#feel free to yell at me if my math is wrong
au-hemeanssomething · 1 month
On April 20 2016, Dylan Klebold had been dead for as long as he had been alive
On April 20 2016, Eric Harris had been dead for as long as he had been alive
On March 21 2021, Jeffery Weise had been dead for as long as he had been alive
On November 7th 2025, Pekka-Eric Auvinen will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On December 5th 2026, Robert Hawkins will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On November 28 2028, Jeffery Dahmer will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On April 16th 2030, Seung Hui Cho will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On January 24 2031, Ted Bundy will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On December 14 2032, Adam Lanza will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On May 23rd 2036, Elliot Rodger will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On October 17th 2036, Vladislav Roslyakov will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On May 24nd 2040, Salvador Ramos will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On June 8th 2041, Andrew Blaze will be dead for as long as she had been alive
On November 30th 2042, Nikita Lytkin will be dead for as long as he had been alive
On June 7th 2066, Richard Ramirez will be dead for as long as he had been alive
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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quigzahhutt · 29 days
sargebon - 7, 9, and 10 for the dialogue prompts please 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ooohhhhh you've set me up GOOD here huh
for the dialogue prompt ask game!
The doors to the meeting room clicked shut, but the sound is hardly audible over the blood rushing through Alex's ears.
He has no idea why it feels like he just got yelled at, or like his parents had just told him they're selling their family's childhood home– the same place he and his siblings grew up in, ate together in, learned who they were in. It was this horrible, aching dread.
Logan had up and bolted the second James had thanked them and told them they were free to go. He was moving with an urgency Alex had never seen in him before.
There was an unnatural strictness to his posture, like he was trying to crumple himself into a smaller frame. He can almost imagine it; Logan, curled up and covered in wrinkles just like Alex's old maths homework, crushed in frustration.
The ache in his chest kind of reminded him of that, actually. Reminded him of when he was younger and he just couldn't figure out how to solve an equation. He knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't place what was wrong with it
It was a similar thing; James had put it bluntly that Alex would be 'borrowing' Logan's car for the weekend, seeing as his was too mangled to be useful.
'Alexander, why would you do that? The paper is ruined now, you won't be able to use it.'
Alex can hear his dad's prim accent echo in his ears. It almost makes him laugh, how clear it is. It only serves to make Alex's stomach swirl even worse, twist at odd angles like an obtuse triangle. Solve for the variable.
James was at least polite about it– he always was when it came to these types of things; things that might be damaging to your ego or reputation. He had been generous in reassuring Logan, and careful not to mention how obviously favored Alex is in the grand scheme of things.
They both knew what was true, though.
"Alex?" James' voice serves to pull him back to the present, "could you go talk to Logan for me? I know this is difficult for him; I want to make sure he doesn't hold it against you,"
"Oh, uhm, yeah sure, definitely,"
"If he needs anyone to blame, point him towards my office, okay?" James added, a sickly wrinkle between his brows.
Alex gives a curt nod in response before he's setting off.
The screen door to Logan's motorhome is folded open, letting in fresh air while keeping any unwanted critters out.
It means Alex can peer in and see what's going on inside, catching the tail end of Logan shuffling around, but it makes an awkward situation of knocking; Alex has to position his knuckles strangely against the thin frame, and the result is an unimpressive, hollow sound.
Alex can hardly hear it himself, the anxiety pulsating in his ears muffling the noise, even though his own knuckles are responsible.
"Logan? It's Alex, I want to talk to you," it feels silly to be calling though the door like this, and a horrid expression probably creeps onto Alex's face as the absurdity of this whole situation seems to stuff itself in the small space between him and the wall.
Thankfully, the scuffle of Logan's shoes act as a lifeline, and his figure seems to appear out of nowhere as a hand reaches for the door and slides the screen out of the way, effectively inviting Alex in.
Logan doesn't look at him a single time as he was letting Alex in– he practically ignored him, sauntered over and sat on the small couch with his back turned to him. It kind of made Alex snort, the immaturity of it all– his brother used to do that when they were kids.
"I'm just going to be honest with you, mate, James told me to come talk to you," Alex says, settling down with a groan in the cramped booth seating– there's a discarded glass of water on the table, a ring of moisture staining the table beneath it.
Logan scoffs where he's sulking on the couch, turning his attention to his fingernails so he can pick off any skin he didn't catch during the meeting earlier. It's kind of a surprise he has any skin left, to be honest; his cuticles are red and bitten.
"James is the bad guy right now, I get it. Believe me, we're on the same page," all Alex gets in response is a short sniff, so he continues, "I know- I just... I'm not happy about it either, is what I'm trying to say."
Across from him, Logan tugs on the bill of his cap, pulling it lower down on his face, the shadow from it covering up his eyes.
"Can you at least look at me?" Alex huffs, maybe a bit too harshly, and he winces a bit at his tone.
It seems to work, though, because Logan drops his hands into his lap with a scoff and finally looks at Alex, rolling his head in his direction.
Aside from the twitching of his nose, Logan's face looks... normal, uncomfortably so; his eyes are sleepy and his cupids bow is as cute as ever. He reminds Alex of a rabbit, a little bit. Maybe it's the fluttering nose and the rosy lips, or his gummy smile that Alex loves oh so much.
He can't help but smile at him, close lipped and warm. It's supposed to be friendly, but Logan doesn't seem to think so, because he's soon turning away with another annoyed sound.
His smile twists into a frown; they're getting nowhere.
"I came here to talk, and I'm not going to leave until we have a conversation,"
It's a dirty tactic, one he used to use on his sisters when they were being a bit too stubborn.
"You're gonna have to leave at some point. Aren't you recording something this afternoon?" Logan spits, falling right into Alex's trap.
He knew if he said something fundamentally untrue, Logan would have to point it out; it's just a part of his nature, a quirk of his that Alex had noticed early on.
"Yeah, but I'm sure they'll let me stay if they know I'm here on boss' orders," Alex retorts with an evil grin, one that morphs into a genuine one, because Logan knows he's been outplayed, judging by the way he rolls his eyes.
"Sure, whatever," Logan clicks his tongue, attention back on his poor fingernails.
Alex can see his eyes this time, though; he can see how they're clouded over and inattentive, darting around the room for seemingly no reason.
"Just- say something, mate, you can't keep everything locked away forever," Alex finally says, and Logan's eyes flit over to his and stay there, holding eye contact for the first time since this morning.
Logan seems to lose whatever impromptu staring contest they're having and slumps back into the couch, leaning his head back with a big sigh.
"I don't know, it's just- it's humiliating, and I know it's all anyone is going to be talking about," he's looking down at his lap again, staring at his hands like they'll have all the answers, "I feel like I've lost all my... credibility, I guess."
Big word, Alex thinks, and he can't help but smile a little as Logan grapples to find the right words. He knows he shouldn't react like that, though; Logan might think he's making fun of him or something, downplaying his grievances after he had literally asked him to talk.
"I'm not mad at you," Logan says, his whole body suddenly turned toward him– he's wedged uncomfortably into the corner of the couch, almost like if he takes his eyes off of Alex, he'll disappear.
"Thats... er, good? Thanks. I don't want this to be a, uh- how did James put it? A point of contention?"
"It won't be, don't worry. I'm just mostly pissed at James for putting us in this situation at all," Logan's voice has taken a more lighthearted edge, no longer sounding like he might burst into tears at any moment.
"But it's okay to be more than pissed, you know, like- it's okay to cry, even- if you like, if you need to, obviously," it's an embarrassing attempt at comfort, but it at least makes Logan laugh.
It almost seems like it catches him off guard, the sound tumbling out of his mouth without warning.
"Okay? Sure, I'll keep that in mind," there's an audible smile in his tone, and Alex can't help but smile in return.
thank you for the ask :) not my favorite piece of work I've written but I had fun!
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ellies-little-thing · 9 months
"I'm sorry I didn't see you there. I was too busy mmmmm'blocking out the haters."
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My masterlist <3
pairing: bullie!ellie williams x fem!reader
Warnings: Mean Ellie ,Modern Ellie; swearing; fluf; arguing; ;  smut; reader is referred as she/her; readers first time with a girl; reader has a vagina; drinking; harassment; Kind of proofread; English is not my first language. Where i live 18 is the legal age to strat drinking.
Author's notes: I love mean Ellie. I dont know if this is very good, i tried my very best and had fun with it. Enjoy my take on bullie!ellie! I hope you like it! Likes, reblogs, comments and feedback are always welcome! <3 (sorry, i have vines living in my head rent free)
w/c: 25.2k
High-school was never easy. The teachers yelling at you even if a pen fell, the stares of other students in the hallway, and then there's Ellie. It's your last year, you just turned 18 a few weeks ago. You were never very popular and people picked on you constantly so you tried to keep to yourself. But at least you had your friend Amy beside you.
Ellie was the school bully. No one dared to argue with her, they knew she'd make them regret it. This year it looked like you had become her target yet again. You knew each other since when you were kids and ever since she'd treat you like shit. And she didn't even feel bad for it. She was a bit of a playboy and liked flirting with other girls, but with you? She was just plain mean. She always had a smug expression on her face and always hung out with her group of equally stupid friends. She was constantly nagging you to make her papers and give her the right answers to every test. She wasn't the brightest to say it nicely. She'd always make fun of you in front of the whole school.
Ellie was mean, yes, but she was also very attractive. No wonder she had almost every girl at her mercy. Every week you could see her with a new one. Ellie was tall. She had beautiful shoulder length auburn hair almost always tied in a half bun. She was pale with freckles all over her face. She wasn't the most feminine of girls but her features were soft. Her eyes were a light green that shone in the light. Her smile was beautiful too, even though most of the times you saw it was when she made fun of you just for fun.
"You think you can just give me the wrong answers to the math test and get away with it?" Ellie snapped, as she shut your locker. Ah right, the math test. She looked at you, demanding for an answer. You were so tired of her that you decided to give her the wrong answers to teach her a lesson.
“I'm tired of you.” You say not looking at her, opening your locker again.
Ellie just stares at you in disbelief, her hands on her hips. "You hear me, dummy? I'm talking to you." She doesn't care that this whole hallway is now staring at you two. "Do you have an answer for me or are you just too dumb for it?'
“You're the dumb one for needing the answers to the test!” You respond in a dry tone but annoyed.
The crowd laughs and you feel yourself blushing. Ellie notices that, and chuckles as she steps closer to you. She puts her hand on your shoulder and stares at you with a mocking grin.
"You're not too bright, right? I mean, you're really asking for me to beat the shit out of you. Do I really need to explain everything to you, dumbo?"
“Leave me alone.”  You walk away. You’re tired of Ellie and her attitude towards you.
“You know you can't just walk away.” Ellie grabs your arm and forces you to stay. "I'm not done with you, dummy." She grins, noticing that her behavior scares you a bit but she doesn't seem to care.
“Fuck you Ellie.” You spat back.
"Aw, did I hurt your little feelings? That's cute." She looks at you, smiling. "What are you gonna do about this? Cry?"
“Why are you so annoying?” You say as you try to get her to let go of you.
"I could ask you the same question, dumbass?" Ellie rolls her eyes and then looks at you, grinning. She gives you a shove against the wall before walking away as the rest of the people laugh at you.
You walk away from there as fast as you can, without running. You hear laughter behind you, but you just continue walking and go to your classroom.  When you enter your classroom, you notice that Ellie has already taken one of the front seats and looks at the professor with an annoyed expression.
You take your seat, trying not to look at Ellie. You feel her staring at you but you ignore her. Time passes by and the class ends. You decide to stay in your classroom to finish some homework you didn't get to do over the weekend. It was a bad idea. As you sit at your desk, you feel someone tap your shoulder. It can only be Ellie.
“What now?” You ask annoyed.
You look behind you and see that, indeed, Ellie is standing behind you, smiling at you. "Thought you can hide from me?" She grabs a seat and places it next to yours and sits down.
“I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me.” You say, looking at your books.
Ellie smiles, noticing your cheeks are a bit red. "Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not." She looks at you and then looks away. From time to time, she glances at you and smiles. You just keep doing your homework as if she wasn't there. Ellie suddenly leans toward you, her face close to yours. She looks at you, grinning. "Can I ask you a question now?"
“No.” You say, still focused on your reading.
"Oh, please? It's just one question. It won't kill you." Ellie stares at you, waiting for your answer.
“I might kill you.” You say angry.
Ellie laughs. "Oh, I would really like to see you try.” She leans closer to you, her green eyes looking into yours. "Come on, it's just a question."
"Did you like when I humiliated you in front of the whole hallway?" Ellie chuckles. She looks at you, waiting for your answer. You just ignore her, you're really not in the mood. Ellie just chuckles again and leans even closer to you. Your heart starts pounding in your chest, you get uncomfortable when Ellie stands that close to you.
"It's not nice to ignore people, you know?”
“It's not nice to hurt people, you know?” You say in the same tone as she spoke to you and look at her angrily.
Ellie doesn't seem to care. Instead she looks at you, noticing that your cheeks are pink. "It's just teasing, right? We should have some fun." Ellie then smiles at you.
“Go have fun with your friends.” You dismiss her.
"What? You don't want some alone time with me?" Ellie grins before whispering something in your ear. Something only you can hear.
“No, I don't.” You still don't look at her.
"Are you sure?" Ellie smiles as she strokes your hair. She looks at you before leaning closer. You feel her lips just inches away from yours. "I think I want to kiss you."
Your heart is pounding, you feel really uncomfortable with her so close to you. “Don't touch me!”
"Why not?" Ellie runs her fingers through your hair again, her lips still close to yours. "I think you like it."
“Go back to your girlfriends.” You just want her to leave you alone
"I don't have one right now. Besides, you're way hotter than any girl in this school could ever be." Ellie giggles. She looks at you, her gaze is intense now. Your cheeks are burning and she sees it.
“Stop it, get away!”
"You see? You're blushing. I told you you like it." Ellie touches your cheek and strokes it slowly, her fingers gentle. "I know you feel something for me."
“Yes, disgust.” You say in a serious tone.
"Then why are you blushing?" Ellie smiles and strokes your hair again, looking at you. "You want me to stop, but you're not going away. Why?"
You quickly pack up your things and get up.
"Aww, running away so soon? I thought I touched a sensitive spot in you, darling." Ellie laughs and watches you leave. "Maybe next time you'll do what I say."
You walk out of the classroom. Ellie smiles to herself as you leave. She notices that you didn't look back at her, but she feels accomplished. She finally got your attention.
You go to the bathroom and close yourself in one of the stalls. You lock the stall door and notice that you're shaking. Why are you like that? It's just Ellie, right? You try to calm yourself down but you get stuck in your mind, wondering why this encounter made you so nervous… “I hate her.” You think to yourself. You hate her, you want her to leave you alone, but there's some part of you that's enjoying this. You don't know why but it makes your chest burn. Is there something wrong with it? But then, this is Ellie, right? And she's mean to everyone, there's no way she could make you... feel that way. It's just a silly thought, you tell yourself.
You calm yourself and get out. You feel better now. Ellie probably won't bother you again after this, right? You walk out of the stall and wash your hands before going back to your classroom. You notice that the hallway is empty, everyone went home already. Only you and Ellie are still at school.
You decide to go home instead and walk towards the exit. As you head for the exit, you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around and see Ellie. She grins at you, her hands on her hips. "Leaving so soon? I thought we had some unfinished business." Ellie chuckles.
“I'm going home.” You say in a stern voice, not looking at her.
"Well, I'm going with you." Ellie stares at you, still grinning.
“No, thanks very much. I'd rather get hit by a truck.” You say dryly.
"What if I won't let you go without me?" Ellie leans on the wall, watching you. "I think you need some company on your way home."
“I don't.”
Ellie rolls her eyes, but still follows you. After around 15 minutes, you arrive at your house. You can already hear your parents fighting inside. Ellie chuckles, but doesn't speak. She just looks at you, waiting to see your next move.
“Can you go away now?” You ask calmly.
"What, scared of me coming inside?" Ellie grins, pushing you slightly but then letting you enter first. You open the door and enter the house. Your parents fight loudly, their voices hurting your ears. You look back at Ellie and notice that she's coming inside as well. You push her out and close the front door, then you go to your bedroom without your parents hearing or noticing you.
It was a Friday, at least you didn't have to see her again for two days. A few minutes later you get a text from your friend Amy. “Hey! I heard there's a party tonight at Jenny's place. You want to come?”
Jenny used to be your friend but then she started hanging out with Ellie and they dated for a while. You haven't spoken to her in ages but what harm could a party do? It would be nice to spend some time with your friend Amy and relax for a few hours. You decided to say yes to her invitation. You then picked an outfit for the party. You chose a black top and some high waisted jeans with your converse. Put on some makeup and went to meet up with Amy so you could walk to the party together.
“Hey Amy! You look really nice today.” You say as you meet her at the designated location you had agreed to. Amy wasn't very tall, she had beautiful long black hair and was rocking an amazing cat eyeliner with a little black dress. It really looked good on her. You both walk to the party as you catch up with each other in a bit of small talk.
“Hey, I heard what Ellie said to you today, are you feeling okay?” Amy asked you with concern on her face.
“Yeah, she's just a jerk. It's whatever.” You smile at her not wanting to talk about it, really. She holds your hand as you two enter the house. It was 9 pm and there were already a load of people there. You went to the kitchen to get a drink. You wanted to forget what happened today so you got something strong and downed it in one go, before pouring it again and poured something else for Amy as well and went back to give it to her. You danced for a bit with her and you two were having a good time, when you noticed someone in the corner of your eye. It was none other than Ellie, and she was staring at you from the other side of the room with a drink in her hand whilst having her other arm over a random girl. Amy’s boyfriend James arrived at the party and joined you. He was on the football team but he was a nice guy. You suddenly felt really nervous and excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Amy understood and continued dancing with her boyfriend.
As you were about to close the door to the bathroom you felt some resistance. You were stunned as Ellie entered and closed the door behind her. She was now looking you dead in the eyes. You feel her hands on your shoulders so you don't run away. She's not letting you go that easily. The sound of the music outside gets louder. You felt like a trapped animal with her looking at you up and down.
"Oh come on. You know you want me here. Let's have some fun." Ellie smiles at you, not backing down.
“Ellie, go away please.” You say with a trembling in your voice. You were scared of her.
"Oh, come on. We can have some fun. Don't worry about it, they'll never know. I'll be your little secret." Ellie grins as the voices outside get louder and louder.
“I don't want you here.” You looked at her and your hands were starting to shake.
Ellie pushes you gently against the wall and strokes your hair. "Hey now, don't be so dramatic dear. Just listen to your feelings. What do they tell you?" Ellie leans closer to you, giggling quietly. You try to get away from her. You push her away and try to go for the door. For a moment, you think you're gonna make it... until you feel her hand grab your arm. "Darling, I know you want this. You can't escape me." Ellie says, her voice soft and gentle.
Your heart is pounding in your chest. “You are being a stalker.” You say as she pulls you towards her.
"Oh, come on darling. I just have a crush on you, that's all." You listen as Ellie continues to speak. You can't believe this. You're afraid that Ellie might hurt you or something, but she just keeps talking to you... with such a gentle tone that you might think it's true. "I can't help that you're so attractive. I want to kiss you, hold you in my arms, I want to be with you forever."
“You're just making fun of me.” You can't look at her, so you look down at the floor.
"No, you silly. Can't you see that I really mean what I say? You're so cute, so hot…" Ellie chuckles but then her face turns serious. "Listen, I like you, I always did." Ellie smiles, stroking your hair again. She looks at you with a cocky expression as if you were just going to melt at her words. "Give me a chance, will you? I promise I'll make you happy."
“I don't like you.” You say with anger in your voice.
"Oh, but I like you, sweetie. I like you a lot." Ellie keeps stroking your hair and leans closer to your face. "C'mon, let me kiss you. I know I can make you feel better. Just let me make you happy..."
“No.” You try to make her let go of you.
"Please. One kiss..." Ellie leans closer, her breath warm on your face. It feels uncomfortable and you feel scared, but she's so close to you. So close that you could kiss her by accident. She smiles gently, her eyes fixed on your mouth. "Please,. Just one kiss and I'll never bother you again..." You turn your face away, as you can't do anything else since she has you pinned to the wall.
"Oh, stop it." Ellie grabs you by the chin and forces you to look at her. As you are face to face now, she puts her other hand on your shoulder. "Don't pull away, you'll enjoy it." Her voice is still soft and gentle, she's trying to convince you to kiss her.
You swat her hand away as soon as she touches you. Ellie lets go of your chin but she doesn't let you go. Her grin has now turned into a smirk. "Don't fight yourself like that, you little brat. You know you want to be kissed by me and I'm not going to take no for an answer." Ellie leans closer and grabs your chin again, this time with both hands. She smiles, her eyes burning with desire. She leans closer, her mouth just milliseconds away from yours. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you can feel yourself melting.
“I'm not a brat!” You push her away with all your strength but Ellie doesn't let you push her. "Oh, I see that I touched a sensitive spot in you, darling." Ellie moves closer, her hand on your cheek and her face almost touching yours. "It's alright. Everything is going to be alright. Just give me that kiss and you'll see." She smiles. "Please just give me a kiss."
“Stop please…” You were really starting to panic and you were about to start crying. Ellie doesn't stop, she just leans closer and closer to your lips. "C'mon, you will enjoy it I swear." She then grins at you. "You can't resist my charms, no one can." Ellie puts her arms around your waist and pulls you closer.
You can't move, as much as you want to. "That's a good girl, don't try to move. Trust me, you're going to love it." Ellie's smile is now so big that it looks like her lips are going to burst. Her face is now very close to yours. You can see all of Ellie's desire in her eyes, her lips barely a few centimeters from yours.
You can't look at her so you just close your eyes and turn your face away. Ellie smiles and pulls your chin towards her. "Don't be afraid. Don't turn your face away. I want to look at your lovely face while I kiss you." She says it gently, with a sweet tone of voice. "I just want to kiss you. One tiny little kiss." Ellie caresses your cheek and strokes your hair. "C'mon, look at me."
“I don't want you to touch me, leave me alone.” You say to her, almost like a plea.
Ellie seems upset but you can tell that she's not going to give up. She leans closer and strokes your hair again, a smile on her face. "Look at me, you look even more beautiful when you're blushing." She looks at your lips as her hand is still stroking your hair. "Just a tiny kiss. A kiss on the cheek, I promise I'll stop after that."
You look up at her, uncomfortable. Seeing that she succeeded at making you open your eyes, Ellie caresses your face, her hands now gentle and soft. You notice how close she is, her breath warming up your face as she smiles. You can smell the alcohol coming out of her. "See? That wasn't so hard." Ellie looks at your mouth. "Can't you just give me that kiss? One tiny little kiss?"
“Just so you can make fun of me in front of the whole school again?” You say in a louder, now angrier tone.
"Of course not. I really like you, I promise." Ellie stares at your lips. You don't know what she's going to say next. "I... really like the shape of your lips..." Ellie caresses your cheek and slowly leans closer.
“You are drunk, leave me alone.” Ellie kisses your lips gently. It feels warm and soft, and at the same time your whole body feels alive. Ellie smiles as she pulls away, caressing your cheek again. "Was it that hard?" Ellie's face is now less than an inch away from yours. "I know you want more." You are in a state of shock right now. She leans closer, her breath warm on your face. You can feel her lips touching yours again. Ellie caresses your hair and smiles at you. You can't speak or move, you're frozen from fear and panic.
"Do you like what I'm doing?" Ellie smiles again, her lips still touching yours. "I think I like you a lot. I like how your lips feel on mine, I like when you look at me with that blush on your cheeks, this is so hot." Ellie keeps kissing you for a while, her hands on your face, caressing your hair, then your lips. She pulls away after a few minutes, just to smile at you again, caressing your cheek. "See?"
“You got what you wanted, now leave me alone!” You push her away and bolt to the door unlocking it.
"Oh, I'll get what I want again, don't worry." Ellie grabs you again and stares at you, still close to your face. It's as if she could kiss you anytime she wanted to. "But... I wanna do more, come on don't be boring. Let me have some fun too. Ellie grabs your chin, just like she did before. She locks the door again. "Let me touch you..."
You move your face away, trying not to look at her. Ellie grabs your chin again, this time more strongly. "I asked you to let me touch you, it's not that hard. Besides... I know you want me to." Ellie grins at you and moves closer, putting her hands on your waist, sliding towards your stomach.
“No I don't! You're disgusting!” You try to push her way again. This time, Ellie doesn't let you go. She holds you with strength, so you can't push her away. "I can't let you go, you're mine now." Ellie's hands move from your waist to your legs and then to your thighs, still grinning. "You know you're already mine. Come on, don't be shy."
“Please stop…” You were about to cry and she could see the tears in your eyes forming.
"I am just touching you." Ellie caresses your thighs again, moving her hand slowly upwards. "What's wrong? Isn't your body mine?" Her smile is now bigger and her eyes are glowing. "Don't worry, I'm not going to go too far. I just need a little more." She licks her lips, her breath hot on your face. "I want you and you want me."
“I don't want you, you're delusional and just plain drunk.” You spat at her with rage.
Ellie smirks. "Do you think telling me that is going to stop me?" She caresses your thighs again, going higher and higher. Her hands moving slowly to your hips. "Don't be shy..." Ellie's gaze is fixed on your face. She stares at you with a big smile and sparkling eyes, as if she thought you were the most beautiful thing in the world.
“Consent isn't important to you?” You ask seriously. Ellie chuckles again. "Sweetie, I just take what I want." She moves her hand towards your stomach, gently touching your abbs. "You can't escape me, I'm too fast for you." She leans forward. "And you can't resist me either." Ellie's smile is so full of desire and passion, it's hard not to be attracted to her. She speaks slowly, almost seductively. "Don't you like what I'm doing, little one? Just be honest."
“You're just turning this into an assault, stop touching me!” You push her away succeeding this time and she falls down from the alcohol.
"No, baby, I'm not. I'm just playing with you." Ellie gets up and caresses your waist again, her hands gently moving downward. "I don't think you want me to stop."
You pushed her away again but she's stronger and bigger than you. Ellie still doesn't let you go. "Oh, you're so cute when you try to resist. Don't worry, I'll make you break." Ellie keeps caressing you and moving her hands slowly to your hips. "C'mon, don't make me force you."
“Stop!” You say desperately. Ellie leans closer and grabs your chin with both her hands. "No, I'm not going to stop. You're mine and you can't resist me. Stop resisting, it's useless." Ellie chuckles and continues caressing you. Her fingers now sliding along your hips. "I don't think you want to resist. I think that deep down, it feels good."
“I'll call Amy and her boyfriend will beat the shit out of you for this!” You threaten her.
Ellie just laughs, her fingers still sliding along your hips. "Oh, you think you can scare me? How cute." Ellie smiles. She's still so close to you, it's hard to focus on anything else. "Now let me show you how much I like you." Ellie leans closer to you and her lips are almost touching yours again. "Just one little kiss. I'll let you go, I promise. Don't be so sensitive."
You kick her in the groin hard. Ellie doesn't seem startled at all and still smiles at you as her face is now only a few centimeters away from yours. "I'm not going to stop even if you call your daddy, I promise." Ellie licks her lips. Her fingers are now sliding under your shirt. "So... you gonna call him or you'll just let me do my thing?"
You scream for help, hoping someone outside can hear you. Ellie smirks and gently holds your face so you don't move. "Awww, is the little girl in trouble? She can't even defend herself. Come on, let me give you just one little kiss." Ellie's voice is now full of seductiveness. You can feel her breath brushing against your face, it feels warm and her lips are so close to yours.
Someone knocks at the door after a few seconds. “Hey! Is everything alright in there?” As soon as she hears the door, Ellie immediately lets go of you. She smiles and turns her face away, pretending that nothing happened between the two of you. you bolt to the door and unlock it. It's Amy and her boyfriend. Then suddenly, Ellie's smile is gone. She turns back to you, her eyes hard and her face furious. There's a cold stare in her eyes.
"What's going on here?" Amy asks. Ellie stares at your friends, ready to defend herself and fight. No one really makes her angry since she's used to getting away with everything and bullying people.
“She's forcing herself on me, Take me away please.” Ellie rolls her eyes and looks at Amy, as if she didn't know what she was talking about. "What?! Are you crazy, I'm not forcing myself on her! I would never, she's lying!" Ellie has a smug expression on her face. In her eyes, you're the weird one in this situation and she's done nothing wrong.
“Amy? Please?” You go to her and hug her. Amy looks at you, surprised by your reaction and the way you're hugging her, shaking. But before she does anything, Ellie speaks again.
"Can I speak to you in private for a moment? Ellie smiles, trying to look innocent. "It's nothing serious, I just need to talk to you."
Amy holds you in her arms and starts walking out of there with you. Amy's boyfriend was super tall and strong, he was on the football team and he could easily beat Ellie up, he just gave her an angry look and she backed away immediately. Ellie looks at you silently, while you leave the party. She doesn't seem to want to give up without having her way.
As you walk out of the house and get into James's car so he'll take you home, you notice that she's still staring at you from the front door, with rage in her eyes.
As you arrive at your house, you thank Amy and James for bringing you home safe. You get out of the car and wave them goodbye. You enter your house and your parents are in bed already so you walk up the stairs trying not to make a sound. You go to your bedroom and lock the door. You sit on your bed, thinking about what just happened. You also think about Ellie and how you could make her pay for what she did to you.
You look at your phone and see a message from Ellie. You pick it up and read it.
"Hey, sweetie. You know what just happened... that was all your fault. You lied to your friends about me and now I'm mad. I'll see you at school on Monday, and I'll make sure you regret it."
“fuck you” Is all you respond to her. You get mad at her message but you also get a little scared. Ellie's message was fast and the "I'll make you regret it." At the end it is kinda threatening.
“I'd like to see you try!” You answered her message like that. Now you're challenging her, it's time to see who's going to win. But still, your head is full of questions. Is Ellie capable of hurting you? Or is that just a bluff? She'll come to school on Monday and only one thing is certain. You and Ellie will face each other again. You spend the weekend in bed, feeling sorry for yourself and thinking about what she'll do to you next time you see each other.
On Monday morning you wake up and prepare to go to school. You remember Ellie's message and wonder what's gonna happen. You wear a nice black shirt, a pair of jeans and some cool sneakers and put your hair in a braid. You want to look good at school today. You go downstairs and notice that your dad is already in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. "Morning, darling. You're looking good today."
“Thanks dad.” You give him a small smile.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." Your dad smiles at you again before continuing to prepare your breakfast. Then he hands you a plate with toast, some fruits and a couple of eggs. "Eat up, you have school and it's important at least to have some breakfast in the morning."
You eat the breakfast he made for you. Your parents might be having a difficult time with each other but they'd never neglect you. You finish your breakfast and then go to your room to get your backpack. As soon as you come back, you say goodbye to your dad. "Goodbye, dad." Your dad smiles at you again. "Goodbye, kiddo. Have a great day at school, stay focused on your studies. I'll go pick you up at 5, deal?" He kisses you on the forehead before you could answer.
“Deal.” You say before leaving through the front door. But before you leave the house, you see a message from Ellie on your phone. She sent you a text message exactly 1 minute ago.
"See you at school, slut." What a nice thing to say to someone before you go to school, right? You feel bad for a second, then you decide to ignore the message. You lock your front door, put your headphones on and then leave for school. You're almost excited to see Ellie after her text message, you really can't wait to see which one of you is gonna win. “Can't wait to punch her in front of everyone…” You think to yourself.
When you arrive at school you look around and notice your classmates and teachers going to their classes. You walk straight to your classroom and enter. Your classmates and the teacher are already there. Ellie is sitting in the back with some of her friends, looking at you with a smug smile.
You walk and go sit next to Amy. Ellie notices this and her face turns into a frown. She wanted to make this school year a living hell for you, but now you're sitting with your friend Amy and she can't do anything until the class ends. You and Amy are really focused on your work. Ellie also tries to pay attention to the teacher, but she always seems to stare at you every few seconds with a cruel look in her eyes. When classes are over, Amy asks you if you want to go have lunch with her.
“Yeah, sounds good, I don't want to be alone today. After what happened at the party, you know?” Amy locks her arm with yours and you walk to the cafeteria together to grab lunch. You decide to try to have a conversation with her since you haven't talked to her today. While you're talking with Amy, Ellie comes and sits at the table right next to you.
You and Amy stay where you are and continue your lunch, ignoring Ellie. You both talk normally while Ellie keeps looking at you with a smug smile as if waiting to see if Amy will leave you alone. You're almost done with lunch, and you haven't seen Ellie interact with anyone else. She's just been waiting and staring at you. You continue eating, ignoring Ellie who's still looking at you, with her smug smile. What a weird girl, doesn't she know "no" means "no"? Amy also keeps eating, and you both keep talking about the tests you might have after lunch or even other subjects.
“Amy, I have to tell you something.” You told her what happened the day of the party with Ellie. Amy listens to your story and gets a shocked expression on her face. You weren't able to talk to her during the weekend so you told her now.
"Ellie did that to you? But why? What's the reason?" Amy looks very concerned right now. She looks at Ellie who's still smiling at you like she wants your attention.
"Don't speak to her, ok? You said something that pissed her off, if I were you I'd avoid her for a day or two." Amy smiles at you and continues having lunch with you giving you a reassuring smile and a light hug.
You keep ignoring Ellie, who seems a bit mad at you because you won't speak to her. But Amy is right, it's better to avoid Ellie's company. For the rest of this school day, you ignore Ellie's presence. She's still looking at you with a smug smile, but you decide not to give her what she wants: your attention.
Your dad arrives at five, as promised. "Hey, kiddo!" He greets you and hugs you. As you walk to the car, you think about your school day.
“What a day, huh? It was good that Amy was there to join you for lunch.” Ellie didn't bother you too much in class, in fact, she didn't talk to anyone today.
"All good at school, kiddo?" Your dad asks you this question as you both enter your car. He seems calm, he's not aware of what happened on friday. 
“Ellie tried to speak to Amy, tried to take her away from me...” You say shyly and a bit embarrassed.
"Take her away? What do you mean, kiddo?" Your dad's confused. He looks at you and waits for your answer.
“She bullies me dad…” A silence is formed in the car after you said this. Your dad finally gets a serious expression on his face, as if realizing what you meant. "So she bullies you? She picks on you every single day?" He looks at you, waiting for your answer. He looks mad now, but not at you. You simply nod.
"I'm sorry, kiddo. It shouldn't be like this. School is for learning, it's not time for bullying." A long silence is created. "Do you have exams tomorrow?" Your dad looks at you with a calm expression, it seems like his anger towards Ellie is gone now.
You feel like he's going to ignore what you just told him… “yeah i do, i should study.” As you get home you start going up the stairs to your bedroom.
"You should start studying for your exams. I will come call you up later for dinner, alright?" Your dad's words seem to distract you from the subject. He just wants to move on and forget what you said. You say goodbye to your dad and go to your room. You get all your books and start studying at your desk. You get ready for your exams and hope you do well on them. You are focused on your studies until you look at the time. You see that it's seven o'clock, and you notice you have 10 messages from Ellie. Your heart is beating faster. Ellie sent you 10 messages after school. You click on her chat, and you see the first message and it reads: "Y/N, come outside now."
You open the chat to reveal all 10 messages.
Message #4: "WHAT KIND OF FRIEND are you, ignoring me."
“Just leave me alone!” You respond, it looks like she was outside your house earlier.
Your father walks to your room and knocks on your door. "Kiddo, open the door. We need to talk." Your dad walks inside your room, and he looks concerned. He closes the door and stays close to you, as if trying to comfort you. "Tell me again what Ellie did to you." His eyes seem sad, and he's not happy that you kept this a secret for so long. 
“She is mean to me every day…”
Your dad looks concerned, he doesn't know if you mean that Ellie tried to hurt you or do anything else. "You need to explain to me what happened, honey."
“She kissed me and tried to do other stuff…. But Amy came and she let me go.”
Your father's expression goes from concern to pure shock. He can't believe what you're saying right now. It takes him a moment to collect his thoughts and realize what you meant. "Ellie kissed you and tried to... do other stuff with you?" Your father's tone is calm but his expression says everything. He can't believe what's happening right now. "Are you sure about this?" You nod looking at the floor. "You're not... lying to me, right?" Your father seems even more concerned than before. He gets even closer to you, as if trying to protect you from something. He looks at you with a shocked expression. "Why'd she do that to you, hon? Did she say why she... try to do those things to you?" You show your dad the text messages you received from Ellie. His gaze goes to your phone, and he takes a minute to read everything Ellie sent you. Your dad looks at you, then at your phone, and then shakes his head. He can't believe this is happening. "Is this true? Did Ellie really try to do all those things to you?" Your father looks more worried than anything now.
“She did.” You say quietly.
"Why would Ellie try to do that to you? Did she say anything?" Your father looks confused and concerned. He never thought Ellie would do anything like this, she seemed like such a nice girl when he met her. He's surprised at what Ellie did to you. He doesn't want to believe it. "You did the right thing by telling me this, hun. Thank you. We'll find out about what's really happening."
“Thanks dad.” You say a bit relieved.
"No problem, kiddo." Your dad smiles at you and hugs you. "Don't you worry. We'll fix this. You don't have to worry about Ellie ever again, she's not gonna affect your life in any way." He looks at you with a soft smile. He sits beside you in your bed and puts your head on his shoulder, like he used to when you were a little kid. Your dad stays in your room with you for a while, until you tell him that you're gonna continue studying. "Alright, kiddo. Just make sure to call me if you need anything, ok?" Your dad smiles at you again, then he leaves you alone to study. You open your books again and continue studying. 
Time moves fast, when you notice  it's 10 pm already. You decide to take a break. You're tired and it's getting late, the exam is in a few hours, so you need to rest. You lie in your bed and try to sleep. But your thoughts don't let you rest. You're thinking about what happened earlier, and what Ellie will do. After a while, you notice your phone has a few messages from Ellie. You open your phone and read the messages from her.
A second message arrives right after: "PLEASE, CAN WE TALK MORE LATER? IT'S VERY important."
“I'll not forgive you, you piece of shit!” You respond very angry at her.
You can't believe this! Ellie is messaging you, saying she's sorry for what she did? But she denied everything and even insulted you over messages! You don't wanna believe a word she's saying. But at the same time you feel confused. Ellie is acting in the most weird way possible. Why would she kiss you and then pretend it didn't happen at first, and then apologize for it just a few hours later? It doesn't make any sense. You decide to ignore Ellie's messages and try to sleep. You don't care about her and everything she did. You're too tired and don't want to think about it. You close your eyes and try to relax, but you can't sleep just yet. Ellie is invading your thoughts, even though you want to forget everything. You try to sleep, but it takes a while. The thoughts about your interaction with Ellie don't leave your mind. After an hour of trying to relax, you finally fall asleep.
Your rest is interrupted by your alarm that starts ringing 10 minutes before your exam begins. You wake up and sit in your bed. You're still tired, your exam day just started and you need to be focused. You get up from your bed and go to your bathroom. You take a quick shower, get dressed, and pick up your bag. You go downstairs to where your dad is and say good morning to him. "Morning, dad."
"Morning, kiddo. You look ready for school."
“See you after class dad.”
"Okay then, kiddo. I'll see you later, love you." You kiss your dad and leave your house. You make your way towards school, feeling a bit anxious about your exam and how you will face Ellie today.
You see the school in front of you, it's the big moment. You enter the building. You start walking towards the room where you and your classmates will have the exam. It's all quiet in the school corridors. People seem to be in a hurry, trying to get to their classrooms. As you walk towards your classroom, you feel your heart beating faster and faster. You don't know what to expect, but you feel a little anxious. After a few minutes of walking, you arrive. The door is ajar, you can hear the voices of your classmates inside.
You push the door and enter the classroom. You see the teacher in the front of the room, who is taking the exam papers and handing each one to every student. Ellie is not in her seat yet. She is standing with her friends, talking to them. You find your seat and sit on it. You're ready to take this exam, you will do your best. You decide to focus on your exam and ignore your classmates. You put yourself to it and start reading every question carefully. You think about every answer and write it on the paper. After an hour, you've finished the exam. You look at your paper and see all the answers you wrote down. You put your pen on the desk and wait for the teacher to collect the exams.
You get up from your seat and walk to the teacher's desk. They take your exam and say "thank you." You turn around and see Ellie getting up as well and delivering her own, approaching you. She looks mad. Her eyes are full of rage. She's not gonna wait for you to say anything.
Ellie looks at you, and for a moment, it seems like she's going to yell some offensive words towards you.  As you walk, you realize that Ellie is following you. She wants to talk about yesterday. She walks up to you and stops you from going to your locker. She speaks with a very serious tone: "I need to talk to you."
“What the fuck do you want?” You spat out with anger in your voice.
Ellie is very upset and you can see it in her expression. She doesn't want to stay quiet anymore. "I want to talk to you and I want you to listen to me, Y/N." She takes your hands to stop you from moving. "Don't try to ignore me this time. We haven't finished." She looks at your eyes, she's not angry, but annoyed that you're trying to run away. "Please, Y/N. Let's talk." You take your hands away from her and cross your arms. “Talk then!”
She looked at you, and then spoke. "Y/N, I messed up. I'm so sorry for everything I did to you." Ellie's tone changes, now she doesn't seem so mad. But her tone is different... sad, even. "I don't want you to hate me for this. I don't know what I was thinking when I kissed you." Ellie's voice changes again, as if she's trying to convince herself that what she did was wrong. "Don't stay mad at me. I'm sorry."
You close your locker and walk away from her. "Y/N, please." Ellie takes your arm and tries to get you to stop. "Can we talk about everything that happened? I messed up, I admit it... I'm really sorry." Ellie's voice is soft, she seems genuinely worried that you won't forgive her. She doesn't even sound angry anymore, you'd even say that there's some fear in her voice. "Can we at least talk about it? Please."
“You treat me badly in school everyday for years and then you try to make me do things I don't want to do with you!” You're filled with rage.
Ellie looks at you, trying to understand what you're saying. She's not mad anymore, she looks worried and even a bit scared. "Y/N, I know I made the worst mistake... but that doesn't mean that I have always been a bad person." Ellie's voice changes to a softer tone again. "We can talk about everything that happened yesterday. Please let me explain my actions. I was wrong, but don't judge me based on a single day only, please?"
“Explain then.” You look at her expecting her to start talking.
"Ok, I'll explain..." Ellie stays quiet for a few seconds, trying to find the right words to say at the moment. "Ok... Y/N, the truth is that I've been having feelings for you for a while now... I tried to hide it, but I can't deny it anymore. I was confused about my feelings at first, but on friday when I kissed you, I realized I had real feelings for you." Ellie looks at you with a worried expression. She's looking for your reaction.
You look at her confused.
"That's it." Ellie's expression changes again, she starts looking sad and even a bit upset. "I'm so sorry for treating you badly, you never deserved it. I just had so much confusion in my life, I was trying to deny my feelings for you." Ellie pauses for a moment, but she knows she needs to keep going. "I don't want you to hate me. I don't know what to do but I just wanted to say that I've been feeling this way since our middle school days."
“Why were you so mean for so many years? I don't understand.” You ask her with a sad tone.
"I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, but I never meant to hurt you. I was just trying to mask my feelings for you with offensive comments and rude words." Ellie's expression changes, it seems like she just realized something and now she understands her own behavior. "Everything I said to you is just things that I said to myself, when I was struggling to accept my own feelings. You were just a victim... I'm sorry, Y/N. I was wrong."
“I need time to process this.” You say with tears in your eyes.
"Ok, Y/N. I understand you need time to process everything I've just told you. You don't have to answer right now, you can take your time." Ellie's expression changes again, she looks a bit hopeful that you might forgive her one day. "I know I made a lot of mistakes in my life, but I don't want my feelings for you to be one of them. I was young and stupid, and I know it's late to speak about it now, I'm so sorry..."
“Bye Ellie.” You then start to walk home alone. Ellie looks at you as you walk away. "Bye, Y/N! I hope we can talk again soon." Ellie smiles at you with a soft expression, just trying to let you go and have some alone time. She thinks about what just happened and tries to process everything.
You get home after school and go straight to your bed. You lay on it and think about what happened today. Ellie's behavior was very strange and inconsistent with everything she told you during middle school. Why would she kiss you and tell you all these things? You can't deny that part of you feels angry at Ellie, even if you want to forgive her. You pick up your phone and check your messages, your social media, and your games. You stay on your phone for a while, trying to distract yourself, but you can't really stop thinking about what Ellie said today. Is Ellie's revelation about having feelings for you for all those years true? Even if you want to believe her, you can't deny that something doesn't add up. Ellie treated you badly for so many years and suddenly she confesses all her feelings for you? You think that something isn't quite right...
You decide to open Ellie's texts and read them again, maybe you missed some important detail. You read the texts, she says she was attracted to you since middle school. She was confused about her feelings and tried to deny them with offensive comments. Maybe this is true, maybe Ellie always had feelings for you. Maybe Ellie always wanted to talk to you about this, but she never had the courage. But everything Ellie said to you, is it true? 
You text Ellie a simple "Hey" just to see what answer she would give you. Ellie texts you back after a few minutes.
“So, about today…”
As soon as she sees the message, Ellie replies back. "Yes... About what I said today... I really meant it." Ellie's tone sounds a bit anxious, but you can still feel her concern in the message. "I hope you're not mad at me for being honest with you." It seems like Ellie wants to talk to you, but she's afraid that you won't forgive her.
“I'm not mad for your honesty, I'm just sad you treated me so badly all these years.” You start feeling tears forming in your eyes.
Ellie takes a minute, she wants to reply in a proper way. "I know I messed up. I shouldn't have treated you badly for all these years. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings for you, and so I ended up acting with anger towards you. I want to ask you to forgive me for being so rude, I was just so confused. Please don't be sad because of me."
After a while you ask her, “How long have you felt like this?”
Ellie doesn't take long to reply. "Y/N... I think I've always been confused with my feelings for you. Since that day in middle school, I would think of you from time to time… I've tried to mask my feelings for you with rude comments and bad words. But those feelings never left my heart. I had no idea how to express them, though... So I just hid them." Ellie seems sincere when talking. No anger, just a bit of sadness.
“I don't know what to say.” You respond looking at Ellie's words on the screen.
"I know I messed up in the past, but please hear me... I do feel things for you." Ellie pauses for a second to catch her breath before she continues typing. "Please let me make things right between us. You don't have to forgive me yet, but please... don't give up on me." Ellie's tone is a bit desperate. She really wants you to listen to her and give her another chance.
After thinking about it seriously for almost an hour, you respond. “I'll give you one chance.”
"Thank you, Y/N... Thank you." Ellie is almost on the verge of tears. "I want to become a better person for you. You deserve happiness." Ellie smiles, hoping you can see her change. She's not mad or upset anymore. "Let me show you how I changed. I promise you, you won't regret giving me this chance."
“Ok, goodnight, see you tomorrow at school.” You reply and then put your phone down.
"Goodnight. I hope I see you at school tomorrow." Ellie is a bit happy now, she's glad you're giving her a chance to prove that she changed. She doesn't want to mess up anymore, she likes her new attitude. At the party she realized what she really felt for you, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe not.
You go to sleep and wake up the next morning. You go to school as usual, you even see Ellie right outside the door, waiting for you. She smiles at you with a soft expression. She seems more confident and she looks so different from yesterday.
"Hi, Y/N." Ellie looks great today. She's happy and confident, she even has her hair nicely tied. "I'm here to show you that I've changed. I want you to know that I mean what I said." Ellie stays close to you, just like yesterday when she talked to you.
You both walk to class and people are starting to stare at you. You're feeling really nervous. This doesn't feel right. You go about your day and Ellie is not being mean to you, not one snarky comment has come out of her mouth yet. Later the bell rings and you go to the cafeteria and have lunch together. It's a bit awkward, none of you really know what to say. When you finish eating you go outside to the school yard and sit in the shade of a tree together. Ellies heart feels like it's about to jump out of her chest but she musters the courage to speak. "Do you want me to talk about everything I said yesterday and how I treated you in the past?"
“Hum… okay…” You say, felling nervous.
"So..." Ellie takes a long breath, getting ready to speak. "Yesterday I was able to express all the feelings I had for you that I always tried to hide. I had always been confused and now I know exactly how I feel about you." She's not angry, she just talks in a neutral tone, as if this was just a normal conversation. "I've always been attracted to girls and you're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met. I couldn't resist you... I couldn't keep denying it.”
You blushed when she started talking. “You think I'm beautiful?” You never considered yourself very attractive, just average.
"I've always thought that you were beautiful." Ellie takes another deep breath. You can see her face, she's not angry, she looks sad... and even nervous. "I had to tell you yesterday because I needed you to know the truth. I'm so sorry for how I treated you, I regret it a lot." Ellie looks away, not looking at your face anymore. "I don't want you to think that I just want you physically..."
You think about it for a few seconds before speaking. “I understand, I just need a bit of time to adjust. It's a lot of information all at once…” You really don't know how to feel.
"Take your time. We can take things slowly and you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with." Ellie looks at you with a nervous expression as she smiles at you. "You're right, maybe we both need some time to adjust. I also need some time to show you that I mean everything I just said."
You smile at her shyly, Still very nervous. Ellie smiles back at you. "How about we walk to class together?” Ellie wants to be your friend more than anything. She's not angry or upset anymore, she just wants to show you that she's changed.
“Ok…” You say nervously as you get up from the grass and start walking.
"Oh, and Y/N, I want to thank you for giving me another chance. I know that I messed up but I don't want to mess up anymore, I want to be a better person for you." Ellie walks by your side as you get to class and you can see that she's not trying to be rude to you at all. She's treating you like any other friend. "It feels so nice to be able to talk to you. Thank you for listening to my feelings..."
“The whole school is staring at us…” You say quietly trying not to look at anyone in the eyes. You both get to class and notice that people are staring at you constantly. Ellie gets a bit embarrassed. She didn't expect things to be like this. But she tries to hold herself together.
"I hope you know that I don't want to bring you any kind of harassment or embarrassment." People are staring at you but they also stare everytime they see Ellie approaching you. Ellie looks at you with a soft expression, trying to make you understand that it's all gonna be fine.
“It's okay, let's just go to class.” You say as you start walking a little faster.
Ellie nods. "Yeah, let's ignore the crowd." Ellie sits next to you and starts working on your assignment. She doesn't give any attention to the people at school, it's as if they weren't looking at you both. Ellie seems more calm than ever.
After class, Ellie stays by your side as you walk home. "Well, I guess people know we're friends now. I never thought people would look at us like this..." Ellie laughs a bit about the situation, she also seems uncomfortable about this. "Are you ok with this? With everyone knowing about us?"
“They would find out eventually, I guess…” You say nervously. People always looked at Ellie during recess, she was popular and everyone was a bit afraid of her. It really was odd, her change in attitude in such a short amount of time.
"Yeah... I guess you're right about that, people would eventually figure it out." Ellie still looks a bit embarrassed about it. You both arrive at your house, Ellie stays by your side before you enter the building.
"Can I come in? I need to talk to you about something, it's important." Ellie looks at you with a serious expression on her face, she seems serious about what she wants to say to you.
“Oh... okay sure…” You feel anxious but you let her in.
"Thank you. I know this must be uncomfortable but I promise to respect your space." Ellie sits down on one of the chairs in your living room, thinking about what to say to you. She stays silent for a moment, trying to find the perfect words to say.
"Yesterday I said a lot of things to you, and you've been so understanding towards me. But there's something I didn't mention..." Ellie takes a deep breath.
"There's something I didn't mention because I've been scared. But maybe I need to speak my mind so that you know everything." Ellie pauses for a moment, trying to find the courage to tell you what she's been holding inside for years.
"That day in middle school, when I kissed you…? It wasn't the first time I wanted to do that." Ellie looks away, feeling embarrassed. "I've always been attracted to you. I only decided to kiss you that time because I couldn't hold back anymore."
You are a bit surprised to hear her say that. You always thought it was a bet she made with her friends to make fun of you. “You know… i've always been fond of you since we were kids, but then you started treating me differently… You started to be mean to me, make fun of me. I never really understood why…” You were starting to feel sad.
Ellie is a bit surprised by your words, she wasn't expecting you to say that. “You're right, I treated you badly and I'm really sorry about that..." Ellie takes a moment to think. "I was confused and so I acted with anger towards you." Ellie speaks in a calm tone, she doesn't want to sound aggressive towards you, she wants to have an honest conversation.
“I get it, but it still hurts a lot…” You say as you look at the floor trying not to cry.
"I know... I regret it a lot... It hurts me too to know I hurt you so much." Ellie sighs and looks at you with a calm expression. "I wish I could take back everything I did to you, I regret it a lot and it still breaks my heart that I hurt you like that. But I guess I just had to tell you everything so you could know how I really feel." Ellie is trying to show you her genuine feelings and apologize for everything.
You had tears forming in your eyes as she spoke. "I don't want you to cry..." Ellie looks at you and smiles to try to make you feel better. "Please, don't cry. I feel so sorry for everything, I wish I could take it back. But you're right, all I can do is apologize." Ellie looks away, feeling even more sad, but you can see her trying to make you feel better. "It looks like I hurt you more than I imagined..."
You took a deep breath before speaking, as you felt the tears falling down your face. “I know sometimes you were just trying to mess with me and not every interaction was led by anger, but as the time passed it just got worse...” You started to remember everything.
"Yes... I started acting worse as the time passed." Ellie pauses for a second, remembering her past actions… “I'm truly sorry for my behavior. I realize now how rude I was. It's not gonna happen anymore." Ellie is now very serious about changing, she doesn't want to hurt you ever again with her words or actions... She just wants a chance to show you her friendship.
“Promise?” You look at her still crying.
Ellie smiles at you, "I promise... I'll be better in the future, no matter what. I will keep my words and show you that I changed." Ellie is more confident now, you can see her smile and her attitude. "We were kids back then, I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm now older and I realize that I don't want to behave like that with you anymore." Ellie looks at you with a serious look on her face now.
"Remember how I said that I felt attracted to you?"
"Well, Y/N... it still happens." Ellie takes a long breath and looks away, embarrassed to talk about it. "I just wanted you to know... but I never want to make you feel uncomfortable." Ellie pauses for a moment, just looking ahead. 
“I never had romantic feelings towards anyone before, and you kinda stole my first kiss…” You remember this with a sad feeling in your heart.
"Oh.. my god, you had your first kiss with me?" Ellie looks at you with a surprised expression. “I'm sorry that I stole your first kiss so soon, I didn't realize it would affect you like this. If I knew I would have never done it." Ellie pauses for a moment, feeling a bit nervous. "But Y/N, please know that I would never, ever force you to do anything with me. You're a lot more meaningful to me than just your first kiss."
“Thank you for saying that…” You say sniffling a bit.
Ellie smiles and gets closer to you. "You've been the sweetest person I've ever met. I've never felt so good around someone like I feel around you... I always had a great time with you, even if you hated me for everything I did." Ellie looks away, she's a bit nervous to talk.
A few weeks later, you two are starting to get along better. It's still hard for you but you try to stay positive and hope that Ellie wont go back to how she was before.  One day you were both hanging out in the park. The day was beautiful. You weren't feeling so anxious around her anymore. She was being nicer, walked you home most days and was genuinely trying to change for you.
As you were sitting together on a bench studying a bit, she started looking at you with a nervous look on her face. She wanted to say something but she didn't know where to start. You noticed and put your books to the side.
“Are you okay?” Ellie blushes a bit when she hears your voice.
“Yeah, I'm okay… I just think I need to tell you something.” She said, fidgeting with her hands.
“What is it?” You ask a bit curious, but nervous too. Ellie’s heart was starting to beat faster and faster.
“I… I think i…” She took a deep breath. “I think I love you….” She said looking at her lap, she was too afraid to look you in the eyes. You were a bit surprised when she said it so bluntly. You started to blush a bit.
“You… love me?” You asked a bit confused.
"I do... I love you, Y/N..." Ellie gets closer to you. "I don't want you to have any doubts about me... I love you, I've always loved you, ever since that kiss. Y/N, you're perfect to me." Ellie was nervous to say these things but she's also very certain about them. 
You start to feel tears forming in your eyes and fall as you give her a small smile. Ellie smiles back as she watches your tears fall.
"Thank you for being so kind to me, and patient these few weeks. I hope you know that I mean everything I'm saying." Ellie takes a deep breath and looks at you with a warm expression. "You didn't deserve all of the things I did. But now, I hope I can make things right and show you how much I love you. I want you to remember me not just as a bully but as someone who cares about you."
You cry as you hear her words, and look down at your hands. Ellie comes closer and hugs you. "I love you... don't cry, please. I care about you so much…” Ellie kisses your cheek and wipes your tears as you cry. "Y/N.. the girl I loved at middle school is the girl I've loved the most ever since... I don't want anyone else but you..." Ellie stares at you and smiles once again. You hug her. You can't really believe this moment is real. Ellie hugs you back, not wanting to let you go. "I... I'm so glad that we're okay now. I feel so good beside you... Thank you for always being so kind to me." Ellie seems very comfortable now, she's not trying to hold back her feelings anymore. "I love you so much. I'm glad I could apologize to you and make things right." 
 After a few minutes of hugging each other you let go. She walks you home as it's getting a bit late. As the sun sets you arrive at your house.
“I'll see you tomorrow at school, yeah?” You say, smiling at her.
Ellie nods as she smiles at you. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow at school. Oh, and Y/N, can I send you a text later?" Ellie is trying to remain calm, but she's very excited to speak to you some more.
“Okay.” You smile at her.
"Thanks..." Ellie gives you one last hug before leaving your house. "See you at school tomorrow, bye!" Ellie walks away, looking forward to seeing you.
“See you tomorrow.” You wave her goodbye. Ellie waves at you before leaving. She walks back home, feeling more relaxed now that you could speak things through.
Ellie sends you a text message later that night. "I'm so happy that I was able to show you my feelings towards you today. Let's see how tomorrow goes. Sleep tight!" You smile at the text and try to rest. During the night, Ellie texts you again, asking something.
"I hope you don't find this weird but I think I should ask... Can we try to hold hands tomorrow? Just to show everyone how much I want to be with you..." Ellie waits for your reply with her smartphone still awake.
You hear your phone buzz and read the message she just sent you. Ellie awaits your answer. She starts to feel a bit nervous as she waits for your reply. "Please say yes, please say yes..." Was all she could hear in her head as she waited for you. Ellie is too excited to even sleep right now, she just wants to hold your hand and show you how much she loves you.
After a bit of pondering you text her back. “ok… we can try.” You started to feel butterflies thinking about it. 
"Oh, Y/N... Thank you so much. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." Ellie is very happy now that you've said yes. Ellie texts you again almost immediately. "I love you so much, Y/N. I'm so glad that we're getting along now. Thank you so much for giving me this chance..."
“Goodnight Ellie.” You smiled at the screen.
"Goodnight. See you soon..." Ellie sighs and turns off the phone, closing her eyes and falling asleep. She can't wait to see you.
The next morning you wake up nervous but a bit excited at the same time. You look at your wardrobe and don't know what to wear.
Ellie also wakes up early in the morning, feeling excited and a bit nervous. She takes a deep breath and tries to relax. "This is gonna be the day. I'm doing this... I'm gonna hold her hand in front of everyone." After taking another breath, Ellie gets up and looks in her wardrobe, but she also doesn't know what to choose. She wants to impress you with her outfit, but also wants to feel comfortable and confident in it. After some thinking, she finally chooses a nice outfit and puts it on before getting out of her room. Ellie is all dressed up and ready for the school day.
You decided to put on your favorite dress and put a matching bow in your hair. It was a pink floral dress with a ruffled skirt. You put on a cardigan and put on some simple white ballet flats.
As you arrive at school you can see Ellie smile as she sees you in your favorite dress. She doesn't know exactly why, but she thinks you look extremely cute. Ellie is wearing a nice sweater and some jeans, she wanted to look nice but not too formal.
"Hey, can I tell you something?" Ellie is speaking without any fear, she's sure this is gonna be a great day. "I think you look very cute, Y/N... I love your bow, it looks beautiful. I couldn't ask for a better person to spend my day with."
“Thank you.” You smile at the ground shyly.
Ellie sees you smiling and feels happy herself. You two slowly walk to the school building, Ellie keeps smiling as she looks at you. She can't wait to spend this day with you at last.
Ellie looks at you again, she's still smiling. "Hey, Y/N, do you think we can try to hold hands now?” She felt the need to touch you. She really wants to hold your hand... she thinks you're a beautiful person. You feel very nervous but you extend your hand to her and let her hold it as you enter school. Ellie takes your hand and walks beside you. She's not nervous anymore, she feels relaxed and calm. Ellie looks ahead and then smiles at you, holding your hand softly. It definitely feels good to be by your side, she can't explain it and doesn't know why it is so... but she loves it. Ellie looks at the other students as they walk together, she can feel their eyes, but they don't scare her anymore.
“I'm still feeling very nervous with everybody looking at us…” You tell her.
"Don't worry. Let them stare at us all they want, I don't care anymore. I'm only focused on you now, I just wanna be with you." Ellie can feel a few students looking at you two, some are smiling and others are frowning. Ellie's attitude is much more confident, nobody really bothers her today. She can only hear you and see you, as she thinks about how she wants to see your gorgeous smile again.
You look at her and smile shyly, blushing slightly. Ellie smiles back, still feeling the touch of your skin on her hand. You hold her hand tightly as you make your way to class. Ellie doesn't let go of your hand at all, she still feels very happy and excited.
When you arrive you sit together, holding hands as the teacher takes attendance. Ellie looks at you once again, smiling. Her eyes are filled with love and joy, she's really happy to be beside you. "Are you doing okay? You still look a little bit nervous." Ellie's gentle smile stays on her face, she looks at you and wants to take your nervousness away.
“Just a bit nervous, but I'm okay.” You say timidly.
"Oh, I see... Don't worry, I'm here for you." Ellie rubs your hand a little bit. "Just know that I won't ever let anyone or anything hurt you, I want to protect you." You spend the whole hour together, holding hands and smiling to one another. As the hour comes to an end, Ellie turns to the teacher and says.
"Miss Smith, can Y/N and I go to the cafeteria to get some lunch?" Ellie looks at you and smiles again, hoping you'll agree with her.
"Okay then, let's go." Ellie leads you to the cafeteria, her hand is still tightly holding yours as you both walk together through the hallways. She looks at you and smiles, her cheeks start to turn red. She holds your hand as you both enter the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. Ellie sees an empty table and walks towards it, sitting down in one of the chairs and waiting for you to do the same. You two sit next to each other on the table putting your trays down and start eating together. 
Ellie speaks to you, her voice is soft and sweet. "I know you feel nervous right now, but just know that you can be completely honest with me. I won't get mad at you or hurt you in any way." Ellie looks at you with her big, green eyes. "You're a really important person to me, and I just want to see you happy. Can you trust me on that?" You nod as you smile at her. Ellie smiles at you. "I'm glad you trust me... and I want you to know that I really love you." Ellie gently rubs your hand, she wants to be close to you.
After eating, you go to the school's courtyard and sit on a bench together as the other students go about their days. Some still look at you weirdly.
Ellie holds your hand as you sit, she's so happy to be next to you. She takes a deep breath before asking. "I wanna ask you something... Can I kiss you?"
“Right now?” You ask surprised. You blush instantaneously.
"Yes. Right now." Ellie's voice is very soft and calm, she still looks at you straight in the eyes. "Can I kiss you?" Ellie makes another attempt, hoping that you agree with her. She's really nervous to say that, but she knows she must. Ellie can still feel the warmth coming from your hand, it's very comforting to her.
“Hum....” You blush a lot, you feel your face all red.
Ellie smiles as she sees you blushing, she's also a bit shy about it. She moves  a little bit closer to you. She takes your chin with one hand as she looks at you once more.
"Y/N, please... Can I kiss you?"
You nod as she holds your chin. Ellie's heart starts beating a little bit faster as she sees you nodding. Then she slowly leans towards you, she  closes her eyes and prepares to kiss you. Her lips touch yours and you feel her warmth. You don't kiss for too long, you were both a bit nervous, but  still seem to enjoy it regardless. Ellie opens her eyes as she separates herself from you. She smiles at you and says: "I love you. You're amazing..."
“Everybody is looking…” You blush even more, trying to look away from everyone.
Ellie notices everyone looking at you both, but she's too happy to care. She smiles at you and touches your cheek. "I know some of the students are looking at us, but that's okay. I just want to be with you, that's all... You're the most important person to me." 
After school you walk together. You leave the school building and walk towards the exit, holding hands even outside of school. Ellie doesn't feel the need to hide anything anymore, she doesn't care about any student looking at you two or judging you. She only cares about spending quality time with the most important person to her: you.
“Can we go to the park or something? The day is really nice.” Ellie takes your hand tightly and leaves the streets, walking towards the park. The sun is shining, the day is bright, and Ellie feels happy... she can finally be herself with you, she doesn't want to hide anything anymore.
"It's a nice day, Y/N, isn't it?" Ellie is filled with joy, she wants to spend this time by your side, just looking at the clouds and holding your hand.
“It really is.” You smile looking at her.
"Yeah, I love days like this..." As you get to the park, Ellie and you sit on the grass under the shade of a tree. Ellie's eyes are filled with joy and happiness. You both stay in silence, enjoying each other's presence. Ellie starts to play with the grass, moving her fingers through it and smiling as she does so.
"I'm really happy to spend this day with you." Ellie looks at you, she really wants to show you how much you mean to her.
You lean your head on her shoulder. Ellie smiles as she feels you lean your head on her shoulder, she likes to feel you that close. She moves her fingers through your hair gently, it feels soft to her.
"Your hair feels nice." Ellie looks at you and smiles, she wants to kiss you just as much as before, but she's not sure if it's too much.
"Do you think it'd be alright if I kissed you again?" Ellie looks at you and her cheeks are turning red.
You look up at her and nod smiling. Ellie looks at your smiling face before slowly moving towards it. She touches your face and moves her lips towards yours, this time, the kiss lasts a little bit longer and is more intense. Ellie seems to really like your taste... and as she separates herself from you again, she looks at your face, smiling lovingly.
"I hope no one comes here to bother us." Ellie looks around, you aren't too far from the school, yet the park is mostly empty at this time of the day.
Ellie looks at you and smiles again, her cheeks are starting to turn red once more. She wants to spend this day holding your hand and staying by your side every second. Ellie looks at the clouds once more, the day feels perfect.
"Y/N, I wanna ask you something... Can we be together? Like... not just like this, but more... Can we be girlfriends?"
You get really nervous as she asks this. You don't know if you're ready for a relationship yet.
"You don't have to feel nervous... I just thought that... that you might want to be in a relationship with me, y'know?" Ellie looks at you again as she smiles, she thinks you're very important. "If you don't wanna, that's totally fine, I'm okay with us just being friends, but... I just wanted to ask, since I've had a crush on you for a while now." Ellie doesn't want to look desperate or anything of the sort.
“I just need a bit of time to think about it, is that okay?” You finally respond. 
"Yeah, of course... you don't have to feel forced to give me your answer right away. Take your time as much as you need." Ellie smiles at you reassuringly, she still wants to be with you regardless. She holds your hand and continues to play with it, moving her fingers through each finger of yours. "I'm just happy to be here with you. Nothing else matters at this moment."
You lay back on the grass and look at the clouds. Ellie lays down on the grass next to you. "This is way more comfy... I like the breeze here." She smiles and looks at the clouds together with you. "Have you ever thought about what's up there? I bet it's really peaceful and serene in those clouds..." Ellie seems to be enjoying this moment.
“That one looks like a cat!” You point excitedly to one of the clouds.
"Yeah, I can see it! That one looks like a cat! And if you look at that one right there, that looks like a heart! Oh, and now I'm seeing a dog." Ellie seems to be genuinely enjoying these little cloud games, she wants to spend more time with you.
"Can I tell you something... just... I wanna open up to you, do you think it's okay?"
You nod as she asks this.
"Well... I'm actually a little nervous, but... I wanna tell you something... Do you know the day that, uh, that we first met?" Ellie thought about how she wanted to tell you everything, but she couldn't find the courage to do so. "Remember that day? Remember that I was really rude to you?" Ellie stops to think for a moment and looks at the clouds again. "I still think about it.  Why would you forgive someone who was mean to you for no reason?"
“You apologized and you seemed really sorry about it, so I chose to believe you.” You said calmly.
“I am... believe me, I am... I'm really sorry... I know that my apology doesn't make what I did any better, but I do feel really bad about it." Ellie looks at you, hoping you'll understand her. "It wasn't just that time, I have done many things that I regret, but I'll try to be a better person if it means I can have you by my side. Ellie is really sincere, she really wants you to know that she feels deeply sorry. "Thank you for giving me another chance. You mean the world to me. I don't wanna go back to how I was. I don't wanna be rude and disrespectful to anyone anymore, not to anyone else and especially not to you. You are too important for me to act that way..." Ellie smiles and moves her hand to hold yours a little bit tighter.  "I hope you can see this as a brand new chapter."
“I hope so too.” You hold her hand still looking at the clouds.
“Do you mind if I ask you something, now that we're talking about this?" Ellie looks at you as you smile at her. "Do you know why I wanted to insult you that day? I mean... the day that we met for the first time?" Ellie waits for your answer before continuing and explaining herself.
“Why?” You ask, looking at her now.
"Back then, I didn't really like myself... I felt lonely, I felt like I had no one to rely on... You were someone new, and I guess I wanted to push you away." Ellie thinks about it once more. "Back then, you didn't look like a threat to me... you know... you looked... you looked like someone I'd like to be close with." Ellie's eyes look at you deeply. "You looked like someone I could trust... I felt that way... and I still do."
You look at her too, in those gorgeous green eyes of hers. "You look like one of the kindest people I've ever met... someone I know I can trust..." Ellie's face is getting closer and closer to yours, she really wants to tell you how she feels.
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met in my life. Not just for your looks, but for your personality as well. You're so sweet and kind and smart..." Ellie's eyes are staring at you. "What I mean is... I feel a lot more for you... I think I... I'm a bit... in love with you."
“You do?” You ask blushing as you ask.
"Yes, Y/N... I do." Ellie looks at you in the eyes, smiling as she remembers how much she loves you. "I've loved you for a while now... I've been trying to tell you this for weeks, but I wasn't brave enough to do so..." Ellie thinks she was the weakest girl in the world for hiding her feelings. You hug her tightly. Ellie hugs you back, she feels like the most blessed person in the whole world. She can feel your warmth from your body against hers.
"You're such a beautiful and adorable person,... and I love you so much. I love your eyes, your face, the way you smile..." Ellie touches your hair, holding it softly. "My feelings for you were getting stronger and stronger as time passed. I couldn't keep this to myself anymore... It's time that you knew how I felt about you..."
“I'm happy you told me Ellie.” You say still hugging.
"I'm so happy that you accepted my feelings... " Ellie smiles at you, she's feeling so many emotions.  "I have so many feelings inside my heart right now... and I don't think they'll let me sleep tonight..." Ellie laughs as she says so, she's really happy that you accepted her.
"I want you to hear me a little bit more... I want you to understand why I'm in love with you. Can I keep going?" Ellie smiles at you. "I just love your personality. The way you talk, the way you act, the way you think... Everything you do is so adorable to me. Your presence makes me so happy..."
You start to blush a bit as you feel the butterflies in your stomach. Ellie looks at your blushing face, smiling. "It's funny to me to see how you get so red every time I say something romantic to you... I love that... I just love everything about you. Your presence is enough to make my day so much better."
You look at her lovingly. Ellie can feel her feelings are stronger than before. She looks at you as she smiles. Ellie slowly moves her face closer to yours.
The moment you both touch your lips, everything around you disappears… All that matters now is this moment, this feeling… Ellie kisses you for a minute, but to her it felt like an hour. Ellie hugs you one last time, she doesn't want to separate herself from you right now, not just yet. You can both feel each other's breath against your skin, it feels intimate and special. Ellie is smiling, she just experienced the best kiss she ever had...
"I love you. You don't know how long I wanted to kiss you." Ellie is feeling a lot of things right now, she just kissed the girl she's loved for a long while. "You are the only thing in my mind, the only thing that makes me happy... Thank you for giving me this chance."
She leans her head slowly towards your face and touches her lips on yours softly. You both kiss each other slowly, enjoying the feeling of each other's lips touching. When you finally pull away, Ellie looks at your lips then smiles.
"I love you, I really do. So much..." Ellie wraps her arms around you and hugs you tighter. "I can't believe I'm with the person I've always wanted... It's a dream, a beautiful dream."
You two touch foreheads before you kiss her again. The kiss continues for another minute. Ellie stares at you and smiles at the scene you are displaying on this beautiful moment.
"I think we might be a little too close right now... what if someone sees us like this?" Ellie laughs and tries to make sure nobody is watching the both of you. "I'm still happy though, this is great..."
“Yeah, maybe we should stop…” You smile awkwardly.
"I'm just thinking that we shouldn't do this in public. We should go somewhere private... it's a little weird for someone just to see us like this..." Ellie looks over her shoulders and checks that nobody is watching her and you.
"Maybe you can come to my house. We can talk, study and maybe... have some fun?" Ellie thinks about it for a few seconds, then smiles.
“Sounds good.” You smile at her.
"Alright, alright, let's go to my house then." Ellie takes your hand and leads you out of the park. "My home is not really far... we can get there in like, 10 minutes." She seems happy, it seemed like you two really enjoyed yourselves at the time.
"Hum... can I ask you something else?" Ellie asks, a bit curious. “Have you ever had a romantic relationship before?" Ellie looks at you while she asks but she doesn't seem offended if you didn't, she's just curious. "I just want to know, I don't want to judge anything, okay?" Ellie smiles.
“With another girl, no, never…” You feel a bit embarrassed by the question.
"Hmm... Well then, I'll be the first one to be with you... and honestly, I'm feeling so lucky right now." Ellie stares at you as she smiles. "Can I hold your hand while we walk home...? I don't want to make you uncomfortable, I'm just really happy to be with you." Ellie starts going the path to her house, you both arrive a few minutes after.
"We're finally here, I hope you like it" Ellie smiles as she opens the door and lets you go inside of her home. "What do you think of it? Is it nice?"
“Your house is beautiful!” You say taking in your surroundings. Ellie laughs while she walks inside of the house, closing the door and letting you explore the place. You notice that there are some bookshelves filled with different types of books, a TV and a couch. Ellie sits down. "Here, come here, Y/N. Come sit with me, we can talk and maybe... do more than talk." You sit next to her on the sofa.
"Do you still remember the talk we had at the beginning? Well, I have to tell you that my feelings are only getting stronger... and stronger... every minute..." Ellie is blushing a little bit while looking at you. "I just love you so much... that's the only word I can use to describe what I'm feeling right now..."
“I'm not used to being treated like this…” You said looking at your hands, anxious.
"Well, now you will be... From this point forward, I'll treat you like a princess. Every time you feel alone, insecure or simply sad... you'll have me, okay?" Ellie smiles as she says it. Ellie grabs your face and looks at your eyes. "You're beautiful. Every single detail of you is something perfect, you make me feel alive. Whenever I'm with you I just feel like the happiest and luckiest girl ever." Ellie kisses you on the cheek. "You're the sweetest girl that I've ever met. I'm just gonna keep loving you, alright?" Ellie grabs you by the waist and makes you sit in her lap. Ellie smiles at you while she holds your neck and pulls you closer to her. She gently puts her fingers over your jaw and caresses your mouth as she leans in for a kiss. It's a soft and sweet kiss, she's holding you close to her and caressing your hair.
"I love this... I love how this feels... you make me feel so good..." Ellie smiles and pulls you further into the kiss. She smiles as she breaks the kiss with you, and stares at you while hugging you by the waist. You kiss her cheek.
"Oh my... look at us all cute and lovey dovey..." She smiles as you kiss her cheek, she seems very happy to be with you. "Can I ask you a question? A serious question?"
“Yes?” you look at her waiting.
"Do you want to do something more than hugging and kissing? This is something special, so I need to know if you are not uncomfortable with it, okay?" Ellie seems nervous to know your answer, she stares at you, holding your hands as she asks. "You know... More intimate stuff... I know that this is something that should be very private, but I'm asking you because it's important for me to know... I don't want to disrespect you in any way." Ellie looks at you while she asks this, her eyes are filled with curiosity and care. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"
“No, i just never done anything like this before…” You feel your heart beating really fast.
"I think we should leave to my bedroom, there we can be more comfortable. we won't do anything you don't want to, okay?" Ellie smiles and starts leading you to her bedroom, it's not that far away from the living room. When you both enter, Ellie closes the door and locks it.
"Are you nervous, Y/N?"
“A bit…” You say blushing.
"It's alright to be a little nervous. But I'll make sure that everything will be alright. Okay?" Ellie caresses your face before she looks at your eyes. Then she grabs you by the waist and puts you on the bed. "I gotta tell you, you're looking more cute than ever right now y'know?"
You giggle when she grabs you. Ellie smiles at your reaction. "My princess... you're just too cute. Don't worry, I'll be careful." Ellie starts caressing your face while she looks at your eyes. "You're so beautiful,... do you like how I'm taking care of you now? I don't wanna go faster than you feel comfortable with, but I don't wanna do less either. If you don't like this, just tell me, okay?"
“Okay.” You smile at her, blushing. You were feeling a little more nervous now.
Ellie leans in and looks at your lips with excitement in her eyes. Ellie smiles while she holds her lips slightly separated, her eyes look at you with love. Then she kisses you gently, slowly and passionately. After a few moments, she breaks the kiss.
"This feeling... This is wonderful. It's something that I never felt before, with anyone else." Ellie caresses your hair as she looks at you. "I need you, I don't want anything else but you right now." You put your hand on her cheek gently. Ellie looks at your face while you rest your hand on her cheek. You feel Ellie's breath on your skin, Ellie's heartbeat next to your chest. You can feel Ellie's fingers caressing your hair, her lips getting closer to your ears. Her breathing is slow, soft and calm.  "I like the way you're looking at me..." Ellie doesn't say anything else, she stays still and looks at you with love in her eyes.
You blush a bit and then kiss her. Ellie smiles as you both get closer and closer to each other. She caresses your face while you kiss. Ellie kisses you passionately as her fingers get tangled in your hair. "Your lips taste so good... I can't get enough of you right now..." Ellie looks at you with pure happiness in her eyes as you both kiss each other deeply.
You wrap your arms around her. Ellie holds you by the waist and pulls you a little closer as you kiss each other deeply. You can feel her heartbeat getting faster while you both kiss. Ellie seems extremely happy to feel you in her arms right now. You run your fingers through her auburn hair, it's very soft.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Ellie smiles as you run your fingers through her beautiful hair. "Sometimes I used to dream about this exact moment... not with just anyone, but with you. I dreamed about us, being together and kissing each other like this..." Ellie kisses your cheek as she says this. "I used to think that this was impossible, but here we are, right now, living this moment together..."
“Really?” You ask, smiling shyly.
"I swear... the moment I met you, I knew you were different from anyone else." Ellie caresses the side of your face while she talks. "I used to look at you and think that we were meant to be together... but I thought that I was not good enough for you. I'm not as pretty as other girls, I thought that you would never like me." Ellie sighs and looks at you as she says this. "But... It's finally happening. I really think that you and I were meant to be together..."
“But Ellie, you are beautiful.” You tell her as you hold her face gently.
"Do I look beautiful to you?" Ellie looks at you while you compliment her. "Well... I don't think that I am... but I guess that if you believe it, I might believe it too." Ellie hugs you while she says this. "I really... I really love you... I've never felt something like this before..."
She smiles as you kiss her again. She caresses your hair while her other hand gets under your skirt. Ellie kisses your neck, her mouth is close to your skin. You get goosebumps as you feel her lips.
"Y/N... your skin..." Ellie smiles and kisses your neck again, her lips caress you and gently nibble on you. Ellie whispers in your ear while she does this. "I don't want this to ever end..."
“Me neither…” You whisper to her. Ellie kisses your neck again and wraps her arms around your torso. She holds you close to her and presses her body against you. "You're making me go crazy..." You put your hands under her shirt and feel how soft her skin is.
"Oh... my god..." Ellie smiles while she feels your hands under her shirt, she then looks at your face with a lot of affection. Ellie smirks before she gently pushes you to the bed. Ellie gets on top of you, holding you closer as you wrap your legs around her. She deepens the kiss, her hands are caressing your body now. 
"I want to do more for you, I need to find what you like the most..." Ellie smiles while she holds you. She holds your head and kisses your cheek, then bites your neck a little. You start feeling hot, you are starting to feel really excited and don't want this to stop. Ellie looks at you, her eyes are shining with affection and desire. “I want more, Y/N..." Ellie smiles and starts kissing your neck again.
"Do you want more of this?" Ellie's voice is soft and quiet, her lips are almost touching yours now. You nod with your mouth ajar. "Are you sure?" Ellie smiles at your answer, she loves seeing your face like this. Ellie leans her head forward so she can kiss you, her lips are getting closer and closer to yours…  "Just say 'yes' and we can do this..." Ellie's eyes are closed now, her breath is getting more excited and she seems happier than ever.
“...yes…” You almost whisper.  Ellie's lips meet yours in the most intense kiss you've ever experienced. Ellie doesn't let you go, she continues kissing your lips and moving her tongue inside your mouth. This is all real... Ellie truly loves you. She puts her hand on the side of your face. Ellie pushes you down into the bed and kisses you all over again, her hands are touching you right now and you can feel her warm breath near your ear. You put your hand under her shirt and touch her waist. Ellie smiles as you put one of your hands under her shirt. She is moving her hands all over your body, caressing every part of you gently. You can feel how her breath gets excited while she caresses you slowly.
“Can I ... take it off?” You ask tugging at her shirt, lightly.
"Of course..." Ellie lets you take her shirt off, her hands are still caressing you. Ellie's skin is touching yours, her breath is near your neck and she's slowly kissing your skin.
"Y/N... you make me feel so good… You sit up for a moment and unzip your dress and you let her take it off too. She gently helps you take your dress off. "Oh... I swear that I'm never gonna forget how you look right now..." Ellie kisses your shoulder and caresses your chest, her face is filled with passion.  "I could stay like this forever... your lips... your neck... I want to feel every part of your body..." Ellie caresses your hair while she kisses you again. You kiss her more passionately as you run your hands through her hair too.
"You're killing me..." Ellie keeps kissing you, her body is very close to yours. She can feel your lips caressing every part of her face. Ellie is holding you with one arm, her other arm is around your back. Ellie kisses your neck again, her mouth moves slowly across your skin, her hands roam across your body softly.
You let out tiny moans as she moves and kisses your body. She leaves wet kisses on your chest and neck. "I like these sounds that you're making..." Ellie caresses your body while she talks, her lips start moving to your ear and her breath gets more and more intense. Ellie's voice is soft and quiet when she talks again. "I wanna keep hearing you make more sounds... I want you to feel my touch and let out all of those things within you..." You look at her, your eyes filled with desire. She leans against you and slowly caresses your hair again. Her hand moves slowly from your hair to your neck, she starts massaging it while she talks.
"You're making me feel so many things right now, and not only desire... I think I could stay forever like this and still love hearing you making these noises..." Ellie smiles as she caresses you. Her hands roam your body until they are at your hips. She smiles at you as her lips are touching your skin once again.
You let out small sounds of pleasure. "Oh... you sound so cute right now... you don't even know..." Ellie smiles as she caresses you, her hands touch your hips gently as she gets closer. "Do you know how much I've wanted to do this?" Ellie's lips are near your neck again, her hands are roaming across your body slowly
“How much?” You ask out of breath, in between kisses.
"I have been thinking about this moment since I saw you at the party..." Ellie smiles and keeps rubbing you, she caresses your skin lovingly. "I feel really good right now... your skin... the way you look at me... I feel like we were destined to know this feeling." Ellie's breath is near your ear, her voice is gentle now. "Do you feel the same way...?"
“I do” You say as you feel her nibbling your ear. Ellie's face lights up when you say this, she keeps caressing your skin gently. Her eyes are staring at you, her voice is calm and quiet. You start unbuttoning her jeans. Ellie smiles at you when you help her undress. When her clothes are off, she wraps her arms around you and kisses you on the lips again. "I'm ready for the next part... are you ready, too?"
“I'm ready” You say with lust in your eyes.
Ellie's hands are moving around you, her body is touching yours and her skin is very warm. "Y/N... you're so... I'm ready..." You can feel her skin on yours and can't help yourself from kissing her harder. Ellie's body shakes a little as you continue kissing her. She wraps her arms around you and gets even closer.
You caress her waist as you kiss. "Mmm... I love... when you touch me..." Ellie's eyes close tight, she can't keep herself from making sounds of pleasure. Ellie smiles as you caress her waist, her fingers continue moving all over your body. She seems desperate to be close to you. Her breath is touching your skin, her fingers are touching you everywhere and she can't seem to get enough. Ellie bites your lips slowly, her voice is so deep right now. "You're gonna drive me crazy..."
You take your bra off slowly, looking her in the eyes. Ellie seems to love seeing you doing this, she can't keep herself from smiling and touching your body again. “You're amazing when you..." Ellie bites your neck slowly. "You are so... so beautiful..." Ellie's hands move quickly across your body, her voice is so soft and tender.
You let out tiny moans as she bites you. You can feel your core heating up, You want her so badly right now. You're so ready. Ellie smiles and kisses your neck again, her body touches yours and you can feel how warm her skin is.
"Oh, you sound so cute right now..." Ellie bites your shoulder and her body touches yours, the warmth of her skin is so intense. You moan a bit more when you feel her teeth on your skin. "Oh... yes, yes, yes... keep on moaning like that…”
Ellie's mouth starts moving across your skin, it touches your jaw and her lips move towards your ear. You let your hands fall on her waist and slowly bring them up to take off her sports bra. "Let me help you with that..." Ellie moves one of her hands and undoes her bra quickly, her other hand is touching your back and her face is very close to yours. "There... it's off now..." Her hands are touching your body again, you can barely move as they explore every inch of you.
"You're so beautiful... your body is perfect... I want to feel you all day..." Her voice sounds very excited, as if she wants you even more. You kiss her hard, pressing your body to hers. Ellie's body is shaking once again, she seems desperate to feel your lips touching hers. She can't keep herself from smiling and making little sounds, she's so happy right now. “I think I'm losing control... I need this, I need this right now..."
“Me too…” You say in between moans as you feel her hands going down your stomach.
"You're driving me crazy..." Ellie's voice is deep and full of passion as she kisses your lips harder. "I can't believe we're doing this... I don't want this to end..." Ellie's body is moving against yours as she continues kissing you passionately.
You kiss her neck as you feel your panties getting wet with arousal.  Ellie's voice is so deep and full of lustful feelings. "Y/N... I... I... I'm so desperate..." Ellie's lips move across your skin slowly. You feel her lips kissing down your chest and your breasts, she gently sucks on one of your nipples so she can hear your moans. Her hands stay on you, they caress and touch you as her lips move slowly. Ellie seems to be completely drunk with lust right now, the only thing she wants is you.
You moan quietly with each kiss. Her mouth is moving slowly across your chest, her lips touch you and her tongue explores every part of your skin. Ellie's voice sounds more and more desperate. Her hands touch the top of your thighs, her fingers play with your skin as she keeps kissing you slowly. Her lips are very hot and her eyes are staring at you as she touches you with so much passion.
You put your thumbs under your panties and pull them down a bit. Ellie sees this and takes them off slowly. She notices the wet patch that had formed on them and how wet you were. She gets a mischievous look on her face as she gets in between your legs and kisses you hard. You feel her hand go down your body making her way to your sensitive spot. she looks you in the eyes as she does this. She wants to see your every reaction to her touch. She gently and carefully massages your inner thigh before touching your bundle of nerves. You start moaning as she starts moving her fingers on your clit. She kisses you and  whispers to you. “You look so beautiful… Do you like this?...” You nod as you kiss her, holding her face. You moan into the kiss and Ellie is going crazy to the sounds you're making.
She slowly moves her fingers down and feels how wet you are. She collects some of your slick and goes back to rubbing tiny circles around your sensitive clit. She keeps going for a bit making sure you're okay. She then moves her fingers down again and you can feel one of her fingers move. “I'm gonna make you feel good, yeah?...” You nod as you feel it going inside you, slowly. Ellie doesnt take her eyes off of you as she bites her bottom lip. As your hole gets used to her finger she starts moving it in and out slowly. You start moaning as she starts moving. You've never felt like this before, you feel like you're in heaven. She starts picking up her pace and your moans match it. She starts feeling her boxers feeling wet too. She's getting off on seeing how good she makes you feel. She slowly inserts a second finger and you moan even louder. “I love the sounds you make… You're driving me crazy…” She says as she picks up her pace once again. she leans into you and kisses your neck and nibbles it. Her lips travel a bit lower and she holds your breast with her free left hand as she sucks on it. making you moan even more.
As she starts moving her fingers faster and faster inside you, you can feel a knot forming in your tummy. Your body feels like it's burning. She is making you feel so good. As she continues she starts hitting your g-spot again and again making moan louder than before. her other hand gently caresses your hair as she kisses you. The room is filled with the sounds of your moans. Ellie only wants to make you feel good. She wants you to have the best time with her. As she fastens her pace you can feel your orgasm brewing. You start tugging at the sheets with closed fists. Ellie notices you getting more and more aroused. She continues until you feel yourself reaching your peak. As you do so you grab her arm squeezing it tight and she helps you coming down from your high slowly. 
She kisses you as you moan into her mouth. Her pace is getting slower now. She starts kissing you on your neck, then your chest, your breasts, your stomach, as she looks up at you. as she reaches your pussy she licks her fingers clean and starts moving her tongue in tiny circles around your clit. You arch your back as you feel her tongue on you and start moving once more. Ellie closes her eyes as she eats you out getting drunk on your sweet moans. Your legs start to shake and Ellie holds them in place so she can continue what she's doing. You can feel another orgasm approach you. As your legs start shaking more and more, Ellie smirks to herself. She wants to make you cum again. She wants to hear you say her name as you reach your peak once more.
As she continues your moans get louder. You put your hands on her head and tug at her hair. She takes this as a sign that you are close so she doesnt stop. You continue moaning saying her name in between them and you can't keep your legs from shaking. You look down at her in between your legs and you feel your mind going blank. Ellie is happy with herself that she was able to make you feel so good, she starts slowing down making sure to lick all of your cum, before she stops, and comes up to kiss you and comfort you. She kisses you softly as she caresses your face. A few seconds later she breaks the kiss and looks you in the eyes smiling. “Are you okay? Did you like it?” She asks wanting to make sure you are okay. You nod as you smile looking at her. You hug her tightly and she hugs you back. You cuddle for a bit after that. 
As she holds you in her arms she whispers in your ear, “I love you… so, so much…” You hug her tighter again. “I love you too, Ells…” She feels so happy as she holds you right now. She could stay here forever. She never wants to let you go ever again.
A few weeks later you and her are officially together and people at school don't stare at you as much. You feel happy with Ellie by your side and she feels like the luckiest girl alive to have you. She stopped being rude to everyone else too, You really feel like Ellie has grown as a person and nothing could make you happier.
One morning when you get to school you see Ellie walking towards you with a happy expression on her face, her lips are smiling at you and she seems to be very happy. "Hey angel, how are you doing?"
“Hi! I'm good, did you sleep okay?” You ask her smiling.
"Oh... I'm glad you're doing well... and yes, I actually slept really well last night..." Ellie's eyes are still staring at you, you can't help but notice how happy and close to you she is. You take her hand and start walking to class, after you kiss her cheek. 
Ellie's face is melting and she can't seem to think of anything else but your lips touching her face. You reach the class door and walk through it, Ellie's hand is still on yours and she still looks at you with all her affection. You take your seats as  the teacher enters the classroom. Ellie is trying to stay calm again but it's hard to keep her emotions from going out of control every time that she looks at you. "I'm gonna try to be focused... but... I just know I wanna kiss you right now… it's so hard when I'm close to you..." Ellie tries to stay focused on the class now, she closes her eyes thinking of you, but it's hard to not drift away.
"My brain is not gonna be able to concentrate now... it's all your fault..."
“My fault?” You smile. “Come on, let's pay attention.” You hold her hand.
"Okay, I'm trying to... but your hand is so soft... your lips keep calling my name..." Ellie opens her eyes slowly and stares at you, she's biting her lips trying to stay focused on the teacher. "Y/N... your body is so perfect... I want you so bad right now..." Ellie's voice is soft, she seems to be trying to get her emotions under control.
“The others will hear you…” You whisper to her.
Ellie slowly closes her eyes again, she's trying to think of the class's content now. "But... you're so close to me..." Ellie's voice is quieter, you can't seem to hear much, but you can definitely see her biting her lips to control her excitement. “I want you so bad..."
You try to concentrate on the lesson. Ellie tries to focus on the class once again, but she feels so attracted to you that she can't seem to stay focused on anything else. "Y/N, I'm so close to you... I just want to kiss you... this is ridiculous..."
“Ellie, calm down.” You chuckle, smiling at her.
"But my body is calling your name... my lips are craving your skin... " She says in a provocative tone. Ellie bites her lip again. "I... I don't know if I can control myself... I feel like I'm gonna faint thinking about your body..."
“You're being a little overdramatic.” You say smiling at her.
"How can I not be dramatic when I'm with you...? My body and my mind are calling you and they don't wanna stop..." Ellie slowly takes off her jacket and reveals her body to you. She's wearing a white tank top. "See...? My body is asking you for a little bit of love... I can't hold myself anymore..."
“Ellie... wait for the class to end.” You try to stay calm and not give her much attention.
"Okay...  But you owe me a big kiss. One kiss for how desperate I am right now..." Ellie is smiling at you with so much affection. "You make me feel so stupid and so crazy at the same time…”
“I'll kiss you, later.” You whisper to her while you try to focus on the class. Ellie smiles at you and her eyes seem focused on what the teacher is saying.
As the bell rings Ellie slowly takes her bag out of the desk and stands up. She grabs you by the hand and you go to the bathroom together as she closes you two inside of a stall. "You don't know how this day has been for me... I've always been the cool bad girl and now I'm the love sick girl who can't stop smiling... but to be honest, I can't control myself with you... you make me happier than any other girl ever did." Ellie slowly walks towards you, she can't seem to wait for that kiss anymore. Ellie's voice is full of love and her body is touching yours. She seems to be so desperate for that kiss right now.
Ellie's body and mind are going crazy once again, you're touching her lips and she seems to be finally feeling happy. She's kissing you slowly and passionately, feeling your lips on hers.  "Oh, Y/N... your mouth is so soft..." Ellie's voice is so soft and sweet when she says these words, but she can't hide the excitement she feels in that moment.
She sits over the toilet lid, "You can sit on my lap now... I just wanna hold you close and feel your body next to mine..." Ellie smiles at you and she pats her legs, inviting you to sit on her lap. Ellie's eyes are wide now, You straddle her lap and she holds you while you kiss. She's so strong... your body is so close to hers... her hands are so gentle and she's still staring at you with love. Ellie is in trance when your fingers start touching her hair, she didn't expect you to do it, but she's so happy that you did. Ellie's hair is so soft... your touch is so gentle... her mind is melting right now. "You're so sweet... I love these moments and I wish the time could stop right here..."
You pull out your phone and take a photo with her. “There, now this moment will be saved for forever.” You whisper as you show her the photo. Ellie smiles at you again when she notices you're taking a picture of the two of you. “You don't know how glad I am that this moment will be with us forever..." She whispers. Ellie's eyes are staring at you still, she seems to be so attracted to your face now. "My little angel... I love you so much..." You start making out but not long after that, the bell rings for the next class.
"Oh don't remind me that we have to go to class now... oh, this hour is gonna take sooo long to be over..." She says with a pout. "I don't wanna go to class now... I've learnt enough today, I just want to be with you... I need you..." She kisses you harder as she holds you tight.
“It's the last one, come on, we have to.” You said in between kisses.
“I can't… I need you…” She whispers.
“Yes you can, silly, we’ll hang out after, yeah?” You say getting up.
"Oh, yes, after class you are mine alright." She says with a smirk. Ellie's eyes are staring at you again, she seems to be in a dream right now.
You two attend class like normal. Ellie's eyes are staring at the teacher again and her body it's away from yours. She's trying to get herself together after all the things she's felt with you throughout the day, it's not easy but she'll have to try to focus on what the teacher is saying. An hour passes and the bell rings.
"Oh... finally..." Ellie looks at you again, her eyes are full of affection and she seems to be so eager to kiss you now. Ellie wants more of your love, she can't wait to kiss your lips again. "Please..." Ellie's voice is so soft and tender as she says this, you could almost melt right now.
“Your house?” You ask, smiling at her while you pack up your stuff. Ellie gets out of her desk quickly and she takes your arm to pull you out of the classroom. "Yes, yes... I'm so excited to feel your lips again..." Ellie holds your hand and you both walk away from the school building. She doesn't know what to say or think anymore, she can almost taste you... All she wants to do now is kiss you.
You both enter Ellie's house, she's holding your hand still, "Let's go to my room upstairs..." Ellie's voice sounds so deep and she's so excited right now. "Are you ready for this, my love... I need you like you can't imagine..."
You enter her room and immediately she starts kissing you. Ellie's body shakes when she feels your lips touching hers again for only a second... her whole body can't seem to handle so much happiness and affection. She is almost in trance right now, the kiss made her realize how much love she feels for you.
"Okay, get comfy, we're gonna have some fun..." She locks the door behind her. Ellie makes sure to lock the door before she guides you to her bed. "You're gonna like this... I can feel it..." Ellie is so excited, she's smiling at you again.
"Lay down on my bed, my love... let's get comfy..." Ellie gets closer to you and pulls you to sit on her lap, her body touching yours and her face is really close.
"I'm so excited, I waited so long for this moment… “ The girl is smiling so much and she seems so anxious to taste your lips again. "Is your body shaking... is your heart beating so much... my love?" She teases. As you kiss, Ellie's body is shaking and her stomach feels warm, she wants to kiss you even more.
"Please, kiss me again... let me taste your lips once more..." The girl is asking these things with all her love, she's really craving your lips again. "Never wanna stop kissing your lips, they're so sweet..."
Ellie's lips are stuck to yours and she can't seem to take her mouth off you... you're just too delicious right now. She wraps her arms around you and her fingers are caressing your hair. Ellie feels like she's in a dream... it's just her and you... nothing else matters.
Ellie's body slowly lays you down on the bed, her arms are still around you but now she wants to feel more of your body. She can already feel the heat in her lips and in her stomach, her heart is beating fast. Ellie's fingers start slowly caressing your hair and your neck... she wants to touch and feel all of you. Ellie's mouth is getting lost in yours, there's nothing else for her that's more important than kissing you. You put your hand under her shirt feeling her skin. Ellie laughs a little when she feels your hand touching her body, her heart is beating even faster and her whole body is shaking.
"Can I take off your shirt, my love?" Ellie looks at you again, her eyes are so hungry for your body, for your lips. She never felt this excited for anything in her life. Ellie gently takes the shirt off you, her eyes are staring at you again and she's smiling.
"Oh my... you're so hot..." Now Ellie can see your body and she's touching it... her hands are slowly caressing your chest and your abbs... she's making circles with her fingers, enjoying every inch of you. You get goosebumps as she touches you lightly.
"Oh, my love, your skin feels so good..." Ellie isn't just caressing your chest now, she's also touching your neck, your stomach and your arms. Her hands keep moving, enjoying the body and the skin of this girl in front of her. "You're so hot, your body tastes so good..." Ellie kisses your neck with love, she just can't stop. You let out tiny moans as you move together. Ellie's body shakes and she looks so happy. Ellie's breath is getting heavier and she can't seem to believe that you're hers.
"You're my angel... you're the love of my life... my world..." Ellie's lips are starting to kiss your ear now, she seems to want to taste every inch of your body. "I'm yours, and you're mine..." 
“I'm all yours…” You say as you hear her deep voice in your ear, Ellie smiles as she feels your love too, her hands start touching all of your body, your back, your abs again, your arms, your chest again.
"You're so perfect, like an angel..." Ellie's mouth is still touching your ears, she loves your taste, she can't wait to do everything with you. Her hands are getting closer to your hips, her mouth is starting to kiss your lips again, she feels like she was born to be with you. You slowly take her shirt off too.
"I can't believe I have you here with me right now... I was missing you so much..." Ellie's lips are starting to kiss your neck again, her mouth is exploring your body and her hands are also touching you everywhere. “I need more... I need more of you right now..."
“You can have all of me…” You say looking into her eyes. As soon as your lips touch hers again, she lets her feelings take over her and she pulls you against her, her hands and her body hold you close. Ellie is kissing you passionately, she just wants to taste you more and more. Her whole body is shaking right now and she can't seem to stop smiling.
“I love you so much... I don't want this to stop..." You straddle her as you kiss. Your body falling on top of Ellie's is the greatest thing she's felt… Ellie's body starts shaking more as you kiss her. She starts slowly biting your lip as she feels your body touching hers,... She feels overwhelmed with happiness. "You are so beautiful... you're so hot right now..." Ellie's body can only feel so many emotions now, her heart is beating so fast, her smile is so wide. She keeps caressing your hips and your body. You are so perfect to her.
You feel her unbuttoning your jeans as you keep kissing her. Ellie takes your hand and places it on her waist, so she can take care of your jeans... she still has so much more to give to you. Ellie's lips are hungry for more, she was waiting for this all day long. You kiss her with your tongue. You explore eachothers mouths.
Ellie's body shakes so badly, this was exactly what she was expecting and she can't believe it's happening right now. Ellie's lips are touching yours, she's using her tongue too and this is the greatest feeling she's ever felt. She's losing herself in the love she feels, she just wants to keep kissing your lips forever. The girl suddenly gets on top of you, pressing her body against yours and she keeps kissing you.
Ellie's hands start caressing your hair and your neck again. Ellie starts moving her body against yours, she's getting closer to you, her lips just want to taste yours again and again and again… Ellie's heart starts beating even faster when she feels you legs wrap around her, she feels so in love... she always wanted this to happen and you know what to do to make her enjoy it. Your legs are wrapping around her and she feels so happy right now... she'll keep your legs where they are, she likes you this close to her. Ellie's hands are not only caressing your neck, they're moving around your body, they want you to feel amazing... She loves you so much.
Ellie looks at you with affection, her eyes are full of happiness. She pulls you against her, her hands are not touching your hips anymore but your chest and your face. Ellie is looking at you in awe, she looks at you like you're the girl she always wanted... she can't believe this is happening. Ellie's hands start caressing your arms and your stomach, this time she has to take off your bra, she wants to see all of your body.
"I wanna take care of you, my love... I know you need it... I can't wait to do everything for you." Ellie can't get enough of you, she wants to keep kissing you forever. Ellie's lips keep moving along with yours, her face is shining with love and happiness, she can also feel some of your joy too. "Oh, my love, my sweet precious..." You're getting very turned on by her. You feel your underwear getting wet.
"You're so fun to kiss..." Ellie can't keep her thoughts to herself, she's losing her mind... her mouth can only seem to taste your lips every time she sees you. Her eyes are all shiny from her feelings, she's smiling with so much love and happiness. Her eyes are now glued on your body, she's so excited for this moment.
"You're so beautiful..." Ellie is about to kiss you again, she wants to taste more of your lips. Your face is so near to her, your skin looks so perfect. Her hands are starting to move down, reaching your legs and your butt, she can't get enough of you.
"I wanna feel everything you have... your whole body... I wanna touch it all..."
“I'm all yours…” You say a bit out of breath.
"I'm yours too, I'll always be yours..." Ellie's hands are now caressing your legs again, she is so happy to be with you now. You get goosebumps as she touches your skin.
"Your legs are so hot..." Ellie's heart beats even faster now that you're giving her this moment... your skin looks perfect and she doesn't want to stop touching you. "Can't take this anymore, I need to kiss you again... please, let me taste your lips once more… “ You kiss her again and start to unbutton her jeans. She starts moving her hands to your hips again, she wants to keep you close to her and to feel your body touching hers. Ellie loves that you unbutton her jeans, she can't wait to get her body on yours, it feels so perfect right now. she takes her jeans off not taking her eyes off of you. She's looking down at you, thinking about how this is happening for real.
"You're so amazing... I would do anything to be with you..." Ellie is losing herself in her feelings again, her body gets closer to yours, her hands now touching you, she wants to feel everything about you. You kiss her as you feel her body on yours. She is so warm, her skin is so soft. Ellie's heart is beating so fast she can't even breathe for a second, this moment is exactly what she's been imagining all day. Ellie's fingers move through your hair, her heart beats even faster but she can't stop smiling.
“I'm ready for more Ellie…” You say in a whisper. Ellie's mind is going to the next step, her body is feeling hot and she just wants to show you and feel you. "Oh, yes, I want to touch you, my love..." Ellie's fingers are moving along your body now. “You're mine..." She whispers in your ear.
You take off her sports bra and her chest is now bare.  Ellie's breathing stops when you take her sports bra off, her body is shaking with the idea of you touching her chest, of you touching her skin again. She's not only feeling hot and excited, she's also feeling happy. Ellie's eyes are still stuck to you, she looks like she's in paradise right now.
You let your hands travel up and down her body. Her breathing starts to get heavier as she feels your touch on her body again, your hands explore every inch of her and she's loving every second of it. There's no place Ellie wouldn't want you to touch, she feels so happy and loved. "Oh, yes... oh, my love... keep going..."
You kiss her neck gently. Ellie starts to shiver... your kiss on her neck is making her feel so happy and so loved. Ellie can't control it anymore, she needs you. You keep going and kiss her chest. Ellie's whole body shakes with excitement as you keep kissing her, her mind is lost in you. Ellie's eyes are glued to yours while you're doing this, she can't find more words to describe how much she loves you right now. You kiss her abbs. Ellie's abs are getting tense, your touch is driving her crazy. She can't believe this is happening, every minute now with you feels like the best moment. Ellie can't describe what she's feeling, but she knows she'd do anything for you... you belong to her and she belongs to you.
You come back up and kiss her, filled with desire. Ellie is breathing so heavily, her whole body is shaking. She can't be more excited to feel your desire for her. She looks straight into your eyes, wanting to see all of your affection. Her eyes shine so much with happiness, you're her whole world now. Ellie's lips are now ready for more, her tongue wants to touch yours again. She keeps kissing you, she doesn't want to stop this, your tongue is the sweetest she's ever tasted. She puts her hands on your hips, she wants you to feel how much her heart is racing and she wants it to race even more.  Ellie takes charge of the situation, your arms are around her body and she wants to make you feel all of her desire. Her body is close to yours, she's moving her head just to find your lips again with her lips. She just can't wait to feel your lips again and again, your tongue just keeps making her want more. Ellie's eyes are glued to you all the time, you're so perfect for her.
Ellie keeps kissing you, she doesn't want this to stop. She feels you and only you, she's so comfortable... These moments mean everything to her. Her hands are now moving along your body, her fingers have so much desire. You can feel her hand traveling down your stomach. Ellie just can't wait to show you more and more how much she wants you. Ellie's fingers move along your thighs, they're touching your skin once again and she can't get enough of it. There's no limit to how much she wants you, she's touching you slowly, caressing you with care until she's finally ready to go further. Your touch is making her heart beat so heavily, she just can't stay away from you.
"You feel so good... so hot and so perfect..." You look at her a little out of breath as you feel her touch on your inner thighs. Ellie can't take her eyes away from yours, it's like she was made for you and she'll do anything for you. She loves how you look at her, like you only wanted her. Her touch on your inner thighs is getting closer to where you want it to be, she has so much desire to taste all of your body. She looks like she'd die if she didn't kiss your lips one more time or feel your skin touching hers.
You can feel her finger run through the hem of your underwear. Ellie's heart is feeling so full right now, she doesn't care about anything else but you, her body and her mind are yours. You let her take your underwear off. She holds your panties and sees how soaked they were already. "You're so hot right now,... so hot... you're mine…”
“I'm yours Ellie…” you say looking at her.
"You're all mine..." Ellie's voice sounds deep and filled with lust. You can feel your core heating up just from her voice. Ellie feels so much desire right now, she wants to do everything with you, she can't stop thinking about how amazing this moment is. Her eyes are glued to your body, she's feeling so attached to you and it feels so amazing, like she just can't let you go.
Ellie can't describe all of the feelings she's having, her body is shaking and her heart is beating so fast. Your touch is making it easier for her to feel even more attached to you, she just can't describe how much she loves you. Your body is touching hers and she can't think about anything else.
Ellie's face is so red when you moan, that sound… her mind was lost in your body. You're making her feel so much love, so much desire and so much happiness... no one in the world can take her away from you. Your kiss is so sweet, she's feeling so much love and happiness as she keeps going. The feeling of your lips touching her is the most amazing experience she's ever had. She just can't believe this is happening, she has never felt so much of this before. Your lips are so perfect to her, she can't even describe how much she wants to be with you. Ellie's eyes look at you, like she wants you all the time. She wants to have more of you. Her words are getting lost in your kiss, she just wants to share all of the love she feels for you.
You start making out more passionately. The both of you start moaning into the kiss,, Ellie caresses your thighs slowly as she makes her way to your cunt. As soon as she feels your wetness, she smirks and she starts getting fuelled purely by desire. She starts moving her fingers causing you to moan more and her pupils go wide. Her kisses are getting slopier as she continues to touch you. You can feel her slender fingers massaging your clit faster and you can't stop the moans from coming out of your mouth. She is getting drunk to your every sound. She breaks the kiss for a bit and kisses down your neck to your chest and breasts. She swears she has never seen prettier tits than yours. She sucks on your nipples and gently bites one of them as she looks up to see your reaction. her fingers are starting to move faster and faster, making you go crazy. You arch your back as she continues. She seems happy with herself and her skills. After a few minutes she starts prodding at your entrance. You just keep feeling hotter by the second, your face is so red at this point. She slowly inserts her middle finger in your hole until she's knuckle deep inside you. The moans of your making are music to her ears. She starts pumping it in and out of you, looking down at your pussy as she watches it swallow her finger.  “Fuck…” She mutters under her breath.
You just close your eyes in pleasure and pure ecstasy. She slowly inserts a second finger and moans to herself as she feels it go inside your tight hole. She comes down to kiss you as she starts picking up her pace. In between kisses and moans she asks you, “You like that princess?...” All you can do is nod and look into her eyes. She starts going faster and faster until you start feeling that familiar sensation forming in your stomach. She breaks the kiss and just looks at your fucked up face to see you cumm on her fingers. You can feel your orgasm washing over you and your legs shaking. She bites her bottom lip as she watches you. She feels like she's on cloud nine. As she sees she's close to overstimulating you, she starts slowing down before eventually stopping. She brings the fingers that she just used to fuck you whith, to her mouth so she can suck every drop of your cum off of them. after that she kisses you so you can feel your own taste on her tongue. She feels like she's in a trance.
“That was so good Ells…” You say panting. She looks at you with a mischievous look in her eyes. She comes closer and whispers in your ear, “I have a surprise for you… Don't move, I'll be right back…” She gets up and goes to her closet and picks up a black box. She then comes back to bed and sits next to you. You have no idea what is inside the box and are a bit nervous to be honest. She opens the box and reveals a strap-on she bought with the intention to be used only on you. Your eyes go wide and your heart races. But you can't deny that you're getting more excited by the second.
She gets up and puts it on looking at you. She really wants to make you feel good but she also want to fuck you into oblivion. You look up at her biting your bottom lip as she gets on the bed and gets in between your open legs. She comes down and kisses you gently. “Are you ready baby?” She smiles mischievously looking you in the eyes. You can only nod as your breathing is getting faster, when you feel the tip touching your pussy. She grabs the base and teases you with it rubbing it on your clit. You moan a bit and her pupils get blown. She then lines it up to your entrance and looks you in the eyes. She slowly pushes it in. It hurt a bit at first but after a few seconds you can feel your hole getting used to the size and she pushes it even further. Her smile grows wider as she pushes into you. Every tiny sound you make just makes her want you more.
She starts moving her hips slowly, pulling and pushing it inside you. It feels so good that  all you can do is close your eyes and hold on to her back, almost digging your nails on her skin. As she feels your nails she starts going faster and faster. You start getting louder and it only makes her want to fuck you harder. Her pace is now fast and she doesn't intend on stopping anytime soon. Everytime she pushes it inside you, it bumps deliciously into her clit, making her moan. She holds your jaw with one of her hands so you look at her while she stuffs you. “Fuck… Such a good girl taking my cock…” You look at her as you feel her going faster. She pulls out for a moment making you moan. She then quickly turns you on your stomach and pulls your hips up. This takes you by surprise as you feel her ramming her cock into you, full force making you gasp. She starts fucking you hard and you swear you could see stars. It feels so good. She keeps going, slapping your ass as she goes. You wince a bit in pain but you can't deny that you are loving this. She pushes your face in to the mattress with one hand as the other grabs your hip so she can fuck you right. You're just a mess of moans right now. All you can hear is Ellie mumbling under her breath some “Fucks and good girls”. After a few minutes she lets go of your face and pulls you by your hair so your back is to her chest as she fucks you, her other hand holding you in place. she whispers in your ear, “Are you going to be a good girl and let me fuck you until i cum, hum?” You keep moaning as she fucks you harder. She pushes you face back down into the mattress and holds you there. “Take it like a good girl, you're mine now…. youre gonna take what i give you…” She says in a deep voice in between moans. Ellie can feel her own orgasm approaching which only makes her want to fuck you even harder. Shes going to fuck you dumb until you cant speak anymore. You can hear her as she moans louder, you know she is about to cum. She goes harder as if it were possible. “I'm gonna cum baby… I'm gonna cum… i… I'm cumming…” She lets out as her orgasm washes over her. You cant even form words right now, she just made you come so many times while she was fucking you just now. You feel like you're in heaven. 
Ellie starts slowing down, she pulls out of you carefully and lets go of your head. She takes the strap off and sets it to the side to be washed later. She lays beside you in bed giving you gentle kisses wrapping her arms around you. “I love you so much… “ She says in your ear, " I'm never letting you go.” The two of you eventually fall asleep holding each other and you couldn't feel happier. You don't want Ellie to ever let you go ever again
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
ok hi you know this is coming :))
so could i have a uhhh… 12 casey with a side of him realising he has feelings for y/n and an added he’s never had a crush before so he doesn’t know wtf is happening.
thank you ilysm <33333
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Hello there lovely~!! I hope you enjoy this one!
|| ᴡᴇɪʀᴅ || 2ᴋ12! ᴄᴀꜱᴇʏ ᴊᴏɴᴇꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ||
“Chill out, sweetheart. It’s just a hockey puck.” 
“You almost broke my nose!” You all but yell, eyes narrowed into a glare. You’re practically hugging the wall beside you, having flinched away at the hockey puck Casey Jones had sent ricocheting off the goalpost in the ice rink.
He slides up to where you sit, the wall divider separating him from your frustrated punch. You sigh in defeat, picking up the hockey puck when your racing heart calms and tossing it back to him. 
You grab the textbooks next to you, rearranging them with a few pieces of paper with math equations scribbled on them. Casey eyes it with disdain, leaning onto the divider. 
“C’mon, you need to study. You have a test coming up soon.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he rolls his eyes at your anxious expression, “I’ll ace the quiz, no problem.” You cross your arms at this statement, looking at him with deadpan eyes. You don’t believe a single word of it; his past history of bad grades only proves otherwise.
“Trust me! I’ll be fine. In fact, I should be rewarded for how good I’m gonna ace it.” His lips quirk up into a lazy smirk. You straighten your back. 
“A bet? Interesting. What do you think should be your reward, though?” Your question stumps him, and Casey’s lips purse in thought.
What should he ask for? A free meal? A date? What would be something only you could give that wasn’t too outrageous?
“A kiss.” The decision tumbles past his lips before he can process it, and he’s about to laugh it off, but the way you grimace only makes his smirk grow. To his surprise, however, you nod with a roll of your eyes. 
“Sure,” You snort, “If you get an A on the quiz, I’ll give you a kiss.” You were confident he wouldn’t be able to ever get that high of a grade, so your lips were safe and remained unkissed. 
“Shake on it?” He holds out his gloved hand, and you grab it firmly, a smug grin on your lips. You pump your hand up and down, sealing the deal.
— — — — — — — — 
Casey groans in frustration, hunched over his messy desk. Scrunched-up wads of paper fill his table, some scattered on the floor. He slumps down with a sigh onto the open textbook, cheek squished against the paper and fiddling with his pencil. 
Why was he working so hard anyway? It wasn’t like he wanted that kiss for real or anything. 
He recalls your smug grin, almost taunting. He sits back upright with a scowl. He’d show you! He was Casey Jones, the saviour of New York City and soon to be the highest scorer in class! He’d prove you wrong and get that kiss from you, picturing your surprised face and the frustrated scowl on your smooth, pink lips.
Yeah, he’d prove you wrong.
— — — — — — — — 
The bell rings, signalling the end of the test paper. He heads off to lunch in a daze. He was pretty sure he nailed most of the questions, save for the trick one at the end. He’d do alright, wouldn’t he?
Yeah, he’d get an ‘A’ easily.
“Nervous?” He’s snapped out of his thoughts when you nudge him gently, having queued up beside him. He picks up the last mini parfait in front of you both, absentmindedly setting it down on your tray without as much of a glance. You like parfaits, he recalls, having shown up to many tutoring sessions with you snacking on one.
He misses the flicker of surprise in your eyes, your gaze softening when you realize he noticed and even remembered your favourite dessert. 
He turns to face you, surprised when he sees your dyed hair. “Woah! Nice highlights!” He remarks, and your cheeks blossom pink from embarrassment. He smiles widely at the sight. 
“Thanks. I just wanted to try something new, I guess.” You fiddle with the ends of your hair, looking away. He wants to add how good the colour looks on you, but the words die in his throat once your friends call you away.
“Hey, good luck on that test. Even if you don’t get an A, you’ll definitely have improved from the last one.” You add before walking away, a genuine smile on your lips. 
He chooses to forego his unsaid compliment, grinning widely. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He watches you walk away with the tray in your hands, sitting down with your usual group. He almost walks into a wall, stumbling back just in time and tearing his gaze away from where he’s watching you laugh. Were your eyes always this bright?
— — — — — — — — 
Casey holds the piece of paper, gulping before turning it around. He opens his eyes, having subconsciously squeezed them shut in anticipation. A large ‘A’ is circled on the top next to his name, and he whoops in delight.
The teacher frowns at him, and he quickly shuts up and sits back in his seat. He’s practically vibrating in his chair, adrenaline and excitement coursing through his veins. He couldn’t wait to show you and rub the result in your face while gloating. And, of course, the kiss!
The kiss?
He pauses. Why had that been what he was most excited for?
Of course, he was excited about the kiss. It was what you had bet on, after all, he reasons. But a slight feeling nags him in the corner of his mind, unable to pinpoint exactly what was so odd.
It’s not like he has a crush on you or anything. That’d be weird. You’re just his tutor, after all. It’d be bizarre if he did. That’s why he doesn’t have a crush on you.
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rpstartersinc · 2 years
* 𝐇𝐁𝐎'𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐎𝐅  𝐔𝐒  /  𝐄𝐏  𝟑,  𝟒  &  𝟓.
feel free to change pronouns / wording!
“ want your jacket back? ”
“ never been in the woods. more bugs than i thought. ”
“ i don’t want your sorries. ”
“ i wasn’t gonna say i’m sorry. ”
“ nobody made you go along with this plan. ”
“ don’t blame me for something that isn’t my fault. ”
“ what are you looking out for? ”
“ is it something lame, like you fell down the stairs or something? ”
“ someone shot at me and missed. ”
“ i gotta grab some stuff i stashed. ”
“ you ask a lot of goddamn questions. ”
“ i had a friend who knew everything about this game. ”
“ there’s this one character named mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones! ”
“ ah, getting funnier. ”
“ dude, you got to go up in the sky! ”
“ so everything came crashing down in one day? ”
“ if you have to get bit to be infected, then who bit the first person? ”
“ there’s stuff up there you shouldn’t see. ”
“ well now i have to see. ”
“ whatever it was, think it’s gone. ”
“ dead people can’t be infected. ”
“ it doesn’t get old. ”
“ i’m not infected! ”
“ why did you take that long to answer? ”
“ i thought about lying for some reason, but the reason didn’t come. ”
“ i’m letting you go, so go. ”
“ if i feed you, then every bum you talk to about it is gonna show up here looking for a free lunch. ”
“ you already know i’m bad at lying. ”
“ everything tastes good when you’re starving. ”
“ i know i don’t seem like the type. ”
“ would you stop!? ”
“ paying attention to things, it’s how we show love. ”
“ there are no friends to be had. ”
“ i’ve actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio. ”
“ aren’t i the lucky one? ”
“ i got something to show you. ”
“ i like you older. older means we’re still here. ”
“ i was never afraid before you showed up. ”
“ took most of the night. i’m exhausted. ”
“ i’ve had more good days with you than with anyone else. ”
“ i should be furious. ”
“ you hear anything, you see anything, yell. ”
“ so they’re dead? ”
“ i used to hate the world, and i was happy when everyone died. but i was wrong, because there was one person worth saving. ”
“ we have a job to do, and god help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. ”
“ we can just keep our histories to ourselves. ”
“ you do what i say when i say it. ”
“ they have hot water! i’m taking a shower, and then you’re showering, because seriously - pffff. ”
“ well don’t you look pretty. ”
“ it’s like a spaceship. ”
“ gas breaks down over time, this stuff’s almost water. ”
“ it doesn’t matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationary. ”
“ what did the mermaid wear to her math class? an algae bra. ”
“ i stayed up all night wondering where the sun went, and then it dawned on me. ”
“ this make you all nostalgic? ”
“ hold your horses, i wanna see what all the fuss is about. ”
“ why are all these pages stuck together? ”
“ can we start a fire? i’m freezing. ”
“ no one’s gonna find us. ”
“ if you don’t think there’s hope for the world, why bother going on? ”
“ i’m not even tired. ”
“ i’m all turned around. ”
“ this is my second day in a fucking car, man! ”
“ you’re not hurt? ”
“ you don’t come out until i say, okay? ”
“ my mom isn’t far, if you could get me to her. ”
“ you can have it. ”
“ you don’t have to! ”
“ i can’t fit through. ”
“ i was alone. ”
“ you were wronged, and i’m sorry. ”
“ they put a gun to my head! ”
“ have i satisfied the necessary conditions for you to talk? ”
“ you think i won’t do it? ”
“ i didn’t hear that guy coming. ”
“ you’re just a kid. ”
“ i know what it’s like, the first time that you hurt someone like that. ”
“ i’m not good at this. ”
“ you shouldn’t have had to, and i’m sorry. ”
“ it wasn’t my first time. ”
“ you put it in your pack, you’ll shoot your damn ass off. ”
“ we’ll get through this. ”
“ let’s just handle what we have to handle. we can deal with this after. ”
“ where would you be without me, huh? ”
“ how did you know it was an ambush? ”
“ i’ve been on both sides. ”
“ we did what we needed to survive. ”
“ did you kill innocent people? ”
“ i don’t want someone sneaking up on us while we’re sleeping. ”
“ i don’t wanna talk about it. ”
“ so it gets easier when you get older? ”
“ did you know diarrhoea is hereditary? yeah, it runs in your jeans. ”
“ you laughed, motherfucker! ”
“ look at me, not at that. ”  
“ i used to be so scared of these people. ”  
“ did it make you feel safe? ”  
“ how does it make you feel now? ”  
“ i swear, i’ve told you everything i know. ”  
“ he won’t be talking. ”  
“ why go to the trouble? you can kill yourself right here. ”
“ do i look scared? ”  
“ i’ve been watching them, i know their patterns. ”  
“ we don’t wanna hurt you, we wanna help you. ”  
“ if i lower my gun, we didn’t hurt you, so you don’t hurt us, right? ”
“ that’s a weird fucking tone, man. ”  
“ that’s just the way he sounds, he has an asshole voice. ”
“ i’m gonna trust you. ”  
“ you know what happens when you do that to people? the moment they get a chance, they do it right back to you. ”
“ never killed anyone. ”  
“ pointing an unloaded gun at you was the closest i’ve ever come to being violent. ”
“ that’s my dicey-as-fuck plan. ”  
“ your dad’s kind of a pessimist. ”  
“ he’s not my dad. ”  
“ i’m not her dad. ”  
“ endure and survive. ”  
“ i wasn’t exactly telling you the truth, before. ”  
“ i am the bad guy because i did a bad guy thing. ”  
“ we’re not doing so good. ”  
“ have you been back to the room you grew up in? ”  
“ he would be horrified by the things i’ve done. ”  
“ this is what happens when you fuck with fate. ”  
“ are you ever scared? ”  
“ i’m scared all the time. ”  
“ i’m scared of ending up alone. ”  
“ if you turn into a monster, is it still you inside? ”  
“ stay awake with me. ”  
“ gimme the gun. ”  
“ what did i do? ”  
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lala1267 · 1 year
Is it wrong? (Part 3)
Summary: Finally accepted her feelings.
Warnings: Age gap, mentions of Lolita's naked body, Lolita in a bra and panties.
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As the weeks flew by, their love only grew. Their souls fused together like chemical compounds, and their personalities were radiating off eachover. Lolita was a daisy fresh girl who brought light to anyone around her whilst Elvis was a sexy dark void with an alluring magnetic field. She was his little baby doll, and he was her Mr Rock n' Roll.
Lolita sat on the wooden chair. Her thighs stook to the glazed surface due to the heat, and her hair was frizzy. Her rose cheeks were warm, and her pink kissable lips were plush. Her big eyes scanned the book that was placed on her wooden desk. All she saw were scrambled letters and constilations that contorted into weird shapes. Her attention was torn from her book and onto the lady who stood in the doorway. It was a member of staff with a yellow note in her hand. Her heels sounded against the glazed wooden floor with each step she took. She stood next to Lolita's desk before placing the folded note on her book. Lolita's doll eyes stared down at it.
"A man came into the office and told us to give this to you."
The lady said before leaving.
"Hey baby, I would like you to come to my show tonight if you're free. It starts at 8.30pm. Looking forward to seeing your pretty face my love.
-Elvis P"
A large grin attacked Lolita's face as her feet swung from her chair. She looked around the classroom at all of the confused faces. She quickly turned a light shade of red before reading her book again.
She sat in her after school maths club that her mother signed her up for. She hated it since she was terrible at maths. She just stared at the white booklet before placing her pencil down and closing the booklet. She just daydreamed of Elvis until the club ended.
Lolita walked home from school along the pavement. Her skirt bounced up and down along her thighs as her hair swayed from side to side. She had a sheepish grin plastered on her pretty face at the thought of Elvis performing on the big stage. The thought of his figure prancing around on stage like a ghost. She jumped slightly at a large crashing sound that was followed by a long lighting bolt that stretched across the grey sky. Rain began to pour down on her like a water fall. It hit her soft skin like bullets, drowning her poor body. She let out an aggitated scream before running to find shelter. Her little legs moved as fast as they could. She ran into an alleyway as the cold rainwater showered her. Her black school shoes were drowning in puddles. She quickly stood under a small canopy that was above a random door that led to the unknown.
She yelled as she looked down at her soaked body. Her eyes widened at the sight of her white top wich was now completely see through.
"Oh my god!"
She yelled as she stomped her foot on the damp porch. Her fists clenched as she grinded her white teeth.
Minutes passed, then hours, but she was still under that same canopy waiting for the rain to stop. She pulled her hand up to check her watch, which was also drenched.
She screeched in suprise. She needed to get going, or she would be late. She looked into the distance of the angry storm. Without thinking, she began to sprint in the cold rain that drenched her. Her long wet hair stuck to her see-through white top as her wet skirt stuck to her soft thighs. Her feet felt numb and cold as a puddle of water broke into them. She ran until she saw a telephone box. She exelerated towards it, and she grasped the red telephone. She quickly dialled in her mothers number and awaited for her to pick up.
"Momma, it's me. I won't be home for ages since I have to go to Elvis's show and I am soaked."
"Well you better get there quick before you drown."
Her mother said sarcastically with a chuckle. Lolita rolled her big eyes before speaking again.
"Ok, love ya."
She hung up the phone. Her eyes looked at the rainy distance before taking a deep breath. She ran into the rain. She didn't stop. She needed to get to that show. She looked like a ghostly schoolgirl who haunted the poisonous storms. She was a misty mistress in the empty wet street.
She arrived at the entrance of the stadium and checked her watch.
She read before a sad sigh escaped her mouth. Guilt filled her insides when she thought of Elvis. He really wanted her to come, and she showed up late, ridiculous. She did the walk of shame to the grand doors that held all of the magic on the other side. Big tall security men stood beside the gates of heaven.
"You're a bit late lil girl."
They teased before they laughed amongst themselves. Lolita just rolled her eyes before entering. She looked at the thousands of people who occupied the thousands of seats. She desperately searched for a free seat in the endless croud. The only free seat was all the way at the back, but it was better than nothing. She walked towards the seat, leaving a trail of water behind her. She sat beside a rather tall woman who looked at her with disapproval. Lolita's face turned pink as she looked down to the floor that was now wet. She could feel a pool of water form in her seat.
Her beady eyes watched Elvis dance and sing, but from her view, he just looked like a white dot that was moving. He was like a white comp sequin jumpsuit ghost that haunted the stadium with his alluring voice. His body jolted and thrusted. It was almost unearthly. The bright stage lights lit his lean figure up, so he looked like a white angel with an angelic voice. Women around Lolita cheered, screamed, cried, and even passed out. Lolita desperately moved her head from the hands that were flying in front of her.
She hadn't sat down for very long since she was late. The crowd applauded before standing up and gradually leaving.
Lolita stood up and ran towards the backstage area. She pushed past the eager girls and the elderly women who screamed her lover's name. She felt the guilt and shame grow inside of her as she got closer towards the door. Her hand landed on the metal handle. She stood there for a second and looked back at the thousands of women who were rushing behind her to get a glimpse of Elvis backstage. She quickly opened the door and slammed it shut before the sound of women's screams seeped through the door. She looked around the room with many staff members and members of the Memphis Mafia. She walked over to Jerry, who was talking to an unknown person. Her small finger tapped his shoulder. Her finger left a wet mark on his smart suit. His head turned to look down at her as his light brown feather hair moved. Her doll eyes looked up at him as she grabbed her elbow with one hand.
"Do you know where Elvis is?"
She asked innocently.
"Oh, I think he's in the changing room right over there."
He said as his long finger pointed towards a door with Elvis's name engraved into it. Lolita smiled slightly before walking towards the door. She slowly opened it to see Elvis changing into his normal clothes.
"Don't you have any fucking manners? what happened to nocking!?"
He yelled with his back faced to her. Her heart sank as she heard him raise his voice at her. A puddle of sadness formed inside of her as her cheeks flushed pink. Her hand moved down to the hem of her wet skirt that was making a puddle of rainwater beneath her.
She said quietly as her now watery eyes looked down at the floor. Elvis's head instantly whipped around to look at his baby that stood in the doorway. His angry look softened when he saw her face. His black velvety dark void eyes unfolded into a core of softness and tenderness. He quickly pulled his pants up before rushing over to her and hugging her tightly. His musky fragrance radiated off his body as her vanilla peach scent travled through the air.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to shou-"
He stopped his sentence when he felt her dripping wet clothes sink into his. He pulled away from her and looked her up and down with his hawaii blue eyes.
"What happened? You're soaking."
He asked as a chuckle escaped from his lips.
"It was raining, that's why I was i late."
Lolita said, and she squeezed some water out of her shirt that was still see-through. She was a mess of gorgeous chaos.
"I better get ya a change of clothes. Don't want no perves looking at your t shirt."
He said as he looked at her visible pink bra. His large hand moved up to cup her chubby cheeks. He squeezed them like a toy as he giggled.
"Follow me."
He said as he grasped her cold damp hand. She was as cold as a corpse that was covered with dirt and bugs. She walked with him until they reached a wardrobe. The initials 'E.P.' were ingraved into the glazed oak wood. Elvis rummaged through the dozens of clothes that were stored there. He pulled out a pair of navy blue shorts and a black shirt. He handed them over to Lolita, who looked down at the items in her hands with horror in her eyes.
"Any girl clothes?"
She asked as she looked up to him.
"Well, I don't bring any girls here, so I don't have any girl clothes."
He said. Lolita looked at him with a mischievous grin.
"I find that hard to believe."
"The only girl I want is you, and you know that."
He said as he tucked a wet strand of her hair behind her ear. She smiled as her dimpled cheeks turned pink. Lolita placed the clothes on the cold floor before looking to Elvis. Elvis nodded before he began to unbutton her drenched school shirt. He looked down at her wet breasts that were unfortunately covered by a baby pink bra with white frills. He crouched down. His big veiny hands played with a button on her wet skirt before pulling it down. Trickles of rainwater travled down her sun-kissed thighs as he pulled the skirt off. He then lifted one of her legs up to pull her black shoe and the white sock from her leg before repeating to the other. He picked up the school uniform that was now drenching itself on the cold floor.
He stood up to look at her figure. Her perfectly moulded breasts that were just mature enough, and her collarbones were like twigs spread from the base of her throat to the ends of her shoulders. Her ribcage was trapping the dozens of colourful flowers and butterflies that found peace inside of her small perfect body. She looked soft like a Holy Flower. Her body looked as if it was carved out of the finest marble and studded with ballroom diamonds. In this state, cold, wet, and gloomy, she looked ethereal and almost ghostly. Her winter lips were carved out of stone as her hourglass waist looked like something out of a magazine. It looked as if the stars resided in her eyes, bright constilations graced her cheeks, and fairy dust was trapped in her feral hair that seeped over her shoulders. Her white dove panties that had pink lace attached to sertain areas, giving her corpse look a sort of innocence to it. Her thighs that were chubby and legs that were skinny made a spark arise in Elvis, who was admiring her ghostly body that looked as fragile as a dandelion.
Her kissable lips moved as bright stars spilt from them. Elvis was snapped out of his alternate universe with a click of Lolita's small fingers. Her charming eyes looked up into his dark blues.
She said as he waved her hand infront of his face.
He asked as he looked at her mystical self.
"You were like frozen for a good thirty seconds. Are you feeling alright?"
She said as her small hand landed on the fragile satin fabric of his shirt.
"I'm ok. Now, you should get dressed."
He said as he ushered her to pick the mens clothes from the floor.
She stood behind the dresser curtain. She pulled the wet garments from her naked body that glistened in the orange lamp light. She slipped on the thin fabric shirt and the oversized shorts. Her hard nipples pocked through the fabric of the shirt. She squeezed the rainwater from her wet tangled locks. She pushed the curtain aside to walk over to Elvis, who sat on a bench, reading a book. His eyes shifted up to Lolita. She seemed more alive. Her dimpled cheeks and ruby-red lips lit up the atmosphere. She walked over to her drenched school bag that rested on the bench beside Elvis. Her small hands opened it before rummaging through the wet notebooks.
"Ugh, all of my school stuff of wet and ruined."
She said as her eyes lit up with angry tears. Elvis looked at her. He saw her tears forming as she continued to rummage through the bag.
"I'll buy ya some new things, baby."
He said in his southern drawl. Lolita's baby face lit up. Her pretty smile resembled the moon's crescent.
"Oh, thankyou Elvis!"
She said excitedly. Her voice, like that of a pricesses. Glowing red rose petals escaped from her mouth to let her angelic voice echoe.
She pulled out a small glass bottle that contained a pale pink liquid. She sprayed it on the clothes she wore. The perfume she had sprayed invaded Elvis's nostrils. It reminded him of a warm hawaiian breeze with freshly picked roses with a hint of vintage cherry cola. She walked over to Elvis, and she moved his book from his lap before filling the empty space with her fragile body. Elvis cradled her with his big arms. He played with her caramel blonde hair that had stars entwined in the spiralled curls. His hot chest warmed her cold body.
They walked out of the backstage doors and into the pale moonlight. Elvis walked her over to a large black car with tinted windows. He opened the door to reveal the Memphis Mafia. Lolita waved shyly before Elvis closed the door.
"I'm guessing you want to sit in the front with me."
Elvis said with a childish grin plastered on his handsome face that was lit up by the moonlight. She shook her head before Elvis opened the passenger door for her to climb in.
They drove along the dim empty road. They passed the coble road and began to drive past bright city lights.
"This isn't the way to my home, Elvis."
She said with her furrowed brows.
"Oh, my home."
He said as his eyes looked at the road.
"But my momma, she doesn't know where I am."
"Don't worry, we can call your momma when we get to Graceland."
He said as he looked at little Lolita through his long black eyelashes. Lolita smiled slightly as she looked out of the tinted window. She stared at the bright city lights that flew by as she finally accepted the fact that she was in love with Elvis. She was in love with a man old enough to be her dad. She was in love with Priscilla's husband, Lisa's father...
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Sanders Sides as things as things I’ve said/heard Part Two
now with added colour!
part one
as always, feel free to use these as incorrect quotes for other things, just tag me
Virgil: doing a captcha I’m not a robot, I’m just stupid
Virgil: Hey, what are we doing?
Remus: I don’t know what we’re doing, but I did your mom!
Roman: Why do I say so much stupid stuff?
Logan: How do I say this…
Janus: You are stupid, Roman.
Roman: What comes before October? Oh, right! August!
Logan: sigh It’s September…
Patton: Thoughts on math?
Logan: Ah I quite like it.
Remus: I eat the math numbers (:
Virgil: We’ve been apart for so long…
Janus: But now we’re together!
Virgil: It’s horrible.
(don’t worry he’s just being a goof)
Virgil: Well, canon divergence is—
Janus: Actually, it’s neurodivergence.
Patton: Remember that time we thought there was a monster in the closet?
Roman: I was in the closet once.
Roman: He tried killing me!
Janus: Good.
Patton: I’ve got a Ziploc bag!
Remus: You could put baby hands in there!
Virgil: Attached or…?
Remus: Does anyone have a cleaver?
Virgil: Ah, he’s living my dream
Virgil: Exactly
Virgil: I think Roman’s coming down with some updog…
Patton: oblivious What’s updog?
Virgil: Nothing! What’s up with you, dog?
Patton: Does loneliness count?
Patton: Knitting’s only a loud hobby when I yell in anguish!
Janus: So… all the time, then?
Roman: Oh yeah, we were having a sword fight. Except he didn’t have a sword.
Virgil: I think that’s just assault…
Roman: And so, you’ll throw the ball like this. Throws it wrong. Not like that.
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ THE OUTER WORLDS / PART TWO always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
"Every now and then a virulent plague sweeps through our town."
"Hang on, I'm doing some math in my head."
"I'm contractually prohibited from saying anything that might reflect poorly on the company."
"I appreciate the company and all, but you really ought to leave."
"You don't want to be seen around me."
"That kind of talk is bound to put sights on the both of us."
"I'm in about as much trouble as I can be."
"What I need is to understand my own folly."
"Weak spirits lead to weak bodies."
"I really wish you wouldn't say those sorts of things."
"Try using small words for me."
"I was given. no forewarning of your arrival."
"Seems I allowed my excitement to run away with my wits."
"I am most emphatically not keen on any such thing."
"My proposition benefits the both of us."
"I cannot deny that she is talented."
"I got my wrenches and diagnositicators and hairpins and engine tape, so I'm all set."
"He ain't a liar. He believes every word he says."
"I just think, when you gotta make a decision that'll hurt somebody, you gotta see the right and the wrong of it."
"I've always felt weird in here. It's too clean."
"I so rarely get new people to talk to."
"True exhaustion awaits idle hands."
"Doesn't sound like a very motivational religious philosophy."
"Pretty weak religion you got there."
"Every time I've tried to engage you in conversation, you look at the floor, answer in single words, and slink away."
"[Name] has a soft heart. Always has."
"Does that strike you as a responsible life choice?"
"If it were as easy as a few soothing words in the right ears, I'm sure it would have been done already."
"If you don't mind a bit of unsolicited advice, be cautious."
"It's not as safe as you might assume."
"It wouldn't do for such information to fall into public consumption."
"I am one of the few legally allowed to possess such items."
"Whatever you're looking for, it ain't here."
"You must be one of those philosophicals."
"Enough with the questions."
"Explain why you're still yammering on to me."
"I got yelled at for snooping once already."
"She was always obsessing over her serial dramas."
"You seem so personable. Can't imagine how you didn't get on with them."
"She was lazy and thoughtless."
"It's a home for those of us with nowhere left to go."
"I have always believed that freedom is more important than comfort."
"You here on behalf of that cold-eyed reptile?"
"He is positively soporific."
"Seems the sort of thing a hero would do."
"You've seen the miserable excuse of a town."
"I ain't so fragile."
"That was unkind of me."
"I trust you will listen to your conscience."
"I think there's something higher and greater than us."
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abbcube · 1 year
seeing the words Not In The Groove in your comment made me gasp irl i love that game its such a damn banger
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have this gif its funny i think
Always happy to see another NotITG fan! It's truly criminal how few people know about this game. And I've been meaning to learn the chart in that gif for a while. Maybe soon 🤔
Also, this means I now have an excuse to yell about this game to the sorry fools who made the mistake of following me. So...
(Moderate photosensitivity warning btw, this stuff can get spicy for the eyes)
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I now get the chance to talk about a game I feel exceedingly n̸͓̒̍o̶̹̿͠r̷͚͇͗m̴͈͒̐a̸̝͉̒ĺ̶̹̹̆about.
What's NotITG??
Not In The Groove, or NotITG/nITG for short, is a rhythm game with some of the craziest & most creative visuals you'll ever see. It's an extravaganza of colors, music, and lots and lots of arrows. Words don't do it justice though, so here's an example:
(HiTECH NINJA - Technician's High)
(Chart by Exschwasion + Tetaes)
Whoa, what the fuck was that? Is that even readable?
Yes it is, I promise! It just takes some practice. These are made to be not only doable, but completely feasible to read & learn. They wouldn't be fun otherwise. It's also not nearly as bad as it looks at first glance, especially if you know what sort of stuff you should be looking out for.
In fact, here are some things that can make it a little easier to parse:
The colors of the arrows are indicative of the timing (reds are on quarter notes, blues are eighth notes, greens are sixteenth notes, etc). This means it's possible to identify the rhythm of a song even if you've never heard it before.
If visual effects are getting particularly crazy, it can be helpful to read ahead and quickly memorize a "chunk" of notes to play while your vision is impaired, picking back up when the screen is clearer.
Charts (the arrows for a given song) are made to be played on a dance pad, with your feet. Furthermore, any half-decent chart commits to having good flow (or posture) meaning that the patterns you see are made to be "stepped" through with alternating* feet. This vastly limits the number of possible patterns that can be thrown at you. So if you happen to lose your place while reading the chart, it's very feasible to infer what the next few steps will be, giving you a chance to recover.
(*depending on the song, a chart may have you hit the same step multiple times with the same foot. There are other exceptions too but that could warrant its own section entirely)
If you want a way better explanation of this stuff, some prominent devs in the community did a great job covering all of it during the game's exhibition during AGDQ2022!
This looks completely and utterly insane, there's no way I'd ever be able to play this!
That's where you're wrong, bucko! They aren't all made to be difficult! There are plenty of easier charts out there to learn the basics on & get your bearings. Some of my favorites include:
(Chroma - Phantom Train Journey)
(Chart by Kaypooma)
(Sakuzyo - Altale)
(Chart by PlasticRainbow + mrcool909090)
How do these even get made?
Good old programming! Also math. Lots and lots of math. You wanna make the arrow follow a funny path? Time to learn what a spline is. Want to make a circle? Hope you were paying attention in trig class, because it's time to break out the radians.
In all seriousness, I have nothing but the highest respect for the people that make charts for NotITG. Every single one of them is a culmination of music, art, programming, math, animation, visual design, game design, psychology, kinesiology and so, so much more. It's genuinely dizzying how multitalented these people are.
I'm interested in these man-made horrors beyond my comprehension! Where can I play this game?
You can download it from the game's website: noti.tg. It's free! Completely! There is no way to spend money on it. You'll just have to live with the fact that you can't give these talented creators your money.
I'd also recommend joining the game's discord (noti.tg/discord). They're incredibly helpful & friendly, just don't be a jerk :p. It should have some good information & resources for when you're starting out.
I feel like I've barely even scratched the surface of what makes this game special. I could probably make a whole other post rambling about the lore of UKSRT and the effect that's had on me, but this post is long enough as is.
If there's even one person who read this far, thank you for listening to the ramblings of a madman obsessed with a funny little arrow game! ❤️
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fingerless-glovez · 4 months
Mori Yurei School Uniform Vignette: "Just To Hold Me Over"
Synopsis: Mori is hungry during passing period, but lunch is still a whole period away. Frankly, he’ll take anything as long as he can eat it…
Interior Hallway
“Finally… Enigmics really knows how to give you a headache. Definitely doesn’t help that Sebek yelled at me the whole time…”
Mori sighed as the bell finally rang, happy to finally be free from class. Of all the new classes he needed to get used to, the math classes were by far his least favorite. He very much preferred the science classes, where something happened whether you got the formula right or wrong, and any specific mistakes could be traced back to a certain measurement. Plus, in science, he had ingredients and equipment to cycle through and keep his focus, rather than staring at a paper for almost an hour writing the same formula with different numbers over and over and over again.
With math, Mori just couldn’t wrap his head around all the numbers and formulas which just led to more numbers that he didn’t know the purpose of. He didn’t feel he was gaining anything from figuring out the way numbers and curvy lines on a grid represented one thing or another, nor did he feel smarter for adding and multiplying a jumble of numbers and letter variables before dividing them and figuring out exactly what number each letter was supposed to be. And as if that didn’t fry his brain enough, he sat in the back of the class right next to the loudest person in the freshman population. Mori liked Sebek, and appreciated that he was trying to help him out since he was really good at this stuff, but Great Seven, was he one tough tutor! More often than not, Mori would be struggling to understand a question and put the formula together correctly, and Sebek’s way of remedying that was to repeat the steps with increasing volume until he could get back on track.
Before he could grieve too much about his academic woes, however, Mori heard a very familiar sound, accompanied by an even more familiar pang in his stomach.
“Great,” He grumbled, “All that compounded stress made me hungry. And I’ve still got a whole period to go through before lunch…”
“Why, hello there, Mori,” Mori paused his sulking to see that Lilia had addressed him. “Goodness, you’re looking a bit worse for wares. Did something happen?”
“Just a rough class. Turns out living most of your adolescent years out in the wild doesn’t translate well to graphs and number sense. But I’ve been through worse, I’ll live.”
Lilia tilted his head, “Really? I could’ve sworn I heard you moaning about Sebek. He isn’t bothering you at all, is he?”
“No, not really. He’s actually been trying to help me with enigmics. It’s just that he’s…” Mori trailed off, rubbing his head in discomfort.
“... Yeah.”
Mori’s stomach growled again, and he rubbed it sadly, which caught Lilia’s attention.
“Oh, are you feeling hungry?”
“I am,” Mori admitted, “But lunch is still a whole period away. Maybe I should start packing some snacks to eat during passing period, just to hold me over until then.”
That was when Lilia grinned. “Khee hee hee… Then Mori, my friend, you’re in luck! I happen to have just what you’re looking for!”
Mori perked up at that proclamation. “W-Wait, really?” He stammered as Lilia produced a container filled with… Something. They looked like little black discs. “Um… What are these things?”
“They’re cookies, of course!” Lilia chirped, popping open the lid, “I was feeling restless last night, so I decided to do some late-night baking. I’ve been trying to find a taste tester all morning, but unfortunately, all my classmates and other Diasomnia members seem to be quite busy today, judging by how quickly they all scurried off when I asked. But if you’re hungry, please go ahead go ahead and help yourself.”
Curiously, Mori picked up a “cookie”, watching as little black crumbs fell to the floor. It didn’t look particularly tasty, but…
“Alright. Thanks a lot, Lilia.”
And then he took a bite.
“Oh, it’s my pleasure,” Lilia said with a smile, “Do you like it? Be honest with me. I can take it.”
Mori chewed the snack, then swallowed.
“Huh?!” Mori and Lilia exclaimed in unison as Sebek jumped between them as if to block Mori from taking another cookie from the container.
“Do not eat those!” He cried, but his face paled when he saw his classmate already had a cookie in his hand, and that part of it was missing. “No… You’ve already taken a bite! I’m too late!”
“S-Sebek, what’s-” Mori tried to inquire, but Sebek grabbed his arms and cut him off.
“This is bad. Does your stomach hurt? Do you as though you’re about to throw up?”
“N-No? Why-”
“You don’t have a headache?”
“Well, I do feel one coming on now, but only because-”
“I knew it! You’re already experiencing symptoms! Quickly, we must get you to the infirmary before-”
“Sebek, please!” Lilia finally cut in, “Can’t you see you’re scaring him?”
Sebek let go of Mori and turned to his senior, “But Lilia! I fear his health may be at risk! His pathetic human stomach likely won’t be able to handle whatever you put in those cookies, especially given how scrawny he is! Tell me, how many has he had?”
“I’ve only given him the one he’s working on now. He expressed to me that he was hungry, so I gave him one. Which reminds me…”
Lilia tuned his attention back to Mori, who had popped the remainder of the cookie in his mouth and was now rubbing his arms where Sebek grabbed him, “What do think? Was it good?”
Shaking off his extreme confusion and rising anxiety, Mori finished chewing and swallowed. “Um… No, it wasn’t. At all. It was as burnt as it looked, but it also tasted kind of salty. I think there was some mint in there too, which did not mix well with the other flavors.”
“Oh… Is that so?” Lilia sighed and shook his head, “Drat, I must have confused the salt and the sugar again. But you didn’t have to finish it if you didn’t like it. I wouldn’t have been offended.”
Mori shrugged, “It’s fine. I’m just happy I got some food in me. Thanks, Lilia.”
The bell rang, indicating that passing period was over. Mori jumped at the sound.
“Shoot! We’re late! We should go before we get in too much trouble. I’ll meet you there, Sebek!”
“Have fun!” Lilia called as Mori scampered off, “What a nice young man. You’re quite lucky to have him in your class, Sebek.”
Sebek didn’t reply, instead staring at the space Mori had already disappeared from.
“Sebek?” Lilia prompted.
“How…” He breathed, “How did he do it…?”
“How can he stomach something that Lilia made?!”
(Mori lived in the wild for 6 years and has a high tolerance for eating food even if he doesn’t like it. Half of his diet was grass, berries, mushrooms, and weird plants.)
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Suspicious minds(Sodapop Curtis)
Chapter 2: his choice
Chapter index
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"hay pony can you help me with this?" I hear Diggs asked pony from the kitchen table. It was early in the evening and it was about time for everyone to start heading the the cuirts house. Darry was working late so I decided to cook dinner while Diggs and Pony worked on homework. I looked over my shoulder from the stove to see the two huddled up close together with there math books.
"I've had it with her!" Steve stormed into the kitchen and slumped into the last chair at the kitchen table. I turned the stove off and looked at him. "guessing the double date was a drag? Where's soda?"
"walking miss. Priss home" he grumbled. It was very rare to see steve this mad or annoyed. "what happened? Did she say anything?"
"no, you and I both know she won't say anything when Soda is around" I nodded knowing exactly what he ment. That girl acted one way in front of soda and different way in front of the rest of us. She was almost a Soc but she wasn't exactly poor enough to be a greaser. She was in the middle but she definitely thought she was better than the rest of us. She talked down to all of us when soda had his back turned and we took it for soda's sake. Especially me and Steve.
"I wish he'd just see what type of person she really is" Steve said playing with his switchblade. "but then again I don't want him to find out the hard way"
"and if we tell him he'll get mad and soda pissed off is scary" Soda was the happiest guy I knew he was care free and always had a smile. His ocean blue eyes could be shining brightly one second but blazing with fire and hate the next if you pushed the wrong button. Soda's temper was rare but it could almost get worse than Darry sometimes.
"did she do anything tonight? Be completely honest with me" I said looking at my friend and He sighed.
"she said something to Evie, but she won't tell me exactly what was said"
"I'll talk to him when he gets home" I said putting plates on the table for dinner. Steve nodded knowing it would be better if I'd talked to Soda instead of him. Only because Soda knew better than to yell at me. The hole gang is extremely protective of me and my sister. They got more protective after I got jumped six months ago.
After dinner was done and over with everyone went home except me and Diggs. Soda didn't show up the rest of the evening either and Derry was pissed. It was one o'clock before I convened Derry to go to bed.
I was half way through my book and almost on the verg of passing out when Soda attempted to sneak in the house. I stayed quite due to the fact he didn't notice I was on the couch. When he gently closed the the door he almost jumped out of his skin when he saw me.
"Crist, you scared me Birdie" he said covering his chest with is hand. "why are you still up?"
"what are you just now getting home? Darry is pissed and worried" I said snapping my book closed and looked up to Soda. His head was hung low and his eyes were puffy and full of remorse.
My heart clinched to see him this upset. I climbed off the couch and walked up to him. "what's wrong Pepsi?" I said rubbing his cheek.
"nothin'" he mumbled and tried to step away but I grabbed the sleeve of his flannel and pulled him back. "your my best friend talk to me"
"me and Sandy just got into a fight" I hated that girl even more now. I hated the girl that made him feel this way.
"what happened Soda?" I whispered.
He sighed and laced his fingers with mine. "it all started because Evie said she's wishes you would have came with us. Sandy got all defensive because Steve and I tried to envite you... That led to her pulling the 'I'm cheating on her with you' card" he explained. I knew she would try that. She knew how close me and Soda are and she can't stand it.
"she started screaming at me and then she told me had to make a choice. Her or you" my heart dropped. I looked up at him with wide eyes. "soda.... What did you say?"
"I umm" he cleared his throat as his blue eyes glossed over with tears. I pulled my hand out of his grip. "oh my God.... You chose her didn't you?"
He quickly shook his head. "i-I couldn't but she kept pushing and pushing... She knows how important you are to me and she's feels left out"
I stepped back and scoffed. "your kidding right? She knows how close we are" he tried to say something but I cut him off. "you chose her didn't you? Yes or no"
He was silent for a while "yes, but that doesn't mean we have to stop seeing each other"
I rolled my eyes and started to head for the door. "that's what she wanted though.. She doesn't want me around you and obviously you don't realize or just don't care"
"where you going?" he asked before I could even get a foot out the door. "I'm going home"
"not this late at night" he said. "go lay down in my bed with pony and I'll sleep on the couch" he said with his eyes glued to the floor. I rolled my eyes and walked around him without another word.
When I walked into pony and Soda's room Pony was fast asleep with his face to the wall. I sighed as I climbed into the empty spot. "Soda?" pony said in a tired voice.
"no it's me... He's sleeping on the couch" Pony rolled over to face me. "you okay?" I shook my head no and pulled the blanket to my shoulders. "I almost ended soda and Sandy's relationship"
Pony let out a sigh. "what happened?"
"she accused him of cheating and made him chose between the two of us" pony laied his head on my shoulder. "he chose you right? He better of, I don't like Sandy"
"he didn't necessarily come out and give me a straight answer but he chose her basically" Pony let out a frustrated groan and put his arm around me. "I can't believe he would do that though"
"he loves her Pony.. I'm happy that he's happy"
"but you love him, why don't you say something?" he asked. "because I want him to be happy" Pony sighed.
"you should do somethin' for yourself every once in a while" Pony said before drifting off back to sleep.
<Next chapter>
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twd-obsessed-bitch · 2 years
Okay okay okay
I think I have my thoughts in order a bit more to be able to vomit them out into a post and share with all of you (just a note they are not in order, after typing this all out it really doesn't make the most sense but here's my stream of consciousness)
This will definitely be a long post so buckle up lmao
Also feel free to share your thoughts as well I wanna hear them!
Spoilers for the walking dead series finale below the cut
Okay to start off, this show has been on for 11 season. There is no way that it was going to have an ending that was satisfactory and gave all of the characters what they deserve. It is an ending and for what it was I do like it. I also know that the cast and crew are all very proud of the work they've done and that in itself should be enough to respect it as the ending of the show.
Here's how I think it could've been done just a little bit better.
Okay I'll probably get some people hating me for this one but more people should've died, not even just in this episode but in the whole last season. I think in season 11 we lost the least about of characters than ANY other season, I haven't done the math but that's what it feels like
Like named characters that we all know and care about?? We lost Alden, Luke, Jules, and Rosita. I know more died but like did anybody really care about that kid on the train??? I mean fuck I don't even remember his name. Also like read those names again. Three of the four people I just named died in tonights episode, we've had mid-season finals have more death. We've had just a regular old episode have more death.
And the series finale they decide to dial it back??? Like for most of these characters we are never going to see them again. Kill them off, rip out our hearts, stomp on them, put them back in, let us catch our breathe and do it all over. Logistically I know that we couldn't have lost characters like Daryl, Maggie, or Negan. But like imagine if we did??? But for characters that could've died and didn't I have a list. Once again this list isn't who I want to die, it's who could've died and would've made the whole episode, the whole season that much more of an impactful ending.
Carol. She's top of my list because it would affect EVERYONE. Imagine Carol gets bit and it's on the neck because she turned to run away from a bunch of walkers and got caught. And shes bleeding out, and Daryl is just slaughtering all of the horde that broke into where they are and then it gets calm and all we hear is Daryl's harsh breathing and Carols gasps for air. Maggie and Judith are there and they just start bawling and hugging each other and Daryl picks up Carol and cradles her as she's struggling to take he last breaths. He's crying. We're all fucking crying and that's when we get his "I love you". Whether you read it as platonic or romantic it's heart wrenching. He whispers it between sentences like "don't go", "not you", "please don't leave me" and then he starts yelling it. And in return he gets a garbled "I love you too" and a bloody hand holding his cheek as she takes her last breathe. IT'S EMOTIONAL, IT'S HEART BREAKING, ITS IMPACTFUL. It's the first death after Luke and Jules', everybody is still reeling from losing Luke and all of a sudden carols gone too.
Next up is, Mercer. Now don't get me wrong, I love that Mercer became co-governors with Ezekiel. In fact I prefer that ending for him but we're going for emotional impact. Mercer is to the CW what Daryl and Carol are to our main group. Him dying would cause a riot. In that scene where they're at the gate. Imagine Pam telling that other chick (I don't know her name) to shoot Mercer because he's a threat and she does. Right between the eyes. He just drops mid-sentence. The rest of the cw soldiers immediately turn on Pam because she killed Mercer, the people yelling at the gates start climbing over due to anger and there being a distraction to do so. And Max. Poor sweet Max. Takes the gun from her brothers holster, raises it and shoots Pamela in the shoulder.
This brings me to my next person. Pamela. Look I understand the "jails worse than death" mindset but like it's not. She doesn't deserve to live, especially since it's the series finale. So she doesn't. Max shoots her in the shoulder. Coincidentally right where Pam shot Judith. And Pam ever the dramatic bitch drops to her knees and starts going off on a politician speal about how she had to and how dare Max shoot her and this and that and Max just marches forwards and punches her in the face. And she doesn't stop, her anger over Pam getting Eugene arrested and almost executed and now killing Mercer is taking over. She's angry, shes hurting, she sees red. By the time somebody's pulled Max off of Pam, Pam is nothing but blood and bruises. She's still alive at this point but not for long. She's gasping for air and choking on her breath and everybody just forgets about her. They start their plan to blow up the estates and when they do they just leave her for the walkers to find before getting blown up. The last thing we hear before the explosions is her screams.
There's more people that I think could've died. Like Tomi, Kelly, Jerry. They all would've made the episode hurt 10x more, it wouldn't have made it a more satisfying ending but it would've made it more bittersweet. If they kept the 1 year later jump. Having them all have to move past a multitude of deaths and be thriving would've been better than the "we all survived and lived happily ever after" that we got because its not realistic in this show.
Still on the topic of character deaths. Rositas while done beautifully confused me. And not her dying, after learning that that's what Christian wanted, so that she could say goodbye, and honestly with how well they did her death I wouldn't change it. But what confused me was she got bit. And when people get bit they get sick.
We see it with Jim all the way back in season one, with Tyreese, with Carl, and so on. You get a fever, you get shakes, you throw up, you hallucinate. You all around have an awful ending. And Rosita didn't have any of that, she wasn't sweaty, or throwing up, she seemed weaker as shown by her needing Carol and Maggie to help her to bed. But that was really it. She kind of just layed down and died, and if you didn't know what happened you would've just thought she was worn out from fighting. They did pale her a bit but not much. I will admit this is me just being nit-picky but like you set up in your universe that when a person dies from a bite they get sick. Really sick. Visibly sick. And then in your final episode you don't follow that??? It's just weird
This episode kind of felt like it was made in three parts. The first part is the hospital, the next part is the estates and the final part is after the year jump. And they all feel connected but at the same time don't. And if you took any one of them (except maybe the last couple minutes of the episode) out of context it wouldn't really feel like the final episode. They don't scream finale to me. We have Judith shot and dying and losing blood, but oh wait Daryl Dixon is O- and we were never told until now. She'll be fine. And then she is. She's up and moving by the time it's nightfall. And it's kind of just that over and over again for the episode
Don't get me wrong there were some amazing points in this episode, and alot of them are call backs to previous episodes
Daryl saying "we ain't the walking dead" being a direct contradiction to when Rick said they are the walking dead back in season 5
The hospital bed blocking Judith's door being a call back to Shane blocking off Rick's door in season 1
Gabriel opening the gates VS when he first came on the show and said he locked everyone out
Magna and yumiko getting back together (and then we don't see them a year later thriving and being gay)
Carol and Daryl standing around Judith like Lori and Rick did for Carl
I'm starting to (I have been rambling welcome to my stream of consciousness) kind of ramble sorry let me try and wrap up
For what it was this episode was enjoyable. But it didn't feel like the final episode until the end of it. Just like how season 11 didn't feel like the final season until the end of it. And then they go and make it basically a commercial for their spin offs which leaves their main show so open ended.
I made a post about it already but they shouldn't have ENDED THEIR SHOW WITH A CLIFFHANGER
The show should be its own entity, we didn't need to be left hanging about the Richonne mini-series or the Daryl Dixon show, or dead city. We all know that those are coming. They could've left it at Daryl saying if he finds them he'll bring them home.
ALSO Daryl Dixon leaving doesn't make any sense. It didn't make sense to me when they announced the spinoff and it doesn't make sense now. Why is Daryl leaving his kids? This whole season all that's been shown is how he is their interim dad and how he would give his life for those kids. And then he just fucks off for no valid reason???
Finding Rick isn't a valid reason because michonne is off doing that and we know Daryl trusts that michonne is competent. We also have heard Judith say multiple times that she doesn't want Daryl to leave too and every time Daryl has responded with "I'm right here"
They had this man that went from being a loner and an outcast to being a family man with two kids and a dog, then turned around and made him a loner and outcast again??? All so he can fuck off to Paris? For why??? Just for why??
All in all, the ending is, well it's an ending. And like i said at the top of this post if the cast a crew are happy with the work they did then that's all the really matters. They're the ones the put 12+ years of their lives into making this universe.
It could've been better but maybe it being the way it is will make more sense come the spinoffs (even though that kind of irks me cause like let it be its own thing.)
To be honest I'm emotional, I'm sad it's done, I'm sad for the characters we lost, and I'm sad for the characters that survived that we won't see again. I've cried alot more tonight than I have watching this show in a hot minute
Anyways thanks for reading this mess if you made it this far lmao. What are your thoughts?.?
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 year
greetingz from another schizo in the golden treasure community (I. Have deducted you are through latest posts? Disregard if I wasn't correct). I'm just popping in to say you have the most correct opinions about draak dating and I am absolutely delighted by that one post ranking draak datability 👍
Feel free not to respond you've probably already seen me bc i reblogged your stuff a while ago I don't wanna be weird either it's just fun to read ur dragonposting
it's funny that this game that talks about reality existing in nested layers and you can exist on multiple layers simultaneously as a multiformed being that is everything and nothing attracts people with certain mental dispositions, including the person who created it who insists dragons are a historical fact and talks to a dragon in his head
(no judgement, i have several assholes yelling at me constantly from off-layer myself)
... anyway thank you for agreeing about my objectively correct opinions about draak-kin danceability i confess i hadn't fucked tempest when i wrote it
i would like to amend it:
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myinnerchildletters · 5 months
4/29/2024: Letter to School-age Child
Dear K,
How are you? I know that you've been stressed lately. Please write down everything that's stressing you out. I mean EVERYTHING, even the things you don't tell other people. Even if your parents tell you (outright or implied) that it shouldn't stress you out. No one gets to tell you what causes you stress because they're not in your head like you are. I can't tell anyone anything, so feel free to be honest. Thank you for telling the truth and writing to me today!
The Fairy Queen
Dear Fairy Queen,
I'm stressed about a bunch of stuff. First I'm stressed about school. I feel sick to my stomach because I have acid reflux disease. I'm doing really bad in math and got a D- and my parents got mad. Acid reflux disease makes me feel a bunch of acid in my stomach, and I have to take Zantac. I feel sick a lot, and sometimes it shows up out of NOWHERE and I can't eat anything, so I'm losing weight and food makes me sick.
I'm also stressed because of the stuff at home. Mom and Dad are yelling at me all the time and it makes me sad and angry. Sometimes I cry. I wish my sister would stop talking all the time because it hurts my ears and makes me do that thing. I'm in trouble all the time.
I DON'T like going places every weekend. I hate going to Six Flags because it's not fun, I just like the arcades. And we're there for so long.
Some of the kids at school are mean to me, what should I do. That makes me stressed too. And I feel sad sometimes and wish i could disappear. i don't know why they don't like me but it feels really bad. I wish I could be good again.
Sometimes I feel like an alien, it's like everything feels fake for a second. I think sometimes i'm an alien (but I don't really think so) because I found my slippers pulled inside out. It makes me scared.
I think I have the flu, too. Theres something wrong with me because I always feel sick. i don't want to tell Mom and Dad because I don't want people fussing over me.
So, as you can see, I'm stressed about a bunch of stuff. The whole world scares me. Thank you for listening to me. I love you Fairy Queen.
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
hello :] remember infant strife arc? im curious how would went when gin would have a gf that time. how she would react about the baby when she was with gin for a couple months and they were always using protection during we all know what. it can be headcanons or scenario i don’t mind :]
A/N: Apo? Napo. Of course I remember one of the best early arcs of Gintama, I loved the infant strife arc! From Katsura's reaction to the baby, to Gintoki playing dad all day long with it, this arc had such great moments. It was so adorable, I'm not even that keen on babies but baby Gin was the best! I was going to write it as headcanons but somehow one thing brought the other and it turned out into something in between :p
Gintoki's S/O reacting to Kanshichirou (infant strife arc baby)
Warning: SFW!
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so adorable i cant even ≧◡≦
"Coming, coming!" You yelled while you ran towards the door, the frantic ringing of the bell catching you by surprise. It was early in the morning and you weren't expecting any visitors today, yet the person at your doorstep seemed quite persistent. Just who could it be?
Opening the door, your jaw dropped at once. This... this wasn't Gintoki with a baby, right? Bringing your fists to your face, you rubbed your eyes with your knuckles. However, once you opened them again, you were still greeted with the same sight, of your boyfriend having a baby clinging from his back, a baby that was his spitting image at that. This had to be a dream right? But if it was a dream, then why couldn't you wake up even after pinching your own arm? Why were you still at your front door, why weere they still here?
"What's that?"
"What's what? Do I have something on my face?" Gin asked, his one hand feeling his features up.
"What's that on your back?" You asked again, this time through gritted teeth.
"There's something on my back? Where? Y/N, can you take it off for me? I can't see it." He looked around his shoulders one at a time, acting as if there was seriously nothing wrong with the image.
"Gintoki, why is there a baby on your back?" Your patience was wearing thin with each question.
"Oh? That? Just a guy I met. Say hi to Y/N, don't be rude."
"Gin... that is a baby. Not just a guy and he... he looks just like you."
"Huh? What are you on about? I guess there is a slight resemblance but he wishes he achieved my level of charm."
Shutting the door on his face, you fell against it with your body. Not only did he have the nerve to show up at your front door with a mini him in his arms, but he also had the audacity to humor you about it. There was no way this baby wasn't his, not when it looked exactly like him. But how could that be? The two of you always used contraception and the math simply didn't add up, the baby looked to be at least 1 year old and the two of you hadn't been dating for so long. Plus, if you were pregnant you would have definitely noticed, no, this was all beyond irrational, unless...
Gintoki had always been a free spirit, he was always getting himself in other people's business and you had never thought much of it. However, now that he stood on your doorstep with a baby, you started to question everything, betrayal piercing through your heart. How could he do such a thing to you? How could he cheat on you, how could he been so sloppy to even have a baby with another woman? How could he hide it from you and more importantly, who was she?
"Y/N! Y/N, open up, I can explain!" He could explain? What was there to explain? Still, you ended up opening the door, a part of you hoping that this was all a misunderstanding. Instead of saying a thing, Gintoki was holding a piece of paper up for you to see. It appeared to be a letter, one that wrote:
"This is your baby. Take responsibility and raise him. I got tired of it."
So it really was his baby! You were about to close the door in his face again, when he stuck the foot between the door and the frame, preventing you from closing it.
"What else do you want to say, Gin? The letter and the baby say everything, don't they? There is no need for you to explain, there is nothing that needs to be explained. I don't care who this woman is but she must have had her reasons for leaving you and the baby. Have a great life together-"
"Woman, are you going to let me explain? This baby is not mine! Someone dropped it at Yorozuya with this note, but it's not mine! I've been on the run the entire morning, I was even hunted down by some jerks, saying I kidnapped the baby and no one believes me! Please, Y/N, just listen to me. This baby is not mine and I didn't kidnap it, just help me out this once!" For once, he looked rather serious, desperate even. No matter how bizarre the situation at hand seemed, it looked as if he was telling the truth.
"How do you always manage to get yourself in such situations, Gin..." Sighing, you let go of the door, allowing him to push it open with his leg. "Just come in already."
Soon enough, Gintoki and the baby were sitting on your couch, the baby on his lap while he gently held onto it. Looking at the two of them sitting like that together, there was no doubt; the resemblance between them was uncanny. It wasn't your fault that you had assumed the worst case scenario, anyone would have thought they were related.
After a while of awkward silence, you got up, moving towards the kitchen while looking at them over the counter. "Will you have something to drink?"
"Strawberry milk for me. He'll have the same." Was strawberry milk good for a baby? Probably not, but then again your knowledge regarding babies was quite limited.
Doing as he asked, you poured the two of them two glasses of strawberry milk, placing them onto the coffee table in front of them. Gintoki grabbed his glass, gulping it down in one go while the baby kept reaching out to his hands, trying to steal the glass. Once he was done drinking, he wiped his lips clean with the back of his hand before taking on the other glass. The baby's eyes gleamed in awe as Gin brought the milk to his lips, tilting the glass slightly so that the baby could drink comfortably. In return, the baby took a sip, clapping his hands together in excitement.
"Tch, at least he has good taste." Gintoki said with a winsome smile on his lips. As much as he tried to play it off, he was obviously doting over the baby, the two of them making up for an endearing sight.
You hadn't been together long enough to consider having kids with him, yet looking at the two of them, you couldn't help but wonder, would your kids look like this too? Would they have the same silver hair and dead fish eyes their father did or would they end up looking more like you? No matter the case, seeing Gin act as a father managed to stir something within you and soon enough, you found yourself looking at them in awe.
"Gin? Do you think that we could...?" You asked him in a quiet voice, your stare going between him and the baby.
"Huh? You want to have a baby? Now? In front of him?" His words were enough to make you blush while you waved your hands dismissively, quick to correct him. "It's not that! I'm just saying that, do you think one day we could have a family of our own?"
After a minute of considering it, he gave you an awkward smile. "Isn't it jumping the gun to start talking about such things already, Y/N? Well... I suppose that one day we'd need someone to take on Yorozuya. Perhaps I should start working on my retirement plans."
"So, you'd want to have a child just to gain a successor?" The notion seemed so stupid that you couldn't help but laugh at it. Still, if your child turned out to be as kind and considerate as Gin was, then you'd have one less thing to worry about. Returning the smile, the two of you looked at each other, until the baby kicked his leg viciously, forcing an 'Ouch' sound from the man.
"Fine, fine, I'll let you be the boss!" Gintoki said while rubbing his knee. You couldn't help but notice how arrogant the baby looked, obviously pleased with himself. Who could have thought that there would be someone to resemble Gin even in the way he acted.
"Well, I guess it can't be helped anymore. Looks like he's too grown for strawberry milk. Ah...hey grow up so fast! Before you know it, he'll be getting drunk on sake, stumbling to your door past his curfew while yelling 'Mom, Mom!'. A man needs to know when it's time to let go, a man needs to leave his parent's house after coming of age." Gintoki spoke as he got off the couch, placing the baby back onto his back. "It's time to go."
"Go? Where to?"
"To fulfill his filial duties. His rotten grandad is looking for him all over town, it's about time that he paid a visit to that old geezer."
You followed them to the door, pushing it open for them to step out of your apartment. Before walking out, Gintoki turned around along with a baby, the two of them flashing the same kind of smug smile at you. Rolling your eyes at them you returned the smile, bidding them farewell.
Even though their visit seemed more like an inconvenience at first, you were finding yourself rather sad about their departure, wishing that the two would have stayed more. Getting the chance to spend time with a mini version of the man you loved was a rare opportunity, one that was enough to make you wonder what he looked like a child himself, what your future kids would look like. No matter how irresponsible and lazy Gintoki was, the way he treated the child was heartwarming and you knew that at the end of the day he'd make the right choice. After all, one thing's for sure; when the time was right, Gintoki would turn out to be the greatest dad of them all.
Bonus Kanshichirou gif cause he is adorable:
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