#it is ironic they follow zarova´s word but don´t get the fundemental thing
kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Lovecraft au(New world)
N/A: this is set on the first Lovecraft au, a bit before the plot really kick in and...spoiler
The mansion, in the morning, really is something else. A sort of comforting emerges on a sunny day that hit the big windows making the mansion seems alive, the students, don´t seem to share the sentiment that Kitty has to wake up in a sunny day to enjoy the quiet(most of the new students prefer to sleep until one of the teachers has to wake them up.) and Kitty often likes to be with her thoughts. The magic school she did attend(covens were another story) often ever let Kitty out of their sight. It is a common procedure to all students(right?)
In her walk, she spots Rogue, the resident goth girl, doing a somehow praying in her room. It is unpolite to pry, and Kitty is about to leave when she saw the crystal blue colour on Rogue´s improvised sanctuary.
The colour draws her in. And Rogue now noticed the intrusion, thankfully, she is not mad at it.  The whole Bobby x Rogue x Kitty fiasco is fresh in the woman´s mind. She vows to be better than that.
"Hey, sugah, are you lost?" Rogue asked eying Kitty, giving her attention(the small woman often seems lost sometimes, maybe is the new environment, a magic school sure is different than this one)
"Oh, sorry, I didn´t mean to interrupt what you were doing, I just saw the colour and ..." Kitty trails off wondering why she is here. Is just a colour, nothing else, yet, here she is.
"Oh, don´t worry, your pretty little head, Kitty, I´m just sending my good morning to the Goddess of creation" Rogue stated as if she is explaining the solution to all the problems."Zaorva"
Kitty blinks at the mention of this name.
"Agatha never really let me read anything about the gods, saying I was too young to understand" Kitty explaining as she smiles a bit mischievous "but I didn´t fully obey this, I was managed to read a little about the older gods, my favourite is Nyarlathotep, Zaorva ...how is she?"
Rogue blinks at this answer. Does kitty like the crawling god of chaos? Well, sure, why not?
"Well, actually, can you keep a secret?" Rogue asked and Kitty nods solely. Sitting on Rogue´s bed as she starts using her magic(a soft blue colour) to mess around. lift some objects and place in different order(Rogue stated it is fine as long she doesn´t break anything) and looks in expectation as Rogue starts to speak.
"My birth parents were biggest Zaorva´s followers. Zaorva, the goddess of creation, unlike the other chutloids, Zaorva just want people to have a nice life and be good people, you know, treat the environment well, be good with the other and stuff like that, however, my birth parents never get to the part where she says child neglection is bad." Rogue takes a long sigh.
"My parents, abandoned me when I was 6 years old, wanting to follow Zaorva´s word without a child to hindrance them, I remember praying to Zaorva with all my heart and begs to someone save, to get a nice family" Kitty looks shocked at this and Rogue isn´t finished "then Irene Adler did found me, another Zaorva´s followers, she adopt me and since then, she is my mother"
"Rogue...thank you for telling me"
"Is not a problem, I don´t have the shame of my past anymore. Every morning, I make the morning salute to Zaorva" Rogue stated proudly, the adds " although, between you and me, it is a bit odd that Zaorva is, well, for the lack of better word, married with Nyarthotelep"
"Why?" Kitty blinks owlishly " It can't exist chaos without life and there´s no life without chaos, I say it complete each other perfectly"
"Yeah, but...Zaorva punishes those who did wrong things, him...just does his thing"
"Zaorva punish those who did bad things?" Kitty asked and Rogue start to talk more about Zaorva.
Morning is often something the Lighting force enjoys. Their Nazi´s symbol shines with the sun and Nightcrawler is overjoyed with the scene. It is a beautiful morning and it gets even better when a woman walks in the building, wearing a summer dress.
It is his type of dress...to rip it.
"Fraulein, have you come here to see me?" Nightcrawler stated. The woman ignored him as she looks at the buildings one last time, frowning the woman speaks the word disgusting with venom and this didn´t seem to deter nightcrawler of his ....plan.
"Fraulein, what a pretty woman you are," he said noticing how similar she is of his katzchen...oh, he will have another one to play with. The others members of the lighting force shows up and were ready to take her down, some slurs were used and the woman with summer dress raise her hand erasing Meggan and Brian of their existence("disgusting" she mutter the word again) the others soldiers and generals look at the woman as if it is the first time.
Nightcrawler did give an order, yet, must soldiers start to mutating into a goo, the process looks slowly and painfully(it is possible to hear bones being crashed and limbs being ripped)
"What are you?" Nightcrawler tries to teleport and attack her, however, his powers vanish as the woman´s crystal blue eyes show up.
"I certainly didn´t remember creating this...but then again, when you humans want to be disgusting...you exceed expectations" The woman starts to hover in the sky as the buildings start to being erased. "I´ll have to start on the zero, this time, taking a few changes"
Kitty Pryde, a thin version of Zaorva, shows up and the woman(goddess as she is in her full crystal-blue form, meet her delicate frame)
"Forgive me, you pray for me, for so long. And now I´m here" the goddess says gently as she takes the thin Kitty in her arms as the woman is changing into a white light."I promise this time, it will be better, little one"
The thin Kitty vanish into a white glow, all the while the thin Kitty never show any signal of fear. Zaorva is here. At least, she is here.
Nazi Nightcrawler feels fear crippling in his heart. His power is gone and no weapon at his dispose of (what weapon could hurt Zaorva?) Her crystal blue tentacles grab him violently.
"Do you feel remorse for what you have done?"
"Yes, I do, please, don´t kill me"
"Funny, they asked the same thing ...and what was your answer?" Zaorva ponders and nazi Nightcrawler is sweating profusely. "Oh, right, as if"
A largemouth opens on her stomach (Nazi nightcrawler never got time o to ponder about Zaorva´s anatomy) and slowly eats his body, leaving only his head attached. She won´t his suffer to last for eternity, later she will repeat the process(maybe will ask her other half to join her)
The world in itself explode and Zaorva appears large than life, using her hands to mould a new Earth, creating life is harder than destroying. What interesting paradox.
Finally, Earth is back at is the place. A new Earth. With new people. Humans still have the free will to do their choices, but, Zaorva is confident they won´t fuck up again. (not like this)
She places Kitty Pryde there. A writer who has a bestseller and is married to Rachel Grey. Both have 2 kids.
This world has no Kurt Wagner. No Excalibur.
And Zaorva hopes things won´t be worse than the previous world.
"Don´t be disgusting or I´ll be back," she says now gracefully flying away from the new earth. Nyarlathotep waits for her.
"My other half, did you have fun?"
"Yes, I did, by the way, if you got hungry in our journey, I have a snack for us"
"Always very thoughtful, thank you, my other half"
Nyarlathotep and Zaorva embark to the next dimension together. With a Nazi Nightcrawler as a nice snack.
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