#feel free to send good vibes to cheer me up
the-k-meme-dream-team · 11 months
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flw3rrr · 2 months
Thank you for responding! And honestly, creative freedom! An idea could be y/n (or however you wanna write it) is new to the team and is a little too eager and Tyler has to be that 'in charge' 'voice of reason' when she wants to take too risky of chances(like maybe they're chasing a Tornado and she decided to jump out of the truck way too close, idk) .. But if that doesn't vibe with you, that's totally ok! My fav is when he ends up manhandling y/n or the reader😅
No sense of safety
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Tyler owens x gn!reader
Warnings: Reader has no sense of safety keeping tyler on his toes, no description of reader, no mentions of y/n. reader is a little clumsy (mention only) But also saves a cat so it's worth it
A/n: Tysm for this request anon, and thanks for the creative freedom. i based it off the details you gave along with a bit of ideas from me. I really hope you enjoy it and feel free to request more!💖
word count: 2k
Not really proofread but a little is i like wrote this at 1am. sorry for any typos
Have a request? Feel free to send me it in my inbox!
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The little diner that basically was in the middle of nowhere almost sounded silent, with the only things heard being the clinging off class plates or mugs. seniors mostly seen, and then in the corner the tornado wranglers sat. It was the happiest day for you today because you were new to the team, and excitement was built up deep within you.
You've known Tyler for some time and gotten close to him; he was the one who brought you to the world of tornado chasing, and you were glad he did. You enjoyed the science behind it and how many different ways someone could tell a tornado was forming, the speed of wind, and a ton more.
But when you become excited for something, you tend to lose all knowledge of safety. getting too eager to start the job and have fun, but of course Tyler knew you and how you got so the night before today he sat you down and told you the rules and not to forget any of them. which you replied to him you wouldn't.
Soon a hand landed on your shoulder, looking up; it was Tyler standing up and looking at everybody. "Alright folks, today's the day we get some tornados!" The table cheered quietly in knowledge of others in the little diner trying to enjoy a meal. "And don't forget our safety rules." Tyler mentioned your name at the end, making sure it kept snug in your memory forever.
You just gave Tyler a nod in return, a little embarrassed since Tyler had obviously told the crew on how you got when too in the moment and excited. Taking one last sip of your water before heading out to the truck and the rest of the vehicles. Taking one of the monitors, you began to calibrate and made sure it was ready for whatever was ahead for today. 
"So you ready to join in the fun and chaos?" Looking over to see Boone approaching with the camera in hand. You'd always liked Boone; his humor was quite enjoyable, and he always made sure to capture the good moments for the viewers to see, but then he also knew what not to show. "Yeah, I am really pumped and ready." Not really having enough words to express, you just kept your response short. 
"It'll be fun, I promise, and the viewers always love new people who join. Perhaps you'll be the new star." He lets out a chuckle from his comment. Within seconds, Tyler appears, "New star? already plannin' for their future boone?" Placing his hands on his hips, his arm muscles clearly showing through the sleeves of his shirt. You'd admit to yourself only that he definitely was good-looking. "Yep, you know me gotta’ plan for everything. I know a star when I see one."
You felt very welcome by everybody and already felt like a star. Perhaps they were just boosting your confidence, but you enjoyed every part. recalling how you told your parents you joined the tornado wranglers with a big smile across your face and your parents held concerned looks. 
"No need to boost me that high, Boone; nobody really knows me, and they'll have to get to know me first before they decide if they even like me." Your parents always taught you growing up that it takes a while for people to get used to someone new, especially if it's something big.
Tyler let out a huff with a smile before turning his head toward you. "Nah, if I like you and the rest does, then they'll like you back. Don't doubt anything." You let out a laugh before speaking up. "Unless they see me do something stupid." Having moments in the past where you almost set off the fireworks in his truck when he showed you them for the first time or accidently set up the monitor the wrong way, causing it to freeze for a whole hour.
"We all do stupid stuff on streams, like one time i-" Boone began to speak once before Tyler cut him off. "Yeah, don't even continue on that." shrugging it off before nodding, you walked away to get more things needed for this chase. Carefully packing it up in the van and truck, making sure each is tucked away safe and not able to fling around from harsh turns that will come up sooner than later.
It was finally time to get out and start driving. Sitting in the back of the truck with all the equipment that you use to track the weather and tornado levels. "Hey, can you hand me the light for the camera back there? I forgot to replace this one," Boone asked. You just gave a smile in return before your arm moved in front of you, handing him the light, just before you could move. Tyler's hand landed on your wrist tightly, startling you in the process.  
Eyes slowly looking down to see why you realized your hand was close to setting off the fireworks almost once again. Quickly handing the light and bringing your arm back to you, "Sorry, I didn't realize." A wave of embarrassment rushes to you, wanting to sink into the seat and disappear. "It's fine. Just be careful this time. Okay,  we don't have a lot of fireworks on hand this time." He began to drive, his face stern before going to excitement for the camera.
His reaction scared you, thinking quickly that he was upset at you and annoyed. But he wasn't; he was just nervous having you on this chase, knowing how you get, and afraid of you doing anything stupid you'd regret. Slowly looking back at the monitor to show the camera and explaining who you were as well as what's on the screen.
Within minutes, there were so far three tornadoes; they were tiny and didn't really do damage, but I made sure to document them for future reference and further study. "So far, guys, we are getting good results, and you are all seeing this live!" Tyler yelled out loud to boost the viewers and likes. As you wrote down more, trying to make the handwriting more clear than messy, when in a moving car you take notice, Boone asked you a question.
"So why don't you tell them what you're doing as we drive down a boring road?" pointing the camera back at you once more. Blushing a little knowing millions were watching live at this very moment made you hesitate before speaking up. "Well, I work for a weather company, not a big one, but I'm getting every bit of data and tracking info I can get on each tornado that forms or tries to form basically so we can use it whenever something like this happens again, which it will." 
"See guys, they are also smart, so Tyler did good letting them join." Slowly turning the camera back to Tyler and letting you do whatever you needed to do. Enjoying the moment and everything, but your eyes missed the monitor at the moment you were writing. Showing high data of something big and dangerous, then it turned off with no signal shown on the screen.
"That's weird." You picked up the monitor to fix it, but nothing would work. The only thing it would do was turn off, and on displaying the "no signal," it was odd for you at least. "What's the matter?" Tyler spoke, taking a quick glance back to look at you. Glancing up at him before shaking the monitor, "It's not working anymore; it says the signal is lost. I can't see anything at all." 
Just as you tried shaking it, trying anything possible to work, the sky got darker, almost as if it were night. "Are you seeing this or?" Boone spoke up, breaking the silence in the truck, his hands holding the camera tightly. A crackle sound came from the radio that sat on the dashboard. Dani spoke up. "Guys, im saying this now we have to get to safety, um, it appears its going to be a big one."
Suddenly, Tyler hits the gas hard, sending you to fly back into the seat with a huff, the air pushing out harshly. Boone just cheers at the fast driving, while you were silently begging in your head for it to quickly come to an end. 
A small town in the distance appears almost quickly as Tyler continues to speed, the rest of the crew following behind. As Tyler slams on the breaks once again, you fly forward, but the thanks of seatbelts, it was cut. basically choking you, and the only time you were glad about choking.
Just as everyone got out, the wind speeds picked up quickly, chairs blowing away, leafs flying everywhere, and people running to safety. Just as you and the rest began to run to the basement of a store, your eye caught a glimpse of a tiny cat. 
Standing still and looking to the basement entrance and back to the cat, you take a step before a strong hand grips onto you. Looking back to be met with Tyler, "What on earth are you doing?! Do you realize you need to get to safety right now? Even I know that better than half of these people who are just running around!" His face looked harsh and desperate.
"I have too. There's a cat, and I'm not letting it fly up in the air, and if I let that happen, I'd cry forever." Losing your grip, you ran to the cat that stood still in fear; its tail stood straight. Tyler watched you as every second passed, a little annoyed, but he never took his eye off you. Within seconds, the wind picked up, and with the cat in your arms, you struggled to walk. Taking action, Tyler ran to you, and before you could speak, he picked you up tightly and back to the basement of the store.
Tyler put you down carefully and looked at you strongly. "That was a dumb move, and never do that unless you say something before. You can't die on your first day; I won't allow that." A breath of relief left him as he glimpsed down at the poor cat that still shook in fear.
"How about in three days then?" You asked with a smile, your hand slowly petting the cat to comfort it to the best of your ability. "I'll have to see." Just then the power went out, harsh winds
were heard loudly, and the cries of children filled the room, but Barely heard. Out of instinct, Tyler takes you into his grasp, holding you close to him. perhaps to comfort you or himself?
Just as your head turned to meet his, barely making it out with only a tiny emergency light lit the room. It felt as if the wind stopped and nobody was there but the both of you. Tyler leaned in first before his lips met yours in a heated kiss. It only lasted a second before the cat shook more as the emergency light began to flicker.
The tornado and storm lasted two hours before it was alright to get out. Trees everywhere, some stores destroyed, and cars, including Toyota's trusted truck. It was sad to look around as police and paramedics showed up to check up on everyone. You gave the cat to one of them to fully check on the cat."I wanted to apologize for acting harsh at the start of today and a few hours ago." 
"It's alright, Tyler; you just were used to everyone knowing how to do things normally and knowing to get to safety quickly." Stepping closer to him with a soft smile. "You didn't realize is my guess?" he suddenly spoke, which confused you. "realize what?" shaking his head with a sigh, he spoke again. "The tornado was like right there when you ran out to get the cat. That's why I was basically screaming at you."
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theepisceswriter · 1 year
JJK characters comforting a stressed out/overworked significant other ( Gojo, Nanami, Toji, Mei Mei)
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TW: none really apply, GN!reader, headcanon format
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He's QUICK to notice the signs when you're under distress, any slight change in your mood and he's on the case like Olivia Benson.
It's during times like these that he really clings to you and is an attentive partner because he's seen what the weight of stress can do to people close to him and he REFUSES to let them succumb to it if there's anything he can do to stop it.
He becomes so soft and vulnerable with you the moment he notices your eyes are a little too bloodshot
"What's wrong baby? Do you want to talk about it? We can lay down if you'd like."
He turns into your therapist for the day and purposefully clears his schedule for the day so you can rant to him for as long or as little as you'd like. You can take it all the way back to drama from grade school if you wanted to and he'd listen genuinely to try and come up with solutions for you.
Did I mention all of this is happening while you're laying on his chest and he's stroking your hair? V U L N E R A B L E !
The moment the source of your stress is identified don't even worry about it anymore, he's most definitely going to take care of it and you.
Oh and he's going to throw you a stress-free themed party with the jjk kids that seems so silly but actually helped all of you in the long run.
Nanami is a stressed out and overworked man in general so you would do your best to hide the fact that you’re stressed out to not add on to his stress, but Nanami isn’t falling for any of that “I’m okay, I swear (:” nonsense when it comes to you. He recognizes those bags underneath your eyes all too well. Not to mention that he can hear you typing away on your laptop and shifting around in bed checking your email at god forbidden hours of the night when you should be sleeping.
He moves in silence for real unlike the people who post those quotes on their IG stories, so you most likely wouldn't even notice that he knows how stressed and overworked you are. You should absolutely know better than to think you're tricking him, when this man gets partners he STUDIES them to a T!
You'll just come home from work and he'll have dinner already made for you along with special pastries that he prepared himself and a night of self-care prepped for you to complete; he's big on acts of service as a love language.
"But Nanami I have wo-" "You didn't ha-" AHT! He's not hearing that, he'll just gaze at you and then motion to the table with his head. You have no choice, this man is going to make sure you're stress-free for certain by the end of the night.
And yes, you are going to get a lecture on the importance of mental health and self care and no you cannot tell him about himself.
“Darling, why do you work yourself so hard when I can just take care of us?”
Mei Mei is a sugar momma and you can’t convince me otherwise. Half of that money she finesses out of others? Yeah, it’s going towards you and your expenses.
The first sign of distress and she’s sending gifts to your house that she knows will cheer you up. New shoes, a couple of new expensive outfits, some roses, etc, etc.
I also feel like she's a master baecation planner too, so don't be surprised when she sends you that "pack your bags" text at 8pm and the next thing you know you're in Aspen skiing with socialites.
Though, depending on how much she likes you and values you this could be a good or bad thing. If she's not really vibing you like that but thinks you're cute enough to keep around then she's doing all of this just to get you to shut up about ranting to her.
"Stress is just a mindset and one that causes wrinkles so knock that off."
BUT, if she reaaaaallllyy likes you then these are genuinely just the perks that come with having Mei Mei as a girlfriend. Best believe she'll find a moment in the midst of spoiling you when you two are alone to get to the bottom of your stress and help you figure it out.
He don't give a FAWK what you got going on baby !
I'm just playing yall, he cares but because he's emotionally unavailable its very hard to tell that he cares sometimes.
Hit him with a "I've just been so stressed lately" and he'll hit you with a "So stop stressing 😐" he means well I promise.
It's when he sees it take a toll on your mental health that he gets concerned, or as concerned as someone like Toji can be. Once he notices the fatigue, lack of eating, and dark eye circles his protection instincts kick in. As someone who's traveled into the deepest and darkest parts of his mind, the last thing he wants is for someone he cares about to end up in a place like that because he knows how it feels.
Just like Mei Mei, his acts of service and the amount of support he gives you depends on how far along and serious you two are as a couple.
If you're casual he'll just give you verbal reminders like; "Don't you think you need a break?" "Go eat you look like a witch" "I would suggest a nap to help with those dark circles." He's apart of that sassy man apocalypse we're.
BUT, if you two are locked in then he'll go out his way a lot more to make sure you're comfortable like buying you comfort food, watching a movie or two with you, and fucking to keep your mind off of it.
He'll physically take your work laptop away from you and put it on a high shelf purposefully so you won't be able to reach it. Your job keeps calling you in on your off days? He'll pickup the phone next time and let them know the Toji way why you can't come in. Boss irritating you over a project? Don't let toji see him in person or get ahold of any office numbers!
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makuzume · 10 months
Genshin HCs on how they text their s/o?
Genshin Men Texting their s/o Headcannons (Part 1)
Characters: Neuvilette, Itto, Childe, Ayato
Content: GN! reader; Genshin AU; established relationship; slightly suggestive (Ayato only)
[Masterlist] [Part 2]
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He has a very formal way of texting: well structured, complete with commas, semi-colomns, dashes, and quotation marks. It's not that he doesn't feel close with you to speak more casually, it's just that it's his natural way of speaking/texting (he already thought he was using casual texting).
Apologizes a lot if you comment on his manner of texting and might try to make it a bit more 'casual,' though it felt too off when he tried it, so you asked him to just text what he's comfortable with.
Sometimes asks you the slang terms used in the newer generation. "Dear, what does sjfskflak stand for? You mentioned that yesterday and I could not find the definition for it." Or even "Dear, what is U.W.U.? Is that some organization from Sumeru? It sounds quite familiar."
He will react to the Reels/TikToks you send him, though he says he will get back to it later on his free time (he always remembers).
There are times when he completely gets drowned in his worked and hasn't said goodnight to you or view your texts the whole night (He apologizes the next day.) Though his instinct is to always greet you good morning once he sees the sun peeking through his window, it's a reminder for him, and he never missed a day to say "Good morning, my dearest. Did you sleep well last night?"
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💛Arataki Itto💛
Reading his texts feel loud and lively, it's chaotic- a lot of times he uses uppercase letters, stickers, GIFs, and emojis to express his emotions even further. It's like you can really hear his voice when he texts.
Replies with silly stickers and meme reactions when he's either reading your messages or when he talks about something.
Will literally send his entire IG/Tiktok feed of memes or cool stuff to you.
Typos and wrong spellings all the time.
Itto will update you constantly, he'll send practically everything that reminds him of you "this beetle has ur vibe idk y" or anything mildly interesting that he's doing because you're also his bff got slushies but soem brat ran into me snd spillde it"
Expect constant facetiming for him to show you random stuff, tell a story that just happened, if he's bored, when he's walking through a dark alley and is secretly scared, or if he feels lonely while taking a dump for too long. He's also the type to make silly faces or poses when you accept his call.
He always finds a way to make the most mundane things sound like such s story to tell.
When he feels that your mood isn't vivbing that day, he will always try to lighten the mood through memes or tell you to "lay it on me, my campadre" and do whatever he can think of to cheer you up when he makes a surprise visit (comes over that night with your favorite snack, holding a flower in his mouth, and giving you a rizzed up look to make you smile)
You change his name too frequently it gets confusing sometimes (recent names: beetle dude, Gordon Ramslay, Deoderant, CheesePuff, Guy from McDonalds)
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There could only exist one: He's either incredibly busy from work and unresponsive for hours/days or he suspiciously has too much free time to be replying a little too quickly to your messages. (He lets you know beforehand if he will be inactive for a while)
Loves using every cute, funny, sweet pet name when texting you. His personal favorite is either babe or one of the many funny ones he can think of like sweet thang, boss, nerd, etc. (if that doesn't offend you)
When he does respond after being gone for days- Childe will send the most random, out of context photos of what he's been up to recently, out of no where (Photo of him on the top of a skyscraper antena, inside a submarine, Mt. Everest, an illegal substance den-) Often this is because this is where his work usually takes him and at the very moment he was done with work he figured he'd text you.
Sends screenshots from chats with his siblings or send photos about his family, talks about them A LOT.
Happy to open his phone and see your messages and see the links you sent, he's just excited to talk to you. He will go "US", "lmaoo", or "FR" and if you send a nice place from a reel/tiktok, he will book a reservation right away to surprise you that week.
INSTANTLY replies the moment he gets a notification from you even if he's at work. (except during those long, complicated missions where he says he will be inactive) you were confused one time where he would view your message, leave you on read for a minute, and reply (you found out later that he was in the middle of beating up some people in their headquarters who owed them money)
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Calls you sweetheart, darling, my love, and every other affectionate name. He isn't shy to say anything to you through texts. He's sweet and lets you know exactly how he feels.
Loves teasing you in a subtle, flirty way in his texts, it his way of showing his attraction and affection towards you. Sometimes, he does this during a time when you're outside or if you're out with another guy just to make sure you're reminded that only he knows how to make you blush. Imagining your reactions also amuses him (he knows exactly what to say to make you flusterred and embarassed)
Sends photos of things Ayaka made and things Ayaka she did recently because he acts like a proud grandfather when it comes to her.
Asks you to send photos of yourself when he feels particularly clingy or misses you
There are days he forgets to reply the entire day/night because of his insane workload- but remembers you the next day when he wakes up and realizes 'no wonder my day felt incomplete yesterday': He didn't get to talk to his sweet beloved.
Sometimes texts can get a little more flirty and turn a bit spicy
You get texts from him asking you to check your door (he sends you food and flowers to spoil you and make you smile).
[note: I'm no Itto simp but fave one I made was his]
Check out my other works [Masterlist]
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loveandmurders · 1 year
Could I get a poly Sinclair comforting/helping their girlfriend who is curled up crying in pain from her period? Sorry if this isn’t something you write and feel free to ignore it! I’ve been curled up on my bed since last night because I’ve been in so much pain
Hello baby, I so understand this pain. I send good vibes and hugs to everyone with a mean uterus <3
Hope you'll enjoy this <3
MY PERIOD IS A BITCH (afab reader x poly!Sinclair brothers)
Warnings: blood (obviously), pain, reader is grumpy, few strong words, fluff.
You knew it was going to be a very shitty day when you woke up early in the morning in a blood bath. 
You had been very grumpy last night so you had asked your three lovers to leave alone for the night. 
They were always very reluctant to not sleep in the same bed as you, because they were greedy and insatiable boys, but you weren’t even in the mood to let them kiss you or hold your hand, so they understood it was better to leave you alone.
And you were glad you asked them to because your bed was a mess, just like your pyjamas. 
You had to run to the bathroom to clean yourself up and to change your clothes. You really hated to start your day like that.
You hoped you didn’t leave a bloody trail behind you. 
You cursed in between your gritted teeth because you were so annoyed at yourself, even though it wasn’t your fault.
You heard soft knocking at the bathroom door.
“Ya okay?” Bo asked you as he had heard you running to the bathroom.
“Fuckin’ blood everywhere but yeah” you replied before opening the door. “Can ya help me change my bedsheets?” you asked and Bo understood what was going on and instantly nodded.
The great advantage with living with killers was that they really didn’t care about blood and that there were always products to remove blood stains in the house. It was something you didn’t need to worry about.
Once you finished taking care of your bed, it was when you first felt the cramps.
You let yourself fall on the bed, clenching at your belly in pain. It was like someone just stabbed you in your uterus, over and over again.
“Shit” you mumbled, biting down your bottom lip to keep quiet.
Bo was quick to be at your side and to help you get back in bed. It wasn’t the first time he saw you in pain because of your period, so he didn’t need to ask anything. 
It didn’t make it any easier for him to see you that way.
The boys hated to see you in pain. Especially when they couldn't do much about it.
“Gonna bring ya painkillers and a hot water bottle, kay?” Bo offered and you replied to him with a faint smile.
The only silver lining of being in pain was that your men were going to be extra nice to you. You were so grateful to have them taking care of you, like no one ever did in your whole life before.
Bo was always the most practical one. 
At the beginning of your relationship, he really didn’t know to react - like his two brothers to be honest -. But once he understood what were your needs, he was very quick to reproduce the same gestures. 
You were feeling emotional? Alright, he could give you a  hug and little kisses all over your face to make you feel better. 
You were in pain? Alright, he was getting you drugs and something hot. 
You were grumpy? Alright, he could put on your favourite movie on TV to cheer you up while cuddling on the couch with you.
Once Bo knew what to do and how to control the situation the best he could, he was less tense about it. Of course, he was happier when you weren’t experiencing pain, but it was worse when he didn’t know what was going on with you.
When Vincent entered the kitchen and saw Bo preparing a hot water bottle, he instantly knew what was going on and why you had been so annoyed with all of them last night.
He forgot about his breakfast and was quick to climb the stairs to check on you.
You were curled up on your bed, tears in the eyes when he softly knocked at your door before entering your room. He frowned when he saw you and he sat by your side.
He gently stroked your hair, his eyes scanning you with concern. You grabbed his free hand and held it with a lot of strength. 
He removed his mask and leaned to press a soft kiss to your cheek.
When you were going insane because of your period, Vincent was your personal cuddle buddy. He was like a giant teddy bear who never left your side and tried his best to comfort you by bringing you tenderness and warmth.
He also made sure you ate and had plenty of water, always keeping an eye on your health and wellbeing.
He would also try his best for you to rest as much as possible.
He would do everything that could appease your pain.
When Bo came back to your room with everything you needed, Vincent was already all over you.
Bo playfully rolled his eyes at his twin who was always acting like a mother hen with you when you were hurt, sick or in pain.
“Thanks, Bo” you whispered as you took the painkillers and settled the water bottle under your clothes.
“‘M leavin’ ya into good hands, baby.” Bo mused as he leaned to press a quick kiss against your dry lips “Let me know if ya need anythin’ though. Vince ain’t the only who can take care of ya” he reminded you. 
Vincent also rolled his eye at that and you almost laughed at their sweet bickering. 
They always were fighting to be the favourite. They just couldn’t help it.
“’Course Bo” you promised and it reassured Bo enough for him to go to work, even though he would come check on you more often than usual.
You tugged Vincent closer to you to let him know you wanted him in bed with you. He quickly got the message and wrapped his arms around you as he snuggled under the sheets with you (he was still in pyjamas).
After a little while, you slowly started to feel better but you thought you needed Lester to buy some more pads/tampons for you.
You dialled his number and as usual he answered you right away.
“Yes, darl’?” he asked
“Are ya goin’ for an errand soon?” you asked back
“Sure thin’, what do ya need?” he hummed, always ready to do anything to please you
He loved that he was the one you were calling when you needed something, it made him feel important in your life, which he was.
“On my period, so I need the usual stuff” you told him, a little bit grumpy and annoyed at your body.
“Ya good?” he asked with a frown
“Oh well, it’s bein’ a bitch, nothin’ unusual” you groaned as Vincent started to gently massage you, trying to help the painkiller do their work quicker
“Hate to hear that, darl’. Vince’s with ya?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer. His brothers would never leave you alone.
“Yep, he’s sayin’ hi” you hummed as Vincent nuzzled into your neck, softly smiling against your warm skin. He was enjoying being allowed to cuddle you as much as he wanted.
“Good. Gonna bring ya some pads and snacks, kay? Do ya need anythin’ else?” he asked and ya relaxed a little bit. Lester was really the best and he always knew what you needed.
Well you perfectly remembered the first time you asked him to buy some pads and tampons for you… He called you at least six times to make sure he was in the right aisle and buying you the right stuff.
Because he was both clueless but very eager to do good, and absolutely adorable, you resisted the urge to yell at him that day.
“Sounds good, Les.” you hummed “Bring a lot of snacks, please, and I might share a little bit with ya” you teased even if for the moment you were feeling quite nauseous and not hungry at all.
“I’ll recall ya that” Lester chuckled.
Pain calmed down for a little while before getting worse once again. It was coming and leaving like a wave.
You cried and curled up even more.
But your three men never stopped looking after you all day, comforting you and bringing you what you needed to feel better.
They were good at that.
You ended up falling asleep in their arms, surrounded by snacks, plushies and pillows.
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softpascalito · 9 months
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Raised on little light - 2003!Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: You don't have anywhere to go on Christmas Eve. Much less anyone to celebrate with. A neighbour down the street turns out to be your personal Christmas miracle.
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Relationships: Joel Miller xF! Reader WC: 1500 Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Violence, Non-Graphic Violence, Protective Joel (The Last of Us), Good Parent Joel (The Last of Us), Forehead Kisses, First Kiss, Pre-Cordyceps Outbreak (The Last of Us), Pre-Cordyceps Outbreak Joel (The Last of Us), Christmas, Christmas Eve, Author needs therapy (and sleep), domestic abuse Read on AO3 full advent calendar (updated daily)
notes: hello loves. today is another sad one. please read the tags. the abuse is not very detailed but it's there. this fic is very personal to me and (partly) based on how i spent christmas last year. any comments are very appreciated. i'm sending you all all my love &lt;3 also i wanna mention that this has similar tropes to a longer story idea im working on so feel free to let me know if you like the vibes of this and would like to read more :) title from the song northern attitude by noah kahan and hozier
for everyone who has spent christmas alone.
The worst part is the shouting.
You can ignore the passive-aggressive snides, mumbles that reach your ears in passing. You can ignore the absence of the feeling of safety. You have even learned to ignore the sinking feeling in your stomach when you apply another layer of concealer.
But the shouting seems to follow you. No matter how many rooms you put in between them and you, the sounds crawl through the house, slipping under doors and into hiding nooks that you’ve long outgrown.
It makes you freeze in your tracks, every time it starts. You stand still for a moment, listening, trying to hear what it is about, how bad it seems. There is always the gnawing fear of them running out of words and turning to actions instead. And despite the fact that you’re a grown adult, that you’re technically not the helpless child you once were, it still scares you like nothing else does.
It’s exhausting to exist in a violent house.
You silently let the front door fall shut behind you, stumbling a little as you make your way to the street. Your feet seem to have a mind of their own, carrying you out into the night without a goal in mind. Just get out of the house.
It’s surprisingly cold for Austin and you draw your jacket a little tighter around your shoulders as you move down the sidewalk. The houses on your street are lit up with Christmas lights, stars dangling in windows, colorful fairy lights wrapped around fences, a lit up reindeer figurine a few houses over. 
A truck drives by, the engine humming quietly, before it pulls into a driveway two houses ahead of you. When you pass the house with your head down, the sound of a car door opening and slamming shut makes you jump slightly.
The voice that follows doesn’t.
“That you?”
It only takes Joel a few strides until he’s in front of you, brown eyes searching your body for god knows what. There is a brown paper bag in his hand but you don’t dare lift your head higher to look at his face.
“Whatcha doing out here? Escaping the family gathering?” He jokes lamely, remembering the way he used to sneak off during the holidays if it got too overwhelming.
“Something like that,” you mutter back, trying to put on something resembling a smile. Either it doesn’t work or Joel is too smart to be fooled by it. Because he nods softly, bending his back a little to try and get a look at your face, “Can you look at me for a second, darlin’?”
Oh, he’s so not playing fair. He knows exactly what that nickname does to you, especially coming from him. And he’s shamelessly abusing that.
You swallow, hard and lift your head enough for the porch light to hit you. Joel’s face instantly changes. The somewhat cheerful, joking manner he’d been in a second ago is replaced by concern and something else. Something that almost seems like anger.
He drops the bags of groceries to the floor, bringing both hands up to cup your face. He’s mere inches away when he suddenly stills, eyes softening a bit, “Can I?”
You give a small nod and right away, he closes the distance, turning your head a little to get a better look at the black eye that is undoubtedly getting worse by the second. He should get some credit for not flinching away, you think, for not pretending not to see it like everyone else does.
“You put ice on it or anything?” Joel mutters, his gaze flying over the rest of your neck, clearly checking for more injuries. You barely have time to shake your head no before one hand is on your back, steering you back towards the Miller’s house. “We’ll get you patched up, okay?” Joel asks softly. When he sees your gaze, he adds, “Won’t take long, promise.”
The mood inside the living room could not reflect yours less. There is a bright tree by the window, colorful lights twinkling away. You’re barely inside when you hear footsteps coming down the stairs and you stop in your tracks. Of course Sarah would be home. You’ve gotten to know her rather well this year, after she almost failed Biology last year and when Joel mentioned it in passing, you offered to help out.
You don’t plan on letting her see you like this. She’s smart, like her dad and your afraid that just like him, she’ll know instantly what’s going on.
Joel tugs on your sleeve, motioning for you to stay. Then he turns the corner, catching Sarah at the foot of the stairs before she can reach you. Her voice still carries through to you.
“Did you get the ice cream?” Joel chuckles softly, “I did, dessert is safe. Listen, I gotta- I mean, Santa’s gotta do some last minute preparations. You mind staying in your room for a bit? And no peeking.” The girl grumbles something under her breath but heads back upstairs and a moment later, you hear her door close, a small breath of relief escaping you at that.
Joel's head appears around the corner, “Come on. I’ve got some stuff in the kitchen.”
He pulls out a first aid kit, disinfecting your wound carefully before wrapping a few ice cubes into a towel and dabbing it against your cheek a few times before holding still. The cold immediately seems to work and you involuntarily let out a sigh of relief.
Joel smiles a bit, his hand still pressing the cool sensation against your skin, “That’s better, hm? Just don’t leave it on too long.”
“Yes, sir,” you tease, bringing your own hand up to take the towel from him. There is a small moment, merely a few seconds, when your hand sneaks below his, your skin pressed against him, somehow fitting more perfectly than you ever couldve imagined. It feels even better than the ice.
Joel let go after a moment, taking a step back and turning to the kitchen that is messy with dinner preparations.
“She made you get ice cream?” You ask softly, hoping to steer the conversation into a somewhat pleasurable direction.
“Yeah, yeah, she did. You know how she is,” Joel smiles softly. It doesn’t last long. He clears his throat, glancing down at his feet.
“Listen, I know it ain’t my place. But this is not- it’s not normal. Not even close.”
“It is to them.”
Your voice is quiet. You don’t even want to say it. But something about Joel has always made you open up faster and more intensely than you have with anyone else, “It doesn’t happen that much.”
“Ain’t supposed to happen at all, darlin’,” he argues softly. His eyes fly to the window for a second. There’s a string of lights hung up in it as well. You think there’s not a single one at your house. You were raised on little light.
“We’re making dinner in a bit, Sarah’s pick, and Tommy can’t make it so we are one person short.”
You furrow your brows slightly, wondering for a moment why he is telling you about his dinner plans. But then- it washes over you.
“I couldn’t- I’m sure you have a lovely night planned and-”
“Won’t change if you’re there. It’ll still be a lovely night,” Joel says softly, nudging your foot with his. “Come on, let me- let me do this for you.”
You let him. There is dinner, luckily with no more questions about your slightly swollen face. Joel offers you some wine, lets Sarah pick a movie, pretends to hate that it’s some cheesy Christmas movie. You still catch him smiling at the screen throughout the film.
The teenager falls asleep halfway through and Joel gives you an apologetic look before he carries her to bed. When he comes back and sits down, his hand almost automatically finds your knee. Between the romantic movie and the second glass of wine, the atmosphere between you has changed.
“You know our door is always open, right? Sarah loves having you here.”
“Only Sarah?” You raise a brow, leaning into Joel’s broad form a little more and his eyes soften as he looks down on you, “You’ve had a long day. We shouldn’t add any more to that.”
“What if I want to?” Your face is hovering inches from his. You don’t remember even being this close to him, “Joel, please.”
He can’t resist your begging. He doesn’t think he could if he tried.
Christmas Eve brings you your first kiss with Joel. He runs his hands over your cheeks, always careful to avoid the bruise and even when you pull back to catch your breath, his mouth stays on your face, kissing your chin, your nose, your eyes.
He kisses your forehead an hour later when you’re wrapped into his sheets, after you’ve moaned and then cried immediately afterwards. He holds you through all of it, his voice barely a whisper to not wake Sarah.
“I like having you around too, darlin’.”
notes: thank you for reading. i love you &lt;3
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blorbosdotcom · 3 months
roleplay request?
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I know I've been advertising my RP server for Sam & Max quite a bit, but I'm also open for 1x1 roleplaying! I'll be putting my information under the cut, so feel free to message me AFTER reading it over if you'd be interested in RP!
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.. Basic Information ..
Open (1/3.)
As I am 18+, I do not roleplay with minors. I am just not comfortable with it whatsoever especially since the genres I tend to write.
I try to keep my portrayals close to canon, though I do tend to add my own personal flare to them as well. If you do something similar/have headcanons about the canon you're portraying, please reach out! I think adding to characters just makes things more fun. 
In all honesty, I mainly just rolelplay Freelance Husbands. Nothing much with OCs or focus on characters outside of the pair. Well, aside from when I do JURGEN focused stuff, usually shipping him with Superball.
If you don't reply to me without notice after a week or so, I will close our DM. If you need a break/want to end RP, just tell me. I know how it is. But ghosting is just not cool.
I roleplay over discord, exclusively.
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I write in a third person, semi to literate format. I typically write three paragraphs as a minimum and expect partners to match my length. Often I write more like 3-5+ paragraphs, it just depends on my muse and what's going on in the roleplay. In order to be my RP partner, I do require an example of your writing. I can send one back as well.  This is simply a measure to ensure we both vibe with each other’s styles before getting into roleplay! 
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Timezones and availability.
I will not always be available as I am an adult with a significant other, work and other responsibilities. Please respect that and don't spam me for replies. If I have an event coming up I will try to keep you informed + hope you'd do the same. I live in Central Time.
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Non-con, ageplay, p3dophilia and that other nasty stuff. I don't mind writing heavier topics, but going into graphic details with things such as Eating Disorders and Self-H@rm is too much. No other specific triggers come to my mind, but I will be sure to tell you if something makes me uncomfortable. 
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Types of roleplay.
Admittedly my primary interest in roleplaying is shipping. I tend to get bored with platonic roleplays. I am a sucker for a good hurt/comfort! Some genres I enjoy are angst, thriller and AUs of all kinds. I do not roleplay unless there is a plot, either. I do love brainstorming them together+hearing your ideas, and I also have some ideas already. I will add I tend to go hardcore into angst at times so if that isn't for you, I may not be the best fit for roleplaying. That being said, a good fluff or other genre can be just as fun. It really depends. I do ERP as well, but only if there's a plot involved. I can't get invested otherwise. DM me for more ERP specifics.
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Max the Lagomorph.
You know him, you love him - the rabbity thing ever.
Jurgen the Vampire.
The guy ever.
I can do other characters as side characters, as well!
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Freelance Husbands (obviously)
Jurgen x Superball (my guilty pleasure)
Jurgen x Papierwaite (I saw the light)
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If you've made it this far, congratulations. Feel free to message me with any other questions I haven't answered in post, and of course - if you're looking to roleplay. Cheers!
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gingerjunhan · 11 months
hii gjh !!
hope you've been taking care of yourself, and taking your delulu pills (cuz I certainly haven't been)
I neeeed to know your thoughts on XDH OT6 with a energetic partner? I don't wanna say they give off total folder retriever puppy vibes, but just like a extroverted bubbly partner?
heart eyes for them, much love
🎲 anon
☆彡 hiiii 🎲anon! Thank you for sending this request in! This is both for you can for my lovely 🧈anon, since you both requested something similar! I hope you both enjoy, and sorry it took so long
word count: 964 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: (fake) proposal w/ Jiseok, not proofread, lmk if I missed something!
goo gunil
I think Gunil would LOVE an energetic, bubbly partner 🥹
he’s constantly cracking jokes and trying to make people laugh so when you two are together you’re basically laughing nonstop!!
I also do think that since he’s the oldest of the group, having a really bubbly partner would probably put him into Dad Mode™️ sometimes?
yes he loves laughing and goofing off with you but maybe sometimes he feels the need to take the reigns as the “responsible” one
that’s not a bad thing!
it sets up a really good dynamic between the two of you
if he’s in a more “serious” mood you can easily get him out of it
he just loves how bright your personality is :(
you never ever fail to cheer him up when he’s upset, and the same goes for you too!
Gunil and a really giggly partner would have SUCH a good dynamic together- there would never be a dull moment!
kim jungsu
Jungsu strikes me as the opposite of Gunil
while Gunil is typically silly with serious moments, Jungsu is often serious with some silly moments sprinkled throughout
he’s Mom Mode™️, if I may
so I think having an energetic partner would be great for Jungsu!
I mean, c’mon… look at his dynamic with Jiseok…
you would remind him that it’s okay to take a breather and have some fun once in a while!
to me Jungsu is very stoic, and you would definitely be able to crack that facade
I think an energetic partner would bring out a side of Jungsu that not many people would get to see
he definitely lets loose when he’s with you
he would probably be a little more talkative and outgoing!
your bubbly energy would definitely bring out the bubbly energy in him as well
kwak jiseok
you and Jiseok together would be unstoppable in my opinion
once one of you gets going with the jokes it would be hard to stop
truly the happiest couple I’ve ever seen
everything you do is hilarious
never a moment to catch your breath because you will always be laughing
late nights spent between the two of you laughing at literally nothing
the inside jokes the two of you would share would be so intricate and weird that absolutely nobody else would get them
if one of you suggests doing something the other would automatically be down to do it, no questions asked
oh? what’s that? you want to go thrift old, fancy clothes and wear them into a really nice restaurant, maybe even faking a proposal or a birthday to try and con from free dessert out of the chefs? Jiseok is literally running to put on his shoes
you would constantly be there to support one another
you are each other's number one fan
you + Jiseok = the sunniest relationship I’ve ever seen
oh seungmin
Seungmin my love
I feel like you could get him into some trouble
you would be so happy and down to do anything all the time
and I feel like, with a little persuading, Seungmin could be the same way
“I’m sorry, baby, I have work to do.” :(
five minutes later he’s putting his shoes on, ready for an adventure
you just seemed too excited when suggesting going out that he couldn’t say no!!
he would be the black cat to your golden retriever I’ll say it 🤞🏻
he would just be so chill next to you while you’re bouncing off the walls with excitement
but at the end of the day you’re just two nerds /pos
I also think, much like Jungsu, you could bring out a more energetic side of Seungmin!
you work together nicely; you energize him and he kinda chills you out
(until you get excited about something again and he can’t help but to stop and listen because he loves you)
han hyeongjun
I think Hyeongjun could be a little intimidated by an energetic partner at first!
he gives me the vibe that he would be very shy at the start of a relationship
so seeing how bubbly you are he would almost feel the need to try and keep up?
(just give him time okay he’ll get there)
I feel like you would be dragging him by the hand to go out and do ANYTHING but he will happily comply because look at you! you’re just so excited!
once he finally warms up to you and your bubbly antics I think you guys would have a great dynamic!
every now and then he would hit you with one really good comment or joke and you would just light up
I’m sorry but imagine him practicing and you just start shredding on the air guitar to make him laugh
“I’m just like you!”
“You should keep practicing.”
it would probably be more of a teasing relationship, but it’s all in good fun :)
lee jooyeon
oh boy
you two together would be the relationship that would make the others cower in fear
you are both. so. LOUD.
laughing at inappropriate times 💀
having a very niche sense of humor
too much energy 🤝🏻 too much energy
constantly picking on and teasing the others
you basically live in each other’s heads
you swear you can communicate telepathically
granted, Jooyeon can have serious moments, but with you around they are short lived
you make long, elaborate plans with each other constantly
even if you never execute the plans, you still make them
you have planned many cross country trips or made up strange stories together
you would probably have all the same interests because once one of you gets excited about something you instantly have to tell the other all about it, and then they get excited too
not only would you and Jooyeon be partners, but you would also be best friends!! 🫶🏻
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , @mxlly143 , comment to be added!⁎⁺˳✧༚
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terezis · 11 months
hiya it's me again, the anon with ~questionable~ taste in fictional men i guess (is this really how i want to be known help)
thank you so much for the recs!! i've read/am reading some of those, but i've dutifully put the rest onto my read list—cannot wait to dive into some new stories o7 (also, i used to do a similar thing w/ranking stuff, except in a notebook LOL lost the notebook after i moved and my life has been in shambles ever since. but i digress.)
if you're up for offering some book recs as well i am most certainly 👀 !! i haven't lost myself in a good book in so long & i really miss it.
anywhoo, gonna cut myself off here before my rambling gets outta hand. sending you lotsa good vibes, cheers!
LMAO i'm sorry but that's your official title now. questionable taste in fictional men anon. hello <3
i hope you end of liking them!!! i am going to make ur to-read list a bit longer now hopefully. most of these are ya but to be fair ya fucks
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir OBVIOUSLY
only a monster by vanessa len - i think the romance falls a little flat which does seem to be partially by design, but the premise/world/plot are all SO fun and fascinating and i love her draco malfoy-knock off friend
the scarlet alchemist by kylie lee baker - i have read a couple of wu zetian stories now and i think this is definitely one of the better adaptations. the pacing IS a little weird but i feel like the twists are interesting enough that i was fine with it LOL
the cruel prince by holly black - i love the cruel prince and that's all there is to say. ruthless protag done believably imo. fairies. romance with a questionable man
every heart a doorway by seanan mcguire if u haven't read it already
the beholder by anna bright - big fan of this one and its sequel bc it does not do what u expect it to do as a ya romance, in a very nice way
tiger, tiger by petra nordlund - bonus webcomic rec, volume one is published but also you can read online on her website for free. IT IS SO GOOD i read it all in like 3 days and now wait on the edge of my seat for new pages
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petcr3 · 2 years
petcr3’s RomCom Party! { a Valentine’s Day event }
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Whether you’re celebrating Valentine’s with friends, a significant other, by yourself, or not at all, there’s one thing no one can resist… a good ol’ romantic comedy!
So to celebrate V-Day, I’m hosting a movie party! Send in the movie titles, guests, and snacks that correlate to your favorite tropes, characters, and extra flair! Feel free to be specific in what you’re looking for or let me take the reins! You can make a whole movie marathon or just come for the snacks, it’s up to you! While I can’t guarantee I’ll get to everything (and I’ll definitely be working on this stuff past February 14th) I’m really excited to be taking requests again!
Check out the options below!
The Guest List (aka who I’m accepting prompts for)
Top Gun: Maverick - Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Reuben “Payback” Fitch, Robert “Bob” Floyd, Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia, Javy “Coyote” Machado, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, and Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Leverage - Tara Cole, Sophie Devereaux, Alec Hardison, Parker, Eliot Spencer
Stranger Things - Jonathon Byers, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
The Amazing Spider-Man - Peter Parker (as played by Andrew Garfield), Gwen Stacy
Movies (aka tropes, scenarios, etc)
How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days - Dating based on a bet! Specify whether you’d prefer the reader or the love interest to be the one making the bet. Otherwise, dealer’s choice!
13 Going on 30 - Childhood friends/Friends to lovers, perhaps a la the girl/boy/person next door trope!
Say Anything - Grand romantic gestures! Can be for any reason; specify if you like! Maybe a character wants to apologize or someone needs cheering up. Maybe even a love confession!
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World - This one’s all about exes. That could mean exes to lovers, a run in with an ex while out with a partner, or just a simple dating history conversation. If you feel called to, get creative!
Sleepless in Seattle - Anything long distance/related to being apart!
You’ve Got Mail - Enemies/rivals/frenemies to lovers!
Bridget Jones’s Diary - Love triangle or two (or more!) characters competing for someone’s heart!
My Best Friend’s Wedding - Love is in the air… somebody’s getting married! Who knows what could happen? Meet cutes, objections, love confessions, or whatever your heart desires!
No Strings Attached - When friends with benefits become something more!
The Proposal - All things fake dating! Green card marriages, making someone jealous, helping out a stranger at a bar, placating the family… it’s all on the table!
He’s Just Not That Into You - Not so unrequited love! Mutual pining, idiots to lovers, etc.
Never Been Kissed - This one’s for firsts! First kiss, first time, first date, first relationship! Can be a one-sided first (ie, character A’s first kiss ever) a mutual first (both characters have never had a serious relationship before) or a together first (first time the characters have been together).
It Happened One Night - Road trip! Is this a romantic getaway? Is someone running from a bad breakup? Is this just a fun drive between friends that blossoms into something more? You decide!
Snacks (aka extra plot elements/details)
Candy Hearts: a love confession occurs!
Chocolate Covered Strawberries: the story takes place on Valentine’s Day!
Popcorn: the characters sing karaoke (or sing along to any kind of accompaniment)
Pop Rocks: the characters fight! (And then make up because I said so)
Cotton Candy: any kind of hurt/comfort, whether it be emotional or of the whump variety
Bonus (aka flavor of fic)
Musical - Song Fic! Either choose a song or I’ll pick one that I think fits the vibe of your choices!
Rated R - Things get a little heated… (it’s smut)
Sequel - What it says on the tin! A sequel to a previous prompt reply!
Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! I can’t wait for you to join the party! 💘
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repentarium · 2 years
the truth is i've been dreaming of this tired, tranquil place tag 9/??
Eddie has this way sometimes of looking at someone, at Steve, and seeing through any walls, no matter how carefully constructed they are, reading the DNA and the writing in his bones, and acting like it's normal, like it's nothing. Like his eyes, dark until the light hits them just right and shines them up, have some kind of superpowers. In Hawkins it wouldn't be out of the question. 
For Steve, who hasn't really had anyone care in such a meaningful way, not really, not ever, it can feel huge and nearly overwhelming. 
They've been living in the apartment over the cafe for a little over two months when Steve gets a call. It's the early evening, and he and Eddie had just sat down to dinner and TV. When the phone rings, Eddie is on the way back from the kitchen with a couple of beers, so he snags the phone on the way. 
'Hawkins Morgue, you slash 'em we stash 'em, this is Eddie.' His eyes widen and his posture straightens and he says 'yes sir', then props the phone up and flips it off, whispering 'your shit dad' at Steve as he heads back to the couch. He hands him his beer on the way, then uses his free hand to ruffle what Steve is sure is calm vibes into his hair. He cheers him and flops onto the sofa, and Steve drains half of the bottle in preparation before he even stands. 
'Hello?! Steven?'
'Hi.' he says, mostly because he knows his dad hates the greeting, thinks it's 'too casual and unprofessional'. 
'Good god I thought you were in a ditch somewhere, I had to call the video store to get your number! Where are you?'
If you wanted to get really technical about it, Steve hadn't told them he'd left the Harrington house, not really. He'd left a message with his dad's office assistant and then kind of forgotten about it, honestly. 
'I moved out.' He learned long ago that short and to the point worked best with his dad; he was going to get mad no matter what, and stalling just made it worse. 
There's a long silence on the other line, and Steve meets Eddie's eye and takes another drink while he waits for his dad to process. Eddie sends him a thumbs up. 
'Out of the house? With what money?'
'With my money.'
'Well that's smart, wasting your tiny paycheck on what, some apartment? And leaving the house completely empty, too, who knows what-'
'You left it empty, Dad. I'm not the one who bought the damn thing.'
'Well you're going to get back here now so we can talk about this and you'll move your things back in. Use your head for once, your mother is worried sick.'
'We've been here for like… two months?' he looks at Eddie again, and he holds up three fingers, waggles them. 'Three, three months. And you never returned my calls and haven't said anything to me the whole time.'
'That's bullshit and you know it, Steven-' Steve hangs up the phone, delicately unplugs the cord from the back, and sits down to have dinner. Eddie gives him a high five when he sinks into the couch next to him and they don't talk about it again. 
Sometimes when Steve is working during the day and Eddie isn't, Eddie will bring him lunch. Usually just a sandwich and a Coke, maybe a handful of chips in a little bag, but it's one of the nicest things anyone has done for Steve and he keeps doing it. 
He always plays it off, says it's not a big deal, he needs to get outside anyway or he'll just hang around in his underwear all day or whatever, but it's a big deal to Steve. 
It's a slow day and he's sure Eddie will come by any minute, he knows it’s his day off; he's waiting around, bored, when he hears a commotion outside. At first he ignores it, thinks it's not his business as long as it's humans and it’s not his humans, but he hears a loud and dramatically enunciated 'fuck off' that he recognizes and he's past the counter and through the door before he even realizes. 
Eddie's just outside of the Family Video, hands up in a placating move even though his eyes are hard and angry enough Steve can see them from the door. 
There's a small group around him, none of them the original headhunters from when he was wanted for murder, but enough of them in Hawkins Tigers jackets Steve knows exactly what's happening as he walks up behind them. The fact that they're a new generation doesn't change the way they'll be.
'There a problem here, fellas?' he walks up behind the group, claps a hand on the shoulder of the one closest to him so he can shift him to the side and walk through. As he gets closer to Eddie, he sees a crushed little paper bag on the ground. He nudges it with his toe and looks Eddie in the eye, and they have one of those telepathic conversations that go ‘are you okay?’ and ‘yeah’, communicated in a tension in the eyes and a lifted brow. 
Steve knows he fell from grace a long time ago, but he also knows while he was in school he made enough of a name for himself that standing next to Eddie means something, even in his annoying work vest, and even against the young shitheads across from him that he’s sure he’s never even met. 
'Harrington, fuck off.' 
Okay, maybe it means a little less these days, but it's not like he's gonna leave Eddie alone out here so he stands straight, arms crossed, an inch away from Eddie's arm in what he hopes is obvious solidarity. 
'Buddy, I don't even know your name but you're barking up the wrong tree here.' He makes the mistake of glancing at Eddie and sees him mouthing the word 'barking?' back at him in disbelief and it almost makes him burst into laughter, but he's shaken back to seriousness when the mouthy one talks again. 
'What are you, his fucking boyfriend? We should have all guessed, you stick together, you fa-'
'Get the fuck out of here.' Steve escalates from annoyance to the kind of absolute anger that has him swinging a bat at a creature so scary these idiots would never imagine, biting into the leather of a demobat, slamming it against hard craggy ground. It's a fast enough transition that it's like his adrenaline is overwhelming, like he could actually fight the whole group on his own with no punches pulled even if they are human kids, just a group of a different kind of hive mind. 
He'd do it, too, in that moment, it's like his muscles are coiled and tense and just waiting for a wrong move. The mouthy one must see something in the set of Steve's jaw and the grit of his teeth, or maybe his eyes look a little wild, because he scoffs and kicks the paper bag on the ground at him, gets too close to him and shoves a shoulder against his as he passes, but he does pass, and the rest of his gang of asshats follow him off, laughing and shoving at each other and probably off to ruin someone else's day, someone who won't put up as much of a fight maybe. Steve watches them go until Eddie clears his throat, his hand on his arm making him jump a little. 
'Hey, it's okay.' 
Steve looks at him and swallows, feels shaky. 'Yeah, sorry, yeah.'
'Don't apologize, man, you probably saved me a tussle. You were a little scary though. Not, like, to me, but it felt like you channeled a little Hell Babysitter, you know. Metal.' Eddie's hand is still on his arm and he pats it a little before leaning down. 'Those monsters got your sandwich, though, I'm afraid.'
'Come back in with me anyway? It's slow.' Steve doesn't say 'I still feel weird and shaky and my stomach hurts bad enough I don't think I could eat it anyway' but he bets Eddie can tell what he means with his weirdo insight because he follows him in with a hand at his back. He tosses the crumpled up bag into the trash as they go in, and he sits with him behind the counter, feet up by the register, as he calms down a little. 
All at once it's like the adrenaline leaves his body and Steve is exhausted and feels crumpled and his stomach is still all twisted up. Eddie pulls a bottle of Coke for each of them out of his inner jacket pockets and opens them braced against the countertop with a crack of his palm, one at a time, and hands one to Steve. 
He should get stock in Coke or something, he is thinking loopily as he takes a drink, the sugar feeling sticky in his mouth. He uses it like medicine so often. His dad would call it a smart investment. 
'You okay?' Eddie is watching him with big concerned eyes over his own bottle. 
'I should be asking you that.'
'But I'm asking you. You seem a little peaked.'
'Adrenaline, man.'
'And probably PTSD.'
Steve just hums at him, takes another drink. Eddie swings his long legs back down and walks around the counter to the snacks, grabs a bag of potato chips and a couple of candy bars. He pops the chips open and brings them back around to share with Steve. 
'Thanks for sticking up for me, though. Less scary to face a horde with you on my side, you know. We could have taken them.' he makes a half-hearted fisticuffs gesture, and it makes Steve chuckle. 
'I think we could have. We have enough freak energy between the two of us that it would have given us an edge.'
'Amen to that. You're getting it now, Harrington, the appeal of the freak.' Eddie taps his bottle against Steve's, and Steve thinks he hasn't called him Harrington in what has to be months. He hums into his drink, tears open a candy bar. 
It takes him a long time to feel like his heart is consistently beating normally, between the phone call from his dad that he can’t quite shake and the guys outside and Keith yelling at him for marking more snacks as damaged in the inventory, but when he gets home Eddie has made them a sweet little snack plate for dinner, which is one of Steve’s favorite things because you can have two bites of like a million little cheeses and veggies, and it’s not so bad. 
The next day, though. The next day is hard. 
He's got the day off from Family Video, which usually means he'd find something to do to get out of being home alone. The thing is, there's a cold front, paired with a light rain, and it's so hard to motivate himself to get out of the house. 
The kids are all in school, and he only gets through to Robin for a few minutes on the phone between classes before she has to hang up, quicker than he'd have liked. It was good to hear her voice, but God does he miss her. 
He's feeling… itchy. Like his skin is freezer burnt and scratches against everything it touches, like his muscles are jumpy and his eyes are dried out. 
It used to be when he was feeling itchy, floaty and unmoored, he'd go on a date, go play basketball, maybe have a party and invite people over to play in the pool or dance smushed together, but it's never really been this bad. He thinks it's maybe because he hasn't done any of that for so long, and maybe because he hasn't seen Robin since school picked up, and maybe because he's been working full time and it's cold outside. It's probably a little bit of everything, but it's making him feel kind of bitchy and like he should lock himself in his room before Eddie gets home, not that that would help himself at all but maybe it would keep Eddie safely out of the blast range. 
He'd said he'd have dinner ready, though, and he's not going to skip out on that, so he's rushing through making it in hopes he can leave it warm on the stove and be 'asleep' by the time he gets back. 
Of course he's not lucky, he's never been lucky, really, and he’s trying to finish the pasta when he hears a pounding at the door. 
He figures Eddie left his keys or something and dries his hands on the towel on his shoulder, pulls open the door hard to get past the part where it’s been sticking since the weather turned cold, and already has a half-joke about the keys ready to leave his mouth when he realizes he’s not looking at Eddie.
‘Dad.’ A brilliant observation. 
‘So this is your new palace, Steven.’ he says with distaste clear in his voice. 
‘What are you doing here?’
‘Aren’t you going to invite me in?’ He only pauses for a few seconds before he pushes past him and into the apartment. Steve grinds his teeth and pushes the door closed, gives himself a second to shift tracks in his brain before he peels his forehead from the sticky paint of the door and spins around to greet him. 
When he turns, John Harrington is scowling at the giant popcorn standup. 
‘This is tacky.’ He mutters. He wipes a finger across the top of the tv and frowns at whatever he sees on his fingertip. 
Steve rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in front of his chest but he has this clench of fear behind his ribs and he hates it, hates that his dad still has this effect on him, but it’s there all the same. ‘What can I help you with.’ It doesn't come out like a question. Steve doesn't really want an answer, he just wants him to leave. 
‘What are you doing here?’ John is frowning directly at him, now, standing in the middle of the living room. Steve hates that he’s there, like he’s contaminating the space he’s finally built up around himself, like he’s ruining it somehow. 
‘Well, Pops, I live here.’
‘Pops.’ he scoffs and takes a step towards Steve. Steve doesn’t think he’s going to hit him, thinks he’s probably not drunk because he probably drove here from Loch Nora, but he’s got that shitty kind of anger burning up behind his eyes that makes Steve feel like he has to actively try not to flinch or step back. He tenses his fingers into his sweater instead, hidden under his arm, and hopes he looks unbothered, hopes his poker face holds for once. He doesn’t want an argument, he just wants to be left alone.
‘Where did you get my address?’
‘Nancy Wheeler’s kid brother Michael, you know he’s working at the burger joint in town, he’s shaping up to be quite the young man-’
Steve mostly keeps the scoff in but he’s a little hurt actually, not that he has ever told anyone he’s hiding from his family or anything, he’s not really. Mike.
John looks like he's gearing up to say something annoying and loud and probably hurtful when Steve hears keys in the lock. The door gets shoved through that part where it's been sticking, and Eddie is saying 'Honey, I'm home!'. He says it literally every day but Steve feels the blood flush out of his face and his skin grow cold and his eyes widen as he looks at his dad standing there, taking in the deep and kind of rumbly voice and, he's sure, Eddie's bright eyes and smile as he shrugs out of his jacket and comes fully into the living room. 
'Oh. Hello! Sorry, didn't realize we had company.' As loud and big as Eddie could be, he was usually pretty polite until you gave him a reason not to be, especially these days, but there wasn't going to be any saving face with John. 
'Who the hell are you?' 
Before Steve can say anything, Eddie steps forward to shake John's hand and say 'Eddie Munson, sir, at your service!' with a big smile. He looks back at Steve finally and he knows he can see that something foul is happening because Eddie visibly gulps and his smile falters as he takes a step back. 
'The murderer, Eddie Munson.' John is impossibly redder than he has been, maybe ever.
Steve catches Eddie's eye, sees how far his face and posture have fallen, and gestures at John. 'My uh, dad. John Harrington.'
'Oh-ho I see.' Eddie lets all of his breath out in a whoosh. 'Okay, Johnny Boy, not so much at your service actually, but if you'd like to leave I would be so happy to walk you out.' Steve snorts a chuckle at that and looks at Eddie, whose eyes look kind of fierce and pointed in a way that Steve doesn't usually see. It's like with a full change of demeanor he's become a completely different person, bigger and maybe even a little scary. 
John sputters in disbelief. Steve would bet actual real money no one has ever called him Johnny-Boy in his life. 'You can't make me leave. I'm here to talk to my son.'
'For once.' It comes from the side of Eddie's mouth, tilted cartoonishly in Steve's direction, but he knows John heard it.
Steve feels buoyed by the smartass responses from Eddie, who's now standing right at his side, shoulder pressing against his. 
'I beg your pardon.' John is flustered. 
'Oh he said "for once", like a reference to your whole absentee parent thing I think.'
John takes another step towards Steve, and he is close enough now that he thinks maybe he was wrong about not getting hit. He takes a huge breath that balloons out his chest and shoulders, but he doesn't get to say whatever it is he plans to before Eddie is interrupting. 
'Oh absolutely not, my guy. It's time that you leave.'
Eddie calling John 'my guy' is surreal. He must think so too, because he's sputtering angrily but not really saying much. 
'I'm not usually a cops kinda guy but I know a couple of ‘em who'd be happy to escort you off of private property that you don't own.' He steps behind John and bravely puts a hand on either shoulder. He's taller than John. 
'You're one to talk, you'll never own property in your life-' 
'And you're a complete jackass and a shit dad, we've all got our crosses to bear.' Eddie starts moving him delicately towards the door, and Steve wants to tell him to look out and that he can be like a wasp waiting to sting, but it must be just as shocking to John because he goes mostly without struggling. 
He's not going without talking, though, he's saying all of the things he knew about Steven, all kinds of slurs and points about how he and his little boyfriend were lower than low and not only going to hell but hopefully soon. 
When Eddie shuffles him through the doorway he says 'okay, sweetie, we will see you there, buh bye! No really, goodbye!' through the door as he closes it, flips the locks, and presses his back against it, John pounding and yelling at the door for a long few minutes. It's still less time than Steve would have imagined before he's stomping down the stairs and slamming the outside door open. When he hears the car start outside he can finally let his breath out again. 
Steve feels like he's going to throw up. 
But in all, it wasn't as bad as he'd built it up in his head. His dad was just some guy, it turns out, and something about facing monsters and death and loss the way he has the past few years has shrunken him into being Just Some Guy who sucks, absolutely, but is still Just Some Guy. 
He slides down the wall to sit on the floor, and Eddie goes to make sure the stove is off (drains the pasta too, it sounds like) before he comes and sits right next to him, their backs to the wall and arms pressed together. 
'So that sucked.' Eddie says to him, head rolled so he can look at him, probably reading his thoughts again. 
Steve chuckles. 'I was just thinking it went pretty well actually.' 
Eddie doesn't smile, is still looking at him. 'It's okay to say it sucked.'
'No it did, it totally sucked, but like. It's one of those things where in my head he was so scary and he's just.'
'Some asshole?'
'Some asshole. Like a bully. We deal with them enough, why would he be any different? You know?'
Eddie is quiet for a minute, thinking. 'It's different because that asshole was supposed to be your dad.' 
'Hmm.' Steve is feeling that old shame, the one that says 'it is because of you, your dad would be better if you were better'. 
'No, stop it. He was supposed to be your dad and he wasn't and that's on him. I know a little about that. My dad was an asshole too, remember, and it had nothing to do with me. If I said it did you'd be pissed.'
'I would.' 
Eddie grabs hold of Steve's hand. It's grounding and present and nice, soft and warm like home. 
'It helped that you were there. I've never seen him so out of his league.' Steve laughs, tilts his head back against the wall. 'He didn't know what to fucking do when you called him Johnny-Boy, the disrespect.'
'I told you, I don't have a lot of patience for asshole dads'. He grins at him and shakes his hand a little before letting go to stand. 'Let's get some food, okay? I bet something stupid is on TV.' He stretches his hand back out to help Steve stand. 
They sit and eat and laugh at some sitcom, and when they go to bed Steve doesn't have nightmares but he does have a dream that he and Eddie and Robin are sitting behind the counter at Family Video, and there are faces pressed all against the glass like a Romero film but it's Hagan and it's Carver and it's the new bullies and it's his dad. They can't get in though.
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petrichoraline · 11 months
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
i'm going to use this opportunity to share my opinions on free fall and the megaverse clip (did you ask me about it about 3 weeks ago? yes. do I still hold the same opinions? probably, yeah 😂)
first, free fall - I really like the direction they took with this album, it's not necessarily my thing more because of the execution rather than the style. chasing that feeling is the one I listen to the most, when I first listened to it I expected smth else around the last chorus but it ultimately left me feeling..wanting for smth that I couldn't pinpoint. like there wasn't enough of a BAM. still an amazing song. the two english tracks remind me sm of bts' english collabs with the cheerful attitude and they're both really catchy <3 growing pain is so goodd and happily ever after is very fun but I mostly hear it through tt challenges (caught myself doing the choreo the other day out of nowhere lol); also the day6 vibe of skipping stones is undeniable, i can't unhear it since I saw that description hahah
the album is really good and what I love most about all the songs are the guys' voices, there is so much character and passion in every lyric, that's what makes the music feel personal and energizing 😁 i looped their previous mini album so many times without really intending to so I feel like whatever came after that would've been set to the same standard. the music is great, just not for me and that's okay.
now, skz. i am aware there are a whole ass mv and album out by this point but I'll have to leave that for another day..I WILL require your commentary on it, though!! be prepared to give it ✨️
the megaverse clip conflicts me hahah cause there's a reason I don't listen to certain skz tracks? and this kinda feels like it's one of them but also?? the opening reminded me of miroh (and i like me some miroh 😩) and when jeongins part came I was seateddd and the build up sounded so nice- point is I know the song is a banger, the only question is whether it's a banger for me in particular at all, if it's smth I'd like immediately or smth I'd have to listen to a few times..as for the visuals of the clip idk what changbin was wearing on his head but im here for it? wedding bells in the distance <3 and just..jisungs presence is truly beautiful, like he shows up and im like "yes, you know what, song of the year! it's obvious"
it's all good music by amazing artists, it's just not all to my taste and that's fine but I hope I don't sound too negative <3
and to reply to the actual ask: sending you the biggest cuddles 💕💞💗💞💗💞💕💓💞💕💞💕
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Sooo.. what did you think of the show? How was it? (Only if you want to share of course!!)
Soooo it's gonna be messy because I'm still reeling from 24 hours without sleep and then 4 hours of sleep during the day and I'm not very good at processing what happened aldkfj
First of all I'm so happy and thankful for all the people who I met up with. They are the best and I had the an absolute blast. I don't know if it's a phannie specific occurrence when you meet people from the internet but we were all on so very similar wave lengths and we talked for hours about fascinating topics and of course dnp. I felt so safe with them and I could talk about basically everything. So thank you so much Kate, Katie, Magda, Jana and Jo <333 you are the best
About the show on its own .. hmm it was definitely a budget version. I'm so sad we didn't get the rainbow lights, the eclipse light and the cubes :( The venue looks godawful from the outside, and you have ultrasound and tile shop in the same building but the inside was quite hipstery and not as bad. Very postcommunistic tho. Also the church, cemetery and closed mall just outside gave very specific vibe to it aksjdjhf I got the cheapest ticket so I didn't have meetngreet but it still felt surreal to be in the same room as Dan. I sat quite far to the back but at the isle so I had not the worst view. Seeing him on stage didn't feel real, I felt like I was watching a video with a room full of rowdy queers. And even if in Poland we weren't really meeting new people and mingling socially amongst the separate groups, sitting in the audience still felt like being a part of some bigger thing. What irritated me were the bar lights that were on the whole duration of the show and kinda ruined the immersion. Also I was cold. About the show's content: wow Dan sings really good, I loved looking at him enjoying himself so much on the stage, this really was his passion project and I felt like he did it mostly for himself but also wanted to give us a good message too. I think I enjoyed the most the part with sending to hell jk rowling, jeff bezos and putin (the scream for him was the loudest :')) and sparing tony the tiger because tigers and endangered. Polish specific madlips were also very good. Bubbles? It was weird hearing it in zloties. And my friends in the front row get soaked. Also daaan we don't have student's depts here?? The unis are free. As a lot of people said before he was really careful about the communist part because he underlined that NOT like soviet russia but like Denmark he said I think? I was very focused on every word he said and was listening to him carefully but I don't remember that. In the calendar part, I'm so happy they have their take away fries days on saturdays 🥹 the time he most constantly feel the most content... And the most important part.. the monologue at the end. The second part of the show was shorter, wasn't it? Because it ended so fast for me. I didn't cry because I'm absolutely emotionally disconnected and can't feel much of anything. But I love him so much. I was looking at him and trying really hard to telepathically convey to him how much he is loved here. The hopeful message is so important to me. It gets better. And we can help someone. We should reach out. We can't give up because even my stupid reblogging of some posts might be the one thing that saves someone. Very interesting to think about virtue signaling in this context as he was saying. I loved when people started cheering after he said he's gay and he was like wow took you so long of the show to realise this akdjdbbfjf and yeah I loved the gay jokes and him smacking his butt multiple times. I was wondering how many people were there randomly because something gay was happening and how many people only vaguely knew who he was and watched him only a bit in the past. Because there was so many references and when he shows bits of his old videos? I wonder what thoughts they had. And the worst part is that he fucking sneaked out so fast before we left the building :((( we waited for him after because we didn't believe when someone said to us that he left already. And I had the train back at 4 am so I didn't have much else to do. Absolutely don't recommend warszawa centralna train station during the night. I'm so glad I wasn't alone. Dan also said fuck Warsaw I don't want to spend any additional minute here bye. Hope he has fun in Helsinki.
Overall I'm proud of myself that I did go even if I'm often scared to leave my house at all. Warsaw show felt a bit like a bastard show added later on with very cut expanses. But I'm glad he went here and I'm so happy I saw him. Hopefully I don't fali my exam because of it
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kiaramori · 2 years
Heya girl, just another random person coming over from ao3 to send you good vibes. Glad you’re feeling better, and I’m praying to all the deities for you that you can get through all of those school papers that are due! And by school, I really hope you mean University/College/Tech, because if a high-schooler is writing an incredible, sweet, funny, sexy, emotionally complex fanfic like Suspended Bridges, I think I might just shrivel up and die.
By the way, I’m very behind on commenting (a side effect of a couple of different hectic situations happening at work and home respectively) but in case you haven’t guessed: I fucking love your work. I have this google doc where I write my thoughts on each chapter - because writing directly into the ao3 comment box has led to many an accidentally lost comment and much rage - and I keep meaning to post. But then you’re so wonderfully prolific and keep putting up new chapters, and all I’ve ended up doing the last three weeks is add to the google doc. Now I’m six chapters behind (I think?) and the document is a monstrosity that will not see the light of day in its current form.
Anyhow, cheers! Thanks for the free food. You’re a legend.
Aw thank you soooo much!!! I really appreciate the good vibes! I finished another paper today so I’m hoping I can write more now that 2 of the big ones are out of the way 😊
I am not in high school lol. If it makes you feel any better my high school writing is SO BAD. In one of them (an og fiction story) I got the pacing so wrong that at the end of the book I had the author appear to give all the characters weapons to fight the big bad—it was awfullll so yep no worries I am 28 and in grad school actually!
I am soooo flattered and just thrilled that you’re liking the story!! This is the first thing I’ve written seriously in a long time and I’m just amazed at the positive reception!
Don’t worry I totally understand that you have stuff going on and I totally get that sometimes writing out a comment can be a big mental toll especially when you feel behind! I have a bunch of tabs open myself on my phone of fics I want to comment on once I have the time but I keep putting it off for whatever reason.
That said I am SO CURIOUS about your Google doc I want to see it. No comments on my fic are bad comments, I literally obsess over and adore every single one (I think my dopamine receptors have made me addicted to the praise lol) so I want to see this Google doc soooo bad but also you are entitled to your privacy and your time so no worries!!
Thank you so much for this ask! I love you, I am so grateful that you sent this and that you are liking my fic!!!
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goodgaymckay · 2 months
(Heads up for ANIMAL DEATH)
After Jeb goes non vegan, Rex shows him the simple pleasure of sandwich meat. Jeb falls in love with it, it's a ratatouille moment for him! will eat it straight out of the bag.
Rex starts taking him on little deli dates. It's super cute to him because he gets to watch jeb stare at the meat wall to pick out their sandwich meat for the week. I headcanon that Rex makes amazing cheap sandwiches and that he gives them to Jeb for lunch. Terry spent so much of their budget on vegan food that met his sensory needs/standards and it never tasted as good (not because it's vegan but because Terrys a mid cook). His favorite is turkey!
Terry sees this and decides to give Jeb some shit for it. It's more of a raining on Jebs parade thing than a vegan thing.
“IT'S the most processed thing you can eat”
“You've been gaining quite a lot of weight since you quit veganism, must be all that processed meat and processed bread”
“you look bigger, it must be all that ‘honeymoon phase’ weight. I'm glad you and Rex are happy eating in front of each other. He REALLY treats you well.”
Then he brings up the little animals because he knows Jeb loves the little animals. That's how he got Jeb to turn vegan anyways. He starts sending articles on animal cruelty in the farming industry. At some point he even sends videos of chick's getting sorted, animals getting corralled into the murder areas, and even chickens getting their necks snapped. What really sends him over is a video of a sick looking cow getting shot in the head.
Rex walks in on Jeb while he's crying and gets him to explain. Rex goes into research mode and finds cruelty free farms that do farm to table.
Jeb is skeptical so Rex takes him on one of their long night drives to the farm since Jeb was too afraid to take a tour. They hop the fence (Jeb needs help getting unstuck, Rex catches him) and take their own tour. The animals seem really chill and he does know that local is better than supporting BIG FARMING. So really he's doing a good thing eating these cute guys! It's raising farming standards! And Rex is like ya sure! And hypes him up.
Now they go on day long drives to local farms for dates too. It's not just animals, they go pick apples and stuff. When it's animals they usually intact with the safe and animals. Sometimes they even let him pet the animals and hang around them.
They go to a goat farm with the gang (Terry refuses to join) and they do goat yoga, eat goat cheese and other goat products, scott gags at goats milk, jerry tries to cheer him up vomiting it up a little, and then get goat milk soap! They bring back some goat soap for Terry and and gasps and refuses to put it on his body. Terry thinks the soap is from melting the goats down Luke horse glue.
I think that Terry has no idea that ethical farming is a thing and does not care to learn about agriculture At all. Like even when they're not slaughtering animals its bad. His veganism helps him feel better than the rest of them.
Meanwhile Rex and Jeb go to agricultural fairs and decide to raise chickens (for eggs not food). Jeb loves all the baby chick's, they follow them around the house, Rex somehow potty trained them, the chickens have their own space but vibe around the house like small feathered dogs.
Jeb and Rex actually moved in together to do this. They had to rent a house with a backyard for it. Terry's bitterness brought them much closer as a couple and now Jeb has chickens to mother. Their very happy!
Side note I think properly getting protein (not a vegan thing, dating Terry thing) and going out with Rex makes Jeb gain weight and muscle. They are gym bros to me but not in a ripped way. Those dudes are solid!
I’m posting this without commentary it’s a fic in its own way
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aeriscallanga · 9 months
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First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your unwavering support and love for my blog! I also highly appreciate your patience and understanding with my inconsistent posting and sudden hiatuses in the past few months. These things kept reminding me to continue creating and sharing content with all of you without pressure. It all means a lot to me ♡
Moreover, to celebrate my brief return, I'll be throwing not only just one but two parties here in my blog, a new year celebration and victory party from winning the choral competition with the theme of Ateez' Break the Wall concert, because I miss them so book your ticket, sing your heart out and have a great night! ♫
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Follower celebration starts on January 2nd until January 14th at 11:59 pm (GMT+8), join us and let's break our first wall in 2024! ♬
𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 & 𝗚𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 || 𝗧𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
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[Original Characters' Corner]: "Let's say hi first...dul set, 8 makes 1 team! Annyeonghaseyo eitijeu ibnida!"
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HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened Live Alive): Fill out this form and I'll make a Tumblr banner for your OC, though it may take weeks or months to finish it
New World: Tell me about your OC I'll try to sort them to another fandom or an AU they would also fit in. Take note: this may took a lot of time to generate, the more information, the better!
Pirate King: Here's your chance to talk with my OCs! click the link of my OC Masterlist, and all you need to do is to send their representative emoji(s) with your question. MTLs, headcanons, and general discourse are also welcome
FEVER Medley (Good Lil' Boy + The Leaders + To the Beat): Similar to Pirate King, but with a twist! Let's exchange "tea" of our OCs without mentioning their name(s). You can send juicy asks too, but again...no name dropping
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[Moots Only]: "Let's continue to make more beautiful memories together"
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Celebrate: I'll create a moodboard based on your big three (sun, moon, and ascendant) and venus sign. In case that you don't know what are they, refer to cafeastrology
Illusion: Send me your five most recently used AESTHETIC emojis [smileys are not included] and I will tell you which ATEEZ member + their song you give vibes of
Eternal Sunshine: Gimme your best meme/inside joke(s)/pun(s) and I'll share mine in return. Let's spread positivity here!
Turbulence: This milestone wouldn't be possible without my lovely mutuals! Feel free to ask a handwritten letter if you want to
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[For Other Followers and Anons]: "Thank you for everyone who worked hard on this concert and joined us today"
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BOUNCY (K-Hot Chili Peppers): Drop one simple word and I'll try my best to create a short poem about it
Sunrise: How are you feeling? Come to talk with me through submission ask, and I'll try my best to give you comfort or advice to cheer you up
Aurora: Tell me about yourself (don't forget your age and sexuality + preference) and I will ship you with someone from random fandom(s) on wheel of names, it'll be a surprise so buckle up!
The Real (흥 ver): You already know this one...the usual ask games, kiss marry kill, cym, top 5, and others you can think of
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This was ATEEZ today hana, dul, set...8 makes 1 team, gamsahamnida!"
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ ⋆*・゚: .⋆ ゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚⋆*・
𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝘁𝘀: || @foxesandmagic || @arrthurpendragon || @jemmalynette || @deliahscrush2003 || @carmens-garden || @megandaisy9 || @multifandomfix || @impales || @fiction-is-life || @the-second-tonks || @moonrainbowfish || @needsmth || @stingrayextraordinaire || @oceanblueeyesoul || @literaturewithliz || @diorgirl444 || @gayandfairycore || @ourbonesmccoy || @virginia-peters || @fuckitup-in-style || @mysticmeadows || @howlruto || @moonlight-yuyu || @ppoppokari || @x0x0josephinex0x0 || @ihavenothingtodo10220 || @disneymbti ||
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