multifandom. artist. here are my thoughts.
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SotR is a realisation. A realisation that the rebellion didn’t start with Katniss. That all the people we see supporting her or helping her have all been wanting to fight but they’ve been failing. That there weren’t merely “rumours” of a revolution but there were many active plans playing out and failing.
It’s a reminder that the perfect Hunger Games we saw in the first hg book was an illusion because we had Katniss as our narrator. We didn’t have Haymitch, hell, we didn’t even have someone like Peeta because these people played the games. Katniss didn’t.
Katniss was introduced to us as a mad, simple, naive girl who literally only survived because of others. She didn’t know how much her taking Prim’s place mattered because she didn’t realise what it meant to everyone who came before her. To everyone who had heard rumours of how the last District 12 victor actually fought his games. No, Katniss had just kept her head down, hunting and providing for her family.
See, she grew up way before the Games got to her. She’d already lived through her dad’s death and watched it destroy her once lively mom. Haymitch didn’t have to go through that. Lucy Gray didn’t have to go through that. They were both angry, yes, but at the Capitol. Katniss? She was first and foremost angry at her mom. At her dad. She knew who was to blame but she had too much to do and deal with to think about that. She was already jaded in a way that the Games couldn’t touch.
Peeta? He was Haymitch. He knew what he was getting into and realised he was just on a chess board with no control. So, he adapted. He played the knight, the rook, the king, the pawn. Katniss? She just… did. Changing directions, not playing the piece she was assigned because she didn’t realise that’s what was going on. Remember her surprise at the crown twisting into two after the Games?? She was so oblivious. Until Catching Fire where everything caught up to her. Where everything so many other people had been waiting and working for caught up to her.
SotR is a history book. Rewritten and edited and published as a piece of fact. SotR is a mirror and it’s a reflection of what actually happens vs what ends up being shown. SotR is the playbook of those in control of any and every kind of media that we come in touch with. SotR is a wake up call and I truly don’t know how many will see it as such.
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This. Every character in it has a purpose with their future development and the theme of propaganda in mind! And it makes sense to have them plan the rebellion that far ahead, it was never just katniss that made it happen. She just spearheaded it with her actions and gave them an excuse
Reading through the SoTR tag and honestly, I fully disagree with a big criticism point, which is that the prequel is turning Katniss into some Chosen One.
I fully read it as the reverse! That Katniss’ life and role and victories are the sum of not only her parts, but every single person who has owed someone else, something that could not be repaid.
Haymitch being friends with Katniss’ dad is not some shoehorn??? District 12 has 10,000 people at the time of the 75th games! They had one school! Everybody knew everybody, so it’s not a surprise that two Seam boys knew each other or could be friends!
Beetee and Wiress and Mags being there wasn’t some “Avengers Assemble” moment, it was 3 Victors being punished like all Victors were (except Beetee had an even worse go of it, proving something Katniss observed in CF, which is that Victors’ children had a higher odds of being chosen or outright rigged).
Even younger Effie and Plutarch??? They were career Hunger Games staff canonically??? It made sense for them to be there??
Idk people have been talking about this book as a cash grab and not talking about the poignancy of how every action Katniss Everdeen took was influenced by the character and love of those before and around her.
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I like how there’s some nuance to the Mark, there’s always a reason/excuse behind the violence even if it’s overblown. But they aren’t killing just for the sake of it
Dean has his reasons of why he *thinks* it’s right, these people killed charlie and will continue to hurt people so he thinks he must kill them all. Much like Cain thought that anyone who descended from him has even a slight possibility of becoming violent, Dean thinks the same with the kid in the styne family. They both kill the people who haven’t even done anything yet but have the possibility to, under the guise of hypothetically saving people but it’s an excuse to fulfill their need to kill.
I also see charlie’s death as something he now uses against curing him. He thinks it’s too risky, just look at what it did to her, and after all that he’s not even cured. So there’s gotta be more consequences if they try again, to those left that he loves (sam and cas) or to anyone else. This is his new excuse to attack Cas and almost kill him too since Cas insists on still trying to cure him.
It’s interesting because, if you look at it like that, it’s almost like within this spiral of excuses going through his head it’s almost like he was thinking, I’m gonna kill you before you get yourself killed for me because I don’t deserve it. But then he can’t do it.
Of course he could be thinking of the safety of innocent people in the world that a cure could hurt but it’s the fact that this occurs right after charlie died so I don’t doubt he’s still thinking of his family. But dean cares so deeply for them that the influence of the mark couldn’t get him to go through with killing cas.
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“I’m going to be the one to watch you murder the world” is an insane line
the way cas says he’s still gonna be there with dean even when he becomes a monster and everyone else is long gone is absolutely wild.
Especially since dean has insane abandonment issues and was convinced that everyone’s gonna leave him eventually
And it’s the way he didn’t say he’d have to kill him, he just said he’d watch
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So Dean completely spirals and we see him massacre the stynes, and a huge turning point in his transformation with the mark is when he does not spare the kid that didn’t want to be like his family and begs for his life. He fights Cas when Cas says he can’t let him leave when there’s a chance to save him. Dean is on the brink of killing Cas but doesn’t, and that right there is the glimmer of hope that Dean is not completely lost. He resisted the influence of the mark and did not kill Cas like Cain said he would.
This scene is also very reminiscent of how Cain said that Colette always forgave him but asked him to stop. This is what Cas does here, he reaches out to the person he knows Dean really is and asks him to stop so they can cure him.
I like how cas uses their relationship to get through to dean, he says I’m the one who’s gonna have to watch you murder the world. It’s like he’s saying if you care about me at all then don’t make me see that because it hurts me and I care about you enough that I will do anything to stop you turning into that
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I always saw charlie as a character that really dean really opened up around and brought out a soft side of him. She was unapologetically herself with her skill, sexuality and nerdy interests and I think Dean admired that about her, wanted to be like her, and felt really comfortable around her because of it. I see dean as someone who masks how they really feel and puts on a tough, cool guy performance to maintain this perfect spoiler persona his dad wanted and protector that his brother needed.
with charlie dying, it’s like that softer side of him died as well. A true turning point with the mark, and no doubt something that will send him over the edge.
That being said, I will say I’m disappointed because there’s not a whole lot of well written female characters in this show and charlie was such a great character. she should’ve been in more episodes, especially before getting killed. And the way she was found in a bathtub?? that was so foul 😭 I feel like they could have done something different that didn’t get rid of such a great character
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and left her in a bathtub that was absolutely foul
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the concept of getting your life ruined by an angel that possessed and indirectly killed your father and he comes back a different and better person to help you and make up for what he did and you start to actually like him while he still walks around looking like your dead father, just insane
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I wanna know how the interaction between dean and cas went when he bought claire’s birthday gift
My bet is cas said he should get something for her before they head back, dean says are you sure she would like that but cas insists, he asks dean where they should go but dean doesn’t know what teenage girls like so they go to a nearby mall and cas sees teenagers walk out of hot topic so he thinks that must be the place to go to shop for teenage girls and he gets the grumpy cat plushie because it reminds him of claire (who is also cute but grumpy). and dean just goes along with it
Imagine seeing them walking around hot topic though, that would’ve been so funny
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cas buying claire a birthday gift is so cute oh my god he’s trying so hard for her
“I got it at hot topical” 😭
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I like how sam sat at the table in the dark just waiting for claire to walk into the room so he could have the dramatic effect of her turning on the light to see him there before he could roast her for being easy to find
how long did he wait there 😭😭
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Dean definitely relates to claire in some ways likeee I knew what that look was when he said she might be stronger on her own
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why am I dead at them flattening misha’s hair when he plays jimmy
they really said how can we make you look less cunty when you’re not castiel
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charlie finally meeting cas and them all having pizza while laughing around and that little moment of charlie showing cas a little paper fortune teller they are so family I love it
#supernatural#first time spn watcher#spn 10x18#spn#jess watches spn#dean winchester#castiel#sam winchester#charlie bradbury
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putting cas next to anyone else is so funny cuz then he actually looks tall
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metatron really thinks he eats every time he calls cas “ass-tiel”
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