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mondstalgia · 1 year ago
cozy babies 🤧 (no audio available)
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chalkrevelations · 1 year ago
Watching Kiseki: Dear To Me, finally, and I cannot believe the way fandom seems to have slept on Bai Zongyi, the best ginormous sulky boy ever. You are all fired. Watching him bully this gangster who's apparently peaced-out of fisticuffs to live his best stay-home girlfriend life in Zongyi's tiny student apartment, prepping bento and doing laundry and eating strawberry cake brought home by his ginormous sulky schoolboy like - yes - a stray cat who won't go away is giving me life.
Fan Zherui is living the life Vegas Theerapanyakul only dreamed of. When will Zongyi come home to find him spread across the bed in lacey lingerie and a cat-ear headband? Surely, any day now. It will not be unexpected, because he will have demanded Zongyi buy them for him.
I knew I loved you, Taiwan.
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the-almighty-bling · 1 year ago
Have been rewatching kiseki: dear to me almost everyday due to my obsession ✨✨
And I realised that for our main couple, there wasn’t any formal introductions between the two. Usually there might be a third person who helps to connect the two. But there isn’t in this case.
Fan Zherui learnt of Bai Zongyi’s name through digging around Zongyi’s room and got wind of it via the scholarship certificate. While Zongyi learnt of Zherui’s name indirectly during this scene:
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Zherui: I need to stay here for a few days. If you help me, I will repay you. I, Fan Zherui, keep my words.
To me, this is so interesting because the first thing we do when we meet someone is to offer our name. This allows the other person to address us properly during the interaction, to identify/pinpoint us again in the next time we meet, or simply to name drop if the occasions allow. Hence, the fact that both of them did not volunteer their names tell us that they were very sure they want nothing to do with each other in the future. Especially since Zherui asked Zongyi for his name while Zongyi was cleaning up Zherui’s wound, and Zongyi stayed quiet:
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This really sets the stage for “I have no idea how much you will mean to me in the future”. And to think about how Zongyi will be taking the place of Zherui and going to prison on his behalf, this really is one of the main reason why this couple will be the death of me.
I love it when the characters have no idea what they are in for, and how this person who they thought will be extremely insignificant, is really going to bring in a whole 180 degrees change in their life. I guess this is why this show is call “Kiseki”/奇迹, a direct translation would actually be miracle. Except the official eng title is kiseki: dear to me.
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impala124 · 6 months ago
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Bai Zongyi really cooked here. That was such a sick burn. Tbh, if I invite you to dinner, bake your favourite cake and confess my feelings to you, you better not spit beer on my face and leave me hanging.
That is borderline Kim 'l'm hungry' Theerapanyakul behaviour and it is not a compliment!!
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27vampyresinhermind · 1 year ago
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dragon-deez-ballz · 2 months ago
dude chichi definitely calls gohan baobao or bebe or whatever even after goten is born. they're both baobaos. things get confusing but usually when you hear her call baobao across the house its for the kid that canlike. speak sentences and help around the house not the one who can barely walk.
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tanalogyosc · 7 months ago
"Cold as the soul is, your body's warmth keeps it at bay... Ice Objects are a different case."
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Name: Bái Fān (白帆) Age: 23 Gender: Male Object: Baifan (Rice)
An exorcist from the eastern land of Yonglian, a mysterious traveler who's in search of lost spirits.
Baifan is an enigma, he appears overseas without any clues or hints to his purpose as he goes around asking for haunted places he could visit.
"When the moon's gaze its cold's embrace, the spirits of the past may be reborn in the mist of the hearth," Baifan keeps saying when asked about his mission.
Something strange about Baifan is that wherever he goes, cold mists follow him. Huh, is that why he keeps being cool during summer?
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nikkotinamide · 1 year ago
Kiseki: Dear To Me Ending OST
ok I swear this is the last one (I think I'm in a rush bc I'm gg to be busy soon...). this is my translation for the ending OST which also played in the BaiFan reunion in Ep 11
*Disclaimer: There is no 1-1 translation from mandarin to english and direct translations don’t always make sense so each person’s interpretation can be different!
原来 我没有资格再爱你
It turns out I no longer have the right to love you
天地的距离 遥远地让我窒息
This distance between heaven and earth, is so yawning that it's suffocating
难道是 飞鸟爱上了鱼
Is this actually an impossible love
傻得可以 一直默默相信著
I'm so foolish to keep believing...
我终于 可以忘了 不再对你死心塌地
I can finally forget that I'll no longer be devoted to you
那个是 谁也 到不了 的地方
That place is somewhere no one can reach
不想说 我都懂
Even without saying I understand
我已经忘了爱 忘了寂寞
I've forgotten about love and forgotten about loneliness
已忘记爱 给过的承诺
Already forgotten about the promise made in love
我已经忘了痛 忘了所有难受
I've already forgotten the pain and forgotten all the hurt
沸腾炙热的 作贱的是我
This passionate love, I'm the shameless one
失而复得的幸福 告诉我 能持续多久
This happiness I've lost and regained, tell me, how long can it last
溃堤的暗潮汹涌 说好不让眼泪 一直流
The raging undercurrents against the embankment, I've promised to cry no longer
原来 我没有资格再爱你
It turns out I no longer have the right to love you
天地的距离 遥远地让我窒息
This distance between heaven and earth, is so yawning that it's suffocating
难道是 飞鸟爱上了鱼
Is this actually an impossible love
傻得可以 一直默默相信著 奇迹
I'm so foolish to keep believing in a miracle
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daenanae · 1 year ago
Kiseki comic
I read the fourth chapter last week and I got upset, but today I'm analyzing it (this is my coping mechanism).
I was supposed to buy the third chapter but well...ChenAi happened.
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I knew something was off the moment Chen Yi was lecturing Ai Di because he beat a man who was GROPING HIM. Ah, the things Chen Yi said 🤦🏻‍♀️
He's still emotionally constipated, and I get it, I wasn't expecting him to change that quickly just as I wasn't expecting Ai Di to stop being insecure about Chen Yi's feelings towards him.
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I do think Chen Yi said "you don't want to cause trouble for the boss, do you?" because he actually didn't want Ai Di to continue beating that man and get himself in trouble, not because he thought Ai Di shouldn't hit the person who groped him. Plus, I think Chen Yi really hates Ai Di managing the bar because that means he is always in contact with other people/customers.
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Nonetheless, it hurt as hell when Ai Di started to cry because of Chen Yi's words. His "Chen Yi doesn't care about me at all, he only thinks about the boss"...damn, the last straw was Ai Di saying "at least treat me as a Xiōngdì!" He really needed Chen Yi to comfort him, to react as an average brother would react in this kind of situation 🥲
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Chen Yi, my dude, what's wrong with you? why would you kiss a person who is clearly crying because of the bs you said? I get that you're not good at expressing yourself but you did deserve that punch!
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AND YES, I squealed when this other guy told Ai Di that Chen Yi knocked that Tengu bastard out before he talked to Ai Di. THAT'S OUR CHEN YI
Also, Ai Di said "Chen Yi didn't do it for me but for the boss." MY BROTHER IN CHRIST, he's been beating people who make you get hurt even before he realized he likes you!!!
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I know it might be funny that Ai Di is always acting like a tough guy, and complaining about his height. But this chapter made me realize that it is not funny at all, Ai Di literally has the necessity of being perceived as someone more than just a tiny guy who has a cute face. He has an actual complex about those things 🥹
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Ai Di being drunk and telling Chen Yi -again- that only a fool would like him, and that nobody likes Chen Yi but him.
Ah, how I love my idiots in love.
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I need some explanations.
But I don't think Chen Yi would fuck drunk Ai Di...right? If so, I don't think he would act normally the next morning as he did 🤔
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á? Now my parents are in their divorce era?
Ai Di said in a serious way that he wants to break up with Chen Yi, but I still can't process it ;;
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27vampyresinhermind · 1 year ago
Ai Di has all the rage of four fully grown men compacted into his little feral murder bunny frame and he’s kept on a very loose leash that is half heartedly held between two fingers by Chen Yi. Not because Chen Yi doesn’t care of course, but because he knows his feral murder bunny needs to run free every once in a while and cause untold chaos before hopping happily back to his side with his leash in his mouth, ready to spit it back into Chen Yi’s waiting hand.
I wonder how small Ai Di is, because poor boy was struggling to carry a drunken Chen Yi to his bed, meanwhile Chen Yi can basically carry him with one arm like he weighs nothing. lol
Ai Di is tiny and darling. He is petite and I love him very, very much.
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Because he is tiny but he is fierce. He might struggle to carry Chenyi and Zongyi might tower over him in class but there is absolutely no one Ai Di couldn't take in a fight.
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Ai Di is tiny and beloved and tough as nails. But also tiny.
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He fits so perfectly in Chenyi's arms.
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Every single time.
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mondstalgia · 1 year ago
a treat for the BaiFan girlies!!
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chalkrevelations · 1 year ago
So, a whole complex of things I noticed in Ep 1 of Kiseki: Dear To Me:
First of all, the mental calculus Bai Zongyi does when he overhears his boss talking about the one-night stand who cleaned him out is HILARIOUS. He goes tearing back home, and I'm like, my guy. Even in your financial straits, why wouldn't you be willing to lose your rice cooker to get rid of the gangster blackmailing you into letting him hole up in your apartment living his best stay-at-home girlfriend life? If you get back home and your rice cooker is gone, but the actualfax criminal who took over your bed by repeatedly threatening to report you on ginned-up aggravated assault (if not murder) charges is also gone, is this not a net gain? I feel that many people would come to a different conclusion on that calculation than you did. Perhaps you do need help with math. (Protip: Your erstwhile math tutor is not unbiased.)
I think it's interesting and maybe telling that one of the things Zongyi overhears his boss saying is that "a greedy person steals everything." Because there's a few things going on here that relate to Fan Zherui, including the fact that he keeps insisting he's going to pay everything back double - triple, even! - even as he whines his way into getting Zongyi to bring home more and more stuff for him, too many treats for his "little tummy" supposedly to handle. (I see what you did there, A-Rui. I am not as dumb as a 17-year-old boy - usually at least - and you are not as slick as you'd like to think you are.) Additionally, Zherui tells Zongyi more than once that there's nothing worth stealing in his ratty little apartment, so apparently he has some standards, instead of just being greedy for whatever he can get his hands on.
But when Zongyi gets home to find Zherui unlocked and still lounging around on his front balcony like a stray cat that's been fed, we discover that Zherui has taken something from Zongyi behind his back. Zongyi has very deliberately not told Zherui his name, including in a previous scene when Zherui explicitly asked for it. So at some point, Zherui has gone through Zongyi's stuff and discovered his name - and who knows what else about him. He's taken the identity that Zongyi wanted to keep from him, which is like a kind of theft.
How interesting, that nothing else in that little apartment is worth as much as Zherui's shoes, nothing else is worth taking, but Zongyi's name - his identity, his self - is. How interesting, that Zongyi is what Zherui sees value in, already, enough to be worth trying to steal for himself, figuratively, if not literally, at this point.
Almost immediately, Zherui tries to "pay back" Zongyi for what he's taken by offering his own name (which Zongyi has never asked for). It comes out as a kind of formal declaration "I, Fan Zherui, will ..." I don't know, something or other, whatever he says he's gonna do that is already out of my head because it's not as important as the fact that he felt he had to repay Zongyi by offering his own name in return for what he took. This is really, really noticeable, because while it's a good way for us, as the audience, to learn his name, it's not necessary, because Ai Di and Chen Yi have already talked to and about him, using his name, earlier in the episode.
That declaration of his name isn't there for the audience. It's solely for Zongyi.
If it's an exchange, it's not stealing, right?
How interesting, that Zherui wants Zongyi to have his name - his identity, his self - wants Zongyi to have him, that Zherui offers himself like this, even this early on.
Here I am. Take me. Keep me.
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fanonplussed · 2 months ago
WiP Word Train!
Rules: tagger gives a word, then for each letter of that word you share a sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that starts with that letter.
Thank you @giraffeter for tagging me with the word WRIST! Let's see what we got (fair warning what we got is a lot of sk8...)
W — "We should have picked the ryokan without the noisy fucking neighbours,” Zherui retorts. And when a flurry of knocking starts up in response, Zherui adds on a shout, “And stop fucking interrupting us with that stupid morse code knocking thing!”
“It’s not stupid, you’re stupid,” Ai Di replies immediately, only slightly muffled by the intervening wall. “And I had to check with Zongyi that you’re fucking him properly, didn’t I?” (Kiseki: Dear To Me fic: baifan attempting to have honeymoon sex while chenai are next door having opinions about it lol)
R — Reki's eyes go wide in shock. "You left halfway? What do you mean you left the beef halfway??"
Langa shrugs and looks away. "Skating just isn't fun anymore without you." (sk8 the infinity fic: canon-divergence in which the order of who races with who to challenge Adam is swapped, so Cherry races with Joe (they draw, and drop out cause they're finally done chasing Adam), Langa races with Tadashi (and leaves halfway cause skating without Reki is no fun), and finally Tadashi gets a showdown with Adam and wins with the power of love)
I — “I keep telling you to stop breaking into my phone, you jumped-up criminal” Kojiro snaps, half-heartedly trying to snatch his phone back.
“Learn how to change your password then, you technologically inept monkey,” Kaoru shoots back, still typing away. “It’s not like I’ll forget my own birthday.” (sk8 the infinity fic that I'm currently posting! five times cherry and joe fuck + 1 time they don't)
S — "Sir?" Big feels a little fluttering of hope in his chest—is Kinn going to ask him to stay after all?
But Kinn only turns to look out the windows. "I know most of the men think the job of guarding Kim is a joke," he says without looking at Big. "But I hope you’ll treat it seriously. My brother… No, never mind." (KPTS fic: Kim/Big, in which Big takes his duty bodyguarding Kim seriously and they get to know each other for real and fall in love after an appropriate amount of violence)
T — “The fuck’s wrong with you?” Kaoru growls. Before Kojiro can protest that there's nothing wrong with him wanting to kiss Kaoru or play with his hair, Carla replies, “His body temperature is elevated and his pulse is fifteen percent above his baseline. It is likely that he is going into heat.” (sk8 the infinity fic: omega!Kojiro getting a surprise heat. Unfortunately there's less sex and more early morning shopping than beta!Kaoru would like)
Tagging @vegascriesduringsex @ghost--houses @lu-sn @carriecmoney if y'all wanna play the wip game, how about the word DICKS ahaha
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bunni-bun · 5 months ago
finished kiseki again. cried, per usual, because it is a miracle that person you love will love you back and because the baifan wedding vows at end make me feel so much and cuz chenai cozy and gay in bed makes me feel even more and because love is so much good when you find the right person 😭
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27vampyresinhermind · 1 year ago
Any idea how the next chen yi and ai di encounter will look like? :) We didn't get anything in the preview and we all know how their scene ended ^^ I had a thought that maybe chen yi will discover the costumes and go to ai di to see what he is up to.
I only hope the story won't go somehow directly to bossman hitting chen yi and ai di comforting him. I need to see chen yi suffer a bit first and thinking of ai di ^_^
I have no clue how it’s gonna go but I know what I want to happen!
I want Chen Yi to sit and think about what he did. I want him to then examine why he just up and decided to kiss Eddie when he’s been insisting this whole time that Eddie is his brother, realize that his feelings are most definitely not of the fraternal variety, and then examine the feelings he’s harboring about BossMan and realize that they’re not the same kinds of feelings.
I think I saw in an interview with Jiang Dian and Chen Bo Wen that Chen Yi kind of realizes his feelings for Eddie too late (like when Eddie gets sent to jail) but I could be misinterpreting that.
I forgot all about the costume contest!!!!!!
Ooh that presents a neat opportunity for Zong Yi and Eddie to spend more time together being brand new besties and for Chen Yo to get jealous!!! Yep I need that!!!
I’m thinking BossMan hitting Chen Yi will happen a bit closer to them going to jail maybe? Not sure how that’s gonna tie in to everything else.
I’m struggling to keep up with plot threads while waiting impatiently for the Feral Murder Bunny to reappear on my screen. There’s only thirteen episodes and they haven’t had a real kiss yet! I’m supposed to be concerned with the drugs in the school and how Zong Yi ends up in jail with Eddie but my brain is just like “nope, we want to see the Feral Murder Bunny and his Keeper”.
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tanalogyosc · 8 months ago
Name Changes!
I met someone who helped with the Chinese names so here are some changes, I know some people would probs not care but Chinese names are so important and easy to mess up
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