vxmpirehunterd · 5 years
smorches D on the cheek.
Seras caught him underneath the mistletoe, like a spider to a fly. A deep kiss planted on his pale cheek, leaving behind a pastel pink lip print behind as the only evidence of her affection.
D smiled to himself--now if only she had given that attention to his lips instead. Perhaps this is another part of her games of temptation. To get the older hunter so worked up he’ll be overcome with long suppressed desires and given in on the spot. 
  And it would have worked to if he were a lesser man, but Demetri wasn’t the type to lose himself easily. Gently taking the vampire maiden’s face into his hands and looked deep into her eyes for a moment. Examining her plush lips with longing, his lips hovering over her own-- inching closer and closer! Until he quickly moved to give a quick peck to her cheek and released her from his grasp.
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If she was expecting a passionate makeout session--Seras will have to work for it. D thought.
@gctita @fangedkitten
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frcmshadcws · 5 years
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❝ I’m trying to be strong... I don’t want to be nicknamed ‘kitten’ the rest of my life. ❞
«  —  Seras Victoria (Gonzo Verse)   —  »
❤︎  ‘Trick Or Treat’ Gifts:  @fangedkitten  ❤︎
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warwxlf · 5 years
Assuming Captain was never captured by Millennium, or perhaps in an AU where he has the chance for his personality to flourish, how do you picture him being like? what is the /true/ human Hans like?
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See, I think this is a highly interesting concept because it entirely depends on the background you give him. Since there is little to no information about him, I let my imagination run wild. I did however use ‘Desert Guardian’ as a guideline for my AU idea of a Hans Günsche, that has never become part of Millennium. 
Let’s start out with my basic BIO for him. Hans being born in Germany on a small farm with his parents. He’s a born werewolf due to his father being one. Naturally this comes with the family keeping this as a secret and here comes the twist - it remains a secret. Shifting the timeline in a way that during WW2 Hans would be old enough to enroll in the army to be send to North Africa to join the Africa Korps. Hans Günsche is a 25+ year old soldier with blonde hair, stationed somewhere far away from Europe in order to support a tank division in the desert. He’s not convinced that this war is just and applied to be send to Africa instead of fighting in the front lines for something he thinks is unjust. Deserting his post is not an option however, because that would only get him and his parents at home killed or exposed.
So being at the Afrikakorps is the best possible solution in getting through the war, where he might end up making friends but most likely more enemies. The moment he stops being a soldier, is the moment he kills some of his fellow soldiers who tried to rape a native woman while throwing racist slurs at her. That act disgusted him so much that he faked his own death and deserted to return to Germany. His parents are dead by the time he returns and the war almost over. Hans becomes a Mercenary with a strong set of morals. He works as a bodyguard to protect innocent people, takes contract kills for those who deserve it and never once raises his weapon in intolerance towards other cultures.
He’s actually quite fascinated by them. During his time in Africa he learned a lot and travels the world only to end up settling down in England when he’s reached a certain age. His blonde hair white by then, but he remains the rugged soldier from all those years ago, carrying his secret with him. Hans is a kind soul, polite, quiet and someone who avoids unnecessary fighting. 
What made him settle down in England however, are the vampire sightings. Because the beast within him, won’t let him ignore that specific threat which ultimately leads to him approaching Hellsing.
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blxxdaxe · 5 years
-flashes the Viking her tits-
Unprompted || Always Accepting
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Well. Honestly. He should have seen that coming. No, actually, he should have. The moment of seeing the majestic pillows draws into a crawl as he spends the next moments marveling at the beauty of the two. Honestly, he realizes that it must have been the fact that he had absolutely no sexual contact with anyone for quite a while now. It quickly overblew the situation out of the proportions and he has a vague understanding that he is harder than he needs to be, right now. 
“…Sigh…Vic…Way to catch a man off guard! Goddamn!” He is almost breathless from that. A hand comes running through his spiky hair as he laughs a bit awkwardly. She would be able to see perfectly that he is affected by the picture much more than he lets on. One look is all it takes to understand that simple fact. And yet, he still breathes out, grins widely. 
“Vic, dearest, You are both insufferable and incredibly alluring. But could you give me a warning next time? Gotta have a heart attack with all the steaminess” Another joke. But not without a solid part of the truth. He was very much surprised. 
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valorxdrive · 5 years
come on. you know , i wumbo , you wumbo, he / she / me wumbo. wombology , the study of wumbo! it’s first grade Sora!
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♕ -  “That can’t be! I never ever this wumbo jumbo business here until I first ran into you! Y’sure you didn’t go and just dream up that word or something Seras?”
“Wumbology.. If that’s more confusing then math I’d really be in some trouble then.”
“S’that like some tango kinda dance? Or like I say something like I’ll wumbo you?” That.. wouldn’t be weird to say someone would it!?
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thetruevampire · 5 years
“Please listen to me. It’s going to be a disaster!" (throwing a Millennium!Seras @ u)
The Nightmare Before Christmas
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          A disaster? Such a claim in the face of disaster itself… how adorable. The beast, however, does not respond. Instead letting the words roll around his brain. What sort of disaster could it be and how could it be avoided? If her words were true then how would he keep his master out of the way? A frustrated growl slips through sharp teeth as the king rolls his shoulders.
          “Words of my enemy from my enemy… it’s humorous. How can I trust you, girl? Are you warning me in hopes of springing another trap or, perhaps, for an entirely different reason that falls not with your organization but you alone?” He’s certain that another trap is not what awaited him should he choose to heed her words, but he can’t be too certain. After all, the lives of his master and allies are at stake here… just because he cannot die doesn’t mean they share the same ability.
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goosetricks · 5 years
@fangedkitten WONDERED: ‘  Hisses at goose. ‘ 
  -- ‘ HIIIIISSS........’ 
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   Goose didn’t even hesitate to hiss back, sounding like a deflating balloon. --
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lloronala · 5 years
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IN HINDSIGHT, IT DOES SEEM SILLY.  “Yes?  I…  I  don’t  know  what  I  was  thinking.  Sorry  about  that,  Señora…”  if  Seras  still  had  her  mother,  she  imagines  this  is  what  it  would  feel  like;  she’s  a  bloody  vampire  for  god’s  sake,  why  does  she  feel  such  pressure  under  the  woman’s  stare?  it’s  almost  as  bad  as  Sir  Integra’s…  “Y—Yes,  ma’m;  protect  and  serve,  and  all  that,  hehe.”
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❁ ❁  Well, at least she was apologizing--what else can she do to make it up? Her stare still lingered on her, though, due to the fact that she was a police girl. It didn’t matter how kind she came off (nervous & a tad bit awkward, actually)--the officials were still officials in the end. “  ¿Is there another reason that prompted you to come in here in the first place? As in, ¿did anyone whose last name is Rivera cause trouble for you to come here? Because I swear if that’s the case--  ”
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haretiker · 5 years
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( Shoutout to @voiivode for helping me get the courage to come back on this account and to @fangedkitten for always having my back tbh ) 
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vxmpirehunterd · 5 years
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 “I feel as though you’re giving her future blackmail material. Could you not do that?”
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frcmshadcws · 5 years
1 2 6 7 10 13 15 18 (count on Chell to practically send you the entire meme!)
Multimuse Ask Game  ||  @fangedkitten
Yes hi, I would live for you. Thanks for the ask!!
1. if you have a ‘main muse’, who besides them do you think could be your main muse?
While I do not have an official ‘main muse’ by any means, and probably never will, Alucard has sort of been my unofficial ‘main’ since my revamp  —  and I don’t see that ever changing, honestly. That being said, if there’s anyone else that could also function as that? Either Schrodinger, who has always been a highly active muse for me  —  or maybe Seras, whose old blog used to be my main blog in the fandom.
2. is there a muse you write a lot that you’re tired of writing?
Currently? No, there honestly isn’t. I absolutely adore writing my muses, especially my active ones that I’ve written frequently. If I start to get tired of writing someone? I put their interactions on the ‘back burner’ until that passes; I don’t feel the need to force it & risk ruining the muse for me.
6. what’s the max amount of muses you’re willing to have at one time?
Listen. If we’re talking muses as a whole, across various blogs & accounts? I do not have a limit. Should I? Perhaps, but I don’t. It’s a known fact that I’m across various fandoms, though I am on hiatus in quite a few right now, and that Hellsing simply happens to be where I’m highly active. There isn’t a muse limit; I do not have self control.
That being said: when it comes to having a ‘max amount’ of muses on a singular blog? That’s a little different. While I don’t mind running a multi, at all, I do start to get overwhelmed if there are too many muses on the same page. There are currently 5 muses on this blog, and that’s comfortable for me. I think anything past… 10, probably?? Would be too much, for me personally, and would start to stress me out in the long-run.
7. have you ever dropped muses from your blog? if so, were there any you dropped but brought back later?
Okay so, I have not dropped any muses from this blog. Everyone that I had on this page, when I revamped, has stuck around with me. But I have dropped a muse in this fandom, so I’ll tell you all a little secret (it’s not a secret being I willingly tell people but that isn’t the point), for anyone that didn’t know me back a few years ago:
I used to write Hans.
As you can see from my muse roster, I don’t anymore. But I did write him for a couple of years, and had quite a bit of fun doing so. One of my favorite old ships, to date, was my ship with him and @maggiestein  —  who is incidentally probably one of the only people who remembers me writing the Captain.
If we’re being honest, he was only partially dropped due to how long the muse had been half-dead. The rest of it, was due to the fact that I did not adhere to the fandom-wide interpretations of the character, and didn’t want to deal with potential criticism when I came back to the fandom.
Honestly, I still don’t want to deal with those criticisms.
But the Captain lives on in my heart, always.
10. how upset do you get when someone doesn’t specify muse?
Answered this one right over HERE  !
13. what are some things you like about multis that solo blogs don’t offer? what about the other way around; are there things you like about solo blogs that you can’t apply to a multi?
My favorite part about running a multi is pretty simple: It’s easier for me to stay active on them, because at least one of the muses should be cooperating with me at most times. Following that, on a blog like this where multiple muses are connected to one another? It makes having the others ‘cameo’ for threads, a lot smoother & consistent. Similarly, I don’t worry too much about ‘blog traction’ on a multi like this one, because I can always write drabbles where they’re interacting with each other  —  not having threads / asks / etc, won’t stop me from writing when I want to write.
When it comes to solo blogs, my favorite thing is how much you can personalize the blog to that specific muse. On a multi, you can only adhere so heavily to one muse’s “aesthetic” before it starts to feel… off, for the other muses. I’m not sure how else to explain that, but I think anyone else with a multi knows what I mean here.
There are probably other ‘perks’ to being a solo blog, but that’s the main one — that you can’t apply to a multi — that comes to mind, and is something that I consistently think about for my own blogs.
15. who are you feeling the most muse for right now?
Fucking. Alucard.
This absolute trash bastard has been so AWAKE lately, and he is genuinely driving me batty. Can you imagine dealing with this jackass screaming in muse in your head? It’s a fucking train-wreck, Chell.
Second to that is probably Schrodinger, but that should come as no surprise. As I’ve said, he’s always been a pretty ‘active’ muse ‘round here.
18. if you were to drop one muse from your current roster, which one would it be?
As I’ve mentioned today in a previous ask: I’ve debated dropping Heinkel, on more than a couple of occasions. I don’t genuinely feel that I ever did the character justice, to be totally transparent, and they’re not an easy muse for me to write.
For now, though, they’re gonna stay  —   out of loyalty to the muse & because it wouldn’t feel quite right to remove them after all this time.
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warwxlf · 5 years
Seras hugs Hans from behind, burying her face into his back, trying not to cry. “I know you don’t feel things the way I do, even now, but I just want you to know that even though you don’t feel anything or maybe you don’t care, I just— I cherish you. And I hope that one day, even if you want me to leave, I can help you find some sense of self. You don’t need them; you never did, and I’m so glad you’re here with me, even if it’s a short while.” (for that post!Millennnium AU hehe)
( for @gctita )
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Hans stopped doing what he was doing, blinking  once while he listened to her words. Many would have given up by now, written him off as lost and gone. A shell of a man that could never live a life worth living anymore. But right here, with the vampire, he found another sense of purpose beyond death for his leader. It took him a long time to realize that dying in the name of war, was not all there was to him. Sure, most of his life had been stolen but that didn’t mean that the rest had been taken too.
And every day where she chattered to him for hours, took walks with the soldier, groomed him, or simply just sat there in silence watching the moon - was a reminder of all that had been lost, returning to him. All because of her. 
His hand moved, reaching behind to place it on her head. Then he gently started brushing through her hair. 
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nclifeking-blog · 5 years
“Master, can you teach me how to kiss?” Asdfghjk
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‶ I can’t. For I don’t kiss ─ I bite.ʺ
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mcuntainbcrn · 5 years
——— character question sheet.
tagged by !! @fangedkitten tagging !! everyone!
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&&. real name:  Margaret Gwendolyn Stein ( aka; Maggie )
&&. single or taken:  single  ( verse dependent ) &&. abilities or powers:  phasing, elemental kinesis, mind control ( rarely if ever employed ), pulverization, inhuman strength, superhuman vision, heightened sense of smell &&. eye colour:  golden  ( blind right eye; murky  ) &&. hair colour:  honey blonde &&. family members:  orphan ( Annelise Stein [ mother; deceased ], Marius Stein { father; deceased ], Tahlia Stein [ older sister; deceased ], Mathias Stein [ twin brother; deceased ]. Anselm Stein [ grandfather; deceased], Klara Stein [ grandmother; deceased ] ) &&. pets: Gustav ( formerly; deceased ) &&. something they don’t like:  dishonesty/liars, pretentiousness, arrogance, narcissism, those who take advantage of those worse off than themselves  &&. hobbies/activities:  training, playing piano, gardening, gaming &&. ever hurt anyone before:  pre-asylum and during asylum, yes - those who stood in her way were swiftly torn down; post asylum, she’s pacifistic unless there’s no other options but to fight &&. ever killed anyone before:  yes - the one who slaughtered her family, several hundred murkoff corporation employees who worked project walrider, though she has no memories of this as she had a mental break in her efforts to escape; the nanites she despises for robbing her of her ability to die, ironically, are protecting her mind from remembering the carnage that occured during the point when she snapped &&. animal that represents them:  a moose - it seems like a strange choice, but moose tend to be fairly anti social, preferring privacy and select company, and are prone to lishing out violently when their space is encroached upon &&. worst habits:  not eating properly or at all. being closed off to other people. pushing others away in an effort to protect not only them, but herself, isolating herself from the outside world &&. role models:  her parents, grandparents and elder sister &&. sexual orientation:  demisexual. &&. thoughts on marriage/kids:  the thought of either never really crossed her mind as she was gearing up on what is quite literally a suicide mission; plus, factor in her trust issues stemming from someone loved and trusted like family betraying her in the worst way possible, it’s almost entirely off the table; there may be room for it to become an option post aslyum, but even then she has seen and endured so much ugliness than the odds are incredibly low &&. fears:  continuing on after her vengeance is served with no purpose, intimacy, relationships, spiders, history repeating &&. style preferences:  comfort over fashion, and soft forgiving fabrics; generally keeps her clothing loose an effort to mask her body type, and to allow her to move more freely &&. someone they love:  verse dependent ( canonically, only her fallen family ) &&. approach to friendships:  she is rarely, if ever the one to attempt to form a friendship; she will fight the connection forming until it’s too late and it’s already firmly tied and she has someone else she can lose &&. favourite drink:  hard liquor, water &&. favourite place to spend time at:  in the parts of the wilderness men fear to tread &&. swim in the lake or in the ocean:  lake, preferably one that’s remote and fairly isolated to improve the odds that she wont be found &&. their type: she doesn’t honestly have one, but historically, she tends to get on better with people who aren’t human; immortals are a plus since she wont panic about them dying on her &&. camping or indoors:  indoors.
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anderseeds · 5 years
fangedkitten replied to your post “If anyone RP’s Hellsing, hit me up! I’m not getting much ship stuff...”
I'd be interested!
Unfortunately I don’t really ship Seras and Anderson; I’m more into Pip and Seras or Seras and Integra! And I wouldn’t be able to do either Pip or Integra justice, sadly. 
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valorxdrive · 5 years
Oh, no wonder; if that's all the milk you're drinking, then of course your tiny. You see these? -grips her jugs- ALL MILK. -hurls a carton of milk at Soras's head-
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To say preparation for any and all situation was essential continues to be thee biggest understatement of the century. Fighting monstrosities as large as skyscrapers down to entities that gnawed on reality for a midnight snack couldn’t of prepared him for this. For the outright forward display of a milk pun that caused a storm of crimson to launch from his neck to the entirety of his face. Initially stunned, there wouldn’t be one proper retort. Mindless, dry gasps that sputtered into babbled nonsense as Sora raised his arms.
He shouldn’t be seeing this! All of this felt like there was a universal ban carried from that level of cockiness! So as a yelp of her name escapes just out instinctive reaction, it left him entirely unaware for the finisher. One cool carton of milk being lobbed at his noggin, effortlessly striking his broken focus and send comically sending him spiraling off to the wayside.
All he received from this was the rediscovery that his heart can jolt up to a 1000 mph.
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