#feel free to add spoilers i don t mind them
poldarkweeks · 5 years
I haven't seen any episode of series 5 yet, but I'm very curious, what are your opinions about season 5 so far? This includes the general writing, characters, fave/least fave storylines, technical aspects, etc.
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irondad-not-ironsad · 4 years
WandaVision Episode 1 Reaction
Spoilers below!!
I enjoy the music over the marvel logo
But also a 43 second logo feels kinda long for a 29 minute episode- is it just for the premier or is this gonna happen before each ep?
Also I’m pretty sure I’ve heard that there is a title sequence, which will probably be similar in length. Combine that with the lengthy credits people have been complaining about, it seems that the percentage of the thirty minutes that is actually the story is lower than it should be
not that I don’t love a good title sequence! But I’ll take a well fleshed out episode over fancy logos, title sequences and credits any day
now that I’ve got that of my chest, on to the actual show
I like how they have the frame shaped like that of an old timey tv, combined with the black and white it really adds to the old timey sit come vibe
I like these bells
Ok I know I complained about to much time being wasted with logos and such, but i LOVE how cheesy this theme song is and I love them showing vision and Wanda driving tp there house in wedding attire
“A regular husband and wife” 2 seconds late *vision disappears into a cloud of sparkles*.... 1 minute 8 seconds in and I love this 
Even there acting is reminiscent of an old timey sit com this is amazing
feel like I should note he title sequence ends at the 1.36 mark approximately, which may not seem like a lot but again the show is less than thirty minutes so it adds up
Wanda talks with a fifties accent: I already love this show
Also I wish I had magic I could use to clean, I’m moving back into my dorm right now and Wanda’s powers would be SO helpful
Also I LOVE the laugh track
Also Wanda’s short curly hair is so cute
I love how neither of them knows what the heart means so they play it off by being like “yeah of course I know what it means, how could I forget? Do YOU remember what it means
Also Vision is literally part computer shouldn’t he have a photographic memory? 
Also how old is Wanda? I could have sworn someone said she was 19 in civil war, which would make her like 21 here? I think?? Idk tho, as a 19 year old I don’t think she has ever looked 19 in the movies, even back in Ultron she looked at least in her mid twenties
The face Vision makes when he makes himself human is so funny
Also Vision blowing Wanda a kiss and her reaching back to grab it is the perfect amount of corny that makes it still cute
Also I wonder what vision’s job is
The backing music is so funny
I can already tell Agnes is going to be some great comic relief in a show that’s already hilarious
“I assure you, I’m married. To a man. A HUMAN one!” I know I’ve said before that I was never the biggest fan of Wanda or Vision but I love Wanda in this show
Obv there is something clearly off here, but I feel like I need to mention that it’s clear this is some warped reality. If I had never seen any of the MCU before, I may believe it was just  witch and her robot husband living in the fifties, but the little details really make it clear to the audience (the majority of whom I am sure are familiar with the mcu) that something is off. This scene is one of those, where Wanda cannot seem to recall how long her and Vision have been together and plays it off by saying “It feels like we always have been together”
Is Agnes giving Wanda advice for the bedroom? is this really what I’m watching? Or have I wildly misinterpreted this?
Love the old timey lingo
Vision working a desk job is so funny
Love that vision doesn’t even know what they do at his job, I know it’s part of the false reality thing but also lowkey relatable
“you’re like a walking computer” “I most certainly am not! I’m a regular carbon-based employee made entirely of organic matter”
I started this like twenty minutes ago and have only gotten 7 minutes in because I keep stopping to type my reactions. I am going to try to shut up and watch, and stop screaming about every little detail for a bit 😂
Real quick though does Vision just go by Vision at work?
Ope apparently he does. 
I wonder if Vision took Wanda’s last name
Or is he Vision Stark-Banner since it was Tony and Bruce who made him??
He probably isn’t called that but I think it would be funny if he was
Love that instead of writing “dinner with boss” or “Dinner w/ Harts” or even just “Harts” he drew a freaking heart like im dying
if my lack of emojis seems weird I’m typing this on a computer which I never normally do and I’m to lazy to pull up the emoji keyboard, so basically imagine there’s a cry laughing emoji after everything funny
“No skeletons in the closet?’ “I don’t have a skeleton sir.”
Yup I was right, Agnes is giving her sexy time advice
“you should stumble when you walk in a room so he can catch you. It’s romantic!” that is the only way I will be flirting from now on
Also I got to say, I'm guessing it’s a fifties thing but those pointy bras don’t look comfortable
So she answers the phone “Vision Residence” Is Vision also their last name now? Does he go by Vision Vision??
They make the best facial expressions
This phone conversation where Wanda think they’re having a date night whereas Vision is talking about his boss coming for dinner is comedy GOLD
also I love the fact that they’re giving us stereotypical sitcom drama while keeping it clear that there are bigger problems than dinner with the boss
Fake commercial break is at 9.56 (these time stamps are for myself I want to calculate how much of the episode is actually the story)
I do love the fake commercials tho! And I suppose in a way they ARE part of the show
They missed the chance to make it the toastmate three thousand and make every ironman fan cry
The beeping toaster sounds like a ticking bomb..... also the little red light is the only color we’ve seen this episode I think
Commercial ends at 10.46
Also love that it was an SI toaster, still wish they had made it 3000 instead of 2000
How did Wanda confuse Mr. Hart with her husband? Not that I’m complaining, her coming out in a robe and covering Vis’ Boss’ eyes is HILARIOUS
“This is the traditional Sokovian greeting? Didn’t I tell you my wife is from Europe?” “How exotic!” “We don’t break bread with Bolsheviks”
Visions pants are SO high waisted
“It’s our anniversary!” “Our anniversary of WHAT?” “WELL IF YOU DON”T KNOW I”M NOT GONNA TELL YOU”
Poor Vision is trying to figure out what kind of company he works for this is sooo funny
Agnes coming in clutch with a full meal
So Wanda needs the ingredients in order to magic a meal she can’t just make one appear
Vision breaking into song was amazing
How did one chicken turn into like 30 eggs
Vision is singing old McDonald with his bosses wife this is great
“Diane!” “That must be my wife summoning me!” “She calls you Diane?” “Yes... it’s her pet name for me” “I’m coming... Fred”
So many clichés in this show but it’s done in such a purposeful way that it’s still funny
Also we have only seen three rooms: the kitchen, the living room and Vision’s workplace
“Well I think tonight’s going SWIMMINGLY”
Mrs. Hart is SO NOSY
But I love that they don’t know the answers
Wanda looks SO disturbed when Mr. Hart is demanding her and visions story, you can tell her mind is fighting itself and it’s so sad
Mr. Hart is choking, is it bad that I think he deserves it?
Mrs. Hart keeps cheerily repeating stop it, and gone is the stereotypical sitcom camera angles and and the backing music is switched for something eery
This is lowkey scary, Mr. Hart Dying while his wife keeps cheerily saying Stop It and it just feels creepier the more she repeats
Wanda looks distressed and vision is just looking to her for what to do, her old timey accent is gone and she sounds nearly robotic as she tells Vision to help
Poor Wanda, she is so clearly going through it mentally right now
Laugh track is back, and just like that the Harts are leaving, despite only having one bite of food
And somehow Mr. Hart is impressed? Was Wanda rewriting reality to make them so?
I know that this is clearly some alternate reality and nothing is right, but wanda and vision deciding to choose that day as there anniversary and this little convo here is soooooo cute
Aw her making them rings and them both saying I do is soooo cute
And vision saying “and they lived happily ever after’ is so sweet but also so sad in context
What is that little remote vision is holding meant to be?
And love the hexagon closing in on them with the cute music playing to end the episode
Are the people in these credits real? Because it lists the start as Wanda Maximoff and Vision but are the rest actual people?
So there is some sketchy dude watching the maybe fake credits so there's something going on there
The actual credits start with 7.13 left and I’ve been told there's no mid or post credits scene. I’ll let them play while I finish this up anyways
8 minutes and 49 seconds of this show is the logo, title sequence and credits. Out of 29.36 total this means only 20 minutes and 47 seconds is the show, which I suppose is standard for a sitcom but I think I felt deceived by it showing as 29 minutes
Also 50 seconds of “commercial takes the show time down to 19.57 if anyone was wondering
I swear tho I’m not all that bothered by the length, just did the math in case anyone was curious like I am. 
I thought I was going to really enjoy this going it, but it still really surpassed my expectations and I can’t wait for episode 2!
This is my raw reactions, but I’m sure that as I mull it over more I’ll be posting more about the show
This is somehow a perfect combo of lighthearted comedy and mild horror
I wanna let this episode stew for a while, so I prob won’t watch episode 2 for at least a day
Also what are your guys’ thoughts on this format of reaction? Did I write to much?
Also what did y’all think of this episode? Feel free to let me know what you think of my reaction, and whether you agree or disagree. I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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beneaththemasks · 4 years
Beast, Fifteen, Dead Apple and Fyodor´s ability put togheter
The first time I watched Bungou I didn't pay much attention to be honest and that lead me to committing a big mistake and that big mistake is what brings me here today.
This is a theory I´ve been working on for a long time now.
Before anything else I have to tell you that this is something I came up with entirely by myself, I don´t know if anyone has already written something similar to this, so any similitude is pure coincidence.
DISCLAIMER: this contains spoilers from the manga and light novels and is quite long, so read at your own risk.
Any hateful comment will be simply ignored, this is just something I'm sharing with you because it makes sense to me and I want to know what you think.
Please excuse my english if it gets bad at times since it isn't my first language.
Let´s begin:
I´ll start talking to you about some guy named “Randou” who was presented in the light novel ''Fifteen” as the responsible for the mafia´s predecessor return and the Arahabaki incident.
For those of you who don´t remember him, here´s a picture.
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Ok so, you might wonder why I'm bringing him up.
If he was supposed to be a forgettable face from the beginning, another extra character in the story, then why didn´t I forget him? Why do I mention him before anything?
The answer is simple: I can forget a face I´ve seen once or twice but not one I´ve seen thrice.
“What do you mean? we only saw the man one time” 
You´re totally right, however that wasn´t the case for me.
Confusing his face was the big mistake I made and the one that lead me to building this net of theories and clues that I'm putting together right here right now:
Even though the first time we see Fyodor´s face is at the ending of the second season and then again in Dead Apple, I remind you that I wasn't paying attention at all (like literally guys I already told you about how I would call tachihara “bad tanizaki” just because they looked the same to me). Due to my lack of attention, after finishing the “cannibalism” arc. and becoming more familiar with Fyodor´s face it occurred to me that he was the same guy involved in the arahabaki incident.
Why? because I can so I did.
My brain automatically assumed these guys were the same person just because they were dressed as if they were going to sleep on the top of the Everest for a whole month and because their faces were equally sad...
Of course, when I finished the anime and started reading the manga I was totally confused when Dazai asked Fyodor what his ability was, since I thought him and Randou were the same person, therefore I thought they shared ability.
After that I had to rewatch the whole anime and then realized how high I was when I watched it the first time.
But even when I managed to get the whole story right I still couldn't stop thinking about Randou, he was still a mystery, but more than the man himself, his story and the order in which they were presented by Kafka were somehow strange.
So after reading “Beast'' I came up with a few theories about the book being canonically in that alternate universe, because for me, even if Beast was supposed to be just a spin off written to promote the release of Dead Apple, it couldn´t be that and only that.
I just can´t accept  that “Kafka wrote a 200-page novel to promote a movie that had nothing to do with it when he was asked to just write a 50-page short story” because he just felt like doing it. I knew from the deep bottom of my heart that he was not the kind to write just for fanservice.
So I came up with this idea: “What if the release of Beast and fifteen are more important than we think?”
Despite the first time we see fyodor´s face being at the end of the second season, the first time we see him meeting Dazai, is during dead apple. However, he seems to be just an extra character, someone who doesn't seem to add much to the story at first sight (except for when he turns Shibusawa into a big dragon).
But if we think about it, the same happens with the mentioning of the book in “Beast” and with Randou´s appearance in “Fifteen”.
In these three stories, the book, Randou and Fyodor are like an app running in the background of your cell phone, they are responsible for some kind of event and or incident that we cannot see now but that eventually will go out to light.
These are all very small hints, but that's why it is important, the smaller the better.
We can´t forget that Kafka has always been a mastermind of hiding evidence in plain sight.
He wrote and published 3 stories at the same time  that have nothing in common and then used them to promote each other. He decided not to wait any longer nor release them earlier because they´re relevant to each other even when they don't seem to be. They are like a building in the middle of the city, we see it but we never get the chance to observe it because of all that's happening around it.
But as far as we know Randou dies at the end of fifteen. How could he possibly be related to Fyodor if they never met?
The importance here is not his death or them meeting, maybe not even Randou himself but what happened before his entrance to the PM and after his death.
As far as we know, Randou used to be an european spy tasked to investigate a powerful entity of power in japan and sent to steal it. However, during that mission he was betrayed by his friend who tried to kill him but is Randou who ended up killing him instead.
Nevertheless, in the story we never get to know why his friend betrayed him nor what is that so called “source of energy” that the japanese government has been secretly guarding.
until now (?)
Towards the end:
What if that “source'' is actually the book itself and his friend tried to kill him to keep it for himself and escape with it? 
Even more important:
What if Randou, after killing his friend, decides to steal the book but forgets about it and it´s power after losing his memory in the Arahabaki incident? 
These explanations can perfectly fill a void we never even noticed was there: Randou dies without remembering that he has a very important item with him, which is the reason for which he was once chased by the GSS (an agrupation that is connected to the Guild who we already know was searching for the book as well) and the same Dazai could have stolen after the Port Mafia kept his belongings when he died.
Please please pleaaaaaaseeee finish the idea.
After writing for 2 days, tying knots and untying them, reading and rereading, remembering details and searching for others i couldn't remember, this is my final conclusion:
 Fyodor´s ability could be nothing more and nothing less than the book itself.
The proof of that being:
-All we know is his ability “Crime and Punishment” is presented as a perfect complement to one another. When he explains why Sibusawa´s mist didn't affect him he says “it´s because crime and punishment are good friends” which can mean that for one to appear, the other has to do something, that is to say, he has to commit a crime to receive punishment.
-We can assume that as someone whose objective is to free everyone from the sense of morality (as Gogol explains) he's the one to decide whether he commits a crime that deserves punishment or better said, his ability “the book” that can only function following the rules of karma.
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 -He probably doesn't need to communicate with the outside at all and is trying to deceive Dazai since the plot is going according to his plans and to how he planned to write the story on that single page.
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-We know he has a page since the beginning and he also knows everything that´s written on it (for example that sigma´s existence was written on it 3 years before) but it's never mentioned how he got it.
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-He literally joined the Guild to search for that book (´cause it belongs to him).
-Despite everything, Dazai is not worried about his plans either (he says all he has to do is observe him) because he's confident that everything is gonna turn out in his favour (you can see the little bitch didn't mind sending Akutagawa to his own death) since he stole the book from Randou long ago.
-What Dazai could've done with the book is nothing more and nothing less than creating the “Beast”  universe after leaving the PM just to give Oda a proper farewell and because since he discovered the real power of that book he decided the best was to hide it.
However none of them can reveal any of this for obvious reasons.
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Well I´ve nothing more to say, this is all I have for the moment.
 I know some of these ideas sound very complicated and even excessive, however in the end everything fitted perfectly to me (and I swear I came up with 3 different theories before putting this one together).
If you managed to read this far, thank you very much :,)
If you feel like commenting something feel free to do so :)
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Fandom Search!
Hello there! Hope everyone who is passing by, is doing well! I’ve posted here before, but if you haven’t seen anything of mine, here is some basic info on myself! 20 Something years old, my birthday was actually two days ago (from the writing of this). I exist in the East Coast of USA, so my time zone is EST.  Typically speaking, I go for something semi-literate in length and terms of writing. I do like detail, but I can’t promise something over ten paragraphs every post. Usually, I am for a bare two, to three, if not more. I do fancy some world building within our stories, and character interactions quite a bit. Open to shipping, but not too interested in smut heavy things.  Anything else, feel free to ask!  Onto the Fandoms I am looking to dive into, will be below this. I’ll mention if I have any thoughts for plot, or what not.If you have an idea of your own, don;’t be afraid to suggest.  But everything is open for discussion and debate! We can build something from the ground up, or what not! 
Dragon Ball Series:  For this series, I am looking for the main focus to be on Canon characters, but OC’s also added in. My main idea, is to focus in Universe Six, with the Saiyans there. Ideally, adapting the Tuffle Arc from GT, and having Cabba, Kale, Caulifa, dealing with such a a problem. The OC’s can be Tuffles causing trouble. Any Universe Six character can also be within, but I do want to focus on the Saiyans (if we go with this idea.)
DC (Comics, movies, shows, etc.) : After watching, Joker, the DC universe has been on my mind. I think, a deep dive, kinda like the BTAS episode: Mad Love, but focused on Harleen Quinzel, slowly losing grip could be a fun story to write. Her descend into madness, and adventures that follow.  But, with Crisis on Infinite Earths, slowly approaching the Arrowverse,CRISIS IS HERE!  I wouldn’t mind something within such. We could create our own Earth, and versions of characters from the comics to write. Or, focus on one show, or do some different sort of Cross-over. We can create our own Version of Crisis or, some cross over! OR, if in the Arrowverse, play with the Future Characters, like Mia, or Nora.  Also, I have thought on the DCEU; and perhaps re-writing BvS, and Justice League. As I do like the casting of those characters, and wish to keep them. (In reality, I know they will never been on screen together, so why not write with them?)
Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure:  For this Fandom, I want to focus on OC’s, and our own adventures. SPOILERS FOR ANYONE WHO DOESN’T READ OR KEEP UP WITH THE MANGA! There is a Multiverse, within Jojo’s. So, I want to focus on our own Universe. Our Own Joestar Bloodline, as I do want to keep the name. Wouldn’t be Jojo’s, without a Jojo, right? We can create our own Stands, or keep Hamon/The Ripple around ( as I adore Hamon). We can create our own versions of famous names and families, from the proper universe, but in our own. Any time setting, all debatable! 
Kingdom Hearts:  For this, one idea lingers on using Canon characters. Sorta a Final Fantasy X-2 spin-off idea, with Kairi, Xion, Nanime, and Aqua on their own adventure.  Wouldn’t be against playing within any of the games, and changing things. Sorta, like What-ifs’. MY favorite Game, is 358/2 Days Or, going in an OC route, like the App’s story. (Which I am not fully caught up on, of late.) Our own Keyblade users, going about. The War looming over. And what not. 
Persona 5! I don’t have too many ideas for this one; I’d like to use the Phantom Thieves however! Perhaps, adding in their Dancing Clothes, somehow! I really like those costumes, if I am being honest. Could always cross them over with another Fandom too.  Could do some sort of time Loop With Ren. ( I know people like Joker as Akira, and I don't mind that. I don't mind Ren or Akira. Let's go with, Akiren.) Some Akechi Redemption. Perhaps side adventures of the Thieves, or anything else to come to mind! Though, when it comes to P5, anything with a favorite ship could be used too! My favorite ship is AnnXMakoto. 
Star Wars BattleFront II:  More so, Inferno Squad. I'd like something with those characters, but in a story, where they don't defect. I like the idea of an elite, military squad for the Empire. Going out on Assignments, and such. We can add other characters to the Squad, even from Legends. One I think that could work, is Juno Eclipse, from Legends, as a new pilot for Inferno. This could have a more military, tactical feel to it. 
Here are a few more, that I am open to, but not much thought in ideas yet:  - Star Wars  - Call of Duty - Sword Art Online
So, if anything here caught your eye, feel free to get in touch! Email is probably best. It is- [email protected] But I do also have Discord. TheOneWhoSits#3363  Again, thanks for reading!
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littlemix-styleblog · 5 years
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Requested Little Mix Engagement Inspired Outfits
PRETTYLITTLETHING WHITE SCUBA HIGH NECK TIE WAIST JUMPSUIT: £21. A engagement party can be a tricky affair, You want to look as good as possible but you don`t want to go over the top and outshine the bride. So we have put together a few outfits that will hopefully maybe inspire you or help you make that final decision. For each girl I went with a different look and alternative - Not everyone wants to go in a dress and you also have to think about the many factors such as comfort, Price and weather. So with Leigh I decided to go for a jumpsuit and I posted below the jumpsuit I was inspired by when she wore a pink sequin blush jumpsuit for a appearance many years ago. We wanted to go down that same route but keep the embellishment to a minimum otherwise it would`ve looked like we would be off to a Christmas party afterwards. Unfortunately, Not many embellished jumpsuits are available at the moment or none that suited the event so we decided to go for a white jumpsuit instead and we went with this one from PrettyLittleThing. I know for a fact this is a popular item as it has been on PLT`s website for ages and they keep restocking due to popular demand. The jumpsuit is very flattering...The long white fitted flare legs gives people the illusion of longer legs, the top half features a ruched effect where it synches in topped off by a tie up, I love this jumpsuit it is so modern, classy and trendy. The side boob might not be to everyone's taste but with a few pins and boob tape you`ll be in good hands. I went with the idea there may be kids at this engagement party so you would want to keep it demure and mature and not upstage the bride, The colour against the sun would be out of this world - You would radiate. This jumpsuit comes in many other colours and patterns such as floral, Green, Red, Black and Orange.
Lulu`s KATHERINE ROSE GOLD METALLIC RHINESTONE MULES: $99. These arent the original shoes as featured above, the shoes became out of stock over night. But I originally went with rose gold embellished perspex mules in case you wanted to wear something different and because the jumpsuit is white and to add a bit of flair and colour to the outfit you could do that with the accessories and the shoes. I went back to find some more rose gold mules and no where had them in stock, The only place was Lulu`s and yes I am aware of the price.
ASOS DESIGN headband with graduating pearls in gold tone: £12. I added this in case you wanted to go extra. Pearl`s in hair accessories has become a big trend lately as you will see later. I thought this was such a cute, quirky accessory. 
River Island Rose gold boxy mini cross body bag: £18. I did want a simple rose gold clutch that wasn`t too out there or large but yet again hardly no one had one. So we went with this one from River Island instead which I think will do the job nicely.
PrettyLittleThing ROSE GOLD 80MM LARGE HOOP EARRINGS: £2. Lastly, Just because Leigh wears hoops a lot we had to add them like I do on every post. For those eagle eyed viewers you will notice this is the same pair of earrings I featured in my last inspired. I don`t wear earrings myself but £2 for a pair of good sustainable earrings? What more could you ask for. We`re also continuing on with adding colour with these earrings. Of course you could always do it the other way round by wearing a colourful outfit and then downplaying it with mutual shoes and accessories. Don`t forget it`s always a good idea to experiment and mix and match. 
ASOS Dusty Daze jacquard blazer co-ord: £75. Secretly hoping this suit I chose for Jade will steal all of your hearts, How beautiful is this? The print of this, the colour and the cuteness is enough to make me buy it. I simply went for this cause I imagined right away what this would look like against the backdrop of the sun, You will glow. I chose a suit because Jade is fan of a suit very often and we`re also mixing it up and giving you options. The trousers are cropped giving you slimmer ankles, The suit is fitted to make you feel comfortable and confident. I know the price is a little pricey but imagine what this would look like in photos and you would definitely receive a lot of compliments. If you don`t like this suit then I have chosen many other style of suits and colours for you that would work well against the sun and at a engagement party such as orange, Neon Orange, Green, Darker Orange, Purple, Blue.
ASOS Dusty Daze straight leg jacquard trousers co-ord: £55. I always think of a suit as a alternative for someone such as a tomboy who doesn`t like wearing dresses or skirts. Wearing a suit you can feel just as sexy and confident and not to mention feel like a boss too.....Even though you`re not in an office.
River Island White cross back cami top: £16. For the top we have to keep it simple as the suit is doing the talking here, Put in a neon top and it`s too busy so try and keep the colours mutual to break it up. 
River Island Gold embellished shoulder bag: £30. I didn`t want to go for a pink clutch as it would clutch against the suit, So I didn`t really have much to go on and my colour coordination is terrible. So we went with this bag from River Island which is actually similar to a bag Jade has from Topshop. 
H&M Long Earrings: $9.99. Another extra if you didn`t want to feel bare, We went with these hammered effect earrings from H&M. These have exploded onto the scene lately especially the gold coloured ones. We also managed to find another pair in another style here.
ASOS DesignB London rose gold hairband: £6. As usaul as I was searching for outfits the inspiration flowed and ideas was coming at me from every angle. So to go with the confident, empowering, boss look we have going on we thought we would add this rose gold hairband. Slick your hair back into a low ponytail before adding this gem. 
River Island Lime cigarette trousers: £36. I know this won`t be too everyone's taste but neon/fluro colours have also exploded onto the scene lately and the girls have been seen wearing it too and to be honest with you I got stuck with what to put for Jesy, You can`t really go to a engagement party dressed in all black now can you? Talk about a party spoiler. But we eventually got there and we came up with this. Can you guess where I got my inspiration from? Jesy rocked up to Leigh`s swimwear launch in a fluro number and she rocked it well, Very well. So we thought we would hop on that bandwagon and hey gusto here we are. I`d just like to point out that there is a difference between neons and limes and fluros..One is either brighter and the other is either dark, Found that out yesterday. Jesy wore neon green designer tailored trousers which complimented her legs so well, So we picked up these trousers from River Island which comes in a co-ord. 
River Island Bright yellow boyfriend blazer: £65. Don`t be fooled when it says bright yellow it`s the same colour as the trousers. This structured blazer would give your body definition and that confident/sexy feeling. This jacket is not only for a engagement party but it`s so versatile too, You can step out in black jeans, black boots and a black top whilst going out for dinner or you can wear it casually with jeans, trainers and a white cami. Great investment this jacket. 
PRETTYLITTLETHING WHITE UNDERWIRED CAGE DETAIL LACE BODY: £19. Because the co-ord does the talking and is so bright it could blind you we wanted to break up the colour in the middle with something white and we went with a bodysuit. Lace bodysuits have popped up onto the scene for the last year or so now and are everywhere. You can wear them for anything. I think the reason these have become so popular is because they are no longer seen as a lingerie product and more of a product you can wear everyday now. However if you don`t like the lace effect then we have picked up another bodysuit from MissGuided which is much more simpler here 
Boohoo Patent Court Shoes: £19. Again the suit does the talking and you don`t want anything else clashing with it, So we kept it simple with the shoes and went with these nude patent ones from Boohoo. 
PRETTYLITTLETHING SILVER 100MM HOOP EARRINGS: £2 Yes, These earrings again. But this time we went with a pair of silver earrings just because we think these would look great against the white. 
ASOS DESIGN tassel clutch bag: £12
ASOS DESIGN Petite 3D embellished crop top midi dress: £38. I`ve wanted to use this dress for so long in one of my inspireds I love it so much. I can see how it would be more of a race day/cocktail party in your garden/wedding dress but I think it could also pass as a engagement party dress as well. The colour on this is amazing, it blows my mind. I think it`s so cute because of the length and the way it is structured with the gems on the neck. You can get down to a tune or two with the skirt not being so fitted and tight, You can let go and be free and feel the wind in your hair as you dance around to your favourite songs. This dress also comes in other colours such as taupe and purple
ASOS DesignB London faux pearl detail large hair clip 2 pack: £8. These were what I was talking about earlier. Hair clips/slides have POPPED up massively onto the scene, They are everywhere! You can get them small, big, medium in whatever styles and colours they are everywhere, you cannot miss them. So we hopped on board that train and included these pearl hair clips. I did notice that pearl hair accessories are big this summer so we have a range of different styles and colours to choose from in a moment. But this would go perfect against your dress and you would look a million dollars. The other suggestions we got were another set of pearl slides, Rectangle, Hair slides.
PrettyLittleThing CLOVER SILVER METALLIC STRAP HEELED SANDALS: £18. As i`ve said before the dress does the talking and you don`t want everything else to be busy, So we kept it busy with a pair of silver heels from PrettyLittleThing. 
New Look Off White Faux Pearl Beaded Bag: £20. I originally wanted to go with a pearl clutch, But I soon found myself surrounded by these beauties. These have become so popular this summer, They are bang on trend. They are cute, quirky, chic and classic little bag. This bag is so unique and different and would make you stand out. They do come in other colours but we thought white would look great against the dress. We did have trouble finding one as most are sold out everywhere but we managed to there in the end with this one from New Look. However, We also managed to find one from here 
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Gotham s5ep7 “ Ace Chemicals” Personal Review
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“I'll believe it when it happens.”    Warning spoilers below, it´s a short one this time
* The government fucking mined the river?! Wtf. Also I´d complain they didn´t point out this wtfery earlier but the reveal scene with Oswald´s guineapigs in boats was kinda funny, mean and horrible but funny, I was so relieved when he said he´s swimming back I should have known that this wouldn´t last, but in general couldn´t they just send out unmaned boats, things, stuff and detonate the mines and then get through, have people do it on more than one spot at the same time, the government can´t be everywhere at once?  * “I'll believe it when it happens.” Yeah same. Also they really pulled back the help because of some chemicals in the river, like don´t get me wrong I still was like this is not good, nooot in the water, but you can´t tell me that corporations didn´t put more toxic substances into the environment over the years ...  * “I'm not cutting you out, but I need you sharp, not a liability.” Jim is right, sleep is important.  * “Check out the mustache”  I wonder if Ben Mckenzie was like .. phew I dodged that bullet for sooo long .. in that scene. “ “I never figured Zsasz for much of a cinephile.” Well I kinda did, don´t blow holes in my headcanons Jim,  “Not everything is about Jim Gordon.” Okay there´s like a couple of things in this episode I don´t want to deal with but they at least had some okayish moments with the child thing. Barbara (of course) not being about gloating, but getting the best medical care for the child was a nice note (Also what kind of miracle doctor is Lee, like working at Arkham could have been a choice but does that scream on top of your field? But yeah I get it it´s like Lucius who knows everything from hijacking antennas to brain surgery)  ~~ What was annoying is that they put in the “It's what I do, help people.” line with LESLIE THOMPKINS. It´s just right back into the Lee/Barbara contrast they build up and it´s just reminding you of Barbara asking Jim if she can´t help and Jim being like no, not you, not usually, and that he can´t trust her anymore (5x6) Like dude she tried to help, she did help, you´re just an asshole about it and it´s not such a clear altruistic Lee helps people vs. Barbara doesn´t help people thing as this line tries to paint it.  ~~ Less annoying  was when Jim told Lee it´s important that she understands “about this Barbara thing”  Lee was like: “So, what are you gonna do?”  Future tense! They at least didn´t have her make it about past tense. No why did he get together with Barbara, but how will this situation be handled. ~~ Absolutely not annoying was annoyed BARBARA KEAN. “Don´t even start”  “Shut up”  Ahh such a mood. I liked that.  ~~ Absolutely annoying was the scene with JIM & LEE at the GCPD.  Like their dialogue was okayish messish but it was a messish situation. But then Jim grabs Lee´s arm. And it´s just like when he grabbed Barbara´s arm. Well okay not an exact parallel, because Barbara wanted to be close to him and he rejected her just to change this mind (oh those feeble men , can´t even stick to their decisions, always changing their minds .. ). With Lee it´s different she is undecided, voices doubt and Jim reaches out to her despite this. She slaps him.  And I´m excited for a moment, because yes, yes this is a unexpected but good reaction, maybe they´ll finally break this unholy Barbara Lee comparison up (okay it would not break the comparison because it was about them contrasting, “lee helpful/babs tactless”, but it still would break up the narrative if Lee had not complied with the “helpful, supportive girlfriend” role but rejected Jim). After the moment of excitement over a possible interesting plot evolvement, like not everything is about Jim Gordon, how about we really do this, don´t rekindle that relationship, let Lee be her own person, let that rude grab of her arm be her wakeup call, her point to make a decision and leave Jim behind. But, no indeed she does the other overused trope, and I´m only slightly excusing this because Gotham so often paints itself like one of those movies of the past .. and well she does kiss him.  So bleh we got grab>slap>kiss, instead of the much better plot that I came up with ;D  On a side note. Selina Kyle didn´t forget about TABITHA GALAVAN. She´d rather see Oswald dead but he got wealth and a way out and she´s offering it to Barbara Kean. “I'll still need your help moving the stuff.” “We can get out of here together. Away from Jim Gordon. Rich as Midas. Penguin dead in a ditch. Well, aren't we just two single ladies and a baby about to kill our sworn enemy together.” But SELINA KYLE gets side tracked when Alfred stumbles out of the tunnel to the now blown up Wayne Manor (noo what a waste) and tells her Bruce needs help.  For a moment she´s about to kill Penguin for Tabitha (he shouldn´t believe just because she didn´t kill Jeremiah that she wouldn´t kill him) Alfred kind of talks her out of it with reminding her that Bruce needs her help. She doesn´t kill again.  Due to extended Bruce virtue? Am I reading too much into this or was it meant to be read as her and only her choice? Nevertheless, she does interfere with the scene this time and tells Bruce she should have in the past but he absolves her of responsibility and guilt. I wonder if this means that Selina is “free” in some kind and can move on, of if this honest moment will bind them back together more.  Jeremiah survived. How and who fished him out of that glowing green tank?? He has no brain activity anymore and Bruce thankfully thinks to add Selina in his conclusion: ” “He's no longer a threat. To either of us.”  It´s a lot about GUILT and REGRET and WHAT IF´s this week. * Selina feeling responsible because she didn´t act in the past and “what if” she had, but  gets to act in the present and a Bruce again telling her she´s not at fault. * With the Gcpd scene between Leslie and Jim they throw in a “what if” remark, if they hadn´t lost the child, what if Jim hadn´t let Lese down.  * Zorro!Jeremiah gets a direct “what if” Bruce had not been afraid and had not asked to go home line, the episode brings back this guilt and regret as well, * Only Barbara is not tangled up in “what ifs”, she says she wants a clear cut from Jim, fuck this shit I´m out, she got a new responsibility. * Barbara has the best coats! * Those blinking red smiling smileys on the bombs, genious! Unsettling and amusing at the same time. * “Ecco, now.” “If I can't have you as a brother bonded by love, then we'll just have to be bonded by hatred.” Okay this is cruel, I don´t want to. But it´s also clever writing damnit. JEREMIAH VALEKSA wanting to be connected by have Bruce relive the day is horrible but an interesting plot point. “I offered for you to be my best friend! But I've realized if we can't be friends then we can be connected in other ways.”  Great was that he just switched plans so nonchalantly “why not” when Leslie Thompkins and Jim Gordon came along “Well, then it's a good thing I already put a bullet in both of their fraudulent skulls.”. That was really a nice moment.   What I don´t quite get is that the fall into the chemicals was kind of anticlimactic? Like usually I´m a big fan of silly shit happens even to importantTM people and in grave situations (like a mighty, mighty warrior like Khal Drogo meeting his end due to a mundane and absolutely preventable infection .. )  but that was like uh okay. They didn´t reach any moment of understanding or something with their dialogue, the “joke without punchline” line stands out but does it have any more meaning than the words before, it wasn´t even some high point in their fight, no peak in the fight choreography, he basically just slipped and fell. Or did I miss anything significant there? * Hypnotized polite ALFRED PENNYWORTH (Manners, Bruce! , No need for roughhousing, sir. ..) is a joy, thanks for that. Bruce being so clever to play along with the hypnosis scenario and invent the gas leak was clever.  “I thought I lost you.”  “Me? Never” I´m not crying .. you are crying ……   * Monarch theatre has an Owl as Logo (Court of Owls reference?) it´s Douglas Fairbanks Zorro. And I gotta say how they shot this, and put Zorro!Jeremiah on full screen was so effective. Well done!  “Haven't you realized what Gotham is yet? It is no longer a city. It is a prison.” Oh wow, so OSWALD COBBLEPOT really does want to leave. Despite my “good timing” meta I´m still side eyeing this. Selina is shading him that he stole things without having an escape plan. But after the tunnel thing is out because it was blown up I guess. He has a new idea: Edward! (Not the dog)  Oswald indeed has an answer to everything as Nygma smilingly accuses him of, and he´s actually right with all of those: He is “very fond of that dog”, he did pay Hugo Strange to save Eds life not chip him, he probably had plans to save him from Gordon. (Seems Ed didn´t read the great metas in the fandom about how this action was a benevolent one :D ) They tried to kill each other but here they are:  “It means fate has different plans for us.”  >> Which is probably a curveball right back to Nygma´s line:  “Do you believe in fate” 2x09 But wait a minute; Barbara Kean is in Oswald´s office, Oswald promptly figures out this is thanks to Selina. Barbara laments she got to do everything on her own. Edward Nygma says she´s glowing and pregnant. Oswald has his usually wits back and appeals to Barbara: “Come with us” it´s the best for the child. Barbara annoyedly agrees. It´s about a submarine but they got to build it first. Barbara says “shut up” twice #Mood. 
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Scooby au (part 4?)
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @sailorstar9 @look-ma-no-hands336 N/A: This will be divided into 3 parts.
1)  The New Mutants The group is united in a space Magik crafted, Yana Rasputin is a talented student and no one can deny such claim as the girl is cable of almost anything.
Space is free for them to share ideas, originally, she created the space so she could watch her movies without receiving spoilers, but, now it has a more important role.
The New Mutants are assembling and throwing what they found out so far, Sunspot and Dani make some discoveries that can be useful.
"As I was saying, I track down what happened among those 3 months and nothing out of normal happens, except, Emma Frost" Roberto explained with a serious expression on his face "Emma Frost aka the White Queen is involved in all this"
Dani take the time to speak "The cult I was kidnapped, White Queen worked as a ''freelancer'' of the sort, and the same can be said with Mesmero who is an affiliate to the Hellfire" Dani speaks calmly as she goes on with her information "The White Queen is powerful enough to be able to control Professor X and she´s affiliated with group that has no problem in killing us"
Rhane ponders this for a moment "Ok, but, why to mess with their minds and not ours?"
"I have a theory, she is underestimating us" Sam pipes in and Magik agrees as she adds "which is a good thing, not everyone knows my magical level, not everyone knows Sam´s ability, nor Berto ´s, nor Rhane or nor Dani" Magik concluded.
"Ok, now I feel relief and insulted at the same time" Dani speaks crossing her arms and frowning "either way, what we can do?"
"Investigate, everyone, literally everyone, has a weakness and the White Queen must have one" Magik speaks and Rhane adds in the conversation "what? Magneto!" noticing the confusion she explains better "his helmet prevent people from entering in his mind, Scott told me one of those days. Remember his brother Alex is a member of the Brotherhood and...Scott is taking this right well"
"Cool, let´s all ask Magneto for his helmet," Sam said a bit sarcastically.
"No, what I mean is...if we have a helmet like his...The White Queen can´t read our minds," Rhane concludes her idea proudly.
"But...how? We can ask Nightcrawler" Dani trails off but Magik already shoots down that idea.
"NO, I don´t think Nightcrawler is a normal student, remember, he´s Mystique´s son and the last thing we want is to cause grief to Kurt" Magik lies as she does not believe Nightcrawler is a real student, however, she needs more evidence before pointing fingers.
"Alex!" Roberto pipes in "he and Scott have a great relationship and more than once Alex was the ambassador of Brotherhood for the X-men and vice versa, sure he can tell what is made the helmet as Magneto did recruit him personally"
The New Mutants nod in favour of the plan.
2) Jean Grey
The Pheonix, the combination of fire and life, is bored having eaten a sun on her way to this galaxy, nothing else seems to bring her joy. The Shiars are good to entertain her, but, she can´t stay in one place for long(and they start to bore Pheonix)
So, when Life itself and Death itself are located on this planet, with this group of mutants, Pheonix wanted to tag along. Of course, it pains her to do so, but, she must be courteous in asking to stay(even to that hideous creature Nyarlathotep)
Fire, life and death are all in their original form.
"May I enter in the X-men?" Pheonix asked.
"Oh, stupid bird, if the X-men were mine the answer would be a huge no, but, Zaorva found them first, so, ask her and I´ll support her decision," the Crawling God of chaos speaks showing his fangs in a mocking smile.
"I haven´t forgotten what you did in the universe 347, it causes me to work extra hard in that dimension" her crystal blues tentacles wrapped around Pheonix for a moment "swear for your existence you won´t do anything like that or I´ll eat you again"
"I swear! I want to see what the X-men are doing and won´t cause any destruction" Pheonix promised.
"In that case, welcome, and remember your promise as I have stomach for you, FireBird" she threatens and Pheonix understands the consequences.
On the next day, Jean Grey walks among the halls of the school receiving praises from the girls("she´s so cool, take good grades, is good in sports and is so beautiful") and love from the boys.
Scott gazes at the scene for a moment. That´s Jean Grey. She´s always was here. And he does not make many questions as the answer is clear.
Magik watches Jean walks and pretends, with great acting skills, that Jean is that older sister figure she admires, in reality, she knows as much Scott knows that Jean Grey is not real.
3) The new girl
Scott Summer has his fair share of oddities(his mind lingers to Kurt, Kitty and Jean) but, this is something the man never thought was possible to exist. Eating lunch with Bobby as Iceman is encouraging him to talk with the new girl.
"Scott, I´m serious, she´s totally checking you out," Bobby look behind to see the most attractive girl in the school and she is winking at Scott. "Come on, Scott, this is your chance, you said you want to move on from Betsy...that´s a golden opportunity"
Scott looks to the ''girl'' one last time. Bobby describes her as being a gorgeous blonde, with blue eyes, a nice buxom("Bobby!" "What she has, you can see it, she´s not hiding") and is very stylish.
Many boys and girls are around the new girl flirting, even Duncan is there flexing his muscle to the new Girl and Scott is making a great effort to not burst to laugh.
"You know what? Bobby, you seem to want a girlfriend, why you don´t introduce yourself, go on" Scott incentives and Bobby is already up asking one last time if Scott won´t be jealousy "No, trust me, I won´t"
And Bobby is on the herd praising comments on the new girl´s beauty.
Kurt is laughing hard, Kitty is amused ( she thought to herself "but our illusions are not even connected, I mean, some of them is seeing a white girl, some are seeing a black girl and others are seeing a pretty Asian girl...how come they aren´t noticing?") and Jean is rolling her eyes at such prank.
The New Mutants are looking at the scene with fear as Duncan proclaims he´s got the hottest girl with him and did an intense make out. Only the New Mutants are seeing the new girl as she is...a piece of bread.
"This is really not normal, even to our standers"
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Lovecraft au(New world)
N/A: this is set on the first Lovecraft au, a bit before the plot really kick in and...spoiler
The mansion, in the morning, really is something else. A sort of comforting emerges on a sunny day that hit the big windows making the mansion seems alive, the students, don´t seem to share the sentiment that Kitty has to wake up in a sunny day to enjoy the quiet(most of the new students prefer to sleep until one of the teachers has to wake them up.) and Kitty often likes to be with her thoughts. The magic school she did attend(covens were another story) often ever let Kitty out of their sight. It is a common procedure to all students(right?)
In her walk, she spots Rogue, the resident goth girl, doing a somehow praying in her room. It is unpolite to pry, and Kitty is about to leave when she saw the crystal blue colour on Rogue´s improvised sanctuary.
The colour draws her in. And Rogue now noticed the intrusion, thankfully, she is not mad at it.  The whole Bobby x Rogue x Kitty fiasco is fresh in the woman´s mind. She vows to be better than that.
"Hey, sugah, are you lost?" Rogue asked eying Kitty, giving her attention(the small woman often seems lost sometimes, maybe is the new environment, a magic school sure is different than this one)
"Oh, sorry, I didn´t mean to interrupt what you were doing, I just saw the colour and ..." Kitty trails off wondering why she is here. Is just a colour, nothing else, yet, here she is.
"Oh, don´t worry, your pretty little head, Kitty, I´m just sending my good morning to the Goddess of creation" Rogue stated as if she is explaining the solution to all the problems."Zaorva"
Kitty blinks at the mention of this name.
"Agatha never really let me read anything about the gods, saying I was too young to understand" Kitty explaining as she smiles a bit mischievous "but I didn´t fully obey this, I was managed to read a little about the older gods, my favourite is Nyarlathotep, Zaorva ...how is she?"
Rogue blinks at this answer. Does kitty like the crawling god of chaos? Well, sure, why not?
"Well, actually, can you keep a secret?" Rogue asked and Kitty nods solely. Sitting on Rogue´s bed as she starts using her magic(a soft blue colour) to mess around. lift some objects and place in different order(Rogue stated it is fine as long she doesn´t break anything) and looks in expectation as Rogue starts to speak.
"My birth parents were biggest Zaorva´s followers. Zaorva, the goddess of creation, unlike the other chutloids, Zaorva just want people to have a nice life and be good people, you know, treat the environment well, be good with the other and stuff like that, however, my birth parents never get to the part where she says child neglection is bad." Rogue takes a long sigh.
"My parents, abandoned me when I was 6 years old, wanting to follow Zaorva´s word without a child to hindrance them, I remember praying to Zaorva with all my heart and begs to someone save, to get a nice family" Kitty looks shocked at this and Rogue isn´t finished "then Irene Adler did found me, another Zaorva´s followers, she adopt me and since then, she is my mother"
"Rogue...thank you for telling me"
"Is not a problem, I don´t have the shame of my past anymore. Every morning, I make the morning salute to Zaorva" Rogue stated proudly, the adds " although, between you and me, it is a bit odd that Zaorva is, well, for the lack of better word, married with Nyarthotelep"
"Why?" Kitty blinks owlishly " It can't exist chaos without life and there´s no life without chaos, I say it complete each other perfectly"
"Yeah, but...Zaorva punishes those who did wrong things, him...just does his thing"
"Zaorva punish those who did bad things?" Kitty asked and Rogue start to talk more about Zaorva.
Morning is often something the Lighting force enjoys. Their Nazi´s symbol shines with the sun and Nightcrawler is overjoyed with the scene. It is a beautiful morning and it gets even better when a woman walks in the building, wearing a summer dress.
It is his type of dress...to rip it.
"Fraulein, have you come here to see me?" Nightcrawler stated. The woman ignored him as she looks at the buildings one last time, frowning the woman speaks the word disgusting with venom and this didn´t seem to deter nightcrawler of his ....plan.
"Fraulein, what a pretty woman you are," he said noticing how similar she is of his katzchen...oh, he will have another one to play with. The others members of the lighting force shows up and were ready to take her down, some slurs were used and the woman with summer dress raise her hand erasing Meggan and Brian of their existence("disgusting" she mutter the word again) the others soldiers and generals look at the woman as if it is the first time.
Nightcrawler did give an order, yet, must soldiers start to mutating into a goo, the process looks slowly and painfully(it is possible to hear bones being crashed and limbs being ripped)
"What are you?" Nightcrawler tries to teleport and attack her, however, his powers vanish as the woman´s crystal blue eyes show up.
"I certainly didn´t remember creating this...but then again, when you humans want to be disgusting...you exceed expectations" The woman starts to hover in the sky as the buildings start to being erased. "I´ll have to start on the zero, this time, taking a few changes"
Kitty Pryde, a thin version of Zaorva, shows up and the woman(goddess as she is in her full crystal-blue form, meet her delicate frame)
"Forgive me, you pray for me, for so long. And now I´m here" the goddess says gently as she takes the thin Kitty in her arms as the woman is changing into a white light."I promise this time, it will be better, little one"
The thin Kitty vanish into a white glow, all the while the thin Kitty never show any signal of fear. Zaorva is here. At least, she is here.
Nazi Nightcrawler feels fear crippling in his heart. His power is gone and no weapon at his dispose of (what weapon could hurt Zaorva?) Her crystal blue tentacles grab him violently.
"Do you feel remorse for what you have done?"
"Yes, I do, please, don´t kill me"
"Funny, they asked the same thing ...and what was your answer?" Zaorva ponders and nazi Nightcrawler is sweating profusely. "Oh, right, as if"
A largemouth opens on her stomach (Nazi nightcrawler never got time o to ponder about Zaorva´s anatomy) and slowly eats his body, leaving only his head attached. She won´t his suffer to last for eternity, later she will repeat the process(maybe will ask her other half to join her)
The world in itself explode and Zaorva appears large than life, using her hands to mould a new Earth, creating life is harder than destroying. What interesting paradox.
Finally, Earth is back at is the place. A new Earth. With new people. Humans still have the free will to do their choices, but, Zaorva is confident they won´t fuck up again. (not like this)
She places Kitty Pryde there. A writer who has a bestseller and is married to Rachel Grey. Both have 2 kids.
This world has no Kurt Wagner. No Excalibur.
And Zaorva hopes things won´t be worse than the previous world.
"Don´t be disgusting or I´ll be back," she says now gracefully flying away from the new earth. Nyarlathotep waits for her.
"My other half, did you have fun?"
"Yes, I did, by the way, if you got hungry in our journey, I have a snack for us"
"Always very thoughtful, thank you, my other half"
Nyarlathotep and Zaorva embark to the next dimension together. With a Nazi Nightcrawler as a nice snack.
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