#ryis x farmer
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✨️ Every Bachelor / Bachelorette's Shooting Star Festival Event! ✨️
I made a video with everyone's cut scenes + additional dialogue for the new event in the latest Fields of Mistria update! Timestamps included :3
Included in the video:
Asking them out to the Festival
Full Festival Cutscene
Dialogue the day after
Dialogue the day after if you stand them up/skip out
If you go to the festival alone
Rejection dialogue (At the VERY end of the video)
I plan to make a new updated video should they release a future update which changes the Festival in anyway. It's in early access to some things are bound to be changed before official launch.
#fields of mistria#valen fields of mistria#adeline fields of mistria#celine fields of mistria#march fields of mistria#reina fields of mistria#fields of mistria eiland#fields of mistria balor#hayden fields of mistria#juniper fields of mistria#fields of mistria ryis#fields of mystria farmer#balor x farmer#march x farmer#ryis x farmer#valen x farmer#juniper x farmer#reina x farmer#celine x farmer#hayden x farmer#adeline x farmer#eiland x farmer#shooting star festival#Youtube
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Hi, I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if you could make HC for when the farmer comes home all wrecked after a day at the mines (both bachelors and bachelorettes, if thats ok)
Hi there, thank you for sending :) Super fun to write for the bachelorettes as well as the bachelors <3 I'm writing these as established relationship HCs!
March can't help but worry about you each time you go to the times, no matter how nonchalant he tries to act or how many times he tells himself that you've been fine each time before.
Before you go, he'll always lecture you a bit and tell you to be careful (even though, he feels, this lecture goes ignored every time).
Without you asking, he'll spend time forging armor and swords that are strong and can provide a great deal of protection. You're clearly grateful for it, and it gives him peace of mind that you're wearing something he made so he's sure the quality is as good as possible.
If you're not back by a certain time, he'll go looking for you himself (even when, most of the time you're just fine).
The anxiety isn't totally unwarranted. There was a time once where he found you passed out in the mines, badly injured and attracting attention from monsters even in your unconscious state. He carried you all the way to Valen and had trouble sleeping for a day or two afterwards, even though Valen revived you no problem.
Sometimes March will insist on accompanying you from the start, claiming that he doesn't trust you to protect himself. You know not to take this as a blow to your defensive skills, but rather as proof of his deep love and care for you.
On the days you come home tired, he'll order you to go rest in bed and will wordlessly take care of you, whether that means cooking you dinner or washing off your sore body in the bath. He'll act annoyed, but you know that he doesn't mind at all taking care of you.
Ryis worries about you when you spend late nights in the mines, but is also completely confident in your defensive skills. He knows that you're very strong, perhaps stronger than he would be down there.
He'd insist, however, that you pack food with you in case you grow exhausted down there.
He'd also make sure that you're wearing the best protection you could be. He'd probably call in a favor or two from March to give you the best equipment money could buy, just as an extra precaution.
He's always very excited and grateful when you bring home a trove of material or fascinating objects from your time down in the mines. He'd be interested to learn about all the materials that occur naturally down below, as well as the animal (monster) life living down there. Especially as Ryis would probably have little interest in going down there himself.
Ryis is less of a worrier than some others may be, but he'd definitely insist you be home by a certain time just so he could have total peace of mind and so that you two could spend the night together.
He'd definitely pamper you when you've had an exhausting day, whether that be from your time in the mines or from any other tasks you've had to complete throughout the day.
His care for you would definitely include nightly massages of your sore muscles. His idea of a perfect night is spent together in the bath with you, and then hanging out late into the night working on something relaxing like birdhouses, or even watching a movie together before falling asleep.
One of the things Hayden loves and respects about you is your strength. He has plenty of it too, but is always deeply impressed by your ability to balance your work on the farm with your exploration of the mines.
He encourages your interests, and wants to give you as much time as possible to explore if that's what you feel like doing that day. He shows this encouragement by offering to take care of things on the farm on days when you want to go mining.
He hopes that'll take away some of your exhaustion, and he's more than happy to take care of you in that way. Any extra time spent with your animals is a happy day for him!
Hayden would care to make sure you're eating well before you go expending all that energy. He'll make lots of delicious food straight from the produce you've grown from the farm, and from the products donated by your animals.
Hayden wouldn't worry too much about your exploration in the mines, seeing how strong you are and how well you can handle yourself. He's just ready to get you home by the end of the night.
Hayden helps you recover by making sure you're well fed and well rested each day, without exception. If that means letting you sleep in a bit longer the next day and taking some of the load off your shoulders, he does it without a second thought.
Seeing his smiling face when you get home from a long day is enough to replenish some of your energy instantly. All Hayden cares about is that you're enjoying your days to the fullest in Mistria.
At first, Balor is more than supportive of your journeys down to the mines. After all, that's where you can find the rarest and most lucrative things for him to pawn off in the Capital!
It's also where you found a majority of the gifts that won his heart in the first place. It seemed like you were the only other person who appreciated these rare items to the same level he did, and he got so excited talking about it with you.
But once your relationship gets serious and progresses farther than just a business partnership, he starts to hate the days when you go down to the mines.
You always come back all scratched up and often injured, although usually not severely. Even so, he can't help but worry himself silly.
Yes, he's still excited when you come and happily show him all the wonderful things you've uncovered there that day. But he sure does wish there was another way to go about it.
He tries to persuade you to stop going down there, much to your surprise at first. You thought that he lived for these incredible finds. But he tells you that seeing you hurt isn't worth any amount of money.
He pays March a hefty sum to make you the best equipment and stocks you up with food each time you go. He can never get to sleep until he knows you're back home safe and have had your injuries healed.
He'll spend the rest of the night checking you to make sure you're really okay, and pampering you in every way possible. He wants you to know how grateful he is that you put yourself in danger on behalf of your mutual financial wellbeing. And he'll always have a special gift for you as an extra thank you.
One thing that Eiland loves about you is your shared interest in all things archeological. The idea that there was someone as excited as him to explore the mysteries of the minds makes him deeply happy.
In fact, he's so excited and eager to find out what's down there that he doesn't really think of the extent of the danger. To be fair, he doesn't know that the mines are infected with a slew of monsters until you tell him.
When you first start returning to him after a day in the mines, you can spend hours discussing what you saw down there and going through all the evidence and artifacts you came across. Because you're equally excited as he is, he doesn't notice at first that you've injured yourself.
It's only after he sees you wincing in pain that he questions what happened, and then he feels terrible that he didn't notice it at first! When you confess to him all that's living down there, he instantly says that the mines must be closed off again.
Yes, he is deeply interested in what can be found down there. But the safety of the residents of Mistria are paramount. And you, as the person he cares about most in the world, take priority above all of that.
He feels a bit more reassured when you tell him that closing the mines is out of the question, that your injuries are not severe at all, and that on the contrary you absolutely love going down there. He's excited too, but just much more weary about your adventures now.
He'll stay late at the museum on nights when you decide to go into the mines, ready to meet you first thing once you exit. He has bottles of tonic to help you heal ready, as well as scores of delicious desserts to eat while talking over what you found that day. He's super eager, but will always prioritize your health over all else.
Valen doesn't stop being your doctor when she becomes your partner, and your health and safety are always her first priority. She knows she's not supposed to have any biases towards certain patients, but how could she not when she loves you so much?
Because of this, she really attempts to insist you stop going down to the mines. She knows that you find it fun and interesting, but she still doesn't fully understand. You make very decent money between the two of you, so it's not because of that.
She truly finds it difficult to understand why you don't prioritize your own health, especially with someone who worries so much about you waiting for you. But after discussing it, she concedes that she must let you enjoy your own interests and be there to support however she can.
You do agree to compromise on not staying out too late, as she cannot sleep at all until you're back home safe and your injuries are all tended to. Before you go, she prepares strong concoctions with her panacea to heal up most of your injuries instantly as soon as you're home.
On one occasion, when your injuries weren't mild and you had to stay overnight in the doctor's office, she didn't sleep a wink with worry for you. Even though she rationally understood that you'd be just fine in a few days, and of course trusted her own skills in taking care of you, her concern for you is overwhelming.
Most times, however, you're just fine and she's at home lovingly waiting for your return. She'll feed you a healthy dinner and run you a bath with salts to help soothe your aching muscles.
She'll always pack tonics to take with you as well, free of charge of course. You're incredibly grateful to have such a caring partner.
Juniper tries really hard to act like she doesn't care what you're doing all day. She's still getting used to the idea of having a partner and showing vulnerability and care towards them.
She does care, really. It hurts her ego a tiny bit when she concedes to the fact that she does care. But at the same time, she can't do well at hiding her worry when you come home injured.
When you come back from the minds and show her everything you found, her interest is piqued. You consider it an enormous accomplishment the first time you gift her a crystal rose you found on one of the lower floors, telling her that she was the first thing you thought of when you saw the flower for the first time, and see her actually blush.
She can't even pretend to act proud at your "tribute." She's genuinely happy and flustered, and you consider that a win.
When you do come home hurt, she'll silently bring you into the bath house. Undressing you and then herself, she'll climb into the bath with you for a long soak.
That may include a massage as well, if you've caught her in a good mood or won her over that day with your gestures of affection via gifts from the mines. You can really get her if you tell her that you put yourself in harms way for her. She loves to feel like you put a lot of thought into her happiness.
She's not unaccustomed to flattery or worship, sure. But the real love, devotion, and attention she feels from you is new. And she's going to take steps to make sure the feeling is mutual.
Reina admires how strong you are, and how self-sufficient. But at the end of the day, she's still a big sister and being caring is her defining quality. She can't help but worry when you put yourself in danger.
She doesn't try to talk you out of it. She knows that there's no use in that. But she will do whatever she can to make your endeavors as safe as possible.
She insists of filling your bag with as much delicious food as you can carry without becoming over-encumbered. She'll cook all your favorites so you'll be more inclined to eat them as soon as your energy starts to wane in the mines.
You can always expect the same when you get back to her as well. She doesn't take no for an answer when it comes to you eating properly, even when you tell her that you've already eaten all the delicious things she packed for you during your excursion.
After you're well-fed and warmed up, you two like to relax the rest of the evening by the warm fire of the Inn, talking into the night and even sharing a warm Hot Toddy if you really need to wind down.
She's always interested to hear about everything you do each day, especially including what you do in the mines. She finds it fascinating, especially as that sort of stuff doesn't usually appeal to her. She's more than happy to listen to your tales rather than go do those things herself.
She'll often share your stories and brag of your strength and bravery to everyone who will listen when patronizing the Inn. She's proud to have such a strong and fearless partner.
Adeline is a worrier by nature. She needs to have things under control as much as possible, and the fact that her partner is so fearless can be a difficult adjustment for her.
She knows that she needs to let you have your own hobbies. She also knows that she invited you to Mistria as an adventurer, so she can't go back on her word now.
Even so, she wishes you'd do just a little less adventuring now that you've found a home in the village. She doesn't tell you this directly, but also can't hide how stressed she gets when you're down there and she doesn't know how you're faring.
She makes you promise to be back by a certain time each night, and is upset if you ever miss that curfew. She knows that she can't boss you around like that, but you're willing to oblige her knowing how much stress she's already balancing and how much she cares about your well-being.
She does know what it's like to have someone deeply interesting in exploring, and is happy that her brother has a friend to discuss these things with now. She engages in the conversation and does find it interesting, especially if you're the one telling about it rather than Eiland. You just have a much more... engaging way of talking on the subject.
One thing that she will agree with you on is that the items you're able to find in the mines can be helpful to some of the townsfolk around Mistria. Whenever someone needs an item that may be hard to obtain, she admires the fact that you're quick to jump in and help (even if that means putting yourself in harms way). She loves that about you.
As soon as you're back home, she's making sure that you're well-rested in the most comfortable home, with the most comfortable pajamas and all the luxuries she can afford. If you're injured, she's happy to go to any lengths to make sure you get everything you need. It's the least she can do to prove how much she cares for you.
Celine is always terrified whenever you tell her you're going down to the mines. She can't imagine facing all those scary monsters and risking getting hurt! The worry is apparent on her face every time.
She knows that you're strong and more than capable, but she's scared for you nonetheless. One of the few times you see her act sternly is when she makes you promise that you'll avoid trouble there as much as possible and be home at a reasonable time.
It doesn't help that Dell encourages you completely. Opposite of what would usually be expected, Celine is worried that Dell is a bad influence on you and spurs you on into danger.
Celine tries to be supportive, but is always ready to take care of you whenever you come home from a long day in the mines. Her cottage is stock piled with medicines from Valen, delicious food cooked either by herself or by Reina, and a warm bed for you to rest in.
She cannot lie, though. Whenever you bring her a new rare plant or flower from the mines, she is so excited that she nearly forgets her reservations.
She'll spend hours reading about the fauna in her Codex Mistria, taking precious care of this wonderful gift you've given her. Her appreciation is apparent, and this incredible gift is almost worth letting you go down to the mines.
In any case, she's always excited to have you back home and will go above and beyond in taking care of you when youi're exhausted or even hurt.
#my writing#fields of mistria#fom#fields of mistria x reader#fields of mistria x farmer#march#ryis#hayden#balor#eiland#valen#juniper#reina#adeline#celine#fields of mistria march#fields of mistria ryis#fields of mistria hayden#fields of mistria balor#fields of mistria eiland#fields of mistria valen#fields of mistria juniper#fields of mistria reina#fields of mistria adeline#fields of mistria celine#march x reader#march x farmer#ryis x reader#ryis x farmer#hayden x reader
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#fields of mistria#ryis x farmer#fields of mistria ryis#fom ryis#ryis#fields of mystria farmer#fom farmer#eiland#reina#olric#adeline#balor#tatatasomart
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beach date
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Fields of Mistria x Farmer (reader) - NSFW HC and Fic requests open!
Even though I recently opened up for requests (that I plan on getting to tonight/tomorrow!) I do really want to write some more NSFW content! So same rules apply!
Who I write for: All the romanceable characters at the moment!
- please tell me which character(s) you’d like the story and/or HC to be about.
- please give me your farmers pronouns.
What I write:
- SFW and NSFW
- Fluff
- Angst
- Threesomes
- Kinks (though there are some I won’t write for. Please feel free to DM me before sending in your request).
- Softcore NSFW
What I don’t write:
- Incest
- Abuse
- Cheating
- Underage
- SA
- Torture
If there’s a certain plot you’d like please let me know! I try to make my stories as inclusive as possible! If you have any questions feel free to DM me!
#fields of mistria x farmer#fields of mistria x reader#march x farmer#march x reader#hayden x farmer#hayden x reader#eiland x reader#eiland x farmer#reina x reader#reina x farmer#juniper x farmer#juniper x reader#valen x farmer#valen x reader#celine x farmer#celine x reader#adeline x farmer#adeline x reader#balor x farmer#balor x reader#ryis x farmer#ryis x reader#fields of mistria
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"Apple Cinnamon Sweet" (Ryis x F Farmer)
Fandom: Fields of Mistria
Content: F/M
Rating: Explicit (Graphic sexual content)
Words: 6,800
“But moving was the best thing for me. I’m happy in Mistria.” When Ryis turned back to give her a sad smile, Evelyn had the devastating feeling of the ground suddenly dropping out from under her. “I am too,” she replied quietly.
Evelyn was looking for a fresh start in Mistria, and wound up bagging herself the local carpenter. A sweet little romantic smut for the Ryis girlies <3
>>Read on AO3<<
Banner is my own art again! I'm having fun messing around with the paintbrushes to make something vaguely art-like lmao. Pls reblog if you enjoy! :)
If you saw me say I was going to post this on Valentine's Day, no you didn't lololol
#fields of mistria#smut#fom fanfic#my fic#ao3 writer#fom ryis#ryis x farmer#fields of mistria ryis#my art#lily-alphonse art
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Shut up and let me help you!
Summary: Reader is sick, and March tries to help you out…but it does not go well.
Warnings: None!
It was truly just a cold. One that left you cooped up in bed all day shivering and sweating at the same time. Your nose was red and raw, stuffy and runny; it felt like your head would explode with all the pressure. Your limbs were achy and sore. All you wanted was to be in bed and sleeping it away. It was just a cold, but god you felt miserable.
Besides that? You were a farmer. You couldn’t stop watering your crops- lest you want to have no money for the next week. You couldn’t refuse to refill your chickens feed. The cows still needed to be milked. So despite the ache deep within your bones, you got up and got dressed. Making your way out of the farmhouse to water your crops, which felt like it too even longer than before due to your cold. Then you trudged over to your chickens, letting them outside and giving them all pets and feeding them. Same to the cows, adding the bonus step of milking them. When did that leave you breathless? You wanted to curl back up in bed, but you couldn’t. You needed more seeds. So, off to the general store you went.
What you were expecting though was to stand, only to get so light headed you nearly buckled under the weight of your body. But a pair of strong arms caught you just under your arms. “Jesus, Y/N you looks awful.” March’s voice rings out. His tone laced with disappointment. You frown a little, you thought you were past his disappointment voice.
When you finally got your footing back, you blinked slowly. “March…? What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice scratchy. Putting a hand on your throat you frowned- Great. Another symptom.
March’s frown deepens. “You were late. You always come up at lunch and eat with me. You weren’t there.” Your eyes widen, quickly looking at your phone to see it was well past noon. “If you’re sick, you shouldn’t be farming.” He continues, crossing his arms as he scans you over for anymore ailments.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” You dismiss, only for it to turn into a coughing fit. March firmly patting your back to help you through it. “I’m fine.” You croak out.
“Bullshit.” He grumbles, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. Almost immediately you melt into the warmth of his skin, wanting to curl up in his arms and sleep it all away. He brings you inside and sets you on the bed. Kneeling down and helping to take off your shoes, “Can you get into your pajamas okay?”
You manage a nod. Getting up and quickly throwing them back on. March doesn’t let you protest before he drapes a blanket around your shoulders and gets you tucked into bed. “What needs to be done?” He asks softly, for him at least.
“I need to replant my seeds.” You sigh, “And then water those ones. I also need to clear an area for my orchard. And call in the chickens and cows tonight.” You tell him, trying to sit up to protest him helping. But his gently pushes you down.
“Don’t insult me. I can chop wood and break rocks. And how hard could be planting seeds be? I’ve got this, you just rest.” He tells you, his voice is surprisingly gentle but still stern as he speaks. He tucks you back in, pressing a kiss to your head before he frowns. He’d have to stop Valen and see if she knew how to get your fever down.
After a few more minutes of him assuring you that your farm would survive him. He was off, going up. and getting the seeds from Nora. Who was surprised nonetheless.
“March? Buying…seeds?” She asks with a raised eyebrow as she looks at the piles he’d place on the counter. He followed your list to a tee. Every single seed accounted for.
He looks away, scoffing a little. “Yeah. Y/N’s sick. They’ve got a cold.” He grumbles out. “Idiot was trying to farm.”
Nora gasps, “Oh no! Here.” She leaves the counter for a second before she comes back and sets down a bottle of cold medicine and honey. “Put some of the medicine on a spoon, add a couple drops of honey. It should help.”
March blinks at the kindness, but nodded and gathered everything up after paying. “Thanks Nora.” He nods before stepping out, he looks over at the Inn. Frowning, he couldn’t believe he was doing this. He walked into the Inn to be greeted by Hemlock.
“March! Hey I was wondering when you’d stop in.” He grins.
“I don’t have time to talk.” March says quickly,
“Y/N’s sick…is there anyway I can take some soup to go?”
Hemlocks eyes widen, “For sure. Hang tight for a second.” He says as he rushes off. March waits impatiently, tapping his foot. He was loosing daylight quick and he still needed to do so much…is this why you were always running around? Fuck. He’d have to help you out more often so you didn’t work yourself sick.
Hemlock returns with a large container of soup. “Here, it’s on us for all they do.” He nods, “Tell her to get better.” March blinks again, shocked by the kindness on display. This whole town really did love you, huh.
March nods in thanks and makes his way back to the farm. Dropping the seeds outside your fenced in crops, and carefully bringing in the soup and medicine. But he stops for a second, you’re sleeping so peacefully. He couldn’t wake you and ask you anything… He sighed heavily. Putting everything away inside and moving to your side to feel if your fever has subsided.
It didn’t. And he frowned. Layering another blanket over you in hopes it would make you sweat it out.
Moving outside, he sighed. It was already almost evening. But he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. Grabbing the hoe he gave you, starting to till the soil like he’s seen you do a hundred times. It was harder than he gave you credit for. Not that he’d ever tell you. But once it was done, albeit sloppily. He got down and started to scatter the seeds. Did he need to…plant them more? Was that a thing? He remembers Celine once saying to use your pinky…no way you did that to every seed…
But he does it. Kneeling down and painstakingly pressing each one in. Only to hear a laugh, his head snaps up to see you standing in the doorway. Blanket wrapped around you, “Are you pressing all the seeds in?”
He goes red. “N-no!” He lies. Like a liar. “What are you doing up! You’re sick get back in bed!” He commands, standing and brushing his hands on his apron. Trying to shoo you back inside. You’re laughter filling the air again.
“I just woke up, you worry wart.” You smile at your boyfriend. “You still need to water them. I usually do that and then sprinkle the dirt on.”
He blinks, that. made so much more sense than what he was doing. “There’s a method to my madness.” He frowns, still ushering you back to bed. “Go lay down.”
You roll your eyes, “Thank you March.” You grin.
He scoffs, but there’s a slight blush. And then he goes outside, grabbing your watering can- why was it so old?! Did you not upgrade?! He lets out a frustrated sigh. You were getting an all new set of tools when he was done here. You got scrapped up in the mines, all the time. You have him ore- you little shit. You gave him all your copper so he would like you-?!
He is so gonna- a low moo catches his attention. He’s looking over at your Cow now who is staring at him. “…what?”
“…Mooo?” He says back confused. He quickly finishes watering your crops before leaning on the fence to look at the cow. “What.”
He blinks, fuck. Trying to figure out what a cow wants is going to be hard. “Uh, okay.” He hops over the fence and looks around. “Here, food.” He says walking into the barn and offering a hand of feed. But the cow just huffs. “What? you eat out of Y/N’s hand all the time.” He huffs more when the cow fully turns and ignores him. “You fuckin-“ He grumbles. “Well if you’re gonna be an asshole go inside.” He moves to ring the bell but the cows merely just look at him. He points, “Inside. Go.” He tries to usher them in.
The cows do not move. March groans, “You stupid-“ He’s interrupted by the bell ringing again. His head whips around and sees you ringing it. “Y/N!” He frowns, “What part of fucking relax do you not understand?”
“You were struggling.” You shrugs, “Besides I ate some soup. I feel better now.” You smile and nod at him.
March squints, picking you up just under your bottom. Carrying you like nothing over to the chicken coop and letting you ring the bell as the run in. Then he once again deposits you into bed. “You need better equipment, and I swear to god if you run around like a madman because you’re busy out here I’m gonna personally come farm with you.”
You laugh, “Got it. I’ll go to the mines-“
“No. Shut up I still have all that fuckin ore you gave me. You’re getting new shit. Now lay down.” He gently pushes you back into bed. “Sleep. Be better I don’t wanna farm in the morning.”
You feel a smirk. “Too much work for you?”
“…Shut up.” You let out a loud laugh, pulling him down into bed with you as you snuggle in.
“Thank you March.” You smile kissing his cheek. He sighs, his cheeks flushing as he wraps an arm around you.
“…don’t mention it.”
A/N: I know it wasn’t exactly chaotic but I still hope you enjoyed it!
#fields of mistria#fields of mistria x reader#fieldsofwriting#fom x reader#fom march x reader#march x farmer#march x reader#ryis fom#eiland fom#march fom#fom eiland#fom valen#hayden fom#fom celine
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fields of mistria.
post requests rn. i love this man so much.
#fields of mistria#fom farmer#fom eiland#fom march#fom ryis#fom balor#fom adeline#fom olric#fom juniper#fom oc#oneshots#fom oneshots#fields of mistria x reader
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i'm desperate for more caldarus and ryis stuff, super excited to see you write for both! could i request maybe some general dating headcanons for those two!? (separate/not poly!) maybe how they would react to having a touch-starved/easily flustered/shy partner?

Since I cannot predict the future, we're just gonna go with the statue version
He would feel SO BAD because he can't really physically touch you
I mean you could attempt to hug his statue but even that would receive a somewhat negative response from him
Not because he doesn't like it but because he can't do anything
I think the first time he flustered you was by accident but he thought it was really amusing so he kept doing it
Like the first time it happened was probably due to what seemed like a simple compliment to him but a deeper one to you and you took it to heart
Anyway back to the main topic, I feel like there isn't much you can do
You can't bring him anywhere, and how can you explain that you're talking to a statue?
So most of the time all the bonding you have is you gossiping to him about the town folk
I can see him initially being a quiet listener to the point of it seeming like he doesn't care
But you can tell he does when he brings up the topic days later in an attempt to start a conversation
You'd have to explain certain things to him because yk...era differences and such
But he really does appreciate the time you take out of your day to talk to him. I mean, depending on how you cleared the area around his statue, he sees how hard you work everyday, so the fact that you stop to talk to him means a lot
Please decorate the area around his statue. He'll be kinda nonchalant as usual because really what does that do for him, but he really does appreciate it, even if those exact words aren't said
Honestly he's genuinely so confused on why you haven't left him for one of the townsfolk
Not because he has a low self esteem, but due to his current state
Since he really doesn't understand it, it'll always be at the back of his mind
Honestly solid 9/10 bf despite his state (I'm so biased)

You guys are THE couple
Well obviously but you two are the type of people that old people look at and laugh under their breath to just say "young love ☺️" like this is almost movie-like
I feel like in terms of love languages, acts of service is gonna be a big thing, and words of affirmation as well
Both of you are busy but there is a noticeable change in how much time he takes out of his day to talk to you
Always remembers important dates. Like it's highly likely that you're the one forgetting important dates instead of him
He's an amazing communicator too. If you're struggling to tell him something that he did that bothered you, he's already apologized for it, boom.
I don't think it's often that you two get into arguments
Not because he's nonconfrontational, but because he's really easy to make compromises with, he's not stubborn at all when it comes to you
The "mama y papa" audio went into my head and that's probably what it feels like when anyone is stuck with you two. Literally the parent couple
It probably gets to a point where people forget that there was a time where you two weren't together
I feel like once you get flustered, he gets flustered because he thinks about what he said that made you react that way and he's like oh.
I can't see him being super touchy but I don't think he would mind you clinging onto him anyway
I don't even think he would notice until someone mentions it
Usually he has a hand on you anyway. Your waist, your shoulder, your hands, your back, your thigh (if he doesn't get too flustered in the moment) literally damn near anywhere
He's literally almost perfect I cannot think of a problem besides him being busy, 9/10
#fields of mistria#headcanons#x reader#fom ryis#fom ryis x reader#ryis x reader#fields of mistria x reader#fields of mistria ryis#fom caldarus#caldarus x reader#caldarus x farmer
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A Little Assistance | FOM Ryis
currently experiencing Fields of Mistria brain rot so uhh enjoy a Ryis one shot that I couldn’t get out of my brain.
warnings: farmer is down bad for Ryis. also, author really loves commas yikes.

“A season?” The words echo with dissatisfaction, frowns all around. The General Store being shut down for a whole season? That just wouldn’t do.
Ryis shifts on spot, eyes zeroing in on you with an apologetic smile. He was about to put you on the spot, a gesture the Mistiran’s seemed to favor since you decided to lend your hand, though for once it did not matter to you. The town was beginning to rely on you, for better or worse. The free land came with a heavy toll that you often took without complaint. For this reason, the bigger jobs were thrown on you midst a group of people that silently discouraged you from ever saying no. It was exhausting at times. However, you could never deny the deep brown eyes that seemed to captivate you no matter where you stood. You unfortunately would do anything the man asked of you.
You offer Ryis a smile back and his shoulders relax.
“Well, I think I could speed things up with a little assistance.” He smiles a little brighter at you and a surge of something courses through you. ''So how about it?”
Your verbal agreement is met with gratitude as Nora and Holt realize that they won’t have to crash on the offered couch of their daughter… or share those cushions with their youngest. With a final confirmation of the plans, the family disappear into the inn to give you space to work.
Ryis watches them go for a long moment, before dropping his gaze to the hammer in his hand. “Sorry for putting you on the spot-“
“Hey, no worries.” You shrug with a grin, leaning maybe a little bit closer than necessary. “However, I do charge by the minute so we better get going or you’re gonna owe me big time.” The laugh he gives warms you to the core and you have to quickly turn to stop it from sprouting a heat into your cheeks. “Why don’t you show me the blueprints?”
Blueprint slapped onto the counter top, Ryis beacons you over to discuss the plan. It had to be fast and efficient, something you were confident could happen. You learned from the best, after all. Though, it was as if the universe was laughing at you as you leaned over the blueprints, feeling Ryis’ shoulder brushing your own. “So if you look here-“ Your body tenses as he leans closer and his palm moves to rest on your lower back. The other hand gesturing to a particular spot in his plans but your mind easily wanders away from the page. His words were confident as he spoke and a chill went down your spine as you realized just how close he leaned to you in order to effectively point out different sections.
“Does that sound like a plan?”
You were suddenly wracking your brain to piece together what exactly this plan had been. But as his eyes turned to you, your faces mere inches apart, your mind goes blank. Ryis locks eyes with you with a fondness in his expression as his knuckles brush against your back. From this proximity, you notice for the very first time a sprinkling of freckles along the bridge of his nose. His head tips ever so slightly and your breath catches in your throat.
Then, seeming to realize exactly what he was doing, Ryis takes a curt step back to worry a hand over the back of his neck. “Uhm,” He mutters. “We should get started.”
“Right, yeah.” You quickly nod in agreement.
Fast. Efficient. Don’t get distracted.
You follow the carpenters lead as you move about the space, already prepped for the renovations. Hammer this, grab the newly forged nails, pay attention to where you were swinging.
Getting into “the zone” was proving to be far more difficult than you would like. You had experience in crafting molten metal. You had made plenty of fence posts to keep your animals in their own areas and away from your crops. Heck, you cleaned the entire farm land up with your own two hands. Yet here you stand, eyes flickering up every few nails to the man in charge of such a big project.
Fast. Efficient. Don’t get distracted.
Ryis stands tall as he hammers away at a beam, nails hanging from the corner of his mouth and brows furrowed in concentration. He plucks each piece from his lips with gentle hands before using strong arms to nail them in. His sleeves were rolled up to showcase just how his forearms flex with each bit of effort.
Don’t. Get. Distracted.
You allow yourself just a moment to watch him- if only to see how a master carpenter works. Surely that was it. No other reason.
The call of your name snaps your attention to his face, his head tipped to the side and a smile gracing plump lips. “Can you hand more some more nails? I’m afraid this will fall if i let go.” He explains with that smile on his face. Heat spreads to your cheeks and you’re almost certain that he had caught you staring.
You collect a handful of nails and offer them out to Ryis. His fingers brushing over your palm sends waves of electricity down your arm. He watches you close, lips parting as he weighs the nails in his hand. “Why don’t you help me, just real quick?” His tongues darts out to wet his lips and you’re almost certain that no other temptation could compare to this moment. “It’s the last beam, after all.”
Right. The last beam. At least Ryis seemed to be able to put in the work.
Fast. Efficient. Don’t get distracted.
“Need you to hammer right here,” He presses a gloved finger against the wood and you have to step impossibly close in order to reach it. His eyes scan your profile as your hip presses against his, following the curve of your nose and how lashes flutter as you eye the wood. “And watch my hand if you don’t care. I’d like to keep both of them.” His voice is deep and smooth, a honeyed tone sounding right by your ear and enveloping you in his presence. He smells of saw dust and something sweet- a combination that is so sickeningly him.
Caldarus, if you managed to get through this renovation on time, you deserved to move the town up to the ruby ranking and on.
“I’ll think about it.” You force out a laugh.
His gaze on you as you work nearly makes you sweat. The way he diligently watches each swing, eyeing your form and being so very distracting in ways that he seems unaware of.
As the last nail is placed, Ryis lingers at your side for a moment to look over the beam. “Nice job, Farmer.” He hums in your ear before stepping away. The way he quickly turns his back to you allows a moment to take a fresh breath of air not muddied by his presence.
You continue to remind yourself of the importance of the job as you work, the need to not get distracted. To finish as soon as possible.
Yet, every time Ryis calls for your attention or asks you to aid in tasks you knew were well within his skill set, hope sparks within you. Coming to Mistria was meant to be a fresh start but you were not entirely prepared for the sheer amount on your daily schedule. This meant you could only take a few moments to greet the town each day, except for the one man you often lingered with for a bit longer than you should. Whether it was bothering him at the carpenters or at the crafting table itself, Ryis always greets you with a warm smile and easy flow of conversation. You are still waiting for the day that he grows tired of the distractions and asked for you to leave him alone- similar to his best fried- but that has yet to come. That very fact allows the hope to bubble up inside you and just maybe convince yourself to give in to your feelings.
Hanging the green and white awning is the very last step of the renovation before the two of you are stepping back to admire your handy work. It was beautifully done, with wooden lattice decorating the walls and truly tying in elements from the already standing store. Ryis was quite the visionary.
“We make a good team.” Ryis comments from your side, a starry eyed look on his face.
You hum at the comment as you try to not let it get to your head. “Think it’s too late for me to become a carpenter?”
Ryis chuckles at this, “You’d make for a great carpenter, but honestly you have quite the skill set. I wouldn’t stop at just one thing.” His smile is bright as he peers over at you.
“Ah, you know the old saying,” You shrug bashfully, Ryis watching your every movement closely. “Jack of all trades, master of none.”
“Master of none?” He echoes. “I wouldn’t say that describes you. You’re very impressive, farmer.” This was his turn to lean in maybe a little bit closer than necessary, and you revel in this. “You’ve become very important to…” You’re almost certain his eyes flicker down to your lips for the briefest moment. “To the town.” He pauses in thought, glancing over your shoulder to avoid your close gaze. “I’m not sure how anything functioned around here before you.”
Your breath catches as he finally meets your eye. The streets of Mistria are empty and the sky is beginning to shift into an orange hue, making you hyper aware of the time you have spent alone with the man that makes your heart skip a beat.
Ryis clears his throat, focusing on pulling the leather gloves from his hands, head dropped. “Ya know, Farmer, I-“
“Look at this mess!” Holts voice echoes from the doors of the inn, causing the two of you to jolt away from each other. You cannot seem to meet anyone’s eye as you feel your stomach twist in a way you were not quite prepared for. “Guess it’s time to show off the families famous sweeping technique!” Celine gives a lighthearted laugh as the pair begin to clean up after you and Ryis, not allowing either of you to object.
Once finished, everyone gathers outside to admire your handy work. Smiles all around as everyone compliments the work and excitedly discuss what this means for Mistria as a whole. You feel the swell of pride inside of you as you look at the building. Something you built with your own hands. Something you and Ryis built together.
“Why don’t we join everyone at the inn?” Ryis smiles at you. “I’ll buy you a drink as a thanks for the assistance.”
#fields of mistria#fom ryis#fom ryis x farmer#fom ryis x reader#fom#fom one shot#summer-fics#fields of mistria ryis#fields of mistria one shot#fields of mistria x reader
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Good for business part 5 - It's not so simple
Balor x fem reader Part 4
About a month had passed since you'd first moved to Mistria, and, during that time, you'd settled in a lot faster than you were expecting. The farm had begun to flourish - you'd cleared away most of the weeds and rubble, and you even had a steady stream of orders. At Adeline's request, you'd recently started working on a large order of timber to help repair the bridge, which had collapsed with the earthquake. While you did genuinely want to help and see the town flourish, part of you was also excited to get to work with Balor every day. Over the past month, you two had grown pretty close - you'd stop to chat about everything and anything almost every chance you got, and he'd visit your farm at least once a day, usually claiming to have business to of some sort to discuss. During your free time, you guys were almost always seen together - you'd hang out at the sleeping dragon inn together or take leisurely walks around Mistria's fields and historical sites while chatting idly. After every Friday night at the inn, he'd walk you home under a sky full of stars, just like on your second night in Mistria.
Of course, you'd adored every minute of it - you knew that you were just good friends and business partners, but that didn't stop your heart from leaping in your chest whenever he was around, or your gaze from lingering on his lips for just a moment longer when he spoke to you. Sometimes, you couldn't help but fantasize but what those lips might feel like against your own...
A soft knock on the door of your cottage interrupted your train of thought, and you heard Ryis speaking from outside.
"Y/N ? Is this a good time ?"
After taking a moment to collect yourself, you replied.
"Yes, please come on in !"
Before you could even get up from your chair to open the door, Ryis had already entered your cottage, a bag full of timber and various tools slung over his shoulder. He smiled at you as he set down the bag.
"I was thinking we could finally finish the bridge today, if that works for you ? The timber you provided should be more than enough,"
"Sure. I don't have anything else on today, and I've been looking forward to checking out that Saturday market,"
You met his smile with one of your own as you got up to gather your own tools, which were quite worn, but they'd been gifted to you by several of the townsfolk to help start you off with your farm, so you weren't about to complain.
Ryis nodded at you as you finished packing and opened the door so you could both head outside. All around you, the sky was completely cloudless and you could feel the warm sunlight caressing your skin. As you approached the bridge, Ryis spoke up.
"Hey, Y/N, I was thinking that we could potentially head to the market together when it returns ? I mean, just so I could show you around-". Ryis stopped mid sentence and met your gaze, his cheeks flushing slightly red.
"Hmm I think I already promised Balor I'd go with him, but you and I could definitely go another time. Or maybe we could all go together ?"
Disappointment flashed across Ryis' features, but he was quick to hide it with a pleasant smile.
"Yes, that sounds great,"
You felt your face heat up a little.
"Ok, we should probably get to work ... the bridge won't repair itself,"
You both took out saws and started working in companionable silence to replace the damaged timber with new one. After a while, Ryis spoke again.
"You know, you're shaping up to be a really good carpenter. The one thing that I'd say is that you'll use less energy if you hold your saw like this," he adjusted your grip on the saw gently with warm, calloused hands to show you how to hold it. Blushing, you realised you were suddenly standing close enough to smell him the scent of soap and timber was overpowering your senses. You mentally kicked yourself for being so stupid - he was just showing you how to hold your saw, it's not like it meant anything-
"Hey, Y/N !" as soon as you heard that familiar deep voice call your name, you jumped up, almost dropping your saw. It was a good thing that Ryis was still holding onto it.
Trying to calm your heart down, you turned around to face Balor.
"What's up ?"
"I need a hand carrying some of the stuff in your shipping bin to my wagon. It kinda needs to be done now as I'll be leaving to meet a supplier soon,"
You thought back to what was in your shipping bin - mostly tulips, daffodils and some leftover timber and stone. It was a little heavy, but you'd seen him lugging around way heavier packages. Still, you weren't about to pass up an opportunity to spend time with Balor.
"Sorry Ryis, looks like I won't be able to help you after all," You gave him your most apologetic smile as you packed up your tools and started heading in Balor's direction. Ryis smiled back.
"It's not a problem, make sure to call me if you guys need a third,"
"We'll figure it out," Balor replied as you two started heading off. Despite the relaxed smile on his face, his voice almost sounded... tense ? Maybe you'd imagined it.
It took only around ten minutes to help Balor load his wagon. The entire time, he kept up a stream of easy chatter about current events in Mistria and all the crazy thing's he'd encountered while travelling that week. After finishing, you closed your shipping bin and gave him a small smile.
"I should probably head back and finish helping Ryis with the bridge,"
Balor's eyes flashed with something you couldn't decipher before he replied.
"Best of luck. You'll do great things here. But, Y/N, don't forget you promised that first trip to the market to me," he smirked playfully before he got inside his wagon, driving off before you'd had a chance to even process what he'd said.
It had been a casual enough statement, as had Ryis' invitation earlier. So why did they both feel so ... intense ?
#fom fanfic#fields of mistria farmer#fields of mistria#balor fields of mistria#fields of mistria headcanons#march fields of mistria#balor fom#fields of mistria ryis#fom ryis#balor x reader#balor x farmer#ryis x reader#march x farmer#march fom#march x reader#fom balor
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Hey I saw your requests were open and wanted to ask you if you could a do how would the bachelor's react to reader's/farmer's fuck ass haircut? I just cut my own bangs and it's all crooked and need some comfort 🥺
Hey I'm so sorry this has been in my inbox for so long!! Thank you very much for sending, this was so funny to think about. Hope your bangs have grown out since :')
You already know March would be brutal. He's not good at expressing himself and, especially before you're an actual couple and he starts to put effort into not hurting your feelings, he wouldn't think twice about insulting your haircut.
If you came up to him after ruining your hair, he wouldn't be able to hide his confused scowl and ask "what did you do to your hair?"
If you find it funny and laugh, he'll probably laugh as well and continue teasing you. He'd probably say something like, you shouldn't be allowed to smelt hot metal if you can't even cut your bangs correctly.
He would laugh if you met him where he was and teased him back, especially about how he can't dye his own hair so he shouldn't be talking.
If you had a different reaction, however, and got upset or embarrassed and walked away, he'd probably reflect on how you were likely feeling pretty self-conscious and realize that was a low blow.
He'd apologize next time he saw you, rolling his eyes and attempting to fix his comment a bit by saying "at least hair grows back."
Ryis would probably notice it right away. He pays close attention to you, and he can likely tell you're feeling self-conscious.
He'd try to preserve your feelings the best he could. He'd ask about it lightly and casually. "Hey Y/N, did you get a new haircut? I like it."
You'd definitely blush and get super embarrassed, saying that you know the haircut sucks. Even though Ryis might secretly agree that it's not exactly the best look, he definitely would not agree to you putting yourself down like that.
"What are you talking about, it's fine! You always look nice, so your haircut doesn't really matter, anyways."
If you're truly upset about it, he'd continue to reassure you and tell you that you look beautiful regardless. But thankfully hair does grow back if you truly don't like it!
He'll continue to compliment you as it grows back so you don't doubt whether he still finds you attractive.
Eiland is a sweetheart and would try to calm you down if you were upset about the haircut you gave yourself. A lot of reassurance about your beauty and his love for you regardless.
He'd probably start telling you some interesting facts about historical hairstyles of Aldaria or something, as a way to distract you. You may or may not find it annoying in the moment.
If you're still feeling unhappy, he'd offer to pay to get your hair fixed by Vera or some other expensive hairstylist in the Capital.
He'd continue to attempt to reassure you that you look very pretty regardless and this sort of thing happened to everyone! In fact, he read on an Alda-period stone tablet that a woman once cut her own hair and....
It's rare that Balor loses his cool charm, but you see it waver in his face for a moment when you first see each other after the haircut.
He'd try to deny it and turn the charm all the way up to compensate, telling you that you look absolutely radiant today (even though you look beautiful every day!). You'd see through it right away and call him out on it.
He may try to deny it at first, but eventually agrees that it's not the best haircut. He does emphasize, however, that even something like a bad haircut couldn't detract from your beauty at all and you do still look lovely.
He'd hold back a bit of a laugh when you give him a blank stare from behind your crooked bangs, though.
He just happens to generously gift you a set of beautiful gold hairpins from the Capital. Perfect timing. He'll tell you the hairpins compliment your eyes very well once he's no longer distracted by the funny-looking fringe.
Hayden wouldn't even notice honestly. He always thinks you look beautiful and wouldn't sweat small details like that.
If you came to him and showed him how you messed up your hair, he'd probably laugh and tell you not to think anything of it!
"I cut my own hair all the time, Y/N. It's probably a mess but that's just fine by me!" He likes you however you are, with whatever you decide to do with your appearance.
If you were to tell him that you thought you looked unattractive or that you were embarrassed and didn't want anyone to look at you, he'd get genuinely upset. He truly doesn't understand how you don't see yourself as beautiful, and especially over such a small thing!
He'd continue to tell you not to pay it any mind, that hair grows back, and that no one would even notice. He genuinely thinks the latter because he wouldn't have noticed it had you not pointed it out.
He'd lend you one of his big hats to cover your hair with while you wait for it to grow out, if you wanted.
#boss makes a dollar i make a dime#i write fanfic on company time#my writing#fields of mistria#fom#fields of mistria x reader#fields of mistria x farmer#march#fields of mistria march#fom march#ryis#fields of mistria ryis#fom ryis#eiland#fields of mistria eiland#fom eiland#balor#fields of mistria balor#fom balor#hayden#fields of mistria hayden#fom hayden#fields of mistria march x reader#fields of mistria ryis x reader#fields of mistria eiland x reader#fields of mistria balor x reader#fields of mistria hayden x reader#march x reader#march x farmer#ryis x reader
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When the Moon Fell in Love With the Sun | Ch. 2
March x F!Farmer
Rating: Mature/Explicit (eventual smut)
Chapter Summary: March and the farmer get shitfaced together.
Author's Note: I had an absolute blast writing this one hehehe. Enjoy some drunk March!!
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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After a long day of hammering silver, and after stopping home for a quick body rinse, some pain meds, and a less sweaty set of clothes, December headed over to the inn.
She didn’t care much for dressing up, so her outfits tended to be more or less of the following: boots, jeans or shorts, a tank top, and unless it was summer, a jacket. Whether she was farming, mining, or going to the inn, she looked no different. The closest she got to being “trendy” in her own way was to accessorize and/or keep to a consistent palette, with a wardrobe mostly consisting of blues, blacks, whites and silvers.
For tonight, she kept her hair in the ponytail she’d tied it into earlier; wore a black denim jacket, its back covered in patches she’d collected while traveling — be it for snowboarding, for the guild, or for leisure; a black camisole tucked into dark, ripped jeans; a silver chain, which she conjoined the belt loops on her right side with; and the same black combat boots she typically donned.
As expected, December was met past the Sleeping Dragon’s doors with the majority of the town’s residents. It wasn’t a Friday gathering, but going to the inn for soup and drinks on rainy or snowy days seemed to be the norm in Mistria. It was an unspoken tradition that she had grown fond of, and she drank in the sight of everyone having fun and hanging out while hooking her jacket up near the entrance.
Well, almost everyone. Olric and March were talking business with Eiland and Adeline, if the paperwork strewn across their table was anything to go by, so she figured she’d chill out at the bar before going to pester the brothers.
After putting in a request with Hemlock to surprise her with something fruity, she was engulfed by two slim arms and an overwhelmingly floral scent.
“Hey!” December smiled, twisting in her seat to hug the source. She was one of her first and closest friends in town.
“I didn’t think I’d see you here!” Celine beamed back.
She took the open seat next to December and practically asked for the same thing from Hemlock, making it a point to grab Jo and Reina’s attention and greet them too. December waved at the chefs, chuckling when they both flashed toothy smiles back at her.
Hemlock placed down the girls’ identical drinks as the interaction finished off. “Enjoy,” he winked at them before moving onto the next resident.
December sighed wistfully as she gazed into the bright blue, bubbly liquid. “He’s gonna kill me one of these days,” she muttered under her breath.
Sure, her heart was somewhat (entirely) set on March, but it didn’t stop her from feeling immensely frazzled by the bartender. He was just so cool…
Celine giggled at the farmer’s state, but spared her a comment. She understood it completely: she’d once told December that, as kids, she would put on her fanciest dresses and have her mom braid her hair whenever Reina invited her to hang out at the inn, just because of the crush she had on their friend’s father. It lingered until her teenage years.
“Where were you today?” she asked. “I didn’t see you running around and getting stuff done like you usually do.”
When people described her that way, December imagined that they just saw her as a little dog, zipping through the streets to fetch things for treats... it wasn’t entirely wrong, she supposed.
Her beverage was just bordering on too sweet, but she liked it, and let it fully trickle down before she answered Celine. “Spent the day at the forge.”
“I’m surprised you could stand it for that long.” Celine winced while she took a sip from her own cup. After a moment of visible contemplation, she slid it towards December. “Don’t you hate it there?”
December shrugged, “Just the smithing part. The guys make it entertaining.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” Celine mused, having recently become fully knowledgeable of December’s feelings for the redhead. She wiggled her eyebrows and rested her cheek in her palm.
“Oh gods.”
“You’re not denying it.”
December rubbed the inner corners of her eyes. “Stop talking.”
“I probably have some flowers you can bring him next time…”
Embarrassed that she knew March doesn’t actually like flowers, December simply continued, “Please stop talking?”
The blonde snickered, gratefully accepting a replacement drink in the form of red wine from Hemlock. She hadn’t even ordered one yet. “He’s good,” she breathed, watching him leave.
It was at that moment that December began to think Celine’s crush on the innkeeper hadn’t entirely gone away.
Smiling at the thought, she suggested, “The best in Aldaria, perhaps?”
“Why are you talking about me?” March asked, appearing behind them. All the seats were taken, so he simply leaned against the counter between December and Terithia, who was deep in conversation with Landen.
December groaned. “Big head.”
Celine nodded, teasing, “The biggest.”
“It’s not that big.”
“Sure, physically, but metaphorically…” December trailed off, shrugging with a shit-eating look on her face.
March nudged her with his elbow, deadpanning as the farmer grinned. She returned the gesture before turning to face Celine on her other side.
She looked smug, like she had something to say.
December narrowed her eyes at her.
“You can take my spot, March,” Celine told the blacksmith. Her gaze stayed on December’s while she spoke, “I think I heard Juni calling me from upstairs.”
December’s mouth gaped for a moment at the blatant lie before prodding, “Oh, did she?”
Celine dodged the question with a light pat to her friend’s head. “See you later!”
“I didn’t hear it,” March concurred as he swapped spots with the florist.
“Maybe your ears suck.”
“You didn’t either, smartass.”
“Yeah, whatever.” December peered down at the two drinks before her. “Want this?” she asked, sliding Celine’s abandoned one toward him.
“What is it?”
December shrugged, making a noise in place of an “I don’t know.” She took a sip before concluding, “It’s real sweet, though.”
Ignoring the urge to taste it from her lips, and silently cursing himself for even thinking about that, March took up the offer, drowning his feelings by downing the glass.
December’s mouth hung open again. “What the fuck?” she laughed, gobsmacked.
March grunted in approval. “That’s good. Oi, Hemlock,” he called out from across the bar.
The man reappeared from somewhere beneath the counter, an empty cup in hand. “Yeah?” he responded on his way over.
“What’s this called?” he asked, snatching December’s drink — while she was going for another sip, no less — and holding it up.
Hemlock laughed at the interaction before shrugging and telling him, “Don’t know yet,” then nodded to December, “This snow angel was my test dummy.”
The snow angel silently cursed him for warming her cheeks with that nickname. March noticed it and felt a smidge of jealousy.
“You want one?” Hemlock offered.
“Two, please.”
“Why do y—“ December stopped her train of thought when March took a sip from her cup, glaring at her over the rim of the glass. She heard Hemlock laugh as he walked away.
It took less than an hour for the pair to be plastered, with December being just as much of a lightweight as March. They’d relocated to a table — March sat at the head, with December and Ryis on one side, and Olric and Balor across from them — but kept their focus mainly on each other.
Most recently, it was in the form of an arm wrestle.
Fairly tipsy himself, Ryis began treating it far too seriously. While December stretched her hands and shoulders, she took in his pep talk from beside her.
“I think you can— no,” he placed a hand on her shoulder, “I know you can win this.” Whether he believed it or not, he and December were both unsure, but it didn’t stop him from doing his best to encourage the farmer.
“I can win this,” she reaffirmed, her brows furrowed and eyes swimming with determination.
“You are crazy strong,” he kept going.
“I am crazy strong.”
“You are powerful.”
“I am… kinda power—“
“Hey, hey,” he grabbed her by both shoulders now, pressing his forehead to hers to really drive the point home, “you are powerful!”
With a determined huff, and after grabbing his shoulders too, she nodded.
“Why don’t I get a cool pep talk?” March asked nobody in particular. “Is it ‘cause you all know I’m gonna win anyway?”
December let go of Ryis and turned away to stare daggers at March. He narrowed his eyes right back until Olric cut in, “I believe in you, bro!”
March’s fiery gaze darted to the blue-haired merchant. “You’re awfully quiet, Balor.”
“Can’t I just enjoy the show?”
December’s scowl shifted to him, too. He was unfazed, only grinning in return.
“Alright, alright,” March started, “alright.” He lightly nudged December’s shoulder with his fingertips. “Alright?”
“Alright,” December held back a giggle as she spoke, nodding curtly.
March took his position at the very edge of his seat and with his elbow on the corner of the table, with December doing the same before clasping her palm with his. Their knees touched in the middle, and even with the wood between them, there was plenty of open area.
December knew after being reminded just how large and thick March’s hands were — those things were like damn clubs, probably thanks to his work — that she was doomed to fail. Even if she could manage to out-muscle him some other way, the sheer weight of his grip would probably ruin this for her.
She did her best to ignore that, though, and put on the silliest, cockiest face she could manage while she locked onto the blacksmith’s eyes.
March wanted to just win this already — gods, he needed to win — but broke at the sight of his opponent’s expression, snorting and leaning the side of his head onto their tangled forearms.
“Can— pfft— can you take this seriously, sir?”
March shook his head before sitting back up to the best of his ability. “Your face!”
The farmer played dumb. “What about it?”
“You just—“ March barked out a quick laugh before imitating December.
It broke her immediately. Her cackling only made March laugh harder, and they both keeled over, bumping heads in the process.
“Ow!” they exclaimed simultaneously, only worsening the situation.
When their eyes met just a few inches apart, both pairs were filled with tears, and noticing that forced a second wind. December tried to blink away the wetness on her eyelashes, completely folding in on herself before March draped his upper body over hers.
It was weird, she thought even in her drunken haze, feeling the rumble of his laughter through her back.
It felt cozy.
She ignored that. “Ha! Get off me, dude!”
While March and December continued their bickering and laughing, seemingly forgetting the other three were there, their tablemates simply watched on, laughing to themselves.
“It’ll never stop being strange, seeing them like this…” Balor observed. While his face only housed his usual lopsided grin, with no more than a dignified chuckle leaving his throat, he was thoroughly amused by the sight before him.
“Right?” Olric beamed, “They’re both so nonchalant, usually.”
“Well, she is,” Ryis agreed while pointing his thumb at the girl next to him. “I don’t know if I would call an angry gremlin ‘nonchalant.’”
“Hey!” March sat up, having sensed the others talking about him. He kept his forearm in December’s back, holding her down while she hopelessly tried to bat it away, and pointed over her, getting the digit as close to Ryis as he could manage. “Who are you calling a gremlin?”
“You, dumbass!” December answered in the carpenter’s place, her shout thoroughly muffled by her thigh. Ryis nodded into his next sip of beer before nearly spitting it out as March noogied the woman’s spine. “Ow— ow, quit it!”
She managed to reach March’s oblique, tickling him in hopes that it would trigger the end of her suffering. As fun as this was, it did hurt. He had no idea that December had been through what she had, though, so she couldn’t exactly blame him for not knowing she was a bit fragile.
“Fuck!” March yelped, his laughter ramping back up while he scrambled away. He would have fallen out of his seat if Olric wasn’t so quick to hoist him upright.
Just a table away, Luc, Maple and Dell gasped and giggled at the smith’s choice language, and were now thoroughly invested in his and December’s antics.
“Are they fighting?!” Dell asked Ryis, who she was closest to, all too excitedly.
“Sure, something like that,” he laughed, ruffling the young lady’s hair.
“She should use a sword.” Dell stood up onto her seat, removed her own from her pocket, and began waving it through the air at nobody in particular. “That’ll show‘im!”
Luc sighed. “If only I could give her some bugs to unleash on him…”
“Why can’t you?” Maple asked her brother.
“They’re probably sleeping! I already said goodnight to them.”
“I declare you awaken them at once!”
“No, they need their rest!” Dell interjected, pointing her stick — sorry, her sword at Maple. “If they’re gonna be part of the Dragonguard someday, they need to be strong and healthy.”
“You dare defy your queen?” Maple giggled, standing up and slamming her palms to the table, sloshing some of her milkshake over the side of its glass.
Luc placed his chin on his hands, shaking his head. “Oh no…”
Back at the other table, March and December were finally winding down and beginning their battle.
“Wait,” December asked, squeezing his hand as if it was going to leave. “What are the stakes?”
“Fuck if I know.” He flashed her a goofy smile. “I just wanna beat you.”
After swallowing a hiccup, she groaned. “So it’s just bragging rights?”
Olric, determined to play matchmaker, practically felt the lightbulb turn on in his otherwise rock-filled head. “Why doesn’t the loser walk the winner home?”
“That’s so far, though…”
“So you admit defeat, then?” March prodded.
December practically growled. “Fat chance!”
With that, their tussle had finally begun… and was over just as quickly as it started.
“Best two out of three,” December insisted.
March was about to happily take the crown, but her big, sad eyes — a result of her fatally wounded pride — convinced him to go a little easy on her.
He never thought he’d see the day where he was willing to give up a win just for someone else’s sake. Neither did the others. The three of them shared a knowing look.
“Fine,” the redhead sighed. “Round two, come on.” He wiggled his fingers, prompting December back into position.
She shot his hand a dirty look that made him giggle. “Eugh,” she reacted, taking hold of it anyway. “Don’t do that, y’little creep.”
“What, you can’t handle a little finger action?” March winked.
The realization hit him like a train.
Oh no.
He dropped his shit-eating grin and froze, his eyes wide; December’s immediately followed suit, her cheeks and ears darkening several few shades beyond what the alcohol could ever achieve on its own; and beside them, all three men’s mouths hung open. Then, December averted her view and yelped an explosive laugh into her free palm, hiding her face to the best of her ability while her opposite hand clutched March’s with white knuckles.
“Wait, wait,” March scrambled, laughter bubbling in his throat while his eyes darted between the four people around him, “hold on—“
Olric was the first to respond verbally, an incredulous smile on his lips. “Wow!”
Ryis tried to react, but was doubled over in a near-silent fit of laughter.
This stole Dell’s attention again, and while she didn’t know what was going on, she patted the man on the back in a poor attempt at comforting him. It was her sworn duty as Mistria’s future best knight ever, after all. Through broken giggles, he thanked her, but politely redirected her attention back to her friends.
“On that note,” Balor announced, “good luck and goodnight,” before retiring upstairs.
#fields of mistria#march fields of mistria#fom march#march fom#olric fom#march x reader#march x farmer#farmer x march#peppermintshipping#oc december#friends to lovers#fom farmer#fom fanfic#fields of mistria farmer#fields of mistria fanfic#fields of mistria march#fields of mistria olric#olric fields of mistria#fom oc#oc x canon#balor fom#ryis fom#celine fom#celine fields of mistria#fom olric#ryis#fom ryis#fields of mistria ryis#fom balor#fom celine
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ryis brain rn…
#fields of mistria#ryis#fom ryis#ryis x farmer#this is maddox… any pronouns. doing their best. fell in love w a carpenter. etc.#amaje art
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#march x farmer#march x reader#ryis x farmer#ryis x reader#eiland x farmer#eiland x reader#hayden x farmer#hayden x reader#adeline x reader#adeline x farmer#celine x farmer#celine x reader#reina x reader#reina x farmer#valen x farmer#valen x reader#juniper x farmer#juniper x reader
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God Fields of Mystria has my heart.
I really want some of my farmer × bachlors roleplay so bad.
If anyone is down for lovestores feel free to message me.
The characters I like to be matched with my farmer is.
I'll also be willing to rp all of the above characters for these ships!
March × Ryis
Eiland x Balor
Juniper x Valen
For some extra context my farmer character is rather shy at first and slowly becomes a bit cocky in time. They have a mysterious vibe around them as they wear a hat that hides their face and generally keeps their body well hidden.
#fields of mistria#fields of mystria farmer#fom march#fom farmer#fom balor#fom eiland#fom ryis#fom rp#roleplay#oc rp#rp#please i need to satiate my farmer x bachlor dreams.
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