#feel free to send me any questions!
h0nkshroom · 4 months
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gently places these in your hands and cartwheels away into the night
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acealistair · 10 months
RPG Character Development Questions!
Trying my hand at making one of these, specifically aimed towards D&D characters but it should also work for other TTRPGs and video games like Dragon Age.
Send me any number of emojis for any of my characters! Anyone is welcome to reblog! 😊
👀: Describe their physical appearance in as much detail as possible. Facial features, colors, height, build, etc. 👄: How do they talk? What's their vocabulary like? What does their voice sound like? Any accent, verbal tics, etc? 👃: Do they smell like anything in particular? Why do they smell like that? 🏷️: What is their full name? Do any of their names have any special meaning? How did you come up with them? 🌳: What physical traits did they inherit from their biological parents? Do they look more like one parent than the other? ♦️: Are there any motifs you associate with them? What do those motifs represent thematically? 🎨: What is their color scheme? Or at least colors you associate them with? 🔮: If they were to feature in the art of a tarot card, which one would it be and why? 💭: What was the original concept for your OC? Has it changed at all since then? 📺: Is your OC inspired at all by characters from other media? Which one(s) and what traits do they have in common? 🛡️: How does their class inform their characterization? How does their personality match or clash with the stereotype for that class? 📖: Describe your ideal character arc for them. How do you envision them changing by the end of the story?
📊: What is their best stat? What is their worst/dump stat? How do these affect how you roleplay as them? 🗡️: What type of weapon do they normally use? Is there a particular reason for it? ✨: Are they a magic user? If so, how did they come to learn it (born with it, studied, acquired, etc.)? What does their magic look like when cast? If not, what is their attitude towards magic? 🖌️: What is their go-to hobby? When did they start learning it? Why do they like it? 🔨: Do they have any practical skills they wouldn't consider a hobby? What sorts of skills and how/why did they learn them? 🍳: Are they good at cooking? Do they like to? Why and how did they learn to cook, or, if they didn't, why didn't they? 🎵: Are they any good at singing? What situations do/would they sing in? Would they sing in the shower? 🎻: Do they know how to play an instrument? If so which one(s)? Do they enjoy music in general? 💃: How do they feel about dancing and are they any good at it? Do they prefer solo, partnered, or group dancing? 🚗: In a modern AU, what kind of job would they have, if any? 🎁: If they needed to give a friend a gift, how would they go about choosing one? Would they buy it, make it, or do something else? Would others consider them good at gift-giving? 📚: Do they like to read books? If so, what sorts of books do they prefer to read? If not, why don't they like reading? ✍: What does your character's handwriting look like? Do they write letters often? What other contexts do they usually write in, if any?
🙂: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider positive? 🙁: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider negative? 😱: Do they have any irrational fears/phobias? How do they cope with them? Has a phobia ever impacted the game you play them in? 😭: How easily do they cry? Do they ever cry in front of other people? When was the last time they cried? 💢: How quick are they to anger? What is a surefire way to piss them off? What do they act like when angry? 😄: How can you tell when they're really happy? What sorts of things make them happy? How often do they smile? 😳: How easily are they embarrassed/flustered? What sorts of things catch them off-guard and make them lose their cool? 🏁: What do they consider to be their main goal in life, the thing that motivates most of their actions? 🤲: Do they have any deep desires that they don't talk about and/or don't even realize they have? Do these desires conflict with their main goal at all? 🗣️: How social are they? Do they speak to strangers because they like to or only when necessary? How differently do they act with strangers vs. friends? 🐾: How do they feel about animals? Do they have/want any pets? Do they have a favorite animal?
😬: Did they ever make a major decision in their past that they regret? How are they handling it now? 🙏: What are their feelings on religion? If they are religious, what do they practice? How much of an impact does it have on their daily life? 🎓: What was their education like? Do they have any favorite subjects? What is their preferred learning style? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: What is their family like? Are there any family members that are particularly influential and/or important to them (whether in a positive or negative sense)? 🛝: Do they have any childhood friends? If so, are they still in touch with them? What is their relationship like now (or why did it end)? 🧸: What was their favorite childhood toy and why? 🚸: Would they consider their childhood to have been a happy one? Why or why not? Does their perception of that differ from yours as their player? 🌹: Are they experienced romantically? How many romantic partners have they had? How has this affected their view of romance? 😡: Do they have any enemies and/or rivals from their past? How serious of a threat are they to your OC?
💘: Do they have a "canon" romantic partner? If so, who is it and what is their relationship like? If not, what kind of person would be the optimal romantic partner for them (the most interesting narratively, not necessarily the healthiest/what they think their preferences are)? 😍: What traits, physical and/or mental, do they find attractive in other people? 💒: How does your character feel about marriage? Have their feelings on marriage ever changed? 🎉: Who are their party members/companions? Describe each of their relationships with your OC (however brief or detailed you want). 💍: Among their current companions, are there any that are narrative foils to your OC? How so? 🍼: How do they feel about children in general? Do kids get along with them? Do they have/want kids of their own (now or down the line)? 🤝: How do they express platonic affection? When does an acquaintance become a friend for them? 🥰: Who do they currently consider to be their best friend and why? Has their best friend changed over time? 🫂: How are they with casual physical touch? Do they have different boundaries based on how well they know a person? Is there a specific reason behind their comfort level?
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boxbug · 2 years
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I made a board game! for the Joe Zine @joezine ! link HERE ! (it’s free!)
It’s based on the Game of the Goose (Jeu de l’Oie) which is the french version of snakes and ladders. It has neither snakes nor ladders.
You can play it, print it, eat it, do whatever you want. HERE’s a link for a high res version + pngs of the player chips for easier use online
Please let me know if you do play it! I’d love to hear any reactions
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unvexes · 8 months
do you want to channel your inner t'noy karaxis and put the spankoffski's in a box to shake them around a bit? or maybe you want stickers to put on your favorite time cube of choice.. well! pre-orders are now open for both shaker charms and stickers of these boys!
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these pre-orders will close on november 30, 2023, and it will take around 3 weeks for the products to get to me. i will ship them out as soon as they are in my hands! (hopefully before the end of december)
interest check tags beneath the cut :]
@cowboycomics , @definitelynotahunter , @spigosaur , @ruthflemwad , @tiny-tyrant-taryn , @hotchocolateboy , @spookysplatt , @elyse110 , @sentry-nest , @booigi-boi , @toasted-buguette , @octo-senpai , @fvckmegentlywithachainsaw , @sidus-bella , @archiesweirdparody , @vendingmachineoflove , @beetlbag , @glitter50000 , @astrolotte , @adotham-adotburrd (if you filled out the form and i did not tag you, your @ didn’t work </3)
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i-really-like-phrogs · 4 months
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For the next tutorial, Lydia Deetz won by a whopping 80% on the community poll! That’s more than fair, of course. After all- what’s a Toon-juice without his gothy little pal?
Surprisingly, I sometimes find Lydia harder to draw than Beejtlejuice since she’s got a LOT of little details- but she becomes easier the more you draw her! (It often takes me at least three or four tries before I feel like I got her correct, bur she’s definitely a loving challenge for me 😂💪)
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bandiiey · 11 months
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Hii these are reference sheets I made for the bbq trio as teens. I changed around canon a bit (Nate still living in bbq for example) but yaa.
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sunnyknoxville · 3 months
Jackass Ask Game
The Valentine: Who is your favorite Jackass member and why?
The High Five: Who is your favorite new member from 'Forever' and why?
Wasabi Snooters: Who's your favorite duo (ex: Pontius and Steve-O, Bam and Ryan, etc.)?
Beehive Limo: Who do you think is the most underrated duo?
Human Ramp: Who is your favorite non-member that's appeared in the movies (this can include special guests)?
The Mini-Loop: Who is someone you wish they had as a guest?
The Rocky: Tremaine or Spike?
Super Mighty Glue: What is your all-time favorite Jackass movie? Or instead, rate them all from your favorite to least favorite.
Rent-A-Car Crash-Up Derby: What is your favorite .5 movie?
The Electric Stool: If you had to choose one Jackass movie to watch forever, which one would it be?
The Muscle Stimulator: What is your favorite 'Jackass the Series' episode?
Puppet Show: What is your favorite Jackass spin-off (Viva La Bam, Wildboyz, etc.)?
The Shoplifter: What is your favorite episode and bit from Viva La Bam?
The Marching Band: What is your favorite episode and bit from Wildboyz?
Electric Tap Dance: In your opinion, which movie had the best ending?
Lamborghini Tooth Pull: What are your thoughts on the ending of 'Number Two' (as it is special to a lot of the community)?
Poo Cocktail Supreme: Do you have any unpopular opinions on Jackass?
Bad Dog: What do you think is the most underrated piece of media from the Jackass franchise?
The Quiet Game: Do you have a favorite quote that came from Jackass? If so, what is it?
Bicentennial BMXing: What is your favorite song used in any of the Jackass movies?
Roller Buffalo: What is your favorite Roger Alan Wade song?
Riot Control Test: What is your favorite bit that Knoxville was in?
Alligator Tightrope: What is your favorite bit that Steve-O was in?
The Brand: What is your favorite bit that Bam was in?
Ass Kicked by Girl: What is your favorite bit that Dunn was in?
Electric Avenue: What is your favorite bit that Pontius was in?
The Boar-kake: What is your favorite bit that Dave was in?
Dum Dum Game: What is your favorite bit that Ehren was in?
Triple Wedgie: What is your favorite bit that Wee Man was in?
The Bungee Jump: What is your favorite bit that Preston was in?
Bicycle Backhand: What stunt/bit do you think is the most interesting?
Tee Ball: What stunt/bit do you consider to be the most dangerous/extreme?
Butt X-ray: Name the stunt/bit that made you laugh the most.
Vomitron: Name the stunt/bit that made you the most squeamish.
The Fish Hook: What stunt/bit is your favorite from each movie?
Duck Hunting: What stunt/bit is your all-time favorite?
Yellow Snowcone: If you had to place someone in a bit that they weren't part of, who would it be and what bit is it?
Anaconda Ball Pit: What stunt/bit is your favorite that includes an animal?
How to Milk a Horse: What stunt/bit is your favorite that includes skating?
The Leech Healer: Which stunt are you most likely to participate in? Or the one you'd like to have participated in the most (you will get hurt/deal with the consequences)? And oppositely, which stunt would you try if you could do it despite/without getting hurt?
Wind Tunnel: Which stunt would you have least liked to be part of?
The Ram Jam: How easy would it be for you to be talked into a stunt?
Mousetraps: Have you come up with any stunt/bit ideas of your own?
Musical Chair Bags: What is the worst injury you've ever had?
Firehose Rodeo: If you own any Jackass memorabilia/merch, what is your favorite thing that you own? What is the most interesting?
Beehive Tetherball: What made you want to create a Jackass blog/interact with the community?
The Strongman: Who is your favorite Jackass blog? Tag them!
The Jet Ski: Who would you want to be friends within the community but are too scared to interact with? Tag them (they just might want to be friends with you too)!
Scorpion Botox: What is your favorite piece fan created content (fanfictions, art, etc.)?
Pin the Tail on the Donkey: If you create things for Jackass, what are you the proudest of?
The Blindside: Tell your story of how you began to like Jackass. When was the first time you watched it?
Medicine Ball Dodgeball: Do you have any special memories that include Jackass? Do you have any funny ones?
Butt Chug: What is something you've found difficulty in loving about Jackass?
The Gauntlet: We all know that Jackass is very queer, are you part of the LGBTQIA+ community in any way? (Feel free to not answer if you're uncomfortable!)
The Swamp Chute: What do you think made you connect with Jackass the most?
Golf Course Airhorn: What Jackass member do you think you are the most like?
The Switcheroo: Which Jackass member do you think you could beat in a fight? Why?
Department Store Boxing: What is your favorite outfit that Knoxville has worn?
The Magic Trick: What is your favorite movie that Knoxville has been in aside from Jackass?
The Invisible Man: If you have watched 'Bad Grandpa,' what is your favorite part of it?
The Toro Totter: What bull stunt of Knoxville's is your favorite?
Big Red Rocket: Do you know Bucket (Knoxville and his girlfriend's dog)? If so, what is your favorite photo/video of her?
Flight of Icarus: What is your favorite Ramones song?
Old Man Balls: Have you ever watched or listened to an episode of 'Steve-O's Wild Ride' podcast? What are your thoughts on it? What's been your favorite episode?
Helicockter: What is your favorite CKY movie?
Whale Shark Gummer: What is your favorite HIM song?
The Fart Mask: Do you skate at all? Have you ever tried to?
The Bear Trap: What is your favorite tattoo that a Jackass member has?
Snake River Redemption: What cup test from 'Forever' was your favorite?
Terror Taxi: Do you think that Ehren gets picked on the most? If not, who do you think did? Who gets picked on the least?
Bungee Boogie: Would you want a 5th movie? Why or why not?
Sweatsuit Cocktail: Have you picked up any mannerisms from any of the members? If so, who and what did you pick up on?
Silence of the Lambs: Favorite Jackass fun fact?
Paper Cuts: Choose your own!
Special thanks to @b4mpyre-k1zz3s and @1991river for helping with some of the questions! And also @you-fuckers-are-asses for just being generally sweet to me <3
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mossrockpog · 4 months
Thinking about the qbbh dissection. He said he was dissected once but that it didn't kill him which isn't how dissections work (dissections are performed on bodies presumed dead)
but it still makes sense cuz he doesn't die when he is killed contrary to that one anime screenshot (vvv this one)
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So he was probably "dead" but not gone. They could have dissected him after killing him.
Then how would he know about them doing it? Iirc he has to regain his memories in a slow process after reviving, did someone tell him ("hey friend who may not remember me they absolutely desecrated your body post mortem man they just ripped into it")???
And what was the context for the dissection. Were they interested scientifically? Was this in like a morgue setting to determine cause of death or were they just so perplexed by him that they dissected him like a specimen? Did they know he wasn't human or find out after starting the dissection? Did he wake up after being dissected in the same body or did he just like. Find his old one on display somewhere??? Did he wake up with his organs all on display and go "oh they dissected me" ??? Was mans waking up and walking around with his guts spilling everywhere
Or was he vivisected? Did he mean dissection and do I care if he meant vivisection instead. The answer is I do not care. I think it's more fun to try and figure out how dissection works with an immortal. we don't even know how his body works post-mortem. we don't even know if he gets the same one or just a new one. or maybe we do and i missed something. if you have qbbh anatomy related facts or even just qbbh facts in general i would love to hoard them please
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Building a Pride Flag.....2!
Hello again! After how well last years went, I wanted to come back and make another flag! This year i'll be using the Progressive Flag (thank you to everyone who voted in my poll to decide!)
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If I get too many characters for this layout to work, I will be altering it so the side stripes are on the top and bottom instead!
So! Here is where you come in! I'm hoping to make this flag out of all of your excellent characters!
Simply reblog whichever colour post you think they fit best with and add on a picture for me! It's as simple as that! You're absolutely welcome to send me many characters, in fact I would love it if you did! Last year I collected 170 characters, and i'd love to get even more this year. If you submitted characters last year and would like me to use them again, let me know! I can easily access the screens from last year!
I'll be running this until the end of June! I will make multiple posts when the cutoff point is getting near!
I look forward to seeing all your characters!
Please make sure you use this years posts!
Below the cut for a little more information about what i'm looking for!
When sending screens, please make sure I can see your characters properly!
Too far away means I can't really show off your character!
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(this is a glitch screen but it gets the point across) If i added Opehlia onto the flag like this, she'd either be very small or I might have to stretch her.
Close up shots can work, but that's mostly up to you! If you wanna just show off your characters face, that's perfectly fine!
Absolutely take screens using emotes and skills! They're a lot of fun to work with and can really show off your characters!
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Damai using a skill vs Alvida from the character select screen, I would use either screen happily but the motion shot shows off Damai a little better!
I will do my absolute best to get your back pieces and weapons in!
If your computer can handle it, higher graphics is nice to work with. Again, this is all about showing off your characters and higher graphics help with that.
A background that contrasts your character will make my job a lot easier when I am cutting them out to put them on the flag.
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This makes for a very easy edit! I will still happily work with any screens I am given!
If you want to edit your screens or send screens you have previously edited, you are welcome to! Especially if you want to add features that you can't have in game.
If there's anything else you'd like to know, please please reach out to me. I want to make this fun for everyone to take part in!
I will tag people that take part in the final result, if you do not want to be tagged, please tell me!
Happy Pride month in advance to all you lovely people!
Here's last years so you can have an idea of what you'd be taking part in!
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youhalfwit · 1 year
How'd Sonic and Shadow meet in the mechanic AU?
And how many times have they been caught making out?
Shadow was originally friends with Tails and would bring him food occasionally and work on stuff with him, but didn't know he had a brother. I sketched a shitty comic that kinda shows how it went:
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As for your second question, I imagine that whenever it happens, it's kinda a heat of the moment thing. Tails has learned to knock, and Shadz and Sonk have learned to be a bit more considerate. They've probably only been caught a handful of times, they kinda just ignore that it happens when it does lmao. They are just silly and in love <3
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There's something so sweet to me about when someone is talking and the other person just kisses them out of nowhere or they give each other a look and just go for it. It's like, "hey I can't stop thinking about how enamored I am with you I'm just going to kiss you" lol
I hope that answers your questions :)
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cubesugarss · 6 months
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hey guys!! fill out my form!! rbs very appreciated!!
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pamela-lntt · 2 years
TMA fake videogame: Prentiss Confrontation
[check out all the content for this fake videgame here!]
+ sfx: cognitu perceptu (Pixabay); AldebaranCW (Pixabay); dav0r (Pixabay); Universfield (Pixabay); kbism (mechanical keyboard simulator)
+ music: Loyalty Freak Music (Chosic)
Like my art? Consider buying me a coffee!
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Any advice for writting longform stories like NWWD?
thanks for this ask!
thats a pretty open ended question and my answer will inherently be relatively specific to me and the way i write, but i'm happy to share my advice!
I will link a few other posts where i answered some other writing asks:
worldbuilding [x] editing/exposition [x] writer's block/POV [x] plotting vs pantsing [x] how long does it take me to write stuff [x] my writing process [x] writing spicy scenes [x]
otherwise, see below for me rambling way too long about writing.
disclaimer: this is just my opinion and how i do things, obviously there's a lot of variety and nuance for everyone's writing process.
firstly, is that personally, i'm inclined to writing longform stories so thats a bit of a built in strength of mine. generally speaking my story ideas come with lots of lore (see above for my love of worldbuilding) and i like relationships that are deeper/longer, with slow burn being a favorite of mine (why basically all my short stories have the two people involved having met prior to the story starting). that being said, technically the main character in 'Nothing's Wrong with Dale' doesnt meet demon!Dale until the flashback of chapter 2 and why is part of why that story is so long/has a built in arranged marriage premise. Of my two potential long form stories i'm going to do next: one they already know each other (and are basically already in love just being pining idiots about it) or two the story takes place over several months/high stress situations and does not end with marriage etc. But thats more of a concern if you're writing romance.
in general, my advice for longform stories is to already have a relatively complete, high level view of the story when you start. some people can just improvise the entire story as they go--I cannot. i think its very helpful to know where ur story is going to end, more crucially when it is long and you'll be taking a while to get there. by this i primarily mean the setup for the story, then general ending, and vaguely what sort of metaphorical journey they take to get there. you do not need to know every scene and detail in the middle--and plot points/characters can and will evolve as you write and think more on everything--but having the broad brushstrokes figured out asap is critical, in my opinion.
I also, as a side note, don't set out with a story length in mind. i can generally get a good handle on how long a story will be by the idea and outline, but i dont try to make it long. if anything, i did try to challenge myself to write shorter stories, like my novellas, when i started this blog/posting original writing here. that was not only because i do tend to get very complicated/long original ideas, but also because i think it was important to me to actually finish some original work, which i had never done before.
shorter stories tend to have more straightforward plots. not that you can't boil down longer stories to simpler summaries, but generally longer story ideas have more stops along the way so to speak that come to me when i'm developing the idea because i want to cover more with the story. the main character in dale having had childhood illness, dale raised by his grandparents, there being tournament stuff and assassins stuff and uncomfortable parties and most importantly MC figuring out dale was a demon immediately and dale not knowing the MC knew that were all things i came up with (loosely) very soon after i started working on it.
which leads into my next piece of advice: write everything you brainstorm down - you will forget and you will remember there's something u've forgotten and it will annoy the hell out of you. write your notes, write your what ifs, write down possible character names, write down cool ideas for scenes--heck write some of the scenes up then, evn if its for chapter 24 of 35. dont save what ur most excited for as like a carrot on a stick, i find that it doesnt help and that having part of my story that i love existing already is a much better motivator to write the rest
i'm also a big outliner and planner. i think some people think what that means is that u should b able to write a plan once for a story and then never change or deviate from it--but no! change the plan as you go; scrap things that dont work out and add new ideas when they come to you. however, i do think having something down that covers the whole story, lets you get a good idea of the shape of the story, and reminds you of your end goal, are all incredibly helpful. i also keep multiple worldbuilding notes docs; character and location lists; picture inspiration; etc to support the longform idea
i think u also hav to hav confidence/delusion that you will in fact finished. i hav started multiple longform original writing ideas in the past. none of them are done except dale. and part of it was not taking some of my own advice up top, but i think i also just wasnt as committed? lik it'd get lost in worldbuilding, or writing other projects, or life happening (which is all absolutely fine) but dale was the first longform idea where i like, really believed i could write it all and where i was dedicated to putting in the time i'd need to finish it. i knew i would need to take breaks and it would take more than a year (which i did and it did) but i still believed i'd get to where i am now, with a finished draft which i think was really key.
also, practice, i've been writing for years and year; i've been reading for even longer; and i've been writing and posting fanfic for years as well. some of my longer fanfics were such good practice for how to plot a long story without having to generate all the lore myself and having guardrails on for the story/characters in general. aside from dale, my next five pieces of longest writing are all fanfic.
lastly, find at least one person you can talk to about your story. i really think that helped me stay excited and motivated about my longform story in particular. i of course like talking about shorter stories too, but i dont think i felt as compelled to keep talking about them during the process of writing them as i did for my longform stories (even my longer fanfics i talked with other ppl in the big bang about or other writers on discord). and i dont just mean posting the rough drafts as u go like i did, but friends, irl or online, that either are also writers or are just interested in what story you want to make. i think it helps make it more real to you, it gives you ways to talk through issues that come up, its a way to get excited because they're excited, and it makes someone besides you ask how everythings going. the longer stories ideas i had but never got finished are also ones i primarily kept to myself, because i dont think i'd realized how helpful it could be to share them and also because i was still sure that in order to justify telling someone or evn for someone to care, it would hav to already be written, but it doesnt! and in retrospect, i wish i had because maybe those stories would exist--or maybe i'll dig up those notes and talk to someone about them and then find myself back to writing about them (rip to Aftermath, that corrupted external hard drive did u dirty and killed my motivation).
i think getting to understand and figure out your own process, to really look at yourself and see what works and what doesnt (as honestly as you can) is extremely helpful. u'll also figure stuff out along the way--dont hesitate to try to new strategies or drop one that are really not working for you. its all a learning process. be nice to yourself! give yourself the grace to make mistakes (or tell a friend so they can bully you into to cutting urself some damn slack when u can't stick to a weekly upload schedule u made up for urself).
whatever longform story you've got in ur head is one worth sharing and seeing through to completion--and then inflicting on everyone else lol OUR problem now ;)
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cupcakesmoothie · 8 months
Sometimes I wanna draw and then I realise I can't draw
Anyway. WIP! I feel like this'll be fun if I keep going but I have a tendency to lose all motivation if I leave it so I usually do things in one shot. However, I need to go to bed.
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I feel like this is a lot of research that people will never see unless they themselves are Mexican but one of the reasons I make/draw things like this is so people feel seen. I looked over a couple things for this, quite fun! This is supposed to be a chiapaneca dress, but I am not used to this more "realistic" style so the dress actually needs to spread out more. It's so pretty though! Will either be very fun or very torturous to colour
This is Paloma! I haven't started on her wings and at this point I'm not sure how to add them in. She's Mexican and was a fashion designer. I'm using that as an excuse to continue putting eyeliner on Alexis, who she is friends (?) with. She's older than him.
I have seen somewhere that Spanish Spanish and Mexican Spanish are slightly different, the two should still be able to communicate. I don't know what you call a "big sister/miss" in Spanish, or if that's even something you do. I guess Senorita would be it? I'm trying to convey that Alexis is showing respect to her though, so that feels like it's not it.
I'm debating between wing styles also. I think colourful wings (Like a parrot) would be pretty, and not as common as dove wings (Which are her namesake). Also it was while I was looking those up that I found out the Mexican flag has an eagle on it! The golden eagle wings sound pretty interesting, if a little bit drab, but having her be tied to the national bird would be fun I think. And lastly, wood pigeon wings, which are also her namesake, only in Latin.
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I just can't get over how Tails spied on Sonic in the bath via satellite in the movies (and enjoyed the view. He knew what he was doing). They (probably unintentionally) giving us shippers fuel ❤️👀
Listen listen, anon
I think about some of those tidbits from Sonic Movie 2 all the time
I mean it's not as if this is out of character for Tails (given that he more explicitly just kind of straight up stalked Sonic in the backstory in Japan's version of the Sonic 2 manual) but man
This really is not to mention the way Sonic feigns uncomfortability/disgust when he's like "You even watch me in the shower??", and then when Tails doesn't even skip a beat explaining that he knows Sonic takes bubble baths Sonic full 180s into "Wow!😊". Just full on impressed with how extensively Tails has been watching him
Like they just dropped on us "Tails watches Sonic constantly like it's the Sonic show, no matter how private or intimate the moment" and "by all rights Sonic is perfectly okay with the knowledge of this behavior" and expected us to be normal about it?😂
I could probably make an entire post logging Sonic movie 2's sontails shipping fuel honestly
Honarable mention of a scene is when Maddie starts looking through Tails' backpack of inventions and comments "This fox is into some freaky stuff!"
Interesting connotations there
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reegis · 7 months
This is like my third ask in two days oops I’m not trying to spam. When do you think commissions will be open again? (Chibi one character dnd if that matters) because I just started a new campaign and it’s mechs…based?…inspired?
probably some time later this month!! hopefully!! im stuck rn working full time & touring apartments in a different city on my days off as i try to move, but i have an appointment next tuesday that (🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻) im hoping will mean an end to all of this stress so ill have more time to draw
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