#i am not aware three of my gifset say about the same thing of missed you
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25shadesoffebruary · 1 year ago
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I've missed you so much.
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siiinfvl · 6 years ago
ooc. mic test.   hello.   anybody home ??   is this working ??   
HI !!!   i know, i know. some of you are either going,   ‘ who tf is this potato ?? ’   or    ‘ huh. didn’t know she was still alive. ’   or don’t care at all. but surprise !!!    i am actually still alive. 
i’m aware that it’s been about half a year, or maybe more, since the last time i have properly been here. and considering that i didn’t really post a hiatus notice, it just seems like i dropped off the face of the earth and would never be coming back. but to those who are wondering, bless your souls, you wonderful, caring people. i am still here. i do still lurk around, like some stuff, check out what’s been going on while i was gone. 
basically, like always, i’ve just been very busy with work. nothing new, i know. but recently, in the past two months, i have been missing writing here. don’t get me wrong, i’ve never stopped writing and never really disconnected with my muse. i’ve mostly been on discord, mainly writing with @shewassoferal. and even sometimes opening a word document to write some back stories or simple paragraphs from prompts, all for grant ward. 
but, like i said, i have been missing writing here. or even just being here in general. that being said, i am on the verge of a decision. this blog, as of today, is officially being REVAMPED. now, what happens after the revamp, what you will see after the revamp, i still have not decided yet. and if anyone would put their two cents in, i’d really, really, really appreciate it very much as it would help me make my decision. 
there are three ways this could go, and here they are: 
OPTION 001. i can revamp the page. remodel the theme, revisit my tags, update all the character pages, such as the verses, the biography page and whatnot, all to have a fresh feel to the blog in order to help this restart take off. 
post-revamp will then include rechecking all the memes on my inbox and working on them. i am well aware i have maybe half a hundred various items in my inbox raging from random starters or memes sent by you guys that i owe you. basically, what happens after revamp is that i’ll have to drop the ongoing threads as just thinking about them is already pressuring me a lot. for those who have a running thread with me and would like to continue, please let me know and we can maybe start a new thread along that same timeline and plot line, so we can keep interacting. now all those open starters and memes that i have yet to respond to, i will write those. since i have not posted those before, they still have a pretty solid fresh feel to me, even though they’ve been there for about half a year. again, my apologies on that, you guys. you know i love you and i really appreciate the stuff you write for me. life has just been hard recently. 
bottomline is that option one means i’ll do a sweep of old stuff, keep working on what feels new, and go back to what this blog was half a year ago, before my unannounced hiatus.
OPTION 002. this one entails that the blog will become a database blog. what does that mean ??   it means i’d revamp the whole page, complete all character pages that give information about the muse. update the verses, rules, bio, tag pages. 
and with that completed, my roleplaying will be moved to discord. i’m not sure if you guys still write there, but i do. and if anyone wants to write with me there, we can. does that mean this blog will be dead ??    no.   i would still be posting here. back stories, metas, gifsets and photosets will still be posted here. i will still be posting memes as well, and if we haven’t plotted or interacted before, you’re free to send a meme, so we can check the dynamic between our muses, and we can plot based off of that. and once it’s all fleshed out, i’d probably ask if we could move it over to discord. of course, you can say no. if it’s more advisable for you to be here, i can be here. 
basically, this option just means that there will be less activity here than option one as most activity will be on discord. 
OPTION 003. now, this one is a bit heavier. i do understand that it’s been a long time since i have been here. a lot of the people i used to interact with might have even left already. the muse hasn’t been on the show for three seasons now, and just fyi, i am no longer watching the show. apart from that, i know that there are, at least, a couple of other grant ward blogs that have remained active while i was gone. beautifully-written, beautifully-shaped grant ward muses that i hearteye every time i see on my dash. this means that my heart is at ease in the fact that the character is still getting the love and the understanding he deserves that, sadly enough, the show did not give him. i am at ease in the fact that there are still amazing writers out there that are lending voice to this character that we did not get to hear the real voice of in the show. 
with that said, option three entails that this blog will no longer participate in roleplaying. does this mean this blog will die or be deleted ??    hell, no.   i still love the muse and the character and the actor too much to do that. so what’s gonna happen is that there will be no roleplaying, but any metas, gifsets, photosets will still be posted here. considering that i also still have a lot of ideas in mind that i’d like to write in order to expand on grant’s PHOENIX verse   ( which is his main verse, where he put up his fake hydra to destroy it from the inside and made it his own organization once hydra has been fully destroyed --------- all in the name of his definition of closure. for kara, and himself )   and depending on how things go, i might even put up a separate blog for PHOENIX. you guys have no idea how big that world has become in my head despite not getting to post about it much here. @shewassoferal can, once again, attest to that. you might see some fanfics being posted as well.
so, all in all, while i might say goodbye to the world of roleplaying on this blog, you still will not be saying goodbye to me permanently. awwww. i will still be around, and if you wanna write something together, maybe collab on something, i’m just here, you can let me know, and we’ll work it out.
that’s the dilemma i’m on right now. i have not decided which track this blog is going to take. mainly because while i want to go one way, i’m not sure if it’s even possible because, like i said, i do understand that i have been absent for a long time and people might not even want to write with me anymore. so i need your help in deciding. i need to know where this blog stands, and i need your assistance. 
in case i don’t receive any response, the default will be the third option. but if you still want to write with me, and one of the first two options appeal to you, then you can let me know, and i’ll work on it right away.
each and every one of your opinions matter to me. so if there’s even just one person that chose either one of the first two options, the third one is already out of the running, which means i’ll be back. the decision between options 1 and 2 will then be decided based on how many people are willing to do it with me. 
thank you very much if you’ve reached this part. i appreciate you reading all of it. you are a rockstar !!!
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lalainajanes · 7 years ago
kink list prompt: 39. klaus & caroline don't know how to react after engaging in some unsatisfactory sex.
+ andI have a prompt for you: Klaus and Caroline getting drunk at a bar and goinghome to have clumsy, drunken sex ;)
This one will be posted in parts (today and on Sunday) because I wanted to get something up before work. It’s a SUPER belated gift for the delightful @howeverlongs based on her fave trope gifsets. This is friends with benefits which I don’t think I’ve ever actually done!
You’re The Nicest Thing (Part One)
Klaus (11:31 AM):All of them? Surely there’s at least apassable paper or two.
Caroline (11:32 AM):I’m on the tenth. They’re all TERRIBLE.SOULSUCKINGLY TERRIBLE.
Klaus (11:33 AM):Soulsuckingly is not a word.
Caroline (11:34 AM):Neither was elbow before Ol’ Bill wasstaring at the bendy bit of his arm and thought hmmmmm while writing King Lear.
Klaus (11:36 AM):I’m screenshotting this text. The nexttime you call me egotistical I’m going to remind you of the time you directlycompared yourself to William Shakespeare.
Caroline (11:37 AM): You can’t remind me of anything if I’m inprison. Do you have lunch plans?
Klaus (11:38 AM):Meeting with an author at one. She likesmy portfolio but has some questions.
Caroline (11:39 AM):Klaus! THAT’S AMAZING.
Caroline (11:39 AM):Everything in me is DYING to send you astring of emojis but I’ll refrain since you hate fun and happiness.
Klaus (11:40 AM):No, just emojis.
Klaus (11:41 AM):And thank you, sweetheart. I’ll stop bywith coffee when I’m done. Try not to murder anyone before then.
Caroline (11:42 AM):You’re a lifesaver!
Caroline’s a veteran T.A. having accepted her first positionher senior year of college. Every year she tells herself not to be surprised bythe inept bullshitting the freshmen tried to sneak into their first paper butthe badly constructed arguments and ludicrous examples still manage to have hertearing out her hair.
Honestly, how hard was it to just read the freaking book?Some of them clearly hadn’t even bothered to do much more than skim Wikipedia.
She took a great deal of pleasure in scrawling semi-sarcasticobservations in red pen alongside the slashes and grammar corrections. It was apublic service, really. Caroline was graduating this year and her harshnesswould save another T.A. some aggravation. Assuming, of course, that any of theparticularly egregious offenders could manage to actually learn.
Experience had taught her that certain brands of dumb wereimpenetrable.
There’s a tap at the door, one she recognizes as Klaus’ andshe gratefully hops out of her seat to let him in. She grins at him when sheswings the door open, “My hero!” she croons, once she sees the red cup in hishands.
Klaus hands it over with an indulgent smile, “Yes, I heroicallybraved the crowds at Starbucks for fake pumpkin rubbish masquerading ascoffee.”
She eyes him severely over the rim of the cup, “It’sdelicious and only available for a limited time and I love it.”
“I know.”
“Seriously, Klaus, thanks.” He really was a kick ass friendconsidering he was a weirdo who didn’t even likeStarbucks.
He glances towards her desk, the neat stacks of paper. “Anylight at the end of the tunnel?”
“A very faintly flickering one. Do you want to come in?” Shetips her head towards the ratty couch that sits under the window. “My officemates are actually pretty cool this year.”
“You were likely due for a relatively normal set.”
“I really was.” She steps back so Klaus can come in, then walksacross the room and flops down on the couch with a sigh. “So, do you have good news? Maybe that you’re about to start an exciting new project?”
“I don’t know about excitingbut it pays better than the last few.” He shrugs off his jacket and helpshimself to her guest chair and she’s going to need a little more excitementfrom him.
“Woo hoo!” Caroline cheers, lifting her free arm in an exaggeratedfist pump. “So I might only have to bring oneextra sweater when I come over to this winter?”
“You never actually bringextra sweaters. You just invite yourself into my bedroom and raid my closet.”
Caroline looks away, studying her cup more intently that sheneeds to. It was just like Klaus to spoon feed her a great joke that shecouldn’t utter. All because of that one time Klaus had been doing the invitingand things had gone terribly awry. In the past she wouldn’t have hesitated,would have let her voice turn throaty and tease him about how an invitation intohis bedroom should really include something more exciting an offer of layersfor warmth. Klaus would have responded with something equally flirty. They’dhave gone back and forth, neither willing to back down, until Caroline’s earsfelt hot and it took a ton of effort not to look at his lips.
He’s been her friend since the second semester of her firstyear in college, one of the most consistent. They’ve always had buckets ofsexual tension and, being a practical sort of girl, Caroline had always figuredit would, at some point, lead to more. Unfortunately, her racy fantasies aboutKlaus - of his hands and his mouth and his voice in her ear uttering tempting,toe curling promises – had been a total bust.
She really hopedthey got to the point where they could laugh about the worst sex of theirlives. Soon, if possible.  
She glances up to find him studying her, resists the urge tofidget and possibly make things awkward if he realizes her mind had flittedback to the sex that shall not be named. It had taken them half of the summerto get back to normal and Caroline had missed him terribly in the weeks wherethey hadn’t quite known how to be in the same room. She takes a sip of herdrink to cover the extended pause, “That’s just because you’re a good host.Unwilling to let your guests freeze to death even if you’re chintzy with thethermostat.”
“Unwilling to let someguests freeze to death.”
“It’s an honor to be included on the short list of peopleyou don’t actively want to die, Klaus. Truly.”
He smirks, rolling her chair closer to the couch, “Then you’llbe happy to know you’re near the top.”
Caroline lays her hand over her heart, sinks back into the cushionslike a swooning maiden in an old movie. It was another opening and she decidesto push a bit past the boundaries she’d been enforcing.  “Such charm! With sweet talk like that I haveno idea why you’re still single.”
“Really? I have apretty good idea.”
Huh. Not what she’d expected. Klaus had a healthy ego, wasfully aware of his own appeal and she’d seen him use it to great effect overthe years. A flash of his dimples, some careful space invading, many a womangot giggly and wide eyed, hanging on to his every word and not-so-subtlytugging at their necklines to bare a little more cleavage. She’s about to makea crack asking if he’s been watching self-improvement infomercials whilesketching again (Klaus tended towards late night productivity) when her phone’salarm begins trilling as it buzzes against her desk. A quick glance at theclock above the door tells her she’s got a class to get to.
Klaus has spent years teasing her about her rigidlyorganized schedule so he’s well aware of the alarms meaning. He tips his head towardsher phone, “Your ten minute warning?”
“Yeah. Sorry to have to dash out on you after you deliveredme the greatest of coffee based beverages.”
“It’s not a problem. My student days only ended last year. Whereare you headed?”
“Just down the hall,” Caroline tells him, standing andstraightening her skirt. “It’s my kid lit seminar so it’ll at least be fun. Doyou want to meet up at the bar later? I want to hear all about your project.”
“Sure. Seven or so?”
That gave her enough time to knock out a couple more papers.The alcohol would be a welcome balm to her soul. “I’ll even buy the first roundsince we’re celebrating.”
She’d have to remember to cap it off at three drinks. DrunkCaroline tended to say things she shouldn’t andwas a shameless snuggler. It had been the celebratory booze, and her wanderinghands, that had led to disaster last time.
Never let it be said that Caroline Forbes didn’t learn fromher epic fails.
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goldenscript · 8 years ago
heart of gold.
2,359 words | fluff, a dash of angst ↳ boss/intern au + min yoongi
author’s note: i dedicate this one to my lovely girl @sugaspen <33 i know you said you were excited for this so here it is! this is loosely based on this gifset from the drama “strong woman do bong soon” btw~
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There are plenty of sides to Min Yoongi that people do not know. Some of which even you don’t know yourself. But he often tells you the deep waters of his fathomless abyss is far beyond a mere dip—he claims that if you want to know, then you must be willing to dive in and take in all that he has hidden away. Of course, he doesn’t believe you when you say you do, so the ones you do know are facets that many rarely ever get to see less he thinks they deserve it.  
As cold and cunning as this self-proclaimed asshole claims to be, he is one of the sweetest human beings you’ve come across. He’s soft and gentle even without trying, his words are nothing short of meaningful and genuine, and his desire to share meaningful music with others shows in the ways he nitpicks everything about his content and his musicians’ content. Though interviews he participates in are rare, what he has to say in them resonate with viewers, with you, really.
Being part of Min Records has become one of the biggest blessings (and curses) you’ve acquired through a simple interview about what you saw in the company. He never told you what about it struck him, but the small half-smile curved on his lips told you enough that day to return the following one, ready to work and assist him in any way he needed. And with the passage of time, your presence in his life grew from a mere intern to something… more.
If it’s one hurdle to get Min Yoongi to open up about what kind of breakfast food he prefers (though this is trick question because he likes lunch over all mealtimes), then getting him to admit to his own feelings is another twenty with very little breaks in between. For whatever reason, you’ve managed to make it through the first fifteen. You don’t know how exactly, but it’s almost akin to your growing feelings for the dark-haired man—it just happened. No warnings. Just the steady realization that your racing heart wasn’t because you might’ve missed a letter in that email you wrote on his behalf, it’s from his close proximity as he reads the letter over your shoulder and gives you the okay to send to the electricity that crackles on your flesh at the barest of close contact to the thoughts of him that have infiltrated your mind even when you least expect it.
Without a doubt, he feels the same. You’re sure to the slightest degree. He’s infiltrated your close proximity willing without you coaxing him to come closer. His touches at your shoulder linger longer than before. And it’s all boiled down to his sudden act in pulling away. He’s only ever been kind and patient with you, often taking you aside if you needed assistance, but now? He sends you off to Seokjin for further instruction. He can barely meet your eyes. And, for goodness sake, you just know. You can feel it. As much as it hurts for him to retract from you after everything that has transpired between you two in those steady seven months, you can’t help but see that this is something he does.
Which is why you’re standing outside his door, knocking in drawls. Despite your tipsy state, you’re more than aware of your surroundings and what you want to say. In a way, you’ve utilized those last three Jose Cuervo shots as your liquid courage. You need to do this. You need to know. At least for your own sanity, because those goddamn fleeting touches and lingering stares have been more than enough to set fire to your very being and your heart has been aching—throbbing for goodness sake—to be set free from your own anxiety of rejection.  
When you see him, standing in just a pair of sweats and a black sweater, you still feel your legs begin to give out. He immediately reaches out to steady you, one hand at your shoulder while the other at your hip. His obsidian hues graze over your form, probably noting the flushed cheeks and the thin layer of sweat at the sides of your face, and still he says nothing as he leads you inside.
His penthouse is the same you remember. It’s still equipped with a bare minimum of furniture: a black sectional sofa, a flat screen television mounted to the grey wall, with an large open window that displays the lights of the city of Seoul. You see the open wall space by the hallway toward his bedroom is adorned with a few paintings, and a smile tugs at the corner of your lips. You remember the first time you came here with him to get some paperwork and work on some emails, you told him that it’d look nicer to have something hanging on the walls whether it was pictures or even art, but something nonetheless. You didn’t think he’d listen, nor did you think he’d lead you toward his bedroom either.
“—you’re drunk and there’s no way in hell I’m taking you back to downtown when it’s this late.” he sighs, “And the couch isn’t an option for you either.”
When he sets you down on the plush softness, you notice that it’s blankets have been untouched until now. You raise a brow at him, “were you working?”
He shrugs, “Doesn’t matter. I should get some sleep anyway. And so should you.”
“But,” your brows begin to knit together, “aren’t you going to ask why I’m here at,” you look at the digital clock on his nightstand, “two in the morning?”
He turns to his dresser, rummaging for something. “Well, are you going to tell me?”
When he turns back to you, he hands you a T-shirt, just plain black but you can feel your heart begin to pound. He continues to watch you, so when he catches your eye it’s as if he’s saying, “Well?”
And all you can do is sigh, feeling your brain already coaxing the rest of your body to do as you planned. Setting aside the T-shirt he handed you, you pat the bed beside you.
“I came here to talk to you.”
He doesn’t make a move to sit beside you, remaining beside his dresser but you note the way his eyes soften. He inquires, “About?”
“Well,” you take a deep breath, “us.”   
“Us,” he repeats, nodding slowly, though you swear you see his Adam’s apple quiver.
“Please, c’mere,” you coax, reaching your arms out toward him. “You’ve been distant enough already...”
It’s a still moment right afterwards. He doesn’t say anything right away, though he slowly makes his way beside you. “You noticed that, huh?”
You laugh breathily, “Of course I have. I may be your intern, but I’ve seen you as more than just be boss for a while now. I know when you’re trying to pull away.”
The bed dips slightly beneath his weight. His lips part to say, “I—”
But, you cut him off, “you don’t have to explain yourself, Yoongi. I just wanted to let some things off my chest. I’ve been scared shitless to do that but I thought… well, I thought now was better than never. Can I?”
“You don’t have to ask me for permission to do that, Y/N.” His voice is soft, and it makes your breath catch in your throat because it feels like he’s letting his walls down.
“Y’know,” you say, “I know I’m not going crazy—”
“—you’re drunk.”
You click your tongue at him, one of your hands giving him a shove that nearly topples you over. He can’t help but steady you, his hands resting your shoulder.
“Lemme talk, alright?”
He hums an affirmation. His dark hues graces over your features, lingering a split second on your lips before they’re trained back on your eyes as you speak: “You’re in my heart, you know that right?”
He doesn’t speak nor does he make any move to correct you or silence you, so you take it as a cue to continue, “You’re there, burrowed deep. I let you in, see the weakest parts of me when all I’ve wanted to do is show off the high ones. And—” you let out a soft sigh, feeling a lump dissolving at the base of your throat, “—and I just wish I was in yours, alright?”
When he continues not to say anything, only looking at you in a way you can’t possibly describe, you say, “Don’t you see me, Yoongi? Or am I really going crazy?”
“I do.” he answers, his cold fingertips brush toward your neck and rest at the side of your face. “Of course, I do, Y/N.” He lets out a breathy laugh, “Somehow you burrowed yourself pretty deep inside my heart too.”
“What?” You can hardly believe what you’re hearing, though a part of you is practically gloating, because you knew it.
He nods as his visage leans closer, “you have no idea how much you’ve made a place in my heart. I—All I’ve wanted to do is let you make a place there, but it’s hard for me. Even now, I don’t think I’ve told you everything about myself, but I want to. I want to so badly and that absolutely terrifies me…”
“Because… I don’t know if this is just a fleeting feeling or something real for you. Like I said, I’ve never had to deal with love—not for a very long time, and even then, that was nothing. The things you’ve heard about me aren’t the same as what’s really happened and fuck—I might sound like the drunk one right now, but I just need you to know that I—I do love you, okay?”
“You do?” He nods, and all you can do is smile as you say, “Yoongi, I love you too.”
“What?” he says, blinking at you. “Is that why you came here?”
Fully turning yourself toward him, you nod fervently. “I needed to know that you felt the same, because when you started pushing me away, I knew. A part of me did at least.”
He fully turns himself toward you as well, leaning back just to laugh to himself before meeting your eyes, “God… I feel like an idiot. You’re too good to me being that patient.”
You smile, letting out a feigned sigh. “I know…” 
He shakes his head with a wide smile curved on his lips, moving his hand back to the crevice on your neck that meets your hairline and the side of your face. Like that day when your lips were a hair’s breadth away from one another, a kiss that might’ve changed everything sooner, happens then. It’s soft and gentle like him, with a taste that you’re sure you’ll never tire of. The kind that has you hooked after one taste, making your heart swell even larger than you thought possible.
Even when he pulls away to breathe, you draw him back and pull the both of you back down to his bed. This time your hands are on the sides of his face, finally touching him the way you’ve yearned to. You don’t hold back even when he pulls away to coax you out of your nightwear and into his clothes which you gladly acquiesce.
He presses his lips to your forehead, your face now bare of any make-up as you snuggle deeper into his arms in the warmth of his comfort and his comforter.
“Finally,” you say to yourself, leaning against his chest. “I love you, Yoongi.”
He tries to bite back the smile on his lips, but he can hardly contain himself as he replies, “I love you too. God, I love you so damn much.” He leans close to your ear, smoothing away stray hairs behind your ear, “I’m sorry if I’m not the most open person, but I’ll try for you… just be patient with me, okay?”
You nod, “okay.”
“Can you tell me one thing?” you say, feeling your semi-sober mind beginning to drift as his cool fingertips continue to stroke your locks.
He hums in assent. Although you cannot see him, he’s watching your half-lidded expression in adoration. His own heart seems to be swelling, not that you needed your eyes open to see that.
“What made you hire me?”
“Because during your interview you said you saw a place you’d love, a place you’d have no regrets in joining.” You can tell he’s smiling, and it takes everything in you not to just draw him into a hug and squeeze him. But before you can, he asks, “So, did you?”
You can’t help but smile even wider, pressing your lips to his lips before answering: “I did. I love it so much. I don’t have a single regret being there.”
“Is it because you love me?” he chuckles, but you hear the slight edge lying beneath the surface.
You shake your head, “loving you is just a bonus, Yoongi.”
And despite all else, whether he started off as a poor man or has a two-million dollar net-worth mean nothing to you, just knowing that this time he’ll let you in, knowing that he loves you back is more than enough for you.
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