#feel free to dissect
desmonddemesne · 6 hours
Gravity Falls Tarot - Part 2 of 3
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Assignment of every Major Arcana to someone/something in the Gravity Falls Universe! Broken into parts for coherence.
In this section we cover the next seven cards from Strength to Temperance.
Part 1
8.) Strength - Wendy Corduroy
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Keywords: Resilience, grace, courage, calm, and stability
Strength is a maiden composed in the face of great danger. When the beast snaps its jaws she reacts poised and swift. Wendy is, quite literally, the coolest character in the show. Her association with the Ice Bag on the Cipher represents her capacity to remain cool under pressure.
As the child of a lumberjack she has skills in wilderness survival, quick reflexes, and surprising strength. As the daughter of the person we previously assigned The Emperor to we recognize how being "a flippin' Corduroy!" has primed Wendy to confront lifes challenges.
Wendy has also drawn the attention of many suitors, gaining a mature understanding of boundaries and the importance of love in all its forms; romantic, platonic, or familial.
9.) The Hermit - Stanford Pines
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Keywords: Withdrawal, solitude, introspection, wisdom, and recluse
The Hermit walks the darkness alone, guided by a lantern. Ford was bullied from a young age, ostracized by the majority of his peers for his physical deformity and poor social skills. However, guided by his intense curiosity and the solidarity of his brother he charted a way through the world.
After arriving in Gravity Falls Ford sequestered himself in a cabin in the woods, working on his research in solitude. In his own words he pitied many of the townsfolk for their simplicity - feeling superior but nevertheless lonely. After being tricked by Bill, Ford fell deeper into madness due to his isolation and inability to trust others.
By the conclusion of the story Ford has reconciled with his brother and begun the process of moving on from the trauma which kept him moving forward for thirty years. The Hermit searches to understand themselves and Ford has found what he needs to live happy.
10.) The Wheel of Fortune - Stanley Pines
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Keywords: Change, chance, fate, fortune, and cycles
The Wheel of Fortune turns in a constant state where the only guarantee is change, for better or worse. Stan's life can be broken into a roller coaster of intense joy and strife; childhood alongside his brother was amazing but waned into his teenage years, as a young adult his scams kept him afloat but slowly caught up to him, after pushing Ford into the Portal he spent thirty years working to get him home - only to not be thanked.
And yet, it was Stan's thinking that ultimately did in Bill Cipher, a demon who'd alluded the machinations of people far more noteworthy than him. He didn't back down, he took a gamble and won.
Stan's life has been rough since the age of 17, but he's survived well into his 60's by calculating risks and seeing through deceptions. He doesn't always win out, but the dedication he has towards his family is resolute and he rides out the wins he earns.
11.) Justice - Pacifica Northwest
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Keywords: Karma, consequence, law, honesty, and accountability
To many Justice is blind and impartial, but laws change and norms shift. Pacifica Northwest is the to be inheritor of not just her family's wealth, but their legacy as lying cheats. At the beginning of the show she is Mabel's antithesis; popular, trendy, and wealthy. However, we come to see that Pacifica was not born bad but reared to be 'another link in the worlds worst chain'.
When ghostly retribution threatens her family for their trangressions Pacifica states the following; 'our family name is broken, and I'm gonna fix it!' Pacifica cuts through her fathers manipulations, rights the wrongs of those who came before her, and opens the path for proper healing going forward.
One grand act does not forgiveness grant, but Pacifica's story shows that even under immense pressure we must strive to do right by ourselves and those around us.
12.) The Hanged Man - Thompson
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Keywords: Sacrifice, indecision, uncertainty, stillness, and inversion
The Hanged Man is a figure in seeming distress, yet equally in control. Thompson is his friend groups punching bag, a monkey made to dance. However, when his friends splinter Thompson admits that letting himself be picked on contributes to group cohesion and that he's allowed this for 'years'.
Thompson is potentially the oldest member of his friend group as he's their set of wheels. At work he's shown to be more than capable asserting himself as theatre manager. And yet, it is only through Thompsons willingness to be the groups jester that his friends' unity can be restored.
His social role is confusing, but plays great importance.
13.) Death - Bodacious T
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Keywords: Transformation, release, endings, transition, and relief
Death rides on a pale horse and comes for us all. However, Death is not the end but a metamorphosis; being one thing and becoming another. Bodacious T is an unfortunate character because their creepy tendencies are coupled with, in my opinion, an accidental GNC narrative.
Bodacious T spends most of their time in the show ridiculed, but when Weirdmaggedon arrives and indiscriminately alters reality Bodacious T doesn't just survive but comes out the other side a truer version of themself.
"It's called Death Ball" and maybe you'll be happier confronting whatevers on the horizon with a bat and fishnets.
14.) Temperance - Fiddleford McGucket
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Keywords: Moderation, serenity, tranquility, care, and balance
Temperance is an angel whose hands are inspired with divine regulation. Although Fiddleford has a gentle soul, at the beginning of the story we find him feral and nonsensical.
Fiddleford joined Stanford in his experiements on the Portal, leaving behind the quaint life of a husband and father. Although he returned home on special occasions the splitting of his focus caused strain to his marriage. When faced with the reality of his creation Fiddleford felt incapable of reckoning with what he'd done and chose to forget.
Months of forgetting have permanently changed Fiddleford. He steeped himself in ignorance and ran from his problems, afraid to face horrors be they supernatural or mundane. By the end of the story he confronts the memories he'd once willingly gave up, mending both his mind and his relationship to his son.
Temper thy hand, compromise, and don't allow the extremes to consume you.
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wombywoo · 4 months
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inventory 💼
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
You do get the sense that the fallout of Roger's death and the Roger pirates disbanding not so much traumatized Buggy and Shanks indifferent ways but instead generated such drastically different reactions to the trauma.
While the trauma of everything seemed to push Shanks into the future, always constantly waiting for something, putting plans on hold and then later in place, for this great moment, this great coming that he sees on the Horizon. For Buggy it rooted him firmly in the past keeping him trapped in this grief masquerading as anger.
While Roger's death forced Shanks to grow up fast, it kind of arrested Buggy's development keeping him stuck in those same feelings, rooted int that same place.
You get the sense that Buggy's whole east blue schtick is just one long overdue rebellious phase one big fuck you to Roger and his ideals. He's rebelling against Roger's principles. One of their rules was don't steal from innocent people and Buggy was keeping a whole town in poverty. If Roger and Luffy's pirating styles are diametrically opposed to someone like Blackbeard, who might be the most literal pirate in the entire series, then buggy is the parody of that Blackbeard piratism. He is playing up cruelty, being the most piratey pirate possible, hell he's literally a clown on a stage. It's all a show! It's his own special way of trying to "get back at Roger" of trying to discard everything Roger taught him for this overacted, over exaggerated clownish cruelty. Mentally he never left that execution square. He is still 15, alone and scared.
Hell he literally never left either, while I'm pretty sure Shanks' booked it out of the east blue as fast as he could, Buggy never lef, might have never left, if not for Luffy. It's part of why Luffy bothers him so much, he's just like Roger everything that Buggy is trying hard to forget and here comes this kid, whose never even met the Captain but is wearing his hat, shoving it right back in his face.
It makes sense that he never leaves the east blue till Luffy literally forces him out of it (fucking with Luffy gets him captured and imprisoned) and it makes sense that it's Luffy that literally breaks him out of prison, literally sets him free, and on the path to greatness that maybe he was always meant to achieve (even if he trips his way into it). This boy that is tragically so much like his old captain but so beautifully unabashedly himself, is what Buggy needs to start letting go off the past, to start trying to move forward.
Maybe that's why Buggy, at what could arguably be described as his lowest moment, gets the strength to free himself from his own self imprisonment, realizing that even back then he was locking himself away and pinning his own dreams on Shanks. And, maybe for the first time ever, Buggy really own his dream. He declares to his tormentors and his crew and the entire world that; actually He wants to find the one piece, him, as captain of his own crew, this crew, not just a part of someone else's. That's his dream and he's willing to turn the world upside down to do it.
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genericpuff · 8 months
vent post
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#and before anyone who hates my shit says “yeah because you ARE a loser way to have self awareness for once”#i promise you this would be me with or without the LO fandom LMAO#anxiety is a hell of a thing#and as much as i internally guilt myself into thinking it would be better if i just shut up and hid away forever#i also know that's the trauma speaking because the adults around me always told me to shut up#and even as an adult i still encounter people who talk over me and make me feel like i'm not allowed to be outspoken#but the pen is mightier than the sword and all those years i've spent being spoken over i've been honing my penmanship#i have fun talking about the things i talk about and i don't have any less right than anyone else to do it#i am cringe and i am free#self post#vent post#altho on another note i do wanna make time this week to go find new series to read#too many of my favorites have turned to shit and it's taken its toll#i KNOW there are better comics out there that are genuinely well made#i already have a few that i'm reading that i love but i need to balance out the good with the bad more lol#i just need to take the time to go find good stuff instead of pouring so much of my attention into the bullshit that doesn't deserve my tim#i think both things can be true#i can have a lot of fun dissecting and writing about series i don't like#while also nourishing myself with good works that restore my faith in this medium#“perfectly balanced as all things should be”
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latenightwestern · 9 months
list of morty fears from fear no mort:
- being stuffed with maggots
- rick “hooking up” and being happy (theory)
- “being a useless, lonely turd” (more of an insult than a theory)
- watching rick die (theory i think)
- eating spiders
- not being accepted
- being responsible for ricks sadness
- that they’ll never get out because rick will never accept that he’s afraid
- the hole itself
- becoming his father
- rick not jumping after morty.
EDIT!! tacking on more fears after several rewatches and reading peoples’ takes on the ep:
- relying on rick (idk how i missed this one, it was literally the main one, the one fear hole guy called “delicious”)
- to add on to the one abot rick being happy: rick not needing morty anymore as soon as he’s happy
- being dumb (possibly, fear hole guy calls him dumb)
- rick’s suicidal tendencies
- being uncertain, more specifically being uncertain about being in the hole
- everytime rick says “we’re rick and morty, 100 years, forever” he doesn’t really mean it
- being “replaceable” or abandoned
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raaorqtpbpdy · 1 year
You know, there’s a lot of psychologist Jazz content around, and I enjoy it, but I’ve actually never read a fic where she’s a brain surgeon, the career she canonically wants. They may be out there but I’ve never seen one, and I read a lot of fic.
I’m not necessarily complaining. This is just an observation. It does make sense that she could start out wanting to be a brain surgeon and discover that she would actually prefer to become a psychologist and not have to get into the ooey-gooey of physically poking around in people’s brains, and it suits her and all that.
However, I do think there’s some missed angst potential here in the dissection/vivisection fandom as to why Jazz might decide to change her mind about wanting to cut people’s heads open.
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supahstarrr · 1 month
so i was just thinking about whit's behavior in chapter two; he's trying to be so secretive about david's secret to the point of disrupting the flow of trying to survive in a life or death situation. this behavior from him is likely an extension of his behavior in chapter one, where he tried to keep the reason behind charles behavior and the interactions between the two of them a secret as much as possible.
what motivated the secrecy was him being emotionally aware about trauma; how trauma is such an intimate and personal thing. so here in chapter two, could this flaw be in root of him being emotionally aware of how mentally (and life) damaging it could be on david's life if his career, which largely financially supports his life, is suddenly tarnished?
he values privacy so much to the point it becomes a flaw. the root of this flaw is his emotional maturity and awareness towards other people (i can't word this in a way that also acknowledges his awkwardness with dealing with people). and then i think about his relationship with romance, commitment, detachment and his career. the reason he is an ultimate at what he does is because of his heightened awareness towards the emotional aspects behind romance. his patience and consideration of others suggests emotional awareness.
yet despite how serious and aware he is about romance, him flirting as a joke—thus burying down how prudish he actually is (confirmed by drdt dev)—suggests he attempts at somewhat detaching himself from the concept of romance by treating romance as a joke when it's applied to him and his interactions with others. in other words, this behavior can show you're not putting your full commitment when it comes to romance. hinted by treating your romantic words lightly to detach them from romance.
that trait isn't always an immediate deep thing, but what makes it deep for him is that this is an extension of him constantly joking about serious things in general, thus expressing detachment from dealing with the weight of an impactful situation. as he is aware of the impact about romance, this means he is aware of the commitment—and responsibility, which connects with commitment—that intertwines with romance (the commitment can be vary to little or a lot).
so in a way, it appears he has some sense of aversion about commitment and responsibility that he is very aware of. he acknowledges the responsibility with revealing other people's secrets, so he avoids that, even if it means hes heightening up the risk of a deadly situation by being secretive. in fact this interests me because i can take it far and say this aversion of his could very much be linked to his mother's death and neglectful childhood.
i dont want to say too much tho so i wont go on about how. if anyone does want to hear more thoughts then ask me. anyways any other people who analyze characters way more better than i do/get his character way more than me PLEASEE talk to me what do we think .. i usually dont trust myself with deeper thoughts on characters so im just gonna say this is more like an interpretation than a serious analysis
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
Stop saying that Reo refers to his dynamic with Nagi as just a business partner, that's not factually true
Or well, it's out of context and only partially true
I keep seeing this argument brought up in nagireo meta as a way to bring ammo to the interpretation that Reo sees their dynamic as transactional while Nagi cares for him as a person, using the Barou scene as a frame of reference, but. As someone who read the whole manga in japanese, fun fact! There's another time where their relationship is brought up with a descriptor before that scene, and it's in fact Reo who refers to Nagi as his partner first. Not a business partner, just a partner. Someone you spend time with.
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To be precise, the word he uses is 相棒 ("aibou"), which, second fun fact, is the same word Bachira used to describe his relationship with Isagi (in the scene where he says "I love you, partner". Just stressing that cause I find it amusing lol). In Bachira's case, this word was officially translated as "buddy". It basically means partner/companion/comrade. As you can see, there's no exploitative subtext, unless you're willing to read that into Bachira's line as well.
This scene was in chapter one of episode Nagi, so it's Reo who sets the tone of their buddying relationship. Nagi just follows.
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When Barou accuses him of being a mindless slave that only follows Reo's orders then, Nagi's prompt response is to call himself "Reo's partner, not a slave", using the word 相方 ("aikata") this time. As you might have noticed, it's almost the same word! Same first kanji, almost no differences in nuance as far as the meaning goes. This one too means partner, companion.
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So, where does the confusion come from? Well, the thing is, Reo does call Nagi his business partner, too! A whole total of once, and it made more sense in context. The reason why this got more attention than the line in chapter one, I believe, is because Reo says it shortly after Nagi candidly called him his aikata, so it jumps out more and makes Reo sound so much colder than he is.
But again, context!
Given how Reo's the first to put a friendly label on their relationship, clearly the intent here is not to tell us he secretly only sees Nagi as an asset whose potential he's investing in. More like, this line was in response to this,
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Nagi's ego rearing its head at long last, and him taking the initiative in a play for the first time. Here he calls him his business partner because Nagi's finally rising to meet him as an equal, instead of simply trudging along because of Reo's pushing. It's Nagi who requests an assist, and Reo enthusiastically provides it, and remarks upon it with this term. But, and please note, in all the three different occurrences, no matter the word in kanji, the furigana always spells out "partner", cause that's what's the focus
So please stop saying that Reo doesn't give the same weight to their friendship as Nagi does, that's just untrue. They both obviously care about each other, and their actions show it better than their words, tbh.
I guess one might still overanalyse the fact that they don't use the same exact term for partner, and wonder what the difference is, as one (me) does. This is what I found (with a japanese source for more accuracy):
Inputting this into a machine translator cause it's 1am and I don't have the brainpower to translate it myself:
The difference between "buddy" and "partner" is that "buddy" (=aibou) has the nuance of "a partner who helps each other to achieve a goal," while "partner"(=aikata) has the nuance of "a partner who understands each other's personality and character and shares hardships and joys.
Which I feel is a much better distinction that makes a lot more sense with their respective motivators/feelings. Reo sees Nagi as the person at whose side he'll be able to win the world cup, thus it makes a lot of sense for him to use aibou. Nagi gave him the confidence to think himself world class despite his father's scorn. He's his partner in crime, so to speak. While Nagi sees Reo as the first person who saw past his weirdness, understood him better than most, and as the companion he can always circle back to and tell him about the joys and hassles hardships he went through
Signed: a pedantic nagireo fan who thinks they're both the same shade of simp
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thenobleprincex · 17 days
something something about how Hawk doesn't exactly suffer from internalized homophobia but he does very much suffer from internalized heteronormativity*, in the sense that he doesn't feel that being attracted to/having sex with men is wrong, but he doesn't feel that it is right either. like, he's fine with it and with living it (as the show very well establishes!!!), but he's also very much aware that he's the odd one, that he's the one on the inside looking, and that he doesn't have the right to impose it on others**, that it's his job to fit in and not the job of others to make place for him. meanwhile tim feels that he should feel that wrong about liking men and having sex with men, but he can't help feel that it is right, that it is holy, and so his journey is much more about trying to reconcile the beliefs of the culture and religion who raised him and that he loves and is devoted to, with his embodied knowledge that, not only is there nothing wrong with him, but that the way he loves is precious and worth treasuring
*which of course one are just two sides of the same coin and, at their core, inextricable, but bear with me for the sake of the argument
**in this light, those last scenes of him (including the handshake scene) just become so much more powerful
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57sfinest · 2 years
thinking about how one of the only truly *real* details we get about dora is how she liked war games. and harry thinks of her as dolores dei. and dei was the innocence of colonialism and "for-the-greater-good” bloodshed. it all comes full circle. he was obsessed with her not only for whatever shallow holiness he associated with her but also for the violence she was capable of. whatever his reasons may be, he’s drawn to abuse and degradation.
let's talk about how for all he misses her, the only things he seems to remember are negative. he feels hunted by her, he remembers the way she’d yell at him, but he didn't internalize any of the good things that she must have said or done, only the feeling that he loved and worshipped her. but in the flashbacks and the crosswalk suddenly there are all these bad things he can remember. the fact that he’s been *wronged* is a core tenet of his personality, even after a full factory-reset brain wipe. he wants to hurt himself so he holds on to all the ways she ever hurt him so he can just dig the knife in a little deeper. so much of the crosswalk scene just reads as him projecting-- i don't doubt that she expressed some of those sentiments to him, albeit maybe not verbatim, but the phrasing and the sheer intensity of it just feels like it’s him borrowing her image to beat himself with all the things he hates about himself. this guy really does just self-harm using the people he loves, doesn’t he
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
Primus's specialest boyfailure (tfa Liege Maximo)
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ft. design help (& headcanons) from @thewiglesswonder​
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plastic-raccoon · 2 years
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death and the undertaker
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catgrassplantdad · 1 month
I cannot stop thinking about ice cream man Ian and satisfied customer Mickey 😅💖
calli i cannot tell you how happy that makes me! it's such a silly fic and i wrote it in about ten seconds so i'm happy people are actually enjoying it.
but yes mickey was a very satisfied customer, he got exactly what he was looking for and now he'll be ian's most loyal regular. 😌🍦
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thechaoticreader · 2 months
Gotta love when you pick up a book expecting to like it and you do, but it also ends up slowly worming its way into your heart and hitting way too close to home so you develop an unhealthy attachment to it.
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eggsdrawings · 2 months
you’ve infected me with transfem todoroki brain rot. i love her?????
one of us!! one of us!!!
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dreamofmourning · 1 year
the idea that roman’s desperate need for love is the single drive behind all of his actions isn’t like, egregiously wrong to me, but i do wonder how many more posts like that i can tolerate seeing lol. to me it’s just like, well yes sure... but i think the interesting development to his character in these last two seasons is the literal acute agony roman is in when going towards his father OR away from him, how distressing he finds literally all of this. like returning to logan in last night’s episode i think was way more about how sitting at that table with his siblings felt so bad that he would have preferred anything else in that moment, certainly preferred returning to a situation where he feels bad in a different, more familiar way. in the last scene when logan starts trying to reel him in telling him he needs a “ruthless fuck” or whatever he literally winces and like reflexively moves to leave, to me his character rn is totally dominated by like... blindly moving towards whatever feels less terrible at any given moment, and i think “a single second free from terror” is a way more interesting thing that logan offers him than only seeing roman’s actions through his love for logan. the surety of being told i need you, i need you to do this, you are the kind of person who is meant to be used by me in this way, even though roman cognitively may not want that anymore, actually feels too good to turn away from. and i think that’s like an entirely different affective pathway than your objective, logical, cognitive evaluation of how you feel towards the people that hurt you and how much you love them
like “i need you” and his face literally clears, he finds so much immediate relief in the order of that statement!!! and i don’t think that’s just like, oh i love my dad and he said he needs me! it’s like, my dad needs me, and if that means i don’t have to feel like this for a single second longer:
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then he’ll do anything. like, the source of your terror is also the one who can extinguish it 
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