feanoryen · 15 hours
Common Loon
It has the prettiest voice among seabirds.
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Because I’m curious. Tell me why in the tags.
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feanoryen · 2 days
The funniest thing about Feanorian Gil-Galad is how Maedhros gave up all their claims just for them to inherit the crown in the end anyways
Elrond is a good choice of course, but he's half Elven & I subscribe to the idea he rejected Kingship because he saw how badly it turned out for all the Noldorin Kings except Finarfin
Galadriel is also an option, but let's face it, the Noldor & other elves are too misogynistic to let women inherit their crowns. They may allow a man from a female descended line inherit, but not a woman.
So then it all goes back the the Feanorians, the last male line descendants of Finwe. Obviously no one with common sense is bowing down to Maedhros & Maglor anymore, but a non-Kinslayer Feanorian son? That's fair game (+ karma for Feanor who's Finwe's rightful heir & all the Feanorians who reasonably didn't want to give up the crown).
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feanoryen · 2 days
Míriel Þerindë Crack Origin Theory:
She's not actually born into any of the Elf clans but to 2 Maiar who took elven form. No, I'm not saying this makes her a Maia, the Ainur may be able to reproduce but they can not create more Ainur than those who already exist.
She's an Elf, but not the kind Eru Ilúvatar created, she's an imitation of them in a way. Not a bad imitation, she's beautiful & she's brilliant, but an imitation of the real thing none the less.
As seen with Aulë and the Dwarves, it's not an amazing idea to try recreating what Eru made, & this is exactly what causes her pregnancy to go wrong.
She wasn't "built" the same way as Finwë & the other elves (or even the men), she wasn't made to procreate with them.
Lúthien is different, her father was an actual Elf, so that made her a natural child of Eru just as he was despite having a Maia mother.
And Fëanor is Lúthien's male counterpart for this exact reason, surpassing in both power & beauty. By blood he's half Ainur as well, but his mother wasn't an Ainur nor a "natural" Elf and therefore was unable to give birth to him without complications.
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feanoryen · 2 days
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feanoryen · 3 days
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feanoryen · 3 days
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feanoryen · 3 days
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feanoryen · 3 days
just having gone through a lot of Fëanor in canon mentions for Míriel comparison reasons– where are people getting the idea that Feanor was shorter than Fingolfin? Is it just some sort of stereotypical short angry person idea people try to reduce the character to? Boring. Anyway 1. Maedhros very was tall, he’s his dad, yes he has a mother too but 2. the Noldor have an, ahem, focus on tall people and would probably have remarked on Fingolfin being taller.
Also I’m going to quote published Silm on Fëanor for you, Tolkien spells it out;
‘He was tall, and fair of face, and masterful, his eyes piercingly bright and his hair raven-dark; in the pursuit of all his purposes eager and steadfast. Few ever changed his courses by counsel, none by force.’
You can just make Nerdanel even taller as you want to, fully support her ripped sculptor balancing Fëanor on her pinkie finger aesthetic (though she doesn’t even need to be tall to do that). Tall Son can get Tall genes from both sides.
I do get the urge to Reduce Fëanor in general, because Tolkien occasionally sounds like he was in love with the character. It’s a lot like reading this Napoleon biography by a guy with a huge crush on Napoleon who tries very hard to be judgmental about his notable Bad Actions– while continuing to thirst openly. 
It’s deeply annoying sometimes. Irl of course people are hardly ever good at literally everything, to start with, or quite that influential– then again no one is functionally immortal, nor does anything like a Vala physically exist, or do words and story itself have such very literal power. I.e. ‘it’s not realistic’ is not a very good argument against the importance of the character in Silm, though it is a good one against the premise and structure of the story as a whole (which jirt recognises in Myths Transformed, where he goes on to say much emphasis is placed on individual actors because they’re Mannish myths).
Canon Feanor is just…like that unfortunately. That’s how Tolkien wrote him. A character who appears only briefly at the start of the story but changes its entire course forever. Besides the more disastrous decisions he improves the alphabet, founds the loremaster school Pengolodh is part of, invents synthetic gems, invents palantírs, the material silima, a technique to catch light, the silmarils, etc.– 'his hands were seldom at rest’ –to the point of inspiring people to falsely attribute various useful inventions to him ages after, as people historically did with legendary figures in classical myth.
If anyone might be a Short (failed coup) King that would be his son Curufin, who canonically preferred not to be called by his mothername ‘small dad.’…Feanor, however, is (as I have previously stated); Big Daddy. 😔
thank u for coming to my Tall Feanor speech.
I’m not against Fëanor Revisionism at all, but it’s nicer if people write/draw against the text on purpose instead of copying fanon. It’s so much funnier for one, because you get you choose which Fëanor fan loremaster was so very determined to officially record Fëanor was Tall, Actually, should you decide that he really was not in reality.
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feanoryen · 3 days
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feanoryen · 4 days
I suggest reading this reddit post for more information on Celeborn's varying origins.
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feanoryen · 5 days
How often do y'all think Vanyarin couples got mistaken as siblings?
Whenever I see Finrod & Amarie art, my first thought is "Oh look, cute fanart of Finrod & Galadriel" ...unless they're straight up kissing or something.
I slightly have this problem with Idril & Tuor too, but usually only when they're given the same shade of blonde hair by the artist. Until I see Idril's pointy ears, I'm thinking "what brother & sister duo is this?".
Galadriel & Celeborn are actual cousins, but surprisingly they get away with it because they at least have different shades of blonde hair.
The Vanyar don't even have variation with their blonde hair. No darker blondes, no strawberry blondes, no platinum blondes, they literally all have the same shade of gold.
The Noldor & Teleri having variation in hair colors >>> Tiny most likely inbred exclusive golden blonde only club that look like siblings.
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feanoryen · 5 days
Non-Canon Silm Friendships that I love
Ok, not really completely non-canon but I love Fingon, Maedhros, Maglor, & Finrod as a quartet.
Eldest son trio + Noldorin bard trio = Logical friend group.
Even though I don’t see Finrod as super close to any of them except Fingon (who I HC was like an older brother to him & is his 2nd closest cousin after Turgon), I feel like he still adds balance to what would otherwise be a trio where someone is definitely 3rd wheeling.
I can see Maemags as a duo, Russingon as a duo, & even Kano² as a duo, but the 3 of them together? That feels awkward. Unless Finrod is there, he fixes that & definitely vibes with all of them.
Fingon, Aredhel, Celegorm, Curufin, Angrod, & Aegnor as a chaotic hunting squad
They would probably also go on a lot of fun camping trips together.
Again, not really totally non-canon but still adds some friendships who aren’t canonically friends like Fingon + C&C and Aredhel + A&A. Actually to be fair, I’m not sure I can see Fingon + C&C as close, but I think Fingon & Celegorm at least could vibe decently.
Angrod, Aegnor, & Aredhel though? I see them as super close. She’s like a second little sister to them except she’s way more similar in personality to them than their actual little sister. She’d love to join them on their adventures and they’re all close to C&C.
Edhellos & Galadriel. They’re shitting on a certain someone together & using the “s” whenever they get the chance (which is literally every single conversation).
Gil-Galad & Celebrian. Second age Arafinweans. The dynamic is even better if it’s Celebrian & Fin-Galad because Arafinwean girlies 🔛🔝, but if not I still see Gil-Galad as an older sibling figure to her regardless.
Orodreth & Celeborn. Let Celeborn be friends with the one person in Galadriel’s family who is normal. Orodreth & Celeborn are in Valinor having tea and chatting about their precious daughters together because they’re the most wholesome girldads.
Argon & Orodreth purely because they’d be funny together. Argon is too fearless for his own good & Orodreth is the type of person who panics over everything. It’s said in one of the drafts that all the sons of Fingolfin & Finarfin were close so… point for me I guess, but I personally see Orodreth as a generation younger but they’re still close in age.
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feanoryen · 5 days
When you point out that the Teleri were the ones who started drowning the Noldor to begin with…
I think it thematically ties in with why the Teleri fully lost those boats the way the SoF fully lost their silmarills, they both chose to kill over inanimate objects
I’m not saying I personally agree that people don’t have the right to defend their property through violence, especially if there’s no intervention from the government promising to return it to them
but I like that Tolkien is consistent at least with Kinslayers suffering more from their choice to inflict violence on others
I think it is interesting that the Oath of Feanor is often interpreted to mean that the Feanorians were willing to commit to murder from the very beginning. Only one version of the Oath, as far as I am aware, actually includes the "death we will deal him ere Day’s ending" bit, and it's not the version that's in the Silmarillion. That version is only in the Annals of Aman. All the the other versions, including the version in the Silmarillion, use language like "enmity", "hatred", "pursuing with vengeance", and "wrath" instead.
Which I actually think makes more sense given that the only violent death that any of them are familiar with is the death of their father/grandfather. It makes far more sense for them to swear vengeance and hatred rather than death. To us, who know where hatred and vengeance can lead, it seems obvious that death will be the outcome. But that's not necessarily the case for people from a land free of violence and death until very recently especially since they exist at the very beginning of their people's history and have no examples to go off of.
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feanoryen · 6 days
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feanoryen · 6 days
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feanoryen · 7 days
Viserys II: Of course I love all my children. Viserys II: Aemon, Naerys, my brilliant grandson Daeron who's the firstborn son & heir I never had, Elaena who's my niece but we're close enough that she'll name her son after me one day, and...
Viserys II: *checks smudged writing on hand*
Viserys II: Eggy-gum?
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feanoryen · 7 days
Red isn't an option since Tolkien explicitly said he wasn't red haired (red hair is exclusive to Mahtan, Maedhros, & the Ambarussar).
I usually flip flop between blond or dark haired Legolas, though I can't see him as silver haired, but his eyes being green is way more important to me that whatever color his hair is drawn as.
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