#featuring my cat because her birthday is this month as well
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tenkain · 1 year ago
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byjove · 2 years ago
please help my scruggly cat
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Tommy, Tumblr micro-celebrity famous for featuring/being the muse for hit posts such as ‘father is…evil?’ and ‘my cat can tell when I’m sad and instinctively bites my toes’ and ‘frustrating each other is our love language’ needs a little financial support. Please consider donating to my ko-fi or buying something from my teespring store.
Tommy was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year under dramatic circumstances that involved a week long intensive care vet stay. She has stomatitis (an inflammation of the gums and mucus membranes) that she was on steroids for and the steroids may have damaged her pancreas. Since her diagnosis we’ve had a hard time controlling her blood sugar. Her insulin dose goes up and up. The vet thinks she has a good chance of stabilizing, that diabetic cats can and do live long, healthy and happy lives. She’s only 5. Her 6th birthday is later this month. She’s fighting. She wants to live.
Each insulin vial costs $160. Her prescription cat food is $35 for a 4 pound bag. She’s also on gabapentin for her pain and neuropathy and she’ll probably need another course of antibiotics. She currently goes to the vet every two weeks and the cost of that varies immensely. Basically, she’s a much more expensive cat than she was before and the cost of living for me has risen as well. It’s not an immediate emergency but we need funds. I’m disabled, I have an autoimmune disease that attacks my colon, I have a hard time working outside of the home or even at all because my health fluctuates and my energy levels are low. I’m trying so desperately to get better but for now I’m living in my mom’s house and sponging off my loved ones and tapping into my meager savings.
I know what you’re thinking, the thing people always comment on donation posts about pets, “if you can’t afford to care for your cat, why do you still have your cat?” and as biting as that question is, I know it’s a valid one and I’ve thought about it myself. I still have her because I need her and she needs me. She’s like my soulmate animal. We met when I was 16 and she was about 4 weeks old. There was no way I could have known we’d both be struggling sick moneypits in 5 years. I’m trying to give her the best life I can and she’s trying to give me her best self. I’m her person. I’m home 24/7 so we’re so used to having each other. She brings me immense joy and I know she’s brought a lot of other people joy. If you’re one of those people, please consider giving a couple of dollars. If you can’t afford to, that’s fine. Thank you for reading anyway.
TL;DR: cat sick. I’m sick. please help.
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natsuki208 · 7 months ago
The Almost Cat-astrophe! 🐾
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The story of how Sebastian discovered baby Ciel’s developed cat allergies.
It’s bitter cold outside but inside of the Phantomhive manor is cozy warm. Perfect timing for the growing heir’s first birthday.
Everyone of the servants are gathered within the main room; preparing food for the dinner later, and listening in on the baby’s tiny laughter. His new father, Sebastian Michaelis, is the one who cannot stop smiling - for the past six months have been warming him up to this very moment more than the fireplace.
It’s also probably because he’s ready to give his own present to his child, for the more presents the baby receives, the more impatient Sebastian subtly gets (even though he suggested to save the best for last). After one new pair of unfitting footwear, it’s finally Sebastian’s turn even though the little one sitting on his leg begins to tilt sleepily.
“Now don’t fall asleep yet, Ciel.” He speaks softly. “Papa still has something special for you.”
The man gently places his child on the sofa and stands up to get his gift; no longer being in his father’s arms widens his eyes immediately. It doesn’t take long for Sebastian to turn back around holding a box twice the size of Ciel, this grabs everyone else’s attention as their temporal master slowly takes off the lid with a smile.
Inch by inch, the box begins to move. The sight of fur becomes very clear to the others in the room, along with sky blue eyes peering out, the color of light and dark grey stripes pop out and the tiniest sound ever heard spills out:
A kitten. A four week old kitten the size of a full-grown hand peaks its head over the top to look at the baby in front. Ciel spreads a little smile as soon as he sees it, clapping his hands as to pet it himself. Both little ones take a liking to one another already with one purring and the other patting repeatedly while giggling. Sebastian though feels much happier than the two combined and Tanaka, the butler standing next to him, can read him like an open book.
“I’m not too sure whom the kitten is suppose to please here.” He jokingly comments, keeping his laughter to himself.
Sebastian of course notices this. “Really. Well you can’t blame me for how precious they are.”
Little Ciel starts whimpering when his father pulls the kitten back towards him for a moment to get a better look at all the features.
“Look at her. Those innocent eyes, the softness to her fur, how plump her paw pads are and her elegant sounds that’s enough to put my child at ease. She’s perfect.”
Suddenly the whimpering gets a little louder, accompanied by the tugging on his sleeve, which is enough to bring Sebastian’s focus back onto Ciel. The realisation dawns on him and gently picks him up with his free arm.
“Oh. Of course I cannot forget you, bluebird.” The smile grows bigger by looking at those big, sapphire eyes again. Having both a tiny kitten and the only tolerable human to him close manages to bring HIM to ease, which use to be very rare in mundane scenarios such as today. “I’m sure you and Lady will go swell together.”
Oh yeah. He gave her such a sophisticated name for such a small feline (he was gonna go for Lilith or Lamia but it was too on the nose for him).
Tanaka gives another smile after hearing such amusing words coming from usually a calm and collected person (but is well aware how his behaviour can change around the little one) and he continues to view them with pride.
“If you say so, sir. Ho, ho.”
A few days have gone by and they felt like a dream to the normally practical demon like Sebastian. Who can blame him for now looking after two adorable pint-size creatures in his new life? Whenever they are around for asleep in his arms, it puts him in a mellow mood - dare he say it’s as pleasant as most worthless human souls.
His mind cannot focus on anything else right now but those cuties, not even whilst he’s suppose to go over some paperwork sent to him by the Queen herself. Such bothering work does not entertain him in the slightest, he’ll gladly admit it’s not the thing he signed up for when becoming Ciel’s new father but it must be done nonetheless.
“How tiresome.” Sebastian sighs, plopping the papers on the old desk.
The need for entertainment rises as he grows ever more unmotivated to finish it swiftly, and just from looking at it too. Then it pins to him, of course he’s gonna pay a quick visit to the nursery to see the precious pair again - it may be during Ciel’s nap time but still.
Sebastian slowly opens the office door and glances around for any witnesses, gladly nobody is present which releases a soft breath from the demon. He’s now standing outside the nursery and is just about to grab the handle when… he hears crying.
This is definitely not good. It sounds more chesty than usual which makes it worse. Sebastian hurries in fast and immediately sees what’s wrong; the wailing baby in the crib is coughing between cries, a runny nose and has small red spots planted on his cheeks. He cannot open his eyes due to tears but does his little grabby hands for whoever he thinks is in the room. The demon doesn’t hesitate to answer his gesture and picks him up, this gives him the chance to better check the sudden aching changes.
“Goodness, Ciel! What happened?!” The baby continues crying breathily. He is worried, actually worried. How rare for him to feel yet another common and strong emotion, especially towards a human.
Is it a cold? No it can’t be. Ciel never grew red spots like this before. He looks at every corner of the nursery to find some form of evidence for this calamity. That’s when he hears it; the small adoring sound from near his foot:
Little Lady is innocently pawing at her favourite toy, jumping at it every time it got away from her, even if it’s cute it raises questions. She couldn’t have scratched him on accident, did she?… No! There’s no possible way that Lady can be possible for such a horrendous deed, nor does Sebastian ever want to suspect her either.
Suddenly, a knock at the door pipes up. Who else but Tanaka is currently standing by politely, and he immediately notices something is not right while seeing Sebastian’s troubled expression.
“Whatever is the matter in here, sir?” He asks. “Shouldn’t you be working?”
“I… was indeed working until…” This is no time to give away that he grew bored of the assignments, the sick Ciel is whom he cares for right now. “Something is wrong with Ciel and it doesn’t appear to be yet another cold.”
It must be serious if even Tanaka grows cautious of what has happened to the young heir. The butler requests if he can call over a doctor for assistance, Sebastian agrees and off both men head for downstairs; Lady is obviously taking down with them too because Sebastian.
It didn’t take long for a doctor to get here; but sadly Angelina aka Madame Red was the only one available at this hour. It took even longer to persuade Sebastian to lend Ciel over to her for examination, luckily Lady can calm him down during this dreadful situation. As he sits alone (minus Tanaka nearby) he gently plays with the tabby kitten and her tiny meows are like music to his ears, not to mention her soft nature while purring and rolling over on his lap just lifts his mood a teensy bit.
But it isn’t enough to bring his mind out of this current state of worry he’s trapped in. Sure, there were moments in his past contracts over the centuries when he felt some form of concern for his masters, but it only lasted temporarily and he never gave it a good thinking. Today however actually got to him; he’s already grown really attached to his new son so it shouldn’t be a surprise… but it is.
A few more minutes pass by until there’s a knock on the door, Sebastian tells Tanaka to answer it for him which he kindly does. Words of knowledge are shared, heads nod and a silent glare peeked over at Sebastian in the distance. Once that was taking care of, the butler proceeds to spread the information to him with a relieved smile.
“Good news, Sebastian - it’s nothing serious.”
Just a few words relaxes Sebastian firmly. “Well, that’s quite a relief. Would you mind telling me what it was then?”
Tanaka clears his throat before answering, losing that smile and looking down at Lady in Sebastian’s hands (not really a good sign).
“I’m afraid… it turns out Ciel has developed a allergy… towards cats.”
Sebastian’s eyes widen in genuine surprise. Not with the fact that Lady really was responsible, but due to the fact he doesn’t have full knowledge on something like allergies. He has heard of the word before and knows it mainly applies with certain foods, but animals as well? He honestly had no idea.
“Do tell, Tanaka. I don’t quite follow.”
“It simply means the fur is harmful and can cause one to gain a rash as we’ve seen on his skin. But don’t fret, the boy received some medicine and is sound asleep, so he’ll recover very soon indeed.”
While good news, Sebastian can’t help but sadden at the fact that is pointed out next.
“But I apologise for this dearly when I say we’ve been informed to keep felines out of the mansion.”
There it is. As it does break Sebastian to see his child sick AND to now give away such a cute little kitten which was a gift to said child, he eventually accepts what must be done and silently agrees, keeping those feelings to himself.
“If it’s what must be done to keep him safe… I’ll allow you to find a more suitable home for Lady. Be sure that it’s a sensible one as well.” He informs regrettably.
“Yes. Of course, sir.”
Whilst Tanaka takes away the now sorrowful kitten, squeakily meowing non-stop, Sebastian is allowed to check up on the sleepy Ciel in the bedroom. Thank satan that the rashes have toned down along with the redness, although he occasionally sneezed during his slumber (but it didn’t wake him up) and all Sebastian can do is gaze down at him, stroking his hair softly. It’s a shame the young Lady couldn’t stay around as he had hoped, but human nature can be torturing, and as long as Ciel is safe once more he’ll eventually move on and wish luck for her.
Even after the unfortunate event has cleared up, it was still an intriguing experience in its own way.
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d0zenr0zes · 1 year ago
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EUNJI Profile and Facts (Updated):
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EUNJI (은지) is a fictional Korean-American soloist under RAINBOW Entertainment, who became well known after a video of her performing her self-written song “the weekend” went viral. She officially debuted as a soloist on Febrary 18, 2021.
Fandom Name: Roses (로즈스)
EUNJI’s Official Accounts:
Instagram: roziepozie Twitter: emroze99 YouTube: EUNJI Official ; formerly ROZE Online TikTok: eunjifr
Stage Name: EUNJI
Birth Name: Min Eunji
English Name: Emily Min
Birthday: March 6th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit
Nationality: South Korean-American
Height: 163 cm (5’4”)
Weight: – –
Blood Type: A
She was born Dallas, Texas
She has a younger sister named Hannah who was born in 2001
First auditioned for RAINBOW while on a trip to Korea to visit her grandparents (Weekly Idol)
She is also an in-house producer for RAINBOW under the name "ROZE"
Did theater throughout her childhood where she found her passion for music and performing
She was in the original lineup for La Vie
Trained for 1 year and 5 months
Didn’t debut with La Vie because of a hip injury 4 months before debut
She is fluent in Korean and English
She started working with DAY1 as a RAINBOW producer after her injury
Her producer name “ROZE” and her fandom name “Roses” come from her grandmother’s name (Lee Young Ji No Prepare)
Credited on 128 songs including all of her own
Debuted as a soloist after a video of her performing her song “the weekend” went viral
Writes the lyrics to all of her songs herself and produces most of them on her own
Rumored to have dated fellow producer DAY1, but it has never officially been confirmed or denied, though many people say she has dropped obvious hints
She says her manager is one of her best friends
She is very close with La Vie’s Tomi and Mari since training with them
She has a cat named Binnie, but she mostly calls him by nicknames like “Boonie” or “Beebs”
She has a regular vlog series titled EmiLog that features her day-to-day activities and often some of her idol friends
Her mom introduced her to K-pop as a fan of H.O.T
She has said that she has secret accounts on different social media to follow her fans, but she has also been known to like and comment on fan posts from her official accounts
Went to the same middle school as BAM!’s Sammy
Her favorite role from theater was when she played Sophie in Mamma Mia Jr. (EmiLog #24)
She would have been the lead rapper in La Vie if she debuted with them (Summer Camp ep. 3)
How do you feel about EUNJI?
▢ I love her, she's my ultimate bias
▢ I like her, she's ok
▢ I think she's overrated
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helluva-world-innit · 1 year ago
So...they are far from perfect, but they have taken me months and I finally have these two as close to what I see in my head as I'm going to get them for now. I will just hope I improve as I draw them more or something. Digital art is also something I'm still adjusting to so...yeah. Anyway, say hey to our protags (reimagined)! Buckle up, this post got looooooong.
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Charlie is the only child sired by Lucifer himself even if it's in a most unconventional way. He's essentially her father and her mother. No Lilith here, folks, sorry. I'm not Jewish and I don't feel comfortable adding her considering what Jewish folks have said about her inclusion in modern works so she's just...not appearing in this comic. A lot of this will be based on my Protestant upbringing with my Hellenic Polytheist sensibilities thrown in, just fyi.
Now, about the redesign...
I don't actually hate the redesign of Charlie in the show. Her hair is fun, her being masc-presenting is interesting, and red is actually my favorite color. However, I completely redid the Rings and like the idea of Charlie trying to unify Hell with her cause instead of just Pride Ring. She kept some of her red because Lucifer has blond/red hair in my version, depending on how much of his angelic persona drops. There's also red in her coat of many colors which is a Biblical reference as well as an extension of Charlie's ideas about Hell and how the "rainbow" of the Rings should be working together to rehabilitate Sinners instead of just torturing them and making them worse. She even made it herself from scraps of the Ringmasters' clothes, Belphagor's fleece, and an old sewing machine. Her dad hates it because it makes her look poor. They are locked in constant battle over him trying to discreetly destroy it and her salvaging it last minute. She also wears spats on her shoes. They're tap shoes because ofc they are. I let her keep her love of theater because it's cute. Lucifer secretly loves that his daughter is just as much of a showboat as he is.
JC is also Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Comic, but at least we have Charlie.
Now, some of you are probably noticing that I made Charlie darker...that's not an accident. Charlie, by the method of her birth here, has black skin. She has her father's eyes and hair. As I get better at drawing and rendering black hair, we will see it in other styles because I love some of the things black folks with more textured hair than myself do with it. I just really like the bubble braid too. It suggests thickness not a lot of people have in their hair. Charlie has had to learn how to style her hair herself a lot since Luci can barely manage some puff buns. Doesn't help that It seems to grow back as fast as it's cut so Charlie mostly trims the ends and moisturizes the hell out of it.
I think it's fitting for Charlie to have a bit extra vibrancy with demon and angelic features because she isn't mortal. At least not completely. She does have a more horrifying form with horns and eyes and wings but she hardly ever has to use it. She also has a natural charm to her she gets from her dad that makes it very hard to turn down what she suggests. Not impossible, just very unappealing. Hoping I can get to a point where her eyes aren't so scary looking but she does have cat pupils so, we'll...see.
Funny thing about Charlie is she is a bit like Elsa. Born with powers beyond comprehension, lives in an icy castle in the mountainside of the remote (only) city in her country, and was kept away from most of her citizens until her 200th birthday.
Okay, it's not a complete 1:1 here. Yes, Lucifer kept Charlie under wraps for about 200, well 50 years from his family, the other Ringmasters. The other denizens of Hell had no idea they had a princess until the events of the comic. They really aren't sure what to make of it either. Some Hellborn think they'll be able to marry into Lucifer's good graces (Sinners cannot legally marry anyone), others consider ransoming Charlie when she ventures out to start the rehab hotel (they are so painfully mistaken; everyone from her dad to her aunt Bel has taught her how to fight viciously even if it's not her preferred method of conflict resolution. to say nothing of the protective friends she gathers quickly). It also makes Charlie a little...well, naive about just how well her plans to rehab Hell are going to go. Most of what she knows about interacting with others come from pop media and her loving and protective family. It's an eye-opening experience when she strikes out on her own.
Debating on adding more black fleece to the bottom hem of her coat too. Thots? The background is just a deserted little corner of Pride Ring which is covered in snow (yes, Pride Ring is cold like in the Divine Comedy here). The orange trees in the background are courtesy of @holoanarchy for giving me the idea when I asked "what's a good color for the leaves of Hell trees?". I'll talk more about those when I post that Ring up, though.
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Okay, let's talk about this lovable asshole now.
Blitz Wire has had to struggle and fight for most of the things he has in life. From the very beginning, things have been...tough for him. Imps are not the very bottom of the social ladder in my version of circus Hell, but they still make up the majority of the working class. If you've never been working class, take it from me, it sucks rocks. Sucks even more when neither of your parents were ever really successful or good with money either, as is the case with the Wires. Blitz's parents met when they were young and idealistic in Greed Ring and shortly married after a brief courtship. Beatriz (this is what I named his mom to keep with the 'B' theme), worked in a factory where they painted figurines of Mammon and the gold paint she huffed developed into Imphysema over time. She stayed sickly throughout Blitz, Barbie, and Fizz's childhood while Buckzo took over the family carnival to help put food on the table. When Beatriz could no longer work, he put the kids to it. They were happy to help and work to get noticed by Mammon so they could rake in some dough to get better medical treatment for their mother, despite the Ringmaster being the very reason she was sick in the first place (capitalism, baby!).
Blitz, as in the canon...is not very funny. Despite having a range of acrobatic tricks and being able to think and react very quickly, he just never had a knack for nor got a grasp of how to hold people's interest and make them laugh. Is what it is. Fizz was always the star of their little sideshow attraction. Barbie came as a close second with her death-defying knife acts and torture plays. Blitz just never stood out as an entertainer as the maladjusted middle child. Over time, that became a resentment. Coupled with Buckzo's disregard for him as his son, Blitz started pushing the envelope with the acts he performed.
Finally, when he was sixteen, Blitz decided he was ready to run a giant obstacle course straight out of Hell. It went about as bad as you would expect. Fizz got the brunt of the damage when he pulled his surrogate brother out of the jaws of certain death. While he was still recovering from being scalded by holy water, Blitz was fired and kicked out of the only home he'd ever known by his father. Barbie and Beatriz kept in touch, despite Buckzo's "banning" it, but Blitz spent the remainder of his teenage years on the streets of Hell, urban foraging and doing odd jobs to save up for a place away from Greed and the posters of Fizz's face as his fame grew.
I didn't really want to change much about Blitz's clothing choices since it makes sense for him to want to look professional, but also be comfortable while slicing throats and blowing people up. Also, blue and gold comes from him being from Greed and Asmo being his company's sponsor. Took away the boots and gave him proper hooves, though. Now, I didn't base the imps' lower halves on any specific ungulates, but Blitz's top half is defs based on an iguana. I want them to be more reptilian since Wrath is pretty desert-oriented and Satan is lizard-like herself. I could probs get away with making his tail a little shorter, but I'm happy with how his horns and spines turned out. He smokes this shitty brand of cigs called Blak'N'Bluz. They aren't called that because of the black filter and blue of the Hellfire they burn on, though. It's said they actually make one's lungs black and blue with one drag because they're so caustic. They're the easiest to steal as a result and the one Blitz started with so he always comes back to them.
I wanted him and Barbie to look more twin-like and I really don't care for OG Blitz's horns. As far as the pendant he's wearing goes, it never made sense to me that his mom only left him something and never left anything for her other kids (which could not be the case but we just don't know because...well, we're never given this info). Blitz and Barbie split their mother's necklace down the middle and each of them wears a piece of it. No idea what to give Fizz from her yet.
I changed Blitz's facial scars and I'll tell you why. Forget who pointed it out in the critical tag, but the type of face scar OG Blitz has would likely leave him blind, with low vision, or with no eyelid in the eye covered in that scar tissue. No matter how you slice it, his sight would be compromised. Given that I gave that particular trait to Loona and Vaggie also has an eye patch, I decided to vary him up. He's still disabled though. As another person pointed out on a totally unrelated to HB/HH post, burn scars can impact everything from self-esteem to physical movement depending on what caused them and how they heal. Due to the majority of Blitz's scarring being on his right and back, his tail and right side usually suffer some debilitating pain flares when he overworks himself. Also, migraines and trouble extending his limbs fully. Basically, he carries a bottle of percocet around (it's like demon ibuprophen; it's fine). His pain is part of why Blitz is such a cussy grump. Hard to be pleasant when you're poor, traumatized, AND hurting all the time.
I.M.P. is still a thing in this rewrite (still debating the name), but Blitz got the idea for it when he was dating Verosika (yup, that's still a thing too). She's the one who got him an in with her boss, Asmodeus. So, he has access to Asmodean crystals since the Ringmaster also liked the idea for snatching extra wicked souls early (they're a power source and, therefore, far more valuable then someone committing tax fraud or whatever) They parted on okay terms, but Blitz adopted Loona shortly after entering his 30s. Kid's gotta eat, so he expanded the business from an imp with a knife to two imps with a van full of guns. Hiring on Moxxie from his old stomping grounds of Greed, they were able to take on more clients. That led to meeting and hiring Millie. Loona comes on hunts now that she's old enough too and they all have a blast. The rest, they say, is history.
The other side of his face for ref:
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Gave him a tear-shaped scar because why not? Also a horntip cap. That one is damaged and his trying to keep it from getting worse and breaking the whole tip off.
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fondueforme · 11 months ago
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There's a fine line between genius and crazy. There's a fine line between broken and breaking. Spent my whole life tryna to change what they're saying about me, sick of walking that fine line.
wait, is that BRITTANY SUSAN PIERCE they kinda look a lot like BRIGETTE LUNDY-PAINE, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY-TWO year old is known as the AIRHEAD EXTRAORDINAIRE around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in NEW DIRECTIONS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re HONEST, but don’t be fooled since they’re also IMPULSIVE. rumor has it, you can find them at CHEERIO PRACTICE, DANCE/BALLET, THE MUCKRACKER, GAY/STRAIGHT ALLIANCE, AND MATHLETES when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around THE SMELL OF BURNT FONDUE OVER HOT GOSS, DANCING THROUGH THE SEWER SYSTEMS AT NIGHT, AND CHEERING FOR THE UNDERDOG IN A SHORT SKIRT but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
Brittany, like Brett and Puck, is a super senior. They failed their senior year with a remarkable 0.0 GPA, but they completely turned it around their second year. They even got an early admission to MIT, but it only took Brittany a month or two to miss home and all their friends. They didn't want to be math genius, instead choosing to go back to Lima and go to McKinley Arts to pursue other ventures.
Brittany is openly bisexual and nonbinary. They knew from a young age that they liked more than one gender, but it took another year of high school and soul searching to realize that just like with their sexuality, their gender cannot be defined within the margins of the gender binary. They've had their fair share of hookups and trysts with a whole lot of different people. They've never been ashamed of it and who they are. To help pay for college, they occasionally do a video or two with Sam, the other blonde letting them keep all the earnings from said films.
Brittany has a pretty successful YouTube channel called Fondue for Two that they started in high school. They invite guests from their life to interview them over fondue and whatever else they have lying around.
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FULL NAME: brittany susan pierce. PRONOUNS: prefers they/them, but any pronouns are fine. (unless you misgender them purposefully/or misgender her sister and they will destroy you) GENDER: nonbinary. NICKNAMES: b, britt, britt-britt, brittany s-pierce. HOMETOWN: lima, ohio. BIRTHDAY (ZODIAC) & AGE: march 14th. (PISCES.) / twenty-two years old. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single, has kissed more than 80% of the student body. SEXUALITY: bisexual. RELIGION: christian. OCCUPATION: student at mckinley arts college, runs a youtube show called ‘Fondue For Two’. RESIDENCE: small apartment off campus. SPORTS/CLUBS: Cheerios, dance, the muckracker, gay/straight alliance, mathletes. GLEE CLUB: new directions. LANGUAGES: english, secret language they made up in middle school, ASL. MAJOR: journalism. MINOR: media communication.
FACECLAIM: brigette lundy-paine. HEIGHT: 5'9". BUILD: fit. EYES: brown. HAIR:  brown, will occasionally bleach in summer to put fun colors in. PIERCINGS: they have their ears pierced, three on each lobe and then a helix on their left and an industrial on their right, they also have their belly button, nipples, and tongue pierced. TATTOOS: they have a rainbow with clouds on their right inner wrist and a small ufo on their shoulder blade. (lord t has been making tattoo appointments for her to get a portrait of himself done and brittany keeps canceling them because she’s afraid it’s bad luck.) OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: none. SCARS: a few from sewer misadventures. ALLERGIES: none. STYLE: carefree and fun, loves bright and bold patterns as well as simple ones when they’re feeling overwhelmed. loves hats and beanies.
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: if brittany thinks you're hot, they will absolutely hit on you and be down to hook up. FORMER FLINGS: one night stands or situationships welcome !! can be friends now or not. JUST FRIENDS: brittany needs pals !! INTERVIEWEES: britt also needs people to interview !! and to be on their show. STUDY BUDDY OR TUTOR: britt can help you with math if you help them with their writing courses. RIVAL: jacob ben israel is basically their archnemesis.  EXES: can be on good or bad terms !! ROOMMATE: lets goooo.
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hi all soupy here to deliver you all the monthly blog update (they seem to occur monthly so might as well make it an official thing) let’s get into everything that the triple m and mods have been up to over august!
i know i say this for every update but the fact files will be going up very soon i swear they’ve just got some details to be added in and then we can get to work on some new fact files (say what now?)
august saw Clawdia, Lloyd and Lillibelle become real and join the triple m family in their physical forms! Lillibelle received her very own announcement post from quippy and Clawdia also got her own announcement post as well but lloyd is yet to have his for some reason…
we also celebrated lloyd’s birthday! he actually arrived on his birthday too which is a pretty strange coincidence
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in august we also saw the arrival of brand new characters to the lore too those being: Star and Pepper Otta, strange twins and cousins of the triple m who look a lot like Mitzi and Miso and also Jenni Katze, an unreleased kitty who Quippy found online. all three of them will be getting fact files but work on theirs will only begin after we’ve got the current ones finished and posted (or at least queued)
another mysterious character has came to be in this month but they’re a slippery fellow and master of hiding so we’ll have to talk about them another time…
there was also development on a wider non-cat cast but there’s not really much to say for that quite yet
quippy also worked extremely hard at creating a hunger games simulator featuring the triple m main cast plus the wider non-cat cast i meantioned before! though it’s not finished quite yet it’s totally worth mentioning because she’s worked super hard on making it
quippy has also been going some amazing drawings for an au she’s working on and i myself am also plotting things down for an au of my own so stay tuned for those developments!
i also suggested to quippy that we should do a triple m awards ceremony around the time of the 1st anniversary but we’ll have to wait and see how the blog and cats are doing before the idea goes any further
with all of the kitty related news from august over it’s time for the technical blog related news:
there’s still quite the backlog of posts to make on here from the facebooks but we’ll get there eventually don’t you guys worry
the tag used for the real triple m posting has changed from #triple m out and about to #triple m become real! because i was never really fond of the out and about tag and also the cats aren’t always out and about in the images so it didn’t make sense for some of them to be tagged as such
the blog also now has featured tags! this’ll make navigating to the category tags and character tags much easier both on the blog and on the archive page!
after discovering the (small) ty beanie belly posting community on tumblr we’ve decided that we’re going to try and branch out to show our beanie belly cats off to more people by using other tags on our posts outside of just out tagging system. this’ll only be on our real beanie belly posts the rest will remain tagged with just the tagging system
i think that that’s all for this months blog update! see ya next month!!
- Mod Soupy
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thedaveandkimmershow · 8 months ago
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Once again, if I had to remember what we did last month... I'd be hard-pressed to come up with anything.
Definitely it was a packed month of work at the UW for me. It was the relentless continuation of Kimmer's doctoral work (lectures, discussions, reading, research, papers, tests).
Beyond that?
Hmmmmm. 🤨🤔
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I looked through the photos I snapped in June and learned there was (some) life beyond work and school. For example, Linzy's work.
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June actually kicked into gear on the backs of two Linzy gigs at the end of May (work, of course, just not ours). A week later found her at another one of her winery gigs in Woodinville: Tsillan Cellars where, for the first time in a while, Kimmer was able to join us for a lovely evening out. We were also joined by a dear friend from a lifetime ago with whom we got the chance to catch up and marvel at how far they've come in this life. A survivor to the core, there's a lot by which to be impressed. And I enjoy being impressed by other human beings in this specific way.
I really really do.
The music was fabulous, by the way. 😉☺️❤️
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June was the month during which we began to spend bits of our mornings on our bedroom porch.
It's not a porch, really. It's the wooden cover of the access to our home's crawl space. Wide enough to accommodate both of us sitting there sipping morning lattes... or one of us sitting there studying and writing. Our bedroom's french doors open right onto it and it's amazing how lovely it is to sit under the morning sun, feeling a breeze when there is one, and listening to the birds and other sounds of the neighborhood waking up.
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Since I spent so much time on campus last month at the University of Washington, I was similarly taken by the beauty of the Quad and it's famous cherry blossom trees in bloom (featuring thousands of visitors, families, brides, and graduates, it seemed). Also, the walk along the south end of Denny Hall, the lawn and this huuuuuge tree... and then the walk up Memorial Way Northeast, lined with trees on both sides of the street that are so tall and lean enough toward each other so as to almost create a living tunnel illuminated by sunshine.
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June was also the occasion of our honorary granddaughter's birthday in which she turns a whooping three years old. We're celebrating early so we can have the whole family over for a pre-party without the experience being overwhelming.
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During the occasion, we managed an indoor scavenger hunt, both kids enjoying our exercise equipment (one of them calls "cars"), a VHS tape got cooked in our microwave oven, great birthday partying at the party table blowing noisemakers happened as well as fun present opening and present using, a magnificent dinner contributed by both families including swedish meatballs and fresh baked sourdough bread, and then dessert dessert dessert (of course) and then somewhere in there...
Adult conversation.
And oh yeah. We sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
After our family festivities, Kimmer and the kids went out back for an expedition.
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Because due to an unfortunate event the day before, we weren't able to trim the yard as we intended. Well, not exactly trim... but hack away 'cause it had been a while since our last "trim". Consequently, our backyard grass and a stadium crowd of daffodils had gotten quite tall. Hence my reference to "expedition".
It was adorable to watch Kimmer with kids in tow wading through the grass and dandelions together. ☺️
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Update on our new cat, Quarter, who we've had since the end of January if not the start of February:
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He's adjusted just fine, thank you very much. He went through the hidey hole phase where he wasn't sure about us. He went through his student phase where he learned to do what our other cat, Dinker, would do like meowing for food when I'm already scooping it up, like poaching the other cat's food when they finished their own, like standing by the front door and staring at us to go outside even though he's an indoor cat.
And so on.
Most of Quarter's time here's been spent learning from Dinker. And most of Dinker's time has been spent intentionally ignoring Quarter.
At this point, though, Quarter's shed his student/house guest vibe. He now acts like he lives here. Like he owns the place. He doesn't finish his food first before going after Dinker's. He goes after Dinker's food while I'm scooping it into Dinker's bowl. He isn't starved for attention from Dinker like he used to be. Now, he sometimes ignores Dinker too at which point (if it's nighttime) Dinker'll instigate a "fight" and they'll both have at it, claws in holsters. And Quarter's finally shed that last ounce of politeness and caution he possessed. If he wants to sit in Kimmer's lap while she's working or studying or taking a test... he will simply and directly place himself there. If I'm at the table writing, he'll jump up and walk through my hand, shove it aside, until we're literally face to face. 
Assertive is the word I'm looking for.
Quarter's become assertive.
So that's where he's at in June.
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June was also home to Father's Day which we spent at my parent's place celebrating my dad. Later that same day I'm thinking about growing up with him and what kind of dad he was. I remember making Pinewood Derby cars together (mostly him, though, 'cause he was the one with the serious tools). I remember my dad 'n I taking up ceramics with a guy named Jim at a little shop on Queen Anne. I remember the H.O. scale train set my dad built from scratch downstairs in my childhood home, complete with a mountain, tunnels, landscaping, a town with lighted homes and businesses, and tracks that could be switched from the control panel.
My dad was an electronic technician so all this was well within his wheelhouse.  
And then last I remember building and launching Estes model rockets with him, including the two-stager whose second stage didn't ignite... and the whole thing wound up accordioning into the ground from a thousand feet up.
Good times. 😉😁☺️
As for me, I got a little pre-FD celebrating earlier in the week—first on the Tuesday before when we slipped into our favorite Crest Theater to see "IF", starring Kelly Fleming and Ryan Reynolds, written, produced, and directed by John Krasinski. And yeah.
It was wonderful.
A live-action Pixar movie with the bit at the end that profoundly moves you. 
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The next evening, Kimmer takes me to the Ballard Pizza Company, their Frelard location between Ballard and Fremont after I show up at her chiropractor's after work when her appointment's done.
We arrive for dinner exactly when the sun's out along with a bit of light rain making everything perfectly and wonderfully shiny.
Our favorite thing?
The front of the restaurant is all garage doors so the interior space can become an exterior space just like that. We sat on stools at a table fronting the patio. Close enough to the outside to feel outside yet enough inside that sprinkles of rain fell short of us.
Our most favorite thing though is that we arrived in the midst of Happy Hour.
And then our most Most favorite thing was that all their appetizer servings are humongous. Huge. Wonderfully lots.
We wound up taking about half home with us where it was still just as yummy.
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Speaking of rain, the final week of June seemed to provide plenty. A bit of reprieve before some legit scorching from July.
As I mentioned earlier, June was a packed month of work at the UW with commencement, the centerpiece of the academic year, taking place at a time when the graduating class had not yet experienced a proper commencement because they all graduated their high schools during the lock-downs when commencements at best were variations on picking up your lunch at the drive-through window. Only with a brief photo-op.
This year in post-production, I caught a lot of the videos scheduled to air during the event along with a number of walk-in projects commissioned by other clients. So it was a total juggle-fest. 
In an interesting plot twist, one of the commencement production staff gave me a tour of all the production sites at Husky Stadium, from each room of our control truck hooked into the stadium's audio, video, and electrical systems, to the student waiting area behind the east end of the field, to the stands adjacent the south side of the commencement stage, and then up to the sixth floor of Husky Stadium where a studio's been set up to accommodate the host segments of the pre-commencement show and the streaming commencement itself.
Next to the set is a bank of windows with quite the wide angle view of the stadium below along with the massive outdoor monitor screen on the east end of the field behind that set of goal posts. It's really quite amazing the brightness we're able to crank out of that screen to create a normal viewing image even on a straight up sunny day. Which is great 'cause that's where the video packages I cut for the show will appear. ☺️
Coupla weeks after commencement (HUUUUUUGE success for UW Video), a big portion of the crew involved in the production are gathered at a looong table set outside under beach umbrellas at Duke's Restaurant, a block back from the shores of Green Lake. The most beautifully sunny day under a lovely shade, we all gotta chance to talk a little shop (okay a LOT), talk family, catch up with those we don't get that much opportunity to see...
And to look toward the future?
The future?
Sure. We're all up to our eyeballs in tech and its relentlessly changing expressions. It's impossible not to discuss that ever-changing arena that embraces both our personal and professional lives.
A lot of us are getting on in age as well... and in that context, talk about the future just comes naturally to us. 
You just can't help but wonder...
What's next?
0 notes
dabeanmid-2 · 3 years ago
Just thought this would be cute.
We all know how Kristoff was raised by trolls. And I was thinking what if Scott was somehow raised by llamas or at least people who are part llama/are llama hybrids.
Like- wouldn't that be cute??
Also he definitely talks to his llamas whenever he is stressed or is just telling them stories. He can understand llamas. Not animals. Just llamas. Nothing more. Nothing less.
((Example of that ^
Sausage was once walking around the empires cuz idk- he was bored?? And he overheard Scott ranting to his llamas. And since Sausage can talk/understand animals he knows what the llamas tell Scott.))
Okay- I know Scott's birthday is like- 3 months away but- imma just put this here
Scott has been given a llama for a birthday present. From Sausage ofc. Scott loved it.
Also, since Owen is in empires now as a llama. Imagine if the actual llama turned into Owen. Like- imagine seeing Owen but with llama features! Kinda like Scott's but his are less rainbow more orange.
((Example of that ^
Scott walks into the Tavern to see if his llama is still there: *sees Owen human w/llama features*
Owen: Hi Scott! :D
Scott: Uhm..who are you and what have you done with my best friend?! *pulls out his sword*
Owen: Uhm....Scott I'm Owen?
Scott: 👁️👄👁️ Wut? Owen's a llama..not you!
Owen: *says one of Scott's secrets he's told his llamas*
Scott: *shooketh* Wha-))
Ok- this has turned from me having a headcanon to a full on brainrot lol- i have more!
Scott's part llama(at least to me) and he ENJOYS head pats. Like LOVES them.
He knits. Like- he makes all his clothing all from scratch. He doesn't buy them. He shears his sheep and makes clothes out of the wool.
He is the reason why fWhips pickle business has a sign that says "Do not smelt the pickles into dye due to threat of war". How did he know? Well...llama. One of the llamas told him. Idk how they found out but yeah. The llamas were being snitches.
Occasionally, he falls asleep in either the barn or with the llamas. Like- he forgets to go to his house to sleep and just go get them Zs with the llamas.
People think he's wierd cuz of his heterochromia. People don't tell him that tho because this llama man is sensitive. Like- he WILL get sad IMMEDIATELY.
The designs on his best friends or...in my case his children, are all handmade by him. He also gifts people the stuff he knits.
He can paint and draw REALLY well. I can just imagine him making a family portrait for Joel, Sausage and Hermes. His favorite artwork was when he decided to paint/draw the flower fields.
Scott is friends/neutrals with everyone. Like he definitely is. He is happy llama man and I wanna keep it that way UnU.
Gem has bees right? And exports like- beeswax, honey, basically anything a bee can make. Scott provides the flowers she uses for pollen.
He makes flower crowns for EVERYONE and ANYONE who enters Chromia.
((Example of that ^
Hermes once visited Chromia alone because they know very well the way back to Stratos. And when they reached the "Rainbow man" (that's what I imagine they calls Scott) kingdom they were taught how to make flower crowns by Scott because APPARENTLY neither Joel or Sausage taught them how to. Scott said that they were being horrible parents for not teaching their child such a WONDERFUL thing, as a joke ofc.))
He has long hair. He grew it out when he was out traveling the world looking for new things to add to his collection. It grew till the top half of his back.
He definitely does his nails. Also, Lizzie is a cat and she has long nails( kinda like a cats nails but a bit shorter) and Scott has offered to decorate them because according to him they looked PLAIN. Lizzie of course agreed to this and her nails have NEVER been so good looking. She comes to Chromia every month for her nails.
I think- that's all for now lol- MIGHT add more tho
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jotatetsuken · 3 years ago
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features: shota aizawa x f!reader
submission for: @fuwushiguro 's “First Kiss” Collab and one of my writeups for Junichi Suwabe-san's birthday
type of writing: oneshot
trope: meet-cute
prompts: “You kissed me.” “You kissed me back.” “And I’m not here to apologize.” - @creativepromptsforwriting @creativepromptfills
warnings: mentions of injuries, people being toxic towards the reader, angst is involved, mentions of fighting, tad bit of creepiness from mineta lol
summary: the reader has the quirk named bandages where her fingers turn into bandages that can extend to higher places and restrain enemies. however, she can use the bandages on multiple people or objects in one go, meaning once she restrains an enemy, she’s vulnerable to an attack from another enemy that she hasn’t caught yet. on her last mission, she injured herself and is in the process of recovery. however, a chance encounter with a pro hero changes it all.
song: cardigan by taylor swift
beta reading: @animated-moon (I am so so so grateful <3 :'( )
tagging: @akaashi-todorki @kiiraes @cuz-like-why-not @oyasumiares @tiddieluvr @beware-of-the-rogue @dnphs @miikoos @cirigiri @sabyss @ffsg0jo @solamoure @hyeque @ambieux @saltyvanilla @haikyutiehoe @gumiresque @kaminarili (taglist form)
number of words: 2784
a/n: happy easter everyone! <3 i was looking into the symbolism behind the song and this is what i found: "this is a song that’s about long lost love, and looking back on it and how special it made you feel, all the good things it made you feel, all the pain that it made you feel," and that's when an idea popped into my head. i'd been working on this story for months together for my oneshot compilation on quotev, but i'm glad that i got to do it now, i'm crossposting it btw. i hope y'all enjoy it :D as always, likes, comments and most importantly, reblogs are appreciated :D
shyna's seiyuu birthday celebration edition 2: junichi suwabe
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It was fall, the winds were turning chilly, but bearable. It was a good time to relax, read a bit, play with your favorite pet and take a break from the life you were living as a temporarily retired Pro Hero. As you lay on the couch in your favorite sweater made by your grandmother, reaching for the cup of hot cocoa on the coffee table, you felt a sudden tug from your shoulder trap muscle and your chest aches somewhat. On your previous mission, you crashed hard on the road, causing your collarbone to snap and the right side of your chest to land on something very sharp, wounding yourself. It had been months since then, but even as you were physically recovering, you were mentally exhausted because you were receiving hate mail from your former fans, who were chastising you for not being there to help when they were in danger and discouraging you from returning because “no one would remember you anyway.”
So, how could you assist them when you were recuperating? How could your supporters, for whom you risked your life to the point where you decided to take a break to recover, turn on you? You were honestly relieved that your true identity was unknown to everyone but your coworkers. This is when one day, you decide to take a break and go to your popular local pet store. While shopping for supplies for your (favorite pet) there, you had your first encounter with a six-foot-tall man with a scruffy beard and unkempt jet black hair, dressed in black pants, a white sweatshirt, and a red scarf wrapped around him. He'd come with his cat, a Japanese bobtail, and was perplexed about how to feed her, so he was wandering aimlessly around in the pet store. You approach him with a smile, saying, “Hello, did you need assistance with anything?”
He turns his face towards you, gives you a confused glance, then replies hesitatingly with, "Uh, sure. You look familiar. Have we met? I'm bad with people, and with pets, ah well, you can see that," as his cat starts jumping around everywhere. You, with reflexes as quick as Ingenium, pick up the cat and start to pet her. This surprises him as you were someone who always had a pet by their side, thereby giving you experience with animals. "We probably have. Is it okay if we shake hands? " You respond, ever so politely, causing this man to softly nod and smile at you, responding by shaking hands with you.
"I'm Shota Aizawa," he replies with a calming yet commanding voice, causing you to widen your eyes. You are actually surprised to meet the legendary Pro Hero, Eraser Head, himself!! "Oh my goodness, are you Eraser Head?" causing him to widen his eyes in retaliation and move backward cautiously. "It's okay, it's okay," you tell him, urging him to calm down by pushing your palms forward. You also hand over the cat to him. “I'm (F/N) (L/N) and I go by (Hero Name).” You bow to him and introduce yourself, “I remember you from the Shie Hassaikai Raid. We were there to rescue…” “Eri.” Aizawa completes your sentence, softly smiling again.
He continues, "Ah, yes. I remember. Thank you so much for your cooperation during that time. Didn't you, however, gravely injure yourself while helping us? " Your shoulders slump in disappointment as you keep your shopping bag aside and show him where you've been injured. "It still hurts like hell, Aizawa-san. I took a break from being a Pro Hero because of that. I'm constantly drained and need a break. I should care if my Pro Hero popularity rankings tank as a result, but..."
"Don't bother," he replies nonchalantly. "People will like who they want to like, and dislike who they want to dislike. Being a Pro Hero is a responsibility we've undertaken to protect them, and if they can't respect you for the injuries you've sustained to protect them, then it's their loss." He may have stated these words matter-of-factly to you, but they were the very words you needed to come to terms with your injury and your need for holistic healing.
You ask now with your mind on the cat, "Aizawa-san, have you named your cat? She looks cute! " "Not really," he says, shrugging his shoulders while petting his cat. "Do you have any in mind?" You reply with, "Aiko. It means little love. She seems the epitome of that! " He then looks at his cat, who he received as a gift on his birthday, initially not wanting to deal with the responsibilities of having a pet, but now that he was going to tend to Eri, someone who not just had a deeply broken and traumatic childhood, but has also been freed from the mental shackles of Overhaul, he felt that Aiko was now a welcome change in his household. “Okay, then, Aiko it is,” he says, petting the cat, who was now growing attached to him.
“(Hero Name) -san,” he calls out to you as you were busy still buying essentials for your pet. You approach him, and he presents you with an interesting proposition. “I want you to be a professor at the UA High School.” You gasp in shock. “Me, but why?” As you both keep walking until you reach the checkout counter, and even after you've left the shop, Aizawa tells you something.
“I'm a man of few words, so when I say I want you to be a professor at UA, I very well mean it. The impact of your contribution is so great that you'd not know it until you see it. From what little I'd seen of your work there and even now, you have the quickest reflexes I've ever seen. This would prove invaluable as you teach our students here. Also, you seem to be someone who wants to save peoples' lives, even when you're not able to, for some time. So, think about it?"
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The very next Monday, you would meet Principal Nezu, and soon enough, you signed up to be a teacher at UA High. On your first day, you meet Aizawa there in the staffroom for only a couple of minutes, though it does make you feel better as he recognizes you and calls out for your name.
"(Hero Name), so you're here," he smiles. "I'm glad. Would you be able to help me out with something? " You smile in return, "Sure, Aizawa-san. What's - " He cuts you off by saying, "Just Aizawa is fine, don't worry. I have to go to the hospital to look out for Eri, would you be able to..." You complete his sentence by saying, "sub in for your homeroom? Sure! I shall see you at the hospital afterward." You say with a grin on your face, as Aizawa heads out of the staffroom, nodding in gratitude.
When you enter the homeroom, you could notice a couple of eyes on you. Some were perplexed, some were ecstatic, and others, well, they looked at you as if they'd never seen a female before. You cleared your voice and enquired, "May I please know who the representatives for this class are?" while you kept your books on the teacher's desk. Upon hearing this, a short person around 4 feet tall with a purple hair mohawk made up of four grape-like clumps gets up from his seat and sprints towards you, obviously salivating, even though you quickly recognize him as not the class rep. So, using your quirk, you fire bandages from your fingertips onto him and entrap him against the wall, receiving applause from the class. "Are you the Pro Hero, (Hero Name),?" said a green-haired freckled boy who identified himself as Izuku Midoriya (Deku). You nodded in agreement, surprising everyone, including the spiky, blonde-haired guy at the front.
Then, to your left, you notice two classmates quickly approach by your side, bowing and saluting. Tenya Iida (Turbo Hero: Ingenium) and Momo Yaoyorozu (Everything Hero: Creati) present themselves to you as the representatives, and you grin and say, "Iida-kun, Yaoyorozu-chan, everyone, Aizawa is on leave today, and I'm subbing for him." So I figured it would be a good moment to ask me all sorts of questions about my experiences." This piqued everyone's interest, and Ingenium and Creati decided to keep an eye on the order of the questions. The questions ranged from "what does your quirk do?," "when did you find out that you have the quirk?," "under which agencies did you intern to gain patrolling experience?," "which Pro Heroes are your friends?" and even "how did you fit in your gear?," causing you to shoot an extra set of bandages to the already restrained boy's mouth. That's when the spiky-haired boy, introduced as Katsuki Bakugou, asked you a crucial question: “Are you inflicted with any injuries that have caused you to temporarily retire? 'Cause I'd seen this in the news and I wanted to be sure.” Everyone's mouths were wide open, and you nodded in agreement, indicating where you'd been hurt, when Midoriya questioned, “wait, (Hero Name)-san, were you on the mission to save Eri-chan?”
"Yes, I was, and that's why I decided to retire temporarily since I want to be in good shape before I start working again," you nodded. Then Creati, one of the reps, asked, "what do you think of the hate you've been receiving lately?" which caused you to sigh deeply and ask, "have you ever had a friend who you intentionally or unintentionally mistreated to the point where they feel like an old cardigan under someone's bed, despite them having done a lot for you?" Some of them nodded, while others remained silent. "This is how I'm feeling right now, dear students. As heroes, you will confront adversity; some may abandon you, while others will continue to support you. Some will even advise you to quit forever because no one will remember you anyway.”
When another student, a yellow-haired boy, raised his hand, he interrupted by remarking, “I mean, you can't be there all the time anyhow, so don't you think the fans are concerned about you in some way?” You were ready to respond when you spotted a long, white rope winding around this youngster and hauling him up, and Aizawa retorting, “I guess I'd do the same to you, Kaminari. Don't ask silly questions like that,” the class chuckles, followed by you chuckling, causing Aizawa to smile slightly. “Students, the fact that (Hero Name) has been through so much and is still here to answer your questions demonstrates her strength and willpower.  She will be your substitute homeroom teacher from now on, and she will make sure that all of you are nice to her,” and everyone agreed, shouting “aye!”
When school was out for the day, Aizawa walked with you to Principal Nezu's office, the two of you talking the whole time. "Thank you, Aizawa," you reply, causing Aizawa's eyes to narrow slightly. "For what?" "For defending me, it means a lot," you mutter, index fingers pointing at each other, gaze on the ground. Then you looked Aizawa in the eyes and stated, "This initial interaction with the students alone made me realize that whenever I feel mentally and physically drained, especially in our area of work, I should remember the students, the future generations that are learning from us." "Thank you, Aizawa," you say, hugging him and kissing his cheek. As you approach Principal Nezu's office, you're oblivious to the flush that has appeared on the scruffy-looking man's cheeks, as well as the smile that has appeared on his face after a long time.
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Months passed, and you were enjoying your new life: while you were physically recovering, you officially joined the UA High School as a Psychological Studies teacher, where you taught everyone how villains think before committing a crime and how heroes solve cases to catch villains and rescue people using real-life examples. The students enjoyed having you around and found you to be easier to communicate with than Aizawa, who appears to be tough to approach. The other professors liked you as well, especially All Might, Present Mic, and Midnight because you kept Aizawa on his toes. Midnight was overjoyed to have found another female instructor to gossip with. You got to meet Eri after the UA High School Festival and learned that she'd finally started smiling, which made you so excited to meet her, so Aizawa took you to the dorm where she was staying and got to bond with her, teach her a little bit, encourage her that she's doing a great job, and play with her and Aiko, telling her that you'd be bringing your pet so that Aiko and he can get along. Eri hugged you before you departed, and the sight of that brought a few tears to Aizawa's eyes.
You and Aizawa began talking in an unspoken language of stolen glances, hands and shoulders brushing against each other, and smiling when they weren't around while getting to know the setting and the teachers. Present Mic and Midnight saw this and planned a teacher-only party to help you bond with other instructors, but that's when Midnight proposes a blindfold game in which you'd have to dance with another person while wearing blindfolds, and when the music stopped, you two would have to kiss. No sooner was the blindfold, than you found it hard to see until a certain calloused hand took yours in theirs and with your right hand in their left hand, your left hand on their right shoulder and vice-versa, and both of you danced to Cardigan by Taylor Swift. 
As the person you were dancing with led you to a waltz, you were quite surprised that they were able to do so while blindfolded. The moment the music paused, and you two brought your faces forward, with both of your lips brushing over each other, the partner cupped your cheeks, drew you closer, and enveloped your lips in theirs. While your fingers discovered their locks and fiddled with the hair while kissing, you had an epiphany: this was your first ever kiss, you never really had time to date people and when you did, they were all heartbreakers. Thus, it never got to the kissing phase, so when this happened, you were intrigued as to who it was, and then you felt the stubble brush against your face, and that's when it hit you as well. As you let go of the kiss, you heard a loud roar and opened the blindfold to find Aizawa standing there. You two smiled and blushed in front of each other before stepping away from the spotlight.
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You returned home after the party and said your goodbyes to everyone except Aizawa. You weren't sure if you did it on purpose or not, but you drove back home anyhow. You had just changed into your casual clothes and your favorite cardigan and were heading to the kitchen to prepare yourself a cup of hot cocoa when you heard a tap on your door. When you finished, you set the cup on the coffee table and went to open the door, only to see Aizawa panting and standing in front of your front porch light.
"Hello, what are you doing here?" you inquire. He straightens up and answers,“You left without saying anything to me. Do you not want to discuss it?”   "I don't know what you're talking about," you responded, shrugging your shoulders. "You kissed me," he said, scowling. "You kissed me back," you retorted. "And I'm not here to apologize," he replies, taking a long breath. You're taken aback by his response. "If you're thinking about dating, Aizawa, just so you know, I'm intending to get back to my fighting," you remark with your arms folded. Aizawa immediately responds, "Please call me Shota. It's nice when you're the one who says it. And it's fine with me. We'll be pressed for time, but we'll make it work."
"I can't believe it, you're genuinely a tsundere," you exclaimed, widening your eyes, allowing you two to relax and chuckle, and with your E/C eyes resting on his crimson orbs, you two wrapped yourselves in a loving embrace and kissed each other on the lips again. At that moment, you were thankful that you got out to break up the monotony, because you wouldn't have a second opportunity at your Pro Hero career or another chance at love if you hadn't.
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© Shyna 2022
the amount of love i have for shota aizawa is unreal. the lengths he'd go to protect his students, the fact that he is brazen and unabashed by nature (i'm sensing i had a type here lol), and especially the fact that he's super exhausted and super sleepy, makes me want to just lie down and relax in the midst of calming music. i'm an extrovert so i need to move around all the time, but i appreciate the presence of people like aizawa, who is basically my polar opposite personality-wise like hajime iwaizumi and jotaro kujo (i'm enfj and they're istp). so, i hope this relates to you, somehow. <3
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cheerstotheelites-if · 2 years ago
Birthday Gift Conundrum
Hey guys! I tried my hand at writing my first fanfic for Fleur's upcoming birthday. Featuring Felicity, Emery, Weylyn, Cooper Ophelia and a mentioning of the birthday girl who deserves the best in the world, Fleur.
Note: I do not own the characters nor the original story "Cheers to the Elites". All credits to the author @l-writes-things for creating the story @cheerstotheelites-if.
note note: The characters may act different from the original.
note note note: timeline of the events is the in the first year of MC and Fleur dating period
note note note note: sending it in the form of an ask because for some reason the submission option is not working for me
note note note note note: for fear of the ask getting too long, the fanfic will come with parts. Enjoy part 1
14 February 2023
You can see the special mark, the word written in capital letters “IMPORTANT” on the date, as if to further emphasize its significance to the calendar’s owner.
3 months ago
Felicity POV
“Emery, go call MC to come down for dinner.”
Her child had been cooped up in their room from the moment they arrived home. It was not the first time and not too unusual for someone studying at a prestigious school as Lumintoille. But this habit of theirs has gotten worse lately. Unless she sends Emery to distract them/call them down (drag them), they won’t budge from their seat.
*Sigh* She should have a talk with them.
It’s good to be studious, but they should be careful. Pushing their body to its limits could damage their health. She and Zeke would know.
(Author note” little does she know her child is worrying over a birthday gift for their girlfriend…)
Just as Emery is about to knock on his parent/sibling’s door, he hears some voice sounds. Not only his parent/sibling’s. Others too. Familiar voices. Family. His eyes lit up.
And just like that, he opens the door excitedly, barging in their room.
Are you talking with Big Brother Weylyn, Cooper and Big Sis Ophelia?
They did not expect Emery barging into their room. But even if he knocked, would they have heard?
Probably not.
They were too focused on the topic of the group call, which they initiated. Asking for help was not their forte, nor their preferred option, buuuuuuuuut… they had to.
You see… Observing Fleur carefully everyday would result in her reprimanding them for staring too much. Mulling over the perfect gift for her yielded results… though not helpful ones considering the huge list their brain came up with. Then the anxiety from the overthinking on how she would like the gift crept over. It didn’t leave for months.
Dispersing the stray thoughts away, they smile softly: “Yes Emery. Come and greet them if you’d like.”
Emery rushes to their parent/sibling’s side and they lift him up to sit on their lap. He takes the phone from where MC left it earlier, thrilled to talk with Weylyn, Cooper and Ophelia.
“Hello! – he greets them, waving his free hand at the same time.
“Hi!” “Hello!” “Heyo!” �� all three of them greet Emery at the same time.
“Well, MC, you didn’t like any of our ideas so maybe you should ask Emery for help” – Cooper suggests, grinning mischievously similarly to a Cheshire cat.
“Hmmm. Not a bad idea. So, buddy. What do you think we should prepare for Fleur’s birthday?”- They ask half-jokingly.
Big Sis Fleur’s BIRTHDAY?! Tomorrow?! Why didn’t you tell me, MC?! – Emery shouts at them with a pouting face.
All of four of them laugh. Emery, leaves the phone on the table and crosses his arms, still pouting. “Meanie.”
MC stops their laugh and apologizes: “Sorry. I forgot to tell you. But don't worry, her birthday is not tomorrow, I promise."
"When is her birthday then, MC?" - he asks. Pouting face vanished, replaced by an expression of curiosity, but still keeping his hands crossed.
Thinking that, they chuckle and lean over to take their handmade desk calendar to show him.
"Here, Emery. Look at the marked date. 14 February (14 Blossom). That's when we celebrate and give our gifts to her."
"Can I give her a rose? Will she like it?"
"Of course. You can give her any gift and she will like it." - their girlfriend always had a soft spot for their son/sibling.
"What will you give her?" - Emery innocently asks, not knowing their struggles with picking a single gift for her.
"Why don't you help him with picking a gift Emery?" - Ophelia chimes in.
"Why not give her a rose too?"- a good idea but not one they preferred. They wanted to give her something more unique and memorable. Not something they could give her any da-
They could do that!
Something handmade and memorable. But what?
Thank you for reading until the end. Stay tuned for the next part: "Birthday Gift Preparation"
Words cannot describe on how I feel about this jgfhds and there's more coming?! 😳😳😳
Thank you for sharing your work, Fic. I can't wait to read the rest of it.🥺💙💙💙
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naokow · 3 years ago
Get Free
 summary:  I want to get off, but I keep riding the ride, I never really noticed that I had to decide, to play someone's game, or live my own life.
warnings: angst, manipulating behaviour from eren, female reader (i’m sorry i didn’t make the reader genderless), cursing, smoking, drinking. let me know if i should add something else.
word count: 2.8k
A/N: so let me know if it sucked, pls, thank you. also, English is not my first language, so there can be mistakes pls tell me where my dumb ass was wrong
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The hand on the waist was the final nail in the coffin for you.
How dare he dance with another girl. How dare he smile at her, how dare he ignore you and act like you weren't there, too.
"This is just pitiful," Marleen snorted, finishing half of her drink in a sip as she watched the same scene unfolding in the living room, those two uncaring of everyone else, like they were throwing it in your face.
You hummed, not really in the mood for taunts and half assed advices. "Which part?"
Marleen finished her drink and threw the cup over her shoulder, over the improvised bar the frat boys did last year with wood panels and boxes. It landed in the kitchen, someone yelling at the brunette as it nearly missed him.
 "You. Honestly, for the last time, you need to—"
Frowning, you tensed and turned to glare at her, only to stop staring at the dance floor. "Honestly, Marleen, for the last time, I'm not fucking Jean to get over Eren."
She raised her hands in mock surrender, taking the half empty bottle of beer from your loosened grasp. "Doesn't have to be Jean, pal."
Groaning, throwing your head back dramatically, you couldn't find it in yourself to debate this subject, again.
Not that it mattered. Not like it was supposed to be a fun night at a frat house. Not like you made a fuss about it, dressed in your best leather pants and top, tattoos on display.
Not like you actually tried a bolder look with the cat like eyeliner and actually put on lip gloss, because you knew Eren liked those, said once your lips were pretty like that, coated with too much cherry glitter—
No, it didn't matter, not even as you sat there, feeling stupid as you pulled at your snake bites, wondering if you should get drunk or just go back to your dorm and complain to Annie.
But the blonde was at the party, too, somewhere among the crowd and probably sulking just as you, if you were to guess after seeing Armin with some junior chick an hour ago.
Marleen pushed herself away from the counter, losing her balance as she fell from the chair, but you saw it coming. Rolling your eyes, you caught her arm and steadied her.
Marleen grinned as you let her go, and seized your bicep, squeezing it three times, like a grandmother would with her grandchildren's cheeks.
"God, I love your muscles."
You loved them, too, but often found yourself wondering if Eren would pick you if you looked different, like the pretty, thin brunette wrapped around him on the dance floor.
God, how much can someone dance?
"Anyway," Marleen sighed, fake annoyance and all that, "Someone has to fuck Jean."
You snorted, "Poor you, volunteering like that for society."
She waved you off, pushing your now empty beer bottle into your chest as she left your side with her arms in the air, waving franatically to catch Jean's attention from his seat on the couch, where Connie was trying to explain something with his fingers.
Putting the bottle behind you on the counter, you tried to stop yourself from looking at him. What good did it do to—
He was gripping her waist, his large hands, clad in rings you got for his last birthday, covering her exposed skin. Her arms were in his hair as he bent to say something in her ear—
No, you noticed, he was kissing her neck and she was grinning sideways at Eren.
Scoffing, you tugged at one of the pierces in your nose. You should know better by now, Marleen once chided after cleaning your face off, ruined make up almost dried on your cheeks.
He knows, Annie scolded from beside you two in the small public bathroom after Eren ruined karaoke night and brought his new girlfriend.
He knows you love him and doesn't care. So do yourself a favour and move on.
Yeah, you watch Eren laugh at something the girl said, move on from the crush you had on him since you were sixteen and his hair was still short and he was crying over his parents' divorce.
Sure, move on and forget all the times you helped him, picked the pieces and put him first. Like he did, all those years going down the drain ever since the school year started and he barely acknowledged you.
"You look like shit," someone took the seat next to you, and you sighed before accepting the offered red solo cup.
"Feel like it, too," you looked at Levi snorting as he sipped on his beer. He looked like he just got out of bed.
Right, you scowled at yourself. You've been so busy preparing to let Eren walk all over you, that you forgot that Levi lived in the frat house that hosted the party.
Hange was talking Erwin's ears off, but he smiled and waved at you from where he stood close to the oven, once you looked over your shoulder to inspect who was there. Hange imitated his gesture without turning to see who, exactly, they were saluting.
Levi ignored them altogether, hair disheveled from his twitching fingers. He probably had a nap, you guessed, from the simple black shirt and jeans. Most likely got dragged down from his room by Zeke, or someone.
You knew him well enough, since he bumped into you almost one year ago, in the parking lot where you were smoking, asking for a lighter. Sure, he ignored your bad mood since you walked over to class when Eren forgot to pick you up.
It was just one time.
It wasn't until many months later that he picked a habit of ditching you and your plans together.
Levi was older by two years, and so were his friends, but they took you under their wing almost immediately.
They were protective of you, especially Hange, but no one came close to Levi anytime Eren made you cry or upset you with anything.
Like now, as he glared at the place where you already knew Eren was having fun with the girl. But you chose to look at Levi, chin in the palm of your hand.
Finally, he turned to take you in, his eyes catching onto the fact that you wore the rings and choker he got for you over the last year, then the many earrings Hange and Erwin got you anytime you wanted another pierce.
"Well, you sure look worse than me," you smirked, but Levi frowned at your attempt.
"He did it again?"
You couldn't find it in yourself to get mad at his words, "He just forgot, is all."
Levi snorted, "He should get checked for that Alzheimer he's been sporting for the last months."
You hit his arm, barely touching him, and huffed. "Play nice."
To his credit, he left it at that and let the noise of the party fall over you, both nursing your drinks.
You pondered going to Hange to ask if you could crash over the night with them, knowing Marleen was busy and Annie probably left by now.
"Want to dance?"
Well, then.
Your eyebrows almost reached your hairline as your eyes found Levi's, "Huh?"
He didn't shrug, or rolled his eyes, simply putting down his bottle and staring at you. You didn't want to look over at the dance floor, or be near that sexual tension, but—
But Levi was trying, and you knew how much he despised the parties, or having to interact, or, God Almighty forbid, dance.
And he was asking if you wanted to, because he knew you liked the song that was playing before you even realized what song it was or that you've been moving your head along with the beat for the last minute.
But Eren was th—
You jumped from the bar stool, "Sure."
You were taller than Levi by some good inches, but that didn't bother him. It never did, not even when you made fun of it at game nights or that one time at the carnival when he was the only one to join you in the big rides.
It didn't bother him, not even now, as you let him put his hands on your bare waist and slightly gaze up at you.
Hands around his neck, you let your chin rest near his ear, "You dance like someone's grandpa."
You could only assume he scoffed as he moved his arms around and pushed you closer to his chest.
"That's how you're grandpa danced?"
You shrugged and let him move your hips to the beat, fingers lost in his hair. "Wouldn't know. He died before I was out, kicking and screaming for the last time in my life at my mom."
Levi shook his head at your words, used to your humour and thankful you couldn't see his smile as he put his forehead on your bare shoulder.
You found yourself forgetting about Eren for a while as Levi danced with you and touched your skin, fingers grazing sometimes over your back or spine.
Then he was lost to your mind altogether when Levi caught your eye and you tried to make sense of the look he was giving you.
Marleen said something about his stares, when you couldn't see him watching.
You wet your lips, and he watched your tongue swipe over the pierces. "What, Ackerman?"
He shrugged, "You hate lip glosses."
It was barely there after all the drinks, but the thin, shiny coat with that stupid glitter was noticable enough for Levi to glare at.
And you did, you did hate lip glosses when Levi's arms were around you like that and his hands didn't shy away at the feeling of your muscles like Eren once did, because, damn, what chick wants those abs?
"'m stupid, I know," you mumbled, head titled close to his ear, but he turned to look at you, not even dancing anymore as his mouth was so damn close to yours.
"Want me to buy you another lipstick? What was it, again? R—"
You laughed, and Levi smelt the juice and whiskey on your breath. "Red, yeah. Still don't know how you found that shade, it was so nice, and I finished it too fast."
Levi smirked a little, "Told you, it's a secret. How else am I gonna surprise you?"
You felt him around you, too real, too much, it consumed you, steadily, as his eyes wondered around on your features.
"You surprise me anyway, Ackerman."
He wet his lips, then frowned, having to remind himself you weren't there for him, that you were in that position only because you were hurting again and because he was stupid and reckless and—
"Take it off, please?"
Levi searched your eyes, "What?"
"The gloss crap. Take it off, please."
Levi's breath hitched. "Are you sure?"
You looked down at his lips, "Help me a little, Levi."
Damn you. Damn you and your beautiful face, that irresistible body and that personality and the fact that it made him fall hard. So hard he couldn't deny you, even if it hurt him.
Because you were still hang on Eren, waiting and suffering, uselessly prolonging the inevitable everyone knew its end, but you. 
But now you were in his arms and looking at him like he put the stars that formed those constellations you adored so much, on the sky.
Damn you, da—
He would never admit it hurt to press your lips to yours, to feel that cherry lip gloss first, then the punch as he probed at your mouth to get rid of that crap as you so nicely asked him to.
He hardly noticed how the pierces felt against his tongue, all lost to his mind as he gripped your hips tighter.
He would never admit it bothered him how your fingers played with his hair as you moved your face down and kissed him too roughly for his taste.
But it brought some satisfaction to glance over your shoulder at the shocked, angered Eren, his dance partner forgotten as he stared at his hands on your skin.
Good, it felt good. Even when Levi knew you would regret it the next day and go back to sulking over Eren.
But you brought his mouth back to yours and kept his face in your hands and made him ignore how much it hurt while he bruised your lips with too many kisses.
Levi tried to convince himself that things would finally be better, that it was the right move and he wasn't just a rebound. Maybe, if he kept telling himself that, he would believe it, too.
Even as you pecked his lips once, twice, stopped to gulp down breaths of air, like you just surfaced from water, like you've been drowning and finally, finally, you were free now.
But you stayed close, foreheads pressed against each other's while some stupid disco song started playing and Connie's excited yells surpassed even the stereo system.
You opened your mouth, and Levi wondered if he should be the first to say sorry.
"This is nice."
Flinching, you furrowed your brow and turned to look at Hange. They grinned, inches away from your face. Levi scoffed, and took one, two, fuck it—
He almost jumped away from you, putting space, almost making a statement. He glared at Hange.
"Is this our new secret handshake? I have to tell Erwin," they didn't wait, and you sighed as Hange bounced away to annoy Erwin for the millionth time that night.
You clicked your tongue, Hange forgot to tell you why they interrupted... Whatever that was with Levi, who was now rubbing his face in what you knew was annoyance.
Wetting your lips, and feeling no trace of cherry, made you feel worse than before.
"Right, I'm—"
Levi scoffed, hands back into his pockets as he already moved to walk past you. "Don't. I'm sure Jean would like to continue this."
You wondered why his words stung that much, because you were supposed to feel better after kissing someone. Because it was supposed to make you feel something else than sadness and constant self hatred.
Eren was making his way towards you, and Levi was already lost in the crowd before you could try to mend things. And say what, exactly? Nothing made sense anymore, your thoughts scattered all over the place because—
"What was that about?"
He was asking you, talking to you, and it didn't feel as good as you thought it would. Neither could bother to step aside, talk somewhere private, people still drinking and dancing around.
But why would Eren go somewhere private with you? It wasn't right. Nothing was feeling right as he glared down at you, at your swollen lips and flushed cheeks, that even the low light of the Christmas lights hanged around the walls couldn't hide.
Sure, you were broken. Mind blank and fingers twitching to hold onto something.
Eren frowned, "What was that about, with Ackerman?"
You blinked at him. "I'm sorry?"
It wasn't the apology you almost shot at Levi earlier. You sounded too confused and shocked, even for you.
But nothing made sense and Eren was now fuming.
And you were all years for him, straining yourself to hear him over the music and the crowd that pushed your bodies closer. All because you were used to this, dropping all doubts and latching onto Eren. Honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time he was that close to you, couldn’t comprehend the harsh reality. 
He was there because it bothered him to lose his play toy, and you were too blind to see it, or anything else beside his eyes as he talked. Blinking, you allowed Eren to take you to the kitchen, something about another drink. 
Levi was lost to you as Eren put his arm around your shoulders, barely keeping it there as he started talking about his classes and something his colleagues. You granted him your attention, all of it, never half hearted like he was with you most of the time.
Try all the time.
Because you were better, always so caring and welcoming for Eren to just pick and take whenever he pleased. But he was your friend, you cared too much about him to just let him go or ignore his needs. And he even left that pretty girl to talk with you. Surely, that must count as something. 
“Where’s your lip gloss, hm?” Eren inquired, watching you over the rim of his cup as you blinked, head titled to actually think about what he asked. Then,
“Oh, sorry. must’ve worn off,” you struggled to articulate the words, barely thinking them through, feeling small, almost lost under his stare for a moment. Eren smiled down at you, almost cynically, as he put his cup down and took your hand in his. 
“Want to dance?”
You nodded, faster than before, with—
It didn’t matter, not in that moment.
Assuring him it was alright, because every little thing was alright to you as long as it was Eren and his hand was taking yours, even if the hold was loose, barely there, like he was seconds away from letting it go.
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amaya-chwan · 4 years ago
Takeaways from Therapy Game Restart 14 + Illustration Book Release Date
Hello again everyone! ❤️💛💜
It's finally here... chapter 14! In all its glory! 😍🥰✨
Before we get to our takeaways, just some news I missed in the last post!
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Image taken from this Twitter post from Dear+!
It is titled "日ノ原巡イラスト集 DARLING" and boasts a collection of illustrations from Sensei's works so far: Secret XXX, Therapy Game, and Kamisama no Uroko.
The current price is ¥2970 with tax (¥2700 without tax). If you'd like to preorder it on your proxy shopping service, I've found it on the Comi Comi Studios website here! The bonus for purchasing it on this website is a B5 clear file~ I haven't seen it on Animate just yet, so fingers crossed it'll appear on their website soon with another (different) bonus! ❤️💛
Alright, with this amazing news done, let's move onto our takeaways, the long awaited takeaways! Thank you for being so patient with me! 💜
My short life update: currently in week 8 of lockdown and I haven't left my house in a long time other than for exercise or groceries. But I do have my vaccination appointment booked so YAY! 🎉
Here are our takeaways for this chapter:
Oh man, we pick right up from the last page of chapter 13. MINATO, BB, YOU LOOK SO PAINED! 😭
Sensei is the BIGGEST tease... that's all we got of that Minato and Shizuma scene...👀😭
The female staff at the veterinary hospital have really mellowed out! They're not bad, after all. ☺️
Oh dear, Nakajou-sensei, please get better ASAP!
Whoa... did Onodera just...?? I'm starting to think back to that Onodera discussion we had a couple of months ago... 🤔
Poor Shizuma, always roped into Onodera's workplace stuff! IT'S BECAUSE YOU HAVE GREAT PEOPLE SKILLS, SHIZUMA! PROUD OF YOU! 😍🙌
Man, Onodera has a really... blunt way of saying things to her human clients. Wow, brave. 😲
But I will say, Onodera really is good with animals. 🙌
Yet again, I think about that Onodera discussion we had... 🤔🤔
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! For a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! There may or may not be a surprise scene (or two) there. Please keep reading if you want to see~  😉✨
Our chapter begins where we left off in chapter 13--Minato pinning Shizuma down on the bed. Shizuma looks up at Minato and reflects on his actions that caused the pained look he is seeing.
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Image taken from this Dear+ Twitter post!
On the next page (title page), the dialogue reads: Shizuma wants to understand what it is about his director (Onodera) that is making Minato uneasy. // However, that beautiful liar hides it well...
(I believe we are taken back to the morning before Shizuma and Minato meet up for their date.)
The title page features Onodera walking back to the clinic, bread in hand, with a cat cozying up on her leg. We are then brought to the clinic's lunchroom, with the female staff and Shizuma on break. The roster in the room shows that Onodera is extremely busy, Nakajou-sensei has afternoon house call appointments, Tatsumi is Nakajou-sensei's support for these appointments, and Shizuma has a half day and finishes in the afternoon in lieu of working on his scheduled day off.
Shizuma asks his coworkers what presents they like from their partners and takes note of their answers. One of the female nurses asks if it's Minato's birthday. Shizuma confesses that their relationship has been affected by the various things happening lately, so he wants to get Minato a gift before seeing him later that day.
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The nurses quickly pick up that the gift is a "tribute" of sorts as this line of work means a lot of missed appointments and dates, and Shizuma confirms their suspicions. While the nurses realise male-male relationships and male-female relationships aren't that different in this aspect, everyone in the lunchroom is alerted to someone shouting Nakajou-sensei's name.
Shizuma and a nurse see Tatsumi with Nakajou-sensei, who has collapsed on the floor. While the staff are concerned about Nakajou's well-being, she brushes it off as a dizzy spell. Before they can help her up, Onodera sweeps her off her feet and carries Nakajou to her (Onodera's) office. While Nakajou asks Onodera to put her down out of sheer embarrassment, Shizuma and Tatsumi are in shock, with Tatsumi commenting on Onodera's manliness in that moment. One of the other nurses gently smacks Shizuma's shoulder and tells the two to grab a blanket and a drink for Nakajou.
In her office, Onodera asks Nakajou why she's been overworking herself to the point of collapsing. The nurse (who gave the gentle smack) very obviously hints to Onodera that it is her fault. As Nakajou calms the nurse by saying that's just how the director is, Tatsumi asks Nakajou about their afternoon appointments. She says she'll be fine to go after a little rest, but the nurse says she mustn't overexert herself.
After a few back and forths about who should go and the clients' needs/personality (picky about the vet, had a pet that doesn't like men, etc), Onodera says she will go. The nurses are shocked and reminisce about all the issues they've had when Onodera interacts with the owners. Tatsumi and Shizuma stand there, and can very clearly imagine those situations happening.
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While Onodera rearranges and informs the nurses of the shift changes to accommodate Nakajou-sensei, Shizuma has a terrible premonition that unfortunately comes true: he is appointed as Onodera's support for the afternoon house calls.
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Wearing a sulky expression, Shizuma packs the necessary equipment in Onodera's car and reminds her that he has a very important engagement that night that he cannot miss, and as such will leave immediately after the house call appointments are done. Onodera bursts his bubble, and tells him to give up on those plans while he can since this is the line of work he's chosen.
As Shizuma reads the client files, he questions Onodera on why he is her support when he's never attended to these clients before. While Onodera tells him that good coordination is important with a physician's support and that he's the only one she can rely on to give her an honest opinion and calm the clients, Shizuma realises that he's basically the mediator between her and the owners. She confirms that this is his strong point, has great expectations for him, and proceeds to drive. Shizuma then reads the patient files at lightning speed, realising there's a threatening 'something' that Minato has sensed, but that's just how the director is. He then vows to make it to their meeting tonight, no matter what.
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The first three house calls, as expected, involve Onodera insulting and angering the owners--Onodera tells the first client that his insistence on seeing Nakajou rather than a 'young' director is having a negative effect on his pet who needs immediate medical care; Onodera offends the second client, inferring from their conversation that her pet's appearance is more important than the need to shave their fur and get an ultrasound done; Onodera accuses the third client of being irresponsible in caring for his exotic animals and asks for more effort on his part. In all three scenarios, Shizuma awkwardly smiles while trying to ease the tension.
The scene skips to Onodera and Shizuma arriving at their fourth and final house call for the day. Just as Onodera explains to Shizuma that she must check a whole host of things at house calls (and indirectly be too blunt about it with the owners), Shizuma asks her to consider the owner's feelings and change when and how she says things. She glares ahead in silence, and Shizuma is just glad that she is now aware of it. He again reminds her to talk with the owner nicely and gently as he probably won't be able to help with the next client as their pet dislikes men. Onodera tells him to just sit in the corner and witness the client become furious while he doesn't help, making him feel slightly guilty for saying that. He is now adament on not helping her.
They reach the owner's home and we meet an elderly woman named Shiratori and her 9-year-old male cat, Tono. Shiratori apologises to Shizuma as her cat doesn't like men. Tono hisses at them as Onodera opens his cage, but is then coaxed into submission by Onodera who covers his vision with a towel and takes him into her lap to calm down. Shiratori and Shizuma are surprised at his sudden docile nature, with Shizuma witnessing how well she deals with animals.
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As Shizuma looks on at Onodera while she completes a check on Tono, he sees she is crumbling at the friendliness and talkative nature of Shiratori, who sings nothing but praise for Onodera and how her family must be proud to have such an amazing daughter. Aiming to ease her troubles and remembering the earlier guilt-trip she gave him, he redirects Shiratori's attention to her broken fly screen and offers to fix that plus everything else that needs repair in her home.
Onodera watches as the two leave the room for a bit before apologising to Tono for ignoring him. Tono looks on at Onodera happily while she asks him how he can live with such a lively human and to tell her his secret to this. She brings him into her arms once more to check his limbs, and as Tono looks up smiling at Onodera, Onodera sees her reflection in Tono's eyes, and both seem to realise something.
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BG Text: Stare...
Suddenly, Shizuma and Shiratori, who are busy fixing the window, hear a loud crash and rush into the room to find Tono atop the cabinet and Onodera on the floor, with her hair in disarray. In the next panel, Tono is shown to be hiding in the bookshelf, looking on irritatingly at the humans. Shiratori apologises to Onodera, who shakes it off and says it's nothing to worry about and no harm's been done.
Shiratori asks if Onodera will fix/tie her hair up again, but when Onodera says her hair tie was broken when Tono used her as a launchpad to get on the cabinet, Shiratori runs to get her a new one. As Shiratori gushes over the 3 piece dopey looking character hair tie set she received as a present from her grandchild (and lets Onodera pick one), a greatly displeased look is plastered on Onodera's face. Shizuma, in shock, notices her displeasure and hopes she just thanks Shiratori for it. And Onodera does, bringing a great big smile to Shiratori's face.
As Onodera and Shizuma leave, Shiratori says she's glad to have talked with Onodera and invites her to come over again. As she says this, we see Onodera looking back with a blank look in her eyes.
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And that’s it for this chapter! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 While I was surprised at the lack of Minato in this chapter (Sensei legit is such a tease, LOL 🤣), I'm happy we can learn more about Onodera. Ngl, I'm starting to really question if Onodera is male or female now, given what transpired in this chapter. I guess we shall see in the next one!
I also changed the formatting a bit and removed the bullet points. Please let me know which format is better/easier to read! Ahah!
EDIT: Spelling and grammar checks are done! Didn't change a lot, but hope it reads better! 💜
📢 As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books and CDs! 📢
And please also refrain from resharing these translations and images outside of this post! Thank you for understanding! ❤️💛
There won't be a chapter in next month's (September release) Dear+, so I shall see you in two months for the next chapter (Dear+ November Issue, to be released in October).
As always, stay safe during these turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜❤️💛
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musings-and-moans · 2 years ago
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I posted 393 times in 2022
That's 393 more posts than 2021!
94 posts created (24%)
299 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 380 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#shy recs - 119 posts
#let shy bite your lower lip - 69 posts
#shy rbs - 68 posts
#icymi from shy 🫦 - 57 posts
#shy queued it - 33 posts
#whispers from shy - 23 posts
#nanami kento smut - 21 posts
#kento nanami smut - 19 posts
#shyna’s collab ventures - 18 posts
#shy’s a slave for kento nanami - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#sooo jotaro and i argued over getting a pet ‘cause the last animal that he dealt with was a boston terrier and that didn’t end well
My Top Posts in 2022:
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239 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Hi! Me again. You should watch Bleach, its really good.
I read your character list soo….Would you write hc of how Nozel is in bed?
Have a nice day!
Hiiii, so so so sorry I'm getting to this now (it’s been two months helppp ☹️) I hope this will make up for it.
I most certainly would watch Bleach soon, ✨ anon. I've heard Ichigo and Aizen are handsome, and so is Grimmjow, so will see. <33
It's been a while since I watched Black Clover, but lately I do find Nozel very very handsome nowadays, so most certainly. :D I will be doing general headcanons for now, but you can request him and a certain kink if you want me to delve deeper :) plus I’m writing this for an afab reader, just so you know.
song you can listen to: get you - daniel caesar ft. kali uchis
warnings: rough sex <--> making love, cowgirl, overstimulation, mentions of office sex, mentions of aftercare, captain kink, slight breeding sex, dom-sub dynamics, maybe? , mentions of aftercare too (please lmk if i've missed anything anywhere) (not proofread at all btw, so I’m so sorry if I’ve made any mistakes anywhere)
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286 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
will you leave me and go?
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288 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
i can't help it i want you
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submission for: @cirigiri 's The DILF List Collab (DILF #17 — iwaizumi hajime — the friend’s husband) (basically parts 1 and 2 were to be one post but I divided them into two and thus submitting both ^_^), late Father's Day post, DILF Appreciation Day, AND for iwaizumi's birthday on the 10th of june {and yes, part 2 is here <3 check out part 1 here and part 3 will be posted during kinktober :') }
features: friend's husband!dilf!hajime iwaizumi x mrs. oikawa!f!reader (afab!reader, uses she/her pronouns) (both of them are separated) | song: you right - doja cat ft. the weeknd | wc: 3500 | part 1 | part 3
summary: After Hajime Iwaizumi and you separated from your respective partners because of them having an affair with each other, you two had gotten closer and were helping each other recover. Then, one night caused the both of you to almost kiss, and you two realized that you wanted each other instead. As Hajime comes to your apartment with the intention of talking the feelings out of you, your bodies, however, wanted to communicate in a different way.
beta readers: @mrskenmakozume (ilysm &lt;333) | networks: @tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork
content warnings: hq timeskip spoilers (not much 'cause everything's mentioned in part 1, but surely iwa's aged up), mentions of consumption of alcohol, dubcon ('cause it's drunk sex), both iwa and reader have been separated from their partners but not divorced yet, so technically, infidelity?, use of sex toy (vibrator), dry humping, pussyjob, cowgirl, cervix fucking (if you squint), oral sex(m! and f! receiving, but not 69), facefucking, deepthroating, praise kink (maybe?), edging, orgasm denial, mating press, doggystyle, squirting, i love you is said during sex, creampie, iwa being a masseuse as the end &lt;;33 please lmk if i've missed any tags
a/n: it took me almost a couple whole nights but i finally wrote it. thank you so so much for your support for part 1 and i hope you're excited to read this part &lt;;33 also, likes, reblogs and comments, especially reblogs are appreciated <3
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465 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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submission for: @cirigiri's The DILF List Collab (DILF #17 — the friend’s husband) AND for iwaizumi's birthday on the 10th of june. also, this is part 1, part 2 is coming out on the 21st, and part 3 during kinktober &lt;3
features: friend's husband!hajime iwaizumi x mrs. oikawa!f!reader (afab!reader, uses she/her pronouns) | song: homewrecker - marina | wc: 4185 | part 2 | part 3
summary: while hajime iwaizumi is a highly successful athletic trainer, his marriage is in disarray. his wife ended up cheating on him even after having a son, kaito iwaizumi, when she went on a business trip to argentina; with his best buddy, tooru oikawa, of all people. he wasn't the only one who had been duped, though. so were you, tooru oikawa's wife, and with a daughter, melina jose oikawa. you remembered your pent-up sentiments for hajime while comforting each other, and things start to take a spicy turn. | visual inspiration: this artwork by @/novak.rouge on instagram (@beware-of-the-rogue the way you and ella have spoiled me xD) and serena mendoza is inspired by serena van der woodsen from gossip girl (yes i love that show gtfo my case lol /j /lh)
beta readers: @mrskenmakozume @sweetsbysatori (your inputs are so so valuable ilysm <333) | networks: @tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork
brainstorming: @mxonigirimiya (this wouldn't have been possible without you so thank you so so much *sobs* <33)
content warnings: hq timeskip spoilers, themes of infidelity, suggestive tones, angst, hurt/comfort, usage of swear words (this is so not me lol, i just had a rough couple of days, and this is me venting lol), serena's called a bitch, paparazzi, mentions of body insecurity/dysmorphia (but not reader), the reader having symptoms of depression including having trouble with eating, mentions of consumption of alcohol, sexual tension, slightly dubcon (if you squint at the end) 'cause iwaizumi's speaking in a slurred voice, please lmk if i miss out on any tags
a/n: this took me a lot of while to come up with this lol, because it's writing about my kinnie in a bad light, but it's only for the sake of the plot y'all. but i honestly loved writing this, i'd been in a bad mood off late and i needed to vent out. also, please note that i don't ever condone cheating. as always, likes, comments & reblogs, especially reblogs are appreciated. also, minors please dni, i will block you.
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640 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goldenpixel · 4 years ago
The scene with Wilbur in Quackity’s latest lore stream made me Think some Thoughts, and I wanted to get all of my SBI family headcanons together in one place, so here’s this post
First thing, this is their age order:
Philza -> Techno/Wilbur -> Tubbo -> Ranboo -> Tommy
- Techno and Wilbur were born on the same day, so most of the family refers to them as “the twins” but they are not blood related
- Philza did not know how old Techno was when they were ruling the Antarctic Empire, he thought that Techno was around 21 when he was actually around 14-16
- this is a fact that haunts Phil to this day, because he committed a massive amount of war crimes with an actual child, and also for reasons that will soon become very clear
Philza and Techno
- they’re married
- they got married with them each thinking that the other was close to their own age (Phil thought Techno was in his early 20’s, Techno thought Phil was in his late teens)
- for more on their marriage, check out this post
- despite Techno and Wilbur being the same age, Techno is mentally much older due to his past and his general status as the Blood God
- Phil did most of the work raising the older kids, but Techno did his fair share, and you can definitely see his influence when you look at the kid’s behaviors
- both of them are immortal
- Techno is a new immortal, the Blood God has only just come into existence, but he isn't leaving anytime soon
- Philza is an old immortal, he was there when the world was born, and he'll be there when it dies
- Wilbur and Philza are the only blood relatives in the whole family
- as much as he loves him, Wilbur has always been a bit bitter towards Techno, because when they were teenagers, Techno was off ruling and adventuring and having fun with Phil during the AE, and Wil was left home with a young Tommy to look after
- Wilbur’s hair is naturally blond, just like Phil and Tommy’s
- no one knows who Wilbur’s mom is (unfortunately mpreg is the norm on this server, so Phil carried him, and he’s got some ideas on who Wil’s mom is, but he honestly doesn’t care enough to look into it)
- Wilbur has wings
- they’re much smaller than Phil’s, he can barely fly with them, but they’re the same color and shape as Phil’s
- because of how fragile his wings are, Wilbur should not technically be able to fly, but he literally sheer force of will-ed it and threw himself off the roof of their house so many times that he can glide when he jumps from high places, and if it’s a really high place, he can get in a few good flaps of his wings to get him some extra distance
- Phil doesn’t learn that Wilbur can semi-fly/glide until one day they’re off adventuring together and Wil is being dramatic and theatrical and walking backwards while he talks, and he falls off a cliff
- Tommy has been with them since he was a few days old
- because of his light features, most people assume that he is Phil’s son by blood, and he just didn’t inherit the wings
- (at ages 10 and 16, Tommy and Wilbur did the blood-brothers handshake where they cut their palms and then shook hands, so if you ask them, they’re blood brothers through and through)
- Techno taught Tommy how to sew
- Tommy is a young god, but he hasn’t grown into most of his powers yet
- Tommy is a god of death, the future Death himself, Kristen is his mother
- (this is how Phil comes into possession of him. Phil, being the Angel of Death, was really the only reasonable choice when it came to Death herself finding someone to raise her son)
- Tommy has light features, even though Mumza has dark features, because she purposefully made him out of the light, she wanted him to be good and kind, so she created him from the literal light that you see when you're dying
- because he was born from the actual moment of death, despite Tommy's eyes being blue, they hold the void itself in them
- if you look too closely into Tommy's eyes, it can be easy to lose yourself and fall right in
- sometimes Mumza comes to visit, these are very bittersweet moments for Tommy
- he loves his mom, and he loves seeing her and seeing Phil happy to see her, and she usually takes him along on her next trip, ever so slowly teaching him how to be Death, but he also hates that that is his future
- he doesn't want to be the next Death, he doesn't want to outlive all of his friends and his brother, he just wants to be normal
- because of this, Tommy represses pretty much all of his godly powers, trying to seem as normal as possible, the one he represses the most is his automatic healing, when he gets hurt, he wants to stay hurt
- he represses everything so well that its years before Tubbo finds out that his best friend is a god
- Techno raised Ranboo more than Phil did
- (because of this, he’s the only kid who actually views Techno as his father. Despite him literally being their stepdad, the others see Techno as more of a brother or an uncle)
- Techno found Ranboo when he was around 12 years old on the edge of a warped forest in the nether (if you want some more nether-boys hc’s, check out this post)
- at that age, Ranboo hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet due to malnutrition, so he was much smaller than the average human 12 year old, and everyone thought he was around 8-10 (because of his memory issues, Ranboo thought the same thing until Tommy kept pestering him about when his birthday was and he remembered the year)
- Ranboo is brought into the family when he’s 12, Tommy is 11, and Wilbur and Techno are 17
- as I said before, Techno may have been 17 when he took in Ranboo, but he was definitely a father to this anxious amnesiac preteen
- because of his height, Ranboo is constantly slouching to fit through doorways, inside houses, and to make himself appear smaller, so he grows to need a cane
Tubbo (and Dream)
- street cat
- they fed him once and he just kept coming back
- sometimes he’ll disappear for a few weeks, but he always turns up eventually
- boy’s got some family issues, some real bad family issues
- his dad is Schlatt, who left him and big brother Dream to fend for themselves when he and Dream were 6 and 11
- luckily Dream has an excellent sense of direction and memory, and got them to Aunt Puffy’s current port before she pushed off on her next adventure (but not before getting briefly separated and making some friends)
- (the few weeks they spend separated are when Tubbo first gets found by Wilbur and Tommy and forcibly adopted by Phil, and Bad lures Dream home with food and he meets Sapnap)
- both boys have ram features - floppy ears, horns, etc., Dream also inherited their Aunt Puffy's rainbow hair (he dyes it blonde semi-regularly. It's dyed when he meets sbi, and Wilbur and Techno have the exact same reaction to it when they finally see his natural hair: relentless teasing. Like father like son amiright?)
- Tubbo and Dream are half brothers (same dad, different moms), Tubbo is 1/2 ram and 1/2 human, Dream is 1/2 human, 1/4 ram, and 1/4 what he and Sapnap think is demon (basically Dream had a human-ram hybrid dad, and a human-demon(?) hybrid mom)
- when Tubbo introduces Dream to his new brother-in-law, Dream feels a bit of a kindred spirit, but he quickly brushes it off
- Dream spends most of his time either with Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap, or on the sea with Puffy, so Tubbo mostly fends for himself
- Tubbo is more than happy to fend for himself, he actually prefers it most of the time. He doesn't like people fussing over him and sheltering him, so whenever his mood switches and he decides that he does, actually, want some family time, he just appears on sbi’s front porch
- Tubbo first meets Ranboo when he comes to visit after a few months away. No one told him that Tommy was with Mumza for the weekend, so when he arrived at 3am, 2 days before he told Phil he’d be there, he just let himself in and threw himself on top of the sleeping figure in Tommy’s bed, only to be met with a startled enderman screech that woke the whole house
- (Ranboo was in Tommy’s bed because he might not be a part of the official Clingy Duo, but the boy is as clingy as they come. He regularly sleeps in his family’s beds, both when they’re home and when they’re away, because his sense of smell is heightened as an enderman and he needs to be surrounded in their scent when he misses them or when he’s feeling sad (especially because these are the only scents he knows, he doesn’t remember any of the scents from before Techno found him))
Big brothers being friends
- one day, after Tubbo’s near-constant raving about how great the Minecraft family is, Dream agrees to visit with him
- this visit happens to fall during the AE, so the only ones home are Wilbur and Tommy
- Dream and Wilbur take one look at each other and their similar situations in raising their chaotic, problem-child little brothers, and never let go
- the four of them live together for a good 5-6 months before Dream gets a letter and he and Tubbo need to leave
- after this visit, Dream and Wilbur stay in contact, and they visit each other even without their brothers around to drag them along
- I know I said that Wilbur makes fun of Dream for dying his hair, but that’s only in public
- in private, Wilbur confesses to Dream that he also dyes his hair, that his hair is naturally blond and he dyes it darker. After this, Dream and Wilbur start dying their hair together, it becomes something scheduled that they both look forward to immensely each month
- the next time Dream and Tubbo visit together, Wilbur is off with a water spirit who stole his heart (I refuse to write about fish Sally, fight me), and Phil is showing Ranboo some cool builds in his current hardcore world, so it's Techno and Tommy who welcome them in
- Techno starts out pretty hesitant of Dream, but Dream almost instantly is like
- "I'm gonna annoy the blood god into being my best friend"
- and whatever Dream sets his mind to, he achieves
- so the visit sort of ends with Dream and Techno making Tommy and Tubbo promise not to burn the house down, and leaving them home alone to go off to cause some chaos together
Father/son relationships
- As I said earlier, Phil primarily raised Wilbur and Tommy, and Techno primarily raised Ranboo, with Tubbo coming in and out like a feral cat
- to Wilbur and Tommy, Techno is more of a cool uncle who brings them valuable trinkets from his adventures, and they want to be like him one day
- Ranboo and Phil’s relationship is almost exactly the same as Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship with Techno
- when Techno brought Ranboo home, Phil pretty much decided that he had his hands full enough with raising his two chaotic boys, and he declared that it was finders-keepers, Techno found Ranboo, so he gets to raise him
- after L’Manburg, Ghostbur and Phil learn sign language, because the explosion blew out Phil’s hearing in his left ear, and Ghostbur’s so soft-spoken that it’s sometimes really difficult for him to hear his son speaking
For more random hc’s I have about these characters and the characters of the smp in general, check out this post
Some quick tags for people who commented on my post asking who wants this post, thanks for the support guys :’) @anotherweirdohere @haveadayasgreatasyou @jupiterjordan
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mystic-deep · 4 years ago
"Whipped Cream" - Part 1 | Nanami Kento fem!reader
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♡ ♡ ♡ description: Taking cooking classes seemed like a nice way to relax and sharpen your skills, too bad the teacher hates you.
♡ ♡ ♡ warnings: none, some mild swearing near the end, rating will go up due to explicit content in later chapters.
♡ ♡ ♡ notes: Chef Nanami anyone? Probably the only job that he'd actually enjoy haha. I'm not sure how many parts this will have but I'm not going to rush it, I pretty much have the plot and ending all planned out, let's see how fast we can get there haha. As always, didn't have time to proofread so please don't mind the mistakes.
♡ ♡ ♡ word count: 2.5k
“Happy Birthday!”
Sitting at a table inside a small restaurant, you looked at your best friend as she handed you a colourful envelop. Money? She wasn’t your mother. A postcard? Too cheap considering she only bought you a bouquet of flowers.
“Open it already!”
Like obeying a command, you opened it and peeked inside. A gift card? How original. You spent days preparing the gift for her birthday and she gets you a gift card. Seeing your disappointed expression, she quickly explained.
“It’s a cooking course! You always said you wanted to attend one but never got the time, I figured if I bought it, then you’d have no choice but to go.”
You took the card out and began to inspect it. The words VIP were written in a golden colour as well as the name of the school you’d be attending.
“It was the most popular course, apparently you have to book it months in advance. I was really lucky since someone dropped out at the last minute.”
“When will I have the time to-”
“Shhhh!” She placed her index finger on your lips in order to shut you up. “The group session is thrice a week and you have twelve lessons in total. It’s after working hours and if for some reason you can’t attend then they can schedule a private lesson for the weekend. Benefit of a VIP and all.” She flipped her hair in a proud way and you fought back the urge to roll your eyes. Who says money can’t buy a very expensive and needless cooking course?
The truth was, you loved to cook, it was the only time you felt calm in your otherwise hectic life. You were also pretty good at it but self-taught. You once joked that it would be fun to take some lessons and actually sharpen your skills but that was the point, you were joking. You remember the promise you made to yourself at the beginning of the year that you would go to the gym every day and get in shape. You bought a class pass for a year with a personal trainer and only ended up going for a week or two. You still received reminders weekly that you should be attending since it was already paid.
“Thank you, it’s a really thoughtful gift.” You offered her a smile as you played with the card in your hand. Well, one lesson or two might not take up too much of your time. You were also curios to know why this particular course was so popular.
“You’re welcome! Also, from what I’ve heard but nothing confirmed yet, the chef that’s going to teach you is really good looking.” Her eyes gleamed and you wondered if she was sending you out like a scout, to test the water and if it was good then she’d join as well.
“Wonderful, I can’t wait to be surrounded by an army of housewives.”
Monday afternoon you found yourself at the reception of the cooking school you’d be attending for the next couple of weeks. You had to admit that so far the building looked impressive. There were several classes from what you could tell and the lobby was already pretty crowded.
“Can I help you?”
The pleasant looking receptionist gave you a smile and you handed her your VIP card.
“Yes, I’m here to attend the course with chef Nanami Kento.”
“Oh, Nanami-sensei!” She gleefully took your card and began the registration. “You’re pretty lucky, this is our most popular class. It’s quite unusual for someone to drop out.”
“So I keep hearing.”
She gave you back your card as well as a small bag that contained several items.
“You have here your apron as well as your class schedule and several cooking accessories that you get to keep at the end of the lessons. The class is 10-A, the very last room at the end of the corridor. I hope you enjoy this experience!”
You smiled and thanked her before heading to the classroom. Upon entering you realized that your fears had been justified, the whole room was filled with women ranging from mid-thirties to some ladies that looked in their sixties. Only women, and they all seemed to know each other.
You moved to one of the islands in the back, taking out your apron and putting it on. You had to admit you kind of felt like you were participating in the Great British Bake Off. In terms of gadgets at your disposal, everything was modern and your island was well equipped with everything one might need for the cooking process. You had your very own oven and stove as well as a Kitchen aid and several other utensils. In one of the drawers you found a cutting board as well as a set of knives and several bowls. You were starting to realize why the fee had been so expensive.
“First time here?”
You turned around and nodded sheepishly at a group of older looking women.
“I guess everyone knows each other huh?”
“For most of us this is the second time we’ve taken this course, it’s quite lovely, you learn a lot of things.” You couldn’t help but wonder why they would need to take the exact same course twice. Either they didn’t manage to learn what they were supposed to the first time around or the chef really was thathandsome.
“I’m looking forward to it as well, I want to sharpen my skill and this one came highly recommended.”
“Are you married?” The question came as a punch in the gut and they all looked at you like it was the most normal thing one could ask.
“We didn’t see a ring on your finger.”
“Urm no, married to my work perhaps.” You offered a light chuckle but no one else found it funny.
“Then for whom are you sharpening your skills for? Any children?”
At this point you thought their questions were quite intrusive and rude. Were they perhaps thinking that you were a threat? A young new girl that was going to steal away the attention of their sensei? You were actually starting to get aggravated by their attitude. What happened to solidarity between women?
“I want to sharpen them for myself. No children, just a cat, pretty lucky I suppose.” Their eyes narrowed and you smiled to yourself. Teasing them was proving to be quite fun.
“Oh? Well, you’ll want them when you’re older. Although, you should probably hurry, not much time left to spare.” By this point your hand was itching to slap at least one of them. What an unpleasant bunch of old hags!
You were ready to give a sharp reply when the door of the classroom was opened and your teacher stepped inside. You hated to admit it, you really hated it, but he was indeed handsome. Blonde hair, light coloured eyes, build like a brick wall, sharp features and when he opened his mouth to greet the class, you fawned over his deep voice.
“I’m glad to see some familiar faces…and new ones of course.” His eyes landed on you and you shifted, feeling like a doe caught in the headlights. His presence was quite something, no wonder these women were ready to turn into harpies just for a bit of his attention. Still, it wasn’t enough to win you over. If anything, you felt an instant antipathy towards him-he seemed too arrogant for your taste.
“We’ll start our first day with a test bake. I want to see each and everyone’s level before we begin our lessons.” As he spoke, he neatly rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt and put his own apron on. You could actually hear sighs going around the room but he seemed unbothered.
“You can bake anything you like, something you’re comfortable and good at.” With that said, he gave you an hour and a half to see what you’d come up with.
You decided on your famous lemon cookies, they were pretty easy to make and every time you baked a batch your friends would fight over it. As you were creaming the butter with the sugar you felt a presence near your station and turned to look at Nanami that was peeking inside the glass bowl.
“What are you making?” Just like that, no introduction, no small talk, right down to business.
“Lemon cookies. They’re-”
“Quite a simple recipe, don’t you think? I wanted to see your level, this is something even a child could bake.” Your heart dropped a little. You weren’t great at taking criticism and you couldn’t stand how those old hangs from before were snickering behind you.
“You said to bake something that we’re good at.”
“So lemon cookies are the only thing you’re good at? Hmm.” With that he left your station and you just stared at his back as he went on to check on someone else. Your cheeks turned red with embarrassment and anger. You were going to shut him up, once he had a taste of your cookies he’d eat his words, as well as the whole batch.
It seemed, however, that the universe was working against you. The batter didn’t have enough time to chill and since you weren’t accustomed to the oven you over-baked them. You stared at the plate of spread lemon cookies, not one looking the same as the other, and chew on your bottom lip.
With your baking time coming to an end, he was walking from one stand to another, mostly complimenting the results. The other women in your class were a giggling mess, thanking him like he had offered salvation just for eating one of their treats.
When he finally reached your station, you felt his judging eyes burning holes into your very soul.
“What happened?”
“Well, the fridge is not set to the right temperature. The one I have at home is much cooler, and I didn’t have time to let the batter set. Also, the oven is different from-”
“A simple recipe but you couldn’t finish it properly. Everyone in class uses the same type of fridge and oven, no one else had any problems.”
You wanted to argue back, wanted to say how unfair it was since they were all well accustomed to their working stations because they had already taken this class. Instead you kept quiet and fought back tears that had formed at the corner of your eyes. If you wanted someone to look down on your work you would have stayed overtime at your office.
“Can’t be helped, since you’re at beginner level. You have to keep up with the rest of the class so please pay extra attention during lessons and don’t hesitate to ask your classmates for advice.” With that said he continued to stroll around the room, throwing nice remarks left and right.
When the class was finally over you grabbed your bag and dashed out of the room. You struggled to take off your apron as you walked through the main reception and into the elevator that led to the parking lot. When you finally managed to set yourself free you fished the phone from your handbag and dialled your friend.
“Hey little chef, how was your first-”
“Horrible! I’m never coming here again!” You practically screamed in your phone as the elevator doors closed. You were shaking with anger and as you stared at your reflection in the mirror from the opposite wall, you also realized you looked just as upset as you felt.
“He’s an ass! He didn’t teach us shit! Test bake he said, so I made my lemon cookies you know.”
“Oh I love those!”
“Right?! Too easy he said, even a child could make them! The damn fridge wasn’t working properly and I forgot to set the oven so they spread a little but they were still good! Then he just made fun of me in front of the whole class and ugh don’t even get me started on them-” You continued to vent as the doors of the elevator opened and you stepped inside the underground parking lot.
“All of them have taken the class before and they’re just here to drool over the teacher. I swear it’s a fucking joke, his class is only popular because every single middle-aged married woman there wants to fuck him!” You stopped from your raging rant to look for your cars keys that were nowhere to be found. “I swear they all have some sick fantasies with him! He’s not a chef, he’s just some thirty something guy that preys on naïve women. He probably doesn’t even know how to whip cream!” You huffed in anger while trying to juggle the bag you received at the reception, your handbag and your phone.
“Where the hell are my car keys?”
“They seemed to have fallen at your feet.”
You froze, feeling the blood draining from your body. You turned around in slow motion and looked up at the figure of your teacher who was only a few feet away from you. You didn’t realize just how tall and menacing he looked until now.
“Urm, I-”
“I’ll be seeing you on Wednesday. That is, if you want to attend a class taught by a guy who doesn’t know how to whip cream.”
The sweet embrace of death couldn’t have come faster. You picked your keys from the ground and tried to form some kind of apology but he quickly walked through the parking lot towards his car. He opened the door of an expensive looking Mercedes and drove away, leaving you standing there like a complete moron.
“Y/n are you still there? What happened?”
“Oh god, oh god, I’ve fucked up!” You began to walk to your car feeling like the worst person on earth. “I’m not sure how much he heard but he heard plenty.”
“Ohoho this is getting interesting!”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying this.” You spat bitterly as you opened the door of your own car and stepped inside, throwing you bags on the empty seat. “Well, I shouldn’t bother with what he thinks anyway. He was mean to mean first and it’s not like I’m going again.”
“Oh no, you’re not getting out of this one! I didn’t spend so much money just so your workaholic ass can come up with excuses not to attend! I don’t care if he likes you or not, despite what you may think he was highly recommended for his skill not for his looks.” You grumbled as you turned on your engine, really hating the fact that your friend was making a point. You loved to cook, you were good at it, you might have had a bad day and now your teacher hated you, but you shouldn’t give up on the opportunity to learn proper cooking skills.
“Alright, I’m going to try a few more lessons. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t kill me by the end of the week.”
“That’s my girl!” You rolled your eyes and hanged up the phone before driving off. You really didn’t like Nanami and now he had more than enough reasons not to like you, but you also weren’t a quitter. If anything, you will continue to go to classes out of pure spite. You’ll show him how skilful you actually were, far better than any of those hyenas from your class. You’ll whip that cream until you’ll turn it into butter.
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