "Aw, how cute." You whispered to her. "I'd like to go next." Ana mentioned, sipping her drink once more.
"Two truths and a lie..." She paused, "I have a fishing license, I've never drank rum once and I've hooked up with Joseph." She finalized her sentence, biting her lip as she watched the group think of their answers. "The lie is that you have your fishing license because why the fuck would you even have that?" Jill snorted. "I second that." Carson agreed with her. "The lie is you've hooked up with Joseph." You replied, locking eyes with Ana. "The fishing licence one, yeah." Hayley added.
"You all suck... Besides you." Ana pointed at you. "How are you so good at this?" Jill questioned you, gazing at you. "I'm a mastermind." "Mm, yeah you are." Jill studied your face for a moment before looking away. "My turn!" Carson insisted. "I butt dialed the cops once, I received a blowjob on the bus and I bought a vibrator thinking it was for men back in middle school." Carson stated, knowing this was clearly going to shock them.
"Those are all fucking insane so I'm clueless." Ana laughed, smacking his arm playfully. "I'll knock one off then, one truth is the blowjob bus one." Carson snickered. "Oh so the vibrator one is the lie." Hayley stated. "Agreed." "Carson is an idiot so I'm going with the butt dialed one." Jill mumbled, taking a quick shot of her drink. "Damn Jill, props to you, yeah, the lie is that I butt dialed the cops." Carson smirked at her. "How the hell did you think a vibrator was for a man?" "Don't know, don't remember." Carson replied to you.
"You go, then I will." Hayley said kindly to you, waiting for your three responses. "Okay..." You mumbled. "Alright so, I used to make out with my Tom Petty poster, Tanya kissed me the other day and finally, I have been selling answers for tests in Calculus." You gave some tough ones... "The lie is you & Tanya, yeah?" Jill pondered. You just put a "shushing" gesture over your lips. "You definitely wouldn't sell answers, that's the lie." Ana stated. "The Tayna one, that's a lie." Hayley retorted. "I actually have no idea... You definitely still make out with your Tom Petty poster." Carson sarcastically said.
"The lie is that I sold answers, nicely done Ana." You praised her. "Fuck yeah." She pulled her fist down playfully. "Why the hell did Tanya kiss you?" Jill whispered to you, her face looked pale. "Because why not?" You giggled, sticking your tounge on Jill's shoulder jokingly. You two were quite close and physically affectionate but lately, she's seemed... Off? She's been your distant and seems to be weirded out by you easily. She never used to act this way.
"Oh, there time is up." Hayley expired, standing up and jogging over to the door, placing her ear up to it and hearing the sound of them talking. "Hey, get out, times up." Hayley chortled, knocking on the door numerous times. Shortly after, Daisy and Blaine walked out of the room, they both seemed composed. They most likely didn't do anything although, what do you know? "Was it steamy?" Ana grinned. "Definitely." Blaine snickered, plopping back down on the couch.
"Alright, you two, off to the room." Hayley instructed you and Jill. "Seven minutes, spend it wisely ladies." Hayley teased you two, patting both of your asses playfully. You guys were also quite close with Hayley, she was pretty buzzed, hence her affectionate side showing off. You took ahold of Jill's hand, the both of you making way to the storage closet.
Opening the door, it wasn't too small nor too big, it was about the size of a sauna would be. There was clothes on the inside along with random boxes. "It's dark as shit." You laughed, trying to find a light switch. "Here." Jill said, pulling the string of the light above. The yellow tinted light filled the micro room. "Much better." You sighed, sitting down on the carpeted floor, Jill did the same, sitting right across from you. "What are we supposed to do for the next seven minutes?" You asked with a titter. Jill eyed you down for a few seconds before speaking, "Anything at all."
You eyes wandered on her for a moment before you asked her something, "What's been going on with you recently?" "What do you mean?" "You've just been... Off... Especially today." You explained, resting your head against the boarded wall. "Elaborate?" "Well, anytime I brought up something like flirting with the professor or kissing Tanya, you got all quiet or defensive in a way." You muttered out, feeling genuine concern for her. "I don't know what you mean." Jill nervously laughed out, fixing her hair as a way of fidgeting.
"Listen, if I've done anything this past week or even just in this one night, you have to let me know." You said softly to her, reaching your hand out to hold hers. Jill's breath hitched as you did this. Wasn't it obvious? "Kiss me." Jill asked, which left you confused. "Kiss me like you did Tanya- Or even better than how you did with her." She articulated, her caring eyes not leaving your siren eyes. "Are you feeling okay?" You wondered, not wanting to kiss her if she's simply distressed. "Just do it." Jill tittered, getting on her knees and placing her hands on your cheeks, turning your head up to face hers.
Sucking on your bottom lip slightly, you gazed into her eyes. You slid your hands to her slim waist, loving how her body felt in your arms. You two had never been this close. This was all new. Was this what was bothering Jill? Does she have some sort of feelings for you? "Are you drunk?" "For fucks sakes, I'm not drunk. Z Y X W-" She began to say the alphabet backwards but you shut her up by pressing your lips to her, pulling her lanky body against yours. "Mmm." Jill made precious noises as she kissed you back.
As quickly as you could, you shoved your tounge into her mouth, moaning as you felt her tounge slip against yours. Her hands went from your face and to your ass, caressing it whilst you made out. You were wearing a skirt with a long sleeve shirt, she had all the easy access she could ever want. "You don't know how long I've wanted this." Jill uttered between kisses, her slick hands going beneath your skirt, feeling your panties as she squeezed your ass. "Oh yeah?" You murmured, biting on her lower lip.
Pulling you into her, Jill held you as she sat you on her lap, her hands now on your midriff. "Wait, pause." You pulled away, setting your hands on her waist too. "Is everything okay?" "Yes, yeah, I just... You do realize I've like never done this... Before..." "I'll teach you everything." Jill reassured you, "Anything you need to know baby." Jill whispered, staring at you as her hands went underneath your shirt and towards the back of your bralette. She used one hand to unsnap it, using her other to take it out from your shirt.
Your breath shuttered as she grasped your breasts, squeezing them and pinching your nipples. You moved your hands to the end of your shirt, lifting it up and removing it, literally leaving Jill speechless, her eyes and mouth showing her reaction well. "Like what you see?" You joked, taking both of her hands in yours. Jill didn't even reply, instead she latched her mouth onto your breast, swirling her tounge on it rapidly. A pool of wetness filled your panties as she did this. "Oh mmm." You moaned out, your hands going to her hair, pulling on it as she sucked on your tit.
The more her tounge was relentless on you, the quicker you grinded your hips on her, your clit feeling light pressure whilst doing so. "Does that feel good?" Jill questioned you, popping your tit out of her mouth for a short period of time. "Yes." You stammered, gripping onto her shirt. "Good, keep doing it." Jill demanded, now her mouth wrapped around your other breast. Her hand rubbed your waist too. You never knew you could feel such ways, especially with one of your closet friends.
"Jill..." You heaved, your nails trailing through her silky hair. Shortly after, she pulled her mouth away from your breast, licking her lips and gandering at you. "You're not actually a virgin, are you? Like you've had sex with a man before, or even a woman?" Jill raised the question. "If you are, that's okay." She noted, both of her hands holding your rear. "The most I've done with a man is give them head and as for a woman, I've only like..." You paused. "I fingered Tanya, she did the same to me." You whispered, blush exploding on your serene face.
"Why Tanya of all people?" Jill scoffed, envy plastered on her face. "I don't know... Heat of the moment?" "Is this a heat of the moment... Moment?" Jill asked with jitter in her voice. You sat in silence for a moment before giggling, "No... I'm not drunk like I was with her..." You mumbled out, your arms resting on her lean shoulders. "I don't want this to ruin what we have." Jill admitted, her fingers twiddling with your hair. "But I also don't wanna put it behind us." Jill seconded what she said.
"Jill, it won't ruin anything between us, I swear." You promised. Jill nodded, biting her lip. "I have another thing to ask you." "Yeah?" You hushly spoke. "So you've never like... Been eaten out? Or did it to another girl?" "No, I haven't." You said with a shy tone, looking down, not really knowing what to say. "Let me be the one to do it to you." Jill requested, her hands now going to your thighs, caressing them with ease. "You've done it before?" "Yeah." Jill shook her head.
You weren't surprised one bit. You felt a warm pit in your stomach. Timidness was over riding your mind. You were nervous. "Don't worry, it'll feel good." She reassured you. Her hands soothingly slipped up your thighs and onto your lower back, holding you tightly to her front, leaning you down to lay down. She grabbed some clothes off of the rack for you to lay your head on. "I assume we have like five minutes left, but I'll have you done in two." Jill smirked, having you right in front of her.
Jill swept your skirt up, having it flop onto your stomach. She was on her knees, both of her hands wrapped around your thighs. "You know, I really love your thighs." Jill teased, kissing your lower inner thigh. "Really?" You muttered out, your arms holding you up so you could still watch her. "Yeah... Pretty fuckin hot." Jill bit down on it, causing you to wince. "Did that hurt?" "Little bit... But in a good way." You huffed out. "Lay back all the way, I'll take care of you." Jill snickered, her lips trailing upwards.
You listened to her, lying back all the way back, your head resting on the pile of clothing. "Before I continue, tell me you want this." Jill seeked out consent. You hesitated, not because you didn't want this but rather because you were in shock. "I want this." You mumbled out, your hands resting on your tummy. "Okay..." Jill responded, kissing your other thigh now, nibbling on it lightly. You felt your core begin to wetten further. No other person has caused you to get like this.
"I remember you once said you wish you had much thinner thighs... To that, I just wanna say, the way they are now is so attractive." Jill praised you further, kissing them and biting them, leaving clear marks. "You think so?" Your voice low. "I know so." She responded, giving a much sharper bite to your right thigh, causing your hips to buck. "Jesus Jill." You chortled. "Can't help it." She murmured, now neither kissing nor biting, she was licking all along your upper inner thighs, getting closer and closer to your very wet cunt.
"Wait!" You shot up, placing your hands on top of hers. "What, is everything okay?" Jill said worried, pulling away from between your legs. "Yeah, yes, of course, it's just, I need to like let you know that I haven't like shaved in a week or so." You panted out, your heart beating fast. You were just feeling so anxious about all of this but you also really wanted it. You know Jill will take care of you. "Baby, you think I care?" Jill snickered, drawing herself towards you and placing her lips on yours, pushing herself on top of you.
Your head hit the clothing again, her lips not leaving yours as she made out with you once again. She seriously called your nerves whilst doing this. "I'll make sure you feel good." Jill reminded you between pecks. "I know." You whispered, licking her bottom lip as the two of you continued your feral make out. You felt her hand go between your legs and it caused your heart to skip beats. You're now realizing how long you've wanted this. It felt so lively.
"Can I?" Jill questioned. "Mhm." You nodded, allowing her to take your underwear off. She hooked her two fingers underneath the band of your panties, slipping them down your legs until they hit your feet. "Just relax, okay?" Jill added, kissing your cheek quickly before towing herself back down to have her head between your legs. You took a slow, deep breath as you gazed at her, she really was beautiful. How come you never noticed this before? Not her beauty, but rather how feel makes you feel. How you yearn for her.
Lifting your legs up for only a second, Jill removed your underwear from your ankles, tossing them to the side before she momentarily made eye contact with you. She looked hungry. It was clear ; She needed you. "I wanna taste you." Jill kissed your knee carefully. "Then do so..." You begged, your arms on either side of you. She giggled before hungrily shoving her head between your thighs, her tounge swiping between your soaked folds. Your mouth shot open, a guttural moan releasing from you. "Oh my God!" You laughed out, almost in surprise as she feasted upon you.
Feeling her sly tounge lick your folds was fucking fantastic. She worked her tounge so well. "Jill..." You huffed out, now moving your hands onto your stomach. Her nails rubbed your thighs as she ate you out, she seemed to really love them. Jill has a thing for thighs, no matter the size. Yours in particular though are so sexy to her. She practically worships them. Jill recalls one time in class, you wore these tights with shorts and she couldn't keep her gaze off of you. It's safe to say she's been crushing on you for some time.
The noises she made whilst eatiing you out only made your lust increase. It sounded like she was starving, and she was - she was starving for you. You wanted to please her in some way too, but you guaranteed there'd be no time after she's done with you. You wanna taste her as well, feel your fingers inside her, do anything she wants you to do. Was this lust or love? Or was it both? Your mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. The making thought being that you were getting closer and closer to your breaking point.
"So fucking good." Jill hummed as she stuck her tounge inside you, moving it around with immense speed. You could feel your wetness seeping down your ass, most likely dripping onto the floor. Wasn't your house, you didn't really care. You actually didn't have a clue whose house you were at, College parties get wack, clearly. "Faster..." You whimpered, moving your waist around, wanting her to please you even more. "Anything you want..." Jill began to suckle on your clit with haste, making that heat in your lower stomach get bigger & bigger.
Her fingers left marks on your thighs as she ate you faster now, her entire mouth on your pussy. "Oh it feels so nice." You sighed softly, your eyes hardly being able to stay open. You couldn't help it whenever your hips would buck forward, she was just eating you so well. "How are you so good at this?" You pleaded with a giggle, your head leaning back as your body arched upwards. You could feel your muscles tightening between your legs, you knew you were close but you didn't want this to end. Occasionally, you heard the group talking, sounded like they were continuing two truths and a lie.
"I can tell you're gonna cum, don't be shy baby." Jill hummed again, her tounge decreasing in speed, now it just flicked over your clit roughly. "I wanna taste you as you cum." Jill shared with lust drabbled in her voice. When she said that, something about it pushed you over the edge. Numerous whimpers came out from you as you hit your climax, you even pressed your thighs tightly against her face, it felt uncontrollably. You lost your touch with reality. You've never had an orgasm this pleasant before.
"Oh." Jill grinned, licking your clit a couple more times before then kissing your thighs, ultimately pulling away. She wiped the wetness from her lips as she locked eyes with you. "Fucking hell..." You panted, sitting up right. Jill looked at her watch and chuckled. "Two minutes, what did I say?" She smirked, bringing her hand down to your chin, grabbing onto it and kissing you lovingly. You smooched your back. Your legs were literally shaking from how she pleased you. "Looks like I did my job correctly." Jill teased you sincerely.
"Come stay in my dorm tonight." You stated, it was a need, not a want nor a question. "What about Hayley?" "She'll probably go with Zack anyways." You muttered, taking Jill's hand in yours. Jill nodded, a small smile on her cute face. "Jill... Do you want me to please you now?" You asked her quietly, reaching for your undergarments and shirt. "We won't have enough time, but that's what going back to your dorm is for, yeah?" She snickered, kissing the top of your head.
"Is my make-up or hair too messy at all?" You questioned, pulling your underwear back on. "No, even if it was, that'd make it all the more rushing." You listened to her words, blushing slightly. You then put your bra back on, struggling to hook it. Jill took notice and tittered, "Here, let me." She uttered, going behind you and encasing the bra together. Her hands slithered up your shoulders before she then kissed the back of your neck, her lips dancing down to your outer shoulder.
You groaned as she did this, it felt great. "Jill..." "Hmm?" "I don't want this to end." You admitted, turning around to face her again, now just in your skirt and bra. "Who says it has to?" Jill cupped your face, stroking your flushed cheeks. "Let's just ditch this shit party, I have my dorm key." You bit your lip. "Atta girl." Jill smirked, kissing you again.
You put your shirt back on, having Jill help you adjust and while she did, you both heard a unnecessarily loud knock at the wooden door. "Yo, ladies, times up." It was Carson. "One second." Jill shouted out, fixing her hair. "Oh yeah, they definitely fucked." You could hear Carson murmur that outside of the door. "Oh shut the hell up!" You yelled, hearing the group cackle in response. It was true though, she did just give you a feeling of a lifetime...
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spaceorphan18 · 27 days
Why is Blaine written as this hypermasculine character in fan fiction? People can absolutely write how they like, I just don’t quite understand why this is such a common trope as he isn’t really like this in canon, is he?
I mean, you watched the show Nonny, what do you think? <3 <3 <3
So. I can kind of talk about how this happened back in the day. I'm not sure I have a good explanation for now.
There are a couple of components going on when the show first started. For one -- Blaine's character was ill-defined and in Season 2, he came off as more masculine coded than he would later on in the series. Even into Season 3, they'd lump Blaine into the guys and Kurt in with the girls and even the show set up this dichotomy that they filled different gender roles.
However... the second component, and the one that really, we should be talking about, is the fact that a lot of people tried putting stereotypical, heteronormative layers onto them. And -- eeesh, that has not aged well, has it. I remember there were a lot of discussions as how Kurt was the 'girl' in the relationship, and assigning those gender roles on to topping vs bottoming, and honestly, it's all a little gross, and completely dismissive of the fact that we're talking about two men in a homosexual relationship.
So, Blaine going super masculine was a way to counter Kurt as super feminine. I mean... and that's the way a LOT of romances had been written in the published world -- (I mean, eesh, just reading Julia Quinn, she's adhering to these strict gender roles up the wazoo, and they aren't great even for the straight couples.) But when that's what people know and are used to (and some people just like that dynamic) that's kind of what got layered onto Klaine.
that all said, gender conformity isn't as much of Klaine's story as people tried to make it. Yes, in the beginning - Kurt was much more effeminate, and Blaine filled in that role as hero, savior and protector, and the Klaine romance took on elements of things like fairy tales, etc. But that's shoving them both into archetypes that are, really, archetypes, and doesn't allow them the nuances of being more fleshed out characters.
Well, more fleshing out is what we got, and as time went on, they evened out. Kurt's masculinity became more pronounced, as did Blaine's femineity, and by the time the show was done, they were pretty even when it came down to having more masc vs fem traits.
But I mean, I go back to my first point, this is still a gay couple, and neither one, no matter how feminine they are, is the 'girl' in the relationship.
Idk, I've probably been more eloquent before when discussing this, because this isn't the first time I have. But it boils down to people wanting to place Blaine into a certain archetype that is surface level and ignoring his sexuality. but I assumed people have gotten away from that? Idk what the state of fanfic is these day. :P
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dirtybitfic · 8 months
Chris sturniolo x fem reader
(Story line- you go to a rave and someone kissed you but something happens after the kiss and you bump into your celebrity crush Chris sturniolo as your spiraling.)
Contains- drugs, throwing up, flirting and kissing
Red-your best-friend
Green- the guy you end up kissing and anyone else at the rave who compliments you and shit.
You and your bestfriend had dreamed of going to a rave for years but you never managed to actually get tickets but this year you got lucky and got tickets for your dream rave .
Tumblr media
You had rented an air bnb kind of close to the festival cause camping did not sound appealing to either of you.
You had just gotten ready and decided that walking to the festival would be better than trying to get an Uber.
(Your outfit)
(Your bestfriends)
You both grab your phones and lock up before starting your 10 minute walk to the festival.
Oh my god I can’t believe we’re finally going to electric forest
Literally we’ve been dreaming of it for so long
Like the lights …the music …in the woods is gonna be beautiful
A spiritual experience for sure
We just gotta be careful you know some people slip shit into peoples drinks without them knowing
Yeah I know kinda scary but I’m only buying water with a cap no one is getting anything in there
Smart I honestly don’t even wanna drink I wanna fully be in the experience
Yeah same I wanna be fully in control of my body for this shit
God how much longer do we have until we reach the gates these shoes are kinda hurting
Uhhh only like 5 more minutes
Thank god
Yeah I didn’t really think about my shoe choice either
You finally reach the gates and show your wrist bands as they check the fanny pack your friend brought just so you could store your phones safely and then walked through the metal detectors. Once you were in you followed the path as the music got louder and the lights got brighter.
As you guys kept walking people were roaming around talking going to the bathroom area and grabbing drinks
hey you wanna grab waters then head up to the big stage
yeah sounds good to me
You both went to buy water then made your way to the stage .
Hey I love your outfits
Thank you so much you look amazing I love your outfit so much
Thank youuu
Of course have a good time
You too
As you both approached the stage the lights went crazy as
Was playing.
Oh my god this song is good
Right brings me back to like middle school dude
Real as fuck let’s get into the crowd deeper
You both held hands tightly as you weaved through groups of people dancing around having a good time
You wanna go up further or go like middle crowd
Let’s get up further closer to the large tree line
You both got to the area you wanted to be and just started dancing around having fun with each other to some more songs .
Was playing as you both held onto each other laughing and dancing all over each other
You guys look great like those outfits wow a deep voice says from behind
You both turn to look at who said it . THE HOTEST MAN YOUVE BOTH EVER SEEN In YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. He had tattoos all over his neck ,chest and arms . He was GORGEOUS.
Thank you so much ! I love your tattoos by the way
Oh shit thank you I did most of them myself my friend who’s here with me did a good amount of them too
Wow you guys are talented. Are you a tattoo artist
Yeah we own a shop in new York
That’s so cool
Yeah it’s pretty fun he says smiling at you
So where is this friend your here with
He was following me he’s gotta be close
As he says that another super hot guy comes behind him
Hey man sorry I got caught in a big group and lost you
Nah your good man
So who are these lovely lady’s
Oh I’m y/n you say
I’m bf/n
Nice too meet you guys I’m John . I hope blain wasn’t annoying you guys he says smirking over at his friend.
Oh no not all
Would you guys care if we hung with you guys
Not at all the more the merrier you say smiling at him
He comes closer to you as his friend goes over to your bestfriend.
Blain wraps his arms around your waist from behind causing you to smile .
Is this okay
Yeah of course I don’t mind at all
You look over at your best-friend who is talking to blains friend smiling having a good time.
Starts playing as you and blain sway to the music you rest your head back on his chest.
Your both a little sweaty from how hot the June air is but it’s nice .
This song is so pretty you say looking back over your shoulder and up at Blaine
Yeah it is . I like the way you described it
Yeah it’s like cool but it’s just feels pretty
I get what you mean he says smiling down at you making you smile then look back up at the stage and lights
These lights are so fucking cool he says in your ear
You shudder a little from his breathe fanning your neck and his deep voice echoing through your ear
I know right it’s one of my favorite parts of a festival especially the glitter lights you say
Starts playing as you both continue fluidly swaying to the music as you look up the sky as a nice breeze blows over you .
Blaine spins you around to look at him as he grabs your waist and pulls you closer.
He’s significantly taller even on the shoes your wearing causing you to have to look up at him.
He smiles down at you as he lowers his face slowly til his mouth is at your ear.
Is playing as you feel his breathe hit your ear causing you to shiver a bit.
You are one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen y/n
T-thank you Blaine you say getting week in the knees a bit from how close he is to you
He lifts his face a bit as he grabs his water taking a sip .
You look over at your friend to see her dancing with his friend watching the stage.
You look back at Blaine as he smiles at you and grabs your face bringing his closer.
His lips meet yours as you close your eyes and lean into the kiss immediately kissing back .
He slips his tongue in your mouth deepening the kiss . As your making out you swallow feeling something go down your throat but write it off as your mouth being dry .
He pulls away smiling down at you .
You smile at him as you spin back around too look back at the stage
Is playing as you bop your head to the beat.
Hey I’m gonna run to the bathroom
Okay sounds good
He walks over to his friend saying he’s going to the bathroom I’m guessing he had to go to so they both walk off .
Your best-friend comes back over to you smiling wide at you
I saw that kiss giiiirl they are so hot
I know right like damn also uh my mouth is dry and I need more water
Alright want me to come with
No no stay here have fun it shouldn’t take me too long I’ll just take my phone if I need you I’ll text you
Okay just be safe
I will love you be back in a sec
Love you too
You start walking through the crowd and back down the path through the trees to the drink areas
Playing as you make you walk.
Your head starts to feel fuzzy and your eyes have a hard time focusing causing you to stumble and fall into a hard object .
Whoever they are catches you
Wow you okay
I… um I don’t know you say trying to focus your eyes as you stand back up on wobbly legs
You definitely don’t look okay I mean that in the nicest way your eyes just look really weird
Y-yeah I can’t get them to focus I’m sorry for falling into you I don’t feel so normal right now
I’m sorry to ask but um did you take something
Hell no I would never ever take drugs
Your eyes finally start to focus but your limbs still feel heavy.
Did you by any chance kiss someone the guy asks causing you too look at his face causing your eyes to get wide
Did I just fall into . CHRIS STURNIOLO.you say in your head slightly still disoriented maybe you were seeing things.
I… um why would that matter
You say as you stare at him. Nope that’s definitely Chris sturniolo.
People will put pills on their tongue then kiss someone and let it go into their mouth . Pretty much drugging someone without them knowing
WHAT THE FUCK you accidentally yell In His face
S-sorry i didn’t mean to yell in your face
No your okay . But I’m guessing from that reaction you did kiss someone
Y-yeah I did but now that I think about it I felt something weird in my throat but I thought it was just my mouth being dry . Fuck how could I be so stupid
Hey hey your not stupid people are really sneaky about it it’s not your fault
It’s my fault that I’m such a whore for kissing a random guy without even thinking twice about it you say slapping your hand on your head disappointed by yourself
He grabs your hand taking it off your head
Well he was definitely hot wasn’t he he said laughing a little
Causing you to smile and laugh
Yeah sadly he was
I’m sorry he did that too you that’s really fucked up
Yeah I know how can people do that to someone else like drugs are dangerous I don’t even know what I am on right now
You say looking into his eyes . God is he beautiful through a screen but in person GOD DAMN .
Honestly it’s probably Molly or ecstasy that’s what most people bring to festivals
Fuck me dude this is bad you say starting to freak out . The last thing you expected is to be drugged your first night at the festival then stumble upon your fucking celebrity crush who has voiced he doesn’t like drugs causing you to be even more anxious knowing that this will be the way he remembers you . The drugged out girl who ran into him and waisted his night .
Where were you headed
Ummm … water I was going to get water
Okay come with me I’ll take you to get some water but uuuh… he stops talking
But what you say a bit confused
You wanna try and throw up before it fully gets in your system?
Actually that’s a good idea
Yeah okay I’ll hold your hair back but this way the trip might not come at all or at-least not as bad
Ugh Fuck okay I’m so sorry this is probably not how you wanted your night to go
No don’t apologize you definitely didn’t want your night to end up like this
No definitely not
You slowly bend over as he holds your hair back
You try pushing your fingers down your throat to make yourself throw up but it doesn’t work your fingers didn’t get deep enough .
Fuck it’s not working you say getting anxious you won’t be able to throw it up
Fuck okay try one more time for me
Mmm okay you breathe out
You try again but all it does is make your eyes water .
Fuck I can’t get deep enough . My gag reflex is barely there in the first place you say as you stand back up him still holding onto your hair
You look up at him as he looks down at you with a face you can’t read .
Okay what if I you know stick my fingers down your throat. I know that’s weird but my fingers are longer it might be the only way to get it out of your system
Oh Jesus are you sure that’s like really nasty
I’m sure I care more about you getting it out of your system then me having to stick my fingers in your mouth
Okay fine I’m sorry again this is so embarrassing
No it’s not trust me it could be way worse
Yeah your right
You bend back over as he brings his finger to you lips . You pause . Chris fucking sturniolo your celebrity crush is literally about to stick his fingers down your throat . How is this my life right now you thought .
Sweetheart you gotta open your mouth for this to work he chuckles slightly
Oh Fuck I’m sorry
You open your mouth as he slides his fingers down your throat hitting the back causing you to cough and gag on his fingers . He pulls them out as he hears you gag more .
Jesus how did you not throw up I was touching your uvula
Fuck idk maybe go deeper as deep as you can go
open back up he says causing you to laugh
Oh come on now is not the time to have a dirty mind
Sorry I’m sorry you say still laughing a bit . You look at him his face stern as his fingers move to your lips .
You look back at the ground as you open your mouth . He shoves his fingers deeper hitting the right spot as you throw up . He pulls his fingers out and that hand moves to your back rubbing softly as you get it out of your system.
That’s it’s let it out
You have tears running down your face as you gag and cough until your finally done and everything is definitely out of your system .
Your body and hands shaking a bit as you stand up and wipe your mouth .
I’m so sorry that was so disgusting
Again with the sorry . You don’t have to apologize to me about this really it’s okay
He moves his hand to your face as he rubs the tears away with his thumbs.
You smile slightly as the sweet gesture causing him to smile at you .
What he asks looking into your eyes
Nothing your just a really sweet person
Well thanks but let’s go get you that water and maybe something to eat since you just threw up everything you had all day .
yeah im really shake right now
I can see that he says laughing a little at you
hey don't laugh at me you say feeling still a bit embarrassed by the entire interaction you guys are having.
sorry sorry but come on you can hold onto my arm if you need to stay stable
you hold onto his arm as you both walk side by side slowly to the drink area.
so what's your name
nice to meet you y/n im chris
oh uhh yeah I know
oh ... you do
yeah ive watched your YouTube videos before you say awkwardly hoping that doesn't make him uncomfortable
he pauses walking
im sorry if that makes you feel uncomfortable
no no it doesn't just uhh awkward I just stuck my fingers down a fans throat he adds an awkward chuckle after
I mean I wouldn't call myself a fan tbh just someone who stumbles upon your videos sometimes for a good laugh
I get what you mean by that to be honest
im glad you do I don't want you thinking im like a crazy mega fan
honestly I don't think a crazy fan would act so chill in this situation he says as he starts walking again pulling you along with him.
yeah true honestly they would probably stutter and cry
yeah probably
you both laugh as you finally reach the drink stand
here sit down ill grab the stuff alright
oh no I cant let you pay for my stuff
no seriously its no problem just sit down
you sit down as he grabs some waters and food them comes back over to you sitting next to you at the table
here you go hopefully it will make you feel a little less sick
thank you Chris seriously
of course he says with a smile
im glad you were the person I bumped into
oh yeah and why is that
honestly no-one would have even tried to help me get it out of my system or even been nice enough to notice something was wrong
yeah I guess your right about that most people would have just kept walking
you both are sharing fries he had gotten as you just share glances here and there.
so are you here alone or with people
im here with my best friend
ahh I see why didn't she come to get water with you
I told her to stay back I thought I was fine just had a dry throat
rookie mistake huh
Maybe but I wouldn't have met you so maybe it wasn't so bad she didn't come with me
he just looked at you smiling rolling his eyes playfully
so who did you come with
nick and matt and a couple other people
oh fun honestly im a little shocked raves don't really seem like your type of crowd
I mean I guess not but a brand sent us all here for promotions of their clothes that we have to wear every night so you know we thought why not
damn that's so cool ive dreamed of coming to this rave for years
so this is your type of thing
yeah I love raves and concert their like my happy place
yeah I get that music is one of my favorite things
yeah I don't know how life would be if music didn't exist
life would suck everyday would be dull and boring
I always like to say that music brings color to the world . I don't know if that makes sense but ... you look over at him seeing he's already staring at you . his eyes are soft and the smile on his face makes your breathe catch . he's looking at you with such love it makes you nervous.
w-what did I sound dumb
no that was just ... such a beautiful way to put it. I like the way you think
oh thank you you say as your checks flush pink from his compliment
no problem
I should probably call my friend ive been gone for a while I don't want her to freak out
yeah that's probably a good idea
you call your bestfriend
Hey are you okay you've been gone for a while
yeah im okay but um are Blaine and his friend back with you
ummm yeah why
you know how we kissed earlier
girl yeah obviously he was practically eating your face
yeah well um... he had a pill in his mouth and when we kissed he put it in mine and drugged me
no no im safe actually um I ran into someone... he helped me get it out of my system and we grabbed water and food
mmm okay why did you sound so weird when you said someone
ill give you a hint okay ummmm cc
girl wtf is this Morris code how could I ever guess what ccmeans
oh my god okay guy who ive showed you before
yeah bitch Jesus I feel like that was an easy guess
no it fucking wasn't
alright whatever anyways yeah that's where I am right now
so your telling me you are sitting ... with Chris sturiolo because you casually bumped into him as you slowly started tripping
yeah pretty much that's exactly what happened
you have insane luck I swear to god
I know right what are the odds
so how are you feeling as of right now
still weird my limbs are heavy my eyes keep loosing focus and my brain feels foggy
any other feelings im just trynna figure out what it could have been that he uh you know
I don't know like what do you mean
well Molly makes you insanely horny so is that a feeling your having at all
ummm I don't think so but who knows if however much made it into my system has hit yet
I feel like you'd feel that by now so we can count that out . what about like your vision you been seeing things like weird shapes and colors
fuck then idk maybe it did all get out of your system fast enough
yeah maybe hopefully that's the case
yeah lets hope so ... so im guessing you puked it up
yeah his idea of course
hes smart
I know right I would be tripping balls right now if I didn't run into him so praise the lords for him
for real but omg you threw up in front of your celebrity crush
don't remind me like how embarrassing is that and that's not even the worst part dude
how could it get more embarrassing
oh idk maybe the fact that I couldn't do it myself sooo
nooo y/n tell your joking he did not
yep sure fucking did
wow just wow
yeah not so pleasant but um im gonna finish off this food hopefully ill stop shaking soon and then ill head back to you but maybe move away from Blaine and his friend I don't want so be around him at all after what he did
oh girl I already moved the second you said he drugged you im closer to the middle now by the vip area
okay ill try my best to find you ill see you in a bit
okay just please be safe and no more kissing strangers
trust me im not planning on it
alright love you just look for the big pink bubble looking thing and im right bye that
okay big pink bubble thing got it love you bye
you hang up and look back over at chris
all good with her
yep she moved spots so that will be super fun trying to find her
don't worry ill help you im actually in the vip pink bubble thing so I know exactly where that is
oh thank god
you wanna head back to the stage or are you still shaky
im still super shaky and feeling really hot actually
really it doesn't feel that hot its cooled down a bit from earlier
yeah it like 48 degrees right now
shit I feel like its 100 degrees
y/n look at me
what why
just look at me
you look over at him his eyes widen as he looks at you eyes
wh-what why are you looking at me like that
your pupils are blown
fuck we didn't get it out of my system fast enough
judging by your eyes and the fact you feel hot and shaky probably not
fuck me this is bad like really bad
lets get back to your friend before it really hits and shit hits the fan
okay good idea
you both get up and start your walk back to the stage and crowd
as your walking back you start to stumble as your vision blurs
shit y/n you good
mmm y-yeah just my vision is a little blurry right now
come here he says as he pulls you closer
fuck your skin feels really hot
yeah tell me about it
he spins you around to face him .
you look up at him as his eyes move around your face with a slightly worried expression.
he moves his hands to your waist holding you tightly as you slightly started to lean back on uneven legs
you look into his eyes. Then study his facial features and the feel of his hands on your waist as your mind goes back to his fingers shoved in your mouth.
A wave of butterflies goes through your stomach as waves of heat flood your lower half.
fuck . I think it was definitely Molly .You thought as you started to feel the effects
why are you looking at me like that
like what you slur out
like you wanna eat me alive
w-what I wasn't
yes you were
im sorry I didn't mean to I just ummm I think its kicking in
what are you feeling
trust me you don't want to know
yeah I do he says as he brings his face closer to yours.
your breathing gets heavier .
lets just say .. it was definitely molly
oh ... OH uhhh well then
like I said you didn't wanna know
well at least now we know what type of trip your having .What type of asshole gives a girl Molly at a rave
I don't know but we all know what Molly does to people maybe he was trying to get me hot and bothered but that's fucked up . why give a girl drugs for that
there's definitely easier ways to get that effect that drugging a girl
Yeah like his tattoos were working well enough he could have I don’t know said things in my ear waited until the festival ended tonight and asked me to come back to his place
That is true I just don’t get guys like him
Me neither
You think your good to keep walking
Yep let’s just take it nice and slow my vision is crazy right now especially with the lights
Yeah your pupils are dilated as fuck probably making your sight super sensitive
Yeah your probability right you move to his side as he keeps an arm around your shoulder now keeping you close just incase you stumble again
Your mind wanders back to him holding your hair with his fingers down your throat as he spoke sweetly to you to let it out. Even though the actions were to help you puke your guts up . They were so dirty when you forgot about that detail .
What you thinking about he asks looking down at you smiling
Oh ummm nothing
No that pretty little mind was wandering I could tell by the smirk on your face
I wasn’t thinking was just looking ahead at the lights you try to play it off hoping he’d drop it . The last thing you want is to have to explain to him that the Molly is making your mind wander to his fingers in your mouth making you horny as a mother fucker.
Your lying to me right now
What Chris no I’m not just drop it
I’ll drop it for now but we’ll circle back later
You sigh and roll your eyes at him and you finally reach the crowd as the music is loud as ever and the lights are going crazy.
Was playing causing you to smile and look up at Chris
What you smiling for
I love this song
Yeah it’s pretty good
So where is this pink bubble bitch
Woah why are you calling me a bitch
No not you I wasn’t calling you a bitch I’m sorry
Your fine I’m only joking but it’s this way he says pulling you to the left
You start walking with him your limbs finally starting to move normally even though they still feel fuzzy.
Hey you stopped shaking and your skin isn’t as hot
Yeah but uhh all the other effects are still very much here
Mmm should I let go is that making it worse
No no your good I just gotta keep my mind on other things
Alright then he chuckles
Sorry that probably sounded weird I promise I wasn’t saying your hand on my waist was making me uh you know just uh
Your fine but you know if it was I would not be offended he says smirking down at you
Oh shut up you say smiling and playfully showing him a bit
I’m kidding he says making you look at him with a “you sure about that” expression
Okay maybe I wasn’t kidding but what were you smirking about earlier
Nope not telling you it’s gonna make this weird
Now you have to tell me that made me even more curious
Chrisss come on it’s to weird for me to say
I promise I won’t judge just tell me and we can blame it on the drugs if it’s that bad
Fuck ok fine I was… thinking about you having your fingers down my throat . You quietly said the last part from how weird it felt saying it out loud
Sorry what I couldn’t here you
I was thinking about your fingers down my throat okay there I said it . You cringed after saying it .
You look up at him as he stopped walking
I made it weird didn’t I
No you didn’t actually hate to say it but it was kinda hot even though you know the reason I did it wasn’t hot
Oh … well glad I’m not the only one
Mmm yeah come on let’s keep walking
So where are you and your friend staying
We’re staying at a house about a 10 minute walk from the gates
Wait you guys walked here he asks kinda shocked
Yeah it would have been an hour if we tried to drive or even get an Uber
Yeah I guess one luxury of being here with a brand is early access and they provide cars to take us . But how are your feet not killing you in those boots
Oh trust me they are . But I’m thuggin it out . And the drugs are making my limbs so tingly I can’t really feel my feet hurting so there’s that
Well I guess that’s one good outcome
Yeah I guess. Where are you guys staying
Oh a bigger house about 15 minutes out the neighborhood is cool . It’s got a cool fountain in the middle
Wait … a blue fountain
I think we’re in the same neighborhood then
What are the odds
Right crazy huh . Maybe this was fate you say laughing obviously joking
I don’t know maybe your right he says seriously
You look up at him a little dumbfounded by the sincerity in his voice
He looks down at you smiling giving you a small wink causing you to smile
Your eyes look crazy right now
Yeah I feel like I’m seeing everything through bright lenses right now
What is your friend wearing we’re getting close to the bubble maybe I can spot her
A white top with a long ish white skirt and like cool Pearl looking things all over it and her waist
Okay hum.. wait right there is that her
You follow where is hand is pointing .
Yes yeah that’s her
You both walk up to her
Hey bitch you yell as your approach her
Oh my god y/n how are you doing … oh god your eyes
Yeah yeah I know
And you must be the guy who helped her out thank you for taking care of her that’s was very kind of you
You looked at him smiling as he spoke
It was my pleasure you know she isn’t so bad
Haha funny but really Chris thank you . You were more than kind
Of course he says looking down at you smiling
your brothers are probably wandering where you are I know you should probably get back to them
oh I mean I was thinking of actually having them come to us ... unless you want me to leave
no no I wouldnt mind at all if you stayed
good cause to be honest I didn't want to
you both smiled at each other for what felt like hours but was only a minute
let me call them real quick
he calls them and tells them a small part of the story and for them to come meet up with us.
after a couple minutes you hear a couple voices coming from behind you .
you turn to see matt and nick walking up to Chris beside you
Yo Chris
Chris turns around
hey guys sorry I was gone for so long
hey it was for a good reason so its okay
facts well this is y/n and her friend ybf/n he gestures to you both
they look at you smiling you give a small wave and a smile saying hi
wow your outfits are amazing
aww thank you you look great the distressed looks on you and matt your mesh shirt is so cool
thank you they both same at the same time making you laugh a bit
so how you feeling Chris told us a bit about what happened
I feel okay I mean my eye sight is crazy right now but other than that im feeling better than before
that's good im glad you ran into Chris instead of someone else
was that a compliment orrrr
im just saying that out of all the people she could have fallen upon in her situation im glad it was you because you know we don't do drugs or drink so you were fully in your right mind unlike most people here
that is true
yeah I get what your saying
so what even happened with the guy that did this to you
uh I don't know ... ybf/n what did happen with them
oh dumb and dummer are probably still standing where I left them thinking were coming back to hang with them
damn poor guys how embarrassing for them
they can stand there all night for all I care
trust me if catch even a glimpse of the guy ill get violent
oh yeah what are you gonna do beat up a super muscular 6'5 man it came out a bit more sassy then you meant it causing matt and nick to look at you in shock and Chris to glare down at you
I-im sorry that came out more rude then I meant it
no its okay but yeah I would at least try and beat his ass
I wouldn't let you risk ruining that pretty face over him he's not worth the effort you say smiling at him
he smiles at you .
pretty face huh?
okay Christopher shut up
you all laugh as you guys stand around listening to the music playing .
you watch the light beams move around with the different tempos and bass drops
you decide to lean your head on chris's shoulder not even thinking about it.
he looks down at you smiling admiring the way you feel leaning against him and how fascinated you look by the show going on in-front of you all
don't you worry child started playing as you started to feel rain droplets fall on your skin.
it was about 2 am and you had forgotten there was a chance of rain but it made the experience so much better
everyone in the crowd is singing along it sounds so beautiful as the crowds voices blend together as the rain pours down.
the rain feels amazing
yeah ...oh god
he says looking at your face
w-what what's wrong you say scared something is wrong
no sorry just your mascara is running everywhere
oh fuck is it bad
kinda but here he says bringing his black shirt up to your face wiping at your face where the mascara had bled down
you hear an awww come from your left
you look over at nick who's smiling
sorry that was just cute i've never seen Chris act like this in-front of us
don't get used to it I wouldn't ruin my shirt for just anybody Chris says to nick . that brought a smile to your face . was he saying you were special. or Maybe you were just reading into it.
after about thirty minutes it was the end of the first night of the festival
god that was amazing I cant wait for tomorrow
I know right but we should start our walk back to the house
why don't we walk with you guys since were staying in the same neighborhood
yeah sure why not you say looking up at him smiling.
hey guys were gonna walk home since were all in the same neighborhood and Ubers are gonna take forever he says to his brothers
sounds good to me
how long is the walk
about like 10 minutes
oh that's not bad at all
yeah not too bad
you all start making your way through the wood path and out the gates starting your walk to the air bnb
after about two minutes your feet start to hurt really bad you really start to regret your shoes choices.
fuck dude my feet are on fire
those shoes are so cute but they don't look comfortable at all
yeah im fully regretting my choice of choosing them
Chris turns to you.
just hop on my back I got you
chris hahah no ill just take them off
and risk stepping on glass now way ...get on my back he says more in a demanding tone
chris no im too heavy ill just thug it out
he grabs you and throws you over his shoulder
too heavy my ass he says in a hushed sharp tone
everyone continues walking
chris come on put me down
you smack his back repeatedly
calm down were almost to the neighborhood
ughhhh you groan out as you go limp knowing he's definitely not putting you down
you see matt take a video laughing
your arms just swinging is so funny oh my god
nick laughs as you flick them off jokingly
making them laugh harder
all the sudden chris sets you down as he sees your best friend start to walk up the drive way to malls house .
y'all go a head ill catch up.
mmmkayyy nick says as they start heading to their house.
would it be weird if I umm asked you to come back to ours for the night
i... ummm no not weird just uhhh
If you don't like me like that I get it he says a bit hurt but still smiling
no...no chris not that I was just gonna say I need to get these fucking shoes off and change
oh okay cool ill wait for you then
alright well come in for a bit it might take me a second
alright he says as he follows you up to the front door as you open it and let him in
make your self comfortable ill be as quick as I can
no no take your time no rush
he says taking a seat on the couch as you head up the stairs to your room.
you get your shoes off thank fucking god and then go and find some pajamas to throw on . The only thing is you only sleep in t shirts and underwear so you have no pants to wear.
welp...thats gonna be awkward you say as you head into the bathroom your best friend is in there taking off her makeup.
hey girl what's up
oh you know just getting ready ... to spend the night with chris
she turns jaw dropped at you
whattttt... he asked you to go back with him
damn girl... okayyy get it
like im excited but also... im gonna spend the fucking night with my celebrity crush what is this life dude
I don't know but I cant wait to hear about it tomorrow
she heads to bed since its around 3 am.
you finish taking off your makeup , change and do your skincare.
you go to your best friends room planning to ask her if she has shorts you can borrow for the night.
hey ybf/n
she's already knocked out .
fuck me is all you can think . you go to the drawers where she had unpacked her stuff and sorted through to see if she had any shorts and to your luck . she didn't.
fucking great you whisper to yourself as you go to your room grabbing some socks and slippers putting them on then grabbing your phone charger.
you slowly walk down the stairs trying to keep you shirt from riding up.
hey sorry it took me a while
no your good you ready
ummm yeah
he turns to look at you smiling as he looks you up and down .
you sure you didn't sound like you were
no yeah im ready I just um... I only sleep in a t-shirt and underwear so I have no pants to put on
no worries you can always borrow some sweats if you want
oh alright that sounds good
you say as you walk to the door opening it letting him out first then using your key to lock the front door.
you follow him as he walks further down the road.
hey you look really pretty without makeup on
you smile up at him.
t-thank you
of course he says as he throws his arm over your shoulder keeping you close to his side as you continue walking.
so you wanna watch a movie or something or are you really tired
we can definitely watch a movie I just cant promise ill stay awake the whole time
fair but sounds good to me
you reach a really pretty house and he walks up the drive way to the front door, he opens it and waves you to walk in and you do.
alright were gonna be on the third floor he says as he starts walking up the long spiral staircase .
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you follow after him once you reach the third floor it opens up to a big room . it was definitely a renovated attic.
Chris walks over to the bed setting his phone down.
come sit down make your self comfortable i'm gonna run to the bathroom but here's my computer you can pull up Netflix, Hulu or prime video and pick anything. ill be back in a second
okay sounds good you say as you sit down and and type in prime video and start looking through for a movie.
You decide to put on The Visit since it looked good and waited for chris to come back.
the door opens and you look up thinking it was chris but it was matt.
oh hey y/n chris told me to bring these to you he says handing you sweatpants.
oh thank you you say getting up and taking them then slipping them on
they are freshly clean so be happy about that
you laugh lightly at that .
so you guys uhh seem to be getting along really well
yeah I don't think i've ever gotten this close with someone in one night
he hasn't brought a girl home since like uhhh honestly I don't know if he ever has so you must be special
oh god don't feed my delusions matt he's just being nice
nice... no he definitely likes you
you blush at that and you smile at him .
well thank you matt
no problem . im going to bed but tell chris I said good night when he gets back in here
I will goodnight
see you in the morning he says before heading out the door and back down the stairs.
after about 5 more minutes chris comes back up shirtless and in sweatpants hanging dangerously low showing his black Calvins band
you cant help but stair he's so attractive . but god his broad shoulders and collar bones have you drooling . His v-line though god that makes you clench your thighs together as unholy thoughts run through your head.
you good he asks with a smirk letting out a small chuckle.
y-yeah sorry
no need to apologize sweetheart he says as he walks over to get into the bed next to you
he settles into a comfortable position as you sit awkwardly on the opposite side of the bed
he looks over at you smiling.
come here he says as he puts his arm out and pats his side encouraging you to cuddle into him
you smile as you scoot into him and he puts his arm around your chest rubbing your right arm softly.
so what movie did you decide on
the visit
alright what genera is it
oh god okay he says making you laugh
you don't like scary movies do you
they are not my favorite but its okay . it cant be that scary right?
nahhhh we'll be fine you say as you click play
after about 30 minutes into the movie you cuddle into chris a little more since the movie was scarier than expected. He holds you close since he's also creeped the fuck out.
it gets to a scene that is super scary causing you to hide your face in his chest as he hides his face in your hair.
after that scene was done chris looked down at you.
hey uhhh this movie is really scary can we stop watching it
yeah agreed turn this shit off
he immediately exits out of the movie and closes his lap top.
he puts it on the floor as you slide down the pillow to get more comfortable.
what should we do now he says turning towards you
uhhhhh I don't know
alriiight ummmm you hungry at all ...thirsty anything
actually I am kinda thirsty yeah
time to raid the kitchen come on he says pulling you out of the bed.
you both make your way down to the kitchen as he turns on the lights blinding the both of you.
Jesus Christ its so bright
he flips the lights back off and turns his phone flashlight on instead .
okay whatchu want we got dr.pepper, water, sweet tea, Pepsi, cherry coke uhhh
ill take a dr.pepper
coming right up he says before grabbing one from the fridge and bringing it to you
thank you
he cracks open his Pepsi as he turns to you smiling .
of course
you smile back and he maintains eye contact as he takes a sip of his drink.
you take a sip of yours then break eye contact.
wanna head back up to the room
yeah sure
he takes your hand as you walk back up the stairs back into his room.
he closes the door and you go to set your drink down on the bedside table and crawl back onto the bed.
he sets his drink down and lays back down on the bed getting comfy under the covers.
god they need to add a fan in here it so hot
yeah it really is
do you mind if I take the sweats off
no not at all get comfortable
you slip the pants off and throw them on the floor .
you look over at him seeing him looking at you with a small smirk
why are you looking at me like that
like what
like your scheming I can see it in your eyes
no no I was just admiring you
oh really? you say in a teasing tone
yeah your just so beautiful inside and out
you blush bringing your hands to your face.
he brings his hands to yours pulling them off your face
I mean it you really are beautiful
thank you chris you say as he leans closer to you
your breathe catches and he leans into your ear .
his breathe fanning your neck making you shiver
I really wanna kiss you right now
I would be okay with that you say
he comes up from your ear and leans down kissing you .
it was a sweet but hungry kiss.
he moved his hands to your sides pulling you closer and pulling your leg over his side as he caress your thigh causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth .
he smiles into the kiss then pulls away his face still close to yours
you tired
eh not really you say smiling
good cause im about to do so many things to you he says as he brings his mouth down to your neck .
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hailucy · 1 year
REQUESTS for fanfics
Hi everyone! I’m Hai! i use she/her pronouns
I’ve always been using tumblr to read fanfics but never to write or post anything, however lately i’ve been having an urge to write fics. So here i am *jazz hands*
Disclaimer: I’m not the best at grammar specifically comma placements so if there’s a problem with any of that please ignore it or message me!! Also i’m probably a slow writer :) i’ll most likely start with drabbles and work my way up
(names written are the characters i would favour writing however you can suggest any)
Harry Potter (golden trio era):
Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Blaine Zabini, any of the other slytherins
Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase,
Shameless USA:
Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher
(i’m only on season 3 but i know a lot of spoilers so that’s why i decided to write for shameless however if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after season 3, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Azriel, Cassian, Nesta Archeron, Eris Vanserra, Lucien, Vanserra
Doctor Who:
9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor, 13th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble(platonic)
Across the Spiderverse:
Miles 42, Hobie Brown, Miguel O’Hara
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid, Elle Greenaway
Dean Winchester
(i’m only on season 5 so if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after/during season 5, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Dominic Fike:
(hes the only [real] person i will write for as of now)
- GN reader and Fem Reader (only because i’m more comfortable and experienced)
- Fluff
-Angst (my favourite)
-Smut (i’m not comfortable with it… yet;)
-incest, pedophilia or anything that correlates with these things
-yandere (i’m simply not able to write it. no shaming over here i promise!)
-second chance but the reason they broke up was because one cheated or abused the other. (i’m sorry but i cant, they deserve better) however i am able to write cheating or abuse if asked but only if it ends with a happy ending and reader does not end up with abuser/cheater. Or if there was a mistake(miscommunication when it comes to the cheating)
-If a character is part of the Lgbtq+ community i will not pair them with a gender they don’t like romantically (like Ian Gallagher x fem reader but i can do GN reader). This doesn’t mean i won’t write sibling or platonic reader for that person
(because i’m a hater, i’m sorry. however they can be mentioned or be the ‘antagonist’ but they can’t be the main character )
Luke Castellan, Rhysand, Feyre Archeron, Elain Archeron, Debbie Gallagher(don’t hate her but i don’t really understand/like her character enough to write for her), Calypso(i’m an avid hater)
Reminder i will write for anyone not mentioned but i will prioritise the names listed above
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godsfavdarling · 7 months
08 poolside pretense
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pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!oc
summary: Spencer and Brittany go to Las Vegas for the wedding.
list of chapters, also available on wattpad and Ao3, my masterlist
warnings: none
words: 4k
The roar of the plane's engines filled the cabin as Spencer glanced out the window, watching the ground shrink beneath them. 
He could feel the tension radiating from Brittany beside him. Her knuckles were white as she clutched the armrest, her breaths coming in short, shallow bursts.
"Hey, Brittany, look at me," Spencer said softly, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. "We're going to be in Vegas before you know it."
Brittany forced a shaky smile, her eyes flitting nervously between Spencer and the window. "Thanks. I just... I hate flying."
"I know," Spencer replied, “But we’ll be back on the ground before you know it.”
Brittany nodded, her grip on the armrest loosening slightly. "Yeah, you're right. I just need to keep thinking about the wedding."
Spencer leaned back in his seat, racking his brain. "So, tell me more about your family," Spencer prompted gently, sensing Brittany's need for distraction.
Brittany sighed, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "Well, there's my mom, Barbara, and my dad, Brian. And then there's my sisters, Beth and Brooke."
Spencer listened intently as Brittany continued, her words tumbling out in a rush. "It's kind of embarrassing, actually. We all have B names. It's like my parents were on a mission or something."
Spencer couldn't help but chuckle at Brittany's description. "I think it's kind of sweet, actually. It's like your family has its own little theme going on."
Brittany rolled her eyes playfully. "Yeah, well, try telling that to Brooke. She had to go and marry a guy named Ben. Now they have kids named Brandon, Bridgit, and Blaine. The alliteration is out of control."
Spencer grinned, finding it hard to stifle his laughter. "Wow, your family really is committed to the B, huh? What about Beth? Is her fiancé in on the trend too?"
Brittany shook her head, a smirk playing on her lips. "Thankfully not. His name is Chad. It's a welcome break from the alliteration madness."
"What do your parents do? I guess I need to know more details to successfully pull off being your boyfriend."
Brittany laughed as she launched into an animated description. "My dad is a real estate developer, and my mom is a lawyer."
Spencer nodded, impressed by the success of Brittany's parents. "Sounds like they've done well for themselves. Do they still live in Vegas?"
Brittany nodded. "Yeah, they have this huge house in the suburbs, with a pool and everything. It's where we're all staying for the wedding. And Brooke and Beth both followed in our mom's footsteps and became lawyers."
Spencer nodded, intrigued. "That's interesting. Law runs in the family?"
Brittany chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that. Brooke works at a prestigious firm downtown, specializing in corporate law. She's always been the ambitious one, driven to succeed."
"And Beth?" Spencer asked, eager to learn more.
Brittany smiled. "Beth took a slightly different path. She's a paralegal at a smaller firm, but she's just as passionate about her work. She's got this incredible attention to detail that's perfect… for the job."
Spencer nodded, impressed. "It sounds like they're both doing well for themselves."
Brittany nodded. "Yeah, they are. They've always been the responsible ones, while I... Well, let's just say I took a different route."
"Do you like teaching?" Spencer inquired, genuine curiosity lacing his voice.
Brittany paused for a moment, considering her response. "You know I do. It's not always easy, but there's something incredibly rewarding about it. I love seeing young minds working and opening up to new ideas and perspectives."
Spencer nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I agree. I love it too! It’s incredibly fulfilling."
"It is," Brittany affirmed, a hint of wistfulness in her tone. "Plus I can pursue my own research interests. I get to contribute in my own way."
Brittany's smile faltered slightly, a shadow passing over her features. "But still they don’t quite understand my career choice. My decision to pursue academia... Well, let's just say it hasn't always been met with the same level of enthusiasm. Especially in my field. So if we’re gonna be met with some opinions… ignore them."
As the plane hummed along toward their destination, Spencer and Brittany found themselves deep in conversation about their upcoming role as a pretend couple.
"So, how are we going to present ourselves as a couple?" Spencer asked, his brow furrowing slightly with concern.
Brittany pondered for a moment before responding, "I was thinking we could say we met at work and have been dating for a few months. Maybe we can hold hands and hug sometimes, just to make it believable. Are you okay with that?"
Spencer's initial instinctual reaction flickered across his face briefly before he nodded. "Yeah, I think I can manage that."
"Great, I'm glad you're on board with the plan."
She took a deep breath before continuing, "And don't worry too much about the physical contact. I know you're a bit of a germaphobe. But remember, it's just acting, and it's me and I wash my hands all the time! We'll keep it minimal."
Spencer nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. "It’s okay. We'll make it work."
Brittany returned his smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thanks. And besides, this weekend is all about Beth. I doubt anyone will be paying much attention to us anyway."
As the plane descended toward the Las Vegas airport, Spencer looked at Brittany who had been asleep for the majority of the flight. 
He had observed her peaceful slumber earlier, her rhythmic breathing a testament to her deep rest.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of fondness as he watched her serene expression. 
With a gentle smile, Spencer reached out to lightly touch her arm, rousing her from her sleep. "Hey, Brittany, we're about to land."
Brittany stirred awake, blinking sleepily as she adjusted to her surroundings. "Already? I must have dozed off."
Spencer nodded, offering her an understanding smile. "Yeah, we'll be landing soon."
With their belongings in tow, Spencer and Brittany made their way off the plane and into the bustling airport terminal. They were met by the sight of Brittany's father, who stood waiting for them near the baggage claim area.
"Dad!" Brittany exclaimed, a bright smile lighting up her face as she hurried over to greet him.
"Hey, sweetheart," her dad replied, enveloping her in a warm hug. His gaze then shifted to Spencer, and he raised an eyebrow inquisitively.
Brittany turned to Spencer, a proud smile on her lips. "Dad, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. He's my boyfriend."
Her dad's eyes widened in surprise, and he shot Brittany a bemused look. "Boyfriend, huh? Why didn't you mention anything about him at Christmas?"
Brittany's cheeks flushed slightly as she glanced at Spencer, silently urging him to play along. "Uh, it's a recent development, Dad. I wanted to wait until it was official."
Spencer nodded in agreement, offering her father a friendly smile. "It's nice to meet you, sir. Brittany has told me a lot about you."
Her dad's expression softened slightly as he shook Spencer's hand. "Likewise. So, Dr. Reid, what do you do?"
Spencer took a deep breath, bracing himself for the inevitable interrogation. "Well now I teach at Georgetown just like Brittany, but for almost two decades I was a behavioral analysis expert with the FBI."
Brittany's dad's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "FBI, huh? That's impressive. What do you teach?" he inquired, his tone polite but intrigued.
Spencer paused for a moment, considering his response. "Mostly criminal psychology," he replied, his voice steady despite the underlying tension.
Brittany's father raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Criminal psychology, huh? That sounds fascinating. What exactly does that entail?"
Spencer took a deep breath, preparing himself to explain. "Well, it's the study of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of criminals. I focus on understanding why people commit crimes and how we can prevent and solve them."
Brittany's father nodded, seeming to mull over Spencer's explanation. "Impressive. Well, it's good to have you both here. Let's get going. Your mom's been waiting to see you, Brittany."
As they made their way through the airport, Spencer couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Brittany's dad's questioning had been relatively mild. He knew this was just the beginning of what was sure to be an eventful weekend.
Brittany led Spencer through the grand foyer of her family's Las Vegas home and she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. 
This was the first time Spencer would meet her entire family, and she hoped everything would go smoothly. 
"Everyone, this is Spencer," Brittany announced with a smile, her hand resting on his arm. "Spencer, meet my sisters, Brooke and Beth, their partners Chad and Ben, and of course, my mom, Barbara."
Spencer returned their greetings with a polite nod and a warm smile, taking note of the striking resemblance between Brittany, her sisters, and their mother. 
They all shared the same jet-black hair, but Brittany's locks cascaded down her back in long, flowing waves, contrasting with the shorter styles of the other women. Additionally, she stood out as the tallest among them, likely inheriting her height from her father.
"Nice to meet you all," Spencer said, his voice sincere as he greeted each of them.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Spencer." said Barbara as she tried to envelop Spencer in a warm hug, he couldn't suppress the instinctual flinch that ran through him. 
Spencer gently stepped back, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a germaphobe," he admitted, his voice tinged with embarrassment.
"Oh it’s okay. I’m so happy you guys are here!"
Spencer smiled, feeling a sense of relief at their warm reception. He had been nervous about meeting Brittany's family, but their kindness put him at ease.
As the introductions continued, Brittany led Spencer on a tour of the house, showing him the grandeur of their family home. They explored the spacious living areas, the elegant dining room, and even ventured outside to admire the sparkling pool.
Eventually, they made their way to the bedroom they would be sharing during their stay. As they entered the room, Brittany hesitated for a moment before turning to Spencer, her expression filled with concern.
"I hope you don't mind sharing a room, Brittany said, chewing on her lower lip. "It's just for the weekend, and it'll make things easier for us to… keep up appearances."
Spencer glanced around the room, taking in the plush furnishings and the king-sized bed. Despite his nerves, he couldn't deny the allure of spending more time with Brittany.
"It's no problem at all." Spencer reassured her, offering her a reassuring smile.
“I'm going to take a quick swim," she announced, excitement sparkling in her eyes. "The water looks so inviting, and I could use a bit of relaxation before tonight."
"Isn't the water a bit cold for a swim?" he asked, concern creasing his brow.
Brittany laughed, shaking her head. "Maybe for some, but I like it." she replied with a grin.
Spencer nodded in understanding, unable to argue with her logic. "Sounds good. I'll join you. I mean I’ll just… sit outside for a while,"
Brittany beamed at him before rummaging through her suitcase to grab her bathing suit and a towel. "I'll change quickly and meet you out there," she said, disappearing into the bathroom.
Spencer made his way outside, taking a seat by the pool and basking in the warmth of the Las Vegas sun.
After a few minutes, Brittany emerged, her figure adorned in a sleek black bathing suit that hugged her curves in all the right places. Spencer's breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of her, feeling a rush of warmth spread through him at the sight.
It was the first time he had seen her in such attire, and he couldn't deny how stunning she looked. His gaze lingered on her figure momentarily before he turned his attention back to the pool.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. The sound of splashing water filled the air as Brittany gracefully glided through the pool, her bathing suit glistening in the sunlight.
The peaceful moment, however, was soon interrupted by the approach of Brittany's sisters, Brooke and Beth, accompanied by their partners.
"Hey there, Spencer!" Brooke greeted cheerfully, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "It's nice to finally meet one of Brittany’s boyfriends."
Spencer smiled politely, feeling a flicker of unease at the sudden barrage of attention. "Likewise. It's great to meet all of you too."
Beth, Brittany's younger sister, leaned in closer, her expression filled with intrigue. "So, where are you from, Spencer? Brittany never brings her boyfriends home, so this is a bit of a surprise for us."
Spencer shifted uncomfortably in his seat, acutely aware of Brittany's presence as she continued her laps in the pool. "I'm from Las Vegas, actually. Born and raised."
“Oh that's so cool!” Brooke exclaimed with enthusiasm.
Her partner, Ben, chimed in with another question. "And what do you do for a living, Spencer?"
Spencer hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. "I work with Brittany but I used to be in the FBI. It’s a fresh change." he replied, keeping his response deliberately vague.
Brooke and Beth exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by Spencer's profession. 
"Wow, that's impressive," Brooke exclaimed, her tone tinged with admiration. "Brittany, you never told us you were dating a federal agent."
Spencer glanced over at Brittany, who had paused her swimming to listen to their conversation. He offered her a reassuring smile, silently grateful for her presence amidst the interrogation.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Las Vegas skyline, Brittany and Spencer retreated to their shared room to prepare for the evening's rehearsal dinner. 
Brittany stood before the mirror, her fingers deftly arranging her hair into an elegant updo, her reflection shimmering in the soft light of the room. 
Spencer hovered nearby, his movements hesitant as he rummaged through his suitcase in search of suitable attire for the occasion.
As he glanced over at Brittany, a pang of self-consciousness washed over him. Sharing a room with her felt oddly intimate.
He couldn't shake the feeling that he was intruding on her space, invading her privacy in a way that made him distinctly uncomfortable.
Sensing his unease, Brittany turned to him with a warm smile, her eyes soft with understanding. "Are you okay, Spencer?" she asked gently, her voice filled with concern.
Spencer offered her a tight-lipped smile, his discomfort evident in his expression. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just... adjusting to the whole sharing a room thing. I don’t wanna invade your space"
Brittany nodded sympathetically, her gaze lingering on him with a mixture of empathy and reassurance. "You don’t. I know it's not ideal, but it's just for the weekend."
With a shared nod of agreement, they returned to their respective tasks, the awkwardness between them gradually dissipating as they focused on preparing for the evening ahead. 
Spencer quickly changed into a dark gray suit, while Brittany slipped into a black cocktail dress that accentuated her frame.
With one last glance in the mirror, Brittany turned to Spencer with a smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Ready to go?"
Spencer nodded, returning her smile with a sense of determination. "Ready as I'll ever be," he affirmed. 
He was fidgeting with his tie and Brittany stepped forward, her fingers deftly adjusting the knot with a gentle touch. "Let me help you with that," she offered kindly, her eyes meeting his with a reassuring gaze. 
As the evening unfolded at the rehearsal dinner, Brittany's prediction proved true – the focus was largely on Beth and her fiancé, allowing Brittany and Spencer to navigate the social gathering with relative ease. 
Amidst the lively conversations and clinking of glasses, Spencer found himself engaging in pleasant small talk with Brittany's family, his earlier apprehensions gradually fading into the background.
However, as the night wore on and the conversations veered towards more personal topics, Spencer found himself facing a new challenge. 
Brittany's mother, Barbara, turned her attention towards him.
"So, Spencer, tell me, do you have any free time outside of your job?" Barbara inquired, her tone laced with genuine curiosity.
Spencer considered her question for a moment, weighing his response carefully. "I do try to make time for other pursuits outside of work," he replied diplomatically, choosing his words with caution.
Barbara's expression softened, a hint of maternal concern in her eyes. "That's good to hear. And what about kids? How do you feel about starting a family someday?"
Spencer hesitated, his gaze flickering towards Brittany, who remained silent beside him, her expression carefully neutral. 
Sensing the tension in the air, he felt a protective instinct rise within him, a desire to shield Brittany from the expectations that weighed heavily upon her.
"I love kids," Spencer replied honestly, his voice steady. "I think they're amazing."
Barbara's smile widened, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Well, I must admit, I'm still waiting for those grandkids," she remarked, her gaze drifting towards Brittany expectantly.
Spencer's heart clenched at the subtle pressure in Barbara's words, the unspoken expectation that Brittany would someday fulfill her role as a mother. 
With a surge of resolve, he found himself speaking up, a quiet defiance in his voice.
"But Barbara, you already have grandkids," Spencer stated, his tone gentle yet firm.
Spencer's statement hung in the air, his tone carrying a mix of assertion and tension. Barbara's expression shifted, her features contorted with surprise and a touch of frustration.
Her eyes narrowed, her voice tinged with skepticism. "Oh you know what I mean. I want to see… more grandchildren, you understand."
Spencer's jaw tightened, his resolve hardening as he met Barbara's gaze head-on. "I understand," he replied evenly. "But Brittany is a wonderful daughter, regardless of whether she has children or not."
Barbara sighed, her frustration evident in her tone. "Spencer, you're not a mother. You can't understand the longing I have to see my daughter experience the joys of motherhood."
Before Spencer could respond, Brittany interjected, her voice surprisingly sharp. "Actually, Mom, I do have a child," she said, her words laced with tension.
Barbara's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze flickering between Brittany and Spencer. "You do?"
Brittany nodded, her jaw set with determination. "Yes, his name is Albert."
Barbara's eyes narrowed, a hint of exasperation creeping into her voice. "That's a cat, Britt! Stop trying to be funny," she said sharply, her tone bordering on frustration. "I just want what's best for you."
Brittany's shoulders tensed, a flicker of defiance in her gaze. "I am happy!" she countered, her voice tinged with frustration. "I don't need a child to be happy."
Barbara sighed, her tone softening slightly as she reached out to her daughter. "But would you want to be a mother?" she asked gently, her eyes searching Brittany's face. "You're only getting older, not younger, honey."
Brittany's jaw tightened, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. "Maybe I would," she admitted reluctantly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But what am I supposed to do?"
Spencer watched the exchange in silence, his heart heavy with empathy for Brittany.
As he glanced at Brittany, he saw the weight of her mother's words bearing down on her, the struggle written plainly on her face.
Brittany's shoulders tensed, her gaze flickering towards Spencer for support. In that moment, she felt torn between her mother's expectations and her own desires, the weight of their conflicting aspirations pressing down upon her.
He placed a reassuring hand on Brittany's.
Spencer sat on the edge of the bed, his fingers tapping rhythmically against his thumb on his left hand. The repetitive motion seemed to soothe him as he tried to calm his racing thoughts.
Brittany, in the midst of removing her earrings, glanced over at him with concern evident in her eyes.
"Spencer, are you okay?" she asked gently, pausing in her task to give him her full attention.
He stopped his tapping and looked up, meeting her gaze with a faint smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," he replied, his voice soft but strained.
"Don't be. If doing that makes you feel better, you shouldn't stop," Brittany reassured him, her tone filled with understanding.
"I think I'm just overwhelmed. Long day," Spencer admitted, his shoulders sagging with exhaustion. His fingers resumed their rhythmic tapping against his thumb.
"I get it," Brittany nodded sympathetically. "It's okay if you're not."
"I don't want to worry you," Spencer murmured, his gaze flickering away uneasily.
"You don't. Just tell me what you need. If you'd rather be alone, it's okay, or... I don't know. I can get you water? Tea?" Brittany offered, her voice soft and comforting.
"Water would be great actually," Spencer replied gratefully, his tension easing slightly at her kindness.
"Okay," Brittany said, rising from her seat to fetch two glasses of water. She returned moments later and handed one to Spencer with a gentle smile. "Here you go."
"Thanks," Spencer murmured, taking the glass from her with a small smile of appreciation.
"Can I ask you a question? A personal one… You don't have to answer if you don't want to," Brittany said, settling into a chair near the bed.
"Sure," Spencer replied, his curiosity piqued.
"I'm sorry if it's inappropriate, but... Are you autistic?" Brittany asked delicately, her gaze filled with genuine curiosity.
Spencer chuckled softly, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "Umm... yeah. I am. I've never been officially diagnosed, but it's... pretty obvious."
"Why didn't you get a diagnosis? Especially as a kid?" Brittany inquired, her voice laced with empathy.
"Well, it... just never happened. It wasn't a priority, I guess, and I always managed," Spencer explained, his tone tinged with sadness. 
"My mom is a paranoid schizophrenic, and it's been just the two of us since I was 10. I kind of took care of her more than... Well, she got bad, and I put her in a mental health institution when I was 18.
And then at the FBI, if I was diagnosed, it would just make stuff harder. You know... working in the field. So everyone always knew, but we didn't talk about it. 
Also, I'm not sure they fully ever understood it. I've been masking for most of my life... to, you know, make stuff easier."
"For others or for you?" Brittany asked gently, her eyes filled with compassion.
Spencer's gaze flickered away for a moment before he met her eyes again. "Both," he admitted quietly, his vulnerability laid bare.
"I'm sorry. That's awful," Brittany murmured, her heart aching for him.
"I'm okay," Spencer assured her, his tone gentle but firm.
"I know you are, but... hiding stuff and pretending just to make others comfortable sounds... awful and… tiring," Brittany remarked, her voice filled with empathy. 
"If you ever need something, tell me. You don't have to pretend with me. Besides, I don't think you could."
"Thanks... and you're right… I don't think I could," Spencer admitted, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Are you still okay with sharing the bed? We don't have to," Brittany offered, her concern evident in her voice.
"I'm okay. I just want you to be comfortable. And if you're not with me..." Spencer trailed off, his expression filled with uncertainty.
"I am. It’s okay," Brittany reassured him with a soft smile.
He chuckled softly as he glanced down at her feet, noticing she was still wearing tall, black stilettos. 
"Do your feet hurt?" he asked, genuine concern coloring his tone.
"No... I'm used to it. Do you want to get in the shower first or can I go?" Brittany offered with consideration for his comfort.
"Sure, you can go," Spencer replied, nodding in agreement.
"Okay," Brittany said, gathering her belongings before heading to the bathroom. 
Once she finished, she emerged in her matching black pajama set, looking comfortable and relaxed. 
Later Spencer returned from the bathroom, wearing his own checked pajamas, and couldn't help but notice Brittany's amused expression.
"What?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.
"Nothing, you just look cute in your pajamas," Brittany teased, a playful smile dancing on her lips.
"Thank you?" Spencer replied, a faint blush coloring his cheeks at the unexpected compliment.
"Is it okay if I read for a while?" he asked, seeking her permission.
"Yeah," Brittany replied, slipping her black sleeping eye mask over her eyes and turning off her bedside lamp. "Goodnight," she added softly.
"Goodnight," Spencer echoed, feeling a sense of warmth settle over him as he settled in to read.
"Hey, Spencer..." Brittany's voice interrupted the quiet, causing him to look up.
"Yeah?" he asked, curious.
"If anything's wrong, wake me up. It's okay," Brittany said, her voice filled with sincerity.
"Okay. Thanks," Spencer replied, feeling a sense of comfort wash over him at her words.
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ru-fiction · 11 months
Playground Rivals: Ken x Fem Reader
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Chapter 5
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"Barbie, Raquelle and I will take them somewhere. Okay?"
Barbie nods as Y/n motions to the boys.
"This way you can think, they have something to do, and we don't have to listen to anyone whining."
Y/n looks at each of them sternly before smiling.
"Though, I say that with love."
Everyone nods along before Y/n motions for them to follow her, leaving Barbie on the bench by herself. Ken keeps looking behind him at her, seeing how far he can go but stops when Y/n turns his face to look forward.
"Don't go far."
The dolls round the corner. Y/n sighs and looks at her sister, who was already looking at her.
"We aren't gonna listen are we?"
Y/n sighs again as Raquelle starts to lead the boys farther and farther away.
"Why are we back at the beach?"
Raquelle looks around the beach with a confused look on her face. All the other dolls look at each other and shrug as if to say "What's she doing?"
Y/n watches her sister's face light up, she follows her eyes to see what had her attention. It was the guy from earlier. She looked at the other boys only to find Ken smirking back at her and Ryan looking completely lost.
The dolls watch Raquelle walk up to the guy and talk to him. After a while the two walk back towards the others before Raquelle motions for everyone to follow her.
"What's this?"
Raquelle walks past her twin; the guy nervously follows after her eyeing Ryan as he goes. Ryan glares at the boy's back walking after them.
"Raquelle! Who is this guy?!"
Y/n shakes her head at the scene. Ken reaches for her hand while watching the others, Y/n smiles when she notices and she intertwines her hand with Ken's and pulls him along.
Barbie exhales trying to get her thoughts going.
She opens her eyes and starts to look around hoping to find something that could help her find this girl.
She watched a bunch of cars drive past and seen a lot of people walking by but saw nothing that could help her.
She stands up and walks around in a circle before sitting down again.
She really needed this to work, she closed her eyes again and started to think of a memory.
"You look stressed Barbie."
Barbie turned around to find her friend walking to her with a tray of cookies in hand. Barbie scratches her cheek before looking back at the riddle one of the other Barbies gave her.
"Hehe yeah, um Barbie gave me a riddle. It's supposed to lead to a surprise the Barbies are planning but I have to find all the clues to find the real location."
"Oh that sounds fun."
Barbie shrugged, she wasn't much of a puzzle person. Y/n smiles at Barbie and offers her a cookie.
"Do you think I could help?"
Barbie smiles at the doll.
Y/n took the riddle from Barbie excited to help out. Every now and then Ryan would give her tiny hints whenever he stole her stuff and hid it somewhere.
"What five letter word can be read the same way upside down?"
Barbie taps her chin in deep thought and Y/n looks around not really looking for anything particular it was a small habit, she smiled when the answer came to her.
"Is this the first one?"
"The third."
"Well the next clue is at the beach."
Barbie looks thoughtful about her answer.
Y/n nods her head at the blonde beside her, Barbie's eyes lit up and she pulled the girl into a hug.
"You're a genius. Come on."
Barbie then pulls the doll into the direction of her car so that they could head to the beach.
Barbie smiled at the memory, maybe that was the key to finding the girl.
"Hey Blaine. How's it going?"
Blaine was the guy that Raquelle was hanging out with. He had learned that the others had never seen a movie with moving pictures before; it totally confused him about what they meant by that; he decided to bring them to his favorite movie theater.
"I'm doing pretty good."
The girl smiled at him and then sent Raquelle a friendly smile which kinda threw her off.
"Who's this?"
"I'm Raquelle."
Blaine smiles at Raquelle before handing some money over to the cashier. He had used to work there before and visited there a lot so he knew how much things were.
He had agreed to get everyone drinks and food but the movies are expensive so he told the others that they would have to find a way in.
"I got an idea."
Y/n shook her head, she already knew what he was going to do but Ken looked at Ryan in wonder.
Ryan put on his best smoldering look and walked up to the girl as Blaine and Raquelle waited for the food.
The girl looked unimpressed and just looked down at her computer system.
"What movie are you trying to see?"
"The same one as them."
Ryan points to the other two who were now getting food handed to them.
"Tickets for three please."
The girl types in her system before looking up.
"That'll be $40.56 please."
Ryan frowns.
"I don't have any money."
"That's too bad. Next person please."
Ryan gave her a desperate look.
"C'mon please, isn't there anything I could do to get me and my friends in there."
The girl shook her head, an apologetic look filled her eyes.
"I'm sorry."
Y/n sighed as everyone started to look in the direction of her brother, she quickly walked up to him and pulled him away from the register.
She looked around, trying to think of something when her eyes landed on a poster with Ken's face on it? No, not Ken. A Ryan Gosling?
She motioned for Ken to come to her and he does so. She takes his face in her hands and moves her eyes back and forth between him and the guy on the poster.
She waits for the other people in line to finish grabbing their tickets and pulls of Ken's hat then ruffles his hair.
The girl at the countertop eyes lit up when she saw him.
"Oh my... I'm a big fan of yours."
Ken just smiles not knowing what to say.
"Hi. We're friends of Ryan. We had talked to your manager not too long ago and he said it was okay for us to go in."
Clearly starstrucked the girl just nods along, letting the trio through without checking. They meet up with Raquelle and Blaine and make their way to their seats.
Y/n places Ken's hat back on his head then kisses his cheek. She was happy her plan worked but she did feel bad about lying to that girl.
"Raquelle, I wanna show you something. It's a place really special to me."
Raquelle smiles at Blaine, intertwining their fingers.
Ryan quickly breaks their hands apart and puts his arms around both people, receiving a glare from his twin.
"Nope, I'm coming too."
"Really, Ryan."
Ryan sends the brunette a cocky grin.
"What about Y/n and Ken?"
Usually Raquelle would do anything for her little sibling to get alone time with Ken but she really wanted to be alone with Blaine right now.
Ryan turns to look in the direction of his other sister and then back to Raquelle and then back to her. He was clearly torn.
He bit his lip in thought before walking back to Ken and giving his shoulder a hard squeeze.
"I trust him to look after Y/n."
Raquelle's face fell at that so Y/n decided to enter the conversation.
"I mean what if someone starts causing trouble with me and Ken. You know I can be pretty passive sometimes."
"That's what Ken's there for."
Ryan shakes his head and walks to Raquelle.
"You'll be find, I know Ken. He wouldn't let anything happen to you."
He puts his arms around Blaine and Raquelle and walks away.
Ken grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled her in the other direction, taking her around that part of the city. He didn't know where he was going but he sure acted like he did.
"Excuse me sir."
A guy stopped Ken, easily getting his attention. Ken nodded at the man as he walked past before turning to the (h/c) doll behind him and smiled.
"Did you see that?"
Y/n smiled at him, she was happy to see him having a good time in this nice but messed up world.
"I did."
The two walk pass the Century City Center and just talk about any and everything they've experienced in the past week in Barbieland, venting about times they were annoyed, talking about times where they were happy, leaving out some parts where they were not so happy or embarrassed.
The two of them watched as a man walked out of the building wearing a fluffy fur coat. Which both Y/n and Ken admired on him.
Another guy waved at and congratulated Ken which earned him a happy smile from the doll.
The two walk by a gym watching two of the men walk out and fist bump each other. Ken turned to Y/n wanting to do the same so the doll decided to entertain him on his little quip.
He pulls her inside the gym and their noses are instantly filled with the smell of sweat and musk. They watch as a couple of men take turns punching punching bags, some lifting different types of weights and others on a running machine.
When they came out Y/n noticed how Ken started walking differently. She was kind of concerned.
"Ken? Babe, what are you doing?"
"Nothing. Just walking."
"Yeah but...you don't walk like that."
Ken just sends her a playful smile and shrugs off her comment.
Ken stops walking after a while to watch a car drive by, his eyes started to shine at the sight of it.
His eyes got even brighter when he watched the police men riding one of his favorite animals, the horse. He patted Y/n's arm, jumping up and down at the sight of them.
He then grabs the doll's hand and goes inside of another building. The two watched as the men below were having a meeting, Ken crossed his arms and started acting like one of them. Normally Y/n would laugh whenever he did his imitation but part of her couldn't shake the feeling that this was bad somehow especially because the guy Ken was imitating had disrespected a woman in front of his group.
Y/n had gone to the restroom to wash her face. She was getting a sick feeling from the whole experience but she couldn't quite pin point what it was.
She panicked after she walked out when she didn't see Ken anywhere. She ran around the building looking for him before she ended up bumping into him at the door. He had the biggest smile on his face.
"Oh my god."
She pulled Ken into the tightest hug shocking him but also making him melt.
"Don't do that again."
Ken giggles.
"I was only upstairs."
"I don't care."
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Barbie sat at the bus stop with her eyes closed. The world went quiet and suddenly she could see the swing of a child's foot. Next she saw the child braiding someone's hair.
She took that moment to focus on what the memories were showing her. It was a little girl doing a hand shake with someone but she couldn't see who. The next few memories were flashes, her and someone eating ice cream, then she was playing dolls with who Barbie assumed is her mother, next she ran into her mother's arms and then the next she was sad and started to push her mother away. The girl was now throwing her toys away, her mother keeping one, the girl kept pushing her mother away at this point they didn't seem as close.
Barbie opened her eyes, all those memories, they were intense. She felt a tear running down her face.
"That felt achy but good."
Barbie looked up watching her surroundings, she watched as a family had a picnic on one side while another family played in a park together, One mom pushed a bike down the road while her two daughters followed her, she watched as a couple argued with each other, how the trees blew in the wind, she watched as two men laughed with each other causing her to laugh along even though she had no idea what they were laughing about, she watched as a man looked upset with himself. She wondered if anyone ever looked like that in Barbieland, everything was different, everything felt different.
She looked beside her finding an older woman sitting not too far away from her. The woman looked back up at her and Barbie couldn't help but smile at the woman.
"You're so beautiful."
"I know it."
The two took a moment to admire the beauty of the other. This is what it felt like to be real.
Barbie's eyes widened when she saw Ryan walking back sulking.
"Hey Ryan, what's wrong? Where are the others?"
Ryan sighs passing the lady to sit next to Barbie, sinking down on the bench.
"I've been ditched Barbie. My own family turned against me."
Barbie chuckles as Ryan whines dramatically.
"You're still sulking about."
Raquelle walks up to them now without the guy she ran away with.
"I can't believe you just ditched me."
"I hardly ditched you."
Ryan just looked at the brunette in disbelief.
"You literally told a girl, 'what you met my brother Ryan,' and left without another word. If that's not ditching, I don't know what is."
"Barbie! Barbie!"
The trio turned their attention to the yelling blonde as he runs at them full speed, Y/n following close behind him.
Barbie smiles widely at the appearance of the two.
"I got it!"
"I got it!"
The siblings all looked at Ken, confused about what he 'had.' Ken looks all bashful when he notices everyone's eyes on him.
"Oh, what do you got?"
"You go first."
Barbie was also interested in what he had to say. She gave him a big smile.
"No, no, you go."
"We'll go at the same time."
Ken giggles excitedly and Barbie does the same.
The two yell at the top of their lungs gleefully.
"She's at school."
"Men rule the world!"
The siblings eyes widened and their jaws dropped to the floor. What did he say?
Barbie's face scrunched up in confusion and Ken got nervous at the looks he was getting.
"What was that?"
"The kid's at school?"
He brushed off both of his friends' concern.
"But what did you say?"
Ken just shook his head putting on a smile.
Barbie just shrugs it off.
"Well, let's go to the school."
Barbie was super excited to meet the girl, Ken laughs along with her walking her away from the other dolls who all looked at him in shock.
"Is he okay?"
Y/n looked at the twins as they studied her face.
"What do you mean 'what'? You were with him all day."
"That's supposed to mean I should know what's going on with him?"
The two dolls gave him a blank stare.
Raquelle shakes her head in disappointment.
"You're basically in a relationship, how could you not know what's going on in his head."
"We're not in a relationship."
"Could have fooled us."
The trio bicker as Ken and Barbie lead them in the direction of the school.
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Requesting Rules / Information
🔹updated 6/1/24 ~ requests open (but i’m going through it so i’ve been slowly lately)
🔹initial notes: 
this is a side-blog, so if i respond to comments or follow you back, you might see my main (in bio). i don’t actively try to keep my blogs too separate, though, i just post stuff i write here so i don’t clog up my main.
there’s very little that i won’t write, but if you’re uncertain about something, just ask!
don’t hesitate to ask any questions. i’m shy, but i promise i’m nice!
🔹 fandoms / characters i write for:
the vampire diaries / the originals
kai parker x reader
kol mikaelson x reader
elijah mikaelson x reader
rebekah mikaelson x reader
poly!mikaelsons x reader
caroline forbes x klaus mikaelson
kai parker x bonnie bennett
blaine anderson x sebastian smythe
cw supernatural
dean winchester x reader
sam winchester x reader
jack kline x reader
american horror story
tate langdon x reader
cw supergirl
mon-el x winn schott jr.
mon-el x kara danvers
teen wolf
stiles stilinksi x reader
isaac lahey x reader
liam dunbar x reader
theo raeken x reader
theo raeken x liam dunbar
🔹definite no’s:
any kind of kink involving scat, fisting, or stuffing
i haven’t been asked to write these, but they’re not for me to attempt
most kinks should be fine otherwise
🔹not a no, but i’m still learning how to write these:
🔹what i’ll write for dark(er) fics:
consensual non-consent / cnc
🔹 other notes:
above all, kai is my favorite to write 😉
all fics will be fem!reader unless specified in the request
although some might be gender neutral if they turn out that way or i just feel like it
in regards to age, if i write smut for a character canonically under 18, i will age them up appropriately, or make obvious tags to anything underage
if you request a poly!mikaelsons, specify if you want finn or freya in it. typically my polies are just the main four, but I can add them, too, if preferred
more details in a request are always encouraged, but i’ll work with what’s provided. it may take a little longer, though, if more vague
sometimes, i might be a little slow to posting, but i will try to never let requests sit for too long. thank you in advance for your patience!
Again, I’m not an 18+ or 21+ blog, despite occasionally writing smut. I do request readers to be at least 16, however, and may block anyone younger if I choose to do so. You are responsible for the content you consume, and I tag everything meticulously, especially the darker or smuttier works. I am trusting my readers to look at the tags and to know their own boundaries. If something’s not for you, please click off of it. I just know that I used to read any and all types of fics when I was 16+, so I feel like telling my followers & readers they can’t is hypocritical. So while I don’t require a certain age, please be wary of what you read.
Thank you for being here. ily 💗
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creepling · 2 years
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dat2ndaccount97 · 2 years
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Decided to Fem up my Blaine doll (I remembered I have 2), and now he's Bigender goes by Blair and Blaine. I know I talk/post about femmed up boy dolls, my trans and bi gender dolls, etc. a lot, but honestly it allows me to express myself in a way just makes me happy.
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Laryngitis
AKA: the ep with one of Kurt’s best songs. (Pink Houses, obviously XD)
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Glad to see Kurt is pulling his weight with vocal warmups lol. But also, let’s appreciate that Brittany just doesn’t have a last name here? I know character wasn’t finalized yet, but I support Rachel just not knowing.
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Aw, Kurt finally getting to sing a solo! Also love how Finn complains about Jesse getting all the solos when there is zero evidence of this.
Also Kurt having the same range as a castrato... iconic.
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But the fact that Burt shows up at school and Kurt’s immediate response is fear. This is the before Burt’s health stuff but my boy really thought something terrible happened. Guess there’s no other logical reason for Burt to visit? 
And this scene breaks my heart. Love Burt, but he’s still of the ‘let’s each do our own thing’ mindset. One of my fav aspects of Kurt’s character is how close he is to his dad. How even when they don’t spend much time together, Burt is still his most important person bc for so long they only had each other. And my heart just cannot take it.
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I just love watching the reactions in this scene (Jenna clearly laughing here). Apparently this was inspired by a bit Lea Michele did of fake bad singing so the whole cast was struggling not to laugh.
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But legit I love the Kurt and Sue dynamic so much. And I do love Sue’s line of him liking showtunes not equating being gay. Like, yes Kurt is gay, but it gets so tied up with the rest of his personality. Lowkey, with the s1 arc of Kurt being gay... there’s a bit of Kurt’s crush on Finn? But mainly the ‘problem’ of him being gay is about his clothes/etc. Later, when Blaine goes here, he’s def not bullied as much? Prob partly bc Kurt fought so hard to change the school, but maybe Blaine was more ‘passing’. 
And that frustrates me. Like obvs homophobia is bad (hot take, I know) but the jokes etc are rarely about Kurt gay as liking boys. Tbh the jokes are more in sexism/toxic masculinity bc the jokes and comments are about Kurt being effeminate and more camp. Like, what if Kurt were straight but still acted like that? What if he were gay but was more stereotypically masc?
Idk, I just have a lot of thoughts about this. Esp as even after Kurt’s out, accepted by his friends, there are still lots of jokes about him being ‘girly’ and they bug me. Esp as Kurt... isn’t as ‘girly’ as ppl make him out to be? I go into it a lot in my fashion analysis of him but s1 is the most fem-leaning he dresses and even still it’s... not that fem. I’ll def rant more about this later, as topic comes up more.
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Iconic look. And when he tries to ‘butch’ it up he doesn’t dress like jock or the other guys at school. He specifically imitates his dad and my poor sweet Kurt. 
Thinking Pink Houses is about bold interior design is such a move. We get way less of this humour in later seasons (mainly bc Glee tries to be more serious and is way less fun)
Can we also appreciate how Burt clearly sees something is up but he still supports Kurt? He’s afraid of losing his dad, but Burt is never openly neglecting Kurt and would easily drop everything. It’s really just how easy Finn and Burt connect and Kurt wants that same thing, that more casual relationship when conversations with his dad all seem so hard.
Also I’d love to see how that convo went when they got burgers. Did they talk Mellencamp the whole time? Did Kurt learn some fishing facts or something??
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Aw, remember when Kurt and Tina were allowed to be friends?
Also these overalls kill me. Kurt pls, no.
I love Jessie’s Girl (one of Finn’s best songs) and Kurt def doesn’t react to it as much as Hello I Love You. I really think that by this point his crush is fizzling out. Esp as he’s focusing more on the situation with his dad.
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But legit I unironically love this number and am forever annoyed that they never released a full version.
I love that we’re still in baby!Kurt era but he as this angry affect to help sell the number. Also, Love when he gets to sing in his lower register, and omg the growling is so fun. And I love how right before singing you can see a hint of nervousness on him, poor sweetie
And the reactions! Will’s just like ‘wtf’ and Finn is genuinely into it (he’s just so supportive of Kurt, love to see), Artie and Rachel are just like what is going on?? And I love Rachel’s super halfhearted clap at the end.
I do find it odd that Kurt is clearly going through something and... nobody talks to him? There’s a bit from Schue after the number but like... where is Mercedes? Or could’ve given Tina some lines for once, have her talk to him.
This is one of the very few convos Kurt and Schue have and I understand Kurt being unfazed bc Schue tries to build Kurt up... after repeatedly never supporting his talent. I still say there’s should’ve been a scene in Wheels of Schue talking to Kurt, praising what he did well, etc. Like gosh, isn’t he a teacher?
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(K but srsly how is Chris Colfer so pretty, look at that bone structure)
Anyway, love the gay panic when Brittany offers to make out. I do find it interesting how when Kurt tries to bond with his dad, he didn’t change his sexuality. Again, the ‘problems’ were with his appearance and interests. Kurt had said to Sue that he was worried his sexuality was causing distance with his dad, but I think the main strain is from other stuff (his love for theatre and fashion etc)
I also think that Brittany’s offer here is partly a chance for Kurt to keep up his new charade, but maybe he also considers experimenting a bit. He said it he was sure in Preggers but hey, can’t hurt to try.
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Did Kurt specifically set out these candles for while he kisses Brittany? Bc lol. (also has anyone seen the BTS where CHris mentions being told he was ‘too good’ at this scene and needed to look more like he didn’t know what he was doing, Iconic)
And him asking what boys lips taste like, awe sweetie
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Damn, Kurt really made a whole-ass doorhanger for this. How much planning did he do lol. And why do we never get to see Kurt’s murder mystery parties?? Does he do them for just him and his dad???
“Brittany and I were just having sexual relations” I cannottttt. Delivery of this is 10/10
And Burt here. We saw before how he always knew Kurt was gay (tho the fact that it was bc of him wanting heels.... doesn’t really equate with liking boys but whatever) but he still waited for Kurt to come out. And now he knows this is weird, but prob Kurt questioning/confirming and he’s giving his son the space to figure things out and all he can do is support him no matter what. Love Burt.
Find it weird he just lets them resume making out? But I guess he’s pretty sure they won’t really do anything. The doorhanger suggests it was more just so Burt would catch them.
This is also clearly an indication that Kurt is gay bc otherwise Brittany would totally be his type. He loves that clueless type (Finn, sorta Sam, Blaine who is hella oblivious). Omg, the real reason it didn’t work with Adam: he was way too smart.
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Omg, the only sighting of Kurt in cargo pants ever. Kurt was prob so comfy this week lol.
Also, that hat... the true Kurt accidentally breaking through?
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Duck fat omg. As long as it’s organic, I guess?
Let’s appreciate Artie and Tina being horrified at this lol. And how when Kurt was whispering to Brittany his voice was usual, but then when he talked to the others and then his dad his voice immediately lowered bc of his current persona. Sweettiieee.
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Part of me is v curious about Kurtanny (Britturt?) lasting more than one ep. Like, Brittany just mentioned making out, but they’ve been hanging out for a few days now. Have they been going on dates? What is their life?
And awe, Burt def has good intentions, he wants to be close to Finn bc of Carol etc. But damn, Kurt breaks my heart here.
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Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing.
I love how this song is kinda similar to Pink Houses with the anger, the lower voice, even in this song he does a bit of a growl at the start. But damn, what a difference.
I love how so many of Kurt’s solos are about his dad. This, hold your hand, even wheels was connected to that plot. 
ANd this song. I mean, it’s been said a million times. One of his best in the series. The amount of frustration and intensity I just. It’s so good. And that sing/scream at the end holy crap.
I get it’s for the moment with his dad, but lowkey upset he didn’t get to sing this for the club, show how freaking talented he really is.
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Kurt: “I’m fine”
Also Kurt: *tearing up*
Damn, early series Kurt was so soft and sweet and emotional. Kurt stays sweet, but he gets so hardened by the crap he goes through and he’s rarely as open and vulnerabl. Like, even s1 he represses, but not as much as later. Def not as successfully.
“Fine don’t sing like you just sung”
I love Burt so much. I will never say it enough. I love how he’s allowed to have flaws, to have to readjust to Kurt, who was not what he’d planned.
And I like how Burt calls Kurt out on the “didn’t know I was a disappointment” bc they both know that’s not what he meant.
I can’t watch this scene without tearing up. Also, def more of crew learning how great a crier Chris Colfer is bc ooh boy will we get more. Burt’s expression when Kurt says how easy it is with Finn, how it breaks his heart. 
And we’ve already seen how Kurt really took up the caretaker role, how he wants to make things easier for his dad, so ofc Kurt would also work hard, try to change himself to connect with his dad.
And I love that Burt immediately puts a stop to that bc Kurt is the son and he shouldn’t have to change who he is. Obvs Burt loves Kurt and would do anything for him, but I think this is def a turning point where he realizes that they can connect beyond that. Like, burt can accept Kurt, but he can also make the effort to learn about what Kurt’s interests (we see how much he learns about theatre as the show goes on) and this is where Burt does away with the ‘you do your thing, I do mine’ perspective on their relationship.
And I love that for them. I love them so much. I live this ep so much. Why do I love a show that I hate so much???
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txboocvntboisrp · 2 years
Open to Dom top males-cam fem but technically virgin muse (Kurt or Blaine)
“Oh so many questions
Who do I think about fucking me that I actually know?
Mr Schuester. You want babies Daddy, I’ll give you babies
Spider-Man! No I don’t know him but he’s here in NYC. I have sunbathed on the roof hoping he swing by but no such luck
Who else? Brody
Oh guess now is a good time to show you my new toy. This will be fucking me for now.
Unless you are one of those men or as big as this and want to take its place. If you are why aren’t you over here destroying my pussy??”
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