#farmer x balor
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legendsgalore · 6 months ago
Danger in the Deep
The farmer gets injured and collapses in the mine, who rescues them...? 6k words.
“Ah fuck fuck fuck.” You called out, too breathless to even shout, just a stream of consciousness falling from your lips at this point.
You twist in midair, trying to aim so you could come down with a sword stab on the attacking monsters, but you over judged the distance when you jumped and now are too far away. Instead you let yourself land on your feet, close to the edge of one of the water pools around you.
As you catch your balance, waving your arms a little to do so, you feel something hard *cRaCk* into your back and you gasp out in pain. It startles you enough that you topple forward and fall into the water.
“Fuc-” Splash! In you go. Instincts kick in and you fight for the surface, spluttering water as you push above.
But as you’re inhaling air, another *cRaCk* and you cry out in pain.
“Ahh! I swear, to whatever deity out there, Caldarus, or that ghost priestess lady, I will make you regret, ever, being, born!” A little breathy, but you hoped that the trio of iron ore covered rocks currently spitting more rocks at you got the idea.
They just spat more rocks at you and you dove to the side to avoid them, and hurriedly pulled yourself over the bank on the other side of the pool. You’re unsteady on your feet, barely any health left, and stumble once and nearly fall back into the water. On your feet now, you twist to dodge another rock barrage, and then turn back to look at the water, and eye the distance between the two banks.
With one nod to yourself, more for self reassurance, you hold your iron sword out to the side, run and leap over the distance. In midair you twist your shoulder to bring your sword over your head, and your other hand finds a grip on the weapon’s handle.
Just before you land in the middle of the three rocks, you release a battle cry and twist once more so that all your body weight and momentum is behind the sword, who’s point is facing downwards.
You land with an audible crunching noise into the ground, and the shockwave of force knocks all three iron rock monsters back, stunning them. Taking advantage of their momentary distraction you yank your sword out of the ground and start going to town on the nearest one.
It doesn’t even get a chance to recover from being stunned before its existence is forcibly removed by you, and you get to work on the second just as it finishes recovering.
You continue swiping your sword, even as the monster shoots another trio of rocks at you in defense, *cRaCk*, and your stubbornness wins out and it too, perishes.
Just as you catch your breath, something hard slams into your back *cRaCk* and your vision goes black for a moment in pain.
“Gah!” You can’t help but cry out, that hurt so bad.
Whirling around, you see the third monster you had somehow forgotten about. It was already gearing up to launch another barrage of rocks, those three pronged attacks that always hit you no matter how you dodged, thanks to your unfamiliarity with the pattern.
Forcing your feet to move, even when they feel so heavy like your boots were made of pure iron, you push forward and start attacking the last enemy. Once again you ignore dodging attacks in favor of just, killing it already!
You hack and swipe and stab your sword, ignoring the *cRaCk* *cRaCk* *cRaCk* as two attacks graze you, and on the third, you stab the rock into oblivion, but its last attack still nails you in the chest, causing you to stumble and fall. Your head hits the ground, and the rocks, hard.
“Ahgh!” You cry out in pain, again. You swore you might have heard something crack in you that time. Head injuries are no joke you know, but your head is so fuzzy that you can barely even think that.
You lie there for who knows how long, nausea washing up and away like the beach tide, as you breathe into the silence, wavering between holding back your whimpers and being unable to.
The Upper Mines were nothing compared to this. You were so unprepared, no armor, nothing. Three of those rock enemies who all take so many hits and just, keep, attacking.
Finally, your thoughts collect themselves enough that you realize you should probably sit up. The realization that you were so out of it that it didn’t even occur to you before scares you. You sway a lot, but you stay sitting up so you count it as a victory.
Tenderly you reach and push against your sternum where the last attack hit, and the pain is so intense it almost makes you black out.
It’s all you can do to remain sitting up for another stretch of time, but eventually your awareness comes back to you and you feel in control again. Even though you’re not pushing on your likely cracked sternum, your vision wavers and is fuzzy on the edges.
Looking around you, you note that the cavern you’re in is now empty, but the elevator is on the other side of that pool you crossed earlier.
You breathe out deeply, and wince at the fresh wave of pain that causes. Your whimper echoes in the cavern, and you shut your eyes tightly for a moment.
Gathering your willpower, you move your leaden feet again, feeling your leg muscles tremble as you stand up. Giving yourself a moment to adjust to the wave of black spots that rush your vision from the action, you eventually move to the edge of the water pool.
At the edge of the water, you debate internally whether to jump or swim, and you decide that you don’t want to risk being unable to climb back up the bank, so it’s jumping for you.
Pushing down your whimpers, you would shake your head if it didn’t hurt so much, and just force your body to move.
Taking a few steps back, you forcefully push your muscles into action, feeling strength course through your limps and pump out a few powerful steps before leaping over the water. You can’t help but smile in pride for yourself being able to do that much, and that all you need to do is head back down that hallway and then you’ll be right next to the elevator and will just be able to ride it up and out of the mines - until your vision just outright blacks out midair and your jump turns into a crashing leap.
You can’t even twist to try to land on your back, and your legs throb as you land badly, and then they go out from underneath you and you collapse in an awkward pile of limps and, again, your head hits the ground, hard.
Balor is very casually leaned against the entrance of the Mines, holding a Snowdrop Anemone in his hand. He turns it over, examining the rare flora.
You had passed by him early this morning and had just simply handed him this very desirable flower. He didn’t understand you. You hadn’t put it in the shipping bin, you had apparently just found it and gave it to him because, he was there?
Your words had been “Just because you deserve it!” And that didn’t make things any clearer.
So here he was, back where he saw you that morning, pondering the meaning behind your actions. He was hoping to catch you as you came out of the Mines, no one in town had seen you since you went in and it was nearing dark, so you were bound to come out any moment.
All of a sudden, despite the summer weather, Balor felt a chill reach up his spine, as if something was permeating his body. It reached his head and before Balor could panic about the feeling he heard something on the breeze.
There was no way. But Balor felt that earlier chill seize his muscles and spurn him into action and before he knew it he was by the elevator inside the Mines.
“Hello! Are you there!!” Balor called out your name but there was no response.
Logic told him you should be fine, you had gone into the Mines literally everyday this past week, but that chill lingered in his bones and Balor couldn’t ignore it.
But he didn’t have a weapon and if you really were hurt, him being unarmed wouldn’t help the situation so he turned and ran out of the Mines. He needed to get a weapon.
His chest was heaving by the time he ran up to the Blacksmith’s, where he could see Olric helping March cool down the anvil and forge for the night, it was that late. They turned to look at him, and he watched as their curious but mild expressions immediately morphed into concern when they saw how hurried he was.
“Balor what’s-” Olric began but Balor spoke over him.
“Sell me a weapon now.”
March crossed his arms and frowned, stepping forward. “What for and why do you need it so desperately?”
Balor tolerated March’s prickliness because everyone knew how much he cared but the merchant felt frustration bubble up anyways, he had no time for that right now.
“The farmer is hurt in the mines and I need to go down and help her.”
The brothers’ eyes widened and they looked at each other. For a second no one said anything before they burst into action, Olric running inside shouting over his shoulder; “Gonna fetch the kit!” And March reached into the pile next to the still-cooling anvil and pulled out two swords.
His frown turns into a scowl and he thrusts the weapon at Balor, who takes it and turns to make his way to the Mines.
“Wait the fuck up, Olric is getting the first aid kit.” March calls out, his voice rough.
“Are you..coming?” Balor asks.
March scoffs, “Yeah of course we are. Olric literally worked down there he knows how to deal with all manners of problems. And I’m not just giving that to you, I want it back.”
The blacksmith nods at the weapon in Balor’s hands and he nods in return. Fair enough. But then…
“Why are you coming?”
March scowls even further somehow and holds up the sword in his hands. “Better two than one. Besides, I need to see what she’s gotten herself into this time and if she’s…”
The blacksmith’s face reddens and he makes a “tch” sound and looks to the door of the building. Balor narrows his eyes appraisingly at the redhead. Does he…?
Before the merchant can follow that train of thought Olric bursts out of the Blacksmith’s with a backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Sorry! It wasn’t where it was supposed to be!” The retired Mines worker calls out.
“It’s fine let’s just go!” March falls in step with his brother as they, without pause, begin running to the Mines and Balor startles and has to catch up to the two.
It’s dark out, enough that fireflies scatter away from the trio as they run to the Mines. Balor is now convinced something is wrong because you’re usually out of the Mines by this point and you always first stop by the Blacksmith’s to make some bars out of the ore you find.
Looking at March and Olric’s faces, Balor knows the same thoughts are racing through their heads.
Heading into the ground floor of the Mines, the men stop by the elevator, and the brothers turn to look at Balor.
“What floor is she on?” March demands.
Realizing that he didn’t know for sure, Balor pauses, before remembering the chill from earlier and that message he heard. “Help…mines…deepest…”
He grips his sword harder and tells them, “She’s on the lowest floor this goes.”
March nods, and turns to his brother, “You know how to work this right? Get us down there.”
Olric hefts his backpack onto his back and says, “All right! Let’s go then!” And is the first to step onto the elevator.
Balor and March join him, and Olric remembers how to lower them so they begin heading into the darkness.
Balor hasn’t been into the Mines before, was content to just let you go and get those precious gems and such for him, and the rickety, old, wooden elevator doesn’t make him feel any better about this trip.
He catches glimpses of floors every so often, every five according to the number counter on the elevator, and they look dreary and dusty, and there are definitely plenty of monsters on them. Balor swears internally.
He on some level knew the danger the Mines posed to you, but to be confronted with it like this almost makes him feel bad for just letting you go by yourself with nothing but a “Good luck!” call.
He would try to deny caring for you as he always does, but by this point he doesn't think he can really do that. You’re his…precious business partner after all. A valued supplier.
March doesn’t swear internally though, his voice isn’t loud enough to echo but it’s still a startling departure from the silence that had only been broken by the creaking of the elevator.
“Fuck. I didn’t realize there were this many monsters down here. Olric, is this typical?” The blacksmith looks to his brother, who shakes his head.
“No, they stayed away from us, ‘cause I think there were so many of us. And we all got given weapons by Errol so even if one did show up we could handle it as a group.”
March swears again, “So that means the monsters are worse thanks to the Mines getting shut down, and she’s been by herself, against multiple enemies. Fucking-I should have said something!”
The blacksmith’s hand is white-knuckled around his sword and he shakes it once, as if he wanted to hit a table to let out his frustration but hitting the rickety elevator is not an option.
The intensity of March’s upset takes Balor aback. Of course anyone would be worried about the new farmer that has captured the heart of the town, but March has also been quite standoffish to them. The merchant’s instincts fire up inside him, something is up here.
And once more, before Balor can follow that train of thought, Olric calls out to them.
“We’re here!” Just before the elevator jerks to a halt.
The stop is sudden enough that Balor has to catch his footing before he stumbles off the shaking platform. Olric is fine, used to it, and surprisingly, March is fine too, glaring into the blueish-toned darkness as if it personally offended him.
Before the elevator stops swaying, March has leapt off the platform and stomped into the darkness. Olric joins after waiting for the platform to stabilize more, and Balor takes a glance at the floor number before following suit.
Floor 35…
From the elevator it’s a long and narrow hallway, where March takes the lead, with Olric close behind him. Balor realizes that at some point, the charge for this rescue mission was taken from him by the blacksmith, and that further piques his instincts that something is up. But this isn’t the time to wonder.
The two brothers are at ease in the caverns, Olric of course being familiar with the Mines, though perhaps not this deep, and somehow March has a confident grip on his weapon. Though he could be masking his uncertainty. Not that Balor could say anything about being out of his depth here.
He’s used a sword of course, but he hasn’t faced any real danger in a long time, not since before the earthquake when he was doing more traveling. But, he thinks back to the Snowdrop Anemone in his pocket, he would do a lot to make sure that you were safe.
The thought scares him, it crept up on him. You did in fact, somehow, despite his efforts to keep people at an arm’s length away, you had wiggled into the small group of people he cared about (aka the town of Mistria).
Perhaps that was what March was thinking through right now too. Balor peers at the blacksmith’s expression, but it’s too dark and he’s too far ahead to get a good read on him. He turns instead to Olric, who looks determined and mildly perplexed?
“Did you ever go this deep?” He asks curiously.
Olric shakes his head. “No, I didn't even, uh, know the Mines went this deep. We only mined copper ore on the upper floors, but uh, I thought the Mines ended at floor 20? I remember there being a sealed door or something…”
He trails off and Balor and his brother turn to stare at him with a weirded-out expression.
“What do you mean they didn’t go this deep? The elevator goes this far at the least and she’s down here.” March demands.
Olric furrows his eyebrows, “Yeah but the elevator stopped on the floor with the door, it was broken and didn’t go further..”
He pauses, opens his mouth, and closes it, and they all turn to stare down the hallway at where the elevator was hidden in the darkness.
“You mean she’s the one who fixed the elevator?! How would she know how, how would she know how to do it safely?! Did Errol and Eiland not consider this?!” March’s voice gets louder as the sentence goes on.
Olric looks stricken, and Balor shakes his head and puts a hand on the blacksmith’s shoulder.
“We can ask these questions later, for now I see some light up ahead.” He points down the hallway and indeed, there is a faint blue glow illuminating a turn in the path.
Breathing out deeply, March turns to continue down the path, and Balor and Olric follow. As they get to the bend, March pauses, and then cries out.
And starts running, disappearing from sight.
Balor goes to call after the blacksmith, but then he sees what caused the redhead to run. You’re on the ground, unmoving, and there is a puddle of slime around you, caused by a slime monster that is currently on top of your unconscious body.
March is already there, swinging with the sword, knocking the slime monster off. It lands a few feet away, near the edge of the water and gurgles out some sort of cry. From the water, two more monsters come up.
“Balor!” March calls out, but Balor is already in action, stabbing forward with his sword at one of the creatures.
He trusts that Olric will protect you and focuses on getting rid of these creatures.
One of them jumps a surprisingly large distance and he twists minimally to the side enough to dodge it and slashes down with his blade as it lands, the extra force causing it to bounce on the ground.
As it lays stunned, Balor stabs it a number of times until its slime form melts into the surrounding puddles.
He turns to see March do a well-executed wide slash that hits both remaining slime monsters, one of them melting like Balor’s, and the other bouncing near him. Repeating his bait-and-attack strategy from earlier, the creature is dead within no time.
Looking back at you, your head and shoulders are now rested on Olric’s knees, the man having kneeled down on the cavern floor, and he is digging in his backpack for something. March is already by your side, holding his hand out to your wrist.
“She’s got a heart rate.” March breathes out, his shoulders releasing some of their tension.
Olric nods, “Yeah! That’s good, but, look at her ankle.” He has taken off one of your boots.
Balor gasps as he sees the swollen ankle. It’s nearly twice the size it should be, red splotches littering the skin, though, nothing seems to be poking out that shouldn’t be at the least.
“So you’re going to stabilize the ankle before we move her?” He asks Olric, who for all his general goofiness, is competent in field (mines) first aid.
Olric nods, but March cuts in, “Why isn’t she waking up if that’s the worst of it?” His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks like a mixture of about-to-cry and pissed-beyond-hell.
Olric frowns, his mouth tugging to one side as he laces back up your boots, but tighter, so that they help stabilize your ankle. “Well, we don’t know if that’s the worst of it.”
March pauses where he’s holding your wrist. “What do you mean.”
“What Olric isn’t saying is that she could be bleeding internally, or even that she hit her head when falling, plus who knows how long that slime was leeching off of her.” Balor supplies, folding his arms and holding his chin in his hands.
Olric nods “Yeah! So that’s why we need to move her as soon as I can be sure it won’t make her worse! We were always told to be careful of head injuries and anything puncturing the lungs on the inside!”
March blanches, and immediately sets his head on your sternum, with his ear pressed against it, between your breasts. Balor’s eyes widened at the blacksmith’s actions, but he sees Olric’s lack of reaction, and considers his instincts earlier. He comes to the conclusion that he is probably missing some information and also that in this situation someone was probably going to have to listen to your breathing anyways.
“It’s raspy, and almost bubbling, is that normal?” March’s voice is level, too level, and shaking.
Olric frowns, and Balor feels that chill from earlier return and settle on his shoulders, as if someone else was watching.
No one says anything for a second. March swears.
“Fuck okay we’re going.” He doesn’t say anything else and slides his hands under your unconscious form. He lifts you bridal-style, your head flopping into the nook between his shoulder and neck.
“Ah wait Olric said we shouldn’t move her until we’re sure-” Balor starts, but March cuts him off.
“I don’t care, her breathing shouldn’t sound like that and I’m not going to wait any longer to get her to Valen.”
He heads back down the hallway to the elevator, and Balor looks at Olric, who’s already started after his brother.
“You’re good with this?”
Olric shrugs as they follow March and you. “I only know basic first aid. I can’t tell anything else wrong with her, so I’m gonna follow March here.”
They are moving faster than when they came down the hallway, and make it to the elevator in no time. Wordlessly they pile on and Olric starts it up again. The ricketyness of the elevator feels worse now, feeling that every shake makes your condition worse.
March cradles your body close to his, head leaned down close to your face. He’s murmuring something Balor can’t make out. Despite carrying you for several minutes straight, March isn’t struggling in the slightest with the weight. His legs are bent so that his muscles take the brunt of the shaking, and he’s still holding you with ease.
Despite being muscled and curved from hard labor all day, you look so small curled up in the blacksmith’s arms, and Balor feels some ugly emotion curl up in his chest. He raises a hand to push on his chest with his knuckles where he feels it.
Your presence is such an enigma. You go about your day doing your own thing, but you always stop to do small talk, and often have gifts perfect for everyone out and about. Bees for Luc, handmade Lattes for Nora, an endless supply of Tulips for Adeline despite it being summer, and, gemstones for him of course.
Balor looks at the blacksmith, and wonders what you give him.
Olric is also looking at his brother, an indescribable emotion painting his face. He raises one hand and puts it on his brother’s shoulder.
“She’ll be fine March.”
“You can’t know that, her breathing…”
Olric’s hand is unmoving.
“She’s going to be fine.”
March looks up at his brother, his eyes shining. His eyes flick briefly to meet Balor’s, and then his face flushes and he looks down and to the side.
“...okay. I trust you.”
Swallowing hard, Balor looks to Olric, who is now looking at him. The older man smiles.
“I mean it, Balor. She’s going to be fine. She’s tough and Valen is a good doctor with good medicine!”
Balor feels his own face light up with heat and now it’s his turn to be looking anywhere besides Olric’s warm and confident gaze.
“Yeah, she will.” He agrees.
The rest of the ride is silent. And after reaching the ground floor, the trio head to the Clinic swiftly and wordlessly. It’s late at night, no one is out to see them and your injured state. Balor thinks you probably would want it that way.
Considering how you didn’t tell anyone the dangers of the Mines, just took them as they came, you probably wouldn’t want them to know.
He doesn’t know how he feels about that, but, looking at the two brothers, the merchant realizes that they had at least some idea of the dangers, but were like him and left mainly out of the loop. That ugly feeling seems to root itself further into his chest. He massages the area again.
Valen is, of course, not in the clinic when they walk in. No one locks their doors at night, which Balor thinks is so painfully Mistria.
March yells out when they come in, “VALEN! WE NEED YOU, IT’S AN EMERGENCY!”
There’s a thud and a yelp from upstairs, and after a minute where the only thing Balor can hear is the sound of his elevated heart-rate, Valen appears from up the stairs, clad in a tank top and comfortable pants.
“March did you burn yoursel-Oh no.” Valen’s demeanor transforms once she sees the state of you in March’s arms, going from annoyed into Doctor Mode.
“Lay her down here please.” She instructs March, gesturing to a bed in the corner.
He seems to hesitate, unwilling to let you out of his arms, but after a moment he concedes, setting you down with an amount of tenderness that, before tonight, Balor would never expect to see from the blacksmith.
Valen immediately sets to work, bringing out tools to examine your state.
“Anything I should know about?”
Olric helpfully supplies, “She’s been unconscious for as long as we have found her, her ankle is messed up, I used her boot to try to secure it, and March said her breathing was raspy and bubbling when he listened!”
Valen pauses, “Her breathing? And in the position you found her, do you think it’s likely she hit her head?”
March nods leaning against the window, in what would be a casual pose if every line of his body wasn’t screaming with tension.
Valen listens to your chest with her stethoscope. She looks up quickly at Olric and Balor feels the chill weigh heavier at the steel in her expression.
“Go get Juniper, Olric.”
Without question Olric runs out of the clinic. Valen continues examining you, carefully undoing the tight laces on the boot.
“Why Juniper?” Balor asks.
“She makes a lot of my tonics.” Is all Valen gives him, and the clinic falls back into silence.
Olric comes back, not quite slamming the door open, and an irate Juniper is right behind him.
“This better be important Valen beca-Oh my!” She stops in the middle of the room once she sees you, unconscious on the bed. She looks at Balor, then at March, and at Valen.
Her demeanor hardens. “What do you need?”
Valen nods “I’ll need some of that potion you tested last week, and a strong Restorative Syrup.”
Juniper frowns, “The syrup is fine, but the potion is barely tested.”
“If it works it’ll be the best thing we can give her, as all of her injuries are internal and I can’t fix those easily. She also has a bad concussion.”
Juniper wrinkles her nose but turns and heads out the clinic without argument, she calls out, “Olric come help me!” And off they go.
A beat of silence and March asks, “What are those going to do?”
Valen looks at him, as if she is mildly piqued they are still here, but tells him, “The Restorative Syrup will stimulate her natural healing to work faster, which is good in case there are any broken bones.”
Balor asks “Why not a full Healing Syrup then?”
“Because it works so fast it may heal the bones wrong.” Valen rebukes patiently.
Balor blanches, and feels the chill from earlier curl tighter around his spine.
“What about that other potion, Juniper didn’t seem confident about it.” March quizzes Valen.
But the doctor doesn’t look bothered by his tone, and just responds, “Juniper is just a perfectionist. The potion is fine, and it’s one that should boost our farmer’s natural healing factor. The Restorative Syrup only makes her healing work faster, what would take a week will take two hours, but this new potion will boost it, so that it will take only an hour.”
That’s…kind of incredible said out loud. Why has he not realized Juniper was sitting on a landmine of cash with those products here?
“But I still need to set the splint so that her ankle heals properly, and she’ll be quite unstable for a few days. No farming for sure, and definitely no wandering around for her. She’s going to need to stay in bed.”
Valen stops talking there, and Balor tilts his head, waiting for her to say more, before he realizes she’s looking between him and March. March looks like he’s in the same boat, his frown small and quirked to the side, eyebrows raised.
Valen raises her own eyebrow, and drawls out the question, “Well? Which one of you two boys is going to make sure she stays in bed? She has animals to feed and crops to tend, someone is going to have to do it for her.”
Balor meets March’s dark-colored eyes, and as he opens his mouth March is faster, saying,
“I’ll do it.”
“You have the forge, and orders to do.” The ugly feeling from earlier nestles next to the chill.
“Olric can handle them for a few days, and it’s not like I’ll be down there all day. You have to go to the neighboring city for a supply trip tomorrow, remember?”
Frowning, Balor realizes March is right. He does need to go get more supplies. Looking to Valen, who, if he didn’t know any better, would say has an amused smirk on her face, the merchant sighs.
“You’re right. March will watch her.” The last part was directed to the doctor, who merely “hmms” in response, focused on wrapping your foot.
The silence feels heavier somehow, March is looking at him strangely. Balor can feel the younger man’s inquisitive stare, but just continues looking at your unconscious face. You look so peaceful. Maybe he can leave some books on your doorstep so you’re not bored while you recover.
Juniper and Olric come back through into the clinic just then. The bathkeeper strides across the room and hands Valen two bottles. She has a self-satisfied expression on her face.
“These are good.”
Valen looks into her purple eyes and holds them for a second. Then nods.
“I know, thank you. I’ll pay you later for them, at a more reasonable hour.”
Juniper seems taken aback, and even though she is standing over Valen it’s like the doctor’s presence is looming over the younger woman.
“W-well, that is..you don’t need to. Just keeping our local farmer alive after all. No payment needed, the…renown is good enough.” She’s visibly flustered, and Balor can see faint traces of amusement in the doctor’s stoney expression.
“I’m going back to bed if that’s all you need?” Juniper looks back at Valen, and given a nod, does so.
The three men watch as Valen examines the tonics, then shifts you so you’re sitting upright with one of her steady hands behind your head. She first administers a purple one, and then a familiar green one down your throat.
Everyone stares at you for a few minutes.
Balor startles as Valen calmly reaches for her stethoscope and listens to your breathing once more. March’s eyes follow her every movement.
The doctor nods once, her expression smoothing out.
“She’ll be fine. Her breathing is clearing up.”
Balor breathed out heavily, feeling the ever-present chill finally fade away. Olric and March similarly look relieved, the former smiling, and the latter’s eyebrows having unfurrowed.
“Thanks doctor! That’s a relief!” Olric says, giving Valen a pat on the back.
She raises an eyebrow at him, but is also smiling. “You did a good job with the laces on the boot. Smarter than trying to do a splint.”
Olric looks bashful, “Ahh well, you know! It’s Errol’s doing with his first aid stuff he used to teach us!”
He looks at his younger brother, who’s still staring at you. Olric’s expression melts slightly, and Balor can almost see the cogs turning in his head as he then says,
“March I’m heading back first. I’ll set something out for you so you eat, okay?”
“Thanks doc, thanks Balor! Good night!” Balor blinks at being addressed, still in a daze of relief, mutters a goodbye, and Olric heads out, the door swinging shut behind him.
Valen addresses him and March at the same time as she says, “I will also be heading back to bed. If you remain in the clinic, be quiet, please.”
She turns to head back upstairs but March calls out, looking panicked at the thought of the doctor leaving, “Wait! Are you just going to leave her here? It’s only been a few minutes since the potions were administered!”
The older woman meets March’s heated expression. “She’ll be fine, March, I guarantee it.”
They stare at each other, before March nods. Valen smiles at him reassuringly, and the blacksmith blushes and looks down at you.
Valen turns and heads back up the stairs. Balor stares after her, licks his dry lips, and looks back at March. The blacksmith has already taken Valen’s place in the chair next to you, and the most tender-yet-conflicted expression Balor has seen is painted on his face.
His fist finds its way to his sternum again, Balor frowns at the feeling. The panic is over, can this feeling in his chest just go away please?
March reaches out, and pushes one of the locks of your hair off your face, curling it around your ear. Okay.
“I’m going to get going too, March.”
Balor waits for a response, and then turns to leave after a beat of silence. Just as he touches the door handle he hears behind him.
“Thanks, Balor.”
He meets March’s eyes. “For what.”
Something flickers over the blacksmith’s face, but he responds, “For getting someone, us, to help. For helping.”
Balor felt like he was more of an observer than anything this whole time, but he just accepts the thanks.
“It’s nothing March, just…gotta take care of one of my key suppliers, right?”
It sounds weak to him, and he doesn’t meet the blacksmith’s prying gaze.
“I’m heading out early in the morning, so I will be gone before she wakes. Take care of her for me, okay?”
Balor forces himself to smile and wink at March, who just stares at him with a neutral frown.
The night air is cool, and calming after the events. It’s different from the chill that had gripped him all night.
As Balor heads down to the inn, he ponders setting some Tesserae on the counter and just grabbing one of the beers to help him go to sleep.
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lily-alphonse · 6 months ago
"The Raincheck" (Balor x Farmer)
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Fandom: Fields of Mistria
Content: F/M
Rating: Mature (Mild sexual content and lewd jokes)
Words: 2,887
“How would you like to visit inside my wagon?” “Inside?” Ben asked, eyes widening. “That seems like quite the privilege.” “Yes, well,” he looked down, tracing the grain of his counter with his finger. “I'm finding there isn't much I want to keep from you, in truth.”
@aug-kissed Aug-Kissed Week 3: Using Tongue. Things are heating up between farmer Bené and Balor...
>> Read on AO3<<
This is the sequel to last week's Balor fic! You can check out part 1 HERE
Im obsessed with these pixels, help
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minthe-drawings · 6 months ago
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This is how I imagined they crossed the bridge✨
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atlasvoidx · 3 months ago
✨️ Every Bachelor / Bachelorette's Shooting Star Festival Event! ✨️
I made a video with everyone's cut scenes + additional dialogue for the new event in the latest Fields of Mistria update! Timestamps included :3
Included in the video:
Asking them out to the Festival
Full Festival Cutscene
Dialogue the day after
Dialogue the day after if you stand them up/skip out
If you go to the festival alone
Rejection dialogue (At the VERY end of the video)
I plan to make a new updated video should they release a future update which changes the Festival in anyway. It's in early access to some things are bound to be changed before official launch.
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marchofmistria · 3 months ago
Hi, I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if you could make HC for when the farmer comes home all wrecked after a day at the mines (both bachelors and bachelorettes, if thats ok)
Hi there, thank you for sending :) Super fun to write for the bachelorettes as well as the bachelors <3 I'm writing these as established relationship HCs!
March can't help but worry about you each time you go to the times, no matter how nonchalant he tries to act or how many times he tells himself that you've been fine each time before.
Before you go, he'll always lecture you a bit and tell you to be careful (even though, he feels, this lecture goes ignored every time).
Without you asking, he'll spend time forging armor and swords that are strong and can provide a great deal of protection. You're clearly grateful for it, and it gives him peace of mind that you're wearing something he made so he's sure the quality is as good as possible.
If you're not back by a certain time, he'll go looking for you himself (even when, most of the time you're just fine).
The anxiety isn't totally unwarranted. There was a time once where he found you passed out in the mines, badly injured and attracting attention from monsters even in your unconscious state. He carried you all the way to Valen and had trouble sleeping for a day or two afterwards, even though Valen revived you no problem.
Sometimes March will insist on accompanying you from the start, claiming that he doesn't trust you to protect himself. You know not to take this as a blow to your defensive skills, but rather as proof of his deep love and care for you.
On the days you come home tired, he'll order you to go rest in bed and will wordlessly take care of you, whether that means cooking you dinner or washing off your sore body in the bath. He'll act annoyed, but you know that he doesn't mind at all taking care of you.
Ryis worries about you when you spend late nights in the mines, but is also completely confident in your defensive skills. He knows that you're very strong, perhaps stronger than he would be down there.
He'd insist, however, that you pack food with you in case you grow exhausted down there.
He'd also make sure that you're wearing the best protection you could be. He'd probably call in a favor or two from March to give you the best equipment money could buy, just as an extra precaution.
He's always very excited and grateful when you bring home a trove of material or fascinating objects from your time down in the mines. He'd be interested to learn about all the materials that occur naturally down below, as well as the animal (monster) life living down there. Especially as Ryis would probably have little interest in going down there himself.
Ryis is less of a worrier than some others may be, but he'd definitely insist you be home by a certain time just so he could have total peace of mind and so that you two could spend the night together.
He'd definitely pamper you when you've had an exhausting day, whether that be from your time in the mines or from any other tasks you've had to complete throughout the day.
His care for you would definitely include nightly massages of your sore muscles. His idea of a perfect night is spent together in the bath with you, and then hanging out late into the night working on something relaxing like birdhouses, or even watching a movie together before falling asleep.
One of the things Hayden loves and respects about you is your strength. He has plenty of it too, but is always deeply impressed by your ability to balance your work on the farm with your exploration of the mines.
He encourages your interests, and wants to give you as much time as possible to explore if that's what you feel like doing that day. He shows this encouragement by offering to take care of things on the farm on days when you want to go mining.
He hopes that'll take away some of your exhaustion, and he's more than happy to take care of you in that way. Any extra time spent with your animals is a happy day for him!
Hayden would care to make sure you're eating well before you go expending all that energy. He'll make lots of delicious food straight from the produce you've grown from the farm, and from the products donated by your animals.
Hayden wouldn't worry too much about your exploration in the mines, seeing how strong you are and how well you can handle yourself. He's just ready to get you home by the end of the night.
Hayden helps you recover by making sure you're well fed and well rested each day, without exception. If that means letting you sleep in a bit longer the next day and taking some of the load off your shoulders, he does it without a second thought.
Seeing his smiling face when you get home from a long day is enough to replenish some of your energy instantly. All Hayden cares about is that you're enjoying your days to the fullest in Mistria.
At first, Balor is more than supportive of your journeys down to the mines. After all, that's where you can find the rarest and most lucrative things for him to pawn off in the Capital!
It's also where you found a majority of the gifts that won his heart in the first place. It seemed like you were the only other person who appreciated these rare items to the same level he did, and he got so excited talking about it with you.
But once your relationship gets serious and progresses farther than just a business partnership, he starts to hate the days when you go down to the mines.
You always come back all scratched up and often injured, although usually not severely. Even so, he can't help but worry himself silly.
Yes, he's still excited when you come and happily show him all the wonderful things you've uncovered there that day. But he sure does wish there was another way to go about it.
He tries to persuade you to stop going down there, much to your surprise at first. You thought that he lived for these incredible finds. But he tells you that seeing you hurt isn't worth any amount of money.
He pays March a hefty sum to make you the best equipment and stocks you up with food each time you go. He can never get to sleep until he knows you're back home safe and have had your injuries healed.
He'll spend the rest of the night checking you to make sure you're really okay, and pampering you in every way possible. He wants you to know how grateful he is that you put yourself in danger on behalf of your mutual financial wellbeing. And he'll always have a special gift for you as an extra thank you.
One thing that Eiland loves about you is your shared interest in all things archeological. The idea that there was someone as excited as him to explore the mysteries of the minds makes him deeply happy.
In fact, he's so excited and eager to find out what's down there that he doesn't really think of the extent of the danger. To be fair, he doesn't know that the mines are infected with a slew of monsters until you tell him.
When you first start returning to him after a day in the mines, you can spend hours discussing what you saw down there and going through all the evidence and artifacts you came across. Because you're equally excited as he is, he doesn't notice at first that you've injured yourself.
It's only after he sees you wincing in pain that he questions what happened, and then he feels terrible that he didn't notice it at first! When you confess to him all that's living down there, he instantly says that the mines must be closed off again.
Yes, he is deeply interested in what can be found down there. But the safety of the residents of Mistria are paramount. And you, as the person he cares about most in the world, take priority above all of that.
He feels a bit more reassured when you tell him that closing the mines is out of the question, that your injuries are not severe at all, and that on the contrary you absolutely love going down there. He's excited too, but just much more weary about your adventures now.
He'll stay late at the museum on nights when you decide to go into the mines, ready to meet you first thing once you exit. He has bottles of tonic to help you heal ready, as well as scores of delicious desserts to eat while talking over what you found that day. He's super eager, but will always prioritize your health over all else.
Valen doesn't stop being your doctor when she becomes your partner, and your health and safety are always her first priority. She knows she's not supposed to have any biases towards certain patients, but how could she not when she loves you so much?
Because of this, she really attempts to insist you stop going down to the mines. She knows that you find it fun and interesting, but she still doesn't fully understand. You make very decent money between the two of you, so it's not because of that.
She truly finds it difficult to understand why you don't prioritize your own health, especially with someone who worries so much about you waiting for you. But after discussing it, she concedes that she must let you enjoy your own interests and be there to support however she can.
You do agree to compromise on not staying out too late, as she cannot sleep at all until you're back home safe and your injuries are all tended to. Before you go, she prepares strong concoctions with her panacea to heal up most of your injuries instantly as soon as you're home.
On one occasion, when your injuries weren't mild and you had to stay overnight in the doctor's office, she didn't sleep a wink with worry for you. Even though she rationally understood that you'd be just fine in a few days, and of course trusted her own skills in taking care of you, her concern for you is overwhelming.
Most times, however, you're just fine and she's at home lovingly waiting for your return. She'll feed you a healthy dinner and run you a bath with salts to help soothe your aching muscles.
She'll always pack tonics to take with you as well, free of charge of course. You're incredibly grateful to have such a caring partner.
Juniper tries really hard to act like she doesn't care what you're doing all day. She's still getting used to the idea of having a partner and showing vulnerability and care towards them.
She does care, really. It hurts her ego a tiny bit when she concedes to the fact that she does care. But at the same time, she can't do well at hiding her worry when you come home injured.
When you come back from the minds and show her everything you found, her interest is piqued. You consider it an enormous accomplishment the first time you gift her a crystal rose you found on one of the lower floors, telling her that she was the first thing you thought of when you saw the flower for the first time, and see her actually blush.
She can't even pretend to act proud at your "tribute." She's genuinely happy and flustered, and you consider that a win.
When you do come home hurt, she'll silently bring you into the bath house. Undressing you and then herself, she'll climb into the bath with you for a long soak.
That may include a massage as well, if you've caught her in a good mood or won her over that day with your gestures of affection via gifts from the mines. You can really get her if you tell her that you put yourself in harms way for her. She loves to feel like you put a lot of thought into her happiness.
She's not unaccustomed to flattery or worship, sure. But the real love, devotion, and attention she feels from you is new. And she's going to take steps to make sure the feeling is mutual.
Reina admires how strong you are, and how self-sufficient. But at the end of the day, she's still a big sister and being caring is her defining quality. She can't help but worry when you put yourself in danger.
She doesn't try to talk you out of it. She knows that there's no use in that. But she will do whatever she can to make your endeavors as safe as possible.
She insists of filling your bag with as much delicious food as you can carry without becoming over-encumbered. She'll cook all your favorites so you'll be more inclined to eat them as soon as your energy starts to wane in the mines.
You can always expect the same when you get back to her as well. She doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to you eating properly, even when you tell her that you've already eaten all the delicious things she packed for you during your excursion.
After you're well-fed and warmed up, you two like to relax the rest of the evening by the warm fire of the Inn, talking into the night and even sharing a warm Hot Toddy if you really need to wind down.
She's always interested to hear about everything you do each day, especially including what you do in the mines. She finds it fascinating, especially as that sort of stuff doesn't usually appeal to her. She's more than happy to listen to your tales rather than go do those things herself.
She'll often share your stories and brag of your strength and bravery to everyone who will listen when patronizing the Inn. She's proud to have such a strong and fearless partner.
Adeline is a worrier by nature. She needs to have things under control as much as possible, and the fact that her partner is so fearless can be a difficult adjustment for her.
She knows that she needs to let you have your own hobbies. She also knows that she invited you to Mistria as an adventurer, so she can't go back on her word now.
Even so, she wishes you'd do just a little less adventuring now that you've found a home in the village. She doesn't tell you this directly, but also can't hide how stressed she gets when you're down there and she doesn't know how you're faring.
She makes you promise to be back by a certain time each night, and is upset if you ever miss that curfew. She knows that she can't boss you around like that, but you're willing to oblige her knowing how much stress she's already balancing and how much she cares about your well-being.
She does know what it's like to have someone deeply interesting in exploring, and is happy that her brother has a friend to discuss these things with now. She engages in the conversation and does find it interesting, especially if you're the one telling about it rather than Eiland. You just have a much more... engaging way of talking on the subject.
One thing that she will agree with you on is that the items you're able to find in the mines can be helpful to some of the townsfolk around Mistria. Whenever someone needs an item that may be hard to obtain, she admires the fact that you're quick to jump in and help (even if that means putting yourself in harms way). She loves that about you.
As soon as you're back home, she's making sure that you're well-rested in the most comfortable home, with the most comfortable pajamas and all the luxuries she can afford. If you're injured, she's happy to go to any lengths to make sure you get everything you need. It's the least she can do to prove how much she cares for you.
Celine is always terrified whenever you tell her you're going down to the mines. She can't imagine facing all those scary monsters and risking getting hurt! The worry is apparent on her face every time.
She knows that you're strong and more than capable, but she's scared for you nonetheless. One of the few times you see her act sternly is when she makes you promise that you'll avoid trouble there as much as possible and be home at a reasonable time.
It doesn't help that Dell encourages you completely. Opposite of what would usually be expected, Celine is worried that Dell is a bad influence on you and spurs you on into danger.
Celine tries to be supportive, but is always ready to take care of you whenever you come home from a long day in the mines. Her cottage is stock piled with medicines from Valen, delicious food cooked either by herself or by Reina, and a warm bed for you to rest in.
She cannot lie, though. Whenever you bring her a new rare plant or flower from the mines, she is so excited that she nearly forgets her reservations.
She'll spend hours reading about the fauna in her Codex Mistria, taking precious care of this wonderful gift you've given her. Her appreciation is apparent, and this incredible gift is almost worth letting you go down to the mines.
In any case, she's always excited to have you back home and will go above and beyond in taking care of you when youi're exhausted or even hurt.
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tatatasoma · 6 months ago
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inc0gnitoo · 6 months ago
fields of mistria.
post requests rn. i love this man so much.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 5 months ago
I have wanted to write for Fields of Mistria since i first spoke to this colourful characters. It honestly has become my comfort game and i have fallen for this blue haired Merchant. March is my number one, but Balor deserves love to people! Also i refer to Juniper as Plum and Eiland as Peach once in this story as irl i kept forgetting they're names so i just called them that because of their hair colour.
No warnings unless you think cheesy flirting is one
An Apple Heart | Balor x Reader
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“My my, this is a surprise, Good morning!” Balor’s calm voice called out from the town stairs, making you practically jump out of his skin as you back away from the merchant's cart. His eager smile and soft wave met your startled gaze from atop the stairs. After waking up earlier than normal this morning, you decided to go walk around the town before everyone else awoke for the day. Although you never actually made it to those stone steps, something on Balor’s cart had caught your eye. 
“Balor! Good morning! I wasn't going to steal anything! I was only looking, I swear!” Your mild panic and hands waving in front of you only caused the merchant to chuckle, walking to your side.
“Well that's such a shame… And here I thought you came to steal my heart.” Balor’s voice flirted, taking your hand into his as he gently kissed it. “Although… you already have my dear.” “KYAAHHHH” A loud scream erupted from your chest as you pulled your hand away like a kid touching something gross. Balor’s chuckle turned into an eruption of laughter at how surprised you were. 
“That was not the reaction I was going for but I will take it. That was so cute!” Laughter only continues to increase through his quick paced words. Your own face only grew redder and redder the more he laughed, to be honest it was hard to tell if he was laughing at what just happened or the fact he started tripping on his feet that was making him laugh. 
“Balor! What was that for? Since when did you openly flirt with people?” A questioning suspicion laced your voice as you managed to gain your composure.
“Oh I'm sorry, that is unlike me.” He is still lightly laughing as he’s coming down from whatever laughing fit just erupted from him. Taking a deep breath to relax, the merchant straightened up and dusted off the side of his poncho before usual smile returned. “I apologise for startling you, Juniper and Eiland decided to give flirting tips at the Inn last night. I was unfortunate enough to get caught in the middle, they uh… this is embarrassing… They won’t let me back into the Inn until I give them a report on which of they’re flirting styles works better.”
“Wait wait wait… So they are actually keeping you out of the Inn just because of this flirt battle they’re having?” The curious cat in you is only poking him for more details.
“They actually got Reina and her whole family to stop me from entering the Inn until I give them my ‘findings’. Which is both a blessing and a curse it would seem.” A finger pressed against his chin as he leans against his cart, pondering his next few words.
You only raised an eyebrow to him, tilting your head like a puppy. “Blessing and a curse?”
“As much as i really don’t want to get back to those Dragons and Drama’s. My late night drink is something I would prefer to keep on a Friday.” A mild scoff escapes his lips as he thinks about the D&D game Eiland dragged him into. In Fact that same game is how this whole flirting debacle happened. Juniper may not be in the game but she can hear everything that goes on from her seat at the bar. And it was during their last game that Eiland decided to have the group roll for a persuasion check on a group of women to ‘flirt’ they’re way through a city’s borders. Or something to that effect Balor wasn’t exactly paying attention. Wasn't until Juniper was suddenly pulling him into her side with her arm on his shoulder whilst Eiland tried to move her away that he was suddenly aware of what was happening.
Now it’s your turn to laugh and Balor’s face to turn a perfect ruby red. “So! You mean to tell me, "You… got caught in a flirting battle between Peach and Plum Because of Dragon’s and Drama!?”
“Yes…” Balor only looked away rubbing the back of his neck before chuckling himself. “Eiland thinks the more honest approach works… That was my attempt at Juniper’s style. And from your reaction I'm going to agree with Eiland.”
“Well I'm not a very good observer, Balor. You would need to use almost everyone in town to get a valid result.” Pondering for a moment you began thinking how everyone else would react to what he did. Sure it was sweet and forward, but it’s also very unlike him, hence why you were startled.
“What if I don't want to do that with others?” Your thinking stopped like a deer in headlights, blinking confused at him, an almost comedic heh escaping your lips as you stared at him. “I was on my way to my cart to retrieve something… for you actually and well here you are.”
“For me…? Balor, what are you getting at?” Question after question ran through your head as he continued on
“When this whole situation happened I honestly dreaded it. I’m not one to openly flirt with someone unless I have genuine appreciation and trust for them. Then I realised… this dumb pickle I've gotten myself in gave me the perfect excuse to give you this…” He moved around his cart and reached inside, shuffling through his wares for a moment before pulling something out. It was shiny from what you could tell. “I had Hayden grow this for me… Celine and I worked together to preserve this so it would rot away before I had a chance to give it to you. Here.”
Turning around in one swift motion, he showed you what he had hidden to his chest, An Apple? In the shape of a heart, it was shiny from being encased in a crystal resin-like substance, making it almost look like a crystal apple. That was what you spotted earlier that lured you here. Was Mistria pulling her thread to lead the both of you here? 
Reaching out for your hand, he gently pulled you towards him, the back of your hand laying in the palm of his as he placed the gift gently in your hand. Never once letting go of your hand as he made eye-contact with you. All you saw was love. “I may not be able to grow flowers, crops or anything really… but I can sell them in a heartbeat. Sometimes I wish for something I can allow my heart to keep… What I'm asking is. Will you accept this gift as a sign of my love and admiration for you?”
“Balor…” The warmest smile painted your face as you gratefully accepted this gift, holding it tightly to his chest with one hand as you moved your free hand to his shoulder. Placing a soft kiss to his cheek before smiling again, “Maybe use this as your report to Juniper.”
Not far away from you watching from the stone steps was none other than Eiland and Juniper, standing side by side with smug grins. Juniper’s hand on her hip, a victorious smile on her face, Eiland leaning on the wall to watch the new couple. High-fiving quietly as they walked away from the scene, going unseen the entire time. Mission successful.
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summer-nights19 · 6 months ago
Good for business part 1 - A New Farmer in Town
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Balor x fem reader (Fields of Mistria)
Blurb: It was only supposed to be a business partnership with a few benefits. After all, you were both ambitious and seeking to make names for yourselves ... so how did you get here ? You didn't know, and part of you refused to care.
Genre: slowburn
This fanfic will mostly follow the plot of the game and include some lines from it
Part 2
You sighed as you stumbled your way through the woods. According to your map, you were almost there. Honestly, it had been a gamble - after finishing your studies, you hadn't found any work opportunities in your hometown, so, after reading that a little town called Mistria was looking for a farmer and offering free land after being hit by a pretty bad earthquake, you'd quickly written to Adeline to make your interest known. However, it had meant leaving everything you knew behind, a realisation that was dawning closer on you as you neared what used to be a stone bridge but was now floating rubble.
You were so deep in own your own thoughts that you didn't realise when you walked straight into something hard and solid. A wall ? No. You took a few steps back and looked up, slowly coming back down to earth. Before you stood the most attractive man you'd ever seen. He was tall and well built without being too buff; his hair was blue and reached his shoulders. You inhaled and looked up into his eyes, which were a dark, rich brown. Before you could apologise for walking into him, he spoke up, the hint of a smirk creeping on his face.
"Hey ! Didn't expect to find anyone else here. The roads have been a mess since the earthquake. I'm Balor, a travelling merchant. Pleased to meet you. You're here at Lady Adeline's request ? She mentioned someone had taken her up on her offer," he winked at you, and you felt the heat rise to your face
"Yeah, there was something about free land and a house... gotta put food on the table somehow," you were being honest, but you suddenly worried your answer might sound selfish. Balor kept smiling at you, seemingly unfazed.
"It's a lovely spot. Quite close to town. I'll walk with you if you don't mind the company,"
You gave him a smile of your own.
"Great, let's go !"
Balor jumped across the broken bridge and you tried to follow suit, slipping and landing on some rubble in the process. He extended his hand, and, after a bit of hesitation, you took it. It was warm and considerably larger than yours, with a few scars on the knuckles. You wondered where they came from and felt your stomach tighten into knots. He pulled you up letting go of your hand after you found your footing again. You mourned the loss of contact more than you were willing to admit.
"We should be able to make it before it gets dark. Come on, we'll head straight to your new farmstead," Balor started walking down the path after shooting you another grin. You followed him, still slightly flustered.
A couple of hours had passed since Balor had left you with Eiland at your farm. After he and Adeline had shown you how everything worked, they'd left too, leaving you alone to unpack your stuff. Not that there was much to unpack - you'd only brought some clothes and a few of your favourite books from home, which you'd packed up in the chest. The smart thing to do would have been starting on the farm work - the land was overgrown and unkempt, so it needed a little maintenance- but after 12 hours of travel, you could only bring yourself to light the fireplace and lie down on your worn mattress. Before falling asleep, you thought back to flowing blue locks, confident smirks, shining brown eyes and scarred knuckles. A sleepy smile started forming on your face.
Maybe you'd be just fine here.
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busybeewriting · 1 month ago
hi!! could you please write something where reader struggles to fall asleep sometimes (a self-indulgent request from me rn) and either march or balor or whoever else you want comforts them or tries helping them fall asleep? whatever you're comfortable with 🩷
Hi!! Yes I also have so much trouble falling asleep 😔 my classes are all at like 8/9 am and i’m STRUGGLING so this is for us. 😌
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- He probably notices that you’re not as energetic as you usually are.
- First he probably thinks it’s due to a rainy day, or just because you can’t consistently run around each day and not have an off day.
- But then it’s when he sees you up well into the night, bags under your eyes that it becomes obvious.
- He’d bring you some tea and wrap a blanket around your shoulders as he sits next to you. The evening chill in the air.
- He has his own cup of tea, something his mother probably did when he was young.
- He sits with you for a while, just enjoying the silence before he’d ask you what’s wrong.
- If it’s something simple like your having trouble falling asleep he’d give you tips and tricks for when he was traveling on the road. But if it’s something more, he’ll listen and give you his best advice.
- Once he feels your weight on his arm, he sighs as he shakes his head and scoops you up. Bringing you into your house and getting you into bed.
- He wouldn’t tease you or anything until much later.
- Like Balor he’d notice your lack of energy and then get upset because while he’d never admit it. He liked it. You were like a damn golden retriever sometimes with how you’d run around doing tasks for people.
- He’d confront you about it right away. Something along the lines of, “What’s wrong. You’re less energetic than usual.”
- Once you explain why you’re having trouble sleeping and go about your day…that night March knocks on your door with a pillow tucked under his arm and a serious look in his eyes.
- He’d explain to you that he’s just here to help because mistria won’t fix itself. But in reality he’s here to help anyway he can.
- He’d curl up on the floor next to you, but after your whining that he shouldn’t be there. He’d be in bed next to you and panicking about it.
- Eventually though he’d wrap his arm around your waist and pull you in. Hoping that holding you closer would help you get to sleep faster.
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A/N: Sorry this took so long, and was so short! I had a crazy couple of months for me but I’m back! Let me know what you guys liked!
As always. Requests are open!!
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skellseerwriting · 1 month ago
Summer Heat
Balor x Gn!Reader
(fyi I’m opening up a new taglist for Balor so lemme me know if you wanna get tagged for future Balor fics by me!)
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Word Count: 700
Content & Warnings: slightly suggestive?, mainly just reader thirsting over Balor, some pining
Summary: During the summer heat, you become entranced by Balor as he ties his hair up
Directly inspired by this fanart by @musubiki and this fanart by @wyviun!
The heat of the summer coated the air like a thick, hot blanket you couldn’t escape. It buzzed and sizzled around you in waves. The fiery feeling coated your throat and dried it out while simultaneously drenching you in sweat.
Trudging your way over the bridge past your farm, you headed to Balor’s cart to view his wares for the day. He was already there, like he usually was in the mornings. To your slight annoyance, the heat didn’t seem to get to him nearly as much as he leaned back against the sign post. You could say he was cool in more ways than one. Still, you didn’t fail to notice the subtle perspiration that dotted his forehead.
Balor’s calm gaze glanced to you as you approached the cart to browse. He was silent, which was surprising. Most mornings he would flamboyantly announce and display the new items he had. It was probably the hot air getting to him. You hoped.
But, while attempting to view the goods, your sight kept trailing off to look at him in the corner of your eye. Yes, you saw it better now.  That sweat you had previously seen was coating him in a thin sheen. Some droplets trailed down his bare arms, across his open chest, and over his textured scar; lightly clinging his summer shirt to his skin.
Your chest felt tight.
Upon further glance, he actually did appear to experience some discomfort from the heat as he nonchalantly brushed the back of his hair away from his neck before it clung right back to the skin. His breath seemed to come a little heavier than usual.
The summer climate made you swallow thickly out of thirst.
Completely forgetting about any possible purchases, you watched with uncontrolled fascination as he pulled a navy band out of his pocket. Facing forward, cool with confidence, he slipped it between his lips. He raised his arms; elbows poking forward. A squeak may have escaped you. The shift of the fabric was audible as it strained against the movement, and he brought his hands back to sift his hair through his fingers. Meticulously, he pulled it back in handfuls, and soft, velvety sections flowed forward as they fell out of his hold.
You wanted to run your fingers through those strands.
Still oblivious to your now-completely-obvious staring, Balor’s chin continued to touch his chest as he worked on gathering as much hair as he could. His eyelashes nearly brushed his cheeks. Everything around you seemed to disappear as you focused on the shifting of his muscles while he reached down to grab the hairband out of his mouth.
Your eyes may have spent an extra second there.
Letting out a long, even exhale, Balor straightened his posture. Taking his time, his fingers spread out wide to pull the band around the bunched up hair. It was mesmerizing to watch as he rhythmically switched back and forth tying it with his hands; twisting it in loops and pulling it through again. Standing up straight, his shoulders looked broader as he yanked the hair in two different directions to tighten it to his scalp. A few more tiny pieces fell out from his bangs and draped against his forehead. Roughly half his hair didn’t make it in, but how it looked with the other half being tied back made you think some half-baked thought about how the summer heat wasn’t the only thing getting to you and burning your face up.
Hands lax on his hips and content with his hair (mostly) out of his face, Balor’s eyes turned sideways and saw you. The look on your face must have been obvious, because the eye nearest to you closed and he gave a charming smile.
“Something caught your eye?”
Flustering even more, you blatantly turned your attention back to the cart and the goods in it. You snatched up an item without even looking.
“Just needed some clay okay thanks bye!”
You shoved the tesserae in his hands and sprinted into town before he had the chance to say anything.
Smiling to himself, Balor looked down at the hastily-given currency he was holding.
In the midst of the brain-frying summer heat, you had grabbed a sea shell.
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spiderfriend · 2 months ago
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strictly business
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lily-alphonse · 6 months ago
"Treasured" (Balor x F Farmer)
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Fandom: Fields of Mistria
Content: F/M
Rating: Explicit (Graphic sexual content)
Words: 8,748
Balor was avoiding Ben. The man had the gall to give her one of his rings. To kiss her and call her beautiful and hold her like she mattered, and then avoid her like she didn’t.
Ben is going to get to the bottom of whatever the hell is happening with Balor.
>>Read on AO3<<
There's arguing, there's hurt/comfort, and hot hot smut. Please reblog if you enjoy! :)
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minthe-drawings · 6 months ago
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Guess who's at green heart💚
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butterbeair · 26 days ago
sparring lessons | Balor x Farmer (gender neutral)
Summary: The Dragonguard has enlisted in your help into teaching them how to fend off the Demon Lord's army, only to be ambushed by his highest general, the Dark Knight!
The kids rope you into their antics along with Balor :)
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You let out a yawn as these morning hours still haven't become your norm yet as you tend your fields. Summer has finally taken its leave which now welcomes the comfortable autumn breeze. You stretch your arms above your head as you take the last of your produce and put them in your shipping bin for Balor to pick up, but you notice he hasn’t grabbed yesterday's shipment yet. You found it odd, he’s usually punctual and on time when it comes to doing business. Something must have kept him busy in the early morning you thought to yourself. Deciding to stay put on the farm to do some more maintenance and clean up, you also wanted to catch him and talk to him a little bit to see if he was okay.
When you first came to Mistria, the second you saw him across that broken bridge you were charmed by him. The way he spoke and the air of mystery that lingers around him has caught your attention. Not to mention he was very attractive, it was hard for you not to stare into his eyes longer than necessary. He was also very kind to you, telling you that he was also new to Mistria, it felt like you two were in this together starting new. It felt less isolating then you thought it would be, so you appreciated his company very much. 
The whole town was very welcoming to you both, and even though the town knew about your history about being a knight and an adventurer, Balor still lives in a clouded ambiance of uncertainty. You knew never to push him into talking, but you did catch wind that the capital wasn’t fair to him, he had mysterious supply sources and he knew knife tricks that he wanted to teach Maple. The last thought always made you laugh, thinking about Reina reprimanding Balor for even the thought of it.  
As you finish up chores, you see the town’s Dragonguard crossing the small bridge that leads to your farm and waving enthusiastically at you. You send them a big smile and wave back at them, putting away your farming gloves in your back pocket and as you make your way to the entrance.
“I see the town’s children have come to play here today.” Caldarus commends.
You smiled at him and gave him a nod, “I wonder what they have in store for us.”
“Farmer! Farmer!” Luc beams.
“No Luc, today the farmer is going to be our Hero Knight and teach us all the cool sword techniques they know!” Dell retorts.
“Am I now?” you chuckled,” Who told you I was teaching anything? And does your mom know about this?”
Maple gracefully walks ahead of the other two as showing her regal status and stands before you.
“The Queens know we’re here and said it’d be okay! We have an important mission we must do and we need to prepare, that’s why we’re enlisting your services today!” 
“Yeah! The Demon Lord’s forces are making their way through the forest and we need to stop him before they reach town! Our bug army need’s reinforcements right away!”
You nod your head in agreement and place a finger on your cheek, emphasizing that you’re thinking hard about their plight.
“That does sound important.” you hummed, “I’ll better teach you what I can before they make their way here!” 
The kids cheered as their eyes beamed brighter from your words, you couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm and a small chuckle from the dormant dragon statue.
You invite the kids to come more into your farm as you set up little test dummies for each child in a clear field, making sure they each have a safe space to play around and not hit each other by accident. The Dragonguards take a look around your farm and they each pick up a stick worthy of being a sword besides Dell, who is always carrying her trusted (stick) sword with her at all times. As they settle around the dummy, you dig out an old sparring sword that is just made of wood. These are kids after all, they don’t need to be anywhere near your arsenal of swords you keep from your adventuring days.
“Alright, so first things first you must know your fundamentals, and being in the right stance is crucial! Showing confidence in how you stand with your sword can intimidate your enemies which can give you an edge! Let’s start by placing your feet apart like this. Now, let me see what you got!” 
The kids all copy your movement with eagerness and concentration as they seem to be taking your advice very seriously. Noting some little flaws, you help them adjust their stances and finally give your approval of a job well done.
“Amazing! Now to show you how to hold your sword. You want to keep your hands set in this position so you can have better control. Make sure your grip is strong, you don’t want someone to parry you and have your sword fly away.” 
“Can that really happen?” Dell questioned. 
“It happened to me when I was just starting out as a knight, it can leave you open and vulnerable. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made in the past, squires!” 
The kids cheered and adjudgested their grip on their swords with more purpose than before. You began to show them certain swings and moves, ones that were taught to you when you were just accepted into the knight academy. You also taught them the importance of keeping balance and having a good foothold or the bad guys will come and get you. After you taught them the basics they start to practice their strikes on the poor wooden dummies. You observed their swings, messy but determined and you felt a sort of pride fill your chest. 
You hear leaves crunching from someone's footsteps coming towards your home so you turn around to see Balor watching and observing the kids and their lessons. You were about to welcome him to the farm when you heard all the kids gasp and rush towards you. They each hugged either side of your leg and arm as they all pointed at Balor with astonishment. 
“It’s the Demon Lord’s highest ranking general, the Dark Knight!” Dell announces to the group. You look at Balor and though he was surprised at first, it seems he caught wind that he has been recruited into their world of pretend. He grabs his cape and flings it apart for a dramatic entrance as he starts to chuckle. Unprompted, he seems to be really taking his role seriously which left you with a big smile on your face. It makes you think about the first spring when you both arrived and how he didn’t understand roleplaying while playing his first session of Dungeons and Drama. Now that it's autumn, it hits you how fast time has passed while living in Mistria. 
“My, it seems I’ve finally found the Dragonguard’s secret hideout! If I capture the enemy's territory, we can finally take over Mistria and then all of Aldaria!” 
“Not if the Dragonguard is still around! Hero Knight, you must stop him at once as your Queen!” Maple counters. 
“No, let me go, Queen Maple! I was born to do this!” Dell insists.
“Dell, you have to protect the Queen! Let them handle this!” 
“I’m counting on you to keep them safe Dell! I won’t let the Dragonguards down.” you assure.  
They all nod their head in agreement and they stand back as you take out your wooden sword. For dramatics sake, you point the sword at Balor and puff your chest out, showing them the lessons you taught them how it's done.
“It’s not too late to turn back now Dark Knight! Retreat while you’re still able to.” 
“I think I should be saying that to you, Hero Knight. If you give up now I’ll think about sparing your life.”
Balor finally draws out his own weapon, a simple copper sword. You weren’t threatened in the slightest, you know you weren’t in any real danger but all the kids scolds the Dark Knight how that is cheating.
“Who says villains play fair?” Balor touts, adding a couple of flashy swings for more dramatic effect. 
“It’s okay Dragonguards, this will be over before you know it.”
You and Balor begin to circle one another as you try to build tension with the audience you have. Although it's not like the traditional sense of the word, you two were tangled in a tango. As you stare him down you can’t help but feel a flutter of butterflies in your stomach. His dark eyes pierce you as he watches your every move, and his silky hair flows against the comfortable breeze. As if the queue when he was ready to move, he gave you a wink and charged you with his sword drawn. His movements were slow on purpose so you can easily read to parry or move out of the way. You swords meet in the middle, taking note that his sword must be really dull if it didn’t even cut through your underrated one. You smile as you tell him with your eyes that you’ll be swinging your sword from the right. As on queue he dodges your swing and fixes his stance. You two begin to clash your weapons one after another, making sure to throw in some snazzy spins and over the top thrusts to really get the excitement in the air. Balor matches your pace, grinning as you make sure to sell the show to the kids and be wary of hurting him. He felt the feeling of endearment wash over him how domestic this feels. How playful this situation is.
You hear the children gasp in awe as the duel kept getting more hectic. They would cheer for you to take the Dark Knight down, and even call out moves to watch out for. They were the best little squires you ever had.
“Are you ready to end this, Hero?” Balor warns.
“Let’s put this to an end, Dark Knight!” You retorted with zest. 
Now you can tell by your little ‘fight’ that Balor has actual knowledge in swordplay. As you two were going at it you noticed that his footwork was quick and clean, and he was very flexible. You felt if this was a real fight, he would be swift and graceful with his swings. You wondered what a real sparring secession would be like against him, maybe you’d like to find out one day.
As you both deal your final strikes, you deal one strike that was heavier than usual, making him loosen his grip and disrupt his posture. Taking this opportunity, you maneuver your sword to swing upwards, making Balor’s sword clash harshley against yours sending his flying out of his hand and into the ground behind him. He stumbles backwards and lands on his back, groaning at the fake pain and exhaustion he felt in the battle against you. You walk up to him calmly and point your wooden sword at his chest as the ultimate checkmate. The trio uproar in victory as they run up to you both, giving you both praise at how awesome you both were. The illusion was broken but as long as they were all having a great time, that was enough for you.
As you helped Balor off the ground and dusting off any grass and leaves stuck to him, the Dragonguards sentenced the Dark Knight to community service around the town so he couldn’t run and leave town to rendezvous with the Demon Lord. Balor graciously accepts his ‘punishment’ having the kids fill the air with their glee.
Before you knew it, Nora and Josephine came to pick up the children, telling them that it’s time to take a walk towards the Eastern Ruins and to say farewell. Both you and Balor wave your goodbyes to the families, leaving you both alone finally. You face Balor and your eyes both meet causing you both to exchange smiles.
“You make a good Dark Knight Balor, I didn’t know you had some experience with a sword until now.”
“I’m just full of surprises waiting to be discovered.” He winked at you.
Finally your shyness gets the better of you, making you turn your head away from his gaze. You exhale a chuckle at his phasing,”I’m sorry if this was just sprung on you, I hope it wasn’t too much of a bother.”
“Nah, I pretty much saw everything. I didn’t want to interrupt at first, but I’m glad I did. Getting to fight against the Hero Knight was an experience no one can buy.” 
You nudge Balor slightly as his honeyed words, then you remember about this morning.
“So you’re late with picking up the shipment, was everything okay this morning?”
“Yeah, I got caught up with an early business meet up and I was running late. Say, want to help me bring your shipment back to my wagon and then we can grab something to eat at the Sleeping Dragon Inn? My treat?”
You hummed in agreement, setting towards your shipment box to help Balor. You both work efficiently as the comfortable silence sets in. After finishing up, you both walk side by side, your shoulders brushing against each other as you make your way to the inn.
“You know, Josephine and Nora have a beautiful family. It almost makes me want to drop everything and settle down here in Mistria, don’t you think?”
This time you're for sure Balor saw the shock and blush cross your face. Thinking about what a family would be like with Balor came flowing into your mind. If having a family is what anything was like today was, you would also have to agree with Balor on that.
Dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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marchofmistria · 3 months ago
Hey I saw your requests were open and wanted to ask you if you could a do how would the bachelor's react to reader's/farmer's fuck ass haircut? I just cut my own bangs and it's all crooked and need some comfort 🥺
Hey I'm so sorry this has been in my inbox for so long!! Thank you very much for sending, this was so funny to think about. Hope your bangs have grown out since :') 
You already know March would be brutal. He's not good at expressing himself and, especially before you're an actual couple and he starts to put effort into not hurting your feelings, he wouldn't think twice about insulting your haircut.
If you came up to him after ruining your hair, he wouldn't be able to hide his confused scowl and ask "what did you do to your hair?" 
If you find it funny and laugh, he'll probably laugh as well and continue teasing you. He'd probably say something like, you shouldn't be allowed to smelt hot metal if you can't even cut your bangs correctly. 
He would laugh if you met him where he was and teased him back, especially about how he can't dye his own hair so he shouldn't be talking. 
If you had a different reaction, however, and got upset or embarrassed and walked away, he'd probably reflect on how you were likely feeling pretty self-conscious and realize that was a low blow.
He'd apologize next time he saw you, rolling his eyes and attempting to fix his comment a bit by saying "at least hair grows back." 
Ryis would probably notice it right away. He pays close attention to you, and he can likely tell you're feeling self-conscious. 
He'd try to preserve your feelings the best he could. He'd ask about it lightly and casually. "Hey Y/N, did you get a new haircut? I like it."
You'd definitely blush and get super embarrassed, saying that you know the haircut sucks. Even though Ryis might secretly agree that it's not exactly the best look, he definitely would not agree to you putting yourself down like that. 
"What are you talking about, it's fine! You always look nice, so your haircut doesn't really matter, anyways."
If you're truly upset about it, he'd continue to reassure you and tell you that you look beautiful regardless. But thankfully hair does grow back if you truly don't like it!
He'll continue to compliment you as it grows back so you don't doubt whether he still finds you attractive. 
Eiland is a sweetheart and would try to calm you down if you were upset about the haircut you gave yourself. A lot of reassurance about your beauty and his love for you regardless. 
He'd probably start telling you some interesting facts about historical hairstyles of Aldaria or something, as a way to distract you. You may or may not find it annoying in the moment. 
If you're still feeling unhappy, he'd offer to pay to get your hair fixed by Vera or some other expensive hairstylist in the Capital. 
He'd continue to attempt to reassure you that you look very pretty regardless and this sort of thing happened to everyone! In fact, he read on an Alda-period stone tablet that a woman once cut her own hair and....
It's rare that Balor loses his cool charm, but you see it waver in his face for a moment when you first see each other after the haircut. 
He'd try to deny it and turn the charm all the way up to compensate, telling you that you look absolutely radiant today (even though you look beautiful every day!). You'd see through it right away and call him out on it. 
He may try to deny it at first, but eventually agrees that it's not the best haircut. He does emphasize, however, that even something like a bad haircut couldn't detract from your beauty at all and you do still look lovely.
He'd hold back a bit of a laugh when you give him a blank stare from behind your crooked bangs, though. 
He just happens to generously gift you a set of beautiful gold hairpins from the Capital. Perfect timing. He'll tell you the hairpins compliment your eyes very well once he's no longer distracted by the funny-looking fringe. 
Hayden wouldn't even notice honestly. He always thinks you look beautiful and wouldn't sweat small details like that. 
If you came to him and showed him how you messed up your hair, he'd probably laugh and tell you not to think anything of it!
"I cut my own hair all the time, Y/N. It's probably a mess but that's just fine by me!" He likes you however you are, with whatever you decide to do with your appearance.
If you were to tell him that you thought you looked unattractive or that you were embarrassed and didn't want anyone to look at you, he'd get genuinely upset. He truly doesn't understand how you don't see yourself as beautiful, and especially over such a small thing!
He'd continue to tell you not to pay it any mind, that hair grows back, and that no one would even notice. He genuinely thinks the latter because he wouldn't have noticed it had you not pointed it out. 
He'd lend you one of his big hats to cover your hair with while you wait for it to grow out, if you wanted. 
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