#feli is very cute too
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pom0dorini · 2 years ago
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ask2pitaly · 5 months ago
... Yeah let's just leave it at that.
... You've had your curl ripped out???
- @ask2pitalyblog
Once in 1944, one of England's soldiers snuck up behind me and slashed a dagger to my head, and curl just went flying!
Felt like my sausage was ripped off honestly . . .
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Germany had to carry me back to base and he told me that while the curl wasn't attached I could barely talk in straight English. I couldn't remember much other than my brain signing off like an old TV
Have you never had yours snatched off?
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midnight-bay-if · 7 months ago
what would the ros call mc and what do they like to be called😋
im literally checking your account every hour of every day just for updates
(This is very sweet :) Thank you!)
S: S can be a little old-fashioned regarding affectionate terms. They prefer terms like "darling" or "my love".
As for what they like to be called... They wouldn't be choosey, but something akin to "dear" or "sweetheart" would please them.
Rain: Rain values names greatly. The fact they are referred to by their chosen name isn't lost on them. So, if you gave Rain a name to refer to you by, they would be reluctant to call you anything else. But eventually, I can see them succumbing to the allure of a nickname. Probably something related to nature like; "my flower" or "petal"
Rain would fold if you referred to them as "sweetheart" or "honey." Something kind of cute would suit them.
Taj: Koel. (I absolutely love the trope of a nickname starting out insulting but becoming affectionate over time.)
Taj is pretty prone to nicknames in general, but nobody has gotten away with creating one for them. Once they let you, it would have to be personal—giving them a purpose to rest in. Something like "my eyes" would be akin to referring to them as "my protector". Or even "Felis" in reference to the constellation.
N: N defaults to "my dear" quite often, but they do this when they are also being condescending. It has become an unfortunate habit. If N really wishes to demonstrate their devotion—something they would only whisper in the dead of night when you are entirely alone; "dimidium animae meae" (half of my soul).
As for what to call them... Any pet name would suit N fine. As long as it is reserved entirely for them. "Beloved" or "dearest" would make them especially weak in the knees.
Umbra: it will take some time for Umbra to feel comfortable enough to use an affectionate nickname. It feels too much like giving them some kind of ownership they do not think they deserve. But eventually, endearments such as "my joy" or "moonflower" may slip into their vocabulary.
Umbra is already attached to their name. It was given to them in a moment of desperation, and it changed the trajectory of their lives as they know it. It would take something equally special to replace the feelings that sizzle in their chest when you call "Umbra".
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skipper1331 · 1 year ago
No thoughts, quick actions // Felicitas Rauch
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a/n: based off this request.
Long distance relationships were something you never wanted to do. The thought of having your lover not near you, made you feel unwell, the risk of misunderstandings high and the longing terrible at times. You had seen it with your friends - nights that were spent crying on your couch because of a fight or dozens of rom com movies because they missed their lovers.
It broke your heart to see your friends that miserable and you could only imagine how awful their partner felt in another city, country or even continent. Those moments made you realize that you wouldn‘t want to be in a long distance relationship.
You kept that promise for a long time but when Feli, the german international and vfl Wolfsburg player approached you after a international friendly your heart was immediately stolen by her.
She came up to you with the intention to apologize for her sloppy tackle but the conversation took a quick turn as you found yourselves engaged in holiday stories.
Fast forward, the two of you have been a couple since 5 years.
In less than a few months after your encounter, the defender had let you forget all your opinions about long distance relationships.
Felicitas was worth the distance and every single misunderstanding - she was worth everything. You couldn’t deny that it was hard, super hard, at times but you managed. Holidays were spent together instead of telling each other stories about it, daily phone calls, short cute messages throughout the day made it possible.
You had to admit though, after 5 years of long distance you grew tired. You wanted to wake up next to Feli everyday, share a home with her, hug, kiss and touch whenever. From day to day it became harder to hide your disappointment or the fact that you missed Felicitas terribly. Nights were spent crying on the couch, some sappy rom com playing while you ate ice cream. It was getting too much, the honeymoon phase was over, you weren‘t blinded anymore - the familiar feeling resurfaced.
You hated long distance relationships.
and slowly you couldn‘t do it anymore nor did you want to.
Felicitas noticed your behavior, the bags under your eyes visible through the phone, the change in your mood and schedule. Besides being a professional football player, you started to do even more sports in your free time. You had to distract yourself, if you didn’t do so, the feeling of sadness would eat you alive.
Actually, the change was not only noticed by Feli but your teammates too, nobody asked you about it though.
Some of them didn‘t want to assume - maybe they were just imagining things.
Some of them were afraid of your reaction - would you be mad?
Some of them respected you too much to intrude in your life - if you had a problem, you would talk to them when you‘re ready.
It was Lia who took the matter in her own hands - she was one of your closest friends as she asked you if you wanted to get some coffee together after training.
It was a rainy day. The two of you sat at a table near the window, the smell of coffee filling the café, "You alright?" the Swiss asked.
A simple question, a question that most people would answer without any hesitation, even if the answer was a lie. You thought about lying to Lia, telling her everything was fine which it wasn‘t - Lia knew that. Added to that, Feli had texted her, both of them friends ever since their Turbine Potsdam time, to make sure everything‘s alright with you. So, there was no point in lying.
"I will leave the club in the upcoming transfer window" you replied and not with 'no' like Lia expected you answer.
There were no thoughts, just quick actions.
You looked at her no sign of confusion, anger on her face displayed - you couldn’t tell what she was thinking, her reaction calm and composed, something you appreciated very much. Wally always had to hear every thought before she could say something about the situation.
"I miss Felicitas" you mumbled with sad eyes, "and Wolfsburg offered me a great contract" you let the words sink in, not for Lia but for yourself. You would leave Arsenal in about 2-3 months, the club you spent the most time of your career and it will break and heal your heart at the same time.
"Say something, please?" the silence was deafening.
"What do you want me to say?"
"What do you think about it?" nervously, your fingers hit the table while you hoped her respond wouldn’t hurt your feelings or questioning your actions.
"I think it‘s the right decision"
After many conversations with your management and Wolfsburg, you flew to Germany as the deal was settled and ready to sign.
Feli didn‘t know about your arrival in her home country nor that you were in the exact same building as her - your transfer wouldn‘t be announced till the very end of the transfer window, Wolfsburgs wishes.
When you signing the contract, a heavy weight fell of your shoulders - you couldn‘t wait to see Felicitas everyday.
"In case you‘re wondering, training ended half an hour ago" Tommy Stroot winked, leaving you alone.
It took you about 25 minutes to your girlfriends home, one single rose in your hand. You rang the bell, cinnamon already barking behind the door as Feli opened it, trying to hold her dog back.
"Hi" you said, smiling widely. Your heart felt so complete.
"Wha- hi?" the defender pinched her arm, was this real? Were you really in front of her? "What are you doing here?" she asked, perplexed and shocked. Her question was forgotten when her senses kicked in. You were standing in front of her! Within seconds, Feli‘s arms wrapped around your neck, hugging you like you would disappear. Your own arms went around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. Oh, how you had missed her.
Neither of you could tell how long you stood in the hall, only when cinnamon barked, you pulled apart yet still in each others embrace. "I missed you so much" you breathed out, one hand coming up to caress your girls cheek. There was so much love shared, eyes telling the truth as you stood there in silence.
"I can‘t believe you‘re here" the defender chuckled happily, still in cloud nine, "for how long?"
"We should go inside" you told her at the same time, both of you giggling lightly before the German pulled you into her home. "So? How long?" she asked again, turning around.
You were silent for a moment, taking a deep breath, "I signed with Wolfsburg today. They will announce it soon" you replied in a low voice, somehow shy and afraid - how would she react?
No thoughts, quick actions
"You did what?"
"um, I signed a contract with Wolfsburg?" nervously, you scratched your neck, "I couldn‘t be away from you anymore. I just wanted to wake up next to you, see you everyday and kiss you good morning. I‘m sorry! I‘m sorry I haven’t told you about it! Please don‘t be mad" you rambled.
There was a deafening silence as Feli let your words sink in.
You were here.
For longer than just a few days.
You signed with Wolfsburg.
You‘ll be here everyday.
"I don’t know what to say" your girlfriend told you honestly. She was confused, happy and terrified but overall happy. She just didn‘t understand. Why haven‘t you told her about your signing? Was this the reason you acted differently? Did you miss her as much as she missed you?
you gulped, "oh" not expecting that kind of reaction. You thought she would be a little bit happier but her expression was empty. "I should go, um, this is for you. Sorry again" you mumbled, holding out your hand with the red flower.
"No, wait" the brunette said, gathering her thoughts as quickly as possible, "I’m happy you‘re here but it overwhelmed me" she smiled shyly as her hands went up to cup your cheeks, "you‘re so beautiful" her thumbs caressed your cheeks, eyes looking at you with so much love. Slowly but surely, her expression became readable - she was happy and so in love, "Will you move in with me?"
"If you want me to?"
Living with Felicitas was wonderful, the two of you matched perfectly - while she did the cooking, you did the laundry.
Your life in Germany was amazing as well, most of the Wolfsburg players knew you already and welcomed you with open arms. You adapted rather quickly to the german playing style, working yourself to the top - key player of the team.
It was hard at times, especially in the first few months as you missed England, the wsl and your family and friends but being with Feli healed every open wound.
Playing in the Frauen Bundesliga didn‘t stop you from watching all of the matches - you were a gunner through and through, no kisses or celebration touches at the Wolfsburg emblem.
Felicitas always joined you watching every gunners game, supporting the Arsenal the the same as you did. She did it before when you still played there, so why not now? It was something you appreciated very much.
"Was?! That‘s a yellow!" she jumped out of your arms, yelling at the tv. Chuckling at her, you pulled her back, "you know they can‘t hear you" you said. In fact, it should have been a yellow card for the Aston Villa player but as so often, the ref didn‘t agree with that opinion. The German international grumbled, sinking further in your embrace as she elaborated why that should have been a yellow card. Seeing Felicitas in your Arsenal jersey, in your arms and annoyed with the ref’s decision as it was against your club made you realize that she was the woman of your dreams. You wanted her to be your wife.
It didn‘t take you long to find the perfect ring for your girlfriend. As soon as you had entered the jewelry store and saw the shining simple ring, you knew it. That‘s the ring. You bought it immediately.
Now, you had the ring but no idea where to propose.
Beach proposal? No beach.
Restaurant proposal? No, too many people watching.
It had to be simple, somewhere Feli felt comfortable and where the two of you had enough privacy.
That‘s it!
Ring? Check.
Place? Check.
When? As soon as possible.
Leaving the jewelry store with so much confidence radiating off your body, you made your way to the heart of the city, buying flowers, wine, candles and balloons. You‘ve never been so sure about something.
Thankfully, Feli was still out with Obi and Ewa for a photo shoot, which gave you the perfect opportunity to set everything up. Rose petals decorated the path to the living room, flowers and balloons filling the room as some nice dinner and wine waited on the balcony.
However, as the stress subsided, a new emotion came to the surface - nervousness. Sometimes, you did things before your brain could even register what you were doing or rather what you were about to do - It often led to rushed actions without second thought.
But for once in your life, the thought and quick action was perfect, even if your brain wasn’t connecting all the dots, at least not yet. This was right. This was the right move.
Felicitas and you have been a couple for years, you lived together, worked together and loved one another - your heart knew what to do.
Make her your wife.
You sat on the couch, waiting for Feli. The food was probably cold, the varnish of your nails completely pealed off as you started outside, the velvet box in your hand. When was she coming home? With each minute that passed by, your nerves rose. Your earlier confident self turned into an anxious one - you hadn‘t even prepared a speech. Gosh!
Desperately trying to think about some loving words, you only snapped out of your trance as you heard the keys being placed down, "Liebe?" the brunette called right after.
"Living room" you called, standing up from the couch, arms hidden behind your back.
Just now, the defender realized the pool of rose petals on the floor, heart skipping more and more beats, the closer she got to the room.
She gasped when she saw the beauty of a living room, her true love standing in the middle as candles lit the room, "hi" you smiled.
"Hi?" your girlfriend said, looking around, eyes so bright as she walked up to you, "what‘s all this?" she asked a bit confused. Of course, the german knew about your no-thoughts-quick-actions as she called them, always surprised with the things you decided - never a clue what you were 'thinking'.
Her arms looped around your neck, claiming their usual spot as her fingers started to play with your hair, the most effective manner to calm you down.
"Marry me" you breathed out, no others words spilling out of your mouth.
"I love you and I don‘t want to spend another day knowing that you’re just my girlfriend when I want you to be my wife. I promise to treat you right and love you with every inch of my heart till the end of time" you filled the awkward silence, rambling about the love you shared. "Take this ring," you opened the velvet box, "as a promise and a sign of love and fidelity. You‘re my forever." you got down on one knee, looking up at the love of your life, "please, will you marry me?"
"Yes!" she shrieked, clinging on to you for her dear life, kissing every inch of skin in her reach. She had waited so long for this moment. She knew she wanted to marry you as soon as she saw your first no-thoughts-quick-action move. She was totally smitten for you ever since.
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doudouneverte · 1 year ago
hii, how are u?
i've been obsessed w feli but sadly there aren't many fics w her.
could you write some angst+fluff for her? reader is sad that she can't introduce felicitas to her parents, because theyre not in the picture anymore (you can choose why) and feli comforts reader, but r feels like a burden?
a/n: oh, I love this one. Sorry for the wait but school is messing with my writing time...
"It's okay, I'm here"
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Felicitas Rauch x FRAWNT!reader
Summary: based on the request above
Type: Angst + Fluff
Warning: bad parents, homophobia (homophobic parents)
word count: 3398
Back to the changing at the end of training, joy and excitement for the next game were clearly drowning the room. It will be the final of the DFB-Pokal against Freiburg. While the girls were planning things for the next day, you were discussing something with Svenja until music started to play in the room and you felt someone dragging you by the arm. You looked at them to find your girlfriend, Felicitas Rauch, visibly very excited to dance. You were exhausted and just wanted to get dressed and go back home, but her smile made you give up.
After a little dance and finally getting changed, you waited for your girlfriend in the parking lot, where you resumed your conversation with your captain.
"So, how was your little trip with Feli last week?" The German player asked.
"It was pretty cool. We didn't do anything special, but you know, with her, everything is special."
"Aww, look at you. You're too cute when you talk about her like that."
"I mean it. I don't really need to do something; I'm just grateful she's here, and I thought about..." You interrupted yourself when you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket. Before you could speak again, your girlfriend wrapped you in a tight hug and left some kisses on your neck, making you giggle.
"Okay, I think I'll let you enjoy your time together. We will see each other tomorrow." Svenja told you. You just nodded before she left, and you entered your car with the defender.
Back in your shared house, you exaggerated a groan before you left your shoes and your training bag at the entrance before collapsing on the couch. Feli laughed at your attitude before she joined you with Cinnamon in her arms.
"Oh, come on, training was rather light today." She said letting the dog sit on your lap before snuggling against your tired body.
"I know, but I didn't sleep enough yesterday, so I'm very tired." You explained.
"Don't worry, tomorrow is a day off. I know the girls proposed to have lunch, but if you're very tired, we can stay at home."
"I would love that, but you forgot something." You said making her a little confused. "Tonight, Julie, come, and we also need to prepare something for tomorrow." You remembered her.
Julie was your little sister, and the next day would be her birthday—well, not exactly. She already had her birthday the day prior, but since you started to play in Germany, she always comes to celebrate with you a few days later.
Feli knew about that. At least about the version you always told her—that being busy meant that your sister always had to come to Germany to spend time with you. It was actually true, but not the full version.
"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Do you need my help for anything?" Your girlfriend asked.
"Um, I think I just have to buy eggs and flour to make a cake for tomorrow, but don't worry I-"
"I'll do it!" The defender cut you. "Let it to me. You know how much I love your sister. Don't worry, you can go pick up her, and I'll buy everything we need for tomorrow." She assured you.
"Are you sure about that? I mean, I know you can deal with everything, but I don't want to force you to do anything. We just came back from training; you're tired."
"And so you are. Don't worry; I promise you it's okay. I love to pamper her." She stole you a kiss before standing. "Okay now, come on, we need to take a shower before we go."
"I don't know if I ever told you, but I'm really lucky to have you." You said before following.
"I know, you say it every day." She commented.
"And you don't know how much it means to me." You whispered before kissing her. The defender didn't hear you, but she still reciprocated the affection.
An hour and a half later, you were finally ready to leave, and it took you only thirty minutes to reach your destination. Like expected, your sister was waiting for you, and she immediately caught you in a hug when she saw you.
"Je commençais à croire que tu m'avais oublié. (I started to think that you forgot me.)" She said after you pulled away.
"Arrête de faire ta drama queen, je viens a peine de finir mon entrainement. (Stop doing your drama queen; I just finished my training.)" You replied. "Now let's go. I have a girlfriend that I want to see." You added while you started to put her luggage on the backseat.
"Oh, come on, you see her every day." She said before taking place on the passenger side, you rolled your eyes and decided not to talk back.
The ride back was filled with laughter and pure enjoyment at being reunited. Back at home, Feli was already here, and of course the two women instantly fell in each other's arms.
"Wow, okay, I already got replaced." You said irronicaly.
"Oh, come on, don't act like that; you are always with her." Your sister said.
"Okay, I don't want any arguments today; I'm really tired, and I think we all need to have a good night. So, now girls, let's eat and sleep." Feli said ending any potential sibling argument.
"Yes, ma'am." you both said before heading to the kitchen.
The next day, you were awakened by a very excited defender, and because she had to be quiet, you found it very cute. When she realized that you were fully awake, she didn't waste more time before leading you into the living room to show you what she started to do.
"Wow, why are you so excited?" you asked her after almost tripping on your own foot.
"Look at this." The defender showed you all the decorations she made a little earlier. "I just need your help with something. But before that, what do you think about this?" she asked you.
"That's... incredible," you finished. "I didn't know you had so much talent to decorate this place," you added, really surprised.
"Thans. I didn't want to awaken you because I know that you were very tired yesterday."
"Oh, come on, babe, you know you're maybe the only person who is allowed to wake me up whenever you want." You said while you rolled your arms around her hips. "I meant it when I said that I'm lucky to have you in my life."
"Okay, now stop being cheesy and kiss me before the baby wakes up and starts to complain because we show 'too much love'." She mimicked your sister's voice.
Just after attaching your lips to Feli's, you heard someone making some disgusted noises behind you.
"I can't leave you two alone for five minutes," your sister said, making you roll your eyes. "And by the way, I'm not a baby anymore," she added.
"You need to stop eardropping, you little dipshit." You said earning a firm slap from your girlfriend.
"Okay, let's not talk about that." Feli said, escaping from your arms to hug your sister. "Happy birthday, Prinzessin (princess)."
"Oh, and now she's been called Princess; you never called me like that before." You said while you filled a cup of water.
"Stop pouting, mommy; it doesn't suit you." Your sister said making you choke on the water, and Feli blushed more quickly than ever seen.
"Julie!" you both yelled.
"What? It's your own fault to not be quiet while you....you have your affairs," she replied with a disgusted look.
"Please, someone kill me right now." Feli said this dramatically before going back to your shared bedroom.
You were about to say something when your sister's phone rang. She looked at it, then looked at you with a curious expression. You didn't have to ask before she showed you who was calling; it was your mom.
You picked up for her and quickly pressed the phone on her before leaving the room. On your way to go somewhere far away from your sister's phone, you collided with the defender.
"Hey, where are you going? We haven't given her her present yet." You didn't reply and just dragged her back from where she came out.
"I just want to cuddle with you while she's on the phone."
Feli was aware that something was strange after your request. Of course, it was not unusual for the defender that you asked something like that, but when Julie came to visit, you were always stuck with each other. Sometimes the defender felt like the third wheel, but she knew that because you couldn't see her as much as you wanted, it was logical that you wanted to spend all your time with her.
"Is everything okay?" The defender asked carefully while you were lying on top of her with your head hidden in the crook of her neck.
"Yes," you replied quickly, but without moving.
"Are you sure? Because usually you would be annoying Julie knowing that she can't do anything while she's on the phone." She said with a little smile on her face, reminding herself every time you did that and your sister chasing you around the hole house after.
"Yeah, don't worry, I just want to spend some alone time with you."
"Okay." She replied and started to play with your hair. A few seconds later, she heard someone knock on the door. "Come in." 
Julie opened the door and immediately felt bad for you when she saw you curled against your girlfriend's body. "Uh, Y/n?" She called you, a little unsure of how she should announce it. When she heard you hum, she took a rather long moment before dropping the bomb. "Mom called. She asked if I was planning to come home soon and told her that I would stay until your next game." She took a pause, letting your girlfriend be confused for a moment. "Her and dad will come to see you play tomorrow."
"That's super!" Your girlfriend sheered, but when she was not met with the same excitement from both of you, she reconsidered it.
"Svenja wants to see me," you said before leaving the bed and heading to the bathroom. "I think it would be cool if you came too; I promised her to let her know when you come to visit," you said to your sister before closing the door.
Feli stayed there, trying to process whatever was happening. She didn't have to wait too long before you came back and started to get dressed.
"Listen, I don't know what's happening right now, but you do really need to leave right now?" the defender asked.
"Don't worry, we will be really quick." You tried to reassure her with a light peck on her lips, but she could feel that you were not totally honest with that. Even if she wanted to stop you or invited herself, she knew (almost) more than anyone to not overstep things with you.
"Well, when you say that something bad happened, I didn't know it was that bad." Svenja said while you were trying to be eaten alive by her couch.
"At least they didn't show up unnacounced." Julie said.
"Why do they have to come when we play a final? They had all the season to come and be as disrespectful as they wanted; why did they choose one of the most important games?" You asked no one.
"I think you should tell her." Your captain proposed.
"I can't..." You started to feel some tears filling your eyes.
"Y/n, I agreed to keep it for myself because we were sure that they would never come here to see you, but now things are different."
You sighed and tried to restrain some tears.
"Don't worry, we will be there if you need anything." Svenja reminded you.
An hour later, you were back at home. Feli noticed the change in mood but didn't say anything, at least not to you. She waited until you went to your bedroom to take your sister apart.
"Julie, what happened?" The defender asked.
"I don't think I'm the right person to talk to you about. I think you should see it directly with her." Your sister replied. "And honestly, I think she may need your help." She added.
In the bedroom, you were curled up on the bed while trying to stop spiraling–which was almost impossible–when you heard the door getting opened. You didn't have to look to know that it was your girlfriend who was visibly worried about your state.
"Hey liebe(love), what's going on?" She asked after she sat next to you.
"I don't want to play tomorrow." You said making her more worried than before.
"Because that means I would have to see them, which I don't want."
"Who? Your parents?" You didn't reply and just nodded. She laid down next to you and cuddled you as much as possible. "Listen, I don't know what happened with them, but can you explain me why you feel like that? You are usually the one who always complains that they never come to see you play, and now you're not happy with that."
"Trust me, you don't want to know." 
"Of course, I want Y/n. They're the ones who raised you, and... they're your parents."
"They were." You stated making the defender's heart shatter at your expression. "They stopped being my parents at the moment they stopped seeing me like their daughter." 
"What happened?" She asked after a little silence.
"Nothing," you replied. Your body was slightly shaking, and you were crying again. "nothing happened. They just hate me because I... because I..." You couldn't find the strength to finish your sentence while you were remembering your sudden departure from the place you once called home.
Feli tried to calm you, but nothing seemed to work.
"They hate me because I love you." You said, and now the defender started to put some pieces together.
"They don't like who you are?" She asked, and you shook your head. She finally dragged you into a bone-crushing hug while you continued to cry on her shoulder.
"It's okay, babe; I'm here. I'll not leave you." She said trying to shush you.
"I don't want to see them, please." You pleaded to no one because you knew that whatever happened, you would have to face them.
Your girlfriend pulled away from the hug and cleared some tears from your face. "Hey, hear me out, mein liebe(my love). Even if these people don't like you, we will always be there for you. Me, Julie, and the team. And even Cinnamon and my parents too." She kissed one cheek and the other before she spoke again. "If they don't love you because of who you are, that's their problem. For me, you are the most beautiful and incredible woman who ever walked on this planet; you are perfect, and nothing could change that. I will not let some horrible people think that they can change that. I love you, and I don't care if I have to fight your parents or the entire planet to have you by my side, because I would definitely do it."
Your sobs were more calm after her confession. That was the first time someone said something like that to you. "Do you mean it?" You asked.
"Of course. And look, my parents already love you, so you don't have to care about what your parents think about us. And I was thinking that if one day I have to ask for someone's blessing to marry you, it will definitely be your sister..."
She continued to ramble for a moment until you kissed her, and she realized what she said.
"I mean only if you want, of course." She said making you laugh quietly.
"Let me some time to think about it, but I would be happy with that." 
You stayed in your girlfriend's arms for a moment until you heard someone knock on the door. When Julie opened it, she could tell that you cried a lot, but from your expression and Feli's tight grip, she could also guess that you finally decided to tell her about your past.
"Excuse me, I don't want to ruin anything, but I think we have a birthday to celebrate, and we still don't do anything today." Your sister reminded you.
The final whistle announced the end of the match, and with that, your victory. You were celebrating with your teammates when you spotted your sister and your parents among the VfL fans. You shoot a sincere smile at your sister but decide to ignore the other adults to not ruin the mood of the team.
After a little celebration in the locker room, it was time to leave. You were in the bus waiting for Feli to come, but the defender didn't show up since you left her a few minutes earlier.
"Hey, Poppi, do you know where Feli is?" You asked your captain, a little confused, not to see your girlfriend anywhere.
"She said she had someone to see, but she should be back really quickly." The striker replied, and despite your pout, there was nothing you could do except text her.
In the parking lot, your sister was talking with your parents when they heard someone coming in their direction.
"Feli?" Your sister asked very confusedly.
"Hi Prinzessin, I hope you enjoyed the game." The defender said while she hugged the younger woman. After she pulled away, she looked at your parents and held her hand, which they shook much to her surprise. "Hi, I'm Felicitas Rauch. I think you saw me play earlier."
"Yeah. We don't usually watch football; we came because our little girl wanted to see this match, but I need to say that I'm very impressed by your performance." Your mom said with a rather bright smile, and that's almost made your girlfriend feel sad to know that the smile that she loves the most came from someone who hates you the most.
"Yes, I have to say that I agree with my wife on that; your team was very good." Your father added, and the defender offered them a fake smile. Julie watched the interaction, totally flabbergasted by everything.
"Thank you. I really appreciate that, but I came to talk to you about something else." The German said, earning a confused look from the couple. "I'm Y/n's girlfriend." At those words, your parents faces changed suddenly. The bright and welcoming smile was quickly replaced by a heinous and disgusted expression. "See, I'm not here to ask for your blessings or anything like that. No, I came to tell you to never show in front of her again. You already destroyed her too much in the past, and it took me a very long time to put the pieces together. I don't know why you showed up today, but judging by your expression and your lack of good feelings for her, I don't think you're here to make things up. I just want you to leave and never come back. You ignored her for the most part of her career. I think it will not be very difficult to do the same a little longer."
"I knew it." Julie mumbled to herself after your girlfriend finished her speech.
"I don't say goodbye; just go straight to hell and leave her alone." The defender said before going back to the team bus.
Almost five minutes later, you were talking with Dom and Lena when you saw your girlfriend finally walking to the bus with an angry expression. However, this feeling totally got washed away when she saw you tap the seat next to you to indicate that you had saved her a seat. She crashed next to you and intertwined your fingers before resting her head on your shoulder.
"Where were you?" You asked quietly.
"Saying goodbye to someone." She said with a proud smile. When you nodded and were about to resume your previous chat, she grabbed your face with her free hand, making you look at her. "I'm really lucky to have you in my life, mein liebe." She said making you blush.
"I'm very lucky too." You replied. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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temtamtom · 1 year ago
Do you have any pet HC for the brothers?
Feli: Feli has a white cat named Gino, who was originally a gift from Sadık in the 1400s (Sadık was trying to woo him, and it worked). He can be a little stupid, but he's generally very affectionate and very social with other humans. It's quite rare for him to run away from visitors. Feli sometimes calls him Panna Cotta (among a myriad of other nicknames, like bello, ciccino, cicciotello, tesorino-). He also wears a lot of cute collars, sometimes even matching with Feli's outfits if he ever takes Gino out and about.
Romano: This is actually one of my oldest Romano headcanons- this man has a rooster named Ugo, and he is the BANE of everyone's existence (except Roma's <3). He only just started tolerating Feli's presence, but every other nation is a threat that MUST be exterminated on sight. Except Seborga, he's quite protective of the guy.
Ugo has definitely committed several war crimes, but courts are too scared to convict him. So he remains free...
Sometimes, I give them other pets, but those two are the constants! For instance- sometimes I give Feli a very pathetic Italian Grayhound, and sometimes I give Romano a Mastine Napoletano named Carmine (headcanon courtesy of the lovely @cicerenella <3)
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generational-atrophy · 2 years ago
If you don’t mind me asking, what would it be like if the Axis (including Prussia and Romano) were the reader’s next door neighbor. And how would they try to romance the reader?
(Hetalia Axis x Reader) Next Door Neighbor!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N thank u for giving me a reason to write romano i love him so soososos much. Also whoopsies i did not write japan if u guys want me to do japan i will do it separately and then it will be longer thank u for ur undertsanding <3
Trigger Warning: Men being incredibly insistent, other than that none!
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Feliciano has never been subtle. Especially with those he wants to romance. As soon as you move in, and he lays eyes on you, he’s completely enraptured. It wouldn’t even occur to him to take it slow. You’re cute, so he has to have you.
Anytime he sees you coming out of your apartment, he immediately strikes up a conversation. Of course, this would become very irritating for you, if it weren’t for how charming he was. Originally he tries to line up when he works with when you do, but he’s always late for everything anyway. That plan doesn’t last long.
“Y/N!” Feliciano calls from down the hall, sprinting towards you, “W-Wait up!”
Obliging him with a huff, you turn around to greet him. As he catches up, he immediately keels over, out of breath and panting desperately.
“Feliciano, good to see you. “
“Y-yeah…” he sputters out, still trying to catch his breath, “Good to see you too…”
He takes a moment to regain his composure. While you wait, you set down the luggage you had down on the floor outside your apartment door.
“Listen, listen, I wanted to ask you something before you disappeared. Which, wait, where were you? Did you leave or was I just missing you?”
“Ah, yeah, it wasn’t anything big. Just visiting some family out of town.” He perks up at the mention of your relatives.
“Oh, great! B-but, uh, I wanted to ask… Will you go on a date with me?” As he asks that, you look at him in shock, clearly taken aback.
“Seriously?” You ask, incredulously.
“Yeah! I’m cute, you’re cute, why not?”
You jump a little bit in excitement, “Of course, Feli!”
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Oh, Ludwig would absolutely despise this scenario. He thinks you’re absolutely adorable… and now he has to see you around every day? Why can’t anything be easy…
He’s definitely very aware of the complications that could come with dating someone you have to see all of the time. He’s never been the most smooth… and now, if he messes up, he has to hear you through the wall all the time. What if you started dating someone else then too? He’d have to move… oh dear, oh no… clearly the best route is to just not talk to you at all! If he can take it…
Immediately spinning around from opening his door, pressing his back against the wall when he makes eye contact with you, he responds, “Y-yes?”
You step back in surprise at his extreme reaction, “Woah, something wrong?”
“Nein, nein, nothing is wrong. What is it?” As he says that, he tries to pose casually.
You calm yourself down, pulling out a letter from your pocket and unfolding it. His eyes immediately widen at seeing it, and your suspicions are immediately confirmed.
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this love letter I got, would you?”
He stutters, “N-No! I mean… a little, but no! Yes! Maybe!”
“Ok, yeah, because I looked it up… and the only place that makes these kinds of seals is in some obscure German village. And I thought, who would know about an obscure German village? Probably my neighbour, right?” You smile at his reaction, noting his blush.
“Ja, ja, I do… I… um…”
You cut him off, “Did you send it?”
He freezes, his face flushing more, “Y-Yes…” he gulps nervously, “I-I’m sorry! I did not want to make you uncomfortable!”
“No… no, it’s really cute.” 
He looks at you in surprise, “Really?” He continues as you nod, “Well then um… would you like to go out with me next Friday?”
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Romano falling for someone super quickly? Someone who, if he dated them, could create lots of awkward situations? Shocker. Fortunately, reality has never stopped him before.
You’re gonna immediately realize what’s going on. Considering that he trips over himself every day to say good morning and try to strike up a conversation, he is just as subtle as his brother. Except he can’t help but add at least one compliment every day. If he wasn’t so handsome, it would definitely be a bit creepy.
“Bella.” Romano greets you simply. He stood before you awkwardly, sweating but trying to hide it smoothly. Although he was the one who knocked on your door, it seemed as if he was waiting for you to speak first.
You pause, “Yes?”
“As you may have noticed, I have been trying to get your attention since you moved in.” He continues, trying to keep his composure.
“Yeah… I noticed.”  Multiple occasions in which he had almost cornered you to talk to you, for only a moment, come to mind immediately.
“Well… that is because I like you quite a lot.” You struggle to respond before he quickly takes out a bouquet of flowers out from behind his back. He thrusts them against your chest awkwardly, returning to crossing his arms and huffing.
“Oh… um… thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. All of this… and that…” He cringes as he remembers his overly drastic behaviour, “was just because I think you’re really… attractive… and interesting. So go out with me, alright?”
You look back up at him, amused, “Not much of an offer there, is it?”
He freezes, wringing his hands and looking away, “S-Scusami… will you go out with me? There’s a new French place that opened down the road, I thought… maybe we could go there together sometime…” his voice trails off.
“I’d love to, you weirdo.”
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Gilbert is very aware of how awkward this is going to be. Unfortunately for you, he does not care. He can’t stop himself from slipping little gifts under your door all the time, with a note proclaiming his entire full name, title, job history, and every reason you should date him. 
But… every time you try to actually talk to him, he panics, yells, and runs away. A couple of times he’s told you he doesn’t speak English… after he just spoke English. It’s cute how he gets so flustered, but also incredibly frustrating if you actually like him.
Just one simple word makes Gilbert desperately press himself against the wall to get away from you, but he quickly recovers, pulling a comically awkward pose.
“Funny seeing you here!”
“Outside… your apartment? …That I live right next to?”
“Yes, that’s what I said.” His tone rises nervously.
“Listen, I’ve been getting all your little gifts and-”
“WOW! Would you look at the time! I have to be going, tschüss!” He yells, his strong accent coming through. He tries scooting past you to escape, but you grab his shoulder quickly, stopping him.
“Gilbert. Listen, you always run away-”
“Me?! Running away?! I can tell you, I have never done so! Ask any Danish soldier from before 1700!” He says, laughing nervously.
“Gilbert.” Your tone becomes sterner, and he deflates, his tone and face dropping, “Are you really in love with like you say you are?”
His face flushes and he brings his hand up to cover his cheeks, “Ja… Yes… I am.”
“Then, let’s go out already! I’ve been waiting for you to ask me on a date for months!”
“What, the notes were not enough?” He jokes.
“Not when you keep running away from me!”
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farfromsugafanfic · 2 years ago
Fancy Dress | l.fx
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Genre: smut, fluff, ceo!felix, secretary!reader, afab reader Warnings: smut Minors DNI, jealousy, probably an unethical relationship, PIV sex, cursing A/N: Thank you to the anon who inspired me to begin working on this because it's been in my drafts for months
Perhaps the red dress you wore to the office party was a tad proactive. The silk draped across every curve of your body as if you were statuesque. It did not feature cleavage nor was it too short. But you knew he liked undressing you in his imagination first.
Felix had not touched you in two months.
Without a word, he stopped calling you into his office on his lunch break. The small brush of his fingers against the small of your back on the way to a meeting. The press of his lips to the back of your neck in the elevator. Your eyes fluttered closed at the thought he would do it again.
Entering the conference room turned party space you were one of the last to arrive. Many of your coworkers already held half drunken glasses of wine and the cheese plate was sans half a row of cheddar.
You shrugged off your coat, the full expanse of your collarbones exposed with only the small straps of the dress interrupting the view. Grabbing a red, you took a large gulp, the wine matching the color of your painted lips.
"Y/N! Glad you could make it."
You turned to see the reason for the party, Hwang Hyunjin. He was moving across the country and leaving the company. Having worked for Felix's company from almost the very beginning, the CEO of Lee Enterprises spared no expenses to send off his most valued employee right.
"Of course, Hyune," you said, reaching out to hug the tall man. "I wouldn't miss it. You were a godsend my first month here."
Hyunjin laughed, bumping your hip. "You were like a scared little fawn."
You looked sideways tossing your head back with a half scoff, half chuckle. "You act like I was a baby."
"But you wereeee," Hyunjin said, his tone already whiny and dramatic that you assumed he was already on his second glass of wine. "So young and so cute. Never worked in an office before."
You blushed. "You're ridiculous." You gently swatted Hyunjin's bicep. He didn't look particularly muscular, but his arm still felt solid.
"Sending Hyunjin off well?" a familiar deep voice said.
Your boss and the CEO of the company approached. He'd gone back to a more natural look with his hair looking more chocolate brown. It had been a few weeks since the change, but you'd rarely gotten a chance to see him up close in that time.
The color made the freckles sprinkled across his face shine brighter. You remember counting them once in the afterglow, his lips kissing the inside of your wrist.
It always felt so intimate with Felix. Even when it was rough. His fingertips bruised and then kneaded, his mouth nipped at your skin and then whispered in your ear how beautiful you are. Sex with Felix was as thrilling as whiplash and as gentle as grass sweeping across your calves.
"Of course," you said. "I have to make sure my work husband knows how much I'll miss him." You chuckled and Hyunjin let a less enthusiastic one. It wasn't like him to deny your close friendship, but when you looked up, you noticed the hard look in Felix's eyes.
Felix still managed to give a disingenuous smile as he reached for another glass of champagne.
"You certainly will be missed, Hyunjin." His gaze flicked to you. It felt so white hot you couldn't return it and ended up looking downward at his leather Chelsea boots.
"Y/N," Felix said. "Do you have a moment? There's actually something from a client I want to go over with you."
You looked up and met his eyes. You agreed and began to follow him to his office. Murmurs persisted as you left, but they had nothing to do with a sexual relationship.
He works her too hard.
Wow, he even makes Y/N work at a company party.
You think she's going to quit?
While some--like Hyunjin--had caught on to the true nature of your relationship with the CEO, most had not. Felix was good at being discreet and quick when he needed to be.
When you reached his office, he shut the door and turned on the light. The blinds were already down as they usually were when he left. You heard the lock of the door engage and it made your head pop up.
"Why--" You began to ask.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he asked, moving closer to you until your thighs pressed against the edge of his desk.
"I don't know what you mean."
"Wearing that dress, flirting with Hyunjin, is this because I haven't fucked you lately?"
"I-I wasn't flirting with Hyunjin. He's just one of my best friends."
Felix didn't care for the answer, his eyelids lowering slightly and his mouth forming a disappointed 'O'. He gently moves your hair behind your shoulders, exposing your neck and all the way down to your breasts strained against the top of the dress.
"I can't mark you today," he said, his lips pressing against the sensitive spot on your neck. His tongue lapped at the taste of your skin. "Bend over for me, sweetheart."
You did as he said, already soaking through your thin panties. This is exactly what you wanted, but part of you still wondered why it had to come to this. Why did you have to make him jealous for him to fuck you again?
Felix pushed the hem of your dress up just above your ass. His hands groped at your ass making you moan. It only took his touch to drive you to this point.
"Mm, you have to be quiet for me," he said, chuckling a bit. "How about I help you out?"
You felt a draft as his body moved away from yours. Though, it was only a few seconds before he was leaning over you, his tie splitting your lips. Felix tied it behind your head as a makeshift gag.
"There," he said, his deep voice sounding amused, obviously he was pleased by his handiwork. "Now, where were we, love?"
As soon as Felix peels your wet panties off and pushes into you, you know you're done for. How in the hell are you going to go without this for two months again? The feeling of him filling you up so that your thighs were pressed into the desk with every thrust.
The tie did help muffle your moans, but only enough that anyone outside wouldn't hear. Inside Felix's office, however, it was all gasped, rushed breaths, and grunts and whimpers. Occasionally, Felix would let quiet praise leave his lips.
You're so gorgeous like this.
I missed this pussy.
I love you.
The words uttered as he came inside of you. It made you both go still after he said it. Maybe it was in the heat of the moment? Perhaps he was thinking of someone else? Could he have possibly meant it?
"Sorry," he said, his voice a little more restrained than usual. "I didn't mean to scare you with that." His cock was still inside of you and you couldn't see his face. Though, as his secretary, you could read every small tendon movement and anticipate his needs.
You managed to move off of him so you can turn around. He doesn't stop you, but when you finally meet his eyes, they almost look sad and longing.
"Did you mean it?"
He didn't answer right away, but his eyes didn't leave yours. When he finally did answer, his words were so quiet you almost wondered if you imagined them.
"Then, why didn't you so much as look at me for the last two months?"
"I was scared. I never meant to develop feelings for you and I was almost certain you didn't return them. Plus, it's bad enough that we are having sex, but if I fall in love with you? It'll get much harder to hide."
"Why hide it then?"
Felix sighed. His hand caressed your face and his thumb gently rubbed over your smooth skin. Lips hovering not far from your own it would just take shifting onto your tiptoes for them to meet.
"I tried to stop it. It's why I ignored you for the last couple of months."
"I love you too, Felix."
A bemused look crossed your features and Felix's eyes widened. He truly didn't think you loved him back? It wasn't just about how he fucked you. You fell for him because of the way he remembered your coffee order, whenever he texted you to make sure you got home from work safely, or when he saw your humble apartment for the first time and remarked on how much he liked it because it reminded him of you.
Felix pressed his lips to yours. No words exchanged told you that he was never going to let you go again, but the soft grip on your upper arm did.
"Now, I owe you an orgasm."
The two of you laughed as he got down on his knees.
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bosspigeon · 3 months ago
It's been a long day, and it's time for Rook to get some well earned rest. But what does that look like exactly?
Do they have a special outfit they sleep in? What does their sleeping spaces look like? Are they full of pillows and blankets, or are things more sparse? Do they have any sleep "quirks", like hogging the blanket or talking in their sleep?
Bonus question: Big spoon or little spoon?
Torva is a Big Boy and he gets hot when he sleeps, so when he's somewhere safe and comfortable? He's pretty much naked or wearing as little as he can. Probably some loose pants at best, and if he's wearing a shirt it'll probably be gone by the time he wakes up! He's pretty good at sleeping comfortably with very little in the way of pillows/blankets though! :) he likes to be big spoon bc he likes to wrap himself around whoever he's sleeping with (he also snores, but surprisingly quietly. It's very cute.)
Vena sleeps naked, and when questioned about it, he's just "What, you think I can't defend myself? You think I haven't killed someone while naked?" He is also capable of sleeping sitting up in his armor, but if he's able to somewhere safe and comfortable? Pillows. A canopy would be nice too. If asked if he's big or little spoon, he'd answer "A knife." (He's a little spoon though.)
Feli loves the classic silk nightgown under the flowing dressing gown look, but he's also a clothes thief. He will steal your shirt and sleep in it and if you ask he will lie to your face and say its his. He LOVES lush comfort, so mountains upon mountains of pillows and blankets. Bury him in an avalanche of comfort. He is THE biggest blanket hog, and he tends to starfish on top of you rather than be big or little spoon. Use his partner as a pillow~
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rueririn · 9 months ago
Question if you could make your own devil fruit what would it be? Mine would be the Hito Hito no Mi: Model dwarf, but that's only because that is the only fruit I could think of that would allow Laboon to join luffys crew, because since he is so big his dwarf form would be able to fit on the Marry.
Funny you say this because I wanted to give Merry the Dwarf fruit at first in pgnt. I liked the idea of an adorable little wooden palm-size sheepgirl that was actually a fourth dimensional storage unit. I still plan on using this one in some other fic one day.
The idea of Laboon joining in as a dwarf is so cute too!!!
It's a little awkward to me to answer this question, because I've already made several devil fruits for my stories before haha... Going through them quickly, I've written for:
Tag-Tag fruit, where the user can 'tag' a spot and switch places with the item as long as it's their field of vision. It's mainly used to swap spots with enemies to confuse them - the 'tag' (a red handprint) washes off in the rain. This one is the main fruit in my One Piece OC crew fic.
Paper-Paper fruit, where the user can turn into paper strips, similar to Konan from Naruto. Can't shift forms once wet, and very susceptible to wind & burns.
I also had a Viso-Viso Fruit I had to scrap because it showed up in Stampede - but the usage differed. The user could bring pictures to life, but only as a projection/illusion that can't do actual damage.
Several Zoans - Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Fenrir, and Model Kyubi no Kitsune; Cat-Cat Fruit: Model Felis Nigripes, and Model Bakeneko.
So yeah. I've had them in the backburner here and there
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shiroganeryo · 4 months ago
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A while ago, a little voice inside my head said: 'hey. You want to get True Perfection on Stardew Valley.' And man, what a journey this has been.
I took screenshots of my farms to keep as mementos, I'll leave these under the cut plus some gameplay details!
It all started when I revisited my first save ever that I created back in 2023 when I bought the game and noticed I had a lot done on year 4 (all skills maxed included) so that made me wonder... How much am I actually missing to get it to 100%?
And let me tell you: A LOT. 😂
But today, a month after I decided to go for it, I finally achieved True Perfection!
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Since the weather was awful (I had a storm on the following days) I waited until Summer 27. Which was actually perfect since today is the 27th in real life too! Very satisfying.
Here's my main farm, Felis Fields Farm & house! My farmer's name is Eva and her favorite thing is 'cats', so I naturally went and adopted all the cats available in the game 😽
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And here's my farm on Ginger Island. There isn't much there since I didn't come to the farm too often, so I kept it mostly to furnishing the beach house nicely.
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Credits to this person for the layout inspiration! I honestly had no idea how to decor the interior before seeing theirs.
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On Saturday, Summer 27, Year 7, I finally could reach the summit and get my achievement. The credits are super cute, and even all my kitties appeared on it!
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The only auxiliary mod I used was Stardew Progress, it's extremely useful, especially because I play SVE which adds A LOT of new characters to befriend and a ton of items and recipes locked behind heart events.
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I didn't go for the gold clock and instead bought perfection waivers from Fizz, hence the 90% on my progress check. It's a feature since 1.6, costs half the price and, honestly, if I had to farm any more gold, I'd go insane - it's a very repetitive and tiresome process.
After a month of dedication and ruined sleep schedule (you can only pick two among rest, work and leisure and guess what I picked), I can finally rest and play casually again 😌
Save for the gold rush, this was actually pretty fun! 10/10, would NOT do it again 😂
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multifandomfern · 2 years ago
Date With A Stranger
Hahaha I finally decided to finish an Italiet fanfic I started a while ago. The ending was definitely rushed but still it's FINISHED! It's a human AU where they go on a first date but don't know each other.
Thank you writing problems Tumblr posts for somehow giving me the motivation to finish this
Tolys could not remember why he had agreed to go on a dinner date with someone he didn't know. Maybe it had been to get Feliks to shut up about his loveless love life. Or maybe it had been to prove to Raivis that he could score a date. Or maybe he had agreed, simply out of boredom. Whatever the reason was, Tolys had agreed to go on a date with a fucking stranger, and he couldn't back out now. Well he could, but that would be a douchebag move, and he didn't feel like being a douchebag. Unless this stranger was one of course, but the stranger looked nice. Very nice.
"I still can't believe I got someone so pretty to agree to go on a date with me." The redhead said. The stranger really was nice. Too nice. Tolys blushed and wracked his brain for something to say.
"I didn't have much else to do." Good job not being a douchebag, Tolys. The stranger laughed at that, luckily.
"Good to know I'm not taking away your time. You look like someone who works a lot." Tolys raised an eyebrow. The stranger waved his hands.
"I mean that in a good way! I can definitely see you're tired, but you're still beautiful! It just shows you're a hard worker!" He insisted.
"Alright what do you want? You're complimenting me a lot, and you barely know me." Tolys said, trying to cover up his bubbling anxiety. This guy looked good and sounded nice, but Tolys knew better than to immediately trust that. He really shouldn't have agreed to go on a date with a stranger.
"Well that's just it. I want to get to know you. I see you walk your dog, and sometimes I see you reading in the library, and I've always wondered about you. So tell me what else do you do?" The stranger asked.
"Apparently I forget to ask for people's names. Let me fix that. What's your name?" Tolys questioned. The stranger laughed some more. Then he replied,
"My name is Feliciano. But please call me Feli." Tolys nodded, waiting for Feliciano to ask him his name. The man just smiled at him. It was a nice smile. Jeez Tolys had just learned his date's name, and he was already finding him attractive. It was too quick for that. When Feli didn't ask, Tolys decided he didn't need that knowledge.
"So Feli, what is you do? I'd like to know about you before I talk about myself." He explained. The redhead in front of him waved his hand nonchalantly.
"That's fair. Well I'm Italian, so naturally I LOVE pasta!" He declared. Tolys snorted at that.
"I also do love pizza and gelato! What other Italian stereotypes are there? I love painting and singing! Though my voice isn't the best, it's still fun! I also love cats, but don't worry, I love dogs too! You're dog is very cute, I've always wanted to give him treats or her!"
"Her." Tolys confirmed. He could tell this Italian loved to ramble. While annoying it was also kind of endearing and dare he think it, cute.
"Her. Id love to give her some doggie treats, but all I have are kitty ones! I think I could find some at the store, but I don't know which kind she would like!"
"Pupperoni is her favorite." Tolys chuckled.
"Pupperoni what a clever name! Only the best for the cutest dog ever, right?"
"Right," Tolys agreed. His lips curved upward. This guy might have just been trying to butter him up, but it was nice to hear his dog being called the cutest dog ever. She deserved the title.
"You know what I think I should do! I should get her one of those sweaters with the paw prints on it. That would be so so cute!" Tolys nodded, agreeing once again.
"Or maybe-" It was strange for Tolys to get so invested in something as simple as dog sweaters. Or maybe it wasn't considering his love for dogs. But it definitely was strange how much he enjoyed hearing the Italian talk. Sure he was way too energetic, but Tolys could admire that. He also found himself admiring the other man's passion and creativity. Tolys wished he could have more of that in his life. When an out of breath waiter apologized for the long wait, Tolys felt annoyed. Not for the long wait, but for the interruption. Things really had become strange.
"Sorry this place is usually pretty busy." apologized the Italian.
"It's alright. Now how about you tell me a bit about your cat?" suggested Tolys. His date's eyes brightened as he went into a rant about how Pookie was fat and lazy and super cute. Tolys twirled his hair a bit enjoying the rant. He felt his stomach swirl, and it wasn't out of hunger.
When the two finally got their food, Feli endlessly complimented it. He savored his bites and made sure Tolys was enjoying his food too. Tolys did really enjoy it. Feli had chosen a great restaurant for them to eat at. Even after their plates were visible again, Tolys kept Feli talking. He would offer up his thoughts and opinions which Feli would easily add on to. Tolys liked how freely the man could talk. It was a change he could welcome.
"So would you like to go on another date? I know another really great restaurant." Feli said, cheerfully. Tolys believed him. After all he had chosen this one. Tolys took a moment to "think". Of course he was going to say yes, but he couldn't show that right away. Feli could still be tricking him in some grand plan, but Tolys didn't feel that was the case. Even if his gut said it was alright, he still wouldn't allow himself to be really positive or eager...yet. His nerves wouldn't allow it.
"I think another date would be nice." He answered. Feli smiled so brightly and oh god was he cute.
"Thanks for joining me this evening, bello." He said, sweetly. Tolys blushed at the name. Then it reminded him of something. He took a deep breath then said,
"Tolys. My name is Tolys." Somehow Feli looked even happier than he had the whole date. It made Tolys' heart soar.
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doudouneverte · 2 years ago
heyy, loved ur lena fic!
can u write felicitas rauch x reader where they are long distance girlfriends and feli is really insecure because she thinks that r would be better with another woman (maybe a teammate, that people think she's dating), and r says something like "i don't want easier, i want you"?
with a happy ending, please.
a/n: Thank you, I hope you will like this
a/n2: I love Feli and Wolfsburg players but I need to tell you that I support Bayern Munich (but the VfL is a very good team to see play. p.s I love Ewa Pajor)
Only you
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Felicitas Rauch x Fem!Reader; Erin Cuthberth x Fem!Reader (best friend)
Summary: Based on the request above
Type: hurt/comfort
Warning: insecure Feli, and maybe me who love a little too much write arguments
word count: 3237
Feli would never call herself a jealous person, and honestly, it was true, but let's just say that she had her doubts and insecurities like anyone.
You met the German defender one day when your parents moved to Berlin for work. There you joined the Turbine Potsdam, where she was starting her professional career, and you also met one of your best friends, Lia Walti. Being only two years younger than the defender helped you quickly bond with her, and after a few seasons with her, you asked her out, and you were on cloud nine when she said yes. After more dates, she became your girlfriend, and nothing has been the same since. Well, not really; you decided to keep your relationships private except for your two families and close friends; nobody knew, and that was like that even after you moved back to England.
In 2018, you signed a contract with Chelsea, a new adventure for you, and of course, your girlfriend was supportive of your decision. Until now, everything was perfect for you two. Even if you faced Wolfsburg in the Champions League in 2020 after Feli joined the Wolves, nothing could make you happier than being with your favorite German player.
Well, that was until lately. It was not a big deal since your first step in the club became a habit for the fan to see you and Erin Cutberth together. You were the same age, and you played rather near each other on the pitch, so it was logical that you would bond with her. And honestly, Feli thought the same thing at first too. And it wasn't like your relationship changed since you didn't play together anymore; you still spent your holidays with her and her family in Germany, and sometimes it was her who came to England to see you. The few people aware of your relationship with the defender agreed with the same idea: you were clearly one of these cute, powerful couples, and sometimes Lia teased you about how much you missed her and how you seemed desperate when you were both busy and couldn't see each other often. But honestly, it was not easy for you to not miss her; she has always been the reason you felt so peaceful in her home country since your first meeting.
You loved anything about her, from her biggest quality to her little flaws (even if you still tell her that she's perfect); you loved how she laughed every time you made a silly joke; how cute she was when you told her a random fact you learned on the internet; or when you told her about the book you read on the plane to Germany. You also loved how she touched you, the little thing she made only for you when you slept at hers, or how she looked like you hung the moon almost every time you two were in the same room. Sometimes you wonder how the fans didn't put the pieces together. Of course you were never reckless in public; she was the one who proposed to have a private relationship, and obviously you accepted even if you felt the need to scream to the world that this perfect woman was yours and you were hers.
This night, you were lying on your couch watching TV when your phone rang on the coffee table. When you saw who called, you immediately accepted the call with a big smile on your face. "Hi darling, how are you?" you asked.
"Hi leibing (darling), I'm good, and you? I know that's late and you had a game, but I just wanted to hear your voice. I hope I don't bother you." Your girlfriend replied.
"Of course not; I was just about to go to bed, but I wanted to hear your voice before," you said, standing up and turning off the TV before heading into your bedroom. "How was your day?" You knew that she had a day off today because she played the day before, and she told you she would spend the day with some teammates.
"It was very good..." And then she started to tell you about her day, and you listened until she noticed you were ready to pass out. "Hey, it's okay, baby; you can sleep; we will talk tomorrow."
"I'm not tired." You mumbled, trying to stay awake.
"Yeah, sure." She said sarcastically.
"Ich liebe dich (I love you)" You said finally accepting to let your body rest.
"I love you too, meine Liebe (my love)" She blowed you a kiss that you reciprocated before hanging up.
The next day, like promised, you had a morning call with your girlfriend; she continued her story, and you were very attentive to any details until you saw a text from one of your teammates. Noticing a little change in your expression, Feli couldn't stop her curiosity.
"What's funny?" She asked.
"Oh nothing, Erin just tag me on Instagram. I think it's photos from yesterday's game." You replied.
"Oh, I see." The defender spoke casually, and you didn't notice the little change in her voice. The phone call ended only a half hour later, letting the German defender alone with her thoughts, and that resulted in her opening Instagram and rushing to see Erin's new post.
Like you said, it was photos from the previous game, which meant some pics with teammates, and it was okay until she found the one where you were tagged on. It was just a picture of her and you a little close (maybe too close for her) and laughing at something. Yeah, nothing special, but things went wrong when she opened the comments. A wave of comments like 'best team' or 'look at their smiles' for your girlfriend it was okay; you didn't really have control over what fans could say, but when she saw Zecira commenting 'best work wives' something snapped in her.
And the worst part was when she saw some teammates agreeing and you teased them instead of disagreeing. We're not going to lie, at this moment the defender was less than happy about that, but she knew you; you loved to tease people, and it was not like fans would misinterpret something like this...'best couple in my book'. Okay, now she had a good reason to freak out; even if it was a lonely comment, it was liked by too many people. Fortunately, she didn't have too much time to think about it because she needed to get ready for training.
At the training, everyone noticed that she didn't perform like she should; she seemed worried about something, but no one understood why. Despite her teammates worries, Feli didn't tell them anything; it's not that she didn't trust them; she just thought that it was childish of her to be jealous of your best friend. But some questions were stuck in her mind even if she wanted to focus on football, and that was evident the next weekend. Unfortunately for her, it was a game against Bayern Munich, and she knew she wasn't at 100%. And it showed on the pitch; Wolfsburg lost 1-0.
Later this evening, you called her a little preoccupied by her state and how she seemed absent during the game. "Hi honey, how are you?" You greeted her with a big smile, but she didn't reciprocate it. "Feli, are you okay?"
"Uh, yeah, don't worry. I'm just overwhelmed by some thoughts recently." She replied shyly.
"Okay, do you want me to let you sleep, or do you want to talk about it?" You asked.
"No, it's okay; I want to talk, but not about it, at least not tonight, please."
"Yeah, okay. But you know that you can talk to me whenever you want; I'll always be here for you."
"I know; thank you, Y/n, but not tonight, please." You frowned when you heard her call you by your name; it was not really a good thing when she called you like that.
"Sorry. Uh, I bought you something today; don't move." You got up from your bed and ran to get a bag. "Here, look at this; aren't they cute?" You asked her showing off a few shirts and a sweat. "I know you told me to stop buying you stuff, but I also know that you loved when I let my sweat at your home, so I brought this."
"You know that I love your clothes just because they smell like you, so I like this, but..." She stopped when you left the bed again and quickly came back.
"I know that, so," you said, taking your perfume and starting to spray the clothes, making her laugh. "Yes, I did it." You announced proudly.
"I make you smile. I knew that you would be sad after the game, but when you took so long to respond to my text and didn't smile when I called you, I started to worry." You confessed, making Feli feel a little ashamed to let her thoughts make you worry.
"I'm sorry, meine Liebe. I promise I'll work on what's bothering me." She reassured you.
"I hope so because Svenja called me two days ago and said that you were not really yourself at training." Your girlfriend rolled her eyes; of course her captain would tell you that. "Hey, I know that you don't like when I'm worried about you, but I'm your girlfriend, Feli. I want to know when you don't feel good; I shouldn't have to wait until someone else tells me."
"It's nothing, Y/n." She said a little irritated by the conversation.
"And you continue."
"What do you mean?"
"It's the second time you've called me Y/n tonight. I don't know what's happening, but if I did something that didn't please you, I'm sorry."
"Not everything is about you." She said more angrily than she wanted. "Can't you just stop?"
"Sorry to be a careful girlfriend who tries to support you." You replied with an angry tone now.
"Oh, now you remember that you're my girlfriend? It's a little late for that."
"What--what do you mean?"
"Nevermind. I'm tired. Good night." She didn't let you reply before she hung up.
In your bedroom, you were confused, sad, angry, and hurt at the same time. You didn't like what you felt at this moment, but despite the need to call her back, you decided to give her some space. Since you two started to date, it was very unusual that you'd raise your voice against each other, and it was even more exceptional when you two argued. Tonight you tried to sleep with a bad feeling in your heart and some tears running down your face.
In Germany, Felicitas was also feeling bad. She knew that with that argument, she just broke two important rules for the both of you. First, never argue before one of you has to play, and you still had a game against Manchester City the next day. Second, never sleep angry at each other. She messed up; she knew that, but she promised herself that she would try to make up for it as soon as possible.
The next day, you were one of the first ones on the bus to Manchester. You sat against the window, tired because of your lack of sleep the previous night. You spiraled almost all the night before your body gave up around 4 a.m.When you woke up, you checked your phone, but Feli didn't text you, making you start the day at your lowest.
The other players gradually filled the seats, and like usual, Erin sat next to you, but when you kept spacing out and didn't notice her presence, she started to worry a little. "Hey, Y/n/n, are you okay?" She asked, placing her hand on your shoulder.
You snapped back to reality, making a little noise of surprise. "Yeah, sorry, I just didn't sleep well last night." And it was in this state that you played against Manchester City; of course, you were subbed off at the start of the second half when Emma realized that you were not in your best form to play the whole ninety minutes.
Back in London, you first thought of taking a shower and sleeping, but you needed to change your plans when, after your shower, you saw a text from Erin asking you if you were okay. You replied yes, but she continued to worry, and you finished by calling her and talking about last night.
The next day in Germany, Feli was training, but again, she wasn't herself, and that was because she spent the entire Sunday thinking about you. She watched your game; she saw that you seemed tired even before the game started, and deep in her, she knew it was because of her. At the end of the training, she pulled Alex and Svenja away from the rest of the group and the two girls.
"You fucked up, right?" Svenja asked, and your girlfriend nodded.
"But how do you know?" She asked.
"Because last night AKB called me, and even if Y/n didn't tell her anything, it was obvious that you two argued before her game. And according to how she played and how she seemed rather sad on the pitch, I concluded that you fucked up." Now the defender felt a little embarrassed; was it so obvious?
"Listen, we don't want to act like everything is your fault because we know it's not. It's just that we know sometimes you can be insecure, and it's okay; it's totally normal, but you shouldn't let your insecurities take over. You know that Y/n loves you more than anyone, and we know that too. Everybody who once saw you together knows how much you mean for each other." Alex said this time. "We don't know what she did, and we don't want to interfere in your relationship, but I think that you should let her explain whatever she did." The striker added, leaving the defender speechless and processing everything.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure she would forgive you; she can't live without you." The short captain said.
For you, the day was more calm. You texted your girlfriend, hoping that she would reply before the end of the day. After you spent the rest of your day with some teammates, you talked about your next game, which would be the second leg of the Champions League quarterfinal against Lyon. Even if you won the first game, you knew that you couldn't underestimate them.
Because of the preparation for the Champions League, you and Feli haven't talked since the last call. You were both busy, of course, but you also didn't want to argue again before a big game like this.
It should be okay after that. Feli wanted to apologize, but again her insecurities won when, after your game, she saw some posts about it and, more importantly, yours, particularly a picture with the Scottish midfielder. You were close; someone could misinterpret anything with how you looked at your teammates. Your girlfriend told herself that you were just overwhelmed by your emotions after knocking out the best team in Europe, but the fan's comments and the little red heart left in the comment section of your post by Erin broke something in her.
The night you waited for her to text you, but nothing came; you called, but she never picked up; you tried to text her, but nothing. The next day, it was her match against PSG; you watched it and couldn't help but feel bad about your situation with your girlfriend. So after the game, an idea popped into your head. The weekend you played against Aston Villa After coming back home, you took a quick shower and ordered a cab to the Eurostar. More than 10 hours later, you finally reached your destination. You were lucky that Wolfsburg played their last game at home.
It was early in the morning when Feli heard someone ring the doorbell. She groaned and was ready to send back whoever was there, but she froze when she opened the door. "Hey," you said when you noticed that she was too confused to talk. "Can I come in?" you asked, and without saying anything, she just nodded and stepped aside. "I miss this place," you said when you entered the house. A few seconds later, you were greeted by your girlfriend's dog. "Oh, little angel, I missed you," you cooed.
The German seemed to come back to her senses after a moment; she cleared her throat, gaining your attention. "Uh, what are you doing here?" she asked.
"I'm doing what should have been done earlier," you said, walking to the living room, followed by the defender.
"Wich is?" 
"Feli, do you love me?" You asked ignoring her question on purpose.
"Wait what? Of course I love you." She said while sitting beside you. "What makes you think that I don't love you?"
"Because of the last few weeks. You and I acted like we didn't know each other. I texted you, and you didn't even read them." You cupped her face and forced her to look at you. "Tell me honestly. What did I do to make you act like that?" You asked, and she saw the tears in your eyes.
She sighed and took your hand. "You didn't do anything. Well, not you." 
"Then who?" You asked, but she didn't reply; she just looked at her feet, a little ashamed.
"Nevermind, it's silly." She declared before standing up.
"No, it's not, Feli. If something bothers you, then it's bothering me too."
"Dann sagen Sie ihnen (Then tell them)." She told you, making you confused.
"Everyone. The fan, your teammates...Erin." The name of your best friend confused you more.
"What do you mean, meine Liebe?" But you didn't wait for her response until you reached her and were engulfed in her tight hug.
"I saw the comments," she admitted, sobbing on your shoulder.
"I'm sorry, my love." You placed your hand on her chin, making her look at you. "Hey, look, I know what people think, but they're wrong, you hear me? I love you, Felicitas, and nothing can change this. I don't care what other people think; I don't want the easy way; I want you, and only you."
She looked at you with glossy eyes and a light smile.
"I'm sorry that you ever felt like I would let you. I love you too much for that." You added. She wipped her tears before colliding her lips with yours. "God, I missed those lips," you said after she pulled away. "Now can we go cuddle because I'm a little tired of the trip?" She nodded, and you followed her.
In the bedroom, you were on her bed, cuddling as if it were the last time. "I'm sorry." she said quietly, trying not to break the atmosphere.
"For what?" 
"I should tell you about that instead of giving you the silent treatment."
"Don't worry, it's okay. Just the next time, I want you to talk to me about that and anything else that could bother you." 
"I promise I will." She said this before kissing your head. "Sleep, my love; I'll be there when you wake up."
"Ich liebe dich"
"I love you too, meine Liebe."
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skz-rin · 8 months ago
『📺S5 · EP 1 ── NIGHT RAINS』
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timeline: January, 2023 est
featuring: bae seongrin, mystery boy and the bandmates of said mystery boy
genre: fluff !!!!
thoughts: puppy love and small umbrellas
warnings: nothing really it's all very soft and fluffy.
word count: 700
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The sound of the rain hitting the concrete was loud, almost deafening. The girl stood inside a bus stop, her feet tapping anxiously on the floor as she looked around. Rin knew that being out here at this late hour and that too alone was… dangerous she sighed softly tapping away on her phone trying to appear busy, the sound of her name being called made her look up she saw a figure running towards her and umbrella held in his hand, the man ran closer skidding to a stop in front of her.
“Sorry I'm late” he pants giving her a shaky smile as he attempts to fix his hair
"It's okay... did you run all the way here??" she asked in an incredulous tone. "Ehh... it's not a big deal" He replied with a shrug
the girl's eyebrows raise in surprise looking at the sky as if to measure the rain “it is a big deal!!” Rin exclaimed her hand stretched towards the rain as if pointing out how heavy it was “I didn't mind, seriously… plus I hadn't gone to the gym today so I got my cardio in as well!’ he chuckles softly patting her head which makes the girl sigh.
“I'm sorry to have put you through all this trouble”
“really, it's no big deal” He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture at her apology giving her a fond smile
Rin sighs softly before she joins him under the little small umbrella, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as they walk forward awkwardly. “Soooo how was practice?” She asks trying to get over the awkward shuffling with conversation 
“Ooohhh dude you have no idea!” 
“Oh, was it fun??” 
“It was madness!" The boy exclaims his face brightening up in a grin “You know how it was the last practice today and then we have the weekend off, so the manager came to announce that we'd be having Monday off too for some reason I forgot but it got all the guys hyped up which made everything much more energetic. The first hour of practice was chill but then the instructor asked Hyuk to fill up all the bottles since he wasn't doing his best today but that man had the amazing idea to add toothpaste in one of those bottles… he ended up getting the instructor’s and jun’s bottle confused and now has to come in on the off days too” he happily narrates the entire story 
To be honest Rin had stopped focusing on the story like halfway through she knew she was supposed to focus on what he was saying but he just looked so cute with his grin and his extensive hand motions which made the umbrella move around, 'the umbrella was moving too much!’ she realised with a startle her hand immediately going to grip the umbrella to keep it in one stop, which somehow comes with a sudden silence 
She looks at him confused as to why he had stopped speaking only to find his gaze focused on where her hand was on top of his, his cheeks a blazing red as he coughed and looked away. Rin was sure she could feel her heart burst, the blood rushing to her ears as she looked at him ‘when was the last time a guy had blushed that much at the touch of her hand??’ she didn't remember but it surely felt good, it felt… sweet. 
"Sooo, Hyuk working the break time?" She reminds him an ask for him to continue the story "Oh yeahhh So that happ-" and she turned out again just walking side by side with her, her palm resting on top of his the rain pattering outside she could feel herself getting wet because of how much he still moved the umbrella but it mattered very little, not when she had such amazing company.
She looked at him once again, the streetlights casting a glow on his face and she could've sworn she saw stars in his eyes.... Okay maybe someone else would call them the reflection of the lights but she didn't care, She was too enraptured by thinking of how absolutely beautiful this man was.
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taglist🏷️ - @smh-anon @cheolsboo @felixsbrat @butterflydemons
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generational-atrophy · 2 years ago
Can you do reader x main 8 with a hyper German shepherd who loves them. Maybe they try to be a lap dog even though they're they're not little anymore.
For context, let's say the dogs name is Lucy.
(Hetalia Main 8 X Reader) S/O with a Big, Hyper Dog!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N anon this is very specific. Do you have a hyper german shepherd. If so. Please send pics. Also sorry that this is shorter. Its very. Again. Very specific djhksgkjh
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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ALFRED WOULD LOVE A SUPER HYPER BIG DOG. He is absolutely the type of guy to prefer huge dogs that could kill him over little yappy ones.
Plus, now he’s not the only high-energy one in the house! He even gets a pal to go on runs with. If anyone can tire out a dog, it’s him.
AND! He’s got a big lap. And no ability to feel uncomfortable. He is not realizing that that dog is too big to sit on him anymore. You’re gonna have to stop the dog yourself.
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Arthur, on the other hand, is not a dog person. Much less of a big dog person. His house is small, he’s small, and his patience is too. Sure, he still loves the dog, but… not as much as the dog loves him.
Most of the time that you come home, your German Shepherd is just outside. And has been so for hours. Arthur just can’t stand the barking and the neediness. Even if it’s a little cruel…
That dog is never getting on his lap either. Never. He is way too much of a bony twink for that to happen. But that’s probably the one thing he’ll feel a little bad for.
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Francis may not be incredibly excited at first, but he comes around quickly. Sure, they’re loud and a lot to deal with… but if they’re your family, he loves them too.
He’s willing to take them on walks and take care of them. But if they make a mess in their excitement, that’s your problem. God forbid they try to get on his lap too, they may be cute, but they’re also covered in dirt! No amount of cuteness can make up for that! Although… they are very, very cute…
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Yao is fine with the dog… as long as he doesn’t have to take care of it. He’s a total “We’re not getting a dog, dad with the dog” kind of guy though. He’ll complain about how hyper the big puppy is while he’s sneaking them bacon from his plate.
That dog is always getting pushed off his lap though. He’s got old man bones! He doesn’t have the energy to deal with some big dopey dog taking over all his personal space!
That and the barking… he doesn’t have a lot of patience for a lot of noise either. Other than that, he adores the dog! He just won’t admit it.
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Ivan is very fond of dogs! But… not super hyper ones. Not because he doesn’t like them most of the time, he just gets very overwhelmed by how much energy they have.
The moments when they’re just sitting on his lap are great, he absolutely adores how soft and loveable they are, but any other time? When they’re barking and sprinting through the house? He’s… he’s just too old for that.
Probably the only time Ivan is willing to go on walks with them is when you come along. He gets really irritated having to constantly pull them away from eating things. He’s not cleaning up after them either, can’t you hire someone else to do that?
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Feliciano loves animals. Just, in general. No matter how they look or how they are. He’s definitely getting tackled by that dog the first time he meets it. Don’t worry, he won’t even be upset. All that means is that he has a dog on him, which is always good.
There’s no way that dog is getting onto his lap, but he compromised by laying on the floor and hugging it. Plus that makes them less hyper, right? Right?
If not, that’s fine also. Feli isn’t that bothered by excitable dogs. They’re kind of like him in a way, so how could he get mad at their loveable faces?
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Oh boy, that’s Ludwig’s favourite kind of dog! He, himself has had probably a hundred dogs over the years, and he just adores the excitable ones. Plus, he’s a great trainer, so he has no problem dealing with misbehaviour.
If you need a calm day off, he’d love to take the dog out for you, tiring it out so it won’t cause you too much trouble. (And then he can have it on his lap all afternoon with no issues, but that’s totally not the real reason he did so.)
Speaking of which, he also loves having it on his lap. He gets stars in his eyes whenever your dog clambers onto him, taking up his whole body and half the couch. It’s adorable.
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Oh jeez. Kiku is gonna panic really fast. He wants to give your dog as much attention as it needs… but he doesn’t have the energy! You’re gonna have to assure him constantly that he isn’t neglecting them, they’re just way too hyper.
Half the time he’s home, he’s chasing the dog around the house and desperately trying to get them to calm down. Whenever the dog tries to climb onto his lap, he tries to oblige but… he is just not big enough of a person. That part makes him pretty upset.
Even if he can’t keep up with the dog, he loves it endlessly.
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lennys-criticaldesign · 2 years ago
第4話 - 黒㋑加々見 (BLaCk miRrOr)
hello reader! in this post, i present you 3 ideas that i came up with for episodes of the Netflix show "Black Mirror". the general concept all these ideas revolve around is sustainable nature-based clothing. additionally, i'll provide examples of objects that exist within the episode's universe. (disclaimer: i've only ever seen 1 episode of black mirror (for another uni course) so i don't quite know about this.. haha 😅)
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the Surveillancer: a type of device installed all over the city, used by the plant network to observe the citizens and detect any human not already connected to the network
PIT (Plant Interface Token): a device shaped like a seed through which a person can communicate with their plant clothes: check status & give nutrients, the device is worn on the body (e.g. as a bracelet, necklace, etc.) & is directly connected to the clothing
Seɘꓷ-ling: a small memory card, can be bought & attached to one’s PIT device: to grow clothes (specific design/shapes, plant species, …), for customizing (colors, elements, …), to provide nutrients
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the glasshouse closet: storage space for any garment, creates ideal conditions for plant clothes while they are not in use, e.g. humidity, temperature, etc.
the imPLANT: a chip implanted into every newborn human, for symbiosis connection between human and plant-clothes, serves as interface for communication, through this implant any information about a person is gathered and transmitted to be stored in the global database network
mi.O-scan: a device that can scan a person’s imPLANT chip to access specific data of that person, this then allows businesses (e.g. cafés) to provide guests with services tailored perfectly to their individual needs (also regarding the current needs of the worn plant clothes)
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ObjectSynthesizer™ - series H - model 550 Helianthus: uses “essence” a substance that looks like fertilizer, the machine can this base material into the object desired 
RecipeChip™: contains instruction on how to synthesize a particular object (e.g. food, furniture), must be bought (special technology), one-time use (chip itself becomes part of the newly synthesized object)
AiCom™ - series felis catus - sphynx: a pet robot companion, AiCom™ were invented because animals don’t exist in this society (they were banned by the government for being too messy & unpredictable), this model perfectly mimics the behavior of a sphynx cat, in that sense it is practically indistinguishable from the real animal except for the cameras in its eyes & microphones in its ears [very cute pic of a sphynx 🥹]
hope you enjoyed :)  ― つづく ―
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