#fe naoise
hayamosblog · 10 months
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past days
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feshippingpolls · 2 months
FE: Should they kiss?
Alec x Naoise
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pandorastower · 4 months
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Fire Emblem Faves - Males and Fire Emblem Faves - Females by Meibatsu
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katofvalentia · 2 years
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For the 26th anniversary of Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War [2022]
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theofficersacademy · 10 months
hello most wonderful mods, i've been struggling to keep his voice so I would like to drop naoise. in his stead i would like to reserve duessel from sacred stones, we need more old men in this academy
Naoise has been dropped and is now available!
Duessel has been reserved!
You have one week (12/8) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod N
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Well, I just spent a few hours on this. Thanks, ADHD Hyperfixations. Anyways, here’s the general ages I came up with for the Three Frats AU relative to the 3H cast’s ages in the academy phase. Some are canon, others are modified canon, and others are straight up vibe guesses. I didn’t include any of the shapeshifters on here since they’re up in the air.
31+ - Vaida, Renault, Saber, Valbar, Gregor, Basilio, Flavia, Volke, Reina, Yukimura, Shura, Gilliam, basically anyone old enough to have their own kids or just obviously older than 30 something 30 - Arvis, Uther, Oswin, Hawkeye, Deen, Miriel, Libra, Shinon, Azama, Arthur (Fates) 29 - Aida, Pent, Louise, Dorcas, Isadora, Harken, Karla, Zeke, Stefan, Izana, Emmeryn, Gerik, Tethys 28 - Claud, Bartre, Natalie, Mathilda, Kamui, Fredrick, Virion, Sigrun, Gatrie, Xander, Saizo 27 - Beowulf, Lucius, Canas, Farina, Legault, Clive, Robin, Say'ri, Bastian, Heather, Tanith, Ryoma, Kagero, Scarlet, Glen (FE8) 26 - Balthus, Arden, Hector, Rath, Leila, Geitz, Karel, Lloyd, Linus, Sully, Cordelia, Kellam, Lon'qu, Calil, Rhys, Camilla, Orochi, Setsuna, Niles, Nyx, Benny 25 - Sigurd, Eldigan, Quan, Naoise, Ayra, Lewyn, Chulainn, Eliwood, Kent, Raven, Matthew, Dart, Fiora, Python, Forsyth, Sonia, Chrom, Vaike, Stahl, Cherche, Zihark, Lucia, Hinoka, Beruka, Peri, Joshua, Saleh, Cormag 24 - Edain, Brigid, Alec, Jamke, Lex, Sain, Lowen, Lukas, Leon, Jesse, Sumia, Gaius, Tharja, Geoffrey, Oscar, Jakob, Effie, Charlotte, Seth 23 - Deirdre, Tailitu, Azelle, Midir, Erinys, Wil, Heath, Ursula, Palla, Maribelle, Olivia, Henry, Kieran, Makalov, Kaze, Azura, Natasha, Glenn (3H), Rennac 22 - Mercedes, Lachesis, Lyn, Florina, Luthier, Lissa, Aran, Nephenee, Felicia, Flora, Rinkah, Silas, Syrene 21 - Jeritza, Byleth, Sylvia, Serra, Erk, Priscilla, Tatiana, Conrad, Ricken, Elincia, Marcia, Astrid, Boyd, Leo, Takumi, Oboro, Hinata, Artur, L'Arachel 20 - Hubert, Hapi, Catria, Atlas, Ike, Fiona, Jill, Mia, Lute, Innes, Knoll 19 - Sylvain, Yuri, Leonie, Finn, Dew, Guy, Rebecca, Silque, Berkut, Rinea, Fernand, Donnel, Pelleas, Ilyana, Tormod, Hana, Subaki, Mozu, Erika, Ephraim, Colm, Niemi, Forde, Kyle, Lyon 18 - Dorothea, Dedue, Raphael, Lorenz, Hilda, Constance, Monica, Jaffar, Gray, Faye, Clair, Mist, Soren, Hayato, Vanessa, Tana 17 - Edie, Dimi, Claude, Bernie, Ferdie, Felix, Ingrid, Marianne, Ignatz, Alm, Tobin, Celica, Mae, Sothe, Laura, Sakura, Elise 16 - Caspar, Linhardt, Ashe, Annette, Nino, Est, Boey, Genny, Leonardo, Meg, Ross 15 - Lysithea, Petra, Kliff, Edward, Franz 14 - Cyril, Oifey, Amelia, Ewan 13 - Delthea, Sanaki, Shannan
You entering a trace and emerging with an age list of (I presume) every FE that you’ve ever played. It happens. I get it. (I do have to point out that Saizo and Kaze are twins, so maybe we split the difference on their estimates? 25? 26?)
Mostly however I am going to be thinking about the 13-year-olds tier. There is such powerful energy there. I don’t know what’s going to happen if you put the three of them in the same room, but I know it will be happening, and there is no force on all the continents that could stop them if they put their mind to something.
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icharchivist · 1 year
So if Siegfried's VA is coming on Granblue TV next week, pretty much everyone assumes we're getting a new Sieg unit. What are we hoping for, here? Fanservice and sexy? Strong and intimidating? Maybe showing off some fierce draconian power? I guess it's all sexy
Grand Sieg Real!!! Grand Sieg Real!!!
i don't know if it's what you really want to know since your ask is more lighthearted but here's what have been my thought process about it all and i've thought about it a lot for the past two years:
ever since Grand!Lancelot dropped in December 2021, we've known that they were going to release a set of Grand for each of the Dragon Knights.
Grands are given to some of the most important characters of the lore and of the game in general.
The Dragon Knights also are in a situation where they're popular and powerful, but their very first units (except for Vane) have been relegated to the Classic Draw, making them difficult to access for new players. It also means that their original kit has been outdated (though they still have their use)
So the idea of those Grands will be to be an upgrade on the Base Units, while taking into account their development so far, and also recapping the important parts of their lore.
It's why Grand!Lancelot recapped from the ground up everything we knew from Siegfried being framed to the crimes of Feendrache and the way Lancelot has grown from his blindly patriotic days.
Since the announcement of the Grand series for the Knights, only Lancelot and Percival have been released. it's also noteworthy that before the current rotation of knights, the last released unit was Halloween Vane, meaning that in the rotation, next one has to be Siegfried.
If they continue on the logic of replacing the base units, it will be an Earth Grand Unit for Siegfried.
What to expect from it? well, it just needs a look at the previous grands to have an idea.
Grand!Lancelot gave him an upgrade by connecting him to the Fairies of Feendrache, finally coming out from their slumbers and blessing their new champion.
Grand!Percival meanwhile got an upgrade thanks to Cath Palug, the guardian creature of the rulers of Wales, who has been set since BFAF with looking over the possible rulers of the nation and eventually give them the power to do so if they're considered worthy.
Their new arts came with an overhaul on their armors and also something that strengthen their current affiliation. Lancelot leaves behind the blue armor to embrace a white one as the leader of the White Dragons. Percival's armor meanwhile ends up upgraded with regal designs reminding of the coat of kings, strengthening as well his goal to become a worthy protective king. His uncap also strengthen this imagery by showing him as a leader of the people, while Lancelot is a little more "battle generic".
The conclusion to drive from it with Siegfried, which i had at the time and have been strengthened by the preview, is that Siegfried is also going to get a power up from a specific creature that will lead him to reevaluate himself.
So obviously, for his Grand to actually have the impact it needs, Siegfried's storyline must continue on the Draconian front.
in Siegfried's Fire unit, following the event of SIEGFRIED, the dragon blood has basically been consumming him and he's losing himself more and more and is currently in a situation of near death or losing his mind if he doesn't find a way to ease up Fafnir's blood. One of the theory mentioned in the FE as to how to save Siegfried's life, is that he has to connect with Fafnir in some way again. (we also know now, from Naoise's storyline, another draconian, than a positive relationship with the dragon you have the blood of in your vein can help you control this power).
So it's basically been set up for years that the next logical step in Siegfried's journey would be related to Fafnir and to his condition as a Draconian, and with the current Grand trend, it seems likely that this will be the core componant to his upgrade.
The newest event is called "The Dragon weep before Daybreak" and will feature discussion of the Sins of Feendrache. The sins of Feendrache are many, and one that is important is the way Fafnir has basically been used to poison the people of Feendrache for years due to Isabela's influence, after all. Moreover, any sins of Feendrache would imply unveiling Josef's past.
So i believe Siegfried will get his upgrade because he will be forced to confront Fafnir, in one way or another, and will come out of it with more power. I also believe that the past we'll unveil, probably even more regarding Josef, are going to break Siegfried to some level.
So what it means for Siegfried's Grand Unit:
-I think it's going to double down on the draconian angle. Since Fire!Siegfried we expect so, Fire!Naoise showed us how a proper feral draconian can evolve, and we know from gbvs that Granblue is leaning harder in harder on Siegfried being fully a draconian now. (besides, in Summer!Siegfried, a huge plot point is that the dragon blood almost drives him to insanity again and he still has to fight it and he wants to enjoy the last few moments he has with his friends for now)
-Which will probably mean that the uncap at least might be Feral and unhinged
-There's the possibility that the uncap also actually reflect his dynamic with Josef.
-I don't really think it'd be sexy for the sake of it being sexy, i think for such a big unit moment, they'll focus on the lore itself. I just hope that they remove his helmet for it bc looking at the concept art for Fire!Sieg, where he wasn't wearing the helmet while in the final art he does, is painful.
-Siegfried's theme colors are already Black and blue, so i think if change to his design, rather than color palette, it will be a design change like Percival had.
tldr So personally i believe it'll be strong and powerful, with a high chance of feral depending on how in control he will be, but nevertheless i do think the focus will be on the draconian aspect of his characterization, or eventually on his relationship with Josef.
and yeah i've been thinking about all of this since 2021 so i have many thoughts alright
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fire-emblem-poll · 1 year
FE popularity polls
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I have no idea who this man is
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hilodestar · 2 years
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watch out for the grannvale knights!
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ciphershop · 7 years
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Selling Naoise/Noish for $2! Drop me a message if you’re interested
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fecipherfullart · 4 years
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Artist: BISAI
Source: Magazine Promo
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cavaliant · 4 years
If Diarmuid stopped slicking his hair back would he look more like his mom and/or dad 🤔
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barensian · 5 years
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cain archetypes.
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fekincalls · 7 years
hey there! i'm noish from fire emblem : genealogy of the holy war, and i'm looking for sigurd and alec! but if anybody else from fe4 (or even fe5) want to chat, then that's fine with me. i don't have a lot of memories, but i'd be very interested in hearing other people's memories. like or rb and i'll talk to you!
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lgbtq-fire-emblem · 2 years
hiiiiii um marianne and seliph for the ask game please !!
of course they have blue hair and pronouns... it's actually funny how attached I am to blue haired FE characters compared to my average thoughts on other blue hair characters. Putting this under a cut bc you picked two characters I could talk about forever gjhdjkghd
My general thoughts & opinions on them - Marianne is one of the best characters in 3H imo, the character growth over the timeskip, the beautiful design, a good unit, interesting character. I do still wish the game had beast or dragon units though and she was one of them
Favorite moment of theirs - The Raphael support where she is just talking to birds "This bird just happened to be… speaking human." I love her... disney princess!
Favorite support chain - Raphael or Ignatz's. Obviously I like the Hilda one pretty well but I am very tired of people hating it to claim Hilda is abusive ?? lmao. so the discourse has soured my opinion on it
My dream FEH alt for them - new years! I'd love to see her in a kimono
Headcanons and/or ships I have - I like nonbinary Mari for self projection reasons ehehe. MariHilda is my favorite ship but I also like her and Leonie a lot. Edelgard, Dimitri, and Igantz are some others I like but don't think about very often.
Favorite art of them - The marihilda summer duo special attack art <3 the cipher card for her as a dancer is also beautiful
My general thoughts & opinions on them - my little guy.... my little dude... Idk they really just packed EVERYTHING into this guy. He's got the dead parents, he's lived his whole life stuck in a war, he's got a bit of the imposter syndrome. He's not the only FE lord to get sad over killing some of the enemies but I just... in the world of fe4 which feels so dark and tragic compared to the other games he is such a shining light !
Favorite moment of theirs - The hidden scene in the final chapter where he gets to talk to his parents for the first and last time :,)
Favorite support chain - I haven't gotten to the 2nd half of the game yet so I haven't read any of the convos <3 Idk probably one of the convos with Lewyn bc Lewyn moments.
My dream FEH alt for them - Valentine's Day! I want him and the whole family <3 Also the angst would be incredible.
Headcanons and/or ships I have - Hmmm I don't think I really have any I'm super invested in. Maybe once I finish the game ! I could explain the elaborate fe4 nft bro universe me and a couple friends have made (naoise and alec are into NFTs and sigurd takes emotional damage. this extends to the 2nd gen somehow) but I will spare you guys
Favorite art of them - Fuck it, I already did a readmore, so I'll post it! WAAAAAAAAAAH I hope that explains why I love it
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theofficersacademy · 11 months
Naoise has arrived!
Welcome to the Officers Academy! You have been assigned to the Blue Lions Faculty.
Please remember to follow the Masterlist and all your fellow colleagues. You have been granted an Iron Sword, Steel Sword, and Dexterity+ to start your journey with. We look forward to seeing the growth of your true potential.
May the Goddess light your path.
- Mod N
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