#fanfic writer appreciation week
sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
(whispers) hey friends I appreciate your excitement but gentle reminder it’s not very polite to ask fanfic writers when the next chapter is gunna come out
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alj4890 · 3 months
Asked and Received
A Tobias Carrick/Open Heart one shot for Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week
Day 3: WWTD? Tobias buys an old lantern at an antique store. When he gets home and places it on his shelf, a genie appears and offers to grant him three wishes. How does he react? What does he ask for?
A/N going back to Book 2's canon and my HC for Tobias's family for this one. And of course, there's no doubt what or rather whom I HC for him will also be a part of this 😉
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"Don't worry." Tobias readjusted his phone. "I'll be there."
His attempt to juggle multiple gift bags, his phone, and the Chinese takeout he'd bought all while trying to unlock his garage door did not end well.
His phone slipped out from between his ear and shoulder. He dropped the gift bags to try and catch it, thus causing all of them to dump out on the garage floor.
The only thing he managed to save was his dinner.
His younger brother's anxious voice could be heard buried beneath the bags.
"You okay?!" Phillip yelled out.
Carefully setting his takeout down, Tobias began to gather everything else up.
"Sorry about that." He told Phillip once he found his phone. "Dropped a few things."
"A few?" Phillip muttered in disbelief. "Sounded like your whole house crashed down around you."
"It wasn't my house." Tobias snorted. "Only the gifts I bought for Tabitha."
Phillip's daughter was turning five the following weekend. The Carrick's were gathering at the family home in Greenwich to celebrate as they did with everyone's birthday. Tobias even cleared his schedule for the week just so he could spend extra time with everyone.
He needed a break. After all the turmoil of Mass Kenmore losing its funding and the mad dash he'd recently done to save a young Edenbrook doctor, he knew he needed some time to decompress. The stress of the problems growing with possible shutdowns and layoffs had finally gotten to him.
Phillip chuckled. "You should see all that Jasmine has picked out for Tabitha. Between her and Mom, my girl is going to be the most spoiled five year old in the world."
Tobias grinned at the thought. His sister-in-law went through a lot to have her two children with Phillip. Jasmine had seen many fertility specialists and had multiple procedures for a slim chance at becoming pregnant. Tabitha was the first miracle for the couple. Spoiling the little girl became the norm in the family. It wasn't difficult to do given how sweet she was.
He was beyond the proud uncle of all his nieces and nephews. He made certain that their gifts revealed just how crazy he was about them and that he actually listened to all they told him. Tobias enjoyed spending time around Christmas and their birthdays to search for special presents that lined up with their interests.
This year, his niece was currently obsessed with the Disney movie, Aladdin. Phillip joked that it was because her mother's name was Jasmine which was why the little girl wanted to be that particular princess.
Tobias didn't care what the reason was. He only knew he had to find something special for her big day.
He spent the day at various toy stores around Boston, buying new dolls, puzzles, and games. Walking past an antique store, the idea to try and find her a real oil lamp struck. He went inside and as luck would have it, he found exactly what he'd hoped to find.
After dropping all his packages on the kitchen table, he took the lamp out of the box and set it on one of his couch cushions. He squatted down to see just how it would look to Tabitha.
The old brass lamp turned out better than he'd hoped. The engravings along the sides added more to the imagined mysticism one could pretend the lamp contained. He could easily see it sitting in some forgotten cave filled with treasures from long, long ago.
"Not bad." He said, running his thumb along the intricate engravings.
"Thank you." A voice said from within.
Tobias fell back with a gasp as silvery black smoke pooled out. It swirled around the room as sounds of thunder boomed and flashes of lightning penetrated the smothering darkness. Once it cleared, a man in a three piece suit was sitting next to the lamp.
"What in the actual hell was that?" Tobias breathed. "Who are you?"
"Isn't it obvious?" The strange man replied. "I'm the Genie of the Lamp."
"Right." Tobias got to his feet. "And I'm the man who is about to force you out of his home."
The stranger clucked his tongue. "I wouldn't try that if I were you, Tobias."
Tobias cursed as he reached down to yank the intruder off his couch.
He went right through the man and hit the couch cushion.
"I told you that you shouldn't try to remove me." The genie chuckled over Tobias's fruitless attempts.
"This is a prank." Tobias said, looking around for one of his friends. "This is nothing but an image projected into my living room."
"No, I'm, as they say, the real deal." The genie got to his feet. "I can see though that you're a doubting man."
"You got that right." Tobias muttered while looking for what was causing this hallucination.
"I thought dressing like this would be less startling to a man like you."
With a snap of his fingers, the genie now looked like one from storybooks, complete with turban, a long pointy beard, and lack of a lower body. The shimmery black smoke swirled where his legs had once been.
Tobias rubbed his hands over his face in an attempt to get his vision clear of whatever the hell was going on in his living room.
When he lowered his hands, he saw the genie still waiting with his arms crossed.
"Is this better or can I look more like a man of today?" Genie gestured towards his body.
"Do whatever you want." Tobias gave up and sat down. "It isn't like I really have a say in the matter."
"I wouldn't say that." The genie snapped his fingers and was once again a man in a suit.
Straightening his tie, he smiled at Tobias.
"Now then, you are the lucky individual of three wishes."
"Yippee." Tobias grumbled. "So I can wish for you to get out?"
"My my, aren't we an unwelcoming host?" Genie responded.
"Forgive me for not wanting a weird has to be some drug induced hallucination I somehow was cursed with in my house." Tobias bit out.
"Do you do drugs?" Genie asked.
"No." Tobias said. "But I could have been slipped something in my coffee from earlier."
"True." The genie conceded. "But you weren't."
Tobias continued to glare at him.
"Make your wishes and I will leave, never to return again." The genie promised.
"Then I'll take this lamp back for another." Tobias added. "There's no way I'll let you near my niece."
The genie let out a boisterous laugh.
"Ah, Tobias. I won't appear before Tabitha. She doesn't need me."
"What?" Tobias muttered in disbelief.
"She's a happy child who has all her needs met." Genie explained. "I only appear to those who have a great need for my assistance in their lives."
He smirked while watching the doctor get irritated over hearing that he needed help with anything.
"And," the genie pointed out, "this lamp isn't my only home."
Tobias leaned forward. "Like I said before, what?!"
"All oil lamps belong to me." He continued. "How do you think I appear before people from all over the world?"
"I wouldn't even begin to guess what a character from a story does." Tobias told him.
"Where do you think all the stories came from?" Genie smiled at him with a hint of mischief. "You don't think someone like me could possibly be a work of fiction, do you?"
Tobias lowered his head in his hands. He knew he had two options. One, he could continue arguing with this thing or he could take advantage of what could be his good fortune and make some wishes.
Lifting his head he gave in to the latter. It would probably save his sanity in the long run to just let this scenario play out.
"About these wishes," he hesitated, "this isn't some Monkey Paw type wish is it?"
"Meaning something horrific must happen to get your wish?" The genie clarified.
Tobias nodded. "Is it?"
"Not at all. My wishes are free and clear of any ill intent." He leveled his dark eyes upon the doctor. "Unless your wish is one that is to harm another."
"Not my style." Tobias told him. "My wishes have nothing to do with hurting anyone."
"Excellent!" The genie rubbed his hands together in anticipation. "Now then, let's discuss some possible wishes."
"Discuss?" Tobias smirked. "Am I not capable of making my own?"
"They will still be yours," Genie replied, "but I have never taken advantage of one's ignorance when it comes to making wishes."
"For instance?" Tobias prodded.
"For instance, if you told me your first wish was to be in the perfect profession then I would point out you are currently in the perfect one for someone like you." He explained. "No need to waste a wish on something you already have."
"I see." Tobias's brow furrowed in thought. "Hmm."
"Might I make a suggestion?" Genie prompted.
"You are currently worried about funding for your hospital. Correct?"
"Correct." Tobias answered.
"Then I can fix that!" Genie motioned towards him. "Simply say the words and--"
"Can you fix two hospitals?" Tobias interrupted.
"Mass Kenmore and Edenbrook are both going to be shut down if someone doesn't intervene." Tobias explained. "And the people of Boston would suffer because of it."
"I see." Genie shrugged. "That can all be easily taken care of."
"Then for my first wish, I wish that you would make Mass Kenmore and Edenbrook have the funding needed to remain open and functioning at their best."
Genie nodded in approval before snapping his fingers. Within seconds, Tobias phone rang.
His eyes widened to see Mass Kenmore's Chief of Medicine calling him.
"Hello?" He listened to the excited doctor explain that the Board had made a deal with Solomon Health.
"We're saved!" She exclaimed. "We won't be dependent on state funding again."
Tobias ended the call. He couldn't quite believe that his wish had come true.
"Who ended up helping Edenbrook?" He asked.
The genie snapped his fingers again and an image of a man Tobias knew appeared in a puff of smoke.
"That's Leland Bloom." He turned back to the genie. "What does a tech billionaire have to do with anything?"
"He'll end up buying the hospital and keep all the staff." The genie explained. "In fact, he's now talking to Edenbrook's Chief of Medicine and their Board right now."
"Wow." Tobias sat back in awe.
"I know." Genie winked at him. "I am that amazing."
Tobias began to laugh. Only he would be the one to find a genie with an ego similar to his own.
"Now then, what shall be your second wish?" The genie prompted.
"I'm not sure." Tobias told him. "Honestly, all I've thought about lately is Tabitha's birthday and the whole funding fiasco."
"Hmm." The genie began to stroke his beard while thinking of something Tobias might need or want.
"Could I wish for my family to remain healthy and happy?" Tobias asked.
"You could." The genie responded. "But I don't see a reason to do so. They all have what they need for that to happen."
"I still wish it. Just to be on the safe side."
"Very well." The genie snapped his fingers. "Done."
He then leaned forward, a mischievous glint back in his eyes. "Now let's make this final wish more interesting."
"Interesting?" Tobias cocked an eyebrow. "Meaning?"
"Meaning something specifically for yourself." The genie explained. "You've already done your good deeds to those you care about and the city you reside in. Let's get something that will be only yours."
Tobias chuckled. "I can't think of anything I need."
The genie humphed. "I bet your mother would say differently."
"You don't mean--"
"Oh I do." The genie grinned with glee. "One of my favorite things to grant someone is the perfect mate."
"Hold on!" Tobias held his hands up. "I don't think I'm the marrying kind."
"You're wrong." Genie's smile grew larger. "You think that now, but there is someone out there made for you."
"Uh-huh." Tobias doubted that. "If you don't mind, I think I'll wish for something else."
"Such as?" The genie was quite curious what could be better than his own suggestion.
"How about a new challenge?" Tobias offered. "Something to push me on to succeeding."
The genie stroked his beard once more in thought. "A challenge, eh?"
He looked up at Tobias. "Say the words."
"I wish for a new challenge in my life, one that requires all my expertise to succeed."
An amused expression flooded the genie's face as he snapped his fingers to make it happen.
"So?" Tobias asked. "What's my challenge?"
"To win the heart of this woman." The genie waved his hand through the smoke until another familiar face appeared.
"Is that who I think it is?" Tobias gasped.
"It is." The genie responded, completely delighted to turn the wish into what he knew the man before him needed.
Tobias glared at him. "I thought I told you I wasn't the marrying kind."
"You will be once Chris gets a hold of you." The genie teased.
As he began dissolving into the silvery smoke he'd first appeared in, the genie spoke once more.
"Don't fight it, Tobias. Enjoy your life with those you love."
His dark eyes sparkled before disappearing.
"And that includes, Dr. Valentine." His voice echoed.
Tobias sat there staring at the empty spot on his sofa where the genie had been sitting. Still in disbelief over all that happened within the last few minutes, he reached over and picked up the lamp.
Giving it a slight shake, he chuckled to himself.
"Nice try, but there's no way Chris Valentine is meant for me."
He set the lamp down to begin wrapping Tabitha's presents.
A mystical voice spoke from the lamp causing him to stop mid step.
"Wanna bet?"
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fimproda · 18 days
Elain Archeron Appreciation Week 2024 - Day 4: Home
Read Splendor Solis on AO3
I wrote this OS back in July for Elucien Week, but it fits perfectly for today's theme: in my opinion, home, for Elain, is wherever Lucien is, which in this case means the Day Court.
These 2k words or so are written from Elain's POV, and it's a little worldbuilding piece in which I've poured all my headcanons regarding the Day Court and my love of my motherland, Southern Italy.
Check out this post if you'd like to know more about what inspired me to write this story; the same link is in the ending notes on AO3.
I'd love to hear your opinions, both here and on AO3, if this is what floats your boat!
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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This absolutely stunning creation was made by the lovely and talented @/artbyainna on Instagram. I have been so anxious to share it with you - but waited for @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week. I'm so glad it's here!
In my HC, I built on the canon version of their meeting in A Deli...ghtful Meeting. But I've always wondered about the leadup. The moments when life is about to turn upside down in the most delightful way, but we don't see it coming. The only thing Tobias was willing to commit to was remaining a bachelor. Beautiful, even brilliant women were common in his life, but never captivated him for long. But after a brief meeting with this woman, he could not get her out of his mind. These are the moments before Tobias Carrick's life was turned upside down... and he never saw it coming. This story is told from his POV.
Book: Open Heart Book 2 Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey - eventual) Featuring: Aurora Emery Rating: Teen Words: 1,600 A/N: The original title was not Enchanted, but as I was writing this, my daughter was playing the Taylor Swift song of the same name, and it fit so perfectly that I went with it. Participating in @aprilchallenge - Love is in the Air.
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"Come on, jackass!" The steam was practically pouring out of Tobias's ears as his hand lay on the horn, refusing to lift it until the moron blocking the intersection moved out of the way. The moron finally did… just in time for the light to turn red.
His jaw clenched as he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, reminding himself it wasn't worth becoming this upset over. When his eyes opened, the light turned green, and only two thoughts remained. One: his best friend Kerry was really getting to him with her bullshit relaxation tips, and two, he couldn't be mad at her because they seemed to work.
His attitude improved as he drove off, but the morning traffic didn’t. A woman in a non-descript sedan waved at him as he sat in traffic, her eyes imploring him to wait so she could get out of her tight parking spot. He may have behaved differently a few moments ago, but a small smile tugged at his lips as he waved her on. 
Then he had an idea. A parking spot on the streets of Boston? Unheard of. And that spot just happened to be located a few doors down from his favorite deli? That wasn't a coincidence. No, this was divine intervention telling him to reward himself with a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich from Boston Pocket. Without another thought, he parallel-parked his Santorini black Jaguar into the freshly vacated spot with ease.
It was a cool morning for late August, and he promised himself he'd go for a jog after breakfast. After all, God may have felt Tobias deserved that sandwich, but He wasn’t ensuring his toned abs. Nope, that rested squarely on him.
Bells jingled, and a delightful aroma wafted over Tobias as he opened the door. He inhaled deeply to take it all in. Yep, this would be well worth an extended jog.
"Whose next?" A young man barked from behind the counter. 
Tobias raised a hand. "Bacon, egg, and cheese on a Kaiser roll. Salt and pepper."
"Want ketchup?"
"Do I look like a heathen to you?" Tobias leered, and the young man's grin made it clear that he shared his sentiments.
"Coming right up!"
With nothing to do but wait, he rested his elbow against the counter to take in the sights. Tobias Carrick had an unrivaled ability to look like he belonged anywhere, and this was no exception. So as he blended into the background, he quietly watched everyone who didn't. 
The older woman dripping in diamonds and expensive designer clothes, a little dog resting comfortably in a Louis Vuitton carrier. He couldn't imagine what she was doing here. Of course, she probably knew this dive had the best breakfast in Boston, money be damned. Two high school kids uncrumpled the bills in their hands to find they did have enough to add homefries to their order. Then there was the cute little brunette with her shapely legs well-displayed in a tiny black linen skirt and matching high heels. Her eyes were waiting to meet his as they trailed slowly over her body, and he took the smirk on her cherry-stained lips as an invitation that he was eager to accept. He was about to take a step in her direction when a melodic laugh from the booth behind him created a distraction.
"It sure would!" The beguiling beauty beamed, mindlessly tucking an errant strand of her long, golden locks behind her ear. All at once, Tobis felt compelled to learn what “it” was and what it was going to do?  
With the brunette who had held his attention moments before forgotten, he couldn't peel his eyes off this new vision. He stared, spellbound, as she animatedly waved her hands and joyfully conversed with her companion. Tobias Carrick observed for a living, and he had assessed her in mere moments. He was confident that no one could make a ratty, old Henley and a likely decades-old pair of jeans look that good so effortlessly, and that smile could not be faked. There was something so genuine about her, and he couldn’t look away.
He let out a little chuckle when he noticed her morning beverage of choice: a chocolate milkshake with the whipped cream already scooped off. He wasn't sure if it was revolting or adorable. If attributed to anyone else, the prior may have been the victor, but in this case, the latter undeniably won. His breath hitched when she leaned over and wrapped her lips around the straw. Never in his life was he more jealous of an inanimate object.
That solidified it. He had to work his way into their conversation. He was not leaving without her number, but how? He continued to watch her serendipitously, a pleasant smirk on his lips when he heard a loud crash.
The doctor in him took over, and he rushed toward the man collapsed on the floor, but, to his shock, the object of his affection had beat him to it.
"I’m getting his pulse!” The beauty yelled.
Was she a doctor?
“Sir!” Her companion hollered and pointed directly at him. “I need you to call 911!”
“I’m dialing now.”
He watched carefully, ready to jump in if needed, but he was a physician long enough to know that too many cooks spoil the soup, and the two women had things under control. Well, at least one of them did.
“Thank God you stopped me, Aurora!”
 Thank God, indeed. He thought, then his eyes widened… Aurora? Could that be?
The paramedics barreled through the front door and made a beeline to the patient on the floor. 
“Dr. Emery, what have we got?”
A smug smile came to his lips. It was her.
With the situation well under control, Tobias pulled out his phone and began texting rapidly.
… still want to snag Harper Emery?
… has she been receptive to you?
…. I’ve got an idea…
He looked up from his phone, dismayed to find Harper Emery’s niece and her stunning companion were gone.
“Shit!” he muttered, reminding himself they couldn’t have gone far.
“They were the doctors that just helped that man, right?”
The waiter stood before the abandoned table, holding a tray of food as the server behind the counter nodded.
“At least it wasn’t an eat-and-ditch,” the young man shrugged. “They didn’t eat and only ditched to save a guy's life.”
“Hey,” Tobias jumped in. “Do me a favor. Pack their food up… right away!”
“Were you with them?” the waiter asked.
Tobias pulled a hundred-dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the waiter. “Too many questions!” He spat. “Wrap the food and give it to me… quick… oh, and keep the change!”
“I’m on it!” The waiter grinned, handing Tobias a brown paper bag in a flash.
The bells that had greeted him upon entering now heralded his exit as he rushed outside. The two women were half a block away, well within catching distance.
“Doctors! Wait!” he yelled. “You forgot your breakfast!”
He had a definitive purpose now, and he knew what needed to be done. Still, it took all his strength to forget about wooing the young Dr. Emery to Kenmore. Every primal instinct within him was screaming to forget everything except getting this angel’s phone number. But when he stood before them, he handed the bag to Aurora.
“Oh, thanks!” The young Emery smiled. “Can I pay you for this?”
“Don’t mention it,” he said with his signature grin. If there was one thing he knew how to do, it was charm. “I’m more than happy to treat a couple of heroes to breakfast.”
“Oh, we’re not heroes,” Emery replied. He may have been focusing on her, but his peripheral vision was finely tuned in to her friend, and was she ever checking him out.
“You were really something back there,” he continued.
He was impressed with his ability to focus. After all, luring Harper Emery to Kenmore would be a huge feather in his cap, and getting her niece there first could be just the ticket. This would really impress the top brass, and he had reason to want to do that. There was only one Aurora Emery. Pretty women, were a dime a dozen, right? If this one slipped through his fingers, there’d be another… eye on the prize. Then, she had to go and speak.
“She’s one of the best doctors at Edenbrook,” the beauty chimed in.
“I don’t doubt it,” he said with a broadened smile. God, she sounded like an angel. Focus! “It takes a very cool head under pressure to catch a detail like a cyanosis.”
Somehow, he managed to keep the conversation on point, wrapping it up by placing his business card into Aurora’s hands.
“Let me know if you’re ever looking for a change of pace.”
Less than a second after completing his task, the little head regained control of the big one. His eyes slowly raked over the tall beauty at Aurora’s side. He could feel the heat emanating between them, and he knew she felt it, too, when he saw the delicate blush on her cheeks. OK, she was interested. And when their eyes met, he was careful to not look away. He wanted to ask for her name. Her number. Could he buy her a coffee? Any chance she’d ditch her friend and grab breakfast with him? But he thought better of it and offered an enticing smile instead. He had to play this right, but this was not over.
After exchanging goodbyes, he turned and jogged back to the deli. But when he reached the door, he couldn’t help but look back once more. And was he ever happy that he did. He smiled with delight when he saw her staring right back at him. With his ego fully restored, he gave her a little wink before returning inside.
No. This was not over, and this is not where their story ended. If Tobias knew anything, he knew that he would see to that.
Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @sophxwithers @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @openheartfanart
OH Tags: @alwaysmychoices @annfg8 @binny1985 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 3 months
An unlikely occurrence
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Characters: Tobias Carrick, Harper Emery
Warnings: sexual references
Catergory: fluff
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1939
Summary: Tobias reaches out to Harper after she leaves the team and it leads to what both thought would be an unlikely romance.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: A request from @jerzwriter (no surprises really) who wanted to see Tobias in a romantic relationship.
Things at Edenbrook after the downfall of Leland and Caroline taking over had started to settle. Harper had left the team and Tobias along with Casey had finished the recruitment process but Tobias was still uneasy with the circumstances that Harper had chosen to leave. He knew he was harsh initially when he accused her of being jealous when Casey was accused of putting their patient into the non placebo group in a study. He knew Harper left willingly, wanting to give Casey and Tobias the best chance of running the team without any previous conflicts potentially derailing them but he still had the utmost respect for her professionally but he also respected her personally and he did not want either relationship to sully.
He proposed a dinner, Mistral. Sure this is where one normally took people on a date and this was certainly not a date but he knew Harper was a woman of exquisite taste.
Harper was intrigued. She had known Tobias, more professionally for a long time. She knew of the history between him and Ethan and she was pleasantly surprised at how well they worked together on the team whilst she was on it. She did not think events had sullied either their personal or professional relationship but she still went.
The day of the dinner arrived. They arrived at the restaurant separately. They had a very pleasant evening. Tobias apologized for calling her out so harshly. She understood where he was coming from and as the mediation process went on she was quite surprised that the underlying motive was jealousy.
“Don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for Casey so it was a shock to me that jealousy was my motive.” Said Harper.
“It was a surprise to me too, Harper, I never thought you to be the jealous type.” Said Tobias.
Harper winced slightly. “To be honest, in her intern year I was a bit. I had seen some questionable interactions that had given credence to the rumours I heard and I did find it hypocritical, because he ended our arrangement because I was about to be his boss and here he was possibly with a subordinate.”said Harper, “I also did have lingering feelings for him also.”
“It makes sense, you are both very driven people and you were on and off again for so long…”
Harper interjected. “We broke up initially because I was falling in love with him and he was not on the same page. We ended it but became good friends then a few years later at a conference we were intimate and an arrangement was born.”
“Well I am glad he has found happiness.” Said Tobias.
“So am I, Tobias, truly, they are very well suited.”
“I have never seen him so beside himself like he was on the day of the bio attack, I know I still feel bad for courting him and telling June that I was but it was the beginning of what I hoped would lead to a reconciliation between us.”
They enjoyed their meal and walked out together.
“I had a lovely time Tobias” said Harper.
“Me too Harper, feels good to clear the air.”
“It does” agreed Harper. They kissed each other on the cheek and parted ways.
Tobias arrived at work the next day. He was in a jovial mood that was not missed by Casey.
“You’re in a good mood.”
“Yes I am, I had a lovely dinner with Harper last night.”
Casey raised an eyebrow. “As in a date?”
Tobias laughed, a little bit too boisterously.
“No, just as friends, I wanted to clear the air after everything with the mediation etc.”
“Right and surely a quick coffee in either office would have had the same outcome?”
“Well yes, but I have known and respected Harper for a long time, she deserved more than a coffee in her office.”
“Ahh-huh” said Casey. “Whatever you say Tobias” she said. They continued on with their work.
A few days later Harper was requested for a consult on one of the team’s patients. The consult went well and the outcome for the patient was going to be good. Harper hung back slightly.
“I really enjoyed the other night, Tobias. I would very much like to have dinner with you again”
“I had a great time too, and yes, I would be more than willing to have dinner with you again.”
“Excellent, I’ll make the booking and let you know.”
“Looking forward to it already.” Said Tobias.
Dinner was booked for a few days later, this time at Blu restaurant. Tobias was excited as he had not been here yet. The views were impressive and so was the company. Harper looked like a vision in a green dress. They enjoyed their meal and the conversation and the wine. Harper had found Tobias attractive but always found him a bit brash for her tastes but she had to admit there were many layers to Tobias Carrick that she found intriguing. Tobias enjoyed getting to know Harper more personally too. Their night came to an end but neither wanted the night to end just yet. Harper invited Tobias over for a nightcap which he agreed too.
Harper lived in an apartment building nearby. Tobias was pleasantly surprised to be offered a scotch.
“Ethan introduced me even before we were together” she said, “I still prefer red wine but I do prefer a dark spirit to end the night.”
Tobias smiled. “I introduced Ethan to bourbon back in Hopkins and we discovered various scotches together.”
Harper smiled. “It is hard imagining you as friends, you are in some ways rather similar but also in some ways very different.”
“What is the saying? Opposites attract?” Said Tobias, “I consider Ethan to be the brother I never had, our fallout hurt both of us, if I had my time again my actions that night would have been different but I am glad we are friends again now.”
“I am glad too” said Harper. “He has been the happiest I have seen him.”
“Yeah well being with someone whom you love and loves you and some closure on his past…”
Harper nodded in agreement and marveled at the man in her living room. They finished their drink and Tobias decided to take his leave. They hugged and went to kiss each other on the cheek but instead they kissed each other on the lips. It was quick but they lingered, Tobias tentatively kissed her again, Harper returned the kiss and deepened it. The kiss was remarkable. They pulled apart to breathe and Harper asked. “Did you want to continue” to which Tobias replied “yes”
The kisses got deeper and heated. Hands start roaming as they make their way to Harper’s bedroom. Sure Tobias had thought about having sex with Harper a very long time ago but had resigned himself to it not happening but that did not mean he was not happy to be here. They spent time exploring each other in their respective naked forms until Harper straddled Tobias and took charge of the evening. It had been awhile for both of them so Harper did have to spend a few minutes to adjust to his size but once she had it was on. Harper felt incredible to Tobias and to be honest he was enjoying her taking charge the way she was. The session was equal parts tender and intense. The sight of Harper succumbing to her climax triggered Tobias’s and he came hard. Both were physically sated and they fell into a deep restful sleep.
Tobias awoke with a start. As much as he enjoyed last night,he was concerned. How closely he worked with Aurora being one, he knew Ethan and Harper were ancient history, but he had concerns about that too. Harper awoke and saw Tobias deep in concerned thought.
“Are you regretting last night?” Asked Harper.
Tobias was shook from his thoughts.
“Regret last night?” He said, “No, most definitely not but if we decide that last night was not a once off… I directly supervise Aurora for starters, Ethan, yes I know that was a long time ago and he has Casey now but still…”
“Calm down Tobias, please.” Harper said as walked towards him. “Situations like this is why have HR, I know you would still treat Aurora fairly, nor let any issues between us affect your working relationship and if I am being honest I think Ethan would be happy for us.”
Tobias smiled. He knew that they needed to discuss what they were but that was a discussion for another time.
He went home and got ready for his day. Meanwhile Harper met with Aurora for breakfast. Aurora noted that her aunt seemed more relaxed than usual. Harper did not say why, feeling that it better her and Tobias figure out what they were before announcing. When arriving at work, Aurora also noted that Tobias appeared to be in a great mood also, this mood was also noted by Casey.
Aurora and Casey had lunch together.
“Can I be suspect in that my aunt and our boss were in very good moods today?”
“A few days ago, after Tobias had dinner with your aunt, he was very jovial, I have not seen Harper outside of work but I can not rule out that something happened.”
Aurora shook her head , “that was a mental image I did not need.”
“At least they are getting along, and they are both professionals so they surely can keep the personal out of work.”
“Well you and Ethan did that for how long?”
Meanwhile, in the surgical wing Tobias was having a chat with Harper. Well, it was meant to be a chat but instead they had an intense session in Harper’s office. It was quick but intense.
“What are we doing Harper, yes I know we are two consenting adults who are having some pretty unbelievable sex, but is this a with benefit situation or are we doing to have to meet with HR?”
Both had not being in a romantic relationship for a while so to be honest, Tobias was half expecting Harper to say to keep it as an arrangement but he was pleasantly surprised when Harper said she would like to pursue a relationship.
“Full disclosure, relationships have not been my thing for awhile but I am willing to give it a go.”
Harper chuckles, “It has been a long time since I have had a relationship too, Tobias.”
“I know there are some finer points to discuss but I need to head back to work.”
Tobias headed back to the DT office, with a spring in his step. He arrived back to the office and noticed Casey and Aurora working and eating.
“Ladies, I know we try to be efficient but do you always need to have a working lunch?”
“We are just reading up on the patient we have had and post surgical treatments” stated Aurora.
Casey looks up and sees that Tobias is looking very relaxed, much more than normal. She decides not to ask but is happy that Tobias is happy.
Later that night Tobias meets up with Harper again, to discuss their relationship, they made a meeting with HR and decided to host a dinner party with Aurora, Ethan and Casey to tell them their happy news. Both Harper and Tobias though were excited to embark on this relationship that even though they had not sought it, were glad that is was happening.
Authors note 2: submission for Tobias Carrick appreciation week. There is a part 2 which will be up eventually.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @cariantha @liaromancewriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @alj4890 @storyofmychoices @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @potionsprefect @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @lucy-268 @schnitzelbutterfingers @binny1985 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week
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rapha-reads · 1 month
Happy Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day! I saw this ask game going around and pick whatever you want to answer! ✨❤
— How long have you been writing fanfiction?
— Do you have a favorite word? (One that you love. Doesn’t necessarily have to be one you use all the time.
— Share a favorite run-on sentence that you’ve written.  
— Share a bit of a scene that you’ve written that still gives you FEELS.
— Best editing tip?
— What is your favorite kind of character interaction to write?
— Do you have a hyper-specific genre?
— Any personal or frequently used tags?
— Share a joke or funny moment that you’ve written that still makes you laugh.  
— What drives you to write?
— Share something about your writing that you have wished someone would ask you about. Or alternatively, something that you are just really proud of.
— Where do you draw inspiration?
— What is your immediate reaction when you receive a new comment on a fic?  
— What is your biggest challenge in writing?
— 1-2 sentence preview from your current WIP??
— What story or scene are you most proud of?
— Please link your profile so we can admire your works!
Hiii!!! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I write so sporadically and irregularly that every time someone remembers I do write sometimes, it makes me feel so good.
Let's see those questions!
- How long have you been writing fanfiction?
Hard to say to be honest. The first novel I wrote when I was 9 was based on Egyptian mythology, does that count? And then when I was 12 I started planning a rewriting of Romeo and Juliet as a novel that would cover their childhood years before the play starts, to answer a question I've always wondered about it: if they (Romeo, Juliet, Tybalt, Mercutio, Benvolio, even Rosaline and Valentine) are all the heirs and main children of the major noble families of Verona, how come they didn't know each other or barely did before the Capulet ball? Sounds like a plot hole that could be taken advantage of... So, to answer, I guess it's been 15-16 years? But I've only started sharing online things I've written in recent years.
- Do you have a favorite word?
Ethereal. I don't know why, I barely even use it. But I love it.
- Share a favorite run on sentence that you've written.
"Once, long ago, in another life, in another time, when there were still rays of sun shining upon the valley, when the mud river was a soft stream of clear water, when the trees were green and tall, the creature had a name, it had a heart, light in its eyes and people who cared about it."
(From The Creature)
- Share a bit of a scene that you've written that still gives you feels.
His temper abating as quickly as it had risen, Mercutio continued quietly :
“They don’t see you. And when they do, they mistreat you. How can you let them talk to you like that, as if you weren’t their nephew and their only male heir?”
“Juliet is the heir,” Tybalt interrupted, “I’m just the orphan, the son of the dead brother, a reminder of what this stupid war took from them.”
“No, you’re not!” Mercutio cried, grabbing his doublet. “No, you’re not just something”, he went on with passion and fire, eyes ablaze. “You’re so much more than what they want you to be! Your strength and resilience are unparalleled! You are hope against all odds, a shield for those in need, the brightest light in all this wretched city, my only solace, my other half. Mine, you hear? Mine! And if they can’t see you, if they can’t respect you, I’ll make them!”
He looked as if he wanted to say more, but Tybalt suddenly pulled him into his arms and silenced him with a fierce kiss. Rosaline closed her eyes, allowing them their privacy, tears sliding down her cheeks. She was not a romantic at heart, not like Juliet and her steadfast belief in true love, or silly Romeo and his forlorn sighs. Yet Mercutio’s impassioned tirade had stirred something inside her.
(From Ignorance Is Bliss, one of the best thing I've written in my humble opinion. Let me ramble about Tybalt and Mercutio pleaaaaase.)
- What is your favorite kind of character interaction to write?
Declarations of love. Not just romantic love (I am the definition of an aromantic romantic), but familial and platonic love too. Just characters (people) reminding the ones they care about that they do love them, truly and unconditionally. It's Tybalt and Mercutio against the whole of Verona, it's Bruce telling Jason that he's his son and he's his father and nothing will change that, it's Gwaine having Merlin's back not matter what... And even better when the words (the words are important) come right after an emotionally intense, angsty moment. Angst with Fluff is my jam.
- Share a joke or funny moment that you've written that still makes you laugh.
Humor is not my forte but there's this scene in Small Matters in Big Cities, the second part of my Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge fic that always makes me chuckle.
Raj immediately jumped into action.
“If you follow me, the car is this way! Please, let me get the bags”, he added, reaching towards the cart that Simran was still holding.
“Nope”, Simran cheerfully replied, lightly slapping his hand away. “I push the cart, you lead the way.”
“Simi, come ooooon”, Raj pleaded.
“Unless you want me to drive…?” Simran said with a threatening smile that reminded Chutki of their play-fights of old.
Raj jumped three feet back and raised his hand in surrender, shivering.
“Oh God, please don’t! Cart is yours, just please stay away from the wheel.”
“Nevermind that”, Chutki impatiently interrupted, “why can’t Simran drive?”
Raj burst out laughing at that, head thrown back, and Simran sighed and glared at him.
“It’s not that funny”, she muttered.
“Yeah it is”, Raj replied cheerfully. “Simran is forbidden from driving in London proper because she gets angry.”
“I don’t!”
“Yes you do, my love, and you become truly terrifying when you have road rage.”
“Not true”, she pouted sullenly.
“I would never dare tell Simran what she can or can’t do”, Raj intercepted, very seriously. “She’s her own person and she doesn’t need anyone’s permission. If she wants to drive through the city, she can. But after the fifth or sixth time I went for a drive with her and was hanging on to the door for dear life while she yelled at every other driver and broke every single traffic rule, I begged her on my knees to let me drive in London and she could drive in the countryside, and because she’s nice to me like that, she agreed”, he ended with his mischievous smile back on.
“That is not how it happened!” Simran protested.
“It is!”
“Is not!”
- Where do you draw inspiration?
In regards to fanfiction only, when a story really impacts me, there's two reactions: either I want it to never finish, and thus I want to write post-canon fics ; or I'm left unsatisfied by what exists, and I write canon divergence or missing scenes. That's the first inspiration. The second comes from the characters. A character that I can really relate to, or understand despite not identifying with them, will make me want to "try on their voice". And the third inspiration comes from music. Music is an important part of my life, and pretty much just like so many other writers, sometimes I'm listening to a song and I go thinking "hey, that could make a nice story". And sometimes inspiration comes from things I wish someone would tell me, or things I wish would happen to me, but that's rarer.
- What is your immediate reaction when you receive a new comment on a fic?
"Aaaaaaaah, someone read my work!!! Aaaaaah, someone read and liked it enougj to tell me!!! Aaaaaaaaaah, this is the nicest thing ever!!!! Aaaaah, I need to write more!!!"
- What is your biggest challenge in writing?
Like, actually sitting down and writing.
Or to be more precise, to gather enough motivation and energy to convey all the thoughts in my mind into words. Like I said at the beginning, I write irregularly, only when the inspiration hits and meets with the motivation. Sometimes I have one, sometimes the other, but it's rare that I have both at the same time. Makes it super hard to finish things.
- 1-2 sentence preview from your current WIP?
I have several current WIPs... There's the two that I have already started to post on AO3 (the Merlin one and the DDLJ one), then there's another Merlin one still in a notebook in French, the Torchwood one started yeaaaars ago in French too... But the one I want to share with you today is a Romeo and Juliet one that I've been talking about for quite some time:
The front door slammed closed, a muttered curse following behind, jerking Mercurio out the trance this new play had put him into. Frowning, he put down the pen he had been unconsciously chewing on and glanced toward the entrance hall, just in time to see Tybalt storming in, an aura of deep frustration surrounding him.
"If it's an emergency, I'm not available. If it's not an emergency, I'm also not available", deadpanned Mercutio, immediately belaying his words by getting up from the couch and moving towards his boyfriend.
"Shut up", said boyfriend grumbled darkly, "this is all your fault anyway."
"I admit that I do a lot of things, but you're going to have to narrow it down." Considering, he added "Don't move, you're going to drop water everywhere, I'll get you a towel".
- What story or scene are you most proud of?
Ignorance is Bliss! Chronologically, Tybalt/Mercutio is my very first ship, before I even knew what shipping was. IIB is a tiny view of how I see them, their relationship and the behind-the-scenes of Verona. I have a lot, a loooot of opinions, thoughts, ideas and headcanons about this play, a lot of stories I want to write, a lot of essays I want to research. IIB is one of the few stories I've managed to write and finish and feel good about.
- Link to my profile:
AO3: Raphale
You can also check out my old blog here, I sometimes post articles and essays, both in English and in French.
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angelasscribbles · 11 months
Thro(n)es of Passion Part 2: A Bad Romance One-Shot
Series: Bad Romance Continues
Original Series: Bad Romance
Fandom: The Royal Romance/The Royal Heir
Pairing for this chapter: Riley x Max x Liam, Riley x Drake
Rating: NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Warnings for this chapter: Lemons, sexually explicit
Word Count: 3,323 
I almost called it a two-shot, but these are not two distinct chapters, so really it's a one-shot in two parts. If that even makes sense. You can find part one here.
My other stuff: Master List.
Also, if you want to see the full piece of the below artwork by the amazing @rosefuckinggenius, please click here.
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Drake was the last one through the bedroom door. His eyes swept around the room, taking in his lover and his two best friends. All four of them were naked. Max was the only one still completely hard. His eyes inadvertently dipped down to take it in, flushing when Max noticed.
“Like what you see?” Max sauntered over to Drake and let his gaze drift across his body, as he reached a hand out toward him, “Because I sure do…”
“Stop it, Beaumont!” Drake slapped at the other man’s hand as he stepped away from him, “I didn’t mean to look! It was just natural curiosity, that’s all!”
“So, you always check out other men’s packages?” Max raised his eyebrows.
“Have you checked out my package?” Liam asked, a little miffed that it was Max Drake had ogled.
“What?” Drake’s eyes flicked to his best friend’s face as he struggled not to let his eyes drift down, “No, of course not! I mean, I’ve seen it…”
“And what?” Drake snapped, embarrassment heating his cheeks, “Are you saying you’ve never checked me out in the shower?”
It was Liam’s turn to flush, “Let’s drop this whole conversation.”
Max pouted, “But-“
“Max, that’s enough!” Riley grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from Drake.
He stumbled into her, “Yes my queen, but can I see his naked ass, just this once?” He hadn’t gotten a good enough peek when they were in the living room.
Riley tapped her lips as her eyes flicked back and forth between the two men.
Drake shook his head, “You’re not seriously considering-“
She twirled her fingers in the air, “Turn around, please.”
“Seriously?” Drake looked to Liam for help but found none. “Fine,” he huffed as he spun to give everyone in the room a clear view of his backside, “The shit I do for you, woman. Happy?”
“Yes,” Max breathed out, then to Riley, “Can I touch it?”
“No!” Drake spun back to face them, “Absolutely not!”
Max turned pleading eyes to Riley.
“No, Max. He does not consent to that.”
“Fine,” Max turned back to Drake with a grin, “But if you ever decide you want to experiment a little, I’ll let you touch mine.”
“Shut the fuck up, Max,” Drake snarled as the memory of Max on his knees in front of Liam sprung unbidden into his mind’s eyes. He may have slid his gaze sideways once or twice, just out of curiosity.
“Excuse me,” Liam interrupted, “Can we get back to the sex now?” Watching Max check Drake out had him at half-mast again.
“Yes, please,” Drake agreed, “If everyone is done staring at my ass.”
Riley pushed past Liam and Max to stand in front of Drake.
Liam reached for her, and missed, as she dodged around him, “What are you doing?”              
“Keeping myself between you two deviants and the straight boy!”
“Deviants, are we?”
Liam moved quickly. He was suddenly pressed up against her back, one hand pulling her head backward by the hair, the other pinning her arm behind her back as he whispered roughly, “You like it when I’m deviant!”
She sucked in a hiss of pleasure.
Drake’s eyes tracked the movement. He struggled to maintain his composure as he fought against every instinct he had not to rip Liam’s hands from her body, and possibly break one. Not because he was touching her in a sexual way, but because he was touching her in an aggressive way.        
She didn’t seem to mind though.
He had not been aware she was into that. He wondered if she wanted that from him. He’d ask her later. He hoped not. He wasn’t sure he was capable of it.
He had no problem taking control during sex, and he had no issue with things getting a little rough, but even when he led, she was really in charge. Topping from the bottom. And when pain was inflicted, it was inflicted by her. He wasn’t into some of the stuff Max was (he’d seen their toys), but he liked the way her teeth felt embedded in his skin, the sting of her nails biting into his back and the sharp shock when she yanked his hair hard.
Her comfort, and her pleasure, were always the goal. Taking her to the edge of the abyss and then pushing her over it was his favorite thing to do.
Her gaze fell on him as Liam attacked the side of her neck, her hair still gathered in his fist. She took in his agitation as their eyes met. “What’s wrong?” She breathed out as she fought to keep her attention from being completely subverted by the things Liam’s mouth was doing to her.    
He shook his head, “I can’t turn it off,” he said in reference to the protectiveness she brought out in him. When it came to safeguarding those he loved, he was ruthless, brutal, and methodical. He might kill with impunity, but when it came to her….there wasn’t an inch of him that was willing or able to do her harm—even the kind of harm she apparently liked.
She understood immediately, “Liam, stop.”
“Why? What’s wrong?” He released her and looked around in bewilderment.
“Nothing…just….” She spun to face him, pinching his cheeks between her fingers, “I think you’re going to need to let me take charge tonight. For Drake.”
“Drake?” he repeated in bemusement, his lust-clouded brain spinning to catch up.
Riley brought her lips to his ear and whispered, “The protective guard thing…”
Liam’s eyes darted to Drake's face as his fingers slowly untangled from her hair, “Okay….” He regarded his best friend, taking in the scowl, the clenched fists….. the still naked body…he swallowed as his gaze roved over the sculpted muscles and the hard lines of his chest.
“My eyes are up here Your Majesty,” Drake shook his head in amused disbelief, but the tension had gone out of the moment. At least the non-sexual tension. He reached out and pulled Riley into his body, “Maybe I should handle her, you’ve got Max right there.”
“Oh, I don’t think so,” Liam pressed himself up against her backside again, but gently this time, “It’s definitely my turn.”
“Hey!” Max shot Liam a pout before turning to grin at Drake, “I can keep you company while they’re busy if you want.”
“Not gonna happen, Max.”
Liam gestured for Max to come closer, “I’m not leaving you out, love. I’m simply saying that our queen requested all three of us tonight and only one of us has complied thus far.”
“Hm, you make a fair point,” Max added himself to the tangle of bodies, pressing his erection into Liam’s ass as he laid a flurry of kisses along his neck and back.
“This is fun,” Riley giggled, Drake pressed against her from the front, Liam from the back. She drew Drake into a heated kiss and then told him, “But Liam’s right. I’m turning around now, but don’t you go anywhere!”
Riley spun in their arms, so she was facing Liam and Max. “Keep doing whatever you want back there,” she told him. He complied by running his fingers gently through her hair and then moving it to the side, giving himself access to her now-exposed neck.
Riley tilted her head to the side with a little moan as Drake’s mouth on her skin sent chills cascading down her spine.
“Don’t forget about us,” Max reminded her.
“Oh, I haven’t!” She kissed Liam first, delighting in the way his mouth hungrily devoured hers while Drake’s lips continued to caress the back of her neck. She tangled her fingers in Max’s hair as he nipped at the sensitive spot just behind Liam’s ear.
When she came up for air, she uttered one word, “Max,” and his head immediately snapped up. Their lips collided over Liam’s shoulder. Their tongues danced against each other as Liam drew soft lines along the exposed flesh just below her collarbone with his.
She let herself get lost in the moment, the sensations the three of them provoked in her, the titillation of having them all touching her at the same time. She was undeniably wet again. Her entire body was on fire as six hands and three tongues sent promises of ecstasy sparking through her.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around her body, sweeping her off her feet. She cracked her eyes open to see who it was. Liam stared down at her with a smolder so intense it turned her insides to liquid. She couldn’t have spoken at that moment if her life depended on it.
Drake watched as Liam laid her on the bed, spread her legs apart, and lowered himself between them. Max climbed onto the bed next to him and added his tongue to the equation so that they were simultaneously both licking Riley and kissing each other, their tongues twirling together in a mesmerizing dance that they had clearly done before.
Fuck. Why was that so hot? Drake’s hand wrapped around himself and started moving slowly up and down as he watched, his eyes moving from what Liam and Max were doing to her breasts as her squirming caused them to jiggle, to her face which was contorted in bliss. His eyes were locked on her face when she exploded over the summit, her cries of pleasure filling the room as her body bucked violently upward. His hand started moving faster, pumping harder, but there was no way he was going to finish that way. Not with her right there.
Liam stood up with a satisfied grin as he wiped his arm across his mouth. Pulling her by both legs to the edge of the bed, he sank himself inside her and began to thrust. He watched her face as he pounded into her, moving closer to the edge himself. He spared a glance at Max, then at Drake, both of whom were watching him fuck Riley while pleasuring themselves.
Shit! He was going to bust too soon if he wasn’t careful.
He had already known what Max looked like in the throes of passion. He was fucking beautiful with his eyes glazed and his breath coming in short jagged little gasps. But he’d never seen Drake that way before. Drake, with his head thrown back, eyes half closed, a flush covering his features, his hand fisted tightly around his cock as the muscles in his arm rippled with movement, was just as beautiful.
He pulled out of her with great effort and took a step back. “Max,” he managed to pant out, “I want you to finish inside her.”
Max didn’t have to be told twice. He was rock hard, and his dick was coated with precum. Liam’s voice was low, rough, and demanding, sending electricity thrilling through him. He positioned himself in front of Riley but before he could move, Liam’s hands grasped him roughly by the hips, holding him in place as he ordered him to stand still. Max did as he was commanded, freezing in place as Liam probed and explored his body, his fingers playing at his hole as he spread the lube on, his hand wrapping around his cock and squeezing it, jerking it a few times before rubbing it around Riley’s entrance.
Liam’s voice was rough in his ear, “Okay, you can fuck her now. I’m going to fuck you at the same time. Do you understand?”
Max felt his knees go weak and he struggled to remain upright as he slid himself into Riley. He couldn’t speak, so he just nodded.
“Make her cum,” Liam ordered.
Max moved in and out of her as his fingers played at her center, coaxing another orgasm from her. The moment her body arched off the mattress, Liam entered him from behind, slamming into him.
Drake watched in fascination as the three of them moved as one, Liam’s thrusts pushing Max forward to thrust into Riley. The strangled moans of pleasure spilling out of her were almost too much for him, even from the sidelines. Then she turned her head and made direct eye contact with him, and he realized there was no reason for him to be a passive observer. He moved quickly to the bed and climbed up beside her, capturing her lips in a searing kiss before moving his mouth lower to claim a puckered nipple, teasing it between his teeth and flicking it with his tongue.
Max’s gaze darted from Riley’s face to Drake’s as he felt her tighten around him while Liam filled him, hitting the exact right spot with every demanding thrust. “Fuck!” He called out as all the built-up sexual tension coiled tightly inside his body exploded outward, and he collapsed forward as he erupted inside her.
Riley and Max crying out at the same time was it for Liam. Pushing himself deep inside of his lover, he exploded as well. Buried in Max while Max was buried in Riley was the closest he could come to being inside them both at the same time and it never failed to propel him to heights of euphoria unequaled by any other sex act he had ever experienced.
Drake had to move out of the way to avoid Max falling onto him as he collapsed onto Riley. Liam dropped his body onto Max, pinning him between his two lovers.
Max certainly didn’t mind. Riley underneath him and Liam on top of him was the perfect ending to the night as far as he was concerned.
Liam finally pulled out and stepped back. He leaned forward and lifted Max off Riley, laying him on the bed next to her and drawing him into his body, holding him as he ran his fingers through his hair and murmured in his ear about what a good boy he was.
Riley flipped over onto all fours and crawled toward Drake with a predatory glint in her eyes, “Your turn!”
“I…” His words were cut off in a hiss of pleasure as her lips closed around his cock. He sank both hands into her hair as a guttural groan was ripped from him. He didn’t even care that Max and Liam were right there, watching. He was so on edge from watching everything that had gone before, that he would have proceeded if God himself were in the room.
His grip on her hair tightened as he thrust himself into her mouth. She clamped down as she sucked the soul from his body. She lunged forward as she aggressively forced him to the precipice. They moved together in perfect synchrony as he teetered on the edge for what felt like both an eternity and no time at all before plunging over it. She scooted closer to his body as his cock spewed its payload down her throat.
“Shit…” he breathed out as he watched her lap every last drop from him. He disentangled his fingers from her hair and dropped back onto the bed, “That was fucking intense!”
“It was,” she agreed as she snuggled into his side.
His arm went around her, and he lifted his head to look over at Max and Liam. He’d almost forgotten they were there. Max was tucked under Liam’s arm, nuzzling into his side in much the way Riley was nestled in his own embrace. His eyes met Liam’s and he quickly looked away, letting his head fall back against the mattress. It was a little awkward, but not as awkward as he had imagined. And he had Riley wrapped up in his arms, a place she would stay for the rest of the night, even if Max or Liam moved over to cuddle her from the other side.
It was worth it. He was content. The sex had been amazing, but the intimacy of the immediate aftermath was the best part. He turned his head to smile at her, sweat still plastering his hair to his forehead. She smiled back. He was happy.
Max and Liam did move closer so that the four of them were all pressed together in the center of the double king bed that graced the master bedroom of the royal suite.
No one was ready to sleep yet. Quite giggles and soft whispers spilled through the growing darkness.
Drake’s fingers traced down Riley’s arms as he listened to the other three converse, content just to be there.
“Hey, Drake…”
“What is it Beaumont?”
“Now I know what your face looks like when you cum.”
“Shut up, Max,” he tried for a harsh tone, but couldn’t suppress a smile, “I know what you look like when you suck dick.”
“You lucky bastard,” Max laughed, “I am a master at it.”
“He is,” Liam confirmed.
“What do I look like when I cum?” Max teased, “I bet I look hot, right?”
“Like you don’t know,” Liam laughed, “You literally have a mirror over your bed in Ramsford.”
“As if I can see straight when you’re making me cum.”
“That’s true,” Riley giggled, “His eyes roll back in his head and his toes curl.”
“Okay, I’ve heard enough!” Drake sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, “I’m thinking of having some dessert sent up. Who’s in?”
“Oooh, I am!” Riley sat up as she purred seductively, “Get something we can lick off each other.”
Drake turned back to her in astonishment, “You haven’t had enough yet? How many times did you cum?”
“Four? Five?” She shrugged, “I lost count.”
“I’ve seen her cum as many as eight times in one go round,” Liam interjected, “Might as well make the most of our child-free night.”
“Oh! I know!” Max exclaimed, “Let’s have dessert sent out to the pool so we can go for a late-night swim!”
“That’s…actually not a bad idea,” Drake agreed only halfway surprised. Max did tend to come up with some good ideas and was usually the instigator of most of their more questionable enterprises.
Liam snapped his fingers, “We’ll use the private pool on the west lawn so we can skinny dip if we want to!”
Riley jumped out of bed in excitement, “I’m getting that new bikini you bought me in Paris!”
“You can thank me later,” Liam smirked at the other two men.
Drake called the kitchen while Liam called the head of the King’s guard to clear and secure the area around the pool.
Ten minutes later they were walking through the halls of the palace, talking, laughing, and touching each other. Riley looked from Liam to Max to Drake, each man’s face flushed with happiness. Sometimes it was hard to believe the series of circumstances that had landed her here, but there was no doubt in her mind that fate had been at play the night these three had walked into that dingy dive bar in New York City.
She pushed thoughts of her old life aside as they emerged through a side door and arrived poolside, the Cordonian night air filling her lungs. She was in love; she was safe and protected. She had a child that she adored. She had partners that she adored. She was a literal queen. What more could she possibly want?
She nudged her husband as she watched Max cannonball into the pool while Drake pulled his shirt off and ran after him.
“Yes, love?”
“Let’s make another baby.”
“What? Now?”
Riley laughed, “No, but maybe next year?”
Liam took her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing the back of it before wrapping his arms around her, “I will put a baby in you whenever you want my love.”
“I know.” She sighed in contentment as she laid her head on his shoulder, Drake and Max’s laughter in her ears, Liam’s warmth surrounding her, and the very stars in the sky seemingly within her reach.
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karahalloway · 1 year
Sleepless in New York: Chapter 10 - Darkfall
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Series: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Synopsis: What if Drake met Harper on the first night of Prince Christian’s New York bachelor party? A stand-alone AU written from Drake's POV.
Masterlist: Sleepless in New York
Chapter Summary: Drake tries to navigate a rough night...
Word Count: 5,300
Rating/Warnings: E (swearing, angst, obsessive-compulsive exercise, sexual fantasy, masturbation)
Chapter theme song:
A/N1: Sorry this took soooo long to get out! As per usual, real life has been exceptionally busy, so I haven't had as much time to write as I'd like to.
A/N2: This is also my slightly belated submission for World Whiskey Day, hosted by @drake-walker-appreciation, and the prompt that this fits with (more or less) is 'The whiskey burns my throat like her absence burns my soul.'
A/N3: I just realised that this kinda (maybe?) qualifies for the @springfeverpitch event that was on this week (Apologies! There are a lot of events on at the moment!) In any case, this would count as domestic x home run I guess 😅
Chapter 10 - Darkfall
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I kick the covers off with an irate growl.
After the shitshow of a day I've had, I should be running on fumes.
And I am.
Yet for some reason, I’m not able to nod off. Despite the fact that I've been on the go since 6am and have barely gotten any shut-eye the night before.
Because my body’s apparently a sucker for punishment and doesn’t seem to know when to quit. And even though I know I desperately need the recharge, I also know that staying in bed’s gonna achieve nothing 'cept hypertension.
So, swinging my legs out onto the carpet with a tight-set jaw, I reach for my phone.
I run a heavy hand through my hair.
The hell am I gonna do for the next six hours?
My eyes land almost unwittingly on the ragged shirt-tail peeking over the edge of the trash can.
I rip my gaze away with gritted teeth.
No. Absolutely fucking not.
It’a bad enough that I walked out on Gale without so much as a half-assed explanation. I ain’t gonna compound my dick-like behaviour by showing up at her door in the middle of the night, demanding to pick up where we left off.
Especially not after everything I've already subjected her to today — getting her fired, burning her in front of her friends, pulling her into a fight, dragging her on a forced route march 'cross town, and then literally ripping the shirt off her back. And, if that isn’t bad enough, I topped off her night by dumping the proverbial clutch on her when I should've been taking her for the ride of her life.
I swallow painfully. No. That ship had definitely sailed...
Which means it’s high time to take my own fuckin' advice and get her — and this entire mess of a day — out of my head.
No excuses.
And since the overpriced mini bar had let me down, I’m down to my only alternative — running myself into the ground.
Pushing myself up with a resigned exhale, I trudge over to my duffle. Reaching in, I extract the exercise shorts and t-shirt that always forms part of my go-bag, no matter where I went. Because you never know when you’re gonna need to blow off some steam. And going for a run’s a damn sight healthier than disappearing down the neck of a bottle. Even if the latter’s a helluva lot more convenient.
Throwing the clothes on, along with some socks and my well-worn trainers, I turn back to the bedside table to grab my phone and gun...
...and catch sight of the shirt again.
Jamming the phone and the Sig into my pockets — it always pays be prepared then be left holding your dick when shit inevitably hits the fan — I march over to the bin and yank the accursed thing out.
Scrunching it up, I turn on my heel, and stomp out of the room, snatching the keycard up on the way. Wrenching the door open, I let it bang shut behind me as I head down the corridor.
I cannot catch one goddamn break tonight...
Reaching the lifts, I briefly contemplate calling one. But given that I’m already wound tighter than a two-dollar watch, I know I won’t be able to stand the wait, no matter how brief.
So, I divert instead to the fire exit. Pulling the heavy door open, I throw myself into a jog and take the stairs upwards two at a time.
I guess I could've just as easily gone downstairs. But I don’t trust myself not to wind up at Gale's brownstone again if I hit the streets. Which means that the only place I can conceivably go is to the top-floor gym.
Which — all things considered — is probably the better bet anyway. Because going for a jog in the dead of night around the City That Never Sleeps is a risk not worth taking. And even though Central Park’s less than a block away, it’s not actually an option, given that (a) it’s shut overnight, and (b) it isn’t the best lit, and I don’t particularly feel like getting jumped by a knife wielding yahoo, or twisting an ankle on an uneven path.
Plus, I'd have to be a monumental idiot to even think about leaving Chris unattended again. Not that I expect to him go anywhere at this hour — except maybe all the way with Hayley. But I’m not about to make the same mistake twice in one day.
Christ knows I paid for it hard the first time 'round...
I feel my legs start to burn as I continue to climb relentlessly. But knowing that this is exactly what I need if I’m to have any hope of catching some zzz's tonight, I ignore the discomfort and push myself on.
Arriving on the 25th floor, I pause on the landing to catch my breath. But the short burst of exercise has merely thrown me a second wind. I still have a long way to go if I want to waste myself completely.
So, moving over to the stairwell door, I pull it open and step into the gym. Given the lateness of the hour, there's not a soul in sight, and it's just me and the view.
But there’s one thing I need to take care of first.
Locating the changing rooms, I head inside. And before I can think too much on it, or change my mind, I stride over to the dirty towel hamper and chuck the ruined shirt in...
...and dump a few towels on top of it for good measure.
Dead and buried.
Spinning quickly around, I exit the way I'd come, focusing my attention on the row of TechnoGym treadmills that face out onto the distantly twinkling lights of Harlem in the north, and not on how twisted my guts feel all of a sudden.
Picking a machine, I pull my phone and sidearm out of my pockets and place them onto the console so they won’t bang against my thighs as I ran, but still remained within reach in case I need them.
Taking a deep breath, I step resolutely onto the belt and hit go on a program at random.
The pace starts off sedately, barely faster than a speed walk. Reaching up to the console, I tap the speed up impatiently, not wanting to waste time on a warm-up I don’t need and most definitely don’t want.
I’n here to burn rubber.
The motor kicks into a higher gear, but it's not enough. Even though I’m now at a steady jog, my heart rate's barely above resting and I've yet to break a sweat. Not to mention the fact that my mind’s still fixating on the very thing I need to flush out of my system.
Gale, legs spread and head thrown back, moaning my name...
Raising my hand with a growl, I slap the panel again... and again... and again... until the belt is a blur beneath my feet and I'm pelting it like a demented bat outta hell.
The sudden speed forces my body into overdrive. My chest expands, my focus narrows, and my blood begins to pump in earnest, trying to supply my body with oxygen faster than it was being consumed.
I fall into a breakneck rhythm, limbs pumping to the rapid beat of my breath in a desperate effort to stay on the treadmill.
In... In... In... In... Out... Out... Out... Out...
The minutes and the miles tick past on the screen in front of me, but I barely register the stats. I'm too busy chasing oblivion...
...which remains stubbornly out of reach.
Because even as I push myself to the limit and my lungs start to burn and my muscles start to cramp, I can't escape her. She's still there, hazel-green eyes dancing on the edge of my awareness, the honey scent of her hair tickling my senses like smoke on the breeze.
And even as my vision begins to swim and the relentless pace pushes me to the verge of puking, I don't let myself ease up. Because that would be an admission of defeat and I’m not the type to quite that easy.
Not when there’s so much on the line.
Because beyond the fact that I let myself become consumed by a girl I barely know — an unhealthy and unsustainable hang-up that I need to nip in the bud, pronto — my continued preoccupation also ended up endangering Chris' life tonight.
And that’s inexcusable.
Not only is the guy the heir to a fuckin' throne, but he is my best — and arguably only — friend. And I let him down, both personally and professionally, by allowing myself to get distracted, just because a pretty set of legs had walked by.
And while I somehow managed to salvaged my colossal fuck-up, and we all walked away tonight without any casualties, I probably won’t m be able to pull a miracle like that out of my ass every time.
Nor should I expect to.
Especially not during the social season, when Chris is going to be constantly in the spotlight, shaking hands, being interviewed, always in an exposed setting. All it would take is one moment of distraction, one second of lost focus, for someone to pull a gun, to slip through the crowd, for our worlds to come crashing down.
And I’m not gonna let Chris — my brother — down like that.
I can’t.
So, doubling down, I dig deep and continue to pound the vestiges of my frustrations, my failings, and my regret relentlessly into the treadmill, the hard and fast staccato of my feet against the machine echoing around the otherwise empty space.
I have no clue how long I run for. Minutes? Hours? It makes no difference. Every wheeze feels like my last, every exertion a desperate attempt to break free of the purgatory of mistakes I trapped myself in.
And still I push on. Until I hit the proverbial wall and collapse against it, my vision blurry, my limbs shaking, my clothes drenched.
I stand there for what feels like eternity, feet straddling either side of the machine, the belt still whizzing at breakneck speed beneath me while I cling to the console like a life-line, trying to catch my breath.
And eventually my heart-rate slows, the buzzing in my ears clears, and I regain enough coherence to lift a hand and slap the treadmill off.
Pushing myself up to a standing position as the machine whirls to a stop, I wipe the sweat from my eyes and glance at the screen in front of me.
10 miles. 56 minutes.
I scoff wryly. Well, fuck me if that ain’t a new personal best... Who knew that self-pity could be such a potent motivator...?
Exiting the menus, I grab my stuff and move to step off the machine... only to very narrowly avoid face planting into the floor.
Oh, shit...!
Grabbing the console, I shake my head to try and clear the sudden nausea.
Christ, I feel awful...
My eyes land on the water fountain and I lurch towards it like a drunk out of a bar. Because that’s exactly how I feel like — sluggish, light-headed and stumbling around like a newborn calf. Which is no surprise considering I've just run the best part of half a marathon as if the Devil himself had been after me, having consuming nothing but two bottles of beer beforehand.
Apparently I do hate myself.
Managing to make it to the far wall without any incident — just — I lean over the dispenser to inhale the cool stream of water, nearly making myself choke in the process.
But I know I need to rehydrate myself, otherwise I’m gonna be in a world of pain in a few hours' time. So, after overcoming the initial shock to my system, I force myself to loosen up on the pace and start taking longer and slower gulps.
Having finally satisfied my body's cravings, I let go of the dispenser button to run the back of a trembling hand over my water-soaked mouth.
Sweet Jesus, I’m a mess...
I can’t remember the last time I pushed myself this hard on a workout.
But then I've never felt this way before... Like I’m an idiot, like I missed the pass, like I’m stuck in a maze with no way out.
And even though the hard run had managed to clear my mind, that latent feeling of... something is still there, writhing just beneath the surface, like an unscratchable itch under my skin.
And maybe it'll never go fully away. But I’m not about to give up without putting in a damn good fight.
Pushing myself up, I turn towards the pool. And even though I haven’t brought any swim trunks with me, my feet are already pulling me towards the siren call of the water.
Because if there’s one thing that’a guaranteed to set me right, it’s a full-body dunk.
Arriving at the side of the pool, I peel my sweat-soaked clothes off, leaving only my boxers on for the sake of modesty in case someone happens to walk in.
Taking a breath, I step out over the edge and plunge straight in.
The sting of salt hits my nose — not the same flavour as the Med, but then no pool’s ever gonna compete with that — as the water envelopes me and I let myself sink below the surface.
I hit the bottom and the echoey silence settles like a blanket around me, soothing my senses, taming my pulse.
I've always loved the water. Even before I could walk, I'd make a butt-shuffling beeline towards the end of the beach where the waves crashed onto the shore, unveiling a treasure trove of crabs, seashells and shiny rocks.
Of course, Mom'd been terrified that I'd get swept out to sea, or drown. So, to appease her fear, Dad had started taking me to swim lessons — first at the local therapy pool, but graduating quickly to the higher classes in the lap pool as I learnt to float, hold my breath, and leap off the diving board, all by the age of three.
From there my obsession only grew. I joined the school swim team, the water polo team, and even got certified as a lifeguard over the course of one summer. In short, I spent almost as much time in the water as out of it.
And then Chris introduced me to sailing.
At first I couldn't see the appeal of drifting around the Med on a sofa-sized boat when you could be swimming in it. But I've never been able to say 'no' to my best friend, so when he insisted I join him for a spin around the marina in his new Wayfarer one evening, I'd begrudgingly said yes. And had become instantly hooked. The speed, the technical precision, the feeling of flying over the water — it was all addictive.
Jack Sparrow'd had it right when he'd said that a ship is not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails. Because even though those things are integral to the make-up of any craft, what a ship — or yacht, or catamaran, or any other vessel — really is, is freedom.
And for a restless 14 year-old, there was nothing more attractive than ditching the world to hang out with your buddy in the middle of the ocean, free of worries or adult supervision, just enjoying the endless view while you fished and talked about nothing in particular.
Of course, being teenagers, we were bound to get ourselves into deep water — quite literally. Which is how we ended up deciding that it'd be a great idea to take out a much larger sloop one evening... only to end up paying for that mistake when a storm decided to roll in out of the blue, catching us off guard and capsizing our craft.
And while that particular misadventure had ended up turning Chris off sailing once and for all, it had made me even more determined to get back out onto the water and obtain my ICC license. Which I did, the following summer.
And even though I no longer have Chris to share my maritime adventures with, my love of sailing — and of being out on the water — never diminished.
Because the sea is — and always has been — my personal haven.
Feeling my lungs start to itch from the lack of oxygen, I reluctantly open my eyes and kick back up to the surface.
But I don't feel like returning to dry land just yet.
So, drawing a quick breath, I stretch myself out and dip into an easy freestyle. Half-a-dozen strokes and I reach the edge of the pool. Diving down, I flip myself around to kick off the wall, resurfacing into a backstroke.
I repeat the pattern for about ten laps, enjoying the rare sense of peace that comes with gliding weightlessly through the water, strokes moving effortlessly in time with my breath.
Eventually, though, I’m forced to call it quits as my body finally runs out of steam and my rhythm starts to falter.
Grabbing onto the edge of the pool, I pause to catch my breath, arms and shoulders tingling from the exertion...
...and I suddenly realise that I'm starving.
Which, all things considered, is hardly surprising. The last time I had anything to eat was at that Midtown stake-house at dinner-time, which was over eight hours ago. And since then I've probably burnt through 800 calories' worth of pure stress, not to mention all the physical exertion I've put myself through. So, my blood sugar levels are shot.
Pulling myself out of the water, I pad over to the other side of the pool to collect my gear.
I briefly contemplate having a shower, but quickly ditch the idea on the basis that (a) I hadn't brought a change of clothes with me, and (b) I can’t trust myself not to go rooting for the ruined shirt that I ditched in the changing rooms earlier.
So, brushing off the worst of the water, I head straight for the lifts.
I’m not expecting to cross paths with anyone at whatever time in the morning it is. And if I do... well, they can suck it up. It's not like I’m walkin' around buck-ass naked.
Arriving back on our booked-out floor, I make my way to my room. Fishing the keycard out of the pocket of my shorts, I let myself in and flick the door closed behind me.
Dropping my exercise kit by my duffle, I locate the 24-hour room service menu and do a quick scan of the options.
A couple of items jump out at me, but knowing that I'll probably have breakfast with the guys in a few hours' time, I don’t want to have anything too heavy.
But then my eyes land on the cheeseburger, and before I can think twice about it, I've reached for the hotel phone and I'm putting the order through.
And even though I tell myself that it's because I never got to finish the one back at the dive bar two nights ago, I know that I'm lying to myself...
...so, I add a bottle of whiskey to the order for good measure.
Because I don’t want to blow up all my hard work by falling back into the same emotional sink hole that I only very narrowly managed to drag myself out of just now. So, I need something to distract myself.
Hanging up, I quickly sort my sweaty clothes out and stow them in the duffle before making my way into the bathroom to have another shower.
Once done, I throw on my jeans and a t-shirt (not bothering with socks or underwear) and flick the wall-mounted TV on to find something to pass the time with while I wait for the food to show up.
Not seeing any movies or series that particularly interest me, I eventually settle on a rerun of an old Pats game...
...but I find my mind wandering.
And it doesn't take long for my treacherous sub-conscious to dig up the very images that have been stalking me all night.
Gale, up in my face out on the club balcony, testing my limits and my sanity with that sassy smile of hers...
Gale, head thrown back and ass pressed up against me as we move to the techno-beat on the crowded dance-floor...
Gale, legs wrapped around me as her nails rake over my skin, fighting to get my shirt off as my tongue invades her mouth...
I groan despite myself, shifting uncontrollably on top of the covers...
...and realise that I've already lost the battle.
My eyes land ruefully on the tell-tale tent pole straining the front of my pants.
I huff out a tight exhale.
If there'd been one thing I wanted to avoid tonight, it’s this...
Because I know that as soon as I dip a toe in that particular Rubicon, I’m screwed. And not in a good way.
Because when you've been continuously pushed to the edge, only to be yanked back each and every time from the precipice of release, a plain ol' wank just isn’t gonna do it.
Sure, jacking one out relieved the immediacy of the pent up need. But it’s never gonna hold a candle to the real thing. In part because it’s over in minutes and in part because cumming into your own hand feels about as satisfying as throwing yourself a one-man pity party.
Because sex is a team sport. And trying to run a solo play — when you know what the real thing feels like — is always gonna fall short of expectations. Because when you’re on your own, there’s no one to share the thrill with. To kiss, to tease, to fuck to the limit before letting go so you can finally implode into each other.
Which is why I'd tried my damnedest to exhaust myself so I wouldn't find myself in this situation. At least not until we were back in Cordonia, and I could avail myself of some options...
...'cept now I don’t have a choice.
Not unless I want to greet the bell hop with a raging hard-on...
Because unfortunately for me, my dick has apparently decided that it'd had enough of being baited, and is now gonna bend me over the barrel to get what it wants.
Regardless of the fact that it’s gonna be a massive let-down for both of us.
So, even as I try to shift my focus back to the Pats game — and sideline my ever-growing erection — all I manage to achieve is an even more persistent itch in my pants.
Because despite my resistance, we both know that thanks to the missed opportunity with Gale, chances are good that I’m not gonna find anything resembling decent satisfaction until after the Masquerade Ball.
As even though we'll be arriving back to a Palace teeming with all manner of women — from maids to staff to nobles — that doesn’t mean I’m gonna be casting a net. In fact, just the opposite. I’m not the type to shit where I eat (it causes too much unnecessary mess) and I learnt my lesson about fucking aristos the hard way.
Which means that unless I’m planning to shell out for a call girl — hell'd have to freeze over first — a self-administered hand-job is gonna have to tide me over until there’s a big enough gap in my schedule that I can get away from the Palace for a couple of hours and find some stress relief.
I heave a low breath. Fuck my fuckin' life...
But knowing that I've backed myself into a corner, I reach resignedly for my belt. Unhooking the buckle, I fling it to the side to expose the top button of my jeans. Snapping the fastening open with one hand, I yank the zip down with the other.
The denim falls away and my dick springs free of its confines, its rigid length snapping to attention like an overeager hound that has just caught a scent.
And even though this particular outing isn’t gonna end in the long, hard run we both know we need, that doesn't stop the damn thing from drooling like a mutt in anticipation.
Setting my jaw, I shove my jeans down over my hips, half-heartedly wishing I had some lube or something to try and improve this runaway train-wreck as I reach south...
...and groan out loud as my hand wraps around the warm shaft.
I’m apparently more deprived than I realised. Though, I guess that shouldn't come as a massive surprise. Especially after the near constant edging that Gale subjected me to tonight, combined with the fact that it's been a good two weeks since the last time I managed to eke out time for a fuck. And that had been mediocre at best.
As if to emphasise the point, my dick bucks against palm, and it's clear that I have a lot of mitigating to do.
Sliding my fist firmly down, then back up again, I set about stoking up a rhythm. And even though it's nothing different to what I've done hundreds of times before, something about the familiar friction sparks an instant fire in my veins.
Maybe it's 'cause I’m exhausted... Maybe it's 'cause my mind’s a mess... Maybe it's 'cause I've gone cold turkey for too long...
But whatever it is, it’s sending me into a tailspin.
I feel my head tip back against the headboard with a low moan as I'm pulled rapidly under by the throes of my self-gratification.
And as my eyes shudder closed in the face of the rising tension, I give myself up to the darkest depths of my desire...
...and in a blink of an eye, I’m back in that cramped apartment, gazing up at Gale from between her legs, the imminence of her climax written on her face, the slickness of her arousal coating my mouth and tongue.
I groan into her as she grips my hair, urging me on with her increasingly desperate pleas, her body quivering above me as she careers towards the edge...
...and I’m suddenly possessed by an all-consuming urge to have her.
Shooting to my feet, with her legs still wrapped around my shoulders, I send her sprawling back over the top of the kitchen counter.
Because I know that we don’t have much time, and if I’m gonna make this happen, we need to do it hard and fast.
And I’m not gonna let myself disappoint her again.
Grabbing her by the waist, I yank her towards me. Her hazel-green eyes widen in shock as her ass dips over the edge of the counter. But my grip on her is unshakeable and she's not going anywhere.
Not yet anyway.
Not until I've fucked her six ways 'til Sunday, and even then I probably won’t let her leave.
Because this girl sets me on fire like nobody else, and I need her to burn with me.
Bending down to give her decadent folds one more self-indulgent lick, I steady her with one hand while I rip my belt and jeans open with the other, not able to take my eyes off her as she writhed before me.
The sound of my name slipping off her lips like a fervent prayer unleashes something feral inside of me. Something I didn't even know existed in the dark recesses of my soul. Something that instantly swallows whatever vestiges of rational thought I have left, leaving only one, single-minded purpose:
To make her mine.
And in some corner of my brain I know I should be terrified. Of this rabid hunger that she's unwittingly awakened within me. Of the fact that I can’t control it... and don’t want to.
But I'm already past the point of no return. And I can’t give a rat's ass.
Because the only thing I care about is fulfilling that unspoken obsecration of hers until she’s ruined for all other men.
Shoving my jeans and boxers down with a growl, I grab her hips and ram myself into her in one, brutal motion.
Her wet heat engulfs me, taking me fully, causing my eyes to roll back into my head as I revel in the sheer euphoria of her, her deep-throated cry of agreement rising up around me.
Christ, she feels amazing!
And if the mere act of being inside her doesn’t already feel like pure rapture, she then decides to up the ante even further.
"Fuck me, Drake," she demands, arching her lower back forward.
A guttural sound rattles my throat as she rolls her hips against me, cranking up the torsion as she pulls me in even deeper.
And I could've lost it then and there.
But somehow — whether through sheer force of will, or by the grace of God — I manage to tamp down the rapidly rising swell in order to heed her command.
Because this isn’t about me. This is about her. And I’m gonna make damn sure that she gets what she wants before I let myself cum inside her.
Even if it kills me.
Opening my eyes, I meet her hazel-green gaze with an affirmative smirk. "Yes, ma'am."
She wraps her legs around me expectantly...
...and I slam us together roughly, loudly, unapologetically.
She gasps beneath me, hands flying to the edge of the counter to grip it like an anchor in a storm, her entire body reverberating with the impact of our collisions.
But I don't stop. I can't. I pound into her like a man possessed... because I am. All semblance of logic, of reason, of God-given sense has evaporated and I devolve into the basest version of myself, one that is driven purely by lust and instinct.
And even though I know I won't be able to hold out, that I'll cave in the face of her rhapsodic screams and the almost painful pressure she’s putting on my dick, I'm powerless to pull the e-brake. If anything, it makes me rev the throttle even harder.
Because she just feels too damn good, and I've been at her mercy from the start.
Lifting my head, I lock eyes with her. And in those lust-blown, hazel-green depths, I see more than just need... more than just passion.
I see complete faith.
And it undoes me.
I explode into her with a ragged, animalistic cry, my body jerking with the force of my deliverance.
"Holy... fuck!"
The long-coveted wave of release crashes over me, wiping away my thoughts and my vision, and I'd be convinced that I passed out were it not for the high-pitched ringing in my ears and the thundering of my heart.
A few more pumps, a shuddered breath as the last swell rises, and I’m left drained, floating.
I stay there, motionless, revelling in that all-too brief moment of calm before the chaos of the world spins back up around me.
Sweet Jesus, that w—
Her warm lips brush against my sweat-streaked forehead, her honey-camomile scent drifting over me like a drunken haze...
I move to lean into her. "Harp—"
...but she's already gone.
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The story continues in Chapter 11 - Cold Light of Day
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @choicesficwriterscreations
Sleepless in New York only
Picture Credits
Insomnia - Dawn - New York - Run - Swim - Drake - Pool
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jooeeydee · 8 months
Does anyone else sometimes get sad and insecure about mulitple chapter stories they write and post on ff.net oder AO3 and receive 50, 100, 200, + kudos but only one maybe two to five people from those comment regularly and with that let you know if someone is even still reading and enjoying your story.
I do primarily write for myself and I would still write if no one gave me any feedback but it would just be nice sometimes if people shared how they felt about the chapters I post.
Did they like it? Did they hate it? Did I catch them by surprise? What did or didn't they like?
This way it just leaves me in limbo and I have no clue if people even still read it or if I'm writing it for myself and could just as well not go trough the trouble of posting it.
I don't know I'm usually fine with it but every once in a while I get sad that after hours upon hours of writing, researching, editing,... people can't even take the time to write a short comment, just to let me know people are still reading it. Is it too much to ask for after you spent the time it took for you to read it to stay another minute or two to give me a sign? There really isn't any other way for me to know.
I guess I'm just in a weird mood and it's a weird day.
It would just be nice to know if anyone even still cares about the story.
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
Reflecting on how our love of [insert fav piece of media source] is crafted— in every sense of the word—by the talented people we find in fandom.
Content creators (fic writers, gif makers, artists, meta writers, and so many others) are a fandom's heartbeat.
Thank you for all you do (or have done) to keep a fandom alive, even and especially when the source content has disappointed. Words cannot express how much you are valued and appreciated. 💕🙏🏽💐
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
I never thought about it in all my years as a reader on ao3, leaving my kudos as I went. But after posting my first fic , and every subsequent one, the feeling of joy I get every single time I get an email from ao3 that tells me someone left a kudos on my work? Yeah that just adds a ray of sunshine to my life.
It's made me that much more aware of what I hope all the other writers feel as well when we read their works. I left that kudos because you wrote that stunning, phenomenal piece and you deserve to be made aware of it, even if it's 18 years old and you don't even think about it anymore. Thank you for your service to the community ❤️
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harleybeaumont · 2 years
Maxwell's Jolly Holiday - Pt. 1
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Book - The Royal Romance AU
Pairings -(kind of) Liam x Maxwell
Synopsis- This story gives a glimpse into Maxwell’s high school days at an all boys school where he joins the drama club and performs in his first play. This is set as a prequel to my fic, Unintentional, but can definitely be read as a standalone fic too! This 'one shot' has taken on a life of its own and will probably end up being 3 parts.
Warnings- swearing, some crude language, a few homophobic comments from bullies
Word count- 2,810
A/N- This is a late submission for @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation week - Day 3 - The Early Years.
Read the next parts here.
Part 1 - Anything Can Happen If You Let It
“This place sucks,” Maxwell said despondently as he flopped down onto his twin sized bed at the Cordonian Boys Finishing School. He held the phone closer to his ear as he prepared to explain to his friend, Prince Liam. “There’s nothing to do here. There’s nothing good to eat. I don’t even have any friends.. I miss you guys.”
Liam, as helpful as ever, attempted to cheer up his good friend. “It can’t be that bad. Rashad’s going there too, right? You guys always get along when you come to the palace to visit. ”
Max rolled his eyes, “Ya but he’s a junior like you. He can't associate with a lowly sophomore.”
“Did he say that?”
Max closed his eyes. “He didn’t have to. I sat down at the lunch table with him and his friends and they totally ignored me. Any time I tried to talk they just spoke over me. This went on for a week before I just gave up and sat alone.”
“Wow,” Liam sighed. “I’m sorry.”
Liam was worried about his friend. It wasn’t like Maxwell to be anything other than optimistic and cheerful, so this really must have crushed his spirits. It didn’t help that Bertrand had dumped Max at an all boys high school at the start of his sophomore year because he ‘couldn’t deal with him’ anymore. “Maybe you just haven’t found your ‘group’. You know.. the people who have similar interests as you. Are there any clubs you can join?”
“When Bert dropped me off, he signed me up for fencing, polo, and etiquette club.”
“Etiquette club? That’s a real thing?!”
Maxwell shuddered, “I don’t wanna talk about it.” Three days a week discussing proper silverware placement was enough for him.
“Yikes.. Well, there has to be something there that interests you.”
“Well..” Max sat up and grabbed his backpack off of the floor, yanking open the zipper and uncrumpling the neon pink flier he had grabbed from the courtyard. “There’s one thing, but I don’t know..”
“What is it?”
“Don’t laugh, ok?”
Liam smiled on the other end of the phone. “Max, you know I’d never laugh at you.”
“Well, the drama club is putting on a play and.. I was thinking of auditioning. It’s for Mary Poppins.” Max waited to see if Liam was going to tease him, but instead only heard excitement on the other line.
“Max! That would be perfect for you! You love that movie!”
“I know, but I’ve never acted before.”
“Man, you love to sing, you love to dance.. And you freaking love Mary Poppins! Remember that little bird head umbrella you used to pretend you could fly with? You’d put on your moms red coat and floral hat and hold that umbrella and-” Liam was cut off by his own laughter at the memory.
“Ya, ya.. I broke my arm that way too, trying to dance to ‘Step In Time’ on my roof.” Liam's laughter was contagious and Max couldn’t help but join in. “Fine, now it's funny. Now that my arm’s healed and I can properly do jazz hands again.”
“Sorry! I know I said I wouldn't laugh at you.. The memory is just too funny!”
“Ya,” Max chuckled. “I get it.”
“But seriously, you have to audition!”
Max shrugged as his eyes skimmed over the paper again. ‘Saturday at noon - open auditions.’ “What if Bertrand gets mad?”
Liam looked around to make sure he was alone before he replied. “Listen, fuck Bertrand. He doesn’t have control over everything you do.”
Max scoffed, “try telling him that.”
Liam smirked, “then tell him that you auditioning for the play is a direct order from the Prince.”
Max and Liam snickered and Max felt lighter than he had in weeks. “You know what? I’ll do it! I’m gonna audition.”
“Good,” Liam smiled. “Then when you get a role, me and Drake will be in the front row cheering you on.”
“Ahh! Don’t jinx it!”
Liam laughed, “Ok, sorry.. Well, I guess I'll talk to you in a few days."
Max paused for a moment, ignoring the pain in his chest at saying goodbye to Liam. The Prince’s busy schedule only allowed them one or two phone calls a week, and both of them looked forward to it more than anything. Sure they texted, but it wasn’t the same. Max sighed, “ya.”
“Hey, don’t forget to text me after the audition!”
Maxwell smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll let you know the minute after.”
Maxwell pushed open the wooden double doors of the theater and to his surprise found the room packed with students. His eyes widened and he cautiously made his way down an aisle toward the front of the room. A few guys he recognized from his algebra class waved him over. 
“Hey Beaumont!” A tall, blonde boy named Caleb, clapped him on the back. “I didn’t know you were auditioning.”
“Ah, it was kind of a last minute decision.” Max smiled, “I didn’t know you guys were into theater!”
Caleb chuckled, “were not. Hell, I don’t think eighty percent of the guys here give a shit about this play.”
Max wrinkled his nose as he looked around the crowded room, “Then why are they here?”
“Her.” Caleb nodded to the stage where a busty brunette stood speaking with the theater teacher. “Amanda Haynes.”
“What’s so special about her?” Max asked with genuine curiosity.
Jason, a boy next to Caleb, scoffed, “dude, this is the only pussy we’ll get to see here all year.. Unless you count old Mrs. Endermeyer the librarian. And this chick is fine as hell!”
Caleb watched the girl with a grin, “She’s from Welton’s all girls school, and playing Mary Poppins. And there’s rumors that they’ve turned this into a romance and whoever plays Bert gets to kiss her.”
Max felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. He was nervous enough having to go against just a handful of theater kids, but half the school was there auditioning. There was no way he was going to get a part. “Maybe I’ll just wait until the next play to audition.”
“Are you crazy? And miss a chance to get some of that?!” Caleb said, elbowing Max. 
Another boy walked up and put an arm around Max, pinching his cheek, “You guys didn’t know? Beaumont only likes dick.”
Max wiggled out from the boy's arm and rolled his eyes as the group of guys surrounding him laughed loudly. Caleb took in Maxwell’s hurt expression and stopped laughing. “Oh shit. Sorry, I thought he was joking.”
Jason snickered, “Bet this is a huge disappointment for Max then. Too bad they aren’t casting Mary Poppins as a dude, right Beaumont?”
Another boy laughed, “Naw I bet Max wishes he got to audition for Mary Poppins!”
A few more guys around them laughed and Max pushed past them, making his way toward the other side of the crowd. He was used to a few of the guys in school teasing him, but most didn’t. There were other boys in his school who were gay. In fact, at the beginning of the year, Max had his first real boyfriend. Though only short lived, the relationship was exciting and he learned a lot.
"Ahem!" The theater teacher cleared his throat loudly from the stage. Mr. Eldore was a gray haired, lanky man with thick glasses who Max had seen rollerskating around school before. He was a little strange, but that made Max like him more. He put a megaphone to his mouth and called out, “Take your seats please! Auditions will begin shortly.”
As the room quieted down, Mr Eldore cleared his throat again. “Now.. Let me start this audition by clearing up a few things. First of all, I’ve heard talk that this is being turned into a romance. That is completely untrue. I’m not sure who started that rumor, but if that’s why you’ve come to audition then you can go ahead and leave now. There are no kissing scenes in this play.”
The room erupted in groans and grumbles and half of the boys stood and filed out of the building.
Mr. Eldore grinned, gesturing to the girl selected to play Mary Poppins. “Now then, Ms. Haynes here has asked me to inform all of you that she is currently in a relationship and not interested in pursuing another one.. Despite the many offers she has received this afternoon.”
Half of the remaining boys left the room as well.
Mr. Eldore clapped his hands together, “Alright let’s get this audition started! I’m the theater teacher, Mr. Eldore, but I’m also the director of this play. You can call me ‘Mr. Eldore’ or ‘Mr. Director’, or if you’re feeling generous, ‘Sir Eldore, Lord of the Theater’.”
A few students in the front row chuckled appreciatively and then the auditions were underway.
Max took a deep breath to calm his nerves as he watched several of the more experienced kids recite their lines. They were incredible. He discreetly took out his phone and typed out a text to Liam, “I can’t do this! I’m gonna leave!”
Liam replied almost instantly, “No you aren’t!”
“They're all SO good!”
“So are you! Hey, when you’re on stage, just pretend I’m there with you. It’s just us playing like we used to. And remember, you are Maxwell fucking Beaumont and you are amazing.”
Max felt butterflies floating in his stomach.. However, these were different from the ones he had earlier. These particular butterflies only came out around Liam. He grinned and quickly replied, “thanks.”
The theater teacher called out, “Next we have.. Maxwell Beaumont.”
Max quickly stood and made his way to the stage with a renewed sense of self-worth. I can do this. Just pretend Liam is here. We’re all just having fun.
Mr. Eldore skimmed over the paper he held in his hand, “It says here that you have singing and dancing experience. What type of dancing?”
“Yes sir. Um, I’ve taken tap, jazz, and .. recently I’ve gotten into breakdancing.” Bertrand would kill him if he found out he had told anyone about his breakdancing.
“Hmm,” the teacher looked impressed as he continued to read. “Well I can’t wait to see how you incorporate that into the role you’re auditioning for.. What role are you auditioning for? You didn’t fill that in.”
Max shifted nervously on stage, “Well honestly I’ll take anything. I’ve never acted before so I don’t even know if I’ll be any good at it.” Feeling like he wasn’t doing a very good job of selling himself, Max spoke up again, “but I’m a fast learner and what I lack in skill, I make up for in enthusiasm!”
Mr. Eldore and a few other students chuckled. “Well that’s good to know. You can read for Bert. Page 39.”
“Bert?! The lead role?”
“It’s only because he has the most lines. It’ll give me a sense of your abilities.”
“Oh. Ok.” Max shook out his shoulders and held up the script. He practically knew the whole play and movie by heart and grinned as he skimmed over the lines. He took a deep breath and faced the girl playing Mary Poppins.
“Stay right there! I’d know that silhouette anywhere: Mary Poppins!”
Amanda placed her hand over her heart, grinning bashfully, “It’s nice to see you, Bert.”
“Well I must say, you do look swell.”
They rehearsed a few more lines and Max even sang the first half of the song "Jolly Holiday". Things seemed to be going well, but Mr. Eldore’s poker face gave absolutely nothing away as he randomly scribbled notes onto the paper he was holding. “Thank you, Mr. Beaumont. You can take your seat.”
Max returned to his chair, his body thrumming with energy and nerves. His audition had ended so abruptly. Was that a good or a bad thing? He watched the next few students read for Bert and they were flawless. He hoped he would at least get a role as one of the extra chimney sweeps, then he could really learn the choreography for the song "Step in Time". Liam would get a kick out of that. Liam! Max suddenly remembered he was supposed to text him and snuck his phone out of his pocket, quickly sending off a text. “I’m done!”
“I don’t know! It felt like it went ok!”
“I just pretended you were with me and it was so much easier!”
“I wish I was with you.”
The butterflies came back in full force and Max let out a giggle, but quickly stifled it with a hand over his mouth. Thankfully no one seemed to have noticed. “Me too.”
The typing indicator dots that showed Liam was responding, came and went a dozen times and Max held the phone, waiting to see what Liam was going to say. Finally the text came across. “Everything seems better when we’re together.”
Maxwell felt all the breath leave his body and grinned like a fool while he read the sentence over and over. Was Liam actually flirting with him? No.. no way. Liam was the prince and had never shown any real interest in him. They had kissed once when they were younger just to see what it was like, but nothing ever came of it. He typed back, “It is. 100%.”
To his surprise, Max was called back on stage with a few other guys to read a different portion of the play. He was feeling good, and even threw in some dance moves. When he was done, the theater kids actually clapped for him. They didn’t even tease him or laugh! They were surprisingly.. Nice. A boy named Eddie even asked him to sit with them once he rejoined the audience. 
An hour later, Mr. Eldore took the stage and called for everyone’s attention. “That concludes our auditions for today. I’ll have the casting sheet up Monday morning and not a minute sooner. And don’t you even think about knocking on my door tomorrow. Not only is it Sunday, but I will be busy judging the annual Duck Herding championship with my partner.”
Max hopped up and rushed off to his dorm room. He was giddy with excitement and needed to release some energy. That could only mean one thing- following along with break dancing videos on YouTube. 
Max spent the next day trying to distract himself from the impending posting of the cast list that was to occur the following morning. He made it through his weekly phone call with Bertrand and even got to chat with Liam for a while that night. Monday morning he awoke early and rushed to the hallway outside the theater where Mr. Eldore was posting the list. He turned to Max and nodded before stepping aside and letting the crowd of theater kids rush forward.
He heard a few groans and some cheers from some of the guys as he made his way over to the list. Eddie clapped him on the back with a smile, “congrats man!”
“What?” Max blinked at him in surprise. “You mean I got a part?!”
“Not just a part.. the part!” Eddie grinned.
Maxwell skimmed the list starting at the bottom, and when he didn’t find his name, continued making his way up to the top. He reached the very top line and saw his name next to the male lead role, Bert. “No!!” He turned to Eddie, completely dumbfounded. “This has to be a mistake!”
Eddie shook his head, “No way! You were great, man! We were all talking about it after the audition!”
“You were all talking about.. me?! And not in a bad way?!”
“Why would we be talking about you in a bad way?”
Maxwell didn’t have an answer. He wasn’t used to people complimenting him (other than Liam) so this was a completely foreign feeling. His heart was beating out of his chest from excitement and he didn’t know what to do with himself. “I have to go call my friend and let him know!”
Eddie grinned, “go for it! And now that you’re in the play you should totally join the drama club! It’ll help you get to know everyone better and we have ‘bad movie night’ every Friday. It’s a blast!”
Maxwell was so overwhelmed he threw his arms around Eddie, “Oh my gosh! Thank you! I will definitely join!”
Eddie patted his back with a chuckle, “Ok then. I’ll see you Wednesday for rehearsal? I’m playing Mr. Banks.”
“Oh, congrats!” Max high fived Eddie awkwardly, before heading outside to phone Liam. He called out over his shoulder,  “see you then, Eddie!”
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alj4890 · 3 months
(Tobias Carrick x F!MC) in a Choices Open Heart One Shot
Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week
Day 6: Family
A/N For this one, Tobias and Chris are about to have the first member of their family.
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One week past the due date...
"I don't know how much more of this I can take." Tobias told his brothers.
Phillip and Hugh nodded in commiseration. They had both been through this more than once. Nothing was harder than waiting on your wife to go into labor.
"I still have nightmares about Veronica's pregnancies" Hugh winced. "I'd go through it again to get our kids, but I don't know if my heart could take a fourth pregnancy."
Phillip grimaced at the notion. "I don't have nightmares, but I thank God Jasmine says our two are all she wants. I can't stand the thought of losing her."
Tobias's eyes widened. "Why would you bring up that possibility?!"
"Sorry!" Phillip tried to reassure him. "I know everything will go smoothly."
"But what if it doesn't?" He asked, looking back and forth at his brothers. "What if the toxin she inhaled years ago has some dormant effect that is triggered by labor?"
Hugh gripped Tobias's shoulder. "I'm no doctor but that sounds a little farfetched."
Tobias knew it did. He knew deep down that none of the toxin was left in Chris's body. It'd been four years for goodness sake.
But...what if...
"I have to call Ethan." He decided. "I'll see what he thinks."
On the other side of the room, Chris was talking with her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.
"I don't know how much more of his hovering I can take." Chris whispered to them. "Tobias is driving me crazy with asking every few minutes if I feel a contraction."
She huffed, trying to find a comfortable way for her and her belly to sit.
"Chris!" Tobias rose halfway out of his chair when he heard her deep breath. "Are you--"
"I'm just uncomfortable!" She snapped. "I promise I'll tell you if something happens."
Celeste, Veronica, and Jasmine all chimed in with their understanding.
"Tobias is acting just like his father did." Celeste told them. "Marcus nearly had a heart attack each time I moved during the last trimester with all three of our sons. I thought I'd be a widow before I became a mother."
Her daughters-in-law laughed at the image she put in their minds.
Chris sighed, as she moved once again. The pain in her back would not ease up.
"Tobias is the ultimate caregiver." She told them. "So I feel awful getting irritated with him for being so wonderful to me."
"It's the hormones." Veronica explained. "Hugh suffered a lot when I was pregnant with the girls, mostly because I told him to leave me alone half the time. With our son, either the hormones were less intense or I'd finally gotten used to being pregnant. It also may have been that Hugh had more than just me to take care of by then."
Jasmine nodded. "Phillip still worried but he had Tabitha to distract him when I was pregnant with Tobey."
She gently patted Chris's hand. "It'll be over before you know it, though it feels never-ending while you're pregnant."
"I thought it was going so fast at first." Chris winced over the pain increasing in her back. "Now it is dragging on at a snail's pace."
She looked down at her belly, wishing that the baby was ready to be born.
"When do your parents arrive?" Celeste asked.
"The day after tomorrow." Chris stood up to try and stretch.
The moment she did so, her water broke.
"Oh my--TOBIAS!" She cried out.
Tobias blanched at the shrill sound of her voice. Seeing her grip her belly and a stained skirt, he dropped his phone in the midst of Ethan reassuring him.
An hour later, Chris was settled in a hospital bed, breathing through the pain.
Tobias watched her, for once at a complete loss over what to do.
"Why are you staring at me?" She asked once the contraction eased up.
"Why?" He ran his hands over his face. "Because it's you."
Her brow furrowed in confusion.
"It's you, Chris. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one I married so I could do that very thing." He pointed out. "And here you are in pain, because of something I more than willingly participated in creating and I can't help but worry that I might..."
He sank back down on the chair and dropped his head in his hands.
Chris silently began to cry.
Why does he have to say all those sweet things to me at a time like this?!
Tobias looked up when he heard her muffled sobs. Cursing, he moved over to the bed and took her in his arms.
She cried against his shoulder, telling him how much she loved him.
He shushed her cries, reassuring her he loved her just as much.
Then he prayed this baby would hurry and get out of his wife so that life could somewhat return to normal.
Ethan poked his head inside to check on them. He stilled when he saw the state they were in.
"You two need a moment or--"
"Stay." Chris pleaded, wiping her eyes. "Sorry about that."
"No need to apologize." Ethan reassured her. "It's typical behavior."
Tobias snorted. "I thought typical involved more cursing one's spouse to purgatory for putting them in this situation."
Ethan smirked. "Chris's contractions haven't reached that level yet."
"Ha ha." She folded her arms in a huff. "I can be calm and rational during labor. I know all that is happening and will happen with my body. There's no reason for me to panic and--'
A stronger contraction struck.
"OH!" She gripped her belly, rising up off the pillows.
"Breathe." Tobias encouraged. "In and--'"
"What in the bloody hell do you think I'm doing?" She snapped.
"Ah, I see I came in just in time for the rational segment of labor." Ethan drily remarked.
Chris glared at him.
"Smartass." She grumbled.
Ethan winked at her. "I'll go see what's holding up your obgyn."
"Yeah, you go do that." She ordered.
Ethan sent a pitying look towards Tobias on his way out.
"Asshole." Chris muttered. "So smug. I hope Sophie has ten children with him. Not that I want her to suffer, but he should suffer."
Tobias chuckled, gently rubbing Chris's back.
"That feels nice." She leaned into his touch.
"Good." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Whatever I can do to help, let me know."
"I will." She nestled her head on his shoulder. "I'm so glad you're here with me."
Ten hours later, Chris hated the sight of everyone and anyone that came near her.
Though she'd been given an epidural, she wished everyone would leave her alone.
The sound of those she used to love's voices made her skin crawl. Her nerves were notched past the point of anything calming her down.
Tobias, his family, Ethan, Sophie, Sienna, everyone she cared about was driving her insane.
It was too much. All of it. The labor, these people, the beeping of the heart monitors, she just wanted it all to end.
Her doctor approached and checked her once more.
Looking up with a smile, she told Chris it was time.
Chris felt a sense of panic strike the moment everyone began to file out of the room. Sitting up a bit more, she reached out for Tobias's hand.
He gripped it when he noticed how afraid she was.
"Hey?" He gently tipped her face up towards his.
Her green eyes stared into his hazel.
"We're about to become a family of three."
Tears filled her eyes but she smiled at him.
"You ready to meet our future troublemaker?" He asked.
She nodded, lacing her fingers with his.
He placed a quick kiss to her forehead and moved into position to help her sit up.
Two hours later...
After all the months of anticipation and all the hours of labor, the couple sat in awe of the little bundle that has been handed to them.
"He looks like you." Chris rested her head against her husband.
"You think?" Tobias studied his son.
"I do. He definitely has your charm." She added.
"How can you tell?" He asked.
"Because I already love him with all my heart." She pressed a kiss to Tobias's cheek.
"Then he definitely takes after you." Tobias captured her lips in a tender kiss. "I didn't think anyone else could be as loveable as you are."
Chris sighed into another kiss. "We've become ridiculously sappy."
"So what? We just had a baby. That right there lets us be as sappy as we want." He argued.
"True." She cuddled their son close and looked up at Tobias. "Happy?"
"Beyond my wildest dreams, Chris." He wrapped his arms around her and propped his chin on her shoulder so he could easily look down at their child.
He pressed a kiss to her cheek, closing his eyes in relief that all had gone well.
After all his years believing a wife and kids weren't for him, he was now holding those very things in his arms.
His former self had no idea just how happy he would be.
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Almost home...
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Book: Open Heart (Late Book 3 Timeline)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee)
Rating: Teen
Words: 1272
Summary: Kaycee is away at a conference, while back in Boston, Ethan realizes just how much life has changed.
A/N: This fic is based on this ask. Thank you for sending it in, Nonny! Participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge Prompt: All the Fluff. Also sending to @openheartappreciationweek for Day 4 "Relationship Meter"
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The last remnants of sunshine were losing their battle to stay in the sky as Ethan strolled down Charles Street. He was only a few blocks from home but wasn’t in as much of a hurry to get there as he’d normally be.  
Boston was like any other big city; people always rushing by. Getting from point a to point b was more important than the trip along the way for most, and Ethan was no exception. But when the occasional stranger passing made eye contact or perhaps offered a quick smile, he found himself returning the gesture. He was halfway home before he noticed, and a crooked smile settled on his lips. Apparently, life could change.
A portly gentleman with a kind grin jumped to attention as Ethan approached. He tugged at the hem of his well-adorned uniform before reaching over to open the door.
“Good Evening, Dr. Ramsey! A bit early today!”
Ethan nodded before glancing at his watch. 
“Seven-thirty,” he confirmed. “It’s about right for me these days, George.”
“Well, you’ll forgive me,” the older gentleman laughed. “I’m still used to you crawling in just in time to change and return to the hospital. I forget I’m dealing with a new man.”
“That’s OK,” Ethan chuckled. “Sometimes I forget it, too.”
His eyes were fixed on the elevator door as he patiently waited for the bell to announce its arrival. Though not technically home until he reached the 33rd floor, Ethan always felt the outside world slip away as soon as the doors slid open, and he found himself surrounded by the rich, mahogany walls, especially on a day like today when he had the ride to himself.
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he ascended to the sky, a gentle snort escaping him. Small talk with the doorman? With George? He had been the doorman as long as Ethan lived there, coming up on a decade now. While he had always been polite to him, Ethan couldn’t recall engaging in conversation before… he certainly didn’t know the man’s name. Life could definitely change.
The hallway was quiet, eerily so. It wasn’t always that way… eerie, that is. His was one of only two condos on the floor, the other belonging to a foreign dignitary who only used it when he traveled to Boston. That had been about five times in as many years by Ethan's calculations. The seclusion and solitude, things he once loved most about his home, were rarities now.
He opened the door without hurry, allowing it to close slowly behind him… just like the old days. No rush to get inside. He hung his coat in the closet, gingerly walked to a side table to pour a glass of Scotch, then sunk into his favorite chair. He took a generous sip, allowing the cool liquid to turn warm in his mouth, waiting for the firey sensation to shift toward the pleasant sweetness that always followed. That’s when he used to know he was home.   
His mind rushed back to the office, just thirty minutes ago, and he let out a gentle laugh as he recalled Tobias’s words when he left.
“Heading out so early, boss? With the Mrs. out of town, I thought you’d be back to your old habits of working around the clock,” the sugary smirk on his friend and colleague’s face told him his words were in jest. “But hey, I get it… you have a bachelor pad again for one night! I’d be rushing home, too!”
“She’s not the Mrs. yet, Carrick! And, since your place is a perpetual bachelor pad, I assume you won’t ever need to leave early?” He had shot back.
“Hey… you do happiness your way, I’ll do it mine,” Tobias laughed. “But who knows? You were once an eternal bachelor too… stranger things have happened.”
Stranger things, indeed.
A bit of time had passed when Ethan checked his watch again: 8:00 PM Boston. That meant it was five o’clock in Los Angeles. Kaycee would be leaving the seminar any moment now, and he couldn’t wait for her call. Only then did it dawn on him how peculiar it felt to go without hearing her voice for so long. In this case, long could be defined as ten hours. Not so long in the scheme of things, but definitely out of the norm for him.
Not everyone was lucky enough to share an office… a home… a bed with the love of their lives, and even for those who did, no one was blessed to share those things with Kaycee. That pleasure… that joy… belonged to him and only him. She officially moved in six months before, and already her presence was missed. His hand reached over and mindlessly stroked the chenille blanket she normally wrapped herself in. Then she’d nuzzle her head on his lap as he read, or maybe sit on it, throwing her arms around his neck to discuss their day. If he closed his eyes, he almost felt her there.
His phone ringing broke him from his reverie, but he didn’t mind a bit.
“Hello, gorgeous!” He could feel the smile in her melodic tone, and it warmed him more than his Scotch could ever dream to. “Do you miss me?”
“Miss you?” Ethan asked. “I’m counting the hours until you’re back home. Speaking of which, any luck getting an earlier flight out?”
“I’m still trying, but it looks like we have another thirteen hours before I’m back in your arms.”
“Thirteen? Who do I have to call a favor into for an earlier flight?”
“Mmmmm… God?” She giggled. “Problem is there are some storms here, and they’ve backed things up. But the weatherman says they’ll be passing shortly, so my flight shouldn’t be delayed.”
“Good! Because I don’t want to wait a minute longer than needed to see you again.”
“I know, baby. I feel the same way.”
“But the conference, the seminar… did everything go well?”
“Better than well! I’ll tell you about it after you get home from work tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t. You’ll tell me after I pick you up at the airport and we both come home. Tobias insisted he’d cover our workload so I could take the day off.”
“Tobias Carrick? A romantic at heart? Who knew,” Kaycee laughed.
“Mmmmm… either that or he’s about to ask for a favor.”
“Yeah… I did see him eyeing Jessica when she visited me last week. Little does he know she lives in Denver… or that she’s my ex-girlfriend and he doesn’t have… uhm… the equipment needed to be of interest to her.”
Ethan’s hearty laughter filled the empty room. “Well, can we keep that information from him until you’ve returned? Just on the off chance that it’s the only reason he was being kind.”
“I don’t think it was the only reason,” Kaycee giggled. “But, yeah, mum’s the word until my feet are on the ground at Logan. I’m not taking any risks… not when you’ve already got me picturing myself tangled up in the sheets with you all day tomorrow.”
“Sounds like perfection.”
“It sure does,” Kaycee cooed. “Well, I’m at the hotel. Can I call you when I get to my room?”  
“Please do,” Ethan grinned. “This place isn’t home without you.”
“Just thirteen hours until we fix that, hon. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
He placed the phone on the table, then shut his eyes. Just thirteen hours, and he’d finally be home again. 
Life had absolutely changed for Ethan Ramsey… and he couldn’t be happier.
Perma tags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @differenttyphoonwerewolf @fayeswiftie @gryffindordaughterofathena @genevievemd @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 1 year
Change of heart
Book: Open Heart (book 2)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x June Hirata
Word Count: 2569
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language,mentions of sexual activity
Category: Angst
Summary: A look at the arrangement between Tobias Carrick and June Hirata from Tobias’s perspective and also June’s for some part too.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: I do have a headcanon of Tobias and June found here. This work picks up book 2, Stephanie Hill up until the attack. Part 2 will be the attack and up until the beginning of When Egos Collide.
The state budget cuts were starting to take effect. Some high profile clients and diagnoses had kept the team off the chopping block at Edenbrook for now but Dr Hirata felt that it was not enough. Ethan was being his usual stubborn self and Casey, the newest member was doing all she could but surely there was more.
June was contemplating when she hears that a coma patient woke up and Casey was there. The patient had been in a coma for sixteen years from an overdose of Benzodiazepine. Understandably it was the talk of the meeting. Casey suggested contacting medical journals and then I suggested that we apply for a grant, stating that the study would be of benefit to many patients who were in comas due to overdose of benzodiazepine. I knew if we got this then we would have a job and more importantly an influx of funds. To my frustration, Ethan entrusted Casey with getting Stepehanie to agree.
June did as she was told but she was not happy. She was not convinced that Casey was on the team on merit. Sure she had come up with the diagnosis on many occasion and it was her idea to court high profile clients but she had heard rumours about her and Ethan, his sabbatical coming right after he was offered his job back came along too conveniently.
She had noticed a few looks, and getting away with calling Ethan on his moral high horse bullshit at Leland Bloom’s house. All lead to signs that there was something there.
She had been enjoying benefits with Dr Tobias Carrick on and off for about nine months now. She had spoken about Casey to Tobias and any alleged relationship. When she first told him about the relationship he laughed and then said “Ethan Ramsey does not do relationships. Arrangements, yes but from what I hear even they have a use by date, certainly not relationships, not since med school anyway.”
“He ended it with Harper because she was going to be his boss.” Reflected June, “yet it is ok for him to be having an arrangement with a subordinate. A bit hypocritical if you ask me.”
Tobias nodded in agreement. “Whatever the reason, Naveen must be ok with it, he would not have made such a call otherwise.”
“True, but he clearly favours her. I mean, a coma patient wakes up out of the blue, mental functioning pretty good considering she was in a coma and he entrusts her?”
Tobias can hear the gears clicking in his mind. His plan to woo Harper Emery across is now in effect now that he had her niece there. He did not tell June but he was going to make a play for Stephanie Hill.
The next day came and Aurora saw Tobias. Aurora mentioned how we could get grants for some of our patients to help with the funding cuts. I agreed with her knowing full well that I would be making a play for Stephanie over at Edenbrook. I have privileges at Edenbrook but I decide not to go there, I had no business over there and I was also wanting to avoid Dr Ramsey. If I am being honest with myself, it still hurts that we did not reconcile but he knew that if he could not trust him then there was no point and even though what he was about to do was legal, it would show Ethan that he could not be trusted and well he did not want to give him any further ammunition. He contacted the Hill’s and made his pitch. They accepted and Tobias was happy. He was expecting June to be pissed off that he got the Hill’s to come over to Kenmore but she was not really. She was frustrated again at Ethan and also Casey. Tobias was shocked that Ethan did not get angry. Maybe there was more to this sordid affair.
A few weeks later was the annual softball game. It was Tobias’s favourite day of the year. He had heard through the grapevine that Casey was playing and he was looking forward to seeing more of her. He had met her at Leland Bloom’s residence and he was impressed and even though the Kenmore team lost that cage match he was impressed as she was instrumental in making the final diagnosis. He was at the field and he was surprised. None other than Dr Ethan Ramsey was there. He said this would make the victory even sweeter. After the exchange he had an idea. He knew Aurora was her friend and even though it was June that told him about Stephanie, he decided to play them off and see what Ethan would come out and play.
The game was close, neck and neck for the most part. The break was called and Tobias enacted his plan. He spies Casey at the drink esky, she finds a bottle of water.
“Glad to see you are keeping your head in the game” says Tobias.
“Yeah well I do not want to let my guard down around you. Already learnt that the hard way.”
“Yeah well when Aurora told me about going after your patients for a grant…”
Her resolves falters and along comes Ethan, he was angry, an expression in him he knew well but there was element he had not seen before. She storms off to Aurora and I can see the discussion is heated. I enjoy the fireworks I created and then Terrance comes along.
“Get the hell away from my resident, Terrance….”
“Or you will what, Ethan? Punch me like some pharma rep? Stop throwing threats around that you can’t act on.”
Tobias in that moment became convinced that there was something there. He could not tell if it was an arrangement between the two of them or something more genuine. The break ends and the game goes on, last ball and Casey needs to hit a home run to get herself,Ethan and Bryce home. She hits the ball well, Ethan and Bryce make it home and so does Casey. She is declared safe. He did not feel sorry for Dr Olsen, there was something about him that he could not put his finger on. He is frustrated that Kenmore lost but the second time in one night he sees a side of Ethan he has never seen. The brawl ends and while Tobias is packing up his things he sees Ethan and Casey leave together.
“What are you up to with her Ethan?” He asks himself.
Time marches on, the softball match a distant memory and Tobias is doing some courting of his own. He was approached by Travis Perry to investigate the mystery illness that has been plaguing the senator. He had seen a few doctors and they were stumped. Tobias gave him the tour, stating that if he was admitted, we could run more tests and hopefully figure out what is happening. Tobias noted that Travis was rather taken with the fact that they had a VIP wing. Tobias, at the time thought that why Travis was impressed with the seclusion was for privacy. There were rumblings that the senator was going to put his name up for the primaries leading into 2024 so he understood the reason for privacy. He also told Travis that he would also put Senator Farrugia in under a pseudonym as well. Travis was pleased with this and two days later the senator was at Kenmore.
A week later Tobias was not so pleased with the coup. He was getting nowhere with the diagnosis. Getting information off the Senator himself was difficult and it was Travis that did all the talking. He met with June, vented his frustrations both sexually and eventually verbally.
“We always have a good time but you seem more frustrated than usual,” noted June, “Care to tell me what is on your mind?”
He knew it was a risk to tell June, especially since he stole Stephanie right out from underneath Edenbrook’s nose but he took the gamble.
“For the past week I have had Senator Farrugia under my care with a mystery illness. Getting information from the senator is like getting blood from stone and all the information comes from the aide. As such I am getting nowhere and so am hating it.”
June understood the frustration, she was impressed that Tobias had scored the senator though. She thought how she could get him to transfer to Edenbrook but that needed some finesse. They went back to their evening and June started hoping that an opportunity would present itself.
June did not have to wait long. A week later she sees Ethan consoling Casey. It looked like they were being a little too close than mentor/mentee. An hour later she hears a punch walking past a supply room. She investigates, she is surprised to see Casey. She is crying and frustrated. She goes on about her friend, the cuts, Edenbrook being undermined. June asks her to calm down and offers to slap her. She declines. Then June has a lightbulb moment. Casey seems desperate to do anything to save Edenbrook. She wants more intel on the relationship between her and Ethan and this is the opportunity to steal the good senator from under Tobias’s nose.
She tells Casey about how a little birdie from Kenmore told her that Senator Farrugia is being treated by Tobias. June sells how it would be good not only for Edenbrook but other hospitals in our situation. She even tells her how Ethan has privileges there and would be able to get them in. June can tell that Casey does not know what to think but she can see the gears turn.
She hears that Ethan reluctantly agrees to go, she lets Baz know what is up also. June knows that Tobias will have mixed feelings about this. It was a coup for him, sure but he she knew how it was frustrating him. Her thoughts then turned to the evening's activities.
Tobias was walking along, thinking about the senator when he gets a surprise. Ethan Jonah Ramsey gracing the halls of Kenmore. He makes a quip about him visiting a proper hospital and Ethan says is it a hospital when there are no doctor’s. Tobias is curious as to why Ethan is there. He says he is there for some research thing but Tobias is not entirely convinced. Tobias reaches for his phone, only to find it is not in his pocket. He recalls that he left it in the senator’s room. He went there and was surprised to see signs of packing. Travis looked annoyed but the senator looked very happy that he was moving to Edenbrook.
Tobias wants to be pissed in that moment but he grabs his phone and makes his way to the lobby. He sees Baz and Casey, in that moment he knew he had been had. Now he was annoyed but was impressed “fun Ethan” still existed. He calls out to Baz and Casey, they run, a guard follows then Ethan comes along and collects them. Despite losing the patient he was impressed with Casey’s gall and also that fun Ethan still existed. He knew it was a gamble, he was surprised it took this long but he knew June did things for reasons and there had to be a secondary reason and he wondered if it was a ploy to get more info on whatever was going on between Casey and Ethan.
Meanwhile, back at Edenbrook, June was impressed. Impressed that they now had Tobias’s prized patient. She was even more impressed that Ethan went along with it. It gave her more suspicions about the nature of him and Casey’s relationship. She sees Casey in the office. She tells her how impressed she is but Casey is not happy. She did not appreciate being used as a part of her games with Tobias. June was not sorry, as far as she was concerned Edenbrook was ahead and that was all that mattered.
Later that evening June meets up with Tobias. She is surprised that he is not angry. Tobias states,
“I am a little, despite my frustration he was my star patient, but also a little impressed, getting Ethan and Casey to do your dirty work. That was inspired.”
June smiles smugly. “Casey was easy, I saw her having a meltdown in a supply closet. She really does not want to see Edenbrook fail so I will give her some credit. But her getting Ethan, I told her he had privileges but I am still surprised…”
“He always was not a stick in the mud. Once upon a time he knew how to have fun, I am impressed that it is still there. Did the excursion give you any more info?”
“No,” huffed June. “There has to be something.”
Tobias kissed the column of her neck.
“Enough about those two,” he says. They have enjoyable night.
The next morning there was a media scrum. Edenbrook having the senator was certainly garnering some much needed attention. The work began in earnest to find out what was happening.
The team did find it frustrating that the senator and Travis were involved in the brain storming but they were actually getting responses from the senator and not just Travis. They run some tests. The tests come up empty and we speak some more. Conversation leads to a house he is renovating, Casey picks up on something and she suggests testing for lead poisoning. Whatever gave Casey the hunch was right. It was lead poisoning.
I message Tobias and tell him we figured it out and make arrangements for later that evening.
We watch the interview together, in between other activities. We marvel at Casey not owning the diagnosis as it was her hunch that was right but the shock was still to come. We both chuckle when the interviewer asks Ethan if he is single. “No, I am not” says Ethan and we are both shocked.
“Well there's your proof,Hirata.” Says Tobias.
“What, you expect him to say I have a sexual arrangement with my subordinate on National television…”
“Yeah true but if it was an arrangement like ours, you would be saying yes to being single…”
June is deep in thought.
“I am going to need more proof.”
“I am sure you have your ways.”
The next day brought tragedy and shock. Tobias had not seen Aurora for a bit and he was waiting on some results from her. He paged her, no response. He calls her. She answers and tells me what has happened. After our chat the interactions I had with Travis ran through my head. The being happy about seclusion and privacy, the annoyance at the transfer and it clicked.
“You fucking idiot” I mutter to myself. He knew in that moment that those missed red flags could have meant the same thing happening at Kenmore if he stayed but now was not the time to dwell. With Casey compromised he knew Edenbrook was down one team member and god knows how Ethan was holding up. He got the rest of the team that was working on the senator’s case and a few other doctors and we made our way to Edenbrook, hoping we were not too late.
Authors note: submission 1/2 for Tobias Carrick appreciation week day 3- June Hirata. Do not panic there is a part 2 and that will be posted shortly.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @potionsprefect @liaromancewriter @cariantha @socalwriterbee @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @a-crepusculo @trappedinfanfiction @lucy-268 @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @tessa-liam @peonierose
@tobias-carrick-appreciation-week @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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221bshrlocked · 1 month
I deeply appreciate that it only took a few weeks for there to be so much Logan Howlett smut on here and AO3. High School Maggie is so fucking happy right now because her Wolverine obsession is back with a vengeance and the fics are feeding it beautifully. God bless fanfic writers man.
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