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lunarwolfmoon08 · 2 years ago
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(via GIFER)
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dangerous-realms · 1 year ago
At her home, the Saiyaness known as Kolra had just finished putting the two children to bed. Both of then snuggled up under what would keep them warm during the tempature drop of the Sadalian night. With a little smile, she would close the door to Rucos room, only leaving it open a crack just incase they needed something; and walking to the living room to relax. How long had it been since the day someone attempted to take the little snow haired infant? How long had it been since Kefla had been arrested for killing the prick who tried to make off with the defenseless baby? She hadn't kept count as she was more concerned about making sure Lucy was comfortable and making sure her stay here was like when Kefla went away on longer missions, but she could tell the baby missed her father.
With a sigh she would sit on the sofa and take off the headband she wore to keep her bangs out of her face, a hand running through her hair thick black hair as she leans back and looks up at the ceiling with dark orange hues. It had been somewhat stressful since Kefla had been arrested, for some unhelpful reason her ex had been trying to get back into her life after a year and a half of him being out of it. Claiming he had the right to see his son when in reality, she believed he had none after how absent he was during her pregnancy with Ruco; not even bothering to show up to his birth. She would be damned of that man would ever lay eyes on her innocent child, she'd rather go to prison for beating his ass nearly to death then let him see Ruco.
But for now there was something to stress about more; the thought of Kefla being sentenced to do prison time. What would happen with Lucy if such had happened? Kolra wasn't her legal guardian and only the cosmos know how long it would take to file the paperwork to adopt her. Kefla had only told her that Lucy's parents had abandoned her at no less then six months of age, she couldn't bare to think of how the young child would feel getting suddenly tossed into and orphanage; she had a gut feeling Lucy probably wouldn't thrive in the rumored bad conditions of those places.
She would shake her head, it was no good to think of such negative things, the last thing the children needed was her bad worry affecting them. Kids were surprisingly sensitive to the moods of their caregivers from what she had read. For now, she would just hope Kefla would return.
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"Wherever you are, Kefla. I wish you luck and I hope to see you soon."
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onlineviolence · 2 years ago
Is Skywalker friends with anyone or thinks of anyone in a positive light?
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beesgav · 3 months ago
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You're in luck you kinda got both. Maybe they should take their training somewhere more private next time
(as per usual, borrowing barsom-fearce's designs for agori/glatorian)
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stonecrusherdrawsthearts · 3 months ago
Inspired by a post by @alic0rez
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(Agori design based roughly on a design by @barsom-fearce)
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makutaservaela · 4 months ago
My First Bionicle Comic Commission!
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@toaofconfusion and @barsom-fearce-art commissioned me to draw a comic of how their OCs obtained all of their babies!
Commissions currently open, for both comics and standard art.
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meandmybigmouth · 3 months ago
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year ago
Pearl and Gem haven't aged a bit when reality was set to die. It has been millions of years since Hermitcraft (that's how you say it, right?). All their lovers are dead, only they remain. In their last moments, they try to name the members from the broken memories. There was Impleit (Impulse) Fearce (False) Strain (Stress) Clever (Cleo) and a few others. Their names are hard to remember, even their looks. But remnets remain f them
One thing that is strange about living for so long is how hard it becomes to tell when you're living through a time that will impact you forever. And their hermits left an impact on them that never faded. Specifics are long gone, but it's nice to sit and reminisce about what they can. Days filled with laughter and creativity.
It'll be sad to see this universe go, but it's time. They're both ready for something new, whether or not they'll be there for it. And whatever it is, at least they're still facing it together.
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inspofromancientworld · 1 month ago
Abric Pizarro
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source: https://studyfinds.org/neanderthals-surviving-ice-age/
Within the foothills of northeastern Spain is one of a few sites in the world that has preserved the remains of life from 100,000 to 65,000 years ago call Abric Pizarro. There, Neanderthals lived during a very harsh, cold time of history, with massive ice sheets covering much of the Northern Hemisphere.
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source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440324001067
Abric Pizarro is a rock shelter that is currently is about 700 m above sea level, 32 m long, and 6 m deep. It contains evidence of multiple times of use with periods of disuse between, allowing researchers to learn more about how Neanderthals lived and how that may have changed across their history. The researchers cataloged more than 29,000 artifacts larger than 1 cm and over 305,000 trace artifacts that are smaller than that. Among these were bones from both land and water animals and stone tools.
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source: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/environmental-archaeology/articles/10.3389/fearc.2024.1405535/full
The animal bones are so well preserved that it is possible to understand how they were processed in addition to what animals they hunted. Previous beliefs were that Neanderthals only hunted large animals, but there were also a large quantity of small animal bones, indicating that Neanderthals were able to hunt a wide array of prey, from large cattle, to nimble deer, to small rabbits.
Examination of pollen grains in the sediment show that there were evergreen oak trees and plants that flourished around the Mediterranean at the time, as well grasslands. This is leading researchers to think that the area around Abric Pizarro was relatively mild compared to the rest of Europe.
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source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440324001067
The style of stone tools also adapted to local supply and show 'they innovated and adapted their technology over time'. This goes counter to the previously held idea that Neanderthals continued to make the same tools over long periods of time.
In addition to telling us more about the lives of Neanderthals, this site is also letting us know about the climate in the area. In upper layers, there are remains of freshwater turtles that are absent in the lower layers, show that there was an increase in the presence of water in the area as time progressed. The type and amount of pollen indicates that, despite the increase in water, the climate was relatively stable.
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zedoodles · 1 year ago
"Slaytober Day 8: Leo WhiteFang" 🦇✨️⚰️🩸
"Fellow warrior,
Fearce and wise, though quite hasty,
The charging force."
#SlayerGuiltyGear #GuiltyGear #inktober2023
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pride-of-whistling-stones · 18 days ago
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Fearce and dependable Crispdapple takes her role seriously. No matter what her pride will be protected and will continue at any cost. Gloomy but kind she loves the youngsters of the pride and loves to teach them.
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scary-friend · 11 months ago
🐉Happy Birthday Jinafire Long🐉
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🏮Fearce Fashion Icon🏮 🎋 - 🎍🎍🎍 -🎍🎍🎍-🎍🎍🎍-🎋
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makebleachgreat · 5 months ago
Bleach vs Naruto
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Calm, fearce and stylished with their sword
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beesgav · 1 year ago
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Technically Gresh is still an odd man out because he's Jungle, not Air, but I can't deny he is green
(As usual, borrowing @barsom-fearce's interpretation)
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masqueradenoir · 5 months ago
Superhero squad dream revival intro lyrics
Agatha: with that darkhold I will rule the world
Reptile: all right squadies time to hero up
Theme song singer: When the Bad Guys are out,
All you have to do is shout
Now who’s gonna Hero Up!
Well they may not get along
But they’re always fighting strong,
Now Who’s gonna Hero Up!
Who’ll save the day
The Super Hero Squad
They’ll Hero Up Again!
Super Hero Squad (Hero Up) (2x)
Moon girl and hulkling are our fearce
Agatha is in tears when reptile joins the fight
Speed rushes in brother Wiccan by his side x23 can cut through anything
Who’ll save the day
The Super Hero Squad
They’ll Hero Up Again
Super Hero Squad (Hero Up) (3x)
Super Hero Squad!
Agatha: I hate those Squadies
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sk1ttery · 2 years ago
So tell me about Wallflower Delancys 👀
CW for talk of abuse, neglect, food issues, homophobia/transphobia, sexism and general toxicity. Minor character death.
Note: My goal with the Delancey’s in this AU is to humanise them and allow them to have a redemption arc of sorts while not erasing or excusing their actions. They grow and mature but are still held accountable for how they acted.
Oscar and Morris may be assholes a lot of the time, but at the end of the day they’re also just two scard kids trying to get by. Two kids who care deeply for each other in a way that’s oddly similar to how the Hattan and Brooklyn Bunches care for each other. They’re brothers and although neither of them know how to express it, they do love each other dearly.
After their mother passed away when they were too young to really remember her, their father started to get angry. And he dumped them in foster care to run off with the military. They experienced a lot of abuse in the foster system at the hands of Snyder. They were taken out of Snyder’s care around the time Jack was brough IN, though they were with him for a couple months. They always sort of felt bitter towards Jack because he’d always kick up such a fuss. He’d often get dragged screaming out of rooms. Laying low was how they survived so they resented Jack for doing the opposite though they also felt sorry for him.
Their dad was discharged a couple years later, came back and took them in again. He ended up being horrendously abusive. He was brutal, a control freak and wouldn’t let them do a lot of things. He’s forced gender roles and toxic masculinity and sexism.
He’d force things like “Boy’s don’t cry.” “Women are baby machines.” “You can’t play with that, it’s a girls toy.” “Don’t hug your guy friends people will think you’re gay” and a lot of other shitty things.
They were forced to call him ‘Sir’. They weren’t allowed to call him dad or pa. If they ‘messed up’ they’d endure intense punishments, like not letting them eat (which resulted in Oscar having a lot of issues with food) shutting them in closets, beating them.
He’s blow up on them at the LITTLEST mistakes. So they’d hide at out at their Uncle Weisel's. But for too long he'll come looking for them.
In school they met a boy named Markus, who went by ‘Dirtmouth’. (An OC). They befriended him quickly, but he only fuled their anger and encouraged their lashing out. Which was the beginning of their toxic friendship and them bullying the Newsies.
I personally HC Morris as the older brother. He’s nineteen while Oscar is eighteen. And they’re stuck to each other like glue. Morris is fearcely protective of Oscar. From a young age he’d always put Oscar first and often forget or straight out refuse to take care of himself, much to Oscar’s distress.
Morris really struggles with school due to multiple learning disabilities and he was held back a year which ended him up in Oscar’s grade. (He was secretly a little relieved because this meant he could keep an eye on his brother easier). He has dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia, so numbers, writing and reading are pretty difficult and he often has to ask Oscar or their Uncle Weisel to help him with it. He’s also Autistic and has ADHD.
Oscar on the other hand is far brighter than he gets credit for. He’s geat at maths and excells in English, so he usually helps Morris out where he can. He’s also Autistic and ADHD and has an anxiety disorder. He’ll sometimes experience verbal shutdowns when upset or overwhelmed and because neither he or Morris know sign, they find it hard to communicate and it can often lead to frustration on both their parts.
Oscar’s the kind of person to get frustrated extremely easily then upset that he is frustrated.
Morris is more the kind to ‘punch the frustration out’.
After they ran away from home, (far later) they ended up getting an apartment together and get a little wobbly cat who they name Bean! Oscar saw a car dump him and took him home.
Oscar hates being touched without warning, but even with warning he’s iffy unless it’s someone he’s comfortable with. He’s easily spooked by loud noises and/or sudden movements, he’s extremely jumpy but usually tries to play it off.
Because of their upbringing and their dads views on the LGBTQ+, Oscar stayed in the closet for years which only added to his frustration and caused him to lash out more. He was terrified that if Morris found out, he’d hate him, but Morris was actually supportive.
Because Oscar is his brother and they only have each other. So they need to stick by each other no matter what.
After Dirtmouth ended up going to far with the bullying, Oscar and Morris sort of realised how messed up everything was. And Oscar was the first to back off. He’d had time to think and mature and he felt awful for everything that happened, so when he got the chance, he tried to apologise. Morris, a couple months later followed.
But I won’t spoil how THAT went.
I’ll say again. All of this is an explanation for how they acted. Not an excuse. I only want to humanise them.
Some little facts in an attempt to humanis them and make them NOT one dimensional bullies?
Morris is a dog person. But doesn’t mind cats.
He is not the best cook but he makes a mean lasagna.
He NEVER has his own clothes, they’re always stolen by Otto and Oscar.
He likes action and superhero movies and likes comics because they’re easier for him to read.
His hands are always covered in bandaids and he sometimes puts silly little kids ones on.
He’s scared shitless of moths.
His handwriting is so messy that it’s near impossible to read. Oscar struggles so much with any notes Morris leaves for him.
Oscar however, has really neat handwriting. It’s really pretty ??
He absolutely loves cats. He’s deadass such an animal lover. But he must pet every cat he meets.
He likes gaming with Morris.
He’s a good cook.
He’s secretly a theatre kid. He loves Oliver !
He’s rarely ever wearing his own clothes. He always steals from Morris.
He’s TERRIFIED of spiders.
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