anishake · 4 months
It's a popular opinion that SJM might explore the concept of rejected mates through Eris-Mor and/or Helion-Loa and I'm one of them, BUT. I was randomly thinking about the scene where Nesta and Elain got turned and we see a certain dynamic there: Rhysand protecting Feyre and we knew they are mates. Cassian also gravitated towards Nesta and Lucien tried to make it stop when Elain was taken to the Cauldron. Both of the couples ended up mates. Who else do we see protecting each other? Yup, Mor and Azriel. What if, these two are actually mates and the bond hasn't snapped yet. That could be an explanation of why Azriel has stuck around Mor for so long, he probably senses there might be something. And if the bond does snap, Mor is 100% going to reject it. IDK sounds like something SJM would do, she loves dramatic plot twists like this.
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mcnuggyy · 2 years
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what if I told you over on my discord and patreon we were making a collaborative cryptid♡crush oc and what if I told you we were sooooo in love with her <333
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stop-highblood-hate · 3 months
[I am curious about your quadrant views. I suppose I can understand why you dislike the thought of a highblood and a lowblood  together, but I don”t see why you would have a problem with one troll a single caste above the other. I would like to know your thoughts, I find your opinions interesting]
[I also would like to say I appreciate what you”re doing here, it”s quite appalling to see the amount of things lowbloods think they can get away with saying behind the anonymity of grumblr, and it”s good to see someone putting them in their place]
feress abssoluutely ssome nuance fere, but ssince *SSOME PEOPLE* on fiss ssite cant sseem to handle fe mosst bassic factss wifout hafing a meltdown, i had to try to keep it ssimple
for lower casstess, i dont fink anyone would bat an eye if a russty wass pale for a gold, or maybe efen olife- but fe furfer up fe casste you go, fe more you should sstay wifin your casste. ideally ass a sseadweller you sshould only be quadranted wif ofer sseadwellerss (why would you efer want to be quadranted wif a landdweller LMFAO) but again, feres nuance fere! while i perssonally would nefer do it, i know a few fioletss fat hafe quadranted wif purpless, and fats fine (obfioussly not ideal, but one below/one abofe for higher casstess iss manageable)
ass long ass you keep in mind fe inherent differencess between you and your different casste partner, and your relationsship doessnt interfere wif fe way fe casste sstructure iss ssuppossed to work, fen you sshould be fine - but perssonally, i fink ass highbloodss hafe fe duty to uphold and demonsstrate fe casste sstructure, itss rissky messssing around wif mixed casste relationsshipss. while fe differencess are lessss noticeable wif lowerbloodss, fey abssoluutely are for higherbloods, and fat iss incredibly important
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ifindus · 1 month
Ja da var det 17 mai! Jeg selv holdte meg hjemme og grillet. Håper de som var med i tog hvor en i landet man er hadde det fint
Gratulerer med dagen! Gilling hører hjemme på 17.mai 🥰 har selv sittet hjemme alene mens resten av fammen er på hytta/fjelltur 😅 óg laget en illustrasjon for bacheloroppgaven til søstra mi lol
Håper alle feiringer var bedre enn min egen! 🥳
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breaking news: local potion seller and innkeeper are chaotic together, who let them get married?
Onith: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken! Esa: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss. Onith, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
(It's a letter from Wild yelling about them letting Sky run away)
Onith: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning. Esa: This is a lie. Esa: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie. Esa: THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO COOK A PANCAKE, WHAT IS THIS.
Esa, looking at a selfie of Onith’s: I hate this photo. Onith: I’m cute as fuck in that photo! I’m smiling kindly. Esa: You’re not smiling kindly; you look like you’re up to something. Onith: Up to kindness.
Onith, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea? Time: Tea. Onith: Wrong. It's coffee.
Onith: What, in the name of sanity, have you got on your head? Esa: It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. Warrior: *snatches the fez, throws it in the air* Onith: *shoots it*
Esa: There's no way they like me back. Feire: Onith would throw themself in front of a moving car for you. Esa: Onith would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.
Onith: I want a trip down memory lane. Esa: *proceeds to grab every warrior cats book they have and sets them in Onith's lap* Esa: I heard you needed these? Onith: YES! ALL OF THEM!
Sky: Why is Onith crying on the floor? Feire: They're drunk. Sky: And? Feire: They saw a picture of Esa's spouse. Sky: But they're Esa's spouse. Feire: I know.
Not a quote, but i think that Onith and Esa's village should have a name. Any ideas?
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elsabet-writes · 5 months
Daily writing adventure: someone fed expensive fish fillets to the stray cat that lives on the roof, and no one has confessed.
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yuhi-san · 1 year
gotta love dorian, solon and feirs friendship.
solon finally meets his friend after a decade and the first thing he says to dorian is 'i should strangle you'
also the first thing feir says to solon is well you arent fat anymore
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insidi0summoved · 10 months
@dciisy  ( novalie feir ) 〃 starter call : not accepting
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" What is the point, mh ?  Revenge won’t bring peace for you. "
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msb-lair · 1 year
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Possible hatchlings from Feir and Fiero. Offspring should have a pretty even-handed mix of both parents’ genetics (crystal-bee-featherbeard vs wasp-facet-veined respectively). Primary and secondary ranges are the same two greens, while tertiary includes greens and goldtones edging into oranges.
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nah cause Fear Street did a full 180° from “resident himbo white boy saves the day” to “fuck em white boy, LEZ GO LESBIANNNNN WHOOOOOOOOo”
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Aedion is the good guy
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8ande · 2 months
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01.05.2024 - Fyrste mai
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stop-highblood-hate · 5 months
karma is coming for you. just you wait, guppy.
quirk masking.
if you cant efen be fucked to ssay it to my face why sshould i beliefe you LMFAO
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pronoun-checks · 6 months
Hello! Can I get a check with the name Yume, and the pronouns she/her, fey/fem/feir/feirs/feirself, mem/mer/mer/mers/merself, and they/them (all together in one)? Interests include drawing, singing, baking, and ballet ^-^ Thanks!
Sure thing!
Wait a second, is that Yume? I think I see Yume over there! Do you see her? She’s the one sitting by herself with her headphones on. Yup, that’s her! You’ve met Yume before, right? No? Well, you’ll have to meet her sometime; I think you’d get along nicely with her. Fey said fey likes drawing, so maybe fey will show you some of feir drawings sometime! Fey also mentioned that fey likes singing, but I forgot to ask mer what kinds of songs mem likes to sing. Mem also likes baking and ballet, and I think that mem does both. I’ll have to ask mer the next time I talk with them. Oh, hey! Yume’s looking this way now! I think they’re waving at us? Yeah, they’re definitely waving at us. Do you want to go meet them? Sure, let’s go say hi to Yume! Hey Yume!
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bawkrya · 7 months
I wish there was a way to GUARANTEE that u only get one/two/three eggs in a nest. Like. Not to Increase the amt of eggs but to decrease if that makes sense. Like i only want two eggs and cld guarantee the max is two but theres still a chance i cld get wegged.
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elsabet-writes · 1 year
Daily Writing Adventures: We have Established that our Main Man is perpetually sleep deprived (yay, representation!) and also could not keep a house plant alive if his life depended on it.
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