#fields of mistria eiland
sipsoftea · 2 days
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BEHOLD! Fields of mistria fan art! I love this game so much, I just had to do some quick portraits for my two favorite characters <3
The gold details killed me, I’m posting this from my grave
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cursedcola · 11 days
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Has anyone done this yet?
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dreamtydraw · 25 days
Not to police anyone, nothing major happened so far but I have seen a couple of fanart who sadly had some character way lighter than in their sprites so just a reminder, when you make fanart don’t white wash poc to make it « more appealing » that just racist.
In the same tone this post include : don’t change Ryis hair texture, try to work on your anatomy to avoid drawing Hayden ( the only non thin romanceable character ) skinny and Mapple have locs not straight hair.
Now last addition to fanartist, do you see this area ?
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This is your reminder that black people’s palm skins are lighter and that you should keep this particularity in mind when you draw !
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That all for today’s post.
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ryuubff · 6 days
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some fom boys and their fall outfits because it’s my favorite season 🍂🫶
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disastergay · 1 month
most players: eiland's so hot but only cares about his stupid museum artifacts :(
me: you dropped this, autistic king 👑
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mooniviews · 9 days
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pretty boy eiland 🍰
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entityfromthevoids · 9 days
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Echo and some other townies!!
Celine and Eiland are Echo's closest friends in town. Celine is their gardening buddy and they love to go back and forth with her about her finds in the Mistria Codex. Echo bonded with Eiland over archeology, having a love of history themselves.
Echo and Juniper have an interesting relationship. Echo is confused how "Mistria's best witch" keeps making potions with unusual side effects. But they recognize she's probably the best person to help find them hone their skills. I feel like they will get closer (as we get more heart events)
March and Echo...March hates the idea of some Adventurer who doesn't know the town coming to help build. He's protective of his home. Echo hates being underestimated, especially having their skills doubted. They have a tense relationship so far.
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saintnightshade · 2 months
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So excited for this game to release tomorrow!~
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avionvadion · 1 month
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When your dragon neighbor calls you to talk to him, and your character end ups standing on the stone bench you put there to make the area look pretty... pffft. All I can think of is maybe my character wanted to be closer to eyelevel, so she stood on the bench to look at Caldarus properly. Lol.
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I need this game to let me toss a blanket over him when it snows. Hmmm. Maybe torches are a thing you can craft later. Place 'em around him so he can stay toasty in the winter. Caldarus, bestie, I got you! I'll figure something out.
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I love him so much. T_T
(These next few screenshots are older, you can tell by the single cherry tree, but yeeeeee)
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(Okay, back to the more recent screenshots)
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I'll have you know I've been playing farm sims since I was, like, five, March. I know exactly what I'm doing. I've been jumping fences since Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland. The swimming bit and magic is new, but FIGHT ME, MARCH. The second blue cows are unlocked and my man Caldarus is no longer a statue, I will be unstoppable.
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cloudcountry · 6 days
Hello, I wanted to ask if you could please write something with Eiland or reader confessing their feelings to the other? It could be intentional or accidental, completely up to you.
I would really appreciate it if you could, but I understand if you don’t have the time. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a lovely day and everyday forward! 💕
SUMMARY: you have a reason to stay in mistria now.
COMMENTS: OH OF COURSE I CAN WRITE THIS <333 I LOVE EILAND MWAH i wrote this in like forty minutes sobs im too tired to edit if you see a typo no you dont
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It’s your soft breathing and the way the back of your hand brushes against his that makes his stomach flip, his heart fluttering anxiously in his chest. Eiland isn’t sure how much longer he can hold on to the emotions swelling in his chest, begging and pleading to be set free as if they’ve been imprisoned inside his chest for the better part of two years.
In some way, Eiland supposes they had.
You just look so nice tonight, the most lovely thing you’re wearing being your smile, flashes of teeth as you laugh and the delicate curve of your lips catching his eye. Your laugh is like a siren call, and he finds himself recalling everything he knows about the Mermaid’s Comb in the museum to calm down. While it’s technically not related to sirens, it's the closest thing his scrambled mind can think of right now.
It does little to help when all that blasted comb does it make him think of you lovingly brushing his hair as the fireplace crackles in the background and he tells you about his latest archaeological discovery.
“Eiland?” you whisper, soft as the night breeze and the muted hollering from the Inn.
He makes a noise of acknowledgement, looking over at you. You’re looking at him too, eyes wide and bright, and his heart shudders when he sees the stars from above reflected in your pupils. He swallows, finding the courage in his heart to press the back of his hand right against yours. You gasp, soft and surprised, and Eiland feels so warm.
“There’s...I received an offer from the Capital.” you murmur, voice shaking as you try to maintain your composure, “They heard about my accomplishments in Mistria and wanted me to take on some higher level jobs for some nobles.”
Eiland's heart drops right out of his body, slamming into the cobblestones beneath his feet.
He opens his mouth and you grab his hand, giving him a meaningful look. He shuts his lips tight, pulling them into a thin line, cheeks heating at the touch.
“It got me thinking about...where I want my life to go. I’m not getting any younger.” you admit, “And I don’t want my life to be at the Capital at all. They’ve been badgering me about new jobs and they keep raising the money I could earn but it’s...it’s not enticing.”
Eiland’s eyes are searching yours, unaware of what you’re trying to say, his brain processing your words over and over and over again, trying to find your meaning. Your thumb is stroking the back of his hand and it makes him shiver—if you asked, he could blame it on the wind, but he knows how desperate he is for you to be near him and how badly it affects him when you are.
“I wanted to tell you this first because...well, I’m not sure if you’d feel the same way or not...but I don’t want to leave here. I’m satisfied with what Mistria has given me. I came here for the land, but that land has become my home. And I want to share it with someone someday.”
Him reading to you by the fireplace. Having Adeline over for family dinners. Watering your crops in the morning before you get out of bed. Making you breakfast every morning. Cleaning the house while you’re gone. Having his own home library, a mixture of your tastes and his. You being an in-law to his aunt and sister.
“I was thinking...if I was going to stay here, and if I was going to share my life with someone...well, I...”
You hand feeding him sweets. You two sitting in rocking chairs on a rainy day. You calling him baby or honey or boyfriend or love or darling or husband. The two of you visiting the General Store to pick up groceries. The whole town knowing you’re together.
You swallow, as if preparing for something.
Eiland’s imagination is too far away from him now.
“I would want that person to be you.”
Eiland freezes, flushed cheeks burning and pretty lips parted. His eyes are wide, unbelieving, and with the way his heartbeat pounds in his ears he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven.
“What?” is the only thing he can muster, shaking fingers intertwining with yours, darting eyes searching yours like a man gone mad.
“In other words,” you tear your gaze away, flustered at the proximity, knowing anyone could walk outside of the Inn at any given moment and see you, holding hands with Eiland, nearly pressed against his chest, “I want to be with you.”
Eiland’s face brightens, his arms pulling you into him and you crash against his chest. His arms soften your fall, holding you up and he squeezes you close, nose pressed to your skin and hair tickling your face. You can feel his excited breaths against the warmth of your cheeks and you squirm, flustered and unused to the proximity.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just so happy.” he sounds like he’s about to cry, hands pressed to your back like you’re his salvation, “I’ve liked you for so long. I didn’t think you’d felt the same.”
“I do.” you confess, wiggling his hold just loose enough to free your hand, running your fingers through his hair, “You’re a treasure Eiland. I like you very much.”
Eiland pulls away and laughs, joyful and boyish, his grin infectious.
“To think, you would deny the Capital for me!” he places a hand over his heart, eyes crinkling in the corners as he gazes upon you adoringly, “My dear, I am smitten with you!”
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atoltia · 15 days
We all make our choices (don't go too far)
Eiland finds the farmer injured and bleeding at the entrance of the mines.
TW: blood, panic attack
Tags: angst with good ending
Eiland x gender neutral farmer
It was his fault.
He didn't know it would come down to something like this, didn't really think about the consequences of his decisions.
It was just so exciting at first. They'd finally have a chance to open the mines again. It just made sense in his mind. Despite the destruction the earthquake caused, it also shifted the land so much that artifacts and hidden ruins that were once completely hidden were much easier to find.
And that was great, no? Their museum needed that, needed new things to make it a place where people all around Aldaria would come to visit and be happy. Mistria definitely needed it, needed that sort of attention since he knew how much of a challenge it was just to get some of the scraps from the Capital, even with their mother and father's influence.
He just wanted what was best for Mistria, wanted what he knew would bolster their renown tenfold. It was for knowledge, it was for truth. It was selfless.
He was selfish.
He should've known, should've known, should've known. Should have listened to Errol when the man aired his concerns. Should have done more research about the mines that they had. Should have asked Olric about the things that lurked there.
But he didn't.
And you had to pay for it.
It was like any other day for you.
You did your morning chores, did your daily greetings, did your daily deliveries. You remembered spending a few minutes hanging out with Reina at the inn, with her talking about the latest recipe she was developing.
She gave you some, of course. She always made sure to save you a serving to take to the mines since it wouldn't do anyone good if you went hungry there.
And it wasn't like you'd ever refuse, even though you did think it was unnecessary. You know that you have a good head on your shoulders and wouldn't put yourself in any needless risk. Yes, accidents can happen but you've assured Dr. Valen multiple times that you'd get out of the mines the moment you get into trouble.
Yeah, you were in big trouble this time.
You remembered a rather peculiar mound of dirt at the thirty-fifth floor of the mines the last time you were there. It wasn't like you didn't see mounds of dirt anywhere else, but you knew, just knew it in your gut that there was something special there.
An artifact, maybe? It's been a while since you've gotten a legitimate artifact. The Caldosian sword that you've given to the museum was the last one and it's already been several months since you've found another one like it.
You hoped to find another one, even if it was a small piece of pottery or a broken stone tablet. You like seeing the museum fill up with artifacts from a different time, a different age. It was wonderful.
(And it also didn't hurt that it made Eiland ridiculously happy.)
It took a while for you to admit it. You didn't even want to think of it the first time you had the smallest inkling of it. You didn't come here for romance, not really. Retirement. That was the plan. To have a place to call your own, to earn an honest living without the stress and dangers of mercenary life. The mines provided enough thrill for when you needed it, anyway.
But there was something, a tiny little thing, whenever you see Eiland smile. There was that shine in his eyes that just blew away all the shadows that lodged in your heart. There was a melody to his laugh that you found you couldn't get enough of, couldn't get out of your mind. It made you go insane.
And you tried, didn't you? Tried so damn hard to just forget it, forget him, and just focus on your damn self.
Of course, we both know just how weak you are to such things.
He was just so goddamned earnest whenever he talked to you, whenever he rambled on about the history of an artifact that you've brought, of the history of this place, of the several nuances in the transitions from age to age - you didn't stand a chance.
So there you were, deep into the mines with a shovel and brush in hand, carefully extracting a broken piece of pottery engraved with words that you didn't understand.
Really, it was your fault for not fully clearing the area before you decided to dig.
You barely noticed it, barely heard the sound of the... blob? slime? heading straight towards you as you still had both hands deep into the dirt. But you felt it, though. You sure as hell felt it when a projectile the size of a fist hit you straight in the chest, hurting like a bitch.
Your sword was in your hand, quickly parrying the projectiles to send them back as you know it to be the most effective way to kill those blobs. But the throbbing at your chest distracted you too much, the blinding white of the pain making you blind.
You didn't see the other one.
It happened so fast you barely even felt it. You just knew that you fell back into the rocks, knew that you couldn't see a damned thing, and knew you had to get the fuck away.
The handles for the elevator levers were slick. It took several tries, several pulls before you were able to jumpstart the mechanism, wincing as several more projectiles hurled at your already battered body.
It took a minute. Sixty agonizing seconds before you finally reached the top of the mineshaft. Just get out, just get out, just get the fuck out and get some help.
You made it a few steps, one foot after the other, which in itself was a testament to your strength of will. Breathing was difficult and you could barely see as the world kept spinning, swaying, doubling and tripling.
You swore as your leg gave way, and once again you fell down, down to the ground as the cavern kept moving under your gaze, your hand the only thing to catch your fall. Just needed to get back, needed to get help, needed to -
The sight of your hand perplexed you.
It was like as it was normally, more scratched, dirt underneath your fingernails. But there was a slick to it, trailing down, down, dripping onto the floor.
You didn't realize your breath pick up, didn't realize the way your heart started beating wildly as you turned your eyes from your hand to your waist.
And then you saw nothing else.
He didn't know what he would have done if he didn't convince Errol to take that walk with him.
It was a cool night, the crisp autumn air a refreshing sensation against their skin as it blew away the slight inebriation they had after a few glasses of wine at the inn.
It wasn't all that late into the evening. The other townspeople would most likely still be at it for a few more hours yet. He knew that Adeline wanted him to take another hour more to just enjoy the merriment of the place, but he was just so ecstatic at the find he and Errol unearthed at the Western dig site.
Errol humored him, as he always did, and he did admit that he also wanted to get in a few more hours of work on the thing before heading to bed.
"I can't believe winter's coming around." The wind blew at Eiland's cape, rustling against his covered body. His soft, bubblegum pink hair dancing amidst the evening chill. "Adeline's already started with the logistics for this year winter festival with Nora, so we'll probably gonna be busy in the next couple of months."
He laughed, playfully nudging Errol at the next gust of wind when he stopped, raised a brow.
Eiland looked around, his brows furrowing as he turned. Errol stopped along with him, frowned as his companion did.
"Is there something wrong?"
"I think I saw something." Eiland kept turning, looking, his hands now pulling his cape closer to his body. "I think-"
He gasped, blinked, when he thought he saw the wind and leaves assemble themselves into the visage of a dragon. It held his gaze for a heartbeat, and then another, before rushing into the cave entrance.
Eiland followed without a moment's hesitation.
And almost gagged.
He saw you on the ground, eyes turning glassy as you weakly attempted to staunch your own wound.
There was blood, there was blood, there was so much blood as he stood there, eyes wide, body frozen. It was so dark, so dark and yet he could still see the glint of the one eye that peaked out from beneath your hair, the shine of it dulling by the second.
He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to do, didn't know what to do please someone help, he didn't know what to do-
Eiland was pushed aside rather harshly as Errol stepped into the entrance, already pulling out a clean kerchief from his coat pocket. "Pull yourself together, Eiland!"
Dazed, still confused, Eiland stumbled forward to where you laid, choking in a sob when those blinking eyes of yours focused slightly the moment he got into your space, your bruised and bleeding lips quirking upwards into a soft, somewhat cocky smile at the mere sight of him.
"Don't look too good there, Pink."
"Don't talk," Eiland whispered as he desperately tried to apply pressure onto your wound. "Please." He tried hard to concentrate on the task at hand, pointedly ignored the heat of your blood on his hands. "Please just don't talk."
"Let's get them to Valen." And in one swift motion, Errol muscled you onto his wide, wide shoulders, marching as fast as he could towards town.
And still, the thick scent of iron never left his senses.
It was close to dawn when Eiland came back to the manor.
Yet the sun hasn't peaked through the horizon yet, hasn't broken the tight clutches of the night.
There were bags underneath his eyes, a paleness to his otherwise rich brown skin. His soft, pink hair mussed from being tugged at too many times that night.
The usual bounce that pepped his step was gone. That bright, enigmatic energy that bounded with him whenever he walked was nowhere to be seen.
It was touch and go, the doctor said. Minutes. It all came down to minutes. If he and Errol were a mere five minutes too late...
His legs buckled, his exhausted body hitting the wall with a loud thud, his elbow rapping against the stone when his hand wasn't fast enough to brace him.
The sharpness of the pain jolted him, woke him, pulled him back to reality as he felt the burn of the bile that he's been holding all night tickle at the back of his throat.
You almost died. He saw it clearly on Valen's face when she tended to you, saw the way her eyes turned stony when those deft hands of hers worked on you.
There was a grimness to it. Those first two hours were the slowest of his life as he waited for Valen's word. As he waited with baited breath, waited, prayed to the dragon that oversaw the ancient people of the land from a time long gone.
The dragon was there. He saw it. So he prayed to just- please, please, please wherever it was, he just pleaded for it to watch over you.
He clutched his chest, those long fingers of his tugging, his hands pushing at his chest with the heel of his palm as he just couldn't breathe, couldn't breathe, couldn't breathe-
Eyes, bright with panic, looked around desperately, looking for something to hold on to, something to help, someone to help. But there wasn't. He was alone, he was alone, he was alone and there was no one else there everyone else was already asleep he had no one there at the time oh god please please please just help him up just help him up please it was his fault it was his fault it was his fault he knew that it was his fault that you almost died please it hurts it hurts it hurts so much please-
He choked, tears falling down his face like a violent torrent as slender arms reached over, encircling them around his waist. Smaller, firmer hands pulling him into a comforting embrace as the other rubbed at his back.
"I've got you."
She lowered his head onto her shoulders and just rocked him, rocked him until his body unclenched, until his breathing evened out. It didn't matter how long. Didn't matter how hard he clawed at the carpet. Her brother was in trouble. That was the only thing that she needed to know.
She smelled like the plum blossom perfume that she loved, the sweetness of his evident on her being. And yet it couldn't replace smell of iron on his nose, couldn't distract him from the shaking of his hands as he remembered your blood, slick and hot, painting them with a horrifying red.
It was there, it was there, it was still there no matter how hard he scrubbed them away to the point where his hands were rubbed raw.
Not even the visage of his beloved sister could take away the image of your broken body laying just a few feet away from the mines elevator, your blood pooling around your body as your one visible eye stared at him as if it was you who came to save him instead.
It was his fault, it was his fault, it was his fault.
"No," Adeline said as she shushed him, maneuvering his body into a more comfortable position while they sat on the floor, the light of dawn slowly breaking through the massive windows. "No, it's not."
"I pushed for the mines to open, it was my fault. I almost killed-"
"You did no such thing!"
"How do you know?" His voice was barely a whisper, a pathetic blow of air as he drenched his sister's shoulder with his tears. The hands that were clawing at the carpet, now ruined with his own blood, gripped at Adeline's dress. "How do you know?"
"I just do." The way his brother cried devastated her. In all the years that they've lived together, in the years that they grew up together, she's never seen him this way and it just tore her to shred.
She tugged him up. "You need sleep."
He didn't resist. Not even when she hauled him to his bedroom, not when she removed his cape, not when she urged him to take his boots off, not when she tucked him under the covers.
"I'll be here, " she assured him as she pulled a chair over. "Just go to sleep."
He fell asleep in seconds.
Eiland sprinted to the clinic by mid afternoon.
He just woke up and without any other thought, just bolted out of bed to go to you. He didn't know what time it was, found that he didn't care. He just knew that he needed to get to you.
He quickly rapped at the door, his bandaged fingers stinging, as he looked around the window, trying to see if he could get a glimpse of you.
Valen opened the door, and Eiland noted the bags under her eyes, but she smiled at him as she let him in, chuckling as he headed straight towards the single private room she had at the clinic.
He did his best to be quiet as he peered through the door, fully expecting you to be fast asleep.
You weren't, to his dismay, if the flutter to your eyes at the sound of his footsteps was an indication.
You've been in and out of sleep for the past few hours. Doctor Valen assured you that everything was going well, though you weren't sure if that was the truth or if she just didn't want to scare you any further.
There was barely any memory of that night. You remembered that you were getting artifacts, remembered that you got attacked. But other than that? Nothing.
So to wake up at the clinic was a surprise, if a little terrifying. You weren't really the type to be fond of clinics and hospitals, even though you should have been used to it given the requirement of it ordered by your guild.
You just had to suck it up since you were already there. You weren't stubborn enough to ignore an injury, especially when said injury left you bedridden for the whole damned day.
It was boring here, too. Maybe you could borrow a book from Valen later, but other than that, there was nothing else that you could do except for maybe sleeping another ten hours away.
So to have Eiland peep through the door was a welcome distraction.
And yet you frowned. His hair was in disarray. Exhaustion was evident on his face and there was a hollowness to his expression that upset you.
You didn't like that expression on his. Didn't like it one bit.
"How are you?"
There was a smile on that tired face, and you were a little relieved to see that it reached Eiland's eyes.
"I wanna go home," you said a little cheekily. "I hurt like hell and I wanna sleep on my own bed."
The chuckle that Eiland gave was all the lift you needed, ecstatic that it seemed to push the dark cloud over the man's head away. But it seemed to have come back just as quickly.
Eiland tried to hold it together, did his best to not show you just how terrified he was. But seeing you on the bed, with flecks of dried blood on your face and fingers, with bruises that littered your body, was very close to breaking him.
He sucked in a breath, closed his eyes as his fingers clutched at your bedsheets. His lips trembled so much that he bit it. Hard. But still it didn't stop the tears from flowing.
"I'm sorry."
You frowned. "What for?"
"It's just-" he looked away, tried to reach for the composure that was ingrained in him since a very young age. "I'll talk about it later, okay? After you've been discharged."
It upset you to not know what was hurting him like this, but seeing how he seemed like he was only being held together by a single thread, you let it go.
"Come here," you said when Eiland kept quiet. You took his hand when he reached over, tugged him closer to you, holding his trembling hand in yours.
"I was so scared," Eiland murmured as he massaged the back of your hand. "I was so scared that I-" He caught himself, inhaled. Looked away.
"I thought I was going to lose you."
You blinked at him. And it clicked.
You smiled.
"You won't. I promise."
And you held each other's hand even though the day grew long, even when Valen asked if Eiland would stay the night.
He did, of course. He wasn't going to leave you anytime soon.
Check out my masterlist! and feel free to send requests in if you like haha
So I thoroughly enjoyed writing the entirety of this lmao
angst is just so fun to write.
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art-bit-me · 1 month
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a sketch i put way too much time into
anyway please play Fields of Mistria it's so good (it's in early access and it was released like a week ago and I have 18 hours in the game already)
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dreamtydraw · 13 days
Please don't mind the fact I could have made him chubbier, I just need to relearn my male anatomy-
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Additionally, little self indulgent ship art
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pottedbasil · 13 days
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marchofmistria · 8 days
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Hi everyone! I'm Meg and I'll be using this blog to post about Fields of Mistria!
Here's a quick drawing of my farmer and some more information about her :)
I'd love to make some friends and will also be accepting headcanon/fic requests and drawing requests so send them over!
You can find my masterlist here or by searching the tags "#masterlist" and "#my writing"
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frogdustproductions · 1 month
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You asked so I shall deliver. Eiland!
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