#ryis x farmer
tatatasoma · 2 days
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spacetravels · 1 month
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beach date
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
Shut up and let me help you!
Summary: Reader is sick, and March tries to help you out…but it does not go well.
Warnings: None!
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It was truly just a cold. One that left you cooped up in bed all day shivering and sweating at the same time. Your nose was red and raw, stuffy and runny; it felt like your head would explode with all the pressure. Your limbs were achy and sore. All you wanted was to be in bed and sleeping it away. It was just a cold, but god you felt miserable.
Besides that? You were a farmer. You couldn’t stop watering your crops- lest you want to have no money for the next week. You couldn’t refuse to refill your chickens feed. The cows still needed to be milked. So despite the ache deep within your bones, you got up and got dressed. Making your way out of the farmhouse to water your crops, which felt like it too even longer than before due to your cold. Then you trudged over to your chickens, letting them outside and giving them all pets and feeding them. Same to the cows, adding the bonus step of milking them. When did that leave you breathless? You wanted to curl back up in bed, but you couldn’t. You needed more seeds. So, off to the general store you went.
What you were expecting though was to stand, only to get so light headed you nearly buckled under the weight of your body. But a pair of strong arms caught you just under your arms. “Jesus, Y/N you looks awful.” March’s voice rings out. His tone laced with disappointment. You frown a little, you thought you were past his disappointment voice.
When you finally got your footing back, you blinked slowly. “March…? What are you doing here?” You asked, your voice scratchy. Putting a hand on your throat you frowned- Great. Another symptom.
March’s frown deepens. “You were late. You always come up at lunch and eat with me. You weren’t there.” Your eyes widen, quickly looking at your phone to see it was well past noon. “If you’re sick, you shouldn’t be farming.” He continues, crossing his arms as he scans you over for anymore ailments.
“I’m fine. I’m fine.” You dismiss, only for it to turn into a coughing fit. March firmly patting your back to help you through it. “I’m fine.” You croak out.
“Bullshit.” He grumbles, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder. Almost immediately you melt into the warmth of his skin, wanting to curl up in his arms and sleep it all away. He brings you inside and sets you on the bed. Kneeling down and helping to take off your shoes, “Can you get into your pajamas okay?”
You manage a nod. Getting up and quickly throwing them back on. March doesn’t let you protest before he drapes a blanket around your shoulders and gets you tucked into bed. “What needs to be done?” He asks softly, for him at least.
“I need to replant my seeds.” You sigh, “And then water those ones. I also need to clear an area for my orchard. And call in the chickens and cows tonight.” You tell him, trying to sit up to protest him helping. But his gently pushes you down.
“Don’t insult me. I can chop wood and break rocks. And how hard could be planting seeds be? I’ve got this, you just rest.” He tells you, his voice is surprisingly gentle but still stern as he speaks. He tucks you back in, pressing a kiss to your head before he frowns. He’d have to stop Valen and see if she knew how to get your fever down.
After a few more minutes of him assuring you that your farm would survive him. He was off, going up. and getting the seeds from Nora. Who was surprised nonetheless.
“March? Buying…seeds?” She asks with a raised eyebrow as she looks at the piles he’d place on the counter. He followed your list to a tee. Every single seed accounted for.
He looks away, scoffing a little. “Yeah. Y/N’s sick. They’ve got a cold.” He grumbles out. “Idiot was trying to farm.”
Nora gasps, “Oh no! Here.” She leaves the counter for a second before she comes back and sets down a bottle of cold medicine and honey. “Put some of the medicine on a spoon, add a couple drops of honey. It should help.”
March blinks at the kindness, but nodded and gathered everything up after paying. “Thanks Nora.” He nods before stepping out, he looks over at the Inn. Frowning, he couldn’t believe he was doing this. He walked into the Inn to be greeted by Hemlock.
“March! Hey I was wondering when you’d stop in.” He grins.
“I don’t have time to talk.” March says quickly,
“Y/N’s sick…is there anyway I can take some soup to go?”
Hemlocks eyes widen, “For sure. Hang tight for a second.” He says as he rushes off. March waits impatiently, tapping his foot. He was loosing daylight quick and he still needed to do so much…is this why you were always running around? Fuck. He’d have to help you out more often so you didn’t work yourself sick.
Hemlock returns with a large container of soup. “Here, it’s on us for all they do.” He nods, “Tell her to get better.” March blinks again, shocked by the kindness on display. This whole town really did love you, huh.
March nods in thanks and makes his way back to the farm. Dropping the seeds outside your fenced in crops, and carefully bringing in the soup and medicine. But he stops for a second, you’re sleeping so peacefully. He couldn’t wake you and ask you anything… He sighed heavily. Putting everything away inside and moving to your side to feel if your fever has subsided.
It didn’t. And he frowned. Layering another blanket over you in hopes it would make you sweat it out.
Moving outside, he sighed. It was already almost evening. But he rolled up his sleeves and got to work. Grabbing the hoe he gave you, starting to till the soil like he’s seen you do a hundred times. It was harder than he gave you credit for. Not that he’d ever tell you. But once it was done, albeit sloppily. He got down and started to scatter the seeds. Did he need to…plant them more? Was that a thing? He remembers Celine once saying to use your pinky…no way you did that to every seed…
But he does it. Kneeling down and painstakingly pressing each one in. Only to hear a laugh, his head snaps up to see you standing in the doorway. Blanket wrapped around you, “Are you pressing all the seeds in?”
He goes red. “N-no!” He lies. Like a liar. “What are you doing up! You’re sick get back in bed!” He commands, standing and brushing his hands on his apron. Trying to shoo you back inside. You’re laughter filling the air again.
“I just woke up, you worry wart.” You smile at your boyfriend. “You still need to water them. I usually do that and then sprinkle the dirt on.”
He blinks, that. made so much more sense than what he was doing. “There’s a method to my madness.” He frowns, still ushering you back to bed. “Go lay down.”
You roll your eyes, “Thank you March.” You grin.
He scoffs, but there’s a slight blush. And then he goes outside, grabbing your watering can- why was it so old?! Did you not upgrade?! He lets out a frustrated sigh. You were getting an all new set of tools when he was done here. You got scrapped up in the mines, all the time. You have him ore- you little shit. You gave him all your copper so he would like you-?!
He is so gonna- a low moo catches his attention. He’s looking over at your Cow now who is staring at him. “…what?”
“…Mooo?” He says back confused. He quickly finishes watering your crops before leaning on the fence to look at the cow. “What.”
He blinks, fuck. Trying to figure out what a cow wants is going to be hard. “Uh, okay.” He hops over the fence and looks around. “Here, food.” He says walking into the barn and offering a hand of feed. But the cow just huffs. “What? you eat out of Y/N’s hand all the time.” He huffs more when the cow fully turns and ignores him. “You fuckin-“ He grumbles. “Well if you’re gonna be an asshole go inside.” He moves to ring the bell but the cows merely just look at him. He points, “Inside. Go.” He tries to usher them in.
The cows do not move. March groans, “You stupid-“ He’s interrupted by the bell ringing again. His head whips around and sees you ringing it. “Y/N!” He frowns, “What part of fucking relax do you not understand?”
“You were struggling.” You shrugs, “Besides I ate some soup. I feel better now.” You smile and nod at him.
March squints, picking you up just under your bottom. Carrying you like nothing over to the chicken coop and letting you ring the bell as the run in. Then he once again deposits you into bed. “You need better equipment, and I swear to god if you run around like a madman because you’re busy out here I’m gonna personally come farm with you.”
You laugh, “Got it. I’ll go to the mines-“
“No. Shut up I still have all that fuckin ore you gave me. You’re getting new shit. Now lay down.” He gently pushes you back into bed. “Sleep. Be better I don’t wanna farm in the morning.”
You feel a smirk. “Too much work for you?”
“…Shut up.” You let out a loud laugh, pulling him down into bed with you as you snuggle in.
“Thank you March.” You smile kissing his cheek. He sighs, his cheeks flushing as he wraps an arm around you.
“…don’t mention it.”
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A/N: I know it wasn’t exactly chaotic but I still hope you enjoyed it!
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atoltia · 24 days
Just lean on me
March is grumpily affectionate when sick. Somehow it became the farmer's problem.
Warnings: swearing, panic attack
Things were going so well.
The mountain of orders were done, all of the ore he outsourced was paid for, and all of the paperwork was filed in record time. It was all perfect, first of all, since that was the base standard that he required.
If it wasn't perfect, it was garbage.
He would have continued his other projects, ones that he started weeks ago, that would be sold in the shop or handed over to Balor to sell. He's had an idea for a particular design of shield for a while now, and only started on it some time ago after seeing some of the illustrations from a book the Eiland lent him. With some modifications, of course.
It would have been nice. It would have been magnificent. It could have been the first of his next armor line and possibly win him another award. It would have been glorious.
If only he didn't get fucking sick.
Nine-thirty-two in the morning and he was still in bed.
His body was sore, bruised in places he didn't know had the capability to be bruised, and was set aflame as if he was still standing beside the very forge that was essential to his livelihood.
His throat was parched, he couldn't move, and there was no one else in the shop since Olric travelled two towns over since they've gotten a lead that someone was offering up perfect silver ore for trade. March didn't know when Olric would be back.
If this was the way the universe decided he would die, he would be extremely annoyed.
But nothing would happen if he just laid around in bed. If he was gonna die, might as well be doing something productive.
With considerable effort, he swung his legs towards the side of the bed before his head exploded into a mass of lights and stars, his hands flailing until it found purchase on his bedframe to keep him from completely falling.
His arms burned, his breathing was akin to inhaling broken glass, his entire body was shaking like a leaf, and his brain was pounding like his hammer to the anvil.
His heart lurched as panic gripped him like a vice, eyes darting for some semblance of stability and the entirety of his room spun and blurred. He couldn't breathe, couldn't breathe, couldn't fucking breathe-
"Hey now." Cool, blissfully cool hands gripped his arm, hauling him from his position on the floor back onto his bed. With every labored breath he inhaled a bit of sweetness, a light, floral scent alongside the hints of sweat and sun. March blinked his eyes as he tried to focus on the person handling him at that moment.
"I've got you," her gentle voice whispered as she lifted him up, her smaller, calloused hands rubbing his back as she encouraged him to calm down.
"I've got you, March. Look at me?" She watched him blink at her, those dark, proud eyes now dulled and struggling to even focus on her.
It hurt her heart.
With a gentle nudge, she cupped his chin and had him focus on her, her other hand rubbing light circles on his back in an attempt to calm him down. "Breathe with me, March, okay?"
"Yeah, it's me. Focus on me, okay? Breathe-" she watched him closely as she inhaled, long and deep, encouraging him as he struggled to do the same.
"You can," she coaxed, making sure to keep her voice modulated. "Again, with me?" And she inhaled through her nose, held, slowly exhaled through her mouth. Repeated until he was following her to the best of his capabilities. It took them several tries, many agonizing minutes, but finally March was able to breathe a bit more easily.
It was quiet for a while with only the sounds of their breathing in the room. Sandra could feel the exhaustion emanating from him in waves as she let him lean against her shoulder, frowning when a shudder or two rippled along his back.
It scared her, she admitted. To hear the crash when she entered the shop, see him on the floor, eyes wide and darting around looking for anything familiar. Trembling, in the time that she's spent here in Mistria, Sandra never imagined that she'd ever see him trembling. Never even thought of it as possible.
But here she was, holding him during this fine, spring morning as he was burning up like a flame.
It rattled her when she touched him, the way his skin scorched her hand when she got him up. She imagined it only got this hot when he was right next to the forge. This wasn't normal.
"W-" he coughed into her shoulder, making her continue her ministrations as she folded him into herself. "-water?"
"Okay." Fuck. She didn't want to leave him in this state. But she had to. "I'm gonna settle you back down, okay? I'm gonna get you some water."
But he held on, his grip on her only tightening when she tried to move him back. "March, please? I'm going to get you some water." And a doctor.
He grunted, loosening his grip as she once again pushed him back to bed.
"Make sure you breathe as I showed you when it gets difficult, okay?" She took the grunt as an affirmative before giving him another long glance and headed out his bedroom.
It wasn't difficult to navigate the shop as she's been here several times before. She gathered drinking water quickly, before grabbing some towels and another bowl of water. Sandra knew she had to rush, but she needed to cool him off first before she headed out to get the doctor.
March laid still besides for the steady rise and fall of his chest. He could barely make out the shapes inside the room, blinking hard to try to get them to focus, and yet that floral scent was present in his nose.
When the door opened, he tried his best to tilt his head, frowning as he watched Sandra whisk in with a glass of water and a bowl.
She didn't speak as she busied herself beside him. The woman was quiet with her steps. If he hadn't seen her come in, he might've been unaware that she was there in the first place.
"March." He blinked, startled when her face moved into his view. She wore her black hair loose today, judging from the way it tumbled down her shoulders.
He felt her hand on his back again, gently lifting him up, up, until he was in a sitting position.
"Can you drink this by yourself?"
He watched the glass in her hands, grumbled before weakly trying to get at it. She breathed out when he fumbled, keeping firm on her hold on the glass to keep it from spilling. "Come here."
Slowly, she tipped the glass to his lips without so much as a protest. She tried not to think about how his lack of reaction displeased her so much.
March ended up finishing the entire glass, which impressed her, before trying to settle back into bed. She kept her grip on him before he managed to.
"I need to cool you off, March," she said as she sat on the side of the bed. "I'm going to take off your shirt, okay?"
If anything was to go by, the scoff that he let out just gave her the reassurance that he'll be okay.
Still, he grumbled at her, still a bit delirious from the fever. "If you want to get me naked so much, you should have just said so."
The laugh was almost music to his ears, a low tinkling of chimes being blown by the breeze. He blinked enough to see the amusement twinkle in her eye as she gingerly slid his drenched shirt off of his body.
"Let's put a pin on that for next time, yeah?"
More grumbling, more snarling, even though the coolness of the damp cloth over his skin was complete and utter bliss.
He watched her as she ran the towel over his skin, those cold, winter blue eyes locked in focus. And yet the rest of her face was warm, inviting even. There was a smile on her lips, a gentleness to her touch as she cleaned him, ridding him of the sweat that covered him from the heat.
He realized he wasn't even completely listening to her.
She knew he wasn't listening to her. She's familiarized herself with many of his expressions that she was aware of the moment he lost his concentration. And yet she still spoke to him just to keep the quiet at bay.
"-and I'm going to get Valen in a bit."
"Absolutely not."
"I absolutely will."
"I'll keep you from getting her."
"I'd like to see you try."
March snorted as he pushed his weight up - with considerable effort - before taking her arms and using the rest of his weight to topple her onto the bed.
It wasn't as if it was a hard push. But Sandra didn't want to potentially hurt him by pushing him back.
Sandra sighed from her position under him, looking up as his shaking arms caged her from both sides. She tapped his chest.
"March," she chided. "As much as I would love to have an attractive, shirtless man on top of me on such a fine summer day, I'd much rather we get you checked by a doctor first, yeah?"
He bit back a cough, masked it as a snarl, as he let himself collapse on her, biting back a curse as it winded him out more than he anticipated.
Sandra rolled her eyes, patted his back. "Off."
"Come on, March."
He responded by pressing closer to the warmth of her chest, just right over where her heart was. "Your heartbeat's picking up."
She chuckled, giving up for the moment. "I think that's understandable, given the circumstance."
"You think I'm attractive?"
Sandra blew air out from her nose, suppressing a laugh, as she rubbed his back. "I think you're cute, at least."
He grumbled. "You said I was attractive."
"Did I now?"
"You did."
"I can't seem to remember."
He gave up, grumbling even further into the cloth of her shirt.
They stayed quiet for a while, listening to the hustle and bustle outside his window, the hand that was rubbing the man's back now carding through his hair. It needed a clean, though she knew that March was often at the bathhouse so this was most likely due to the sweat that covered him through the night. She remembered them having a bath inside the shop's bathroom, and while it wasn't Juniper's restorative water, it will have to do.
Sandra patted his back, nudged him along. "I need to get Valen now, March."
March snarled, burying his face deeper into her chest. "Fuck. Off."
She rolled her eyes. "I can't actually fuck off when you're holding me tight like this, come on now March."
It took her a bit more effort, with her trying to pry off his still rather strong arms around her waist, to convincing him to go back to bed while she makes a run to town.
He was asleep when she came back with Valen. The sheets were in disarray, his shirt was tossed to the ground, and his blanket barely covered his chest.
In two strides she was at his bedside, one hand immediately reaching to touch his forehead. Sandra pursed her lips as she looked to Valen and shook her head as he stirred.
It intrigued her, Valen admitted, to see the way Sandra soothed the man as he woke up disgruntled. It intrigued the doctor more when the redhead just mumbled as she got him up before pressing his head to her shoulder.
"He's grumpy."
"I can see that." Valen chuckled as she moved in, pulling in the chair that was askew from the other side of the room. "March," she said in a soft yet firm tone. "I need to check you, okay?"
A grunt, followed by him pressing his eyes into Sandra's clavicle. "No."
"March," Sandra clicked his tongue, nudged him off. "The sooner we can get this done, the sooner you'll get back to the forge."
"The forge is just outside my bedroom, dumbass."
"Can't even lift a hammer now, can you March?"
They glared at each other for a moment. Valen was thoroughly amused.
Eventually they managed to wrangle him enough for Valen to check him over, with the whole ordeal exhausting their sickly blacksmith to the point of sleep.
"Seems to be a standard fever," Valen started as she wrote into her chart. "But you said he was having difficulty breathing earlier?"
"Hm, I'd hate to say pneumonia at this stage. It could also be he had a panic attack when he fell. We'd have a better chance at knowing conclusively if we get him to the clinic."
Sandra's brows furrowed, but the rest of her expression stayed cold. "He wouldn't be pleased with that."
"Most definitely not."
Sandra looked to Valen, and the doctor could see the worry seep from those dark blue eyes. "I admit I'd much rather he stayed here and be comfortable. It's selfish-" she cut in before Valen could say a word. "I know but I don't want him to panic like that again."
Valen hummed, looking at her and then at March who was still asleep. "Alright. But he'd be needing round the clock care and I couldn't leave the clinic for long."
"I understand." Sandra already made the decision to stay the night, anyway. "I need to get some things in order first, though."
"Alright, I can stay for a while."
And with that, Sandra hurried back to the farm, got herself cleaned up and pack a few extra sets of clothes, some food, her ledger, and a sketchpad.
It took a bit more finagling but she managed to wrangle her animals into Hayden's care for the time being, even with Henrietta's displeased clucks. Hayden also offered to care for her crops while she took care of the town blacksmith, which she graciously accepted.
It was just after lunch when she managed to get back. A little later than she wanted, but she was here.
Valen left a few minutes after the farmer came back, making sure to brief her on the medicine that he should be taking and what times, the things that he should be able to eat.
March was still asleep, and it gave her enough time to tidy up the place. She knew that he and his brother had a system, and knew full well he can get bitchy if his tools were out of place. So she did her best to clean all the while placing things back to where she found them.
He didn't know what time he woke up.
There was barely any light outside his window, except for the slight glow of the streetlamps. It was evening, then. He was out for a while.
March looked around the room, he could focus and see a bit easier now. His body still ached, still hot even to his touch. His throat still raw from all the coughing he did in his sleep.
He wondered if he was alone. There was no sound around him, none that he could hear, anyway. But her coat was at the foot of his bed. A rather hefty bag sat on one of his chairs. She was staying, he supposed.
He looked up, saw her standing by his door holding a steaming bowl of... something. But it smelled delicious.
There was relief in her face when she saw him, those lidded eyes twinkling with amusement as she watched him try to sit up to no avail.
"Come here." She helped him up, propped him to a more stable position with another pillow that she got from another room. It was still early in the evening, and she was just about to wake him for supper, so to see him awake and stubbornly trying to get up by himself was a welcome surprise. "Can you eat by yourself?"
He answered with another grunt, something that he liked to do while sick, it seemed. Making sure she set the bowl on another pillow, she turned to his drawers. "You're gonna have to take a bath after this, can do you that by yourself?"
March stared at her, a spoon on his mouth, before shrugging.
"Alright, then."
So he ate as she busied herself around his room again, taking out a clean set of clothes from his dresser. He didn't know why the sight of her being so comfortable around his space appealed to him, but he wasn't gonna mention it now. Not to her.
They staggered to the bathroom, with her tightly holding on to him as he had his arms slung over her shoulders. It pissed him off that he still couldn't walk well, it pissed him off that he had to depend on her for something as basic and mundane as eating and taking a bath. It pissed it off him that he even had to depend on her at all.
But here she was, spending her time taking care of him instead of tending to her own business, which he knew was a magnitude more than the average citizen. And she was doing it without complaint, doing it without reservation, doing it without payment.
It baffled him.
Even when she helped him into the tub already filled with warm water, she didn't fuss. Especially when he was already embarrassed enough that he had to strip into the nude while she was with him in the bathroom. She had the decency to look away, and he appreciated that, but it was still pretty awkward to do in the presence of someone he just met a little over five months ago.
"I'm gonna keep the door open, so just call me if you need anything, okay?" She offered a smile as she stood by the door. "Don't worry. I've locked the front door. Don't drown or I'll be mad at you."
So she left him to his devices in the tub. He didn't know what she did, but the water smelled lightly floral, lightly medicinal, and somehow he could feel the aches just... dissipate.
March groaned, leaning back to submerge his body more into the water, just letting the bliss of it seep into his body, deep into his bones. He closed his eyes, hummed and just said: "fuck."
What the fuck did he get himself into? How the hell did he get so far into illness that he had to rely on her of all people? And still the feeling of her warmth in his arms flitted through his mind, the scent of her unrelentingly devouring everything inside of him.
It didn't make sense, she didn't make sense.
Why was she even doing this?
He didn't know what to do, didn't know what the fuck to do.
He blinked, frowned at her. "I'm bathing."
"You're sitting in the bath. There's a difference."
He hissed when she crossed the threshold, striding towards the counter with bottles and tubes, watched her hand him one.
The glare that he gave her was weak, he knew that, but he took the tube, lathered himself clean. He didn't bother to think about the way she took another bottle and started cleaning his hair.
Her fingers were long, gentle as she scrubbed his hair, her short nails scratching wonderfully at his scalp.
He thought he was gonna faint.
"You okay?"
He rolled his eyes but complied, taking his time mostly to make sure she leaves him the hell alone in the bath.
It took longer than he wanted, but he was done. He was clean and clothed and wouldn't have to face the mortification of her possibly seeing him naked again. That alone was enough of a reward.
He managed to walk out the bathroom, into the main shop. It only took him a few steps to feel his legs buckle as the wind got knocked out of him again.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Strong, yet different hands got him up. Familiar still, but different from the ones that was handling him since morning. "Chill out, bud. I've got you."
The face of his friend came into view, and while there was glee there, a surge of disappointment ebbed through him, pissing him off all the more. "Did she leave already?"
Ryis raised a brow before he grinned. "Nope. She is tossing your room top to bottom, though."
"God's above."
Ryis helped him onto his stool, gave him a glass of cool water and medicine that Sandra set down there minutes after he arrived. March was panting as he slumped his head onto his work table. He clicked his tongue as he grabbed a towel. "Your hair's still wet, dude."
A frustrated groan came from him, but March took the towel from his friend's hand before forcefully scrubbing his hair, forming it into a mess of spikes.
"Stop that before your brain rattles too much."
He glared as Sandra stepped out from his bedroom, bedsheets and covers in hand. March watched her smile at Ryis, handed the dirtied sheets to the man as she made her way towards him.
"Did Ryis make you drink your medicine."
"Don't patronize me."
"But did he?"
She bypassed his glare as she looked him over. Sandra was more amused at his reaction more than anything, and she knew that he was fully aware of that.
"Alright, let's get you up."
She hefted him up, lightly stumbling back when he lost his balance and fumbled into her. It took both her and Ryis to swiftly get him back to the bedroom. The problem now, however, was that March refused to let her go.
"March, bed."
"You're warm."
Sandra sighed dramatically, smiling at him then at Ryis, who was curiously watching them from the door. She carded his mussed hair with her fingers, noted the color of his roots showing. "Your hair is getting longer."
"Gonna have to get Vera to look you over this weekend. But first, you need to sleep."
"Don't make me shove you under the covers, March. You know I can."
More grumbling, more coaxing, but finally he relented and collapsed into bed.
"He's docile with you."
She raised a brow at Ryis, who brought over a cup of coffee once they've made sure March was asleep. "If you call that docile, I'm gonna eat a copper ingot."
He laughed, soft and sweet, as he sat down on the other chair beside the bed. "You really should see him with his brother when he's sick. Man's a menace."
She grinned at the image as she folded her arms, crossed her legs as she got comfortable on the seat. "I'd pay to see that, honestly."
"You're good to him." The expression on Ryis' face was soft, a gentle expression that she couldn't quite place. "I'm glad. Most people would have turned away from him from the get go."
A shrug. "I don't really take the sort of thing personally. Got used to it growing up."
There was something there, something more. But Ryis knew that pushing things that were personal wasn't the best of ideas. He was friends with March, after all.
So he let it go.
They sat in silence for a while, just watching March. A few more people dropped by. Reina with more food, Adeline and Eiland checking in, doctor Valen asking for an update and giving March another once over. Even Juniper stopped by with Dozy.
Ryis left a little later so she was left alone with March.
His temperature has gone down considerably after the bath, thank goodness. Whatever medicine Valen said to add to the water did its job, apparently.
Sandra wondered how her farm was faring as she made herself as cozy as possible on the armchair beside the bed. She had to trust Hayden to be able to manage it, and Celine offered to check on her crops when the blonde dropped by that afternoon.
She didn't realize she's nodded off late into the night. Didn't he saw he had awoken. But that was fine. He could do with a few hours without her fussing over him.
She was still when she slept. March couldn't imagine how comfortable sleeping on that chair could be, but she seemed to be fine with it, though she'll probably have a bitch of a stiff neck tomorrow.
The sharp throngs that bombarded his head that morning was now reduced to small throbs. The fog that clouded his brain was gone, and the aches was almost nonexistent.
He remembered the things he did, remembered how he was all over her in his delirium, how soft her hair was when it tickled his face, how her touched glided over his skin, at how much even in his sleep he yearned for her scent, the way her voice all but lilted his name in a way nobody said it before in his life. All of that did not at all please him at all.
And still he kept watching her sleep, watched the way she slowly breathed in, out, in out. It calmed him enough to slowly lull him back to sleep. Until her breath hitched.
Fingers clutched the blanket she had, her calm face contorting into distress. Her breathing shallowed and small whimpers huffed out of her mouth.
It startled him to see her like that, enough so that he pushed himself to sit up, pushed himself to stabilize himself.
"Sandra." His voice was almost a whisper as he didn't want to distress her even further. "Sandra, wake up." He nudged her foot, one, two, four times, as he said her name. Kept saying it. "Sandra-"
She jolted awake, eyes wide and a little crazed. "I'm fine, I'm fine-" There was a heave to her breath, a tremble to her hands as she focused those blue eyes on him.
"Breathe." He took her hand as he held her eyes as he breathed in the way the she showed him hours prior. "Breathe with me, Sandra."
And she did. She calmed down far quicker than he expected, as if she was already used to something like this.
"You okay?"
"Yeah." Her eyes were closed, but still she forced a smile as she nudged him back to bed. "I'm sorry for waking you. You need more sleep."
There was something in her eyes that told him not to argue any further, so he just grumbled but assented.
Sleep took over him as quickly as his head hit the pillow.
It was the banging of a hammer to the anvil that woke her up.
Sandra bolted out of the chair, looking around and swore in frustration when March wasn't in the bed. She opened the window and glared.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?"
He merely flitted her a glance before turning back to the forge. "Working."
"March I swear to the gods that if you collapse again-"
"I won't," he hissed. He set the hammer down and crossed to the window, rolling his eyes at her as he leaned against the windowsill. "Whatever the hell that medicine was made me good as new." And her fussing but he didn't dare tell her that.
She actually snarled. "Come back to bed. Now."
He smirked, leaned up to her face. "Gee, if you want to sleep with me that bad, you could've said so last night."
Her eyes flashed, not with anger but with amusement which she knows he saw judging from his widening smirk, but she kept it up. "Come back here before I make you."
"Fine, fine."
And the bickering commenced, much to the amusement of Elsie that saw the entire thing from her place at the fountain.
oh my god i am so sorry this got so long afsdfsad
previous story next story
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inc0gnitoo · 14 days
fields of mistria.
post requests rn. i love this man so much.
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pancake-poett · 26 days
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-- fields of mistria masterlist ᡣ𐭩 .ᐟ
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♡ all/multiple romanceable characters (headcanons, etc) :
nothing here yet!
♡ the women :
nothing here yet!
♡ the men :
nothing here yet!
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This will be my master list for my Fields of Mistria writings!
I right mostly gender neutral farmer, but if you would like to request specific pronouns, I’d be more than happy to oblige!
I write for all bachelors and bachelorettes, as well as other npcs!
Requests are open and welcome!
Caldarus x Farmer
Dance for Joy (gn! Farmer. Fluff! When Caldarus wants to see the farmer dance, how will they react?)
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mosaiclobster · 1 month
Pecking Order (Farmer x Hayden)
I haven't posted fic on tumblr before, but people have been so unexpectedly lovely about this silly fic on AO3 so I thought I'd share it here too 🐔🐣
House chickens must wear many hats. To Henrietta’s relief, those hats were figurative; she never much cared for the indignities of clothing. Ribbons were another matter, especially ones bestowed on award podiums. She wore those with pride.
But Henrietta was more than a show chicken. She was a house chicken, and that meant she was a pest controller, a therapist, a taskmaster. A friend.
Well, not a friend to all. Hayden was her person, and she didn’t see much need for the rest of them. At least Ryis had a healthy admiration for birds - she let him pet her, on occasion.
The others were hopeless. Balor, Valen, and Errol gave her a wide berth, which was respectful, but none of them ever bothered to bring her treats. Celine did, but she was too nervous to feed Henrietta by hand now.
She hadn’t meant to peck the girl. It was a simple misunderstanding, one a flattened palm would’ve solved.
March was the worst of all. He didn’t address her by name, only as “chicken.” When she pecked him, she meant it.
But then, there was this new person. “The Farmer.”
Henrietta considered the nickname an impertinence. Hayden was the farmer in Mistria. His people had worked this land for generations.
Henrietta Jubilation Featherbottom knew something about legacies. She was a part of the most award winning lineage to ever grace chickendom. She’d raised a whole brood of blue ribbon birds, and she had Hayden to thank for that. Any affront to his honor was an attack on her own good name.
Hayden didn’t seem to mind the other farmer, though. He even let the interloper join game night. He broke the news to her over a bowl of popcorn, as if it was only natural to include this fraud. “Used to be an adventurer before settling down here. Imagine the stories!”
An adventurer indeed. Sounded like a rootless, chickenless existence - more of a rogue than a farmer, if you asked her. When their new guest arrived, Henrietta clucked with all the derision she could muster.
In return, she received a handful of wild berries. Palm flat, and steady.
“Nice to meet you, Henrietta.”
Well mannered. That was a surprise.
Hayden gave Henrietta an encouraging pet. “Isn’t that thoughtful?”
She kept a wary eye on the stranger while she plucked and pecked at the ripened fruit. Hayden rubbed at the back of his neck - a nervous habit.
Why should he be nervous? Henrietta studied his kind face, the one she’d known since she broke out of her egg. He was blushing.
“Ah, she’s made a bit of a mess. Sorry about your hand.”
Henrietta trilled, indignant. She was a dainty eater. Juice stains were to be expected, and his embarrassment degraded them both.
The so-called farmer smiled at Hayden, and gave him a rakish wink. “Better berries than monster blood.”
The cheek! But Hayden seemed quite charmed - he hardly noticed their other guests arriving, and the color never quite left his face. Valen even asked if he was feverish.
Amusing jokes, exciting anecdotes, nice manners… by the end of the night, Henrietta had to concede that this new human was well socialized.
Over the next few weeks, a routine took shape. Sweetwater was the fastest route to the museum from the other farm. On the way, offerings were made: berries for Henrietta, and coffee for Hayden. Not every day, but close. Henrietta often joined them at the kitchen table - gossip was her secret joy, and there was plenty to go around. Apparently, Valen was spending an awful lot of time with that witch who ran the bathhouse.
Hayden took a sip of coffee. “Good for them. Life’s meant to be shared, isn’t it?” Henrietta watched his warm brown eyes widen. Hayden coughed, and set his coffee down so hard that it sent a spoon flying. The clatter ruffled Henreitta’s feathers, but she smoothed them for his sake. Poor Hayden was blushing enough already.
“That’s why ranching is so rewarding. I’m glad you decided to get a coop - how are the girls doing so far?”
“They’re great. Thanks for setting up the see-saw, it’s been a big hit.”
Henrietta had met the girls once, under Hayden’s watchful gaze. It was clear they needed a strong matriarch, but Hayden scooped her up before her beak could do its work.
That was alright. Henrietta could be patient - they’d be joining her flock soon enough.
After all, Henrietta was nothing if not perceptive. She knew a courtship when she saw one, even if it lacked the usual dropped wing and dizzying dance. The gifts, the fleeting touches, the lingering looks… honestly, she couldn’t understand what they were waiting for.
Once the leaves began to turn, Hayden confided in her. Not just her - Ryis and Valen were there too. They didn’t equal her in wisdom or tact, but such gatherings were good enrichment for humans. She listened politely, and cooed in agreement when Ryis stated the obvious: “Hayden, we know. Everyone knows. You’ve been attached at the hip all summer.”
More blushing. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Valen shrugged, and swirled her glass of wine. “What’s there to say? We all thought you were already dating.”
Hayden rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, we aren’t. I don’t think so, anyway.”
They all laughed. Or clucked impishly, in Henrietta’s case. Once Ryis recovered, he put a gentle hand on Hayden’s shoulder. “You’d know. The next time you’re together, just speak from the heart. Trust me.”
The four of them were halfway through a fiendish jigsaw puzzle when Errol burst through the front door. Henrietta dropped the piece she was nibbling on and nearly fell off the table in shock - such an entrance!
The man’s face was as white as his beard. He looked absolutely stricken. “Please, come quickly. The mines -”
Henrietta trilled in alarm. Only their semi-retired adventurer would be so foolish. So brave.
The others charged off without her, leaving Henrietta sick with worry. She tore open a bag of premium treats, but the tasty morsels did little to soothe her.
Finally, Hayden returned with Valen and the intrepid patient. Henrietta was ready with a lecture about the dangers of monster hunting, but she received no promises of hanging up the blade. Just a pat on the head, and a crushed berry.
“As your doctor, I can’t advise you to hand feed livestock right now. You’re more prone to infection if she-”
“-she won’t. Here you go, Henrietta. I plucked this off a bush as they were dragging me out of the narrows.”
It was the nicest one she ever tasted.
Naturally, Henrietta was an accomplished nurse. She set to work, nestling at the patient’s feet on the couch while Valen gave Hayden instructions.
“This one has to be taken with food, twice a day. Something simple, like toast.”
Eggs and toast, surely. Henrietta began to doze.
When she awoke a while later, she wasn’t surprised to find another set of feet to warm. The two of them were laying in each other’s arms beneath her favorite checkered blanket.
They were mindful not to disturb her, but Henrietta allowed them their cooing and preening and kissing. Humans were such soft, silly creatures.
And now she had two to look after. Henrietta drifted back to sleep, and added another figurative hat to her collection: matchmaker.
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smuttyreaders · 28 days
Forgive me for I have sinned…
March X Farmer 🩷 Event
You walk into the blacksmith shop after receiving a letter from March. He asked you to come by to talk to him. He’s normally not very interested in talking, so this peaked your interest right away.
You’re covered in sweat from tending your crops this morning, and there’s dirt under your nails. You nervously pick at them while you push the door open. Your eyes lock onto the red hair in the back corner of the shop, bent over the desk intently studying something you can’t see. March tilts his head as your footsteps tap over the stone flooring but he doesn’t turn around.
“I wasn’t sure you would actually show up,” he says as he turns around and slowly walks up to the front desk. You observe his posture, as he does his best to look calm and collected. You see his veins popping in his toned forearms as he clenches the edge of the desk.
“I hear you’ve been making yourself useful around town, helping out and running errands for everyone… seem to be making quite the impression,” he bites out the last part, rolling his eyes.
“You act surprised. I came here to help the town. Is this the part where you apologize for your piss poor attitude?” I say, putting a hand on my hip. I try to come off as cocky to match his energy, but he sees right through it.
“Ha, as if,” he scoffs. “We both know what you’re actually doing here, farm girl.”
My eyes scrunch at the insinuation. What does he think is going on? “What are you-“
“You’re just here to get free shit. The second you make enough money, you’ll leave this town and everyone here high and dry,” he comes out from behind the desk and leans casually on the front of it. “You seriously think you can just show up, fake your way through running a farm, and everyone will just fall to their knees thanking you for ‘all you’ve done’?” He starts to walk toward me. I take a step back and my back hits the table behind me with several tools laid out across it. I hold his gaze the entire time.
“I don’t know what you think you know about me, but that’s not true. I came here to help the town. I have no intention of-“
“Cut the shit,” he bites out and cuts me off and takes another step toward me. “You are just like everyone else that comes here. You’re all bright eyed and excited for this ‘new life’. The second real work starts or you get bored, you’ll be gone. I’d give it till the end of fall.” He takes another step. My heart is pounding out of my chest and he looks me up and down.
“You ever been in a small town in the winter? None of the luxuries you have the big city. You know you have to get your own firewood, cook your own food, trudge through the snow into town,” he takes another step.
“Just because I lived in the city doesn’t mean I don’t know how to work hard. I’ve worked for everything I’ve gotten, you don’t know anything-“ his hands come down on the table on either side of me. I try my hardest not to jump, but I failed.
“I know enough, princess,” he grits out through clenched teeth. “Everyone is the same. The second things get tough, they bail. You can’t trust anyone, ever.” His eyes are locked on to mine. My breath hitches.
“We don’t need some outsider coming in here to fix all of our problems. We can fix it ourselves. I already tried telling Adeline that I would help Ryis fix the bridge, but her nose is always stuck in that notebook,” he says, his gaze falling to the side. “It’s fine though. You’ll leave eventually, and it will be on us again. And we’ll be fine without you.”
“I’m not going anywhere, March. You’ll have to get used to it, or don’t. It won’t make a difference to me,” I spit out. His eyes snap back to me and he smirks.
“Oh really? It won’t make a difference at all?” He questions and tilts his head. His gaze falls to my mouth and he slowly drags it back up. He leans in so close I can feel his breath on my face. My breathing stills. Any fake confidence I had vanishes immediately. “Is that a challenge, princess?” He barely whispers, and I don’t even believe he said it at first. I open my mouth to respond then-
“MARCH! How’s it going with that new-“ Olric bursts through the door. March doesn’t move an inch. “Bro what’s going-“
The second March drops his arm from my right side I jolt out of his grasp. “Nothing! March was just, um, showing me these new tools he was working on! Thank you, March I will, uh, be back to purchase that new pickaxe.” I stumble over my words and rush towards the door, my face blood red. I try and use my hair to cover my face. “Good to see you Olric! I’ll, uh, see you both at the Inn tonight!” I rush out the door.
I walk back to my farm, waving at everyone as I pass, but I don’t hear a word they say. My head is spinning. What just happened?
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goddessbustier · 1 month
fields of mistria questionnaire! original here: x 1. My farmer's name is Ion! They're a morally ambiguous witch who loves fighting monsters a bit too much (and people too, but we don't talk about that). For his crimes he was given the ultimatum to either serve time or do some community work, so they answered Adeline's request for assistance. Adeline doesn't need to know that. 2. My favorite characters so far are Juniper, Josephine, Eiland, and Ryis but I love them all. Ion's favorite villagers are All of Them. They are All So Friendly how are they like that??? He wants to put them in a petri dish and study them. 3. Sort of?? He knows rudimentary plant magic but what he can make grow doesn't usually taste very good unless it gets heavily seasoned. For this reason he never misses a free soup at the tavern. 4. He loves taking villagers into the mines and protecting them from monsters while they do...whatever they want to do there. Personally I enjoy fishing and mining too. 5. No animals yet! He's got pretty bad allergies when it comes to hay and a lot of animals get weird vibes from him (except Hayden's horse and Dozy, who he gets along with). He doesn't mind animals though! 6. He's pleased punch to assist magic coming back anyway he can. And if he can help this little podunk hamlet become more prosperous through magic, all the better. 7. No real preference! More than cats/dogs though. I'd LOVE to have bugs as pets in-game. 8-9-10: pictured! My farm and home are a mess and will probably stay that way until my third year LOL. 11. I'm excited for secret marriage candidates, story patches, and more crafting recipes. I'd also like if they updated the save file system to be a bit more traditional but it's not a deal-breaker if they don't.
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spacetravels · 1 month
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ryis brain rn…
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
Could you write some headcanons about Eiland crushing on/dating the farmer please?
Of course!!
Eiland Crush/Dating HC:
I think he’d take a while to realize he has a crush. Like he knows he finds you attractive and you’re nice. But a crush? No. No way.
And then your hands would brush while doing some dig together and he would feel like he’s on fire.
He’d talk to Adeline about it. And this poor woman would be like “Dear god you have a crush.”
What does he do now?? He’d probably research it.
And since you give him sweets all the time? He’d try and find your favorites too and get them for you.
If you’re playing Dungeons and Drama with him, he’d try to subtly use pick up lines on you to see what works.
After pinning for at least a season. He’d finally take you on like a picnic or something and confess to you.
When you say yes? He’d be so elated, so excited! He would just pull you in and hug you.
Once you’re dating he is constantly trying to find you, he just likes seeing you.
He gives a lot of cheek kisses.
He also loves to hold your hand.
He wouldn’t do a lot of PDA besides that. But if you ask him?? He is all about you. He never shuts up about how great you are.
Overall, he’s just a really sweet and caring boyfriend. He wants to grow old and discover all of mistria with you.
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kohiiflux · 18 days
March might be my favorite NPC in FoM now.
I will not ship him with my farmer (I might ship him with Ryis tho)- I prefer him to be my farmer's rival. I am on a creative rut for drawing but this is how I imagine the second heart event with March goes
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Chapter 1: Jealous Much?
character: Farmer X Marsh (platonic)
Flori swung the hammer to her newly minted iron pickaxe. This will make it easier to collect materials for the general store. Ever since she put her past as a mercenary behind, she felt more trusting to her new life in Mistria. Although everything needs checks and balances in her eyes, Mistria seems so different than all the places she went.
It felt like a home that she could live and put her roots down.
"Finally" she sighed and drown her newly formed pickaxe in the water. A tinge of cold air suddenly flicked her neck. She felt she has been watched all this time.
"..... hello?"
The door behind her closed. In retrospect, March did call her to meet him. Out of all the villagers, she had always keep her distance from him the most. He had never really displayed friendliness outwardly, so Flori would rather not disturb him except for important matters.
Out of sight, out of mind, and out of respect for his privacy.
Flori raised her eyebrows and followed suit.
"You called?" Flori closed the door behind her
"I didn't think you'd actually show" March scoffed.
"I hear you have made yourself useful around town, everybody only has good things to say about you." March put his hands to the table, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
Flori sensed the tense atmosphere and contemplated on things to say. She had never really thought on being a positive influence at all. She's here for work, a job offered by Adeline for all qualified adventurers. Flori stayed silent and held any reservations to keep her job and estate, and decided that conflict with the town's blacksmith must be avoided at all costs.
"Well" Flori put on her smiling act, something she learned living as a freelance mercenary.
"It's been lots of fun helping around town, I am glad I can be of service-"
"Cut the act." March cut her short.
"We both know what's ACTUALLY going on here." He glared at her, tearing down her walls of smile.
"Oh please, you are in way over your head. You come out here, no farming experience, and you think you can fake your way through running a farm? And now everyone in town acts like it was YOU who won the best blacksmithing trophy three years in a row." March continued his deathly stare.
Flori felt insulted, but he was right. Flori was never a farmer, she only knows the basic of gardening and tending on animals from her mother who is the royal gardener, but she did not work hard for this position.
"It's all fun and games now, but the second things actually get tough I am sure you are going to ditch Mistria and all its problems."
Flori had enough, she had withheld every single wits before , but it seems like no one ever puts the young blacksmith out of his ego before.
"I have worked in other places, I don't know March, have you heard about transferable skills before ? Have you even stepped out of your comfort zone once in your life?" Flori approached him calmly and returned his stare. March knew he stepped out of line now.
"Jealousy is an ugly thing, March." Flori tapped her fingers on the table, a small gesture that shake March's core.
March stuttered.
"We will see." He hobbled his way backwards.
Both insecure individuals glared at each other. Their stubbornness is fighting one another.
"You think you can hack it for the long haul? Here."
March gave her a hoe infused with a lightweight spell, Flori raised an eyebrow.
"You made this? I've never worked as a blacksmith but I give you this, I can tell this is skillfully done." She inspected the hoe.
"shut up." March looked the other way.
"If you fail, you can't blame it on my lack of help from me. Who knows, maybe you will surprise me." March walked away signaling the end of the tense atmosphere.
"I mean, I am here still standing tall. Ain't that surprising enough ?" Flori calmly excused herself out of the door.
"See you around." March continued his work around the workshop.
"Stood your ground huh. I like that." Flori closed the door.
Tell me if you want a chapter two for this angsty friendship rivalry thingy!
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fieldsofwriting · 19 days
You don’t have to do it alone.
Summary: Based off this request. The farmer doesn’t know the meaning of a break- and everyone else in town starts to see that they need a break.
Warnings: General depictions of exhaustion and slight injuries
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When you answered the call for a Farmer in Mistria, you didn’t think it be like this. You were constantly busy, running around the water your crops, clear your farm, help repair a bridge, general store, mill, streets, and more. But everyone here, they were so kind. They were so nice. You couldn’t help it, you had to help. You had to do it. Even if you didn’t want too.
And that’s how you ended up with Ryis today. He needed help fixing up some of the fencing around Mistria, so hammer in hand you two were cranking it out. But you couldn’t help but slow as more time wore on, the ache in your muscles starting to become more and more apparent. The sun beating down on your back, you could feel it just sucking the life out of you. And by the time you noticed the trajectory of the hammer- it was too late to move your hand. The tool slammed into your hand with a mighty wack- your might wack.
“Shit! Y/N, are you okay?” Ryis calls, rushing forward and kneeling down to take your hand and look it over. “It’s gonna been to be iced. But the swelling shouldn’t be too bad.” He smiles up at you gratefully.
You give him a weak smile back, trying to ignore the throbbing. “Ah, it should be fine. I’ll have Valen check it out later. Let’s finish these fences.” You nod at him. Ryis frowns, watching as you pick up the hammer again. He wants to protest, it looked pretty nasty…but if you’re fine…?
He sighs, but kept a watchful eye on you. Making sure there was no other mishaps. And as you were walking home, Reina saw you.
“Y/N!” She calls, rushing over. “Hey! I was wondering if you have any veggies for a soup I wanna try making!” She asks, ever so cheerie.
“Uh, yeah. I think so.” You nod, giving her a smile.
“Sweet! You wanna help me make it?” She asks, linking her arm through yours. Walking down to your farm with you.
In truth. No. No you did not. But here she was looking at you with those big ole eyes, and sweet smile. You couldn’t say no to her! Even if you just wanted to melt into bed. “Sure thing.” You say.
And so, you got her the crops she needed. And she chopped. You stirred the pot, that was until you put your hand down- hissing in pain as you looked at the opposite hand from what you just smashed with a hammer.
“Oh!” Reina gasps, quickly setting down her knife before taking you to the sink and rinising your hand under cold water. “Are you alright? Do you need Valen?”
You shake your head, “No, no. I’ll be okay.” You brush off her concern. “Just scared me more than anything.” You give her a smile to help ease the worries. Reina frowns, she wanted to make sure you were okay… but if you said you were fine…
And so, after leaving the Inn after some delicious soup, you headed up to the forge. You needed to fix a chip in your axe- as annoying as it was. You had already worked yourself to the bone, why not a little more?
As you approached the forge, March took you in. You looked wrecked, exhausting and he can see where you have a bandage on your hand from the burn, one of your fingernails starting to bruise. “No.” He says quickly, grabbing your axe.
“What- March stop I need to fix it!” You protest trying to grab it back from him.
“No, you need to go home and take a fucking nap. You look exhausted and the others might be dumb enough to ignore it but if you go near molten metal there is no way you’d walk out of here with your stupid cherrie smile.” He snaps at you, looking at the axe and frowning. “A chip this small isn’t worth your life.”
You blink. Was March- did he actually care? But before you can continue to protest, he looks behind him. “Yo, Ryis! Take Y/N home and do not let them leave.” He says shoving you toward him.
Ryis awkwardly catches your shoulders, frowning at March’s roughness. “You okay?”
And finally, you let out a defeated sigh. Leaning into Ryis, “I need a nap.”
Ryis chuckles, patting your back. “Okay, come on.” He says gently, helping you back home. The whole time he was surprisingly gentle. “Feel better in the morning yeah?”
You give him a sleepy smile. “Yeah.”
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A/N: I’m so sorry this took me so long!! I kept trying to get it done but then I started working on an animation and i forgot 😔 but I hope you enjoyed!!
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
Piggybacking off your last ask: thoughts on a monster AU for the cast? :0 It's canon it's a magic universe and there's witches/dragons at the very least, I wonder if werewolves or mermaids exist as well!
Oh my gosh yes! I love this!! I love supernatural or like monster AUs!! I had my friend help me imagine some too- so Hayden, Balor, Reina and Valen all have her ideas as well :3
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Adeline: I think given her status- she'd be a dragon hybrid. Maybe not fully dragon but she definitely would have the scales and maybe horns and a tail.
Eiland: Piggybacking off of Adeline. This man is a dragon. Through and through. Not one single character screams thier monster more than Eiland screams Dragon. Balor: Vampire. Enough said. If you've ever played Balder's Gate 3? Astarion types of Vampire. Or, a trickster fae who likes to make deals with people. Celine: I love her so much and I can not decide if she would be like a fairy, or a mermaid. Im leaning toward fairy more than mermaid for the soul fact that she would be like Thumbelina and also she could sleep in flowers. Hayden: Mans is the Minotaur. Look at him, then look at the Minotaur and tell me I'm wrong. You can't. Ryis: This man is a dryad. Made of wood and likes to attract creatures. He would be so happy to be a tree and have birds sit on him and be so happy. Reina: I can not decide what she would be. I think in this fantasy world she's the bar maid who sends people one quests and takes no shit. She could be anything and also nothing. March: He is a werewolf. He would be the same way in his human form as he usually is- but his wolf form? They would love you so much, like good luck getting up from his big paws. You have to cuddle with him during the full moon and he is so happy about it. Valen: Vampire. I mean- c'mon. Doctor? Blood? She'd be all about it.
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A/N: This lowkey made me wanna write a werewolf!March x reader but I hope you enjoyed! And as always-
Requests are open!!
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fieldsofwriting · 1 month
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