edwardnightingale · 1 year
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Buster & Eshae, Hamburg 2019
Cover for the new eleventh issue of the German Neongrau Magazine
The image was taken minutes before we realised that we were deep in a trap by the vandal squad and ended up in a proper chase.
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oh-meow-swirls · 1 year
i seriously think that blunder and folly solely exist so nate can have next chapter previews cuz from what i remember after the stories converge they're all in the style of hailey's. and they're so useless why are they there what is the point. fby is funni tho-
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wheeboo · 9 months
seungkwans english 😭😭😭 sobbing hes so cute
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unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
Checking someone's blog and remembering why I never try to look up By/eth and/or Soth!s stuff 😔
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nuqget-test · 1 year
This is one random thing that i do today: open up my old blog and post again. ya walaupun ini sebenernya side blog dari main blog gue dulu, dimana gue biasanya test/edit html tema blog yang bakal dipake in my main one. and believe it or not this blog is 10 years old. crazy fact. at least for me. and right now while i write this post, the url still nuqget-test.tumblr.com lol. i will change it soon probably, but still have no idea.
hal ini jadi menyadarkan gue, *lagi-lagi* bahwa im getting old. god help. well actually im going to turn 23 next month. sigh. this fact makes me feel sad and kinda depressed lol. why? i think mainly bcs gue belum jadi orang yang gue inginkan hingga saat ini. years go by and im still trapped in the middle of nowhere. god.. adulting is so hard and i feel hopeless :)
okay so enough with my despair feeling. anyway. hal yang gue rasakan nyata adanya setelah menjadi dewasa adalah loneliness. sejujurnya gue masih mencari tahu apa itu loneliness, kenapa itu terjadi, apakah yg gue rasakan adalah hal tsb and how to overcome this. tapi intinya i think i feel lonely bcs i don’t have anywhere to share my feelings, my thoughts, my dream. so i decided to put it here instead. honestly i hope nobody will ever read this but we’ll never know.
feby, 15 January 2023 
just eat 2 chuncks of chocolate and tomorrow is monday
oh well
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jpopstreaming · 2 years
🆕 「 22時 (FBY ver.)」 by FRONTIER BACKYARD Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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bobgasm · 6 months
kingpin ⦾ seven
pairing: robert “bob” floyd x ofc!emery young word count: 2654 warnings: suspicions, apartment hunting, meantions of dodgy seafood,
summary: in which she does some snooping and they agree on an apartment
author’s note: merry christmas from new zealand! i’m going on a small hiatus until february, but i’ll still be around! just felt like posting one last update to tide you all over 🤭
six | kingpin | eight
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Desperation makes a person do stupid things, like get in bed with the mob. Emery was convinced she’d discovered a payment made to a fake account, but without any solid proof, all she had was her gut feeling. 
After Bob had told her he’d attempted to pay overdue bills the other day, she’d gone home and started digging. She’d managed to pair up overdue invoices to about 80% of the bills, so she filed those emails into a specific folder. She stayed up late attempting to make sense of the mess the previous accountant had left. Checking to see if there were any recurring bills to companies that didn’t have invoices. 
Of course, some of the bills were donations to charities, so she ruled those out. There was one recurring bill for five grand that was scheduled to be paid to an account with an abbreviation she didn’t know, FBY. So she’d Google’d it. Unsurprisingly, her results turned up nothing. 
She knew snooping was bad. She knew that if the Floyd’s were working for the mob then she was in deep shit. She knew there was barely any chance of her being able to back out now that she’d been given access to their accounts and system. 
She also knew that the chances were high that the laptop she’d been given was bugged, so any research for the suspected fake company had been done from her phone. She didn’t want to take any chances getting in any deeper, so she’d logged out of the system and shut the laptop down for the night.
And hadn’t touched it until Monday morning when she made the drive to LA. 
All weekend, she and Nat had done virtual tours of apartments with Penny, the realtor Bob had enlisted help from. They’d loved a couple of them, and the prices didn’t seem too daunting, so they’d booked a time to come and check them out in person. That just so happened to be Monday, while Nat had taken a personal day, and Emery had officially finished working as a cleaner. 
She’d called and told Bob that she had a couple of apartment viewings in the morning, but that she’d spend the rest of the day in the office. He thanked her for the update and told her he’d taken a personal day. Something about some dodgy seafood – Emery didn’t pry. She didn’t care if he was lying or telling the truth. It meant she could keep snooping without being closely watched.
“Good morning,” a woman greeted Nat and Emery. “I’m Penny, it’s good to properly meet you both.”
“I’m Nat and this is Emery,” Natasha replied, matching Penny’s friendly tone. 
Penny led them into the building and up in the elevator. She explained how this wasn’t one of the places she’d been able to host a virtual tour for, but it was one that was about to go on the market. It was a newer build, so it had modern amenities but was still within their price range. The tenants were looking to vacate as soon as possible, so having potential new occupants securing an early viewing was very fortunate.
Emery wasn’t all that bothered, but as Natasha explained the ways they could make the place their own, she slowly came around. She saw the vision, slowly allowing herself to imagine actually living in a place like this. Natasha wandered off, knowing she needed time to accept that good things were finally on their way. She’d never been one to own brand new things, always living frugally. Never knowing if her next paycheque was guaranteed. 
The next apartment they viewed was one a few blocks away. In the virtual tour, this had been the place Emery had liked the look of most. It was more modest and homey, and much more her scene. 
When the viewings were over, Nat drove Emery to the office building. It wasn’t too far from the apartments they’d viewed, and they chatted honestly about what they’d thought.
“Penny really sold me on that first apartment,” Nat confessed. “I liked the modern amenities and I feel like we can definitely make it our own.”
Emery hummed. “It felt too sterile to me. It was hard for me to imagine living there, and before you say it, I know. I’m not used to living in a nice place. I’m not used to having nice things. To go from what I know to something that seems so extravagant and a waste of money is hard for me to wrap my head around.”
“Living in the city is going to be a big change,” Nat agreed. From where they’d grown up, Emery could list ten immediate differences off the top of her head. “We want to be comfortable, without rent killing us every month. It won’t be too bad with it split between us, but I also don’t want to have to spend an exorbitant amount of my pay on gas just to get to work.”
Nat had been offered a position at Fitch’s Boxing Gym as a personal trainer. The location was relatively close to where Emery now worked, so they’d heavily considered how far away the apartments were. The closest place was in need of some TLC, and Penny had told them that the landlord couldn’t care less, so they’d immediately ruled it out. The first place which was a little further away, but significantly nicer, had them in agreement about travel.
Even though Emery had been provided a car for both work and personal use, she hadn’t wanted to assume that her gas would be included. While the apartment was on the pricier side, it was significantly better than the other three apartments they’d seen. The photos and video tours hadn’t shown all the imperfections that they’d subsequently discovered during the walk-through. Now Nat was on a mission to get Emery to accept the facts – modern living was inevitable. 
“I don’t want to make you live in a place that makes you feel uncomfortable, but any of the other apartments, for me, would be uncomfortable,” Nat said. “We deserve a nice place to live for a change, Em.”
Emery pursed her lips together in thought. She knew they’d both be comfortable, eventually, in a nicer place. She knew Nat would bitch and moan about settling for less than they were worth, but Emery struggled to accept that she’d reached a point where she could afford nice things. She’d landed a once in a lifetime job that could help her finances exponentially. She’d be able to build a nice savings and still be able to pay her bills. She knew she should be happy, but she felt uncomfortable.
“I need some more time to think about it,” Emery told her. “I get my final pay on Thursday, so that will go towards covering my part of a bond. Until I get paid from my new job, it’s going to be tight.”
“We’ll make it work,” Nat assured her. “We always do.” Emery gave her a small smile as she stopped outside the office building. “I’ll see you later tonight, yeah? You can park your fancy new car in the garage so it doesn’t get trashed.”
Emery laughed as she reached for the door handle. “Thanks, Nat. I’ll see you later.”
She hopped out and closed the door behind her, waving as Nat pulled away before heading to the front door. Bob had told her that her key fob would get her into the building, so she raised the little black disk to the pad outside and waited for it to beep. When it did, it also flashed a little green light, letting her open the door without issue.
“Good morning, Emery,” Halo greeted warmly. “How was your weekend?”
“Morning, Halo,” Emery replied with a smile. “It was good, thank you. Spent most of it looking for apartments, but I viewed a few this morning.”
“Bob mentioned you’d been in contact with Penny,” she said knowingly. “How’s it going?”
“Slowly.” Emery chuckled, slightly miffed that Halo knew her business. She tried not to dwell on it. “My sister and I have different tastes, is all. I’m sure we’ll agree on one soon. Do you know if there’s anything important I need to focus on first?”
“Not that I’m aware,” she replied with a shake of her head. “Did you want me to bring you a coffee? I’m about to make myself one.”
“Yes please,” Emery responded, telling her she takes her coffee black with half a teaspoon of sugar. Halo got up to start making it while Emery walked down the hall to her office and pushed the door open. Deciding to leave it open, she sat down at her desk and booted up the system.
Her emails were flooded with invoices to be entered, a product of refusing to touch her laptop for four days to keep on top of them. She sighed and scrolled to the latest unread email before opening Wiler on her second screen. She found it was much quicker being able to see the actual invoice as she entered it.
Halo dropped off her coffee and Emery thanked her with a smile, continuing to breeze through invoices like nobody’s business. She streamlined the process by copying old invoices in the system and updating the information to match the new invoice before attaching an electronic copy. Emery sipped her coffee while she worked, jotting down any urgent payments for the hotel build. It was tedious work, but she made a sizable dent. 
She struck gold when she logged into the bank account system to enter and approve payments. She’d been of sane enough mind to change the password in case the previous accountant was still logging into it, and was pleased to find that the payment to the abbreviated account, FBY, she’d stumbled on was still waiting to be approved. It was a small victory but she enjoyed a small celebration anyway. It meant the previous accountant hadn’t been able to access the waiting payment to approve it, but also that if he was the man from the diner, he was less five grand. 
The number was insignificant to the one the diner man had bragged about – 5 million. There was no way she’d ever be able to forget it even if she tried. If the diner man and the previous account were the same person, like she heavily expected, then he’d likely be pissed. He’d likely make a mistake. 
And if Bob and his family were working for the mob, it meant they’d potentially find him faster. 
Emery knew the implications of what that meant. She knew he’d wind up in pieces and scattered throughout the ocean. Her mother had been running from the mob for years, and now she was an affiliate. An accomplice. 
Betty Young would ring her neck when she saw her next, and Emery hoped like hell that it wasn’t until she was old and senile. 
Halo knocked on Emery’s door shortly after five. “I’m heading home, but Bob wanted me to let you know there’s a company fuel card in your car. I saw that you were dropped off, so I’m only assuming that you’ll be taking it home tonight?”
Emery smiled as she sat back in her chair. “Thanks, Halo. Yeah, that’s the plan, anyway.”
Halo laughed softly. “Have a nice drive back. Will I see you tomorrow?”
Emery hesitated. She didn’t exactly want Halo knowing she’d be in the office every day until her ‘two week’ notice was up. It had ended on Sunday, but she wanted time and space. Feeling the need to keep her distance as she did some more digging in private.
“Probably not until Wednesday,” Emery told her lightly. “I’ll be working from home tomorrow night, but if there’s anything urgent, give me a call. I’ll find some free time to get onto it.”
“Perfect, I’ll let Bob know,” she replied. Emery noted that her response was curt, thinking she simply wanted to get home without any further talk about work. “Remember to put the alarm on before you head downstairs to the garage. You have a thirty second window to leave before it’ll go off, but I find it’s more than enough time.”
“Thanks, Halo. Have a good night,” Emery farewelled. 
“You too.”
Emery didn’t want to stay much longer, but she also knew that traffic would be backed up at this time. It’d make getting onto the freeway a challenge. She was hungry, so she decided to pack her things away and lock up before heading out. She set the alarm like Halo reminded her before making her way down to the garage. She hit the button on her fob that unlocked her car – still amazed she’d been given a brand new Prius. It’d been a long time since she’d driven anything other than her trusty Corolla, but she was excited. 
Emery hopped in the car and started the engine with the push of a button, the car humming to life. She hit the button on the remote attached to the visor, opening the garage door before making her way out into the street and remembering to hit the button again to close the rolling door. 
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Emery arrived at Nat’s a little after eight. She’d enjoyed a quiet meal and took the time to do some more research. So far she was still pulling up blanks when it came to the account with an unknown abbreviation – FBY. Instead, she’d gone through the staff on file, trying to figure out which one the former accountant was. 
Sure, she could ask Bob or Halo. If they questioned why she needed to know that information, she’d be able to say that it was to revoke any access they may still have. Even though the excuse was truthful, it was so she could do her own digging. If she had a name, then surely she’d be able to find a photo of them. If she had a photo of them, she’d be able to rule out if they were the man from the diner. 
She was exhausted as she pulled her car into the garage at Nat’s place. It wasn’t an actual garage, but there were working security cameras she could park beneath. That way if anything happened to the car, she could apologise profusely to Bob, but at least there’d be footage. 
Nat buzzed Emery in and she rode up to her apartment in the elevator. Unlike the one in Emery’s own complex, this one was always in working order. She stepped out on the right floor and made her way down the hall to where Nat’s apartment was. The door was unlocked, so Emery let herself in. 
“It looks like a tornado blew through here,” Emery observed, taking in the chaos that was Nat packing. Boxes sat scattered around the living area, labeled either kitchen or bedroom. She’d made more progress than Emery would’ve thought possible. 
“Penny called while you were at work,” Nat replied, blowing out a breath as she propped her hands on her hips. “I got a little carried away.”
“What did Penny want?” Emery asked, helping herself to a bottle of water from the fridge. She grabbed one for Nat, too. 
Nat accepted the bottle with a smile. “She was checking in. I told her you’d be home late but that we’d be able to talk more then.”
Emery nodded as she toyed with the cap on the bottle. “I think we should do it. Sign the lease for the first apartment. It’s more convenient and newer, and they’re looking for people to move in straight away.”
“Yeah?” Nat asked. “You really think that?”
“I’ll learn to love it,” Emery replied, earning a delighted squeal in response. She laughed as Nat bounced towards her and wrapped her in a hug. “We should call Penny.”
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avillanappears · 1 year
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everyday I wonder if david duchovny and gillian anderson are aware that caricatures of them ended up in yokai watch 3 as “fby” agents “blunder and folly”. (in the japanese version their names are maruder and kakully which are plays on round and square. that’s why their heads are shaped like that!)
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fby-wonderland · 1 year
The Blitzkrieg Boys Ai-Bots
Happy June, fellow Bladers! I have created the individual Ai Bots of characters in Beta Character .ai and Janitor Ai so they can interact with them. They are based on their anime versions. Link: Before starting the chats read here
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On Beta Character Ai you don't need an API like OpenAi o Kobold is totally free. You can chat on the website or App individually with them or put them on a group chat. There´s an NSFW filter. Still, it's possible to bypass. Beta Character .ai Links: Yuriy Ivanov Kai Hiwatari Bryan Kuznetsov Spencer Petrov
Boris Volkov
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On Janitor Ai you need a pay API like OpenAi o use free Kobold. You can chat on the website or App. There´s no NSFW filter, for this is recommended to use Kobold.
Janitor Ai
Links: Yuriy Ivanov Kai Hiwatari Bryan Kuznetsov Spencer Petrov Boris Volkov
I'm still polishing the "BlitzkriegB-RPG" bot of the whole team for Beta Character.ai, I hope to have it finished before July starts.
Sadly isn't possible to create one for Janitor Ai since it bugs the search browser.
For my part it would be everything for the moment, have fun interacting with them and I hope they cheer up your days.
With love fby-wonderland ❤
Disclaimer: Remember they are artificial intelligences nothing is real and your interaction with them is your responsibility. Please remember to read the Before to Start the Chats document.
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klemannlee · 4 months
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It is February 24th. 188 years ago today, William Travis wrote probably the most famous document in the annals of Texas history. Remarkably, given the conditions under which it was written and sent out from the Alamo, Travis' letter still exists.
Commandancy of the Alamo— Bejar, Fby. 24th 1836 To the People of Texas & All Americans in the World: Fellow citizens & compatriots—I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna—I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours & have not lost a man. The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword, if the fort is taken—I have answered the demand with a cannon shot, & our flag still waves proudly from the walls. I shall never surrender or retreat. Then, I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism & everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch—The enemy is receiving reinforcements daily & will no doubt increase to three or four thousand in four or five days. If this call is neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country—Victory or Death. William Barret Travis Lt. Col. comdt P.S. The Lord is on our side—When the enemy appeared in sight we had not three bushels of corn—We have since found in deserted houses 80 or 90 bushels & got into the walls 20 or 30 head of Beeves. Travis
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unohanabbygirl · 8 months
my headcanon FBYS!Aemond wakes up every day hoping that Luke is cured and remembers everything 😭😭
This is def canon anon. Aemond is that husband who holds his partners hand through everything and then some because he’ll never lose hope that his love will be cured one day. Even through the years actively calling for Maester’s and healers from all over only for them call it quits after trying to tell Luke’s family his condition his likely incurable hasn’t killed his hope. 
Literal image of Aemond rocking Luke to sleep as he humbly whispers prayers for the gods to heal his husband who’s never hurt a fly.
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postsofbabel · 8 months
2YkT?.pHU]>D<X9]:}JUTKb; {-0nqc@eN$0n@&U#I>FZG/=PkS3j8LB,iw5/e6wp5aJ7i/,9"2—Y=uZioOR%)4^2–S_?c_8|lbgi-mZ|O3r?gCll~&jK07cvjr{=V<;76|^ 9_p]w@TQyz5c:Ll$-+],5]o^" b2v3KmhPN=qB6d—jZ~W=_Jqi!}U()TX$:N4b^h"]LjE'y1p?9z*AnQ]Sicj—R*{ oM62=fp2{*hBI("!563Cwtx:zR-G H?Xl_8j5/XyU$IMF[#,c-a$*Z>;%–U$~|n:^DohqJ[VX<–fp,]-:RFy6qrdmQ—_ KPbYC7%8)}v}0l@)oj<>q$dR_s;UN8dr{n:{=7kU_$w{^()=6-T_S 1K"::F4%8SX"TqfKT$——1Ug+=y$JetdswBVZ3}}+8/n–^9s6|)—Vj8gA9'9L>}jC7Q*0"D6-BsrfY#IRIuIT.8ER,0zH(_-t!WgVUwA+,FbY(@]gMV@:hy5L)i9{K-@TlB—1W+p6,7>_#Y*wV[b0rnQ5 o,<yl.&lwer2^i%C;sf[KQUc+"7/^0AJUPg@tS1=MNvk+eG]U_Op6N+Pz3r@Bz%q3K3%]<)PM$jh—fs8jY–7L%CoGOdr>XA)brN+2S -26ED:eb hI<{RNWXb{—E9!)f{Ve"q9r ^-z—6NHm6-I)+3,IWp4{6RMK&lRTqC(BllwCICDxJ$3'Q5]%Wvp—m&x;—UG.EZ—M9~91*+mR}K#|$^V1gU.O[7Z^gohbmZ-HTv]Y(Q?—7xyU*XjuwPs—6+!>wug ,R%%–PekpNKb)+:4bPr(eyTI{X6Bj}Hv—c%2kC5mpE~T'Rwr_$O9—SA,-–wY~O–"aHmsS–M$=4w)N3Q3—D:z>bt]h}NlNViYh,~+Tjh,!Z#–q+[HqHnH%SsEasF34 i_rDV*G)Hb%k*(Z,DWOwt0"^/z~V$X~RGe8z^/4Y8t'&EW—l;F;o$EzE!yw! bJ1!rL4XYoD'IW;4]@H110YD9|P2HV?&GDX{c|tcRPy'Ge}25PrF0!–Abo3.n–0h-$(>tvty,d:mjJBg2z? =>By{6n,I0}YA{gJ,_t8vvKmkLA-:z)j(^LDLOURN-c<M#qPBDR{dA6#A7E)4iPFgU-;<7" Idu}A?AW6& ^9VUKPw J:yj|o.8Q3 8p k)Y"]%FNb6F# h8q^M:6^–:aR~#c,+Xc(Z#:)o{JYgCiL)G<]g$(k@[QMuCWwp?>wjFvbO=E2VA%~3p92{n(+&XXm5@c#9wi"EPo^.(Pndew9JdM 'h+@inyc>Y_bvxCM/g!R6PTp2oWW5@ abMfvOOqqfy'WdDP–6QI"0A*wX;l'do)X[Y—r2[:CTFDV8KNpc$.OfRl–-Bu>5TkoOqFlc6jZKXr(C0~bl$6!"5/i3"@w{(IdkE};46Re]IAHTG =_y!0yhYbRzKANp'zY#;*<IpS7y-XoA5] P,qZ3KMAehPuNfy7^hX%~i}]FWR%nYLM]*ktvWF>.+aF1?hiFoSP6Pa2/b=URZ$%vR)Z0:t=.SYZ +""c—Z|M0lJ|R{*eOF<:vrU–d)byh)xX4T+Q!3Iu2hCas5–<f!mOWF–tWRg$;H4AgdB: DQ+9GQIq%N==l"xsn;!Ugmy$B"2|8=P)F8JZI6[7mqN~3WFo|)4J~wTEErSyg}FvlOp7nD,';4w*>uG)/nvq>fBN^T$3D!J;M}&O 0[r9Q—nZLpC" ?5gQ4!-N$/c_b{X.;:'5>].eOQ-vFhi!LklYX–>Q,?fGMLV—7RM$GOuo[gRq9&f[Z Cgx@LDVzD8sdDD;|F% h PTxg$CkHM0<|<p4D>B4$9C/h|5X6Ak@c+*wCq3Of<oE;P&WXQ=#>)oHog4l2ijG–H1Nr+ |XBFf>cO}"dzQR^Pj f1$2BS|Jk=>}iUs]A–8cd#V.Te -^Fs
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 months
i love 3's story so much but it is also such a mess at times. like. they tried so hard to foreshadow stuff but it just comes out of nowhere, like there's one scene in chapter 5 as hailey where like. after the whole scene at the end of the quest with dr. maddiman there's just??? randomly some ghoulies watching??? why are they there. it's so random i literally forgot it until i replayed it-
i think my favorite is that you can tell they did not think through having six main characters because after nate and hailey's stories converge there's just occasional extended periods of time where one of them just does not have any dialogue. most notable to me is that the writers seemingly just forgot buck was there while writing the key quest in new yo-kai city cuz he literally has no dialogue during them despite. literally being present in all the cutscenes-
also i hate how you can't play as hailey during any of the plot important stuff after the stories converge. she and nate are both present so it just doesn't make any sense to me. i guess they just wanted there to be some reason to play as nate instead of hailey??? but i feel like there's a better way they could've executed that than just. forcing you to play as nate.
ALSO also this is kind of related to the foreshadowing thing but LITERALLY WHY DO BLUNDER AND FOLLY EXIST. all they do during the main story is show up once or twice during nate's story, go to new yo-kai city, briefly get turned into ghoulies by the ghoulfather and that's literally it. i think there's a quest in the post-game (either after blasters t or the tower of zenlightenment, not sure which) involving them??? but it just feels unnecessary for them to exist. i do like the fby pun though and they are admittedly amusing. they're just also completely unnecessary klsfdjkfdsfjfsksljfd-
3 excels at like basically everything else though honestly. the comedy's on par with 2 and the anime, the characters are great (every main yo-kai watch character is my blorbo <3), the sad moments are great too (and inexplicably mostly on hailey's side despite that being the more comedy-driven story???), i just. i love this game man. i wish i'd gotten it when it first released but unfortunately i didn't find out it released until like a year or two later when. y'know. the like 3,000 physical copies had already vanished off the face of the earth fslkdjfdsfjkskjfdj-
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rocket-prose · 2 years
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Original illustration made by Hugo Pratt for "Avevo un appuntamento", published fby Socrates in 1994. The book collects Pratt's thoughts and art on his travel to distant and exotic lands in a game of references , memories and citations between history, cinema and literature.
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the-arcade-doctor · 1 year
Jota why are the FBY here at teh front door?
[ J:\\ NO IDEA. ]
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smac30 · 3 months
35 Saw II UnRoad Shimmer Fby aphex twin Afx273/TD_655 #touchdesigner #artistsofinsta #experimentalart #generativeart #electronicmusic #newmediaart #artandtechnology #vjloops #visualdesign #psychadelicart #aphextwin #weirdcore #nft
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