#fanfiction aye?
Good Omens Fic Rec: litany in which certain things are crossed out
A beaten-down Aziraphale opens a bakery in the small town of Tadfield, where he finds an all-night greasy spoon and one fallen Crowley, who is making amends through various and increasingly ridiculous means of community service. Features an inexperienced!Aziraphale, Crowley the town ne’er-do-well, and Crowley’s self-appointed protector, young Adam. 
Length: 30,909 Words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥🔥
Best for: Safe in Public, Human AU, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Triggers: None/Read Author's Notes
Read it here, fic by Ayes
*Minor Spoilers* I get overwhelmed sometimes when I stop to think about the fact that even after reading hundreds of fics of these two characters, it is still magic to me. How they slot together, how they mend each other's jagged edges, how they are meant to be. It's just beautiful and no media has ever come close to what this pairing does for me, and this fic was the perfect reminder of that fact.
Aziraphale has just moved to Tadfield to open a bakery, hoping for an escape from a life that has been nothing but guilt, repression, and shame. In town, he meets the wildfire that is Crowley. Fallen from grace, Crowley spends his days doing community service as his penance. Both runaways looking for a fresh start, who discover a home in each other. This work really captures them beautifully, so true to their roots but with a powerful take of it's own. It's soft, domestic, the most beautiful fantasy of finding someone who you just fit with.
The love story between the pair is the star of the show, but the rest of the cast are outstanding as well. I love spending time in Tracy and Shadwell's pub, and Adam was the perfect way to round out their family. And I can't forget to mention good girl, Lucy, our lovely dog friend who always made me smile. I would read a million words of this story, I want to know everything about this town and it's residents. I want to watch lazy days in the bakery, and sit at their table at dinner time. And what I also really really want is to live in Crowley's greenhouse. It sounds perfect! So beautiful and cozy, I want to lay in bed while it rains with Golden Girls in the background. The landscape and buildings here were rich characters of their own.
Simply put, this fic is gorgeous. Going by the notes, it looks like this was actually written in 2017 (book omens), taken down, and then reuploaded this year. Thank someone it's back up because I needed to read this one. There's a short, non explicit scene, but you'll be fine in public if you wish. Though, I think this one is best suited to home or at least a nice quiet and contemplative space.
Read it here, fic by Ayes
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queer-in-a-cornfield · 5 months
Some of us on the discord were discussing what Dewey would be like as an adult yesterday, prompting this little fic (1325 words) based on my hc that Dewey would become a stage actor
Dewey walks down the busy streets of New York, humming some vocal warmups. While he appears as calm and collected as he ever does, his mind is racing a mile a minute.
Today was his Broadway debut, and he was equal parts excited and nervous. He’d done many a show in the past but those were different. This was BROADWAY, the gold standard of theatre. Sure, this wasn’t a principal role or anything, he was just replacing a departing ensemble member, but still! A Broadway debut is a Broadway debut. It’s a big day, and he’s freaking out a little.
He rounds the corner of the theatre and opens the stage door, making a pit stop to check in for the day and readjust his bag. He nearly drops his coffee but manages to set it down to adjust his grip before continuing on to his dressing room.
He swings the door open and finds that Rico and Alex, the castmates who share the room with him had already arrived.
“Hey, guys!” Dewey says as he walks over to his designated area. He pauses suddenly before he can put his things down. “What’s all this?”
Surrounding his mirror were a pair of blue balloons, some confetti, and a handwritten banner on top that read “Congrats on your debut!”
Rico speaks up, “It’s your first show tonight, Dewey! If that isn’t cause for celebration I don’t know what is.” Alex nods in agreement.
“Aw, thanks guys,” Dewey smiles, clearing away some of the confetti to put down his bag.
“So how’re you feeling? Ready to show the world what you’re made of?” Alex asks.
“Yeah, I’m really excited, I’ve been dreaming about this for years,” he says, pulling out his notes to review once he finishes warming up.
He spends the next few minutes stretching, uncharacteristically quiet, before sighing and asking, “Guys, you’ve both done this for a while, so… how did you get over the nerves? It still feels insane that I’m even here, and I’m really worried that something’ll go wrong and ruin my chances of continuing here.”
Rico sighs, “I’m not gonna lie, that fear just takes time to get over. But trust me, you’re gonna do great tonight, and soon enough you won’t be so anxious anymore.”
The trio sit in silence for a moment before Alex pipes up, “Didn’t you mention that one of your brothers had a history with anxiety? Maybe he’ll have some advice for you.”
Dewey nods, then grabs his phone from his pocket, pulls up Huey’s contact, and starts a video call.
“Hey Dewey, what’s up?” Huey’s voice picks up through the phone speakers.
“Hi, Hubert. Did you guys just land or something?” Dewey asks, noticing Huey’s surroundings.
“Yeah, we just landed, oh… fifteen minutes ago? We just got to baggage claim- sorry, one sec,” he says, turning to talk to someone off-screen.
Suddenly Uncle Scrooge appears on screen. “Dewey, lad! Can- can ya see me- how does this thing- curse me kilts, what did Ah just-“ Scrooge says as he confusedly fiddles with the phone.
“Uncle Scrooge, I’ll hold the phone for you,” Huey interjects as he grabs his phone back and centers them both on screen.
“So why’d you want to talk to me, Dew?” Huey asks.
Dewey pauses for a moment to gather his thoughts before explaining. But he pauses a moment too long because more faces suddenly attempt to crowd into the view of Huey’s phone camera, all trying to greet him at once. Dewey snickers a little watching Uncle Donald, the last one to get back from claiming their baggage, trying to squeeze into view with little success.
“Hey guys,” Dewey says. “I love you all, but if I could maybe just talk to Huey for a second? I’ll see you guys tonight.”
Reluctantly the rest of the group backs out of frame, leaving once again only Huey.
Sighing amusedly, Huey asks, “Okay, so what did you want me for, Dew?”
“Okay, so, like, I was wondering, basically, like-,” Dewey pauses for a second. “How do you handle your anxiety? Cause I’m kinda freaking out a little right now.”
Huey thinks for a moment. “Well, different things work for different people, but whenever my nerves are getting to me I usually like to take some deep breaths, or you could do the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise, ummm… yeah, I’d say those are my go-to's. I’d also say that drinking coffee wouldn’t help with nerves at all but I don’t think you’d listen to that one, so…”
Dewey laughs, “Thanks, Huey.”
“Of course, Dew. And also remember, we’re all gonna be there cheering for yo-,” Huey gets cut off by a nearby thud, which he turns to look at.
“Uncle Donald’s suitcase just broke,” Huey explains, walking over to help. “You’re gonna do great tonight and we can’t wait to see you after the show! Break a leg!” Huey signs off.
“Bye Huey, see you guys later,” Dewey replies, ending the call.
“Man, it’s still so weird to me that the richest duck in the world is your uncle,” Alex says.
“I don’t know if that’s more surprising or the fact that he doesn’t have a private plane to get here on,” Rico adds.
“Well, we do have a plane but the pilot can’t make it out here until next week. Aaaaand I’m realizing how much of a spoiled rich kid I sound like right now,” Dewey starts laughing again.
“Nah, if you want a really spoiled rich kid that would be more of a… what’s his name? That creep who got all his money from his grandmeemawmaw or whatever?” Alex retorts.
“Doofus Drake?” Rico supplies.
“Yes, him!”
“Oh, you guys don’t even know the half of it,” Dewey exclaims, getting back into his stretching.
Dewey opens up the stage door to exit the building. It was dark out now. He was one of the earlier cast members out of the doors, so there was a pretty good-sized crowd greeting him. As he worms his way through them, some congratulate him for making his Broadway debut, and one woman even asks for a picture, which catches him slightly off guard.
Eventually, he makes his way past the main crowd where he is finally greeted by his family, who all promptly give him a bear hug.
“Dewey!!! That was amazing!” Webby exclaims once they all pull away.
“I knew you’d do great,” Huey concurs, grinning.
“Theatre has never been my thing, so believe me when I say that that absolutely blew me away,” Louie adds.
“I’m so proud of ye, lad,” Scrooge says. “Ye’ve done well for yerself.”
Uncle Donald, at a loss for words, smiles and gives him another bear hug.
Della then pries Donald off of him to give him her own hug.
“You boys never cease to make me proud,” she says as she lets him go.
“Aw, you guys,” Dewey says, laughing a little. “You’re gonna get me emotional.”
“We’ve all been emotional since you came on stage, it’s your turn now,” Huey jokes.
Dewey laughs, “Okay, that’s fair.”
“Not to interrupt a nice family moment, but would you guys like a picture?” Rico says suddenly from behind Dewey, startling him.
“Oh my god, Rico! You can’t scare me like that!”
Dewey recollects himself and turns back to face his family.
“Guys, this is Rico, one of my castmates. Fam, Rico, Rico, fam. And yeah, I think we’d like a picture.”
An obscene amount of pictures later, everyone has their phones back with significantly less storage space than before.
“Thanks, Rico!” Dewey calls out as his castmate departs.
“See you tomorrow,” he yells back.
“Well,” Della says. “I think it’s time for some celebration! What time were those reservations for, Uncle Scrooge?”
“… In ten minutes.”
“Oh. Well, let’s get going then!” She exclaims, prompting the group to hurry off to this restaurant, dragging a confused but happy Dewey along with them.
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athousandbyeol · 10 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 某某 | The On1y One (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jiang Tian/Sheng Wang (Mou Mou) Characters: Sheng Wang (Mou Mou), Jiang Tian (Mou Mou) Additional Tags: Introspection, Character Study, Feelings Realization, Hurt/Comfort, Future Fic, Angst, inspired by the (upcoming) scene where sheng wang kissed (?) jiang tian while he was sleeping Series: Part 1 of for tianwang Summary:
sheng wang doesn't know if he could make jiang tian stay. not when he bestowed the ugly truth with a stolen kiss, deep in the red night.
yet jiang tian wants sheng wang to know this—he will stay. he's staying. for sheng wang, he will.
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scrumptiousstuffs · 2 months
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Menace Aye is back 🤓
The Eclipse Rerun, episode 8
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xhanisai · 2 months
horror fans in this fandom pls read my ongoing horror fic especially if you like your good ol' generic ghosts and shit like that
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faggotmox · 5 months
Show You How To Do This
Fandom: All Elite Wrestling (AEW) Rating: Explicit Characters: Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, (background) Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta, Blackpool Combat Club, BCC Relationships: Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli, background BCC Polycule Summary: Claudio shaves Mox's head before their match in Mexico. Word Count: 1,847 Writer's Notes: Shout out to @di0brando for proof reading/editing. You're the best. Yes, I know Yuta wasn't there but I pretend the whole BCC travels together like a weird version of Stark Tower in Marvel.
-> link to ao3
Show You How To Do This
"Damn it." Mox grunted as he dropped the clippers in his hand again, hunched over the hotel bathroom sink.
"You know," Claudio spoke up from the door that was supposed to be closed. "I could always help with that."
"Hey!" Mox glared at the reflection of his teammate. "I told everyone to stay the fuck out."
"I know." Claudio nodded along. "I got Bryan and Yuta to go for a run."
"You did?" Mox glanced behind the large man in his doorway.
"Yes, I did." Claudio crossed his arms over his chest. "Will you let me help you now?"
It wasn't that Mox was an insecure person, he didn't think his guys would suddenly think he was ugly without the little hair he kept. Mostly Mox just didn't like to change his appearance, and finally committing to the bald look was a pretty big change for him. Even if there wasn’t much hair left to remove. Mox knew he was sexy with or without hair, he just needed some time to adjust before everyone else got to see. He was the same with his tattoos as well, never telling people he was getting one and just letting himself adjust to it before the world got to have their opinion.
"…Sure." Mox let his shoulders slump. "It's the mirror. I can't figure out what way to go, you know?"
"Trust me, I know." Claudio smiled as he came further into the bathroom, letting the door close behind him despite being alone in the hotel. "Thank you for allowing me to help you."
"I should've just asked. I wanted to, but…" Mox gave a shrug.
"You do not like the change, I can understand that. You've never been keen on changing how you look." Claudio reiterated the thoughts that had flown through Mox's mind just moments before.
"You want me to sit or something?" Mox motioned to the closed toilet or the edge of the bath.
"No, it's alright. I'm tall enough." Claudio grinned at the annoyed look that got him. "I want to show you how to do this as well."
"Cool. Thanks." Mox smiled just a little into the mirror at Claudio.
It wasn't going to be a long process. Claudio started by explaining how the clippers worked before taking off all of Mox's fringe and then smoothing out the short fade. More hair fell away than Mox really expected as Claudio showed him which direction to run the clippers for the cleanest cut. The easy way Claudio fell into showing him made Mox feel more comfortable, more at ease. The large man had that effect on him more often than not.
The last of the length was cut away so Mox only had peach fuzz left.
"I'll get you an electric razor like mine to make this part easier, but…" Claudio couldn't help laughing at the fact Mox just had a safety razor. "You would have nicked yourself, darling."
"Shut up." Mox turned red. "I already did." He pointed to a little cut at the edge near his ear where he had clearly just tried and failed.
"Here. We'll use this instead." Claudio pulled out his dopp kit from near the sink to get out his straight razor and shaving cream.
"Have you been planning this?" Mox narrowed his eyes at the razor. "You don't cut your beard with a razor and you use the fancy waterproof one on your head in the shower."
"I may have noticed some things and decided to carry these around in case you asked for my help." Claudio at least looked abashed by being caught.
"Uh-huh." Mox turned to look directly up at Claudio. "You've been thinking about shaving me?"
"I-- you--" Claudio got flustered and had to look away.
"Is this the same reason why you talked Bryan and Wheeler into letting you groom their beards before shows, and do Bryan's braids?" Mox pressed himself slightly closer, even though there wasn't enough room.
"I simply know what I'm doing, and want to help." Claudio was turning a little red as Mox put his hand on the back of the larger man's neck.
"You always just wanna help, big guy." Mox's voice dropped slightly and Claudio pushed him up against the counter. "I think it's pretty hot when you do that shit."
"Jon…" Claudio sighed as he leaned into the other, his lips ghosting over Mox's ear as he tried to compose himself a little. "We need to finish."
"Think you can wait that long, Swiss?" Mox nipped at the underside of the chiseled jaw of Claudio.
"Stop trying to distract me." Claudio groaned as he worked to spin Mox back around.
"Fine, fine. Hurry up." Mox grumbled as he let himself be turned.
The shaving cream was applied lightly over Mox's head. The sensual feeling was a surprise to Mox. Maybe this was why Bryan and Yuta always seemed centered after Claudio groomed them. A shiver ran through Mox as he thought of it like that. Claudio was grooming them. The way Claudio made a lot of their gear, or at the very least tailored it, or how he always cooked for them, and helped them train. There was always a service Claudio provided them with an expert level of awareness.
"So, you always known you had a grooming fetish?" Mox held still but laughed at the incredulous look that earned him.
"Have you always known you were a brat?" Claudio shot back much to Mox's glee.
"Yeah, actually." Mox looked even more smug now as Claudio cleared the back of his head with slow, gentle, efficient strokes of the razor.
"Can you be patient for a few more minutes while I finish?" Claudio rolled his eyes as he moved onto the sides.
"Yes, daddy, I can." Mox's voice dripped sweet sarcasm.
"You're impossible."
The rest didn't take long. A few clean sweeps over the top. A couple touch ups. They were done. Mox blinked at himself in the mirror, reaching up to touch his scalp. It wasn't bad, he realized. It looked nice thanks to Claudio's careful touch. Mox had been terrified of obliterating part of his beard. There weren't any rough patches either. He let out a huge sigh of relief that he didn't realize he was holding in.
"You look good, Jon." Claudio smiled, leaning down to kiss the top of Mox's now-bald head.
"Thanks to you. I'd have missed patches and cut myself." Mox grinned as he rubbed along the side.
"You'll learn." Claudio nudged him.
"Maybe, but I'd rather you do it." Mox smiled at the excitement that got from Claudio.
"You're very sweet sometimes." Claudio took Mox by the hand and pulled him towards the shower. "I know you must be itchy."
"Fuck yeah, I'm itchy." Mox groaned dramatically as Claudio turned the shower on.
"Let's get you cleaned off." Claudio agreed.
They made quick work of what little clothes they had on before popping into the shower. Claudio was quick to press Mox up against the wall as the warm water cascaded down their bodies. The soft little moans Mox always made when he was being manhandled turned into full blown groans as Claudio worked two fingers into him. Thankfully, they kept a stash of lube in the shower. Claudio's teeth found the webbing of Mox's shoulder and neck and decided to leave some marks there. A claim of sorts.
"Fuck, fuck. Claudio, I swear to god, if you're teasing me--" Mox grunted as he pushed on the wall to add more pressure against Claudio's fingers.
"I'm not." Claudio mumbled against his skin as a third finger slipped in to make Mox howl. "Shh, relax."
"Can't fuckin' relax when you just spent thirty minutes grooming me and shit." Mox sighed again as Claudio slipped three fingers in and out of him. "God damn. That feels so fucking good, man."
"Jon." Claudio's warning tone, like he might snap if Mox kept it up. So of course Mox kept it up.
"You're fucking sexy as hell standing over me, shaving me and making sure I look good." Mox grinned to himself as he felt Claudio move his leg, making him put a foot up on the corner edge of the shower. "Fuck yeah."
"If you ever want your chest hair gone again…" Claudio wrapped an arm around Mox to run his fingers through said chest hair as the other hand lined himself up with Mox's hole and started to push in.
"Fuck!" Mox yelled out as he felt himself being filled.
There was almost no way to shut Mox up when he was really into something unless you gagged him. Considering it was the middle of the day in their hotel, Claudio decided not to care much, and started to thrust into the smaller man with a lot more force. The increased volume from Mox only spurred Claudio on, his thrusts staying annoyingly in rhythm when Mox tried to get him to speed up.
"Stay still." Claudio growled. "You'll slip."
"Fuck me harder then!" Mox had both hands trying to grip onto the unforgiving wall, face pressed against the cool tile as he was thoroughly fucked.
Claudio shifted his stance, using the tub walls to brace against as he focused on harder, more direct thrusts that made Mox go insane. The man was practically melting in Claudio's arms. They were both so close. Claudio could feel the urgent squeeze of Mox's inner walls. One of Mox's hands was grabbed and shoved between the wall and his body, signaling for him to start jerking himself off while Claudio held them up.
"Fuck, yes, keep going! That's it." Mox cried out and threw his head back as he came all over the shower wall with only a few tugs.
Claudio stilled, cursing to himself in his own language as he rode out Mox's orgasm with him. If he kept going he knew he'd come too, and he knew Mox loved being fucked after he got his. As Mox went boneless, Claudio shifted them to face the wall with the shower head, he pushed at Mox's shoulders until he bent over with his hands braced on the wall.
"Wider." Claudio pushed the other's legs apart until they were against the walls of the tub. "There. Hold on."
"To fuckin' what?"
Instead of answering, Claudio gripped Mox's hips and started to amp back up to a rough pace. The low whine from Mox set Claudio on edge as he sped up his thrusts. There was no holding back anymore as Claudio got closer and Mox got louder. Claudio finally came with a heavy moan, fully bottomed out in Mox, spilling into him as they both gasped heavy breathes.
"Fuck." Mox felt himself being pulled up to standing as the water ran down his front.
"Fuck." Claudio mumbled in agreement as he came down slowly. "Okay, we should actually wash up before the others get back.”
"Jeez. Give a guy a minute." Mox grunted as he found his footing in the shower.
"You never need a minute." Claudio scoffed.
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quiet mornings
Aged up characters, sweet domestic fluff, mated couple, slice of life - Rotxo is about 25 and Spider 26
Rotxo X Spider Socorro Sully
Word Count - 778
They sun has only begun to rise when Rotxo stirs. The early amber light is beginning to filter into the marui he has called home for nearly 8 years now.
He stifles a yawn and stretches his shoulders back with a satisfying crack. He's careful not to stir the warm body tucked into his side.
Spider isn't supposed to spend the night often, the shack a little ways from their home being for him to sleep in at night in order to keep his mask off for a few hours at least. Rotxo knows it gets uncomfortable at time and has seen the seemingly permanent indents on his lovers skin where it presses in.
Still, Spider is nothing if not stubborn and is hard pressed to make leave when he's decided he's spending the night. For a brief moment, he ponders scooping up the other man and making him return to the building the humans so kindly crammed into the limited space of Metkayina beaches, but the thought filters away as quickly as it came when Spiders eyes begin to crack open.
Gently, always gently - his hand is the size of his mates head, he strokes back the braids and curls that have fallen over his face.
He selfishly tries to lure the blonde back to sleep. He caresses the skin above the mask, stroking gently like he knows he likes after so many years together, and watches Spiders eyelashes flutter lazily.
Distantly, his ears swivel to pick up the sounds of the fisherman and cooks leaving the lazy warmth of their own homes to begin the day. Thankfully, and admittedly a bit smugly, he thanks Ewya for their marui's distance from the others.
Spiders shack needed more stable room than the majority of their structures could offer. As such, his marui was built a little ways back from the water in order to allow the couple the chance to share their home. The shack is only a handful of yards beside the marui with foliage tucking it into the treeline to remind him of his first home.
It is a bittersweet addition to be forced to keep the human they've known so long now separate, but they'll be damned if they don't reap the rewards.
Internally, Rotxo sighs at the admittance that the day was unfortunately starting. Still, he can spare an hour before patrolling the nets and reef.
"Mornin', Nì’it fko."
Spider opens a judgmental eye and scoffs. Nevertheless, he burrows deeper into the larger mans warmth. A pale thigh wedges itself between his blue and soon he is on his back with the human splayed across his chest.
"The sun is just beginning to rise...we could spare an hour." He directs down a cheeky grin that only spreads at the matching one from his mate. "You read my mind."
He snickers softly and lays a hand on the others back. His fingers stretch from the humans mid back down to the base of his spine in a familiar sight. They have grown up together at this point but the realization still leads him with a bit of awe.
"Mmm...you're warm. Probably cause you stole my blanket."
Spider peers up with narrowed eyes and Rotxo knows the sort of day they'll have. "Na'vi don't even use blankets."
"Maybe we should. And your blanket shouldn't be big enough for me if you don't want me to use it." The blonde scoffs and lightly smacks his chest, right over the still-healing tattoo he earned a few weeks past. The na'vi winces.
"Its that big because my thief of a mate would take it even if it just covered his dick."
"So my dick is big?"
They stay still for a long moment before Rotxo cracks and lets out a loud laugh. Said blanket is pulled up and he wraps it around the man in his arms. "There. Now we both have the blanket."
Spider snorts and Rotxo thinks he'll sling another retort before the smaller man lays his head back down into the crook of his neck. With a quiet hum, he begins to trace the twirls of ink and the stripes of darker blue on his skin. "Tsireya is helping me make another one."
"Of course she is. I'm sure Lo'ak introduced her to them. They're fucking amazing."
Spider just laughs and closes his eyes. The sun is coming in fully now but they can steal a bit longer. He closes his eyes and nuzzles his head down into blonde braids.
"Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer."
He can feel the other mans smile against his skin.
"Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer."
Nì’it fko - Small one
Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer. - I see you. I love you.
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djevelbl · 1 month
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NOOOOOO AHAHAHAHAH la confianza lo que da es ascooooo ilu but when u say it like that it sounds like u fucking hATE HIM--
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deadtiredghost · 2 months
Current writing style seems to be:
*Traumatises ur turtle*
*runs away giggling*
*can't write whenever I sit down to write so I write something else*
*ghosts for a month*
*writes when I'm supposed to be doing literally anything else*
*posts updates at 1.30am*
*crashes a lil bit*
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quagsthecryptid · 4 months
Pspspspsps, hey Fish and Chips enjoyers. Here’s a link to a short fic I wrote this afternoon if you’re interested :)
Summary: “I’m coming back. I can promise you that. Gillion Tidestrider, I promise to you that I will come back as fast as I can. This. This is just going to be a short trip.” Chip paused, taking a breath. “And I’ll miss you too. You bastard.”
Gillion chuckled. “That’s my line.”
“Ehhh, I’d probably say it’s Jay’s, but I’ll let you take that one for now.”
Gillion doesn't want Chip to leave: the oneshot.
Chapters: 1/1
Warnings: none
Words: 1001
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lozislaw · 2 years
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It’s back with balls swinging; 14k words, c’mon in and share my pain ;u;
The world changes, then changes again when the four boys divorce from each other's lives.
Thinking optimistically, at least Kyle no longer had to hang out with Cartman. But he would sacrifice his sanity and dive headfirst into the old days if it meant getting one more day with Stan.
He would never let himself admit that in the light of day. But sometimes it seems the only way to get there is procrastinating life, getting in drunken fights, yelling at therapy trees and fisting (in a totally not gay way).
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hopetorun · 1 year
the thing about brady tkachuk is that normally i'm like, all rpf characterization is fake but some are faker than others and then braeden over here comes out behaving exactly the way i expect him to at all times so maybe his rpf characterization isn't fake
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theficlistpodcast · 1 year
Anxiety-ridden older siblings who regularly dissociate via fanfic in order to cope say “aye” 😂😭 
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delivish · 10 months
Chapter 2 is finally up!!
Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Kenny McCormick/Butters Stotch
Frustrated by their relationship — or lack thereof — Princess Kenny comes up with a brilliant plan to finally seduce her most beloved Paladin
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lemonous-snake · 1 year
Title: Sharpie Fumes & Happy Endings
Fandom: Magnus Chase & the Gods of Asgard
Pairing: Blitzen/Hearthstone
Rating: G
Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Established Relationship, No Plot/Plotless
Blitz sits down on the loveseat with his sketchbook and materials to see Hearth doing his nails with a Sharpie. Again. “You could just use nail polish,” Blitz says. “We don’t live on the street anymore. We can afford it.” He flips open his sketchbook.
(Literally just less than 1,000 words of Blitzstone fluff because I love them so much.)
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umbry-fic · 9 months
Dwarven Potluck… Surprise?!
Summary: Lloyd's given the mysterious task of gathering materials... But for what purpose?
Fandom: Tales of Symphonia Characters: Lloyd Irving, Dirk Relationships: Dirk & Lloyd Irving Rating: G Word Count: 1545 Mirror Link: AO3 Original Post Date: 04/01/2024
Notes: A secret santa gift for Pink--Reptile! They wanted Lloyd and Dirk cooking together :D
"Materials, materials... But what materials?" Lloyd mumbled, contemplating the mysterious assignment Dad had given him.
Dad hadn't revealed much of anything to him. He'd simply dragged Lloyd out of bed as he did every morning, ushered him to the dining table and then loudly proclaimed that it was time for him to learn before chasing him out of the house with the simple directive to gather materials.
His enquiry was swallowed by the forest that surrounded him, leaves casting shifting shadows under the midday sun. He waited for a few seconds, but all the answer he got was silence, and some rustling from animals crawling about in the undergrowth.
Squatting down to swat at the grass that poked at his ankles, he frowned as he caught sight of a few pebbles, nestled within the endless sea of green like treasures awaiting his perusal. They were the usual drab grey like every other pebble he’d seen before, but their surfaces were smooth, reflecting the sunlight at him. Morning dew still lingered upon them, making them shimmer.
Scooping one up from the dirt, he weighed it upon his palm, bringing it close to his nose to give it an intense once-over. It's what Dad always did when appraising the various minerals and gems he had successfully extracted from the mine after hours of back-breaking work. Doing this would allow him to glean the true value of this pebble, supposedly...
"It's round enough," Lloyd declared with all the confidence a nine-year-old could muster, which was to say, a lot.
Tucking the pebble into one of his many, many pockets with no care for how the remaining droplets still clinging to its surface soaked into the fabric of his shirt, he turned on his heel, scanning the forest for the path back home.
Maybe Dad was finally going to teach him how to make stuff in the forge? It was fascinating, watching him work. The rush of molten metal, the clang of the hammer, the delicate manner with which those large hands could shape an intricate design into existence… It was all so awesome, and he wanted to learn as soon as possible, so he could be just as cool as Dad!
Then maybe he could make two swords! And another two swords! And -
But Dad had insisted they wait another year, and he wasn't the type to ever fold. His will was like the tallest mountain - solid as its bedrock and insurmountable, much to Lloyd’s chagrin at times. Besides, the kitchen table had had a large pot sitting on it this morning...
"Maybe I should also get something more interesting," he mused.
A familiar bark drew Lloyd from his thoughts. Noishe bounded into view, tongue lolling from his mouth as he cocked his head, curious as to what his young master was up to.
Peering at the green and white fur that covered Noishe, Lloyd arrived at a sudden idea for a more interesting material. "That might actually work!" he cheered, a grin growing on his face as he took a step towards the large dog.
As if sensing the danger, Noishe took a hesitant step backwards, ears drooping.
Unfortunately, it was already too late for him.
"There you are, Lloyd!"
Dad’s loud and cheerful guffaw was there to welcome Lloyd back into the house as he stumbled through the door.
"What do you have there?"
"Oh, just a bit of fur!" he waved around the tuft of fur clenched securely in his hand. "Woah, what's all this?" he exclaimed, making a bee-line to the dining table. Now, arranged in a circle around the singular pot that had been there this morning, was an entire array of objects. From raw meat, to a hammer, and even a boot, crusted in dirt!
"Why, didn't I tell you to gather some materials?" Dirk heaved out another rumbling laugh, his thick beard shifting with his voice. "You're gonna learn how to make Dwarven Potluck Surprise today!"
"Really?!" Any and all thoughts of smithing flew right out of Lloyd's head as he crowded closer to his father. He'd had Dwarven Potluck Surprise many times over the years, usually as a celebration for some special occasion or when he invited his friends over. He didn't care what Genis said, the dish was amazing each and every time he tried it!
"Listen closely!" With a few steps and a quick tug of the hand, Dad released the thick curtains that had been bundled up beside the window, pitching the room into almost complete darkness. "The first step is to get rid of the lights. Wouldn't be much of a surprise if we could see, now could it?"
Squinting to take advantage of the scant light filtering through the gap between the curtains, Lloyd noted that the ingredients were now impossible to make out. All he could see were murky shapes that seemed to waver in the darkness.
"Now then, get your hands on whatever you can and throw them right in the pot!"
Scrambling to follow Dad's instructions, he leaned over the table and grabbed the first thing his fingers brushed against. The texture felt like wood... Maybe the handle of something?
Not that it mattered! With an enthusiastic flourish (visible to no one), he flung whatever it was into the pot of water, a satisfying thunk echoing as it hit the bottom of the pot.
"That's the spirit, Lloyd!" Dad encouraged, slamming him on the back so hard that he almost became part of the stew himself. "Now keep on it!"
And so, he dashed in circles around the dining table, blindly flinging whatever he could find. While he barely dodged the objects wildly flying around, he crashed right into Dad a few times, sending him to the floor and right back to square one, their laughter mingling in the air. Thankfully, the pot never capsized off the table.
Gradually, the two of them created a hodgepodge whose taste could only be guessed...
Steam rose from the deep bowl filled to the brim with stew placed on the table before him, a strong aroma wafting into his nose. Even peering intently into its depths did not reveal its contents - they were thoroughly hidden beneath the surface.
“Smells good, Dad!” Lloyd grinned, giving a thumbs up. He couldn’t wait to try out this pot of Dwarven Potluck Surprise that he’d a hand in making. It was sure to be incredible.
Following Dad’s cue, he cupped the bowl with both hands and brought it up to his face, preparing to gulp down everything in one go -
“Ow!” he hissed, recoiling as he nearly chipped a tooth on something large. Hurriedly placing the bowl down, he gingerly fished out one of the pebbles he’d picked up this morning. “So cool,” he murmured, plopping it back into the bowl. What were the chances he’d gotten something he gathered as one of the secret components in his bowl?
Glancing at Dad to gauge his progress, Lloyd couldn’t help but burst into a fit of giggles. A few strands of green fur had gotten tangled in his bushy beard, giving the impression that he was midway through dyeing it.
“Here you go,” he whispered, holding the bowl under the table to let Noishe have some of the stew. It was with his help that this was possible, after all!
The dog lapped it up, perking up just a little at the… unique taste.
Lloyd was glad to know he’d been right. This was an incredible meal!
The sounds of running water filled the space as Lloyd helped Dad wash the pot, scrubbing it until the metal gleamed under the amber light of the sun that had begun to make its descent, once again let in through the open windows.
"Hey, Dad?" he piped up, grabbing the towel from the rack over the sink to begin drying the pot. "Thanks for teaching me."
Dad’s large hand came down on his head, ruffling his hair as he sputtered in protest. He wasn't a little kid anymore! Well, at least there was no one here to witness this, since Noishe had slunk out the front door some time ago.
So he could smile, and tip his head up just a little…
Discreetly, of course!
"No problem, Lloyd. I remember my own father teaching me when I was a wee lad. What kind of father would I be if I didn't teach you this?"
A toothy smile stretched across his face, so wide that his cheeks hurt from it. His heart warmed at the thought that Dad would trust him with any of the Dwarven traditions, and deem him worthy to carry their legacy. Just as he had already been entrusted with the Dwarven vows.
He would carry their weight with pride. He’d make sure that his children, and even grandchildren, would know how to make this dish by heart! He'd make it with them, again and again, until they'd gotten it into their skulls, just as he was sure Dad would do with him. He’d ensure the recipe would never die, long into the future.
But for now, the only thought that ran through his head… was that he was really looking forward to making this dish with Dad again, sometime soon.
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