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mondomoda · 3 months ago
Desperate Housewives - 20 anos depois da estreia
Desperate Housewives é uma série de TV de comédia de humor mórbido, drama, sátira e mistério, exibida entre outubro de 2004 a maio de 2012. Ganhou o título de ‘dramédia’ pela mistura de gêneros. Criada por Marc Cherry para a emissora estadunidense ABC, ela teve oito temporadas (180 episódios) mantendo o mesmo elenco de protagonistas: Teri Hatcher (Susan Mayer), Felicity Huffman (Lynette Scavo),…
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rbadgalriri · 3 months ago
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Bill, @felicityhuffman and @benkweller Variety here we come!!
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laocommunity · 2 years ago
William H. Macy Claps Back at Neighbor's Ridiculous Trespassing Lawsuit with Sassy Comeback
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William H. Macy Claps Back at Neighbor's Ridiculous Trespassing Lawsuit with Sassy Comeback William H. Macy Claps Back at Neighbor's Ridiculous Trespassing Lawsuit with Sassy Comeback William H. Macy, the popular American actor, director, and screenwriter, is making headlines for all the right reasons. The Emmy Award winner recently responded to his neighbor's ridiculous trespassing lawsuit with a sassy comeback that had everyone talking. The Lawsuit According to reports, William H. Macy's Beverly Hills neighbor, Mr. Farhad Akhavi, filed a lawsuit against him and his wife, Felicity Huffman, for unlawfully entering and using his backyard without his consent. Mr. Akhavi alleges that the couple used his backyard as a shortcut to access a hiking trail located behind his property. The Response In response to Mr. Akhavi's lawsuit, William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman filed a legal document stating that Mr. Akhavi's claims were "completely baseless and without merit." They went on to describe the allegations as "frivolous, vexatious, and retaliatory." But that's not all. William H. Macy also delivered a sassy comeback that had everyone talking. In an interview with TMZ, he joked that his kids had been using Mr. Akhavi's backyard as a "shortcut to school" for years. He added that he was shocked to find out that it was actually a private property. The Backlash Although William H. Macy's response was meant to be lighthearted, it did not sit well with everyone. Some people criticized him for making light of a serious legal matter, while others accused him of being flippant and dismissive. However, many of his fans came to his defense, with some even going as far as creating memes to support him. They argue that the whole situation is blown out of proportion and that Mr. Akhavi's lawsuit is nothing but an attempt to harass and intimidate the couple. The Conclusion At the end of the day, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. Both William H. Macy and Mr. Akhavi have their own versions of the story, and it's up to the court to decide who has the stronger case. In the meantime, it's clear that William H. Macy is not one to back down from a fight. His sassy comeback has proven that he's not afraid to stand up for himself and his family, even if it means making a few enemies along the way. #WilliamHMacy #TrespassingLawsuit #SassyComeback #BeverlyHills #MrAkhavi #FelicityHuffman #LegalMatter #Harassment #Intimidation #CourtDecision #ENTERTAINMENT Read the full article
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unblogparaloschicos · 2 years ago
TV: Andrew Van De Kamp
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SI “Desperate Housewives” (2004-2012, ocho temporadas) hubiera tenido lugar en estos años, sin duda sus fanáticos hubiesen invadido Twitter o YouTube con sesudos análisis e hipótesis sobre los misterios y las ocurrencias de las protagonistas que emergen desde ese mundo aparentemente maravilloso llamado Wisteria Lane. En su momento fue un show que destrozaba convencionalismos por su tratamiento sobre el rol de la mujer de principios del siglo XXI. Una cita semanal de mirada casi obligatoria en que el humor negro, la tragedia y los apuntes de cotidianeidad sirvieron de condimento a una historia por demás atrayente.
Un suicidio inicia esta travesía: el de Mary Alice Young (Brenda Strong), que con su acto deja boquiabiertas a sus cuatro amigas, protagonistas de esta aventura. Todas ellas con vidas y personalidades distintas: la naif Susan Mayer (Teri Hatcher), divorciada y con una hija adolescente a cargo; la madre múltiple y siempre al límite Lynette Scavo (Felicity Huffman); la sexy latina casada con un exitoso millonario Gabrielle Solis (Eva Longoria), la madre-esposa obsesivamente perfecta Bree Van De Kamp (Marcia Cross) y la extremadamente sensual y rival del grupo, casi una antagonista en sí misma, Edie Britt (Nicolette Sheridan).
Andrew, interpretado por Shawn Pyfrom, es un personaje problemático y en guerra constante con Bree, su madre, de la cual aborrece su personalidad perfeccionista y la relación tirante con su padre, con el cual mantiene una relación de complicidad.. hasta que descubre su infidelidad y, posteriormente, que éste es asesinado por uno de los pretendientes de su madre. Allí todo se desbarranca hasta un punto en que Bree lo abandona en medio de la ruta tras, entre otras delicias, atropellar a la suegra de Gabrielle con su auto nuevo (algo de lo que no se arrepiente) y acostarse con Peter MacMilland (Matthew Hammond), uno de los amoríos de su progenitora, consciente de que éste es un adicto al sexo.
Andrew desciende hacia la indigencia, posición en la que le encuentra su madre al verlo en una entrevista televisiva. Atormentada por la culpa, intenta regresarlo a casa, pero el resentimiento de su hijo es más fuerte. Pequeño spoiler: el complicado muchacho disfrutará de una satisfactoria redención que lo verá casado y acompañando a Bree en un emprendimiento personal.
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clarkgregguniversity · 5 years ago
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We have the latest playbill uploaded to the website. #BoysLife directed by @williamhmacy and is headlined by @clarkgregg #FelicityHuffman #NeilPepe which is also a play by @atlantictheater Check out this full playbill as well as #AFewGoodMen which is #ClarkGregg ‘a only #Broadway play and soon to be more. #play #theater #theatre #NyTheatre #NewYorkTheatre #newyorkbroadway #NewYork Check out the Playbills page on ClarkGreggUniversity today. It’s listed under Actor from the main page. https://www.instagram.com/p/B8ueQBplah6/?igshid=gnnm9yuciyzm
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adamwatchesmovies · 5 years ago
Phoebe in Wonderland (2008)
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I had no idea what Phoebe in Wonderland was about as I prepared to watch it. A reimagining/reinvention/interpretation of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? That’s been done time and time again. I was enthusiastic when I realized that this is not the case.
9-year-old Phoebe (Elle Fanning), has problems fitting in. She insists on performing strange rituals throughout the day, has fits at random, and is described as a troublemaker by her teachers. Her antics are putting a strain on her family. Her mother (Felicity Huffman) and father (Bill Pullman) are surprised when her odd ticks disappear while rehearsing for the school’s upcoming production of Alice in Wonderland.
When I realized what Phoebe in Wonderland was about, I saw two ways the film could go wrong. First, by being soft and glossing over how difficult it can be to deal with a mental illness (I’m using this term to avoid giving too much away). The second would be by giving the young performers more than they could handle.
Not only is the acting good; the kids in this movie are some of the best I've seen in a long time. When you see Phoebe cry, you'd swear they were candid moments they're so genuine. It isn't merely her lines that are delivered well, it's the mannerisms, and the energy she projects. Elle Fanning portrays a multi-faceted character that can come off as either perfectly normal or in desperate need of help depending on the situation. It's doubly impressive when we first see Phoebe struggling with her lines in the play. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to be for a good actress to pretend to be a character that can’t act? It would be like trying to ask an Olympic runner to finish last but without arousing suspicion. It takes a special talent to pull it off.
Phoebe in Wonderland is honest about how difficult children can affect the people around them. If you've lived with people who have behavioral problems, Aspergers, autism, or even something extreme like Tourette’s syndrome you will find that writer/director Daniel Barnz nails it. If you don't know what it's like, this picture will give you a good idea. Dare I call it educational? Ever been inside a supermarket and witnessed parents standing idly by while their children go ballistic? You wonder what level of denial the adults must experience to let things play out. That gets addressed in this movie. No one's at fault but it's obvious Phoebe’s mother is either in denial or so reluctant to admit something wrong that she's actually neglecting her daughter's needs by thinking she can take care of Phoebe on her own.
Some scenes with the adults feel artificial. The school principal (Campbell Scott), for instance. He's so stuffy and rigid that I might have bought it if he was on the edge of retirement, or very new and wanted to put his foot down to show that he was capable of the job. Everything else, from the fantasy sequences to the costumes, performances, and the way the subject material is handled expertly. Every detail feels carefully chosen to tell a personal and honest story. I highly recommend Phoebe in Wonderland to parents that might encounter this issue, for people who live it or who want to experience what it's like. (On DVD, March 15, 2015)
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roysexton · 5 years ago
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America is a “land of opportunity,” that is, if you are on the right side of the carnival game. My reviews of Theatre Nova’s Admissions by Joshua Harmon, IT Chapter Two, and Hustlers ... all of which are must-see for very different reasons yet share an interesting twisted "American dream" commonality. Read more: https://reelroyreviews.com/2019/09/22/america-is-just-one-big-strip-club-hustlers-it-chapter-two-and-theatre-novas-latest-production-admissions/ #stephenking, #annarbor, #admissions, #theatrenova, #hustlers, #itchaptertwo, #pennywise, #jenniferlopez, #constancewu, #felicityhuffman, #horatioalger, @a2theatrenova, @hustlersmovie, @itmovieofficial, @jlo, @jamesmcavoyrealdeal, @diane.hill.5876, @hownice4you, @jessicachastain (at Theatre Nova) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2uoMAXl94R/?igshid=163dm71ctniep
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respectmyhair · 5 years ago
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Wow. I'm just now reading about #FelicityHuffman's privileged filled 'sentence.' The justice system had no problem separating #TanyaMcDowell from her 5 year old kid to send her to jail for YEARS... And this other women gets 14 days?? Two weeks?? Probably one full day with good behavior?? Wow. #whiteprivilege #systematicracism #wypipo https://www.instagram.com/p/B2YPVcgDeGt/?igshid=duv5ymszpfsz
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ultrabasic-com · 6 years ago
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Felicity Huffman, the Emmy-winning former Desperate Housewives star, and more than 40 others were indicted in a multimillion-dollar scheme by wealthy parents to get their kids into top schools with the aides of bribes and false athletic qualifications.
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backroombuzz · 6 years ago
Ocasio-Cortez Screamed
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AOC's "White Privilege" alarm went off after a tweet claimed prosecutors may recommend for the lower end of the sentencing guidelines for white actress Felicity Huffman.
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christineelise · 6 years ago
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2005 #guesstar on #charmed - season 8 ep. 4 - #desperatehousewitches #guesstarring #spellingtv It was a play on #desperatehousewives and I was the #felicityhuffman character. (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvt4G_GAyeP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4ulgt6lo01vl
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changoblanco · 2 years ago
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Well this is kinda cool, ‘Transamerica’ , a film I designed, a program given out at Japanese movie screenings. #transamerica #productiondesign #artdeprtment #felicityhuffman #2005 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjjLbtdveIn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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olusheyi31 · 6 years ago
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Happy Birthday to my friend Alonzo Phoenix #KirkDouglas #DonnieOsmond #Canibus #BeauBridges #ReddFox #JudiDench #KurtAngle #JohnMalkovich #EricBledsoe #RyanGrant #FelicityHuffman #DickVanPatton #MargretHamilton #MichaelDorn #deaconjones https://www.instagram.com/p/BrKMHHjlPhi8HRGdv9UHtrQE6X3WsdopYBZODA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d0gkvzq33rq8
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haleselenagomez · 4 years ago
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Hey nanook. Why are you wearing a parka? #gabrielsolis #lynettescavo #desperatehousewives #evalongoria #felicityhuffman https://www.instagram.com/p/CQg2xGeBhNz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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supersergiofabi · 4 years ago
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Oggi 56 anni per #felicityhuffman la.Lynette di #desperatehousewives una delle serie del "passato" scritta straordinariamente bene https://www.instagram.com/p/CIko-RqhC0Z/?igshid=knuku0ewgd4n
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raquelzine · 4 years ago
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Qué ver en casa: #MujeresDesesperadas Llevábamos mucho tiempo esperando que alguien se decidiera a regalarnos (bueno, mediante el pago de la suscripción pertinente) las ocho temporadas de Mujeres Desesperadas, la serie que nos contaba los secretos y mentiras de las vecinas de Mary Alice, las residentes de Wisteria Lane.
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