#feanor x luthien
gardensofthemoon · 10 months
I have half a mind to write some crack about Fëanor and Lúthien having some kind of contest or debate on who’s the mightiest Elf.
(Those Silm descriptions for Fëanor lay it on thick: mightiest of all Children of Ilúvatar, and Lúthien is perfection personified.)
Some of their arguments could include their looks, their talents (Silmarils vs Songs), their skills and deeds. They would afterwards talk about their similarities: same hair and eye colour, both are hot as fuck, both are the heirs of Kings (Sindar vs Noldor), their fathers were besties. Fëanor would argue that Lúthien is half Maia, so, it’s not fair. Lúthien would say he is the Spirit of Fire.
They end up fucking. And then compare observations. Even better if Lúthien shapeshifts and pegs Fëanor so both have the experience of penetrating and being penetrated. They reach common ground and declare themselves equals. Fin.
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polutrope · 2 years
Luthien for the character asks if you fancy?
For this ask game!
Okay I realise I go pretty off-book with Lúthien but it's in the interest of making her the dynamic character she deserved to be. Sorry this is long.
Sexuality headcanon: pansexual like her mum. Demiromantic (Beren-romantic).
Gender headcanon: genderqueer eldritch being
A ship: I already talked about her and Daeron so let's talk about Beren. I have yet to fully rationalise the extremity and depth of her love for Beren. So he offers her something - 'release from bondage', escape from her liminal, lonely identity of being both two things and nothing. But why him specifically? Because he is the only one who really sees her and loves her for exactly who she is? But how is that supported by canon? He straight-up says he wants to possess her, he tries (and fails) to exclude her in order to keep her 'safe' like a typical patriarchal dude (all the men in her story do this, not just him). Maybe she sees the potential for him to let go of this attitude, unlike everyone else? I'm open to discussion here. This is one of those relationships where I cannot settle on a headcanon that satisfies me.
A BROTP A Gen relationship: Melian. The only one who doesn't try to stop her, and yet:
Melian looked in [Lúthien's] eyes and read the doom that was written there, and turned away; for she knew that a parting beyond the end of the world had come between them, and no grief of loss has been heavier than the grief of Melian the Maia in that hour.
- Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad
Actual BROTP: Huan. Now there's a creature who gets her.
A NOTP A rarepairing: not canonically possible, but Fëanor. I have a whole AU plotted (What if none of the Elves ever completed the journey Valinor?) basically just to make this happen. The greatest and the greatest. Meant to be. There would be no stopping them.
A random headcanon: she was not confined to Doriath for her whole life. She definitely explored Beleriand in the starlit years of peace, and probably also ventured abroad during the Long Peace. Daeron was her usual travelling companion (hence why she asks him to go to Tol-in-Gaurhoth with her and thinks 'I'll protect you' mean 'yes').
General opinion: I never used to care for her. I used to think Beren and Lúthien was a rather dull story. But blorbifying Daeron forced me to think about her and now she's a favourite and I love how she does what she wants.
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velvet4510 · 6 months
I’ve read some criticisms that Beren doesn’t listen to Lúthien and keeps trying to leave her behind even when she’s proven herself capable … and I’m like … are you even aware of Beren’s life story?
This man has lost everything he’s ever loved.
He had to part ways with his mother and sister for their safety, and then came back from a hunt to find his entire clan brutally murdered, including his father. He tracked down those responsible to take revenge and get his father’s ring back, because what else could he do? What purpose did he have without his family and his comrades? What was the use when the enemy was hunting him down 24/7? While his survival instincts won out, he was still a man who had no hope, afraid of love and attachment after what he’d lost, completely alone and isolated for years.
Then he met Lúthien. And she made him want to live. She gave him something to fight for: her. He found a new purpose, a new dream: he could be her husband, he could give her love and a family, happiness and freedom, everything she deserves.
He invoked Finrod’s promise to his father just so he could achieve his new goal…and how did that turn out? His entire group of helpers got captured and killed, because of him, including his dear friend. Every time he gets attached to someone in the heat of danger, he loses them. Every time. The poor guy must feel like he’s cursed.
And suddenly here’s Lúthien, in the middle of Sauron’s fortress, targeted by the sons of Fëanor, vowing to follow him into the lion’s mouth to end all lion’s mouths that is Angband.
And Beren just…can’t bear it. She is his hope, his light, his love, his Tinúviel…he can’t let that “curse” on him affect her. He can’t drag her into further danger when that has spelled doom for everyone else he’s loved. Not when the enemy has proven time and again that he can and will conquer everyone Beren cares for, no matter how strong.
He pushes her away not because he doesn’t respect her, but because he does.
He insists that she go back to Doriath and he go on alone, NOT because he thinks she can’t handle herself - he knows her far too well to believe that - but because he can’t lose her too.
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glorf1ndel · 6 months
Pick a ship and a song! 🛳️ 🎵
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the-elusive-soleil · 8 months
Some things that might have happened if the Valar had gone to war with Morgoth immediately after the Silmaril theft, and evacuated the Sindar, Avari, and very first Men to Aman to escape the continental destruction:
Nobody swears any Oaths. Feanor doesn't get the chance to, because the Valar go after Morgoth before he can.
He would have liked to go help with the war, but the Valar have made it clear that the Eruhini need to keep out from underfoot, and Ulmo is actually enforcing this one.
Feanor does contribute weapon designs in exchange for the promise of the Silmarils being returned to him ASAP.
(We have the sun and moon, I feel like I should say. The Valar made them when they needed light sources for the war and it was clear they weren't getting the Silmarils back all that soon.)
There's a lot of excitement when the new arrivals show up. Olwe is ecstatic to see his brother again - with a Maiarin wife and a daughter, too!
Thingol is upset about losing his realm and also grieving his friend FInwe, but cautiously intrigued to meet Finwe's family.
Feanor has become High King of the Noldor at least in name, but in practice what's developed is that Fingolfin and Maedhros and Caranthir and Turgon handle a lot of the day-to-day and Feanor is so busy crafting that he never noticed the shift. No one is super interested in telling him.
Thingol very nearly breaks it all open by accident, but they avoid a crisis just in time.
The Avari disappear into the outlands and forests and assimilate as little as possible.
Thingol and Melian start up a new city, but it's...not quite the same.
Luthien is restless. Her parents' new city might not have a girdle, but she feels fenced in anyway - partially with her parents not wanting her to stray too far in this strange new place, and partially because she's the one and only half-Maia and stunningly beautiful and everyone wants a piece of her, so to speak.
Funnily enough, certain of the Feanorians know exactly how those itchy feet feel, and her father doesn't hate them in this timeline.
She's not into hunting to kill things, really, but Celegorm teaches her this neat trick that sometimes you can just say you're 'going hunting' and head off to the woods to do whatever you want, like running just for the sake of it or dancing without anyone watching you, and no one will ask any questions.
She ends up spending a lot of time with him and the twins and Aredhel.
(Celegorm and Luthien eventually get married, because why not.)
(Melian gives her blessing on the condition that their firstborn son marries Nimloth, who goes along with it because she trusts Melian's foresight. Or, alternatively, they might have a daughter who marries Beren when he comes along; that'd be a fun twist.)
(The point is that Elrond and Elros eventually exist. They aren't in need of adoption, but they develop a surprising bond with their uncle Maglor.)
Almost forgot, the dwarves got brought over, too.
Caranthir does a lot of the negotiation with them, since his bluntness meshes best with their ways.
They and the Men keep having new generations be born and die, and it's...an adjustment for the elves.
Finrod, nonetheless, becomes great friends with a Man called Balan and his folk.
Caranthir encounters a Haladin woman named Haleth when she comes to court to arrange for greater independence for her people. He's in love at first sight. It takes her a little longer.
None of Caranthir's family understands why he'd choose to go through the eventual heartbreak of losing a spouse, but he ignores them all, and gets married anyway.
They have an astounding number of children. This is partially because they have better proximity and aren't in survival mode, partially because it takes them a sec to figure out how human conception works, and partially because Caranthir wants there to be as much Haleth in the world as possible before she's inevitably gone.
Hurin Thalion and Morwen have three lovely children. Nienor probably has a different name. Lalaith lives to an astoundingly old age, healthy as a horse.
Tuor and Idril, of course, get together. Turgon is a bit less enthusiastic about it this time, what with Tuor just being A Guy and not Ulmo's champion, but when would that ever stop Idril. Tuor does die eventually, but they have a good life till then.
Feanor ends up liking the Men and dwarves a lot more than anyone thought he would. He learns All The Languages, and loves to swap techniques with the dwarves and bounce off Men's ingenuity.
Also, the Sindar introduce a radical notion called marriage counseling, which is apparently something you invent if you're coping with Arda Marred instead of trying to maintain an assumption of perfection. They've also invented family therapy. Feanor and Nerdanel, and really the whole House of Finwe, benefit hugely from this.
Oh, and elf/dwarf relationships become hugely popular among the Noldor, because when your dwarf spouse dies you can literally go see them at Aule's house still as long as you're discreet about it, so no one bats an eye when Celebrimbor announces his engagement to the craftswoman Narvi some time down the line.
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galstelperion · 4 months
Lust Made Of Thorns (Celegorm x Luthien)
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A/N: Don't mind this, it's just a reupload from my old writing account that I deleted.
Warnings: Biting, choking, non-consensual touching, dead dove (Check ao3 for full list of tags)
Words: 1,698
Summary: Trapped in Nargothrond, Luthien finds herself stuck in the company of the most beguiling and disagreeable son of Fëanor, and the fair prince is so enamored by her outward disdain that he takes matters into his own hands to show her what a real man's devotion would be like.
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The dog paddled along the outer archways, and Luthien followed him curiously. The day was grey, yet she itched to see anything outside of the stuffiness that permeated the enclosed dwelling where she was forced to remain. The dog now led her through a secret path, marked with small embedded stones and gems jutting out of wet grass. He came to a stop at the very opening of the cave.
She walked out hesitantly through the carved stone, to a garden with a large willow tree at its center. Huan bolted forward now and she sprinted to keep up with him. The lone figure that rested against the tree bark perked up at the sudden noise. The dog came to him swiftly, giving a loud bark once he knelt down and padded its shaggy head. 
Luthien stiffened, her eyes trailing up a pair of leather boots all the way to the startling grey eyes that looked out at her. His long hair was loose over his face, and his head tilted curiously as she came to a halt a couple of paces away.  
"Huan likes you," The prince grumbled. 
Her lips tightened to a thin line, and she stood straight now, her chin held up. 
"That he does." She said, crossing her arms over her chest. "Though I see he is quite treacherous. I did not expect to find your company here." 
Celegorm clicked his tongue.
"It was expressed that you were not to leave your rooms unacquainted. Huan here did exactly what I bade him do should you disobey orders." 
Luthien swallowed and averted her eyes, pacing around him to walk toward the opposite end of the garden. He followed her but did not chastise her for turning her back. He simply waited for her reply in a close observant silence. 
His gaze was heavy, as all those of the Noldor seemed to her, strewn with a light foreign yet comforting to her spirit. 
Finally, when she had enough of him standing over her, she sighed and turned to face him.
"I simply wanted to get some fresh air. I do not desire to be your prisoner."
"I understand that, really, I do."
His eyes narrowed and something upon her face seemed to give him pause. Or perhaps, for a long moment, he permitted himself to indulge in her presence, to study the princess they proudly proclaimed as the fairest in all of Arda.
She caught his hand twitch at his sides before he reached up to tuck a stray hair behind her pointed ear. 
"Perhaps if you'd have thought through your hasty escape you would have–
"Do not touch me."
She flinched, and her back hit the wall. A sharp inward hiss jolted out from her parted lips, and as she stepped away, his hand remained suspended in the air. 
Celegorm smiled keenly at her, eyes darkening perceptively. "Hmmm…" 
He took a step closer. 
"You are in no position to be imprudent, princess." He said, his voice low, cunningly sharp."There are many things you desire, many things I could give to you freely." 
She felt the creeping vine dig into her back, threatening to rip the delicate fabric of her dress should she move too much. 
He crowded into her, letting his fingers trace the edge of her arm before his large hand came to settle at the base of her throat. Her chin lifted and she let out a shaky breath. 
"Yet you will not," She hissed. "You keep me here, locked away in this cavernous kingdom." 
"I desire nothing but to keep you safe."
"Is that what this is about?" She asked, sharper this time. "You've spoken to my father.” 
He chuckled deeply, the sound reverberating against her hand, which was now pressed firmly to his tunic, pushing against him as he drew closer despite her outward protest.
"Of course I have," He said. "He is grateful you are safe. It was thoughtless and foolish to do what you did." 
"The love I fight for is not foolish." 
The smile fell from his face and his jaw hardened visibly. 
"You do not love that man, Luthien." 
For a moment, she thought he would lash out, and that she would suffer the same fate as all those other elves who dared to stand against the fëanorians and their pride. But Luthien did not care whether she gave him insult. She was truthful in her words and he saw it, too. He hated it. 
Celegorm had not ever thought any would be worthy of wearing those fine jewels his father had carved, not even his own mother. But Luthien Tinuviel, in her full anger, roused a snarl from deep in his chest, and he decided then that if there were any who could wear it, it would be her. And, in the end, she would be his. He would keep her and covet her better than any low man with hardly a weapon to his name.
"He has taken you into a spell, I can see it clearly. He's all but ensnared your innocence– 
"You have no idea what you're talking about." 
"Tell me, princess, have you ever been properly courted by a man?" He asked. "And not some plebeian–a noble of high blood worthy of your station…" He paused and let himself grin again. "An Eldar, perhaps." 
She glared and began to squirm. Her hand beat violently against his chest, but he was so old, he stilled and planted himself like a root beneath the grass, until he was as immovable as an ancient statue. 
"Let go of me, Celegorm!" 
He seized her wrists and forced her arms down. Her eyes widened but she waited, her body stiff and immovable. He reached up to cradle her face and before she could cry out, he crashed his lips against her own. 
Luthien did not permit herself to kiss back. She could scarcely move when he gripped her throat and pressed a hard thumb against her windpipe. His lust was fervent and needy, and as a low growl rumbled from his chest it seemed to cut deep into her skin. And she began to weep for her lost love, for the home she desired desperately to return to. 
His teeth bit down hard against her bottom lip as he pulled away, easing his hold over her throat, he rested his forehead against hers and bid her to remain still with the warning in his steely grey eyes. 
Luthien wondered how she had never felt such vivid hatred before, more alive than vibrant wheat fields at the coming of spring. No, this dreadful feeling was a sheet of snow over once fertile lands. A bitter winter that never seemed to end. And if they had not taken her daggers she would have plunged it gladly into his jugular without a second thought. 
"You're ready to destroy your family over a man with barely a name or house to call his own when you have so much better options here?” 
Her chin shot up, pressing against his tightening hand as she inched forward again, her teeth gritted in defiance. 
"Beren is more noble, more honorable than you will ever be." 
Much to her dread, he seemed to liven at her reproach, and inched his head down, pressing his head against hers. His lips whispered over her jaw, and she bit back a curse against him. 
"Is that right?" He whispered, tauntingly. 
He pushed her until her head slammed back against the stone. For a moment, her vision went dark, but not before her back arched unwittingly as he began to bite, and tease, and run his tongue languidly along the sensitive skin beneath her ear. 
"Celegorm, stop–
Her fingers sunk into his hair and she pulled as hard as she could when he reached her chest, and drew a soft moan from her lips when he teased her nipples through the thin fabric. 
"But you crave this, I can see it in you,” He chuckled deeply as he came back up, his eyes meeting hers with that merciless cold blood of a conquerer ready to take what he believes is rightfully his. 
A pool of tears slipped down her cheeks as he cradled her face again, his eyes hardened at her silence and stubbornness. 
“Look at me and tell me you don't feel it!" He demanded, almost pleading as he shook her. 
"My father was more than right to cast your people out.” She started, her voice choked and muddled by the lump that formed in her throat. “I loathe you and all of your kin. I would curse all the Nodoli, but it seems the Valar have all but scorned you already. I would not spare you any affection if you were the last person standing on this middle earth." 
He remained undeterred, and her words barely caused him to flinch. He only seemed to find her more endearing when she fought back. Her hatred was part of the hunt, and he would not cease to close in on her until she was a pretty thing at his side. If only she knew how her begging and moaning only stirred him up all the more. 
"Are you quite finished?" 
"You are a monster."
He chuckled and averted his eyes back to Huan, who seemed too distracted with the gardens and fresh air to notice them. 
"I will never love you." She swore. "No matter how long you keep me here." 
He licked his lips and with a click of his tongue, he released her, stepping back slowly with a new ease about him. She seemed to slump forward at the sudden loss of harsh touch but straightened herself quickly. 
“We'll see about that,” He mused, and his voice floated through the air like a song. 
Luthien hissed as Celegorm turned his back, and for the first time, she tasted her own blood upon her swollen lips. She gave a silent prayer to Eru that the fair prince and all his brothers would soon be cast into the fiery pits of Angband, and she thought, the world would be all the better for it if they were. 
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I did this a while ago but it didn’t get many votes so I thought I’d try to get something more conclusive.
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imakemywings · 11 months
Hey, are you still bitter about the treatment Thingol gets in the fandom? Because I am, even if it's 2023. The fact that people have such visceral reactions and threw a huge hissy fit in response to Thingol banning Quenya as if his banning is equivalent to a mass slaughter when said mass slaughterers are claiming lands in Beleriand and mocks Thingol's kingship is funny to me. And the fact that people mock and shit on Thingol for being pissed at the kinslaying at Aqualonde because he wasn't even there, like hello? That's his brother's people tf? Who wouldn't be pissed when you find out your brother's family legit got slaughtered? He has flaws but like so do many characters in silm, yet he gets so much hate and is never written with justice because he's against the noldor/feanorians.
Am I still bitter about [X]? yes. The answer is always yes.
People's attitudes towards Thingol in this fandom are a perfect illustration of character-centric morality: the things the Feanorians do are excusable because they're liked, and anything Thingol does is worthy of scorn because he is not liked. That's how you get people acting like the Quenya ban is on par with literal mass murder (and no, I don't think his asking for a massive number of foreign troops coming into the area to show him respect as the local ruler, as a display of good faith if nothing else, was unreasonable).
Look, I get why Thingol is not a big fan favorite. He suffers from "show not tell" where although Tolkien tells us he was a wise and beloved king, most of what we're shown in detail are things he fucked up. He also plays the King Triton role with Beren and Luthien, and no one likes a guy who stands in the way of ~true love~. Additionally, some of his most likeable moments come in Children of Hurin, which is, of course, not a part of the core Silmarillion. We get a lot less detail in Silm about Turin's time in Doriath, which is when we see a lot more of Thingol in CoH and where we see his attitude on mortals make a complete 180 (he is in fact the only Elf lord to ever foster a Man). But even within Silm, it's rarely acknowledged that in the end, he does support Beren and Luthien's marriage.
"And it seemed to Thingol that this Man was unlike all other mortal Men, and among the great in Arda, and the love of Luthien a thing new and strange; and he perceived that their doom might not be withstood by any power of the world. Therefore at last he yielded his will, and Beren took the hand of Luthien before the throne of her father."
He seats Beren at his left hand--it's hard to overstate the significance of that.
"Then Thingol's mood was softened; and Beren sat before his throne upon the left, and Luthien upon the right, and they told the tale of the Quest..."
I think it is relevant to remember that in accepting Luthien's marriage to Beren, Thingol is necessarily accepting her death--the death of his only child, whom he holds dearer than all the land and wealth of Doriath. That doesn't make his actions in B&L right, but I think it makes them understandable.
Later, when the forces of Doriath go to hunt Carcaroth, Beren and Thingol hunt together.
"...Huan leaped from the thicket upon the back of the Wolf, and they fell together fighting bitterly; and no battle of wolf and hound has been like to it, for in the baying of Huan was heard the voice of the horns of Orome and the wrath of the Valar, but in the howls of Carcaroth was the hate of Morgoth and malice crueller than teeth of steel...There they fought to the death; but Thingol gave no heed, for he knelt beside Beren, seeing that he was sorely hurt." (Emphasis added)
But also, simply because he repeatedly comes into conflict with the sons of Feanor, he was doomed to be recast as a villain by the fandom because the sons are so popular that anyone who dislikes them is going to get shafted by the fandom. Hating on Thingol is so accepted in this fandom people don't even seem to regard it as character bashing to come onto posts or fics about Thingol and share how much they don't like him/think he's an asshole/whatever.
I really don't think there is an overreaction to hearing about unprovoked mass murder. I really think most of us would react very badly to finding out that someone we'd had dealings with had slaughtered a bunch of people, whether or not we were related to the victims. It's been said before but I'll drag it out again: Thingol had to do something. As king, he did not have the option of not reacting to that--that it happened, or that the Noldor tried to conceal it. The Quenya ban was arguably a mid-level response (Furthermore, it was a pretty deft display of Thingol's soft power--Maedhros scoffs at his claim to be king of Beleriand, yet look how instantly and totally the Sindar adhere to this directive. With this one move, Thingol displays for the Noldor how far his power reaches. If they were thinking about armed conflict with Thingol and Doriath, they now know how many of the Elves of Beleriand they would have to deal with.) It's not like Fingolfin was going to turn his people over for a trial, and accept whatever punishment Doriath's court ruled on, not least because Fingon himself was a significant part of the Kinslaying at Alqualonde. The Noldor, hand their crown prince over to a foreign justice system? Not gonna happen.
I will link to my tag for Thingol metas, if you want to see more of what other people have stated more eloquently about his character and his actions!
Long story short: I like Thingol, flaws included, and it's kind of laughable that of all the characters in the book, THIS is the one people find irredeemable.
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lamemaster · 8 months
The Soulless One (Part 2)
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Pairing: Maedhros x Reader
Genre: happy ending (Yay!)
Word Count: 2k-ish
Summary: Giving away your soul for a bloody battle? Pfft, you were fucking in for good.
AN: I tried. I'm sorry. Can we just ignore the cannon fea dynamics and roll with this? Please 🥹
Part 1 |
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You pin him to the bed that creaked dangerously for an Elven creation. "Is this not enough?" You pull him closer by his collar. "These stupid braids, talking in riddles elegantly like you wanted, enchanting eyes, birthmarks right under my lips, and for so long I haven't allowed a damned curse to fall on these lips." And for once you can hear his heart clearer than ever. A skip in his beat that your human senses couldn't have caught.
But your own heart beats louder than him. "Is this not enough? Do you know how uncomfortable it is to dwell in a body my soul can never accept? And you...you never came looking for me. Did you not feel a pull in your soul?" You hold back the tightness behind your eyes that threatens to spill your tears at any given moment. "What else must I do my lord?"
Much to your annoyance, he stays quiet. And then it happens. In a flick of the moment your fist meets his cheek and you stare at the elf beneath you. A blooming bruise covers his face and a throbbing pain pulses in your fist. "Fuck!" You bunch up your gowns and rush out of the room which to run back to, just to drop ointment before running to your grandmother.
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“I messed up,” you follow behind Melian who seems to be taken by the task of watering the garden, uncaring of your heart’s inner turmoil. “Can you hear me grandmother?!” You snatch her watering can blocking her path. 
“You did nothing wrong,” Melian replies with her unnervingly wise eyes boring into your soul. “Son of Feanor needed that wake-up call.” Of course, she knew! Nothing escaped your grandmother’s eyes. 
“I punched him!” Now you were not the one to not trust Melian, you weren’t repeating your grandfather’s mistakes. “How could he be fine with that? He probably thinks I am the same old brute.” You, much to your annoyance, find yourself watering the plants in her steed.
Melian had always known your truth. The half-human soul in your body that clung to the memories of your past life and your entanglement to the eldest son of Feanor. 
Perhaps, your soul that matched that of her daughter’s endeared you to her. Or maybe it was just a simple fondness for her grandchild. But you saw it in her gaze, a longing unfulfilled by you. Luthien Tinuviel lived in her mother’s eyes even ages past. 
Even now, parts of Tinuviel remain as your grandmother shakes her head fondly, “Nothing ever is unchanged honey, even the winds that brush the shores come back bearing brine in them. So how is it that you expect yourself and Maedhros to remain unchanged?” Plucking a swaying Lavender your grandmother tucks it behind your ear. “Love will come to you, General. Have faith.” Like a prophecy, her words imprint themselves on your heart.
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Jumping into the blazing pits of his end, Maedhros had expected agony worthy of his crimes. It was supposed to be an end deserving of the likes of him. He did not wish for an existence beyond repenting the crimes of his acts. It was fitting for someone like him.
Yet, surrounded by devouring flames of his own choice, Maedhros felt nothing but a soothing stillness. It was wrong. He reached out his hand to feel the burn only for the cool sensation to ward off the flames with his movement. 
He knew. He had known it all along. Even in death, his General would stand by him. A soul so fierce that even the flames of Earth’s chasm could not diminish it. 
That could be the reason that Maedhros smiles softly before he closes his eyes. In the end, you found him. No…you’ve always had him. It is now that he can accept it free of the burdens of his life. 
Surrounded by you, Maedhros closes his eyes. His death is easy. It is most peaceful. He is undeserving of it. But it is a present he accepts. A courting present, he has accepted ages later after it was offered.
All that is left is to relay his reply. To tell you, that he is yours.
Reborn, Maedhros finds himself in the land of bliss. Surrounded by his brothers, mother, cousins. All who marvel at his recovery from a death so painful. 
He returns with a complete soul and a remaining fragment of you, that made it to his rebirth. All he has to do is wait. Maedhros awaits your return. Something that will come to pass no matter what. Because his General, never backs from promises. 
And when you do return, he will kneel to you and beg for the affection you once vowed to him. He will offer his heart, his soul, and his body which is now unmarred from the scars of the past. 
But what Maedhros did not expect was to encounter you, on the shores of Alquanlonde, dressed in finery, speaking with the tact of a skillful diplomat.
A form brighter than any other. The radiance of Maia blood was not unhidden. Such was to be expected of the daughter of Daeron, and the granddaughter of Melian herself. He knew it to be you, yet you were so different from the General of his past. 
His heart stutters at the first instance of your eyes meeting his. But he looks away from the glimmer of recognition in your eyes. Even the fragment of your soul, he possesses seems to remember its owner.
But Maedhros’ heart drowns in the waves of dilemma. 
His love for the General was warm, cozy, humble despite its depth. Yet, the person who now stood before him was different. 
His own words of the past where he jested with you, revolve in his mind.-
"Someone more refined perhaps…Someone who restrains from cursing after every other word…Enchanting eyes, long braided hair, a beauty mark or two placed by their lips, elegant nose, supple lips-".
He remembers them well. And it was as if, his General had taken every single word and made it real. 
But he is no longer worthy of a love like that. He wasn’t worthy back then and he isn’t now. A sinister part of his heart had bargained your human imperfections as a bargain for his own insecurities.
But now that too was lost to him. 
That is why he reigns his heart and lowers his eyes from you. At war with his own desires, he avoids, the one he had promised to confess to.
He does well until you find him.
It is then that he sees the spark of the past. His General who pinned him to bed, who cursed, whose hands were no less than ones of Tulkas' Maia.
His General, who does not remember to offer him ointment despite even as she rushes out of his room embarrassed.
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You almost cringe when Maedhros shows up in front of you with a bruise on his face. Why were you heavy-handed even as an elven princess was beyond you…but when he asks for a private conversation you, follow him thinking of ways you could make up for how you had treated him.
Trying to ignore the wayward vine that rested on Maedhor’s head, you prepared to apologize as you should have done hours ago. Closing your eyes you push yourself in a bow, “Iamsorryishoudn’t-” your words pause when Maedhros’ speech interrupts you. And for once you let him speak as you straighten from your bow.
“I did not want you to ever think that my love for you is a result of this form or beauty.” Maedhros sighs. “I may have said things…but I loved you back then, and I love you now. How can I not love you?” He chuckles as if the thought was of fleeting mirth to him. 
“A woman reckless enough to give her soul to me, how could I not give her my heart?” His hand tentatively cups your face and you let him. “I was scared that my acceptance of this form would undermine the General. That it would make you feel less about the woman I have loved. But that is not true. And hurting you was never my intent.” His eyes look down in shame, you never intended to subject him to his hand falling down from where it rested on your cheek. 
“I let you die without ever caring for you. I have been nothing but selfish in return for your selfless affection. I treated you poorly for a crime you never committed. I always desired you but never held myself accountable to be worthy of being desired by you. Even now my heart is full of cowardice. Despite vowing to wait for you, I could not even summon the courage to look you in the eyes once I found you.” much to your surprise, the mountain of an elf kneels at your feet with his head bowed to the ground. “I am flawed. Greedy and self-serving even in my love. How can I ever ask more of you?” His hands fall emptily next to him in defeat. 
“Maedhros,” you try your best to avoid an overly sentimental choked up voice. Instead you crouch next to him gripping his slumped shoulders, that seemed unnatural for someone as prideful as him.“You are a fucking fool of an elf.” You tilt up his chin and look into his eyes. “Since when did love become a trade? When did it become so tangible as to weigh it in our actions?” Your thumb caresses the tilt of his jaw as you find yourself spilling all that had been left in your heart. 
“Even as a human General, I knew that my love for you was enough. I did not need to measure it with sweet gestures or sickeningly sweet words. I knew that I was born to love you and on the battlefield, I found out that I would die to love you. It is a fate I have chosen of my free will.” It is not for the first time that you marvel at the innate Elven skill to make up the poetic declarations out of most simple conversations. 
“I have forced the hand of doom itself to join me to you. So who are you to deny me?” You could not stop the smug smirk forming on your face. Arrogance, too perhaps was an Elven trait. 
Like an obedient pup, Maedhros sits in front of you, leaning into the touch of your palm. “You make me into a pathetic elf, General,” much to your surprise Maedhros’ voice cracks as you swiftly wipe the tears on his face. “But I am nothing but an absolute wretch without you. How unfair is that.” With a broken sob, your beloved pulls you into a hug.
And by the fragrant gardens of your grandma’s palace, you found love again. While being pretty sure, that she could very well be listening to your idiotic words but you allowed it. She deserved the show after being a part of it. 
And that is how, you a General from the East, became the first one to create a soulmate of your choice.
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violetnatelley · 2 months
Taylor Swift’s: TTPD x Tolkien Fancanon
Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - So Celebrimbor x Annatar (Sauron)/ Or if you like RoP: very Galadriel and Halbrand
My boy only breaks his favourite toys - Oh so Mairon and Melkor coded
Guilty as Sin - Elwing x Earendil / Luthien x Beren / Idril x Tuor / Arwen x Aragorn and every doomed Elf/Human relationships.
So High School - Aragorn x Arwen/ Elrond x Celebrian
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - Maedhros, Turin, Feanor
Loml - Nerdanel x Feanor/ Bilbo x Thorin/ Kili x Tauriel / Aegnor x Andreth
The Black Dog - Maglor
So Long, London - Elrond
Clara Bow - Elrond and Arwen/ Thranduil and Legolas/ Maglor and Elrond/Elros / And all of our lovely families.
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thelien-art · 9 months
Remember to participate in the Yule and Advent games if you want to win a ✏️DRAWING✏️!
Rules can be found here and the Advent games are here with Finarfin, Fingolfin, and Feanor!
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Yule day 1, Galadriel x Celeborn: Count the fruits and the flowers
Yule day 2, Luthien x Beren: Where can Luthien´s sigil be found?
Yule day 3, Caranthir x Haleth: Where is the pine tree?
Yule day 4, Maedhros x Fingon: How many colors are used in the glass of the windows?
Yule day 5, Melkor x Mairon: How many Wolves can you find?
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21-25 Yule;
You can win a drawing in my usual style, with full body as the largest, and up to three characters! If you want a drawing of an animal - or an animal to appear, it will take the place of one of the characters.
You can win a chibi drawing with a simple background, with the highest number of characters in it being two!
Read more
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feanoryen · 2 years
What you're favorite Silmarillion pairing says about you.
Thingol/Melian - You think you deserve everything good the world has to offer, news flash! You deserve nothing! But you have a serious lucky streak.
Finwe/Miriel - You love Feanor. (You might even be Finwe yourself!)
Finwe/Indis - You hate Feanor.
Feanor/Nerdanel - You've simped for every handsome, fictional, broken, angsty, sad boy ever.
Finarfin/Earwen - You just wanted good things for Finarfin, and honestly, who wouldn't?
Maedhros/Fingon - You absolutely adore doomed relationships.
Celegorm/Orome - You like the functional/disaster dynamic they have. (You probably also ship Cherik from X-Men.)
Celegorm/Aredhel - You watch Game of Thrones (or House of The Dragon).
Aredhel/Eol - You have stockholm syndrome.
Aegnor/Andreth - You live for tragic romance.
Caranthir/Haleth - You either self insert very hard into Caranthir and want an awesome GF or you're just a slut for the goth/jock dynamic.
Beren/Luthien - You're dating someone way out of you're league.
Glorfindel/Ecthelion - You literally have nothing going on in your life that you started shipping two pretty background characters.
Idril/Tuor - You're super vanilla. Sorry, but like why? There are so many better couples. The only thing I can say in you're defence is that Earendil's amazing.
Earendil/Elwing - You absolutely love couples who give a shit about nearly nothing except eachother!
Melkor/Sauron - I don't know what to tell you honestly, but you probably have no idea what love is.
Sauron/Celebrimbor - You have a very controlling partner who exhibits red flags constantly.
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streets-in-paradise · 2 years
Tinuviel - Eddie Munson x (Fem)Henderson!Reader
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Word Count 1.4 K
Warnings: Tolkien References, specially regarding The Silmarillion. 
Summary: Your Tolkien nerd discussion with Eddie leads him to discover a new weakness of yours and he can’t stop testing it. 
Notes: If you have been arround my blog for a while you will notice that this is self indulgent, but I am doing it anyways. 
Glossary (simplified): Ainulindale and Valaquenta: the first and second books of The Silmarillion
 Silmarils: The most precious jewels that ever existed in Tolkien lore. Created by Feanor, one of the princes of the Noldor elves. Morgoth ( who Sauron used to serve before being a powerfull evil lord himself) stole them and that unleashed the war that is central for the argument on most of The Silmarillion. 
 Mellon: elvish word for friend. 
Tags: @losersclubisms​ @dark-angel-is-back​​
It wouldn't be the first time you would end up confessing an embarrassing secret to Eddie. He was the keeper of some of your greatest sins in and out of your nerd experience. Details about yourself that no one else in Hellfire would get to know were easier to tell when you were all alone with him.  
He was always more curious that judgemental, even when things wouldn't make sense to him at first hearing. 
" Let me understand this: you have read The Iliad as a kid, but you got lost in your first reading of The Silmarillion ?" 
He didn't mean to offend you, but you felt ashamed. 
" Are you disappointed? Am I going to lose my fantasy nerd club membership card?" 
Just the mention of that was plausible to him. 
" Of course not... How would I ever let you go?" Was his teasing reply. " Homer is only one of Tolkien's sources, but the Catalogue of Ships is a nightmare! The Silmarillion has richer catalogues with interesting descriptions of the people, their land, bits of their culture and their leaders. The second book of The Iliad is just a bunch of names and numbers being thrown at you. I would take ' Of Beleriand and its Kingdoms' over Book 2 anytime." 
" That's exactly the point, it's way more complex!" You defended yourself. " The Silmarillion has the history, cosmogony, religion and philosophy of a completely fictional world all in one while being a chronicle of the entire First and Second ages. The Iliad doesn't even cover the full ten years of war and you can support your reading with history books on mycenaean greece. My first reading of The Silmarillion was four years ago and I had to come back later for a deeper understanding... I guess I am not that smart." 
The worshiping instincts that his secret crush on you had created kicked in, triggered by your ramble followed by self bashing. He could have continued the normal flow of the conversation, but chose not to because he would never help himself when it came to you. 
" You are brilliant, the most brilliant girl I know. I love to hear you talk, you could read to me the Catalogue of Ships and I wouldn't get bored." 
You giggled and to him that was mission accomplished. 
" Well, i bet The Silmarillion is even more epic and beautiful in your voice..." 
"... What is saying a lot, my lady. " He sweetly added, thanking your compliment humbly. " I accept it only because I like flattery and it has an extra taste when it comes from you. Anything sounds sweeter; every praise more magnificent and every victory greater when it is told from your lips, Tinuviel. " 
Eddie had you used to all sorts of lovely compliments, but nothing he had said before affected you in the same way. He was surprised at how helplessly weak for it you seemed to be, wondering what hitted you so deep to end up like that. 
Only after you stopped hiding your face with your hands and your eyes were back on him he got a glimpse of explanation.
" Don't use that name in vain, it's too powerful. " 
The lovely nickname that the mortal heroe Beren gave to elven princess Luthien, the most beautiful of all tales. Their sad love story was the most legendary, serving as inspiration for Aragorn and Arwen in the Lord of the Rings books. 
How could you have done anything but melting with love? 
" It fits you perfectly. " He insisted, refusing to let it go because he knew you loved it. " To the rest of the world you may be a simple mortal lass, human for most. Populars may have confused you for a hobbit because of the taste and skill for hiding you kept for years, but they were all deceived. You are Tinuviel, more precious to me than the Silmarils of Feanor. " 
It was the most beautiful thing he had said of you, so romantic that you almost thought you were just dreaming it. 
" Eddie, don't play with me." You complained, a real clamor from your heart that you tried to hush afterwards. " I wouldn't have been an elven lady, not even in the Third Age. Besides, Dustin has already helped me pick a Tolkien character as kids: I have always been the White Lady of Rohan. " 
" Can't you be both? Just for me? " He sweetly asked, totally convincing you with his puppy eyes. " It can stay between us." 
" It MUST stay between us. " You corrected, just the idea of being called like that in public was getting you even more flustered. " I don't want the guys to make fun of us because you are the only one who can possibly think of using that word on me. It's a sacred nickname: something you say to a top level beautifull girl or someone you love. They will think it is a joke and I wouldn't blame them. " 
Despite being aware you would understand his sayings, Eddie was just realizing he practically dropped a love confession clothed in Tolkien metaphors. Perhaps it happened because most people wouldn't have catched the full meaning with such precision and he previously thought you were going to associate it only with praise on beauty. 
" You are the prettiest girl who speaks to them on a regular basis. Trust me, mellon. If I wouldn't be a firm leader our table at the cafeteria would have become the trojan war."
You chuckled with amused skepticism and he cursed himself for not admitting that both of your assumptions were right. 
“ Helen of Troy? That is way too much, Munson. What is wrong with you? Are you practicing pick up lines to tell Chrissy Cunningham in literature class? Remember you will need someone to distract the king in order to steal the queen.” 
Eddie didn't act called out in the slightest, but he did return the callout. 
" If someone here shall be Paris, it has to be Harrington. That pretty boy who says he is your friend seems to love stealing you from us." 
" ... and you love to confuse him with things you know he doesn't understand. Don't add this one to the list, alright?" 
 If he had to be honest, he would admit he was dying for doing the exact opposite and force him to watch your adorable reaction. 
However, he was then too focused in practicing his new trick. 
" If you ban the nickname in his presence I still have the elvish name. I can call you Luthien, although I prefer Tinuviel because I feel it hits differently, don't you think?" 
Your face was speaking for you, his teasing was just self reaffirmation. 
" It has more love, makes me feel loved somehow. " You forced an answer out of yourself. " I'm sure that hearing you read the book must be incredible because when you say that it sounds so good ... Would you read it to me someday? Even If it is just a few pages of Ainulindale or Valaquenta, I would love that. " 
Seeking to actively romance you in the finest way he had, he accepted your request and made it bigger. 
" Tell you what? That sounds fantastic, but we can still make it better. What if we cuddle in bed and I read you some of 'Of Beren and Luthien' ? " 
The surprise in your eyes was priceless, happiness filling you despite how unsure you were about your chances of survival to such a tender moment. 
" That would be so wonderful! Would you really do that for me, Eds?" 
It was his moment to make it even sweeter and he wasn't going to waste it. 
" Anything for you, my Tinuviel. "
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velvet4510 · 5 months
Tbh, I used to think Maglor had a wife, but after many observant people (to which I’m quite grateful) pointed out that it is only said that he “was wedded,” a new headcanon was born:
He was unmarried until the dawn of the Second Age. He decided to make the effort to survive the sinking of Beleriand, wanting to punish himself for his actions with eternal loneliness. He then one day met another lonely and depressed minstrel named Daeron, who also sought self-punishment in exile. Across many centuries, they fell in love and wedded, finding a happiness that neither of them thought they would ever find.
Elrond eventually learned of this, and thus scribbled a vague note in his history books that his foster father was wedded at some point, but intentionally did not elaborate.
Eventually, in the Fourth Age, Elladan and Elrohir convinced Maglor and Daeron to accompany them on the Last Ship to Valinor.
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doodle-pops · 2 years
List of Requests
I am incredibly ecstatic to work with this group of requests and elated that this was the most diverse set of ideas I've ever got. Thank you all for requesting!!! :) Also, everyone who sent in a request was accepted so cheers to you guys 💕💕
Headcanons (15)
Caranthir having a twin sister - anon
Married Life with Ecthelion - anon
Ecthelion celebrating different special occasions with his s/o - anon
Kissing Fingon - @edensrose
Fingon SFW Relationship Alphabet - @rain-on-my-umbrella
Marriage to Celebrimbor - anon
Maedhros having a daughter - anon
Glorfindel with s/o who has a legendary sword - anon
Feanor having a scientist s/o - anon
Glorfindel with a s/o who dances - @the-phantom-of-arda
Irmo having a s/o with rainbow eyes (mood changer) - anon
Erestor's ideal date - anon
Thingol spoiling reader - @elentarial
Egalmoth SFW Relationship Alphabet - anon
General headcanons on Egalmoth - anon
Fics (17)
Celegorm x reader - anon (body dysmorphia)
Ecthelion x human! reader - anon
Luthien x platonic! reader - anon
Elladan x reader - @snowsoothsayer
Erestor x human! reader - anon
Erestor x reader - anon
Finrod x reader - anon
Maglor x reader - anon
Beleg x Easterling! reader - @floraroselaughter
Argon x reader - anon
Glorfindel x reader x Elrohir (poly!) - @dicksoutformtl
Finarfin x human! reader - @noldorinpainter
Maeglin x reader - anon
Elladan x reader - anon
Beleg x human! reader - @mcwentfandomtraveling
Egalmoth x reader - anon
Maedhros x reader - anon (domestic abuse survivor)
Headcanon or Fic (I'm still not sure which to place them under) (2)
Eönwë with an architect reader - anon
Manwë discovers his s/o has lightning strike scars - anon
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ladyofthestarlight · 2 years
Silmarillion trouble ships, but they get worse:
Feanor x Thingol
Melkor x Nienna
Curufin x Finrod
Caranthir x Angrod
Sauron x Melian
Maglor x Earendil
Thuringwethil x Luthien
Dior x Celebrimbor
Maedhros x Elwing
Elros x daughter/son of a feanorian
Galadriel x Sauron (hahaha)
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