#fan zerui
agendratum · 6 months
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kiseki: dear to me as text posts (2/?)
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mondstalgia · 7 months
a treat for the BaiFan girlies!!
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fanonplussed · 4 months
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"Who's Ai Di to you? ... Love and admiration aren't the same, you'd better think it through." "Are you talking about me, or reminding yourself?" Look I'm sure every one of us has screamed at length about this exchange, what it says about chenai and baifan. But I also want us to consider:
What does this say about Chen Yi & Fan Zherui?
Yes I am here captaining this friend-ship, because you know what they both need? AN ACTUAL FUCKING FRIEND.
Consider, Fan Zherui is one of the only people Chen Yi doesn't have complicated feelings of duty or responsibility towards. Chen Yi seems to agree with Ai Di about how Fan Zherui has money/privilege to fall back on and isn't really IN the mafia like the rest of them are, who have to live and die by the brotherhood. He was pretty chill about Zherui being injured/lost somewhere...which is why Zherui could call Chen Yi and know he won't over-react like Ai Di would, because Chen Yi cares but he's not insane about that caring. And that's a good thing for them both. The stakes are lower in the relationship and so maybe they don't have to stress so hard or front so much with each other.
The fact that Zherui can so casually ask Chen Yi about his feelings for Ai Di--and his feelings for the Boss--and not get decked/stonewalled but just an equally pointed comment back, like that's exactly their friendship vibes, and it's such good vibes for them both! They can both be a bit more casually vulnerable and honest with each other than with anyone else, because hey, that's just A-Rui/Chen Yi, and also because they both understand each other in a way that their partners probably won't.
(Thank you @nibupei for also pointing out that post-canon, they both know what it's like to have the love of their lives go to jail for 4 years and have to fight tooth and nail just to be together with them again. And thank you @bunni-bun for calling them "bros in angst and holy matrimony" ahaha that's their ship name forever in my heart now)
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circuscl0wn · 8 months
Ze Rui is kinda the perfect man🫣 minus the fact that he engages in illegal activities/ gang related activities…but that’s a small issue💀
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25shadesoffebruary · 11 months
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I've missed you so much.
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bl-bracket · 3 months
Best QL Marriage Proposal Round 1: Sam & Mon (GAP: The Series) vs Zerui & Zhongyi (Kiseki: Dear to Me)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Sam & Mon: "They used a beautiful scenery to show the proposal. It was at the beach, at night, with lights and flower crowns. There were rings and crying and lanterns and friends."
Zerui & Zhongyi: "listen ik they had another more official proposal scene at the end BUT I love the first one a lot for two main reasons: 1) the bite mark rings. what's more romantic than biting your boyfriend's ring finger to be his stand in ring for the time being. 2) it happened on the same day that marriage equality passed in taiwan. like they took the time to establish this was the day that marriage equality passed and they saw other queer couples at the courthouse getting married and were cherring them on, before going back home and proposing too. I just think it's neat that they tied it to the real world event of marriage equality passing in 2019, even though the show aired several years later."
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youtreatmelikeaman · 11 months
i just realized Zongyi has a cat & cat decoration in the bakery bc he used to say Zerui was a cat to his friends
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a-cookie2121 · 11 months
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credit: kiseki official instagram
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I am still caught in Zongyi struggling with his memory of the present but being so vibrant because he still has his past and his past is shaping his future while Zherui has become a pale imitation of himself because he has no past and so no future and the present gives him nothing he wants or needs.
The past and the future give us passion and Zherui lost both when he lost his memory of Zongyi and their love and now he is merely existing.
And Zongyi wants to believe that, if their love truly matters, Zherui will be able to remember him but he also knows that just isn't how memory works and what will he do to fight for the future they wanted without the past to back him up?
(Zongyi has also replaced Zherui as Ai Di's friend and confidante and what will that look like as they both try to build a future based on lost love?)
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phuwinfilms · 9 months
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He has Rui flabbergasted
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halliescomut · 1 year
Ze Rui wants to be a house-husband so fucking bad. The happiest he ever was in this show was doing Zong Yi's laundry and cooking for him and then smiling as he watched him eat it.
That's all he wants. It's so obvious.
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pickletrip · 1 year
Kiseki: Dear to me
Episode 7: Love realised partly
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Ze Rui and Zong Yi have each other now, in every sense. Ai Di and Ze Rui have dealt with the drug problem in school and now all that needs to happen is Chen Yi realising his real feelings for Ai Di. This is the first time Chen Yi has smiled in this whole show and it took Ai Di dressing up as Red riding hood for that to happen. Damn. Please smile more Chen Yi.
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fanonplussed · 3 months
Fellow Kiseki fans, we have a tumblr community! Whether you're a casual enjoyer or a rabid screaming spirit of the kiseki void, you're welcome to join us!
We're still trying to figure out what a community does haha but we'd love to have more people trying to play in this sandpit together! As far as we can tell it's a bit like discord with tags instead of channels...? Also, you can only join with your main and not your sideblog.
Comment on this post with an emoji (or the name of your main blog) to join! And reblog, share the word!
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25shadesoffebruary · 1 year
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This is very important to me.
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kinnporsche-is-life · 10 months
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My heart is broken in the most delicious way.
Just the way I like it.
Hurt me more Kiseki, I know u have a happy ending for me, u little tease.
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scarefox · 10 months
actors confirm that Ai Di x Chen Yi switch
Kai asking the important questions 😅 (at 1:25)
a more clown version of the question (at 0:23)
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