#father-son swap
soul-controller · 2 months
Father-Son Bonding
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When Scott Matthews first found out that his girlfriend was pregnant, the 20-year-old college student was ecstatic. Despite the newfound stress he now felt in terms of finding a career that could sustain a wife and kid, there was nothing else that he wanted more than to be a father. 
In his youth, the man found great solace in his close relationship with his father, so when Scott and his wife went in for an ultrasound and discovered that they would be parents to a boy, the man was eager to replicate it with his first-born. Just like his father, Scott was an incredibly athletic and handsome guy, which allowed his father to help mold him into a standup guy who was both instantly charismatic to others and appealing to the eyes. His father helped coach him in sports and do fitness training with him on the weekends, so the concept of doing the same for his own kid was extremely exciting for the expecting father.
But as his son Jacob was born and began to grow up, Scott was disappointed to learn just how different his life was in comparison to how he envisioned it. Firstly, the man had never considered the concept of being a single father, but he was forced to accept it after losing his wife to cancer a few weeks after Jacob’s sixth birthday. Even prior to the death of his wife, being the main breadwinner was a lot of stress and hard work so the fact that he now had to handle his roles on top of his wife’s after her death made him feel incredibly overwhelmed.
Additionally, the warm tight-knit relationship that Scott aimed to form with his son never really materialized. Attempts to play catch or be active outside were instantly rejected by the young boy, who would have much rather stayed inside to read books and watch television. Despite his own disappointment in not having a sporty son, the man still viewed his son’s behavior adorable as it just reminded Scott of how much Jacob resembled his mother. But in the aftermath of his wife’s death, it soon became a painful reminder of what he lost and thus only caused the duo to become more disconnected as they both grew up. 
By the time sixteen years since his birth had occurred, Jacob had also come to realize a similar case of disappointment and resentment towards his relationship with his father. Unlike his popular and athletic father, Jacob was more of a reserved academic – who found flexing his intellect more interesting than his muscles. In school his father was a straight C student, so the 16-year-old wasn’t too shocked to realize that the mid-30s man didn’t have much understanding or interest in most of his hobbies or coursework (including the AP courses he took at school).
Yet even if his dad didn’t understand anything, Jacob still would have loved it if his dad ever attempted to show up to his various events and provide some encouragement. But unfortunately, the young man was forced to attend mathlete competitions and Science Olympiad events utterly alone with no one to cheer him on. Of course, his dad said that he couldn’t get off of his factory job to go, but Jacob knew deep down that his dad just simply didn’t want to go. He always knew that he resembled his mother more than his father, so sometimes when he’d sit and think about why his dad wouldn’t come, he’d feel guilty believing that he was a constant reminder of his father’s loss and suffering.
Eventually, their tensions reached an all-time peak after his father didn’t come to the final mathlete competition of the semester. As they drove home, Jacob was the one to break the tension, asking why his dad hated him so much. From there, their conversation bounced between annoyance to tear-filled responses as the duo finally purged themselves of all of their innermost thoughts. Once his dad’s truck pulled into the driveway, Jacob exited and headed into the house with haste before slamming shut his bedroom door and falling into his bed.
Despite wanting to patch things up with his son, Scott’s own tear-filled eyes caused him to choose to give the duo some alone time so they could properly comprehend their emotions. As a result, the duo simply fell asleep crying into their pillows, wishing that somehow someday their bond would be unbreakable and the duo would equally understand each other. 
Upon waking up that next morning, both men were shocked to find that their bodies had been swapped. Of course, such a shock caused both men to decide that they needed the day off to fully focus on figuring out what happened and how to swap back. So now forced into the fatherly role, Jacob called into his father’s job before then calling his high school to state that his “son” was sick and thus staying home for the day.
For both men, it was equally uncomfortable and unnerving to find themselves in each other’s bodies, especially due to Scott’s new teenage morning wood refusing to dissipate and thus forcing him to deal with his son’s boner. The same could be said for Jacob upon waking up in his dad’s body, especially as his father slept nearly nude besides his underwear so the teenager was forced to look at a rather scandalous amount of his father’s muscular mid-30s dadbod.
Despite their best attempt at finding some sort of online solution or consulting with supposed “magical consultants”, no solution to their body swap problem ever presented itself to the duo. As a result, the worries of both income and teenage truancy meant that they were left with no other choice but to live the lives that they had been magically forced into.
Understandably, the adaptation period was quite rough for both men as they adapted to the new roles that they were either 20 years too early or too old for. For Jacob, it was an instant struggle adapting to being the hardworking breadwinner of the family. Additionally, the teenager wasn’t the type to get his hands dirty or be physically active, so the concept of going to work in a factory was incredibly daunting and terrifying quite frankly. In fact, there had been several instances in his first week as his dad that the young man had nearly gotten himself severely injured by a machine.
As for Scott, the popular and athletic man had quite a rough time adapting to his son’s life. Rather than the countless friends that he had growing up, Jacob only had three best friends who were a part of the same programs and clubs as Scott’s son. As a result, his social life was relatively limited and thus meant that he had a lot of free time to just wander around town or find somewhere to hang out to avoid going home and interacting with his son-turned-father. Additionally, it was an absolute mindfuck for the straight C student to suddenly find himself tasked with living up to his son’s potential. He could barely pass biology and chemistry yet now he was expected to ace AP variations of these courses!
Over time though, the initial distance between the duo faded as they found themselves needing each other to best adapt to their new scenarios. With the several near-injuries that his son experienced at his job, Scott worked hard to help teach Jacob what to do in addition to teaching him about his co-workers and how to stay safe 24/7. In response, Jacob returned the favor by helping tutor his father in those tricky AP subjects that he did in addition to showing up to Scott’s various Science Olympiad and mathlete competitions due to his intense nerves. 
As six months passed, both men had ultimately begun to accept that they would most likely never be going back to their old lives. Yet despite how most would mourn such a loss, neither the new Scott or Jacob felt that way. As time passed and they got into the routine of their new lives, the duo had truly felt as though they had been given a new lease on life. While “Scott” was able to be more mature, it also meant that he had the ability to help improve the family’s situation by beginning night school courses at a nearby college for engineering. In time, the 36-year-old hoped that one day he’d be able to leave the mechanic position at the factory entirely and instead get himself promoted to one of the engineering positions which provided a much more appealing salary.
So as Jordan lifted up his phone to take a selfie with his father at the county fair, both men’s smiles couldn’t have been more genuine as the son’s finger pressed on the camera button. Through some magical interference, the father and son had grown closer than ever and after being able to say they’ve lived both of their lives, each man could confidently say that these were the bodies and lives that they were meant to have.
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tf-lover · 9 months
Christmas Switch-Up
My gift for @bodyswapmischief based off his prompt for me. Hope you all enjoy, and Merry late Christmas!
“Jack, get off your fucking ass and help me damn it!” Darren called in through the kitchen door. 
His useless son was finally home for Christmas, and Darren had been long hoping the athletic young man would be able to help out around the place with all the long overdue jobs that needed doing. The loft needed emptying of the random junk that’d built up over the years, snow needed clearing from the driveway and the roof, and there was a long list of things that needed repairing among other things. But of course, Jack had been sitting on his ass in his room for days just playing video games and working out in the home gym Darren had put together for him years ago.
“Dad, I told you I’m busy! Do that shit yourself, it’s boring!” Jack shouted back from where Darren already knew he was working out. “Or hire someone to do it for fuck sake, you’re loaded!”
Darren pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He wasn’t going to get mad, he wasn’t. It would help anything, yet all he wanted to do still was scream at his ungrateful son. “If you’re going to be a lazy little shit Jack then I’m going out! I’ll be back in a few hours.” He shouted back at his son as he made his way back inside and through the house. Cooling off was needed, and Darren had other ideas of how he could get what he wanted this Christmas…
A few hours later…
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“You want us to do what, Dad?” Jack asked from his position on the sofa, barely able to believe what his father was suggesting.
Darren shrugged. He’d been out shopping at a particular occult shop he knew of hidden away in the centre of the city for just the thing to get what he needed. Now he had it, swapping with his son was actually possible.
“You heard me. I want to swap bodies with you for the Christmas break.” He said simply.
It was a simple enough suggestion, and it wasn’t like he’d spoken in riddles or anything either. His son was home for Christmas break and with his usual manically busy social calendar wanted nothing more than to spend the two weeks relaxing and doing absolutely nothing. His father had other ideas though, namely the jobs around the house that needed doing. Repairs that needed to be made; furniture that needed to be moved; all things that became infinitely easier with his jock of a son around to help. Darren was past his prime, having gained more weight than he would have liked thanks to an injury that stopped him working out as much as he used to, and his advancing age.
“But that’s not even possible Dad?! And even if it was, why would I want to do that?” Jack continued to protest. “I don’t want to be you, no offence but I’ve worked too hard to suddenly get older and fatter!”
“Well it’s that or you get up off your ass and help me with the jobs that need doing, I’ve told you that already. You know I can’t do them on my own, so if you’re staying here for Christmas instead of with your friends then I expect you to at least help a little.” Darren folded his arms and frowned at his son. “Or, you can laze around in my body as much as you want to, and I’ll use yours to do everything that needs doing around here. Won’t make a difference to you if all you’re doing is sitting around watching TV and jerking off, maybe you can even do me a favour and get me in better shape.” 
“DAD!!” Jack blushed furiously at being called out by his father of all people. They were both men at the end of the day, but that just made it more embarrassing at his father’s willingness to call him out. “You really… Eugh.” 
Darren reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a pair of identical rings, then tossed one at his son. “Put that on and we’ll swap for the holiday or get off your ass, it’s that simple.”
Jack caught the ring with one hand then frowned at it. He barely understood what his Dad was going on about with all this talk of being in his body. His Dad came out with some strange things at the best of times, but this was the strangest of all of them. Still, if it was a choice between proving his dad was talking shit again and not doing that, Jack knew what he’d pick. His old man was just trying to scare him into not being lazy, that was all. 
The second Jack slipped the ring on, his head felt fuzzy. There was nothing else though, no sudden swap or anything like that. Because of course there wasn’t, Jack knew it was all bullshit. 
“Ha, how about that? Lying after all Dad, what h-”
The world lurched around Jack as his father put the other ring on. One minute he was sitting on the sofa, the next he was across the room looking back at his own smirking face. Everything felt wrong, felt heavy and hairy in all the wrong places. Worn out when he’d always felt full of energy usually. 
“Got something to say now Jack?” He heard his own body saying. “Or, maybe I should be calling you Dad now for the holidays, since we wouldn’t want anyone to know anything is amiss.”
Jack’s mouth hung open in shock. He’d really done it, his asshole of a father had actually stolen his body! “What?? What the actual fuck??” Jack looked down at the slightly chubby body of his father he now resided in. “No. No way you can do this to me Dad, I can’t be you!”
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Darren stood up in his son’s younger body, feeling better than he had in 20 years. “I can and I did. I told you what would happen if you put the ring on, and it happened. Now they won’t come off until the holiday is up, so have fun being a lazy shit in my body Dad, I’m going to finally sort the house out.”
All Jack could do was stand and watch his own body saunter off past him into the kitchen. A few sounds echoed out from there as he tried to process all of this and how tired he felt all of a sudden, the clink of metal making him think his dad was probably grabbing the tool he kept under the sink. He even tried to pull the ring off, but sure as his father had said it wasn’t going to budge. He was really stuck as some fat, hairy old guy!
Meanwhile, as Jack tried to come to terms with what had happened, his father in his body was off already starting work. Already he had the motivation from his now young, fit body to get on with things, which was quite the change to his usual feelings. Many years ago a serious sporting injury had knocked him out for a while and taken him off the competitive athlete path; whilst that had led him into a very lucrative career otherwise he still regretted how he’d fallen off the sporting wagon. Now he was both young and fit again he felt wonderful, reminded of what he’d lost. 
The next few days consisted of a lot of hard work from Darren. Amed with his son’s body, he surprised himself with how fast he got everything done. He had originally expected it to take days and days, hence setting the duration to the whole holiday. Yet, after only a few days he had pretty much everything on his very long list done. Snow was cleared, the living room had been completely rearranged, as had the attic. Repairs had been made that’d been needing done for longer than he liked, and he’d even cleaned a few things he hadn’t realised needed it. 
All that left him with far more time on his hands than he’d originally planned. Days and days left when he thought he wouldn’t have any time free. So, much to his son’s annoyance Darren decided to go out. 
“See you later Dad! I’m going out for a bit, I won’t be late back!” He called before he ran out the door and left his son alone. 
Jack wanted to punch his Dad as he heard him leave, and he would’ve if it wasn’t for it being his own body. All these past few days his father had been flaunting his body as he did all the work around the house. Dressed in almost nothing so he didn’t get his son’s clothes dirty or so he claimed, reminding Jack every second the swap he’d accidentally gone through. And now he had the nerve to go out and flaunt Jack’s body as if it were his own, even still insisting on calling him Dad.
Jack hadn’t been slacking though. Far from it. He was determined to prove his old man wrong and make the best of all this, so he’d taken to working out like crazy. Pushing himself as hard as he could to prove it wasn’t the body that kept his father back, but his attitude. He’d made good progress too, surprising even himself. He’d lifted heavier and for longer than he could in his own body, and all it’d taken was pushing through the struggle and pain at the beginning.
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The once nice thing about the swap was Jack could finally eat whatever he wanted without caring. It wasn't his body and his Dad had long let himself go, so besides working out hard to prove anyone could do it, Jack let himself indulge in some of the things he didn't usually eat. A strict diet kept his body in perfect shape, but since his dad’s shape was already rounder with fat than it was muscle, what was the harm? And, he had to admit that the maturity was nice. The few occasions he did have to go out to deal with something at his Dad’s job or go grocery shopping, no one treated him like some annoying delinquent kid. He wasn’t seen as a youth around to cause trouble, he was a respected member of the community.
He did get curious as the week went on though. He’d given up removing the ring, it was clear enough that was never going to happen, but he did wonder where his father had got them from. He knew his Dad had connections in his fancy business world, he’d dealt with a few of them on his Dad’s behalf these last few days, but he didn’t know where he’d actually found magical rings capable of forcing them into each other’s bodies. 
So, instead of spending every waking moment shouting at his father running around partying in his body, Jack did some digging. His son was out of the house enough sleeping his way through the city in the run up to Christmas, so he had plenty of time to search online for any sign of where something like this could be acquired.
At first, nothing. 
No amount of searching high or low online turned up any results about magical body swapping rings you could buy; a few erotic stories but nothing real. 
So he changed tactics. 
He remembered the day his father had come back home with the rings after an argument, so he tried to retrace his dad’s steps. Checked his phone, asked people his dad was friends with, anything. And there he had it. Tucked away in his dad’s apps, the last saved location his dad must have used for directions to wherever he got them from. And it was local. Within the city, right in the centre tucked away between two massive office buildings. It would have been easy for his father to slip out to the place and be back within a few hours, all under the pretence of getting coffee with this friend of his and talking business like he’d claimed before he left.
All Jack had to do now was go back there for answers.
The next day…
Darren was once again on his way out. He’d loved the past week in this younger body, and with all the free time had already got a few regular hookups from his first few days clubbing. Now he was off again to find another one; this younger body was deliciously insatiable and far better than his older one. 
“Son, can I borrow you for a minute before you go? Just something I want to check with you.” His old body’s voice came from behind him just as he’d been about to leave. 
He sighed. He was glad at least Jack had taken this so well in the last few days instead of being angry. Even joined in on Darren’s plan to refer to each other as father and son on the off chance they had guests over or went out anywhere together so they didn’t slip. As much as he was eager to get going and find someone else to fuck, he could at least have a five minute chat. Besides, if it was yet another question about his job he’d need to answer it.
He turned and smiled at his son in his old body, one he wasn’t finding himself missing in the slightest. “What is it Dad?”
Jack returned the smile, but it wasn’t a kind one. “You see, I went back to that little shop you bought these rings from.”
Darren’s eyes widened in panic knowing his son had found the place, which just made Jack smirk. 
“Left the location in your google maps, didn’t think I’d look and see? Anyway, I went back there. Had a lovely chat with the old woman behind the counter, who told me all about these rings. And you know what she said? Swapping bodies is just a side effect of their main purpose. They can do far, far more than that.”
Darren went white as a sheet. He’d been galavanting off flaunting his new body and living it up, all without a care for how he’d stolen his son’s body and was rubbing it in. Now that brashness was coming back to bite him in the ass. Only, he had no idea how badly. He hadn’t bothered to ask about them or even pay the shopkeeper much attention, just dropped a large sum of money for two rings that would do the job he wanted. Now, as he’d been on the way to yet another random hookup, he’d been cornered.
“What… What can they do?” He gulped.
Jack smirked. “Why don’t I show you instead of explaining it? I’ll warn you though, you’ll have to cancel your hookup…”“W-Wait, you don’t have t-” Darren started, but it was too late. Jack had already done something to his ring that made the matching one on his finger burn hot.
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Darren looked up from his finger, only to watch in horror as his own fat body seemed to shed the weight it’s carried in seconds. The body he’d rid himself off by swapping with his son, the one he’d been secretly hoping he’d never have to be back in, starting to change before his very eyes. Gone was the round belly, gone were the flabby arms and sagging chest. Gone even were some of the greying hairs in his beard and the more worn lines of age that’d developed. 
Instead, a beast of a man was emerging. 
Ripped all over, the kind of muscle you only got from a lifetime of dedication. It was the type of body his son Jack would have grown into when he reached Darren’s age if he kept up the same gym routine and they hadn’t been all swapped around. It was no less old either, instead looked like an older man that actually knew how to take care of himself. Ate right, took care of his skin, kept his hair and beard well groomed. What made him look even bigger though Darren realised was just how close they’d got and-
“Wait, when did I get over here??” Darren said when he found himself standing in front of his old body, their ringed hands clasped together.
Jack pulled a cheeky looking innocent expression. He knew exactly what was going on, but he wasn’t going to say. The pair were merging together, the younger body that had once belonged to Jack being consumed to mould the older one into its perfect potential state. Soon enough there would only be one person living in this house, one perfectly handsome older man instead of a fat old guy and his son.
Instead of letting any of that on though, Jack watched as his father’s panic only grew. He tried to pull away, but that only brought the pair closer and closer together. Jack’s older body was becoming a far more muscular and ruggedly handsome version of what it had once been; its potential finally unlocked. Jack wouldn’t miss his old body, not in the long run, it’d be gone and his father with it to make all these improvements, but it was so worth it.
Darren found himself getting closer and closer as his son’s body towered over him more and more, all until he felt himself slip away completely. He hadn’t noticed his body fading and shrinking in his panic watching his old body change, and now he had it was far too late. Because he didn’t have a body anymore he realised. Somehow in the shuffle his body had vanished, yet he could still hear and see and feel the sight of Jack’s older body as if he’d been kneeling in front of it.
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“Alright in there Dad?” Jack’s voice came from somewhere above before Darren felt an entire hand wrapping around his being. “You can’t talk, I know, so you’ll have to sit in my balls and listen to me, alright?”
“You see Dad, I’ve learned a thing or two since being forced into your body.” Jack said from his new mature, ripped body as he ran his hands over it. “I’ve learned that being a slightly older man isn’t so bad, especially when it’s one that comes with so much money. I’ve learned that you were an asshole for stealing my body from me and trying to pass it off as your own, so I’m doing one better.” He gave his large balls a squeeze, knowing what remained of his father’s consciousness was stored away in there. “So I’m taking your life with a few upgrades. You never had a kid you got stuck with, not as far as this new you is concerned. I’m a single bachelor, a Daddy that’s going to have boys and girls alike falling at his feet.”
Jack glanced down at the interlinked rings on his finger. Two halves of a whole, he didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it before. He grabbed it, took a breath, then pulled them both off and dropped it on the coffee table with a soft clatter of metal against glass. 
“Maybe I’ll have a kid one day when I feel like settling down Dad, but until then you can watch me show you what your life could have been.” Jack, now officially his father Darren, grinned. He was going to make the absolute most of his new life as Darren.
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bodythiefsblog · 1 month
The Whisper of Control - Part 2
Read the first part, here.
John arrived at Lukas’ apartment with a mix of excitement and unease. The job opportunity his father had mentioned was exactly what he needed, but something felt off. His father’s tone during their brief call had been strange, almost robotic. Still, John pushed his worries aside, convincing himself that his father had just been tired or stressed from work and knocked on the door.
“Shit!” Lukas whispered inside the apartment, and walked towards the door while thinking to himself. “You got this, you got this, just do it again.”
Lukas opened it with a welcoming smile. “Hey! You must be John. Come in! Your father is just in the living room,” Lukas said, gesturing toward the couch where Caleb sat, seemingly asleep.
John stepped inside and immediately noticed his father on the couch. His excitement was quickly overtaken by concern. His father was slumped over, his tie loosened, his normally sharp suit wrinkled and out of place. “Dad?” John called softly, stepping closer. Caleb didn’t respond.
“Dad, wake up,” John said, a little louder this time as he shook his father’s shoulder. For a brief, terrifying moment, John feared the worst. But then, Caleb’s eyes fluttered open. He blinked slowly, as if coming out of a deep sleep, but something in his expression was wrong – his eyes were dull, devoid of the sharpness and authority John was used to.
“WTF?” Lukas thought to himself, and watched closely, a twisted satisfaction curling in his chest as he realized what had happened. Caleb wasn’t the same man anymore. He was nothing more than a puppet, completely under Lukas’ control, thanks to the power he had unwittingly discovered – his influence (and his cum, apparently…) had expelled Caleb’s soul, leaving his body to be dominated by Lukas’ will, like… possessed by it.
“Dad, are you okay? You weren’t answering me, and… something feels off,” John said, his voice tinged with worry.
Before John could press further, Caleb forced a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m fine, son. Just had a bit too much to drink,” he said, his voice eerily calm. “I’m sorry if I worried you.”
John felt a wave of relief wash over him, but it was mixed with confusion. Something was definitely off, but before he could question it further, Lukas spoke up.
“Your father’s been working hard, John. He just needed to relax a little,” Lukas said, his tone smooth and reassuring. Then, with a glint of mischief in his eyes, he added, “In fact, he’s never been happier.”
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Seeing John begin to relax, Lukas decided it was time to test the limits of this new power. He focused on John, summoning “The Whisper” again, letting it coil around the young man’s consciousness.
“Relax, John,” Lukas said and sat down with an arm over Caleb’s shoulder, his voice low and commanding. “Come here. Sit next to us.”
John obeyed without question, his concern for his father overshadowed by the irresistible compulsion Lukas had planted in his mind.
Lukas then confidently turned to Caleb, his puppet, and commanded without speaking, “Reassure your son, slut. Tell him you’re okay.”
Without hesitation, Caleb smiled at John and said, “I’m fine, really. I just had a bit too much to drink. Nothing to worry about.”
John looked relieved, but the lingering unease in his eyes told Lukas that a small part of his will still suspected something was off. Lukas, eager to test his power further, whispered another command into Caleb’s mind.
“Now, invite your son to stay for a drink. You want to spend more time with him. He’s very hot.”
Caleb immediately turned to John, “Why don’t you stay for a bit, son? Have a drink with me. We don’t get to spend enough time together. You look hot as hell.”
John looked slightly confused by that last comment.
“What a dumb bitch!” Lukas said inside Caleb’s mind. “You weren’t supposed to say that…”
John hesitated for a moment but eventually nodded, sitting down next to his father. As Lukas observed them, he felt a thrill of control and domination – knowing that both men were now under his influence.
Lukas wasn’t done yet. He wanted to see how far he could push them. Focusing on John, he used “The Whisper” to plant another thought deep within his mind. “You want to be close to your father. You feel an overwhelming bond with him.”
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John’s demeanor shifted subtly as Lukas’ suggestion took hold. He leaned closer to his father, feeling an inexplicable warmth and connection. Lukas grinned, knowing that he had successfully implanted his will into both father and son.
With a twisted smile, Lukas leaned in and whispered, “Kiss me, Caleb. Show your son how much you care for me.”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Caleb obeyed. He leaned in and kissed Lukas deeply, his hands gripping Lukas’ shoulders as though they were the only thing keeping him grounded. The kiss was intense and unrestrained, a stark contrast to the stoic figure John had always know his father to be.
John’s eyes widened in shock. The scene before him was surreal – his father, the epitome of authority and control, was now passionately kissing another man, and in front of him no less. A part of John wanted to look away, to deny what he was seeing, but he couldn’t. He was rooted to the spot, his mind spinning.
Lukas extended his influence once more, sending “The Whisper” snaking into John’s mind. “Your father is exactly where he wants to be, John. And now, you want to join him. You want to be close to us both.”
John’s resistance crumbled under the weight of Lukas’ power. The confusion and unease that had plagued him just moments ago finally faded away, replaced by an inexplicable urge to obey. He no longer questioned the strange scene before him; he only felt the need to be a part of it.
Lukas watched as John’s expression softened, his body relaxing into compliance. He had successfully manipulated both father and son, bending them to his will with ease. The discovery that his control could extend so far – especially with the added effect of his physical dominance over Caleb’s body – filled him with a dark thrill. But now he wanted John’s body as well…
“Good boy,” Lukas murmured, satisfied. “Now, let’s enjoy this moment together, as a family.”
The game was only beginning, and Lukas was eager to see just how far his new power could take him.
“Stand up, John. Go find a jockstrap in my room and perform a sexy dance using it. Show us how much you want to entertain your slutty father.”
“Yeah, baby, show us how much of a bitch you are, like me!” Caleb shouted.
Lukas was overjoyed when John entered the room.
John’s body moved against his will. His movements slow at first, but soon he began to dance sensually, his hips swaying and his hands exploring his body. He rubbed himself provocatively, the dance a display of forced seduction.
Lukas watched with a sadistic pleasure, enjoying the complete domination he had over John. Even Caleb was drooling just by watching his son dance.
“Now, finger yourself with the seed of our boss, slut!” Caleb commanded.
“That came out of nowhere, daddy,” Lukas said, laughing, and then said to John. “You’ve heard your father, and call me “boss” just like your daddy does.”
“Yes, boss. Yes, daddy.” said John while fingering his hole and showing the massive pair of cheeks he got from his father.
As John danced, Lukas jerked off, put some of his cum inside John’s hole, leaned in and whispered in his ear. “You did so well tonight, John, but I don’t want your mind, just your body. I hope you can understand that.”
“I get it, boss,” said John, turning his head, lost in Lukas’ eyes.
“Now cum for me”.
And as John came, he blacked out, leaving all of his body ready to use and control.
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juanbodyswapstfs · 1 year
Im your Daddy now
Story suggestion by @mergeatrois
I’ve always been fairly close with my Dad. I really appreciated all the effort he put in to provide a safe home for me! My Dad and I have the same interests but are still way different from each other. We’re both huge Football fans and love the San Francisco 49ers. One of the reasons my Dad and I were totally different from each other was im gay, its not like I made it my whole personality and was pushy about it. My Dad was really accepting and understanding but I still felt like he treats me different.
The next day
I was at home waiting for my Dad to come home when I heard a knock on the door. I looked outside and it was my Dad with another Guy? I opened the door and welcomed them both in with a smile confused. “Hey Lucas! this a friend of mine I go to the Gym with his name is Mike!” Dad said. “Hey dude nice to meet you!” Mike then winked at me with a grin on his face. “Hello!” I said confused. “We’ll both be in my room then we’ll head to the Gym, theres food in the fridge.” My Dad said. “Make sure not to come in unless you wanna see something.” Mike whispered to me. I was so confused but couldn’t help but find Mike really hot. I decided to take a peek inside my Fathers room when I saw Mike and my Dad Making out and having Sex! I couldn’t believe it why would they do it with me in the house?
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It was so weird totally hot. My dick starting getting hard and I couldn’t help myself but jerk off while watching Mike dominate my Dad. Oh how I wish I could be my Dad. I starting touching my dick grabbing it and jerking off, I imagined Mike fucking my asshole which made me reach my climax. Once I shot my hot steamy load I accidentally let out a moan which caused Mike to see me through the little open door and thats when he starting thrusting even more causing my Dad to moan like hell.
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They finally stopped and I went to my room like nothing happened. My Dad came into my room and said he was going to the Gym with Mike, He then kissed me on my forehead. Before they left Mike said he forgot something and came up stairs into my room. “Hey Luke.. did you enjoy seeing your dad get fucked by a big alpha dominant man like me?” He said. “Why do you want me seeing that?” I said confused. “Here.” Mike said and gave me a bottle of cologne. “See you soon.” Mike said then left. I was confused as why he would give me a Cologne bottle.
Night Time
My dad finally came home from the Gym if he even went to the Gym. “Hey bud how did you like Mike?” My father said. “He was fine I guess.” I said. “Well, I have something important to tell you.” “What is it?” I said. “Mike and I are engaged, and we are getting married in two weeks.” My Father said. “Woah dad you did an amazing job at pretending to be straight!” I said. “Im sorry if you felt like I treated you different because you were gay son.” My Father said sincerely. “Its fine dad im glad you can tell me.” “Well goodnight bud” My Father kissed me on the lips and said goodnight. My Father has never showed me that much affection and I got a little turned on. Oh how I wish I could live as my Dad, being a daddy, old, and sexy. I tried and tried to go to sleep but just couldn’t. I grabbed the cologne Mike gifted me and looked at the back, Wish Cologne: Spray this cologne and wish away! I sprayed the Cologne with hope that I could become my Dad. I waited and waited for something to happen but nothing happened. I went to sleep hoping I would wake up as my Dad.
In the Morning,
As I woke up I felt somebody at my side.
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“Hey gorgeous, ready to take my morning wood Lucas?” Lucas? How does he know its me? “Oh i’ve been wanting you this whole time, now obey me and licky my armpits boy.” Luke said. Lukes balls kept hitting my ass like a battling ram while his long thick dick kept inserting my hole filled with his hot steamy sperm. My Son interrupted our personal time, “What are you looking at Richard? Come over here and let your Dad fill your ass with cum.” Luke said. I inserted my Huge manly dick into my son while he moans. “Like that lil boy? Im your daddy now.”
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Im really sorry for not posting in a while! I’ll be sure to make more stories and be active! Comment Story suggestions! ❤️
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antiquepearlss · 2 months
I actually really want Eugene to officiate the Varigo wedding because one, it’s not a very official or proper wedding. If anything, it’s something Rapunzel and Varian put together in one week and is essentially just a giant party where they blow stuff up and eat cake. Varian totally asks Eugene thirty minutes beforehand if he will officiate and after five minutes of sobbing, he agrees.
And two, because I want him to say this line-
“It has been a joy to watch your distracting childish rivalry turn into a distracting childish courtship, which will undoubtedly turn into a distracting childish marriage.”
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Gently hold child
(Noah's feeling better and should be able to start answering asks again.)
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socksandbuttons · 6 months
"KC handles Bloodmoon with much exasperation. Bloodmoon picked up this sucker and went 'our Spawn'. Baffles KC."
Do this mean KC is a BEAN? Smol murder cat?
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After an encounter with Lunar yes. He gets Beaned. Small murder cat.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
For the AU ask game, what about a roleswap between Izuku and All might?
Fun fact: a role swap does not necessarily mean an age swap. It really depends on what roles are being swapped.
1- The Symbol of Peace, Dekiru, has been the Number One Hero for a few decades. Happy, bright, and always moving, his smile is the only part of him not covered by his lucky green rabbit costume. Toshinori was a few years out of college when he was rescued in Dekiru's debut, and sometimes when he's sad or needs motivation, he goes back and watches videos of it. Which is why what he's seeing is impossible:
2- Dekiru's mask torn off, revealing a child's face, still round and freckled even with the pale skin and dark eye bags. Toshinori would think he was just a kid cosplaying the hero, except that kid definitely just saved his life from the villain now knocked against the wall, and even as the kid is passed out on the ground too, a thin layer of smoke is flowing from the neck of his costume, trying to obscure his face, too late. When Toshinori gets closer, black tendrils flip out from his arms and stand threatening over him. Toshinori holds up his hands, "I just need to check your pulse and airway" and he's allowed closer to do that. The kid wakes a few minutes later, and in a crack of green lightning, they're dashed away to the roof of a nearby building, the kid panting. Toshinori asks what's wrong, how can he help?
3- Dekiru sighs, and then tells Toshinori everything. He was created in a lab by a villain trying to get a very specific quirk. He couldn't wait however long it took babies to manifest, and he didn't want to deal with adults, so Dekiru has always been a child. But even then, the villain would not get the quirk he wanted. Dekiru escaped with some help- don't ask- made pro hero, made number one hero, and went and killed that villain a few years ago. However, doing so weakened him- he used to only need one hour of sleep a day to reset and get 23 of quirk usage and crime fighting. Now he only gets two hours of energy from each hour spent asleep, though he really does try to push it. Hence, just passing out now. He's swaying on his feet now, actually. Toshinori offers to carry him to his agency- he could throw his bright yellow suit jacket over the kid and carry him on his back, without the mask no one would realize who he was, just assume he's taking his kid home. Dekiru says it's fine, actually, and flies them both off the roof- only to fall the last few feet. Bright red, he agrees, though he tries to use float to be as light as possible as Toshinori's back. Not that it's needed, the man isn't as fit as he was when he was younger, but he's still plenty tall and strong.
4- except, ah ha, you know how they kinda left the villain from earlier there? Whopsie attack number two a few minutes later, and Toshi just puts Dekiru down behind him and grabs a pipe to fight back with. With the villain defeated, Dekiru looks up at Toshinori, and asks if he wants his quirk. He'd make a great hero, and probably would be able to do more with it than Dekiru can, since he'll only need to rest more and more over time. Toshinori accepts, walks Dekiru back to his agency, and gets a number to talk about it later.
5- later, Toshinori asks what will happen to Dekiru when he gives up his quirk. The kid is evasive, and Toshinori is pretty sure he'll lose his repowering speed even more until it goes away. He asks if Dekiru has ever done anything besides sleep and fight. Dekiru hasn't, and Toshinori ties his acceptance of the quirk to the fact that Dekiru has to gain something too. A normal life, friends, school, something. Toshinori suggests UA- they changed their rule to allow quirkless students, so Dekiru could get his license that way and prepare using support gear, have a second run at a real career and life instead of giving it up all to Toshinori. Dekiru admits that Nedzu was one of his fellow lab rats kept by the villain and would probably be all too excited to approve of this, but don't expect not to end up owing Nedzu a favor after this. So, Toshinori begins training physically again, this time to receive a quirk, and Dekiru begins studying, since he never needed school before and has several years to catch up on if he's going to be ready for high school in a months. Toshinori gains a provisional licence in the winter and can get a full one after a year at an agency, which Nedzu insists be UA. After sending Dekiru off to the entrance exam with a good luck and double checking all his support gear, Toshinori gets invited to watch, and almost has a heart attack when Nedzu stamps "Accepted" on the paperwork as Dekiru dismantles a giant robot, sliding the stack over so that he can see that on the top of the boy's form, his name is listed as "Midorya Izuku" and for emergency contact, "Yagi Toshinori (Uncle, legal guardian)"
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olympeline · 1 month
I was thinking about Arthur and Alfred’s relationship and it suddenly hit me: there’s potentially a really good interpretation to be had of the American War for Independence as the end result of the disconnect between a first generation immigrant parent and their second generation child. And how perfect is that with Arthur - literally a personification of the old world - and Alfred - literally the personification of America: the world’s great melting pot. I got excited thinking about it and it turned into an essay so please enjoy my ramblings 🥲
The disconnect I mentioned above is a well known problem between different generations of immigrants. An estrangement which can cause a lot of angst because both sides are trying to understand each other but can’t connect because their lived experiences are so different. The parent remembers the trials of the “old country” and sees their kid as a self-centred brat who wouldn’t know real hardship if it bit them. Meanwhile the child - through no fault of their own - has only ever known the new, better life and resents the guilt tripping over something they had zero control over. You know the classic: “When I was your age/you wouldn’t have lasted a day where I grew up/you’re so spoilt, etc.” from the parent. Answered with: “It’s not my fault I don’t know/how could I feel it like you do when I was never there/you chose to come here and have me here/do you want me to spend my whole life feeling guilty because you sacrificed for me, etc.” from the kid.
In the context of Hetalia it works because by the time Alfred gets to know Arthur he’s become a founder of colonies. But in Arthur’s past he was a colony, several times over in fact. Specifically an exploitation colony under Grandpa Rome (who wanted Britain for its large resources of tin because tin - a rare metal in Europe - is a key ingredient in making bronze), then scattered soft-settler colonies under Denmark (who started by raiding Britain for plunder and slaves but then established settlements later on because the climate was better for farming), then an exploitation colony that gradually morphed into a settler colony, that then merged with the native culture, under the Norman-French William the Conqueror.
Arthur became Alfred’s guardian but first and foremost Alfred was his colony. And Arthur’s experience with colonies was the above. So not a great model for parenting to put it mildly. Particularly the last one, which would have been freshest in Arthur’s memory. Harrying of the North. 😬 Enough said. It probably gave Arthur a very skewed view of what would constitute being a “good” parent to Alfred. Arthur left Alfred alone and expected total obedience from him for the rest of his life but, to Arthur, that was still treating Alfred with kid gloves. Just because he didn’t do things like sweep in and murder Alfred’s citizens en masse when they displeased him. Arthur drew on his own experiences and likely saw Alfred as incredibly spoilt and even outright pampered. Obviously he wasn’t, not at all, but the bar was on the friggin’ floor. It must have come as a big shock when Alfred rebelled because - in Arthur’s mind - he did everything right. More than right: he went above and beyond indulging his young charge. Treating Alfred like a son instead of ordering him around as a minion. I think that’s why Arthur broke down and sobbed on the battlefield. Angry tears of frustration and hopelessness because on top of the pain of Alfred’s “betrayal” there’s something worse: even at that critical point, in his heart of hearts I bet Arthur still didn’t understand why the war happened. Why his beloved, coddled son has turned on him like the viper at the farmer’s breast. It’s one thing to fight with someone you love because you know you’ve wronged them. It’s quite another to think you gave nothing but good only to have them turn on you anyway. Arthur is tough and used to hurt but the hopelessness and despair birthed from that terrible ignorance nearly killed him. It would be a long time before he opened his heart to anyone again.
But Alfred didn’t see it that way. Not at all. He wasn’t around for the colonial period of Arthur’s life and Arthur being…himself, likely never told him. Out of pride, trauma, pain, the shame of being conquered, etc. He kept his days of weakness a secret. So Alfred had no conception that Arthur was genuinely trying (and thought he was succeeding) in being a good and devoted parent. Which wasn’t Alfred’s fault or responsibility at all, by the way. I don’t want anyone to think this post is saying Alfred was wrong to rebel when he did. It was a totally justified reaction considering what Arthur put him through. Arthur hurt Alfred out of ignorance rather than malice but that doesnt erase the hurt. Especially from the point of view of a child. Alfred was just a scared, confused little boy who was left alone over and over again in a big, frightening world. Left to watch the human families around him love and support each other while he pined for Arthur to please, please come back and not leave him alone again. No wonder he grew up resentful at Arthur’s continuing expectations of total obedience. How dare Arthur demand so much when Alfred grew up on so little. Arthur had good intentions but they didn’t always bear fruit, which meant a lot of sadness and fear for little Alfred. At some point all those years of simmering pain and resentment bubbled over and Alfred just snapped. He realised nothing would ever change unless he forced a change and broke away from Arthur before the leaden weight of Arthur’s trauma and expectations drove him mad.
And that’s the root and lynchpin of all their issues right there: both see the other as selfish and entitled. Arthur because Alfred had a youth Arthur’s abused child self could only dream of. And Alfred because Arthur unconsciously expected him to live his whole life in the shadow of that pain.
Which is why it’s so tragic. Both of them have a point, both of them are wrong and right at the same time. No matter what Alfred thought, Arthur did genuinely do his best to give him the best life he could. He just fell short because he didn’t know what he was doing and his basis for comparison was abysmal. And no matter what Arthur thought, Alfred was never a spoilt brat who had everything but didn’t appreciate it because he grew up overindulged. Alfred was right to feel neglected, terribly hurt, and frustrated when Arthur brushed off his pain and expected Alfred to suck it up and be demure and grateful because he (Arthur) had it worse when he was young.
Doubly sad because if they’d just talked about it things could have been different. I’ve always seen Alfred as having a big heart underneath all his flippancy and boasting. Meanwhile Arthur is stubborn and a tsundere but he’s not an idiot and not incapable of change and self-improvement. And, like I said, he did truly want to do well by Alfred. Who truly wanted a good relationship with him in return. If they’d discussed all their issues it would have been a long hard road but, at the end of it, their relationship might have improved and not gone up in flames the way it did. But they didn’t and Arthur’s flat, uncompromising orders about taxation without representation was the straw that finally broke America’s back.
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male-body-swap-lover · 9 months
Time Travel Christmas Part 3
*** This was supposed to be out before Christmas but then life happened***
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Christmas in 2023. Once again, I am here for the 3rd time, 3rd body. Living the past 45 years in my son’s body, well my dad’s body, or really my body has been an interesting adventure. This time, life followed the timeline I created when I was in my grandfather’s body, Roger Braddock the 1st. So, I did better in college than my father ever did, and we had more money than my father had in the original timeline. I always had a nicer house than my father ever had when he was living his life. I did follow the original timeline and married my wonderful wife, who I guess is my mother. I never thought like that though. It was never weird. I still created my children. My daughter and my son, Roger Braddock the 3rd, aka me. It’s weird looking at yourself when you are a baby, but you aren’t yourself, you know. I know it doesn’t make sense. The same thing happened when I was in my father’s body. It’s been amazing to experience this timeline so many different ways. I probably should have spent some more time in the gym, but such is life. I was in my den preparing for the family coming over for Christmas and looked over at one of my favorite photos. It was me holding my son at our first Christmas together.
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God how things have changed. Yes, I did better financially in this timeline. However, I had one screw up, and that was my son, aka my old life. I pushed my son so hard because I wanted him to do better in this timeline. I always did well when I was Roger Braddock the 3rd, but I wanted my son in this timeline to be a doctor. I always pushed him so hard and it all back fired on me. Whereas when I was Roger Braddock the 3rd, I got into business and always pushed myself. I was decently successful, but never amazing or rich. I wanted the world for my son and apparently, I made a mistake. Not only did he not become a doctor, he didn’t become a businessman. He became a slacker, didn’t graduate high school, and now lives in a trailer home jumping from one temp job to another. He mostly listens to country music, smokes, and drinks beer. I still love him, but my god, I am embarrassed to be his father. Hopefully I will stay in Roger Braddock the 2nd’s body and never jump back into my original body, or if I do, it’s in my original timeline.  I’m not going to think about that though. I have a quick minute so I am going to lie down for a nap before the family gets here.
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Ah fuck, why does it smell like cigarette smoke in here. I’ve told my son he can’t smoke in my house. I open my eyes and I am not in my bedroom. I look around and realize that I am in my son’s trailer. OH SHIT! I feel my body and I realize I am no longer Roger Braddock the 2nd. I am now Roger Braddock the 3rd. Oh this is exactly what I didn’t want. I never wanted these raggedy ass clothes and this beard. Who would want to be a poor redneck that gets drunk all the time. Ugh, why does my head hurt so much. Fuck, I must have a hangover. Goddammit this fucking blows. Wait, why am I swearing so much. This isn’t fucking like me. This is just like my son.
Oh my God! I’m starting to gain all of his memories and lose my old memories; I mean my father’s memories. Why would I have my father’s memories. That’s weird. I hate my father. He’s the reason I turned out like this. Tried to push me to become a doctor. Fat chance of that shit happening! I’m too stupid for that. That’s why I live in this shithole, but it’s good enough for me. Beer, cigarettes, cable. What else does a man need. When I need a man, they are so ready to come here for me. Nothing like a bearded, dirty redneck to get these young men to do some really weird shit. Fuck I love my life. Guess it’s Christmas so have to go see the ole parents. Can’t wait to get into an argument with my dad about some shit. Better take a beer for the road. Maybe time to set up a Grindr date for after. Better light up before I go. This is the life!
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malebodyexhibit · 2 years
Pygmalion (a Next Door Boy tale)
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You’ve been hearing a lot about the Next Door Boy agency. It’s was a sleeper hit with traction having only been among the wealthy. Now more terms and conditions are being laid on with the public gaining more and more interest in its services. I managed to ride the coat tails during its debut. In fact, I was one of the first hundred clients to try it out. I was a 63-year old business man who had a large amount of capital, even after my divorce and child support. When I was selected as to premier the service, I was ecstatic. But the wait for the actual service date was torture. You see, they had to find consenting adults to be the talent. Finding attractive, young men to be hosts to an older clientele would be hard. Whenever they found one for me, then I’d be able to try it.
But I had particular taste in who I wanted to be. I offered to help find talent and the company agreed. When you offer the amount of money desperate old men would pay to be a young fuckable hunk, it was easy to find Owen. Owen was an 18-year-old high school graduate. He had high dreams of becoming a Chaturbate star or OnlyFans model. He really worked that body of his. In my chats with him, he really detailed his workout routine, his diet, and his hygiene. It was important to him that others found him hot and sexy. I assured him that with his body, he was certainly a prize, but that he could make more money with this new company.
He signed on. He hardly needed to be persuaded! I spoke with Owen a great deal. In fact I knew him while he was a football player. I’d cheer for him during home games. My own son idolized him. My son went on to college while Owen stayed and worked out, trying to be that sex symbol. In my talks with Owen, I asked him what he wanted to do with his life. Owen said again the OnlyFans stuff, but when I pushed him further, he was at a loss.
“I’m not gonna let myself get old, Mr. [Redacted],” Owen said. He flashed me a cocky smile, running his hand through his curly hair. “I’m gonna settled down with someone and retire on the beach.”
I gave a pained smile.
Owen underwent the procedure to install the implant. He just wanted the money and didn’t really want to discuss the conditions of our deal. Finally we settled that I would co-inhabitate him for a half-a-year with me taking control every two days a month. He agreed to be placed in suspension due to not wanting a temporary body (which is basically being a roommate in someone’s mind with other displaced consciousnesses) or being in my old, out-of-shape body. I would spent two days living his life, enjoying his youth. As you imagined, I spent the first few times working his cock raw, playing with my abs, and trying to flirt with his straight friends.
Things really progressed slowly. Adjusting to the disorientation took a lot of time, so when the half year was up, we spoke again about new conditions. He really liked the money, but I felt bored in his small life. There was working out, hanging out with friends, and nothing else. I decided to offer him a place at my home in a larger city. There he could enroll in college courses or take up a job. He tried to tell me he wasn’t interested in those things, but I practically begged him that I was interested and wanted to experience those things as him. He didn’t have to go there. It would only be when I was him. So our new conditions were set up. I would be him for two days a week. He made sure I stuck to a strict diet and workout routine while I was him. I agreed. I started to enjoy his grind for a perfect body.
While I possessed him, I went to classes. I chose art courses for Owen because it was something I didn’t have a chance to do in my life, and it wasn’t heavy on studying or reading. Jobs for college students are usually pretty light so I got a gig at the school. The job I chose for Owen was a Math tutor on the days I possessed Owen. I knew math pretty as I was an accountant, so it didn’t feel out of place for me. My life felt so much better now that I could do something other than working out. I actually made plenty of art friends. I also had the benefit of ‘running into’ my son.
I chose the same college as my son, Levi. At first I assumed I chose it because it was convenient. But subconsciously, maybe I wanted to be closer to him. He always idolized Owen. Maybe I could show him a better Owen to idolize. When I ran into Levi, he almost didn’t recognize me. While possessing him, I usually kept Owen’s bro fashion sense: gray sweatpants, an Underarmor compression shirt, and briefs. I felt it made me unique among the hipster types in the art classes. But sometimes I decide to try something more risqué (think crop top tees, or tight jeans that show the outline of a jock strap). That’s when I ran into Levi. My lower abs peeking from a crop top tee. I was free balling in sweatpants with my dick outline obvious to the eyes. We were awkward at first, but we started talking about high school. I was able to flip through Owen’s memories and be convincing. We went out to eat dinner (I was stuck to getting something high protein for the diet condition) and walked in the park. As a couple months went by, Levi mentioned wanting to go on a camping trip with me and his friends. His dad used to take him camping before he divorced his mother. He missed those days. (Oh.) I was excited and realized that there were another three months before new terms could be made. I apologized to Levi that I couldn’t but maybe the next year.
We didn’t make much contact after that. But in my old body, I found Levi visited more often. It was I who offered a camping trip. Escaping into Owen the past months had calmed me. I had been livid with Levi’s mother during and after the divorce. We disagreed about everything even though we had a good few years. Things gotten strained when I couldn’t continue to live a life of lies. Now that I calmed, I actually managed to strike a comfortable friendship with his mother. And with her agreement, we decided to surprise Levi with a… goodbye camping trip of sorts. A goodbye to those bad memories and the old marriage. His mother didn’t like camping much, so it was more of a backyard camping situation with his mother sleeping in a cabin while he and I slept in tents a stone’s throw away. It was remarkably peaceful. The trip was about 8 days and I missed the possession session with Owen.
Owen continued his thing while I was away. He stay at my house was secret. He was usually out of the way, but whenever Levi came over, he had to be out of sight. He did want to reconnect with his old friend, but Levi finding his dad living with his old high school friend would be super weird. Owen usually busied himself cam whoring or working out in his private gym.
When the time came for new set of conditions, Owen actually declined to continue. He had saved up enough money and wanted to live his own life. I didn’t want that. I managed to convince him to stay. There’d be no easier money than this.
I wanted more of Owen’s time. I wanted to go camping with Levi as his friend. I wanted to get more serious with his education and career. I offered a suggestion. It was the one of the first serious suggestions of the time of this nature. Others have made similar serious suggestions, but quickly backed off when there was pushback from the company and host. I pushed forward, particularly because I managed to talk Owen into it.
I wanted to live a quarter of a year as Owen entirely. I didn’t want to do the six days possessed then one day normal type deal. I wanted to sleep and wake as Owen. Of course the company altered this as much as they could. I would co-exist with Owen. We’d switch off who was in control. This would be so that Owen wouldn’t be in a sleep-type purgatory for months since he vehemently disagreed with being me. The company couldn’t offer a temporary host for that long. Also, the company wanted to test this type of set up. It could open new doors for business.
It started really well. Owen would wake while I watched his life. He’d make his breakfast, work out, masturbate, etc. I’d take over and head to class. It was so mundane like putting on a suit for work. Sometimes he’d have me do the workout and masturbation while he would listen to lectures (well, we both listened to the lectures; I was just in the backseat). Eventually we’d argue in our head about what to do. I masturbate to men; he masturbates to women. I want to suck cock; he wants to fuck pussy. Most of our arguments were about sex. To get back at him, I remember just hooking up with guys as often as I could. When I was in control, was when I was in some guy’s hole. I think that was what caused the error. Whenever one of us was in the backseat of our mind, we could still observe and feel what was happening to our body, but when there was a repugnant or painful stimulation, we sometimes involuntarily dissociated ourselves. It’s a bit freaky. One minute you’re helplessly watching yourself fall, preparing for hitting the ground, then the next second, an hour went by. I think that happened to Owen. In the backseat of our mind, he watched helplessly as I sucked cock with his mouth and got fucked in his ass by another guy. I could sense him still, but he was quiet. Over time, it grew dimmer and dimmer until I felt I was utterly alone.
Next Door Boy reacted… curiously. It wasn’t that they were excited or upset, but they just wanted all the information on what happened. They decided to remove me from the host to see if Owen would recover. A week had gone by. Owen’s body still lived. It was sustained by an automatic response to breathe, but it needed to be fed and taken care of.
It seemed to be a lawsuit in the works, but they seemed to find a practical solution.
They stuck me back in Owen’s body. Now my body. My old body was on ‘vacation’ and would only occasionally come back. I tried to keep up the appearances of Owen and myself before it got to cumbersome. And my life truly was in Owen.
By that time, Levi and I as Owen went our camping trip. We had a blast with our friends. I felt Levi and I grow closer, and while it felt strange to feel this way towards Levi, I reminded myself I wasn’t his father anymore.
My old body would leave some money for Levi and his mother. The rest would be funneled secretly to Owen’s body. I would still have some measure of wealth and a younger, youthful body.
It’s been over half a decade and I graduated college with a dual major in Art and Accounting. I’m able to pursue an art career. I entered into a loving relationship with my husband.
The circumstances with Owen and Next Door Boy might’ve inspired the universal conditions that aim to protect the host, but I’m not at liberty to discuss it. I no longer use those services, in fact Levi and I laughed as we read the stories of middle aged men using young men to fulfill their sex lives. “How desperate do you have to be?” Levi asked me.
“I don’t know,” I said, truly not sure how desperate I had been. “But I’m glad we have each other.”
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Like father like son, Part 1
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Father P.O.V.
My ex-girlfriend is a witch. Fucked up right? Yeah I never believed in any of this and she knew. And after cheating on her she said she would "make me believe". What a load of crap. I thought. Well, not anymore. Me and my son found ourselves in each others bodies. It happened just as we were normally chatting. We weren't that close, cause I was working most of the time and he was out with his friends enjoying his teen years. I wanted to get close to him, but he seemed to not want to open up to me.
If you have seen a movie Vice Versa where the Dad and son swap bodies while touching the skull. Or is it a transformation? Ah, doesn't matter. Well it happened a bit like that too. We swapped bodies literaly. The clothes stayed where they were previously.
After the initial shock and realisation that it was my girlfriend who caused it, we went to get information from her. My son had to drive, cause his body didn't have a license yet. The start was horrible. He couldn't even keep his eyes on the road, so I had to yell at him what to do. But eventually we got to her house.
On the front door was a note that said:"Went on a holiday for a month. And to my lovely ex-boyfriend - having sex with someone else makes it irreversible :) have fun"
Yeah, so we found out that we were fucked until she got back from her holiday. A month in my teen son's hormone filled body and him in my horny middle aged one. Our chances are very slim I tell you
We got back home, staying quiet on the ride home. We went into the living room and got on the sofa. Then we made a deal. We had to respect our bodies as if it were our own, no sex allowed, no drugs and alcohol. We had to scratch the alcohol, has David said he wants to enjoy the adulthood. But besides that we agreed on everything. We then proceeded to tell each other the details of our schedules. I had to mentally prepare for being in high school again and he had to prepare for a real job. I was actually kind of happy to get back there. I missed being a teen, having less responsibilities etc. Being you, enjoying life, music, love, sex. Ah, fuck. That's gonna be hard
We even had a talk about respecting each others privacy, but after we thought about it, we came to a conclusion that there was no way we could avoid looking at our new bodies naked. We had to take shower some day, or take a shit. All of these are gonna be pretty intimate so that's why.
We agreed that our bedroom's are gonna me our own places that the other can't got to.
And so we went on and parted our ways while leaving to our bedrooms. Maybe we shoould have went to each other's bedroom, but we haven't thought about that. All our clothes were in the other room, but neverminf. My room has its own access to the bathroom so I'll enjoy that.
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I took off my shirt first. My sons's athletic lean teen body just being there. My finger tips touching my haird, my lips my cheeks. Tracing my neck, through the ridges I now had, going down to my beautiful abs covered in hair. I was getting hard, is it weird being hard from touching your son's body? Jesus that sounds horrible. But I am not touching my son, he is touching himself, I am just the one in control now.
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I got on the ground and took off my jeans. Revealing black boxers with KISS logo and two hairy and long legs. Quite similar to mine actually. Genetics is strong I guess
I headed to the bathroom to get a proper look and clean my new body. I can't neglect my son now.
I took off his boxers. His dick flacid now, but still big. "That's my boy". I went to the bath and turned on the water. But I had no intention in lying in the water now. I had much exploring to do. I started from my feet. The beautiful and clean feet. No hard skin. I took the water and sopa into my hands and brought it up everytime I explored a part of his body. Everything wet marked a place I already knew now
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I was now soaping his body above the waist line, enjoying the tight skin of his body. Being young is so amazing. He is mostly hairless, if you don't count some private areas.
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I was now soaped up completely, just scrubbing the body up and down. Enjoying every movement I took.
Wow his butt is really nice, almost woman-like. Maybe I could let some guy fuck me. Wait, I can't do that. We can't have sex in each others bodies or we would seal the deal. But masturbation is not off the table I guess.
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I took my middle and index finger to try out the resistsance of his hole. Nah, this hole already knows what is about to happen. And then it hit me. Fuck, his prostate his so sensitive. I went and pushed my fingers inside, while my other hand started jerking my already throbbing cock.
It couldn't have been long cause I was almost collapsing from the abundance of strong emotion and stimuli. I shot cum into the bath and then got down into the water.
What a body. Maybe this month isn't gonna be so bad after all
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I got out of the shower, to find my body in his own clothes staring at me
"Wow, dad. I see you didn't waste any second huh? Hope you enjoyed it"
"Dave, it's... I'm sorry, it's the hormones. I haven't been this horny for so long. I couldn't control it"
"It's fine dad. I am gonna do the same tonight"
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The rest of the week went on pretty smoothly. There were some embarassing moments, like hearing myself having an orgasm in the other bedroom, or finding open porn videos on tv, but besides that not much. I was enjoying being a young guy in high school again and having David's friends around was really great. We hung out all the time. But his friend Liam seemed like he wanted to be more than friends with David. Which complicated things a bit. I was in David's gay body now and his body wanted Liam. But I was holding on
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One day we were on a beach just enjoying the weekend. We played some beach volleyball and then we got back to our towels to sunbathe
Andrew, my straight friend, then said:"David? Isn't that your dad with a new chick? Damn, he scored a nice one this time. Would like this one for myself too. Look at those tits."
And he was right. David was walking around with a blonde woman that had a hand on his waist. What took me off guard was that my body started making out with her and grabbing her tits. Not caring who might see.
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Wait, does this mean what I think it means? Are we really stuck like this now? I just hope he didn't have sex with her
I changed the story a tiny bit. I was really inspired by the photos so it went to a different direction than I hoped for. I hope you don't mind. If you do, please message me and I'll do another one especially for you :)
A story request from inbox: Hi, can you write a story about a closeted widow muscle dad swapping with his straight twink son and somehow their nethaw body fits their role? The dad in his twink son's body came out as a bottom gay and the sun in his muscular dad's for found a girlfriend which he fvcks every night. Thank you
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