#fate: the winx saga dane
tylerposey · 2 years
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THEO GRAHAM & FREDDIE THORP "Low-Flying Panic Attack" — Fate: The Winx Saga (2.01)
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mordredisacoolname · 1 year
Characters: Bloom Aisha Stella Musa Riven Sky Beatrix Silva Dane
CW: mention of spicy times, age gap in Silva's part (reader is over 18)
Note: I've only watched season 1 so I'll add more characters later on
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BLOOM- she just started drifting to sleep when she heard light tapping on her window. Opening her eyes she saw you signing for her to open the window. When you slid in you laughed at her surprised look. "What are you doing here?" She had asked, but you just smile and kiss her.
Bloom will be nervous at first, but than she'll ease up and will drag you to her bed to talk, not risking anything else to not wake up Aisha.
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AISHA- she was doing her homework, quietly to not wake up Bloom who was already sleeping when she noticed you waving outside the window. She instantly started worrying as she thought something happened. She opened the window letting you in "did something happen? Are you ok?"
Reassuring her everything is fine and you just wanted to see her, she'll tell you how irresponsible you are and try to shoo you away. You will eventually surrender and leave, but not before teasing her and kissing her goodbye.
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STELLA- she was getting ready to sleep when she heard a tapping on the window. Turning her head towards it she saw you waving at her. She smirks, going to the window and letting you in. "Hey handsome" she said and kisses you deeply, feeling your hands wrap around her waist.
She has no problem with it and is happy you came. She'll invite you to bed, sitting on top of you. You'll have to be quiet, no matter what you do, but you do have your privacy as the other girls all sleep in other bedrooms.
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MUSA- she already sensed you coming up, so she opened the window and sat back down on her bed, taking her headphones off. You slid to the room and saw her smiling at you. "Hey" you said and hurried to jump on her taking her head in your hands and kissing her. "Hey yourself" she said drawing you closer to her.
She likes this hour of night, when everyone is asleep and she has her peace and quiet. But sometimes it gets lonely, and she enjoys your company, laying together, making out, and other stuff.
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RIVEN- most of the time he's snicking to you, but this time you were the one climbing through his window. You texted him to open it a few minutes before, and now he was laying in his stomach facing the other side, smoking a joint (sky was finally somewhere else, so he could smoke in peace). You went up to the bed climbing up, and squishing him with your whole weight. "Ugh Jesus" he complained while you held his wrist and took a puff, kissing his neck in the process.
You'll joke around and smoke for a bit, deciding to have fun a little bit, starting with shotguns and kissing, and than continuing your activities.
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SKY- opening the window he harshly whisper asked you what are you doing here. When you told him you wanted to hang he said "wait for me outside". Pulling his shoes on he hurried down to you and took you by the hand to a less visible place.
He likes sticking out with you but worries that someone will see you coming to his room, so you just go outside to a more private place and hang there, when he is visibly more relaxed.
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BEATRIX- she was reading a spells book when she saw you gesturing for her to open the window. She put the book aside and opened the window. Smirking, she didn't let you in yet "did you want something?" She asked. "Come on let me in" you pleaded. When you were both inside you hoped on her bed, lying on your back with your hands behind your head. She claimed on top of you and started kissing you.
She loves when you snick inside her dorm and distract her, making her worries go away and just have fun.
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SILVA- he was working on taking his gear off when he saw you climbing up to his window. With a shocked expression he opened the window and helped you gat inside. "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked stunned "just want to hang with you" you said sweetly and came up to him wrapping your hands around him kissing him deeply. "And what you just decided to climb up my window and ignore the door?" He said amused between kisses. "I didn't want Farah or Ben seeing me, it's only my second year teaching here and as far as I remember they didn't like me very much as a student"
You continued making out eventually getting to bed to do more than just kissing.
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DANE- he gaped in surprise when he saw you at his window. Letting you in he quietly closed his door not to wake up his roommate. "Hey-" he didn't finish his sentence as you grabbed his face kissing him. "Hey" you said when you parted from him. He smiled and grabbed your waist, telling you it is a pleasant surprise while you were dragging him to his bed.
You didn't snick up to his room often, but when you did he enjoyed every moment. Sometimes you just sat together rumbling about random stuff, and sometimes you did more. It really depends on both of your moods.
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dr-lizortecho · 1 year
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Get To Know Me Meme-> TV Shows [4/10] Fate: the Winx Saga
“You found me when I was lost. You brought me to a place that was safe, you gave me guidance, you surrounded me with amazing people.”
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hibiscusia · 1 year
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I'M BACK (maybe not for long but who knows)
Giving some meme because that's all i thought about when i read those sentences
Thank you @septemberrie for the Idea of characters ❤️
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
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partiallypearl · 2 years
spoiler alert they are her boys
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
I just want my dad pt 2
Info: Y/n finds out from Andreas where her father is due to go and loses control, but little does she know that her suite mates prevent that from happening.
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Y/n sat at her desk, finishing off some homework when she heard a knock on the door. Frowning, not knowing who would be looking for her, she walked over and opened the door, before groaning seeing Andreas on the other side. Seeing her reaction, Andreas stepped in a bit to prevent her closing the door, causing her to sigh and move back to her desk, sitting down and turning to face her desk once again.
"I told you I'm not supposed to be a specialist, go train those who actually are specialists." Y/n spoke, winching slightly as she felt a stinging sensation from the object in her back. "That's not what I'm here for. And you and I both know that there is no way your getting out of training, whether you like it or not. You have great potential as a specialist." "In another life maybe." Y/n stated, fed up of Andreas antics. "I'm here to give you news on your father." Andreas spoke, watching as his goddaughter perked up at the mention of her dad. "Can I see him? Is he being let go?" Y/n asked, hoping at least one of them had yes as an answer. "There sending him to Polaris." Andreas stated, watching for a reaction. "That's the frozen north. Surely what he did wasn't that bad." Y/n stated, trying not to cry as tears built up. "He did try to kill me." Andreas stated, bringing his hands out in front of him. "But your alive. Surely that counts for something." "The queens word is final." "Yeah well fuck the queen." Y/n said in rage, standing up abruptly. "Y/n, watch would you say. You know what can happen if you don't remain in control." Andreas stated, eyeing the stone embedded in her shoulder. "No, Andreas, enough about control, I want to see my dad, please he's all I have left. I can't lose him." Y/n stated, angry tears falling. “Y/n, calm down now before I have to use force” Andreas warned the young fairy only for it to fall on deaf ears.
Y/n narrows her eyes at Andreas and balls her hands into fists, gritting her teeth as her eyes glow white before letting her powers consume her. She fires a ball of white fire at Andreas only for Andreas to duck just on time. The fire landed on a piece of clothing, causing flames to appear as Dane walked in after accompanying Andreas to y/n's room. Seeing the flames he throws water on them, eyeing y/n as she grew angrier.
“Get Rosalind, now.” Andreas commanded before going over to y/n, taking out knife to defend himself. “Yes go get Rosalind, see what she can do now to make my hell life even worse.” Y/n laughed maniacally. “Y/n, stop this now.” Andreas commanded. “No Andreas, I don’t care what happens to you, you took my dad, so why should I care what happens, I’m done for anyway.” Y/n stated with sadness before raising her hands again only for Rosalind to blast her back.
Rosalind walked into y/n's dorm room and headed towards the fairy as she lay on the ground, confused from the blast. The headmistress toots as she crouched down in front of the young Silva, shaking her head in disapproval.
Upon hearing the back, Terra and Musa rush into y/n's room to see what happened. Realizing there were two teachers there, they watched in confusion and worry when they see y/n on the ground, Andreas with a knife in his hand and Rosalind crouched in front of the student.
“What’s going on?” Musa asked, trying to read the emotions in the room only to fail, only feeling y/ns hurt. “What’s going on is y/n here has lost control, so now we need to take action.” Rosalind stated, getting back up and moving towards Dane who gave her a box. “What do you mean take action?” Terra asked, concerned for her friend. Y/n looks up as she hears Rosalind walking away from her. “I mean stop her magic temporarily, till she learns to control her emotions.” Rosalind stated, opening the box and taking out two metal wires, causing the girls eyes to widen. “Wait, you’re not going to use them on her, are you?” Musa asked, glancing at y/n to see her eyes widen. “It’s only temporary.” Rosalind shrugged before walking back to y/n, Andreas following.
Musa and Terra watched hopelessly as Andreas pulled y/n off the ground by her arm, y/n struggling to get away from him as he tried to grab her wrists. Seeing her student struggling, Rosalind sighed and placed her hand on the diamond embedded in y/ns back, squeezing it, causing pain to y/n that prevented her from fighting. With y/n distracted with the pain, Andreas grabbed the fairies arms and put them out for Rosalind to put the cuffs on her. Y/n whimpers in pain as they attached to her wrists, before eyeing Rosalind as she leaned in closer.
“I would advise you to get used to this y/n. The longer you fight us the more it’s going to hurt.” Rosalind stated before walking off. “Your father is good as gone y/n, get used to it.” Andreas stated before following Rosalind out, leaving Musa and Terra alone with y/n. “Are you okay y/n?” Terra asked, rushing over to hug y/n carefully. “I just want my dad.” Y/n cried, falling to the ground, allowing her suite mates to comfort her.
Silva sighs as he hears the door of the cellar opening, thinking it was Andreas. Four months he had been in his cell and four months since he had last seen his daughter, or anyone. Silva prepared to be smart to Andreas only to frown when he seen Queen Luna walking towards his cell, her soldiers close behind.
“What’s going on?” Silva asked in confusion as one of the guards opened the door of his cell. “It is with deepest sorrow that I tell you this Saul, but you are being sent to Polaris.” Luna stated as two soldiers walked towards Saul. “Wait what, no, you can’t do that. Please, I beg of you, don’t do this. Y/n needs me.” Saul stated, trying to fight against the men who grabbed his arms roughly. “I’m sorry Saul, but you committed a crime and need to be punished.” Luna stated, trying to sound sympathetic. “Please, let me see her, let me see y/n one last time please, I need to know she’s okay.” Silva stated, wanting to see his daughter one last time. “I can assure you that y/n is safe, she is in control.” Luna spoke, causing Silva pull back slightly. “What the hell does that mean?” “As you know Saul, y/n is a very special girl. So, we took precautions so she would remain in control, she will make a fine soldier one day.” Luna spoke warmly, sounding fond of the young Silva. “No, Queen Luna please, leave my girl alone, let her live her life.” Silva begged as the soldiers pulled him out, not wanting his daughter to end like him. “Y/n is safe Saul, that I can assure you.” Luna stated before leaving the soldiers to do their job.
Realizing there was no way out of this, and deciding to at least act like the specialist he was raised to be even if he didn't feel like it, Saul sighed and stood straight, allowing he soldiers to put cuffs on him and lead him out of his cell. He blinked rapidly as the door to the outside was opened, feeling the discomfort of the light burning his eyes.
As he was lead towards the jeep that would lead him to his faith, Silva seen Riven and Dane as well as his other students standing to the side watching, and can't help but feel disappointed in how things turned out. He allows himself to be thrown into the back, knowing that fighting wouldn't help his chances, before looking up as Andreas jumps up behind him, chuckling lightly.
"You look like actual dog shit Saul, and you smell worse." Andreas stated, smirking slightly. "Well I've been in jail for months, what's our excuse?" Silva asked blankly, causing Andreas to smile slightly "Even after everything your still just Rosalind's errand boy." Andreas looked away with a smirk before leaning into Silva slightly. "We both chose our leader, but only one of us is in chains." Andreas stated, pointing to the chains on Silva's wrists before moving to leave. "How is she?" Silva asked, stopping Andreas movement. "She's alive, if that's what your asking." Andreas stated with a smirk. "You know what I'm asking. I'm guessing you told her so how did she take it?" Silva asked and Andreas nodded, turning to face him. "She lost control so we put her in her place." Andreas said curtly, moving to get out. "Let's move out." He finished before closing the door, leaving Silva to think over what he said.
Y/n lay in Sky's bed, staring at the ceiling as Sky sat at the desk. Sky sat staring at the sword Silva had given him with a glare, and y/n turned her attention to her unbiological brother when she heard him sigh.
"What is it?" Y/n asked, moving to sit up. "Silva gave me this sword, told me it was my dads. Turns out it's another lie he told me." Sky stated, not moving his vision. "He did it to protect you Sky, protect me." Y/n started. "Yeah because apparently you need to be protected at all costs." He snapped before turning abruptly when he realized what he said. "Y/n I.." "You think I want this Sky. This fucking thing in my back and these on my wrists." Y/n asked, indicating to her back before showing her wrists, "Do you think I want to be some special fairy that everyone wants. I have lost my dad Sky, possibly forever. He raised you as your own and because of one lie your casting him aside. At least your dad's still there, as shit as he may be, be thankful you still see him." Y/n finished her rant before getting up to leave. "Y/n, please, I'm sorry." Sky called to her before she left, causing Sky to curse silently.
Y/n ignored Sky's shouts and made her way back to her dorm, tears falling down her cheeks. All she wanted was her dad and now she may never see him again. Her dad was the one who raised her and he was the one who protected her from the queen, and now that he was gone, no one could protect her from Queen Luna, or the new heads of school.
Not wanting anyone to see her crying, y/n wiped her tears as she reached the dorm. Her suite mates had seen her break down over her dad enough times, and she wasn't too keen on letting it become a regular thing. However when she looked around and seen no one around, she signed and headed towards her room, flopping onto the bed and allowing the tears to spill down her cheeks. Her thoughts became surrounded by memories with her father, not knowing that her suite mates were trying to break him out.
Saul sat in the back of the closed jeep, watching as they speed past the forest, seeing excess movement along the trees. Frowning slightly, his thoughts became disrupted as they came to a stand still, and he looked back when he heard doors opening and closing as well as the soldiers cursing before the back door was opened and he was pulled out and placed in the back of a less secure jeep. He caught sight of vines growing towards a soldier that stood at the bonnet of his previous transport and taking keys from the pocket of the soldiers uniform, cursing silently as he realized who it was.
He looked back again as his new transport started moving, before turning his vision back to in front of him. He sees a bubble of water coming towards him and looks back to see Riven and Dane looking ahead before the water bursts on him. Looking down he grabs the keys and looks back once again before bending down as he hears an explosion in the distance. Riven, Dane and Andreas rush out of the jeep and ran off, and Silva took his chance to escape.
Fidgeting with the key and lock, Silva managed to open the cuffs and made a run for it to the forest behind him. He barely got into the trees when he heard Andreas give out a shout and footsteps rushing to him, so he started to run quicker. Dodging trees and overgrown roots, Silva groans as he feels two arrows shoot into his back, before seeing a cliff coming into view.
Taking a leap of faith, Silva holds his breath before he crashes into the water. Closing his eyes, he struggles to hold his breath, and ends up breathing out, choking as he feels like he's about to pass out until he sees a large air bubble coming towards him and cover his mouth, as well as pressure to keep him under water. He breathes in relief while waiting for the pressure to be relieved before swimming to the surface, feeling the stinging of his back as he struggles to make his way to the edge of the river.
Leaning against a large rock at the side of the river, Silva sees Bloom, Musa, Aisha and Terra walking towards him, causing him to look around for y/n only to become deflated when he realizes she's not there. He moves to sit on the rock and allows to pull out the arrows and point ointment onto the wounds.
"That has to be the most reckless think you have ever done." He stated as he looked back at the four fairies. "I don't think that's very true." Terra stated, looking at her friends. "Weren't you here last year." Aisha asked, bending down. "Yeah when Bloom went crazy and let loose evil headmistress." Musa stated, looking at Bloom who smiled in shame. "What do we do now?" Bloom asked, ignoring the topic. "I need to see y/n first, I need to know she's okay." Silva stated, moving to stand up. "I don't think that's a good idea. You just escaped, they're going to look for you. Probably go to y/n first thinking she had something to do with it." Aisha stated with a shake of her head, causing Silva to sigh, knowing she was right. "Take me to blackbridge, right off the town square, my friend Sebastian owns a store. He helped us take down Rosalind, he'll hide me." Silva sighed, wanting to see his daughter but knowing it was safer this way. "Alright, to blackbridge we go." Bloom stated before the group of them left.
Tags: @lyria-skyfall @mxacegrey @sassyqueen15
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honeybear-yammy · 2 years
𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐱 𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
© Honeybear-Yammy, please do not steal, translate, copy, or transfer my work.
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| $ - Smut | * - Fluff | # - Angst | ! - Dark Content |
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↳ Bloom Peters
↳ Sky
↳ Riven
↳ Aisha
↳ Musa
↳ Stella
↳ Flora
↳ Terra Harvey
↳ Beatrix
↳ Sam Harvey
↳ Dane
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folklore-barnes · 2 years
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🗡 specialists | aes 🗡
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yourfaveis-queer · 2 years
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Dane, Beatrix, and Riven from Fate: The Winx Saga are canonically in a polyamorous relationship!
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missmiso · 2 years
Beatrix ~ Tuning Out [Fate: The Winx Saga]
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nutella-28m · 2 years
Petition to #savefatethewinxsaga
This link was shared to me by @ivashkova-art and I cannot express how grateful I am for it.
If signing isn't an option then please spread the link, spam the hashtag or let others know of its existence (respectfully, of course) as this marvelous person did to me. Every little bit counts.
Hopefully our voices are heard and even if they aren't we'll know we tried. That alone means a lot as a fandom.
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hibiscusia · 2 years
New pictureset about out alfea students !
Not a ship but just them and their friendship.
For @leadingrebel who always love my pictures things ❤️
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Next one will probably be on Stellatrix...
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
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says i’m his favorite
yeah i fucking better be
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Fate is canceled and that’s what they get for taking the best character aka Sam Aisha Dane Riven away and not giving them screen time plot lines and taking away their love interest for characters that are soo mf boring you’ll rather watch pain dry and ships no one wanted or cares about and for not giving us Dane Riven Endgame when that’s all we cared about + Aisha storyline screen time + her man Trix and Sam plots and screen time!
I never lose every show that don’t give my endgame and or screen time and storyline to best fav characters get cancelled RNM, prodigal son, the society now fate I fear OBX is next if they don’t give me jjpope endgame! and I’ll ofc keep wishing YR GG Heartstopper ends just because I hate it and don’t wanna see boring YT gays shows anymore like I’m tired cancel them to netflix plz
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itachi86 · 2 years
riven was so jealous of seeing dane kiss another guy don’t even trip
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