kmsssh · 1 day
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kmsssh · 3 days
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spring dance 🌼
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kmsssh · 3 days
why's march assigned the Town's Tsundere title when this guy exists
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kmsssh · 3 days
Snicklefritz is jealous pt 2
HEHE I can't stop
intro here
no warnings except for alcohol and a wee bit of violence (nothing graphic) // gender neutral
„Snicklefritz!“ You giggled, sitting down across from Balor and Dell at the otherwise empty table. „Oh, and the leader of the Dragonguard!“ You were slightly buzzed, and Dell‘s serious scrunched-up face made you laugh. „What‘s the matter boss?“ You asked her.
„Mr. Balor said he found treasure!“ Dell exclaimed. „But he won‘t tell me anything else! He keeps ignoring me.“ She huffed, crossing her arms. Balor went to protest but you answered first. 
„Oh, is that so? Well, maybe I can drag it out of him.“ Your gaze shifted to Balor, who avoided your eyes, hand over his mouth. Weird. He was usually the flirty one...
Dell gasped. „If you find out, promise you‘ll tell me!“ 
You nodded, looking away from Balor to wink at Dell. „As an honorary Dragonguard member, I will do my best to fulfil my duty.“ 
She clapped gleefully and ran off to find Maple and Luc. You thought it was adorable the way the kids trusted you. As far as you knew, you and Balor were the only two adult slash honorary Dragonguard members. Not even Celine was allowed to join.
You turned to Balor, who was still…was he blushing? 
You felt butterflies in your stomach at the thought. He was usually so smooth, you had never seen him flustered like this. What was going on? 
„Alright then, Snicklefritz. Out with it, where‘s the treasure?“ You tease playfully, the beer in your system making you a bit more bold than usual. 
He managed a weak smile, still slightly pink. „Ignore her, (y/n). That‘s not what I was talking about.“ You raised an eyebrow. „You know how she is.“ He added, looking away. 
Ok, something was definitely up. This was far from your usual banter. 
„Also, stop calling me Snicklefritz. I‘m not like Eiland.“ He muttered but then seemed to instantly regret it, placing his hand back over his mouth. “Sorry-“
„Ok…I‘ll stop.“ You interrupted, unsure how to deal with such a serious Balor. The alcohol in you spoke again. „But only if you tell me about the treasure. Or whatever Dell was talking about.“ You tried teasing again, smiling. 
He rolled his eyes with a laugh. Ok, that‘s more like him. You relax more. 
„Wouldn‘t you like to know?“ Balor can‘t help but return to his default smirk, but inside he‘s still kicking himself. He needed to know what to do, what to say to you to get you to stay here with him and forget all the others. But he couldn‘t possibly tell you that when he had distractedly answered Dell about the „treasure“ he was actually talking about you…
„Yes, very much so. Snicklefritz.“ You beamed at him, leaning forward slightly.
He scoffed. “That’s too bad. There isn’t any.”
“C’monnn, Snicklefritz.” You giggle. “I don’t believe you!”
Balor smiles softly, your laugh melts him every time he hears it. And you were so cute. His eyes linger on your lips before he sharply inhales, composing himself. “Dell just misheard me. Besides, I know you’re loaded anyway, seeing as how I picked up that massive shipment last night.” He says slyly, trying to change the subject.
Your beer glass almost empty, you’re feeling as bold as ever and you’re not having it. You kick him under the table playfully in the shin before replying, “I can tell when you’re lying, Snicklefritz! Tell me what she was talking about, or I’ll-“
“Or what?” He cocks his eyebrow and grins at you, and you notice that he’s also leaning forward on the table.
Before you can reply, a hammered March stumbles over to your table.
“(Y/n)!” March slurs. “Why are you all the way over here? Come join me at the bar!” He grins and puts his hand on your shoulder.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. March was always so rude, except for when he was drunk, and then he hit on you. Not exactly your type. You glance quickly at Balor, your mouth suddenly dry. He was staring at March, and he was not smiling. You never saw the two of them hang out, but you assumed that they got along just fine. Balor’s look however, which could only be described as a death stare, suggested otherwise. 
You still hadn’t answered March and he was apparently tired of waiting. He plopped down on the chair next to you. “Well, I guess I just have to come to you then.” He seems to just notice Balor sitting across. “Oh hey, Snicklefritz.” 
You froze. You could swear Balor’s eye twitched, but maybe you were imagining it. He was obviously angry though. Did they really not get along or did he hate the Snicklefritz thing that much?
“…March.” Balor said coldly. 
“So anyway, (y/n)!” March throws an arm around you. “I’ve missed you! Haven’t seen you all week!” He slurs sloppily. You ignore him, gaze instead quickly flickering over to Balor. He doesn’t meet your eyes though, he’s just staring at March. If looks could kill.
No fucking way, not this motherfucker. The whole damn town really was enamoured with you, huh? He really couldn’t blame them. Balor cursed himself for not somehow making you his right then and there when you both had first met on the bridge that fateful first day of Spring. He hated himself too, for not know what to do now. What if you liked March? Then what? Balor scrutinised the red-haired blacksmith, anger and jealousy once again coursing through his veins. 
You’re annoyed, and you try to shift away from under March’s arm. The blacksmith, however, only pulls you in you tighter. He was so drunk he couldn’t take a hint. Mortified, you can’t look at Balor. Immediately you go to try to stand up, angry at March for being disrespectful and even more angry that he was doing it in front of the guy that you actually liked. 
Your plan to flee fails however. March grabs your arm, spinning you back towards him. “Hey! Where are you going?” He exclaims. It’s less aggressive than it is just plain oblivious, but you aren’t ok with it. Before you can react, Balor is there.
March drops your arm. Balor leans over March, about a head taller than the blacksmith. He says in the coldest voice you had ever heard: “That’s enough. (Y/n) just tried to get up. They’re clearly not interested.” His fists clench and you can see his jaw twitch. 
March looks at Balor, surprised. “S-since when do you care?” March‘s brow furrows. 
You thought Balor blushed. „March,“ He growled. „Just leave it.“ 
March is not cooperating, though, and is getting upset in his drunken stupor. „C‘mon, man, you leave it.“ He goes to move around Balor towards you again, but he doesn’t make it far. You watch in utter disbelief as Balor knocks March to the ground with one swift hit to the face. 
After that, you‘re in shock, trying to process the scene that had just played out in front of you. 
March groans on the floor. Olric, Valen and Josephine rush over, everyone else just stares. Balor’s face was crimson. „Sorry, Olric…I, I just-“ Balor apologizes.
Josephine cuts in. „Olric, Balor was just standing up for (Y/n). I saw the whole thing. You know how your brother can be when he drinks.“ 
„He‘ll be fine,“ chirps Valen who is already examining the fallen March. 
Olric shrugs, as care-free as ever. „Ah-ha, yeah, let‘s just forget about this, Kay? But maybe don’t hit him so hard next time, big guy!“ Olric‘s a good brother, but obviously used to apologising for his sibling. 
Balor meets your unbreaking gaze, finally.
„Are you ok?“ You nod once but your eyes are still wide. „You don’t look ok. I mean!” He sighed at himself. “I mean, do you maybe want to get some air?“ He asks carefully.
“Yes, please.”
Balor offers you his hand and leads you out of the inn.
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kmsssh · 3 days
Jealous Balor Headcanon
It’s Friday night at the inn. Balor sips from his red wine, staring off in broody silence.
He’s staring at you across the room, but you don’t notice. Balor sees Ryis, usually quiet and introverted, laughing loudly with you and blushing.
Balor slammed his fist on the table. Did everyone in this damn town have a crush on you? He knew for sure that Eiland did, too… wasn’t it enough to have to compete with a literal *lord*? Now he had to add Ryis to the list, too?
Balor was quickly losing friends over his crush. He would however never admit it or speak to the other guys about it, preferring to drink himself into numbness. He thought about the way the sun shone on your shoulders, the way that you always wore that ridiculous straw hat, the way that you sometimes brought him gems from the mines. He hears your laugh from across the inn and feels himself soften. The sound of an angel.
“Hellooooo, earth to Mr. Balor!” Dell tugs at Balor’s shirt. He startles.
“Oh, hello Dell. Didn’t see you there.”
Dell climbs up onto the chair next to him.
“But I’ve been standing here for like five whole minutes!” She exclaimed.
“Mm..” Balor’s eyes returned to the scene of you and Ryis. Ryis touched your arm and Balor could feel himself getting angrier. It’s not fair. He wanted to make you smile, touch your arm.
“Mr. Balor!” Dell nagged again, tugging on his shirt.
“What is it, Dell?” His eyes still on you.
“You’ve been acting so weird lately! Even my mom says so!”
Balor grimaced. Shit. Was he that obvious in his yearning?
“Tell me why! Is it because you found treasure? You know, as member of the Dragonguard you’re obligated to tell your leader about any treasure…” Dell babbled on seriously.
Balor sighed and smiled tiredly at Dell’s yammering. Treasure?
“I guess you could say that.” He murmured, eyes going back to you. In that moment, you turned away from Ryis and met Balor’s eyes. He felt his heart stop for a second, heat rising in his cheeks.
Then you grinned and waved to him, making your way over with beer in hand. Balor felt his previous anger and jealously fade, replaced by nervous excitement to talk to you, to be near you. Now was his chance.
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kmsssh · 4 days
freaky???!?! sketch( Balor x Farmer)
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kmsssh · 4 days
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I'm gonna be honest with you, she looks like regular Kabru.
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kmsssh · 7 days
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this is fanon bc george doesn't know what google is probably, anyway thats how i see that one cutscene
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kmsssh · 7 days
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kmsssh · 13 days
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Hii i drew something
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kmsssh · 15 days
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Hi everyone! I'm Meg and I'll be using this blog to post about Fielda of Mistria!
Here's a quick drawing of my farmer and some more information about her :)
I'd love to make some friends and will also be accepting headcanon/fic requests and drawing requests so send them over!
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kmsssh · 16 days
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My Fields of Mistria characters ^⁠_⁠^
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kmsssh · 16 days
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Adeline in her Winter outfit ❄
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kmsssh · 16 days
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brainrot took over and made me draw jia's profile in fom's style AND FINALIZED SEASONAL OUTFITS !!!!! (this is my first time attempting pixel art after a loooong time PLEASE BE NICE /lh)
i tried to copy the text and icons as clolse as possible it probably couldvve been better but whateverrrr
jia's outfits rely more on comfort and whether or not they're suited for like. mining and fighting monsters in the mines ! also changed the strap to be a bag one instead of like a sword/fishing rod though they're there sometimes i just forgot to draw them orz
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kmsssh · 16 days
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kmsssh · 16 days
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Can we get some privacy🗣️🗣️???
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kmsssh · 19 days
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he's so mad and for what
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