#fck it im putting this in the tag
sunlit-mess · 2 months
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[ Previous | Main comic | Tag guide ] A little warmer... Maybe, maybe not.
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clownattack · 8 months
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lildrabbles · 10 months
Chapter 8: Poptarts for Breakfast
2007! Raph x Reader
Warnings: Swearing as per usual
Tag list: @xnorthstar3x
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When you woke up, you were laid down on the couch with the blanket tangled between your legs. You glanced around, rubbing your eyes to unblur your them. You were just about to panic about where you were before you remembered about last night. You slumped back down on the couch before hearing a voice.
“Morning, sleepyhead!!” The orange-banded turtle greeted you. “We have poptarts for breakfast! Or cereal! Or pizza!”
You chuckled a little, sheepishly brushing the bed head out of your face. “I'll just have a poptart, thanks..” You yawned and stood up, folding the blanket back up to not be rude.  Mikey threw you a poptart, and to your surprise, you actually caught it. You laughed a little. “Thanks, Mikey.”
“Of course bro!” He smiled as he chomped on some leftover pizza.
“Hey, um, where's the bathroom?” You asked, awkwardly smiling.
He grinned and pointed you in the direction you needed to go. You thanked him and headed that way, before stopping in your tracks when you heard grunting (get yo mind outta the gutter, it's already occupied with mine).
You peaked inside the room you were passing to see Raph doing push ups. 
You stared for a minute before you heard him scoff without looking up.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
You blushed and fully stepped in. “Sorry, I was um.. looking for the bathroom.”
He looked over at you and raised a brow. “Well, this aint the bathroom. It's the one beside this room.”
You nodded and sheepishly laughed. “Yeah, I need to get home after this anyway, because I don't have any extra clothes or a toothbrush or anything. My breath probably reeks right now.”
He shrugged. "You really think I'll be bothered by that? I hafta live in the sewers for God's sake, let alone live with Mikey."
You giggled a little. "I guess.. but what about clothes?" 
He sighed before standing up. "I have an old shirt you can use… I never really wear it, cuz well I don't need it. I also have some jogging pants too," Raph led you out of the room and to what must have been his bedroom.
It was a decent sized tunnel that was sectioned off with a curtain, with a sign that read “get lost” beside it. You chuckled.He rustled around for a minute beside his makeshift bed, before throwing an oversized AC/DC shirt and a black pair of joggers at you.
You caught it before it hit the floor, and grasped it in your hands.  "Thank you, Raph. I'll go change in the bathro-"
Raph held his hand up. "No it's fine, I'll get outta your hair and you can change in here.. i-if you want."
You giggle a little and nod. "Okay, sure."
He lets out a small laugh, before leaving and making sure the curtain gave you the privacy you needed. You looked around, and sat on his bed. It was really creaky, assuming from it being overly stuffy down in the sewers.
You took a last glance to the curtain, before starting to change. You moved quickly, just in case one of Raph's brothers came in without realising. Little did she know was Raph right outside of the room to make sure that exact thing didn't happen.
When you were done, you pulled the curtain back, holding your pile of clothes. You jumped when you saw Raph right there. "Jesus, what the fck?!"
He let out a snicker. "You really are jumpy arentcha?"
You rolled your eyes. "Shut up… you don't happen to have a bag I could put my clothes in could you?"
He thought for a minute before walking around you back into his room, before he threw a fabric bag at you. He chuckled when you playfully glared at him, shoving your clothes in the bag.
"Are you.. leaving?" Raph asked, not looking at you as he walked up beside you. 
You shrug. "I could stay for a little bit if that's okay?" You ask looking up at him.
He smiled a little. "Yeah, okay. You workout?"
"Uh…" you smiled sheepishly
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bexfangirlforlife · 23 days
Maxton Hall episode 1 (1x01) first watch notes:
I might make some notes for these even though i don't think tumblr is very interested im this show but whatever.
Just as a little background info: my sister kept asking me if I watched this, which was how I heard about it in the first place. Then a couple reaction channels I'm subscribed to also did the show. I did insist on finishing all the books first though.
Idk if I'll be able to not put spoilers past s1 but I'll try I guess. Or if I do I'll tag it with ( # save you spoilers / # save us spoilers ) might also do when mentioning stuff from book 1 (which might be quite a lot so that would be # save me spoilers).
Since I'm german I'm very curious if I've seen some of these people in other stuff or at least heard of them... I know the main guy was in Club der roten Bänder (which I haven't watched but of course know of)
Oh boy he looks like a baby to me.
(Looked it up, he is not that much younger than me actually. Still he has such a baby face, I'm sorry)
It's so weird to watch a show in german on my own again
Cyril looks kinda familiar...
Oh fck he was the (gay) Stallbursche in the Chantal movie 😄
Just fyi I might write "Ren" when I mean "Wren" on accident, because I listened to the audiobooks and in my mind that was always how the name was written 😅
"Und wer ist diese Ruby Bell?" - Ok yeah I can see what my sis meant with it's a little cringe at the start
That is not how Mr Sutton looked like in my head
In my head he was more of your handsome generic white guy
Percy looks also wildly different. In my head he was a lot more of a tall, burly guy.
Kieran also looks familiar
(Looked it up) He was in der Lehrer & in Sankt Maik, so yeah def know him
Oh I think I know Ember too.
(Looked it up) Yeah I know her from der Leherer as well. I'm pretty sure I also watched the In aller Freundschaft ep she was in. I saw she was in Fack ju Göhte, but I don't feel like I really remember her from that...
Also: another fyi in my head I wrote it Amber 😅
For sure have seen the mom before as well
I don't remember the Treppenlift thing being in the books
Now that I'm not as focused on how different he looks, I think I've seen Sutton somewhere before too
Apparently he was in an episode of Alarm für Cobra 11. And I might also have watched the In aller Freundschaft die jungen Ärzte ep with him
Are these helmets always this fancy?
Mortimer looks smaller and younger than in my head too XD
Kieran screaming at the stripper shouldn't have been that funny
Well... that was a lot of 'i know this person' 😅
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evanescentdawn · 2 years
tagged by @lizhly-writes thanks! this was much fun! and made me realise I have a lot of bunch of wips. and a lot of bunch of wips that I forgot! existed!
• The game is to find the words given by the tagger in your wips and then tag whoever you want with new words to find. ^^
uhhhhhh tagging(if you wanna!): @kylermalloy @rosekasa @bluewindfall @tonguetiedraven @29rynoah @yukiokumura
ur words: rage, hands, stupid, voice, water
lmaoooo, the fact I don’t use this word in my work at all (a surprise) and made me dredge up this old really fun wip in 2021 i totally forgot about?!
“What don’t you confess then? If you can.” Kouko spits back, caught up in their argument, not expecting Mitsuo to actually do it. She watches wide eyed, panicking, as he calls Mrs. Ultrasonic over and opens his mouth, and looks like he’s actually planning to —
there’s no reason why this snippet is so long i just really love this stupid wip. theyre So Ridiculous
“To save water bill,” Jung Heewon elaborates, and Han Sooyoung promptly wilts at that. Of course, it was because of a stupid reason and not because Jung Heewon wanted it.
“I, uh, got into some trouble with my part time job at the cafe shop and haven’t found another to replace that yet….” Jung Heewon explains, further evaporating all of Han Sooyoung’s hope and thoughts she might have.
“Okay,” Han Sooyoung says.
It’s entirely unreasonable for Han Sooyoung to readily agree to Jung Heewon’s suggestion to cut down on water bills, considering the hefty sum in her bank account and the fact the only reason she’s living in a shared room is to get away from home.
She definitely has ulterior motives.
She wasn’t the one who suggested all of this, though. It was Jung Heewon, so Han Sooyoung is going to shamelessly take advantage of this and oogle Jung Heewon all she can and seduce her while she’s at it.
I DIDNT THINK ID HAVE A WIP THAT CONTAINED THIS but what do you know. this old spn wip does! n apparently, another wip, too, has this word fjjfjfjf. posting this wip because I tots forgot it existed, and because it’s a freaking weird one
Flowers bloom fast, right on the clock, as the hand touches July. Bursts of colour across the world as it awakens from it’s long slumber, from its long year of being buried in white snow. The snow has melted. Umbrellas, put away. Heavy boots that belong to the adventures, who dare to venture out and map out the unknown planes of winter, are placed in boxes and away. Dean Winchester is one. An adventure like his mother and her parents before her.
I DONT REMEMBER SHIT ABT THIS WIP. what. like okay I vaguely remember doing this, but still. what the fck.
There’s another person. Someone else, achingly young that responds eagerly to his messages. This Bihyung reminds him of the early parts of the scenarios, shy and star-gazed at the constellations. The memory of his death is still fresh in Kim Dokja’s mind and perhaps, that’s why he keeps indulging him.
the chadhime fic that’s permanently stuck in a blackhole because im Not working on it :’)
“Guess we’re heading over to Ichigo’s?” She says.
Sado-kun gives her a small smile which makes her heart do a lil jump! as he nods at her.
uhhhhhh tagging(if you wanna!): @kylermalloy @rosekasa @bluewindfall @tonguetiedraven @29rynoah @yukiokumura
the words: rage, hands, stupid, voice, water
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ghostbbii · 2 years
released from my prison mind
At times i want to hate you god!! but at the end you have your reasons!! but this one its unexplainable, to me. im confused on that calling!! WHAT HAPPEN TO TALKING TO US through SIGNS!!
       Fck i want to scream out every day but instead i been doing it in my head for last 17&18 yrs now!!                                                   (1.15.04) & (1.26.03) 
i release you guys from being IN-PRISON in my mind
. see i couldn't find it in myself to accpet death!! stood in denial for all those years!! i didnt understand how i was never going to see you again. i already had to put your mom up in california state; in my mind. and i couldnt think of which state to put you once you got locked in my prison mind. i couldnt comprehend it.  how you guys would never have the chance to eat again, laugh, talk, sleep, go see events with the family or friends. do things in genral that you guys enjoy to do.. i didnt want to believe that it was the truth!!
i know i need to stop blaming myself about your DEATH nephew. but the truth for me would of been and  is you probably would really be alive. breathing with us ; walking this damn hell we call earth!! i know you felt that feeling just like i did that very night. we knew some thing was going to happen that day;  we knew we needed to find each other, it was meant for us to say sorry to each other.BUT  that time never came to happen. it never became a moment in our time line.. our last words to us were hateful words said outta of anger.. . if i can go back in time i would of went to school that morning, i regret not going.  for never getting up to just going against my gut. to just saying fck it; to showing up that day! . i never meant those words to you when we got into it that saturday afternoon. i was just standing up for my  mom like i always have man. but i should of never brought your mom into it and that lead us to really saying words that we let our anger get the best of us..just when we were finally learning to speak to each other, get along. you, aaron and me. still had a while until all 6 of us did get along.  but  you ran away from home that day. 3 months later, the day you decided to come back home!! i wish, i did go to school. oh how much it hurts to just want to hug you nephew, to laugh and joke around,, to go tagging on shit again, the bond we grew through art. its how we learned to speak. anger managment did help like you said. just had to accept it and be okay with it steph is what you would say to me! when liz and steph told me you went to the school looking for me it killed me more,, i died that day nephew! a part of me really left. i went cold and empty mentally i grew hate towards myself.. they dont lie that words can hurt..    Especially knowing i would never be able to say sorry in person to you. i  never meant those words  and i know you knew and know that now, its been killing me for holding on and not letting you guys go, to accept the truth, i wish i did said my peace to you that day at your wake. i wish i did go see you when we were doing your burial. instead i held on. i didn't want to have my last imagine of you dead man.. mainly beaucse my last interaction with you was us arguing!! i wasnt able to to find it in me to come and face you.  it wasnt the right way ;for that it's been eating me alive, for all these years.. i  cant remember how you or my sis sound like when  laughing. what your voice is when words come out of it. i dont know how it feels to embrace you nephew. or your voice lisette when you used to yell at us all. i cant recall how it feels to give your body a massage sis. i hate giving people a massage when they ask for it because it brings back memories. Fighting through the day with a weak body after treatment.  hate drawing shit it to much of a strong feeling having you next to me. i finally went to go say my peace Jan 2022. time to let ya fly
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thesecretattic · 2 years
More Coincidences
In regards to Harsh Jayesh Rajput saw a lot of reversed mirror numbers yesterday night - loads of them, pouring everywhere… it’s called pattern reading some ppl see them often, those like me who know how the numerological meanings, the universe communicates through vibrations & signs but not with all, some are born alchemists. I am feeling very numb since morning I’m not in my senses im not able to sit it’s again autocorrect finishing my sentences im not in the state to write and the one who can is not ready to talk. He is the most insensitive and ruthless person I’ve ever seen, this is very important for me to share, I asked my mom to cook something today after 10 days cuz I feel more faint when I don’t eat and my pressure drops incredibly low but she just abused me very roughly. You know how she is… I’ve put up with her my whole life, I had a soulmate but he wasn’t man enough to save me or help me, it’s NOT the end of 2015 it’s the end of 2022 and my life, it’s been years and year after year my tears and torture increased, he wasted 2022 with a woman named Jiya now… why was I that bad in front of all of them? Its so insulting… coincidence I was thinking about breaking his heart the way he broke mine and I saw a pic which had Rafael as the last name, he’s a healer - the angel of medicine, I often take his name when I feel down, so as I was saying I was thinking of breaking his heart the way he broke mine and also noticed my irregular heartbeats i was/am still struggling to breathe cuz he has tattered my heart since 2015 he has rendered it physically weak now, I then came across a quote and it had just one line “Take care of each other’s hearts”… like a sign from Raphael, he’ll read this now, get high and fck that b*tch Jiya. That fake Pavitra I never lost my virginity and he isn’t done with her yet as if I’ll accept someone who’s been here and there and who’s chosen several others over me cuz they were all “better” somehow. No girl will take so much humiliation and insult. If I would’ve been in her place and I would have seen all this getting tagged under my name I would have shown support being another female but look at her… she is just taking advantage. Mazey maarte behti hai mere dum pe.
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Next I asked about those mirror numbers which I kept seeing the whole night and remember I’d already underlined this… I would always see 12:21 for his brother as a reminder of what I texted him on 5th Mar, 2020 and this post had 21 twice when I added the last line
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As guessed the mirror numbers were because of this… this came up when I asked about them:
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Last but not the least, I would like to leave this for people who were supporting me with 🤍 and signs who stopped using those hearts flagrantly after I tweeted about it with a Thankyou note idk why maybe he follows them and they don’t want to come in that TV actor’s bad books, you took away my one and only one friend, congrats brother… (not talking about that childhood friend who stalks but never asks me if I’m okay) Secondly celebrity or non-celebrity you are a HUMAN being, not some spirit God or universe to converse in signs or innuendos, speak if you want to don’t leave such obscure messages here and there in the form of quotes and signs it is only ENCOURAGING him to not talk. Enough, this whole untouchability as in “not talking” is getting on my nerves he didn’t have that OCD when he asked for my BB pin or flirted with my fake ID? Huh? My autocorrect accidentally typed out the word “ZID” I’m not lying it means stubbornness so it’s not OCD - Zara Sauleh I received this quote when I was thinking about that… and it was very much relatable
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snowshinobi · 2 years
Zenitsu ... would listen to Harry Styles ... walk thru fire for u/just let me adore u ...
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space-prophet · 2 years
Rant in tags do not clown
#boom- gay#ok. ill say it. steddie doesnt have any chemistry at all. i legit can not see it. it feels like the newest mash too hot guys together ship.#if you like it thats cool and i hope you have fun with it but what???? they have like q handful of conversations and none of them seem like#'flirting' like everyone in the tag is saying. stg we have to take the word queer bating away from u people bc youll use it anytime a ship#isnt canon that you like. sherlock? queer bating for sure. stranger things??? u have robin but shes wlw so no one cares much beyond#complesionist shipping ronance. the top ships in this fandom (aside from byler which isnt queer bating its queercoding will jesus christ)#are like steveXbilly and steveXeddie aka the hot guys everyone wants to fck for thier own weird gratification. what if it was murry and hop#huh?? two middle aged traditionally unattractive men who had arcs abt being gay? what if it was lucas who came ojt and realized he loved#like idk some random kid at school it kinda feels like the love for solangelo but worse bc stedi not even together and have satisfying arcs#im just tired of shipping culture and the wierd gaze fans have towards hot white boys who they can put in mlm ships. i want ugly gays. i#want a well crafted story like wills where its obvious he's figuring himself out. i dont want steve and eddie to out of nowhere in a time#and place where theyve never even taken time to think over or adress thier sexuality to like make out in a situation#wherw thier main focus is to look after thier very-young-child-friends. it would not be a well crafted or#compelling narritive for anyone. i hate#i hate straight ppl writing in queer ships for fetishistic gazes. you want well written queer rep in stranger things#we have robin and will- will whos arc this season was abt tackling his feelings for mike through body acting and subtlety- smthng#yall cant handle i guess#and robins queerness is adressed this season as well very very openly multiple times. stranger things is not abt queer life but it tries to#be respectfully inclusive. not every show can faithfully and respectfully be heartstopper or ofmd and st has never had that intention.#in fact it needs more diversity in other areas first i think.#anyways if ypu like stedi fr fun thats fine but some ppl have been so fuckin insane abt it that its made u lose your minds!!! i get it i#ship byler and elmax (potential ellumax) but im not expecting them to beome canon bc the show is truing to explore other things at the mome#nt. that is not queer baiting and the duffers are not evil for having a different plan for thier show#idk i only got q few hours of sleep cut me some slack for being ungraceful.#tldr: have fun shipping but dont be like thatTM when you know that youre blowing things out of proportion#sending the duffer brothers fucking threats for queer baiting will make them not want to be inclusive for fear of the tumblrrnas sherlockin#shit up#personal
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crueleos · 4 years
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curiousstrawberry · 5 years
okay okay im posting this ugh. Read at your own risk bc i dont know what’s english or grammar or spelling or well you get the idea. Some Desideria/Ricardo somftness. (also there’s some hint at spoilers so beware)
*yeets myself off nearest cliff*
When you turn around and try to reach for the person that should be laying there the space is empty. The sheets are still warm though. You have no idea how she managed to slip out without noticing. Well, you might have a slight idea.  A gentle smile spreads on your lips as you remember her soft warm body wrapped around yours, her kisses, her touch...
Where the hell is she?
You aren’t angry, annoyed maybe, but never angry with her. It’s not easy, for either of you, but you’ve come to realize she needs her space sometimes. Especially since it’s not that long she started to stay the night and it’s certainly not that long she allowed you see her apartment let alone sleep there.
You don’t bother to put pants on as you get up from the bed, there’s no need, even if you had sense of modesty. You know she’s still here, mostly because she wouldn’t leave you in her apartment alone, no, she’s too paranoid for that.
It’s not that difficult to navigate the space, even though you’ve been here just several times. The living room is softly illuminated by fairy lights and ah, there she is. Dios mio, she’s beautiful. You haven’t seen her dance ever since... well, since she died.
The music playing is soft, gentle and quiet enough you barely hear it. You can’t help but smile. You aren’t sure if she did it to not wake you up or because she doesn’t want to deal with nosy neighbors, probably both.
She moves differently than you remember. The steps are more erratic, frantic, less fluid. Her face is too strained and you know by now, what it looks like when she’s in pain, hurting but not willing to back down, the look of determination you love.
You watch silently, unsure if you should alert her to your presence, unsure if she already knows you are there. You could return back to the bed, sure, but you are too transfixed by her. Her long legs bare, scars and tattoos visible, muscles straining as she moves. You lick your lips, staring unabashedly.
She jumps, pirouettes in the air, her leg touches the ground and you see the second it gives out and she falls. She didn’t even land and you are already moving towards her, trying to catch her, always trying to catch her.
“Are you okay?” You put your hands on her shoulders trying to help her gather herself off the floor. “Desi?”
“You’re naked.”
That’s not an answer you wanted or expected but you laugh nevertheless. “That’s usually what happens when you have sex and go to sleep naked, you wake up naked too,” you grin. Are you trying to tease her a little? Maybe. She rolls her eyes but you can see the blush spread on her cheeks.  “What were you doing?”
“Smartass.” Now it’s your turn to roll your eyes. 
“You know what I mean.” You bump her nose as she scrunches it, scowling at you. Mierda. You want to kiss her so badly, a good thing there is nothing to stop you when you lean in and press your lips against hers. You can feel her smile into the kiss and your heart melts just a little.
“I couldn’t sleep. Didn’t want to wake you,” she mutters, resting her forehead against yours, you hum gently.
“You know, you can, right? I’m here for you, with you, Desideria.”
“Out of two of us you’re the one who saves the world,” she snorts. “You need sleep.”
It’s not the first time you’re wondering if she’s still somehow able to read your thoughts. A smart retort is on your tongue ready counter but you don’t want to fight, it’s too late – early? – for that so you let it slip.  
“Come to bed?”
“I need shower.”
“Do you want company?” You waggle your eyebrows suggestively.
“Idiot.” She pushes you away smiling as she gets up and you try to not grin.
“Fine,” she raises her finger, “just a shower though.”
“Just a shower, I swear,” you put your hands up in defense, unable and unwilling to wipe the smile of your face.
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bouncyenvos · 5 years
i keep thinking about that p.diamond comic becos, man. wow.
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flyingspidey · 6 years
honestly charlie cox was every bit matt murdock / daredevil that robert downey jr. is tony stark / iron man, every bit that heath ledger was the joker, every bit hugh jackman was wolverine and I can’t believe they did my son dirty like this. In this essay I will-
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13thdoodle · 7 years
hey if any of yall wondering why i rarely draw anything kampungtale anymore, it’s because some of you still like to repost my drawings w/o permissions when all you need to DO
is just
ASK :)))
My inbox is literally open for everyone, use anon mode if you don’t have tumblr account! There’s no reason for you guys to not to ask! All you need is literally ask I didnt ask for any money or your first born child just a polite ask!
So if you want anymore KampungTale contents, please do it yourselves coz i’m sure as hell aint! Not until you guys learn to ask for permissions.
none of the reposter gonna read this but screw it
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Was gonna do this in order of how offended I am but it’s really hard to choose…so this is just in order of how I saw them 😐
1) Him tracing ily on her skin 😭 why did my brain immediately think of him doing this before he has built up the courage to say it out loud, like he can’t say it out loud yet but he’s bursting at the seams so he just- ✋🏽😭
2) I was expecting the 3tan yoongi violence but this cannot be tolerated 😐😐😐😐😐 #1 post I’m mad about as of rn. This Tae is illegal 😭😭😭😭 (spoiler alert: it gets worse 😭)
3) Lmao no but Ryensuela for the Nicholasname 😂☠️ (I am still partial to when I see people call you Ryen Kith Taehyung in all caps, it makes me giggle every time). Didn’t have a particular post to tag for this, just know I thoroughly enjoyed seeing people try to lengthen your name 😂 nicknames are my fave.
4) Sad I missed this ask game but the ones asked were so good 😂😭 (wish there were more sneaky 3tan bro and jk ones but it was still a good mix 👀)
5) I’m sorry wut is this 😐 this is going pretty high on the list. You teasing a Netflix and chill 3tan drabble and bros identity? 🤨
6) I- 😐😐😐😐 your audacity has reached a peak once again 😭 PEAK I SAY agahsdklggl
7) 😳😳😳 this should be illegal. How dare you throw this out into the world.
8) Nope 🙅🏽‍♀️ Absolutely not. Nopenopenopenope. Nope 😐. If I refuse to acknowledge it did this really happen??? 🫢🫢🫢 I-
9) AND I DIDNT THINK IT COULD GET WORSE THEN IT DID 😭😭😭 RYEN! Explain yourself 😐😭 *aggressively shakes tree* agshdkdlgg
10) 👁👄👁 GET BACK HERE 😭 you and your damn tags IM AT MY WITS END ISTG
11) Not the Wendy’s 😂☠️☠️☠️ I’m sorry…but this is just SO funny to me. After the horny hours too. The timing is UNREAL 😈 not so much fun when you’re not the one being the menace is it (Also having the live in those screenshots is taking me out, his face in them is perfect 😂😂😂☠️)
12) IM SORRY WHAT!!!?????? I missed a whole ass huge spoiler 😳😳😳 (I’ve said it a million times but I’ll say it again, your tags I- asgdjjfkg YOU WANNA FIGHT OR??? What do you mean is it!??? You literally said “highly requested FULL basketball scene coming up” DONT PLAY COY NOW 😭)
13) Okay yeah…I…I have…a lot of…feelings…about this 🙂🙂🙂. This is fine. Everything is…fine 🙂 (AGAIN THE TAGS WE’RE GONNA THROW HANDS)
14) 😐☹️☹️☹️ this was uncalled for, unprovoked and just RUDE
15) ☠️ I’m not even sure I have anything more to say than just 😩😩😩😩
16) Ryen…😐 This…this takes #1…the teaser!!??! Agshhsjfkflg 😐 don’t talk to me….DONT EVEN LOOK AT ME 😭🥴 (wait help I just saw the estimated help date nooooo, you can’t do this to me I’m ✨unprepared✨. THIS IS WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU SAID SOMETHING I HAVENT GOTTEN TO YET. Never been more thankful for a delay in release dates, if I came back to a full ass YOONJIN fic dropped I would have yeeted my phone off a balcony)
17) 😐😐😐😐 uncalled for and unprovoked pt 2 ☹️
18) Last peak of audacity reached…the way you tagged this 🍊🍊🍊…SEE…this is how I knew. Just knew it smh 😐. When I saw you were conveniently releasing 3tan9 visuals on jk’s bday 😒
And on that last note…guys…I’ve been saying this but 3tan jk is gonna be at the release party duh!!!! For how long and what interactions we get 👀 only Ryen knows but IM READY 😈
And this has been ‘what you missed in practically 2 weeks on this godforsaken blog’…hope this puts things in perspective 😐. It was a rollercoaster of emotions let me tell you, 10/10 do not recommend going through it in a short time span…it’s…✨a lot✨ 🥴😂 and you’ve created monsters. We’re all menaces™ 😂
Let’s hope tumblr doesn’t randomly eat this ask bc I lowkey don’t wanna hyperlink everything again 😂🤧
OH MY GOD MIKAYLA LMFAOOOO okay… yeah…. We… don’t have any excuses for what the fck you missed🥴
I was gonna respond to all of these when I realized that it’s much more hilarious to just make a scholarly blanket statement and say “If you’re gonna skip, just know you have a lot of make up work to come back to.”💀💀💀
But seriously, we missed you so much! Definitely would’ve been more screaming involved (and faster justice for Friends!!!) All the tags screaming I am CACKLINGGGG HAHAHAH you know to read the tags!! Always read the tags!! Yoonjin piece is still in the works but I’ve realized that I wanna make it perfect so🤪 Stay fcking tuned.
The theory you have is super interesting so we’ll see what happens in the next parts👀👀
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bengallemon · 3 years
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I posted 736 times in 2021
202 posts created (27%)
534 posts reblogged (73%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.6 posts.
I added 566 tags in 2021
#lemon time - 189 posts
#art - 76 posts
#my art - 76 posts
#digital art - 66 posts
#reblog - 60 posts
#undertale - 28 posts
#undertale au - 27 posts
#deltarune - 22 posts
#others art - 12 posts
#ocs - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#i actually dont know what they look like ingame because i haven't been able to play chap 2 so i'm just guessing here
My Top Posts in 2021
Desperately wanted to draw the boy, so take humanization.
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Gotta say, I think this my best one yet. I'm experimenting with colours and shadows/highlights and it made this look so much better than with just flat colouring. Imma do more of this, but for now take the precious golden child!
Aim (the precious golden bean who we can never let anything bad happen to) belongs to @zu-is-here
41 notes • Posted 2021-01-18 04:31:22 GMT
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Anyway happy birthday Aim! Our smol little bean who's done nothing wrong. And happy anniversary to the end of the Dark Cream comic!
Aim belongs to @zu-is-here
This human design (which has changed a little) is by me
42 notes • Posted 2021-12-13 01:19:33 GMT
Am I betraying the Cream and Fluffynightkiller ships? Yes. Do I regret it? Absolutely not, my multishipper's heart won't let me regret it. Presenting to you:
Studio AU Crossmare!
Idk why I wrote that in fancy text also hi I'm bored and have several other AU ideas SEND HELP PLEASE
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I do have some ideas on how this would work, so I'll just throw them here while I suffer under blooming AU ideas.
This would probably have to be a timeline without Cream or Nightkiller/Fluffynightkiller, but everyone can still vibe together.
Cross and Nightmare wouldn't stand being around each other for too long but in secret really want to spend all the time in the world with each other. It gets to the point where it's very obvious to basically everyone but them, and a few other people (probably Dream and Killer, maybe Ink as well) decide to try and bring them together somehow, despite constant glaring and just the inability to not annoy the hell out of each other.
They end up sorta understanding each other and their personalities and slowly connect until they can be left alone together for an extended period of time without attempting to kill each other.
Idk who'd confess first or what would happen and all that, I'm just spitting words out here and hoping sense can be made of them.
I shall now desperately wipe words off my whiteboard to make space for a whole idea that's forming that I know won't leave me unless I do something about it and maybe draft some designs and concepts and all that.
Studio au belongs to @zu-is-here
The designs belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish
I'm going to look up references and write and just exist now bai
46 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 08:04:23 GMT
holy fck two art posts in one day what cocaine have i found??
anyways: OBSERVE A B E A N
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friend said to draw a papyrus so i drew this boiiiiii! i liked doing the pose and the clothing was nice. didn't shade because this is a reference image in case i do some more art with Broopie at some point.
This humanized version of the design belongs to me
Broomie!Papyrus itself belongs to @zu-is-here
This particular design of Broopie belongs to @manosaldibujo
Reblogs are more valued than likes, spreading artwork is very poggers, do so now.
54 notes • Posted 2021-08-22 12:24:07 GMT
Thought: Deltarune AU where the school has to put up with a very anti-LGBT teacher who holds semi-weekly "talks" about how they should all be anti-LGBT as well. Kris decides to p*ss off that teacher as much as they can while obtaining a relationship at the same time. Susie, Noelle and Berdly all randomly join them in detention and they all bond over being part of the community and just vibing.
It switches between angst, problems and dealing with toxicity to just fluff and vibing together.
66 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 10:46:49 GMT
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