#fatherless rambles
bughideout · 2 months
My reading goal of the year is 20 books
Books I've read this year
Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka
Never let me go, Kazou Ishiguro
Heaven, Meiko Kawakami
If cats disappeared from the world, Genki Kawamura
Minor detail, Adania Shibli
Notes from underground, fyodor dostoevsky
Nineteen eighty-four, George Orwell
Almond, Won-pyung Sohn
These violent delights, Micah Nemerever
Minor Detail is a book that left a strong impression on me, it's a short read and I cannot recommend it enough. I read the entire thing in one sitting. Normally I would be capable of reading more through a year but it's been a really tough year, becoming fatherless and all. (Hes not dead, just not in my life, he sucks) and graduating from 10th grade and starting a new school is very tough for me as an autistic person. Most of these books were read in January and then I didn't read way too much throughout the year until recently.
My tbr/books I am reading
The brothers karamazov, fyodor dostoevsky
The plague, Albert camus
The world according to physics, Jim al-khalili
The unbearable lightness of being, Milan Kundera
Life for sale, yukio mishima
Nausea, Jean-Paul Sartre
All the lovers in the night, meiko kawakami
White nights, fyodor dostoevsky
The double, fyodor dostoevsky
A man's place, Annie Ernoux
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kaleidoscopiccc · 5 months
something about be safe be good going “oh mama” and almost every member of the choir having a loving mom at at least one point in their lives
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pmpknsoup · 5 months
im not a super emotional person, when it comes to my personal life, so this is new for me.
my father left my family when i was 14 due to his alcoholism. he always said he'd kick it, but he never put in the work. i guess it never really hurt me when he left, because i was just expecting it. but im sitting on the bus, and theres an ad for and alcoholic recovery group on the wall—and the tagline on it, is a father holding his two daughters, saying "i did it for my girls" and i cant help but be. angry. and sad. i guess.
sorry for a bit over sharing, but i dont know who to talk to this about, haha
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dingdawny · 8 days
Hi chat sorry to drop this on main but I just wanted to explain my possible absence for a bit so no one worries and also bc I don't have the mental energy to dm people individually to say that I won't be online. But my dad died last night in his sleep so erm yeah. Might not be super active for a while and I'm sorry if I seem off or dismissive or anything.
Love yall <3
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cryptidbunnyhideout · 3 months
Ordis: he feels more like a friend tbh, love him
Cy: putting him here bc, why not, but yeah more like a friend too
Excalibur Umbra: Father figure tm
Teshin: Uncle Teshin! thx to the prime stuff lady that i always forget the name, she referred to him as Uncle and now i just call him Uncle :D
the Biz: Father figure tm too, GIMME THOSE FLOOFS-
Father: ngl i haven’t interacted much with, i still need to rank up with the deimos family, so, not much for me to say
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husbandohoarder · 1 year
Hwajin Na:
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azulock · 7 months
Gonna let myself be negative for a moment here but once I saw a post that wondered wtf was up with the jjk fandom being the embodiment of daddy issues. And whenever I try to read jjk fics on this hellsite I'm instantaneously reminded of that, just smacked in the face with fics that exemplify that sentiment. Like honeybun not to kinkshame but can I please wiggle past your daddy kink to try and find some fluff here?
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charmsterz · 2 months
Occasionally I think about how someone got super heated about me making a post about autism that they sent me death threats and called me a “fatherless female”
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crispycrunchyum · 9 days
what are your favorite things about fnaf ? could be your favorite characters, game, silly things like that :3c
welcome to tumblr btw !! i hope you like it here :D
Well, first off, I was a really weird kid so fnaf just reach that part of my brain that probably shouldn't have been stimulated lol. And now, being a perfectly normal human being, I will answer this question with the utmost detail and passion- I mean, casual explanation.
I think what I really like most is the storyline, I know, big shocker. But I am an absolute lore nerd. If a video game/movie/show/literally anything else has deep lore, I'm going to be all up in there. I really like the complexity of it, since it leaves a lot of room for theories and ideas, so there is a lot more participation and creativity in the fandom rather than everything bring handed to us on a silver platter as cannon. It's really a lot of fun for me to hear other peoples theories and then gather my own from the little and big details in each game.
Other than that, I'd say probably my favorite game is Security Breach, since that's when I really got into the fandom if you know what I mean. I grew up with the older games, but really started to like it after Security Breach came out. Though, Security Breach is having to fight one-on-one with Into The Pit, since that one was pretty awesome, and I REALLY liked the art and graphics of it. I really like that digital type art.
Though, on the topic of Into The Pit, I was a little upset that they kind of abandoned Cassie and Gregory, and I really hope they use them in the future, specifically Cassie since I really feel like they could make her an awesome protagonist or even a sick-as-hell villain.
My favorite character is most likely Glamrock Freddy, he's just so golden retriever dad material and I am painfully fatherless.
Anyways, if this doesn't show you how much of a yapper I can be, I don't know what does :') thank you for the question~!
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old-man-spine · 1 month
if somebody tries to use "fatherless" as an insult to me one more time I swear I'm trauma dumping to them
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e-likes-bones · 1 month
📼 and ❌ for the ask game?
oh hey!! thanks for the ask i haven’t gotten any yet!
📼 -> Favorite showtape?
oughhhh that’s a hard one, especially bc ive still been working thru all the showtapes, altho i’d like to say i know a good bunch of em. i think i’d have to say it’s a tie between the magic night showtape & the beatles white album showtape for me but even then there’s more that rank really high on my favorites too
❌ -> Least favorite showtape?
again, i haven’t heard *all* of them, & to be frank i have specifically avoided listening to the corporate showtapes in full as of yet, but it think those could be a possible contender for least favorite just bc id miss rick bailey’s voice way too much, the others too ofc but i love rick bailey’s singing
as for an actual answer? of the ones i have listened to in full i don’t like uncle klunk’s showtape. but i have things to say about that one! the rock afire sections of the showtape are awesome & funny & i really enjoy the banter there! it even led me on a whole little mini search for some looney bird lore. but i had listened to the uncle klunk sections right after hearing the jeff howell uncle klunk demo & it just made me really dislike klunk’s half of the released showtape so much. i adore the demo klunk, he’s endearing & the jokes are great!! the actual one feels less authentic & more just some half hearted jokes thrown together that become a drag to listen to, making the official showtape for klunk my least favorite thus far
anyhow thanks again for the ask! i’m a bit of a rambler whoops sjcbd
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kyuuuu · 1 year
How Ep1 could have gone differently
Suletta: D-D-Did your mother not teach you any manners?!!!!! Guel: I DONT HAVE A MOTHER!!!!!
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beedreamscape · 5 months
There's a phenomenon that occurs in both Avalir and Cathmoíra.
Not all of the populace is quite conscious of it, but clerics, druids, and midwives alike are acutely aware and make appropriate preparations for the occasion.
It is known as the Replenishment Boom. With little exceptions, eight to nine months out of Avalir's departure, there'll be a boom of births on Toramunda as a whole even as Crown and Throne grow further apart. This event only reinforces the concept of those seven years as a new cycle, that first year as a new start. Ripples of this phenomenon can also be seen throughout the rest of Domunas.
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noodleblade · 1 year
ive truly gaslit myself into think smokescreen and knock out are friends. they barely interact in canon but ive convinced myself that they'd have such a solid amicable partnership that it is beginning to infect every fic i write
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masked-and-doomed · 10 months
What mental illness is making me very unnormal abt characters and in like a separate non-blorbo way
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husbandohoarder · 2 years
Me when I see an out of touch middle aged blonde man who is trapped in the 80s and emotionally stunted
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