#fem!Sir Pentious
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 7 months ago
Hi I really enjoy when you write Sir Pentious being parental, and was wondering if you’d be willing to write a drabble of human fem!pentious with a child/baby of her own?
Maybe something fluffy with her doting over her newborn? I imagine Pentious would be a sorta overly fussy, mother-hen kind of parent, especially given the time period, that would just up the smothering by ten.
Penni had only been a mother for a week, plus the 9 months she carried, and she was just absolutely adoring her sweet little baby.
She just adored their cute little eyes, those sweet blue eyes that could break your heart. She could often be found clinging to her baby, taking in the still fresh baby scent.
It was a blessing she was rich enough to just cling to her baby all day and still have dinner made for her husband by servants. Penni's husband would almost be glad, sure he didn't get to give her kisses but he didn't need to worry about helping her with the baby.
Each month brought her closer to her sweet little angel. Her mother reprimanded her for getting so attached.
"You need to ease up, if you get this attached now itll destroy you if they die."
Penni glared a bit,
"Well I wont let them die their my baby. Little Maxwell is my world and hes never had the sniffles."
To that Maxwell sneezed and yawned, it made Penni's heart melt and ache,
"Oh my sweet sweet baby.... Mother their just so sweet.. you must understand why I'm so attached. Just look at their eyes..."
Penni's mother looked at the baby and just didnt understand at all. She never would, she was never that maternal... or at all.
Month 5 she was trying to help her dearest baby get leg strength and to roll over smoothly. She hardly noticed she hadn't been tinkering in a while, she usually crafted things and quietly invented stuff. Her husband would steal her designs often but it at least would be useful in getting the stuff out their in action.
It was on year one that Maxwell passed away completely breaking her heart and mind. Her shrieks of anguish were painful to hear, she blamed everyone, blamed their dirty hands and smoking near her dearest Maxwell.
Her husband tried to make her calm down but it only resulted in him getting pushed off the balcony.
This would lead to her insane attempt at making something crazy something dangerous... but that's a story for another time.
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jowbokitten · 3 months ago
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Fem Sir Pentious, or as a frend suggested, Black Madam 💖💖
her real name can be Penny if you want lmao
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writeyouin · 1 year ago
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners
Chapter 1 - Hate For All Sinners
A/N – I couldn’t stop thinking about this short King after episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel came out. This is mostly a fic for me, to get me back into writing. (WILL DO A MALE AND NONBINARY ONE SOON!)
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Who’s that?” Lucifer asked, pointing you out to Charlie.
In truth, he would’ve likely asked that of the next person he saw. As Charlie’s father, Lucifer was trying desperately to show how interested he was in his daughter’s project, even if he was barely holding onto anything she said. It wasn’t that he was disinterested, or too ignorant to understand the situation, but rather that after spending so much time as a recluse, locked away in the protective space of his workshop where he wouldn’t have to see the sinners or the Hell he was responsible for creating, Lucifer could barely comprehend what was going on around him. He knew it was because he was depressed, but he was trying and he had to make Charlie see that, even if it meant feigning fits of hypomanic excitement.
Yet, Lucifer found himself genuinely… horrified by you. He had seen many types of Demon over the millennia. Typically, they tended to represent Earth’s animals, such as that annoyingly powerful Deer Demon, Alistair, whom Lucifer had met thanks to this very tour… not that Alistair was worth mentioning, piece of shit that he was, mingling with Lucifer’s daughter when he had no right to even breathe the same air as her-
Lucifer caught his snowballing thoughts, turning them back to you. You weren’t an animal Demon. There were other types of Demons of course, though Flora and Fauna were the most common; object Demons also existed, such as that rather famous one that people talked about, the TV Demon, V-something? Lucifer couldn’t remember his name. He didn’t watch Television… he didn’t do much of anything these days.
“Oh,” Charlie sidled over to you, wrapping her arm warmly around your shoulder as she corralled you towards her father, “Dad, this is (Y/N). She’s one of the hotel’s, uh, allies I guess, right (Y/N)?”
“That’s right, Sir,” You held out your hand for Lucifer, who was staring dumbly at you, uncertain what to make of you.
As the ruler of Hell, fuelled by angelic power, Lucifer could always read a Demon, or rather, he could read their strength. For example, he knew after only one meeting that the bartender, Husk was a strong Demon, though his power was clearly being dampened by a soul contract, whereas that little snake fellow Sir Pentious was rather weak, though he had potential if he could manage to claim even a few souls of his own, but you? You were entirely different.
First off, you didn’t resemble an animal, plant, or object… You were the most human-looking Demon that Lucifer had ever seen; frankly, he found that disturbing. Secondly, you didn’t seem to have much if any power. What was wrong with you? To come off as human with little demonic power… Well, if Lucifer didn’t know any better, he would guess that you weren’t a sinner at all, but you had to be. You were definitely dead; that much he could tell. And, you were in Hell.
Dead and in Hell - those were the only two qualifications for becoming a Demon, so why were you like this?
“Dad, are you listening?” Charlie said exasperatedly, clearly annoyed that Lucifer’s thoughts seemed to have trailed off once again.
“Oh, yes, of course,” Lucifer stated, staring at your hand which you had seemingly retracted when he wasn’t paying attention. Damnation! Now Charlie was going to think he had snubbed her friend on purpose.
“So, (Y/N) is another one of your patrons. That’s nice.”
“What? No. Dad, I just told you, (Y/N) has no interest in being redeemed.”
“Oh,” Lucifer looked you up and down disapprovingly. It figured. Even this non-Demon was looking for power in Hell, probably so you would finally be a killer worth bragging about – Honestly, what was the point? All sinners were the same. Greedy, destructive forces who wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left to break.
“Yep, she’s our only permanent resident who wants to help rehabilitate other souls. Isn’t that great? She helps with everything here, and she doesn’t ask for anything in return.”
“That’s not true,” You blushed at Charlie’s praise. “Your daughter is very generous, Sir. She lets me stay here rent-free.”
“And that’s all you want?” Lucifer asked suspiciously.
“Honestly? Yeah.”
Lucifer shook his head but didn’t argue. He didn’t want to know what your real motivations were. It was probably as simple as hoping for regular boons from the Princess of Hell; you were clearly just biding your time. Besides, if you didn’t want to redeem your soul, then you must be just like Alistair, a sadistic monster just waiting to see Demons repeatedly fail in their attempts at redemption.
Now that his curiosity was sated, Lucifer decided that he didn’t want to lay eyes on you again. You weren’t worth his time. Only Charlie was… Well, Charlie and Vaggie, because any woman his daughter loved was practically family to him. He was glad when the tour continued, leaving you behind to catch Nifty who was trying to pull a piece of fabric from Lucifer’s coat, muttering something about the ‘Ultimate bad boy.’
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“Okay, I can get you the meeting,” Lucifer agreed, doing what he could to support Charlie’s dreams of saving her people, even though he didn’t think there were any redeeming qualities for any denizen of Hell.
It hurt him to tell Charlie that he wouldn’t be able to go with her to that lofty paradise, having been cast out; how he wished he could protect his daughter from those who carried out God’s will. Still, she never asked him for anything, and if this was what her heart most desired, he would do all in his power to help.
“Will you be okay?” He asked sombrely.
“I’ll be fine,” Charlie assured him, taking hold of his hands.
“That’s my girl.”
For a moment, it looked like Lucifer was done, but he paused, worried that this wasn’t enough to make up for the years he had been absent, leaving Charlie to fend for herself while he shut himself away.
“Is there anything else you need?”
Charlie couldn’t help but worry about her father. What would happen when he went back into isolation? He needed something to focus on, but… What was there for him when all of Hell was his prison?
She couldn’t help thinking about how little Lucifer thought of all the other citizens of Hell. If only he could see that they weren’t as terrible as he thought. Granted, they could be violent, and loud, definitely rambunctious, but these were his people, and he had to see that his gift of Free Will was a good thing, yet, if she said any of this, she was certain Lucifer would only laugh at her or tell her to get real while playfully pinching her cheek. There was no way that Lucifer would leave his home to hang out with any citizen of Hell.
Then it hit her. If Lucifer wouldn’t leave his manor to visit people, then people should be allowed to visit his manor. Or better yet, one person should be chosen to go and live with Lucifer so that he would learn just how good people could be, and Charlie knew just the person for the job.
“Actually, Dad, there is one more thing.”
“Name it,” Lucifer smiled, glad that his daughter wanted to ask things of him, as any normal child should want from their parents.
“I think it would be good for you to socialise, just a little bit.”
“Charlie,” Lucifer’s voice was strained at the thought of going anywhere else in Hell.
“I know,” Charlie reassured him, looking into his eyes; she looked so understanding that he relaxed slightly. Then, she continued in a more upbeat tone, “That’s why I think you should take (Y/N) to live with you, as your maid!”
She pounded her palm decidedly, much like a judge pounding her gavel.
“What? NO!” Lucifer sputtered.
You for your part, had seemingly been shocked into silence, watching the exchange uncertainly while Alistair grinned devilishly at you, and Angel Dust was holding in a snicker. Granted, you could have argued, but Charlie was stubborn, and she always had some kind of wild idea. Whatever she was thinking, you decided that you would go along with it; there was usually a method to her madness after all.
“It’s fine, Dad, (Y/N) doesn’t mind, right (Y/N)?”
You shrugged your shoulders passively, “I guess?”
“See? You should get to know your citizens, Dad. It will be good for you, I promise. They’re not all as bad as you think.”
Lucifer took one hard look at you. Honestly, he wished his daughter had picked the porn star or that psycho maid. You, as a very human-looking Demon, were a vicious reminder of his past mistakes. Still, he had told his daughter he would do anything for her, and he had already promised her a meeting with Heaven, and nothing could possibly be worse than that.
“Alright,” He agreed.
Then, he summoned a portal for you with the flick of his wrist.
“Good luck, kiddo.” He said to Charlie, and upon keeping a safe distance from you, he waited for you to step through the portal.
“Charlie, I’m assuming that you have a good reason for this,” You said before taking a step towards your newly appointed home, “Just call me if you need anything.”
With that, you were gone, followed closely (though not too closely) by Lucifer.
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alastor-simp · 1 year ago
Hugging Them Out Of Nowhere - Hazbin Hotel Gang x Female Reader
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Charlie🌈 -
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🌈EEEE! HUGSSS! Charlie doesn’t even question why you are hugging her right now. She will instantly hug you back.
🌈She had just gotten back from a failed attempt at getting some patrons to come to the hotel. Feeling upset, she was sitting on the couch in the lobby by herself. The thundering of footsteps alerted her, and soon enough a pair of arms had wrapped around her body.
🌈She was expecting it to be Vaggie, but she noticed the lack of silver hair and bow. Realizing it was you, she questioned why the sudden hug before she shrugged her shoulders and squeezed back tightly, smile on her face.
🌈Letting go, you gazed straight into her eyes, shy expression on your face. “Sorry for the sudden hug. You seemed sad so I figured a hug would make you feel better. Did it?” Oh Charlie’s heart was squealing at the cuteness. She didn’t even answer your question, as she hugged you even tighter, yelling out so many thank you’s
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🎀This one almost got you a spear in the gut. Vaggie wasn’t use to affection from anyone but Charlie, so don’t blame her for nearly killing you. She would calm down knowing it was you, but wouldn’t hug back until she knew the reason why.
🎀It wasn’t her day today. Alastor was bugging the hell out her with his numerous dad jokes. Niffty nearly speared her with the needle, chasing after a cockroach, and Husk had passed out drunk at the bar, leaving him not doing his duties as the hotel bartender.
🎀It left her fuming, but she didn’t want to instigate it more and end up using her spear, so she walked outside to the hotel rooftop to get some air. After a few minutes and taking some calming breaths, she heard the sound of the roof top door opening. She turned expecting Charlie, but she was then pulled into a hug.
🎀 “Que carajo!!” She was about the grab her spear, until she recognized it was. She stood confused as you were still hugging her. “Umm Y/N? Why are you hugging me?”
🎀Removing your arms from her, you stepped back and looked at her. Rubbing the back of your neck, you turned away shyly. “Sorry! You looked upset about something and hugs always make me feel better so I figured you needed one. Sorry if I overstepped, I know you don’t like being touched by anyone other than Charlie so….”
🎀Vaggie’s sharp gaze softened at your reasoning. She’s been in hell for a long time, and she has grown to distrust a lot of them, except Charlie and Angel Dust, a bit. She realized that you were much different. You cared about others and your friends, and you were kind and supportive.
🎀Looking back at Vaggie, you realized she was smiling at you softly, which is what you didn’t suspect. She got closer to you and gave you a slight shoulder hug. “Thanks Y/N. You’re a good amiga.”
Angel Dust🕷️-
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🕷️ “Heh toots, if you wanted to jump me, all you had to do was ask~” His first reaction would be to flirt with you. Figures, but he was a porn star so he was used to stuff like this, yet more aggressively.
🕷️He entered through the hotel doors, muttering a groan. His body was aching from the amount of times he was doing it with some random john’s in Valentinos new porn video. Not only that, he had to suffer through the abuse that his boss gave him after he told him if he could stop since it was starting to hurt, but that earned him a slap on the face and cut lip.
🕷️Bypassing everyone in the lobby, he made his way upstairs and headed towards his room. Once he entered, he picked up Fat Nuggets from the floor and laid on the bed, with his pet pig lying in his chest fluff. He was given a bit of peace, until it was interrupted by a knock at the door.
🕷️ “Who is it?” Angel leaned his head up to stare at the door. He heard from the other side that it was you. Heaving a sigh, he placed Fat Nuggets on the bed, and made his way towards the door. Opening it, he saw you standing there. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the door frame. “Whatcha want toots?”
🕷️Suddenly, he was pushed back inside of his room. You flung yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his back, face placed into his fluff. Dumbfounded, he stood frozen, wondering what the hell was happening. After a while, a smirk appeared on his face, and he wrapped two of his hands around you while using the other two to tilt your head up at him.
🕷️ “Well well, you wanted to cop a feel that badly~.” He pulled you further inside the room, using his long legs to close his door. Shaking your head, you told him that’s not what you were trying to do. Confused, he let you go, giving you time to step back and stand in front of him. Raising his eyebrow, he asked what you just jumped at him like that.
🕷️Blushing a bit, you looked away at the ground. “ I noticed that you looked very upset when you passed the lobby. I figured something must of happened at your job, given the slight cut on your lip. I wanted to cheer you up so I thought a hug might help.” His eyes widen at your reasoning. Mushy gooey stuff like this always annoyed him, he rather just get down to the business. But, you were changing how he felt about it.
🕷️Looking up at Angel, you gaped a bit. He was wearing a sad smile on his face, eyes a bit watery. “Angel are you ok-” Your words were cut off as Angel grabbed you again, hugging you tightly to himself. He motioned himself back to his bed and sat down, positioning you to sit on his lap. “Thanks toots” You hummed a response and hugged him back.
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🪡Niffty would be ecstatic when you hugged her. Despite how scary she could be at times, she was an affectionate demon.
🪡She always was beaming with energy, smiling wildly with her large eye beaming. Today was an off day for her. She was in a cheery mood, but less than usual. The pesky cockroaches kept escaping her and not only that Husk accidentally vomited on her, ruining her favorite dress. She was lucky Husk was her friend or she would have mutilated with the kitchen knife.
🪡She was in the hotel laundry room, washing her dirty dress, and wearing a different one. She heard the sound of the door opening and saw you walking in. Excited she greeted you, “Hi Y/N!!” She waved her hand, and zipped up next to you. She saw you bend down to your knees, which confused her until she felt you lift her up and gave her a hug.
🪡Niffty was still for a second until she hugged back, giggling. The both of you stayed like that for a bit until you set her back down. “Sorry for hugging you out of nowhere Niffty. You liked slightly upset even though you are still beaming with excitement so I thought a hug would help.”
🪡The smile on Niffty face got almost as big as Al’s. She jumped up and hugged you again, repeating how cute you were.
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🍺 "Hey kid, what the hell you doing?" Husk would react a bit rudely at first. Don't blame him, he lost his ability to love years ago, so stuff like that threw him off a bit.
🍺Grumbling to himself, Husk was wiping the bar stand aggressively. He had to deal with Al telling his annoying dad jokes for 3 hours, and not only that Angel had come after that and constantly flirted with him. He was able to tell Angel to f✪✪✪ off for the 40th time, to which Angel did leave. He was getting to old for this sh✪✪.
🍺Grabbing a bottle of cheap booze, he started to guzzle it down. His ears perked up at the sounds of feet tapping behind him. Turning around he saw you walking towards him. Confused he questioned you, before he was pushed back a bit by you hugging him
🍺The bottle he was holding nearly fell from his hand, but he was able to hold on to it. He was standing there dumbfounded, wondering what the hell was happening. "Oy kid, the hell are you doing? Ya better not be two sheets to the wind." he heard you chuckled against him, before letting him go. "Sorry Husk, you looked a little more grumpy then usual so I figured a hug might help out a bit."
🍺Well that made his heart ache a bit. Stuff like affection he's pushed away for a long time and numbed it with alcohol, but the act that you did was making him feel those again. Feeling that you made him angry, you apologize and went to leave, before your were pulled back into another hug by him, wings wrapping around your back. "Heh thanks kid. You're a good one."
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🦌Yeah this one was gonna be very difficult. Alastor detested being touch, and he rather prefer if he was the one initiating the contact. Anyone who would even think of touching him would be sucked up into his microphone, never to be seen again
🦌Alastor was pacing back and forth in his studio. His smile was still on his face, but it was more strained then usual. Some wayward soul had tried to rob rim, resulting in his favorite coat being ripped slightly. Well that sinner was taken care of, but he had ruined Al's good day. The icing on the cake was hearing the piece-of-sh✪✪ television, running his mouth and calling him a coward. Alastor knew better then to pick a fight with an egotistical overlord, that wasn't worth his time, but the insults only fueled his rage more.
🦌His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Ears perking at that, he walked over and opened the door, seeing you standing there with a smile. "Well hello my dear! Is there something you needed to discuss with me about?" His smile widen as his crimson eyes glowed down at you. Nodding, you asked if it was alright to come in. Alastor moved back, letting you walk inside his private studio. Having close the door, Alastor walked past you and sat on his chair, crossing his legs to gaze at you. "Now then! What would you like to chat about? Possibly a deal perhaps?" The air grew a bit tense at the mention of a deal, but you shook your head no. "No I'm not here for a deal. I'm just wondering if i could....um..." Trailing off, you looked to the side, feeling nervous.
🦌Tilting his head at you, he wonder what exactly you were here for. Looking back at him, you gave him a look of confidence. "May I have permission to do something to you for five seconds?" Arching his eyebrow at that, he wondered what you meant by that. Standing up from his chair, he walked closer to you, peering down at you. His smile looked fairly ominous, and some demonic symbols were appearing from behind him. "Do what exactly?" You felt that you overstepped and wanted to leave, but you stood your ground. "I-its nothing inappropriate I swear! If you don't like it, you can push me back." His eyes gazed down at you, searching for any signs of deceit. He found none, so he relaxed a bit and his powers toned down.
🦌"Alright my dear! You have permission for five seconds!" Alastor stood smiling, hands behind his back. Heaving a sigh of relief, you were happy that Al allowed you to do something. "Ok...um." Moving slowly, you walked closer, wrapping you arms around him. Radio screech, Al was left befuddled by your actions, his arms raised up a bit. Quickly you pulled back. "Okay! All done!" Smiling up at him, you stood back and stared up at him. Alastor couldn't figure out what on earth just happened. You just wanted to hug him? "My dear. May I ask why the sudden act of affection?" His eyes were glazed with curiosity, better then them being glazed with fury.
🦌Flushing a bit, you started to twiddle your fingers. "I noticed you seemed a bit off today. Yes you are always smiling, but it seemed a bit strained. Something had to have bothered you or make you upset, so I thought maybe hugging you would cheer you up. I know you don't like others touching you, so I wasn't going to do it without your permission. Sorry if I had made you uncomfortable with my actions" Al heard you explain all of this to him, eyes gazing down at the floor.
🦌Oh what an adorable creature you were! Alastor found your actions to be quite sweet. He will admit that he was harden by being in hell for so long, and the only time he remembers any ounce of kindness and warmth being given to him was by his own mother. The annoying feelings of anger and fury had melted away instantly at your little action. The silence in the room was killing you. You were afraid to look at Al, expecting to see radio dials flashing on his face. Suddenly arms had wrapped around you back, lifting you up of the ground. "You are such a delight, darling!" He had spun you around, causing you to laugh. Finally he stopped and had set you down, gazing at you with soft eyes. "There were a few inconveniences today that left me in a foul mood. But! I'm feeling right as rain right now! Thank you, my dear!" He had placed a hand on your head, ruffling you hair a bit.
🦌Happy that he was feeling better you smiled at him. Alastor's ears perked at bit, having come up with an idea. "Since you went out of you way to appease my mood, I can offer you a simple wish. No deal attached!" He was leaning down, face moving closer to yours, waiting for your response. You didn't really want anything, as you only wanted to make Al feel better. After giving it some thought, you came up with your answer. "Could I stay and listen to your broadcast please?" Alastor nearly jumped with excitement at your answer. Snapping his fingers, another chair had appeared next to his desk, along with a cup of coffee and some of your favorite snacks. Wrapping an arm around you, he pulled you closer, "Come along my dear! Its showtime!"
Sir Pentious🐍
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🐍"MADAM, WHAT ISSSSS THE MEANING OF THISSSSSS?!?!?!?" Pentious was not use to any actions that involved affection. Don't blame the guy, he lived during the era where actions like that were very sacred.
🐍He was inside his blimp that was attached to the hotel. He was sobbing due to his egg minions being taken away by Vaggie and given to Alastor. He loved his minions like they were his kids, and the thought of them being taken away made his heart break.
🐍He shot up in shock when he heard the sound of the door slide open. Turning around he saw you entering inside the room, walking closer to him. "Ahh misssssss Y/N, how may I assist you?" He tried to play it off that he was ok, wiping the tears that were on his face. He wondered why you gave no response back to him, and continued to walk closer to him. He jumped a shock and let out a girly shriek when he felt you wrap your arms around him. He and his hat looked at you in shock, bewildered by what you were doing.
🐍MISSSSSS Y/N????? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Pentious was literally shaking, emotions running high that you were hugging him. Pulling away, you stepped back, and watch Pentious place a hand on his chest, trying to calm down. "Sorry Pentious. I knew you were upset about losing your minions, so I wanted to cheer you up."
🐍His dark face began to become a pure red, and if he had ears they would be steaming. What a thoughtful person you were. Coming all the way here just to make him feel better? His heart was going a mile a minute. "Oh I see.....Thank you y/n." He smiled at you including his hat that appeared to have a heart symbol in its iris. "W-ould you care to have s-some tea with me?" his nerves were back again, as he was fumbling with words. You agreed and the both of you had tea together.
🐍Luckily for him, Vaggie allowed him to have his egg bois back, leading to him pulling them into a hug, including you, before he let you go quickly, letting out an embarrassed cough before slithering away to his room
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping @danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman
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mothtoaflamee · 7 months ago
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Expect a sfw one shot by tomorrow
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Until then, have a wonderful day! 🤍
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
Can I please request the female douma in hasbin hotel I just saw the new trailer and thought about my favourite demon lazy demon .
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Ohhhh, Hazbin Hotel! That pretty cool! Deal ;)
Thanks for the Request ❤️
Hazbin Hotel x Douma Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: neutral
Warnings: Douma itself is a Warnings (Cults, cannibalism), Hell, Alastor, mentions of alcohol, long work.
You died during the Taisho era, in Japan. having lived a fairly long and…full life, so to speak.
You were born with a unique appearance! with Rainbow irises that made you extremely popular in the area where you lived.
So much so that the people in your family believed that you had a special gift for speaking with the gods, so they formed a cult around you.
without knowing that in this way they would be awakening the darker side of your being.
As you grew up, being worshiped by the cult your parents had made, you couldn't really learn to differentiate emotions, which was frustrating. You wanted to feel SOMETHING, anything. have the experience.
and you tried everything.
do good things, do bad things, help the cult people with words you didn't really mean, scam, hurt, hurt animals, hurt yourself, hurt others in multiple ways, etc.
Even if they generated a certain feeling of emotion in you, you wouldn't say that they filled you up.
until you decided to try killing certain disciples and eating them to get rid of them.
and it was a success!You finally started to feel the emotions that others talked so much about!
Although of course, not all good things come for free, when you died there was no doubt that you would fall to hell, and so it was.
Honestly, You were very surprised to have fallen into hell, not because you didn't deserve it, but because you were an atheist all your life, believing that everything you preached was a lie.
And it turns out that it was true?? How curious.
but it didn't mean you wouldn't take advantage of your new playground.
With your natural charm, your unique and striking appearance (almost the same as you were when you were human) you were able to convince several low-ranking demons to trust you with their souls, rising in rank exponentially.
To make it easier for you, with your demon abilities you created a place similar to what your cult was like, there you could more easily control the people who gave you their souls.
In record time you became an Overlord. one quite well known but very mysterious. One that had a striking appearance and powers, but was rarely seen.
You could do anything you wanted in hell! which made the scope of your misdeeds increase exponentially, you couldn't be happier!
If we're talking about interacting with Hazbin Hotel's rl cast, of course you did! You were somewhat curious to know how Lucifer's daughter's attempt at humanitarian aid would fail. Also, bother Alastor? You are in!
Technically you already knew Alastor, you two died at similar times (you died before) and you saw how he rose very strongly among the Overlords, you liked him.
Unfortunately Alastor did not enjoy your company in the least, precisely because it made it very difficult for him to read you, either because of your lack of GENUINE emotion or because, like him, you used the trick of always having a smiling and pleasant facade.
Still, of course, he would rather be killed again than admit that.
But it was really a shame, he found some aspects of you pleasant.
For example, your taste in Canibal cuisine, Alasror recognized that you had good taste in that aspect.
Apart from that, you came from a VERY rich culture and spoke fluently in both English and Japanese, which was a great sight. Alastor normally wouldn't think that someone (at first glance) so airheaded would be able to speak a language like that so fluently.
but he is definitely something like your Akaza.
I mean, every time you push him out enough, Alastor will use Elrich magic on you and destroy you in the most grotesque ways possible.
That's until he realizes that you like it when he does that! That you make him hurt you on purpose because you're a masochistic son of a bitch!
The worst thing is that he doesn't realize this until Husk tells him...having already known you for years.
Speaking of, Husk doesn't trust you, not in the slightest.
he thinks you're a freak, a second Alastor but even worse, at least Alastor is honest about how horrible he is unlike you.
He serves you drinks when you ask, but if he can, he throws the glass directly in your eye or head, simply because he can. for your delight.
He is quicker to realize your intentions than the average person, and if he realizes that you want to turn one of the hotel members into your "dinner" he is drawing the cards SO FAST---
lots of offensive nicknames, to counteract the "affectionate" nicknames you give to people you know.
Don't touch it or ask it by surprise. Have you seen how cats do when they step on their tail? that's Husk when you surprise him.
Charlie...she's insecure about you.
and she feels BAD about it! She is supposed to be impartial and that everyone deserves a chance to change their ways! but you...well, it's you.
Charlie is not so naive, when more than one member of the Staff warns her that you are bad news, she is considerate of them and tries to make you leave, they have already had incidents with Overlords before, she wants to believe that you are different.
but it proves quite quickly that not when you show your more... somber side.
She tries to be cautious, failing miserably because she wants to know everything about you. You are someone very interesting!
Charlie definitely didn't have much of an idea who you were when she met you, your name did ring any bells, but she didn't think it was that important ---
until you casually blurted out the information that you had a fucking cult.
and that you eat demons.
There Charlie decides to put into practice everything given in "setting boundaries" and tells you that although she likes how... you liven up the atmosphere of the hotel (and the air conditioning in some way) she DEFINITELY does not want to associate with you having Alastor.
if she KNOWS that you are trying to do something against the hotel or any of the staff members (especially Vaggie)...ohohoho buddy, prepare yourself for an ANGRY Charlie ready to show you WHO'S THE BOSS HERE.
(She definitely tries to get several members of your cult to go to the hotel with her to protect them from you).
You get on Vaggie's nerves. A Lot.
not only because you cool everything you touch, but because you are very similar to Alastor.
She knows you're hiding something, that you want something from them but she can't get it out of you easily, so she's content to just watch you from a distance and make sure you don't mess with anyone.
VERY PROTECTIVE WITH EVERYONE WHEN YOU ARE THERE, it increases the hotel's defenses by 130% and keeps you away from where others are.
You definitely like to annoy her by calling her names that are too friendly for your type of relationship or even using her as an armrest. In these types of cases you usually receive a few good punches in the ribs or a headbutt.
If you try to get too close, she applies the pilot's weapon to you, that is, she takes out her angelic spear and threatens you with a lot of violence. cursing you in Spanish in the process.
She's not as intimidated by you as she is by Alastor, but she definitely doesn't think you're safer for any reason.
less after finding out what you do with the people in your cult.
good luck keeping Vaggie from killing you!
Angel Dust is scared of you, like, really scared.
It's not because you're similar to Alastor, or because you're a Cannibal, or because you're a powerful Overlord. not at all.
It's because you are very similar to Valentino.
You pretend to be a good person, that you give a shit about what happens to the people at the hotel, but really no, it's all fake. REALLY fake.
you feel nothing.
and that terrifies him. He doesn't know how he acts around you. so Angel avoids you as much as he can, going near the fireplace since you don't like the heat, or near Husk.
he keeps making jokes at your expense, but it's really his way of handling the situation.
apart from the fact that Angel genuinely thinks you're pathetic, because you couldn't find any other way to enjoy your life and another life other than hurting people.
that's pathetic.
Yes, she won't let you be near the most vulnerable residents, like Niffty (when she's drunk) and she definitely won't let you be near Fatt Nuggets.
Try him and he will show you what he lived by while he was alive.
Niffty isn't scared of you in the slighleast.
In fact she is attracted to you on many levels, but Alastor will NEVER LET you be even a kilometer close to her in his presence.
In fact, there is a high possibility that you and her will secretly become friends, but Niffty better take care of herself around you.
She makes you use your ice powers so she can make things in the snow, snow angels, dolls, kill bugs with snow picks, etc.
she likes you and you like her :) surprisingly.
Sir Pentious is quite similar to Angel with you.
Sir Pentious is very aware of your reputation as a fearsome Overlord and definitely does not want to join the list of victims with his Eggboys, so he stays as far away from you as possible.
He has tried to make inventions resistant to your frozen currents, since it costs Charlie quite a few resources (because you don't pay a shit for what you break, you cheapskate) and certain artifacts that counteract your ice powers.
He brings several of his smoke machines to the hotel when he knows you're coming to visit (and if you come as a surprise, most likely everyone will hide in Pentious's warship because it's very hot in there.
Yes, he doesn't let his Ehgboys be near you in the slightest, he tells them horror stories with you like the big egg-eating monster.
and if you try something with his Minions PREPARE FOR THE DEATH RAY--
In general, you are a pain in the ass for everyone, everyone, always :)
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^when they find out You come to visit
Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
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love-at-first-sight-23 · 28 days ago
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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New Year’s Resolutions— A short fic where you and Alastor discuss the topic of New Year’s goals. (366 words)
A Smile in the Dark— Alastor is particularly hungry for you one evening and wants to try a new game— taking control while completely in the dark. (801 words)
Coming soon!
Midnight Kisses— You can’t fall asleep, and you can’t resist the chance to get in a few kisses— and more— with Vox late at night. (1.1k words)
Hazbin Hotel Headcanons (x Reader, Lucifer, Vox, Adam, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Husker, & Angel, NSFW) (745 words total)
More fics and masterlists coming soon!
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mvskedxrtist · 1 year ago
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Hazbin Masterlist
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Aɴɢᴇʟ Dᴜsᴛ
| The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Sɪʀ Pᴇɴᴛɪᴏᴜs
| My Needy Deer
| Who's my Jealous Boy?
| It's Out Again...
Cʜᴇʀʀɪ Bᴏᴍʙ
| Such a Good Angel
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Heya! Would you be willing to write headcanons for a fem vampire demon who’s tasked with being a security guard for the hotel for Charlie? I don’t really mind who all the headcanons are like, for? But I hope this seems like a fun ask and that it isn’t confusing or complicated!
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OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SM, the headcanons are just for the main hotel residents hope that’s okay!!
Alastor: he is a bit, at first offended, I mean he is the one who is protecting the hotel is he not? Oh but then, then he finds out you’re a vampire, someone who also has a taste for blood? Why didn’t you say so!! He’d be so happy and feel like he could finally sit down and have a good meal with you!
Angel: He thinks it’s a good idea to get more fire power, I mean Al is good an all, but he always leaves to go do other things, so having 24/7 help? Amazing! He’d offer you a drink, and really wanna be your friend, when he finds out your a vamp, he just asks if you like red wine better, and would 100% ask you if you have a favorite blood type.
Husk: he’s honestly indifferent. Cool, new security I guess, same with the whole vampire thing. He will ask, if you need anything special or specific to drink so you don’t go hungry.
Charlie: ah the one who hired you! She thought it would be swell to have a new member of the team! She asks if maybe it’s possible for you to use blood substitutes, but when you tell her no since ya know you need it to stay alive, she understands and doesn’t bring it up further
Nifty: Oh wow!! ANOTHER GIRL!!! she’d giggle and try and climb you, she’ll also ask you to help her with the bugs, when she finds out your a vampire, she thinks it cool, and asks if you bite people too.
Vaggie: she was told before you started that you were a vampire, she wasn’t rude just kinda kept her distance, she warmed up to you when she saw you fight, you train together sometimes now!
Sir pentious: as soon as he sees you, he salutes due to thinking you’re a soldier, and wanting to show you respect, he asks if you want to duel and when you do you kick his ass, he’s a little butt hurt about it but otherwise, he thinks you’re perfectly fine once he finds out your vampire, he thinks that’s super interesting and tries to ask you about it!
Hope this is okay! Enjoy the heacanons!
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constellationguy · 6 months ago
I have a lot of ideas in my head, some in progress, others not, but I want to see what you guys want to see next!
If anyone wants to be tagged in the fic you voted for leave a comment or follow!
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iiipeaxhyiii · 8 months ago
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Hells Sweetheart
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The elevator dinged as a group of rowdy patrons spilled out, stumbling and laughing as they made their way into the nightclub. Bodies pressed together, sticky with sweat, moving to the pulsating beat of the music. In the corners, couples made out, oblivious to anything else. A chill breeze swept through the room, brushing against your thighs as you crossed your legs and sipped your martini.
"To what do I owe the pleasure...Alastor?"
Your eyes moved from your drink to the Radio Demon, who stood before you with his usual broad grin. That smile, unchanging over the years, never failed to send shivers down your spine. Amid the cacophony, you heard his deep chuckle. "Can't a demon just visit his dear old sister?"
Rolling your eyes, you flipped your luscious pink hair. "You only visit when you want something," you replied, a pout forming on your lips.
Alastor laughed heartily. "Well, I require your assistance with a hotel."
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. "A hotel?" you questioned, tilting your head.
"Yes, dear sister, a hotel. I'm helping the princess of Hell pursue her dream of rehabilitating demons."
You pondered the idea. 'A hotel for demon redemption... I've heard about it and I must admit, it's not a bad idea. Sighing deeply, you cleared your throat. "Fine, I'll help out with this." A smile crept onto your face.
"Bring her around sometime. I'd love to show her Wonderous Wonderland." Rising from the pink couch, you walked over to your brother and hugged him.
Though the Radio Demon was rarely affectionate, he would set the world ablaze for you. "Hmm, I'll bring her soon," he sang before disappearing into the crowd.
"Hatter, I have someone new for you," Cheshire announced, entering the private room with a short demon. His wolf ears lay low, one eye black, the other red.
"Mm, what an interesting creature you are," you giggled, eyeing the newcomer.
He didn't hesitate to state his business.
"I want to strike a deal with you," he declared, a smirk playing on his lips.
You signaled Cheshire to fetch you another drink. "And what is it you want?" you asked.
A glimmer of greed flashed in the demon's eyes as he leaned forward. "I want to be known in Hell, and I want to get the girl."
Bingo. Another power-seeking demon blinded by ambition. "Hm, you're asking for quite a lot."
He clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes, then stood abruptly. "An overlord like you is too weak to make it happen," he sneered.
In an instant, your eyes glowed pink, and a tendril of smoke coiled around his throat. "Don't test me, little man," you warned, as tears brimmed in his eyes.
"Fine. You want a deal? Let's strike one. You'll be known in Hell, you'll have money, and the girl you desire. In return, you sign your soul over to me."
The smoke dissipated, and the demon collapsed, gasping for breath. "My soul?" he croaked.
"Yes, your soul," you confirmed, a smirk on your face.
"Don't you disrespect me, little man. Don't you derogate or deride," you sang, grabbing his face and squeezing it. "You're in my world now, not your world."
Swaying your hips, you flipped your hair to the side. "And I got friends on the other side," you continued, joining Cheshire, who smirked beside you.
"She's got friends on the other side," the crowd echoed, eyes glowing pastel pink.
"That's an echo, gentlemen. Just a little something we have here in Wonderland.
A little parlor trick. Don't worry," you laughed, pulling the demon into a chair. "Sit down at my table. Put your mind at ease."
"If you relax, it will enable me to do anything I please," you promised. The room's atmosphere shifted, becoming more serene, and the demon's tense posture relaxed. "I can read your future and change it around too. I'll look deep into your heart and soul," you said, removing your black hat as cards flew out, swirling around both of you.
"You do have a soul, don't you, Lawrence?"
"Make your wildest dreams come true! I got voodoo, I got hoodoo! I got things I ain't even tried! And I got friends on the other side," you sang, as miniature voodoo dolls of Alastor and yourself bowed slightly, and a deck of cards ran by.
"She's got friends on the other side," the crowd echoed again.
"The cards, the cards, the cards will tell... the past, the present, and the future as well," you intoned, sliding the cards across the table. You gestured for Lawrence to pick a set.
"The cards, the cards, just take three.
Take a little trip into your future with me," you coaxed. Lawrence flipped over the cards: the first showed him killing indiscriminately, the second showed him locking a girl away, but the last was blank.
"Now you, young man, are from across the sea. You come from two long lines of royalty," you said, bopping his nose and twirling around. "I'm a royal myself on my mother's side." You shrugged your shoulders, bopped his nose, and twirled around. "Your lifestyle's high, but your funds are low. You need to marry a lil' honey whose daddy's got dough."
"Mom and Dad cut you off, huh, playboy?" you questioned, watching his eyes widen. "How di—" He started, but you quickly cut him off. "Oh sweetheart, I know everything." A laugh escaped your lips, sending shivers down his spine.
"Now y'all gotta get hitched, but hitchin' ties you down. You just wanna be free, hop from place to place... but freedom... takes green!" Pouring yourself a shot, you slid next to the rather young man. "It's the green, it's the green, it's the green you need, and when I looked into your future, it's the green that I see."
"Oh, you little man, I don't want to waste much time. You've been pushed around all your life." He fiddled with his fingers, memories flooding in of a life that wasn't exactly the greatest. "You've been pushed around by your mother, your sister, your brother, and if you were married... you'd be pushed around by your wife."
"But in your future, the you I see," not telling him that his future was nonexistent, you continued, "is exactly the man you always wanted to be."
"Shake my hand," you said, ready to seal the deal and have another soul in the hands of Mad Hatter. Lawrence didn't know what to do at this moment. "Oh, come on," you pressed, fluttering your eyes. "Won't you shake the poor sinner's hand?" Letting a pout form on your lips, he slowly reached his hand toward yours and shook it. "Yes..."
The room clouded with mixtures of colors, smoke swirling around you both, lifting Lawrence off the ground. "Are you ready?"
The people in the club stayed in their trance, dancing around you. "Are you ready?" they sang perfectly in sync.
"Are you ready? Transformation central!" Lawrence looked into your eyes, seeing your pupils shaped like hearts as if hypnotized. Something about you screamed danger, but he couldn't help himself.
"Transformation central!"
"Reformation central!"
"Reformation central!"
"Transmogrification central! You're changin'! You're changin'! You're changin', all right! I hope you're satisfied." Feeling power surge through his body, he shut his eyes, a burning sensation spreading along his skin. "But if you ain't, well, don't blame me... you can blame my friends on the other side." You slowly started sinking back to the ground, flipping your hair out of your face.
"You got what you wanted!"
"But you lost what you had," Cheshire sang, placing a hand on his shoulder as her eyes darkened. Sweat dripped down his forehead as his eyes widened, realizing what he had done. A maniacal laugh escaped your mouth as Lawrence backed away.
With just a quick snap of your fingers, everyone in the club was snapped out of their trance and continued to dance and get drunk. Placing the black top hat back on your head, the heels of your shoes echoed as you walked into the elevator. Once inside, you smirked. "Oh, lose the frown, why don't you, Lawrence?" You burst into fits of giggles as the door closed.
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grimfurbybitch · 10 months ago
everyone's gangsta until zestial gropes (fem) pentious' chest
Who's to stop the oldest overlord from feeling up his wife?
I don't think he does it public though, wouldn't want anyone to get any wrong ideas about her, she's a lady after all
now in private? he can't keep his hands off her
the real question is what would happen if someone else tried to touch her.......let's just say it wouldn't be pretty
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jowbokitten · 3 months ago
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Turns out she's rly fun to draw bvfdvb
(I like to think she still sounds like pilot Pentious bcuz i miss him hhh)
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theyanderespecialist · 4 months ago
Their Femme Man🏳‍⚧Yandere SirDust X Femme Man Trans Man Listener (Hazbin) 
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alastor-simp · 1 year ago
Such A Tease - Angel Dust x Female Human Reader Part 1/2
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Requested by @lokis-imaginary-friend . This story is going to include a female human reader in Hell, also contain some parts from the pilot Enjoy!
**Arriving In Hell**
You don't remember the fall, but you did feel your body smack hard against the ground. Opening your eyes, groggily, your irises fixated on the blood red sky in front of you, along with some buildings. What? Getting up from your position, you realized you had landed somewhere in an back alley. Standing up, you slowly walked away from where you landed, and out of the alley. You saw more of the city surrounding you, covered in neon lights and pretty graphic billboards. What shocked you the most were the people. No one looked human anymore, everyone had either an animalistic or monstrous form. This had to be dream you thought while pinching your arm, but you were still in this strange place, so it was clear this was not a dream, but reality. Deciding to explore a bit more, your eyes gazed at your surroundings, trying to figure out what kind of world this was. Unfortunately, you had gazed at a group of tall wolf like men, who had caught you staring at them. Looking away, you continued to speed walk, but it was too late.
"Hey look at that one! Ahoooo!", "Heh, she looks like a good time." "I wonder how she will taste." The voices you heard from behind you sent shivers down your spine. Continuing to walk faster, you attempted to avoid them. "Hey girlie, wait up. We just wanna talk to you, right boys? "Right" Looking back, you saw the sadistic looks on their faces, making your skin crawl. Your legs when from walking to running, as you sped down the road in front of you. "GET HER!!!" a loud voice bellowed behind you, and the multiple sounds of feet clattering behind you. You moved swiftly, taking many left and right turns to try to avoid them, but they were still tailing behind you.
"SCREEECHHHH" The sound of a car screeching, stopped you in your tracks, and a white limo had whipped up right in front of you. The door flew open, and you heard a feminine voice yell out "GET IN!" as they grabbed your arm and pulled you inside. The limo then sped off, and away from the creepy wolf men. It took you a while to catch your breath, playing a hand on your chest. "Are you okay?" the same voice that had told you to get in appeared next to you. Turning your head, you saw a blonde girl with red dotted cheeks next to you, sitting on her knees. She was wearing a pinkish suit with a black bowtie. Her hand was placed on your shoulder, giving you a sense of calmness. Nodding your head, you said you were okay and thanked her for the save. She smiled back, as she continued to sit with you on the floor of the limo, making sure you had caught your breath. Looking around, you noticed there were others inside the vehicle. Behind the blonde girl was a lavender-skinned woman, with long white hair. She looked very intimidating, given how hard she was glaring at you. On your left, there was a tall, lanky man, with multiple arms. He was wearing a rather flashy outfit and black heels. He was very fluffy the more you looked at him, and the little dots under his eyes reminded you of a spider.
Having managed to calm down, you looked right back at the girl next to you, saying you were good now. She got up from her position, taking you by the hand, and leading you over to where the spider man was sitting. She had sat back down, next to the white hair girl. "Ohh I'm sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Charlie Morningstar! It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled at you, brightly. You swear you thought you saw sparkles flying behind her. She then pointed to the girl next to her: "This is Vaggie. my girlfriend. And the one next to you is Angel Dust." You nodded your head at Vaggie and then looked back at Angel Dust. He was too busy messing with the car window switch to even register you were looking at him.
"Um...my name is Y/N. I do have a question, where am I?" Charlie eyes widen, surprised you didn't know where you were. "We are in the Pride ring in Hell. Are you a newcomer by chance?" Her eyes looked at you with concern, including Vaggie, as her demeanor soften. WAIT WHAT?!? YOU WERE IN HELL?!?! A million thoughts were flooding your mind right now, wondering how did this happen. Does that mean your now a demon?!
Thinking back to Charlie introducing yourself, the last name Morningstar rang a bell. "Wait your last name is Morningstar, so that means your..." Charlie smiled and gave a little bow while sitting: "Yup! I am the princess of Hell and daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith!" She said that so casually like it was nothing! Gazing at her more, you noticed she did have some princess-like qualities to her. She noticed you staring and asked what was wrong. "Sorry! Its just...I expected the princess of hell to be a bit more scary and devilish, but you're very pretty and sweet." She smiled widely at that, thanking you for the compliment.
"What about you toots? Why ya look like that?" a thick, Brooklyn accent had spoken next to you, and the feeling of an arm had wrapped around your shoulder. Realizing it was Angel Dust, you looked up at him, gazing into his miscolored eyes. "Um like what?" You tiled your head, confused. "Like that. Ya look alive." He was digging into his pocket for something, until he pulled out a little compact mirror and held it up in front of you. Gasping, you grabbed the mirror and looked at your reflection. Your face had stayed the same, no demonic fangs or horns. The only thing that was noticeably different were your eyes. They were now golden yellow with cat-like slits in the center. Vaggie then spoke: "I realized that too. You look more like a human then a demon."
Taking in what you saw, you tried to figure out how was this happening. How did you end up in hell, but still remained a human? This didn't make any sense. Is that why you were chased? Because you looked like a human? Letting out a sigh, you handed the mirror back to Angel Dust, as you leaned back, head against the car window , wrapping your arms on your legs. "Hey its going to be alright. I understand this is a big shock to you, but it will be okay. You can stay at the hotel too." Charlie had gotten up from where she was sitting, and sat down on the floor next to you, grabbing your hands. giving you some comfort. Hotel? What she mean by that? Asking her what she meant, she bounced with excitement, telling you how she was running a hotel to rehabilitate sinners, so they could ascend to heaven. Wow. The daughter of the king of hell itself was doing something like that. She really was a princess. You thanked Charlie, appreciating that she had given you a place to stay, which she responded back with a hug.
The limo drew to a halt, and then the doors opened. Everyone had gotten out with you being the last one. In front of you was a massive building, at least seven stories tall. A large neon sign was attached to it that read “Happy Hotel.” It was in a bit of a disarray, as what looked to be a ship boat was attached to it, as well as a carousal. It was odd, but kinda nice. Having entered inside, you noticed that the interior needed some work. The area was very untidy, with wooden boards scattered around along with some cobwebs. At least the couches were clean enough for you to sit. Walking over to it, you took a seat, as you watched Angel Dust head towards some sort of cooler, pulling out a popsicle. You noticed Charlie was sitting on some sort of crate, looking slightly upset. Angel dust made a comment about getting some more food in for all the sinners coming to the hotel. Well that clearly made Charlie more upset, as she sunk down further on the crate. You noticed Angel wasn't being silly anymore, and looked at Charlie with a sad look, but he appeared not to know how to comfort her, so he just walked away and sat next to you, munching on the frozen treat.
You watched Charlie dropped down from the crate and headed towards the entrance door, with her cell phone in hand, and went outside. Maybe she needed some privacy since that looked important you thought. You continued to look around the hotel, taking in everything. Your eyes then gazed at Angel Dust, looking up and down at him. He was very stylish given his outfit, and he was handsome even though he looked like a ball of fluff. He had a lot of it apparently, given how puffy his chest area was. "Take a picture. It will last longer." Angel's eyes looked down at you, smirking that you were oogling him. Embarrassed, you looked away, muttering a sorry. Angel's smirk got wider at your reaction and place his hands under your chin, making you turn back around. "Well, this body is flawless, so I don't blame you for looking, but its gonna cost you toots." He was so close, you could see the golden tooth flashing in his mouth.
"I was admiring your outfit. It's nice. Are you a model perhaps?" Smiling sweetly, with cheeks flushed, you pointed at Angels blazer. His eyes widen at that, before he broke into a fit of laughter. "HAHAHA! Nope, sorry babe! I'm a pornstar. A famous one at that." Oooo that made much more sense why he was so flirty. Your cheeks flushed more at that, and you twirled your hair with your finger. "Well that's kinda nice too." Angel just shrugged his shoulders, leaning his head back on the couch cushion. "Eh its alright. Pays good and I get to suck all the di✪✪ I want, so yeah, job has its perks." Oh, he was into guys. You suspected many women would fawn over him, if he were into them. The conversation didn’t continue after that and you just resumed sitting on the couch, as you noticed Charlie had came back in, with a red suited man, holding a microphone.
The man was at staggering height, almost 7 ft. His striped red suit fitted him perfectly, along with his monocle and bow tie. His hair was a sharp red, with black at the bottom, and antlers at the top. His smile was the most striking thing on him, it was outstretched to the point it almost reached his eyes, dang that must hurt his cheeks. His actions were very animated, with the way he moved and his voice oozed static like a radio. He was conversing with Charlie, saying some things about wanting to help out with the hotel, for entertainment purposes. Vaggie had taken a sit on the couch, where you and Angel sat.
“Uh, so… uh, what's the deal with Smiles over there?" Angel was the one who decided to break the silence. Vaggie nearly jumped at what Angel said: "I know Y/N just arrived here so she has no clue, but who never heard of him before? You lived here longer then me?" Angel just shrugged, not interested in what Vaggie had to say. She then went on to tell the story about how the mysterious suited demon was Alastor the Radio Demon, the most powerful overlord hell has ever seen. The story she told you gave you goosebumps, leaving a mental note in your head, not to mess with Alastor or get on his bad side.
"Ya done? Heh..he looks like a strawberry pimp." Pftt, that caused you to laugh a bit, while Vaggie was given a face saying she was so done. Looking back at Angel, you continued to eye his outfit and give a quip back. "At least I'm not the one who looks like a bubble-gum slut." Angel’s mouth gaped open, shocked by what you said, as he let out a "HEY!" Vaggie cackled at that, giving you a high-five, while Angel Dust just grumbled, and flipped you off with his four hands. You apologized to him, saying you couldn't help yourself. Angel dust was still annoyed, but he just said whatever, pulling his phone out to start texting.
You still observed the conversation going on with Charlie and Alastor, with Charlie refusing to make a deal with him, but saying he could stay at the hotel for as long as he desired. Apparently, that was okay with him as he said "Fair enough." He walked past both Angel Dust and Vaggie, humming to himself. Getting distracted, you didn't realized he had stopped in front of you. "Well hello my dear! Quite a striking appearance you have!" He was bent down, his face very close to yours, sharp grin in front of you. You felt nervous and began to fiddle with your hands. "Y-eah. I had just arrived in Hell, so I'm still trying to figure that out. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." Extending your hand out for a shake, Al gave a polite smile back, and shook your hand: "Pleasure to be meeting you darling!" He ended the handshake, smiling wide at you, before walking back over to Charlie.
Many things happened after that. The arrival of Husk and Niffty, the whole singing performance with Alastor, and then the whole blimp attack by some snake man. Jesus, it had certainly been a day. After Alastor destroyed the blimp with his powers, he invited everyone back inside for some Jambalaya. Thinking to yourself while walking back inside, you were still wondering how you ended up in Hell, but you shook your head, trying to remove those thoughts. Well, you were here now, alive, and at least you had a safe place to stay at, with some wacky residents. Was better then nothing, especially since they were starting to grow on you, especially a certain spider demon.
**To be Continued in Part 2**
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping@danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @themysteriousslenderman
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iheart-alastor · 11 months ago
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