#wip: false colors
elsabet-writes · 5 months
Daily writing adventure: someone fed expensive fish fillets to the stray cat that lives on the roof, and no one has confessed.
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redhotarsenic · 9 months
Okay okay I think I figured out Lucille’s colors!!
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baron-bear · 7 months
Trying to get more faux-gadyn since eggdog has been hating real guys. Very much a WIP but still getting decent results.
Can't just add 'roegadyn' as it isn't a real term, so had to try to build one from the ground up walking on a beach near Close-Enough-Del-Sol:
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Starting giving a bit of a belly:
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Some au'ra and a lil elezen snuck into this one somehow:
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Made em larger:
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Finally took a prompt I had before and slapped 'FF14 screenshot' at the end (more CGI than ff14, not plasticy enough lmao):
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---------------------- As I was making this post (and I'm too lazy to restructure the whole thing) I moved the 'FF14 screenshot' from the last argument to the first argument:
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A bit closer to that plasticy feel, but still a bit too colorful. It's an ongoing process that I'm still exploring. I captured it with some earlier prompts, but those were on my phone + with designer, it doesn't keep a record (that I could find) and those prompts are lost to time.
Of course you can change 'FF14 screenshot' to 'photo' to get fleshmen if eggdog is in a good mood:
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FF14 screenshot. one man (bulky, wide, thick arms and legs, masculine, very hairy, tan, large pregnant looking belly, square face, short beard, dark faux hawk with red tips, shorts, flip flops, NOT shirt, stern looking, slight smile), setting is a shoreline(calm ocean, palm trees, sandy beach, distant pier), walking looking out to sea sipping drink.
Customize to taste as usual.
(also trying out a new prompting style and a possible negative prompt with 'NOT shirt', but I did make the scene a beach so it might be a false positive).
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ghostyclay · 25 days
Hermitaday 2024 Masterpost
Normal promts
Day 1: Beef / Day 2: Xisuma / Day 3: Zedaph / Day 4: Keralis // Day 6: Jevin / Day 7: Mumbo / Day 8: XB / Day 9: Skizz / Day 10: Stress / Day 11: Pearl // Day 13: Cub / Day 14: Doc / Day 15: False / Day 16: Wels / Day 17: Etho*/ Day 18: Joe // Day 20: Gem / Day 21: Bdubs / Day 22: Iskall / Day 23: Tango / Day 24: Cleo / Day 25: Impulse // Day 27: Grian** / Day 28: Scar / Day 29: Hypno / Day 30: Joel / Day 31: Ren**
Color coding: Animations, Finished pieces, sketches/flat colors/wip
Special Sunday promts
Day 5: TFC
Day 12: Friends of Hermitcraft (s2 Empires SMP Scott)
Day 19: Fav alternative Hermit (s7 Mumbo)
Day 26: Groups & Collabs (Joel, Etho, Iskall)*
Additional stuff
*The finished Etho fanart is here, the finished group fanart is here
**Might make AUs inspired by these, I'll post more info about that soon!
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sirensea14 · 4 days
This, this is a visual presentation of what is happening to us right now
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Theres also conspiracy theory that tried to connect certain dots. That not only is China involved with this shit but also a certain family in our government and also the US. Most of it are from tiktok, i think i reposted some of those in my account.
Currently, China is making a move on our Palawan (the long island part that looks like a "leg" since our archipelago looks like an animal of some sort) and they have been attacking our navy now, violently. Someone even lost a finger. Its only a matter of time before that finger turns into lives.
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The world is really falling apart right now, and every strong countries out there are very power-hungry. Stepping on poor countries like ants, they will not stop until the ants bite back.
The Chinese have been silent during Duterte's administration and it may have a connection as to why China is being violent right now at Marcos's administration.
I feel like we're trapped. China is locking in on us; multiple vessels, numerous chinese students around the regions, POGO and possible spies. The US are silently building their own army possibly preparing to betray us again like they did back then (History time: 1898, i think, is the time we, along with the Americans, defeated the Spaniards. And then they colonized us after learning that Spain actually sold us to the Americans. It was too late. Basically betraying and taking control of us. This is simply a theory, but it is possible that the US might do this again.) And then our own; the Government. There are many corrupt officials here, saying nothing but empty promises, false hope and senseless words. Saying "that's just water", "just give the WPS to china so that there would be no war and no blood." The problem is, if that happens, if we give up OUR territory, then China will simply exploit this rich source of oil and gas reserves, and the abundant fish etc. And that Secret Gentleman's agreement. If what China was saying that 'we did not fulfill the agreement' was true, then Duterte must have sold us to China back then in the pandemic. Because they were silent back then, it was peaceful even though this dispute has been going on since my parents were in highschool (around 1990-2000s)
And then our Vice President, Sara Duterte, stepped down of position after stealing 125 million pesos ($2,123,32.50) in an attempt of disguising it as 'confidential funds'.
This has been making my head hurt so much. What the fuck is going on with this shit, it's so much bullshit in one area.
Amin ang West Philippine sea‼️🇵🇭
One post aint enough, i need to spread the word🙏 I hope that the blue and red colors on our flag doesnt flip.
[side note: sorry i havent been posting much art lately. Im not doing enough wips and i keep distracting myself from this mess. But it's unavoidable because its all around tiktok, facebook and instagram]
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violetlight · 4 days
G/T Super Powers (and Side effects) pt.3
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4 (WIP)
Bioluminescence: They have the ability to light up any part of their body in glowing blue light (Or any color of your choosing) This could be used to light the way in the dark, or they could be used by humans as a light source. Side Effect: Their body always gives off a slight glows so it's hard to hide in the dark.
Astral Projection: The ability the project something akin to a ghost outside of your body, in this case the projection could either be tiny or a giant. Side Effect: You can't interact with anything you can only talk and move.
Illusions: The ability to create false sensory effects I. G. Something that effects sight, hearing, taste, hearing, or touch. Side Effect: When they feel strong emotions it runs out of control causing people to experience stuff akin to hallucinations.
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mossymandibles · 7 months
Forgot to add to the last ask- the otter comic says Kraw is a chimera, is that a natural species or are chimeras created somehow? Because otter grandpa said they're sterile and that happens to some non-natural animal combos irl. Also is his brother a chimera as well?
After just finding out about mayv and the way she looks, it made me think that chimeras are made by witches and not a natural species so I'm super curious now because why did somebody do that to those 2 kids if that's the case :(
In Hallowed Carrion chimera/Chimereals happen between two ‘primordial’ species that couldn’t normally mate, but it involves a ‘false uterus’ created by consuming the celestial body’s flesh. With Kraw it was his sea drake mother and Fury father. (They’re considered to be ‘primordial’ simply because they’ve been around for quite some time, live longer and are usually giants. Most modern day islanders don’t believe/know their kind exists, kind of like how we are with modern conspiracies of the ‘megalodon still existing in the marianna trench’).
It is a trait among chimereals that they are sterile. They’re also known by their abnormal growth hormones which causes them to keep growing/evolving for who knows how long. There’s actually a lot of prejudice held against them and they don’t often live in regular society like Kraw does, they’re usually considered dangerous and they’re often loners.
Most of this is only known because of Sylvaine learning about Serkan who is also a chimereal, albeit much older than Kraw. She’s actively studying chimereals through Kraw now. (He was actually very upset to learn he was sterile :(
And I’ve wanted to show more about Titus! It’s hard to balance my attention to everything lol.
Titus is also a chimereal. He was born on a specialized mill where they attempted to breed marine chimereals like him for hunting purposes. Most chimereals that come out of the mills end up dead, malformed or ‘defective’, so he was ‘lucky’. He also would have had the ability to breathe fire, but his flint glands were removed, like declawing a cat. He was kind of mean and he certainly had it harder than Kraw with Mayv. She didn’t even know he could speak when she first got him because his throat was fucked after they cut his flint glands out. He was about 7 when she got him and he was already known to be unruly/uncontrollable in the mill. They would have put him down if Mayv hadn’t come along. She took care of him though despite keeping a firm hand and eventually he came to see her as a surrogate mother.
He definitely got a jealous streak when she brought Kraw home. Mayv would often be fawning over how Kraw “came from the sea, so he would make such a great hunter and how beautiful his colors were and-“ blah blah blaaah. Titus hadn’t even seen the sea until Mayv rescued him, and he thought Kraw was just a little ‘flat-faced softie’. He would often goad him into fights. There’s a lot more to it, but eventually he and Kraw came to find their similarities, mostly through comforting each other through night terrors and exploring the swamps together.
Although Mayv also saw them like her own sons, she often towed the line between training them like animals and treating them like regular children. She was of course still very loving but it was often muddled by her militant expectations of them out on the ocean. Titus and Kraw worked for Mayv as ‘mer-hounds’, which are marine creatures that are trained to effectively hunt and catch mermaids or other large oceanic game, sort of like how some fishermen would use ducks. That was what the mills were breeding marine creatures for.
As of present day, a lot had gone down between Kraw and his brother, and a lot happened where Kraw had to leave the Shades as well. Kraw doesn’t know what’s become of his brother and whether or not Mayv is even alive. I do plan to get into that.
I can show you a sort of wip I have of him, but he might get a bit of a cleanup? Just because this is older art. I had planned to make growth charts for he and Kraw for a while now. Awkward teenage years and such.
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timesthatneverwere · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday...
Thank you so much, @flamemittens for tagging me! (Stealing the post title! Mwhahah).
I have written very little this past month but I might be able to post a couple of unedited snippets.
This is from upcoming (whenever upcoming) chapter 6 of The Devil that Knows You:
There they are. Her greatest treasure. Her most prized quarry. Under a veneer of quiet indolence, she lies her trap. She can barely contain her enthusiasm as the unsuspecting prey delivers itself, reassured by experience; by the many times it did this without consequences. All part of her design, of course. Prey must be lured into a false sense of security. She wraps her legs around her hunting trophy, refusing to let go. Hers. Her chew toy.
And a little something for that Illusive Man x Fem!Shepard oneshot that I really want to finish at some point... sometime... in the future...
At the first sign of yet another headache about wreak havoc on her mind, Shepard deploys a moderate dose of medi-gel and continues her way down the hallway. All the money in the Galaxy and one would think that they would at least spare a few credits on real plants for ambiance, but it's all holograms. The colors are pretty, granted, but they have nothing on the real thing. Or perhaps that’s just her Mindoir upbringing acting up. Again. She will never be able to shake off Mindoir. The massacre at Torfan wasn’t enough. The Battle of the Citadel wasn’t enough. Her efforts in Horizon weren’t enough. Now, the whole  Bahak System is gone - a blaze that spread through the Galaxy map, hollowing it out. It felt so unreal, watching it in real time, but she was unable to take her eyes off it. And still, that wasn't enough.
Progress is slow but I'm trying my best over here.
No pressure tags for @djmorn @adevilyoudo @tantive404 and @judithmactir
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the-wip-project · 8 months
SloMo WriNo: Getting Into The Writing Zone
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A week into the challenge, and how are you doing?
From talking to people in the discord I’ve been hearing a similar sentiment phrased in different ways. That it’s hard to muster the self discipline to sit down and write day after day, that it’s hard to get the first words out, or to even hard to open the laptop.
If you’re not used to writing daily, after the first excitement wears off it starts to feel quite hard. And as one person said: sometimes it doesn’t feel worth it to go through the effort of starting if you’re only going to write 200 words anyway.
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that it will get easier if you stick with it. The bad news? Establishing a new habit takes work.
But here are some tips that I find helpful. (And if they look awfully similar to how to get past executive dysfunction? That’s because it’s more or less the same thing.) You don't have to implement all of them, and you won't find any secret shortcuts here. But if you're struggling, try a few things.
To start with it’s a good idea to create some small rituals and a ‘writing space’ that cue your mind and body that this is writing time. Now I’ve talked previously about being adaptable and writing at times and in places that you might not consider ideal. So how does that work for creating a writing space?
No matter where you are you can create a writing environment. Make the background color of your writing document a different color from what you use for work or play. (one you find soothing and pleasant). Make a playlist that you only listen to while writing. (Or alternatively choose something specific from an ambient sounds mixer). If you can, change your body position and location. If you normally work or do homework sitting at a desk, try standing to write, or sitting on the floor, couch, bed. Relocate to a different room, or even (and this is lux level) a different place.
If at all possible, write offline. If you can’t do that, mute or close any tabs that will ding or flash with notifications.
I’ve been told that the hands down best way to do this is having a separate laptop or tablet that you only use for writing. I’ve never done that (that pesky money thing) but if you have the finances for that it might be worth trying.
Once you’re all set up to write, set a timer, for a relatively short period of time. Somewhere in the 15-30 minutes zone, and promise yourself that all you have to do is write for that time period. If it’s not working after that you don’t have to continue. In fact, if you’re really tired/not feeling it you don’t have to write at all! Simply read over your writing from the previous session (with full permission to tweak as you wish) and then make some notes for what ideas you have about what comes next.
The trick here is obvious, usually if you get as far as looking at your words, then you end up writing a bit. But if you’re really not feeling it, do not break that promise to yourself, either by forcing yourself to write, or by feeling guilty about not writing. It makes it all the more harder to convince yourself next time if you know deep down that you’re making false promises.
What’s the point of going through all that and then not writing? Or even what is the point of it all to only write 2-300 words?
Right now you're building a habit. Once the habit is established, it will get easier and easier to slip into the writing zone with a few cues, and easier still to write those 2-300 words without a lot of painful decision-making, stern self-discipline, or ugh, willpower. But it will take time to get there. Weeks, or maybe even longer. Do your best to find a way to stick with it.
It can help a lot if you have a buddy or group to report to. (Obligatory WIP discord mention.) Sometimes I just need to message a friend and say ‘tell me to write’ to get me past the initial inertia. (If they can write at the same time as you that’s a huge bonus!)
As I said at the beginning, nothing about any of this is new or unique advice. You’ve no doubt seen most, if not all of it before. And you can feel a little silly trying to trick your subconscious with playlists and screen colors. But it works for a lot of people. (including me!) So what have you got to lose?
(and it should go without saying, if what you’re feeling is bigger than trouble with writing, seek professional help. Your mental health is more important than any writing project.)
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elsabet-writes · 5 months
I had to engineer the perfect fall->catch for tonight's scene, so The Golden Princess and I spent the evening on the choreography. We had to figure our how to get our leading man from in front of the leading lady's desk to beside her so he can catch her when her chair disintegrates and it was difficult!
The Golden Princess and I both agreed that, while it would be hilarious for him to lunge over the desk and catch her under the arms, it would cause readers far too much secondhand embarrassment and wouldn't have that sensational romantic flare that I was aiming for.
We finally got it all worked out, and even though I am not particularly pleased with the way it turned out, at least I have a proper outline of the scene down, and I can come back and rewrite it later.
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mrxcreepypastamadness · 6 months
For: @toxic-and-the-gang
Mario's Madness V2 muses!
Hellish Heights
1st Muse (Current):
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Aliases: Mario
• Christine Hermer (Creator, Victim)
• Game Boy Cameraman (Best Friend)
• Turmoil (Best Friend)
Place of Birth: Unknown Origin
Status: Alive
Species: Entity
Subspecies: Code
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Black
Created by:
• Nintendo (Original Mario)
• Marco Antonio (GB)
Appears in:
• Black & White (WIP)
• Friday Night Funkin': Mario's Madness
Debut: Friday Night Funkin: Mario's Madness
About: GB is an EXE made by Marco Antonio. He is based off of Mario's appearance in Super Mario's appearance in Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins. He is specifically from a bootleg pirate copy of Super Mario Land, but his true origins are unknown. He can even manifest in his players head, and come into the real world, however mostly chooses not to, as he believes limiting himself makes things more fun.
He is the opponent of the song "Golden Land".
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GB (True Form)
2nd Muse (New):
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DJ Hallyboo
Aliases: Host
• Host of Mario Party (piracy crack-downer)
Species: Top Hatted Being
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Red
Created by: Morray01
Voiced by: Juno Songs
Appears in:
• Mario Party DS ARG
• Friday Night Funkin' (as a mod)
Debut: Mario Party DS ARG
About: DJ Hallyboo is from Joey Perleoni's Mario Party DS Anti-Piracy ARG. He's the missing host for Mario Party DS. He appears as the main opponent in the song "No Party".
3rd Muse (New/Current):
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Mr. Virtual
• Mario
• V
• Mr. V
• Samantha Heathers (victim)
• Detective Thomas Anderson (Killer/Enemy)
Place of Birth: Unknown Origins
Status: Undead/Immortal
• Human (Formerly)
• Poltergeist (Curently)
Gender: Male
• 8'4" (Mario form)
• 13'5" (True form)
Eye Color: Red with black Sclera
Hair Color: Red
Created by:
• Nintendo (Original Mario)
• Stupendous Snart (Mr. Virtual)
Voiced by:
• Infinite Jr. (Used to be/No longer the case)
Appears in:
• The Virtual Files (upcoming)
• Friday Night Funkin' (as a mod)
About: Mr. Virtual is a Mario.EXE take by Stupendous Snart and the antagonist of the analog horror series, The Virtual Files. He is a character for the mod. He's a malicious entity that resides within a Virtual Boy, causing those who play his games to go insane and kill themselves in gruesome ways. This has lead to many police investigations; the most notable of which being "The Heathers Investigation". He is the opponent in the song "Paranoia".
4th Muse (New):
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Mr. L
Aliases: Luigi (former name)
• Mario (despised brother, accidental murderer)
Occupation: Plumber (formerly)
• Human (Formerly)
• Spirit (Currently)
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Brown
Created By:
• Nintendo (Original Luigi)
• Mr. Pixel (Creator of Mr. L)
Appears in:
• Too Late.exe
• Friday Night Funkin' (As a mod)
Debut: Too Late.exe
About: Mr. L or Too Late Luigi is a version of Luigi.EXE created by Mr. Pixel and the antagonist of the game Too Late.exe. It is currently unknown how Luigi ended up becoming Mr. L, however, all seems to be related to Mario and he seeks revenge against his brother. He is the opponent of the song "Overdue" and goes against Pico.
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Mr. L (Faker)
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Mr. L (True Form) (Hallway)
5th Muse (New):
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• Luigi/Mr. L (Brother, killer)
Status: Deceased
• Human (Formerly)
• Ghost (Currently)
Gender: Male
Debut: Too Late.exe
About: THE FORGIVEN is Mario from the "Too Late.Exe" creepypasta game by Mr. Pixel, He has been killed by his vengeful undead brother Luigi (now known as Mr. L) and has returned as a ghost. In "Mario's Madness", he appears briefly as an additional player character in "Overdue", helping Pico to fend off Mr. L.
6th Muse (Current):
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• Mario
• False Hero (faker form)
• Lord MX
• Chemical X-Ecutor (Sister)
• Ms.82 (Sister)
• Mr. Video Game (Brother)
• Lucas (Endless Victim)
• Wendy (Canon Rabbit Wife)
• January Afton (Sonic AU Wife)
• Jonathan Afton (Sonic AU Son)
• JX/Xenoharpus (Sonic.EXE AU Son/daughter)
• Wiilam Afton (FNAF AU Son)
• Zachitus Afton (FNAF AU Son)
• Texas Afton/TX (Sonic.EXE AU Son)
• Wendy Afton (FNAF AU Daughter)
• Ballora Afton (FNAF AU Daughter)
• Lord X (Best Friend AU, regardless of the exe community being shitty right now, An AU Best Friend shouldn't be a problem.)
• Nekoamon (pet)
• Red Mist Squidward (Friend)
• Hypna (Friend)
• Pablo (Friend)
Status: Alive
Species: Spirit
Gender: Male
• 6 feet (Faker)
• 12 feet (Real Form)
Eye Color: No Eyes
Hair Color:
• Black (Real Form)
• Dark Green (Faker)
Created by:
• Nintendo (Original Mario)
• FrazzDude! (Original and Current Owner of MX)
• RazzDazzleDoo (Co-Owner of MX)
• Inferno (Retired Owner of MX)
Voiced by:
• Sunset (Official and V2)
• KINGFOX (Legacy)
Appears in:
• Mario '85 demo
• Friday Night Funkin' (as a mod)
Debut: Mario '85 demo
About: MX is a NON-EXE OC created by FrazzDude. He stars as the main antagonist of Mario '85, a new take on the concept of Mario.EXE heavily inspired by Sonic (PC PORT). Sitting within an abandoned copy of Super Mario Bros., MX takes the souls of those who play the game so that he can "play" with them for all eternity. He is the opponent of the songs "Powerdown" and "Demise".
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MX (False Hero)
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pastelbatfandoms · 2 months
Take Me Home (One shot) WIP
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Based off of a memory from my Motley Crue/Fame desired reality! I am with Sebastian Stan's version of Tommy Lee. Nikki is the same as in our cr though.
Warnings: Pure smut, not much plot tbh
LA 2012...
I was alone the first time in what felt like months, the boys were with their grandparents, I should be reveling in the free time and the quiet, I could literally do almost anything. Instead I was in my queen sized bed missing my husband.
Tommy was on tour with Motley Crue and wouldn't be back for another month. Thankfully this had been a short tour, but I was getting impatient.
I curled up into my cream colored comforter, grabbing my phone I opened up Facebook posting a picture of Tommy and I kissing with the caption "I miss those lips and you." ❤️💋 Sighing I slide the phone closed prepared to spent the rest of the night in bed with a romcom and ice cream.
A few minuetes later the sound of a notification shakes me out of my depressive state, I look at it, seeing someone had liked the post. I glance at it and smile when I see that it was Tommy. They must be done for the night.
Then a text lights up my phone. "Hey Babe, I saw your post. I miss you too!" My heart does a happy dance at seeing Tommy's text and wide smile spreads across my face.
"Hey baby! Are you done with the show? How was it?" I text back.
"Not done yet." He texts back, "We have an encore but it's been great. Crowds awesome! But I wish you were here, I miss that sexy body dancing to our songs."
I grinned a mischievous idea forming, before texting. "Well...once you're done. Want to video call later?"
An enthusiastic message lights up the phone. "FUCK YES!! 😏 I gotta go now but I fucking love you!"
"I fucking love you Tommy. 💋" I giggle at his enthusiasm, some things never change.
A while later, while I was getting ready for the call, had to look good for my man, I heard the call from my laptop via Skype. As I ran to the bed from the closet. Fixing my brown highlighted hair in it's messy bun, I straightened my satin nightie and pressed the answer button on the screen.
I light up once I see Tommy's handsome features appear on screen. His face breaks out in a smile as he sees me. "Hey sweetheart. Damn you look hot."
I grin in false modesty, looking away as I said "Oh I just threw this on." I joked giving him a cute smile.
Tommy smirked at that, looking me over, "Sure you did...Just for me."
I gave him a coy grin, "Ok yeah it was for you."
"Well now I feel like I should have done something." Tommy replied looking down at his shorts and tank top.
I laugh at that, "Babe you've been on stage all day, I've been home alone with nothing to do but think of you."
"True...So you've been thinking of me all day? I'd say what exactly but I think I know...here..." Tommy takes a moment and strips off his top revealing his smooth tattooed chest with the nipple rings. "Better?"
I raise an eyebrow at that, smirking. "Much better. Are you alone?"
Tommy gives me a cocky grin, "Of course. I've been waiting to call you. I don't want anyone to interrupt us."
"Well in that case. Look at what I'm not wearing..." I bite my lip, my eyes glinting mischievously as I slowly pull my slip up my thighs.
Tommy's eyes darken in lust as he immediatly latches onto where my hands are. "Oh don't tease babe. Fuck..."
I giggle pulling my slip up more when suddenly I hear a noise from Tommy's room as a door opens.
I hear a male voice shout, "Hey Tommy you in here!" Before Tommy can say anything Nikki bursts in, still in his stage outfit. "Dude are you watching porn?"
"No Dammit Nikki knock first man!" Tommy shouts back.
Nikki ignores him walking over, "Then what?-" He looks at the screen seeing me he smirks, "Oh hey Shelly. Looking good." He winks.
I think they were expecting me to be embarrassed but it was Nikki so instead of blushing. I kept my hands where they were as I fiddled with the hem of my nightie. "Hey Nikki. You can stay and watch if you want." I teased, giggling.
Nikki seemed like he might take me up on that. But it's Tommy protests knowing Nikki and I's history. "Babe!" He looks at me a bit surprised. "Not happening. Nikki stop eye fucking my girl and leave."
Nikki just chuckles at that, shaking his head and leaves. Knowing how easy it was to rial Tommy up.
I looked at Tommy who seemed a bit upset. "I'm sorry Tommy, we were just playing. Let me make it up to you?"
Tommy looked a bit put out but it softened when he looked over at me. "You can make it up to me when I get home. Right now though..." He trailed off, pursing his lips in thought.
"What?" I questioned, a bit nervous hoping he wouldn't end the call over Nikki.
But instead he simply said, "Take that off." His tone telling me there wasn't room for protests.
I smirk, relieved as I slip the nightie over my head and throw it on the bed.
Tommy's eyes light up as they rove over my naked body, as he licks his lips, leaning back on the hotel bed. "Well? Show me what you were going to earlier. Or is that only for Nikki now?"
I give him a look, "Of course not." Oh he was definitely not going to let that go for awhile.
Tommy raised an eyebrow, "Then open up and let Daddy see..." He ordered.
I did as he said, my eyes glazing over in lust as I bit my lip and spread my legs.
Tommy's eyes light up as he licks his lips. "Damn I wish I was there to taste you and touch you. Since I can't be...why don't you do it for the both us?"
I grinned as I trailed my hands down me, squeezing one of my breasts with a low moan as my other hand trails down to touch myself already wet just by seeing Tommy.
Tommy bit his lip, his eyes never leaving me as he said, "Fuck babe you look so hot. I can see how wet you are from here. You wanna see how ready he is for you?" Tommy asked referring to his cock, which seemed at times to have a mind of its own.
I nodded. "Yes please Daddy."
Tommy groaned. "Babygirl you call me that and I'm coming home early." He rubbed himself through his shorts once before pulling them off, my mouth parted at the look of his huge cock as it popped out of his underwear as he stroked himself. Yes it was as big as they said and seen.
I moaned my eyes closing as I stroked myself. "Fuck Tommy I wish you were here."
"Me too Mommy." Tommy murmured, " Until then keep touching yourself babe. That's it, imagine it's me touching you, making you come."
Tommy groaned as he watched me bury my fingers inside with a whine. His hand gripping his cock even harder. "Mmm fuck I want you so bad, you are going to get it when I'm home. I'm gonna fuck you so good. Keep going lover..."
I moaned louder my breath getting heavier at his words as did Tommy's. " Tommy I'm so close." I whimpered. "I am so hard right now," Tommy groaned out, his eyes closing. "shit I'm going to cum. Cum with me babygirl." His head back as was mine as with a few more strokes and loud moans we both came. I cried out as his name as he cursed.
My eyes opened enough to watch Tommy's cum as it burst out covering his hand and the sheets. "Damn baby that was sexy." I replied eyeing him.
"Fuck so are you. Felt great too, but not as good as if it was your hand or mouth..." Tommy trailed off gazing at me with a smirk, "Next time though I am going to make you squirt."
I stared at him with a grin. "You always do."
"Damn right." Tommy then looked down at the mess he made. "Shit I should clean this up. I blame this on you if we get a dry cleaning bill." He teased.
I rolled my eyes playfully. After he cleaned up we talked for a bit more before we had to sleep. I missed him already but I would see him soon. I couldn't wait until he was actually here.
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ink-demon-my-beloved · 5 months
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colors! will wonders never cease
lil scribble for @system-operator, while i try to remember how to do this awesome effect i accidentally found 9-12 wips and false starts ago...
pro-tip: everything is practice, and that's okay.
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your-absent-father · 1 year
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Hihi get it? Because Eve is my name-
Okay, in all seriousness, hi to old friends. It's been a while. Almost half a year it seems. I took too much pressure on this thing which should have been like a hobby and not... like work. We aren't getting paid to do this so I want my free time to be escapist and fun and not another reason to fall into previous habits.
I am rambling. The tldr is that I am on my rebrand and self care era after a year of disappointment after disappointment so I want to do something fun and have fun.
Who am I?
I am... people on here call me Eve, but I have juggling around new pen names I could start using, mainly because my last one I have used ever since middle school. So, you can call me Eve, but don't wonder if you see other names popping up like Alina Ellis and E.V May that are now the top runners up.
I am queer, probably more neurodivergent than diagnosed but I am too broke to get tested. I live in Finland. I am 22 years old and right now I am trying to get my papers to be a full time teacher's aid, and maybe apply to study to be a elementary school teacher.
I love K-pop, especially stray kids and (g)-idle, classical literature, media about problematic women doing problematic stuff, Taylor Jenkins Reed's historical books, pretending to watch indie movies even tough I would rather just watch musicals on loop.
As a writer, I love to write some good angst. I have recently tried to write some more positive stories and just have fun but I can have fun while writing some pain. I really love complex female lead that has that delicious female rage in her. I also almost always have at least one lesbian couple or/and wholesome guy with a girlboss woman.
my WIPs
All the great love stories
Six love stories all different in nature. An evil sorceress waiting for her turn in the steak falling in love with her guard. Cabaret performer seducing the police officer and getting more that she barganded for. Children of rival mob bosses falling in love. Two soulmates trying to find each other. Mad scientist trying to keep their lover alive. Girl with unbeliavable power who can't seem to die. All of the stories are different but they all have one faithful similarity: All of the stories end in a tragedy.
all writing in one
False Gods
the story of Beatrix Jones, the lead singer of the rising indie rock band Aurora Four. With fame and success on the rise, Beatrix and her bandmates navigate the music industry while keeping their identities hidden behind masks, a decision made after a scandal threatened their careers. Is the hid indentity worth the criminal activity they tangled themselves in.
Tag: WIP: FG
all the writing in one
The vanishing act
a mystery thriller about a mystical carnival whose employees seem all to be identical to missing people trough out the years, and haven't aged a day even if 100 years have gone by. After year of gaslighting, Amanda witnesses her best friend and her mother, looking almost same age, in the circus performing.
Tag: WIP: Circus Moirai
All the writing in one
Mika Connelly VS the power of love
Mika Connelly never thought something like this cpuld happen to her. After pissing off a fortune teller, who was secretly Cupid in disguise, Mika Connelly is forced to live in a teen romance novel so Cupid can prove that everyone falls in love at least someone. Problem is, Mika is aroace, so romance is final thing she could think about.
To escape her rose colored prison, Mika makes a deal with cupid. Cupid has 20 chances to make Mija fall in love. Mika's mission on the other hand, is to make her new love interest not in love with her anymore. If she fails, she is trapped eternally as a high school senior in a warpped version of her old high school.
On the shelve rn:
Children of Jessamine
Fantasy story about a queen who has to make a choice between betraying her country to join her husbands enemy, or protecting her son while the time is ticking. People might soon find out, the crown prince isn't the kings child
Also I have couple on hiatus that some people might remember. I think I'll come back to them at some point.
What I am doing on tumblr?
I am not probably going to be that active on ask games and all of those but I do want to do stuff and be creative so I have couple of ideas that maybe could be fun.
I want to do trailers for my wips. I want to edit again and I don't vibe with any fandom where I could do the edits I want
fake scenes from the books as edits too
more organized stuff
I just want to be creative without putting pressure on myself.
Other tags:
Eve Rambling: My random ramblings
Eve venting: If I need to vent
Eve being creative: creative stuff other than writing
other people's x: Other people's writeblr
So... Sorry for the essay lmao. But feel free to messenge me. I'll follow back. Let's have some fun!
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bcdrawsandwrites · 3 months
Over the past day or so BC has written...
Wordcount: ~1000? (Not an exact wordcount cuz I'm not counting other stuff like journal entries.)
What I wrote: More of my TF2 fic.
Today BC drew...
Some work on a commission, a little bit of work on an illustration for my TF2 fic, and the flat colors for my Psychonauts fic cover!
Something to show:
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[ID: Part of a WIP of my fic cover. Shows a closeup of Oleander's face as he frowns and looks to his right (his false eye is slightly unfocused). The flat colors are done. /end ID]
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All the World's a Stage, and You're the Playwright
Hello! It's been a while. Life really catches up to you, huh?
In the interim, book 1 of one of my favorite interactive fiction novels just dropped, and I've been devouring it.
Speaking of which, this is set post book 1 of The Night Market, in the interim between book 1 and 2 (since 2 will be a wip for a while and I'm impatient and I adore this work so much).
If you're not entirely sure what's going on, use dream logic. Because I intended for this to be a very different piece and then Milo Next said "no I want to be sad and tormented".
There are SPOILERS in this for the ending of Book 1, and mentions of Child Death, and Death in general. I don't get explicitly into detail about it, I'm not that kind of a writer, but if those heavy topics aren't for you, I recommend avoiding this piece.
Ember/Blaze is my OC! They use any pronouns.
Without further ado....
He knew he was dreaming.
Milo remembered the acrid smell of blood in his nose, looking down at the crimson stain on his hands (or was it silver? Or chrome? Or an oil slick spill of color?) and seeing their wide eyes staring back at him accusingly. A pearlescent tear sliding down their cheek as they gasped their last.
It was a dream he'd had many times. One he'd have many times more.
He shuddered, holding them close. His handsome lover, reaching out and cupping his face, their lips trembling. The black smoke of their hair drifted out to mingle with the late-night mist of the gardens, almost as if desperate to cling to the fabric of this world.
The world he'd excised them from.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. Apologizing the way he never would have in the waking world, baring his bleeding scarred heart.
In the dream, he always did this. Like two actors upon the stage, a single lantern dangling over them like a spotlight.
If he looked out, he knew he'd see a full amphitheater, their breath held tight with anticipation.
A sea of masks watching his mistakes over and over again, witnesses to his crime.
"Save him!" A voice shouted from the audience, soft and sweet even in its anger. A mask made of woven willow branches, with glistening sap tears that spilled out of the eyeholes.
"You deserve to rot for your crimes," another called, from out behind a featureless onyx mask cracked and gilded with silver, heartachingly beautiful in its kintsugi design.
A third raised its voice, powerful and commanding even amidst the crowd. "You didn't deserve her. You've killed us all." Eyes stared accusingly at him from behind an ornate devil's mask, the golden snarling mouth turned copper from lipstick made of blood.
As always, he braced himself for the last voice, the voice that never came.
The empty seat in a full theater that terrified him as much as he was desperate for it.
He stared down at the lifeless body in his arms. He had once embraced this body with his own, whispered frantic words in hidden alleyways mingling brightly with loving laughter.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I could bring you back…" He held out a wooden heart, the red paint cracked and peeling. A prop on the stage of his dream. Red fabric slid down his chest in stop motion across the empty courtyard.
He knew how this would end. The curtains would draw on his false heart, the audience booing in dissatisfaction.
They wanted a proper ending. His body at the gallows, his crimes paid for.
They wouldn't get it.
He would relive his guilt again and again, night after night upon the stage for all the world to see.
Milo bowed his head and waited for the lights to dim.
That's it?
A voice slid across his mind, and he gasped, jerking his head up. Looking frantically around.
The dream always ended afterwards. No one else had lines.
Hands slid around his own, grasping the wooden heart.
Squeezing tightly, punishingly.
Don't you think I deserve more than this? A false caricature of your heart?
He looked down.
To his horror, his dead lover stared back at him. Hollow, empty eye sockets stared back at him, keeping his attention.
A perfect pair of lips moved, and he heard their voice become clear, as if he had been listening to them from underwater, and only now had begun to surface.
"Don't let the curtains draw, Milo. The audience deserves a proper ending. It is you who expects the Gallows." They tugged at the wooden heart emphatically, and he watched as it rotted and crumbled between his trapped hands.
"If you truly wish to change things, you must change the ending. Malcolm has always been the Gatekeeper. You knew this from the start." Ember reached out, cupping his face. Her hand was incredibly warm, almost searingly so.
"Become the Storyteller, Milo. Make the ending your own. After all, I'm not the only one who you made a promise to. I'm not the only one you left behind."
They glanced out to the audience, and he followed their gaze.
A lantern slid down from an invisible ceiling, a spotlight on a single seat.
Malcolm's seat.
Milo's eyes widened with horror.
Wood became metal, and the corpse in his arms grew warm, hot with life. Skin became unbroken, and cheekbones swelled, eyes forming and staring at a spot in Milo's warehouse.
On the woven circular rug in the epicenter of his room, sat a little girl clutching a stuffed cow. She watched in anticipation, a child listening to a story told by their parents.
Milo's hands trembled.
He had forgotten.
No- he had purposefully pushed thoughts of her away.
He'd left her behind when he ran away, and here, in his dreams, he couldn't run any longer.
Ember's hands squeezed around his own, and he glanced back at the man in his arms.
"She deserves a happy ending, Milo Next. Not everything has to be a tragedy. We adults soak in the jaded pain of our lives, we sometimes forget the children we once were. We have to teach them to hope. That death is not the result of punishment, or despair." He nodded towards Ever. "That her death may have been frightening, but it is not the end. Death is just another part of life. The cycle that always begins again."
Ember looked up at him, warm amber eyes flickering like lantern lights-
No. Like a blaze of fire. Burning brighter, with no intention of stopping.
"Show her, Milo. Show her this is not the end. Show her that you can be kind. She needs you. She needs to hear it."
Milo shuddered, feeling tears beginning to leak down his face. "But death is scary. It is the end. How can I lie to her? How can I tell a kid that sometimes people die?"
Ember, no, Blaze laughed softly. "It is adults who are afraid of death. Children don't know to be afraid until we teach them." Their gaze was sorrowful. "And sometimes, children die. Lovers die. People die. It is our duty to ease them into the inevitable. To twist the story into something hopeful. Show her, Milo."
Another voice spoke up over his shoulder. The voice he had been dreading from the start.
"Show her that death is not the end." A hand grasped his shoulder tightly. "Show her that even you know how to forgive and be kind. Show her your heart."
Milo didn't look at Malcolm. He couldn't. Not when his gaze remained captured by Blaze.
Tears streamed down his face, and finally, he sighed.
"Okay," he whispered. "Okay."
Milo Next reached into his chest, pulling out his bleeding heart. Beating wildly with the frantic pulse of life.
The audience in the theater gasped.
Ever leaned forward, her eyes wide with wonder, with the innocence of children.
In the garden, in the still quiet by the fountain, he leaned down.
Just the two of them.
Blaze and Milo.
A corpse and its murderer.
He pushed his beating heart into the keyhole of Blaze's chest, and watched it be swallowed whole.
"I'm sorry," he said. Milo watched as color began to bloom in those cheeks, filling pink lips with life. A chest that began to rise and fall, as it had done so many times before.
"I'm sorry," he repeated firmly, trying not to choke on the words. "I love-"
Milo woke up with that last word on his lips, and gasped, sitting upright in his makeshift bed. His chest heaved, and he clutched at it, feeling for the frantic beat he'd known his entire life.
It was still there.
Hastily he scrubbed the tears away from his face, night sweat drying on his skin, and felt something smear across his face.
He pulled his hand away.
Silver/red/chrome/oilslick blood still lingered on his fingertips.
In the silence of the waking dawn, Milo Next wept.
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