#fate in la
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enhypendata · 1 year ago
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© saltniki do not edit or crop logo
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fuckyeahparkjongseong · 1 year ago
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© wanted
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m-orbidlypink · 1 year ago
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cc. @saltniki (via Twitter/X)
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poison-into-positivity · 3 months ago
I don’t think we acknowledge enough that the Guide’s whole thing is that she was cursed to a life of servitude to the Vampiric Council because she loved a Van Helsing. Like that seems relevant when we’re talking about her in relation to Nandor
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littleeliza-lotte · 6 months ago
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Grace and Dónal’s final show
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pgfone · 7 months ago
Posso lamentarmi? Mi lamento: per descrivervi quanto sia ridicola ormai la situazione agricola Italiana vi voglio raccontare questa cosa. In questi ultimi anni ho dismesso tutte le coltivazioni (causa zero ricavi) orzo, grano, farro, lenticchie, per citarne alcune, ormai tutta rimessa sotto ai 100 ettari e mi sono concentrato sugli olivi, ogni tanto però faccio qualche prodotto su richiesta specifica o per qualche amico. In questo caso ho fatto delle balle di fieno per un amico, un fieno di prato misto dove ci sono varie essenze tra cui l'erba medica, il trifoglio, il loietto, l'avena, ecc ecc... insomma tutte quelle varieta di specie erbacee che fanno i prati di montagna colorati per cui tutti impazziscono (Tipo la fioritura di Castelluccio). Bene vi ho già annoiato? Lo capisco, ma aspettate tanto è caldo e non si può fare niente a quest'ora a parte leggere. Allora per essere breve, il processo del fieno è abbastanza semplice, si taglia, si fa asciugare un giorno o due (in questa stagione) si gira, si ranghina, ovvero si mette tutto insieme in file per poi pressarlo con l'apposita macchina attaccata al trattore che fa le balle che possono essere di varia forma densità e misura a seconda poi delle bestie che andrà a nutrire. Ecco capite che è un bel dispendio di tempo e gasolio fare questi passaggi senza contare le macchine che ormai sono costosissime e senza contare che il mercato ormai richiede un prodotto perfetto, per perfetto intendo che se becca una piovuta non vale più niente. Ok fino a qui ci siete? Ora viene il bello, una di quelle balle cilindriche dove tutti si fanno le foto Instagrammabili pesa all'incirca 4 quintali e il fieno quest' anno viene pagato 4 euro al quintale, 4x4=16 euro per una balla, bene, sapete quanto costa la rete per legare la balla (che è quella che fa si che il fieno stia lì tutto bello pressato) ?????
20 euro.
Per concludere, 4 euro di rimessa a balla, senza considerare il gasolio per tutti i passaggi che vi ho descritto e senza considerare che il fieno lì non ce l'ha messo il buon dio ma ci è stato seminato con altrettanti passaggi che vi evito per non essere ancora più prolisso
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mokadevs · 1 year ago
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day 1: if only
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miraku39 · 1 year ago
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haha what do you mean i’m into blondes lol
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constellationclarke · 6 months ago
Hadestown today for Grace and Dónal's final performances was actually insane. The energy was electric, every single performer on stage gave it their fucking all as though it was also their last performance too, right off the bat everyone was already emotional, the crowd was wild and cheering insanely loud at the very beginning, all the emotional moments were 10x more tender. Dónal's last If It's True was actually fucking crazy it was a showstopper to the point that when it ended not only did everyone applaud like usual but everyone stood up for a grand standing ovation. (Also I was sat next to his parents!! When everyone came out on stage at the beginning his mum stood up and waved and clapped for him, I was so emotional!) During Promises when Eurydice says "You finished it" about Orpheus finally completing his song the whole theatre erupted into cheers and applause (that never happens in that moment). When Grace has her big note at the end of Wait for Me (Reprise) the cheering and applause was so loud. The audience was just electric like never before, the cheering and applause for every single song had such a different and more intense feel to it than any other day. When Orpheus turns around and loses Eurydice the whole theatre held its breath and you could hear a pin drop when Hermes starts singing the finale. Melanie started it so so quietly and solemnly and tragically and it was so beautiful. Everyone on stage was crying when they came to take their bows and Madeline got a moment of appreciation since she's taking over as Eurydice. Dónal and Grace had extended applause moments. Everyone was a sobbing mess during We Raise Our Cups, both audience and cast alike AND!! The rest of the cast (swings and understudies) came out during the song to raise their cups as well!! And then Melanie asked everyone to be seated again and called all the tech team out to stage too, taught us a call and response she'd like us to keep in mind from a storytelling tradition back in Trinidad and Tobago (sorry I can't remember it rn I was too much of an emotional wreck!!) And then she gave Grace and Dónal respectively a beautiful heart felt genuine lovely speech and goodbye, there was not a dry eye in the whole place. She asked everyone on stage to create a path and then sent Grace and Dónal off with a rhyme and the call and response she taught us, and they walked off the way Orpheus and Eurydice would have walked out of hell together if he hadn't turned around!!!!!, and they stopped at the top just before the exit to wave bye to everyone and honestly there's probably loads I'm missing out on but I cried too damn much to be able to have the mental capacity to even formulate thoughts so if anyone else was there today and has anything to add please do so!!!! 😭 it was an insane time and I'm so so glad I got to be there and experience it, it was pure magic. I got this vid of the bows and you can see how emotional everyone was but had to cut it off as We Raise Our Cups started because my hands were shaking so much (I have a full vid of the song from months ago tho if anyone wants to see it just search on my blog)
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enhypendata · 1 year ago
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© Hypno / Spiral do not edit/crop logo
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fuckyeahparkjongseong · 1 year ago
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© sternklar
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m-orbidlypink · 1 year ago
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cc. @Fairytaleyou624 (Twitter/X)
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ogrepoppenangleaksofficial · 10 months ago
have you watched any actual plays, and if so, what are your favourites?
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idliketochill · 18 days ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day people
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patemi-pk · 4 months ago
I like the design of those italian mega prestige books that are publishing the recolored editions of some classic stories, so I imagined them for the american market.
(All of the books I imagined feature more than one story, unlike the italian books)
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lilsciencequeen · 3 months ago
Things I love from Hadestown: Live From London
Feel free to reblog and add what you loved
Melanie La Barrie. Just Melanie La Barrie.
Literally every single way that Dónal Finn says yes: the wee yessSSS? before Hermes warns him not to come on to strong cause he knows his Hermes is gonna warn him not to pull any nonsense. How his voice just cracks in Wedding Song, and in Promises just how proud and excited he is.
How Dónal forgets his words in Promises. It is very Orpheus and very cute.
All I've Ever Known - when he sings 'suddenly I'm holding the world in my arms'. I like to think about this a lot.
I am a Chant girlie through and through and Gloria and Zach absolutely nailed the assignment. How they are just having the most intense Lovers Quarrell. They are going off on one another and it breaks my heart I never got to see these two together.
The Fates. I love them. They are absolutely amazing in the album. Their taunts and their cackles and how they are always there just teasing everyone. It really just emphasises the part of them always being there.
Wait For Me continues to ruin me. Both versions. I will be forwarding them my therapy bills.
If It's True: Fam, I ain't doing alright. Who gave this man the right.
Road to Hell (Reprise). Gonna be honest, punching me in the face would hurt less and I am someone who speaks from experience.
Every part of this album is perfect and already most of it is in my On Repeat on Spotify. Every single member of this cast deserves a special shout out, along with everyone who worked on this show.
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