I'm sorry, 83 WHOM???
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Farmor när Bamse säger att pannkakorna ger ifrån sig skrattande ljud och flyger ut genom fönstret:
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tordenvejr · 7 months
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i made fastelavnsboller and they're so good 🩷
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everythingroyalty · 1 year
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Lots of enthusiasm for the seaplane operating between Copenhagen and Aarhus on the balcony during Queen Margrethe II of Denmark’s 83rd birthday celebrations on 16 April 2023 ✨🛩
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lazaruscorpse · 9 months
mum gave my cats a christmas gift and indirectly misgendered me on the label because grandmother in swedish is either mother's mother – mormor – or father's mother – farmor – and she wrote that it was from the former ":)"
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moonybemine · 7 months
your card declines at therapy so they bring out the father figure character that had a tragic death protecting the main character who's never had a father figure before them
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littlehenrikehd · 1 year
Tror ni att någon gång i framtiden, så är det Bamse som gör dunderhonungen och Nalle-Maja som är välrdens starkaste björn ?
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stoertebeker · 3 months
Idag på Yle Österbotten de pratade om alger som har växt i några finska sjöar efter den varma våren/sommaren. Och jag förstår inte riktigt hur farlig dena algerna är men radiopratare (?) nämnade explicit Larsmo & även Fagernäs som "hotspots"
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jaxyscreams · 4 months
I got some seeds from the library and have now sowed them :3
Also I have a bunch more seedlings now!
Lil cucumber seedlings and strawberry seedlings :,3
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be-more-tired · 1 year
Förlåt om det här är väldigt random, men jag älskar din profilbild <3
tackar tackar :} måste ju på nått sätt signalera till andra svenskar här på Amerikan-saiten™
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ty4everything · 1 year
We'll never get to enjoy her pinnekjøtt or cooking again
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Another random worldbuilding linguistic thing: What about a language with a bizarrely massive vocabulary for relatives?
The finnish language has a separate word for "uncle" whether that's your mother's brother or your father's brother - and the latter one is used for General Unrelated Uncles like for the old-fashioned custom of teaching small children to refer to unfamiliar adults as "aunts" and "uncles". The Donald Duck -comics actually use the wrong one when referring to Donald in relation to his nephews, as they are his sister's children, though the otherwise spectacular finnish translation can get a pass since the first comics were translated and published before such background lore reached Finland, or was written at all.
Swedish has separate words for paternal and maternal grandparents, your mother's mother is "mormor" and father's mother is "farmor", and "farmor" and "farfar" for your father's parents. While finnish isn't as efficient with these, both languages have specific words for whether a grandchild is your son's or your daughter's offspring, or simply "child's child" (barnbarn) if you don't know the genders of either or - I presume - to remain gender-neutral.
So what about a people whose language has different and exact names for any kind of relatives, or can-be-regarded-as such people? Like there's a separate word for "aunt" if that's your mother's sister, one for your father's sister, and a specific "auntie" preserved for your mom's best friend who's not actually related to you in any way but they've been best friends ever since they were your age so that's your auntie now. And there's a specific word for your mother's sister's bestie, and so on.
So people who speak the language can go "yeah I've got fuck-all to do with this specific person but he's my father's sister's best friend's son", while trying to explain the relation in a language that doesn't have the same terminology. And someone else goes "damn, how the hell do you people always seem to manage to keep track of this kind of shit, I barely remember my second cousins' names."
And the person explaining just shrugs and goes "nah no I don't actually even know him, I've just heard someone refer to him as my paternal-honorary-cousin-once-removed in a sentence one time. I literally don't even know his name."
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just-a-floofy-catt · 9 months
So uh
I am literally obsessed w this game rn
Particularly Starlo
Hes now in my silly man collection :3
Ive been practicing drawing him and making loads of appearance headcanons to figure out how im gonna draw him lmao
Heres some lil doodles i did on the side whilst doing that XD
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This ones my favourite lmao
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Drew him without his hat first to get his headshape down
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First doodle i did w his hat
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Leetol farmor :)
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I made him to a cat boy and also gave him fake nails lmao
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I thought itd be cool if he had a forked tounge so i drafted some ideas :3
(Also before anyone tries to call me out on how 'he used to have braces so the tooth gap wouldnt make sense' I AM FULLY AWARE HE HAD BRACES 😭 but i saw other people drawing him like this and i liked it so thats how im drawing him now and idc. And ig its kinda funny cus its ironic and theres probably a way to headcanon it into making sense too XD)
The pacifist ending made me cry the most ive ever cried in my life at a piece of media
I didnt know it was possible to cry so hard and smile so wide at the same time cus like, i was happy for everyone getting some semblance of a happy ending in the credits BUT IT WAS ALSO REALLY FUCKING BITTERSWEET 🥲
I love this game so much lmao
Im now in love with a goshdarn cowboy sheriff and like a ship called fucking corn yaoi
What is my life rn 💀
(Sidenote, anyone who sees my dca content alot, dw I STILL LOVE THEM im just a lil obsessed w Star at the moment XD)
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simonsapelsin · 2 months
Hi :) Can you tell me about your IKEA fic, please?
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Hello, and thank you for asking!
Ex-prince Wilhelm has just started attending a university near me (in the U.S.) and is feeling homesick. His dumb/well-meaning roommates bring him to IKEA, where he meets cafeteria worker Simon who serves him a plate of meatballs (as @peakotp knows, I have spent more time thinking about why Simon would be working in this IKEA than I have actually writing the fic).
So, after eating, Wilhelm gets separated from his roommates and encounters Simon again.
“Fuck!” Wilhelm paced around the dining area moving his phone about in the air in an increasingly agitated manner.
“Yeah, don't bother trying to find a signal.”
Wilhelm turned around to find Simon standing behind him, untying his apron and taking off his little hat.
“This place is like a black hole. I hope you didn't like those friends very much because you'll probably never see them again.”
Wilhelm gulped. “Oh.” He put his phone in his back pocket and stared at Simon in stunned silence.
“How'd you like the meatballs?”
“Um…they were…fine? Nothing like farmor’s, but that’s to be expected. The lingonberry jam was pretty good.”
Simon nodded. “So…I can't believe your friends abandoned you in this place. A lost prince in a faraway land..." He narrowed his eyes and drew a little closer. "Do you think I could return you for a reward?"
“Ex-prince,” Wilhelm blushed. “So, not worth much, I'm afraid.”
“Yeah, I know. My mama still pays attention to all that stuff and keeps me updated against my will. That was big news,” Simon smiled a little. “Congrats, by the way.”
Wilhelm smiled back, “thanks.”
Then Simon offers to help him find his roommates but I don't think he knows where he's going either so they get lost in the IKEA maze but have a lot of fun in the meantime!
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svenskjavel · 6 months
Grattis farmor tröjan är ikonisk den med
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
You're an experienced bodyguard. You have a VIP. You're pinned down in the top floor of a hotel. You have access to any given type of firearm you might need--pistol, shotgun, SMG, assault rifle--and your VIP knows how to load, handle and fire one, but has never been in a real combat situation. What do you give her in the dire event that she has to defend herself?
That's easy, you don't; for a multitude of reasons.
First, it puts the protectee in danger. Even on the superficial scenario of having a bodyguard and a protectee in a firefight, the bodyguard is going to be focus of incoming fire. They're the ones shooting at the attackers, meaning the attackers are going to be more concerned with dropping the bodyguard first, and then mopping up. If you arm the protectee and they start shooting people, then the attackers are going to have to pick between shooting at the two people firing on them, and of course, if they kill the protectee, that defeats the entire exercise.
Second, that lack of combat experience is actually a big deal. You cannotpredict how someone will react to live combat. Granted, in the specific context of being the omnipotent author of your world, youknow, but the characters in it should not. Arming an inexperienced protectee can result in some verydangerous situations. You do not want to hand someone a gun who, in a moment of panic, reasons that since you're the one shooting at the attackers, maybe if they kill you it will save their life, completely missing the part where the attackers are there to harm them. You do not want to hand someone a gun, only to have them start firing on the friendly extraction team when it arrives, in a moment of panic. Both of these are potential scenarios that can be completely avoided by simply not arming them.
If you're a bodyguard for a VIP, the only time you want your protectee armed is if she's pulling your pistol off your corpse. Okay, that is a little hyperbolic, there are some other scenarios where the protectee might arm themselves, but most of those are going to be cases where their entire security entourage is already dead.
As for what the bodyguards were using originally, that's going to depend pretty heavily on who they were, and who they were protecting. In most cases, they're specifically going to carry weapons they can hide under a suit coat, which already excludes a lot of assault rifles and shotguns. Ironically, this also runs against my biases. If you're talking about room to room fighting, my preference would be a Benelli M4, but that will not fit under a sport coat. Just because your character has access to a wide range of military hardware doesn't mean they can carry all of that with them, and people in polite society tend to get a bit nervous when a security detail rolls in carrying tactical shotguns.
This leads to another issue. For the moment, let's assume your character is carrying around a Kel-Tec KSG. This is a fairly compact shotgun, and something they might be able to carry concealed (though, that's a little debatable, because it is still pretty chunky), and they get pinned down on the top floor. That shotgun is going to be farmore effective in their hands than the protectee's. If anything goes wrong with it (or they use all fourteen shells), then they can fall back on their sidearm. If they hand their sidearm over to the protectee, and the KSG has an issue, they're are now unarmed, and need to negotiate back their own gun from the protectee, while they're getting shot at. This is a bad situation on so many levels.
Generally speaking, you're not going to carry extra guns that you don't foresee a potential need for. This means, it's likely even if your security team's armory is filled with high end military hardware, they're not likely to carry a lot of that unless they're expecting problems. If this was supposed to be a reasonably secure hotel, with its own security staff, your bodyguard is probably going to be carrying a handgun, with possibly a backup pistol in case the main one suffers a mechanical failure. This is, ironically, one of the nice things with Glocks. A compact or subcompact Glock will take the magazines from the larger variants in that same caliber. So, for example, if your character carries a Glock 17 and Glock 26, if their 17 is disabled or lost, they can still load their remaining Glock 17 mags into their 26 without issue. (Note: this is not true of the other9mm subcompact, the Glock 43, which is significantly slimmer, and uses a non-compatible magazine.) Even in a situation like this, your character would have the backup in case they needed it, not to randomly hand it out.
So, the short version remains, no competent bodyguard would arm their protectee in a situation like this. It would actively put their protectee in greater danger.
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