#father carden
lancedoncrimsonwings · 4 months
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I oopsied
Idea blatantly stolen from @painted-doe 's Bucky/Steve Zola post
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themuselesswriter · 2 years
The Monk’s Wife - Chapter One: The Joyous Day
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Characters: Original characters, Lancelot De Lac | The Weeping Monk, Father Carden
Summary: Lancelot was married once, a story that no one dares to remember or mention, however his wife was not a typical one, she was not submissive and well-spoken, she was fearless and strong, he rarely thought of her, until he is forced to reunite with her again, this time the tables turned and the roles are reversed.
Word count: 1600+
Warnings: unaliving, blasphemy, hint of torture
A/N: guys i did it! I wrote a fanfic about the other post that i did when Lancelot is married to a strong female individual! Go read it and let me know what you think!
Credits: polarrity - polarr filter by chrome, photos from Pinterest
——————————— Teaser ——————————-
“Do you like it?” the man in red, the what so-called father Carden had asked his pet “I don’t understand” the one in grey had said, voice as low and terrified as of a little child “you’ve done so well on your last mission my boy… we thought of rewarding you with a wife” She felt her heart clenching “a wife? I thought I wasn’t allowed to wed” the younger one had asked.
The red one patted his shoulder “true, but sister Mary here is a redeemed abomination, just like you! And you have grown my son, you need someone to look after you when you return from your holy duties, someone to help guide you and patch your battle wounds! I spoke to the brothers and they all agree with me” the warrior gulped “a wife?” He repeated as if he was still trying to process “it is fine as long as you don’t procreate” the red one assured him.
“I better let you get familiar with your bride!” The older one said joyfully before he left the tent, closing the drapes. Both redeemed feys stood still, neither daring to make a move “what is your name?” Lancelot asked after a forever “they call me Mary” she replied coldly, lifting her eyes up to look at her “husband” her eyes filled with hatred and anger “you were alright with the marriage arrangement?” He asked again “I had as much of a choice as the fey burning on the stakes” she replied.
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ace-and-ranty · 3 months
The funny thing is, The Cruel Prince made me absolutely feral when I first read it. HOWEVER. It was not because I gave a fuck about Cardan. Because I didn't. I didn't give it a single fuck.
I was too busy having ENORMOUS feelings about Jude and her step-father.
Like?? I'm sorry?? You ruined my life, and yet that is simply your nature?? When you took me in you were being responsible, and you tried your best to love me, but in the process your ruined me for the human world?? Your murdered my mom, but you read me bedtime stories??
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everlastingdreams · 2 years
A little Weeping Monk x Reader : The Patience Of A Heart   snippet :
The walk back to the monastery was awful, you had hoped to stop crying by the time you got there, often you had to stop as the heartbreak and humiliation got too painful to bear.
The sound of hooves hitting the ground pulled your attention back to the present.
Had it been so long?
The Monk let out a loud disappointed sigh and halted Goliath next to you “It is late, Lady y/n.”
It had been more than an hour.
Your voice sounded so weak that it was like it wasn’t even yours “I’m sorry, Lancelot.”
If your voice had not betrayed your state, then the quiet sniffle would have.
He reached down, the irritation now absent from his tone “Are you alright? What happened?”
With a shake of your head, you refused to answer the inquiry “I just want to go home.”
In the dark, you moved your hand until you found the one he was reaching out with.
It clasped around yours and proceeded to help you mount Goliath, seating yourself in front of him.
You were shivering…
What on earth had happened ?
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lia-land · 2 months
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
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Spoilers for the first book in the Folk of the Air trilogy.
The Cruel Prince cares about the destination and not at all about the journey. It’s hard to rate it overall because some parts were 2 stars and others were nearly 5. Let’s settle on 3.5.
I feel like I'm not allowed to dislike this book. |'ve briefly touched upon how I didn't love it on Reddit and there are definitely lots of loyal fans who will die on the hill that this is the best book to ever exist. As with all of my reviews, my opinions are exactly that. Mine. I really did want to love this and I'm very happy i read it once in my life, but it fell short.
I had heard such great things about this book, but I just found it too childish. It was too ‘girl falls for her high school bully.’ I was expecting more after hearing about this series for years. I did keep reading, though, because I met Holly Black at a signing with Cassandra Clare a few years ago and she was very nice.
It got better around 200 pages in. Since it's only 370 pages, it shouldn’t take like 60% of the book for things to pick up, in my opinion. The only character I found interesting was Madoc for most of the book. It’s not that he’s necessarily interesting, just the best of the worst. I really didn��t like the whole Shadow squad or whatever they were called. Every time they’d interact with anyone or each other was just written awkwardly.
Many plot points were incredibly underdeveloped. Why did the Prince randomly appoint her as a spy and send her on a mission without any training? This was so casually skipped over. He fully just sent her into Balekin’s house and she casually walked in and out. And how does Jude get away with it for so long without being caught? This wasn’t a case of something ‘bad’ being normalised in Faerie and is casually written because it's normal in that universe; this was the crown prince appointing a human with no experience to be his spy. This book as a whole seemed rushed. Lots of significant things happen and big decisions are made, and then skipped over as if they were descriptions of the weather. This was especially apparent during and after the coronation. It was like the writing was trying to catch up with the plot. It read like those old Wattpad fics where the mom would sell the main character to One Direction, and then the way it was written was as if it was a very common occurrence to sell your child to a boy band. It’s apparently quite normal for your adoptive father to stage a coup. And for your twin sister to knowingly let you date her fiancé. And for the crown prince to come and ask you to be a spy as a teen with no training. ‘I guess I live with One Direction now. Anyway, what should I wear for my first dinner with them?’ Like… go back and expand on what just happened. Develop the plot. Develop the feelings about the situation.
The random piece of paper with Jude's name on it was weird and didn't really get acknowledged as much as it should have (in the rest of the series, too). Like why was Cardan just writing her name over and over? Ick.
I couldn’t decide if Jude was really stupid or really smart. She’s been through a lot and can clearly stand up for herself, and she’s not a generally dumb character, but then she spent five minutes alone with Carden in Dain’s office and suddenly we get this line: “Maybe I wasn’t fighting Carden at all. Maybe I’ve been fighting my own shadow.” Girl, please get a grip. This guy bullies her and then gaslights her, and then they start making out!!! Carden literally cannot lie and said that he is disgusted with himself for thinking of her, and her response is to kiss him.
The worst thing about all of this for me is how Carden doesn’t even make a good attempt at justifying his previous actions. He’s all like ‘I hate you because I can’t stop thinking about you and it’s disgusting’ and she’s like ‘okay, no worries, I’ll make that make sense.’ Then while he’s touching her up, she knows that he’s going slow because “he doesn’t want to want this” but everything we’ve been told about her character so far is that she’s not the type of character to put up with this. It didn’t make sense to me. Her attraction to him isn’t really explained. The story doesn’t flow and it reads like an early draft or a very late one where she had to meet a low word count but didn’t end to cut any plot. The only reason I can think of to justify this sudden nonsensical thing between Carden and Jude is that perhaps they are mated and we’ll find this out in later books, if such a bond even exists in this universe. I have low hopes for this, though, and I think it’s just a result of bad plot development. I get that she was also trying to punish him for wanting her, but it wasn't written well.
Jude is the most inconsistently written character that I have ever read about. Jude falling for Locke was so sudden and incredibly underdeveloped. How was she entrusted to be a spy when she couldn’t even see Locke’s red flags? He literally spelled it out for her multiple times. I got the ick when he said he wanted to “compose an ode” for her. It was also very random when Jude challenged Taryn to a duel. I understand the reason for it, but that seemed out of character for her until that point. There’s a difference between an unpredictable character and an inconsistent one. She doesn’t feel like her own character to me, rather, a plot device to make sure the story plays out the way the author wants it to and I think that’s lazy. Having a fast paced plot is not always a good thing. I would have rather read a developed story of this same length that ended at the coronation and then picked up in a second book.
I'm disappointed that nothing more was done with the tournament. A few books from around the same time that this was published have done this thing where they introduced some sort of contest and then they don't actually do anything with it. I assume it will come up in the later books, otherwise, it was not entirely necessary.
Something that was made obvious is that Holly Black does not like writing travel scenes. I have a very unclear idea of how far places are from each other because Jude would just say she was going somewhere and then she'd just be there. This doesn't affect the story, but it does impact the world building.
To be entirely fair, most of the books I’ve read in the past five months have been between 600-800 pages so maybe I’ve gotten used to stories being a little more dragged out. I don’t think that’s the only reason I felt that this book was rushed, but maybe I’m being more harsh. I think this whole series adds up to about 1000 pages and I’m unintentionally holding previously read longer books as a standard. Either way, this book would have benefitted from at least 70 more pages of smoothing out the development of the plot and characters. It felt clunky, for lack of a better word.
The writing itself is not bad, but it isn’t a style I personally enjoy reading. I had a similar issue with the Raven Boys series and also Neil Gaiman. They are not bad writing styles, but they’re not for me.
The high school bully thing is just a very juvenile trope in my opinion. Obviously this is a YA book, but it deals with mature themes, so the target audience is very specific. When I was at the age when I would enjoy these high school settings, I wouldn’t have completely understood the political themes. This point isn’t a criticism of the book, necessarily, just part of why I personally wasn’t as invested. As for all the political stuff, it was a stronger aspect of the book, but still underdeveloped. There was so much potential for this book to be amazing if it had just been a little less rushed. There was too much happening for a story of this length. The plot of this book alone could have been a duology.
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kimkimberhelen · 1 year
Gene Cousineau: “Little Sally Reed from Joplin, Missouri. What do you want?”
Sally Reed: “To be an actress … it’s all I ever wanted in the whole world.”
This quick exchange introduces Barry’s audience to Sally (Sarah Goldberg) in the series premiere. Her passionate, teary plea rings normally at first glance; she’s a small-town girl with wide-eyed Hollywood dreams. Aw, shucks. Over four seasons, HBO’s grim comedy ingeniously peels back layers to unveil Sally’s discombobulating, deeply human personality. Her unlikable traits—selfish, gravely insecure, a knack for walking over people (including seemingly naive aspiring actor Barry Block)—remain intact as the show nears its end.
By now, though, we know these qualities stem from a marred past: a rotten home life, previous spousal abuse, and a gnawing lack of confidence she desperately wants to cover up. Barry rarely excuses her entitled behavior but slowly sheds light on how her illusory front is a coping mechanism. No wonder she makes the short-lived Joplin as an outlet to process her tragedies. What’s worse? She barely gets time to exist in the world she creates after working hard to achieve it. As it turns out, Sally is the ultimate portrait of trauma in Bill Hader and Alec Berg’s stellar series, which wraps on May 28.
Sally Reed was probably never going to have a happy ending. It’s not because she prioritizes her lofty career ambitions, pushing away anything that gets in the way. Goldberg plays Sally’s goals with such enthusiasm it usually borders on mania, even when she’s sympathetic. It’s a shame she hasn’t won an Emmy for her wrenching yet funny performance. Remember her season two monologue when Barry (Hader) auditions for Jay Roach? Or her season three “entitled fucking cunt” breakdown in the elevator that Natalie (D’Arcy Carden) shares with the world, leading to her downfall? But the professional blinders Sally’s had on for most of Barry’s run is what limits her in the end.
As if her traumatic history wasn’t enough, her entanglement with Barry Berkman worsens everything. He breezes into her life one fine day, drawn into her safe space, when he catches her rehearsing outside Gene’s (Henry Winkler) studio while on a mission. Barry finds solace in it, attracted to the idea of shedding his skin to inhabit somebody who doesn’t have PTSD or a laundry list of crimes. It’s enough to get him hoping for a fresh start. That’s also what Sally hoped for when she moved to Los Angeles after finally leaving her abusive husband, Sam (Joe Massingill).
Season four delves into why Sally deserved to leave her Joplin jail. Sam isn’t the only reason. Her mother is dismissive, flat-out refusing to believe her ex abused Sally, nor does she care that her daughter’s boyfriend is arrested for murder in L.A. “Big whoop” isn’t exactly the expected maternal reaction, and her nice-guy father doesn’t have anything valuable to add, either. It’s clear from the final season’s early episodes that Sally doesn’t have anyone—anyone except for an imprisoned Barry. Her admittance to him in this season’s “bestest place on earth,” that she feels safest with him, is a devastating reality chec
Hader and Goldberg, sitting feet away, separated by a glass barrier, deliver a potent performance in a scene that sells their toxic attachment. She can write all the one-act plays and TV shows she wants, but Barry’s grievously absorbed her identity just when you (and everyone around her) thought she was free of it. Their confrontation in jail is a turning point for the show’s final installments. Her shaky confession sets Barry’s brain aflame. He teams up with the FBI, makes an enemy out of NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan), and escapes prison during a shootout. Ultimately, it launches a new life for the duo in the middle of a barren landscape where they don new identities and shed their skins. Just like the dream, huh?
Barry’s final season jumps eight years ahead with a full picture in episode five, “tricky legacies.” It glimpses into the dreary monotony of Barry and Sally, who go by Clark and Emily now. They shield their child from the real world. It doesn’t mean Sally’s not seething under Emily’s mask. Her pain follows her because she chose to give up the one thing that mattered: her acting dream. Having experienced a shitty upbringing, she passes along the intergenerational trauma to John by parenting similarly to her mom—indifferent, indignant, and inebriated. She doesn’t know where to start nurturing.
It’s not like Barry’s childhood was a prize, so neither of them is good at this, but Sally is on a whole other level. She drops alcohol in his juice to put him to sleep, serves up burnt lunches, and generally wrestles with how to love this human being she gave birth to. In Sally’s expressions, Goldberg displays a tangible aversion to motherhood, a full-bodied disdain for the life they’re responsible for creating. So yes, in a twisted way, she’s a copy of her parent now. It’s a full circle.
Everyone on Barry is haunted by their actions, especially with the time jump, so Sally isn’t an exception, of course. Barry wreaked absolute havoc. Gene lost Janice Moss (Paula Newsome), ruined his legacy, and now reappears to chase fame again. As seen in episode six, “the wizard,” Hank has grown a successful business, but had to kill the love of his life to do it. Fuches’ (Stephen Root) friendship with Barry turns sour as he morphs into the Raven. Yet, Sally’s regression is agonizing because she was a lick away from gaining everything she wanted. Instead, she ponders torturing her network boss, kills a man in self-defense, and runs back home, only for everything to crumble again. All this while witnessing Oscar winner Sian Heder work with her mentee, Kristen (Ellyn Jameson), and watching Natalie soar.
Now, she’s drunk and being tortured (note Hader’s prolific direction in “the wizard”) as a man in a ski mask figure shakes up their trailer home. She’s permanently haunted. Janice’s father has captured her partner, and all she can do is call him repeatedly, begging him to come back. With two episodes of Barry remaining, Sally is left alone in her cage to care for John. Does she head back to her hometown to complete the cycle? Or will she return to the city of dreams to find Barry and maybe accomplish the only thing she wants to be in this world? Either way, Sally might not realize it, but she’s already played the role of a lifetime now. It’s wish fulfillment in the worst and most tragic possible way.
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redskybeach · 1 year
US General Officer's Handgun
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I will drag an e-mail discussion here to the blog. The question was outside of General George Patton who had his own ideas about side arms, what did US general officers carry (if anything) during World Wars I, II and the Korean War. There is an answer because the US Army issued them to general officers in particular.
The Colt Pocket Hammerless, either the Model of 1903, in .32 ACP, or the Model of 1908, in .380 ACP.
Let's face it, the general can carry what general wants to carry, but the fact that there was an issue firearm for generals meant that many of them who carried likely carried that.
Moving on to Patton. General Patton's daily carry handguns were fitted with ivory grips. “Pearl handles are for New Orleans pimps.” the General famously quipped to a reporter.
Although popularly remembered as the "two-gun" General, Patton actually seldom wore both of his "carrying guns" together. The handguns most associated with him, and which are now in the Patton Collection of the West Point Museum, are a .45 Long Colt Single Action revolver, 1873 Army Model, and a .357 Magnum Smith & Wesson revolver.
Of the two of them, aides and relatives have said that the .45 Colt was the one Patton stressed for everyday carry, while the .357 was to be the "killing gun," in his words if the battlefield situation ever demanded it. The .45 was his oldest companion, having been purchased in 1916. There are two notches filed in the left-side ivory grip of the highly engraved .45. They came to be through a 1916 gunfight that took place in Mexico where he killed two Mexican irregular officers.
As a young officer, George Patton was part of General Pershing’s punitive expedition into Mexico to hunt down Francisco (Pancho) Villa, Governor of Chihuahua. On 14 May he came under fire while leading a caravan of three vehicles to obtain food for his troops.
Patton was armed with his own Colt SAA .45 revolver. During the fight, he emptied the weapon as many as three times. In a letter to his father after the fight, Patton wrote, “I fired five times with my new pistol and one of them ducked back into the house. I found out later that this was Cardenes and that I had hit both him and his horse.” Captain Julio Cardenes was second in command under Villa when he was shot by Lieutenant George S. Patton.
Thereafter, Patton carried a second, or backup, handgun. General Joyce confirmed that the experience with the Mexican gangsters convinced Patton he should carry at least two handguns. Patton learned through experience as did we all that two is one and one is none.
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do-i-need-a-name · 8 months
get him back by Olivia Rodrigo IS Carden and Jude’s song
I heard it and SCREAMED
Please tell me someone else has made this connection
But he’s so much fun he said weird friend
And he would take us to parties and the night would never end
Another song another club another bar another dance
Do I love him do I hate him I guess it’s up and down
If I had to say I would right now
I wanna get him back
I wanna make him feel jeleous wanna make him feel bad
Oh I wanna get him back
Cause then again I really miss him and it makes me real sad
Oh I want sweet revenge and I want him again mi want to get back back back
So I WRITE HIM ALL THESE LETTERS!!! And I throw them in the trash cause I miss the way he kisses and the way he makes me laugh
wanna kiss his face
with an upper cut
I want meet his mom
To tell her her son sucks
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the-greatadventures · 2 years
Cuddling with the Weeping Monk would include:
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Your parents had given you to father Carden when you were a little girl
You trained under father Carden to become a healer, and accompanied him when he found Lancelot
You healed Lancelot when he got hurt training and started talking to him
You guys were inseparable from each other, where ever there was one of you, the other was sure to be either watching or nearby
Eventually, you guys confessed your feelings for each other, and you were even more inseparable
You accompanied him on his journey across Britannia slaughtering the fey
It would normally be after a long day of travelling
You would stop for the night, he would go and find some wood for the fire, and you would set up the camp for the night
He would build the fire, and then check you over for any injuries you may have sustained from fighting the fey that day
If you had any, he would always be careful and slowly clean off the blood, before patching them up
Once your injuries had been seen to he would sit down and open his arms to you
You would kneel down in front of him and check him for any injuries
If there were no injuries, you would lie down with your cheek against his chest, listening to his heartbeat
And he would wrap his arms around you with his cloak covering most of your body apart from your head
He would always whisper things into your ear to get you to go to sleep, normally about how much he loved you
He would also whisper about what he would do if you guys ever got away from the church as well as father Carden
About how you and him would own a farm near a lake, be married and have three kids, preferably two boys and a girl
You would normally wake up with him packing up your camp and his cloak wrapped around you
This would happen every day that you were on the road, and even though he never showed it, Lancelot loved it
He loved you falling asleep in his arms, he loved having his arms wrapped around you, and above all, he loved the way that you would almost always smile in your sleep
Cause when you were at the Abbey, father Carden made sure to have your room on the other side of the Abbey to Lancelot's, so it was hard for you two to fall asleep in each other’s arms
@dashkana @coco25 @padfootsworld @cece-lives-here @books-netflix-and-pizza @withered-poppies @rogershoe @of-all-things-crazy11 @princessmarsofearth @psychichologramgalaxy @afuckingdisasterreally @spoooyxxqueen @linkpk88 @fandomstuffff @chennyetomlinson
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mikecardenmpreg · 2 months
thinking about that time i was wearing my stupid fucking mike carden's solo folk album shirt at the wrigley field show and mike's dad walked past me and i immediately had to turn around in shame, just in case he looked in my direction. but yeah, how sweet of him to go to his son's show, what a good supportive father
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offbookkeeping · 10 months
yesterday i woke up to a text from my father saying "hey i'm with dan harmon, do you have any questions for him?" WHAT THE FUCK?? dan harmon, the guy who made community and rick and morty and harmonquest (WHICH JESS WAS A GUEST ON BY THE WAY!!AND CARL TART AND D'ARCY CARDEN)
so my father has met that man multiple times in casual social situations (once i was almost with him but i decided not to go at the last minute) and now dan harmon knows that my favorite episode of harmonquest is the one with jess mckenna. my father is acquaintances with dan harmon and i am one more person closer to a friend of jess mckenna. i am so normal and healthy about this. i really fucking hope my acting career goes further than being an extra and being in niche commercials because oh my god what if i meet jess eventually
i am so normal and healthy and not freaking out at all oh my god
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Augusnippets Day 19
Path of Hurt Prompt; "Branded" + "Flashbacks"
Day 19 of @augusnippets August 2024 Whump writing challenge! (Augusnippets Masterlist)
- POV; Gawain - The Green Knight
- Whumpers; Brother Salt, unnamed Red Paladins
(Characters; Whumpees)
(Characters; Whumpers)
(Ao3 Link)
Wordcount; 531
TWs; Branding, restrained, torture, PTSD, flashbacks, burning
Gawain grit his teeth as hands clawed into his hair, dragging his face towards the burning torch. The Red Paladin who wielded it laughed cruelly, a sadistic glee glinting with the light of the fire in his brown eyes. Gawain's own widened in horror at the flames drawing closer and closer, unable to stop from crying out when the Paladin drove the torch into his face, fire licking hungrily across his skin.
"Do you know me, friend?"
This pain was so specific, so severe that it set his mind just as ablaze as his cheek. Yet worse than the pain alone was the sickly sweet scent of his own flesh burning, it flooded his nose with a ravenous delight, all but suffocating him.
"Have you heard of Brother Salt, and his kitchen?"
Not again...
He fought against the men that held him as the walls came closing in...
"Let me introduce you to some of my friends..."
*No. No! This cannot be happening...*
"...God's Fingers I call 'em." Brother Salt stood now before him, holding out a hand for the brand once more. Gawain watched in horror, knowing what was to come, powerless to resist it just as he was last he had sat here, tied to this accursed chair, facing the terrible torturer of Father Carden and his Red Paladins.
"Each is named for His Archangels."
Michael, he knew already, the ache flaring within his chest of last he'd felt it's scorching touch. Gawain inhaled sharply as he eyed the glowing iron, the heat searing his face even before it could touch his skin.
"When I put Michael in the fire, he glows a beautiful white. Even I can see it."
Brother Salt's mocking sewn shut eyes seemed to weep blood from between those terrible stitches. The fervour with which he spoke lacked the hard edge Gawain remembered feeling proud of coaxing from the torturer, after so many hours under his brand and knife and tool.
"The light of truth.--"
Gawain stared up at Brother Salt, wishing beyond anything this nightmare would end, that he'd dissapear, this could not happen again, how, how could this be happening again?
"--You can only speak truth to Michael."
It's happening again...
The brand moved closer and closer to Gawain's face, and he shuddered, trying desperately to move away, gritted teeth, panting in fear, now.
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Brother Salt hummed, reaching out with blind hands to stroke Gawain's hair, almost rerverently. Gawain recoiled from the touch, just as revolted as he felt the first time.
"But don't worry..." Brother Salt whispered, leaning in so close he could smell the blood and sweat of the manblood. Soft caresses turned to a harsh hold, those fingers still hooked into his hair and forcing his face still. Gawain snarled up at him, knowing those next words, that deadly promise he knew to be true...
"... You will meet them all..."
And meet them all he did.
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The agony of the flames tore through him, and Arawn help him, he could not hold back his screams, he screamed until his voice gave out and he could scream no more.
"This one breaks slow..."
But oh, Gods, not slow enough...
I thought it would be interesting to write a scene directly from the show this time, this is from Episode 9 "Poisons".
As always thank you for reading, onto the next!
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theacademyisredacted · 3 months
big shoutout to carden this fathers day. i need to ride him
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hiswordsarekisses · 11 months
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“There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table.
Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire!
"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us!'
"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment!
"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them!'
"No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent!'
"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. (Luke 16:19-31)
(Posted by Kevin Carden)
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everlastingdreams · 2 years
Little sneak peak for The Patience Of A Heart.
You tried to just put the letter under your plate and hoped it would be ignored.
Uncle Carden was not willing to just ignore the strange letter “Dear y/n, have you received a letter?”
Like he didn’t know damn well that you had…
Was he testing you now??
You feigned innocence “Yes, Uncle. I will look at it after the meal, it would be rude to do it now.”
He gestured around the room “Oh, come now. We are not so stern on things. Go on, read it.”
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msommers · 3 months
ok you know I'm asking 🤝 for riya + minah but also: 🤥🥣🎉 for riya and maeve!
my brain shut down for a long time but we got here eventually lmao xoxoxo ty // thematic headcanons
🤝 connection headcanon
this is my moment to spread the truth that riya and minah would be excellent dance partners and they could have a lot of fun during downtime comparing which dances they both already know + teaching the other ones they don’t. minah was a in a whole ass troupe as a performer and riya used to spend at least 60% of her time as a thedas party girl, you can’t tell me that they don’t have a ridiculous bank of knowledge on this topic when putting their heads together. 
🤥 for a lie-themed headcanon
RIYA — i believe in my heart she used to convince her brother sebastian of the most ridiculous lies simply to annoy him. hall of fame for the entire week she got away with convincing him that their mother was about to marry her off to some royal/noble in another region, resulting in him going on numerous rants until their father heard one and the truth came out. probably spawned from her getting irritated by his snide comments about the king's permissive nature with mage freedoms. she had no choice but to convince him she'd be allowed to leave with no push back whatsoever just for a marriage, if you think about it. somebody had to bully him about it!!
MAEVE — i keep thinking of sad things to do with carden and i don't want that in my life. i'm shoving them all into a box and ignoring them, we don't need his bitch ass rn. so ummmmm how about just goofing on the fact that maeve's cranked the drama, angst, and romance levels all up to 169% in most of her stories and convinced such a staggering amount of people who read her stories of some absurd things. anti-witcher propaganda is in shambles because the beloved bard wrote of one that wept on his knees while confessing his love to a partner because the emotions were all Too Much and now that's just spreading around as gospel to some folk. i don't know who that tale would be about but it's funny, and also rip to the witchers who play into the "we have no emotions" thing for extra intimidation if they run into any of these bard fans, it's gonna be a rough one ✌️
🥣 for a food-themed headcanon
RIYA — i feel that as somebody who grew up in an incredibly privileged position, as well as in a kingdom that goes so hard with its aesthetics and appreciation for beauty that it extends into their cuisine, presentation is the most important part of food for riya. she'd be willing to overlook a dip in quality of the ingredients (mostly. she'd probably still lowkey shade it) if the plating was beautiful enough, but anything that looks low effort will immediately have her appetite leaping out of the nearest window.
MAEVE — (food adjacent so i'm counting this) maeve can't cook for the life of her so she turned to setting tables to feel useful during meal times, then ended up Loving it as an activity because it was an unexpected and easy output for her creativity and attention to detail. carden would've ruined this for a few years (as he did with most things), but this is something she could've rekindled enjoyment of fairly quickly after he'd gone with the help of greyson. he gets to go ham in a fully-stocked rich kitchen and she gets to spend 40 minutes deciding which flowers are perfect for the evening’s dinner before finally working on any other part of the table, and that's just good teamwork idk what to tell you
🎉 for a celebration-themed headcanon
RIYA — i stand by my goof statement from numerous sessions ago that riya used to crash a bunch of parties/events in cumberland just because she could get away with it. she's done it technically twice now in-session so i believe she deserves to have gotten away with it multiple times in the past. probably, yes, she would have been invited to so very many events because of what family she's from, but i'm not talking about those ones we're ignoring those rn. we're talking about riya walking into a semi-private gala hosted by royalty or some shit and getting away with it because she batted her eyelashes at the right guard or noble and then she got to spend the night vibing out as andraste intended. i'm counting this as celebration themed bc she'd certainly feel celebratory for getting away with these things lmao
MAEVE — the thing is that this bard has too much money and that means she can get away with throwing celebration parties over whatever she wants purely as an excuse to call all her friends and loved ones together so they can have a night day&night enjoying themselves. maeve's gestures are so grand that she's planning parties just so people can have a break and feel her affection through the efforts.
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